The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 03, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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124-126 Wyoming Ave.
We Are Pleased to Say
Was a Pronounced Success.
It showed wry plainly (hut tlie pen
ile of Suantou and vicinity appreciate
our efforts. We certainly have what
we promised the public, a metropolitan
establishment, where oue can do shop
ping with a great deal or comfort, as
we have ample room, liulit and venti
lation. We are rcceivint; daily new
novelties in every department, and
name will be placed on sale always
it Leader's prices.
We are showing the uewest effects In
Black and Colored Dress Hoods,
Organdies. IMuiilles. Linen Kn
llstes. and In rai l nil (lie very lat
ent weaves in Cotton Dress Fahrles
Our Customers will kindly bear in
miud that we produce in our work
rooms stylish hats, copied Irom uiost
expensive m tdels. at from IMS lip
Wards. Vo.i will find a most com
plete and varied assortment of the fol
lowing necessaries lor Kaster :
2S ilo.. ladles' l-liulton real kid
gloves In tans, browns and whites.
Lender's I'rice U!lc.
JS doz.'i' 4-lutlon real kid
glove, with hi-Hvy black embroidery.
In tan, brown, mode, pearl, while and
butter ami black; every pair warrant
ed. Leader's Price ).
We also have a complete line of
laities' 4-bnttoii suede, also real kid In
all the newest shades. Leader's I'rice
from Jl.i', and upwards.
12 dost, ladles' line silk waists, with
larite I'.lshoii sleeves. In all the new
est patterns and made in the latest
style. Leader's I'rice J2.H8.
Klner qualities. In all the new silk ef
' feet and trimmed with velvet ami
lace and fancy buttons. Leader's
I'rice from $;i.!8 and upwards.
In ladles' wash waists, with latin
dried collars and cliffs, we have an
ndlfeNS variety of styles and ciiall
tle, both with attached and detached
collars, sizes Xt to 44. Leader's I'rice
from 48c. and upwards.
ill ladles' parasols we have the new
em novelties, Including the linen ef
fects, loader's Price rauttluK from
bsc. and upwards.
ti'J doz. men's choice Kaster neckwear
consitfliiiu; of teeks, four-in-hands,
band bows and Club House ties. Lead
er's Price L'.lc.
4 doz. very much finer and hand
ouier goods, Leader' I'rice VJc.
The I'hilndelnhla nnd Heading rail
roud company has placed In service on
Its New York and Philadelphia division
ii locomotive which In expected to make
eighty miles an hour on some portions
uf the line.
The Creat Northern railway an
nounces that on April f, it will Ifiuiisu-ratc-
a new transcontinental service,
leaving; St. t'aul daily at 3 p. in. and
running through to Portland and Seattle
without change. The runnini; time will
he riiaterlally reduced to all points
There are thirty-live locomotives In
the Held near the Philadelphia and
Heading railroad round house nt Keiul
In-, all coated with white lead and
nwaitlng a revival in business. Nearly
l.woo shop car are also in the Heading
yard and at Leosport. Sinking SptliiK
nnd points uloiitr the Kast 1'enn road
awaiting repairs.
Since the Baltimore and Ohio went
into receivers' hands a number of
fdorles have been current us to the
why and wherefore. It Is now stated
that the receivership Is a direct result
of over-confidence on the part of the
directors In a subordinate ollicer. It Is
mated that none of the directors went
hack of the returns, nor examined the
accuracy of statements made to the
hoard openly until about two weeks be
fore the receivership, when the chair
man of the finance committee became
suspicious of an Item of liabilities, and
upon (iitestlonlng a subordinate, learned
that .statements accepted as true by
the board were absolutely false. It
was this revelation which prevented the
placing of a loan which would have
aept the property from a receivership.
The Mineral Hallroad and Mining
company, a corporation controlled by
the Pennsylvania railroad, which one-
rates a number of anthracite coal mine
1n the Shamokln region. Is about to
abandon the i ameron mines, one of
the largest in that region. The reason
for this step is that the coal has reached
itch a depth that mining is no longer
profitable. The action 'of the comiiniiv
relative to this mine, has given rise to
the story that the Pennsylvania rail
road was. about to dispose of Us coller-
les In order to devote itself exeluslvelv
tm the carrying trade. Captain (Jreen,
second vice president : of 1 he company.
Bald yesterday that the mining of roal
was not the function, of a railroad, and
wniin there was no truth in the storv
that tlfe eompnny was about to dispose
or tne collieries in tne Shamokin region,
It would not be averse to leasing them.
If it could be done upon a satisfactory
Has . been wonderfully im
proved by adding 1 ,000 square
' feet to our already spacious
wtore. And we have just re
celved the finest' assortment of
Carpet the market ean pro.
ducc. The patterns are of the
'. very lutest. . r
I Hug been increased to twice Its
. former size, no that you can
V, see the finest and most artistic
" i . styles and colorings ever
" ' shown in the market. Prices
' always the lowest.
. '-' 41t Uekawanna Av
fKeaders wtll please note that advertise
ments, order for job work, and Item for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
atreet. wtll receive prompt attention; of
ace open from S a. m. to It p. iu-J
Exhibition Games Already Scheduled.
The Oob Will Hold a Fair.
The baseball prospects are today
brighter than they have been In Bome
time. The greatest efforts have been
made in the last two or three days and
there Is now enough money subscribed
to keep the club here. This will be
goon news to many iteopn- ewviu.v
to the stockholders who feared thut the
club would be sent south. The club
have all signed with the exception of
tleorge Staltx. and it is thought that
he will also sign in a few days. All
the club will be in the city in a few
Uavs and the practice will commence
sometime next week. A letter has been
received by Secretary Kenton from
Massev. who says he will be here on
Mnndu'v. lie will be glad to get back
among Carhondale friends. The first
Raines will be played out of town, the
club leaving for Patterson on the nth,
whore two exhibition games will be
plaved. The 14th and 1.1th will be
spent In Uridgeton and the club will
then return home. The first game to
be plaved here III be on the Kith, when
thev will meet the Cuban Giants. A
second game between the same clubs
will take place on the 17th. On April
I'll Wilkes-Itarre w ill play here and on
the :th Syracuse.
To help nay the expenses of the club
It was decided by the nianngement to
hold a fair which will probably open
on the week commencing April l..
People who wish the club to succeed
should trv and help them as much as
possible and In no way can they do this
better than bv attending the games.
The ball games and baseball club mean
much to Carbondale. more than u per
son tirst realizes, for it not only adver
tises the city but biitias muny strang
ers to this place.
Vhoinas Miuruy lrak IlisNuse, tjr a t all
Off lh(il fc II. Bridge.
Thore was ntiother name added yes
terdav to the long list of unfortunates
who have been Injured by lading
through the llcluware and Hudson
bridge which crosses the gravity tracks
between Seventh and Kighth avenues.
The victim was Thomas Murray, a res
Ident of the West Side, and his injur
ies, though painful, are not dangerous,
amounting to a broken nose aim wi
al bud bruises. It was very fortunate
that no more Injuries were sustained,
as the distance from the track to the
bottom Is nearly twenty feet. Murray
was removed to the emergency hospi
tal, where he was attended by Ir.
The place of the accident is a very
dangerous one ami manv persons have
been injured at the place during the
last few years. As the property be
longs to the Delaware and Hudson and
all persons walking over the bridge are
trespassers , no damages can be col
Mill Iventunlty Hecovcr Ills Reason
I nder proper Treatment
The case of William llicks, the young
man who suddenly lost his reason, has
attracted much attention in the city
and a great deal of sympathy has been
expressed lor the unfortunate man. Mr.
llicks was last week taken to Danville,
where under the care of competent per
sons It was thought he would recover.
The last hope will probably be realized
r.nd the friends of the young man will
rejoice at the news that he will prob
ably recover his reason.
A letter was yesterday received by
his wife from 11. 15. Meredith, superin
tendent of the asylum, in which he ex
pressed hopes of a complete recovery.
Mr. Meredith says that he Is somewhat
quieter than at first. His appetite Is
good and his physical health fair and
unless something happens he will even
tually recover.
Bishop Kullson nt Trinity Church Last
The lllght Kev. Nelson Rtillson ad
ministered the rite of continuation or
laying on of hands at Trinity church
last evening. The class was a large
one and had been prepared for the con
tinuation by ltev. K. J. Ualsley, rector
of the church. An able and earnest
sermon was afterwards preached by the
bishop, who spoke chielly to the class
who had just been confirmed. Jle en
couraged them to keep the solemn prom
ise which they had made, ami urged
them to be faithful In all things.
The church wus lllled with people
who had gathered to hear the bishop
The Pupils of the lllxh School Will Meet
1 hose of Scranton.
There has been much interest aroused
by the challenge of. the Scranton High
school to engage In a debate with the
Carbondale High school. Kveryone
hoped that the challenge would lie ac
cepted and a reply to that effect has
been forwarded. Owing to the large
number of persons who will wish to
attend it was decided to hold the debate
at the opera house. This will furnish
ample accomodation.
The pupils who will represent the
Carbondale school are Anna Killecn,
Benj. L. Singer and Isabella Watt.
Several questions for debate have been
made but the dual selection has not yet
been decided upon.
The Carbondale Wheelmen to Push the
For some time there has been before
the wheelmen of this city a suggestion
to build a cinder path for bicycles be
tween Carbondale. Honesdnle anil
Scranton. The wheelmen have sent
out letters asking for the co-operation
of all persons Interested in the subject
and an earnest 'effort will be made to
ward Its accomplishment.
The Carbondale club has sent out no
tices to nil clubs in the valley asking
each to send three representatives to
a meeting to be held here on April S,
when the subject will be discussed as
to Its feasibility.
.Mr. I rick and David Hughes Both Want
the Office of tit v l ugineer.
There will be at least two candidates
for the position of city engineer at the
election by the councils, which will
probably take place next week. The
selection is made by joint ballot. The
two candidates are Mr. Flick, who
wishes to be re-elected, and David
Hughes. Both men are competent for
the tiosltlun..
Van nergun Awarded the Contract.
The contract for the plumbing work
In the new residence of George S. Kim
ball has been awarded to Van Dergen
& company. The contract is the most
extensive ever let for a private resi
dence In the city, the pluns calling for
a most elaborate set of fixtures.
The employes of the Delaware and
Hudson company In this section were
paid yesterday.
The Germanla Singing society yes
terday Issued Invltutions for the re
ception which they will give on Mon
day' evening next.
The following unclaimed! letters are
at . the pOBtofflce; Robert Crmnder.
Charles Emerson, J. O. Levi. Arthur
Sprague. Michael Tierney. Miss Leah
Kvaiis and Miss Mary Williams.
There will be exercises held at the
High school on Arbor Day. April 10.
William Monies, of Galveston. Texas,
la calling on friends in tis chity. Mr.
Monies is a son of Colonel Monies of
the firm of Monies & Pughe and was
a resident of Scranton and is well
known here. He has not been in this
city for sixteen years and of course
saw many improvements in this city.
W. A. Coles, the blind humorist, has
accepted an invitation to visit this rlty
on April 22 and assist tn the entertain
ment to be given by Lucretla lodge.
Daughters of ltebekah. in the old Odd
Fellows hall on South Church street.
The concert will be a most excellent
one as some of the city's best talent
has been secured. Mr. George Hughes
has charge of the entertainment and
that will insure lis success.
James Muriln. of Georgetown univer
sity. Is spending his Kaster vacation
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John
Muni n. of Wayne street.
An entertainment will be given In
the lecture room of the Presbyterian
church Friday evening, April 17, by the
members of the Loyal Lglon.- There
will be a tambourine drill and several
musical selections will be given. Miss
Mollle Tracy Weston, of Hrooklyn. who
is a graduate of the lloston school of
oratory and considered very talented,
will recite. Her mother. Mrs. Weston,
was a teacher of elocution here a num
ber of years ago.
The novelty Mirty given by the Cycle
club Wednesday evening will long be
remembered as the most novel In the
history of this city. There were about
thirty present and a pleasant evening
was spent. No admission was churged
and no collection taken. It was the
first of April and that helped to make
the evening more enjoyable.
F. P. Codies, who so ably assisted the
literary society of Wood's Business
college In their concert last week has
been presented with a handsome walk
ing stick as acknowledgment of their
appreciation of his services.
Stenographer Stuart has accepted a
position in the ufhVe of Master Me
chanic Stoutenger of the Ontario and
Western railroad.
Miss Cora Bell, who has been 111 for
the pust month, has gone to New York
for a short visit.
Kev. y. t Smith, D. U. is making
his home with his daughter, Mrs. K.
D. Stuait. of Catinuu street.
Kev. K. K. O" Byrne, of Uonesdale.
was u visitor In this city yesterday.
The children of Simpson & Watklns'
kindergarten. Miss Klleti Mead in
charge, received Kaster gifts of colored
ggs and chickens.
! Nlieiimaf Ism Cuied in a Ihiv.
"Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and
! Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to :l days.
; Its action upon the system is remark
i able and mysterious. It removes at
once the cause and the disease Imme
diately disappears. The first dose
; greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
! Carl Lorenz. Druggist, 41i Lackawanna
I avenue, Scranton.
John Moiiholzer, of the Pyne, was
seriously Injured at the Austin mines
i Tuesday.
I Mrs. John Crocker, of South Taylor,
Is seriously 111 at her home.
Lewis Morris, of South Taylor, who
has been 111 for some time, has fully
Thomas Griffiths and family, of Iowa.
I are spending a few days with the for
1 fer's sister on Pond street.
The funeral of William Carter, of
1'nion street, was very well attended
yesterday 'afternoon. The following
lodges formed part of the procession:
Loyul Knights of America, No. 'Si.
Knights of Pythias and Taylor Mine
Keir fund. The following clergymen
officiated: lie vs. Harris and Jones, of
this place, and Kev. Morris, or Belle
vue. William Gordon, who has been so
seriously ill for the past two months,
Is irnptvvlng very rapidly.
Kev. King is attending the confer
ence at Blnghamton.
Some of our churches have special
services for Kaster.
Robert McKenxie, who is attending
the medical school of the Pennsylvania
University, is home to spend Kaster
with his mother on fnlon street,
George Weston Is home from Tale
college for his Kaser vacation.
O. II. Clark & Co., florists or Scran
ton. have opened up a flower store
here for Kaster trade.
Yesterday's showers brought down
water In the three forms, ralu, hall and
snow. Kosds are very bad out in the
The i o'clock Ktie train was about
two hours late yesterday owing to the
breaking down of the locomotive.
W. V. Suydam is confined to his
home with an attack of grip.
J. 1). Weston and William Hrown,
who have been sick for some time, are
both able to be out again.
The annual renting of pews In Grace
church will take place Monday after
noon next between te hours of " and 4
and the election of the vestry, which
has been held heretofore at the same
time of the renting of pews, will be
held this year between 7.'i0 and 9.S0
p. ni. '
Hishop Kullson will confirm the
candidates for admission into the Epis
copal church on Sunday. April 19. and
not April 5, as one of our local papers
The following changes In our hotel
keepers were made on April 1: The
Central, from T. A. Norris to P. II.
Cdllahan; the Wayne, from Bryan Fal
lon to Michael Malvln. and the Suburb
an, from Thomas Logan to William
Misses Annie Laurie and Emma J.
Williams are the guests of the lalter's
brother, John Williams, In Peck vl He.
The condition of the sidewalk in front
of the Johnson property on Main
street Is still unchanged.
Thomas Loftus. uf Archbald, was a
visitor In town yesterday.
Jteniember the entertainment and so
cial of the St. Thomas' choir Kaster
Monday evening.
Thomas Logan, the former keeper of
the Suburban hotel, has removed to
Dunmore, where he will engage in busi
ness in the Kxchunge hotel.
Thomas Jones, of North Main street,
is ill of pneumonia..
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"I was all run dowu and could not sleep
at night on account of the continuous
aud levere pains
through my body.
I had also stom
ach troubles aud
catarrh. After
taking Rood's
short time I corn
men oed to lni-
ptvwf bbu alter
usjug tares uui-
ties in all, my
complaint en
tirely lett me. I now have an appetite,
sleep well and am fret from all stomach
trouble. I know Hood's Banaparilla hai
oured me, and I cheerfully recommend its
use by all woman who are run down and
need a building up medicine." Miss
Alios Wray, W. Bridgewtter, Pa.
Hood's Garoaparilla
Is the only True Blood Purifier promt
oently in the public eye today.
Dlllat bsjr.easrfctalee,
sir la tt, Heebti.
1 W. I'A'
He Scads for Mr. Stranti aad Talks
. . Freely Aboat the Crime.
George Windisch. the Pittstnn wife
murderer, now In the county prison un
der sentence of death. Is reconciled to
his fate and Is anxious that the punish
ment should be over. Yesterdav he
sent for Rev. a. A. Strunti. of St.
Paul's Lutheran church of this city,
who was formerly pastor of the
Hughestown German Lutheran church,
of which Windlscu had been a member
for twelve years, and at one time a
deacon, and to him made a full condi
tion of his crime. He says that on the
day of the murder he was lying on a
lounge when some ugly words passed
between his wife and a neighbor, and
the latter bald something reflecting
upon the character of Wludlsch and
his wire. The latter seised a chisel,
and without a moment's warning en
tered the room where her huband wus
lying and struck him three heavy blows
on the head with the Instrument. Then
he says:
"When I saw the blood running down
over my clothes I became savagely
mad, and rising 1 used all my strength
and succeeded in wrenching the bloody
chisel from her hand. Then I com
menced striking her with It until the
bloody deed was done. What happened
to me after thai Is not clear to my mind
any more, because I must have been
crazy. The blood on my clothes that
was shown to the court was not my
wife's blood, but was my own."
After assuring the minister that he
does not want his case carried to the
supreme court or to the board of par
dons, he said:
"My worldly affairs are now in or
der. I have deposited tllUO with Mr.
Holand. the warden, to pay for my cof
II". und when this is done have still
$30i) left. Of this 1100 I give to my
daughter, who now resides at Washing
ton, li. C, with her foster mother. Mrs.
Arnold, who Is a widow and has taken
to my daughter. The other $l0u 1 leave
In your hands. Mr. Struntz to be equal
ly divided between my daughter at
Washington and my youngest son,
Wludlsch was bathed tn tears and ex
pressed the desire not to live longer
than the day set for execution. He Is
resigned to his fate and speaks hlghly
of the treatment accorded him by War
den Koland.
A Case of Moral Depravity Out on
llickor Street.
Frederick Tittyllng. of Hickory street,
was before the mayor yesterday morn
ing cl.atge with having been drunk und
disorderly. At the hearing It developed
that litiyling und his wife are worth
less creatures who compel their chil
dren to beg, and spend for drink what
ever money they can obtain.
The mayor sent him up to await
court, and ordered the children turned
over to the care of the Humane society.
The mother will be arrested, and if
etiually guilty with her husband, will
be si.ailaiiy dealth with.
N III Go Into Court.
Alderman Donahue has given his de
rision tn the case of the Kelaware and
Hudson company against Ueorge Mc
Donald. The latter had been asked to
upologlze for his action to the com
pany's attorney, Mr. Bedford, and fall
ing to do so the case will go to court.
Detective Crippen says that Mr. Mc
Donald, on Tuesday, told him he would
do the same thing over again.
Wilkes- Harre Wheelmen Will Dunce.
The AVilkes-Barre Wheelmen will
give an impromptu dance at Concordia
hall on Tuesday evening, April 14th.
Kluborate preparations are being made
by the committee and the event will
naturally mark an epoch In the history
of the jolly wheelmen.
kemoval of a Sanitarium.
The Wyoming Valley Sanitarium
which has been located at the foot of
the mountain at the western end of
Wyoming borough, bus been moved to
Scranton, where it will be conducted
by Its founder, Hon. C. Ben Johnson.
Kim liver bv .Mine Cur.
Thomas Grimes, u laborer In No. 10,
of the Pennsylvania Coul company at
Plrtston. was run over by a car yes
teiaay and quite seriously injured. He
was taken to the hospitul and It is
thought that he will recover.
The Schumanns. owing to the illness
of Madame Blauvelt, have been com
pelled to postpone their concert, to
have been given on May 14. until the
lllst week in May, when tickets already
sold for the former date will be hon
Walter Sheffield, charged with lar
ceny and burglary, has bwn lodged In
jail here by Uhone Trescott. or Hazle
ton. Italians were Sheffield's victims
and they had threatened to kill him.
ltev. Y. C. Smith, pastor of the Frank
lin Street Methodist Episcopal church,
in this city 1SK4-U6 and lately a resi
dent of Wyoming, has removed to Car
bondale. where he will reside with his
daughter. Mrs. K. D. Stuart. Forty
years ago Mr. Smith was n member of
the faculty or Wyoming seminary.
The police shot another day Wednes
day. Dr. Walters says the dog showed
unnilstakeable symptoms of hydro
phobia. A setter ownod by John Davis, of
Alden. was shot Wednesday. It was
supposed to have been suffering with
the rabies.
A supper will be given at St. Clem
ent's church on Wednesday evening
next and will be preceded by an excel
lent mpsical programme.
The Concordia society will give a
dance on the Hth. and a smoker on the
21st of this month.
Kenjamln Close, a yuttntr man who
hails from Wayne county and whose
love for the Hmvlnjr bowl has got him
Into a number of serupes previous to
the present time, attempted to rhnot
Hotel Man Peter Welsh yestenluy
mornitiK about 4 o'clock. A number of
yonK men went to Welsh's place, neur
the Erie depot. Tuesdiiy nittht anil hail
such a stood time that they did not
think of leuvlna; until the dawn was
breaklnK the next niornlnir. "Hut
pleasures are like popples spread." at d
they finally began to realize It wus
about time to go home, but called for u
parting cup of comfort. After they
had thus spurred th"lr flafiffliig ener
gies. Close, to properly wind up the
night's enjoyment, begun to expluin
the beauties of the Knglish lunguuKe to
Welsh, who is a Polamler. Now. ir
there Is anything- 1'eter prides himself
on It Is his mastery of English, and he
Informed Close that he could give the
latter uues and trumos, so to speak,
and then come out first best in n lan
guage contest. Close became angry
and boisterous und Welsh ordered htm
nut. Without further parley the for
mer drew a revolver and leveled It at
Peter's, head. Frnnk Stark, who stood
near by, struck Close's arm, throwing
It toward the celling, there waa a re
port and the bullet lodged In the wood
work above Instead of In the body or
head of the intended victim. J. J. Wy
zen, who tends bar for Welsh, slipped
out of the house after Close had been
disarmed and awoke Constable J. W.
Jones, who went to Welsh's hotel and
put the culprit under arrest. He. was
locked up until S o'clock, when he waa
taken before W. J. Maxey, esq., where
after a hearing he was held In $800
ball to appear at court to answer a
obarge of felonious assault and carry
ins;, concealed weapons, Up to last
night he had not yet secured ball.
It Mgalflee Thai acrieas Female Troabl
la lataslaeat.
Most female diseases manifest their
presence by a headache.
When a dnll heavy ache in the head
is accompanied by disordered stomach,
bad taste in the mouth, dull
eye, pains in back and
groins, lassi J tude, nervous-
uess.despon fu- 3'ii, tlency and ir
it is time
to locate the
trouble aud
remove it.
We will tell
you right
now that the
indicate posi
tively that
serious womb
trouble is imminent.
llou't let this fearful disease jret
you in its power. 1 f you are uucerta in,
write to .Mrs. Piukhum, at Lynu, Muss,,
giving full symptoms. Your letter will
be resd, acted upou und answered by
oue of your owu sex, aud without
Note Mrs. Snyder's letter to Mrs.
' before tuking your remedies, day
after day I would read the testimonials
of women who hud been cured by tiie
use of your Vegetable Coiupottud.
"At lust 1 decided to write aud tell
you uiy condition. .
"1 hud lieeu examined by physicians
who tutd me that my womb' wus
very lurfce and prolapsed, aud ulso
said there was a growth ou the
inside of the womb that must be cut
out; menstruations were so paiuful
that I suffered for three days of every
month, aud
it was impossible
to ze'. auy
months 1
rest. tur two
used Lydia
K. I'iuk
e table
hum's Vejr
Couipound, Blood Puri
fier und
Wash, and
now I am
cured. 1 hud
suffered nine
yearn, thinking
there was uu
cure forme, aud it only
took five bottles of your remedies to
cure me." Mfts. L. SSYVfcV, Treuton
Junction, N. J.
I one of the vary common nllmrut of man
kind. It in unuallv lb mult nt hard work or
ovt r exartion. and In oftentimes tli leKaer of
fever or itcv.r nttacka of ilckuew whivh
leave, tint atxlominal muscle, in a weakoud
onndltiou, allowiuf tho protrusion of bowal
to be ruptured, but it 1, vary annoying and
aoiuetiuieN dauKoroiw. I.'ntil recently it waa
thought to bt incurable without an ootralion,
but tuauk, to scientiflu reaearcta
i now ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN in ninety
out of a hundred cases where the ruutuie uau
be returned. I irive a written guarantee to
cure. No knife, no luconveuienua, nu opera
tiiu: no detvuiiou fruui buaineaa, and no trua,
to annoy you afterwards. One rixlt to uiv
office weekly for from four to ei;ut weak, ia
uaually sufficient for the vrorat cane,. UK.
ALEX. K O'.MaIJ.KV. Ititpture Speclaliat,
Waatiingtuu street, Wilkes Barre, t'a.
The Finest In tbe City.
The latest improved furnish'
lop and apparatus for keeping
it, batter aed eggs.
823 Wyoming Aw.
ate located the line.-t UshliiK mid hunting
Ki'oumls in the world. Descriptive books
on application. Tickets to all points lit
Maine. Canada uinl .Maritime Province,
Minneapolis, Si. I'tinl, caiiniliiin mil
t'liltrfl State Northwest, Vunvouver,
Seattle. Tacomu, l'orttuml, ore., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all throimrht trains. Tonriet
cuts fully fitted Willi bedding, curtains
ami specially adapted to wants of families
may be had, with secoiid-clu-s ticket.
Hates alway less than via other lln.
For further Information, time tables, etc.,
on nppllcutlou to
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
353 Broadway, New York.
Coal of the best quality for domestic
use, and of all sixes, delivered In any part
of the city at lowest price.
Orders left at my Oltlce,
Hear room, llrst floor, Third National
Hank, or scut by mall or telephone to the
mine, will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will be muue for the
sale and delivery of Buckwheat Coal. .
All done away with by the us of HART
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which consists
of Ingredients well-known to all. It ran be
applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron
roofs, alao to brick dwellings, which will
prevent absolutely any crumbling, crack
ing or breaking of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many years,
and Its cost does not exceed one-fifth that
of tna cost of tinning, Is sold by the job
or pound. Conli-uit, taken bv '
In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Cbmbina
tions and Coloring, which have made the goods se
justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for
Scranton. Our Complete Line of
Have now been received, and includes everything ap
propriate aud desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax
minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta
pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with'Bor
tiers to match. An inspection of our stock and ex
amination of prices will prove iuteresting.
U. S. Bonds
Other Bonds
Banking Huuae
Premiums on l. B. Bonds
Due from V. S. Treasurer...
Due from Uwka
.tl.456.7TS 46
714 III
. 106.WU W
. Sul.&St 20
2t.734 03
i.m vi
7.770 ou
. 157.S04 73
tJ.191.300 30
W .M. CONNED.. Pretident: UFO. H. CATLIN, Vies President'. WM. H. PECK, Cashitr.
DIRECTOHS-Wni. Council, Henry Bclin, Jr., James Archbald, Wn. T. Smith, Uorg H.
Catlln, Luther Keller, Alfred Hand.
Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest
on Time Deposit,.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Supa
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs,' Riais, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
Facts are stubborn
been able to get away
man tries to argue that
always fails.
e 4
lie can come to this store, take his pick friii the neat
and nobby Kaster Suits, and go away with the Clothes with
out paying cash down. We give him the privilege of pay
ing for them a little at a time each week or nutith. All the
time he is paying for the. Clothes he is enjoyiig them. Our
credit prices are no higher than, others ask wio sell lor cash.
Fiirniflire and Carbefs
Can B? Purchased fieri
In the Sam? Manner
SON &C0,
Lackawanna Ave.
Opposite lbs Main Entrance to Wyoming Houss.
, PA.
Surplus .
Undivided Fronts
Circulation ,
Dividends Unpaid
Due to Bejika ,
Billa Payable
.. 200,000 tf
.. isu.wo as
.. 01.491 41
.. U.USN
101 M
.. l,Cl,f44 1
.. U.W IS
,. Nona
,. Nona
tliiugs. Nobody lias ever
from them. Sometimes a
a fact is not a fact, but lie
People have said that the
best way is to "Pay As You
Go." But that saying is in
complete: "Pay As You Go
Wheu You Cau," is a better
way. The fact of the matter
is that a man can't pay cash
if he hasn't got it. In such
cases we will sell him'
21 1 225 and 227
Wyon.njr Avenue.