1' THE SCRANTON TEIBmn-WEDNESDAY MOIINING, APBIL 15, 1895. :e 7C1LD of wohansikd Topli cs of litertst to All Members of the Cettle Sex. HEALTH AXD HOUSEHOLD HINTS Car fally Selected Recipes. Ssggcstlons as ta th Car of the Uoom aad Otter Matters Eateriag lato Woman's Widealag Sahara. HER TEN COMMANDMENTS: These are the new commandment ten, Which wives now make lor married men. 1-Remember that I am thy wife. Whom thou must cherish all thy life. t Thou halt not stay out late at night. When lodges, friends or clubs lnvlie. t Thou shalt not smoke indoor or out. Or chew tobacco round about. 4 Thou shalt with praise receive my pies. Hot pastry made by ma despise. t My mother thou shalt strive to please. And let her live with us in ease. a-Remembcr 'tis thy duty clear. To dress me well throughout the year. T Thou shalt In manner mild and meek Give me thy wages every week. Thou shalt not tie a drinking man. But live on prohibition plan. Thou shalt not flirt, but must allow ' Thy wife such freedom anyhow. 10 Thou shalt get up when baby cries, And try the child to tranquillae. These my commands, from day to day Implicitly thou shalt obey. Boston Post. II II II 'A' western Journal admonishes wo men that It Is a mistake to marry; that married life averages twenty years; that at the end of thnt time the wife rinds herself a widow with $1,000 Insur ance and "live" children! It then goes on to advise women that by remaining single they can accumulate in twenty venrs 1.1.000 and "not handicapped by five children" can face their declining years! This moves the Philadelphia Bulletin to observe: "There ought to be a provision In the criminal code against such monstrous perversion as this! Any one discouraging marriage, by precept or example, ought to be held criminal by the very act or utterance, where does this reckless troglodlte find nrnnf thnt mnrrlaee averages but twen ty years and that the hBUband dies first? Where are the figures certifying to the five children? Twenty years of marriage, even If that were the aver age, would criminally derelict. If there hut five children! And If the hus band and father died at the end of twenty years his first born would De of an age to step In and support the family, or he wouldn't be the sort of American boy known In trade! But, as a matter of observation, mar rlnre Increases longevity, and hus bands who are happily married rarely die at least until they have to and, as a rule, they outstay the wife, II II II . "No man or woman of sensibility, however, can consent .to look on mar riage In the sordid light enunciated by this western destructive. What wo man, truly a woman, would set $5,000 self-earned dollars against the twenty years' love, companionship of the hus band of her heart? If to be a new wo man means the sordldlzlng of what Is sweetest In the sex, then the less we hear and see of this monstrosity the better. As It is 'better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all,' so It Is better to have been mated. If only for a year, with the man of one's heart, than to live a wretched spinster and type write a million Into an old mold's pocket! And even If but 'five children." as the unfeeling perverter of women claims, are the average of twen ty years' connubial felicity, what money could equal them? What more delightful, more soothing to a widowed heart than five Images of the dear one dead; five pledges of the future, five bread-winners If need be! No, indeed; if the 'new woman takes this form we renounce her; all men born of women, who love to live In the light of a sweet heart's eye, a wife's eye, will condemn and spurn the 'new woman' in this guise. She shall be refused prollt and place, the typewriter shall be denied her, every calling that she r.ow udorns will repudiate her men will shun her and women, the women that men adore, will have none of her! The birds will refuse song for such a one, the flowers withhold their color and odor, the sun shade his lances of light, the stars fade in her sky, youth become a derision, earth a torment. For. after all, no woman can be really new until she is born again In love and conse crated In wedlock! That Is the sort ot new woman that revolutionizes the woild. Where does woman shine so adorably as among her darlings! There she Is new Indeed the old, old story always sweetly new the love that makes the world young and always new!" II II II An animated leap year discussion has been in progress for some weeks among famous women concerning the question, Shall women propose? The Philadel phia Bulletin strikes close to the mark when apropos of the discussion It says: "Logically there Is no reason why the woman who approves the man should not Invite him to be her companion for , life. It Is merely tho prejudice of tra dition that recoils at this. If love be what the pundits, poets and phllosoph- Ae n11n 11 a ! vi nlra e. A I ffanania whl voice, propounds the vltahques tlrm that settles ttm destinies! So much for the proprieties Involved. The cruets of the problem Is not In the asking, but in the knowing! Now, does a woman know her own mind firmly enough to be sure that she Is asking the man she la best fitted to mate with? Judging from the poets and novelists and some study of sociological phe nomena. It Is to be feared that women are not so likely to come to a wise de cision as men! A man brings some of the exactness he displays In business to the resolution of his love! He knows what he seeks In a wife! As a rule, moat men figure to themselves their mother In her teens and seek her sim ilitude! This, of course, Is not that divine passion that all the world loves In a lover! But, on the whole, It is the true love that makes serene fire sides, homes of felicity. It Is very doubtful whether women, with their Immortal yearnings, their adoration of ' strength, of the heroic, the picturesque, could ever fall into the habit of choos ing the safe man the predestined fa ther, the fireside sage, the exemplary citizen!, The heroic fellow Is charming la poetry, the drama, romance, but lie Is uncomfortable at the fireside! And this, Is as a rule, the sort of person that captivate the young girl's fancy. II II "Now, of course, the result of wo man's proposing would be an Imme diate demand for the Byron Ic and pic turesque fellows, while the really de serving men, preordained to be perfect husbands and fathers, would bo left to languish in unmerited celibacy! Then, again, aa one of our penetrating correspondents writes, man Is of a na ture so contradictory that what he can get without conquest he does not value! The profundity of this remark to proven by 'every life history ever written. The truth being that man Is so Inferior by nature that when a wo man seems to sue he makes the same mistake a domestic makes when mas ter or mistress' Is over-kind! . Man's nature Is essentially servile; he can only relish what seems to Mm won by esoteric arts quite beyond tils own or dering! There never was W man yet who won a- woman's love that didn't feel half criminal! No man ever be lieved hlmavlf deserving of a, true wo man, no man can, knowing what he knows of. -himself and his nature. On the whole, therefore, we are Inclined to agree with the correspondents who vote for the good old way. It ha aa-" swered very well, whereas to put the burden of proposal on women would disjoint so many traditions that we should be compelled to recast society. Then the mother-in-law would be placed In an awkward attitude! She could not keep the husband iu proper subjection by reminding him ot me sacrifice made in yielding up the daugh ter to a husband not her equal! un the score of the mother-in-law alone the wisest thing Is to let man do the proposing, though any girl knows that she can make any fellow do that when ever she cares to have him!" II II II SELECTED RECIPES: Sauce for Fish. An appetising sauce to serve with our customary baked fish, either snail or bluelish. la made In the following way: Take the drippings from the pan In which the fish has been baked, stir in the yolk of one or two eggs, salt, pepper, chopped parsley; add a squeeze of lemon Juice, and some plain stewed tomato, which has been previously strained. If any of this sauce should be left over for the next day, It Is very satisfactory to use It in making a picked up dish of the old fish. Bone the Hah very thoroughly and remove the skin and fat; pick it up Into small pieces; stir in the -sauce, and hake it lightly in a flat plate or In small fancy dishes. Kileasseea. Cut a fowl and put Into three quart of water; Beason to the fam ily taste. When cooked remove the bones; while the meat is out add to the water, probably boiled down to a quart now, tne following: Beat two tablespoonfuls of well-browned flour Into a half-cupful of cold water, or, better, sweet milk, If convenient; when beaten smooth, stir quickly Into the boiling broth and let It cook ten minutes. If celery Is liked, chopped celery muy be boiled with tho fowl. Fowls are better than chicken, and only require longer cooking. Drop the meat back into the gravy or broth; In five minutes serve on the hot bread. Pour over all a moderate amount of gravy, serving up the remainder in a gravy boat, to be passed to those preferring un unusual amount of It. Mutton frlcasee needs only a cheap pleco of good mutton, bones taken out, and prepared aa fowl. Philadelphia Scrapple. To make Phila delphia scrapple, stew two pounds of fresn pork until thoroughly done. Take the meat up and add enough water to the liquor In the kettle to make a quart. Remove the bones and chop the meat; then put it back in the kettle. Season, adding sage or summer savory, and onion, If desired. Then sift in corn meal, boil ing slowly, and stirring, as If for mush. Make It thick enough to slice when cold. Turn Into a dish, and when wanted Tor the table slice ami fry In drippings. The quantity may be increased, as it will keep a long time In winter. Here Is a recipe for breakfast biscuit: Take one quart of sweet milk, one-half a cupful of melted butter, a little salt, two tablespoonfuls of baking vowder; flour enough to make a stilt batter; do not knoud Into dough, but drop into buttered tins from a snoon; bake in a hot oven; unless the oven Is hot the biscuit will not bo light. Vunilla Snow Eggs. Beat stiff the whites of six eggs; have ready on the tire a pint of milk sweetened and flavored with vanilla; as soon as it bolls drop the beaten egics Into it by tahleepoonfuls, and as soon an they become set dip them out with a tin; slico and arrange tnem ac cording to fancy upon a broad dish; allow the milk to cool u little and then stir In the yolks of egKS gradually. When thick pour around tho snow eggs and serve cold. Boiled Calf's Feet and Parsley Butter. Procure two white calf's feet; bone them as far as the llrst Joint and put them Into warm water to souk for two hours. Then put two slices of bacon, two ounces of butter, two table-spoonfuls of lemon Juice, suit and whole pepper to taste, one onion, a bunch of savory herbs, four cloves, one bin :le of muco. into u stew- pan; luy in the ft-et, and pour In Just siilllcient water to covei the whole. Stew eentlv for about three hours: tuko out tho feet, dlh thorn ftn.d cover with pars ley and butter. The liquor they were boiled in should bo strained and put by In a cleun basin for use; it will be found very good us an uddltlon to gravies, etc. Easy Welsh Rarebits. Welsh rarebits are tempting ns well as palatable pre pared In the following manner, and It is a form in which the dainties may- be freely eaten without danger to digestion: With a large old-fashioned NO. 5 biscuit cutter cat out the center of as many thick slices of bread as you care to have 'rare bits. Butter each round of bread with butter partly melted. Sprinkle on a little suit, and spread over with a very little made mustard. Now grate thickly over the rounds fresh moist tdieese, which oun be grated nicely, other authorities to the contrary; also, the moist cheese is better, because it melts more rapidly and com pletely. Place your rarebits on a but tered pan and put them into a very hot oven Just In time to urrlve at perfection for Immediate serving,' Serve two or three to each person on a small hoc plate. Rarebits are much more tender mad,.1 this way than when the bread crust is left on. Orange Jelly. Orange Jelly Is apt tc be an Insipid dish If it is served alone as a dessert or If It Is made of a inlxtur? of orange Juice and water, as It so often Is. It, on the contrary, It is made with sweet-rinded Mediterranean oranges of pure orange juice. It Is as delicious us it is brilliant In appearance, and needs no vulgur addition of cochineal to glvs it color. It forms an nt tractive garnish to Bavarian creams and other "id (les sens, or a mould of the Jelly (Hied with bits of oraiiife pulp, preserved und flavored with sherry,-makes a simple, excellent dessert In Itself. The best rule for tho jelly Includes two cups, of orange Ju'.ce, the grated rind of three oraugea (using only the yellow part), a cup of sugar and a third of a box. of gelatine soaked In half a cup of the orange Juice and melted with half a cup of boiling water. Mix all these Ingredients. Add, if you wish, a teaspoon ful of curaeoa, though most persons pre for the pure, orange .flavor. Strain the jelly through a' flannel bag two or three times to make It bright and shining. Ex pert cooks sometimes mix a little blotting paper, made Into a pulp with water, In to clarify it, but with the excellent gela tine now In use this la not often nec essary. Dandelion Wine. Four quarts of the yellow flowers; four quarts of water; the grated rind of two oranges; the grated rinu or one lemon, on an together twen- - Tr!1?"'! "iV? "I then strain and add -row sugar. When lukewarm add and thoroughly stir through three-ouar- ters of a teacup of yeast; add pulp of the oranges from which the seeds have been removed; let it stand In an open vessel three or four days, then strain, bot tle and cork tightly. This is the Blue Belt recipe. I'luladeipnia Record. .. , . -.11 II II r HOUSEHOLD HELPS: , The "Instantaneous" chooolates and CO' coas are greatly improved by being brought to the boiling point. To remove a grease spot from wall paper, hold a piece of blotting paper over tne spot wun a not uai-iron tor a lew mo ments. Woodwork and floors are now stained with a color called forest green. It har monises with draperies and coverings of almost any coior. After the juice has been squeezed from lemons the peel may be utilized for clean ing brass, jjip it in common salt and scour with powdered brick dust. Old potatoes are greatly improved by being soaked In cold water over night, or at least several hours after peeling. The water should be changed once or twice. According to a wholesale furniture deal er, the best furniture polish is made of one-tmra aiconoi anil two-tnirus sweet on. Apply It with a soft cloth and rub with another ciotn. Coarse brooms will cut a carpet, and al though. Imperceptible at first, their rav ages will at length show themselves In the Increased, number of shreds, especial ly if tne carpet tie a velvet pile. Clinkers may be removed from grates and ranges by throwing half a dozen oys ter shells Into the Are when the coal Is aglow and covering them with fresh coal. The clinkers are made spft by this means ami are easily disposed oi. When ordering meats remember that beef, when boiled, loses one pound of weltrht in every four, and when roasted Eighteen ounces. Mutton loses even more than beef. This should be thought of where much meat is used, If small branches of lilacs, apple or cherry, trees are now. brought Into- the house and put In a sunny window In a nitcher of water tho buds will soon. a well and blossom. The pitcher should be kept; filled, as tne water evaporates rapid m,., Jewelry carl be beautifully cleaned by washing it in hot soap suds to which a fow drops of ammonia have been added, and then shaking oft the water and -laying the jewelry In a box of Jewelers' saw dust. This .method leaves.no marks or scratches, . -,v A oolorlnrfor white flannel or other vaoas to used- for rugs or hanglhti ' ')- - ' may be easily obtained by gathering from ton walls or rock work the tola moss that grows there and boiling It with the goods in an Iron kettle. It will make them a tan color. To stone raisins, poor boiling water ever them and let them stand in It five or tea minutes. Drain, and rah each raisin be tween the thumb and Soger till the seeds come out clean, then cut or tear apart or chop. If wanted very one. Scald only a few at a time. A favorite pick-me-up, or quick lunch with the hurried society women ot the present day la the yolk of two eggs or one whole egg with a teaspoonful of vinegar, a pinch ot salt and half a teaspooaful of Worcestershire sauce poured over them. The yolks are swallowed whole. If the bottom crust of fruit pies Is glased with the white of egg, it will not be soft and soggy. The top of meat and all kinds of raised plee should be glased. Heat the yolk of an egg for a short time, add one spoonful of milk. When tbe pie l two-thirds done remove from th oven, brush over with the glaze, return to the oven and flnsh baking. To make use of sweet. Insipid and taste less apples stew -them and mix them with stewed cranberries in tho proportion of one part of cranberries to two parts of apples.- Not quito as much sugar will bo required as for the cranberries alone. Strain them through a colander, and serve cold with meats or fowl. Empty pickle Jars can be refilled with pickled eggs. Boll one dozen eggs fifteen minutes, then throw into cold water and shell them. Boll several red beets, slice them, and put them In the Jar with the eggs. Heat enough vinegar to cover the eggs, add salt, pepper, and all kinds of spices, and pour over tbe eggs. Keep tnem tightly covered. Small cakes are no longer In demand at evening parties. Dainty fruit sand wiches have taken their place. Bread Is cut very thin and lightly buttered and then spread with raisins, dates, or candled cherries that have been chopped fine and moistened with orange juice, sherry, or Madeira. Roll and tie with baby ribbons. Lemonade or punch Is served with these. Fuller's earth is one of those things which no family should be without. When grease has been spilled upon the carpet a paste of magnesia and fuller's earth In equal parts, mixed with boil ing water, should be applied and let dry. When It Is hard brush the powder away, and the grease spot will have disappeared. Fuller's earth and benzine will remove stains from marble. To make ordinary cloth waterproof, put half a pound of sugar of lead In a .pall of rain water with half a pound of alum; stir at Intervals until the water becomes clear, and then four it off Into another pull. Put the cloth or garments Into It nnd let them stand twenty-four hours. Then hang the cloth up to dry without wringing. Garments trented thus can be worn In the wildest storm of wind and rain without tbe wearer getting even damp. The rain will hang in globules upon the cloth, and cloth that is water proof Is better and more healthful than rubber goods. Dressing and recurling ostrich tips may be done at home with a little practice. Hold the. feathers over a kettle containing boiling water, and shake them energetical ly through the steam, not allowing them to become too damp. This freshens the tips, absorbes the dust and restores the lustre. Take a few of the flues between the thumb and the blade of a dull silver knife, draw them easily over the edge, and repeat this until they are curled as close ly as desired. Do this down each side ot the feather. Then take a very coarse comb and carefully comb out each one, and the plume will looke like new. II II II HEALTH NOTES: To remove the Are and relieve the pain of a burn soak at once In cold water In which plenty of soda has been dissolved. A few drops of tincture of benzoin In a bowl of water Is an admirable tonic for the face. The benzoin whitens the skin and prevents It from wrinkling. Ten or fifteen drops of creolln to a glass of water mskes an efficient disinfectant to use as a gargle to prevent as well ns cure sore throat it may be used three or four times dully if one be exposed to In fectious diseases. Soap used on the hair Is apt to make it brittle. If any Is to be used tar soap Is the best, and after using rinse the hair in several waters In which a little pow dered borax hus been dissolved. It Is a sunltary recommendation thnt In all basins and tubs, especially those connecting with or near the sleeping apartments, the opening Into the waste pipe at night should be stopped, and fresh water lett standing in tne oasin. If mothers will remember that until the first teeth are cut there are no secre tions in the mouth to act upon and begin the diirestion of such starchy foods as bread foods, and bruels, they would often save the stomuchs or very young children a great deal or. trouble. - Fruit Is not a complete dietary In Itself, but It Is excellent to accompany a meat diet. The acid contained In the fruits assists digestion, and It Is for this reason that apple sauce should be served with roast pork or goose, the fat of which Is rendered more assimilable by It. A scientific Investigation was recently undertaken by tho Imperial German Health Bureau o Inquiro Into the suita bility of the use of aluminium for cooking-utensils. It was proved that this metal Is entirely free from comniunlcut Ing to food any poisonous salt, such as is given off by copper, tin or lead. To "cure" "cracked hands" wipe them dry after washing them.' Dry hands will not chop. To heal tne sore hands rub the following on after washing the hands (while they are wet) then rub It into the hands, after which, rub dry: B Tlno. benzoin oz. 1 Glycerine . oz, 3 Rose water oz. 2 The most stubborn cases of neuralgia are apt to yield to a hot-water treatment. Wherever tne pain is located, there a not water bag should be upplled. The suf fering part should be wrapped In a blan ket, und the unfortunate patient should be put to bed and covered with more blan kets und induced to drink at least three cups of water as hot as the palate can stand. This treatment may seem severe, but ft Is Bure to bring relief. For that "run-down feeling take ten drops of "dilute nltro-murlatlc- acid" in half a glasB of water (take through a glass tube and afterward rinse the mouth and teeth with a solution of soda water). bicarbonate of sodium, a teaspoonful to one-half pint of water. Take this medi cine from half an hour to fifteen min utes before meals every day for four weeks. Take a teaspoonful In milk three times dally, after meals, for eight weeks. The simplest cure for a corn Is to Iooba ly bind a soft strip of muslin around the toe behind the corn until there Is an ele THE eVlfttAHrKHAllFA: ABPULtAH, AGAINST WHOM ENGLAND W.l-.&ir-m DECLARED WAR..-' 'Atroili the Chioago Tunc HVald. By th Cenrtesy ot B. H. ftohlmaf i. -'jr.- ration of muslin sufficient to receive th pressure of the shoe. After several days, tbe core (having been relieved et friction and pressure) will cease to b painful and may be readily picked up or drawn aa one would remove a tack from carpet. Fill the little hole which remains with sweet oil. this often prevents tbe growth of another corn. At a recent meeting ef the Soclete de Biologie, Du Casal and Catolne (Munchen r medlcin. Wochenschrlft, UN, No. 1. p. ') detailed the results of an Investiga tion to determine whether books were cspable of transmitting contagious die eases. The streptococcus, the pneumoco cui, the diphtheria-bacilli, the tubercle bacillus, and the typhoid-bacillus were thus studied. Animals inocu.ited with cultures prepared from books contami nated with the products of the various conditions In which the organisms named were found developed the given affection. It is thus necessary to practice disinfec tion of books that have been used or In any way contaminated by persona suf fering with Infectious diseases. WOMEN'S DRESS IX ICELAND. The Kiss Is the Universal Fores Saints- tlon In That Country. From the New York Times. The common working dress of the Icelandic women, without distinction. as to social equality or wealth, consists of an undergarment of wadmel, in one piece, extending from the shoulders to the heels, fastened at the neck with a button or clasp, with petticoats of white or blue wadmel, and a blue cap, the top I or which hangs down on one side and terminates In a tassel. On Sundays and festival ocaslons their dress Is singu lar. Then they wear. In addition, a bodice and two or three blue petticoats called "fat." and in front an apron, bordered with a material resembling black velvet, which Is a domestic man ufacture. The petticoats are fastened Immediately beneath the bodice by a girdle of this black velvet, embroidered and studded with such silver or gilt or naments as they may possess. The bodice is also ornamented and fastened In front with large clasps, gen erally gilt, and rendered more conspicu ous by being fixed upon a broad border of black velvet, bound with red. Over the bodlco Is a Jacket, called "treja," fitting close to the shape, and made ot black wadmel or velvet. The stockings are of dark blue or red worsted, and the shoes which are of seal, shark or sheep skin, are made tight to the foot, and fastened about the ankles and Insteps with leather laces. On their fingers the women generally have many rings ot gold, silver or brass, according to their means, and, be It known, no present Is so acceptable to an Icelandic girl as a ring. The most singular, and at the same time the most beautiful, part ot the female costume la the headdress called "faldur," which Is made of white linen, stiffly starched, kept In shape with an Immense number of pins, and from fifteen to twenty inches In height. This Is the holiday and Sunday head covering. When you visit a family In Iceland you must kiss each member, according to their age and rank, beginning with the highest and descending to the lowest not even excepting the servants; on taking leave to the order is reversed; you first kiss the servants, then the children, and lastly the master and mistress. Both at meeting and rorting an affectionate kiss on the mouth, with out distinction of rank, age or sex. Is the only mode of salutation In Iceland. Heresy In Chicago. Th Studious Son "Daddy, did you know the sun rises about an hour earlier In Philadelphia than It does here? The Chicago Father "How did you git that fool notion?" "Learnt It at school." "If they are teaching at school that Philadelphia is an hour ahead of Chi cago, I guess it is time you wore took out of there and put In the store." Indian apolis Journal. - , Thrifty. "Why did Ethel nnd George elopo?" "Tho old man figured out that they could begin housekeeping on wha: the wedding would cost." Life. RUE SLEEPS. They say her smile was sweetest when she lay ' In that enthralling power whose guise is sleep, And I remember now It was her way To smile In slumber deep! Tet when I pressed the hand that lay so still And called her name and smoothed her pretty hair. She answered not, nor soothed with hor sweet will My fond heart's crushing care. How softly lay the laces on her breast Methought she was so lovely In repose That surely paradise was still more blessed In claiming my sweet rose. A rose that thrived In sunshln or In shade Until at length death, touched the ten der bloom And withered It just when It would have staid To brighten In the gloom. And then at this my heart fell, crushed and blind. I was but conscious of that vague un rest And ceaseless yearning .that doth fill the mind When brooding death Is guest. Dear patient girl who was so loath to hear A single word against my ' ruthless ways And who will guide me now with gentle And who will speak my praise? Oh, still she sleep. blooms as then. The Jasmine And nature bears Its warm life from the deeps, And summer birds sing lightly once again, But still, alas; she sleeps! Omaha Bee, EISTC3Y OF THE PIANO Its Ancestor, a Rude Bone U'klstle, Made by a Savigc SLOW STAGES TO I'EKTECTIOX Moaoebord of the Middle Ages Followed by Select. Vlrgiaal aad Harpsichord. I'atU Fiaally the Perfection of lastrasacBts Is Achieved. From the Philadelphia Time. In the stone age. Its very name suggesting aught but thoughts of musical harmony, there was a desire for some expression not perhaps melo dious, but something beside the every day Inflections of the voice, and bone whistles made from the digital phalanx of a ruminant animal were the first steps on the ladder that has reached its apex In the piano. No older or sim pler Instrument Is known than this of prehistoric man. Later in the stone age was Invented a pipe made of a stag's horn, with three equi-dlstant finger holes. Still progressing, we see the savage sitting at the door of his tent, suddenly aroused by the fact that his bowstring sounded louder when at tached to a b'.nrk ot wood that when simply stretched by his bow. Instantly his senses are alert. The Innate love of discovery, the musical longing In every soul, carried him in that Instant from the environment of nature Into the world of art. The culture of each peo ple has grappled with the problems pre sented by the three factors string, re sonator, and exciting means, and illus trated them In a hundred different com binations. The historian ot the piano ran trace Its forerunners In harp, viol and lyre, before the altar ot every great religion that the world has known. Persistent, like the boat-harp of Bur ma!), In by-placcs of the world, still linger specimens of every stage of Its development. The violin, harp and guitar are the perfected productions of individual countries, the piano the pro duct and expression of the instinct ot Christendom. No race can claim Its primary thought, no one country has given birth to its artists, while the whole world has contributed to Its ma terials, and nobles, artisans, poets, musicians, literati have worked to gether to bring it to Its present perfec tion. Crlstoforl In Italy, Marlns In France, 8chrooter In Germany, conceived the thought of It at the same time. Erard, a German; Backers, a Dutchman; Broadwood, a Scot; Southwell, an Irish man, were among Its earliest Inventors. Pape, In France; Babcock, Chlckerlng and Steinway In America, are names that must come up as one considers Its history. England through Gray, Italy through Cavallo, Germnny through Ilelmholtz, have lent their science, while its patrons count from the castle of the monarch to the owner of a nine teenth century apartment. Into which this monarch of Instruments muBt be Introduced through the window. THE MONOCHORD. It seems probable that the Immediate ancestor of the piano and violin is the monochord, used in the middle ages to train the voice In convents. It was tuned with bridges pushed back and forth under the strings with the flngprs. Originally the strings were stretched with weights hung at one end. Later tuning pins were Invented, and finally, In the eleventh century, Europe came Into possession of keys. Many quaint pictures show us our sweet-faced great-great-grandmothers playing at Vir ginal or spinet, the tiny square or five cornered pianos of the early eighteenth century. There is an old bon mot of Lord Oxford made while watching Queen Elizabeth play on the Virginal and alluding to Raleigh's favor and Es sex's execution? "When Jacks start up, heads go down." Probably the difficulty that the play er had In getting any sound at all out of these rude apologies for the modern piano, and the lack of harmony In the sound after It was produced, led to the Invention of the more finished Instru ment. The description of the tone of spinet, .'virginal and harpsichord, "a scratch with a sound at the end of It," does not give the later-day musician a very high opinion of the possibilities of the trio which were all that our ac complished ancestors had by which to express their souls In glib harmonies. The harpsichord, In the hands of Tschu dl, of London, however, made great strides, and was Improved to such an extent that It long contested the field with the piano; but virginal, Bplnet, and even Improved harpsichord are now only of antiquarian Interest before the marvelous richness of the piano. THE FIRST PIANO. It was a harpsichord maker, Bartolo meo Crlstoforl, In the employment of the Duke of Tuscany, who In 1711 made the first successful piano, Marlns, of Paris, and Schroeter, of Germany, neither knowing of the other, producing less happy models soon after. The first piano known to have been built In America was made In 177,r in Philadel phia by John Bchrent. From this on labor, thought, love, have combined to bring the piano to where it stands to day. The unfolding of each petal of the tiny bud of promise, discerned by the savage, means so much to the piano lover. Self-denying, patient Investiga tion, toll, heart sorrow, and oft times tragls disappointment. Columbus strug gling against the jeers and jibes of a populace who thought him crazy had no more to contend with than the in ventor, who knowing the possibilities of the Instrument he wished to create, was hampered by the obstinate mech anism that turns his feverish enthusi asm to despair, when at the very mo ment of triumph, as he thinks, some difficulty insurmountable because of lack of funds crushes his castle to earth, his ambition to atoms. There Is a true story of a piano maker who loved his art for art's ake. Hn could take the tree out of the wood and make every part of the Instrument with his own hands. But when.it was done he was too sensitive to sell It. When people came to buy, If they seemed a little cold to its merits, he would say, "Oo away, you do not understand my piano," and bo he wrestled with de signs, no wire ever suited his ear, he made his own strings, nnd labored lov ingly on every other part of his Instru ment, that, was to him as his own soul. With his God-given power to create, he was forced to leave the little Ger man town In which he lived, no one there being able to buy the costly In struments, and despite his genius, his noble strivings, he was never able to collect sufficient capital to begin a suc cessful business, and so In winter storm and summer heat he was forced to eke out a scanty living by tuning those ob ject! that his brain and fingers were able to produce. Isn't there a world of pathos in this simple story? Regard the piano today, its Infinite mechanism, its exquisite responsive power. Its awe inspiring quality to the average be holder, and then think of a man who could not only control this power but create it, being unable to revel In his mastery for lack of money recognition. PIANOS THAT COST. Having achieved the majesty and dignity of the Instrument, It naturally follows, the art lover and music lover being virtually one, thnt tbe next step should be towards beautifying the case of the soul ,of. harmony, just as the wealthy strive to deck out their bodies in fine raiment, though In nature it does not, always follow, s in the triumph ot mechanism; that the beauty of tho soul Is to be found In the body wearing the most gorgeous attire. With the piano, however, one never finds tho combination of thin tone, twangy wires or rasping vibratory ac tion in a case of finest wood, enhanced by the magic touch of artists who por ay upon Its surface rprnntTnn and types In touch with the power over man's emotions that the mass of mech- anlsm within possesses. Many famous productions "of this make, costing thousands of dollars, have been sold to prominent people, all over the I'nited States and Europe. In New York George' W. MarquanA owns one that cost (40.000, Cornelius Vender, bllt possesses a gem at 130.000, and George Gould paid a similar sum for the piano that Is the chief ornament of his lavishly-equipped music room. The outlay ot such sums is not at all un usual, there having been In this city pianos made to order that cost respec tively $20,000. $8,000 and tS.OOO. A man does not have to be a million aire, however, to buy an Instrument that In Its sentient qualities meets all tbe needs of the muslc-lovtng mind. It is the decoration that adds the ciph ers to the cost, a feature that, however, docs not add to Its tone. , Facts Touching the Food We Eat. Dean Hole. In his latest book. "A Little Tour In America," praises th excellence and variety of our food. He focuses his criticism on the dullness of our table knives. It is rare for an Englishman to acknowledge the super iority of our aliments over those of his own country. That ours are more num erous, and in many respects of bet ter flavor. It Is only necessary, says the Sun, to compare the retail market lists of New York and London. Dean Hole says that our fish are not the equal of those on "the other side." This is easily disproved. In the matter of oysters, what In England are called "best natives" are small, and cost "5 cents per dosen, whereas here the larg est and finer flavored sell for 11.50 for fifty or a hundred. Blue Point Amer ican oysters cost twenty-five cents a dosen in London; here the same quan tity may be had for five cents or less. Of fish the only sorts procurable In England and not here are turbots and soles. As an offset to these, we have at this season Spanish maokerel, shad. smelt, terrapin, green turtle, sheens- head, pompano, blueflshv striped bass, whlteflsh, and oyster crabs. There is nothing In the way of fruit, with the exception of hot house pineapples, at the command ot the English that we do not possess. In addition we have many sorts of apples of which they know nothing, and numerous varieties of California fruit that are not ex ported. Their winter graDos are all of the hot house kind and very costly, whereas wo have them from California In great perfection and profusion. Of vegetables, celery, now abundant with ur. Is not at this season in the London market. Cclerlac Is advertised, but that Is used only In cookery. In addi tion wo have green peas, fresh aspar agus, new turnips, egg plant, and many other sorts, now out of market in Eng land. Of very early potntoes neither country has very much to boast, for it Is stated both here and abroad, with considerable posltlveness, that many of thoso that are sold as early and new are stunted specimens of the old crop, which are put In water and trod by men In their bare feet, In order to remove the outer skin of tho tubers. II II II A writer In the Speaker of London calls attention to the value of conver sation at. meals ns an aid to digestion. He says with truth that the frugal re past eaten In silence Is more harmful than a copious one enjoyed in the soci ety of gay and vivacious companions. Ho asserts that an English dinner Is, as a rule, a funeral rite of taciturnity, and that his countrymen reserve all of this talk for the political platform and sessions of parliament. The writer in the Speaker contrasts this hahlt of the English with that of Americans and Frenchmen, who, he maintains, are lo quacious at meals. So far as the latter ore concerned he Is correct, but his as sertion In regard to the former Is only partly true. To those who have given attention to this subject the habit of our people who take their meals at ho tels or more notable restaurants Is, during their repasts, one of timid hes itation In indulging In conversation. Men and women seated at the same table are more than sparing of words. Each separate group appears to be op pressed with fear of the others. Oblique looks and an occasional sentence ut tered In low tones take the place of ani mated talk. Those who are eatlngj nun nu air oi lunive apprenenslve ness. The writer In the Speaker has probably drawn his conclusions In re gard to the vivacity of Americans at meals from experience nt minor French and other foreign restaurants In this country. In those, the funereal tac iturnity that oppresses our men and women who take their meals at pre tentious establishments collapses under the Inspiration of example and uncon ventional environment, and with al most boisterous gayety they give free impulse to a natural love of conversa tion. Dr. Johnson never tired of ridiculing the gastronomic methods. If that term can be applied to them, of the Scotch. One hundred and thirty years have ef fected a great change in the alimentary processes of that race. A writer in an article In the New Review calls atten tion to the rapid If not total disappear ance of most of tho national dishes of Scotland. Tartan, pansowdle, scad lips, broctian, and dram mock are gone. Even haggis, an awful concoction, con sisting ot a minced leg of mutton, suet. bread crumbs, spices, mushrooms, and red wine, enclosed In a caul and baked In a quick oven. Is becoming a thing of the past. Moreover it Is a dangerous dish, for If the caul be not well pricked before being put to cook, to admit of the escape of team engendered In bak ing, whea-punctured-at -the-tabler4t -ia apt to explode and throw Its contents over the diners, a matter of small In convenience to some Scotchmen, but somewhat disheartening to visitors from over the border. Carlyle, a Scotchman of the old school, even af ter a long residence In London, always clung to the culinary processes of Scot land. The meals served at his house In Chcyne row are described as awful ex amples of old Scotch gastronomic methods. No cook would remain with him for any length of time, and the revelations of these functionaries when they left his employ appalled even natives of his own land. Carlyle thought he knew something of cookery. A rice pudding, however, that he fre quently concocted was the cause of many estrangements between his friends and himself. BKICr. ASP. FOSTER. Their Conditions Changed Slnoa Poster Was Co venter of Ohio. From the New York Trltnjne. When Charles Foster was governor of Ohio Urlce owed him J2.000. Brlce went to the povernor and asked him for a place. Foster said he could not ap point him because he was a Democrat. Brlce resrwnded dryly that unless he got a place he could never poy that $2,000. Foster said that he would rath er lose the money than appoint him. The result of the conference, however, wns that Foster gave Brlce $500 and told him to rro Into Wall street, and gave him advice where to place the money. Brlce took tho money, disre garded all advice, and rounded up $40, 000 In the street. Foster was bo pleased he crave Brlce halt the money. The latter returned to the street, and by -fchrewd speculation built up an Im mense fortune. He has Blnce that time turned the market upside down sever al times. Today Charles Foster is prac tically a poor man. He met Brlce In tho lobby of the Fifth Avenue hotel within the last few days, and Brlce Bald to him: "See here, you gave me a start: let me help you now." Mr. Foster felt touched by the offer to repay,-but he declined. Mr. Foster sold: "Nobody knows what Brlco Is doing. He may be bankrupt today, but he will be a rich man again tomorrow. He leads an odd "no. Ilf." WOMAN TO WOMAN. "7. A, Women are being Unghlf Wif experience that snaav phy sieisito oy notMcfnuy handle their' pH Uar ailsaeaU known as female dlssssss . Doctors are wUllauf and aaxlooa t help thesa, but they are the wronf sm to work underaUnd iafly. ' v. When the woman ot to-day ex perience sack symp toms aa Packache, nervousness, lassi tude, whites. oj pnJn- full truaUon, pains in groins. bearing-down sensation, palpitation, "all rone" feeling; and bines, ah at otto takes Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable) Compound, feeling but) of obtaining immediate relief. Should her symptoms be new to her, she writes to a woman, Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., who promptly explains her case, and tell bar free how to get well. Indeed, to many women are noi appealing to Mrs. Pinkham for advice, that a score of lady secretaries are kept constantly at work answering- the great volume oi correspondence which oome in every day. Each letter is answered carefully and accurately, as Mrs, Praia ham fully realizes that a life may de pend upon her reply, and into many and many a home has aha shed the) ays of happiness. 1119 WISUES NOT CONSIDERED, But th Rnlos of the Store Were CIBrf Adhered To. From the Chicago Dally Tribune. A man with a bundle under his arm) made his way to the gas and oil stove counterln one of the hla- denartment. stores the other day and addressed th young woman In charge; . . . "Here Is a ten-foot piece of flexible -gas pipe I got from you last Thursday," he said. "I would like to exchange It for a longer one and pay the difference." "There's only one longer slse In stock," she replied, "and It's only two feet longer. What did you have to pay for this?" "Seven cents a foot." "Well, It's two cents cheaper now. We reduced the price this morning." "Then a twelve-foot piece would bs) only sixty cents?" t "Yes, sir." "Well, I ought to pay the ten cents difference just the same. All I want Is" -mars an right. Just take it to tne exchange department, on the next floor, and they'll give you an exchange check." The cUBtomer followed directions.- - - "I want to exchange this piece of flex ible gas pipe for a longer one," he said to the young woman behind the coun ter, "and I have been sent to you."- "What did you pay for it?" she asked. "Seventy cents; but I bought It last Thursday, and the price has been re . duced since then. I only want" . . "That's all right. Name, please?" . . He gave his name. . . ' .i "AriHrpM nlnaflft?" i - , And he gave his address. - . "Here Is your exchange cheek." "But this calls for seventy cents, and . I'm only really entitled to" "Take It back to the department Where you got It and the young lady, will make the exchange for you." He took it back. ' L up, 11 1 u . .lit. ,U VVU11, . wrapped up the twelve-foot piece, made) out a regular sale check for sixty cents, and sent the two slips of paper to tho cuHmcr . Ten cents came back, - "Here is your gas pipe," she said, "and here Is the change." "But I don't" "Are you waited on, lady?" He took the ten rents and made hla devious way out of the building, more) deeply Impressed with the inexplicable mysteries of the department store ex change system than he had ever beta before. JIM WAS UNGRATEFUL, And th Sheriff had Orowa Tired Of Qi lng Him Too Muoh FrccBorn. From the Detroit Free Press. I was sitting with the Sheriff in front of the town court house when he sud denly stood up, shaded his eye's with) his hand and looked across the street, and then called out;. "Heah, you'! Is that you', Jim?" ' A colored man, about fifty years oldY who was slouching along the other side, came across the street and replied! "Yes, Mars Ken Tog, dls am me." "And what or' yo' doing heah?" "Ize Jlst welkin'' out, sah. I dun thought I'd drap down and See mj; darter." r "How did you get out?" ' "Jlst made a hole threw de back wall Ban." -: r . "Looh-a-heah, Jim," said the Sheriff as he sat down and picked up a stick to whittle on, "I ain't gwlne to stand this fussin' no mo'. This is nigh about seven times you's broke out o' Jail." "Yes, sah; nigh 'bout seben times, sah, but don't be hard on me." "You's got out by the doah, the win dows, the floor, the celling and th walls, and you's put me to trouble and the county to expense. Now yo' can't go back thar no mb'l" . "Please, sah!" "No, sah, yo can't do It I've given yo' a fair show and yo' can't expect no mo'. Yo' can Jest take yourself off." "But, Marr Renfog, I'ze dun bin put In jail on a hog case, an' I'ze got to stay dar till di cotehouse meets!" protested the man. "I know you were arrested and ex amtned and bound over, and all that, but I'm tired of the fussing, I ain't go ing to stand by and let nobody damage the jail. You's got out and come back, and now I won't abide it no mo't Jlst take yo'self oft and don't come back to my jail again unless you want to be hard used. If I find yo' breakln' in I'll shoot yo' shores yo'r bo'n!" - "Won't yo' try me Jlst once moT pleaded the prisoner. "No, sah! I've drawed the line and now you's has got to go and take keer of yo'self. I'm tellln' yo' to scatter befo' I make yo' turn In and stop up that last hole In the wall!" The man "scattered" in a discour aged, dejected way, and as he was lost to sight down the street the Sheriff growled: - "Durn a feller Who don't know when he's being used like a bo'n gentleman,'' Chronlo Rbsamstlim Cnrad. says: "for several montns after sprain ing my ankle I was severely afflicted witn ttfieumattBtn. I ttnatiy tried Del etion's 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, and In 4 days could walk without my cane; two bottles qured me sound and well. I take great pleasure In recom mending the 'Mystic Cure' to all who are afflicted with Rheumatism." . Sold by Carl Lorens, Druggist, 418 Lacka wanna avenue,- Scran ton. ,. j There Is an unsurpassed Dining Cat service on the Nickel Plate Road. 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