The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 02, 1896, Page 5, Image 5

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I use it in my kitchen and class work."
Emma P. EwiNG, Frincipd Chautauqua Cooking School.
Norm k Here
120 Wyoming Ave.
Washington Avenue.
Old Solid Comfort to have one encircled
aruund your neck. We ore living
them to our patrons.
acka wanna
30S P.'nn Ae.
. OF
The most .com
plete stock of
Special Patterns
mads strictly
private to us for
"Join tho nines."
The Delaware, Lackawanna ami West
tern company paid yesteriluv in the Con
tinental, ArclibaliNiiinl Hyde Park mines.
The iJehiWHi-e And liuiiscii company
yesterday pcid Its salaried employes in
this city mil Can imilalo ami the em
ployes at the AUinvlde mini-.
A charter was (,'iiiiited at tho state do
Iurtment In llarrlslMUK yesterday to the
Traders' anil Hunkers' .Mutual Life aso
chitlou. The concern has no capital stock.
In the replevin suit of William Morley
HKulnBt lr. 1-'. .S. linuc,las a verdict for
the plaintiff was rendered last week n nil
yesterday the court refused a rule for a
new trial.
Henry t'hester, of Sixteenth street, and
Michael iiolton, of l.ii.onie street, botn
licensed of aliusltiK their families, woro
tried before Aldenniiu -Millar yesterday
and held for court.
The work of huildliiK tho I.aekawanna
Traction company's line from Duninore to
Olyphant uIoiik the back road will bo
Blurted by Contractor l'aire in Dunnioru
In about two weeks.
Tickets for the conceit which Is to ba
given on April 14 by the Woman's Keeley
league can be had at the follnwlt.n places:
M. Norton's, Louis Conrad's, 'bail'lus &
Jlelvln's and V. I'. Christian's.
The time for (Ulna; exceptions to the re
port of Attorney John It. t'ulliiiKS, muster
appointed to determine the Indebtedness
of Taylor iioi-oiiKh to Lackawanna town
ship, Ims been extended live days.
The bond of Kvnn G. Walking in the
(turn or SWio as treasurer of the Price Li
brary association of Taylor was Mod in
court yesterday, with Ofc'on Watkins and
William P. Criflttlis us bonds-men.
Michael ,T. Carroll's bond In the sum of
J-'iW as treasurer of liuniel (l'Cenncll conn
ell, Vouui,- i.M. n's Institute, of .Mlnook.i,
wus Med in court yesterday. .Martin ile
'DonoiiBh and Henry W. Coylo uro the
The Ladies' auxiliary of tliel'atiiotio Or
der Sons of America w ill meet in l-'iiller's
hull, LaPkawunna avenue, Friday even
ing next and hereafter. All those who
have signed applications are requested to
be present.
The feat Male and Penny cluli of St.
Luke's nulld will havo a sale of fam-v
articles untl decorated china in the new
store In tlm Arcade, on Wjomlnir n venue,
next Tuesdiy and Wednesday, afternoon
and evenlnir.
For the lifneMt of tho Iilues tho Old
Folks' ' conflrrt recently Kven in the
Young Men I Chrlsilun Association hall
will be repotted April l:j. Amoni the
soloists will He Mr. Wooler anl Mrs. Jo
seph O'Brlon.Ji
(birrctt 11'ivvv, of Olyi.hanl, was ar
rested last eviHiintr on the cIuuko of ns
smill and batttry preferred by his will!'.
The warrant i- -.worn out before Jus-
tire of the rem 1'. ,1. Mc.Nally. The de
leniiurii i-.. uiu i. rivo nail ami was com
mitten lo jair.
Tho Lawrenro
iml was to havo ulvon
n concert from
I'rothinKham portico
owliiK to the chlllv
tponed. II will ha
last ovonlnir. bt
weather It was
ptven either fiatur
y or .Monday evening,
follow as lull as Iho
Other concert w
portico stunds. whi
will bo at least until
April lu.
They Art, Stylish.
On Thursday Sti a. briduo & Clothier,
of Philadelphia, wlllWike a Brand dis
play of ladles' suitA coats und tapes
In our clonk 'dcpartai-nt. Tjiis Urm is
not only tho lnrRest retailers of line
dress (foods, lint also! ho largest inan
. , ufaetures of stylish tunnonls In tho
country. We Invito nl our fiinds to
call and, post thomselvni rcRnnlliif; this
line or Roods.- Ktiits tilay be ordered
rroin eamples. Alwra & Hoson
A Commlttoo of Hnthvcn'sVivinpatlilers
Call oi tho iMalr.
A TOmmltteo of five oldei'V' men oallod
n Mayor Connell yostory mornltiR
and asked , him to. I'urnlslAiKillce pro
tection for Jtuthven whPiiiiOjKoes to
the West Side to Icutura tomorrow
nlKht. I
Tlio mayor said lie wonlitrive him
Hitch protection b Is Bunianood any
tuner citizen, out no annnuikvii tliut
he would have umple meannjnt Hand
to quail any disturbance th.t might
cam. ion a convention.
Scranton. March 2 IS'-'..
r ..i.ti .- .i . i :-.i ,!.-. .
I lie I .ejii nie lid Ui lliu r HBl u-i; .?..t.i v .
dl."lrlc-t of l.a kawum. i county will us- '
soluble In convention in St. Kavid's hail,
at .Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, April 7, ;
at :J o'clock p. rn., for l lie purpose ol i loot- i
iniT two il. leuutcs to tiie It. -publican stito
i onvi nlion, w hich vIM meet at Harris- j
burs April ;:!, IS'M. Kleetiou for deleiiut.-s
t.i the convention will be li.-ld al the regu
lar ji.dlins places on S.ituiday. April- 4,
bet went tiio hours of I and 7 p. ni.
Kbctien districts aro entitled to repiv
reiilallim us follows:
t-'lr.-t Ward. -First district !
First Ward, .Second district 1
Firs'- ward. Third idstriet -
Se.nnd ward. First ill.-tvlct 1
Siv-i.nd ward, Se.-on 1 district
Pi-coiol ward, Tliir I di.strict
.'T-cOinl vartl, jurlii dls-ti-ict
Second ward, Filth district
l-';h war 1, First district
Viiur.'h ward, Second llt vlct
Fourth ward. Third district
Fourth ward. Fourth district
Fifth wj'.nl. First dlstri.-i
Filth word, -0.11111 district
Fifth Vi!i-,l. Third dlrtrlcl
Fifth ward. Fourth district
PiNih ward. First district
Sixth war!, Third district
Fourteenth ward. First district
Fourteenth ward, Second district
Fifteenth ward.. First district
Fifteenth ward. Second district
Kiuhlceiith ward
Twenty-lirst ward, First district
Te. etity-ilrst ward, Second district....
Total ::s !
Vigilance committees will pb.-aso take i
notice and voteri: tbeniselves accordlnj-'ly. !
V. A. Tuiiio, i
J. H. Key nobis.
Secretary. 1
lotutti Iccislntlvc District :onvcntion.
Ib-iuibllcans of the Fourth legislative
ilistrl.-t will take notice . Unit 11 oonvenilon
wili lie held in Lind. s' hall in tile bor
oin;li of Archbnld on Tuesday, the -ev-1
nih. day of April. W.u, ui I o'clock i. m.,
for 1 lie purpose of clioosjIK two deleuales
10 represent said district in the llcpubll-
an state convention to be hel 1 at Harris
burn, April 'Si. Ivji;.
Ylullance coinmiltees will hold the pri
maries in the respective election illstrie"s
til the regular places on Saturday, Atc-d
4. 1MHI, between the hours of 4 and 7
o'clo- k p. in.
E. A. Jones,
9. S. Jones,
$(11,KS.:W 1 nvi: YEARS.
Tho liiino Hank .Makes a Showing on
' Its llirthdnv.
The Dime Deposit ami Discount bank
cob lirated the tilth anniversary of Its
opening day yesterday and its olllcers
were displaying with pride a little state
ment which liliis'.rut.'S in u few lines
a career of nrosnerity which it is
claimed ban never been equalled by
any bank in Scrantnn In Its tlrst five
yours. The statement shows the
amount of ileonsits and surplus and
profits on the tltit of April of each
year. Here It Is:
Surplij auJ
Deposits. -
Aiiril 1, isdl Jl.s.ll.Hi ,
April 1. ISi:' 17!t.:!.VJ.12 l.ijs ,
April 1, 1stt ai4.inri.HI il.ilifl...:
Aiiril 1. 1 si 4 ; iii.!isi.:;s
April 1, 1MI". ."i,r,xii.r,s 2"l.)f.3t
April 1, lli'Mi iill.tilS.:iil a",!)!l"!t
Tin; direetiiis were prouder of the
record of I SIM limn nf any other, it
shows no Increase of deposits. Hut
between April I, 'S'.i:: and April 1, 1S!I4,
there came a year of trial and Ulbula
tlnn fur bankiiiK Institutions. Hanks
failed rlnht and li-ft all over the coun
try and many w hich cume through bore
sevore scars In the way of losses by
decrial so of the value nf securities. The
Dime bank went thrmiKh the financial
cyclone, not only without practical loss
of deposits, but with n Klllll of $ti,000 111
surplus and prollts niter hnvlnpr paid
out Jti.iiOO in dividends showing an earn
IiiK of twelve per cent, on the capital
The success of the Dime bank Is due
to lls great popularity among the peo
ple, which Is shown by the fact that
It hns nearly ll.liuO accounts upon Its
books and the great care with which
It Is managed. Charles I Hi Pont llreck,
esi., the president, takes u di-ep Interest
In tin; institution and the directors aro
nil workers. (.'ashler H. (I. Dunham
was brought up In n bank of which his
father was, and his brother Is now cash
ier. Mr. Dunham Is one of the most
careful and precise of Lank ollicers and
has long since attained a high reputa
tion as a llnttiicler. His assistants in
tho bank nre also competent, steady
and trustworthy 111011.
The bunk owns; Its own building with
out a dollar of Incumbrance and Its
ollicers confidently hope that in tho
year which it commenced yesterday it
will again break the record or progress.
It Is headed for the front rank among
Scranton banking institutions.
If So I'so Fertilizer on It.
2-1 pounds of a first class fertilizer
Is fully the eiittal of 1 tun of stable
manure. It dues not disfigure your
premises for months In order to get any
bemlit from it.
It does not produce woods. It will
r.mlte a more luxuriant growth of grass
and a liiiin.'i' sod; its original cost Is
es. The expense of putting on Is less
and the results are in every way much
more satisfactory. AVe are handling
tho Lackawanna Fertilizer and Chem
ical Cn.'s goods than which there is no
better made. We will warrant every
pound of It we sell to prove entirely
satisfactory In every respect.
The Scranton Cash Store,
' K. l Price, agent.
The Assessors Arc the First of tho New
City officials to lio Sworn In.
The incoming city nssossors, Charles
Fowler, Christian Fickus and William
Pawfinn yesterday went before Mayor
Covjnell and were sworn in. They are
the first of the new city ofliclals to
take the oath of olilce.
'Tho certlllcates of election of all city
olllcers and councllnien. elected at the
hist election, were yesterday sent by
Prothonotary Pryor to Mayor Connell
and by him transmitted to City Clerk
Lavelie for use at reorganization next
A Woman's liclight.
If there 1 any one thing In the world
that delights u woman's heart it Is n
pretty hut or bonnt. The thousands of
ladles who attended The Leader's, 124
nnd l-ti Wyoming avenue. KasteV open
ing showed plainly by their liberal pur
chases ami complimentary remarks
that they were charmed with the beau
tiful array of trimmed millinery. This
popular concern has done much for the
comfort of their customers as regards
light, space and ventilation. Their
sture Is now, since alterations are com
pleted, one of the most up to date in
the city. They will receive twice a
week Parlrlan pattern hut a which will
be put on display as soon as received.
Hear In mind that The Lender has sty
lish trimmed hats copied from the
most expensive models for $1.7.1 up. No
matter how low priced a hut you buy;
It will posses style. Their pries will
lie In this, as In other departments, al
ways the lowest.
' We open .today an elegant new utoek
01 pai HuuiB. . r in ley a.
Such Is the Expiring Legislative!
Instead It Is a bUtlnctlon to Be Proud of
fur Many Kcasoiis-lievicw of the -Legislation
f ir tlie fiscal
Year just Closing.
"A million dollar council" would not
bo an altogether uiibclitting title f r
the body which dissolves at high lii-m
011 Monday next, for if we tlgure in with
the funds that have 1m en i-xpeiidid di
rectly und: its supi rvisiini ail th tt has
been spent Indirectly, such as as'cbs
pients fi f sov.vting, paving, gi:tdii:;f
and the like. It.-; expenditures 'will 11 it
fall much sl...r: i f a million. If, indeed.
It not fully reach that amount.
At all (Vtnts it hns supervised the cx
pomiiiuro of mere money than any
cu.incll that hns preceded It, whiih Is
at bast one distinction that its m -inborn
cm claim, anil that it is a distinc
tion wortn claiming follows from the
fact that the tirst charge of prudUnlity
or breath of scandal in relation to its
action Is jet to be h.ard.
The principal reason of the unusual
ly Inrse expenditure of the past year Is
that the different payne nts on the two
new bridges, wore all made during till.!
year, l i addition to this the ordinary
expenditures vi re iinusuallv huge. Ac
cording to City I'.nglneer Phillips' re
port, to be submitted to councils next
Monday, there was JCii.7t7.lii worth if
pi'.vine. m-iding and s- v.ciieg done, ar.d
Jl 1:1.71.1;! worth more provided for. The
department appropriations -wen. ol
comse, also larger than any piei-cilln;;
Hut the council nf 'lis has not con
fined its efforts sololv to spendins One ir; (is gieat:-:t ricun
nieiidutirms Is that It exceeded tiny of
Its predeci as'.u's In the nminr of sav
ing money. The policy of Mayor Cou
ncil's administration linn been to con
duct tin- city's buslnef-s as if lie- muni
cipality ne a private commercial en
terprise, and with the aid of a vigilant
nnd astute city solicitor anil the co
operation nf councils, particularly the
expiring nne. he hns been able to entry
out this policy with great profit to
the city. As u result of this policy, tic
one time idea that the city tn usury Is
a soft mark for jinj1dy who could
trump up any klti'M of TV-da muse suit
hns been almost entirely dispelled.
The greatest care has always been ex
ercised to orevi nt occasions for dain
tlF.e suits but when one had to be met
the city's side of the case was a zeal
ously cared for as If It was a personal
a fair of t he ofliclals themselves. Thous
ands of dollars bave boon saved es
pecially during the last year by the
settlement of ilamaite cases out of
court. Viewers are generally liberal
Willi the city's money and aggrieved
persons are anything but modest when
they have a good case. Instead of al
lowing the awards to go uncontested
or the damage suits to go to court the
city olllcers have, with the consent of
councils, compromised the cases on a
fair and equitable basis and thus saved
thousands of dollais III damages und
litigation expenses. As an instance of ;
the manner In which the city's interests j
are being cured for when cases do get
to court it might be stated that during
tlie present term of common pleas
every one of the many damage suila -against
the city have been won by '
City Solicitor Tortvy.
The Importance of the legislation
which the present council has enacted
or considered Is another Item that will
make It a remarkable one. Heslde the
various measures dealing with the
erection and payment of the new
bridges might be mentioned the la
mented viaduct ordinance, the meas
ures dealing with widening and im
proving of tlie Koblnson Jackson street
route to the West Side, the ordinance
directing that all street cars be equip
ped with fenders and wheel guards and
the measures regardintr the settlement ;
of the West Market street muddle. j
Among the measures of lesser im j
portance which nre deserving of men-
tlon might be Included the ordinance j
for the opening of Wyoming avenue
from Phclos street to Ash street: the i
ordinance providing for the settlement
of the claim of Stephen .bines for land
taken for the opening of Washington
avenue, twenty years ago; the ordin
ance fnrbidding the laying of cement
sidewalks and the ordinance prohibit
ing the sale of goods ut unction except
by licensed auctioneers. The most im
portant of tlie big batch of resolutions
passed was the one directing the city
solicitor to proceed against the collect
ors of delinquent taxes who are behind
In their accounts, some of thorn debtors
of the city for nearly a decade.
Hetween the tu'o branches of councils
provisions were made for the paving of
portions of five streets, for grading
portions of six. and for tlie construction
of eleven lateral sowers.
The only Important ordinances that
yet reinuln to be passed are the appro
priation ordinance and tax l"y ordin
ance both of which will come up tonight
ond also on final passage next Monday
morning when llnal adjournment will
be made.
James Oiljjullon Has Sued the Scranton
Traction Company for tO,tiO(.
A suit fur damages in the sum of
SIO.OOO was begun yesterday against the
Scranton Traction company by James!
Cillgallon. of Peckville. He is repre
sented ley Attorney C. Ccmegys. I
The plaintiff was a passenger on u
Peckville street car on the night of
March last and claims that while lioj
was lawfully comporting himself the.
conductor ejected him without any
provocation while the car was moving 1
rapidly, nnd that he sustained great
bodily injury from tho force with which
he struck the ground, not to speak of j
the humiliation and mortification lnei-i
dint to such summary treatment. j
.Miss Nellie- l.owry. of Wcsterville, Ohio,
Accepts the Cull
At a mooting of the managers of the
Young Women's Christian association
j yesterday, morning a letter whs road
from Miss Nellie Lowry, of eslervill".
Ohio, accepting the association's call
to become its secretary, nnd stating
that Miss Lowry would I e hero tomor
row i.c Saturday. The new secretary
will be present at the Sundoy nfiernoon
gospel meeting which will be led by
Mrs. L. M. (tutes.
Miss Lowry has boon nn assistant
secretary of the Huston association and
has had the benefit of 0 cours--" of ntudy
in the Chicago Training school. She hi
a graduate of Wc-sleyan college,
Application for a ( Inn tor .Made Yester
day to Court.
For pome time the founding of the
Order of flood Shepherd Inn been un
der consideration In St. Luke's epis
copal church of this oily. Urothor
Frond's O. Jones has decided to devote
his life to the work, and yesterday
there whs a petition for a charter for
the order liled In court by Alt irney C
The petition recites that the order is
for the purpose, uf bringing the min
istrations of the church to the sick,
needy und unfortunate classes and to
establish a homo In the country for
convalsecent men nnd boys. -
This home will be built In Klmhurst
on n commanding site and a building
will he erected oh soon as the weather
permits. The order Is to exist perpet-
ually, v ill have no capital stock, and
will be managed by a board of nine
trustees as follows: ('buries l)u Pont
Itrvck, J. A ulcus Robertson, Samuel tor one year; W. tl. Schoon-mukei-.
Willlum liluiue, Charles Fraser,
for two years; F. O. Jones, A. 1. Hol
land and E. K. Southworth, for three
J a i s.
The subscribers for the charter are:
F. O. Jones, A. D. Holland. K. K. South
worth, Charles Flutter and William
Plume. limther Francis Is a young
nun and has received prompt encour
agement from his superiors in the
church s id rromlso of financial assist
ance frini lay numbers to enable him
to carry on his chacn work. The pur
poFttnd object if tlie Order cf Ocod
Shipnerd have b-en set forth hereto
fore in The Tribune at length.
.Matt Kenioed nt MlJllisbt to tho
I a-k: wuina Hospital.
At ll.'u . clock last night Peter
who ;ei-pH a liea'-ding house
lit lulti S'liiili Wynr.:ii!:r avenue, drove
up to ti.e Lackawanna hospital in a
cub tu-.i! n si 1 i- 'i ;t:i rider of admis
sion fur ;,- nl' ios boarders-, Joseph
Janciiw.-k;. v. h.i v as sintering from
pneiim-.t.tii a:id who he itated was in
tie- ill'.
Whc'i the h oviknl ntt'ndants went
nut lo carry tin- tiat.ent in they found
liltn tb :'...! :i!, l : :i lit- body was sllll
warm it vis bio;:t ihat In- had within
11 short .iM.c liivo.i'ooil hi:! last. The
bo:riT:r.;T :,. situ- d thai III." dead
bed in ft' v.ns cs.d !,! been at ids
house 1 -. tl..l'l a -HO!it;l so li-- refuse. I
to ta'ie care a( the body and the liospii
ul 1111 1 b. 1 1 - i.-s had ! ; i'.-1 ii In.
'Che i id -:- o' tulroi 'i"ii was dated
yestenh.v o.::i! .-ns issued by Hon. Al
fred Hand.- Whv the si.-k man had
in. 1 In-ill t crime- d M a seasonable hour
loitld in 1 i . is'-.-.-'io .-!!;. explained by
l'.u.o :
'I k i t .int't " suspicion that ,lnn v, us ii"lu!? when he was re
moved ii'icl t!::it his leinoval was made
at that ltoi:: in order that be might not
di" in the house, in which event the
hoarding boss mir-in have been called
upon to bury him.
Snlv Lince or t!u .Monthly Kcport of
crcivcr II I. Paine.
The local weather report for the
month of March hi:i been prepared by
Local ol'.J'T.'p'' I'. 10. i'li'.ne and for
warded to Warliingtoii. It shows that
a lower teinoeiatui e prevailed thr.n ill
any March for a number of yen's.
Twenty-nine und one-half degre, s
was the ae:u'.:e troiU'iralure for the
month. Tho v.a-mest day was mi Mon
day, H". degrees, and tile col'li-st day
was the Mllo 7 decrees in-low aero.
There was a normal rahifal!. tin- quan
tity I.M'i.i : '.'.lis inches, while the fall of
stuV.v d to If. Inches. Tile most
snow on t hi' "round nt nny one time
was 011 the loth when It attained a
depth of IS i;ich"S. A little over 4 In
ches of snow fell on the lL'th. the heavi
est fall in ai.y one day. The heaviest
talnfall was 1'.. inches on tlie l'.ith.
During the month there were L!
cloudy days and 7 partly cloudy.
After tin Illness of Fiylit Months She
Passed Awav Yesterday.
Mrs. W. F. Clifford died at 4. 30 o'clock
yesterday afternoon nt her liorne on
i'.lrch street, between Cedar and Pros-ti-cl
avenues. She hud been suffelllli;
eight months, and the end was not un
expected. Her death loaves two chil
dren niotheiless and lenitives f 1 om the
South Side a woman of pure Christian
chiiiacter and noble qualities of mind
and heart. She was devoted to home
life and her loss is a severe one to her
Her husband, W. F. Clifford. Is well
known. He was for many years em
ploye'd on the reportorial stuff of the
pity. paiers. and at present hns a re
sponsible position with Hairing Me
Suiincy. The announcement of the
funeral will be made tomorrow. Mis.
Clifford was a sister of Mrs. M. .1. liet
rtck and Miss Margaret Lahey.
Occupied the Stupe of tho l-rothingham
for l our Acts l.nst Might.
It was a thankful audience that left
the I'rothinghani last night: thankful
because there were only four acts of
"A Hywery Hill."
The house bill termed It n "new
scenic melodrama of New Yolk life by
Adn Lee liascom" but it Is our opinion
that the author of the house bill was
Irving to guy Adn.
What was it like?
Well to be candid it beggars descrip
tion. It's new, painfully so, and some of
the members of the' company are In the
same condp ion.
tf that's a recommendation it has it.
For the n st there's no doubt about
"A How cry tilrl" It won't do.
Two Prisoners Helensed from the County
Jail Ycstcrdr.y.
Michael O'Malley. of Providence, was
released from tlie county jail yesterday
under the insolvency laws. He spent
three months away from the outside
world. The charge afiiiijist him -was
lodged bv a youmr woman. H was
sentenced to pay n lino and costs. Not
being u'di to do this ho had to go to
Ana Hrooks. of Jlellovue. who was
confined In jail on a charge similar to
the one of which O'Malley was guilty
was released on ball yesterday. His
trial will com" off in two weeks. Jo
soph Ansley, jr.. became Ids bondsman
in the sum of $"fiO.
Assailant of lr. J. It Newton l.'clcascd
from the Coiuitv lull.
Michael Clliboris. of Mlnookn. went
before Alderman Fuller yesterday and
qualified in '.lie sum nf SI.'hiii as bonds
man for . H. Crieves. who shot Dr.
J. It. Newton Saturday night. The bail
piece was brought up to the county
Jail and Clrieves was released last
Dr. Newton is n.-oovoiini? rapidly
from tho ef'ects of the bull.-t wounds
nnd will be iirotiiid in a short time.
The defendant will be tried ut the June
session of criminal court en the charge
nf f '.oulous wounding.
' That City's Chess players Cnncelcd
Their Scraittoa Liisasemetit.
The chess stapiou atv.iounei 1 to take
place last nieht in thi:' city belwo' n
t- Ktim of l!i" WilUes-Hnrre and Set un
ion Chess and Checker clubs wen- pot
j played. It wr. ci.t until yeutcrtiay uf
t' l iinnu 'hat word was received 1: : re
iliiit the Wil'tos-r.arre icai-i could not
j ( O'OO.
1 Next week has been Ktt;;srerte-1 by the
j Wilkes-Parr.- men lor the mutch.
! Thursday tdL-ht wi'l urobnldy bo se
lected, but on .1 . -1 i 1 i i . arrangement
can be made nt this t'.i-.o.
A. It.
DtinniiiS, Ir, Wilt Continue as a
Civil l-ncineer.
Tin re Is some doubt about A. H.
Dunning. Jr.. accepting the position of
street cnuinri.-t-ionoi-. which Mi'.yor
i'Vo! lUtlloy las foipreiiard :t de-Ire to
tender to him. Mr. Dunning is a civil
engine"!- and fineo his rollremetit from
the iieo of enmity surveyor bus Leon
p.etlvely oni-iirro.) jiulltllnx up a btlsl
fefisi for himself.
lie Is un". i'.llr.g to surrender It for
such nn oilioo us street commissioner
and it was currently reported yester
day that bo had decided that he doen
not want tlie position.
I'ni'iiiice blown Out.
Rending, Pa., April 1. The Look IIIiIr?
furnace at Alluirlls, Is being blown out on
account of too much Iron on liunU. Tills
will affect about geventy-llv. pica.
State Property Hoard Gives a De
cision in His Favor.
l.ocotod Near tho Arch bald Shaft and Is
tndcrluld with Coul-ilo lias Itccn
Seorchlas Titles for 1 can-.May
Havo Far Reaching If feet-
A case was decided last Monday by
the Pennsylvania board of property
which affoc.s the title of much valu
able land throughout the state nnd es
pecially In the coal region. Some time
ago William R. Stevans. of this city,
applied to. the, commonwealth fur a
patent for a 40-acre piece nf land situ
ated near '.he . West mountain. The
land has been claimed as the property
of the Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western conionny. Mr. Stevans
ilaimed that the title to the land had
never be-eii received from the nriginul I
owners, tlie commonwealth; hence, the
piopcuy was si in on the market. The
state beard decided ill the Sorantmiian's
fa..r. I
The declFion Is very Important nnd
muy make many changes in the owner
ship of much land in thin state. Prop
erty for -which the present owm is do
not hold the original deed from the
coniiuonw-ealili are liable to iv sold to
any nnnlioatii unon his advancing the
purchase money and the necessary
Mr. Stevans lives at WoN Price street.
West Side. He is linirr' 'd and i em
ployed as clerk nt ilelscr & W.i'-nlti's
gr .icery store on Main uv line. A Tri
bune reporter saw him at the store
last evenltvr. He talked with great re
serve about the case. The lm-ts of the
ease'-und his part. In the Important
finding are as follows:
Stevans hut. lived on the W. f t Side
since birth. . His father. William P.
Stevans, now deceased, owned land In
Keyset- Vullev near where tho lost land
Is located. The younger St'-vans dis
covered, revere! yopr.- ago. Hut much
of the land in this legion is unt.'otis t
ed by stfte deed. lie decide ii to make
11 test case. For months ho s.-arehed
up old ileeda nnd ancient maps of hind
survey anel finally lie seb-i ted a forty
acre plot near the AnhhaM mine. I 'pun
Investigiuion lie dls 'overed that
til" piece of laud purchased of
the state la worth "ten pounds
In coiiiinonwealt,h money per hun
dred aor.'s." In current monev one
pound Is equal to $.'.07. Accordingly,
Mr. Stevans apfilied for the hind, sci 1
Imr Slo.iiS In payment thereof. The
company protested and advanced every
argument obtainable In favor of their
claim lo the property, but the hoard,
us stated befoio. deeidrd that the land
belongs to Stevans by lnwful purchase.
Mr. Stevans began the caste In Decem
ber 1SH4. and he lias employed several
local lawyers to look after his interests.
Ho is Justly elated over his victory.
He hinted dust night thnt his claim is
not the only one in this valley. He
merely acted os a spokesman for a
number of gentlemen, who by this time
have1 begun negotiations for the pur
chase of land. The decision leaves the company in a dangerous posi
tion. It is understood that much of
the land lying loose hereabouts nnd
elsewhere is ownerless save fur the
original claims of the slate government.
The decision will cause a rush for pig
eon holes that hide deeds to property.
Mevans has caused a state ci nsterna
m. His land Is valuable chiefly for
i:t coal that lies under It and the
Fu..rlty stakes which Increases in
value as the Keyset- Valley region builds
At the present time the land Is cov
ered with a growth of trees ami is situ
ated In a forsaken swurnp-liko place
Hut It was the principal which Stevans
fought for. The state board of proper
ty consists of the secretary of internal
affairs, the attorney general and tlie
secretary of the commonwealth.
Mr. Stevans' father. William P. Stev
ans. was murdered uboid IIG years ago
on n tract of land near the one for
which the son has now secured the
patent. The murder was due to a dis
pute over the 'ownership of the land.
Vienna Ladles' Hnlrdresslng parlors
have removed .to III" Lackawanna ave
nue, next to Wool worth's.
.Meals und Cold Lunches.
T'leals and cold lunches served at all
hours at Lohmnnn's, Spruce street.
Itegular dinner 40 cents. Imported
and domestic wines, cigars and liquors.
Wo suroumb! As well try to reduce lo
Words the colors of the rainbow an to ut
tempt to describe the stylos In Kaster
MeH,hV'nr. Kvery want h:n tweii studied
und u.-itlel,iitetl, the modest and lux;:ri
oiis, the cheap an l the costly. The stock
has boon selected with the view of Kivliii;
you tho ble.Wt variety and finest assort
ment to select from. Wo are the newest
store in Seranton. Wo sparkle witli crisp,
briHiu, beautiful novelties und 01I1--I11.1 1
idea". We have ovorythlnn to suit' ill
your mlilst. Wo niut build for us a ropii
brtlou for nntty styles, low prices and
strictest Ir.toitrlty. 'lslt our store, onni
pure the (tuallty. and we will nialie new
friends of all thai cuine.
133 Wyoming; Avenue.
lnoiiniiiu' tin) painless rxlir.otiir; uf
teeth by an entirei;.- u e.v jirjo.-ai.
5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
321 S?:JC: SToZHT.
fiiyiii -
CJ.RPtTS, DoiF2RiS, ETC. Mahcsi ssi, iwm.
We arc;in?i cxioiisivc tulUilioin to ovrr.V.nw rotis.ts
tiiul in one week will iune tin', front k" o:tr !i:ti!i.liii ' to re
place wi;!i nioJcrn shuw wliiilinv ;,
Tho ii-.ti-rior will tilso s!i,!;litly ili.-:arr.uv.;ci.l tt put in
tin Llcctnc I'us'icniAcr He vat or. lo ilo fliis 'siio;;ullv
wc mit I utiilic rnom for the iirinv of ni;ch:inic4 employed
on stitiic, itiHi wo h;iii deciileU to make a
CPCJ.;L S'". f'ii' hip; week nt S'cCl iL TRiC;.
Evoi'.vlliitig' will bo cfl'oi'ctl at u retluesil prios.
: : A
I.oonotuiciil Hotisekccper-i sltouKl not fail to
buy tho season's wants during the eominu week,
(joods stored free for W 'lavs.
A , : . &
If. 1 BERRY,
423 Lsokswanns Avjntu.
Spectacles and Eye Glasses
to fit everybody. We make
a specialty of fitting Glasses.
THV OUl! T0c. Sl'ECS.
4. ;gXJ
Tea, Toilet Sets,
231 Penn Av?. Cpp. Eap'.ist Churcli.
Part nf a r'iar.o Utile int..'ruv, uu wantAer
vlcc us well a tone and apcaranc?. In our
iielectln;) we ulm to vivo r.'l fhjac ti.ulUic-i.
i b. mm i n, V.'VihV.ING AG.
r -tic ii-, ,
' 1
v " ' a.
1 -
Ui 111
un a
A Few
Words mm fm )
aw pi.- Jm
v,' (
$18.00 Hat for $9.09,
$15.00 Eat for $7.e0.
$12.00 Hat for $6,00,
$19.00 Hat for $5.09, -$8.00
Hat for $4.00,
$8,09 Hat for $3.00
An immense stock of pretty
styles to select from. You
will have enough mouey left
to buy yourself a
mi mm gape
By Buying Ycur Hats Hsro.
Beautiful Flowers at 5c.
Bunch, 3 Large Roses with
Tw1 1 n rra
138 Wyoming Avenus.
j Sliaw,
i Clongb & Warren,
Malcolm Lo?a. ! Waterloo -
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Pricsi
4 12 Spruce Street.
205 Lackawanna Ave.
in i:asti:r jr.wi-f.HY will be found
215 Lackawanna Avanua.
Wo soli Diamonds. Watches. ,lewlry, etc.,
nt intrinsic vnlno prices, anil as there is not
nun cent's worth of our lni-jfo atul attractiya
Mock lint, luis not eomo direct to our new
sreru frcin niamiliictitrer.'i, importura and job
bers v.o think u liok tlirouja it loigUt in
tore.sC you.
Will Open About April I.
DiamondSj Watchas and Jewelry,
2!5 LXCiAWANNA ft'E.
lr at rrKiit tl," Mixt ropnlar and rrennril tf
U'tvlmS Aoli'.4.
Warorooms: 0ppc3l!c Columbus Monument,
rr; Wrs'.tlncr'on Av. Ccrnnton.PaJ
'-'-' , v;,- .
r IA',:'