THE TBIBUXE-TIIUR&DAY MORNING. APRIL 2. 189 ft. - WEST 51 DE EVENT5. Letter or Detraction t.ivca Out for Publication br Ucorfio Went of the I'limuutli llrctlircn. GPorKe West, a minister who former ly was active in the l iral Plymouth llretliren cam?, has faUvn from prate. He ciix-uluteil a soanilulous relent enn ceruins a .Mis. Henry Carter. f the Went mountain. The husband asked hint to irove hi assertions, anil West rtisclaimi(J.the truth )f hi words, lie was dismissed from the ministry of the lirethren denomination and is row a wanderer. Hi- lf.i signed his name ti two letters, one of whiili ia as follows: I hereiy de.-lai-e Iwfore the publie tin' thn mory Kone fo:th about Mrs. Henry farter is utterly false ami made tip by me. uml also that at any time that shH Mrs. farter is aecusotl of the nbeve story 1 am ready to stand by and Jnsf.fy h-r. (Slisiitfl) Ui orjje West. I VORITKS F.XTE ItTA I N M KNT. IVwl Sant lodge of Ivorites held an entertainment last vnlt!; and a pleas ant event It was. II. 11. Williams pre sided and lllsh Norma Williams act ed as accompanist of the evening. W. .1. !av!es tmniru Web h son and Miss Lizzie Kvans r-i-lted. i:th were en Joyed. A soli, by William Kvans was well Klven and another by' Thomas Abrams was apidaudeil. Ail address by Henry I'. Uavles. of Kynon street, on the subjei t 'Vur I'alrons and our I.nnifUiiire." showed much thought. -Mr. Iiavles has a candid and material wnv of sayint; tlilntrx which enhance the (for.dness of a speech. Miss l.ymlii Joins cliannlnaly snn? n p )lo. followed by a sons by liuvld Stevans. the iii;:e soloist, H. Mushes Rave an address. There were also sonirs by Miss Ktia Phillips. V. J. Jl ivies and luvid Jenkins. John Kvnns f.iVe 11 vied In solo mid a comic soiut by Jo.ieph Ovuy tlused the entertainment. Fl'NI.iiAL. Of MltS. J i A V 1 S, The remains of the lale Mrs. Martha Watklns-Diivls were burled yesterday with fittirir ceremonv in Fmvst Hill eeinetei v. Services were held at thei Simpson. Mitiioilist lOpiscopal cburcli. of the deceased was a fulilil'iil membir. Ib v. ,1. I. Mofi'ntt, pastor of the Washburn .Street Presbyterian i liuivh, ellicliit' d. A MUartette sups. The niembers were: Mrs. P. l Hull. Miss Kiln Codshall. Prank Heck an I James Hariman. A larse number of thi deceased's liieiids Were present ul the funeral. There were many Moral offerings. The pail-hearers wire: John Itandolph. Charles Lull, .Minor Ward en, J. 1'lumnn r Acker, Jeiikln Heese und Prank llasen. WJ 1.1. FTAN D T( ) T 1 1 R l U.l ). faplain Mai'sland mid l.b-utennnl Green, of the local. Salvation Army, lire in New York city in attendance ui the reception to the new commanders, Mr. anil Mrs. -.Month-Tucker. It is about a settled fact that tic Scranlon corns will remain under the standard bf th old organization. One of the i;1te com mander's foremost principles was o::,. dlence. lie taught It and in such a way that the members of the army lire Its complete captives. Now that the great lime lias come for action the local army will doubtless follow the teachings of linllinirtun Month and obey the old Reneral. At bast that was the sentiment shown in the talk of a mule member of the army last ui trlit. He does not know of any moit intf that will be called to decide the point. He thinks there will be none. The iirmy will go right along In the ohj channel. 'XRWS NOTES AND PKItSONALS. The Scranton Philharmonic society will meet this evenliiK at the Si rantun Street 1st church. The society will assist ut u conceit to be Klven on April il at the church as a bene lit. Frank Stover lias removed from Nanticoke to the Macon farm on the back road. .1. P. Archer, of South Main nveiuie, will s ,n Minshamton tomorrow. Air. and Mrs. William Wnlklns, of Factoryvllle. were In town yesterday In attendance at the funeral of Mrs. Martha Wiitl;iiis-Tirivis. The fouv lanye boilers recently placed in the Hoblnsnn plant on Seventh street are workins well. Hev. fir. L. C. Floyd Is nt Hlnfrhnm ton uttendlilK the coiiet,'nce. Hubert Morris lodge will conduct a smoker this eveiilnB in ivorlte hall on South Main avenue. Methodists on this side will And n complete ivport of the' conference at . Jiiiu'hamton on the first mice. Kev. J. T. Losan, of Wllkes-Marro. . will 1 preach at Meers' hall, this side. Mills evenlnif at 7.U0. Scuts are free ' nnd all are welcome. . MI.'S Grace Harris, daitfclitnr of Mr. ftind Mrs. J. P. Harris, of Swetland street? -Is 111. On Hood- Friday h special service will b held in St. David's church from 12 m. to 3 p. m., during which brief ad- SWELL FOR. $ 1 Oo Otiflleader for the spring is a light weiglit, light coiprecl Covert Cloth Spring Over.coat, niade witn all the style and all the-fit of a cus tom niade3o garment, andtht? price is $10.00. It is the. coat for dressy youug'nieii, it fits, well when it is, buttoned, and . opens with a little kink in thecollar, that usually marks only the custom made. . . . v. -a .o-.. v ii; . : , . I v , Square DealiVciothSsrSj Hattars and Furnishsrs. : dresses will be male on the geven last words from the cross. All are cordial ly invited. 1 Kobert Davte. of -Washburn street, Ss doing jury duty thisWeek.. West "iJo liusincut Wrcetory. FLORIST Out flowers ami funeral de sign a S!M-ially. Floral figures, useful us gifts, at Mi South Mala avenue. Har riet J. Lavis. riorttst. rHOTiMTRAPHEIt Cabinet Photos. per do-n. They arc just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Slarner' l'huto 1'urlors, l'Jl and iu2 South Main avenue. SKCOXD HAND HVRXITTfiE Cash for aiiytlilns Sou have to sell. Furniture, i-'lovea,- Tuiiis, etc. Call ond see tho utook of J. C. King. bCl and lu.ti Jack tou street. l'KOVIDKNCK. A row took place Tuesday vveninfr In a West Market street hotel In which several Polanders took part, and one of th' in, -Frank 'Iter, was unmerci fully b-ateu. Joseph Valaniskl and Prank Kastanta, two of the partici pants, were lii-tested by Officers I'tny inn Palmer and were nrraiKiied be fore Alderman Huberts yesterday on u. cht; of assault and battery and Zl tei, the injured man, appeared to pros ecute them. Ho relented, however, af ter a short imrley and nsrreil to wltn dr::w the charm. IT the def-ndants would lay for the dumatte done. The funeral of Huydeii. the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Williams, of Tin odore street, took place yesterday from his lal home. The child was ex ceedingly briidit and bis bereuved par ents have the sympathy of the communis-. Interment wus made in Purist Hill cemetery. Th" may friends of Miss Mary Hens Icy and Samuel Nichols will be sur prised to hear of their maiAiaKe, which occurred yesterday in the oltice of Alderman Huberts. Moth are residents ef Thompson, street and will o to housekeeping there. Miss Lizzie rtobinson. of SpiiliR st reel, spent yesterday with friends In lNckville. Henry Davis, of Taylor, circulated union',' North Pnd' friends yesterday. Joe Mora n is sllvhtly Indisposed at his home on West Market street. . pleasant surprise party was ten dered Miss Dale at her home on North Main avenue last evening. An enjoy able time was spent until near mid night, when a liht repast wns served end tin- yotitiK people departed, for tin Ir homes. ' Miss Minnie Lewis, of Wllkes-Harre. is visiting friends In this part of the en e. lbv. A. L. Ilnmer, of St. Mark's. Hyde Park, will conduct the Lenten servioes In St. Paul's Lutheran church. North Scrnntoti. this afternoon at 4 f 'cluck. Members und friends are cor T.lally Invited to lie present. nuN.MORi:, f.abriel 'Swarts Is confined to his home with a sudden attact of inllam matlon of the eyes. Mrs. Wnyne Hurley, of Hrook street, nave a. ilinner party yesterday nt her pleasant home io a few of her frleniN. Tho.-ie present were: Mrs. Kdward Al temose, Miss (bibrlel Swarts. Mrs. Tom Youiiks. Mrs. Kellow. of Hyde Park: Mrs. Ihinsi r, o' Colorado; Mrs. Charles Collum. Mrs. H. Spencer and Mrs. Slo i tun, of Scranlon. The day was spent pleasantly in various ways rind all pre sent decided that Mrs. Hurley was a splendid entertainer. Charles Collins has purchased the home of Mark Simpson on Cherry street, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Collins will occittiy their new home sHon ias Mr. Simpson vacates It. orren Swarts has puicha.sed ilr. Simpson's other lot, which will lie Ills future home. Mrs. Luelnii I'dwuids was pleasantly wirprlsed by the following friends the other day: '.Mr. Wayne Hurley, Miss (lalulel Swarts, Mrs. 1M. Altemose, Mrs.' C. O. Miller, Jits. Kllza Younss, Mrs. Thornton. Mrs. Charles Collins and .Mrs. Harry Spenar. A very line din ner was served and all spent a very pleasant day. Kdward- NiiRle. of West Pitt'ston. spent Sunday with friends In this place. Mrs. William Miller, of Hrook street, Is the Kiiest. of friends and relatives In Munch Chunk. Oscar Yost is slinhtly Indisposed at Ills home on South lllukely street. Mrs. Stanaback mid (limjrhter, Jen nie, of I'iftston, have been spending the punt few days ut the home of Harmon Compton, on Potter street. A daughter arrived at the homo of Mr. and .Mrs. fteoi'Ke Hussell Monday. A. L. Mryilen has moved his family from West Pittslon Into the house re cently vucated by VIcMr lieemei. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres byterian church will meet at the home of Mis. Ocksenrelder this afternoon at 2.3U. A drlnklni,' fountiiin at the "corners" Is the object for which the Loyal Lc jrlun Tins been zealously working for several months past, nnd they will Klvc an entertainment 111 I heir hall to morrow, niuht. the proceeds of which will be devoted to this cause. The ad- mission js only 10 cents and It should be liberally imtronized. " Refreshments will also be served after the pro gramme. U. S. Maloney la now occupying the house recently vacated by Nelson Freas. and Thomas Karly has moved from Drinker to Chestnut streets. Mr William lteddlnit has tieen sliRhtly Indisposed at lx-r home on Wrove striH-t for the fast few days. Silas Itellis Is now a resident of flrove street. havliiR moved from Blakely street. Kepairs are beine made on the Pres byterian church on Chestnut street. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Annexation of Minooka tn the City lias llccome n I rultfu! Topie for Discus sion Aaain-Cojaing .Marriage. Since the proposition to annex Mi nooka to the city was rejected by the municipal legislators, the subject has been shelved, but It was by no means put where it has been lost siRht of. It; Is I'lisiicins much attention nitaiii. Councils have undergone a change, und the citizens of Minooka will soon knock for admittance a second time. The same map which was submitted ; showing the territory proposed ,to be annexed w ill accompany the petition, j It Is understood that the pnpers are now In circulation for signers. LF.V. Mil. SCUM ITT IS IIKKK. j Kev. K. L. Sehmltt. the new pastor cf' the Kvangelleal Church of 1'eaee- on i Prospect avenue, has arrived In the j city und with his wile and family hnsj taken possession of a residence on Wil low street, near the church, furnished for him by the congregation. lie will! preach on Raster Sunday und will Im mediately enter upon the duties of the pastorate, though he will not be in stalled until next week. WILL UK WEPIiKP NEXT WF.F.K. Henry F. .Iegler and Miss Minnie Pontius will he married next Tuesday evening by Hev. William A. Nordt. pas tor of the Hickory Street i'resby terlan church. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride on Cedar av irtie. Air. Zlegler Is a son of 11. J. Zieglor of the linn of .Iegler At Sehu niaker. and he Is a prominent young man, possessed of the resoeet and es teem of his wlib? neiiualntaiiee of friends. Miss Pontius Is a beautiful and relined young lady and has'the best wishes of all who know her. SHOKTfin PA ISAM MA I'll CF NF.WS. Peter N'euls, of Cedar avenue, l.i on the jury Ibis week. The funeral of .Mrs. MriilRct tlauchan was held from her late home on Pros pect avenue yesterday moruliHV. A high mass of reiiuieni was eelebrottd at St. John's church and Interment was made in Hyde 1'nrk cemetery. Closing exercises appropriate to tile Faster vacation were held yesterday in No. :l school and were taken pArt in ly the PUp'ils of Miss Lizzie K. Penman. Miss " Josie Lees and .Mrs. ). L. Henid- 1111111. May, aged 1 year and 1rt months, daughter of Mr. und Mrs. Patrick Cra hum, of 4L';i Kim street, died yesterday. The funeral will be held tomorrow af ternoon nt 1! o'clock. Interment will be made in Hyde Park cenietery. - - ;ki:i:n kid(;i:. Herbert Warner, of Plckson avenue, bad his foot severely hurt yesterday arternoon about I'.SO by having It caught In the railing on the caboose of a 1 el h ware and Hudson train. Pev. N. F. Stnhl. pastor of the Green Ttldge Presbyteriiin church, expects to leave today for Phihi'1 Iphla, where he will stay some time before starting for Murope. Items for The Tribune may be left nt William Snyder's barber shop, bVIT IHckson avenue; at' J. F. Hatigl's gro cery store. 1(i0!l Dickson avenue; nt Charles H. . Jones' drug store-, coi ner C.reen Kldge street and Dickson ave nue; nt Thompson's drug store, on F.ast Market street; at Cole's drug store on Chpousc avenue, or at fr.i St'-plien's grocery store, corner Cu pousc avenue and Marlon street. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Plckson avenue, a girl. The meat market of Simons & Hart ssell has opened for business at Horn baker's old stand, lulls Dickson avenue. They are men of wide experience tn this line and would appreciate, tne patronage of all their old customer.-', L'NDKIi OXK III'.AD NOW. All of tlio Water Companies Ahsoihcd bv Iho Syndicate. Ilnvc.l'.cen Ueoiflnnied All the twenly-slx water companies between this city und Nanticoke which have been absorbed by the big-syinll-cate, the Spring Hrook Water nnd Supply company, have been reorganized nnd the leases ratllled. Thei reorganization i, f the "U'llkes linrro Water company took place nt the olllce on West Market street yes terday. A. H. McCllntock retired ns president and Lemuel Amennan, of this city, wns elected In his place. Other ollleers elected were: li. M. F.psy, sec retary nnd treasurer; directors, ex Lieiitennnt Governor L. A. Wnlres. C. 1). Simpson. Thomas H. Wutklns, Hub ert C. Adams find J. i Sogers Maxwell. The Crystal Spring and Spring Brook Water companies were reorganized in New York 'Wednesday. I sogers Max well, who was the former president, wns re-elected president of the Crystal Spring company, he being Interested in the new Ueul. . of the Spring Mrock C. D.', Simpson wus also re-elected presi dent, he also being- Interested , in the new company. Tin: Spring Ihoi.k basin arid the pipe route lo Wllkes-Harre are being pur veyed by three corps of engineers and the work of construction It is expected will soon begin. No general superin tendent has as yet been appointed. The company promises that there will he no Increase In water rates notwith standing that it has a monopoly. TWO TIIII.VKS AKRF.STI'D. Ilraco of North l-'.nd Young .Men Who Stole n Harness,' Frank Merry iixd Joseph Sullivan, two young nien'who have just attained their .majority, were arrested yesterday on a warrant for larceny sworn out be fore Aldermun Fldler, of the First wurd, and In default of bnil they were committed to the county Jul!. The charge ugulnst them Is that of stealing a single harness nnd a valu able set of horse clippers from, one of the paddocks nt the Driving Park. They were taught trying to dispose of the goods. ....... ' "How to Cure All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Svvayno's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, Itch, nil eruptions on thi face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are. pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your tlruBJilst for Swayne's ointment. ""hen Ilahy wns sick, wo riivo her Caatorla. iVhen alio wns a Child, elm erleil for C'antorlo, .When nkebeonnioMIss, sliu clung to Custorla, When she liud C'ullJrcu, she fan) their, CiMlorlu, AN AFPEWTfiE IAV Action That Has Ueen Taken by Oly phant UuruiiQh I'ounciltnen. KBIT 01' ULO KAKKAXTO ASKED Tbcy Wont to Compel tho Officers of the Itorouch Council to show by What Right They Now lloM (ifficc. Vhen the borough council of Oly phant met for organization on the tirst Monday of March list a deadlock arose over the election e" n president, secre tary and street commissioner. The council consists of twelve members, and five favored the election of William il. Uavls for president, whie the other live favored the slate headed by Thos. Curran. Pavls and Curran voted, of course, for themselves, and that consti tuted the six on each aide. After taking ballots by the score the deadlock remained unbroken and the meeting was adjourned until Wednes day, March II. Three of the Curran faction were late in getting around, and as there were nine present the council was called to o'der and the election of a president was taken up. Six voted for Lavis. and the other three voted for Curran. The Secretary announced the election of Davis. CriUtAN MF.N WITHD11F.W. I'y this time the three dilatory Cur ran men arrived on the scene, but in stead of remaining, they went away Im mediately, bringing the other three of their side out with them and leaving the council chembo' to the six Mavis men. That did not daunt the latter and they went along with business, choosing W. .1. Sehiihnichl secretary, nnd Lawrence Howard street commis sioner. Yesterday the six Curran men who are Curran himself nnd M. J. O'HoIleran. William 'Flnsdey. IS. J. liallagher. John Keegan anil Thomas finnnon, repre sented by O'lii li n .V Kt lley and I. 11. Ittirns, petitioned the court for a writ of oi'o warranto to issue to' Messrs. Davis, Se'uubniehl ami liownrd requir ing them to show cause why their elec tion as president, secretary nnd .street commissioner respectively should not be set aside. of Tin-: action. The eriumil on which the action Is taken Is that they did not receive n ma jority of the votes of the members of council. There wns a ipiorum present when the bnllotlng for president went on. but Davis received only six votes, which, while It was a majority of the number present, whs not a majority of the council. When secretary and street commissioner were balloted for there were only six present. Court granted n rule on the respond ents to answer, and iiinde It returnable on Monday, April (i, nt 9 a. ni, - , .MOVING DAY HOW. There May llnvc iscun More Hut This One liot Into Conn. Henry Harder took a new home on Adams avenue yctf rday am upon moving In found n piano which had been left there by the family that moved out the day before. During the uftcrnuni J. C. Puder baugh, an employe of L. M. Powell, Went to the place with a couple of as sistants to remove the piano. Haider refused to let him have It unless he should be paid tin cents for storage. Puderbaiigli wouldn't pay. words were exchanged and the outshot was that Harder, according to Pitderbaugh's story, threatened to shoot him. For this he had Harder arrested and. Alderman Millar before whom he was arraigned held him to hail In the sum of $3oo to answer at ourt. l'VEKY DDTAII. A K RANG ED. Charity Dull Commit iocs Hold a Ucncral .Meeting l.nst Night. At the meeting of the charity ball committee lust night In M. F. Sando's office reports were had from all the sub committees showing that every detail of the arrangements has been attend ed to. The music committee reported that Mauer says he Is determined to show that It Is not necessary to go out of town to secure a llrst-cluss orchestra, and the committee on decorations brought the Uiisitrunee from Clark, the tlorist. thut he Intends to surpass nil his previous tll'orts. TOOK TIM: FIRST GIRL. liiimcr Advertises for u Wife and Marries Her on Slant. Topekn. Kan.. April I. Albert Dun can, of Chautauqua county, went about getting a wife in n practical way. My luud ,vcok he had saved enough inonev to b y eighty acres of lunil.J ISecently he erected a comfortable cottage, anil thep the next tiling waM n .,vif(; t() put In It. He sent an advertisement to a matrimonial paner in Chicago, and within two weeks had half a dozen an swers. From these be picked rait the name of Miss Anna Sfroder, of Chero kee county, because she said she was a Kansas girl. Without delay he wrote her to meet him nt Sedan Sat urday, and directed her to wear n blue ribbon on her left arm'. Young- Duncan to Sedan early in Ihe morning, secured his license, donned a blue rib bon and then weni lo the depot' to watch the Incoming train. At '2 o'clock lie was rewarded. A trim little girl stepped from the train, the two recog nized each other, and, without further ceremony, went to the residence of the Methodist parson and were united for life. Then they drove fourteen miles lo Duncan's home, where everything was in readiness for housekeeping. They bad never met before and bad not exchanged photographs. ItlKC.I.AR I.OVF.K. A Connecticut tilrl discovers That Her I'lance Is a Crook. P.rldgppnrt, April 1. Frederick Latin drle, of Huntington, was brought to the jail in this city today, under bonds for burglary. He was lo have been mar ried April .1 but now the event has been Indefinitely postponed. The bride-elect Is Hannah Twombley, of Derby. She met Liumilrie while vis iting her brother-in-law, Frank W. Heekmnn, In Huntington. Lust Friday night Lnundrle entered l'eekmnn's res idence anil secured fc.'l, n illuinond ring, and a dime savings bnnk.; He also en tered the bcdrooln which was occupied by his (Wince, when irhe "visited, there, nnd stole $5. Mi?s Twombley says she la through with hint forever. K K.M AK K A 151.1: WF.DDI N(i. Twin Sisters Are Married . to Twin liroihers nt Itui bank, Ohio. Cleveland, 'April l -'A nio.U unusual mutrlnional event took place near Hur bnr.k, Wuyne countyi lids state,, last night, when twin sisters married twin brothers. , ' ' The contracting parties were Irene V. and Idenu. V. iSepp, nnd Vernon IS. nnd Yertol It. Stair, The ceremony was performed by . Uev, Nathaniel Lewis. HLLSTEAD, Orrle Terlmss, of Lostm'shlfe, was In town' on Wednesday. Friendly Hand lodge Installed their newly .elected ulllcers Tuesday, (-veiling. At the unnuti! regulur business meet ing nf'tho congregation of the Presby terian church held Monday (venltiH the following trustees were elected; 'I'or three years, Charles Knowh r und Wal ter Smith; for two yuaru, C. E. Bwnria, Rufua Smith was also elected treae-un-r. . - Postmaster John X Millane Is Hi. A large delegation of locomotive en gineers from here w ill attend the unlo.' meeting tt lie held In Port Jervis :i about two weeks. Mrs. William Vedder has returmC, home after a pleasant visit wilh friends in Hooper. John Jaeger, a converted anarchist who has been doing such grand won. at the Christie mission in New Yor!: city, will be the speaker at the men', meeting in 1 Mntlroad Young- Men-.-Christian association hall on Sunday, April 12. I AM NOT GIVING A GflLFSUIT SWEATER With Any of My High Grade Wheels, But Give You 1 I! p OF ULL For Your Money. C. M. FL0REY - 222 Wyoming AY313L Y. El. C-'fl. C'J'lDI'iT. YES, lUIKIflum BICYCLES, Frame, Fork, Handle Bar, Scat Root, Each of Aluminum, in on; piece, without Joint nl any kind. We Alco Have the Famous UNION CgACK-A-JACK, II CALL l!t AND LET US TALK TO YOU. H'RUI.ONS, Linden St ) Court nooss. ALL REP A I RI H & GUARANTEED. IT'S A FLYER na the velocity or wind, gleam and viiifo urn piigKi'sieu oy nis progress. The bicycln la tho most impoi Inno vation in mean of travel since tho Intro duction tit the locomotive, and wo are in the Infancy of Jts use, construction and mean of propulsion. llealthy-nilndcil proplo nro those who commend and practice its use. To such wo need hardly say, Vour bley. eln should be the latest and best. Call and examino ours before buying. JlfILWBi. SI2AN3 3!6 LACKAWANNA Ml STERLING, FOWLER, WORLD, I YOU WILL FIND ME In my new store, 324 Spruce Street, in Ho tel Jenny n. Fishing Tackle and' Sportsmen's Supplies. Good goods and fair treatment guaranteed. FEB MARC!. 21ST A. W. JURISCH. Lackawanna Avenue, W'inlon Bicycles are guar anteed. "J'lie Wiiiton is a Winner.' file Hunt & Connncll Co POP A NEW BICYCLE or the repair o! .; Wheel, nee E. R. PARKER, Who lias tlie liinuest experience In this line ul any man in tljeclty. ou w ill nave inonev by following tblt advice. jai blKtCUr. ui lies mil h mil, i.O WW w . w THE FASHION 308 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 308 Easter Hats and Easter Gapes - 01'EMMi DAYS FOll MOTH, ; iconnv Tunnonni im rnnn unnii i n luu murai n.ij :.MS TRlMMEDFBg CF CHARGE.'Cr MILLINERY. Urand Spring Opening of exquisite novelties in Easter MIIUntT)'. 'Hie daintiest Huts anil lionncU from Virot, HeiU I'ojcr, Josse, Ester Mayer, Koaer, Kcboux, and every other dis tinguished Paris designer, will be on exhibition on the above named days, together wilh exclusive designs of our own make. 1 CAPES AND JACKETS. On our Opening Days we will display the newest thoughts of the fashion world. 1'ai is models like mnulded nut sic. Dainty styles from wherever they are best You w il I sec here what the best dressed women in Scranton will be wearing in a fortnight DRESS GOODS. A glimpse hi our window will teach you where to buy the Newest Dress Goods for Sprint;, and the lowness of the prices attached will no dnuM convince the most skeptical that we are leaders in both style and low prices. r in urn ii Must Be Sold Before We Remove To our new store, No, 130 Wyoming avenue, Coal Exchange, April 1st. Price no considera tion. SNHGIU iOI I HERE And to be propared to meet tb warmer weather you want a seasonable Suit or an Overcoat or both. AND THB BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR H0METMNQ Q00U IN A'.ERCHANT TAILORING IS 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE YOU WILL FIND Tbc lareeat Htock to eloct from. Trim mill lAlwayanf the Beit, Iitrst Stvles in t'ultiDf:. mid Hindu up oa the irmiso9 hy Expert Wo.-kmoii. tf-Xotaitip; allowed to leave thee t:,lrshmut unless satisfaeiory to tho customer, nnd tbeloweKt prices coaaiat ont Kith Good llaichaui Tai:oring. STE1NWAY & SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the World. DECKER BROS.i . KKANICHE & BACME and others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and . . Music Books. Purchasers will alway.i find completi stock and at prices as low as the qual ity ol the Instrument will permit at II. I nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton Blwe ..'. ' , Afw If. F. COS. The doctor is now located over iho l'limous Shoe Sorc, 320 Lack tvtmnii ahemu, wljrc ho muy he consulted on nil cdscs of llye, lair, NoHti jtnd 'I'hrott'ouhlu. Speeiul cure givuti to uiijicult Lye Fitting. I ml mum. nrniL i. l wj a. i AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHAH.. Wagner At Ucin, Lessees and Mantis;sra Wednesday, April 1st, HARRY WILLIAMS' Grand Scenic Production of Life fn New York, by ADA LEE BASCOM, fl 60 PEOPLE ON THE STAUE. SUPERIOR COMPANY. SPECIAL SCENERY. NEW SONUS AND DANCES. Regular Prices. Sale of Seats Now Open. DAVIS' THEATER Return Engagement. 3 DAYS. Commencing Thursday, April a, THE IDEALS JOHN A. HIMMELEIN, Sole Alanager, Headed by the Clever Comedienne, BEATRICB EARLE, Augmented by Professor Ned J. Honson's Twentieth Century Concert Band and Orchestra. Presenting the Ureat Sensa tional Comeuy-Urima, A MIDNIGHT GALL With All New and Pleasing Specialties. PRICES 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS BOWERY PIRST TIAIE B I I MUSIC ALE OF THE SATURDAY MORNING CLUB AT Y. R. C. A. HALL, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 9, For the lieneflt of St. Luke's kindergarten. Diagram opens at Powell's Music Store on i Tuesday, April 7. DUPONTS MINING, CLASTIiiG AND SPORTING Slantifiutmeil at the Wapwallopen Mil!, Luzerno conn ty. Ph., und at Wll inlnKioi;, Delaware. HENRYBELIN.Jp. Genoral Agent for the Wyoming District. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Scranton, Pa. Third National Rank Bullillnif. AOKXCIKS: TITOS. Kor.T. I'itlst m. Ph. ,T(JII. H. SMITH A SnN', i'lymouth, Pa. K. VV. MULlilti AN, Wllkes-Harro, Piu AKenls for the l'.rpaiino Cheinleal C'oao pany's lilEh KspioiilveH. etj3 ma f.i ba U 5Ssa W ar Kaadq-.!r.'t:-rs for OysteN are hanilii tho Celebrated Duck Rivers. Lynn Haven. Key ports, iMill Ponds; also Shrews bury, kooliawitys, Alaurice Klvcr Cloves, Western bhoi'ts and Uiuc I'oiuis. IWe uinku a Specialty of dellvsrtat blue Points on halt xliell lu earrieri. Houses for Sale and for Rent. If you contemplate purchasing or leas ing house, or wont to invest Tn a lot, see Die lists of desirable property un page 3 ol 1 he Tribune. . I. 1 ...7
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