THE ONLY REPUBLICAN -DAILY- IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. 8 EIGHT rAGES3G COLUMNS. SCKANTON, PA., MONDAY MORNING, APRIL C, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY. . : . ' v. Our Display ' -ofhewwashgoow I now open for your Inspection. Tn extent and variety tt excels all of our previous efforts in thin line, and will compare favorably with any Mimilir display made this season in New York or I'hiludelphla. WE'VE GOT US. J .. Weaves ami Colorings to show you than any two stores In town, and, as usual, values thai are unapproachable. It Is no easy tas'k to describe Inter estingly nnd Intelligently half a hun dred different weaves anil makes In sephyry and cob-webby summer fab tics, and us each of the half hundred comes In about as many patterns. Shades or tints, the mere mention of a few prominent Hems is all that can be attempted fiere. however, and lookers are Just as wel ' come as buyers. , Tnlle-Chat Are hii exceedingly dainty weave. They come mostly In white grounds, with fancy stripes, Dresden or Persian effects. Also black grounds with stripes. May be described as the queen of wash fabrics. White or Grass Llnvn grounds with f.pots, figures and stripes In the .prettiest hues give a hint at styles. Grass Linen Batist AC Are shown In a variety of qualities and pntterns. The choicest novelties ' are exquisitely embroidered with neut - designs In silk, with dainty double cor J stripes cort a little less and may please you just as well. Swisses With grass' linen grounds' represent a resurrection of the polka-dot erase in the very pretties.! uf its many ways. All colors. - Are bound to be popular. White or -colored grounds ami an endless assort ment, of the sweetest patterns ever seen will make them so. Bring before you 'the most popular of Ixmdon and i'aris wash fabrics, and the patterns In Persian and Dresden effects, stripes and figures are Identi cal with those selling there now. Tell more at a glance of the progress that I, being made in American textile art thnn a year's lecturing could do. Cord stripe and Swlr.s effects, on fig ured or plain grounds In all shades. Ask to see them. In delicate tints, Persian effects and figures vlllwln your admiration. This Ir or. old weave with a wealth of new thoughts. EptoMerd Swisses With . dainty embroideries In stars, dots, etc.. In roft tones and tints are sweet In their simple beauty, and they're new. BESIDES THESE . Our line of White , . Mulls, India Linens, Nainsooks, Victoria ' Lawns, Piques, Or gandies, Dimities, Ducks, Fancy 5tripes, Checks and Plaids, r English Wong Cloths, Jones' Cambrics, etc., Is the largest and most ifomplete the city. in For Waists, Dresses, Wrappers, Etc., , We show some remarkable values In Swivel Silks The colors Include Oree-n, Light Blue, Pink, lavender. Cardinal and Hlack grounds, while the effects are checks, i stripes, dots and Persians. Challles ' Cream, Navy and Black grounds, with ' floral wd Persian effects. Ginghams IJnen and Lace effects, solid grounds; also checks, and stripes innumerable. Satines Mostly dark grounds and a range of . , patterns without limit.. Moire Crystals In Chameleon effects and a splendid assortment of light fancy tints and colors. Interesting Services Held it the Parlor City oa Caster Day. BISHOP VINCENTS ADDRESS Preaches an 'Eloqnsat Sortaoa at Cob- firiaation of Deaeoas-RM. J. C, llogan Talks I'pon Inhibition. Meeting of Societies. Special to. the Scran ton Tribune. . . Rlnghamton, ' April (.Saturday morning's session opened with devo tional exercises led, by Bishop Vincent, who spoke on the fourth chapter of Timothy and explained It verse by verse. At 9.30 the business' session opened with the reading of the mlnutea of Friday's session. Rev. Y. C.' Smith reKrted that the terms of office of Kev. J. C. Leacock and Rev. Austin Griffin as members of the board of stewards had expired. Mr. Smith therefore moved that the secretary be Instructed to cast a ballot for each of these gen tlenvn, which was carried and ac cordingly done. As the second ballot for delegates to the general conference had resulted In no election, a third bal lot Was 'ordered and taken and the tellers withdrew to count the vote. Rev. J. Peck offered a resolution to the effect that the cabinet restore the Wyalusing district with the bound aries It occupied In 1876. Mr. Peck spoke on the good results that would follow were such boundaries again ob tained, and ventured the assertion that had they existed and Rev. J, O. Wood ruff given charge) that gentleman might have been living, as the air is much more rare in that mountainous region. The following names were called and the men were elected to eld ers', orders: James Bennlnger, Herbert J. Ellsworth, Frank D. Hartsock, Eu gene L. Jeffrey, - Elmer E. Pearce, Charles H. Reynolds, Louis E. Van Horn. Dr. Hard offered a resolution to be presented to the general conference. The resolution was unanimously adopted.' It read: Whereas, All the benevolent collection! so important that the rates of giving to each Is carefully defined by the blBhops, the gt nerul committee, the presiding eld ers and the district committees, and Whereas, The growing sentiment In the church is ap.alnst the enforced require ment of pastors to report some benevolent collections on the floor of the conference because the discipline requires the bishop to demand It and since other collections are unreported In public; therefore Rraolved, That we memorialise the gen eral conference to strike out of the disci pline all that requires any paftoro report his collections on the floor of any annual conference, leaving the manner of mak ing any nnd all reports with the confer ences. . . This does not affect any disciplinary provision now existing (or securing statistical and benevolent .reports re quired for publication in , the, annual minutes. ....... THE BALLOT. The result ''of the third ballot wu announced by ' the bishop as follows: Whole number of votes cast, 196; neces sary to a cholcei 97, of which Rev. L. L. tipi-ague, received 100 and Rev. A. J. Van Cleft, !); Rev. C. R, Olmestead, 6; Rev. H. M. Crydenwlae, 37; Rev. W. L. Thorpe, 28. ' Rev. Sprague and Van Cleft were declared elected. A ballot for reserve was ordered, but before It wns taken Itov. C. Vi Arnold moved that the two highest be chosen as such alternate?. It was then moved that Mr. Arnold's motion be laid upon the table, which was carried by a vote of 62 to 7?. Rtv. S. O. Snowden wns elect ed conditionally as an elder. When this matter had been disposed of the bishop7 Introduced Rev. J. E. C. Sawyer, editor of the Northern Christian Advocate, who spoke about that paper. Rev. J. . Eckman called up the rec ognition of Tomas B. Barker, a local preacher, of Elm Park church, as a deacon. A resolution asking such elec tion adopted st the quarterly confer ence of that church on March 23 was road. It was voted to confer such hon ors upon Mr. Barker on Sunday morn ing. Or. nrpokeniWse, of New York Meth odist hospital, wns Introduced, but be fore that gentleman spoke the bishop announced the result of the ballot for reserve delegates. One hundred and sixty-nine votes were cast, eighty-five belnR necessary for a choice. Kev. E. R. Olmstead received 121, and Rev. H. M. Crydenwlse, 93, and were- declared elected. When Mr. Hreckenridge had finished speaking Rev. J. F. Berry, editor of the Kpwoith Herald, followed with an ad dress on the League and olTlclal publi cations. The following were elected to local deacons orders: Melvln L. An darlese, Alfred Eastman, O. H. P. Arm strong. Edward O. Caveraugh. The name of Chimney Van Gorden was pre sented for -local deacon's orders. There was some talk about his standing In his examinations and when the vote was taken he wns defeated, not more than ten voting affirmatively. The following were continued on trial: C. P. Tiffany, Eugene Carlaugh, J. W. Davis, Eugene Qulnhy, Sidney E. Hunt, David L. Mc Donald, Walter A. Wagner. Clinton B. Henry, Milvern L. Anderaiese, Jere miah S. Custard, David Evans, David B. Wilson, Arthur O. Williams. WOMEN'S MEETING. At 2.30 o'clock Saturday afternoon the Woman's Foreign Missionary re ceived the attention of the conference. Miss Fannie Sparks, president of the, society, presided over the exercises. Sealed on the platform with her were the following officers of the society: Corresponding Secretary Mrs. M. S. Hard, of Kingston; Recording Secre tary Mrs. M.. L. Meeker. Carbondale; Treasurer Miss Ethel B. Hills, of Bing ham ton; Superintendent of, Boards Mrs. T. M. Furey, of Wanamle; Mrs. Mary Sparkes Wheeler, president of the Phil adelphia society and Rev. Homer B. Stuntx, D. D., of India; and Mrs. Curtis E. Mogg, also, occupied places on the platform. Miss Hills .reported that the receipts by districts was a follows: Ringhamton, $455; Chenango, 1407; Honesdale, $433; Oneonta. $197; Owego, $476; Wyoming, $1,382; total, $3,050. The first address was given by Rev. Homer B. Stunts, D. D. He spoke of the work of missions in India, of the condition of the people and other things connected with missionary work In that country. He was followed by Rev. W. H. Pearce( D. D., of Scran ton, who spoke very .briefly on the Im portance of missions In foreign lands. Another of the historical lectures was given Saturday afternoon by Dr. Rob ert W. Rogers. This one was on Abraham and the Kings of the East. He spoke of the civilization prevailing In Abraham's days and of the early days of that patriarch. The life of Abraham was given In detail as was al so those pf the other kings. He fol lowed by hinting at the many lessons to be learned from the history of these lives and how they can be applied to the people of our day. ' The following officers have been elected by the Woman's Foreign Mis sionary society of ttfe conference: President, Mrs. C. E-Moft, of Wllkes- Continued on Page t. MK. PATT1SOYS BOOM. The Maa of Destiny Receives Endorse ment From the I'mcrrlfied. Resiling. Pa. April 6. The Demo cratic county standing committee met here yesterday and elected delegates to the state convention. Resolutions were adopted opposing the unit rule and en dorsing Robert E. Patttson for presi dent. Wtlllamsport. Pa..April 5. At a meet ing of the Lycoming Democratic com mittee here yesterday John J. Reardon was chosen delegate to the national convention. A resolution endorsing ex Oovemor Pattlson for president was adopted. No action was taken on the unit rule. Stroudsburg, Pa., April 5. The Mon roe county Democratic committee met here yesterday and adopted resolutions endorsing ex-Governor Pattlson for president. Judge Storm received the vote of the committee for delegate to the national convention. MB. CAKL1SLK DECLINES. Ttinks He Can Servs His Part? Best by Keeping Out of Sight During ' the Presidential Campaign. Washington, April 5. Secretary Car lisle this evening gave out the following letter to Chairman Long of the Demo cratic central committee of Kentucky, declining to enter the contest fox the Democratic, nomination for the presi dency: Washington, April 4. Charles R. Long, Chairman Committor, Louisville, Ky. My Dear Sir: Your favor of March 30, In which you say In substance that many of my friends In Kentucky and elsewhere desire me to become a candidate before the approaching national Democratic convention for nomination for the office of president and requesting me to give, some authoritative or detlnite expression on the subject, wss duly received and has been maturely considered. Many communications upon the same subject and of similar import have been received from friends In dieffrent parts of the country, and while very grateful for these numerous expressions of confi dence and esteem upon the part of my Democratic fellow cit liens, I have not been able to reach the conclusion that (tie existing conditions require me to comply with their requests by authoris ing them to announce me as a candidate for the presidential nomination. While I feel a profound Interest for the welfare of my party, I am much more concerned about Its declaration of principles than In Its selection of candidates, because then In my opinion its failure or success at the election, as well as Its capacity for use ful service to the country during the future, depend upon the position It takes or omits to 'take upon the public questions now engaging the attention of the people, and especially the questions affecting the monetary system of the country and character and amount of taxation to bo Imposed upon our cttlxens. Its position upon this and other subjects having been agreed upon and clearly and distinctly announced, the convention ought to have no difficulty In selecting an acceptable candidate who will fairly rep resent Its views, and In order that, its deliberations may be embarrassed as lit tle as possible by the contentions of rival aspirants and 4helr friends, 1 think- my duty to the party will be best performed by declining to participate in a contest for the nomination. The obligations assumed When I accept ed my present official position required me to devote my entire attention to the pubhY' Interests committed to my charge, and I -shall continue to ilischHrgu the duties Im posed upon me .to the best of my ability and in such manner as will In my Judg ment most certainly promote the true Interests of the country, and If In tho opinion of my fellow Democrats In Ken tucky my services entitle me to their commendation and approval, I would re gard their endorsement of my public course as an ample reward for the little I have been able to aceompllsh In behalf of honest administration and a sound inancial policy. With many thanks for your kind let ter, I am Very truly yours, J. G. Carlisle. STRIKE THREATENED. Tho Discharge, of Mine Grlpinan of tho .Metropolitan Street Railway Company May Causa a Tie-up on the Lines- New York, April 6. The danger of a strike on the street railway lines of this city, 'which are owned by the Metropolitan Street Railway company, because of the discharge of nine grip men and a conductor, wns by no means lessened today. The railway employes persist . in the assertion that the men were discharged because of their activ ity In the affairs of the local branch of the Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employes of America, notwithstanding that the Metropolitan company's officials statement that the reason for dismissing the gripmen and conductor was that they had disobeyed the rule prohibiting them from enter ing a saloon during working hours. There was some very determined talk in and around Clarendon hall this af ternoon by employes of the railway com pany and it was declared that unless the discharged men werei reinstated there would certainly be a strike. At the meeting of the Central Labor union In Clarendon hall this afternoon a delegation, consisting of one employe rrom eacn oi tne reads of the Metro politan system, werep resent, and they asked the privilege of the floor. This was accorded them in executive Bes sion. The spokeman stated the griev ance and asked for sympathy and ad vice. The reporters were Informed af ter the meeting that speakers for the Central Labor union had counselled the railway men to move very slowly and had very decidedly thrown cold water upon the eagerness of many of them to strike If the Metropolitan company fail ed to fully comply with their demands. C . w. Archibald and Thomas McCul lum, of Philadelphia, who came to this city and organized the local branch of the National Amalgamated association. said today that there was nothing "new to be said until after consultation with William D. Mahon, president of the Na tional association, who, they expected would shortly arrive in this city from Detroit. It waa rumored this afternoon that officials of the Metropolitan company had signified their willingness to rein state four of the men discharged, but it was stated that it was not likely the members of the local union would be satisfied with this. HARR1SON.DIMMICK WEDDING Children of the F.x-Presldont Will Not Witness the Ceremony. New Tork, April 6. Ex-President Harrison spent the most quiet day of his present visit to the metropolis to day. It has been of declinations, both by the general and his friends regarding the details of tomorrow's wedding. It Is known however, that the ceremony will take place between 6 and 6 o'clock In the afternoon unless another change is made In the plana tomorrow morning. Indianapolis, Ind., April 5. Russell Harrison and Mrs. McKee, son and daughter of General Harrison, did not leave for New Tork today to attend the wedding of the ex-President and Mrs. Dlmmlck tomorrow and they will not be present at the ceremony. From the time the Harrlson-Dlmmlck engage ment waa first reported It was an open secret here that the children of the ex president were bitterly hostile to a sec ond marrta" FOR , REFORM IN BANKING Recommendations in Report of the State Commissioner. PLAN TO TAX fOKEIGX SCHEMES Commissioner Suggests That Fees Should D Increased to stake tho Banking Department Solf-Sus-talning-Otbsr Suggestions Harrlsbprg. Pa., April 5. The first annual report of the state banking commissioner will be issued In a few days. If gives the condition of the various banking Institutions through out the" state and shows advantages that have accrued to these and the business world through the reorgani sation of the banking department a year ago. The report states that there Is at this time I374.241.784.SJ of trust funda in the hands of corporations. Only a small percentage of the building and loan associations have, been ex amined and the second volume of the report will deal with these. Over a thousand associations have thus far reported to the department. The Commissioner, GUkeson, thinks the foreign associations should be com pelled to pay larger fees for the privi lege of doing business In the state and he suggests that the next legislature should, take hold of the subject of build ing and loan associations vigorously. The commissioner also recommends that the fees should be Increased so as to. make the banking department self-sustaining. The associations con ducted under the "national system" are escaping, in the judgment of the commissioner, a large share of the bur dens of taxation. THE RECOMMENDATIONS. The following Is a summary of the cotnmissloner'a recommendations: First That applications for charter of trust companies and other financial Insti tutions should be submitted to the com missioner of banking for his approval. Second That no Institution should bo permitted to make loans' upon the secur ity of its own capita! stock, and that legislation should as soon as possible be had to correct this abuse. Third That the percentage of loans to directors of trust companies and other financial Institutions should, unless named In the acts Incorporating the same, -be fixed by law. Fourth That a fixed percentage of cash In proportion to deposits should be re quired by law o be kept In the vaults of banks, trust companies, etc., and called the reserve. FifthThat an act be passed making the directors of eacih of the financial Insti tutions of the state jointly anil severally liable In their Individual capacities for de claring any dividends which shall Impair the capital thereof. Sixth That the oath of directors In all the . financial Institutions' of the flute should be required to be filed In this de partment. Seventh That all corporations having power to receive end administer trusts should 1e required -to set apart perma nently a definite percentage of each divi dend declared as a reserve for the addi tional protection of tho trusts committed to their custody. Elghth-r-That. foreign corporations com ing under the supervision of the banking department and applying for authority to transact business within the state should be ' flrat sulnnltted to the commissioner of banklmr for his approval. Ninth That no Individual, firm or In corporated company tie permitted to use In the conduct of banking business any name, sign or device resembling in any re.'pect that of a bank or other tinanclul corporation. Tenth That a uniform rulo for all In stitutions be established fixing n reason able period beyond which no loan upon which Interest remains unpaid should be permitted to be carried as an available as set. Eleventh In addition tothe examination fees fixed by law for foreign corporation, there rhould be a general license fee Im posed for the privilege, of doing business within this state. Twelfth That' all building and loan as sociations Khoutd be required to register in this dioartment, giving the name of the as." Delation and the names nnd postofilce addresses of the officers thereof, and that when such ussoclntlon expires, an aftl davit should be tiled In this department stating tnat ract. VALUABLE HORSES BURNED. Animals Owned by Alongo McDonald Perish In Flames. Buffalo, N. T.. April B. Fire at the driving park last night destroyed the stables leaaeid by Alonzo McDonald, the - well-know trainer, and twenty valuable, horses were burned to death. The fire was caused by tho explosl6n of an oil stove In one of the cleaners' rooms. M There were tnlrty horses In McDon ald's Btiing, most of which arrived last Thursday. The stables were owned by C. J. Hamlin and were valued at $10, 000. The losses on' the horses is esti mated at about $75,000.' Th.e' most valuable horses burned were: - Ellen S, 2.11, from Gainesville, Texas; General Ewell, 2.15, Medina, N. Y.; Eddie Wilkes. 2.274. owned by McDonald; Jim Harris, 2.14Vi, owend In Pennsylvania; Red Gothard, 2.35, Mid dleport. N. Y.; Blue Bird, three years gelding, owned by man named Maloy; Fonso Bell, four year old gelding, Brad ford, Pa.; Miss Charmer, 2.29Vj, Brad ford. Pa.; Gray Bird, four years old, Bradford, Pa.; Isabel!. Bradford, Pa.; Wlnsure, 2.21, Bradford, Pa.; Zelos, Bradford, Pa., Pallus, 2.24V4, Port Hur on, Mich. The horses are said to have been worth at least $75,000. The six Brad ford horses, the care takers sny, could not nave been bought for $25,000; Ellen S was .valued at $10,000; Denzel, at $8,000; . Jim Harris, at $5,000; Eddie Wilkes, at $3,000; Red Gothard and Blue Bird, at $1,000 each, and the others at lesser amounts. The loss is a crush lng one to McDonald, as there waa not a dollar of Insurance on any of his property. So far as known the horses burned were all without Insurance. M'KINLEY LEADS QUAY. Choioe Expressed at ' the Lyooralng County Primaries. Wllliamsport, Pa April B. The Re publlcan.primarles in Lycoming county Inst night resulted In the election of Ellas Deemer for national delegate, over Hon. H. C. Parsons. Deemer's candidacy was made on a McKlnley platform and Parsons was for Quay. The people were given an opportunity to vote their preference on president and McKlnley has full three-fourths of the entire vote, with Quay second and Allison third, Howard Lvnn. James Coulter and Robert Brownleo were elected delegates to the state con vention. " Advanoe of 8 Per Cent. Morgantown, W. Va., April S. Tho min ers and mine workers of the Falrmnn region have received notice that 'the rate for mining would be advanced 2U. rents a ton, and mine workers accordingly. Tn!s Is equul to an advance of about 8 per oem. Steamship Arrivals. New York, April B. Arrived: Funrst Bismarck from Naples, etc., La Boul ogne from Havre, flailed: Etrurla from Queenstown. Sighted: La Normandie. fron r Yor for Uavre, passed the THE SEWS THIS S10SMNG. Weather Indications Today Fair and Warmer. The Wyoming Conference. Mysteries of Hypnotism. Ranking Reform, latest Political Information. Twenty Valuable Horses Burned. Wyoming Conference (Continued.) The Business World. Market and Stock Reports. (LooaU How Easter Was Observed. Will Kill the Mills Salary Dili. No More Electric Lights. Editorial. Without Precedent. (Local) Reorganisation of City Gov ernment. Two Excellent Reports. Saturday's Primaries, Rights of Aldermen. (3tory)-"Nor King Nor Country" (Concluded.) News of the Railroads. (Local) Sr" -irban Happenings. Teachers' Institute Today. News Up and Down the Valley. BLAZE AT HONESDALE. The Uennlgail lllock Consumed by Fire. Lewis Manger, a Fireman, Received Serious Injuries-Estimate of Losses. Speclul to the Scranton Tribune. Honesdale, Pa., April 5. This place was visited by another disastrous fire on Saturday night at 12 o'clock. The location was what was known as the Hennigan block on lower Main street, nearly opposite the Coyne house. The block was an enormous wooden struc ture which was occpled by Julius Moll, merchant tailor; Chrla Knchr, boots and shoes: James Soutman, restau rant; CharleB Loercher, funiture; Jo seph Kruntz, saloon; Patrick Cromftan, grocery; William Kaln, saloon, and Clark & Co., of Scranton, were tem porarily In possession of one store with Easter plants. The second stories of a portion of the block were occupied aa residences. Owing to the partial drawing off of the water In' the canal basin, some dif ficulty was experienced In getting water. Lewis Manger, a fireman, was knocked down Into the fire by a falling timber and his clothing catching Are he was seriously and perhaps fatally burned, The losses will probably reach $15,000 and are partly covered by Insurance, as follows: Hennigan estate, $1,000; Krnntz, $1,000; Loercher, $1,800; Moll, $1.00; Croghan, $500; Kaln, $500. The buildings on the opposite side of the street were badly scorched. 6 BUSH's'siIOCKING FATE. A Young Manlmpalod hy the Limb of a Falling Tree. Special to the Scranton Tribune, Montrose, April B. On Friday after noon Harrison Darrow, a farmer liv ing about two miles east of Montro,, felled a huge Maple tree. Imagine his surprise and horror when In trimming the smaller branches to find a man named Bush, son of Caleb Rush, who he employed, Impaled by a; broken limb. Darrow cut away the branches cS soon as possible and brought Bush to Montrose where Dr. Gardner, after a careful examination, pronounced life extinct. It Is supposed that death was Instantaneous. Bush had been engaged In other work alxut the farm and Dar row did not know of his presence when the tree fell. The fact that Bush was very deaf prevented him from hearing the creak ing of the tree us It was about to fall, otherwise he would have had an op portunity to escape. Darrow's grief over the unfortunate accident la be yond description. M'KINLEY'S CLAIMS, The lloomors Calculate That lie Can Rally 450 Delegates by Mat 1st. Washington, April 5. General Gros venor, of Ohio, tonight recapitulated by states tho number of delegates elected to the St. Louis convention whom he clninmed for Major McKln ley. The table Is as follows: Alabama, 4: Arkansas, 18; Florida, 8; Georgia, Illinois. 6; Indiana, 30; Kansas, 20; Louisiana, 8; Minnesota, 18; Mississip pi, 18; Missouri, 10; Nebraska, 2: New Jersey, 2; New York, 4; Ohio, 46; Penn sylvania. 2; South Cnrollna, 6; South Dakota, 8: Texas, 12: Virginia, 2; West Virginia, 2; Wisconsin, 24; Indian Ter ritory, 2; New Mexico, 4; Oklahoma, 4; total, 275. I continued," said General Gros- venor, "to count the unelected dele gates in Ohio and Indiana, which rec onciles the difference between the New York Tribune's figures and mine by the addition of twenty-four. My claims In Texas, Oklahoma and South Caro lina differ from those of others who are figuring. Mine will be right absolutely or win be little under the actual result. The present week will not be an In teresting one as far as state conven tions are concerned, the only ones to be held being those of South Carolina. tiregon ana Kiiocie island, but during the remainder of April there will be at least 170 delegates elected for McKln ley, and the 1st of May will see the number or McKlnley dclenrates eastlv 450. There will be elected thereafter 162 delegates, so McKlnley will receive quite a large per cent, of the reserve force. The pleasant feature of this whole business Is the fact that these delegates already elected in large Dart come irum states wno will furnish elec- tlral votes to the Republican ticket.' OHIO WOMENAROUSED. They Propose, if Possible, to Abate Another Theatre Nuisance. Cincinnati, April B. Several nromln ent women of this city have decided upon a plan of "getting even" for the passage of the Fosdiek antl-hlgh hat Din. une or tnem said: "We will avenge ourselves bv Intro. duclng a bill In the Ohio legislature by which the men will be subjected to ns big a snub as the women were. The bill will be drawn up In a few davs. with the same provisions and fines to be mulcted upon theater-goers and managers ns provided In the Fosdlck bill for each person found leaving his seat during an Intermission at the thea ter or found spitting tobacco Juice on the floor. I don't know that It will be passed, but nevertheless tt will be In troduced." liar Iron Trust. Cincinnati, O., April 6. A meeting of the bar iron manufacturers was held yes terday, but the session wan executive, and every member was sworn to secrecy. It leaked out later that plans were perfected for a very clo.o organisation of the plan of 'the suRar trust, starch trust and simi lar corporations. Herald's Weather Report. ; New York, April . Herald's weather forecast: In the middle states today fair, warmer weather will prevail, with fresh westerly winds, followed by cloudiness and possibly by rains and high winds on the coasts. On Tuesday partly cloudy to cloudy weather will prevail, with slight temperature changes, preceded by show- MYSTERIES OF HYPNOTISM Professor Baldwin on the Fakes of the Occult Science. SO.nxOMAXCY AXD MESMERISM The White Mabatmas Create Lively In terest in Rochester Why Bald la.' Doa Not Get Rich by Means of Mrs. Baldwin's Gift. Rochester, April 5. Professor Samrl S. Baldwin and his wife, self-styled the "White Mahatmas," have been enliven ing Rochester for a week and the great est curiosity has been aroused by their performances. To a Democrat and Chronicle reporter Baldwin said: "Mrs. 1'ul'Jwln Is really In the hypnotic state when she gives the answers to the ques tions and the descriptions that seem to you so marvelous." Professor Baldwin explained that he has no religious faith further than a be lief in an all-pervading force which he calls the life-spirit, and positively dis claims any belief In supernatural or spiritualistic manifestations. He claims simply to be a clever deceiver, with the right to resort to any trickery or chi canery to delude his spectators. He la however, a firm believer In hypnotism and the startling results that may be attained by It. On the other hand he was yesterday free to confess that even after years of careful study of mesmer ism, hypnotism, clairvoyance and kin died subjects, he understood only first principles, that he observed many phe nomena for which he was at a loss to account. ; Then continuing; with a laugh he said: "So you didn't know where 'you were at,' during the performance? There are a good many hundred thousand peo ple In different parts of the globe that have shared the feeling. Most of the re sults that I attain are brought about throughdeception and slelght-of-hand, but not all. I utterly disclaim any faith In spiritualism whatever, not that It Is may not be real, but because in the course of my forty years of experience which has brought me Into contact with many of the prominent so-called me diums of the last half century. I have never seen a manifestation that could not be duplicated by the skillful use of purely natural agencies. I have wit nessed the almost miraculous feats of the eastern Mahatmas, the Indian Yogll and Gooroos, the Gompas of Thi bet, the Kennlahs of Borneo, tne raktrs, the Zu u witch doctors, and I don't know what not. and can now with the proper apparatus, I think, perform them again; at any rate 1 Know now tney are done. MMR BLAVATSKY. Then there Is or was Madame Bla- atsky. Almost every day of my life I am asked for my opinion or her. nut wny i should say this to a stranger I don't know. for. really, from a financial point of view and we are all after the dollars and cents I find that It Is not wise to commit myself, for many believers in spiritualism and scoffers at hypnotism do not like it. I am simply an enter tainer and claim the right to use any moans to accomplish my ends without being discourteous, and explain what I think will further my pleasure-giving ends. But. to return to Madame Blavatsky, hesitate to express myself strongly lest I be misunderstood and it be fan cled that I am attacking her because she has passed Into another state long since, and can not refute my declara tions. I have no wish to vilify her. On the contrary she was a woman for whom I had the greatest admiration, Her genius and ability were so un doubted that no one could come In con tact with her without being Impressed by her power, but she was from birth an enigma to nerseir anu ner rnenos. to me personally Madame Blavatsky was a most complex character. I feel quite sure that within her own mind she deemed herself absolutely honest. I am quite sure also that she thoroughly be lieved In theosophicaj doctrine about which she wrote bo much, and to which she sought to convert the world. I am fully convinced that she possessed ab normal clairvoyant, mesmeric and mag netlo powers, and that she believed she possessed far greater powers than she really did. I believe that many of her clairvoyant and hypno-mognetlc mani festations wore genuine. But I am not ait all sure that her physical manifesta tions, such as the precipitation of let ters and the production of astral bodies, were genuine phenomena, she was self-deceived deceiver. It Is only fair to sny that I believe whatever she did do to deceive her friends was not done from sordid motives, nor did she deceive deliberately. My Idea Is that Madame Blavatsky was an enthusiast and In her own particular subject perhaps a mono maniac. Her work was done simply for the purpose of winning converts to the- osophy, B'hI she believed the Indirect means jiistinnhio, though in later years, when many of the tricks were shown up, she regretted having resorted to this method. THE HYPNOTIC STATE. "That Is all very Interesting. Pro fessor Baldwin, but aren t you wander ing from the point? What I would like to know, is how the hypnotic state is produced, and the results that you ob tain from the subject are secured. Again the performer laughed and went on: "No, I'll get there in a little while. The longest way round Is the shortest way home sometimes, you know. There are many side wires that have to be pulled to make what little know of the subject clear. Perhaps was In danger of being side-tracked for a time, though. I am so full of the sub lect that I could talk all night. "It Is only a few years ago, not more than twenty-five or thirty, at the most, when almost every one sneered at mes. merism and hypnotism as being merely terms expressing a peculiar kind, or class, of humbug. Now almost every person of any Intelligence admits the existence of hypnotism and mesmeric forces. It Is only a few years ago that nine hundred and ninety-nine medical and scientific men out of every thousand scoffed at these forces, as being purely hypothetical and fancied powers, which some misguided cranks imagined that they possessed. Now they all unreserv edly admit the reality of hypnotic and mesmeric powers and conditions. No one but an arrogant Ignoramus will pre tend at this day that hypnotism is fake. Hypnotism and mesmerism are not identical, though they have man points In common but If I go Into that. you will never get an answer to your question. FOUR DEGREES. "There are four stage or degrees of the mesmeric control. First the par tial degree. In which the subject Is Im perfectly under the power of the opera tor. In this staire most of the mental faculties retain all or a great portion of their activity. Of the physical senses, the vision Is unusually weak ened or Impaired. The eye Is no longer under the control of the subject. Some times the sense of hearing Is also af fected. In the second, or sleep stTste, the mesmeric control is complete as far Continued on Page t. IMLEY'S FOUR- QreatSpedals ' i Pieces Silk Jac quards, 27 inches wide. 25c. a yard, former "price, 50c. pieces Persian and other Fancy Silks, for Suits and Waists, 65c. per yard, former price, $1.00. pieces All Wool Cheviot Suitings, 33 inches wide,25c. per yard, former price, 39c. pieces AH Wool Cheviots, 40 inches wide, 37VaC.; for mer price 50c. ELEGANT LINE OF ind Fig! s, Sicilicnes, Etc. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Dress Shoes and Slippers for Every Member of the Family s, 114 AND ISO WYOMING AVE. Wholesale and Retail. Easter Eggs. Eggs. We have secured one of the prettiest, inexpensive, Easter Gifts Ii ai Becrtd Easter Egg; Something entirely new. Look in our show window as you pass by. W. J. Weichel 408 Spruce St. BARRETT'S DEATH GRIP. A Negro, Mnrtslly Wounded, Holds Ilia Slaver Till Officers Arrive. New York, April 5. Two negro crookt fought In a Seventh avenue saloon yes terday over their dogs. One killed the other, and the victim, with a knife In hlH throat, laid hold of his slayer and dragged him down with him, hissing Into his ear with his dying breath: "If I die, I will hold you till the cop comes." He kept his word. The policeman who was called In by the shouts of the saloon loungers, found V'P living negro almost frightened out of his wits. In the grasp of his victim and drenched with his blood. So desperate was the grip that they had1 to be drnfcired apart by main strength. The murdered -man waa Peter Barrett and his slayer Thorn aa Cooper. 0, MOW BELMWUL!