THE SCB ANTON TBIBTOE-SATUBDAT MOKNIKG, APKIL 4, 1890. NORTON'S BULLETIN. Easter Novelties. Easter Booklets. Easter Cards. Easter Books in Fine Leather. Suitable for Wedding and Other Gilts, Easter Stationery, Society Stationery. American and English Makes. Very Large Variety, Popular Prices. Engraving and Printing Calling Cards, Invitations, ic, To Order on Short .Notice. New Books, All the Desirable Ones; Periodicals, Everything Worthy Of Attention Received When Issued- M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Avenue. ENTIRE OF THE Best Quality. WE WHOLESALE IT. The Wefitnn Mill fin IIIU IIUVIUII HUH VU Scranlon, Olyphan! and Carbonrfala. HUE OF COUNTERFEITS. THE GENUINE Have tb laitials 0., B. CO. imprint ed in each cifar, -CI A DWCV RDDUM JC m - nHNJFCTUR;RS, COURT H0U3I SQ. FATAL AND SAD CASE. Italia E. Follln, Who kooontly Arrived Here, la Dead. Leslie E. Follin died yesterday morn ing at the home of his step-brother, Ar chitect E. H. Davis, of 16D5 Sanderson avenue. On Monday he was operated on for appendlcltics. ...He was 21 years old and came here from 'Washington, D. C, only three weeks ago to work In his brother's of fice. Funeral services were held at the house late yesterday afternoon and the body was taken away on the midnight Lackawanna train fur Washington. V. M. C A. NOTES. The ofhYe force of the Young Men's Christian Association Is hard at work on annual reports of the various departments of work. From the statistics already tabulated it can be shown that in no pre vious year has the work been so compre hensive in its plan or so generally ap preciated by the young men of the city. In accordance with the agreement of the directors, one half of the amount re volved from the present membership con test is being- placed aside and will be held us a gmynaslum Improvement fund, until a sufficient amount is realized to emihlo the directors to remove the posts, re-ar-rsnge the gymnasium and put in a swim ming pool 25 by 43 feet in size, or there abouts. The gymnasium boys are hust ling for the fund by recruiting new mem bers for their respective sides. The association gospel meeting tomor row afternoon at 3.45 will be addressed by Rev. Thomas Bell, the popular pastor of Plymouth Congregational church. THE PEOPLE BELIEVE what they read about HooM's Sarsaparilla, They Vow that it Is an honest medicine, and tnat It curse disease. That is why you HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver ills, re lieve constipation and assist digestion. 110KN. SNYDER To Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Snyder, of Jermyn, a daughter. DIED. LESLIE In Scranton, April; 3. 1890, E. Follen Leslie, brother of Edward H. ' Davis. A short service will be conduct ' d at the house, 1053 Sanderson avenue, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The remains . "will be taken to Washington, D. C, for .interment. WE ARE SHOWING Hot Spring Goods The Best Styles ever offered in - Lafe and Button and all the besvcolora for Ladles, Misses andthildren. EASTER SHOES Are the nAv things. You . should see twin before pur chasing else wLre, , . LOOK 1.1 OUR SHOV WINDOWS- 1 POPULflRPUNCH CIGARS I OE DOINGS OF StCUL YOD Lent Has Prevented Aay Eictts of Particular Momeat, QUIET PERIOD IX PROSPECT An Etlra Assembly Moaday Bight sad ftWcnts Ball at Drlftoa Tacsoay Vtgbt-Arrivals and Departure old ia Persoaal Paragraphs. c-i) hope of several weeks ago he quiet of Lent would be com- ted bv events to follow thai Der- L Af pennance and self-denial has 9 '-Shattered, for there Is no imme- dic te prospect of small or large af fairs, either of which would be a delight In anV form. There Is to be an extra ass -nbly Monday night and this Is the only event In view, unless an excep tion may be made of Tuesday night's ball to be-given at Drifton by Dr. George Wents. and which will be at tended by a number of the fashionable element from this city. The winter's debutantes and others to whom formal social life Is a necessity rather than an episode will droop because of a dreary prospect. Miss Hunt. Miss Arc-hbald, Miss Welles and Miss Belin are the commit tee which will arrange for the as sembly. The chaperones have not been announced. , Teflay night's Drifton ball to be giv n by Dr. George Wenti will be one "those splendid and elaborate af t-hlch one is permitted to attend but trely In a given season. Invita tions huve been issued to many, of the best known society personages from this rity. Wllkes-Darre, Pittston and other :lace in this region and the ar rangements for the event are said to hvye tot u made on a scale correspond ing to the prominence and large num ber f expecte.1. c-ucata. Tae patron S. rom Scranton will' be Mrs. P. 1. J -w'". Mrs. P. M. ' Spencer' and I, i g. lht Hallstead. Tho music will b by Oppenhelmer. of Wlltes-Harr. e Scranton Lawn ctulj has not c to an agreement with tha Piatt 1: . 'or the use of the homestead prop v '' on Jefferson avenue. V5-"51rman M. P. Sando of the com i that has the charity ball In said yesterday that the arrange 7or the event are all practically r , i- yd. It will open at It iO prompt r r a half hour preceedlng that - ila ore nrrivlnir Bauer and his i tilt vnder a. numoer oi eieciiona. tnot. 'W to the theater will b. jumn ' avenue, and as each cab ar- N ' the . Avner will be given a nmn- t. enme a duplicate of which will f had ".a the driver. Within the '. ,-tery arrangement has been - - " T lilt I'lmuuri Wl uio guraw. ;!,,-'' of maids will assist the ladles ,s and ample provisions have ' .-. been made for coat and smoking J ' 'r ...for the men. In the lobby at the t WP; avenue eimaiicr iw mc iw t. ncmonade and coffee frappe will be I ' ' d. In the lobby leading from the :ny Handley will serve a running ier beginning at 10.30. Clark will lit ' charge of the decorations, and as s : . as the curtain is rung down on t t vMessloh" Monday night his men ''.tJJcgin the work of further beautl--.. the Interior of the theater for the "it Is requested that each ticket g write the name of those in his wl on his ticket and also where were from. - j i r'ie Violet Social club will hold its si ond .annual ball Tuesday night In Ho. v lay1 j hall, on Mulberry street. ', ?The Marquettes held a domino social Tuesday evening in their rooms on South Main avenue. Boyd Smith fur nished music for dancing. Those pres lent were: Misses Gerfrude Lloyd, Ger ! trude DawUIns. Bertha Wettllng, Agnes Davis, Jessie Harlow, Mary Harris, Jen nie Price. Esther Thomas, Lizzie Law rence, Edith Jones, Jennie Jones, Will Davis, John Wettllng, Charles Mans tleld, John Dawkins. Elmer Hughes, Palmer Williams, Harry Reinhart, Charles Sproule, John Lloyd, Elmer Hughes, Arthur Davis, George Wett llng. Devvi Sant lodge of Ivorltes held an entertainment Wednesday evening. R. H. vlillams presided and Miss Norma Williams acted as accompanist of the evening. The entertainers were J. Davles, Miss - Lizzie Evans, William Evans. Thomas Adams, Henry P. Da vles, Miss Lynda Jones, David Stevens, B. Hughes. Miss Ettle Phillips, W. J. Davles, David Jenkins, John Evans and Joseph Gray. ! ' 'Mrs. W. Burley gave a dinner to a number of her friends at her home on Brook street, Dunmore, Wednesday af ternoon. Those present were: Mrs. E. LvAltemose, Mrs. Gabriel Svvartz, Mrs. Thomas Young, Mrs. C. Cullum, Mrs. H. Spencer, Mrs. Slocum, of Scranton; Mrs. Kellow, of Hyde Park; Mrs. C. Bunser, of Colorado. Henry P. Zelgler, son of H. J. Zeig ler, the hardware merchant, of Cedar avenue, and Miss Minnie Pontius, of Cedar avenue, will be married by Rev. Mr. Wordt. of the Hickory 8treet Pres byterian church, next Tuesday evening. Wednesday, April 1, was "the anniver sary of the birthday of Prothonotary Clarence E. Pryor. The countless friends of the genial colonel tendered him wish es of many returns of the event. Recorder of Deeds Charles Huester was forty-two years old Tuesday and received the congratulations of friends. " . At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Spruks, of Prospect avenue, a party was held Wednesday evening In honor of the anniversary of the birthday of Mrs. Spruks. Those in at tendance were: Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Moore; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Best, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Terppe, Dr. and Mrs. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spruks, Dr. and Mrs. Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Arm brust, 'Mr.'and- Mr. A. Geschwint, Mr. and Mrs. John Hortman, Mr. and Mrs. A. French, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Spruks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Spruks, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Neuls, Mr. and Mrs. William Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Klein. Mr. and Mrs. John Penne, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ehrhardt, Mr. P. J. Hlckey and JS. n. coniey. PERSONAL MENTION: Howard Vail is spending his Easter va cation at his home In this city, Hon. A. F. McNulty, of Archbald, la recovering from a severe Illness. . Ezra Connell Is home from the Univers ity of Pennsylvania on Enster vacation. Mr. and Mrs.. George Ludlow, of Clark's S mmlt. have returned horn from a visit '?h Scranton friends. Irs. Thomas D. Evans, of Philadelphia, ' he guest of her slater, Mrs. James H, ,i "es, of Eynon street. Kdward Hughes, of Division streot, Is r mo from liloomftburg State Normal r ool on his Easter vacation. Or. J. Walters, of North llromley ave nue, is entertaining his aunt, Mrs. John jAnes, of Pyberstown, Wales. ' Miss HorteiiEO Coyne, daughter of Mr. hnd Mrs, P. H. Coyne, Is home from Visi tation convent. Washington, D. C. ' James Holthnm Is home on vacation from tho University of Pennsylvania, where he is taking a course In dental surg ery, , Cards are on I announcing the marriage on Wednesday, . April ., of Miss Anna TI ornton to Henry Battenberg, a proml West Side couple. Rev. A. L. Urban, pastor of St. Mark's Episcopal church, Dunmore, will leave for Woodbury, N. J on April 15 to as sums the 'pastorate of a church there. .list Florenos Foot, of Hamilton, Ways county, and Mia Margaret Karr.of Wilkea-Barre. alter a pleasant visit with Mlsa Annie Uenwood. of Butler atrett, Dunaora, have returned noose. Robert Purcell. of Washington, D. C. la visiting in the city. Joseph Davles. of Pottsvllle. Is vial ting friends on tha West 8ide. Miss Mary Walsh, of Canaan, la the guest of Scranton friends. Miss Ida Hopkins, of Schultsvllla. la vla Iting relatives in Scranton. Walter H. Jones, of the eWst Side, who was quite ill. is convalescent. Miss Mary Maniey, of this city has re turned from a visit in Carbondale. Misa Mary Gardner, of Dalton, haa re turned from a visit with relatives here. T. J. Reynolds, of Hampton street, la home from a business trip to New Yark. Miss Mary Ryan, of Canton, Pa., ia the guest of Mlaa Cella O'Uoyle, of Kiver street. Mrs. John Gallagher, of South Main street, Carbondale, visited In Dunmore Tuesday. Mtn Esther Rooney. of Dunmore, has returned home after a month spent at Jersey City. Mrs. Mary Garvey, of Wllliam3port, Is visiting to;r daughter, Mrs. P. J .Horan, of Dunmore. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hacker and daut-'h-ter. Miss Vlra, of Duryea, are the guests of Mrs. B. P. Carey, of Jermyn. Mrs. Ira Everett and Mrs. William Har lem an, of Lchlghton, and Mrs Thomas Harleman, of l'ackcrton. are the guests of Mrs. J. H. Warg. of Dunmore. E. E. Robathan, of the county commis sioners' ollice, will be one of the speak ers at the banquet of the Cambrian so ciety of Schuylkill county in Pottsville tonight. J. W. Moore, of Glenburn, was In the city Monday. Miss Minnie Bliss, of Green Ridge, Is visiting in Waverly. Colonel M. L. Jones, of New York, Is visiting In the city. Clinton G. Gllmore, of Lenox, Mass., Is In the city on business. E. G. Coursen hss returned from a busi ness trip to New York and Philadelphia. John B. Osborne was on Tuesday admit ted to the bar of Lackawanna county. Miss Llzile Robinson, of Spring street, waa the guest of Peckvllle friends Tues day. Frederick Roth, of the Unlvorslty of Pennsylvania, is home for the Kaater va cation. Mrs. W. D. Decker, of Cherry street, Dunmore, has returned from a vtslt to Hawley. Robert H. McKenzIe, of the University of Pennsylvania, is at home in Taylor on vacation. Miss Nellie Lowry, of Westervlllc, 0 who has been chosen secretary of the Young Women's Christian association, will arrive in Scranton tomorrow. Miss Myra Pcarce has resumed her stu dies at the Stroudsburg State Normal school after a pleasant visit with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. F, Pcarce, of Frlnk street. Joseph D. Lewis, of Washington, D. C. returned Wednesday after a short busi ness trip to Scranton. He has lived at the national capital six years and was formerly of this city. W. J. Welchcl is In New York city. ' Mrs. Jefferson Freeman ia visiting In Wllkes-Barrc. The Misies Jermyn spent the week in New York city. . Miss Thompson, of Pottsville, Is visit ing Miss Archbald. Miss Moffat, of Watertown, N. Y., is visiting Miss Simpson. -Mis j Barker, of Chicago, Is visiting Miss Anderson, of Jefferson avenue. ' Miss Knowlton, of Freeport, 111., Is the guest of Miss Augusta Archbald. Mrs, P. J. Tooley and children, of the West Side, are In- New York city. A. E. Hunt, jr., Is entertaining his Yale clossmnte, P. C. Peck, of Hudson, N. Y. .Mrs. J. A. Maxwell, of Cortlandt. N. Y., Is the guest of her brother, ex-Senator McDonald. Robert Emmet O'Boyle and Will Seeley have gone to Susquehanna county on a ilshlng trip. M. J. Ruddy, of the Dickinson Law school, at Carlisle, Is visiting his parents on Peim avenue. F. J. McCawley has been called to Clin ton, Ia., by the Illness of his brother, Rev. P. H. McCawley. C. H. Welles, Jr., Is home from Yale and Is accompanied by his classmate, Mr. Loo mls, of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mr. E. P. Kingsbury and family, having sold their property at Olive street and Moneroe avenue, have occupied the man sion at 300 Monroe avenue, formerly the home of Mr. W. W. Scranton. COMING ATTRACTIONS. There la an unquestionable healthier demand for stags entertainment, ant the public appears to grow even tnori particular about the aunlily of thn of ferings. There promise In ' For Fair Vlrginla,"vvhlch will be at the Academy Wednesday evenlnsr, vry superior dramatic treat. The play owes Its creation to Russ Whyinl, a voting au thor of great promise whose work r-e-cured a remarkably encraraKlnv hear ing at the Fifth Avenus tr.nter last season. "For Fair Virginia" belongs to no one of the familiar typos of Southern romances, deals with the South during the critical petto.l In an entirely original and delightful!" inter esting manner. Mr. and Mr.). Whytal and an exceptionally competent com pany of players are engaged In the pro duction which it is assured will show some very beautiful scenic ideas. II II II The principal event of the current theatrical year Is the engagement of the famous BostonlanB at the Acauomy of Music on Saturday evening next. This excellent and most perfect lignt opera organization has for a number of years been first in light opera nnd their fame still obtains throughout The United States. Each year finds tlis company In better singing form then ever and the artists who compose it, quite easily form the nucleus of a 'i'wt of other companies. Among the noted singers and favorites who still appear here are Henry Clay Barnabee, Wil liam H. MacDonald, Jessie Bartlett Davis, Eugene Covvles, Helen Bertram Henley, C. E. Landie, George SYoih lngham, Alice Nellnon. II II II Leavlt's vaudeville and spectacular extravaganza "Spider and Ply" wl.l be the attraction at Davis' theater next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. It Is no easy mutter .to describe all tho attractive features which have been crowded Into "HpJder and Ply," with its manifold novelties. Its host of tal ented performers, and its wealth of beautiful costumes, gorgeous scenery, armor, mechanical effects, transforma tions, sparkling music, novel special ties, brilliant ballets and evolutions. It presents an entertainment in which the brightest features of comedy, pan tonine, opera and specialty are bril liantly blended. II II II "McKenna's Flirtation" will be the attraction - at the Academy of Music Tuesday evening. The prices will be 15, 25, 60 and 75 cents. Sale of seats now open. CUT IJY A CHISEL. Poouliar Aooldont to n Hoy While at Ploy in the Arcade. Charles Frutehy, son of George Prutchy, of the Ontario and Western railroad, was painfully Injured while playing In the Arcade building Thurs day night. A chisel fell from the upper floor and jiierccd the lad's hat ' with Buch force as to cut his scalp badly. The boy was led across Wyoming ave nue to Dr. Longstreet's office, where the wound was sewed and dressed. To tho Oclloote and Malarious. The most Incredulous are convinced of the virtues of Aunt Rachael's Ma larial Peruvian Bark Bitters upon a trial of them. Their base Is Speer's Port Wine, with herbs and roots so favorably known to the medical profes sion and the community at large as th? best cure for malaria. They are all that can be desired by the most faeble victims of malaria. Physicians pre scribe them, t ... , Lndles, V Go to KonecViy's Halrdresslng parlors and see the great bargains In hair witches at 317 Lackawanna avenue, The Nickel Plate Road controls the dining stations on its line and they re ceive unstinted praise. ' I - M., Plllsbury's Flour have a capac Ity of 17,800 barrtls a Cay.. BP TBDAY CEBEBB Miss of the Presanctified Celebrated v at St Peter's Cathedral. - THE SERVICES AT ST. LUKE'S Uaadreda of Worshippers Spent tha Day la Adoratioa of tho Craelfialoa of x the Savior Many of tho Churches -Were Bar of Decorations. Good Friday services at St. Luke's Episcopal church were Impressive and solemn. Morning prayer began at 6 o'clock and was attended by a large congregation. At 10.30 prayer and the Litany were the services, conducted by Rev. A. L. Urban, of Dunmore. He preached an edifying sermon on the Crucifixion. At noon the commemoration of the three hours agony of the Savior on the cross was begun and It was not over until three o'clock. The first devotion was on the words, "Father forgive them, for they know what they do." The second devotion was on the words spoken to tho good thief, "To day shalt thou be with Me In Para dise." The third devotion was on the words. "Woman, behold thy son; son behold thy mother." The fourth devotion was on the words, "My God, My God. why hast-thou forsaken me?" The fifth de votion was on "I thirst," and the last on, "Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit." In the evening Rev. Mr. Israel, the pastor, preached an effective sermon on the death of the Savior. ST. PETER'S CATHEDRAL. Good Friday at St. Peter's cathedral was celebrated in a solemn manner. The altars were bare and the vestments worn by the priests In the mass of the Presanctified were black. Rev. J. A. O'Reilly was celebrant; Rev. Thomas P. Carmody, was deacon; Rev. J. W. Malone, was sub-deacon; and Rev. J. J. B. Feeley was master of ceremonies. The mass began at 8 o'clock. . When the priests entered the sanctu ary they prostrated themselves before tht main altar. In this posture they remained In meditation And prayer for a brief time In adoration of the death of the Savior on Calvary. The candles wetc not lighted nor was the organ sounded. The choir sang without any accompaniment. The mass was the same as an ordinary sacrifice, except that the consecration was omitted. The host consecrated Holy Thursday was borne from the repository in the Blessed Virgin's altar and was consumed by the celebrant at the communion. As the procession of the host was moving from the repository to the main altar the choir sang, and when the host was placed in the tabernacle, tnen the can dles were lighted. At the end of the mass the people knelt before the cross in the sanctuary and offered up their prayers. SERVICES IN THE EVENING. At 7 o'clock In the evening the sta tions of the cross were begun, and at the conclusion of the service a sermon was preached by Rev. John Loughran, or tnis city, who is taking a post graduate course at the Catholic Uni versity in Washington, D. C. Rev. Fa ther Loughran is a brilliant young man, and his sermon on the crucifixion was a Deautltul one. He dwelt upon the pub lic life of Christ and described His pas sion. His last words on the cross were "I thirst." The speaker said that these words Indicated as much that the Savior thirsted for souls as that He suffered from bodily weariness. When the sermon was over the congregation approached the sanctuary and kissed the cross. Xcw Song hy .Mr. Davles. "Out of the Deep," the latest compo sition of T. J. Davles, Mus. Bac. has Just been published in two forms for high or low voice. ""Out of the Deep" is written In Mr. Davles' best vein and is a musical gem. There seems no rea son why it should not take rank in popularity with the many well known songs for sacred and secular use, as It is superior in a musical way to tho majority of recent publications. ' ; lln Arrived In tho Citv. ' Mrs. Nellie Lowry, of Westerville, Ohio, who has accepted the call as gen eral secretary of the Young Women's Christian association, arrived in the city last evening. All members and friends of the asso ciation, both ladles and gentlemen, are Invited to welcome Mrs. Lowry at a reception to be given In her honor at the rooms on Tuesday evening, April 7. Headquarters Lieut. 8. Griffin Post l?,9 Department of Pennsylvania, Oiand Army Republic. Comrade Jacob Kempher, of this Post, died April 1 Rt Pactoryville and will be buried at 2 p. m. Saturday. April 4. The train will leave Scranton 12.37 p. m. The Post will meet at Post rooms at 12 m. In full uniform, and transportation will be furnished all comrades who attend. Thirteenth Regiment Drum corps will govern themselves accordingly. ..... J R- Thomas, George P. Millet, Commander. Adjt. . Hcnrt Disco so Heliovcd In 30 Minutes. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief In all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes and speedily effects a cure. It is a peer less remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breaaih, Smothering Spells, Pain In Left Side and al lsymptoms of a Diseased Heart. One dose convinces. Sold by Matthews Bros. y DEARS' OPEN THIS MORNING NEW LINE OF Children's Jackets, Ladies' Coats, Ladies' Capes, Ladies1 Suits and tSPStrawbridge & Clothier will make a display of above goods iu our Cloak Department today. IVi EARS JUST AT THIS TIME A Few Valuable IllnU to Those Who Are Quick to Take Advan tage of Suggestions. Can you afford to risk your life dur ing this Spring? This Is a question-which a great many people will do well to consider just at this time. How many people there are. Just now, who complain of tired, worn-out feel ings. They feel listless, languid, have headaches, backaches and continually suffer from stomach troubles. Their symptoms plainly show that their liver and kidneys are out of order. Others are sufferers from dizziness, palpita tion and pains near the heart. Their blood does not circulate properly and It needs purifying. Unless these things are attended to, the first cold or chill they catch Is very apt to turn into pneumonia, consumption or some other dangerous malady. Can anyone afford to run these risks? These dangers are not exaggerated. They actually exist, they must be faced, and it Is a serious matter for people who have others depending on them. Such people cannot afford to be laid up with a severe illness, lose work and pay heavy doctors' bills. It Is wiser to guard against the many dan gers by toning up the system and put ting every organ of the body In perfect condition. This Is easily accomplished by the aid of Warner's Safe Cure.whlch for years has been recognized as the greatest and best remedy for renewing the strength and building up the health. Every doctor knows this truth. Thou sands of prominent people have proved its value In their own experience. Ask them and they will tell you they al ways make It a praotlce to take War ner's Safe Cure whenever any 111 health approaches. That Is why they can face the most dangerous exposures without risk and always keep In perfect health. There are few people who can afford to Ignore these suggestions, few who should fail to avail themselves of the valuable hints they contain. Uniformed colored porters are In charge of day coaches to show all atten tion to the passengers on the Nickel Plate Road. The New Store Will be ready for. you in a few days. Wait for New Goods New Prices . ' More Goods More Business REXFORD. Lacka. Av. THE KEELEY CURE Why let your borne and business ba destroy ed through strong drink or morphine, when you can tie curad in four weeks at the Eeeley Institute, 728 Madison avnue Scranton, Pa. The Cure Will Bear Investigation. 415, 417 Lackawanna 11,1 irate Skirts FLOWER VASES FOR EffSTER FLOWERS 4J Rich Gut Glass, Venetian Glass, Bohemian Glass, Yerona Glass, Neapolitan Glass, Li. i And large line of Finest Imi tation Cut Glass ever made. Jardinieres, Fern Dishes, China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, BIWVOlilBUEIUL Walk In and look around. THIS CUT REPRESENTS THE McCANN, 205. Wyoming Avenuj. IDI SHADES WITH SPRING ROLLERS COMPLETE. 18 Any Color or Quantity Yon Need. P, RI'GREA S CO, Coal exchange, 128 Wyoming Avo. nil FOR SPRING, IK til COLOflS. CENTS DR. SHIMBERG, the Optician, Has Removed to 433 Spruce Street. Call and See Our New Store, 433 Spruce St. & HA Avenue, Scranton, " i KID CLOVES We believe we are giving the best value for the money. Our assortment of GLOVES AT $1.00 is complete. We give a reasonable guarantee with each pair, WE ARE AGENTS FOR JOOUIN KID GLOUES For Fit and Service They Are Superior to All Others. 1IHI1IS II KII1S W MMp Mil An elegant assortment at prices that are Terj low considering the qnalitj, make-up, etc., ia being 6hown at our store. If you are thinking of buying a Spring Suit cal 1 in and look at our stock it will do you good, and as, too, of course. We are almost sort you vill bay cannot resist OUR HAT AND FURNISHING GOODS DEPT Is replete with everything that is new and stylish; all the latest styles and colors. Call in and he convinced. GlothiPA Mers.&FumishBra We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . ., Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Eta Sliver Novelties ia Infinite Varlat Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and ... . , watchmaker, zio LacKawaiini AYi. WORDS OF PRAISE Reach us every day from cus tomers. We suit them with Clothing and Gents' Furnish ings. Their Clothes fit, are well made; they are satisfied. The price is right and the styles correct. These are some of the reasons they sing our praise. BOYLE 41UCKL0W 416 Lackawanna Avenut. Pa. W.J