Mi ( ' ' - THE SCRAWTON TBIBTJNE SATURDAY MOUSING, APRIL 4, 1890. n I . -. SERI10N OFJEV. it. BELL IKlivcreO at tt:e Plymouth Church An ' nivcrsary Service a last wiiuar. IT WAS A THUl'GHTlTl EFfOKT Fa lib Is Not to Bo Confounded Willi Feci ins J N'ot ,he Measurement of Gocd Works-What Re ligious Faith Is. fjLt Sunday the Plymouth Congre ration church, on Jackson Btreet, was fourteen years old, and the anniversary sermon, preaonea in me evening Pastor Rev. Thomas Bell. Is a concise rMum of the history of the church. The speaker took for his text the words faund In John xtv. 12. The sermon was as follows: In the portrayal of the life cf Jesus we have a most comprehensive account uf John. In the closing chapters of til book, the author gives us a wonderful In sight Into the real Inner life of Jesus. Jesus had lived during the past three years a public life and In many respects a life unlike any other public character. But In these chapters of John we have splendid views of the sub-conscious life of Jesus. This deeper human consciousness does not manifest Itself until the ordin ary consciousness Is arrested or diverted. Below the surface Btream, shallow und light. . Uf what we say we feel-below the stream, As light, of what we think we feel-there flows. With noiseless current strong, obscure and deep The central stream of what we feel in deed. If psychologist and poet are right, if a large part of each man's self la below the threshold of his own consciousness and beyond the reach of his own observation, It behooves us in all our practical con cerns to take account of this sub-conscious self. The self of which we ure con scious Is only one section, perhaps a small section of the total self.. The foundation ground for faith and hope Is therefore deeper than the experi ences that we have gone through. John here scows us how perfect was the faith uf Jesu.- through the working out In fin ished character and sacrifice the con sciousness of a supreme end. The ilisr Wples heart1 the announcement of Christ's departure villi fear and dread; sorrow entered tholi lives as they thought of this sudden and i pparent close to their Mas ter's life. Bur to Christ all was perfectly clear, even thiugh the deepening shadows of the approaihlng sacrifice were In the way. This was the path by which He was again to come unto the Father. It was expedient that He should return to the . Father, that a divine spiritual presence, the "Paraclete" should be ever with His disciples. Hence Jesus endeavored to en courage His disciples by dwelling on the great things which should follow His de parture. Among these we find the state ment of our text, vis.: That the deeds und fruitage of their heroic Uvea should aurpass those of His own. But you will notice the basnl thought of 'such enlarge, inent of life's future purpose and mission "He that believeth on Me." The foun dation principle therefore Is, faith In Christ; but this term is too general. What do we mean by faith In Christ? In an swering this. HIS FIRST PROPOSITION. 1. First of all I remark faith is not to lie confounded with feeling. There Is a place In Christian life for feeling, for who can remain unmoved when the helnousness of sin and the in. flnlty of Christ's love are apprehended intelligently! Who, among Christian peo pe, can remain passive In the presence of constant Injustice, hatreds and Impuri ties! The historic conflict between sin and truth, .between the hosts of evil and the armies of the living Ood has not ;eased In any degree from Its Intensity, rather it Is being multiplied by the In creasing manifold operations of the sin polluted, and the Christian endeavor of united bands of brave Christian lives; and no person can participate or witness these conflicts without strong feeling. The feelings engendered have In them something of a drawing power toward Christ. But the question Is not what are tho conditions of feeling it is have I a love for Christ and His work that with or without emotion I humbly seek His will and dally serve Him. 2. A further remark, faith Is not the measurement of works. The apostle James very forcibly teaches that faith without works Is dead and that the best answer to the quality of faith is in some measure the character of works. Show me thy faith without the works and 1 will show thee my faith by my works. The ultimate of faith Is generous service, but our service comes very far short of our faith goal. It Is the province of faith to outdistance the human Instruments of service and Inspire the soul and life to greater achievements. It Is true that the quality of faith largely influences the character of work achieved as mentioned u moment ago, just as the qualities of the parent tree indicate the kind and Influ ences the quality of fruit but you notice that the good, bad or Indifferent quality is the inevitable of the tree so also In this question, works are the Inevitable of fulth nnd If the producer Is greater than the product, faith Is mightier than works; faith is the deeper principle-that lays hold of the Ideal and should never be In terpreted (as It Is too often) as being of equal ratio In the Christian life with works. The question therefore moves on to this, what am I dally striving to do t:Ot what have I done, but are my aspira tions and life leading me to the summit uf Christian character.. BY WAY OF ILLUSTRATION. To Illustrate this: "Three men are on a mountain side. The first Is only a few steps from the base; the second Is half way up; the third Is not far from the sum mit. Which of these men is nearest the summit? The third, of course,' says ev ery superficial observer, judging bv works lone. Let us look deeper at the mind. na weans oi inese inree men. i ne nri thas his face set resolutely toward the summit and is determined to press for ward until it shall be reached. The sec ' ond man is undecided, looking sometimes up and sometimes down. The third has neen enough already and is thinking of descent. Once more, which of these three men Is nearest the summit? The third Is farth est from It of them all. Whether the sec ond will ever reach It you cannot say. The first man Is nearest of them all for his mind, faith and will are on the heights already, and In due time will bring his body there." Faith, prophetic faith sees afar off and Is victorious. 3. Further remark: Religious faith must be distinguished from Intellectual con victlons. Man Is a complex Individual. He is In possession of bodily and soul capacities. It Is not within the limits of this dis course to present the psychological dis tinction, further than to say that the soul's conscious acts or states are sepa- rated Into the three general divisions of states of knowledge states of feeling nnd Btates of will. To know, to feel, and to choose are the distinguishing states of the soul. These are referred to thr-e faculties which arq, designated the Intel lect, the sensibility, the will, (c. f. Porter.) The Intellect, as a faculty of the soul, ex. orclses the function of knowing under cer tain conditions and limits; that this Is so Directory Wholesale. BANKS. taokawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Ca Merchants' and Mechanics', 42 Lacka, Traders' National, at Lackawanna, West Bide Bank, 109 N. Main, aeraatoo Savings, 123 Wyoming. BEDDING, CARPET CLEANING, ETC. To aeranton Bedding Co., Lacka. BuiBBSiasaMt S BREWERS.' Robinson, E. Boos, 435 N. Seventh. ' aoblason, Ulna, Cedar, cor. Alder. CHINA AND GLASSWARE Kupprecht, Louis, 231 Fsnn. TOTi AND CONFECTIONER'? .Williams, j. 0. Bro 114 Licks, FLOUR. .FKiin ANt (1RAIN Matthews. C. P. Sons Co., MLacl.j. nesioo Mill CO., t7-4 baeM PAINT! AND lUPPuktV MawM ) MaKaa, IN Bpruca is attested by consciousness. Hers I would have you note the distinction be tween a personal relation and an tntetlei tual conviction. Ri-llglous faith exercises Itself in special reference to,a divine per son. Jdsus 4aught He mef ram the Es ther and that atttr His departure a Hoiy tiplrlt would be ever .present In tt.e worl'i Faith, therefore, becomes personal mul asociates itself with the divine splr.t. lit this association and consciously, liii... will, however, foi mutate aivd log'.cd.i.. state the principles governing In such re lation. Here is where the exercbe of Ihr Intellectual faculty tinds Its highest .n joyment. The Intellect puts Into harmoni ous proposition and formula the grounds of the soul's rest and confidence. Re ligious fulth. the faith of the soul and heart. Is the conscious acceptance of Jesus as the Divine Son and our Master: hence the personal relation to God. In which all the powers of the soul respond and hv useful rplrltual activities fits It self for eternal fellowship with God the Father. A religious faith purely personal, yet including in its results holy feeling, lofty aspirations and characteristic work is the condition on which Jesus says that His disciples shall do greater work than He had done. This is the faith by which the Master would multiply His every en ergy and gospel. Every faithful human effort should feel the matchlessness of this relation which Is behind the effort, and tingling with holy enthusiasm push the battle till the shout of victory re sounds from earth to heaven and victory la echoed back from heaven. WHAT JESUS MEANT. 4. We now pass to the consideration cf what Jesus meant by the "greater" minus that the disciples snould accomplish. In the context Jesus hud sougnt to en courage the disciples by the promise of reunion In the Father's house, and In the conversation Thomas and Philip each in terject a question which for the moment turns the Master from the real object oi the conversation. Our text Is a return to the subject of separation, and In which Jesus speaks of a spiritual union wmca will prepare the way fur linal reunion as promised; see verses 2 and l'i. Our text is the transitional pomt and Is full of ug r.llScancc. There are two distinct state mints, "shall do the works which I do" and "ho shall do even, greater thlntss," The fuiintr undoubtedly has reference to miracles so-called, tne . latter to . work which was of a superior nature thus heal ing the bodies uf human beings. The su perior work Is the bi.ngin u.J tne lost soul to God and caubing by such 'efforts the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Now this superiority of opportunity and re sult Is conditioned upon His ascension to the Father, "because 1 go to' the Father." According to Oodet, "greater does nut mean more stupendous, but more excel lent; and this term does not merely refer to the extension of the apostolic ministry beyond the limits of the theocracy, but to the nature of the works accomplished." Not a great many weeks later Peter de-, llvered his remarkable sermon which opened the days of Pentecost, when thou sands were added unto the Lord. The great missionary, Paul, going from place to place preaching the truth and organiz ing churches In the name of Christ und from these down to the humblet Chris tian endeavorer who faithfully effects In others the work of salvation are dolnt; things Jesus could not do while on earth, for It was necessary, as Qess says, "that the wall of separation between Ood and men should have been destroyed and the Holy Spirit have been given to mankind;" In other words, the glorification of Jesus with the Father. The works of Jesus were Illustrative i-f His divine purpose, mission and authority. All the constructive forces of religion, his. toiio and present, center In Him. When He opened the eyes of the blind It was the acted part of a declaration that He was the light of the world. When the hungry thousands received at His hand bread by the multiplying of the loaves. It was the acted parable of His divine gift to the hungry millions of human souls. When He stood before the tomb of Lasarus and commanded the onlookers to take away the stone and then commanded the dead to arise and oome forth, it was the work whereby He showed to men their duty and privilege and also Illustrated His di vine power. "I am the light of th world," "I am the bread of lift," "I am the resur. rection and the life." But In these acted parables there Is another side the people In a few hours would once more be hun gry Lasarus would again feel the ap proach and certainty of death, and the eyes no more look upon the beautiful landscape-4ut tha recipient of "Bread of Life" need not go hungry all his days, nor dwell In darkness again, for Jesus Is the true God and eternal life. Hence the supremacy of that work which brings men into this consciousness of eternal light and life. : WOULD NOT DISCOURAGE." I would not in the least discourage, rather would I encourage all benevolent enterprises and philanthropic efforts looking towards social redemption, com. merclul Integrity and' personal purity. These are In the category of true Chris tian work. But- the superior nature of your ultimate aim and work Is manifest when you consider that by saving a man from self, from sin and Its thraldom, you have reversed a human destiny. The prac tice of the healing art Is a lofty profes sion, and many noble physicians adorn the history and practices of medicine. Yet, when by skill and compounds you have again caused the life blood to flow healthily. It Is only for a few years at most, for this body will come 'to decay and death but to bring health and peace to a human soul Is a fur greater achieve ment; for in so doing the years of happi ness und activity are not counted to days, but by ages upon ages, and still the nges roll on forever. Sing, ye choirs and singers, your noblest lays, your music Is inspiring and charms the head, but th greater this Is to cause the sweetest song of songs to burst from human hearts, the song of salvation, the song that deliver ance has come, that peace Is made with God! Education and environment are control ling factors In the making of character, but neither pleasant surroundings or re fined and artistic tastes will correspond to the work of regeneration they contrib ute, however. If rightly used, as auxili aries towards the end sought by Christian work. Our supreme work and the greater thing therefore, Is the salvation of men. No greater honor can be conferred and no greater opportunity can be offered for our best endeavor. 4. But I draw your attention to the necessary existing relation between the individual and the greater things to be done. RELATION A VITAL ONE.- That relation Is a vital one. It Is funda mental to the accomplishment or the work. Over and above the religious faith spoken of, these works must be wrought In us to begin with. A pure stream of health-giving water cannot gush fortu from muddy and poisonous sources. It Is contrary to all the laws of nature to ex pect figs from thistles: then In the realm of spiritual law shall we expect to gather the deeper and more valuable moral fruit rrom a lire wnose heart is not In hnr munlous relations with such laws. The quality of a man's work largely depends upon what the man morally Is. As a man thinketh, so Is he. The momentum and character of a person's thinking will without doubt condition the character and power of his action. It is unphllo sophlcal to anticipate from a mentally narrow and small ranged vision iperson the characteristic work of A broad vls loned und progressive life. A selfish and ungenerous Individual can never hope to do the greater things of Christ's service. The Master, In the most liberal manner, poured out His spirit of unselfishness, plesslng not Himself, but (generously sacrificed till that a selfish spirit woud crave that His mission might be accom of Wholesale MONUMENTAL WORKS. Owens Bros., 211 Aaams avenue. MILK, CREAM, BUTTER, ETC, loranton Dairy Co., Penn and Linden. ' ENGINES AND BOILERS, Dlokson Manufacturing Co. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, ETC. The Fashion, 801 Lackawanna avenue. PLUMBING AND HEATING. Howley, P. p. a M. T., 231 Wyoming ave. GROCERS. Kelly, T. J. A Co., 14 Lackawanna. ',. v Megargel A Connell, Franklin avenua; i : Porter, John T., 26 and 2S Lackawanna, t Rloe, Levy Co.. 30 Lackawanna, . ,i ' HARDWARE. Connell, W. P. a Bona, 113 Penn. Foot a Shear Co., lit N. Washington. Hunt a CozmmU Co,, its Laokawa&na, plished. . In Jesus wis the spirit without measure and wttij the variety of unlqiu powers and origlsciy of service H foimcd the rc-t ..; and tupitnie jiut .t&;e of H , Lfe."- " .- "!-- ;o the thouL-.! which expresses the vital csr.aectton bt tv.eu k utt.kcr' .a.... :iu a.uja. T.m . ... i. v r ...... wiJ v'jh.d nk :h3 n4st of Ufj and read.- thj noblest -rv.ce io humanity, in n. U s Tr,rrl : rce there mu h the spirit cr.-r i:iipt.ns to faithful warU, ciarifyias; j'.ir .ion ni.d 111 i: nil: a'ir.sj our intei.e:.. i The spirit wl lli.root the siei s of seitHh- I r.ess and erase the vl-tua of ajene.-jsitv j !a tut fo:.h its utnaf: frarra::iv. The j !r i .iiiee of )c0'. sylr.'t in" us wl'l do- ! -veiay i.ie .irorour.aest lovj for Christian wo k. it is true that God can and miy work throufrh ether channels, but the teaching of the word, the evidence of his tory and of prcser.t successes attests that there U a close and precious connection btjtween a thoroughly consecrated, spiri tually energised life and the divine power as rtpresented by the Holy Spirit. OF WHAT USE 13 IT. Of what use Is that costly locomotive standing upon the tracks, cold, pulseless, bttiutlful and attractive us a piece of mechanism but for .passenger of freight hauling purposes, absolutely useless until steam Is generate.! and a skillful engineer controls Its mechanical powers. The fire, the steam, make the essential difference between use und non-use. By this power the engine remains not only attractive, but becomes of great service and yields a fair return upon the luvestment. With how much pity Jesus must behold so many -attractive persons nominally Christian; made for that purpose, but as far1 as practical Christian service Is con cerned are useless and stand upon the gospel track, monuments , of cold In.u tlvfty. "1e sha.l rceolva power after that the Hoiy llnost Is i-umv upon you." Tnls is the power, thl.i Is the tire, the baptism of which-equips the believer for dolni; great er things tl:a;i Jesus did. ' The very state ment oi privilege and tho bleared relation .nd.cated snould. tiiu. tn Ihc Hush of sname to deepen o.i the ."aces f the weakling-:, co. d-henrtcd. should' cau.'c the Idle an I iiidiffcrettt Cimstian to repent and do tho ' first works wh.Ie to the faithful of a' churuh the spirit -;t.i soul inspiriin; co.i cc.itions of the t .tntss of Uf and Its ' oppoitunu.es-ui them on to steeper htlitrht fni- im.. . .,..1 ,4H conildenca jiu4 1.' .-ucu.ely allied to tne ideal and sunini , Christian character the "Wvrks hdtura.l.v follow. Forward is ihe' 'battle cry and unfalteringly they press .the foe atid w.th shouts of victory proclaim- that Jedti Is K.cg and Muster. FeMow workers In this church, this Is heaven's encouraging greeting to you on this our anniversary day. The message contains a clear trumpet call and Inspira tion to brilliant service. The work is su perior, 'the privilege Is golden, the returns are eternal felicities, saved souls, and fel lowship with the Father. What is the re sponse made by this church to such a call? JUdtfiiur from the oast the comlnor church should be ever more glorious. fiymoutn cnurcn is to be congratulated on Its position, successes and wide Influ ence. 'It Is fourteen years old today. Early In Hfe of every human being there are ex periences which test vitality and dura bility: This church has had Its powers of endurance severely tested, but It has passed through all and today earnestly prays, for continued prosperity. We are quite a boy. Tho strength of an army or a given regiment Is not measured by years of service; neither Is that of a church. What Is the record of Plymouth churchwhat have we done of loyal ser vice and faithfulness for Christ and His cause? Let It be remembered that we cannot measure spirituality by mathe matics. The chief end and work of a church Is upbuilding of spiritual charac ter and bringing; men to the knowledge of salvation. Social reformation, educa tion and the cultivation of a noble com mon brotherhood are all within Its com pass. - . . Our record for the year touching these great things is made and with all other human records goes to wait the day of final returns; rest assured, brethren of this church, whatever of work Is charac terised byhay, wood or stubble will be burned up but the greater things of ser vice, gold and precious stones shall abide the great test. Anniversary days are happy days, but the other slda obtrudes Itself; Is my per sonal record as a part of the local church that of a faithful worker, or that of a shirker and grumbler? Have we grown In faith, have we put on new power are we unitedly working under the spirit of Ood or some other spirit? It Is gratifying to note that with two ex ception every month has seen acesslons to the church membership. Tha Bunday school has increased in efficiency and num bers. The Sherman avenue mission has also increased in. numbers and character of work done. The Endeavor society is putting on new life and with the Junior society should yet do greater things. But I am ost desirous of reviewing the work done or undone. Ood knows and we knew there Is much which might have been done better, and other things not left undone. I wish to plead with you .s a church to concentrate and heroically at tack the problems before us. A scatter ing church Is never a very useful church except for advertising purposes. This new church year should see a large In crease of faithful members, and a large sum paid on our Indebtedness. It can be done by concentration and holy enthusi asm. We are growing, and just as a boy of fourteen If healthy, will outgrow his clothing, so has our mission school out grown the present size of the building so has the home school; every Sabbath four large classes meet In the church; wo need the enlargement of tha present chapel for Sunday school purposes, und a new building for the mission. We ask today for three things and In the name of Christ claim them for His cause. First, your consecration and faith. Second, your personal service as a co-worker. Third, your generous gifts of money. Thes things we crave for Jesus. A church cannot do the greater things with out this trinity of purpose and service. Lack of consecration will Indicate Infe riority of service; give then yourself and Plymouth church shall enter upon an other year of prosperity. Thankful for the past, sorry for every mistake, peni tent for wrongs commltte. let us go out from this service determined to do the greater things of Christian service. OUT OP THE MOl THS OF BA11KN. Little Pen (on her knees before retiring) Mamma, may I pray for rain? Mamma Yes, If you want to; but why? Little Pet Susie Stuckup didn't invite me to her picnic Lewlston Journal. "Papa, I know what I'm going to buy for you next birthday." "Well, what?" "A nice painted shaving mug." "But I've got a tine one now." "Oh, I've just brok en that," Fllegende Blaetter. Tommy a (brilliant youth) Say, ma, don't It make your hands warm when you str.ick me? His mother Why, yes, Tom my, It does. Tommy Then wouldn't it do just as well If you held them over the gas stove? 'Pathfinder. . ' Tommy's mother-Dld you hear about poor Mrs. Jones? She ran a needle Into her hand. The doctors had to open every finger trying to find it. Tommy-what made' 'em do it, mamma?- Why didn't they get the lady another needle? Lewis ton Journal, "Willie, Mrs. Dawson tela me that you behaved very nicely at luncheon at her house yesterday. Why can't you do It when you're home?" "Because, mamma, If I behaved badly there Mrs. Dawson would send me home, but you haven't no place to send me." Golden Days. Fond Mother My darling, it is bedtime, and Retail City and Suburban Representative Business Houses. FRUITS AND PRODUCE. Dale ft Stevens, 27 Lackawanna, Cleveland, A. 8., IT Lackawanna. ' DRY GOODS Kelly ft Healey, 20 Lackawanna Flnley, P. B 610 Lackawanna. LIME, CEMENT, SEWER PIPE. Keller, Luther, 313 Lackawanna. HARNESS ft SADDLERY HARDWARE. Frits O. W 410 Lackawanna. Keller ft Harris, 117 Penn. WINES AND LIQUORS. Walsh, Edward J., 32 Lackawanna. LEATHER AND FIND1X03 -Williams, Samuel, 221 Spruce. . . . . . BOOTS AND SHOES. . ' -Goldsmith Bros;,' 304 Lackawanna. ' WALL PAPER, ETC. . Ford, W. M 120 Penn. v CANDY MANUFACTURERS. Be ran ton Candy Co., U Lackawanna. All the little thickens have gone to bed. I L.ttle philosopher Yes. mamma, and so has t.U 013 hen. I'i.iailcly.va Call. - I Little Ja-i.1 y hrs em t lugiity an 1 h had to tj ref : from tie Hole t:tiiOU'. rr.y C.n.il. F-r lac hour hi haa been tt.. :.i a rorn.r il ivc:i ciyl' t . i tMr.ks i; t rae tj slc "V."eil. I he.. you have iltaj ci .!, .iow, 4 i. :.ir. Jo'irny tin a pa: siar.) i-iier.'t Ccnr. I'.u o:.I rjat r.z usiuu X Lica.- . A iiit'.e r'rl w know "aes r.ct i.ai'e.--i ctir.d encores tnd so found fault with the i jiKl'rnce t a r. ci.it chl drea's cor.eeit. in : which the hel.jed to slnjf r. chorus. "I kne we Cid.i'l nr-.ske one mistake.'" sh'j ', itciiinu 1 on ler wry home, "uiul yet they made us cone out cad si.-.s it ull omv asaia." Tit-Cits. MVuAZIXK NOTKs The Bookman keejis up its quality with notable steadiness. It is scarcely more than a year and one-half old. tut already It Is the leading meeting place for Introduction and Informal ges sli between writers and renders cf cur rent literature. The April number will especially repay perusal. !l II II I In the April Looker-on Alfred Remy presents a very detailed and scholarly review of Walter Damrosch's first ex periment In operatic composition, being his score for George Parsons Lath rop's dramatization of "The Scarlet Let ter." The chief criticism that Mr. Remy offers Is that the theme la un suitable' both to dramatic and to mus ical treatment. Secondly.he charges Mr. Damrlsch with having failed In mus ical expression. In the review occurs this finish although we do not say un just passage, showing that little mercy is to bo expected from Americans for American composers: "The gtueial character of the- music In entirely out of kccpliin; with our Ideas of Puritan ism. Damrosch has become so saturat ed with Wagner's music thut he cannot for one moment withdraw himself from the great master's Inlluence, although he nowhere bus produced anything that deserves to be ranked with Wagner's dreariest passages." II II !l Thi distinguishing feuture . of the April McC'Iure's, apart from -the. iu crensliiRly Interesting Lincoln Life, la Anthony Hope's new nerlul, "Phrosoi" which certainly starts oft well. Then there are two elaborate but not tech nical papers on the "X rays" which in Illustrations and text Intelligently cov er the new developments of- modern science. There are, of course, other readable contents, but mention of these will suffice to show that the familiar standard Is being fully maintained. ' II II II The Century for April bows to the prevalent revival of Interest In Abra ham Lincoln by printing a profusely Il lustrated paper on the four conspiracies to assassinate Lincoln. This paper is especially Interesting in Its treatment of Wilkes Booth, and presents much new Information concerning his person ality, his plots, his crime, and his sub sequent flight. Another feature In this issue which merits conspicuous men tion Is Marquand's well-worded des cription of "The Old Olympic Games," Illustrated with Castalgne's pictures. II II II A series of thoughtful papers on "The Correlation of Spiritual Forces," from the pen of Franz Hartmnnn, M. D., be gins In the April Metaphysical Maga- slne. It la one of a number of articles that make this Issue valuable to all who are Interested in occult, philo sophic and scientific research. II II II Probably one could not buy on any newstand in the world a better digested quarter's worth of economic literature than is to be had in the April Issue of Ounton s Magazine. Professor Gunton solves the currency question, shows the need of restoring the American mer chant marine and discusses ten or a dozen other grave and weighty topics, all with the ease of a master thinker. And the good thing about Gunton is that nine times in ten he is all right. II II II A pretty cover design commemorates the Easter number of the Chap-Book; and the insldes are fit to be thus adorned. If you don't believe so, buy one and see. ' II II II The much-talked-of Penny Magazine, of Philadelphia, has appeared at last. The name is something of a puzzle, since the magazine sells for five cents. It Is on the order of The Black Cat, and prints in the initial or April number seven snappy short stories, among the contributors being Julia Magruder, Maria Louise Poole, W. J. Henderson and Mrs. Poultney Blgelow. The ex periment Is unquestionably bound to be a success, for people do like good short stories. II II II There was once a Literary Man yclept Taber, who sold his Pen to one Elbei't Hubbard for Hire. This Liter ary Man was put In charge of a prun ing Shop and eke made Editor of a Periodical of protest called the Phllo pene. For a time Master and man got on swimmingly and there was much Joy In East Aurora. But It befel that the Master suddenly grew Heterdox, whereat the man vexed sore In Spirit and after a time said unto the Master: "Behold, have I not served Thee well? Wherefore, then, dost Thou enjoin upon me to fling Bricks at the faith of my fathers?" And the man, receiving no Increase In salary, thereupon Resigned. But the Phllopene straightway made overtures to another Literary man named Harte, and the Harte now pant eth beside the water trough which be decks the frontier of the Itoycroft Shop. The Moral of which la that the Indis pensable Man is dead. II II II AUTHORS AND PUBLISHERS: Senator Sherman's "Recollections" will soon ibe brought out In London by Samp son. Low & Co. Dr. Conan Doyle's forthcoming book, "Rodney Stone," is a romance dealing with the days of the regency. John Jacob Astors novel work, "A Journey In Other Worlds A Romance f the Future," has been translated Into Swedish by Alex. Josephson. The Boston Transcript tells the story of a woman who walked into a Boston book store In search of EllzabetheStuart Phelp's "Burglars In Paradise." But what she asked fcr, however, was "Smugglers In Heaven." Since Alfred Austin was appointed poet laureate several thousand copies of his works have been sold: b'ut the curious fact Is noted that many more copies of his prese works than of his books of verse have had purchasers. Mme. Surah Grand's reply to the ques tion, "What do you think of 'The Wo man Who Did'?" merits quotation. "It seems to me," f.he said, "that Mr. Grant Allen wants us to return to the customs of the poultry yard." A new addition to the overwhelming tide or stevensonia win be a volume of "vail! ma Table Talk." It Is revealed that hisJ uaughter-ln-law, Mrs. strong, acted as a Bcswell to his converse tlon. We used to think of Stevenson as u picturesque FLOUR, BUTTER, EGGS, ETC. The T. II. Watts Co., Lt.. T23 W. Lacka Babcock, G. J. & Co., 116 Franklin. MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. Scranton Supply and Mach. Co., 131 Wyo. FURNITURE. ' . Hill A Connell, 131 Washington. , CARRIAGE REPOSITORY. Blume, Wm. A Bon, S22 Spruce. HOTELS. Scranton House, nenr depot MILLINERY & Fl'TtNISHINO GOODS. Brown's Uee Hive, 221 Lacka. City and Suburban. ATHLETIC OOOD3 AND BICYCLES, Florey, C. M 222 Wyoming. HARDWARE AND PLUMBING ' Qunster A Forsyth, 327 Penn. ' wanderer nnd Bohemian. Potthumous ! levtlations seem to mske hlra out to have J ten in ais Utt;r years a sort or nnrj o.kej li e'ft-ri- r.ia.-li n.- all Af m-AOSA lift . . : f .v 11 it. majlia. t i .-."-.! c'j..i.r -;y of a Professional : c .v... ;-." tj Z .z.;itiA Phipps Train, who . e .-..4 v -oe Uiumati3.ni' call! A w::.il I;.-.j .jita." Is a story uf i .-.....' j;y saoa to be pu'j :.:.:: J iy i..c L.r.a.-o.ts. '1 .e Vtj'fWi.f." epcii whUS the la! Ku .iiie F. .11 cu nt an enortnea amount . .' ljtr. r. rfr.t.. j the i trra-.ive feven or cicl t tlire. t .ir: i out U bo i romantic episc'Je c tjd -ixo! in which mel- .:r..isychos: idsy a: insenioua part. Seven iluaies an- to be added ta the KUinburah li.l.on of Stevenson's works t make it ctcr.:.ieU. liui w.ll bring the edition up tvvi' .y volum-s, four more than are la the Thistle ed.tion, though uc: necessarily containing mere matter. All the mcney for the oeacan In memory of Tennyzon has been suoscr.bed, the monolith for thj tt.tt hn been suc:eis fuily quarried In turn will, ar.l the monu ment, will be s-t cp In the fall. Of the H'ZO subscribed, 1 ia camo from the United States. Colonel T. W. HUsduton's gift of books to the Boston -,u' Ic library comprises l.CU) vcicmes rH&ring to the history of woman In all lini!) and ages. The col lect'on wis begun In 1SW with the pur chase of Mrs. Huxj R.'ld's "Plea for Wo man," and has been continued ever since. The volume of thort stories by R. D. Blackmore, so an to be published, "Tales from the Telilrs House." contains four stories with the titles. "Slain by the Doones." "Frida: or The Lover's Leap," "George Bowrinn" and "Crocker's Hole." The effects left by Paul Verlalne to his son Georges, who is now serving In the French army, consists of some papers found In a table drawer, a bundle of manuscript In a hand-bag. an unfinished work, half a doben clay pipes and a cig arette ho'.der. two pairs of eyeglasies, a hat und a nightcap. Jacuues L.s I-orrain. poet, novelist. lla.v- wris'nt and or.ee a professor, has opened in .'lid tin- chocs of the students of I he Latin quart"-!-. He has sent out a com munication in verso to prospective cus tomers, In which he calls to mind slioe mending poets, like Jasmin of the Pro vence a il Hans Sachs cf Nuremburg. llider Hacaard baa rone to South Afri ca In search of material for a new story, j The original or "Jess Is said to have lived In Pretoria. Her husband was very wealthy at the time of his marriage, but she separated from him und joined a South African Opera company, while he went through his fortune and Is now do ing newspaper work In Johannesburg. William T. Stead's "Penny Novels" have been a great success In London. It Is an nounced that over 40.UU0 copies of "She" have been sold. Some of the larger nov els are abridged, but most of the novels are complete In the penny form. Mr. Stead Is a believer In the power of polit ical tracts, and will soon Issue several dealing with the Armenian, Venezuelan and other questions of the day. Mary Hallock Foote has won fame both as an artist and as an Illustrator. She Is 49 years old and says she does not care who knows It. She Is well-known through her western stories with their telling Illus trations, he studied designing said then did book illustrating. When she was 'H she married Arthur De Wolfe Foote, a young mining engineer, whose work called him to Colorado and California, The picturesque scenes awakened her dormant literary capabilities, hence her stories. "John Strange Winter" (Mrs. Stannard) rose at the recent meeting of the Society of Authors in England and suggested that that It was so freely said that the soo.'ety was of special use to lady authors and us in fact many of Its annual subscriptions come from ladles, there ought to be at least one lady on the committee. This suggestion met with general acceptance, but one bold man murmured that he did not like the Idea because he feared that the presence cf even one lady would stop the committee from smoking. As Thack eray said: "The cigar is a rival of the la dies and very often a successful one, too." However, Mrs. Stannard murmured In her turn a hint that some lady authors smoke! "Ian Macluren" six months ago de scribed himself as a young author, says the London Literary World, but he was nearly 44 when his book, "Beside the Bon nie Briar Bush," appeared and Is now a year older. It Is unnecessary to respect the secret of his identity with the Rev. John Watson any longer, as that fact ' has become pirbllc property. He lives In Liverpool, is a rreRoyienan anu tne min ister of Sefton Park church. Tall au-d proportionately broad, with a countenance that Indicates a contented mind and a general love for humanity, which accords well with his clerical dress, there Is noth ing that Mr. Watson less resembles than a typical priest. When he addressed his fellow-authors at the club In Whitehall court a few months ago he at once took his audience by storm by reason of his "bon homle" and ready wit, his quaint sayings being delivered with the slightest suspicion of a Scotch accent. Mr. Watson married In 1878 and Is the father of four sons. TO PUT ON needed flesh, no mat ter how you've lost it, take Dr. rierce'i 'Golden Medical Dis covery. It works wonders. By restor ing the normal ac tion of the deranged organs and functions, it builds the flesh up to a safe and healthy standard promptly, pleasantly and nat urally. 'The weak, emaciated, thin, pale and puny are made strong, plump, round and rosy. Noth ing so effective as a strength restorer and flesh maker is known to medical sci ence; this puts on lical III v flesh not the fat of cod liver oil and its tllthy compounds. It rouses every organ of the body to ac tivity, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood so that the body feels refreshed and strengthened. If you are too thin, too weak, too nervous, it may be that the food assimilation is at fault. A certain amount of bile is necessary for the reception of the fat foods in the blood. Too often the liver holds back this element which would help aigesuon. ur. rieice s ijoiuen Aieuicai Discovery stimulates, tones up and invig orates the liver, nourishes the blood, and the muscles, stomach and nerves get the rich uioou tuey require. Spent Hundreds ol Dollars with no Benefit. M. J. Coleman of u Sargent SI., Koxbury, Mass., writes: "After jskk siiflemig from dyspepsia and coustipation with un told agony for at leant 18 mouths, I am more than pleased to say that after using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and pleasant Pellets ' for one mouth, I was entirety cured, and from that day to this I do not know, thank Cod. what even a slight headache is. I paid a doctor on Trcinom St., Boston, in one any ( lor his advice onlv.) the sum r Cam .111. C. ;n (r, mediciiie. and derived no J- Colkmau, Esq. benefit. I got more relief in one hqur from your tlinn from nil the other medicine I used. medicines, as iur my aiuiuacu was concerned, Ifativ ncrsou who rends this is sufteritie from uvsnepsia or coustipation and will use your medicine as I have done, lie will never regret it," Cowles, W. C, 1807 N. Main. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER Rogers, A. E., 215 Lackawanna. BOOTS AND SHOES. Goodman's Shoe Store, 432 Lackawanna. FURNITURE. Barbour's Home Credit House, 426 Lacka CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, Ir.gUs, J. Scol.t, 419 Lackawanna. GENERAL MERCHANDISE Osterhout, N. P., 110 W. Market. Jordan, James, O'yphnnt. lar;hoid, E. J., O.yphant. CpNTUACTORAND BUILDER Cnock, S. M Oii .V.u.nt. PAINTS AJ.D WALL PAPER. ' 'nke, J. C, Sli F:m. ' TEA, COFFEE AND 8PICB. Grand Union Tea Co IN S, Mala, IK! IF. Carlos P. Shepard, a Member of the Indianapolis Board of Trade, is About Once More. A Cssa off Weighty Intsrett Ksrveus Ccr-plalnts, for by "Feeding" tho Ksvr Tern In rem (At tt'ewt, One of the best known men about the In dianapolis Board of Trade it Carlos F. Shep ard, who for several years lias been con nected with the house of E. E. Kinney, grain broker. Mr. Shepard is a bluff, hearty, old! ...i.. r .,!. i,!i,. rflv.h.odi i jviitiviuaii vi uicuiuiu aiv j -asvswH and with a mustache like a French veteran. lie is a man of very decided views on all subjects and is especially orthodox in poli' tics and medicine. Notwithstanding hi firm' ness in his convictions und the vigor with which he maintains them he iiamau of many friends fur in-.inly men, even though some times obstinate in their opinions, have the force ot character thut win admiration and friendshlr. . '' ; So a few months ngr when the news came W his - Id lusociates on the Board of Trade tht Mr. Shepard had received stroke of paralysi and that the probabilities were that his days of 'isefuluess were over, and that perhaps, Ills licurs were numbered, the deep est, sympathy went out to the smitten man and his family. It seemed to all his friends almost impossible that this rugged old man, always so wholesomely hearty and cheerful, always n picture of health for BIS CHEEKS WERE LIKE TUB ROSE ' IN THE 8N0W; could have been so suddenly laid low. But it was true and many weeks passed before his well-known form and kindly face re turned to bi" former busincsi haunts. His re-appearance was made the ' occasion nf a hearty welcome nnd the story of his illness and recovery is well worth the telling. " I was taken sick," said Mr. Shepard. "on the 17th of Ausrust. As Iliad all along been oi' the opinion that I was made of iron, you may wen neneve tnai it wns nura for me t enlertain the thought that 1 was to 03 laid up lor mure tnun.n uuy or two. I fi.n ,Wi vmn nlil. and for 40 venrs nn to the time of this attack, I lind not had a day's aickne3. The doctors who dingnneed my case saw at once that it wns something seri ous. They at first said that it was lumbago then sciatic rheumatism. They finally came to tl.e conclusion they did not know what was the matter witn me. i experi enced no pain, my head was clear, my ap petite good, but I lost the use of myself from my hips down. This wai a hard stroke to an active man who tins always had on easy going pair of legs. My brother-in-law, who is m pnysician, came ironi a nuignnor ine city to see me. He pronounced my af fliction to be locomotor ataxia. I am of the opihion that he diagnosed the case correctly for I was absolutely paralyzed from the hips down. ' Before he came, however, a day or so be fore I had begun taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. That was on the 20th day of lost October. I read an article in the Inmanavolu Newi and bow testimonials de scribing cases cured that were similar to mine. It struck me that the remedy could not do me any harm and I began to take the pills. " Before I began taking them I could not stir a peg, but had to be carried from place to place, i nan not got tar into tne nrst box when I felt that deliverance from my en forced inaction had come. Beiorc I finished the second box I was able to walk alone . EVA M. HETZEL'S Stiperior Face Bleach Positively Bemnes All Facial Blemishes. Azalea Face Powder Is superior to sny face powder ever manufactured. Used aud com mended by leading society and professional beauties, because it gives the best possible effect and nsver leaves the skin rough or scaly. Price R) cents. Thrlxogene, Nature's Hair Orower, Is the greatest nair in vigors tor ot the present pro gresslve age, being purely a vegetable com pound, entirely hainuYss, slid marvelous in lis beneficent effects. All diseases ot the hair an I scalp are readily cured by the use of 'I lirlxngene. Prion 60 cents and $1. For sale at r. If Hstzel's Hair-dressing and Manicure Parlors, 3:0 Lackswanua ave. and No. 1 Lin nlnv Building, Wilkes-Barre. Mail orders filled promptly. PChlolMter Enallth DtaawA BraaJ. EHNYROYAL PILLS Uriel uui d Only CettalB. , always reliable), la Dies ak UruRBirt for Ckienttltr Snotuh Di Moncf Brand ia Ul and Gold metalllo ItMKM, all with bin Hbbun. Tukm n other. fe dmmtnu tub$tttu Hontand imitation. AtDrvittiit.arantl4e la itampH for particular!, tetiinoiiiilt anJ "lldllcf fur Lad Ira." in Ittttr, by ret art Mb hmmhj Ti'Mimooiaii. a anu rapt icnoaiertj Urufglm. hiNitert'aeMlenlV.tMadlnii Mo.ua a lu.ushi a FLORAL DESIGNS. Clark, G. R. & Co., 201 Washington. CATERER. Huntington, J. C, 303 N. Washington. GROCERIES. Plrle, J. J 427 Lackawanna UNDERTAKER AND LIVERY, Raub, A. R 423 Spruce. DRL'JOISTS. McGarrnh A Thomas, 209 Lackawanna. Lorcnta, C, 418 Lucks;. Linden A Wash. Davis, G V Main and Market. DlObS, W. S., Peckvllle. Davles, John J., 106 S. Main. CARRIAGES AND HARNESS. Slmwell, V. A., 615 Linden. PAWNBROKER. Green, Joseph, 107 Laclfawanna. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. Harding, J, L., 21i Lackawanna. ' 11 si rciii Bold to uf twal to Anyens Suffering tfft tho Patisnt was Cured ; Nerveo. This is a Cedlclno. Indlanapolit, Ind, with the aid of arnne. About home I da . not use cane now but when I come out oa ' the slippery pavements I feel that I need a little support to make my footing sure. . , i am sin i mint; n uuams nu nils. but I have reduced the dose to one after- ' '"" " .'"" P ?en aoie to throw some discredit on the predictions of J a . I 1. . . . I . -Ml ml . uiv mn-iun iiihuks iv me duis. Anerssia s could never walk again but here I am, ana : . I think the credit must be given to the pills. ; It i". said the cilia are stimulating, hut I eon. not C that tuey give me any sensations that I uui aware of. They merely cure and that- . is quite enough for me. . ''Since I have been' out I have teen A .' walking advertisement for Williams' Pink , Pills. I suppose I have recomnieuded them . to at least a hundred persona Yhat1 You v want to print all this 7 Why, my dear air. -j 1 never gave a recommendation to Any pro V prietary medicine before in my life. Per - haps it may not be a bad hbigto do go this,;, time if it will help any sufferer to regain' ' health and bodily activity." ... ':. Carlos F. Shepard has been a resident ot ' '. Indiananolis for over twenty vear. Helivsa v at No. 720 East Ohio Street. He has always ' been an active, enterprising mob- and hia .'. many friends will rejoice that he- has liter ally been put upon his feet again. . He is ; not only well-known locally but to grain shippers all over Indiana and Illinois. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale I'eopla are an unfailing remedy for all diseases arit ing from a poor and watery condition of tha blood, inch as pule ond sallow complexion, Senernl muscular weuknem, lost of appetite, cprcssion 'of spirits, lack of ambition, anat- I mis, chlorosis or green sickness, palpitation, ' of the heart, shortness of breath on alight ex- -ertion, coldness of hands or feet, swelling of the feet and limbs, pain in the back, nervous -headache, dizziness, loss of memory, feeble ' ness of will, ringing in the eon, early decs-, . all forma of female weakness, leucorrhcoa. ' tardy or irregular periods, suppression ol menses, hysteria, paralysis, locomotor ataxia, , rlieuinutism, sciatica, nil diseases depending; I on vitiated humors in the blood, .aininjj " scrofula, swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, hip-joint diseases, hunchback, acquired de forniitics, decayed bones, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, consumption of the bowels ajM lungs, and also for invigorating tho blood ana ryttem when broken down by overwork, Worry, di case, excesses and indiscretions of living, re. covery from acute diseases, such as fevers, etc., k loan of vital powers, spermatorrhoea, early de cay, premature old ugc. These pills are not a purgative medicine. They contain nothing that eould injure the most delicate rystcro. ' They act directly on the blood, supplyinc to the blood its life-giving qualities by sissiMing lt to absorb oxygen, t hat great supporter L' ufl " . organic life. In this wuy the blood, becom r ing" built up "and being supplied aith it . lacking constituents, becomes rioh and Yud, ' nourishes the various organs, stimulating them to activity in the performance of their functions, and thus to eliminate diseases from the system. . These Pills are manufactured by tfia'-Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, . N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing Ilia firm's trade mark and wrapper, at GO tents a box, or six boxes for $2.S(i, and are never .sold " in bulk. They may be had of all drnmr'sts,. ." ' or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medicine Company. The price at which these pills ire sold makes a course of .reat . ment inexpensive as compared with vther remedies, . ASKPOKTHE BoKLET.Off GIVES THL BlTIlGHTVvORlP FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON STATION. MONEY! Daniel Drew, who accumulated one of the largest fortunes ever made in Wall street, laid: "When the sap runs up tha treos buy stocks," and the records of Wall street for the past twenty yenrs show be was right. For full particulars as to how business Is dono In Wall street, write for our book, "Spso ulation Fully Kxplalned," also our market let ter. Mnreln 3 to 6 per cent. Commission only 1-18 per cant. ED. THORNBURGH & CO., Bankers & Brokers, 4i Broadway, New York. BROKER AND JEWELS). Radln Bros., 123 Penn. DRY GOODS, FANCY GOOD Kreaky, E. H. A Co., 114 S. Main, CREAMERY Ston Bros., 303 Spruce. BICYCLES. GUNS, ETC Parker, B. R 321 Spruce. DINING ROOMS. Caryl'a Dining Rooms, COS Linden. TRUSSES, BATTERIES AND RUBBBB GOOJJS. Benjamin A Benjamin, Franklin A Bpruea MERCHANT TAILOR. Roberts, J. W 126 N. Main. PIANOS AND ORGANS. Btolle, J. Lawrence, U3 Spruce, i ' DRY GOODB, CLOTHING, 8H0E1. HARDWARE. , Mulley .Ambrose, triple store Prevldaaaa, "ej - j a i . by (ass REFINING