THE SCHANTOIT TRIBUNE1 MORNIiro. MARCH 31. 1896. THE CUBAN RESOLUTIONS Kill I'ruljably l!c Culled I'p in the House Tomorrow. 'KOPEK SOIXD MONEY IDEA General Wheeler Propose to Have Con grossional Salaries Keducsd io Ac cordance with the Single Currency Standard-mils Considered. Washington. March 30. The confer ence report on the Cuban resolutions will not be called up In the house before Wednesday. Mr. Ilitt. of Illinois, the chairman of the house foreign affulra committee, says there Is no doubt that the conference report will be adopted, although It may provoke a dim ussion covering an entire legislation day. In view of the fact that a number of mem bers who were not permitted to speak when the original resolutions were be fore the (house, desire on this occasion to be heard. The bill to approve a compromise and settlement between the I'nlted Btates and the state of Arkansas arising out of mutual claims for the riiicipul uiul Interest due on state bonds held by the I'nlted States and for lands claimed by the state under the swamp lunds act and other acts, was taken up In the senate today, and was passed af ter a debate lasting a couple of hours. No other business was transacted ex cept the passage of some bills on the calendar that were unobjected to,' In cluding one for a public building at In dianapolis to cost $2,0tK),0H0. When the resolution providing for a select com mittee to inHestlgute the facts and circumstances of recent bond issues was reached, objection to its Immediate consideration was made bv Senators Jlllls (Dem., N. Y.) and Matt (Hep.. Conn.), but Mr. Peffer (Hop.. Kan.) the author of the resolution, gave notice that he would ask for Its consideration tomorrow The two Colorado senators (Teller and Wolcott) showed much earnestness In having the resolution taken up. HEARD IX THR HOI'S K. After agreeing to resolutions appoint ing Hernard K. Cireene as successor to the General Casey in the construction of the new congressional library and authorizing ex-President Harrison to accept medals given him by Krazil and Spain, the house ttxik up the sundry civil appropriation bill, and, after ex planations of Its provisions by Mr. Can lion (Rep., Ills.), and some criticism of It by Messrs. Mayers (lem Texas! and Mockery (Dem.. Mo) was reud for amendment. Thirteen pages were dis posed of with but one amendment ap propriating $I(K).O00 toward the comple tion of the publio building at Newark, N. J. During the debate Mr. Dockery stat ed that In his Judgment the appropria tions made by this congress would ex ceed a billion dollars. PROPER SOUND MONEY IDEA. Oeneral Wheeler (Dem., Ala.), hus of fered In the house a bill providing that so long aa the gold atandurd Is main tained In this country, the salaries of all officials Including congressmen, but excepting United States judges, shall be reduced to three-fourths the salaries now provided by law. UNBIDDEN TO. THE FEAST. Recreant Husband Sont Away After Ills Daughter's Wedding Dinner. Indianapolis, March 30. While guests were making merry at the wedding of the only daughter of Mrs. Ellen R Stephens, near Ethel, In Crawford county, u stranger presented himself, who was given leave to enter by Mrs. Stephens and who was invited to par ticipate in the feast. After dinner wus over Mrs. Stephens herself secured the stranger's hat and escorted him to the door, bidding him never again to cross her threshold. After his departure her nervous sys tem gave way and she was nearly pros trated. It then developed that the stranger wus her husband, who heart lessly ubundoued her twenty-seven years ago, taking with him the pro ceeds from the sale of her home, which she Inherited, and leaving her with two helpless little duughters. Soon lifter a third daughter was born. The two elder daughters died some yours ago and the wedding of the remaining daughter was of the girl who had never seen her father until the strunger came unbidden to her mother's door. It also developed that during his ab sence Mr. Stephens had prospered in business, and thut his sole wish in life as to compensate his wife as best he could for his heartlessness twenty Be ven years ago. WANTS RH1IIT TO PRACTICE. Physician Who Advertised Is liar rod from a Champaign Hospital. Chauipalgn. III., March :!0. From the time the Julia F. Hnrnlium hospltul was opened to patients u year ago. Dr. 1. M. Iteplogle has been excluded from practice therein. The hospital Is under the management of a board of women Incorporated for that purpose, and nt the outset they were confronted with the proposition clearly put by alt the alloputhic practitioners and the great majority of homeopaths that they would withhold their support from the hospital If Dr. Kcplogle was admitted. The objection to Dr. Keplogle was based en the argument that he advertised his business. Dr. Iteplogle finally decided to tpst the mutter In the courts ami tiled a pe tition for mundatnus and a bill In chan cery to compel the managing board to admit him to practice. Judge Wright heard the arguments today anil took the case under advisement and a de cision will probably be given next week. at SEARCH FOR A HUSBAND. Institute Woman and Her family on a Mournful .Mission. - 'Albla, Iowa, March SO. Mrs. Sural i A. Powell, who alleged that her home was In East St. Louis, reached here today on her way to O'Nell, Neb., accom panied by five small children. She was penniless and In extremely destitute circumstances. Mrs. Powell claimed that her husband went to O'Nell last fall, where he had procured a claim. He wrote regularly to his family In East St. I.ouls until the first of the year, when all commulcatinn stopped. The deserted woman determined to Visit O'Nell, and. being without funds, she prevailed upon charity to help her this far on her Journey. She solicited id hern and received considerable help. When her husband left he had about J200 In money, and Mrs. Powell firmly believes that he has been waylaid anil murdered whlla living alone on his "S 'jfclaltn. IGNORE OLD STYLES. Thles Loot n Dry Goods Store, Taking 1 Only This Year's Patterns. Springfield, III., March 30. The dry Roods nnd millinery establishment of John Riordan was entered early this morning and over 12,500 worth of goods stolen. Not a trace can be had as to how the thieves got into the store and Itot out, as every door and window was securely fastened and not a lock was broken. Every new spring wrap, dress pattern and bonnet and hat, that was In the store was taken. Last year's styles were not touched. JOKE CAUSES DEATH. , Alleged Pnany Man in t. I.ouls jtlurder a country ti outh. . . St. liouia,' March 30-Ambrosfl Clreen, ft farmer boy who came from Iloone county on the evening of .March 17 to . - 1 , see the sight, died last Hlght1 from the effects of an alleged practical joke. When lie reached the city he wandered Into lleinegabueler's place, in company with another lad. The alleged funny men In the place asked the boys If they would not like to see the living pictures on the floor above, and sent them to a dark and vacant room. The stairs in the place are so arranged that by a touch of a button in the room below they double up and throw a victim to the bottom. When young Oreen started to come down the button wus pushed and he landed at the bottom with a fractured skull, affording great glee to the red faced loungers In the saloon. He was removed to a hospital and died last night. GOT AN EASY "COME ON." Wisconsin Farmer Drops $1,000 Into Green Goods Men's Pockets. Bound Brook. N. J., March 30. II. P. Y. Andrews, who lives on a farm near Milwaukee, Wis., was buncoed out of $1,000 by green goods men here yester day. Andrews received the circular marly six weeks ago, just after he had fallen heir to Sl.l'oo. and Immediately wired for quotations, which he received promptly: "Thirteen thousand coun terfeits for $1,000 treasury notes." Cor respondence for better terms was kept up until Andrews decided to Invest and came to Jersey City yesterday morning. He arrived In Phllllpstiurg. stationed himself In the depot: and. according to Instructions, hud a red ribbon tied to his vest and his legs crossed. The swindlers soon arrived und made them selves known, und then took Andrews to Kaston and passed some bills to show how easy it was accomplished. Thinking these notes bogus. Andrews agreed to buy. They then caine to Bound Brook, where they were met by another man and a carriage and driver Andrews was driven to the country and the exchange was inude. lie was cau tioned not to open the box until he ar rived home. The trio returned to Bound Brook on train time and Andrews boarded It for home. Before reaching Klemlngton Junction where he ullghted, Andrews made the discovery that the tin box contained only a dollar bill and some tinted paper. He returned to Bound Brook and. after failing to obtain nny clue and fearing arrest If he Informed, the police, he took a late train home.- JACK SHEPPARI) TREASURE. Gold and Silver Cola I nearthed by a Culirry lllust. Lambertvllle', N.. J.. March 30. A blockmuker last night told Thomas Thorn, a barber, that he found a large amount of old gold nnd silver coin on the Balnbrldge farm, on (loot Hill, about two miles below this city, while blasting among the rocks. The coin was lying between two large boulders, and was uncovered by the blust. The coin, being all foreign, he could moke no estimate or the amount of his find. Since the the finding of the money sev eral of the oldest citizens claim they had spent much time in their younger days searching the hills for treasure-said to have been burled by a highwayman named Hare, who robbed the stage run ning between New York and Philadel phia on the Old York pike, near this city. In the early eighteen hundreds. He secured a box of gold, and, being closely pursued, burled it on the hill. He was captured near New Brunswick, confessed to several robberies and told where the money was hidden. Part of the money wus found at the time, but the larger part of It waB never unearth ed. The treasure had almost been for gotten. BOOTH-TUCKER BABY DEAD. Six-Weeks'-Old Infant flxpirea In I.on-don-Its Mother Affected. New York, March 30. A cable des patch was received this morning at the Salvation army heuxbiuai'ters announc ing the death In London of the six-weeks-vild baby of Mr. and Mrs. Booth Tucker, who have been detailed to the command of the Salvation army In this country. The Hooth-Ttlckera had arranged to leuve together on the St. Louis, .but the baby was taken 111 and Hooth Tucker decided to remain In London. Mrs. Booth-Tucker sailed on the St. Louis and arrived in this city on Satur day last. Commander Booth-Tucker postponed Ills departure two duys on account of the baby's Illness, but thought the In fant was on the way to recovery. He sailed last week on the Majestic. Mrs. Booth-Tucker was greatly af fected by the news of her child's death. It was said at headquarters thut in spite of the sad news which had reached Mrs. Booth-Tucker, no Inter ruption would be caused In the arrange ments for her meeting with liullington Booth tomorrow. PAID NO POSTAGE. Postoffice Lock Hus I'sed for a Clan destine Correspondence. Cedar RnpldSi Iowa. March 30. Post master Charles, of this city, has just discovered what Is evidently a viola tion of the United States postal laws, nnd at the same time he finds, nothing In the laws covering; the point. Some time ago a young mail rented a lock box and deposited the necessary sum for two keys to the box. The mani is n prominent business man, who has n wlftf and family. He Is corresponding with a. young girl, to whom he gave one of the keys to the lock lxix. The girl would write a letter to him, carry It to the postolllce, open the box and deposit the letter In the box with out a stamp. He in answering would pursue the same course. Mr. Charles has referred the matter to the author ities at Washington for nn opinion. A sensation Is very likely to grow out of the matter. HOOSIER POET IMPROVING. Ills Attack Due to Mental Strnln-Uov ernor Matthews Is floltcr. Indianapolis. March 30. James Whit- comb Blley was materially improved imiuy, ins tever navtng left Mm and h s physician reports that he Is rupidly con valescing. The attack was due to Intense mental application, Mr. Hlley being engaged on a piece of literary work which he had contracted for to finish at a given time. There was fear yesterday morning that a blood clot was forming on the brain. io wnicn was uue nis ni-ostrat on. but the contrary hus been established. C.overnor Matthews continues to rallv slowly from his recent Illness, and while his convalescence Is exceedingly slow, he being very weak, yet no further ap preheTTloriS are felt. Yesterday was the best day he hud njoyed since his prostration over two weeks ago, PECULIAR DEATH AT FIRE. Shot (inn in the Itullding. Discharged by the llcnt, kill n Spectator. Topeka. Kan., March 30. Oorge Austin, of Kingman county, met death in a peculiar accident yesterday. He had rushed to the home of his neigh bor. David Stolil, which was nn lire, to assist In saving the household effects. The heat was too intense to enter, and as Austin stood looking at the burning building, a double-barrel shotgun hang ing on a rack 1" the. house was dis charged by the heat, the contents of both barrels entering his head and body. If the ftnby Is Ctittlnc Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'u Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Tears by Mu llens of Mother:: for tlieir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Quins, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold y Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow'a (toothing Syrup," and take no other Mnd. Twenty-five cents a bottle. M OF INTEREST TO GUARDSMEN Important Decision of Judges of the Sitprcm: Court. OPINION BY JUDGE DEAN Holds That the Efficiency of the National y Guard Wunld Oo Impaired by Decisions as Given by Ches ter County Courts. Philadelphia. March 30. A question of interest to national guardsmen Is decided by Judge Dean, In the supreme court, In the case of the land title and trust company against Ormond ltambo, assignee of Henry J. Crump. This was an anneal from the common picas of Chester county. L'ruiiui was the mort gagee of a tract of land In Chester county. He is a resident of Philadel phia and an otllccr of the national guard of the state. While in uniform, and as captain In command of his company, on return fij,m the annual encampment, the sher iff of Chester county served upon him a Bel fa Issued In Chester county on his mortgage. He moved to set aside the writ on the ground that he was exempt from service While performing duty at, going to, or returning from the en campment. The court below being of the opinion the service was good, de clined to set It aside, and from that de cree this appeal was taken. Judge Dean holds that while there Is no express exemption of the soldier from service of summons while on duty, and It would be a constrained construc tion to say that such an exemption was Included In the exemption from "arrest on civil process, yet the appeal should be sustanied on the broader ground that public policy, without express enact ment, forfeits the use of court process under the circumstances here shown." Among other reasons for Judge Dean In support of this view Is that "the non milltary debtor can remain within the Jurisdiction of the courts of the county where he Is a resident: his creditor must there bring suit against htm to obtain service; but If the debtor be a member of the national guard suit can be brought against him in any county of the commonwealth which military obe dlence requires him to pass through; he may be dragged hundreds of miles with his witnesses to a distant county to make defense against a claim." To hold that this could be done, the Judge holds, would be to Impair the ef llciency of the National Ouard and be In direct opposition to public policy. The Judgment of the lower court Is reversed, and the summons set aside at the cost of the appellee, FAT WOMAN CAUSES WAR. I Is Mads a Corespondent In a Pittsburf Divorce Stilt. Pittsburg. March 30. A fat woman museum freak wus the corespondent In a divorce suit heard today. She Is Miss Delia Beck and has been on ex hibition in local curio halls. Mrs. Re becca S. Rogers was the plaintiff and Nathaniel Rogers the defendant. Mrs. Rogers claimed her husband brought the fat woman home. There was no chair In the house large enough to ac commodate her so she sat on the bed. The latter broke down. Mrs. Rogers viewed the wrecked fur niture and ordered the fat woman from the house. Then she says her husband knocked her down. The divorce suit resulted. MOTOR PROVES SUCCESSFUL. Corupressod Air Kngine Is Tested and Works to Perfeetlon. Rome, N. Y March 30. A party of New York capitalists came to Rome today to witness a test of a compressed air motor Invented by Hobert Hurdle. It Is claimed for It that twenty-five miles an hour can be mude. With u heavy loud of freight attached the motor was stopped while running down hill, showing complete control. It Is asserted that the motor can be stopped in one and one-half inches, and that at all times it Is under complete control. The New York men seemed well pleased with the test. THE WORLD OF BISIXESS. Wall Street Neviow. New York, March 30. As or lute Ameri can Tt&ui'co whs the spe.-ial feature of the stock maiket attain toituy, the trans action amounting to nearly TO.Ouu sliup's in a grand total of lHti.iW shares. The stock, utter an early break of 3 per cent, to Ho1 3. which was generally considered a scoop, advanced sharply to nn, and luter got buck to M"4nK!i',. The rlxe was due to the old report thut the directum on W'cdnesduy next will resume dividend payments. The strength of Tobuceo fin ally affected Sugar und the stock moved up to 1 1 the best figure for some days pust, the improvement was In a lunie measure the result of efforts to cover short contracts, Chicago Lias was I itch libit- and In 'the main lower, while (letierul Electric and Leather Preferred were linn. The decision of nhe Illinois Supreme court In the case of old whiskey trust had no effect on the stock, us the company lias Iihi'ii ivui'KunUt'd. The rullwuy list was strong und specially for the (Iraugt-ra, Louisville Mild Nitxhvillc. Baltimore and Uli'.o nnd the southwestern. The im provement was due principally to the fact that the rumors current last week about heavy gold hi4netits by tomorrow European sleuiners fulled to materialise. Other favorable developments were the reduction In the price puld fur tine gold burs by the Hunk of England nn. I the ex cellent ntutemelit of the Ut. Paul for Feb ruary. A belief that the corn carrying reads will enjoy n good traffic In the near future alj exerted rt gold influence. The operations for London account un Invportunt. The l.-ii ov .lU'nt In :'.ic ru'l wuy list ranged from 'v to 1", per cent. Hock Islun 1 leading with talcs up lo iii-V ex dividend of 'v per cent. In fhc 1,'jt'i'lultles Tennessee Coal ur.d Iron rno lo l'i to 2Si on Ihe aim j'.inccuietit Knit the leading southern Iron producer huvc reuched un gieeniPlit for u Joint selling agency and thai the money for Kie -ec-tlon of the big steel plum ut itlrininghain ttiis been rectirerl. Illinois Steel Jumped t'i to u.1. Speculation cltsecl ttrm In tone, Net changes show gain of Ml1' per cent.. Hock Island and Tobacco UadliiMr. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LIEN Co., correspondents for A. I". CAMPUELL, stock broker, 412 Hprii-o street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos-" in est. est. Inij. Am. Tolacco Co ! Am. Cotton Oil I5j, 15 1.V-, Am. Bugar Ke'g Co.HMs 11-Pfc ll."c' Atch.. To. H. Ke.. W. W, If., IMj 1es. & Ohio...... Ift'i, 1.V, 1.1', Chicago Oas (M 67 a Chic, & N. W hUH 10 1U2 liu-. Chic., II, & Q W iii Tti"i Chic., All!. & H'. P... 7M 7!K H-'i 11 Clilc.. K. I. & Par... 7tS tft'i lo'. U, L. & w nil', Mi', nil n;i Die:. C. !' 17 . I7Vj 17 I7' den. Kicctric Ti S3', ;ir.u. av' l.miK. K Nash 49U W 41)', 49i M. K. Tpxos. IT.. 2c 2m4 av .'t Man. l-:ieatel id 104 101 lot Mu. I'ac y"i4 -V.i 234 ii'U' Nat. I .fad 24'g 24'3 21', 2U, N. Y. Central fliiU fM !W N. V.. L. K. & XV.... 14 14 14 W- N. V 8. & W S'j S'i SV M V Y.. 9. W., IT... 2! 2.! 22 22' NY-. Pae 14 1"i li Is, Oiit!H"lo & We.t 14 14 It, 14 i main 3 39 3:1 3H , Pe. M-!l 2!4 2H i fi Phi". P IlciJ ID HI' 10 pi' Sot 'horn II. tt r tit a. tthcrn Tt. R.. I'r.. 2i 30 2(fv4 If" Tf nn.. C ft Iron 21 2H 27 iv- Tims l'acllic 7 K 7"i H I'nlrn Pacllle 7V. 8 7''i 7', Wo'. ish r: W, i." VVubosh. Pr UlTn 17' Hi" 17", tt cittern I'nlon M4 Sil'4 H1" V. U H" V. H. Leather ! fl' P',. I. f4. Leather, Pr... do', 6l, on-'H 'mi ti. 8. Rtlblier aiTfc 2G' itii 2lij.. 'JIIICACJO BOARD OF TRADK TR-lfR Op'n-High-Low-Chw- 1 WHEAT. . In, est. eit. In. May T B4 (U)l July Ol'i '4 (IJij 63" OATH. May 184 !T 14 18'i July ............-..- 20', 194 tt CORN. May ... .', 8S?t ' Si juty 3v '?, ar LAKO. Mav C.17 S.17 S.1J S.12 July 5.32 5.W 5.2i 6.27 I'ORK. ' MttV 8.8T. 8.85 8.5T 8.i7 July .iff .tk 8.75 8.W Scruuton Beard of 'Irado rxehangeQuo Istlnns-AII Quotation Based on fur of I ou. Name. BI.1. Aikel Dime Dep. Dl. Bank..; ljj . ... ticranton Luce Curtain Co M National Roring Drilling Co. to Font National Hunk ta 8crant3n Jar V Stopper Co 2S Spin. I'rook Water Co ,.. Joj Klmhurrt Roulevard Co (lo Scranic.i Axlo Work, n bcruiituu Havins, Hunk itsi Scrantnn Traction '2o 'jj llonta I'lat Ulass Cc ... . io Hcranton Cur Replacer Co )oo Sctanton Packing Co . M Weston Mill Co jjq Lnrkaw:.ii Iron & Steel Co IM) Scranton tiedding Co joj BONDS. firranion Class Co ;oo Hrrunton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1'.'18 j;b Scranton Traction Co JJ people's Street IM'ltvay, first mortgage due 119 Scranton A Pltlston Trar. Co M PfOtile's Street Ru!vsv, Sec ond mortgage due W 119 Dickson Maiiiifnctcrlne Co jno l.Mfka. Township School fi 102 City wf S?r.niton Strvt Imp 0"i ... Hi? Scranton Axle Works 100 Korouch of Wlnton 5 100 I'.uih lirook Coal Co 10U New York Produce Mnrket. Now York. March 30. Flour Qil?t, study: winter wheat, lew gt.tdo. 2.2u-i 2.85; do. fair to fancy, t2.nsa3.90; do. put er.'.s, JS.9c.i4.2ri; Minnesota, clear, $2.70a:!.2U; do. tt i. tights, $Ju:UW: do. patents, M.W 4.:i: l:-w extra. 2.2".:i2.S5; city mills. t.liu 4.2:.; do. i.3ttet:ts, ti.20at.45; rye mixture, 2.? J3.Ju; si-icrtltle, t2n2.5: tine, JJ i2.VJ; southern flour dull, steady. Hye flour (Julct, firm rt JK.lTiui.ii.-i; bu.krt'h. it Hour, 1.2n.I.2."i. W.ieat-iot market dull, (xn Icr, with ct:jii3 cloirg i .'eady ; No. 2 red ftor? and elevator, 7c: allcat, 80',.: f. o. b., 80aSlc; ungraded red, illasi,:. ; No. 1 northern. 73c; cp-tton closed slta ly and unchanged to 'io. t'own with trading fulr; No. 2 r,l il.irch. 7i4c; April, 7iii(C.; .May. 7io.; June. Gl'''kc: July and August, lillc; Hr;ittmber, 7iVic; Dec mtier, il'ic. Corn Spots dull, firm: No. 1, S7'.i37;i4C.; elevn tor; AS'.iiSc. afloat; options wore dull, Mini ut tine hinged prices; March. 37V-! .May, ai'v.; July. 3o'2c; Svtember. 37Ki". Outs S; nits ralrly active, tlrm; options dull wiakcr; .March, 2Vc; May, 24V-! spot prices, No. 2 at 25c; No. 2 white, lKc.i No. 2 Chicago, 2ilc; No. S at 234c; No. 3 white, 25c; mixed Western, 25n2Hc.; white do. 2CaS8s!.: white state, ta(se. Hetf Steady, quiet: family, tH)al2; extra Jiif.'M'. fl.&HH. Ho.'H hams Dull: flt.hila 1. Tiereed beef Slow; city extra India mess, tloub'.&O. Cut meats Quiet, steady: pickled bellies, 12 pounds, 4Tjc. ; do. shout ers, 440.: do. hums, 8'iu9c. Ijard yulet, weak; western steam, 85.36; tdty, 84.95; Muy, 85.35; rellned. quiet; continent, 85.70; South America, f; compound, 4'Vi4-4c. Pork Ixiwer moderate demand mess. 9a 9.75. Hotter Weaker, liberal supply; state dairy, 9a20o.: do. creamery, held, 13atV.; western dairy, 10nl4c. ; do. creamery, 13a 21c; do. held. 12alKc; do. factory, SalSc; Klglns, 21c; imitation creamery, 12a 17c; rolls, 9al2c. Cheese Fair ilemand. steady; state lurge, (iulo'c. ; do. fancy, HM40. ; do, smull, tialo'Uc.; part skims, 3u7c; full ek I ins, DnJU.c. Kggs Fair drmnnd, firm; state and Pennsylvania, 12c: southern, 10'iallc; western fresh, llull'c. ; duck, 25a29c; goose, 90c. Toledo Crnln Market. Toledo, March 30. Wheat Receipts, COO bushels; shipments, 2,000 bushels; quiet; o. 2 red caah, 70'c; May, 71c; July, V7c, Corn Kf eeipts, 9.542 bushels; shipments, 5,3ml bushels: dull; No. .1 white cash, 29. Outs Uecelfits, 755 bushels; ship ment, none; nominal. Cloverseed Re ceipts, 200 bags: shipments, 1,040 bags; tlrm; prime ca.-h ami March, 81.45; April, I4.22'ta4.25: October, $4,574; prime timo thy cash, tl.tW. Chloago l ive Stoek. I'nlon Stock Yurds, March 30. Cattle Receipts. 11. mo head; market siteady; com mon lo extra steers. t3.40a4.35: Blockers and feeders, 82.75h3.7."i; cows and bulls, 81.5l.t3.25; tulvs, J:!j6.0J; 'lex a ns, 82.75a lift. H'jgs-Kc.4':;ts, Sl.OilO head; mar ket easy to Be. lower; heavy pucklng und shipping U' tnc:3.90; common to choice mixed, $3f;a4. i holce assorted, 84.0564.15; llKht, 83.ICa4.15; pigs. t3.jua4. Sheep Re ceipts, 18,00 head; marktt wenk and loo. lower; Inferior to choice, 82.75u3.75; lumbj, 83.75a4.70. Itnff ilo l ive Stock. Huffalo, N. V.. March 30. -Cattle-Slow and lwer for all but common to fair butchers'; btst ht avy kieers, 84.20a4.3n; good to choice shippers, Nut In; fulr to medium. 83.75a3.u; light lo good tiutch ers', $3.4oa3.7i; mixed butchers', t2.tOa); stockers and feeders, Biurce; gojd stack ers, $3a3.15; choice feeders, 83.25.t'i.t;0; fresh cows und forward springers, tlrm at 20a 45c. Veals Lower; fair to choice, 84415.50; extias, 85.5ea5.75. Hogs Dull, lower; good weight Yorkers. 84.16a4.25; pigs and light mixed, 84.20u4.2r; mixed puckers, 84.10al.!5; mediums, 84.IU; roughs, 83.2;a3.GO; slugs, 82.50U3. Sheep and lambs Slow, lower; prime lnnib.i, 84.75u4.80; fair to good, 84.10n 4.65; culls and common, 83.2Gh3.75: mixed sheep good to choice. 82.9ua4.IO; fair to good, t3..tfn3.75; culls and common. 82.50a ,1.25: handy wethers, 84.15a4.25; clipped lambs, 84u4.25; clipped sheeep, $3a3.40. Philadelphia Tnllow Market. Philadelphia, March 30. Tallow is dull and unchanged. W'e quote: City, prinid In hogsheads, 3ic; country, prime In bar rels, Sc; country, dark, In barrels, 3'ia 84c; cakes, 4c; grease, 3!ic Mies! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging: most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes mo tumors. At druggists, or by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayne St Hon. Thllacelphla. Soeelai Notices. V i'XRE''N?rftr1iticAFoirriXd Vt trs le; repairs of 11 kinds promptly at ton'tad to: ulso lumber of all kind, fencing nnd building tunteiiul, eta Henl in your or ils.'n curly; oompeteiit workman to be had at all times. Our yard an I offlcs are now at cor usr Asbstre-t and Penn are.; telephone lV.t. EZRA FINN & SOX Bui ders. 'PHK SOLDIER W OUR CIVIL WAR," J Von want thl relic. Contain ll of Traiilc I.rslie' famous old War Pkdures.sliow Ink ti e furoes in aetunl battle, aketcued on till tpiit. Two volumes, 2,liU pictures, iold on i-hv monthly payment. Delivered by ax - riwa rinnilcto. all char res prepaid. Aldr- P. O. Wen ill Y. fl'-ii Artoms jvo.. Sersn'oii. t'. '(LANK TOOK. pAlil'HLKTk MAtiA 1) zinu.H. etc.. bound or rebound nt Tilts liiimiNE uilicia, Vuick work. Ilcasonablo H'iee. Forniahci Ritun f t Rent I.H'KN i. -.,- i i.-. 1 XIH.M HiU l.liNi I tc (to - ' Tl'.l'ff m 11 avenii).. 1. IOMT-A I.ADV'8 ltd. 1. AiClt 1) . J twe-ntlie corner VyrniiiK v into d Linden street and Til ' ueo street: full -iibla r-ward for the rvtnr till , J. I. h A LI) KM AN, Alii Spruce aires Stockholder' Mee I , .... . .s.L'AI, MEETI . wi 11.11 I ainel.liold aofTlieP.'O d i'in U an I Alitor l'o tip my .. It lie h -Id it their olhc in h n,'lw mill inlsin u.lliiik,' i.i era .' 11 s arrnue. Hua toi, P.. lbudiy, MnV Mm, at III a. m.. In . , u. fti-crn t'i serve r nit t lie rnim:i; ti rnnsMer and su-h-el-j au lncroe of tl i apitnl atiK-k of tic niiilsiiv. und transact any other liens hut may lie f s'rel. by coder of t iu uinnn-era. M. r'. ATHF.K ON. Secretary. -'f tit.m. Ps . F -h. a. lyri Medisal. OKHi.l.(t' C'Ki.a.blt 'I Bk'I'.-NBV AI) IV i'ennyroynl I 111k: imported: nbw.lutely le: h.irmie w: snierlir ! nil o hers: nersr i l, nuv Hnj'i thnnsunds f hntipv la li 's: fS v mil , KoHl o-ly hv B TAM A'. BfELl I. rci.. Ill Kiftli r n 10. New Y-.rk. j , " A EllRB CL'RE I . FOR RHEUMATISM VrieitpJ P cere fltt i nt. uf- very I.OUii vo dnsrs 'l!l tsk the wi.rit ih of lUfli -ntmynrtof b- i. rivt p.r pint U ttltf ' snnfiirtiir d '"! ' bv kS. CR. KAVIITON, s4s Norltnpton Strut, Wllkcs-Barri, P. lud for salt at no Ncw.Vprk St.. 0r0 RldM. ICkANTCN. FA...,., Connolly In the Dress Goods Department. We Are Showing New Lines Of Sicilian, Mohairs and Brilliantines, in plain and figured. All Colors. 40-Inch Hixed Novelty Suitings Very new and 50c. a yard, elusive styles. stylish at Our ex- Checked Suitings In a Variety of Shades and colors; Goods that ordinarily bring $1.35 a yard at 75c; they arc very wide. ' CONNOLLY & WALLACE, M CENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AO VAIICE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL HE LESS THAN ?5 CF.NTS. THTH RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Helo Wanted Male. AIT ANTED AN EXPERIENCED ORV U osry clerk about ths middle of April: permanent position for the ilRht man; onlr those having exporiencs in fins groi-ery tride need apply. Address, girlint rartlculari, and state where last emp oyed, K. C, Trlbuns office. WANTED-A CABINET MAKER AND uenernl repairer on furniture. J. L. BENTON, 831 Adams avenue. J B- OVWANTED-A'oOODr8TR"N( IN diistrious hoy, IK ysara old, to learn the blacksmith trade at M. T. KELLER'S Laeka wanna Carriage Works, 815 Adams avenue. WAN TEDTRUHT WORTH Y PERSON to travel; salary t'W and exponas; reference. Enrlnae self-adnressed stamped nvelnps, MANAUER, Box P.. Chicago. WANTED AN AGf NTlN EVERY 8EC tion to canvass: H UOtot-IOilailay mailn; soils at siRht; aluos man to sell fetapln Oooda to dealers; best side lino ITiVtiO a mouth; aal. ary or large rnnunlasion mado; experionm nnneccasaiy. Clifton boap and Manufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati. O. V ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' every tnwu to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., Borden Block, l.'bloairo. III. Helo Wanted Female. MEBT7mCEB J plrasant brine work, and will gladly send full particulars to nil sending 2 cent stamp. Miss M. A. BTEbBlN'H. Lawrence, Mich. WANTED-t ADY AOENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Hnydsr'e cake icing: uperieneed canvasser preferred: work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars at once aid get lieneflt of holiday trade. T H. HNYDKR ft CO . t'lnclnniitl. O WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO KNER getie saleswomen to ropres nt ns. Uiinranteed ti a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. TS John street. XewVoii, For Sale. V avenue, Hrtle Park. No. (land 7, For in formation inipilro of JOHN F. CORDV, KB Njrth Clukely etreet Duninore, Pa. FOR SALE-TWO HORSES. 2 BUTCHER wngnns, 3 bnzgles. I slriirh, hnrnessasand all of butcher's nut lit: alao me t inurket for rent; ifoing out of busineas; must Is sold by April 1st. Inunlro of I. K. tCHULLER, Blakely street, I)untrore. 1;OR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT VOH tier of Meaile and Burke street. All mod ern improvements nn premises. MRS. A.-NIE STEWART, Dunmore, Pa. For Rent. C1f-8EVEN PLEASANT ROOMS. BATH Ol" and closet private, gaa, hot and cold water, 4ii7 rear of Webster avoniie; no build ing Iu front of lot; also down stairs for rout Inquire on premises. 1?OR RENT-A NICELY FURNISHED ' lodge room with piano and electric lights and all modern ronrenlem-es, within 2 blocks nf Laurel till! und Putnrshnrg street car line, Fn-particular ill or address E. A. WEN Zl'X, ttjl Presaott avenue. lOR RENT A t ROOM HOUSE; ALSO 8 1 room house on large lot; barn, fruit. mod srn Improvements, l.'ill Peim avenii, Oreen Ridge. Apply to M. T. KELLER, 15 Adams avenue. 1OR RENT THE MANSE OF THE OREEN Itldio Presbyterian church, furnished or unfurnishod. Apply on prcmis-s. V'OR REN T BUT( 'HER ST A i L V" EQUIP 1 ped, SI0 jier month. 'M'J Washington av. I'Olt RENTH HOOM HOUSEMAN l bTrN; nice yard, corner VouStorch and Marion. 1 'OR RENT-HALF OF Dt'UHLK HOUSE; 1 niwlern improvements; runt reas 'liable: corner ot Pine and Blakely streets, Dunmore. Troll RES T-F(uTHOUSEN"EIOin:H I street, No, till. 4lfi, 4! and tu'l: conveni ent and central. Apply to Jume K Wntson, st First National Bans, or A. D. Dean, S-D'u N. Washington avenu s T.-'OR RENT-AiiEIIOUSE ON I).. L r. W. switch. BCUANTON STOVE WOHK Turn RENT-Kli' MS NOW OCCUPIED IVY J the Tinders' Natlonil Bank: pcisseMion given nhout May 1. by F. I PtllLLlPd, Cisld-T Traitors' N'ntionnl Bnlf, lolt HF.AT-TEN HdllM HOUSE; ALL I nim er i loiivunleoccs. Inquire at l-.'l V'n-lilmrn at. i;im r.F nt o. e half double house I Tli (Jnin-y iivenif. Re-it reasonable Opt -ositn ok.-. T::)ior Uo-pitiil. Tor HEX T ON E SIX-RridM HOUSE, LEE I court li"lrefljt Aeamavo. I 'tk KENT NP 'ft, i BURNISHED HALL I suiti-.bte for loilire Innms, JOHN JE:i MYN, ll!i Wvoinl'-ir oventi -. tpent Wanted. U' A N T E U - S ALES At A N : h A L A R Y FK M sturt; psriniinmt lire BROWN B!OS. i o . Niirservnie I Hia-n .at-T. N Y. HFHTs vi A Si ElT- I'O SlvLL' CIGARS; t i jcr tn.nth sal'irv and eanens-s paid. Ai.drejM. with t.KCni stuuii. FlOARO CI OA CO.. i Ide-i -o. A OEN'IS-TO SELL OUIt PoACTlCAL anld, silver. lji lc-l ami roi n.r e'.. ctr.. pi icr: i r en irom m npua'ii; ssiarv and ex jpnus pa d: o.itft lr,-e. d ess, tvi.h stamp, 1C l(lA-f"F'U! K nini, A HEN! S tOsEI.LcuTaRS TOUEALKR4: .T. ueckl.-ami expense; cxnerlcn-jj i n rercmarv. OA S' it.iltA I'Ea iiFO. Ill,, 41 Ven Plfe at.. I h nao. CAl.lBilAN Tn CARRY SIDE LINE:iH O pr o)ii r. rommm.lon; ssmple laws mailt d free. Address L. A. CO, btatlo:i L. Nt w Vie It. A T it CE-ZoEnTk " APi'OI.VTKli To .'1 sell new li-.-htnintr sell. us tnlilj cloth. n otiito ami hoitsa fir lion U at it) cents nnd vi re ts a lots. Snniile lie.-. Boi.OlANO F'OCo-. Ihdt'itlnrc. J'd. OKsts-l liVR'l PATEN T UN 1YK sal lislr t ml-r nnd H'avera fns.-d wlt'i rntheatl. i-n I "l yr Pcluted"Hair Pins, ' Lib rial minim irioa, Free snmnls and loll par ticulars. Adurist P, ti. Box 440. New York. & Turkoman, Handkerchief Silks for waists, the latest thing, make very nobby and styl ish waists; reasonable in price. Our Line of Persian and Dresden Silks is the most complete in the city. Special designs for waists, and a large va riety for trimming pur poses. New Art Denims for Drapery and Floor Use 36 inches wide and a very TRY US. 602-804 UCKl IVL, COR. rD1M& Situation Wanted. a 1 TT I iTloV TV A XT rp fj IS AO OITrpi illCU flD o. a lUAiivfit v ;ii a, n a n u a . xa ui was O in u grocery store. . Addreu H. M., i rib- tMV UlIIUVs CITL'ATIOM WANTED BY A MIDDLE- k J aired man who haa had 2u vsara' exDerl' enee io the mercantile business. Address N., Tribune otneo. 4J1TUATION WANTED -BY A YOUNO O man, graduate ot a bnsinesa college to inearo in a town wnere mere is a Dana ana B-Hat cornet player: any kind of reasonsble work. Address H. J. .. P. O. Box 44H, For est city, fa. toITUATION-WANTED-BY A YOUNG J man as htenoa rsnher and office asssitsnt: have had copying ofiice experiences can fur nish good references, address T. Trlbuns or ties. BOJK KEEPER DOUBLE OR MINOLE entry wishes positloo as such or aa clerk in Orocry store, reference given, address is ocrsmoa rosi orxioe. SITUATION WANTED TO OO OUT BY K3 the day washing; washinn taken boms, also. Call or addre.s L. B., Hiii Sumner avs nue, city. OITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY k3 one who thoroughly understands ths Dusiuess; gnoa rereremes Aaaress vt . n, M., l.H Wayuesvenus. Real Catate. C HOUSES FOR HALE DEAD CHEAP A t snap for quick action. See J. M. EAST, u ii. Main avenne. Aim WILL BUY PROPERTY UUxU-U ON 2 ' streets: 10-rooin house: a bariraiu for quick purchase. See J.M. EAST, lslti N. Main avenue. IO PER Os-NT. REAL ESTATE INVEST. It) jnout for $il.t0J. See J. il. EAST, liii N. Main avenue. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19, 1895, Train Leave Wilkes-Barre at Follows 7.25 a. m., week dayt, for Sunbury Harritburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the Weal. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burc and tha West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Potlsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, Oeneral Manager. Central Railroad uf New Jersey. (Leliii'h anil Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIM 13 TAltLK IN KKKKCT MCH. 15. IkW. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, W'llkea-Bnrre, etc at s.ZU, 9.15, 11 30 a. ni 12.45, 2.110. B.Uu, 5.(11. 7 10 p. m. SuiiiluyS, Si, (XI a. m 1 00, 2.10. 7.10 p m. For Atliuitic City, 20 n. m. Kor New York, Newark and Elizabeth. g.20 (express) ii. m., 12.45 (express with Huf fet psrlor car), .Lift (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.15 p. ,, arrives ut lh!liidelihla. Heading Term inal, 5.22 p. ni. 11 'id Nuw York 00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Ailentotvn, Hethlc tieni. Kaston ami Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m . 12.15, iu'i. 5.00 (except i'hilailelphia) p. m. Sunday. 2.16 p. m. For Lons Uriiiich. Ocean Grove, etc., at S.211 a. in.. 12.15 p. in. For Mending. Lebanon and Harrisburg. vln Allentown, 8.20 a. in., 12.45. 5.00 p. m Sunday. 2.15 p. in. For rottsvllle, 8.20 n., 12.45 p. m. Keturnini:. leave New York, root of Lib erty street. North River, at B.10 (express) tt. m.. 1.10. 1.30, 4.15 (express with Huffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave rhllnuelphitt. Heading Terminal, t 00 a. m., 2 00 and 4. JO p. m. Sunduy .21 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest ratei may he had en application In id vance to the ticket agent at Ihe station. II P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H OLHAUSEN. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND ...i'Si.i riAlL ROAD. Commencing Monday. STirKM "iy 'rains will Bm MmCn arrr at new Lacka W W m m wanna avenue stutloa ffW r ns follows: r Trains will leave Scran ton statin for Cjarbondjle and Interme dla'e points al 2.20, 5.4a. ..00, .2 and 10.1 a. m . 12 no. 2 20. 155. i l ' and 11ForP'F'!irvlw. Waymart and Hnnesd'nls nt 7 00. 8.25 and 10.1(1 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 6.13 v pTr Albany. SaratoKa. the Adlrondaeks and Montrwd r.t f.-41 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Harru and Intermedlat t.oint" nt 7.45, S.45. .:3 and 10 45 a. m.. 12 03, W 2 3$. 4.00, 5.10. 6.0i. .U and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrlvt at Scranton station from Carbonilale and Intermediate points at 7 40, 1.40. .3I and 10 40 a m., 12.00. 1.17, L34. 1.40. 4 .54, 555, 7.45, 111 and 11.33 p. m. Prom Honesdale. Waymart and Far view at f.4 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. Hi. 5.55 and 7.45 p. m. From Montreal. Saralofta. Albany, etc., at 4 54 and 11.31 p. m. From Wllkes-Uarre and Intermediate Eolnta at I IS. lot, 10.0S and 11 M a. m.. 1.11 11 .2. 1.10, in. 7.1ft. I (0 and U.1I p. m. Wallace good quality; desirable .colors, only 19c. a yard. Ginghams! GINGHAMS ! Don't fail to get in on our great offering. N 300 pieces of the best Ginghams America pro duces, including Bates' Seersuckers, Johnson's Seersuckers, Toille Du Nords, etc. Usually sold at i24c. Special Price, 5c. SScSSfiJSr UPHOLSTER FORNITDR Glean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17. 1834. Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via t. H. R, R. at 7.4 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, J 38 and 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. W. K. K.. I.0IVI.08. 11.20 a. tn., and lit p.m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Barre, via p.. L. W. a R., (.00, 1.01, 11.M a. , J.40, 1.07. 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. tleton, Pottuvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottavllle branches, 8.08,' 11.20 a. in., l.i, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton tor Bethlehem. Easton. rKeadlng-, Harrlaburg- and all Intermediate Anl. l vU D. & II. R. R. 7.45 a. m U 05. H. ., 1.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To- wanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Ln,eim.e,ai?,e P" via D & II. R. R-, 1.41 R R sis? S?? U S5 P'.S" vla D" W B. R., 8.0S, V.56 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Nlae-ara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all RPiP'! west via Ii & il. R. 11., 8.45 a. m., 5' " :J- m -via D.. I.. W. R. ft! and Plttston Junction, 8.P8, 1.55 a. n 1.30, 8.50 p. ni. For Elmlra and tr. west via Salamanca. Via 1. & H. It. R., 8.1u a. in. 12.U5 p. m... vlaD., L. W. R. It., 1.09, .D5 a m!, 1.30. Puiman parlor and sleeplnr or 1 V. chair cars on all trains between U A B. Junotion or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Sridse Buffalo, and Suspension , ."-JN U. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHAS. S. I.EK. Oen. Pass, Agt.,Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHKR, Asst. Qsa, Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. - Del.. Luck, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. . Trains leave Scranton aa follows: Ex- rress for New York and all points East, 40, 1.50. 5.15, 8.00 and 8.55 u. m.i U.5S and S.84 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 1.00 and 1.(5 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. WashlnKton and way stations, 1.53 p. m. Tobyhunna accommodation, 1.10 p. m. Express for Blnehaniton, Oswego, El mlra, CornliiK, bath, Uansvllle, Mount Morris and HuTalo, 12.10, 2.35 a, m., and 1.21 p. m., muKlng close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, North west and Southwest, Bath accommodation, la. m. Blnghaniton and way stations, 12.37 P. HV Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Klmlra Express, 1.01 p. m. Express tor Cortland. Syracuse, Oswtga, Utica add Richfield Swrlnta, 2.35 a. ni. ami 1.21 p. m. . Ithaca 2.35 and Bath I a. m. and 1.21 P m. For No'ihuinberlund, Plttston, Wllkes Barre, ytyinoiith. BIoomsbuiK and Dan ville, nuking close coniiectlona at North umberland for Wtlliamsport, llnrrlsburg, Uul!t;:iire, Washington ami the South. Nov.nuin'oerlund and Intermediate sta tion!. (..00. D.55 u. m. and 1.30 nnd (S.07 p. m. Kf-clr-oke nnd Intermediate stations. 8.US .nd 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter medials stutlons, a. -iu aim s.m p. m. Pulimnn parlor and sleepiiitf coaches 09 tl) express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oftlce, 32S Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Ki lo and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, 1S90. Trulns leave Scranton for New York nod Inlernieilinte points on the Erie rail road. uIho for HoiieHdiile. Hawley nnd local ipoilils at 8.35 11. m. und 3.28 p. ill. and arrive at Srrunton from ubove points at 8.23 a. in. and 3.57 p. ni. - ra. k m w. r .IAW In KUcct September andt 189J. Meirtli Henna. leoa sot a. wiArrlve Leavei , Ml v. r-ranuin s: 1 110 7 10, West 4ud streeti Weehawken r Ml 1 ifyHancoek .lunottoai 1091 Baooock IH 189 111 a 41 M IH IM 10 III iei!iu SUrlUbt Preston Park Como Poyntelle lielmont Pleasant Mt Unlondale Forset city Carbondaie White Mrtdg-e slayflcld Jerinyn Archibald Wlnton ' Peckviue Olvpliant DlrkHon. Throop Provldenee Park Piaee imiil 14 401 l Hi 1114 Hex Ml 150 P IT 11 40i la m es'nusii 7 041 11 to se riiaol T t7,f8 III 6 481 ,...1 41111 281 A Si! 1 1 11 ".Wfllli 08811 II 6 Ji ll 07 SHU 01 I II It 0) lit 111 0 7 18 13 4S 714(8 45 r ti T n 8 M 77! SN 7 8 4 04 7 34 4 0T 780 410 7 39! 4 H 7 41 M 17 7 4tl 480 1 1 (1057 1 10 I0W scranton u U h Leave A wive A Mr Ml an i,.i.. ... ... . - alanines that trains atAnnn aiirssl foe rjaaa Bgers, secure rates via, Ontario a Western before Wrchaslng titkev and save money. Say aai llngi Eipress vi the West. J. v . ADuersow, wen. -bss as T. rutcreft, Div. Pass, aft, MraaWa, Pa. i aa Stout BaaneJ r 1 k stations Lfa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers