The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, April 01, 1896, Page 12, Image 12
13 THE. SCRAXTOJf TRIBTJNE--WDIHESpAT MOKSTXG, APRIL 1, 1896. I lie. fi rr a rnirc"o) ii' it' i ii ii r im JL Lh U L B . 124-126 WjktJsi A TIKE PLEISURE IN ANNOUNCING THEIR Easter Millinery ObeniDS i j... j in. j... j luvaudi dim nnuimiuay, March 31st and April Id At tbe same tfme all tlie latest nov elties In all the other departments will be oo display, to which we iovite our patrons and tbe public in general. We have secured some of the best New York talent in our Millinery Depart ment whom we feel confident will sat isfy tbe most critical taste. Hi III 111 Will Be Sold at Close Profits, Same as Id Other Departments JsPAs usual, titraordmary val ues lor Monday and balance of the week will be odered. Space will uut permit quoliu prices. HONESDALE, A runaway that might have proved fatal occurred here about 10 a. m. yes terday. A team of horses owned by William Hulister, of Cherry Ridge, were tied in front of the postoflice. The wag on to which they were hitched was large and heavy and contained empty milk cans. The horses became fright ened b ythe pausing; on the sidewalk of a boy driving a goat and made a frantic dash, breaking the halter and turning down Main street at u terrific speed. The road was filled with wagons of every description. A woman and a boy wore coming up street In u small wagon und were directly In the way of the runaway team, and as she turned nharply to the left It seemed as If he must be run down and probably 'killed. People on th street . stood breathless as she raised her whip and struck tho horse she was driving. The horse leaped forward carrying the oc cupants out of danger, but with only a hair's breadth to spare. On dashed the horses and made direct for a team at tached to an Ice wagon. In front of Katz Brothers they dashed on the side walk, and would have smashed the large, plate glass front of the store but for the kindly intervention of a tele graph pole, which the wagon couldn't go through and in an Instant the horses and wagon were separated but brought to a standstill. The wagon had become so- firmly attached to the pole that It was some time before It could be re moved. . A few moments before this a horse owned by a Mr. Weldner ran up Main street, but was stopped by Dray man Kimble, who is an expert at stop ping runaways. Percy Bentley. of Wllllamsport, has been shaking hands with old acquaint ances here this week. Postoflice aspirants are still on the anxious seat. MOOSIC. Herbert Smith, who was wounded and robbed last week In such a pecu liar mann, has entirely recovered from his Injuries. No clue has been found of the man who committed the deed. Mrs. George Tregallas Is visiting at the: home of P. H. Johnson, of Penob scot. Chronle Khentnatism Curad. Dr. B. H. Hettinger. Indianapolis, Ind., ays: "For several months after sprain ing my ankle 1 was severely afflicted with Rheumatism. I finally tried Det chon'n 'Mystic Cure' for Rheumatism, '. and In 4 days could walk without my cane: two bottles nireri mn umm.i nn)i woll., I take great pleasure in recom mending the 'Mystic Cure' to all who are afflicted with Rheumatism." Sold by Carl Lorens. Druggist, 41S Lacka 'anna avenue, Scranton. SPRING OPENING! MID ft ID OCT nCBlDTiiruT uun unnrti ULrftii I lYiLn I ' Has been wpuderfully lm firoved by adding 1.000 square cet to our already spacious , .store. Aud we have juat re eelved the finest assortment of Carpet the market can pro . duee. The patterns are of the . very latent. Oitf Wall Ppr Dsrtmant Hag beep Increased to twice its former elate, so that you can f ace the Hue it and most artistic styles and . coloring ever anuwn in me inaraet. trices ... always the lowest. ... - . . I .PflTT IHPlie .Jw. fill Piper 44 Lackawanna Ave. III CAR00I1DALE. rRaadvr will pita not that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and Item for Subllratlon left at the establishment of hannon Co.. newsdealer. North Main street, will receive, prompt attentloa; ot ic open from S a. av. to 1 p. in. BASE BALL TEAM. t The Local OrganUatloa Will Bay aad Malntala tba Clan. Tha atockholder of the Carbondale base ball rlub came toarether Monday nlfc-ht In the board of trade rooma and a Koodly number were present. The object t.f the mvvtlnff (teem to be to de cide the future pruapet-t of the flub. The tinani'lal prospects were thorouuh ly looked into, and it found that Milled the Hum of tl.uuo was forthcom ing, the club would have to be arl flced and Carbondale would be minus a team. Su .-Mliiixlastle was the feeling for the retention of a club, that another appeal wai made, and a soliciting com mittee appointed to urge delinquent stockholders to pay their assessment. It Is to lie hoped that they will pay up and that others will come to the res cue. However, if sold. It will not go to Mobile, us their offer has been with drawn. The feeling was Intense when it had become known that Judge Archhald had refused the charter. But Attorney But ler thinks It can be rectified and get the sanction of our judges. BUBB COMEDY COMPANY. Successful Presentation of "Roger the nuteast." . At the Grand Opera house this week the Bubb Comedy company are the at traction. They havp been greeted with lurge audiences Monday and last nights. Their presentation of "Koger, the Otitrast" was worthy of praise. Newton beers In his original character of the uut. -list was line, and the acting of Miss Maud Miller and other merit beta of the compuny was very effect ive. During the evening several members of tlie company Introduced specialties, and noteworthy were those of Miss Flo Perry, u clever little lady. The orches tra under the leadership of l'rof. K. A. Wright, deserved the plaudits of the audience.. oitici:ks i:m:i:tkd. Cambrian l.odgo anJ olive leaf Lodge Choose Lenders. The f'aniM'liin I,od;?. Independent Order l kid I'YIIuWS, have elected of ficers for the ensuing year: K. f. Hlsled, noble grand; William Rounds, vice grand; ('. S. Slllsoii. assistant sec retary ; O. K. Misted, trustee. The of fices of treasurer and secretary are not llllud until October, when the term of the present officers expire. The Olive Leaf Lodge, No. 156, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, held a meeting In their hall Monday evening and elected the following officers for the year: Homy Masters, noble grand; V. V. Musters, vice grand: I. B. Kid Ik.IIh, secretary; K. II. Stone, assistant secretary; Kdward Hall, treasurer; Jacob Oppenheimer. trustee. F.PWORTH 1.I.AUI .'E MEETING. Mia Vurhee Will lilv a Kuading at tha rntcriiroent Tonight. The following is tho programme of the Kpwurth league entertainment to be given In tlie lecture room of the Methodist Kpiscopal church tonight: Pluno duett. Misses Nettle Bailey and Grace Buckingham: essay, "The Model Young Lady." Bert llx; reading of Kpworth Leugue Monthly Jnurnul. N. H. Smith, the editor; vocal solo, M. V. Clark; reading (special) by Miss Voor hees; pluno solo. Miss Lena Bronson; essay, "The Model Young Man," Miss Haille Miller; male quartette, selected. Messrs. Bronson, Dix, Abbey and Smith. A Public Debate. - The pupils of the Scranton High school huve accepted an invitation to enyuKC in a debate with the pupils of the Carbondale High school, the contest to take place during the latter part of April. It is reported that the Scranton champions selected by Professor Lange are Miss Lulu Sylvester and Messrs. Harold Watres aud John McCotirt. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS Andrew Wylle was In flttston yes terday attending the meeting of the Plttston Stove company. Louis Brummer has left the employ of the Delaware and Hudson company, and has entered the saloon business. Patrick Munley and Patrick Murphy left Monday night for Butte, Mon tana, j Rev. Father Judge, of Hawley, Is In ! the city. Mrs. William Jones, of Washington street. Is ill at her home. A petition was made to court yester- j day by the Young Men's Library as-; sociatlon of caroonuaie for leave to amend the charter, necessitated by changes in their by-laws. The committee on treasurer's report and collectors' account anticipate they completed their work last night. S. A. McMullen has returned from Lanesboro, Minn. Rev. T. V. Coffey, W. A. Nealon and J. J. Griffin, or St. Rose's church, at tending the funeral of Father McMur ray at Dunmore yesterday morning. Mrs. J. S. Bossett Is visiting relatives In Binghamton, N. Y. CLARK'S SUMMIT. An enjoyable surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. R. Page, of Sum mit Park, on Friday evening last. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. William Jus-ton.- Mr. and Mrs. M. Clifford and daughter. Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Young, Mrs. Tom Carmody, Mr. and Mrs. John King. Mr. and Mrs. George Coon and daught-r, Kthel, Mr. and Mrs. A. Slerns, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodward and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse and two children, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beagle, Mr. and Mrs. Al Walker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brown and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Norton and two children. Misses Grace King, Lillian Silvious. Kdith Datesman, Messrs. William Staples, Wlllard Vos burg, George Warner, S. Silvias, Ar thur datesman. Music was furnished by the orchestra. The funeral of Mrs. N. D. Rlker. of West Nicholson, a former resident of Scranton, was largely attended yester day by many friends of this plaoe and others. Interment at the Stark ceme tery. Mr. Van Aken, of Scranton, has moved In the Jasper Silvias house on Highland Park. William Muchler Is now occupying his new house on Woodlawn Park. . Ben Ross and Lulu Keith, two prom inent young people of this place, were married at Waverly last evening. M. C. Miller, of Scott's, shoulder was broken while driving out of the hotel ham. His horses became unmanage able and he was thrown out of the wagon. Mrs. Bosteto was in Scranton yester day. William Smith had a very Important call to Nicholson. His aunt, Mrs. N. D. Rlker, was burled. . 8. C. Koons is putting on an addition to his store and will use same for work shop and storage, atleiMBURN. Arden Wolfe Is home for a ten days' vacation rrom Kxeter Academy, Ex eter. N. H. 1. W. Moore made a business trip to Scranton Monday. , W. 8.' Palmer and George Bmlth are In New York city, looking after the interest or their k-e bualneaa. Mis Jdinnle tJrlfnn and Mlsa Ger trude XorthU! attended the Wlddow-fleld-Miti hell wedding at Olyphant last week. Mrs. Hoie contemplate moving to Scranton in the near future. Mrs. Louise Smith Is in New York city. Miss Anna. Gardner la recovering from her recent illness. - . . . - A number of the young people) of this plaoe attended the entertainment at Dalton Baptist church hut evening. . George Leighton will move Into his elegant new residence thla week.- ARCHIBALD. Delegate from all the' Are companies between Carbundale and Dunmore met In the rooms of Archbald Hone com pany on Monday evening for the pur pose of taking action on the act pased by the last legislature, providing for the payment by the .tatf treasurer of one half of the two per cent, tax on premiums paid by foreign tire Insur ance companies, to the treasurer of the various municipalities of this state. Hon. I. P. O'M alley was present and ex plained to the assembled firemen the meaning of the act and torn now us benefits may be applied. As a result of his address a committee was ap pointed to frame resolutions to the var ious city and borough councils. Fol lowing are the resolutions: Whereas, At the last session of the legislature the insurance laws of the state were amended so as to provide that one-half of the 2 per cent, tax on premiums received by foreign insurance companies snouia oe patu to ine treas uries of the different boroughs and cities of the state. And, whereas, the said law was passed at the request and through the Influence of the tire companies of the state and the intent of the said act Is that the money so received by the dif ferent cities and boroughs should be appropriated to the firemen a associa tions of such cities and boroughs for the purpose of providing for the rvllef of firemen Injured or disabled wnue at tending tires. Therefore be it resolved by the rep resentative of Carbundale City and the boroughs of Dunmore. Thrnop, Dickson City. Olyphant. Blakely, Wlnton. Arch bald. Jeiinyii and Mayileld that the councils of ald city and boroughs be aud they are hereby requested upon receipt of the said moneys to- turn the same over to the fire associations lu thilr respective municipalities, for the purposes aforesaid, aud be it Resolved. That a copy of those reso lutions be forwarded to the councils of the said municipalities. C. 11. Bettys, Wilson Hose company. of Peckvllle: s. u. Davis. Crystal No. l. Jermyn; W. J. Btrgan, Walker Hose company. Ma field; V. Burschcll. Chief Dunmore t'lre department; Fred Kuni Jessup Hose company. No. 1; C. S. Alexander, Carbondale fire department; .1. (J. Miller,. fcaglc No. 1. Priceburg; J. Ii. Fahrlnger, Throop Hose company; H. C. Llnderman, Archbald Hose com pany. No. 1, Committee. . In addition to the hose companies rep resented above there were delegates from Spencer Hose company. John B. Smith Hose company aud Independent Hose company, of Dunmore. and Cot tage Hose company and Andrew Mitch ell Hoti company, of Carbondale. A citizens' meeting will be held on Saturday evening to consider the dlf lereiices between the Archbald Water company aud Its patrons. An eight-months-old child of John Klunei ty. of Hill ntreet. died on Kuniluy and was burled yesterday afternoon. A. J. Cuwley was in .Scranton yt-ster day. The funeral of the lute John Mc Andrews, who died on Saturday, took i place Monday afternoon. Services were i held In St. Thomas' church by Rev. T. J. Comerford. and the remains were In terred In the Catholic cemetery. The pall-bearers were: James Mullackey, John Duffy, Patrick Keegan, Patrick Kelly and Michael Mahon. OLYPHANT. Invitations have been issued to the weddlmr of Miss B. L. Mi-Hale to P. J. Cowley, which will take place in St. Patrick's church at o'clock Weunes day evening. April 15. A reception will be held at the bride s home after ine ceremony. On Monday night "A Convict's Daughter" will be produced at the Father Mathew Opera house by the Adonis club. Following Is the cast of characters: Curly Miller, the tramp, and James Willoughby, the gentleman, Steve J. Uvans; Hugh Mannering, with a heart of Iron, Frank Heffron; Colonel Russell, a rich southerner, Frank McLaughlin; Frank Fairlelgh, a true American, Peter O'Malley; Stella Russell, a rich southern girl, Miss Nellie Gallagher; Mrs. Russell, wife of Colonel Russell. Miss Mame Murphy; Mary lively and mischievous. Miss Genevieve Glllispie. After the play a social will be held In the Club of Ninety-six's rooms. George price, of Susquehanna street, will remove to the Ferguson block to day. A Hungarian named Poches Chrlsfcf was arrested yesterday afternoon on Susquehanna street for creating a dls turbance and taken to the lockup by Constable McLaren. Miss little Shea Is visiting her sister at Scranton. Mr. aud Mis. Florence B. Mitchell have returned from their wedding trip. Rev. A. L. t'rban, of Dunmore, will deliver the last of a series of lectures on confirmation tomorrow evening in 1M wards hall at 7.4!. o clock. Fred C. Davis, deputy supreme gov ernor of the Progressive Endowment Guild of America. Is In town In the In terests of the order. Its supreme gov ernor Is the Hon. Charles b". O'Ferroll. of Vlti'inln. Mr. Davis -contemplates getting up a chapter at this place and expects to enroll many business men. HALLSTEAD, Mrs. A. E. Coyne, of Binghamton, visited In town on Tuesday. . K. P. Gathcny has resigned his posi tlon as assistant secretary or the Rail road Young Men's Christiun associa tlon. K. N. Weaver, of Nicholson, has been appointed as his successor. Mr Gatheny's resignation took effect to day. April 1. A new stationery engine was added on Tuesday to the Delaware. Lacka wanna and Western shop in this place, The Pay -Car is the name of a new paper that has been printed In the in terests of the Railroad Young Men's Christian association of this place. The llrst issue appeared today, April 1, and is an excellent sheet under the able management of W . W. Adair, secretary William Adams bus been appointed to the position of station agent at Dalton and will leave for that place In a short time. His many friends rejoice over his promotion but regret to lose so kooi.1 a citizen. , The Methodist people organised their Sunday school on Sunday and quite a larite membership has been enrolled. Charles Knowles has sold his house on upper .iuin street to Ktmer Liecker who will take possession soon. S. G. Kerr, of Scranton, will Rive a lecture In the Methodist Episcopal church or tnts place on Monday even In. April 20. Subject. "My Trip to Ire land. The lecture, la highly spoken of and all should try to be present. R. L. Kowdish today will take posses slon of the Central house In Great .Bend G. K. Wrlghtei1 and family have moved to Oakland. Pa. ' v Mis. Dorherty has moved to Clifford Pa. - - . . The R. C. DuBols Hook and Ladder company will hold their first annual ball on Thursday -evening. A on l la The drawing of a building lot will take blues at nine o'clock, Michael Walters, of Conklin, has moved to this piece, c . V7ILICES-DARRE. SHAFFER ON TRIAL. Ueagariaa Ssaat Cass Agsia la Caart. Is lataatea with Uteres!. Frank Shaffer, who Is charged with Nelson Miller and the others with com plicity in the blowing up of the Hun garian shanty at the cut-off over a year ago, was called for trial In court room No. 1 yesterday morning.' Judge Bennett presiding. The case is on or tae most interest ing ever tried in the country, as Shaffer, who Is now on trial, has told several different stories, all or which conflict with the previous confession on the stand In the Miller case, where he went down In front of the Jury box and Il lustrated how be hud mil led the bat tery which sent-the deceased foreiirn- ers to their death. He was so clear on that occasion and his evidence on the whole was so well moulded together that there wag no doubt as to the guilt of all parties arrested. Ills last state ment, however, if given In gooa faith, will make a deal of change in the situa tion, r..-. It is said that Shaffer's mind has be come unbalanced since the commission of the crime and .that he is constantly brooding over' the- affair. His appear ance In court this mornimt would seem to cast some doubt about that.. as he was bright and cheerful and did not ap pear to be affected by the awful circum stances under whlch he is placed, but on the. contrary he appeared to be un concerned. The day was consumed In the selec tion of Jurors. -; The twelfth Juror was drawn at a late hour this afternoon. The case will be a sensational one. - ECKERT AND HESTER BRACE. Ar III at the Jull-Ialtor .May Be Ms moved to the Hospital. A brum G. Eckert. who is sentenced to be hanged May 24. has been quite III tince Satuiday. At that time Dr. Len ahan was summoned to the county Jail to attend him. and found him suffering considerable pain and threatened with peritonitis. The doctor hus been to see hickert every day slnc Saturday and he Is now much Improved, and the doctor thinks he has averted periton ma. I nless the case has a serious turn Kckert will be all right within a few- days. The rumors afloat that Kckert would not survive until the day set for his execution are greatly exaggerated. Hester Brace, the wemun ullcKed to ne Implicated in the mountain murder Is also III at the Jail, her illness being much more serious than Kcktrt's. She has been sick for two weeks with a sev ere ulceration of the throat, during willed time Dr. Lenahan has been at tending her. She has great difficulty in swallowing und for the past week es pecially she has been unable to take any nourishment. . INTERMENT AT FORIT FORT. Rv. lr. Woodruff Had ExpraiaeJ a Itealra to Have a Lot There. The late Rev. Dr. J. O. Woodruff had frequently admired the beauty of Forty t ort cemetery, and on one occasion had said that he should rather like to have lot in that enclosure. Accordingly it has been decided to lay him away there at rest among many life-long friends ana acquaintances. The service will take place from ths house in Binghamton at 10.30 a. m. to day, to be followed by a service at Cen tenary Methodist Episcopal church. At this service short uddresses will be made by Bishop Vincent. 1. A. Griffin and. Dr. L. L. Sprugue, and the Carinel trio will sing. The remains will he brought to Forty Fort, arriving at 4.l'0 p.,111. There will be a delegation of clergymen to accompany the remains from Binghamton here. Part of ttia Men Uo to Work. The striking employes of the Eagle colliery held another meeting on Mon day at which A; Lenahan presided. Messrs. Boyle and Mellen were waited upon by a committee from the meeting, and assured the latter that they would in time be paid the same wages as paid by the Hanover Coal company. The Inside men accepted the report, but the outside men went home. Another meet ing will be held at an early date. - Abused Ills Parents. John Toole, aged 40. a son of Patrick Toole, an old man 72 years old, who lives on East Market street, was sent up yesterday morning for abusing his parents. He refuses to work and de pends upon his old father for support The mayor suggested that he Bet out of town and gave him a little while in the county jail to think it over. BRIEF NOTES. A committee Is at work arranging for the holding of an elsteddfo,l in Avoca on Thanksgiving Day. George W. Nusbaum. aeed S9. a sew ing machine agent residing in Lehigh ton, suicided yesterday momma by shooting. He was In comfortable cir cumstance and the cause of the deed Is said to have been temporary . in sanity. The Incorporated Western Eisteddfod association, of Colorado, will hold an Immense eisteddfod in Denver Septem ber 1, 2 and 3, at which over 15,000 will be given In prises. The Dr. Mason Glee club, of this city, may be among the participants. The case of Ludwlka Razkowskl, charged with the larceny of t00 from James Lynch, which was begun last Friday, was mushed yesterday morn Ing by a verdict of not guilty. The Humane association has moved to 50 Northampton street, having att office in the building taken by the As soctated Charities. Messages can be left aud some one to take complaints rrom s a. m. to 8 p. m. Telephone com munication after this week. Scrofula in the Eyes A well as In every other form, Is perms' asotly cured by Hood's Ssrsapsrllla. "I badscroiuln iu my eye sad tried several phy siciaui but found bo cure. My wife psrauaded me to try Hood's Bars psrilla. I had a choking sensa tion, war, troubled with night sweats, and had dyapep sta In very severe form. After Us ing Hood's Sana parilla two weeks the choking spells and dyspepsia troubled me less. 1 bav now taken several bottles of Hood's Sarispa rllle end And that I am entirely cured." Wiixiau L. Patki, BerryviUs, Virginia. Hood's Sarsaparll la b the only Trus Blood. purltWr Promi nently lu th public eye. II; tlx for IS. Prepared onl by C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, M.t., U. B. A. Hood's Pills v&SSZ& DR. LOBB'5 BOOK FREE To all saffarsrs f EAHOKB OF YOUTH. "T'!"1!-? .rrr' ataareiT VSS tM',t-t Trastsaest brraaA atrtatly eesldrttlal, .sad a pesMvaqnlck ours IS. ... . " -"r bow io- ataaaiag, will seainvsly car rotk Wrltserosli. r I p 399 n. titb St., Phiisds.. re vat n sv start' ccsustwrnt praeu. Mi. m eaM mm iuv FORTY THOUSAND. THAT'S THE NUMBER OF PHYSICIANS WHO USETHE NEW PREPARA TION FOR DYSPEPSIA AND . WASTING DISEASES- .. - THEY DO SO BECAUSE IT IS NOT A SECRET PATENT MEDICINE. They Knew H Cans Every Far at at ladls-estlaa and Staa acta TreaM. It has-been recently stated that not less than 40.000. physicians are using or indorsing the new discovery for Indi gestion sold by druggists under the name of Stuart s Dyspepslu Tablet. Dr. Tomlinaon gives the following rea sons why pliysiciuns regard this new remedy with so much favor. First, because It Is not a secret patent madlclne but a sclent I tic combination of vegetable essences, pure aseptic pepsin. free from animal impurities and of very high digestive power, bismuth und gol den seat. It hus been tested retieatedly and the experiments have proven that one grain of the digestive principles In Stuart a Dyspopsiu Tuhlet will digest three thousand times it own weight of lean meat, eggs, oatmeal and similar wholesome foods. The tablets act wholly, upon the food taken Into the stomach, digesting It thoroughly no matter whether the stomach is in "rood working orde. or not, and cure all forms of dyspepsia nd stomach troubles on the common sense plan that they nourish the body and rest the stomach at the same time. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do not act upon the bowels like the old-fashioned after-dinner pills; nor are they an arti ficial stimulant like "stomuch bitters." nor are they in any way similar to so called pre-dlgested foods, which consist of ii per cent, of "glucose," the stuff that cheap candies are made from, but Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets do what none of these do. they act wholly upon the rood eaten und digest it completely and the cure of ludigeslion is un assured ruct, because the food being promptly digested, it cannot lie for hums in the stomach, fermenting, decaying, tilling ine system with the germs of disease, but is assimlluled. nnurlshluK and in vigorating not only the body and brain, uut the stomach itself, as wejl. Tne tublets are absolutely harmless nd can be given und ore Riven with benefit to little children and infants suf fering from Indigestion, as shown above they contain no mineral poison, nor anything iu any way injurious. Dr. wuerth says he had noticed In many cases that the tablets not only cured In indigestion, but that a very noticeable increase of flesh resulted where people who used the tublets were thin and run down in flesh before tak ing them, and it Id not at all surprising thut such should be the case when it. Is remembered that most people are nun because their stomach are out of order, and when perfect digestion is brought back an Increase of Mesh is the nuturul accompaniment. Within the last six months nianv thousand cases of stomach trouble and dyspepsia have been cured by Stuurt's Dyspepsia Tablets and the r conveni ence und popularity Is such that drug gists everywhere are now selling them. The price Is 60 cents per package and if your druggist has not yet ordered them he will get them for you from his whole saler; they are manufactured by Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich. Your druggist, If he Is honest, will tell you that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is the only preparation now before the public recommended and designed solely for the cure of Indigestion and stomach troubles, no other claims are nude for It, It Is not claimed to be a cure-all. - - T.,tf,.nmA.1 r.r.l.-i..a.l ............. .. t I. lluuillin, . uiu, pui inn tilt- III charge of day coaches to show all atten tion lu mi- jiuqscngri a on ine .mchci Plate Road. RUPTURE II nu of th v.rv mmman .lm,nti nf man kind. It ia utuaflr the result of hard work or nvr-eirtlon. aud la oftentimes th legacy of favar or aavcre attacks of alckntaa which leaves th abdominal muscles in a weaken -d condition, allowing the protrusion of towel, Iti NO DISGRACE to ba ruptured, but It la Terr annovina and apuiatlnira dangeroua. Until recently it was thought to be Incurable without an operation, but thank, ta scientific rasearcb ITS CURE ta now ABSOLUTELY CERTalV In nlnat out of a hundred cataa where tb ruptui can be returned. I give a written guarantee tu cure, No knife, no inconvenience, no opera tion; uo ueieniion ironi otuinesa, ana no trusa to annoy you afterwards. On visit to mr offioo weekly for from four to eight weeks ia usually nufflolent for tba worat case. OR. ALKa. P. O MALI.KY, Ituptur Hpeclaliat, Washington street, Wilkes-Bar re, fa. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Fliest la the City. The latest laprered furnish' lags end apparatus fer kccpiig eat, better aid cfes. 818 Wyomlitf Ave. smsu i seeeeeeee, ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are loi-ntej the finest llshlntf and hunting; ground in tho world. DrsiTlptlve books on upultr-utlon. Tickets to ull points in Maine, I'unucla und Murltime 'rovim-p. Minneapolis, St. Puul, I'unudiun mi,! I'nlteii Unites Northwest, Vunvouv.-i-, S.-uttle, Toeomu, I'ortlutul, Ore., Sun Francisco. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all throuKlit trains. Tourist ears fully fitted with ueildlnK, r-urlulns and specially udupted to wants of fumills may be hud with second-duns tickets. Hates nlwuys less than via other lines. Kor further Information, time tables, eu-.; on application to E. V. SKINNER, G. E. A., 353 Broadway, New York. JVIT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of th heat qnullty for domestic use, and of ull slse, delivered In any part of the city at lowest price, Order left at my Office, . NO. iiS WVOMIN0 AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bunk, or sent by mail or telephone to th mine, will rev4v prompt attention. Hpecial contract, will be mad for ths sal end delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. ESTABLISH 90 1873 S. G. KERR, SON & CO. - v -,"t - . . . . -v. v . r- " .- . J0RX CE8SSLEY I SOX'S, HALIFAX ENGLAND UNRIVALLED BGDY BRUSSELS : TAFESTRY CARFETS . . . . In all tfce Latest Designs and Handsome Combina tions and Coloring, which have made the goods so justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for Scranton.- Our Complete Line of CARPETS FOR THE SPRING TRADE Have now been received, aud includes everything ap propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta . pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor ders to match. An inspection of our stock and ex amination of prices will prove interesting. 408 Lackawanna kit - Opposite 4 THIRD NATIONAL STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896 ' RESOt'RCES. Loana J1.4M.T7J 44 Overdrafts 714 01 V. 8. Bond lW.Suu 00 Other Bondn 301,533 20 Banking- House 2(1,734 ifi Premiums on 1'. a. Bond 0) Du from V. S. Treasurer.... 7.770 on Dua from Banka : 157. Sot 7J Cash 12&.7M&S U.191.300 30 WM. CONNELL, President: UEO. H. CATI.IN, Viva President: WM, H. PECK, Caehler. DIRECTORS-Wai. Connelt. Henry Bella, Jr., Jaasta Archbald. Wat. T. altk. Otstrgs H. Catlla, Lather Keller, Alfred Hand. Special attentlun given t Business and Perseaal Account. Tbre per cent, latorasf a Tim Depeslts. IRON AMD STEEL TJUo 'T., tU t?j T i 1,1 ir 1 - t: UU'H, nu, UUU ijUU3, XUlUUUtlMCS, VVU3UC1S, ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, RimS, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTElBEii SCRANTON. PA. LISTEN 1 UMBER ACKS THEREFORE Trade PERSONALLY LACE ATRONAGE R ICHARDS LUMBER CO.. 00M 502, COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. I HORSELESS CARRIAGES FOR THE BABIES. approved patterns; last, but not bodv, silk lr Rice E"0ur Special Weekly Offerings are attracting much attention. This week it is ! Oil PI (ITU? Md Saiup,es ror the st0Te oivestlbale, 12e. yd UIL ULU I lllj Larger Remnants for tbe(Kitchen It Pantry, 15c. a yard CASH or; TP of CREDIT. TELEPHONE 8154 Main Entrance to Wye.?Jn. Hcusi OF , PA, LIABILITIES. faults! : , Burtilu I'ndlvtded Fronts Clrvulatlon Dividend Unpaid Deposit , Du to Bank R-DIcount , BUI Payabl , .$ 200,000 oe .iu. ana ne ,. I1.4M 41 ,. U.W 04 lot . L5H.7U 1 ,. 24, a it . Nen Nona 2,11.J W HAN'T AND I! ALU OH N ANGUAQE UUSTOMERS. T ALK 422 HROUQH ELEPHONE w HEN WITH OR ANTING RITE We have always taken a deal of interest in this department, lmt have never before bad suet just cause fur pride. Our stoc! is not only larger, but in peiit of style and finish has it' taiued a degree of ezcelleice hitherto unknown. The stroK, light running gears, with ruKer tire wheels and brake attich attachment, support bodie so varied in des'gn that yuundeal is sure to be represented. They are upholstered iu ever con ceivable shade aud fabri con sistent with carriage u,e. and cauopied by paruscN of ue most least that great tempter, , Has dwindled to a very ,.ne point In proof of which we .are showinc a carriage with full eed sa, ssi upholstered in damask itb U k roll, lace covered putasA, for UviUU COTHIERS, HOUSV FURNISHERS, 211 225 and 227 WyJiiIng Avenue. -"X. ilniiliw8 iixiiih 'ii