The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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ing at 11 o'clock at MetbodUt Epls
cojal church. f which deceased was a
niemlier. Air. t'apwell ts survived by a
wife and four children.
tiyron Carpenter, of Bunker Hill, is
moving' into his handsome new resi
dence on River street.
Prank Hardner. of Dunmore". snt
Sunday with his parents at this place.
Highest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
fliesders will please tiot that advertise
mnts. order fur job work, anil Items for
publication lef t : at the establishment of
Shannon Co.. newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; or
uce open from S a. m. to M p. m-
124-126 Wyoming Avi
We Are Pleased to Say
, Was a Pronounced Success,
It showed very plainly that the pen
ile uf Scrantou and vicinity appreciate
our eflorts. We certainly have what
we promised the public, a metropolitan
establishment, where one can do shop
ping with a great deal of comfort, as
we have ample room, light and venti
lation. We are receiving daily new
novelties iu every department, and
same will be placed on sale always
at Leader s prices.
We are showing the newest effects in
Black. mut Colored Dress Mods
Organdies. Dimities, Linen Ba
tiste, and In fact nil the very lat
est weaves in Cotton Dress Fabries
(nr Customers will kindly bear in
mind that we produce in our work-
room stylish hats, copied (torn most
expensive models, at IVoill .9S lip
w a Tils Von will find a most com
plete and varied assortment of the fol
lowing uecessai its lor leister:
. L't l;is!. holies' (-lull loll real kid
'clove in tans. . browns ami whiles,
l.i-utlcr's lYIt-e tilv.
:!S .Id.. ladles' 4-hiitlon real ;l,l
1 glm-c, will: heavy lil.O'k embroidery.
In Kin. brown, mode, pearl, whlti- an l
butler and blB -k; every puir warrant
ed.'ler's I'riee
We iili-.ii huve n t-itii l-t line of
ludits' l-imlloi ttlxo real kid In
nil tin- m-wi-p: cliH.Us. Lender's I'riee
fro'r. Jl.jr. and tlpwuiM.
K do, ladles' line silk waists. Willi
lurue Hlchop l.i all the new
est (milt us and made In the latest
-tyl?. leader's I 'lire lfj..
Kll:er iiimMileit 111 all ihc now silk ef
fects linn I i-iiiineil with velvet uikI
lac,, a:. (I fancy botlons. leader's
Ww fivt l :l.W anil upwards.
In ladles' wash wulsls. with laiin.
dried colla'.'s uml i:iiffs. we have un
emllw varloy of styles ami nu.ili
l!e?. both will: ntluched ami detached
collars, sizes 32 to 41. Leader's Price
from 4!ic. and upward.
In laiM.'s iiai'UHuls e have the new
est'ltli's. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 the linen ef
fects. Leader's I'riee ranMiim from
!ec, ini'l upwards
'.'i ilnz. turn's cnolce Master neckwear
iMtiKlsiliii; of I cells, four-in-hund.
, blind linwsjilid Club House ties Lead
er's lM'lei'.'.V.
1.1 do, ve-'y much lllief ami hund
icnitr koimI.... Leader's I'rier 11V.
T 3. Osirood, Oporge Mnxey und J I..
Stlvius have been elected delegates
from W'Hsliinglon camp. J'atvlotle or
der tfotis of Atnel'iea. to attend the dis
trict convention to be held at Sliiiiieeu.
ayne c unity, on Sutiitday next. I.lllic
CiUhiUI ami bin I'earsnll. two Forest
'lly yuiitiK ladies, will take pHtt in the
pyonraiiime to be rendered on Satur
day evening.
l.ei:a Keynolds Is slowly recovering
fi. ni H very severe illness.
May Maxey. the little daughter of .Mr.
mid Mi's. Hedge K. Xlaxey. Is recover
ing from n severe attack of diphtheritic
( cioup. Antlloxine was iidiniiiistered by
Ir. John Xlles, of ( 'aiboiidnle.
Iir. Willlnm U. Ulakeslee. who has
I., en very 111. Is recovering.
Mis Myrtle Fantz. who 1ms been
very 111 lor the past week, is reported to
be gaining.
Nelson Whitney has moved from I Hin
du IT to Forest, f'lty.
Plmiies I Sogers, of I Ml ff. ban
moved his family ' lo this place. He
will titait h confectionery store here.
Fred I'ruy has rented a houne at
Tun da T and will move Ids family there
for the summer.
Henrge Uiinn and family, of .Jerinyn,
1 spent the llrst of the week with his
parents. .Mr. mid Mrs. K. H. Imnn.
.Mr. and Mis. John .Mel.auv.hliu vis
ited freeiilield Mends yesterday.
Itisheii X. S. Kulison will conduct
sere. s at Christ Kplscopal church, on
Thin sduy evening.
Mia John ii'Nelll Is confined to htjr
home by sickness.
James I'iiinerty, of Carbondale, hns
been visiting friends here the past few
' Miss Hird Ueitals. of Wilkes-liarr
Ik visiting at Ihc home of Mr. ami .Mrs.
Arthur llarimiin on Hickory street.
.Miss I'.essle Webster, who lias been
spending the past few weeks with Mr.
and Mrs. A. 11. Jenkins, returned to
'her homo at South Cunuan last Satur
day. , : A. II. Jenkins and family have re
moved to Hell Place.
o. 11. Secor. our tonsorlal nrtist, re
fnijved Into the Ki-tvhum building, cor
ner .Main and depot streets, formerly
'occupied by Jacob Depew, yesterday.
.Mr. iJepew will take up his residence
Bt Mill City.
i Mrs. Charles Page, of Moscow. Is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. d. A. Megargcl.
, Sanford U Peck, of IlutTaln, N. T..
died at his home Monday afternoon of
spinal menengltls. The remains wlil
bii brought here for burial. Funera'
"Friday at 11 o'clock from the residence
, nf his father, J. 11. Peck, on Main
street. Interment will be at Prospeot
Has. been wonderfully im.
proved By adding i.ooi) Hiiuarc
feet to our already spacious
store. And we have just re
eeived the finest ussortiiient of
Carpets the market curt pro.
duce. 'J he patterns are nf the
A : very latest,
ft... ui.ti n.k. n.. t K"
,uui nan ra"Br unpanniBJit ,y .
l ' ; Has been Increttscd to twice its
former slice, so that you can
seethe finest and most artistic
, styles and colorings ever
shown in the market. Prices
j ' always the lowest.
i Wall Paper
419 Lnokawanna Ava.
Mlas l.ydla Wood llccorass Mrs. Wclllag
ton llobb.
The wedding of Mis I.ydia Wood
ami Wellington Hobba. which occurred
Tuesday evening at the residence f
Mr. und Mr. J. It. Wood, uf N 30
femeiri-y atreet. was a very pretty af
fair. The bride was attired In a creaiii
colored Kuwn with satin stripe and
peurl trimmings and carried a taxiuet
of bride ruses. She looked very pretty.
Her inuld was adorned by a dress of
cream color with pearl trimming and
she made an attractive appearance.
Miss Itiiblnsun can ted pink rosea.
There were eighty guests present and
they had a most thoroughly enjoyable
social time. A repust was. served ami
the bride uml Broom left for the lo.."
Delaware and Hudson amid a shower
of rice and old shoes. They went to
I'.iooklyn. X. V.. im their wedding; tour.
The bride is a churniing young lady
who bus taken u promim-nt purt in
Methodist church work and who is ad
mired by u very large circle of friends.
Mr. Hobbs Is a carpenter employed
by t'.uitractor Tiffany. He hits been a
resident of this city about live yeaia.
No !l .tjiiin I looded.
No. H shaft is again Idle, owing to
the mine being "drowned out." The
wuter is four Inches above the rail uti
the foot at the shaft. All the pumps ;
tire working, uml it Is thought that
the water will commence to recede to-;
day or tomorrow. The water Is (mur
ing into the mine from the Fullbruuk
river. It enters through a large opn
ing near the fun.
.Mrs. II. J. Hockcnberry. of Salem
aveiitit w 111 cave today tor a few weeks'
visit with her parents at .Martlnsbui g.
I'll. She will be Joined at Carlisle by
her sou. Kiiy tnoiiU. ,f Hicklnson col
lege, who will upend his Kaster va
cation with lice at .Martlnsburg.
Two cases of measles have been re
ported from the home of .Moses Cohen,
of Sand street.
There will he Arbor Kay exercises at
the hi'ill school on Amil U. The tree
planting will be on II. e second Inst.
The Magnolia Social club have vacat
ed their club pii'iois in lh" Lender
bulldliig for the summer nioiuhs.
The pi .r department will be reor
ganized for the coming year next Mon
day night.
I'tfpatclu-r and Mrs. Iliown, of this
city, left today for their former hum
In Osv.egi-. x. Y. For several months
past Mr. Ilrowi. has been engaged on
the Ontario and Western road at May
lield. He has secured Ills old situation
again and hi and Mrs. Hrovvu will Join
their old friends at Oswego.
John Collins; a ouug man about 21.
years ot age, sun of Patrick Collins.;
waf. Instantly kMled In the Krl" mines,
known as the New siml'l. ut X o'clock
jesterdry morning. The unfortunate
young man tin it Just commenced bis
duties as a laborer ubout an hour be
fore the accident, when, without the
slightest warming, over three tons of
rock fell upon him. covering and crush-j
ing the life out or the youn'-! man. Will- !
Ing hunds soon removed the rock md
the remains were brought to his home
on Second street. I nunc dlatolv after
the accident, the whistle' blew "all:
over." discontinuing work In the mines
for the remainder of the day. The de- :
c.-iihciI was a well known oung man.'
possessed of traits which made him;
friends wherever he wenl. His friends
were legion und his death was a sad
blow to them. The funeral announce
ment will be given in another Issue of
The Tribune. I
The meeting o? the people to efl'ect
h gatiization f choral union as
mentioned in The Tribune exclusively,
was held Monday evening. The fol
lowing oflicers were elected: I 'resident,
l..l,.. f ..t ... .-I.... ......l.i.,.. e ii ii-i..
tcr; secretary. William . .shorn.-: 'treas-
C .. Mel r eiiib-r mid'?
tor, Thonius Jopllng.
The Hickory base ball team of this
place will begin active practice in a
few days, la-ovlding the weather Is
fair. Tin team Is a strong one and
will try hard for the championship this
summer. Preparations are being made
for u grand ball to be held in Knter
prise hall in the mar future by the
members of the ten in.
.1. M. and l' M. Graves, proprietors
of the MuylieUI und Jermyn pharm
acies, have purchased the handsome
property of H. 1). Swick on Main street, i
They Intend making a few alterations ,
on the building at an ouiv date. The;
consideration was S::.iiihi. Mr. Swick in- Minnie lilUs. of (liven Ridge, Is
tends building on Second street, where1 visiting friends In town.
he will make his home. Harry Miller, of Petty Institute.High-
Miss Annie MoCliroue will commence ,own- -v J- lM home on a vacation,
teaching in Scott township next week.i KV'",' C',nV "I'1"'"""'.'
where she hus secured a school. Heri. " "1"''1' ') Smith, who has
friends iu this ..lace wM, her success ! ",en ,h" KUe.!" . "f. M. l-'oiothy Taylor.
In her new undertaking.
The Hrowiison Literary society held
Its regular meeting lust night.' An
excellent programme was given.
The condition-of Mrs. W. C. Nichol
son still remains very critical.
Station Agtnt W. It. Hudson was
among Jermyn's visitors at Scrantou
yi sterday.
Pinal examinations will be conducted
In the public schools nt this place
Thursday, Friday and Snturdiiy.
Alfred Walker made Scrauton n busi
ness trip yesterday.
Miss Carrie Simrell. of Wilkes-Hnrre,
is spending this week with her mother
and mother at this place.
Mrs. Abby Gardner, an aged lady. I
ditd at her late ' residence Tuesday
morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Gardner i
wus sick only a few days with pneu
monia. Her funeral will take place'
Thursday afternoon at the First l!np-
tl.-it church, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Gardner
Is survived by live children, Mrs. Miles'
Gardner, of'luine; Mrs. Milo 1'tley, :
of Klmira, N. Y.: A. 1). Gardner, of this
place; Kugeiie Gardner, of New Mllford,
und Miss Nettle Gardner, of this place.
J. A. Hiiffsmitli und family moved to
Mill City Wednesday, where he will i
continue the butcher business. 1
Mrs. HaUie., Pardee and daughter.!
I.enh. have moved from Oils place toi
Scrunton. where they will conduct
millinery store.
Mrs. James Shirk, of Scrantou. spent
OU1UIH.V wiin ner inoiiier ui inis niuce.
There will be special Kuster services
at the First Haotist church next Sun
day. April ii. both morning and evening.
The progrumine for evening Is "Vic
torious King."
Several changes in place of residence
huve taken place. Doctor J. A. Heller
hus moved Into his new residence and
John Hartmau now occupies the doc
tor's old house. Horace lluger will
move Into the house vacated by Hart
men. George WrJI hns purchased the
property vacated by linger, and Is mov
ing in the same. Kdltor Wntklns has
moved Into his new residence on Acad
emy street, and Aaron Phillips has
moved into- the house left vacant by
Mr. Watkins. Will Flsk hn moved Into
the house left by Phillips.
The residence of l.yman Chase now
presents a very neat and pretty ap
pearance. It has been remodeled In
side and out by Walter Itcynotds and
Hon. - . -
Allison J. Capwell died at his home
about one utid a half miles above town
Wednesday -morning of pneumonia.
The funeral takes plane Friday morn-
D. G. Northrop has been -onfined to
the house- several days with a severe
attack of the grip.
Mr. and Mrs. Asher Beardslee, ot
Pottery 11 le. spent unday In town with
their daughter.
The prevailing- grip Is visiting many
of our households at present."
The snug of the robin bus been hoard
lately, which Indicates .that spring Is
not far distant.
The Junior Christian Kndeavor so
i ciety will hold a warm sugar at the
I Congregational Manse this week
I Wednesday evening.
I Miss Mae C.sik expects to start this
I week for Chicago. 111., where she will
i spend some time with relatives.
The Jubilee singers, of Klmira. closed
; a four-nights' engagement ut this place
last Thursday evening, giving general
; satisfaction.
. A new bank building Is to be built at
; Wyalusing. the nietroisdls of southern
. lirudford. besides the Increased build
ing of dwellings.
Mr. and Mrs. II. Chuniplin, of Oswell.
: have been visiting friends in town for
' a week past.
! Miss Annie Cisik, who has Iwen spend
, Ing nearly a year past at Newark Val
j ley. N. V is expected home thla week.
I Hev. S. 1. Da vies had charge of the
communion services at the Congrega
! tlonul church In Neath Sunday, the
pulpit being vacant.
liev. F. K. Wamock delivered his
farewell sermon of the conference
' year at the Methodist Kplscopal church
Sunday. He will go to Htnghamton this
week to attend the annual conference.
Mrs. Neil Jensen, uf purell. is spend
; ing several days with relatives and
j friends In this neighborhood. It being
I her former home. - .
Mrs. Nancy tlregory has been quite
. ill for several days, but Is now Improv
ing. H. V.. Slocum is In Troy this week
representing this borough as Juror.
At a public sale in this place last
Saturday, a pony was (old for $5. and
it was a good one, too.
A. tt. uml Miss Agnes Miller have
purchased the line dwelling or William
Jones, on Fast street, and are to take
Ix.ssessjon very soon. Sir. and Mrs.
Jones will move to Lestershlre, N. V.
Married on Sunday. .March 3. Miss
; lleorgie Anderson, of this place, to
Jerry fanllcld, of West Warren.
A company of friends enjoyed a
pleasunt social affair ut the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hen Fassett lust Sun-
' day. Crokliiole was the main feature
on the programme, besides all (lid Jus
lice to a bountiful luncheon. The Cor
net bund enlivened the outdoors with
' excellent music.
Cyrus Cook, un aged resident of Os
' well, received n bad Injury from a fall
on the Ice lust Saturday. No serious
. results are expected.
, This year will nee a heavy and en
' thuslastle political campaign. Hrud
. ford will keep up Its best In its struggle
: uf the incumbents for the various ofll-
ces Of course, we ure interested not
i only Politically, but in a personal way
towards the success of our "neighbor
ing" candidates. According to the out
look It might be well to say that for
register and recorder, we are believed
to think that tieorge T. Ingham, u
lively business man of Wyalusing. will,
as three years ago, give his only In
cumbent a hard pull next fall, Mr.
Ingham ran heavy before, and we hope
it will result in u sweep this time. He
has the tact. etc.. to make a first-class
otlhial If elected.
Talking ubout a general store, we are
not boasting when we claim that J
I. H. A. (lo worth have the best
store In this part of the county for the
sixe ot the town. Their stock, which
not only makes a tine attractive ap
pearance, is round In three store rooms
oesuies meir crncgery Rtid wall paper
ucpnrinieni, which will soon be added
a stock of millinery with an exper-
i ''", . ?' "'. T8"' ', I"""'
U1'U ' "l? territory o Kast-
leneeii saleslady In charge. The r
i-i ii oinii i miu a pari oi ?iusiue-
halinu county, which goes to prove the
i result or gentlemanly attention, low
prices and
cash business.
j ' t 'T",'",!?w' ltl'iiig. groceries dry
"' " " " maps, Uliu. ill
lin t, everything to be found In a first-
class store.
A few of our young people who In
dulge in "trlppling the light fantnstlc'
were entertained by friends in llerrlck-
viue last Friday night.
j. ri. .narsn, oi vt ya losing, wus a
visitor in town one day last week.
Amos I'rntt has a sheep twenty-three
monins om. that has given birth to
twelve lambs.
I. M. Allis has been appointed
notary public at Wyalusing.
I lilt I ei in lieu iu in-r Hume Ul IC1jl'all-
ville, Cnurtland county, N. Y.
Miss Jennie Smith Is visiting friends
In New Vork city a.'id Hrooklyn.
Itev. P. II. Parson, of the Methodist
Kplscopal church. Is attending confer
ence nt Hingliamton.
Dr. N. C. Mackey has announced him
self as n candidate for the Republican
nomination fur the legislature from the
Third legislative district.
The marriage of Keiiiamln lioss to
Miss l.ulu Keith, or Clarks Summit,
took pluee lust night at the Methodist
Kplscopal parsonage. Hev. F. H. Par
sons performed the ceremony.
itazors ground mid honed at Martin
Hold's barber shop.
Chief Special Pension Examiner
Shukher. of Wilkes-Harre. was here
last Wednesday and Thursday on spec
ial business.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan ft. Kohlnson
have returned from their wedding trip
and are nupptiy ensconceu in their new
Mrs. Grace George has returned from
a pleasant visit with relatives and
friends ut ilkes-Itarre..
Bt is Known
By Its Cures
It Is not what wa say, but what
11 ! Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the
i Story of Its merit.
The thousand of peuplo whom l, hit
raised from dltuaseuad doipnir to tiappt
neitt and health, are the atrougest and
beat advertlietueiils Huoa'a bsmaparilla
haa. No other preparation in exlatenca
has auch a record of w oudcrful curea.
Thia U why Hood 'a garaaparllla haa the
larirsat aale, and requires tor ita produc
tion the largeat laboratory in the world
Now it you ueed a good medicine, why
not try that which haa done ethers ao
much good. Remember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Dlood Purifier
Prominently iu tho public ay. Iljalx tor 5
uji. Ollla haraoniouiljf with
nOOa 8 flllS HMtfiBanuwtrUU. dm.
Sertnna Kxploaloa in Mo. Shaft at
Notch-Suvoral Miner Are wououeu.
A serious explosion of gas occurred
In No. shaft at Sugar Notch, yes
terday afternoon, which, for a time,
wan violent. It took place lit a new
section of the shaft, which was always
gaseous and In Which great cure had
always been taken to avoid any acci
dent. A purty of laborers were ut work
shortly after noun dilvtug a gang way
one side and a gang of miners were
operating on the opposite side. The
men hud not been at work over a
half hour when the gas Ignited caused
a terrlllc explosion. Tlie walls, brat
tice and timbers In the shaft were
blown In every direction, tine boy wus
killed and a number of miners were
As soon as the news was sent to the
top of the shaft a leacuing party was
suit to the scene. On reaching the
apol they found Thomas Burk, aged
M years, a door boy, dead. He- was
horribly burned and crushed under a
railing wall. The Injured are: Peter
Muiison, bruised about body by fall
ing timbers.
Harry Hennetl. a driver buy, aged !
years, fatally burned on body, and In
ternally Injured.
Harry Floyd, a ruck miner, burned
ou arms, III recover.
Thomas Lewis, and his son. William.
both brattice men. were slightly In
jured, hut budly shaken up.
I nomas Hnsklns, engaged In brattice
work, slightly Injured.
Thomas Lewis, rockmau, slightly
hurt on breast and urins.
t hree other men, who were near the
accident, escaped with slight injuries
and it is a mstery that all of them
were not killed outright.
The shuft Is operated by the Lehigh
and Wllkes-Hurre Coal company, and
is under the muliugenieiit of exper
ienced miners. The shaft, or mine as
It may be called, is deep and gaseous
and explosions cannot be helped at
The cause of the explosion is not
known, though It is believed that the
gas came in contact with a lamp car
ried by one of the party.
Kcmalns Are Interred In the Cemetery nt
l orty l ort.
The arrangements for the funeral of
Or. Woodruff Included services in the
Centenary Methodist Kplscopal church
nt Hiiighumtun ut II o'clock yesterday
morning, cunuueteu by Bishop Vincent,
with addresses by Jtevs. Ills. Austin
Oritlln, of Kinghum'on, und 1.. U
Sprague, president of Wyoming semin
ary. I he following were chosen as honor
ary pallbearers: Presiding Klders H.
cryilenwlse, W. I,. Thorp. A. J. Van
Cleft, (iemge Forsyth und J. U. Kck-
niau Uevs. W. II. Peurce. D. L., of
Scrantou, C. K. Mogg. Ph. L)..of Wilkes-
Barre; I.. Floyd. Ph. U., of Scrauton:
H. C. Mcliermott. A. M., of Kingston,
and'!. tliers. The curriers were Revs. K.
B. Olmstead. T. F. Hall. C. H. Newlng,
C. 11. Hayes, H. H. Wllber. J. W. Nich
olson, J. A. Faulkner ami W. J. Hill.
The Wyoming conference tiuurtette,
llevs. S. .lay, .1. I.. Thomas, Dr. M. S.
Hard und J. H. Itace sung. The pro
cession to the depot Included a commit
tee of laymen from Hinghamton. the
conference, the members of the Hing
hamton district, honorary bearers,
hearse, olticiating clergy und the fum
lly. The remains were brought to Forty
Fort for Interment.
Annual Election iiiiJ Installation of
Officers -Social Session.
Wlllies-Harie lodge, ion. Benevolent
Protective Order of Klks, held their un
nual election of utllcers Tuesday even
ing. There were no contests, and the
following were ununltnously elected:
Kxultrd ruler, B. K lnlley: esteemed
litidinx kuiKht, (!. Taylor (iilttln: es
teemed loyul knight. R. B. l-trunduge;
esteemed lecturing knight. V. R Dor-
on; secretin')'. It. A. Spulding: treasurer.
Burton oorhls; tyler. Ueorge K. Knr-
rel; trustee. V. J. Harvey: ulternute
to grand lodge, Ii. A. Spulding.
The .Murder Trial,
Attorney James Lenahun opened the
prosecution in the Shaffer murder trial
yesterday morning by giving a detailed
description of the crime. William H.
Sayre. ilv (list witness, told of the
scene of the dynamite explosion, and
was cross-examined by Attorneys Mc-
(lovern und rihea. Charles Swartwood,
A. A. Mitchell, ins. Sweeney and Man
gun were also witnesses in the case.
I Iro at Hrcslnu.
A fire occurred at Hreslau.a small I
Polish settlement near Kuttonwood last :
evening in a house owned by Stanley :
SulUowski and occupied by a fellow
countryman. The house and contents !
were entirely destroyed. Lush on build- j
Ing. XSWl; on furniture, $iuu; fully cov- I
ered by Insurance.
The annual meeting of the board of
managers of the Home for Homeless
Women will be held today (Thursday)
afternoon, April -. at ;i o'clock. A full
attendant is requested. The unnunl
reHirts will be presented und nlUcer
Joseph Klessle, a Polander, nged 27
years, was Injured so budly yesterduy
In the Woodward shaft that amputa
tion of one arm wus necessary, llu wus
taken to the hospital.
I'eter Itumenschnlthcr, the South
Main street barber, who suddenly left
home several days ago. returned yes
tenluy but gave inu reasons for his
Hon. J. (1. Wooley. the temperance
lecturer, will speak ut the Young Men's
Christian association on April 11. ,
The Wilkes-Bui re Wheelmen have
moved from tlu-lrold quarters on Public
Square to their new rooms I nthe Hoss
residence on South Muln street. The
dub now numbers thirty-nine members
and is in a healthy condition. The
new house will be open about April Hi.
The looms will be splendidly fitted up
and every thing will be mude com
fortable as possible.
. . . . . . .
The teachers of Marcy township,
Avoca, and the southern district of
MckisIc, will meet In joint Institute ses
sion at the high school on April 11.
The following programme will be ren
dered: Address, J. J. Moruhun: "School
Management, Professor Shlel; vocal
solo, Miss Maine McCrlndle; "Methods
of Teaching Music. Miss Mary Ken
nedy: -Heading," Miss Walsh, Parsons;
vocal solo. Professor W. 'H. Kelly, Par
sons; '1'PcltHtlon, MIhh. Mame Walsh:
"Mathematics," ' Mr. . Wllner, editor
Plttstuii: Item; "Relation of Teacher to
Pupil, ",: MIbh Alice Morahan; "School
Work,'" Mlaa Thcvnas. .A number of
visitors will be present.
Hev. J. p. Wagner Is attending the
Methodist Episcopal confereuco eU
Hinghamton. Mrs. Wagner Is spending
the week with friends In New Mllford.
The funeral of the late Michael
Torniey took place yesterday afternoon
and wus largely attended. Interment
was made In St. Mary's cemetery.
A bun social will be conducted by the
members of the Primitive Methodist
tilble cluss In their rooms on Friday
evening. Admission. 15 cents, which In
cludes supper and entertainment.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Lang-
cllfftf Presbyteriun church will meet at
the home of Mrs. Willlum Law this
Miss Wylie, of Carbondale, visited ut
the home of Miss Maine .McCrlndle this
County Suierintendent Harrison
made his annual tour through the bor
ough schisils accompanied b ythe di
rectors on Tuesday, lie expressed him
self us being well pleased with the
excellint work done by the teachers and
ulso commended the board of direc
tors for the many improvements re
cently made throughout the borough.
Mrs. W. II. Hoiltster has been called
to Newton township on account of t lie
death of her father at the age of UO
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Achworth, who
have been spending some time with
friends In town, left yesterday for New
Port News. Va wheiv they will remain
a few months, after which they will re
turn to Salt Iike City.
Miss B. Quinn. a teucher In the Klinlru
public schools. Is spending her vaca
tion with her purents on the West Side.
The public schools will be dosed to
morrow. W. J. Williams, who has been spend
ing the past few months in the Ber
mundu Islands, is expected home to
night much Improved by the chunge.
Mart Collum. of this pluee, wus called
to Jermyn yesterday on account of the
death of his brother, w ho was killed In
the mines at that place yesterday.
At a recent meeting of the directors
of the silk mill, they decided to chunge
the manner of securing apprentices for
the mill. Hereafter each dlref-tur will
mall a curd to the applicant desiring
a position, who, when received, will pre
sent to Mr. Ashley. He will then choose
from this list and notify each one us
Mrs. J. Krwin Rrodhend. of Susque
hanna, is visiting her parents for a few
Sjieelal Raster services will be held
in the Krlek church on Siiuduy inorn
liifr hy the Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pooper spent Sun
day with friends In Mauch Chunk.
Rev. and Mrs. K. I.. Sanlce left on
I Tuesday for llinKhaintnn to uttend the
VI yominK cunlerence.
Hev. Mr. Hrutiffess hus severed his
connectinn with the Lackawanna
charge and preachd his last sermon in
the lliiick church on Sunday niornlnu.
Dtirlnir the seven months he has been
assistant pastor, ho has made for him
self a host of friends who, while they
refrret his departure, wish htm success
In his new Held of labor.
Inflammatory Hlismnntism Cured in 3
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon, Ind
suys: "My wife had Inllammatnry
kheumatlsm ill every muscle and joint,
her suffering was terrible and her body
und face were swollen almost beyond
recognition: had been in bed for six
weeks und had elirht physicians hut re
ceived no benefit until she tiled the
Mystic Cure fur Rheumatism. It pave
immediate relief and she was able to
walk ubout In three days. 1 am sure
It saved her life." Snld by Tall LoreliZ,
UtukkIsI. -IIS Laikuwanna avenue,
Is one of the very common ailinrnt of man- ;
Kind, it is usually toe mailt id nurd work or
nvr-ezertlou. and is uftnntimes the legaer of
fivers or sevore uttHtks of Hiekneaa wuifll
leaves tin abdominal muscles Iu a wunkonrd
conuitiou, alloivuix the prutrusiou of bowel
It is
to be ruptured, but it la very auociyiiiv an.l
souii'tiiio-e datifferous. Until receutly it was
thought to bt iuciiriil'le wuliuiit an oporatiou,
but tbmiks to auieutinc rjsoarcU
(s now AllSOLl'TKI.Y C'EKTAIX In ninety
out uf a huudrud cases where tliu runtuiA van
be returned. 1 give a written guarantee to :
cure. No kuifv, no iiivouveiiiunve, no opera- I
tiou; no deteiiliou from business, and no truss ,
to aiiiiny you afterwards. Oiiu visit to mr :
ofllce weekly fur four to eight weeks is
usuullv mfflcici.t for the worst caws. Ilt. !
ALEX. P. U'MALI.KY. Hiipture Specialist, !
Washington struct, Wilkes-Uarre, I'a.
The Finest in the City.
The latest inprored furnish'
toga and apparatus for keeping
meat, butter and eggs.
223 Wyoming Av.
Vjrrr-, - V
are loialed the finest llslilng uml hunting
moiimls in the world. Descriptive hooks
on application. Tickets to ul! puluts in
Mains, Citnuila and Muritline I'roviiiccii,
.Minneapolis, Hi. Paul, Uaiiinlluu and
rnlh'd States Nor Invest. Vanvouver,
Heulile, Tui-oliiu, I'oi'llaud, Ore, Sun
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attHched to all throught trains, Tcuu-iu
curs liilly tllteil Willi bcildliiK, ciirlatioi
uml spi'clally alaiU'd to wants of funillb'S
may be hud with second-elms tickets.
Hales always less than via other lines,
l'or further inforniullun, time lubles, et.,
on uppllcatlou lo
E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A.,
35.1 Broadway, New York.
foal of the best .iiuiillty for tinniest le
use. and of ull slues, ilellereu 111 any part
of the city ut lowest price.
Orders left at my Otllcc,
Rear room, flint iloor, Third Nutluiial
Bank, or sent by mull or telephone to the
mine, Will receive prompt attention.
Special contracts will he made for the
sale and delivery uf Uuckwheut Coui,
In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina
tions and Coloring, which have made the goods so
justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for
Scrantou. Our Complete Une of
Have now been receive, and includes everything ap
propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax
minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta
pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor
ders to match. An inspection of our stock and ex
amination of prices will prove interesting.
Loans ,
Overdrafts ,
IT. 8. Bonds ,
Other Bonds ,
Bunking House
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds...
Due from U. 8. Treasurer.
Due from Banks
cash r..
.I1.45S.77S 48
714 01
. 106.WIO CO
. 301.555 30
M.TSi 03
H,m 0)
7.770 00
. lf.T.aiM 71
. ' S5
2.191,300 30
WM. CONNELL. President: UBO. H. CATI.IN, Vice President: WM. H. PECK. Cashier.
DIRECrORSXWm. Cennell, Henry Bella, Jr., James Archbald, Wm. T. Smith, George H,
Catlin, Luther Keller, Alfred Hand. .
Special attention given to business and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest
on Time Deposits..
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
therefore TSSde
approved patterns:
last, but not
"Olir Spet'ltll Werkl) Oll'ei'lllgi are attractliu. much attention.
Thia week it is ! '
CASH or telINa of CREDIT.
1 &;Mdm
Lackawanna Ave.
Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming Kousi
i PA.
28, 1896:
Caol t at
...$ 200,000 0
... 2D0.0U0 II
... 81.489 l
... ii.'M 01
108 M
... 1.5H.744 1
... i!4.8!8U,
Undivided fronts....
Dividends Unpaid...
Depoeits s ,
Due to Banks
Re-Dlscuunta ,
Bills Payablu
We have always taken a deal
uf interest in this department,
liut have never before had such
just cause fur pride. Our stuck
is not only larger, hut in puint
uf style and finish has at'
tained a degree uf excellence
hitherto unknown. The strung,
light ntnnini: gears, with rubber
tire wheels and brake attach
attachment, suppurt bodies so
varied in les!e,n that your Ideal
is sure to be represented. They
are upholstered In ever tun
ceivable shade and fabric con
sistent with carriage ue, and
canopied bv Parasols of 'he must
least that great tempter, ;
dwindled to a very ine
In proof uf w hich we are
...i.l. r..n
suuniut; i cuii lane wuu inn jfkf m g
body, upholstered in daiuask.with VU kjl
silk toll, lace covered paras'L fr UUlOU
1-Yd .Samples for the Stove orVestibnle, 12c. yd
Larger Uemnants fur the Kitchen it Pantry, 15c. a yard
225 and 227