T MOHNINO, APRII 14, 1896. OoimirDoBIs Wallace The Lenox Bicycle Suit For Ladies. The Lenox Bicycle Suit For Ladies. .LL kinds cost that N PAID FOR IN AD fv a nrw-ktr irnnirwT CHARGE WILL BE LESS "TNTS. THIS RULE AP- MALI. WANT ADS., Ea? t H1TTTAT10X9. WHICH RTED FREE. i II VORD. Mi fa Into Miss fig lllm. -As tho result of "heir eiiRas-'iiient ly n, u ptvtty Hl-yeur-uld Vroutman, her lover, ngi'd uiul killed her latf this nftel- Threo bullets were fired through Tr henrt. Mrs. Kohlnsim. with whom ihn murdered girl lived, narrowly es caped death, Proutmaii tiring one shot at her. which missed the mark. The murderer was pastured by a posse of citizens and taken to the Four Courts. Proutman and Miss Simpson were en Raffed to bo married In June, but be cause of her fiance's violent temper she broke the engagement. Vheti Prout man called today at the house wheie Kilt- was slaying Mrs. Robinson Inform ed him of Miss Simpson's decision. This lingered Proutman. who went Into the room where his sweetheart was and nhot her down while she was pleading for mercy. After she had fallen he llred two more shots Into her prostrate body, and while escaping shot at Mrs. ltoblnson, who tried to Intercept him. - FATAL INFATUATION. Married Man Shoots a Woman With Whom Ho Wns In I'ovc. Bridgeport. April 13. Charles Kos tropskl shot and killed Mary Pudllle phoi tly before 7 o'clock this morning, ut the woman's home on Church street. The murderer has n wife and family living in Birmingham. Conn., and the woman hail a husband and seven chll ilien living In this city. Kostropskl ivus infatuated with the woman and left lils wife and family to be near her. When he came again yesterday the woman told him that he most go away and not see her again. This mornlnc? be entered the house and four shots followed. Kostropskl was seen run ning from the house with a smoking revolver in his hand. - - - . - MISS PERKINS AS "AUTUMN." When tho 1'lcluro Was Shown It Was Short on Drapers'. Indianapolis, April 1". Oeoige T. Hassett, a local photographer, exhibit ed a photograph at the state conven tion of photographers here recently which was entitled "Autumn," anil which represented a young lady in n bower of roses with her limbs bare to the knees. The photograph took llrst prize and has been extensively repro duced in photographers' Journals. Miss Lillian Perkins ordered suit against the photograidier fur $10,00(1, claiming that when she sat for the picture her limbs were hidden bv a heavy drapery, which the artist after ward removed. TAYLOR, D. E. Jones, of Lee, spent Sunday With relatives here. Thomas Telford, of Ttlakelv, was the Kuest of Morgan E. Orllllths, of Pond street, on Sunday. Benjamin Evans' child, of Taylor Htreet, who died so suddenly Saturday afternoon, was buried yesterday. The employees of Taylor, Pyne and Holden are receiving their monthly sti pend today. Henjamin Williams, of nidge street, is moving to the Jones block on Pond street. Thomas Griffiths and family, who have been visiting for the past few days at the former's sister have decided 10 resuie at L,ee. and are moving today. If 'there Is anything deserving the Attention of the citizens of this bor ough, it is the illuminating of this place. How much more cheerful and pleasurable would It be for pedes trians if we had a well lighted place. Benjamin Heese, of South Taylor, Is Improving his property, A lecturer has been engaged by the Congregational church for Tuesday evening, April 28, to lecture on "Ar menian Troubles." It will undoubtedly be a treat, If tho Baby la Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wimlow'u Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for tlielri Children while Teething, with Perfect 8uc!ess. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wtnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Iwenty-flve cents a bottle. M OLYPHANT. A base ball club will be organised which will Include only the best play ers in town, and Bhould there be a county league this season Olyphont will . take an active part In It. In the wlnt- r, am op. tn- Henry kmln C. nsend. n. Forest Forest Lake; st Lake; John Ihert W. Cogs- Wllllam H. Bates, Allien, Great Mend s H. Jtaub, Harford; Hammond, Harford; Fred- Tlngley, Harford; Frank O. 'or, Harmony; Watson S. Iteea, lony; Simon S. Quailey, Hnllstead; Heeder, Herrlck; Alonzo Miles, Hopbottom; Philander K. Benson, Jackson; Harry Warner, Jessup; Will lam McCoy. Lanesboro; Kphruim J. Carr, Lanesboro; John Dillon, Liberty: Frederick Bailey, Liberty; Edward Benjamin, Lenox; Luclan Titus, Lenox; Hubert L, Dimon, Mlddletown; James Harrigan, Middletown; Charles Mor gan, jr., New Mnlord township; Frank Decker. Oakland borough; George Har vey. Bush; Charles L. Flummerfelt. Bush; Ilronson Shoemaker, Itush: Miles G. Shoemaker, Bush; Herbert Baker. Hush: Bentley Stark, Sprlng vllle; John Springsteen, Susquehanna; John P. Lannon. Susquehanna; Willlum Morgan, I'nlondule. Judge Jessup's condemned herd of short-horn Jerseys will be shipped to Wllkes-Barrj the latter part of the week. Attorney F. I. Lott recently sold Let tie, u mare sired by Dahlia, to Lewis Uros., Plttston, Pa. F..I. in the horse business and his genial partner. Maxey, In bicycle that law llrm ought to make things go. Attorney J. M. Kelly was the first lawyer in Susquehanna county to ap pear before the newly organized Su perior court at Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mulford, who have been In Scranton for a few days, have returned. Guy Bros.' minstrels will appear at the armory Wednesday night next, April 15. The organization comes to Montrose highly recommended, and the ndvunce sale of seats at McCausland's thus far has been phenomenal. Judge Searle, who has been confined to his home sintering from a severe cold, was able to preside at court today. Piles! Mies! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes lue tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for GO rents. Dr. Swayne & Hon, Philadelphjtu Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, (.. April 13. Close Wheal Ke celpls, 1,1m) bushels: shipments, !!.7.'0 bush els; Kteuily; No. 2 red cash, 73; May, 7.i'o.; July, tiiie.; . August, til"'.'. Corn Re ceipts, 1,717 bushels; shipments, 4.0U0 hush els; easy; No. 1! mixed July, 3Jie. Outs Hccrlpts, o.umi bushels; shipments, none; dull; I'u. 2 while cash. 22'i.c. . Inverseed Receipts, 40 bags; shipments, 753 bugs; firm: prime cash, 84.75; April, $4.70; Octo ber, $l.7u; prime timothy cush, $1.05. Chicago l.ivo Stock. Colon Stock Yards. III., April 13,-Cuttle Receipts. 1B.3U0 head; market weuk and loalfie. lower; common to extra steers, $3.30u4.50; stockers ami feeders, $2.8wi3.M; cows und bulls, $I.6iiii3.40: calves, J3nn.Hi; Texiins, $2.25n4. Hogs Receipts. 32.000 head: market" weak uml 5c. lower; heavy packing anil shipping lots, $3.55a3.80; Com mon to choice mixed, $X55a3.8T; choice as sorted, 3.ttoa4.07,,(i; light, $3.liOal.o7; pigs, $2u4.05. Sheep Receipts, 20,000 head; mar ket slow and le. lower; Inferior to choice, $2.75a3.75; lumhs, $;i.75n4.U5. . . Oil Market. Oil City, Pa.. April 13. Oil market-fl.lS, the only quotation. Credit balances, Penn sylvania opened, $1.20; closed, $1,20. Stand ard Oil company's price. $1,20. Pittsburg. April 13. oil iuarkct-1.18, the only quotation today. CONVENTION CALLS. Third Legislative District, The Republicans of the Third legislative district will assemble in convention at the arbitration room In the court house on Thursday, April Hi, at 3p, in., for the purpose of electing a delegate to the He publican stale convention to be held at Harrisburg April 23. 1896. The primaries will be held at the regular polling place, on Tuesday, April 14, 1S1KI, between the hours of 4 and 7 p. m. Kindlon districts are entitled to representation as follows Benton Clifton Covington . Dalton Olenburn . Oreentleld . Oouldsboro LaPlume Lackawanna township, South district., 1 i.aoKawunna lownsmp, west instinct.... 2 Lackawanna township, East district, ... 1 Lackawunna township, Northeast dlst., 1 Luckuwunna township. Southwest dlst. 1 Lohigh ; 1 Madison I 2 Newton ( l North Ablngton ....1 1 Old Forge, First district Old Forge, Second lllstiict.; l Old Forge, Fourthdistrict 2 Ransom ....1 1 Bcranton, Sixth Wurd, Third district.... 2 Scott ... 3 Spring Brook.... 1 South Ablngton 2 Taylor, First wnl 1 Taylor, Second ward 1 Taylor Third ward... 1 Taylor, Fourth ward 1 Taylor, Fifth ward 1 Waverly 2 West Ablngton 1 John McCrlndle, Chairman, . ' . . J. W. Houier, Secretary. Jbor- rwlse (hattan fes Con- ersey Cesi- susuuenan- Speculation rbriees on the 'wed advances by Central and Sales were 1US.433 L.IA.M LINN. AL- pondents for A. 1'. broker, . 41 epruco .... 84'i 85i S3i, S3 14i 1.'. 111 Co. .119'. 121 ll'J-i 12i; L Vk.. 1S. Hi' VAt Pi', Wn ... 44 4's H 10 lB'n n nes wv, till. Si 'i:i W H)3'4 103T4 IlUMi & U 7K 79 78 V 7'J ' St. L 35' a ' M SS il. A at. P.. 75. Ki4 ?M 7u j . 1. & 1'uc... 71',. 7li 71'n 7P'-i Hud 1 2 1201 12i 12i:-i C. F 177i 18S 17T 18 ii. Electric Si". 38i 38' 331 .ouis. & Nash 497. BO. 4V 50',, M. K. & Texas, Pr... 2 27 2ti 27 .Vlan. Klevated 1107's lll'i Jliivst ill Mo. Pae 24'i 24 24'a 2l'i National Cord 4" 4 4' 4i, Nat. Lead 24ii 24', 24'4 24'i N. J. Central loii't 107 ltNi'i 1077, N. Y., L. B. & V 1414 H'i 14'v N. Y 8. & W 8 Si 8',a N. Y., S. & W Pr... 23 24 23 24 Nor. Pae 1'i I '4 l'H Pae. Mali H SH W Phil. & Read 10 12i 11", 12-.. Houthern R. R OV '. S'i Houthern R. R Pr.. 24 30 2!'s 30 Tenn., C. & Iron 31' 3Hi 307, 31Vi Texas Paclllc 8 8', S'i 8'j, Vnloii paelllo S'i 8 8 Wotiash, Pr 18 18 18 18 Western Union 84 83 83 XV. 1 7 l'i '- 1'. S. leather, Pr.... 81", fi2 . til 6 IS. S. Rubber 27 27 20 27 Op'n- High- Low- Closing- est. est. lng. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICE3. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- VHEAT. lng. est. est. lng. Mav 4 . 4 tw'i July (ii Wl4 rTi W'A OATS. May 19' i 20 19'i i:7, July 1T 20'i 197 20V4 LARD. Slav 29i 30'i 2954 30!(, July 30 311-4, Sod, 31 '4 September 32 32, 32 32 PORK. Slay 5.03 6.0.'. G.0T. 5.0.-1 July S.20 5.20 S.20 G.20 CORN. Slay 8.60 8.(i7 8.r,r 8.R0 July 1177 8.90 b.75 8.80 Scranton Board of Trade EzebaneoQiio- tntions-AII Quotations Based on I'ur of 100. Name. Bid. Askel Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 140 gciunton Lace Certain Co to National Boring & Drilling Co. ... 80 First National Bank 630 Rcranton Jar & Stopper Co 25 Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100 Bcranton Axle Works go bcranton Savings Bank 200 Scranton Traction Co 15 lionta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Replacer Co 100 gcanton Packing Co 95 Weston Mill Co 50 Lackawanna Iron A Hteel Co ISO Scranton Bedding Co 103 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage duo 1918 110 Scranton Traction Co 9$ People's Btreet Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 lit Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School t 103 City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 102 Scranton Axle Works 100 Borough of Wlnton 6 100 Philadelphia Provision Market. Philadelphia, April 13,-I'rovlslons The market ruled weak and dull In touch wltn the western market conditions. Beef -West family, $9.jOalO per barrel ;smoked beef, Hal2c: beef hams, per barrel, $15.;.a 1(1, according to age. Pork Family, $lla ll.W; sweet pickled hams, cured In tierces, 8ii'tc; smoked, 9V4alO',jc.; sides, ribbed, In salt, 0:,ie.; smoked, U:'ia7c.; shoulders, pickle cured, .G'je.; smoked, C'ic; picnic hams, 8. P. cured, G'tiuti'ic. ; do. smoke 1, Uia7'C.; bellies In pickle, according to average, loose, SaG-V.; breakfast bacon, (i'i'-e. Lard Pure city retlned In tierc es" OUa'ic.; In tubs. tiUatWie. ; butchers' loose, ii'.iufilsc. Tallow Is dull and weak. We quote: City, prime In hogsheads, 3c.' country, prime in barrels, SVfcO. ; country, dark, in barrels, JVic.i cakes, 37e.; grease, New York Prodnee Market. New York, April 13. Flour Quiet, very Arm; winter wheat, low grades, $2.23a2.90; do. fair to funcy, $2.8iia3.90; do. patents, J3.90u4.2."i; Minnesota clear, J2.Wa3.15; do. straights, $3a3.5o; do. patents, t3.45a4.35: low exirus, $2.2."u2.9o; city mills, tt.loa4.20; do. i)atenls,-84.ia4.30; rye mixture, tS.Soa 3.30; superfine. $2a2.33; tine, $2a2.30. ttouth ern Hour Dull, steady; common to fair extra, t2.40a3; good to choice do., $3a3.30. Rye Hour yulet, steady; $2.i'wa2.0; buck wheat, 40a41c. Cornmeal Dull, steady. Rye Nominal; western, 4ilc. Ilarley Firm; ungraded western, 39a41e. Wheat Spot market dull; llrm; No. 2 red store and elevator, nominal; afloat, nominal; February, 78'sc. to arrive; ungraded red, U3aS0c.; No. 1 northern, 7T7tH.. : options closed llrm at touc. below Saturday with trading fairly active; No. 2 red April, 75Hic.; Slay, 72V.; June, 72e.; July, 71vic.; September, 71ic; Hoeember, 72Mia73!i.e. Corn Spots dull; llrm; No. 2 at 4uo. ele vator; 4le. atloat; options were firm and dull at 'a:1Ki advance with trading local: April, 37c; .May, 3iiM,c; July, 37',dc; Sep. temner, ;'ic oats spots uun, steany; options dul, llrmer; May, 21t.ic; spot prices. No. 2 at 2Tiia2.'tie.; No. 2 white, Si'ie.j No, 2 Chicago, 20a2ii',sc. ; No. 3 at 24',2c.: oN. 3 white, Sitic; mixed western, 2ria20V.e. : white do., 20a2ilc.; white state, 2tiu29c. Feed Bran. GOa'lic. Ueef Unlet. steady: family, $9.50all; extra mess, ,a 8. Beer hams oun: jM.wairi. Tierced beef Steady, dull; e.lty extra India mess, Speculation l i i J A t tl:.al,i..i0. cut meats yulet steady: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 440.; pick I'd shoulders, i'aVtC; pickled hams, 8'uUc. Lard Kasy quiet; western steam, $5.27Vii; city, $1.80; May, 13.30; refined, slow; con tinent, $5.00; South America, $; compound, 4'ifea44c. Pork Dull, steady; old mess, $9a fi.no; new mess, $10al0.2o. Butter yulet, easy; state dairy, 9al7c; do. creamery, 12ulTc. ; do, hcU, 10al5c.; do. factory, 8a lH-jC.;101glns, 17 ',4c; imitation creamery, llal5c, 4'heese Moderately active; state large, Gal0'4c.; do. fancy, lOalOVic: do. small, tialO'V'.; 'part fklms, 3a7c; full skims, a2'.jc, Kggs yulet, easy; state and Pennsylvania, 127(,al3!4c; southern, llaUTioHe.; western fresh, 12e.j duck, 20a 23e.; goose, 3fia40c, . IHtffnlo l.lvo Stock. - nufTalo, N. Y April 13.-Cattle-Very dull and 15n23c. lower; good huny medi um and shipping stock steers, $3.80a3.9i; light butchers', $3.0!ia3.75; mixed butchers- $3.23a3.tM; veals, dull and lower; good to prime, $4a4.SO; common light to fair, $3a 3.75. Hogs Lower, good Yorkers, $1.10; light, $4.IG; mixed packers, $4; mediums, $4; pigs, $4.1Ga4.2u; roughs, $3.23a3.40; stags, $2.50,13. Sheen and lambs Market 10c. lower for lambs; sheep steady; prime wool lambsl Jt.HfiaG; fair to choice, t4.H3a4.80; clipped lambs, $4ul.7r; mixed rheep, good to choice wools, t3.7Ga4; culls to fair, $2.7.'u 8.85; clipped sheep, culls to choice, 2.Gua 8.76. , t Hcln Wanted Mala. TED AN AOI-NT IN EVERY BF.C- Inn lorinna: f 4 U0toa00 a dsr medx: at nitfhk alaiiit m&n tn m-ll StnnU Woods leslers: best side line ii.VW) a month: aal- or tarn ronmiuion made: fiprnenm ueceHa'T. Clifton tsoao ana Alanulactar- Ig Ca. Cincinnati. O. RANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN I tvirr town to policit stock Biibserlp- tion: a monopoly: big money for agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FIStt 4k CO.. Borden Block, Chieairo. Hi. Male Wanted Females. aneeIT'berv tent, reliable, for general houtework. l.VM Washington. 'ANTED COMPETENT COOK AND two girls. Apply iVkt Jeffnrson avenue. I ADIE8-I MAKR BIO WAGES DOING 1 J pleasant boine work, and will gladly aood full particulars to nil rending s cent itamp. S1I8 SI. A. STEBBIK8. Lawrence, Mich. 7-ASTED-I.ADY AGENT IN SCRAN- V ton to sell and introduce Snyder's eake icing; experienced canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for f articnlnra at once and get benefit of holiday radr. T H. SNYDER CO. Cine Innati. O WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO F.NER cetio naleswomen to represent ua Gnaranteed $0 a dnv without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, Inclosing lump. Mango t'bem lrul Company. No. 72 John street. New York. For Sale. 1X)R SALE CHEAPONE PAIR OP V heavy dranght lnr. For further in formHtlon rpply to ATLANTIC REFINING CO. , Coal Exchange building. TOR SALE-TWO HOR8E8, 2 BUTCHER X wngons. 2 buggies, 1 alelgh. barnenes and all of butcher's outfit; also meit market for rent; going ontof business; muit tie sold by April 1st. Inmiire of L E. 8CUULLER, uiasoiy aireei, uunmore, nOR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR L1 tier of MoaHe and Burke street. All mod orn Improvement on premises. MBS. ANNIE 8TEWART, Dunmore, Pa. For RenL lOR RENT TEN-RtXM HOUSE lnl I1 Mnviii titrant. InrmifA rtAVfc rlrui. Mifflin. F'OR RENT SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 1)24 Green Ridira street: excellent location. Inquire next door. T?OR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE AND BiRN; JT nice yard, corner Von 8 torch and Marlon. TOR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; JT modern iiniirovonients: rent reasonable: cot ner of Pine and Blakely streets, Dunmore. XIR RENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. L A W. switcli. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS .Oli RENT ROM8 NOW OCCUPIED BY the Traders' National Bnnk: possession given ahout May I. by F. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier Traders' National Bank. ,-V)R RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE;" ALL 1 modern conveniences. Inquire at 1223 Washburn st. IOR RENT-ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE 715 Onlncv avomi. Rant reasonable Oppoaite Moees Taylor Hospital. F'OR RENT NICEt, I FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludgo rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 119 Wyoininu oven ne. Special Notices. "MHE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." X You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctures,abow lng the force In actual battle, sketched On the spot Two volumes, 2,000 pictures. Hold on easy monthly payment Delivered by ex press complete, all charges prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 822 Adams Ave., Heranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAGA sines, etc., bound or rebound at Tdi TninuM ofUce. yulck work. Reasonable prices. Stockholders' Meeting, stockholders of Tho Providence Gas and Water Company will be held at their office in the Delaware and Hudson building. Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa.. Monday, May 4, ltjOS, at 10 n. m to elect officers to serve during the ensuing year, to consider and au thorise an increase of the capital stock of the company, and transact any other business that may be presented. By order of the managers. H. F. ATHERTON, Secretary. Rcrnnton, Pa., Feb. 28, 1890. Summer Boardera. ALL CONVENIENCES TO TROUT FISH ers and tlios-loosing for quiet summer board ratoi cheap . st. Address A. KLOTZ. Uonldshoro, Pa. Board Wanted. 1MIRLY REFINED GENTLEMAN DE sires room with or without board in re fined private Jewish family. Address M. A., Tribune otlice. Stone for Sale. BLUE STONE-EVF.RV ONE WISHING to buy stone would do well to call on Korsler Brothers, miners of and dealers in all kinds of flagging, curbing and all kinds of stone nut lo oraer. iic.iLhL.tSK BROTHERS, 723 Delaware street. Hcrantnn, Pa. Wanted To Buy. MILK ROUTE OF 100 QUARTS A JAY . Address K. M.T1.", Tribune office. Propoaala. Clark's Summit, April 13, 1890. rpHE SOUTH ABINGTON SCHOOL X Board will rocelve realed proposals for the grading of the ground around the new sciiooi Dunning, i ne grautng to oe anno ac cord I nit to a nlan nrenared bv a civil enirineer. Said plun will be explained by the president of the Board on the irrounds. Saturday after noon, April 18th, st 2 o'clock. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. All bids . i. . r i i , i . i, .... illicit ue iu in ur uviuru jsiunuaj. April ist'O. w. i-, una, oecretary. Business Opportunity. H0W$20 MADE$500 IN 20 DAYS Onr book, "How Fortunes Are Made," ex plains. Sent tree. Writ" at once, as the edi tion Is limited. The BEN NIN (.TON INVEST MENT co an wan st, n. y. ' CRIPPLE CREEK STOCKS. We have carefully investigated and now es pecially recommend us safe Investments, the Stocks of Thompson, noon-Anchor, (Kobe Hill, Consolidated, Independence-Extension, Portland, Isabella and Union-Gold Mining bompantes. THE MECHEM INVESTMENT COMPANY. 138 Jackson Street, Chicago, III., Bank Floor. L. Ft. Kneelsnd, Monsger. Members of all Col orSdo Excbauitos -direct nrivate wires. Or. dors promptly executed correspondence so licuea. MONEY! I Daniel Drew, who accumulated one of tho aid: "When the sap rnns up the trees buy stocks," sod the records of Wall street for the past twenty years show he wss right. for full particulars as to how business is dono lu W all street, write tor our book. "Spec iimiion nuiy explained," also our market let ter. Margin 8 to t per rent. Commission only IbIA MF flnl E. D. THORNBURGH & CO, Bankers Brokers, 41 Broaawsy. Mew York. I i m We have the sole agency for the above in Scranton. It Is considered by experts to be the best adapted suit for ladies that has been produced. CONNOLLY & Acenta Wanted. WANTED SALESMAN : SALARY FROM start; permanent place. BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Roeoester, N. Y. AGENTS-WANTEF-TO'sELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and expensee paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIGARO Ct OAR CO, Cblosgo. AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel end capper electro platers: price from S3 upward; salary and ex- Stssea paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, ICHIQAN MFG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; 1Q weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO.. is van Duren si., (.nioago. SALESMAN TO CARRY 8IDE LINE; 23 ner cent commission: ssmnle book mailed free. Address L. N. CO.. otatioa L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth.mos qulto and house fly liquid at 10 cents and '!& rents a bottle. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'GCo., Baltimore, Md. AGENTS HINDE'S PATENT UNIVER aal Hair Curlers and Wavers fused with out heat), and "Pyr Polnted"Hsir Pina Lib eral commissions. Free sample and fnll par ticulars. Address P. a Box its. New York. Medical. ROEBLINO'S CELEBRATED TANSY AND Pennvroval Pills: imnorted: absolutely safe; harmless; superior to all others; never tails, any stago; thousands of banpy ladies: t3 by mull. Sold only by BOTANICAL BPECI- riu tv., lit ruin avenne, new xora. Clairvoyant. MADAME AUBREY. GREATEST LIVING clairvoyant in the world; tells past, . 1 ...M t ..AM V... .11 lit l nou, Mill .mum UUL.i'i n w J m.i. n ... v fwlVA nrnmnt atlsntlon. ' Htl4 Ad.nu iTiBUi. Scranton. Auditor Report. AUDITOR'S REPORT, FOR TAYLOR BOROUUH, YEAR ENDINU .MAKUrl 4, im. J. D. JONES, COLLECTOR. Dr. To amount of duplicate 12.SS0 04 Amount due on duplicate of '94 19 ill W.m si Pr. By exonerations $ 21 98 Rebates on tl.62S .'. til "i Abatements f "0 Dog tax exonerations ti to) Commission on tl.bl3.7i. ut 2 tier cent SO 87 Commission on 1761.15, at 5 per cent. 38 K) Amount paid treasurer 2,31)1 90 Due to Borough iuu ou 2,599 37 W. p. GRIFFITHS, BURGESS. Dr. Amount of licenses 283 38 Fines 155 Ml $ 438 1 1....$ 442 : Cr. Amount paid treasurer Due to Burgess I 4 00 DR. J. W. HOUSER, TREASURER. Dr. Rulancn on hand March 4, 1S93....I 100 07 From county Treasurer a.altl SU From Lackawanna Street railway. 725 U0 From J. F. Tubbs, price lire hy drant returned 4U 00 From High Constuble as proceeds sale of cow 4 (iO From Burges 442 38 From tax collector 2,304 91) tC,87 45 By redeeming orders, 1 to S44 inclu sive (less three outstanding). .. .16,648 i4 Cr. By 2 per cent commission on same.. 130 97 Balance, March 4, IM 207 74 St,887 45 EXPENDITURES FOR YEAR, Dflin Til.' ua tjTMirAIT Benjamin Llewelyn, Street Com missioner John P. Griffiths, Street Commis 212 00 206 00 ,00 fit 770 43 100 00 311 00 sioner Mnntml lnhnr 1 Team labor Removing dirt opposite W'elsen- nun s notoi , Supplies for road $3,280 03 ..$ 131 TO . 60 00 . ATTORNEYS' FEES. John M. Harris 1. H. Burns $ 181 60 BOARD OF HEALTH. John F. Tubbs. Secretary $ 80 TO Dr. Weston (services) 69 37 Dr. Houser 40 (3 Incidentals 12 76 1 192 75 POLICE DEPARTMENT. John H. Evans, Chief ) 90 TO Policemen WOO $ 100 00 COUNCIL DEPARTMENT. Committee Services . . Against For Traction Borough. Company. E. E.' Weston $2100 S 66 S3 H. K. Harrl 31 00 66 33 John R. Price 31 00 66 33 Robert Llnney 21 00 45 00 Thomas M. DuvlB 21 00 4u 00 Caspar Ott 21 00 45 00 John K. Davl 31 00 John F. Tubb 31 00 ( lomer Jones 21 00 William Morris 21 00 $250 00 $ 303 99 $ 250 00 $ 553 99 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES. William P. Orlfflths. Burgess $ 400 00 Ueorge J. Powell, Borough Clerk.. 103 00 A. Ii. Dunning. Surveyor 239 00 Taylor Water company, hydrants and water rent 400 05 Wood & Co., four hydrants 102 (0 Atherton & Co., one hydrant 40 TO Rent of jail, etc 78 89 J. Mapleson (as warden) 112 00 Janitress Council rooms. 108 00 Rent, Council rooms 72 00 Oamawell Fire Alarm company... 70 00 High Constable, burying dead anl- malB 2 20 Auditors 93 00 Electric Light company 18 00 Printing 73 60 Sundries for Borough use 163 01 Redeeming outstanding orderr;.. 89 22 $2,240 47 Total Expenses $6,648 74 AUDITORS EVAN O. WATKINS, TALLIE T. JONES. -JOHN CONNOLLY, Taylor, Pa,, March 29, 1896. WALLACE, MM TRY US. is3-aa4 uca IVE, con 101X1 Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGS lady as housekeeper, nurse or sewing. E. M Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. aged 17, In office or store: csn tarnish good reference. Address H. J. P., Tribune. WANTED POSITION AS HOU8EKEEP er by an American widow; no family Address HOUSEKEEPER, Tribune office. A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WOULD LIKE to get work cleaning houses or scrubbing offices. Adre HANNAH McCUTCHEON, Duryes, Pa SITUATION WANTED BY A MAN AS O gardener or taking care of horses; has bad experience. H. MILL, 1351 Washington avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG lady as cashier, or assistant bookkeeper; has had several years' experience. Address N., Tribune office. WANTED-BY A YOUNO MAN, SITUA tion as cleric In grocery or clothing store: reference, given. Address D.J. PRICE, &2 North Hyde Park avenue, city. WANTED-9ITUATION AS TEAMSTER, carpenter or work of any kind; can speak German; references given. Address A. L. 8 LIFE, m North Hyde Park avenue, city. 7 ANTED WASHING BY A YOUNG woman. Address 17IKI price street. SITUATION WANTED IN DRY GOODS or gents' furnishing store; long experi ence, end best references, If required. Ad. dress S. S., Ttlbuns office. POSITION WAN I ED BY EXPERIENCED salesmen in either dry goods or olotbing house; best references. Address C T. Trib une office. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES VSAAAAVVNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAlV PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 10, 1893. Trains Leave Wllkes-Barreas Follows 7.25 a.m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a m., week days, for Hazleton. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Poltsville. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness ana tuuiiuru Tt.VIE TABLE IN EFFECT MCH. 15. 1896 Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, n aA .1 19, A IK II da . VVIIKes-ouno. ... . D.-w, ja.ov m. 111., 12.46, 2.00, 3.05, 6.00, 7.10 p. m, Sundays,-9,00 a. m., l.uv, 2.10, i.i p. in. vnr New York. Newark and Ellxahnth. 8.20 (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun riuv. 216 n. m. Train leaving 12.45 n. m arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and New York 6.00 p. m. For Aiaucn -nuur., aueuuwn, uetnie hem. Easton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m.. 12.45, 3-05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. BForaon'g branch, Ocean Qrove, etc., at g.20 a. m.. is.ia v- . wnt Reading. Lebanon and Harrlaburr. via Allen town, 8.20 a. m 12.45. 6.00 p. in Sunday, it.it p- n. v Pnttsville. 8.20 a.. 12.46 o. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.30. 4.16 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.39 a. m. Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 1.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday (.27 ''Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may ne naa cn application in ia- vance to tne ucaei agent at ine station. H. P. BALDWIN, Gen. Pass. Agent J. H. OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND i-iuuso.N rail road: vVVkAl July w. ail trains win VaWfl mTmwtm friim at nw IArka mm m wanna avenue station ft '1 rtUliB wisi imvo curtail" te' do nts at 10. 6 . 8 and lilO 2! m..P12!oO.S 20. i66. fcli. 7.26. 9.10 and ll.ZO P.. , .-A .i,..4.l. nt 700. . ahd 'l07o a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.11 p'For Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondaeks and Montreal at 6.45 a, m. and 1.20 p. m. iror Wllkes-Bsrre and Intermediate FSoj ani 11.88 p. ni7 Trains will arrive at Bcranton station tromCarbondale and intermediate pe nt. ti.' tio, 4V64. 6.66, 7.46. 9.U and ll.SJp. iri. ' a?2 ' . . I.' 1 TXT. X c . view at Ot a. m.. 1100. 1.17, $.40. 6.65 and From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., SI 1H SOU .WJ. n. ... ... From Wllkes-Bsrre and Intermediate S.11. e.Mt i.m, " " L55S sa. Made In many dif ferent qualities of cloth at our popular prices. CALL AND HAVE ITS POINTS EXPLAINED 2oi?'Sonue UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, RenoYate Feathers, Hale Oier Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring! Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. I alM Nov. 17. 1896. Train leaves Scranton for Phlladelohla and New York via D. H. R, R. at 7.4 a. m., 12.05. 1.20, 188 and 11.38 p. m.. via D., L. W. R. R.. 6.00, 8.0s. 11.20 a. m., and Lit P. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes Barre, via D., L. W. R. R., 8.00, 808, 11.28 a. m., 140, 8.07. 8.62 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. sleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the xueaaow ana roiisvuie orancnes, via D. A H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m 12.05, 1.20. 2.38. 4.00 n. m , via n I. A w n R s ail. 8.08, 11.20 s. m.. 1.30, $.40 p. m. t, f, ocrsnton tor Betnienem, easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate P2Anl.,.v'? D. ft H. R. R. 7.46 a. m., 125, UV1S 4.00, ll.$8 P. rn,, via D.. L. W. R. R.. t.OO, 8.08, 11.20 a. A., 1.30 p. m ocranton ior rungnannocK, to wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points vlaD H. R. R., I. It R. R., 8.08, 1.66 a. m., 1.30 p. m. ..Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all P.0'"'! V via D & H. R. R 8.45 a. n... itTtSi S' 1SSJ- m ! vltt D- L- & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.65 a. m.. 130. e.oo p. m. For Elmlra and t west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R 8.45 a. m. 12.06 p. m.. Via r.. L. W. R. R.. 8.08. 8.65 a m.. L30L p. m. ruiman parlor and sleeping or L. V. Chair cars on all trains bslwcen I.. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, rniiaaeipnia. Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WTT.'HTTT. Osn. Sunt. CHAS. S. juEE, Oen. Pass, Ag t., Phlla, Ps. . w. INUNNEMACHKK. ASSl. WO. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1896. m.n I., I ... Ilnwi n . M - - 1 1 . . fress for New York and all points East. 40. f .en. 15- a GO and S.GB a. nv: 11 SI ami 134 p. m. express tor easton, -irenion, rnuaaei phla and the South, 6.15, 100 and 9.65 a. m., 12.66 and 2.34 p, m. wasnington ana way stations. 1.53 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, t.10 p. m. F.inress for Blnchamton. Osweao. El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North . a weni ttnu nimuincBi. Bath accommodation, s a. m. Btnghamton and way statlonSi 12.37 p. nv Nicholson accommodation, 8 p. m. Btnghamton and Elmlra Express, $.01 P. m. Express tor Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and xtlohfleld St-rings, 2.35 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca Z.3b ana uatn a. m. ana 11 v m. . . .k..nt.nnla r.A Dltlalnt, TV 1 1 11. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan VUle. mBKing ciono twimm-uwitn i .-wi - umberlHiid for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate eta tions, 8.00. 9.65 a. m.' and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, $0Sj.nd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 8.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. jror aeiaueu iiininiwuwn, vr . tables, etc., apply to il. L. Smith, city ticket office, 338 Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. ' EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1896. Trains leave Scranton for New York and-lntermedtate points on the-Erie rail road, also for Honesdale, Hawley nnd local points at 8.35 a. m. and 3.28 p. m. ana arrive at Scranton from above poluts at 8.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. ansa imrns niviSION. In Effect September aqno IStS, North Bouag. acuta BobhI ISOgrVOi 1803 SOI Stations r JP fi rTrilna Tmllr eenL Kuuaar. 1. ui 1 ml,. JK' I8 710 V rooj r MIA West Vina sireei Weebawxen Atnve 1 a nSuowa Starllfbt Preston Park 9BI tiik l4fl coino IS sst II u ISIltt poyotelle Belmonl pleasant M8. Unlondnle Ferset City Ctrbondale WDite Bridge War (If 14 Jermyn . Archibald ' Wlnton ppckvllle Olvihant Dickson Tnroop Providence Park P ace 8 Willi SI vru If 40 (1180 Tt.7181181 71818 41 T14: 3 43 UK .... 6 41111 8 DDI 11 18 $ annus T SOKd Bt 6SS 1:1 II 11 7S78( 11 117 T 89, 4 04 i' 1 ni 6 80 618 619 6 111 (10 II 0.J lit 011 T 861 4 1 III 0 It I OPT T89 414 T4111 17 T 44 StJ 10661 scranton IT M aUave Arrival All trains run dally exoept Sunday. 1 I sign in ea ttt trains stop on signal for pa suurers 1 aeoure rites via Ontario a Western before Circbaaing tickets and save money. Day aai IngtKiprealtotho WesL J. 0. A nderson, Sen. Pass, AgV T. nitoratt, Dir. Pass, Agt. sereatesFa, ....I e iv ...a tieavet ir mi lBtloni I it Mil ..3 ....8ld ...J '"issued .... 9 41 . !$ see. WOWl till lad :: 1 .