The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 08, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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Easter Novelties.
Easter Booklets,
Easter Cards.
Easter Rooks in Fine Leather.
.Suitable ior Wedding and Other Gilts,
Easter Stationery,
Society I'tn'.ioncry.
American and English Vakcs.
Very Large Variety, l'o pilar Prices.
Eiigravlr.g and I'rinlius
Calling Card's, Invi'.aU.'in, Sc.,
To Order tfn Hn-rt Notice,
Kew Cooks All the Desirable Ones;
Periodicals, Everything Worthy
Of Attention Received When Issued
323 Lackawanna Avenue.
Best duality.
TiiB Weston liii Co
Scrcntcn, C'yphant 2nd Cuisondala.
nrwimr r:r fWiiTrnrnT5
DLiiiinc ir raifliiii
Havo the- lnitlala a., B. & CO. imprint
ed In eucu cigar.
Kx-Justiee Alfred Hand is In New York
MIbs Mary Mullen, of Archhald, was a
visitor In the city yesterday.
Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. W. M. Marple
and Thomas Moore, jr., are at Atiumic
Miss Nora CummlnRS. of Arehbald, Is
upendinpr a few days with her cousins, the
tMleses JSgnu, of Ninth street.
Mlns Florence Hunt, of Square Top, Wy
oming county, has returned homo nftur
pendinsr the winter months with friends
In this city.
MissRomnlncDIeksonandDr. Purcell, of
Kaston. will b.t married at noon Thursday
at tho home of Mrs. John R. l-'ordham, on
Banderson avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Emerlck, of
Wnshlnffton,' I), c, formerly of the South
Hide, are visiting his mother, Mrs. John
r;meneK, or layior avenue.
Amonit the well-known Sernnton men
fcnd women who left on the noon Dela
ware and Hudson train yesterday to at
tend tho ball given by lr. George Wentx,
at Drlftou, last nljfht were Mr. and Mrs.
Ueorne B. Jermyn, Mrs. G. M. HnllMead,
Mrs. Dr. Wenti, Mrs. Frank Spencer, the
Misses Jermyn, Mrs. F. H. Jermyn, Misses
Dale, Wlnton,, Bradley and Spen
cer, and Messrs. Wharton and Fuller.
The members of Schiller lodge. No.
845, Free and Accepted Masons, are re
quested to attend the funeral of our
late brother, John H. Koch, from his
late residence, 1355 Caupose avenue, on
Friday afternoon, April 10, 18'J6, at 2
o'clock p. m. Brethren of sister lodges
are respectfully Invited to attend.
Mnthais Btlpp, W. M.
Attest: Charles S. Gelbert, Secretary.
The Nickel Plate rtoad controls the
dining- stations on Its line and they re
ceive unstinted praise.
M'CBINDLE In Gracedale, Luzerne
county, April 3, lsw, to Mr. and Mrs.
Jamas McCrlndle, a son.
KOCH In Scranton, April 7, ISM, John H.
, Koch, need 61 years, 6 months and 20
days. Funeral on Friday afternoon at 3
- o'clock from residence, ISM Capouse ave
nue. Interment in Forest Hill ceme
tery. . ..WE ARE SHOWING
New Serins Goods
The Best Styles ever offered In
Lace and Lutton and all tho
best colors tor Louies, Ailsscs
and Children.
Are the hew things. You
Hhould see tlitim before pur
chitBing elsewhere,
410 JSpruca Str&aL
Coucluded from Page L
4. Two-step, "The Handicap."
6. Two-aiep, "Ariental Echoes.
(!. iTomenade, r'rier.duip."
7. Two-step, "Kins; Cotton."
8. Two-step. "Indepndentia."
9. l'romenude. "Rastua on Parade.
VI. Two-seen. "The Honeymoon.'
II. Twc-Mep. "ScnesamWa." '
l- Promenade, "To Popular UlBG.
1.1. TftO-sini, "The KlU-ralle."
14. Two-ftep, The White Squadron."
).". To.A:;, "The Trumpeter."
ili. I'romenade. ""'.Tie Dircotgrata."
17. Two-step, "Ptlle llolle."
1!. Two-iiep. H'.tst-ah."
2 ' "New Liberty BeU."
21. Tv.-0-Mi.p.
The tlorr committee to whoso efforts.
In a Treat measure, the danelna- waa so
t-njovable. were detlgaated by a small
white silli bads. The executive com
mittee wore He lit bluu badses.
Kt freshmentn were served by Cater
er Unnloy In the bali-ony from 10 o'clock
In the .-venlwr. A dainty luncheon
im-nu waa i lactd at tho disposal of the
KUels, cor.sihtinK of oyster patties,
bread nml hutu-r sandwiches, cres
cents, chicken salad, olives, coffee. Ice
cream and assorted cake. Lemonade
punch and coffee trappe were served in
A lareo number of the boxes and
lofces were rented by persons who de
sired to contribute to the charity for
which the ball was given, but did not
occupy them themuelvea during the
evening. John Jermyn and party of
frlenda were In box "A." In box "B"
O. Johnson (fathered together a party
of fi-lemU consisting of Dr. nnd Mrs.
trey, Mr. and Mis. A. II. Christy and
tho Misses Merrill. Mr. and Mrs.
Jilt-hard O" Prion f.nd Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Koban with a party of friends
weio established in box "C." In box
"It" Mti.a KoHnaon, with her
daughter and dauerht-jr-in-uiw, Miss
Lena Jtoblnson and Mrs. Vlillip Ilnbivi
no:i, entertained th-dr friends. R. J.
Neville nnd family r-ccupled l-os "VI."
?.lr. and Mrs. 1. F. Mtearcel and Mrs.
I). Jot;c-s and Mr. and Mrs. T, J.
Connelly nnd Miss Catherine ClnrU oc
cupied loses "J" and "11" respectively.
Detailed Mention of Soma of the l.labot-
A description of some of the gowns
is us follows:
Mrs. M. E. McDonald-Light blue
chiffon and diamonds.
Mrs. John F.urnett Onrandle.
Mm. P. J. Casey Ulack chiffon and
Mrs. M. F. Fando White silk.
Mrs. F. W. (Juns-ter lilaek chiffon.
Mies Anna Kurrett. of Carbondale
rink Persian silk, trimmed In chiffon
with J.r.vf R
Mrs. Alex Dunn Persian silk with
Jewel triinndncr.
Mis. Jcii ph u'Brlen White organdie
trimmed with purple violets.
Miss Louise Bralt:ard White satin,
white chiffon tviiuniliisr.
Miss i:miiy Bra Inard White satin.
LJIss Anna Leonard White satin,
pearl trimmings.
?.iln Kllzabcth Leonard Fink chif
fon. Miss Fannie Mellon Fink chiffon.
Mrs. William Kelley Persian silk,
Jewel trimming.
Mrs. J. J. ifrown Black chiffon, Jet
and jeuvled trimming.
Jtliis Anna Conwell White organdie
white violets and Jewels.
Miss Elizabeth McLane Black chif
fon. Mrs. Uiehard O'Brien Black silk,
with Jt!W?lsi.
Mlns Alice Iloban Persian silk,
bouillon trimming.
Mis. It. J. O'Brien Light blue Dres
den Pllk.
Mrs. Kohert Heevas Black silk.
Miss Anna Bell Light blue Dresden
sine. '
Miss Florence Peybolt Persian silk.
Miss Elisabeth Keedy Organdie,
chiffon trimmings.
Miss Elisabeth McCourt White silk,
velvet trimmings.
Miss Butler, of Willtes-Barre Pink
Ilk. Jewelled trimmings.
Mrs. H. K. Leonard Dresden silk.
Mrs. T. P. Hoban Dresden silk.
Miss Anna Barrett White organdie,
pearl trimmings.
Mrs. B. J. Neville Light blue silk.
Mrs. E. O'Brien White chiffon, pur
ple violets.
Mrs. Dr. Murphy Black silk.
Mis. Edgar Connell Cream silk,
scarlet velvet trimmings, heavily em
broidered In pearls.
MtiiS Katie Mitchell White organdie.
Miss Katie O'Malley Figured organ
die. Miss M. E. Barrett Cream organdie.
Miss Mlrlnni Miller White organdie.
Mrs. C. B. Penman White organdie,
scarlet velvet trimmings.
Miss Nealon, of Carbondale Pink
Miss Mary McManama Llgt blue fig
ured organdie.
Names of the Patronesses, Committees
and Manoecrs.
The names of the patronesses, com
mittees and honorary managers nt the
ball are as follows:
Patronossus Mrs. F. W. Glinster, Mrs.
11. J. lloian, Mrs. P. P. Smith, .Mrs. T.
J. Kellev, .Mrs. P. H. Coyne, Jlrs. John V,
Conno'.ly, Mrs. William Kelly, Mrs. D.
H. Fitspendd, Mrs. li. E. Leonard, Mrs.
John Burnett, Mrs. Itiohard O'Brien, Mrs.
John E. Barrett, Mrs. John J. O'Boyle,
Mrs. M. P. Flynn, Mrs. C. O. Bohind,
Mrs. John J. Fancy, Mrs. M. F. Wymbs,
Mrs. B. J. Neville, Mrs. Samuel McEachen,
Mrs. P. J. Ruane, Mrs. T. O. .Melvin, Mrs.
W. K. Dolan. Mrs. Philip Robinson, Mrs.
C. W. Mclvinney, Mrs. Joseph O'Brien,
Mrs. M. H. HiBKins, Mrs. M. K. McDon
ald, Mrs. Thomis I. Hoban, Jlrs. M. F.
SanOo, Mrs. Timothy Burke, Mrs. John
M. Burke, Mrs. Kit-hard Kelly, Mrs. P. F.
Murphy. Mrs. F. IS. Ryan, Jlrs. John E.
Uoehe. Mrs. M. J. Kelly. Mia. J. C. Mi
Andrews. Mrs. A. J. Cusey, Mrs. J. B.
Corcoran. Mrs. Percival J. Morris, Mrs.
If. B. Megargee, Mr?. Georire Keller, Mrs,
P. A. Cavain-.tixh, Mrs. James H. Jordan,
Mrs. James Bell and Mrs. John H. Jordan.
General Committee M. F. Sando, chair
man: Leo S. Coyne, secretary; John P.
Kelly, B. B. Megagee. A. F.-Duffy, II. C.
.Lucas, Dr. J. J. Barrett, M. P. Me
Cann, P. O'Malley, F. J. MoAndrow, T.
J. Dugffan, M. H. Higgins, D. M. Ileilly,
M. P. Flynn, P. H. Coyne, Josnph O'Brien,
John J. Fahey, Dr. J. 0'.Mitlley, F. O.
Megargoe, Br. Walter Jteetly, E. J.
Maloney, P. J. Casey, F. J. Leonard, B.
P. Comwlly, M. P. CiiWley, T. J. Conway,
M. E. McDonald, Thomas, P. Ilobnn,
Dr. J. Burnett, George McDonald, John
J. Luftus. it, J. Murray, D. J. ljsedy,
Wililain Kelly, M. J. Waish, J. A. Collins,
J. J. O'Boyle.
Press Committee James O'Connor, It,
J. Beamish, J. F. Mituholl, M. J. O'Toole,
John Fitzitimmong, P. A. Barrett, James
R. Burnett, A. F. MeNulty, K. J. Lynett,
Noll McTague, T. J. Duffy. K. J. Boui-k-.-.
Itoet-ptlon Committee Dr, W. F. Con
nors, Dr. W. F. Brady, Perelval J. Mor
ris, P. J. Durkln, T. V. rowdarly, jr., H.
J. Gavan, T. P. Duffy, J. J. McCuwley,
Dr. W. K. Dolan, Ilsnry Collins, M. J.
Colllgan, Edward O'BrWn, M. 8. Collins,
John J. HIgglns, Dr. William Haggerty,
P. J. lilekey. P. J. Collins, T. H. Carroll,
James II. Timlin, II. il. O'Brien, M. G.
Floor CommlMeo William Boylo, Will
loin H. Coyne, M. T. llowley, James I.
Hhua, John M. .Corbett, J. B, tosslJy,
Thomas F. Collins, M. J, McAndrew,
James Beamish, Frank MoCawley, Frank
Knight, John P. Connolly, E. J. Melvin,
John H. Nullin, Jam-s W, McDonald, P,
1 Griltln, Joseph F. Lavls, Goorge Clark,
George N. Campbell, Joseph P. Hannon.
Joseph Nolan, John McCnwtey, A. P. Cur
run, F. J. Mc'Cii'MV Dr. Joseph McLane,
D. P. Byrne, Frank Ford, Dr. F. L. Mc
Graw, F. P. Canavan, P. F. Lynott, M.
J. Lynott, John MjcEachon.
Scranton Hon. P. V. Bmlth, Hon. J, C.
Vaughnn, Hon. J. B. Barrett, Hon. P. De-
I. aeey; Horn W, II. Stanton, B. J. NcvlllJ,
C. G. BoUmd, Dr. H. H. Gibbons. .Richard
O'Brien, D. J. Campbell, Dr, C. E. Thomp
son, P. J. Ruane, il. H. QrlUln, John M.
Burke. W. C. Conwell, J. F. Murphy. M.
J. Kelly, E. J. Walsh. W. B. lHK$an. P.
H. Utlsalloo. Dr. J. F. Saltry, M. J. Dona
hoe. J. J. Mashran. T. C. Velvin. Dr.
Uvorue Luximutc-Ker. Enos Flynn. John
J. Murphy, p. V. MeCann. Henry Me
Grath, Dr. J. J. Carroll. Hon. F. W. Guo
ster, Hon. John P. Quinnan, lljn. T. V.
Powderly, Hon. John K. Roche, Hon. F.
K. Coyne. F. J. Fltzsl mmoiut. George Kel
ler. B. K. Leonard. M. F. Wymbs, M. A.
McGinley, T. F. Leonard, Thomas J.
Moore. Jam. J. Jordan. J. J. Klanujthaii,
J. B. Corcoran, T. A. Buddy, T. J. Kelly,
J. O. McAndrew, E. F. Boyle, El. M.
Clarke. Dr. P. It. Kearney, P. W. Stokes,
John J. Brown. Dr. P. H. McAndrew.
William H. ttollirt". John II. Glbhons. M.
Hand. W. J. Burke, It. Lonerpan. Will
iam Farrell. C. C. Donovan, M. T. Lsi
velle. Pc-ter Rosar, Thomr.a J. JenninKH,
Rifhard Kelly, F. J. Johnson, John f.
lisriin, Frank J. Dltlcert. E.I. Maloncy, McCourt. Jolm Casey. P. A. Cava
nauRh. John D. Boy:e, W. il. Ruddy, M.
J. O 'Majley, R. C. Wills, Jo'.-.n J. Gorman,
Viiliam Dawson, P. J. NeUs. John De
muth, Tiioinus F. . W.tlsh. J. J. llowley,
1'. J. M.-Cann, M. L. Barrett.
Curbonuale lion. James J. O'Neill, Hon.
John Kelly, lion. John Nealon, Hon. M
T. lturke. F. P. Brown, 1". A. Carroll. K.
P. Uurke. Dr. T. C. Kltzalmmons, Joiin J.
Jlonowhan, P. M. Mollltt, W. J. Byrne, Dr.
Jtvhn Kelly, M. U. Mad:sn.
Dunniore P. J. Horan. P. D. Man'.ey. M.
J. Heal-y, James H. Ke'ly, W. J. Costello.
Timothy Iiorke. J. E. Swift, M. T. Glynn,
P. 11. Monean.
Olyphnnt Hon. C. P. O'Malley. James
Lvnch. James J. Cummings, It. J. Galla
Kher, Thomas Jordan, James Jordan,
William Mahon, Joseph W. O'Urlen, Pat
rick McGlnty.
Dickson City Boroush M. F. Fadden,
P. J. O'Connor, Thomas G' ier.
Arehbald Hon. M. M. Gllroy, Martin
Cnwley, James 11. Feeley.
Wil!tes-IXrre lion. John Lynch, Hon.
W. H. Hlne, Hon. Ceorft? J. Stegmoier,
E. P. Corgi-ovc. M. J. Stevens. P. M.
(HUlKn. Jtoner McGarry. Wllllnni O'Mal
lny, John Shea. Dr. H. J. IllKk-ins, Thomas
l Ryder, T. W. Hart, Frank Do-.ujher,
M. E. MrAiilff, John T. Inj.han, Richard
Walsh, Joseph Burns, Georpu P. Stronie,
John M. Ward, Jo.ln S. Mcjroarty. Bt-r-nanl
Bronnan. Joseph Bn.nnun, Dr. A. F.
Dougherty. M. A. McCarthy, John Cas
eidy, T. R. Callary.
Pittston Hon.' V'. A. r.ntledge, Hon.
.Tohn T. Flar.nery, C. Frank Boh in,
T!-om.i8 Malonty. 'HiomB' W.
trpovle, M. W. Mortis, P. Battle, C. Don
nl!v, E. J. Earrxt, J. 11. Mullen, Jose.ih
Clennon, P. A. O' Boyle, Dr. Jote-ph Reap.
Dr. Charles Barrett.
A Nearly Complete List of Daneers and
A nearly complete lint of dancers and
spectators Is as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Fleltz, Mr. nnd
Mrs. 1. F. M?gtrgel. Mrs. C. D. Jones,
Mr. arcl Mrs.. Pevelvnl V. Morris, Mr.
and Mrs. P. O. Knight, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. OT.ryK Dr. and Mrs. J.
Jlurnett. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. R. Call-try.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kuane. Mr. and Mrs.
Richard O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
O'Brb-n. Mr. nnd Mr. J. P. Miller, Dr.
and Mrs. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. M. V.
Sando. Airs. jocr ttondn. Mis. Clark,
Mrs. U. T. Duffy, Mrs. J. c. MeAn
drews, Mrs. T. F. Kntie, Dr. and Mrs.
J. J. Carroll. rHohnrd Kelly. Dr. and
Mrs. M. A. Cm-roll, Mr. nnd Mrs. M. E.
McDonnell. Mr. nnd Mr?. M. F. Glynn,
Mr. and Mrs. Y. J. Costello. Mr. and
Mrs. M. I.. Barrett. Mr. mid Mrs. A. .T.
Casey, Mrs. John P. C.-nr. Mrs. William
f'lnrk. Mr. ami Mrs. John Burke, Mrs.
Robert Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Coloninn, Dr. and
Mrs. N. F. Connors. Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Paniuel MoF.aoh
en. Mr. nnd Mrs. John P. Hink, Mr. nnd
Mrs. T. C. Melvin. Dr. and Mrs. Pteln,
Mry. ,T. II. Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bnwe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wills. Mr. and Mrs.
T. J. Conwoy, Judsre and Mrs. Fred W.
Gunpter and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Keorns. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Hut
ledge. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Christy, Dr.
nnd Mrs. Frov. Mr. and Mrs. Seybolt,
Mm. Frank Connell, Mrs. J. A. Will
iams, Dr. and Mrs. C. R Thompson,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Philip Robinson. Mrs.
Mlna Robinson and daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. E. P. Mitchell, Mr. nnd Mrs. C.
11. Penman, Mr. and Mrs. Connor, Mrs.
J. B. Corcoran, Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Jones. Mrs. Longstreet, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Frothtngh&m, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph J. A. Curt.
Miss Josephine Mnhon. Mls Maine
Nallln. Miss KHssa V. O'Malley, Miss
ITnnna Hughes, Misses Tcsslo nnd
Annie Oibbonu. MIks Cornish. Miss
Hoaley, Miss Me.Grnw, Miss Barrett,
Miss Ca.vanaugh, Miss Nellie Wnlsh,
the Misses McNunama, MIks Murphy,
Misses Molllo and Alice O'Malley, Miss
Mary McAndrew, Mlfis Lucy Carroll,
Miss Million Miss Srhnell, Miss Gorm
ley. Misses Kara and Ella Dougherty,
Miss Orltlln, Miss Jenkins, MIks Anna.
Miss Gorman. Misses Alice, Laura nnd
Annie Mahon. Miss MeGeary. Mlis
Mulaney. Miss Catherine Maloney, Miss
Nellie Bell. Miss Bvll Mullaney, Miss
Catherine Mullaney, Miss Collier, Miss
MeAndrows. Miss Miriam Miller, Miss
Elizabeth Barrett. Mlns Katie E. (lib-'
ney. Miss Elizabeth Olbnt-y, Miss Ltdir,
Miss Katlo Byrne, Miss Mugglo Oenry,"
Miss Donnelly, Misses Annie and Nellie
O'Malley, MIbs El'sabeth McLean, Miss
Sarah McLean, Miss Mary Maghrau,
Miss Allda Nealon, Misses Katie and
Maggta Bannon, Miss Mnry Duffy, Miss
Lorette Jennings, Miss Nellie Maloney,
Misses Margaret and Kittle Mitchell,
Miss Margaret Farrell, Miss Manie
Kelley, Miss Martha Connelly, Miss
Anna It. Bell, Miss Frances Mellon,
Miss Mamie Flynn, Miss Nellie Flynn,
Miss Ssrah Lynott, Miss Ella McTlrue,
Miss O'Hara, Mls Norn Walsh, Miss
Jennie A. Kenny, MIsjs Bridget Ilea ley,
Miss Margaret L. Corey, Miss Eliza
beth Moylcs, Miss Catherine Clark,
Mlis Annie- E. Connell, Miss Maggie
Bnnnon, Miss Elia McDonald, Misses
Merrill. Miss Margaret Walsh, Misa
Katie Taggatt, Miss Florence Seybolt,
Miss Margaret Cntmrfnrd, Miss Nullin,
Miss Birdie Nallln. Mlsa Connell, Miss
Fannie Connell. Miss Ella Hoban, Miss
Anna Hoban, Miss Alice Hoban, Mlrs
Gibbons, Miss Katio Me-Oinley, Miss
Mary McOlnley, Miss Jennie Clarke,
Miss Isabel Clarke, Miss Annie Barrett,
Miss Mary Barrett, the Misses Wiv
chell.Miss Catherine Mongan, Miss Jay,
Miss Anna Conwell, Miss Mamie Duf
fy. Miss Mary Mitchell, Miss Katie B.
Walsh, Miss Elizabeth Reedy, Miss B.
Jordan, Miss Lillian Conuery, Miss
Carry Logan, Miss Agnes Moylcs, Miss
Elizabeth O'Malley, Miss Katie Mc
Donnell, MIfs Dicktion, Miss Reynolds.
John E. Barrett, John P, Mahon,
George Lunncy, William J. Byrne, B.
P. Connolly, John It. Mahon, John
Hannaway. Dr. John J. Barrett. Dr.
McLean, John J. Mnghrnn, Marcus
Duffy, D. J. Roche, F. J. McAndrew,
Ous. Brown, William O'Malley, It. D.
Jennings, E. J. Maloney, J. F. Mitchell,
F. P. Christian, John C. Farrell, James
L. Sullivan. P. O'Malley, M. P. Me
Cann, C. C. Forber, I. O'Connor, Dr. F.
A. Fan-fill. John P.. Palfrey, J. W.
Short, 13. F. Mellon. P. J. Casey, David
J. Reedy, Enos Flynn, M. J. Lynott, C.
O. Roland, Thomns Callagher, Edward
O'Malley, A. If. Schlnger, T. J. Jen
nings, M. J. McAndrew, T. H. Carroll,
P. F. Howlcy, John O'Connor, T. Flan
nory, E. J. Robinson, John Gorman,
Adam Dougherty, Leo Coyne, Mao
Keeby, John J. Grady, II. C. Lucas,
James J. Mahon, Daniel P. Byrne, John
Grimes, W. O. Manlcy, M. P. Cawley,
A. J. Best, Richard J. Bourke, Dr. W.
M. Reedy, William Hanawny, E. J.
Melvin, P. J. Cummings, P. E. Timlin,
W. J. Lackey, T. P. Loftus, O. W.
Frits, John H. Bonner, M. J, Healey,
P. H. Kelly, F. J. McAndrews, James
A. Collins. Dr. J. O'Malley, M. F. Wha
len, E. W. Jordan, Dr. P. H, McAn
drews. Richard Doherty, John H. Nal
lln. John Gibbons, John M. O'MolIey,
John Langan, Whelan. Gibbons. John
E. Roche, Dr. McGraw, W. H. Coyne,
P. A. Cavnnaugh, P. H. Kearney, Hob
ert McMannmn, David M. Rellly, James
Kearney, Joseph F. Lavls, Richard J.
Beamish, F. Canuvnn, P. J. Hcdlv,
James P. Hannor, Joseph M. Cassldy,
Professor E. E. Pouthworlh. F. J. Me
Cann, John Walsh. E. A. Gilmore, Jo
seph P. Altken, Dr. J. F. Paltry, Ed
ward Maloney, J. J. McDonnell, John
E. aibbons, John J. Flynn, J. II. Tng
gart, M. . Conterford, J. V. Connolly,
W. D. Roche, W. P. Boyle, W. C. Con
well. T. P. Iloban. T. Burke. M. A. Mc
Glnley, P. P. Brown, E. M. Clarke,
George W. Clarke, P. P. Loughran. E.
J. McDonald, H. H. James
W. McDonald, Thomas O'Kourke, Rob
ert J. Murray. T. J. Duffy, M. A. Duity,
J. E. Walsh. M. J. Walsh. John A. Jor
dan, Frank J. Connery, William Logan,
Charles p. O'Malley, William Filley.
N. II. Manley. John O'Connor, A. J.
Duffy, William Hannaway, William
Koch, George Dunn, Edward Melvin,
James F. Judge.
Arehbald J. A. Kearney, Miss Jen
nie Kearney.
Binghamton MUs Hanna McGoe
ghan, P. O. Connor.
Carbondale Mits Blrs, Miss Anna A.
Nealon, C. P. O'Connor, Miss Annie D.
Dickson City John F. Orler, Misses
Cora and I lai.ile Orler.
i.hnlra Miss Kate Lonergan.
Honesdalc Miss Lulu McGarry.
Kazleton Mrs. John Mullhall, Thos.
N. McGerrlty, Mrs. M. McGerrity.
New York City L. F. Benton, Miss
Petersburg. Va. Miss May Macks.
Parsons P. II. Cox, Miss Cox, Peter
T. Mayock, Miss Mayock.
Piltston Francis Mackin, John Tou
hlll, Jr., James P. Touhill. Miss Ella
Touhlll. Misses Keating. M. A. Ford,
Miss McGulre, Miss Delia Loughney,
Mirs Teresa Battle.
'Shenandoah P. J. Cieary, Miss Ma
hon. Tuxedo Morris Blake.
Wllltes-Barre George Stegmaier,
Misses Ella and Agnes McCann, Miss
Butler, W. ii. Pryor, Jr.
Five Throop Boroiigh Polan Jors Impli -ento.l
In a Seilous Affinr.
As the result of a drunken fight at
Tluooi borougii Sunday evening Frank
Doda Is in a dying condition and Ye
ncts Stanefslcy, Andrew Krofsky, Jo
si jih Crcglo, John Illsli.bki and George
Yanoe-ie are In tho county jail. The
first two were committed last night by
Justice of th' Peaco James Ecoit, of
Throop, and the other three were sent
down Monday night by Justice of the
Pt'Cico P. J. McNally, ot Olyphant. The
charge against them la felonious wour.d
tr.g, but the man's condition waa so
low lat night that they may be held
to answer for murder when the caso
reaches the court for trial.
Doda and the live prisoners formed
an aggregation of Polanders that In
dulged to exce-sn In strong drink all of
Sunday, nnd when evening wore on a
fight started In their midst. Some one
used a hammer with deadly effect on
Doda, and concussion of the brain has
developed. They are all young men
under 0 years of age and unmarried.
(on rao'ors Flnnoulian and O'Uara
Stopped on West Market Street.
Late yesterday afternoon an equity
suit was begun in court by the Provi
dence and Abington Turnpike company
through its president, II. E. Paine, by
Attorneys Watson and Diehl, against
Contractors Flanaghnn & O'Hara, who
ore constructing a sewer on West Mar
ket street, Providence. They began
yesterday afternoon to lay a sewer on
that part of West Market street which
is owned by the Turnpike company.
A preliminary injunction was grant
ed by Judge Gunster and on Saturday
morning at 9 o'clock a h?arlng will tako
place, at which arguments will be made
to have the Injunction made perpetual.
The complainant desires to secure a
bond from the city that the turnpike
will be repaired properly after the
ewer is laid.
Mrs, Lowry, tho New Secretary, Received
in tho Association Rooms.
A public reception was last night
given Mrs. Nellie Lowry, the new gen
eral secretary of the Young Women's
Christian association rooms,
Mrs. E. H. Ripple, Mrs. J. A. Lans
ing, Mrs. J. L. Stelle and Mrs. L. M.
Gates received with Mrs. Lowry in the
front parlor, and tho following assisted
In entertaining the callers: Miss
Adams, the association's physical In
structor; Miss Ferry, the assistant
general secretary; Mrs. C. D. Pettit,
Miss Kiesel and Miss Bunk. The at
tendance was large.
Assistant City Clork It. Morris Has
llrl.nicd Himself Well.
City Clerk St. T. Lavelle announced
yesterday that his assistant. Evan R.
Morris, will be continued In the ollleo.
The appointment Is dated "during
pood behavior" and as Mr. Morris' con
duct has been exemplary In every re
spect the city clerk told him to be a
good boy and keep right on.
Thomas Jeffreys is seriously ill at his
home on School street.
Miss Louise Davis, of Binghamton,
N. Y., is visiting friends In the North
Sirs. Thomas Jones, of Slary street,
is suffering from a severe attack ot tho
Patrick O. Connolly, of Leggott's
street, was arraigned before Aldermun
Roberts on a charge of threatening to
kill his wife. He was held In $300 bail,
In default of which he was committed
to ttte county jail.
The funeral of Sirs. Elizabeth J.
Jones, of Oak street, took place yester
day. Rev. Dr. R. S. Jones officiated.
Mrs. Jones was 68 years of age, had
We are
JJtt m
Jl bo,
been a resident of this city for about
forty years and Is survived by several
married and grown up children. Inter
ment was made in the Washburn street
Miss Bessie Lewis and Miss Gertie
Thomas, who have been visiting friends
In Plymouth, returned home yesterday.
This evening an entertainment and
social will be held jointly by the Liber
ty Hose company and Knights of Pyth
ias for the benefit ot Sirs. Thomas Hal
well. Miss Davis, of Taylor, was In the
North End last evening.
It was Miss Dywerand not Miss Katie
Reardon who played in Central Park
hall Easter Monday night.
Uo Explains Ills Courso In a New Book
Called Era of Fronds
Baltimore, SId., April 7. Rev. John
Lanahan's book, "Tho Era of Frauds
In the Mnthoditt Book Concern In New
York," la out today. In the preface Dr.
Lanahan says no soirit of viudictive
nes animates Its publication.
The matters with which Dr. Lana
han's hook tleals relates to how, soon
after his appointment to office as as
sistant agent in New York with the
late Dr. Thomas Carleton, he found evi
dences of mismanagement and fraud In
almost all departments of that several
gigantic oil companies, officered by
heads and employes of the conceriuwlth
presumably church money for capital,
were In full blast; how his efforts to
stop all this resulted in a ring being
formed by the accused, which, from de
fense, "quickly turned to offense," and
Dr. Lanahan found himself nearly en
gulfed by the waves of trouble which
began to break over him.
Dr. Lanahan hopes that his book will
be tho means to the end he has been
waiting for these many years com
plete vindication of his course as as
sirtant agent of the Methodist Book
Concern during tho years 1S5S-1872.
tiled nt Moses Tnylcr Hospital.
Patrick Cnnnon, aged HI years, died at 1
o'clock this morning at th Moses Taylor
hospital. months ago he was taken
to the hospital while suffering paralytle
strokes, llos home was In Bellevua Hats.
RHEUMATISM Is caused by lactlo acid
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tralizes this acid and completely and per
manently cures rheumatism. Be sure to
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HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick head
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Plllabury's Flour hava a capac
ity of 17,600 barrels a Cay.
New Store
Will be ready for
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Wait for
New Goods
New Prices
More Goods
More Business
showing a large variety of Printed Warp
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415, 417 Lackawanna I
If so, it won't pay you to shop
around, buy odd pieces here and there,
foot up what you have paid and yon
Gad it cost you mora for a job lot than
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A few pieces now, a few pieces another
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no extra cost Others find it pays ;
you will if you try it
Toilet Sets,
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Walk in and look around.
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Any Color or
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Avenue, Scranton,
p a esis i tt
An elegant assortment at prices that
are very low considering the quality,
make-up, etc., is being shown at our
store. If you are thinking of buying
a Spring Suit cal 1 in and look at our
stock it will do you good, and ns,
too, of course. We are almost sure
you will buy cannot resist
Is replete with everything that Is new
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We Have
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Alto the Newest.
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Porcelain, Ony. fit:
Silver Novelties In Infinite Varlatj
Latest Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diarnoadi '
fl. E. ROGERS,
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Reach us every day from cus
tomers. We suit them with
Clothing aud Gents' Furnish
ings. Their Clothes fit, are
well made; they are satisfied.
The price is right and the
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416 Lackawanna Avenue.
ami your pyes will t:ik
cHrtinfvou. Ifyouni
a... i.t '1 1
and hava your eves examined free. Wuhavo
reduced prices sud are tho lowest in the city.
Nickel apectne es trora Si t- iruld from $4
to gd. 433 Spruce Street, Scranton, Pa.
Clothiers. Mlmt Furnishers