The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 10, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    inis sOtcAW'itAKr .Titusu'jtrjs i-muAV. MUKiJsjr, ArKir 10, isff.'
12402Bfoining Ana
In our yiiiii modioli slui'c cus.
toinci's cjHi make with
out any inconvenience wliatso
ever. Jear In mind that we keep
only itch goods as we know to he
felass in' every particular.
ir prices, we feel confident, you
kill alwavs find lower than the
lowest. Helow we otter some
.. .... . tfOC . ... 1 .
special v aiues in uur unit, win uw
pnrt incuts:
lu pi.'Cs of ail-wiinl Muck serge,
kood quality. Leader's I'rkf c
iu plc.- of black tlBiiicl mohair.
Leader's I-irf tc.
;: pieces of checked nnl 1'lald 'li-'.'!,R
aouds. hn'i- been . Lender's J rice
a-i piece" of colore ! fancy silk '"
fcMlI'lK, reni value 4.V. Lead'-l' " Ht-
A: "
J.", pieces of fc.n.-y Milkx hi alj l ie new
coloriiiiai, would le cheap al l.atl
i' Price .Vic. ..
In our mllltnerv ilepnrtmeiit you m
find nil the latest novelties In inaime-l
ami iintriiiiiiu-1 Bc.tH, leathern, flow
m, ribbons, etc.. al poinilur juiies.
We euarantee satisfaction i?: every
We have Just put on sale '- I'm l''
pattern huls thai are peifeei beauilcs".
and solicit our Inspection.
do.. Indlea' rWurcl lullllnntlnes
iskirts. lined throucliom and velveteen
bound. Leader's i'riee !c.
dot. ladles' tine fliiured brlllianlln
nklrts. lined throughout, live yards
wide.. Leader's Price j.l.ts.
rM ladies' navy and black flannel
suits, real Value JC.Mi Leader's Trice ;
i9'- , o, i
One lot of ladles' Mar k llsmed !lk ,
.apes, lace trimmed and lined !
ihrouchout with silk. Leader' I'riee
m children' reefers In navy only, ,
sizes 4 to H. Worth tM. Leader s ,
Pi-lrl :,9c I
t doz. ladle.,' latind-Vd shirt waists,
nice, new, neat de.sisns. extra law
sleeves; this lot' Is h special offering,
wonti 7.V. Leader s I'riee 39c, sizes
Si to 44.
Superior quality melt's web suspend
ers. Leader's Price lie.
Boys' I-'auiulcioy blouse wa.sU.
beautiful in make and finish. Leader a
Price Wo.
In parasols wo me showing all the
newest and latest devices. i-Tlces
jansjinir from 9e. and upwards.
Kid Kloves In all colors and styles.
Leader Prices CSc.. UW. $1.20 and
One more lot of the celebrated J. H.
corset In white only and in all sizes,
usual price t.w. Leader's Price file.
W. I. corset; In white and gray.
Leader' Prices 47c, 75c and 1.W.
10" pieces of short length plnnhama.
the Wt. quality; each piece contains 10
Vda. or over. Leader's Price ic.
25(i pieces of organdies, dimities,
uwrs and mulls in one lot. Choice of
any 5o. a yard.
One case of fine zephyr gingham.
neT sold at less than 1-c Leader's
price 7c.
Jo doz cottcui'toweU. evei ybody sells
them as a bargain at ic Leader s
Price 3c.
The 4-year-uld son of Fletcher Hun
iij II was drowned in Bunnell's uolid on
'.VcdiieiSday. -Vir. Bunnell was working
near the pond und linally discovered
that his boy was missing. He ui once
liegMi looking for him and sumi found
the body floating on lop of the water.
On Wednesday of this week the Loii
. doh assurance i'oi potation bnid to j.
b And L. B. K'tjhmy t;"). the amount
cd the policy of Insurance held by them
In that company on their hotel property
at Beech lake. Which Whs destioyed by
ill? in October last. It was reported
'soon alter the lire that the Kighiny
brothers had settled with the company
tor $i'0o. Tills was not so. The eom
bf'.t.V made them it proposition to settle
for that amount, alleging a defective
title as a defense 10 the claim for In
surance. This proposition was refused
and ihe mailer placed into I lie hands
'1 an attorney, with Ihe result above
Klchard island, of Soranton, made a
hurried trip here yesterday.
The engagement of MUx .Margaret
l.ucoe. of West Pittston, to Irving
IStaeey White, of Rock Isliind, 111., has
been announced. Mr. White is-well
Known here.
As the roads begin lo dry tin the
lucl that there are many new wheels
already In town becomes more prom
inent. 1ISI .VSE lif kMS IX SI AMI'S.
Philatcllsn Hun Great Hlsks with Mi
crobe and Such.
From Popular Sclehce.
Having successively disclosed the hy
'glenio dangers adherent to the kiss, the
telenhone receiver and the towel, med
ical science has now turned its atten
tion to the perils that beset the philate
list's art. According to Dr. I'nna, a
patient was recently attacked by a pe
culiar parasitic growth in the" beard.
On mnklng a minute examination ot
some of the hairs the doctor recog
nized the disease us "plodrn," which is
chiefly met with in British Columbia.
The doctor's friend had never been in
Columbia, but he frequently received
letters from correspondents there, and,
.being a collector of postage stamps, lie
was in tho habit of removing them from
the letters. In Dr. I'nim's onlnlon the
gum on a postage stump Is an excel
lent material for retaining any disease
Kerms that It may receive from the ap
plication of the tongue, nnd in remov
ing stamps even when the moistening
is aone witn a sponge there is always
a danger that the collector's fingers
tnay receive and communicate the con
Seemed Sufficient.
Mrs. Tono "So you're going lo send
your daugh er to Wesleyim. Whv not
Mrs. Update "The Vassal' colors don't
become her." Philadelphia Record.
Has been ' wonderfully im.
proved by. r-.ddlng 1.000 square
tcct to oitr nlready spacious
store. And we have just re
ceived tin finest- assortment of
Carpets the market can pro-
Utice. 'I he patterns nr.' of the
l very latest.
Our Wall Paper Departmeiil'
..flits been increased to twice it.-;
, former sie, so that you e.t.n
use the finest and most artistic
tttylet and ' colorings ever
. shown in the market. Prices
., .always the lowest.
, Wallpaper
419 Laokawanna Avs.
rKeadei will pleas r.o:e that advertise-n.f-nts.
order for job work. and items for
publication lei"; at the es.tblifhm.tit ot
Shannon Co.. newsdealer North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; ci
lice open from . m. to 10 p. m l
Ia.liw. IHiwn Lincoln Avenue at l-rifihl
' ful Speed.
Not a little excitement va mu"l
yesterday uftcrnoon n Lincoln aw
iitie when a Imrse attached to the single
i art wagon of the c'uliiMibla He c-.un-pany
rame (luxliii'rr t'vn the Hiiwt
at a frlKhtful siwed.
The lioise was driven V.y .turned Kins;
and at the lfad of Llm-dii ave.iue ie
eanie friahtened at some nljii-t at:d
start, d off. Kinii eiidea vcred to con
trol the frightened un'.iiiui lut It wan
of no use. Al I'iiutvh street a streo:
Hi' was pasinp. and was nuimwly
shaved ly the luiis'e. It turned nt the
Siitcliell liuildtnsr strlKiliR It as it urn
so ami knockiiiK sc:!ie .f the bricks orr.
The collision checked the suei d of tuo
horse somewhat and I was captured
the coal chutes, neither the hoi?e
or driver were hurt.
at inc.Yci.i: uooms.
Tho Migc ivc a Private Pel foiinancj. of
an Knjovnblo t'hnracler.
Quite a number id ptm sis assembled
In the t'arliondale cycle rooms yester
day afternoon by invitation, to witness
a performanc" given by Hypnotist
Suite. Nearly every one in the room
was tried and several very susceptible
persons found. They wvie tumble to
move their limbs, jump over u stick or
open their eyes ul the cuninuiinl of the
hypnotist. Several were made f for
get their names, ami It was very amus
ing to see them go to various people In
Ihe room and ask them to tell their
The entertainment lusted uboul an
hour, and when the people linally dis
persed they were all firm believers iu
An I ffort Will lie Made ti Start a plant
Til.- subject of eleztlozone for a dis
infectant Is a-salii brought before the
councils by the visit of Joseph Deem.
of New York, who represents the mitit-J
ufactiireis of Woltes elei trozotie lor
the treatment of sewers.
Last year .Mayor Ilendrii k took nr.-at
Interest lu the mat'er and visited Ihe
great flicker's Inland plant. Nothing
was done, however, and the subject will
probably be dropped until the extension
of ihe main sewer.
I oval hnialns of America to hebatc
The rc-uiilar iiieetinii of Fraiikliii
lodi;e. No. 3a. Lcyul Kulghtd of Ameri
ca, will be unusually interesting, thin
evening, f'.esides the regular meeting
there Will be a debate between mem
bra of Rose of Lackawanna Ridge, No.
'M. of Jortnyn, who will be present, and
members flora the local lodge. The
question oi debate will be "Shall a boy
have a dollar hefote he earns it."
Those trom the Jormyn lodge who will
take part are Willie Davis, L P Mor
gan and Richard Friend.
l otus Club to llnnjact
The annual banquet of the Lotus So
cial club will take place next Wednes
day evening and fioni the prepara
tions made the affair will be an enjoy
able one. Tne arruHKenieiits are under
control of the following committee: P.
A. UtiiTv. P. F. Lavln, J. E. CI tine. M
F. Neary. J. K Uei'guu. R. J. Alalone,
J J N.-ulon, L. o'tJrady and James
(ladwood. The banciliei will be held
In Burke's hall. The full -Mozart or
chestra will furnish the music for danc
ing. I adics Receive the Veil.
Six young ladles received the Veil of
the' Sisteihood of the Immaculate
Heart yesterday afternoon at St Hose
The reception and profession of the
vi.ung candidates was a very solemn
cen tnoi.y. They wie addressed after
the ceremony by lilsnops O'Hura and
Hcban. The relatives of the candi
dates us well as a number of clergy
man from various parts ot Ihe diocese
were present.
.Mr. Xcwcll lickienv.
Another chuiie occurred yesterday
lu Hie i 'hi boiiduie Traction company
when James Newell, who was lately
appointed superintendent of the road,
resigned his position. The pluoe was
formerly held by 1J. J. Duncan who. on
the iesli(iiutioii of Newell, was imme
diately uoooinled to his old position.
Air. Newell has inude no deiinite plans
as y. i.
His l.cs Squeezed.
A (iv severe accident occurred to
nines Uitllaglier, the son of John Galla
gher, of Itrooklyn street, while at his
duties ul No. 1 drift. The boy had his
leg eaufcht between two oars und his
knee wus badly crushed. He was re
moved lo ills home where Or. John
Niles uiiended htm. There were no
bones broken und his recovery will be
very rapid.
ltc-v. Ira l. Hall, of .M.idison. N. Y.,
is tho siitst of Kov. T. K. .Icl'son. ut
thf H:iHlst mi'S(iimf:i'. lr. Ho II was a
classmate of Air. Jcnsnn at Cnletite uni
versity, will occupy the pulpit or
thtr Jackson Street Itaptisi chinch at
Si'l'iintiill !" a few weeks.
Judson I'.eui'.ctt, of this city, lias loft
for New Vork. where he will receive an
appointment as railway mnll clerk.
Mr. Heimetl has been bookkeeper for
K. H. Hollenbcck.
.lames (.'anipbcll. nf Hiooklyn street,
haK piil'cliased a valuable lot fnnn Mrs.
Alin.v Suidoval. of Plkf street. Air.
(.'ampbell will shortly commence the
election of a line resilience
A son was born to Mr. ami Mrs. Rob
ert Ua vis. of Fat-view street, yester
day. Several otllcluls of iln llelawaie anil
Hudson went to Plymouth yesterday,
where they Inspected the Delaware anil
Hudson mines. The party consisted of
I.'. It. Manvlllo. W. A. Manvllle. S. A.
MeMullen. John ftrclmrd. I'liarleM
Orchard, N. I.. Aloon ami (leorgv Hurl-ell.
Rev. ,T. V. Hussie. of Hentloy Creek.'
I who was coimeited with St. Rose's
i palish of this city for several yjars.
called on friends yesterday. He was
here In attendance at the reception at
the convent.
Hew Put her CVrfey. of this city, will
be celebrant al the solemn hlKh mass
of requiem at the funeral services of
Rev. Father Doperty, of Hoiiesdale,
this inuniinii.
William lirlfTitbs has removed from
SprltiR Btred to Uel.nont uttvet.
Mrs. Will Crant, of likes-l!ai re. Is
the guest of Mrs, Horace Haley.
tleoi'Ke Haitiiiieile, who has been HI
for several vee!;s. returned to ,is work
Mrs. ,1. K Lcwsley mid son, Harold,
who have been' vlslllnir in Nineveh, re
turned home Wc-diichd-iv aftcinnon.
Miss Alice Coi) nor. of (iuilrntid sti-eet.
Is eliiertiiinln-- lier. friend, Mls Mag
Kle Norton, of An-hbalil.
Miss Katie (lllhoul. of Brooklyn
ftieet, burned her pHtd teverclv with
steam while ultendiiiB to household
J ilm McDoiiouuh, of ' Hrooklyn sti-et t,
Is very 111 with rlicuuiiitlsiii.
tliicar HutchlDM, of .Clifford, wad In
this city on bustneus yesluvduy.
Hcrnard' A. 'llll-i Is uerluusly 111 Qt
hlo home on Oeme'liTy stieci.
Mrs. Arthur Ietvcli-y. who ht-.j been
vlsitlnp her uaretttn. .Mr. and Mrt. Ell
phalet Wilcox, of Nineveh, N. T., re
turned home yesterdoy.
Mcsdaraes Frank Smith, J. D. Fox
and D. W. Humphrey will (five a re
cepik.ii at the home of the former on
liarnvKi avmue about Afil '
Mis. John MOv.ii is .-..nhned to her
home by aickuoxs. .
Mi. Llbldeatid Mik. K. S. HisteJ uiv
speiidinu a few days villi til. lids at
No. I C and Wayj'""'''-
Sukiiclinnna county Ucpublicank Select
I eader -Other Tpie.
5K-elal to the Scrantun Yribuae.
Montrose. .iril The county con
vention fit the republicans of Susciue
hanna Is now a master of the past.
W. l. B. Ainey. chairman of the
country committee, called ih- conven
tion to order at lit.w a. in., and after
short of coiiimitulutlun
unnd . H. MH.'reaiy ami L. t.
vr. as lemrorary m.-inaiiri . 'mpllcated ill thocr.rne.
ward Kuymfird Wutuer Senrlo tlun , Attorney Fuller spoke for an hour
arose ami with the piace which is ! aild 4 quarter-ami clc.d 0
characteristic of that estate lawyer and j vhH-k Wedn.sduv eveiiltiK- Judge
politician placed in nomination Hon. ik-r.nett charsed the Jury in p. very liu
Philo Hun itt. of I nlondale. for tern- pllt t!al maimer, and coin t ai'Journed ut
porury chal.iuaii. Mr. Buiritt win I (; o'chn-k. The M-ixuiier was taken
elected unanimously. Alter a felicltoua ! down from the Jail again in the evcni.ijr
address hi pmceedej to mime the nielli- uni the court waited until S uii o'clock
lier. of diffcrtnt comitUttceJ. then th "
ci nvenllon adjourned tinill 'J o'clock.
It was nearlv i.:!t o'clock when tem
porary Chairman itl called the
afternoon session to order. C. C. Pratt,
of New Mllford. was elei lnl permanent
chairman ur.d W. H. McCrcary. IC.
Jones ard K. Wildenbui g.-r selected foi
The f llowlng named wi re then nom-
inated: I
I legate to national conventionI'.
F. Wright. I
liclegates to stalo co.ivetiii in H. F.
Pride. F. S. Cileenwood.
.V.i r.ihcrs cf assembly L. W. Jleore, ,
.jar,ie.s V. Adiims. i
F.f sherl.T- W. II. Duel. I
I'eulstei- on, I iccoider S. S. Wright,
iVnntv commission's 11. S. Tln&lev. I
ILii'ris jii llarriniiton
County auditors Charles Ali:ey, S.
Shea. .
luiii:g the ptiH'eedlngs of the con
vention considerable applause was
manifested und each successful nomi
nee, was forced to acknowledge himself
as grateful for the favor bestowed upon
him. Congressman J 11. Codding, ot
Towandu. and Senator Hardenburg.
who were iu town, also made rousing
tpeeclicii, and In all It was u utvat day
for KepublliMii enthusiasm. But two
districts called for the attention of the
committee on contests. Mlddletown and
liilduewater. and In each case the
giievances were amicably and happily
settled. The t.cket is an exceptionally i
strong one, tne uivision or omces is ex- i
ceeoniKi) equai aim oineieiii -. iuu ,
of the county are rtpresenieci.
jicioiie uppcuivu pieuavu ,
result and unsuccessiul aspirants i
entire ticket.
Among the spectators were A. H. Me
Oolluin, r. S. Prink, H. S. Jessup; J. H. Montrose; R H. Manning,
Susquehanna: T. Kilrow. Great Bend;
James H. King. Rush; John H. Court-rli-'M
and many others
The several candidates for register
and recorder ull withdrew save
S. S. Wright, leaving him alon
in the Hold. Chairman Pratt, who.
by the way, made an exceedingly
good executive, facetiously remarks
thut Air. .Wright could also withdraw If
he desired, uj he did not do so his nomi
nation was unanimous.
Aliss Fannie Lathrop, who has been
spending the winter in the south, has
leturned home.
Henry fiirchard, of Susquehanna,
editor of the Transcript, was In Mont
rose for the convention. Editor Birch
ard Is perennial and the bloom of youth
still lingers around hi pleasing coun
tenance, z
Professor r. K. Moxley, of Hallslead,
d3iTt Montrose. Professor Moxely is
an aspirant for the otflee of county su
perintendent of schools. He has for
seven years been the principal of the
Hallstead schools and Is well qualified
for the otlice. His friends throughout
the county are legion, and with Pro
fessor James out of the contest, It U
conceited that he will be the next In
cumbent. No political function in Susquehanna
county is a complete success unless
graced by the presence of E. R.- W.
Seurle. Kd was chaliman of the com
mittee on contested seats, and needless
to say. made a good one. ,
There is not a single nominee on
the ticket but what will receive the
full support of the party; the men are
ull well-known, ot good calibre and are
Death came Instantly to Edward Mor
tis, of Susquehanna street, while at
work yesterday afternoon by a fall of
rode In No. 'S mines. The accident hap
pened while he and his laborers Were
preparing to lire a blast, when the roof
fell and buried him beneath a weight
of several tons, crushing out his lite,
while his lu borers escaped uninjured.
He was taken in the ambulance to his
home. Deceased has been a-respected
resident of this place for the past thir
ty yeais. He wus a member Of the Odd
Fellows lodwe and the Delaware and
Hudson fund, and wus 47 years of age.
A wife and tive chlldivn survive him..' '? -'' survivea oy ms ramer. inree
They are Mis. Wllllum l.loyd. Mis. ' flsttrs and ano'her brother, all resld
John James. Alice. Marv and Ksther. : In I arliondale. Ueceased was a
rmlei taker J. W. Sweeney will have "'ember of Hie I'atrlottc Order Sons of
cluirne of the fmierl. amiounceuient of , A'I'",;H' , .,. . ,
which will be inude later.
Rev. A. 1.. Trliiin
who has conduct
ed Kplscopal mli-slon meetliiss in ICd-
ward's hull for the past live mouths.
has accepted a call to Wooilburv, N. .1.,
to which Min e he will ,o next week.
Mr. I'll an has many friends at this
place who will he sorry to learn of his
deimituie. He will piva.-h his fare-
v. ell sermo n here on Sunday afternoon,
All i-re cordially invited. Rev. Mr.
Hoe. ,ri, ,-,f Po.tsvllle. will sin-ceeil
Mr. r:'::ii in the charge.
Am entertainment anu social was
KlM-ii in the Presbyterian church lust
evi-iiliiR by the Junior Christian Kn-ileuvoi-
society. A pood programme
was rendered by the little one and a
neat sum was realized." Ice cream and
cake were served after the entertain
ment. ' '
Mrs. U. K. Kinsley f i,iitert.aliied a
uuiiilicr of friends al her pietly "..ome
In Hlakely yesterduy nfl-'inoon.
Tin- fair and festival of the primitive
Methodist church iloxecl successfully
Wednesday evenltii;. In the contest for
the watch. Airs. Frank NIcolls was the
winner, having collected 1118.40.
Scrofula Broke Out
Oa our boy when a baby. V.'e gavd h'.a
much treatment without avail. N'oilcing
in the papers Hood's 6arsaparilla vrait rec
or.::r.t:ided for -crofulaand blood dlu:r.Bti
vsc- nave it a trial.' We noca new a chant;;)
for the better. He htw taken fcur bottles
Hood's 3arsapar.Ua
nnd la now entirely well, hearty and frcs
frum all scrofulous syniptcma. I liava
also taken throe bottles for norvoui hcud
aohe and oatatrli. It irave me creat relief."
Mlg. T. M. S .' tv r;i 'hT C." ti. Vn..
Hood's pins ri:;ra,ur1M'
i .
A Verdict of Murder in tka I irst lug red
in Case of tli URamiter-lhc Prisoner
I biboxcJ '
Frank Shatter, the yoiintr colored
man whose trial fur murder, in tteing
connected with the blowing up of the
Hungarian shanty on the mountain
eut-oif In tX-tuber. 1H4. by whlcn four
men were killed and several injured,
was found Kuilty f murder of the tirst
degree by the Jury yesterday innrniny.
Thrt telal u-ua Uit.-Mtl, l...ttnir tti
days and the result will practically de.
Mo thl. ,. f aI! the colored j-.ple
for a verdict.
On the first ballot the jury stood
I eleven for murder lu Hi st degree and one
for ato.ulttal uml it was not until ill,
o'clock last evening that they all
agreed for conviction. ' .
At la o'clock ysterday inoiiiihs'
Judge itennett took his seat and at the
sunie time the Jury tiled lino court, the
look of responsibility on their faces
betraying the IniMort of their verdict.
Shaffer; the nrlsoner. aat in the prison-
'i"' corner as cool and unconcerned us
it he had only been frullty of steaiinn
a chicken
"ttentlemen. have ym agreed upon a
verdict .'
Shaffer leaned forward nud looked ut
the Jury while his attorney asked that
the Jury be polled separately. Then
uia.iu.'nn noeii. e r,:i n j.o.'i
arose as his name was called and an
"Oulity of murder of the tirst de
gree." The verdict wus then read, after
which the prisoner was remanded to
Snuffer did not appear lo be moved
by the verdict and does not seem to
have any hope for mercy
Philip killian Tut iMwn the It -'be I lias
From Kurt Stimtor
Pl.illf. ii K"illiitl l-.,tl!.l!.ir i.t 1111 ll..
quehanna avenue. West Plttston. died
a, lu 5r, yesterday inotnlntr from a com
put.ation of diseases, uged 55 years.
Before being pcmpolled to give up his
Work by reason of Illness, he was a
fult.mat. (.,,. the Vulcan lion uv.rWa In
i that t'ompany's works ut Plttston. He
is survived by his wile und live chll-
drtn, as follows: George, Harry, Miss
Nellie, Miss Ada und Mrs. George Stan
ton, who was mart led only three days
Mr. Killian was a Veteran ot the late
war. He went out with the famous
Forty-second regiment, Pennsylvania
Volunteers, and served four years and
four months. He was. second lieutenant
of that regiment and enjoyed the dls
ttnetion of having been the L'nion sol
dier who cut down the rebel Hag which
waved over t ort Suthpter.
Deceased was a member of the I. O.
O. F.. K. of P., K. of H.. Nugent Post
O. A. R. of rittston, and the First
Baptist church of that idace.
The funeral will take place on Satur
day afternoon. Interment will be in
the West. Plttston cemetery.
Flttlna Close to a Long Life and Well
Spent Years.
Samuel Line, one of the oldest resi
dents ot Luzerne county, died at 1
o'clock yesterday morning at the home
or hirf' daughter. Mrs. J. D. Laciar, in
this city. Mi. Line was born in Salem
township. Luzerne county. Nov. 2, 180'.,
and has lived all his life with the excep
tion of some years lh Mauch Chunk, in
the county where he was born. He had
made his home for the past thirty
years with his son-in-law, Colonel La
ciar, and, although his health had not
been good for a number of years back,
he had only been confined to his room
about two weeks.
Mr. Line Is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Martha Line, his only child, Mrs.
J. D. Laciar, and two brothers, John S.
Line, of Wernlce, and Stuart M. Llnf.
of Berwick. The. funeral will be held
from the house at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow
afternoon, with. Interment in Hollen
back cemetery.
I clttlnjosltn pnssci Avtiiv.
Udwln l' Juslin, uiw of the b.-Ht
knuuu ivslilcntH of. this city, .lied ut
11.2ii O'clock Wl'UIlctScliiY night Ut'tHI' u
loim llluesit of roiiisumption.
iLihvin V. .lucllil wus born iu Ilolll
uuysbui'K r7 yeurs ugo. He married
Julia A. '.aeon, of Curbotidale. June 5,
lstii. after which they resided In Car
bondale until 1HU9, when they moved
to this city.
Dei'taiwl Is survived by u widow, one
daughter, Clara Kelle, and by a brother.
leoi'g 'j.. u mull carrier of this :lty;
' "a win iaue piuce mis aner
noun at :! ii'i lock."
rhv "w 1,1 -' 101' a'- ''"i'ch at
j Ashley will be c-onsecrafc-d ut S o'clock
! " Saturday. Uishoo Holmn and u
I "umber ot clergymen trom other places
i "'ll1be 'V.s,''nl; , , ,
i J",n", 3wan. of the Pel msylvan la
: HiHtoilcal Sciclecy, oi Philadelphia, will
address ihe WvomlnK Hlsforlcal soci
ety this evening. Mr. Joidan Is ih-
Bliest of l!ev. H.' 10. Hayden.
Henry Kees ami Alius Alary A. Siinori!-,
of Custer street, trjls city, were married
Wednesday cvenitm ut the home of the
blide by Rev, Lloyd Roberts. Mr. Rces
Is now assistant buperlntemierit of the
I nited Stiitts Insurance company at
Newbuifc. N. Y. An enjoyable enter
talnmeut was friveh after the ceremony.
The Ashley sHums llel ef association
elected the to'lowiiijc olHccrs for the
year: President. Charles Pierce; s-crc-tury.
John . Diefi tiderfei : treasurer,
John A. Jones:, trustees, K IJ. Carey,
Walter Payne and J.ihn Williamson.
The dei olalloiis on Ihe (ciliiinr. of Ihe
Baptht chinch aiv very beautiful. The
ovcrheud work Is nearly tlulshed.
Rose Alack hu oocned u bicycle r
pr.l)- Bhc:p In the Tiffany bloc); o.i Main
B. F. lieliistein. ii.aiianer of the'Tex
tllr ccmriany, will have svvcirl tele
phone ronnec'ttens nriansed within u
le-.v clays between tl.c lolll ur.d up
point i.
F. H. Johnslon has moved li odicv
fuiiiituic In his blllklina below the Tl'X
tlle mill.
sleveral i.ew houses are to be reel
ed in town this s-.titiK.
Much lnti.test is oeli.'it mu'iifii-t.d by
all In the race for cou.ity st..i(ii.:te.".d
ont of .Hc'ht -Ms. Tlicic an- at prosM.t
three- candldutts In the field aid each
is cen-Hdenf of beioti elected. But, fo
doubt, tile 'choice of the dliectois will
he Professor C. K. MoKley. of this nlnc-o.
He Is a p'-'ntleiiKin of marked ability.
e::d has had a long exncileiu e as teach
i tr In the schools of this com try bclrg
oiit ijf uttr oldc.H und bent itiHtructu
with thf ttvhoolH of this nlrcre ud iniii-f'lii-1
for.. s.'n iifars. If he 1 tin
choice of the dlrcrtork, us nearly ewry
one, oi i:i;e,dcs lie J11 be, lie will Junior
the iiosltltin nnd ijprfonn Its dutleH with
dignity and ability.
' .JVcll IV.cribud
"Do you know Bilk?"
"Know tht Infernal scoundiel!
"Ah! I tee. you -do kr.C7,"CMcago Tostj
C untitles ltciura and .Itu-r tlut ttlrtb
V ui' Mcr t'UUti.
From evory city, tow u und hamlet on !
thi vast continent, come letters from
sUiferin; women; from those" whose
PliVMeiuus have
been u uabic lo ,
uvil thetn, or .
frtn tliai naa- '
bcriosa clcssi
whos ccsfi-
dence iu Mrs.
I'ir.U''i ad
Jg. vice und thi
'A curative prop
jjj cities of he:
vfftf Vi't-etuUi
vice and tho
Pf vi'i-etui.;e
t'lmpouud is
i.vcrv letter
received from wo
men la ivcorc'eti,
aatl hundreds oi
volumes ot cases
t:oaUd tJd In fur
pitiliir.R' practical
ic.oi'niation fortha
women of to-dav.
Ko letters aru published v. it hop t the
request of tho write:'. Tho strictest
Vdntldccce Is o)'rvod. The following j
letter represents tl'.clu-ncis: . '
" I ohvay.-t enjoyed gM health un 1
til bix month:! before the birth of my I
bubo. Then 1 was very weak: my back j
ttched ull the time. My physicians
said I would be ull right utter the birth j
of tho child, but I was not. although !
at that time 1 had the best of care. 1
Tho pains in my back were ultuost tin 1
boa ruble. 1 had leueorrhcca lu its j
worst form; uicnsiruatious were pain- ,
ful. , . . ;
Any work or care would entirely
unncr .g me. vt hen my bub was 11
nionhs old, friends persuaded mo to
take Lydia E. Piukliam' Vctable
Compound, llefore I had taken one
bottle I felt the effects. My back did
not ache so badly, and 1 felt Strong.
After taking1 four bottles t felt well.
My ambition returned, menstruation
were painless, leucorrhcea entirely
cured, and I could take care of my
babe and do my housework. . I shall
always recommend your Vegetable
Compound for all women, especially
for young mothers." Meg. II. . L.
Gooi.d, Orejron. Wis.
If Mrs. Coold had been well before
the birth of her child,, subsequent
suffering' would hnva been avoided.
Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Com
pound should always be taken befcrt
and after birth, in order that the j
system may withstand the shock.
la one of th very common ailrh ht4 of man
kind. It la inuallr the ret ill t at inrd worit 11
ov. r-eiertioD. and ia of tntlmn the legncv ot
fevers or aevnre attucka of tick nets whlcb ,
laveathablominal mjitfla in a weaken d
cnndltloa, allomuz tb proirution of bowal ;
nit ;
to i ruptured, bat It ia very anunyini and ,
anmetini a damteroua. t'ntil recently it wua i
thought to b incurn: U wiiiout an opera:ion,
but thanks to auicutific r jaearcli
is now ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN in nlnety
out of a hi ndred caea whi-io tho ruptu e can
be returned. I give a written unaranteo to j
cure. io, no uiconveniunce, no opera
tlun; no detention from business, and no iru-a
to annoy you afterwards. Onu visit to mv
office weekly for from f ur to eitiht weeks la
usually sulHckiit fcr the worst cuses. DK.
ALEX. P. O'MLI ICY. Rupture Bytcinllst,
Waabinston atroet, Wilkaa-Ilarra, fa.
Ul liKMtc-d the llne.-U fishilig and lilinti:.
grounds In I lie world. Descriptive hooks
on application. Tickets to all point!! In
Maine. Canada and Maritime I'rovincea,
Altnneupolls. St. Paul, Canadian und
United Stati-s Northwest. Vanvouver,
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Uie., dan
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all througlit trains. Tourist
cars fully litted with bedding, curtains
uii'l S(iecial'y adapted to wants of faniili- s
may b had with second-class tirkcts.
Hales ulways lens than via other lln.-s.
Fur fiirthi-r Inf urination, time table, e'..-.,
on applii-atiun to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
353 Broadway, New York.
R33.DS I AND 2, COTLtH C'L'D'a,
OA i.t; WORKS.
Klei-;i-ic Liiiiu-rii'-. K.i-c-j. for cxploJ
l:l.l?ts. Safety Fv.ta uli'J
fap;. Ctemfcal CVs
Tic Finest in the City.
The latest improved furnish
li)g add apparatus for keeping
meat, barter tnd eggs.
223 Wyoming Ave.
U33F T! 1 1! II m Mllimi
All djiic u.v.iy n:.!i ).y tl l- use of HAI1T
MAN'3 PATENT 1'AIN"', which consist
of iamviUc.-i: wod-known to nil. It cuti Im
lulled to tin. alvn:,:eil tin, aneet Iron
rcofF, nUo t brick lwe;iiu. tvlilvli ivill
prevent a'jrul'-tuly any pruinblliii, crack
ing: or brtaKin'4 or in? bv.Q. it win out
last tlr.nliin of any kind by many years,
and lta cc-t doc not exceed onc-r.Cih
of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Job
or pour.'d. Con'rncts taken by
, A. TO'.IO HARTMANN, 6J7 Birch SL
jonx ( nossLtv & soxs. Halifax,;
In all ihe Latest Desigus and Handsome Combina
tious and. Coloring-, which have made the goods so
justly celebrated. We are 'the Sole Agents for
Soranton. Our Complete Line of
Have now been received, and includes everything ap
propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax
mina'cers, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta
pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor
ders to match. An inspection of our stock and ex
amination of prices will prove interesting.
.li,4.v;.;3 a
714 01
. 106.000 00
. 901,550 20
. . 03
K.iWO Oil
7,770 00
. 157,304 73
j Overdrafts
I f s. rinnHl
Banking House!!!!!'."!!'.!!'.!',
Due from Uar.ks
csh ;.:':
12.191.300 CO
WM. tONNULI.. Iresidnt: OEO. H. CATI.IN, Vice President; WM. rl. PECK, Cashier.
DIHI.CTORS- Wm. Connell. Henry Beiln, Jr., James Archbald, Wm. T. Smith. Oeorge H.
Catlln, Luther Keller. Alfred Hand. , . '
Speclil attention given to Bualncta and Personal Accounts. Three per cant. I II tarsal
oa 1 1me Oepoaita. . .
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends,
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
bail Duck tor
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rim's, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
i. ACE
If 1 11 HAS
: .
i It's all right for him to pay cash when he buys. But the
: trouble is that many men have not the ready money.
. Here in this store we sell Clothing both on credit and
; for cash. The price is the same whichever way you buy.
; The important thing to remember is that our garments are
j up-to-date, reliable and good in every way. Come in and
! see the stock. , ' .
I -
, We Sell Furniture On
! Weekly and Monthly Payments, Also.
Uctawanna Ave.
Opposite Me Main Entrancs to Wyoming Horn
Undivided Profits.
Dividends Unpaid
Due to Banks
Bills Payablv ......
.$ 200.000 01
. 2S0.0O0O
. t,m 41
.. ti,&5U M
103 !4
. 1,516,744 19
.. 24,393 1
. Nona
32,191,300 3
Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
mine use in stock.
Iu this world. One of the
strangest of all is that some
men think it costs more to Buy
On Credit
than to pay cash. Just why
this is so nobody will be ever
able to tell.
218, 225 and 227
Wyoming Avenue.
. ' ..'; V- ' V