The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 14, 1896, Image 1

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. -r.
Ami we ve sot all of them tlmt are
The changes may not be railicul, hut
odd whims iirul fancies creep inlo pop
ular favor ax the season advances,
mill we pride ourselves in being ublo
to keep abreast of ihe procession, mt'et
Ing fashion' utmost requit ements at
ull times with the ehoieest ami best
Dim skill und ai t can tlivlse.
r Great Ctek Mm
Never liiul as many nttraetions to
oll'ii1 u now. anil we invite you to pay
us a visit in this department, while
storks ami the early spring season are
butt) at high water mark.
Jackets, Etce
la matchless for ipmllty, elegance nnd
beauty or llnish, while. In the mutter
of prices, we still hold undisputed the
record for the best values obtainable.
To prove this, here are a few facts:
WORTH $3,50
Indies' silk capes, fully lined,
ly trimmed, full sweep,
OurPrlce $2.29
WORTH $7.00
Two numbers In very handsome
Vekuir capes, rich bead trimmings,
lovely chiffon and satTn collars,
prettily lined, full sweep, etc..
Our Price $4.98
WORTH $6.50
Elegant black satin capes, all silH
linings, chiffon and ribbon collar,
ribbon trimmings, extra sweep.
Our Price $4.50
WORTH $6.00 '
Stylish double I'ruveneth cape-",
rich braid trimmings and beauti
fully and v'lirefully tiuished through-
Our Price $4.29
WORTH $8.50
tallies' imported English cork
screw capes, double, ami Just the
right spring weight, clebarnte braid
und button trimmings, etc..
Our Price $6.29
WORTH $4.75
Fumy broadcloth double capes.
full sweep and extia deep-inlaid
collars, lined throughout, etc.; col
ors, black, navy, tans, eie
Our Prke $3,29
WORTH $2 TO $3
1 Children's capes, 4 to 12, all
, colors, a dozen different trims and
cloths and all excellent in ipiulily,
: Our Price $1.50 to $2.50
WORTH $3.00
A superb linn of children's Jackets,
sixes, 4 to 12, colors, navy, cardinal,
tans, mixtures, etc.; some braided,
some plain, some with plaid con
trasts, some with stripes, etc.;
sailor collars, reefers, etc,, represent
styles; qualities nil high,
Our Price $2.49
CfflCS Mfl.
Line of
priog Smite
Birthday tif Its Pounder Cele
brated ut Munticellu.
Leaders Throughout the I nnJ Assemble
to Honor the Natal Day or the liroot
cm lemocrat-Speechc by l.x
(iovornor Knssell on J Others.
Charlollcsville. Va.. April IX-Tlider
the uuspieeH of the national association
of Democratic clubs, tile laid anniver
sary .ir the birth of Thutnas Jefferson,
the rounder of the Democratic party,
was celebrated today at Montleello,
where the author of the leolaratioti of
independence lived and died.
At 12 noon, the special train from
Washington, P. '., arrived, bringing n
distinguished party of national Demo
crats. AnionK these were Vice Prest
ilent Stevenson. Postmaster Genera!
Wilson, Attorney General Harmon,
Secretary Herbert, of the navy: Sena
tors Jones of Arkansas; Faulkner, of
West Virginia; l'nseu. of Florida;
George, of Mississippi; Martin, of Kan
sas: Mitchell, of Wisconsin: While, of
California, und Roach, of North Dnko
ta. Representatives Snlzer, of New
York; Washington, of Tennessee: ('lar
dy, of Kentucky: l.lvingstun, of Geor
gia: Swanson, of Virginia; Tucker, of
Virginia; I'endleton, of Texas; Tyler,
of Virginia; Patterson, of Tennessee
Williams, of Mississippi: Luwson, of j
Georgia; Turner, of Georgia; MeGuIre
of California.
The formal proceedings begun with
an address by the Hon. Chattncey F.
Black, whose enunciation of the senti
ment of Jefferson, that the primary
principle of Democracy was "absolute
acquiescence In the decisions of the
majority" was heartily applauded.
Ki--f lovei-nor IMissell of Massachu
setts, was received by the crowd with !
ringing cheers. His many patriotic al
lusions and points were rapturously
applauded. Referring to the financial
question of the day, Mr. Russell said:
To Jefferson It could never be an Issue
between Colorado and WhII street, or be
tween a debtor or a creditor class. His
broad Democracy abhorred geographical
and class division. With true patriotism
he would ask. where lie the honor and
credit of our common country, where rest
the Interests of our whole people? For
one I believe that our country's honor
demands scrupulous fidelity to her plight
eil word, honest puyment of her obliga
tions, und that the people's Interest Is best
served by strictly upholiung here tne mon
etary standard of the civilized world. Free
coinage of sliver, or Its compulsory pur
chases, or any compromise legislation by
us in that direction in my Judgment is dis
tinctly class legislation, which would un
settle business, impair credit, reduce alt
savings and the value or all wages, and
whose Injurious results no man can meas
ure. We are still ready. a we ttlwnys
have been to confer with other nations
mum any sound system of International
bimetallism. I have misunderstood thu
aching of Jefferson, and the traditions
and principles of our party If thuy do not
support this view, and sustain a Demo-
emtio administration In Its resolute en
forcement of it. With jerrerson truth
never lay in compromise of pr.nciple, nor
success in evasion or responsibility. -or
will they with us. Let us leave compro
mise und expediency to the Itepublican
party, which Is ever ready to trim and
vat e. to narmomze lis warring lacuuns.
Let us, II' need be through discussion and
agitation, tlnd the truth, bravely assert
it, und trust our cause to the conscience
and patriotism :i the .people.
The secret a. Jefferson s power and lean-
ershlp was bis steadfastness to principle.
His courage, nis lann, nis resolute lesu-
ershlp have guided the lntest, as they did
the ilrsl or the ucmocraiie administra
tions, which with vigor and patriotism
have made dominant the wishes, the
rights and the welfare of the whole pco-
e. Whatever the storm, whutever tne
gusts of passion or of prejudice, however
threatening tne ciouus 01 panic ami dis
aster which have hung over all nations,
our president has kept the rudder true.
To no political flaw has he trimmed sail.
In no stress has lie lost courage or abun-
loneil principle. There Is Inspiration for
us In the leadership of Jefferson and
Cleveland. It nerves us to stand fast to
principle, to put uside expediency and
oinpruinisc, ami Willi courage ami nuei-
Itv lo gieet all pending issues. So shall
we merit and win success, and hold the
conlideiice of the country as have III the
paitl. We neeil not tear neieiu. ve met
it in SX ami then went rortn unueii umi
strengthened to triumphant victory. We
should fear the discredit of sacrificing
prim Iple to expediency, or of turning
aside from the safe course which Jeffer
son established. Let our good Democrat
ic ship avoid the passing flaws whlcn
would drift her hither and I hither, con
tent to wrt't the powerful and steady gale
which will curry the nation upon her truo
When Senator Daniel, of irginia
nrose to speak, his popularity in his
nutlve state was made plainly apparent
by the enthuslusm with which he was
received. He pictured to his uudience
in eloquent periods the prominent trails
of character of Virginia's gift to the
mi t 'una i ocinocrucy rnonias jetter-
After his sulojsy of Jefferson had,
been exhausted. Senator Daniel re
ferred to the speech of Governor Itus
scll and said he admired that nddress
so much that he disliked to dissent
Hum it on .anything. He must be ex
cused if he fulled to see anything In
Jefferson's teachings which summoned
us to abandon the bimetallic monetury
system which Jefferson himself helped
to establish. He concurred with Gov
ernor Kusscll that Jefferson would
never have made an Issue between
Colorado and Wall street, or between
n debtor and a creditor class, or upon
any geographicul division, but he as
serted that It wus the Republican par
ty, nnd neither Jefferson nor the putty
of Jefferson that did that very thing in
1873 in stripping silver of Its equal
coinage right with gold: that it was
Wall street and Lombard street that
were the agressors, not Colorado nor
the west: not the debtor class. Hut,
sold the senator In closing this part of
his speech, I am not going to stay at
odds with our distinguished friend at
the grave of Jefferson. There was one
thing that Jefferson sal I about money
which we will concur in, nnd that is
"that one warm thought is worth more
than money." and giving him the warm
thoughts that one . upon his native
hearth should feel for an honored
guest, I would venture to say o him. as
Kalstaff said to Prince Henry: "No
more of that, Hal, and thou lovest me."
Indeed, we will have here today the
free coinage-of warm thoughts on the
double standard of Massachusetts and
Virginia, and I am willing to ampll'y
the code of our Democratic comrade,
Tim Campbell, of New York, and tcir
f'.r today at least: "Neither money
pnr the constitution ought to come b
tivven friends."
l.coJer of tho Pennsylvania!!' Presi
dential lloom Dlsenss tho situation
Special to the Soranton Tribune. ..
Washington, April 13. A conference
lasting several hours was held at the
residence of Senator Quay tonight. At
it were ex-Senator Tom Piatt, Joe Man
ley, Generul Clarkson and . Senator
Quay. The .entire' political situation
' - . .' ''C:"'V;' '
was gone over carefully, and theynll
expressed themselves well pleaded with
the outliKik.
Mr. Munley was delegated to make a
tour of inspection in the states which
have not yet elected delegates and in
thos- whose delegates are not Instruct
ed. '
Norristown. Pa., April 12. The He
publican conference of the Seventh dis
trict (Ducks and Montgomery), today
clti ted James it. Holland und Hugh H.
Kustburn delegates to the national con
vention. They were instructed for
Wellsboro, Pa., April 13. At the Tio
ga Republican county convention to
day u canvass of the vote cast at the
primaries on Saturday showed that the
county machine almost swept the deck.
yuay had !isj majority over McKln
ley but the Ohio man had ove 2.700
votes and showed surprising stivngth.
An uitenint wus made to defeat ex
Senntor Packer for congress, but Pack
er defeated Congressman Leonard by
00 and elected his conferees. Messrs.
Smith and Young are nominated for the
legislature. Henry Dnndrus was In
dorsed for national delegate and As
semblyman Walter Merrlc for senator.
New Hloomlleld. Pa.. April IX At
the Perry county Itepublican conven
tion held here today, the Quay people
controlled the convention. Every
thing done was the result of a compro
mise entered Into by the leaders of the
factions and having for its sole object
the nomination of John Wlster.of Dun
cannon, for congress in the Fourteenth
district. Ex -County Chairman Alex
ander n. Gross and Prothonotory
Samuel S. Wlllard scored a victory, W.
Mifflin Smith, a tjuay man, was in
dorsed for national delegates. Joseph
K. Jackson, John A . Kelly and ex
ynH,.ff jeronie H, wvre elected
congressional conferees to choose na
tional delegates. Jackson and Kelly
are anti-Quay people and Lahr Is uay.
This Insures the election of W. Mifflin
Smith, of Perry, and L. E. Wyirmr, of
Lebanon, for national delegates. Sena
tor McCarrell, of Dauphin, who Is the
choice of Dauphin county for national
delegate, may have to be content with
i the office of presidential electoral If he
i will accept it. William H. Hall and
William H,
Pennel! were elected -dele
gates to the state convention. John
Hood made a vigorous speech favoring
McKlnley for president, hut no resolu
tions of any character were adopted,
Tom I- Johnson Points Out the F.vlls of
Ills Party and Predicts Republican
Triumphs at Cntninj Elections.
Brooklyn, N. Y.. April 13. Two hun
dred Hrooklyn Dimocrats celebrated
Jefferson's birthday tonight at the ban
quet of the Young Men's Democratic
club, ut the Hole St. George. The
chief sxakir was ex-Congressman
Tom I.. Johns in, of Cleveland, who re
sponded to the toast, "Democratic duty
in l.x:i." President William Pitt Fer
guson in Introducing Mr. Johnson, de
clared that In Tom 1.. Johnson, the
Democratic pace-maker of 1892, the
Democracy might tlnd the man who
could win in IxiiB. The sentiment was
enthusiastically cheered. Mr. John
son's speech, in part, was as follows:
In lS'.M! we are likely to be beaten.
Strartdlfrig' "certainly cannot save us. It
can only add disgrace to defeat.
"Hitter experience' should teach us.
In 18W2 we won a victory as great as
JcfTersojt won in 1S01. In 1S6 the Dem
ocratic party Is broken, discrediting
nnd'degraded. The reason Is plain. In
1S92 we asked for power that we might
kill protection, abolish trusts, reduce
taxation. We were given the power.
How Is It 1S9? What protected ring
hus been even weakened: what trust
abolished: what burden removed?' In
the hands of a Democratic administra
tion, the money power that Jefferson
feared has been strengthened at. every
point; in a time of peace the monstrous
expenses of government are being paid
by issuing bunds and wages are lower
nnd times harder than in 1NH2 (ap
plause). If these are fruits of Democracy what
wonder that the people turn to the
other thing.
"our victory of 1892 was a powerful
verdict against McKinleylsin: yet Mc
Klnley himself seems certain to be the
Kepu'dlcnn nominee this year and to
lie triumphantly elected. Hut the mass
es believe in McKlnleyism no more to
day I han they did In .1892. The strength
of McKlnley Is at bottom a revolt
ugalnst the Republican machine and
Democratic misrule make no mistake.
The principles of Jefferson are not dead.
Though denied by oftlclnl Democracy
they are reviving In the hearts of the
people. They are coming to the front
steadily and swiftly In the quiet, but
Irreslstable growth of the single tax
Idea. They are to be seen in the
strength of the free silver movement. In
, ttu. vague demands of populism.
every choice of popular discontent
even in the Republican ranks. ,
"Vet the money question, important
as it is, Is trivial us compared to the
question of taxation. This is the vital
question. It won here that. we made the
fatal mistake of 18M2. Let us not repeat
It In IN!HS. There Is no use for two pro
tectionists parties. If the Democratic
pai!ly would -escHrie-not merely defeat -but
damnation. It must declare for the
Jefferson principle of free trade. Not
free trade, but free trade."
Veneiictn Is Wnrllke.
Panama. April 13. The Star and Herald
says: in his message to congress thj
president of Venezuela stules that after
the reorganization of the militia, whl"h
lias Just lieen completed, the government
Is la a position to mobilize two bundle. 1
thousand men at any giveu moment. He
culls upon congress to provide for the
acquisition of large quantities of war inu
terlul. Itcdford ronsieslonnl right.
Bedford, Pa.. April 1.1. In the congres
sional tight. Hicks and Thropp are tied,
each having forty voles In the conven
tion. W illiams and Smith, for legislature,
will go in on the first ballot. None of tile
candidates for register and recorder, and
treasurer, have enough voles to be elected
In the tlrst ballot, and the convention to
morrow promises some lively scenes,
steamship Arrivals.
Now York, April 13. Arrived: Amster
dam, from Rotterdam; Sa:ile, from Bremen
and Southampton. Arrived out: Island,
at Copenhagen. Sailed for New York:
Palatla, from Hamburg; Westernland,
from Antwerp, Ajirll 11. Sighted: Kuldu,
from Mediterranean ports for New York,
passed Gibraltar; Aachen, from Bremen
for New York, passed Isle of Wight.
MnKcevcr the Winner.
New York. April 13. The principal bout
at the boxing tournament of the Em
pire Athletic club tonight at Maspeth, L.
I., was the one between "Young Orlffo,"
of Australia, and Charley McKeever, of
Philadelphia, twenty rounds, at catch
Weights. The full twenty rounds were
fought,-McKeever getting the decision.
Silver Candida Prospect.
Birmingham. Ala., April 13. Captain Jo
scon K. Johnson, the free silver candidate,
will have not lens than XM out of 5l votes.
The News, a gold standard paper, con
cedes his nomination. He has carried
Jefferson county, which was claimed bv
Mr. Morton Hocolvcs Yntnigntn.
Albany. N. Y., April 13. Marquis Yoma
gata and his suite arrived here at l.'JH this
afternoon. The party were taken to the
executive chamber, where they attended
a reception given In their honor by Gov
ernor Morton,
'.. -V
Explains His Position in Ifi
Away from Trial.
Will Keturn and Stand Trial When the
War Is over and Abide by the Con-seiUcnees-Other
News of
the Cuban War.
Havana, April 13. Colonel Tort re
ports that the column under his com
mand has had a series of rights with
2.U0O insurgents led by Masso, Castillo
and others. The scene of the engage
ments was south of Gulra De Molean,
lu the southwestern part of the prov
ince of Havana.
The official report says that the rebels
retreated in complete disorder, lifter
leaving twenty killed and eighty
wounded. The troops lost five wound
ed. Colonel Segura reports having had
an engagement with insurgents near
Pledra. province of Santa Clara. Ac
cording to Colonel Segura twenty-four
rebels were killed, while the troops hud
only five of their number wounded.
Maceo is camplnaj In the hills south
of Cabanas, in the northeastern part
of the province of Plnnr Del Rio, nnd
a comparatively short distance west of
Havana. Gomez is near Sanctl Splrlt
New York, April IS. Estrada Palmn,
Cuban delegate, has received the fol
lowing communication from General
To the People of the United States of
I am fully aware of the obligation which
I have contracted to stand trial for my
alleged violations of the laws of your
country. 1 have not remained to face tho
consequences of my aots, simply because
I feel that I have a higher duty to per
form as a soldier and a Cuban. Huving
fought for the Independence of my coun
try for ten years and having ever since
promulgated the Idea for which we then
fought, 1 deem it my highest and holiest
duty to tight ii ml bleed, If necessary, ill",
to attain the Independence of my country.
Should I fall, my death will expiate. I
hope In your eyes, any possible oll'ense for
which I might have to stand trial there;
should 1 survive, 1 give you my word as
a man und u soldier, to retur i to your
country ami cheerfully abide by the con
sequences which the laws of the country
may visit upon me. .My conscience tells
ine that in this proceeding 1 will satisfy
the laws of Justice, and I am confident
thai the citizens of the United Skate will
so Judge of my conduct.
(Signed) Callxto Garcia.
Cuba Libre, March, 18IKI.
oi tragi: at sea.
An American Schooner Held I'p by a
Columbian Gunboat t ad Poroad to
Return to Colon.
Panama, April 13. The correspond
ent of the Star and Herald at Colon
sends the following to that Journal
under date of April 1: v "
"On March 31 the Columbian gun
boat, General Cordova, left this port
for Porto Hello, where, according to
rumor, there was a vessel which had
contravened the laws of the republic.
About 9 p. m. of the same day a vessel
anchored In this port, the General Cor
dova also anchoring at the same time.
Last night I had an Interview with the
captain of the sailing vessel, and he
gives his name as Harris and that of
the vessel as George Whltford. He
showed me his papers, which ure made
out on stamped paper, signed by a Mr,
Nleto. The papers are dated March 31,
and showed that she sailed on that date
for Cartagena with fton.OOD cocoanuts
and ten tons of ivory nuts ns ballast.
"Captain Harris Informed me thnt
the gunboat overhauled him about
seven or eight miles from the coast,
and Immediately ordered him to return
to Colon, but Captain Harris told him
that he could not return, as he was dis
patched from Porto Hello to Cartagena,
und accordingly showed the Whltford's
papers to the captain of the Cordova,
who refused to examine them, saying
thnt he should return to Colon. As
Captain Harris wanted to know the
cause of such proceedings and also
wanted to proceed on his voyage, he
said that he would allow the captain of
the Cordova to search his vessel; but
he was Intimidated and given fifteen
minutes to decide what he would do,
and if he did not comply with the In
structions given, his ship would be
sunk. With such a menace he bud to
obey nnd return. On arriving ut Colon
a guard of eight soldiers wus put on
board. ,
"The guard, however, was removed
on April 2, after the American consul
had notified the governor that unless
the vessel was immediately released,
an American man-of-war would le
asked for. The captain of the vessel,
It Is suid. had ull his papers In proper
order and he claims thnt he wus over
six miles from the coast when he was
The George Whltford Is an Ameri
can Schooner" and hus been trading be
tween the United Stuts nnd Colombian
nnd. other coast ports for a number of
Huhugh Ice's Name Suggested for
Waslnlnglon. April 13. The president
today sent to the senate the nomination
of Fltzhugh Lee, of Virginia, to be con
sul general of the United States at
Havana, Cuba, vice Ramon O. Wil
liams, reslimed.
The appointment of a successor to
Consul General Williams caused no sur
prise in nldciul circles us it has long
been known that Wllllums was anxious
to retire from his position. When Mr.
Williams visited the United States lust
year he tendered his resignation, but
was persuaded to remain in office on
account of the then threatened serious
ness of Cuban affairs. Mr. Willluins
had become obnoxious to the Spanish
authorities in Havana on account of his
vigorous manner of caring for the in
terests of this government and It was
reported that he and Captain General
Campos had a personal quarrel in which
strong words were used. In March last,
Mr. Williams renewed the expression
of his desire to relinquish the post and
it is said that he Anally agreed to re
main until a successor was appointed
or until end of the open season, that is
until the present time. It has been
claimed that one of the causes why
Mr. Williams did not have the good
will of the Spaniards was that his
brother-in-law managed from the Uni
ted States a West Indian express com
pany suspected of carrying on an un
derground trade with the Insurgents.
Fenl Fishers llcscncd.
St. John's N. F., April 13. All the men
who went adrift on the Ice made their
way ashore of were rescued by boats, ex
cept two. Much relief Is felt that the loss
of life was so slight, there having been
only these deaths, whereas fully a thou
sand men were seal hunting on the Ice,
I'. P. Wins n inni
Philadelphia, April 13. Tho University
of Pennsylvania Base Ball team de
feated the team of Dickinson college 'by a
' orc of to 6.
4 Edlt.
3 (Local)
Fred Mlnk'
New Utile K
Mayor HaileyV
6 (8lory-"The lA
The World of lu
7 (Local) News of rJk
Huse Hall Season Upt
5 News I'p and Down tnV
Ills I'riends Think the Public J
Enlightened as to tho Situa
Aldrlclt's Estimate.
Washington, April 13. RepresT
tlve Aldrlch, of Illinois, gives ou1
statement tonight of Mr. Reei
strength ns compared with thnt of oth
er candidates, and says: "I think the
time has come to lot the country know
something about the actual standing
of Mr. Reed In this canvass. His
friends have devoted themselves thus
far to electing Reed delegates rather
than to making claims which they can
not substantiate. This table, which I
submit Is mode up from reliable Infor
mation furnished by delegates and in
some cases by chairmen of conven
tions. To be sure, there are contests
in several places where It would be un
fair to prejudge the action of the con
vention. For Instance, the entire Mis
sissippi delegation will be contested,
und we place them In the doubtful col
umn. The only 'speculation' In this
list Is in the doubtful column. 'News
paper rumors' do not figure In It all.
There Is no trouble about getting the
names of delegates, alternates and con
testants; this Is all a matter of record
and an open page. The table given out
by McKlnlcy's friends on Monday in
cludes the nnelected delegates from
Ohio and Indiana. As well might we
include the nnelected delegates from
Maine and other states which are for
Reed, but this would stamp such an
estimate as fraudulent."
The following is Mr. Aldrich's esti
mate: State. Reed. McKlnley.
Alnmaba 3 2
Arkansas 1G
I'' 2
Georgia 12 7
Illinois II
Indiana 12
Kansas , p;
Kentucky 4
Louisiana 1 1
.Massachusetts 2il
Minnesota HI
Missouri 12
Nebraska 6
New Hampshire 8
New York 2
Ohio 30
)regon 8
Pennsylvania 2
Rhode Island 8
South Carolina 8
South Dakota 8
Texas 2rt 3
Vlrglnlu 2
Wisconsin 24
Oklahoma f!
District of Columbia 1
Totals Ill 10
There have been Ififl delegates elect
ed, he says, "who are divided between
Morton, Allison, Ouay, Cullom and
Bradley, and forty-eight who are prop
erly classed as doubtful. The sum
mary therefore Is as follows:
Reed. Ill; McKlnley, lfifl; the field,
166: doubtful, 48; total. 494.
"We make no note of the four dele
gates recently elected In South Caro
lina bK-niise the legality of that con
vention Is questioned. In any event
they would belong In the doubtful col
Result of tho Unnatural Affection of Miss
l.lnnctt for Miss Trowhridse
Klgln. Ills.. April 13. Mary Llnnett,
Chicago, shot and instantly killed Ellzu
beth Trowbriihre, n. prominent young
lady of this city, and then killed her
self thl evening. The double tragedy
occurred In South State street, about 8
o'clock. The murderess was u former
patient at the Insane asylum and was
discharged as cured in December. Miss
Trowbridge was her attendant and she
conceived a passionate affection for her
She came here this morning to induce
Miss Trowbridge to return to Chicago
to live with her. Miss Trowbridge
could not be induced to do this and
the girl shot and killed her and herself
rathefthan be separated.
Miss Li n net t was 18 years old nnd
about two years ugo tried to kill u girl
friend in Chicago, for whom she had
conceived an unnatural affection. Miss
Trowbridge wus 25 years of age.
Prince lc Sagan and a Playwright Satisfy
Honor Without Bloodshed.
Paris, April 13. The Prince de Sagan
and M. Hernmnt. author of the play
' Luniente, fought a luel this morn
ing. They exchanged tvir pistol shots
on the Saint Ouen race course, without
The trouble grew out of alleged per
sonal rellectlons upon the prince In the
play. The seconds of the prince were
General Frlunt and Count de Dion.
Will Seek Silver in Canaan.
Susquehanna, Pa., April 13. Capitalists
from New i'ork and Pennsylvania have
organized a stock company to prospect
ror sliver anil copper at south Canaan
Wayne county, Pa., Ores taken from thu
land leased are rich In base metals. The
company has secured un option of 052
acres or lanu ror .m.kiu.
Rights of Cities.
Philadelphia, April 13. The right t
cities of the third class to make contract
for lighting for a term of years was ill
held by the Supreme court today In u
opinion by Justice .McColltim. Tim opli
ion was given In the case of luck un
others against the city of Chester.
Wlllmspnrt Is Republican.
Wllllamsport, Pa., April 13. W. D. Cr
ker (Hep.) was this evening re-elected city
Herald's Wonthor Report.
New York, April 14. Herald's weather
rorecast: In the .Middle States toduv fnlr
to partly cloudy weather will prevail.
with high temeperature varying little
rrom yesterday a, una fresh to southwest
erly to southerly winds, possibly extend
ing tonlgnl to the New Jersey nnd New
Knglund coasts. On Wednesday partly
cloudy to cloudy, cool weathen will pre.
vail with rain In northern districts and
brisk southerly to southwesterly winds.
possibly becoming dungerous on the coast
north or uarnecau .
little heil
one. Tip?
known to aii
tonight when
curred burning
gaged In fighting'
the injured men coul
happened they were vl
In all directions. As soon
recovered from the shock the
make their escape and on reacrr
foot of the shaft gave the signa
were hoisted as soon as help co
reach them. They were at once re
moved to their homes In ambulances
and medical aid was in waiting to at
tend to their every want.
General Superintendent Storrs, of
Scrnnton, was telegraphed for and ar
rived at the mine at 10 o'clock tonight
and Immediately took charge of affairs
in and about the shaft. At 11 o clock
tonight the mine Is still on fire, but It
is believed It can be subdued within the
next twenty-four hours.
fiftieth Anniversary of tho Great Cor
poration Is Celebrated.
Philadelphia. April 13. The fiftieth
anniversary of the Incorporation of the
Pennsylvania Railroad company was
celebrated today In an elaborate man
ner. At noon a reception woa tendered
the operating officers of the company
by President Roberts and the board
of directors In the general of
fices, three hundred invitations hav
ing been Issued for this event.
An hour later, a general recep
tion was held at the same place by the
president and the directors, which was
attended by over eight hundred per
sons. I
The most important feature in con
nection with the celebration were the
exercises at the Academy of Music this
afternoon. The spacious auditorium
was filled with stockholders and other
guests, and upon the stage were seated
President Roberts and the directors of
the roads comprising the Pennsylvania
system: the Justices of the Supreme
court of Pennsylvania: Governor Hast
ings; the judges of the United states
courts in this city, and of the several
local courts: Mayor Warwick, of Phila
delphia; vice President Brooks, of the
Pennsylvania company; Joseph H.
Cboate, of New York: Frederick Fraly,
the venerable president of the Phila
delphia board of trade, and others.
Tonight the directors of the company
tendered president Roberts a reception
at the general otllce of the corporation.
President Fowler and Directors of the
Ontario and Western Aro at tho Jenny n.
"A party of Ontario and Western rail
road officers. Including President Thos,
P. Fowler, A. R. Roe, J. E. Childs, R.
D. Riekurd, J. P. Dickson and J. L.
Eddy, are quartered at the Jennyn.
They came to this city from NewYork
on the Delaware. Lackawanna and
Western 6.05 o'clock p. in. train yester
day. Their mission is to make a per
sonal visit to their operators In this
region and to ntteiul a meeting of the
directors of the local connect ion of their
road, the Scrunton anil Carhondale di
vision, which meeting will be held to
day In the Commonwealth. .
The party wus surprised and highly
gratified nt the grandeur of Hotel Jer-
myn. In conversation with a Tribune
reporter, President Fowler suid: "I
would request you to extend my con
gratulations to the people of Scran
ton on the acquisition of such un ele
gant hotel. There is nothing in New
York that will surpass It."
President Fowler will remain In the
city or two days. The others of the
party will leave tonight or tomorrow
morning for New York.
Proved otiond Investment for Its Owner
Nnlhunlcl I'cpcw.
In the equity suit of the borough of
Jennyn against Nathaniel Depew un
opinion wus handed down yesterday by
Judge Archbald. The decision of the
court is In favor of the defendant.
A certain part of the roadway in the
borough ran along iund owned by Mr.
Depew. His land was several feet be
low the grade of the road und over 21
yeurs ago he built a fence at the edge
of the embankment on the roadside.
The fence Inclosed part of the road but
If it were built on the proper line It
would be half way down the embank
ment. As the fence served as u protec
tion It was allowed to stand; but re
cently when Mr. Depew took sleps to
take possession of the part of the road
way which he had fenced In so long
the borough officials brought nn Injunc
tion proceeding to restrain him.
He was In undisturbed adverse pos
session 'for over 2J years and Is entitled
to the lund.
Last Body Recovered
Butte, Mont.. April U-Thc lus-. body
of i he six miners killed by the powder
explosion In the St. Lawrence mine on
Saturday morning was recovered this
morning. The position of the bodies found
Indicates thai the men discovered that
un explosion was about to occur In the
mnguztne for some reason, and started to
run uway, nut they could not reach a sulu
distance before the explosion occurred.
Strong Vetoes Creator New York.
Albany, N. Y., April 13. The message of
Mayor Strong on the Greater fcew York
bill, was read in the senate toniflit and is
a veto
Sit aid Wife
Mail aid
Mofeairs, Sicilkies,
510 AND 512
Dress Shoes
and 5Jippers for Every
Member of the Family
Wholesale and Retail.
Take Notice
WeJchel, tlie Jeweler,
has a nice line of Bicycle
Belts. Call and see them,'
One of the latest novel
ties. H8 SPRUCE S'
New Diino llnnk lliillding Is Among tho
A meeting of the directors of tho
Dime Discount and Deposit bank was
held yesterday to consider the advisa
bility of erecting a building on the site
of the present structure occupied by the
bank nnd the adjoining building owned
by Dr. J. N. Rice. No definite conclu
sion was arrived at. the matter being
continued under advisement for the
If unproved by the bnnk directors the
Intention Is tcv tear down the bnnk anil
the adjoining building and In their
places erect a steel and stone nine-story
building that will have a frontage of
fifty-nine feet on Wyoming avenue.
Plans for such a. building haw bewn
drawn by Architect Lacev.