The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 27, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE. SCnA""fcT6"'.BUXE FRIDAY 3lOT?TIXG, 'M ARCII 27, 18D5.1
Rai will plaie not that advertise,
imnlf, orders for Job work, and Itomii for
publication left at trc Mtabilshmit of
Shannon- Co., newwlMiln-s. Norih Mam
atrt. will recelva prompt atapntlon; or
Uca open from t a. m. to 10 p. m.)
J. A. fitanton and Mta Rn f.ook Ar
rested and Jailed at lloitcadalc.
The Belmont c-ltlxen have been much
twri'lMed of lale anent the condui t of
Jamia A. Stanton, a well known cart
man, repldlnir In the district. He in
nmii li d man. and ha a nice little fam
ily. Spin month hnv.e elapsed since
it was noticed that he had formed an'
'attachment to Minn Hena Cook, a beau
tiful irl of 17 yearn of aite. This ut:
titchment cuused trouble In the Stanton
home, and a senaruteion followed.
Stanton und his fair one disappeared
In u cytter. and It's stnne days 'ere they
aealn made their at'peainnce. Mr.
Cook nt before Alderman Uunnell and
Swore :out a warrant for Stanton's ar
rest, chat-Kins' him with exerclsliiK un
due influence over' lletia. They tied
for parts unknown before Constable
Oilby could serve the si;iniiioiis. Hilb.v
Htaried last Tuesday afternoon In com
lmnv with S. Sears in hot pursuit. When
they tvached llonesdale they had a
rlue. but he did not succeed in secui
init them. They were described and the
ley of police. Alt-Andrew, of this city,
received a. telegram statin they had
placed under arrest a man and lady
jtnswerltiK tlie-descriptlons and HSkiiiK
for instructions. lie was -empowered
by Alderman Bunnell to bo Pi Hones
dale yesterday niornhiK.and briny buck
the fugitives.
They were, given a heaving: at It
o'clock yesterda y afternoor. Kvldeiice
was tendered tha'.'they had stayed over
Sunday night in the home of Sirs,
nitickeiibur as .husband and wife.
Stanton, when before the alderman,
pleaded not kii'iH.v "f lutnlcry, but Hena
pleaded uuilty of fornication on the
Sunday nlxht. March The alderman
couiiultted lioth to jail. Stanton on the
chai-jtes of udultery and desertion. Kenn
on fornication. Hull was placed for
Stanton for r.iM In eac h case and Kena
for $1. They left by the 14 o'clock for
,Sc runloii jail.
'I lie l ate of the t arbondalc nub Uepeuds
I pon I lio Aatfon of the Traction o.
The riirbondaliaus aiv iisuln uKllut
. il at the outcome of their club In the
iintlouul name. Developments show
thut a lame proportion of the stock
Hrtbscrlbed for the bns. bull clnh has
failed, tlpto eljjhl hutaired dollars. Tlie
ilircctois say that they can not pro
ceed any further without help belnti
I'm thi-omiiig. They have appealed to
the people v1i will receive the larirest
benefit from the Riline. The Traction
company's receipts will lie uuirmeiited
by extra fares probably SJ.imki
The director yesterday placed the
; whole .situation before the new ntan
uer of the traction' line, 1.. s. Wrinltt.
who received them very courteously.
He has trono to riilladelphiu to confer
with the magnates, and the fate of the
club depend entirely upon the result
of their Renemsity.
The .Mobile. Alubuma. association has
offered the directors $-MK for the team.
tnd refund all the money expended.
This the directors consider a aood of
fer and will be resorted to unless the
Traction company comes to the rescue.
Mayor Name J. K II. Kaynor as the Man
to Succeed Aldermun llnnnell.
At the last liiectlnB of the select coun
cil the name of the appointee of Mayor
Hendricks foe the seat of Alderman
Uunnell on the board of health came
before the council. ll named .1. II. Ih
Kaynor, of the Sixth ward, as the suc
cessor of Mr. Itunnell, whose term of
office expire!-. April 1.
The council deferred confirmation of
the appointment until their next meet
ItiK. The retiring, member. Alderman
Bunnell, served the people faithfully
and with an amount of personal sacri
fice. He would have been re-elected
without a doubt hail It not been for the
law of 18f. of the board of health, which
prohibits justices of the peace" from
lioldine office.
v Mr. Kaynor, the mayor's choice, is
ap'jken of as a citizen worthy of recog
nition, and possesses the necessary
qualifications to make an efficient mem
ber of this Important board.
, -
' Miss IMJtcnn Hurled
The funeral of Miss Hose Pldgenn
took lilaee from the residence of her
brother on Fullbt-ook street yesterday
afternoon. Services were held at St.
hose's church and interment was made
In St. rinse's cemetery. The funeral
as largely attended by her many
friends, which testltied in a marked
Manner her popularity.
, lliek' Insanity.
William Hicks was taken to the asy
lum at Danville by the o'clock train.
He Is the man referred to in our column
Worn Out Women
Ehoild read thta letter. It iuovti the
wonderful bulldlnf -ap power of Hood'
Sariaparillb, the
great blood purifier.
I wiih I could
tand in lome pub
lic place and cry to
all ailing humanity,
' Hear this, y peo
ple, what wonder
ful thing Hood'
Baraapari II ha
done for nieand my
family.' I can out
expresi what I auf-
(rad. Only one of my ex know what
woman can luffer in ray condition. I wae
preatrat with nervoutaesa and weakness.
The least noia would drive me frantic.
I decided to take Hood' gariaparilla. I
am overjoyed to My that I am now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
Hood'6 Sarsaparilla
1 to th belt medicine for those so (ferine as
lbaTufterd." Mia. C. C. Kirkp atbick,
Flua QroTe, Penn. l;izforS.
Hood's Piils'"
Huh been wonderfully im.
proved by uJJIiik I.OOII tiiare
" feet to our alrcMtly itpaciotiit
More. An J we liuve hint re
tclvcd tiles liilCHt assortiiicut of
4 lurpet tlie. market can pro
.ilucc. Tlie patteriM are of the
very Jut est. ,
Our Wall Paper Department
Huh been Increased to twice its
former mIx, ho that you cun
' see the finest and moHt wrtiHtic
style and - cAlorings ever
,; tih'own in the market. Prices
I ' always the lowest.
I CPflTT ItirilC Carpt$,
Will Piper
41 Lackawanna Ave.
yesterday. The olllclalx had no trouble
in gel I in' him from lila.contlnetneiit to
the btiH nd he wan driven to the I'nlon
depot. He talked and Kexticulnted.
holding .hi Kilde in his hand. Those
that wert prlvih-Red to chat with him
nay that at the laxt he answered them
Intelligently; however. h ahowed un
mistakable HlRiia of religious mania.
He waa taken to Danville by Constable
K. J. Neary' and Poor- Directors Daley
and .Moon.
The Sperl Heater Will Let Two Floor for
' the Pendleton Itobbin I'actory.
Carbondallana are congratulating
themselves that the matter of the ae
muval of the Pendleton Button factory
bus been settled, and that they will re
main in the city.. The majority of the
stockholders of the Upearl Heater com
pany have decided to let two floors to
them, hence they will have the neces
sary space to carry on the business.
The meeting of the stockholders of
both companies will be held next
-Novelty I'uriv.
The Carbondule Bicycle club's enter
tainment committee. Dr. II. ('. Wheeler.
J. I . I'lntell. . Isaac Sinner. Andrew
Mitchell and Oscar Wlnnacott. have
prepared a novelty party, winch will lie
iclven at the rooms next Wednesday
niiilit. Kvery wheelmen In the city Is
invited, and the committee are anxious
thai riders should uvail themselves of
this opportunity of enjoying a social
Charles WUHanm. formerly of this
city, now- of Brooklyn. X. Y.. arrived
in the city on Monday and will stay
for a week or more doing business.
Mr. and Mrs. Iteese, of South Main
street. Misses Maggie. I,izzie and Mary
Davis, of South Washlnaton street.
Miss Mary Wilkins and Benjamin Wut
klns, of South Wyoming; street, were
at I'eckville Wednesday nlrht nttend
Iiik the wedililiK of .Mr. John Kvnns and
Miss Mary June (Irittiths. Miss l.lzzie
Davis ac ted us brldesmuid. They re
turned home Thursdav morning.
Frank A. I.otl. a iiopuhir young;
man emoloyed at I he fllobe store, has
upon the advice of his in.ili.ul atteml
aut. di elded to locate In Colorado in
the neur future.
A. J. Perry and family, who reside at
the Connrenational church pursonane,
have decided to K" and live in the coun
try. Mr. Perry hus been in -very In
different health for some time, and Is
now uw'ay from home.
The mines oj' the D hi ware ami Hud
son company were again placed on
thii-e-ipiurter time yesterday.
The "Last Chance" mine is on full
The Delaware und Hudson company
received a new flviyh' eiiKine for this
division from the Dickson works llii-'
w eek.
The Uev. Frank Marshall, of l-'orest
City, ureached an eloipient sermon at
the Trinity church last night in Ply
mouth. Miss Hose Arrigonl. of Scianton, is
tlie KUes.t of Miss Maine Maxwell.
Mr. and .Mrs, licorice S. Kimball have
returned from Florida.
Will Cuvanaugh hus entered De Paw
university at Valouruiso. Ind.
Misa Kate Saltry. an esteemed and
a noted muslciun. of Providence, has
entered St. Hose's convent, this city, as
a iiovl-.iale.
Attorney M. .1. Walsh, of Scrnnton.
was here yesterday.
The town clock fund of the Leader
has reached S147. .
Miss Hattle rtpettlgue. of Carbondule.
Is very 111 ut the residence of Theodore
SpettlKiie In .lermyn.
Itev. Dr. I. ucus. of Ai'chbald, preach
ed' the I .'-in en sermon Wednesduy
evening at St. Kose's church.
The Kile collieries on South Side
were idle yesterday. So also were the
employes of the Northwest mines.
John Maliady, of Archbald, called on
friends Wednesday evening.
Dr. D. I.. Bailey went to New Tnrk
Wednesday night and returned lust
Lewis McLaughlin, of Piiccbuig, Is
moving amongst his obi friends.
. . . .
i. in Thursduy last J. A. Stanton, of
Carbondule, a married man, deserted
his w ile and eloped w ith u young girl
by the name of Hena Cook. Stanton
hired a team of horses for the occasion,
and the pair passed the time up to
Tuesday ut Wuytnart, when they left
for parts unknown. Constable Calvin
Brown, of this place, was notified to be
on the lookout for the couple, und
early Thursday morning located them
ut Stile's hotel, aboue six miles north
of here. He placed them under arrest
und brought them to llonesdnle. Chief
Mi-Andrew, of Cnrbondale. was untitled
and came over. mi the 10.25 train und
took Stanton and his companion In
John Myers, nn old resident here, died
ut ids home on Main street Thui-sduy
inclining aged 77 years. He had been
sick only a few days and death result
ed from a general breaking down of the
system. Mr. .Myers has been In the
employ of John Brown, furniture deal
er, as an upholsterer, for forty-two
years. The funeral services will be
held from his lute residence Sunday ut
2 p. til., and w ill be In charge of Howard
lodge of Odd Fellows. Mr. Myers' w ire
died about five years ago. lie has no
The report lias been published In va
rious papers , that the Delaware and
Hudson canal' will open Anrll . The
time for (he boatlna season to open has
not yet been decided, and it will depend
laigely on the weather.
.V meeting of the Democratic county
committee was held here yesterday anil
Hon. Perry A. Clark. Hon. John Kuh-
bach and F. M. Monaghan wic elected
delegates to the stMte conveu: ' ftcso
lutlons were adorned liidorslr' I'attl
son for president.
There baa been considerable talk for
some inomhs past regarding a cinder from Si ran ten to Honesdule. The
wheelmen or clubs in the valley inlet-ei-ted
In the project or any good roads
movement are remiesteil to communi
cate w iih the Maple City wheelmen, of
this place.
The entertainment and simper given
nt Central hall on Wednesday ev-nlng
under the auspices of f .ankle Tribe. Xo.
207. Improved Order of ricd Men. wus
largt ly attended.' A nnt sum was
ten listed. i
Miss Annie Laurie, of South Main
Mreit. was a visitor In Scranton ves-tf-rdo
The goiter running under the side,
wulks in front of Johnson Xo. I col
liery is still blocked and it should be
cleaned, as the atreet is In a deplor
able condition.
Muiiie Hawk visited In Honesclnle
last evenlne;.
The entertainment and social to be
held on Faster Monday evening at Fad
den'a hall, for the benefit of St. Thom
as' choir, promises to be one of the
best ever aeen InMlils locality. To
gether with our local talent many out
side features will Jar produced.
The Prlcebura;, Dramatic com pan v
will atage-"The '.Mountain Waif." at
Smith's Music hall tomorrow evening.
Miss Annie Hngan. who has been se
riously ill of pneumonia, ia improving.
The funeral of William Tindall. who
was killed in the Pennsylvania mines
Tuesday, took place yesterday and was
tfery laiKely- attended. Iickawanna
lodge. No. .i34. Knights of Pythias, and
Independent Order of Red Men, Wla
conisco council, Nn. 229. of Mooslc. had
charge of the funeral. The pall-bearer
were It. Gothwales, James Parry, An
drew Alden. T. J. Stewart, Samuel
Tate. 55. T. Bleserker. Interment was
made In Marcy cemetery.
i)ii:i or iii.r ixjlkii.s.
Mr. McMonlsle. of Nona 'Hancock
Street, Died Yesterday Moraine.
Mrs. Kdward McMonlaic. aged 85
years, died at her residence. 44 North
Hancock street, at I.KO yesterday morn
ing, after an Illness of three weeks.
The immediate cause of death was the
result of injuries received three week
ago by the explosion of a lamp.
Deceased was formerlv Miss Kate
nuHiigher. daughter of John ilallairher.
of Tannery street, and was married
last June. She hud a la rite circle of
friends who sincerely mourn her un
timely end. Funeral on Saturday
morning with a hish mass of requiem
in St. Mary's church. Interment In
Hanover cemetery. '
Jollv I en Manu a ( barter.
The Jollv Ten aptdled for a charter
yesterday and their affidavit aets forth
that their object is to maintain their
club room for social enjoyment. The
signers to i he petition are James F.
Muck. Adam Turkes. Jr.. F. J. Steg
maler. (leorge J. Stegmaier. William
Maurer. M. F. Whalen. W. 11. Mutter.
M. J. Mupiliy. Charles Maurer. John
Donnelly, A. J. Davis and Oeorge J.
Steidel The officer are:. President. J.
F. Mac k: vice president. A. J. Lewis;
treasurer. A. Turkes. jr.: recording
secretary, tiecirge A. Steidel; financial
secretary. W. H. Mutter.
Appaicntly licincntcd. -
Henry MeOrudy. an old mun appar
ently slightly demented, went into the
Herman Catholic church yesterday
morning and created a disturbance.
The police were .sent for and he was
conveyed to the, Ptatloh house.. Mayor
Nichols committed him to the county
Jail to await Investigation. .
Illnes hid Not Pelnv Mairliigc.
W. O. Williams and Miss Delia M.
Jh-jiwn. of West Pittston. were married
last Wednesduy evening. The mar
riage was an Uliioue one In thut the
bride occupied a sick bed during the
c eremony, she having been tuken 111 a
lews days ugo and being; unable to
leave her bed yesterday.
livid a Hcctpiion.
Mr. and .Mrs. Kh'hurd D. Huberts,
who were married last monlh, held a
reception at their honied Kidder t.irove.
Wednesday evening. Mr, lioberts was
formerly Miss Myfatiwy l-lvans. daugh
ter of liwilym Kvaiis.
l ined MO and Costa.
Conrad l.iinu'. whose dug bit a little
boy yesteidiiy inclining, was lined 110
and costs in '.he mayor's court yester
day ninriilim. and made to promise to
dispose of tlie dug.. He paid the costs
ami appealed the Hue.
Isv. W. II. .Stone, assistant rector of
N'uthity church. Fountain Hill, South
Bethlehem, has accepted the reftorslilp
of St. Clement's church, this city, and
will take cliurge about the middle of
James Smlh nnd John Walsh, aged
is years each, were committed to Jail
for ceoitrt. in default of ball, by Mayor
Nichols Wednesday night. They are
charged w ith stealing clothing tielong
liiB to the advance agent of the com
pauv w hich bus been playing In Music
Hall this week.
Hamil ton is to have a new knitting
mill that will employ twenty-tlve
hands. The building will be erected on
the cornel- of Beach and Laurel HtreetH.
Wednesduy evening us Frank Knoll,
of Xuntlc-iike.was talking with a friend.
John Boiiski came up und struck him
several times mi the heud with u shurp
stone. Knoll Is In u critical condi
tion. AVOCA.
On Tuesday morning ut S.:io o'clock,
occurred the death of limb, the 4 year
old daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. William
Welter, of Lincoln Hill. -Deceased was
a bright little child and her loss is
sincerely mourned by all the members
of tlie household. Funeral will tak
place this afternoon ut 2 o'clock. In
terment in the LangclliTe cemetery.
The funeral of Martin McDermutl
took place yesterday ttl'ternoon. Inter
ment w as made in St. Mary's cemetery.
A new and more substantial bell hus
been placed ill the lower of the Method
ist Kplscopiil church.
Miss Jennie Xewlin. of Main street,
spi nt yesterday with friends In Scran
ton. The lunerul of Kutie. the 17-yeatf old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas. Mc
Andrew, took place yesterday after
no hi. Interment wus nuule In St.
Mary's cemetery.
The Christian Hndeavor .society-of the
Laiigcilffe church held a rally last eve
ning in the Sunday school rooms. A
pleasing programme was rendered to
an entliiisuistii audience. Befresh
ments were served.
Mr. und Mrs. Perry, of Siisiiuehaniiu
county, are soendlng a few days at tlie
home of their daughter, Mrs. K. C.
Kelliim. of Lincoln Hill.
On Tuesiiay evening while Hurry
Heap was delivering- the Pittston Item
to his custonieis. he was attacked by a
large (loir owned by Henry Wlddell and
severely bltien on the leg. Dr. Sea
man euutel iy.ed tlie wound.
Miss Nettie Druffner spent yesterday
with friends In town.
At about 2.."o o'clock yesterday morn
ing, lire broke out In the Breh.,ny prop
erty, on Main street, und in a short
while a stream was tnrntd on the
llanos, which were nulckly extin
guished. The nriiiin of the tire Is a
mystery as the house was unoccupied.
It was purchased by T. J. Newton
some time ago. and has been tindergo
ln tsr i f oali s.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odist F.piscr.pnl church met at the home
cf Mrs. Dnn Curtis yesterday .after
noon, i
Uev. J. M. SmnulUr. of Olyphant. ii n (-liiieunt- sermon In St.
Mary's church on Tuesday evening.
Alee dates' youngest child Is' ijuite
ill with tlie srlp.
(Jeoigc IlobliiRcin and family, of Dur
yea. are visiting his parents this wee k.
Charles liobi-'son imei'.cls to move to
Parsons 1" few days
Howard Parkinson Is to 1,1.1 adieu t.J
Ibis country and go buck to his native
home. Kngiaml. the forepart of April.
The many friends here are sorry to
hear of the resignation of Itev. U. C.
Lyman, which 'whs handed to the of
lleiul boa'd of his church ut Pltiston
Sunday. Mr. Lymuu served the people
here for live years and was loved by ev-
Is one of tlie very common nihil uM of uian
k.rnl. It is iiuiialb- lilo irsnlt of haul work or
iivt exurtiun. und is ofnntiinvs tli Icgacv of
fever er wvere attacks of s:ckn which
leaves tbi al lomiual uiii-lu in a weaku d
condition, allowing tli pru.rusiau of bowel.
It i
tola- ruptured, but It is vary ainiuylne aud
Mitnetim-sdaiifernu. - t'ntil recently it was
tliuuftit to h inc-iirai.l-? without au ovsratioa,
but tbahks to BL-leutltle riSearcb . .
is now ABSOlA'TEI.r OtCRTAlX hi nlaetv
out of a hundred eases where th rupta e cub
beretarned. I (ire a written auarante to
car. No kalfe, ao InconrenteDce, no opera
turn; ao detention from bsslnesa, truss
to annoy yon afterwards. One visit to mr
offlee weekly for from four to eight weeks is
usually aufflelent for the worst casea. OK.
ALE. P. O'MAMJtY, IlaptaM SptclalUt,
Washing to street, Wilkej-Barr. Pa.
Can't Eat
a failing altogether too common
with Americans. Due generally
to excesses of some sort, whether
over-work or dissipation the re
sult is the saint . " The candle
is being burnt at both ends."
The man who begins the. day in
this way is living on vital forces
that should' be husbanded. If
yon can't eat in the morning as i
you should, take a of milk
containing a tablespoonful ut -
The effect it marvelous. You
will have taken a food stimulant
that nourishes, makes new blood,
new bone, new rlt'sh and nerve
tissue, and one hat -has m re
action. Kvery. vital organ of the
body will be' kept in a normal
condition and will be enabled to
throw off disease. Hovinine is
a powerful concentration of the
life-maintaining elements of lean
beef, all of which are preserved
by the special cold process em
ployed in its manufacture.
Doctors everevihere will com
mend it, and druggists sell iu
erybody. und us long as Wyoming peo
ple live they will remember the loving
disposition and kind-heurtedness of
Mr. Lyman to the poor and distressed
of this place. His gospel was to all
and they heard him gladly.
Dr. Per tin will lecture in the Pres
byterian church Friday evening.
Key. John Lubar attended the clerical
meeting in Wilkes-Harre this week.
Fred Dili-land has sold his pluce on
Seventh street to David Davis, who
moved there Wednesday.
Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. T. Uozelle, Is seriously III with the
.Mrs. Joseph McKlll wus nt Mount
.Ion Tuesday celebrating the seventy
fifth birthday of her mother,. Mrs. John
Mckinley and Allison Are Itistuntly
Keluted, It Is Said.
Wellmun, In The Tlmes-Hcruld.
t.iovernor McKinley and Senator Al
lison are kinsmen. Inasmuch as these
two men are generally believed to be
the leading candidates for the Republi
can presidential nomination. It may be
said the competition for that honor Is,
In a sense, "all in the family." . Howe-lose
the relationship between McKin
ley nnd Allison Is no one is uble to say
at this writing, but that they are kin
seems pretty well settled. (lovernor
McKlnley's mother wasr Nancy Camp
bell Allison. The Allisons came orig
inally from Oreat itrituin. und had llrst
settled In Virginia. This brunch of
the family emigrated to (Iteen county,
Pennsylvania, where was born Abner
Allison, the griiiiiifather of William
McKinley, jr.-. Abner married Ann
Campbell, of a Scotch-German family,
and early In this century migrated
from Pennsylvania to Columbiana
county. Ohio, Mrs. Allison riding tlie
whole distance on horseback, holding
In front of her on the horse her young
est child. They settled on a farm near
New Lisbon, and there was born. In
1S0H, Nancy Allison, who married Wil
liam McKinley, sr., in 1S2. nnd who Is
the mother of Governor McKinley. She
Is still living in good health at Canton,
and Is a most lovable old lady. Mauy
of her friends who know Senator Allis
on have noted wliut they regard us a
family resemblance between them.
Senator Allison said today he bud
often been usked If Nancy Allison Mc
Kinley was of his family, and while he
had never been able to determine just
what the relationship wus he In id no
doubt they were kin. Tlie senator said
his own immediate branch of the Al
lison family were from County Mona
ghan. Ireland, and were Scotch-Irish.
They hud settled in Center county,
Pennsylvania. William Mc Kinley. sr.,
the governor's father was born in l.xuT,
In Mercer county. Pennsylvania. Sen
ator Allison was himself born In Wayne
county, Ohio, which was for one or
two terms represented in congress by
Governoi M-cKlnley.
lieu was sick, we gave her ( 'astorlo.
.Vlicii he wus a ChiM, she cried for CiUUn-ia.
tVliili she became 3llsa, she cliiu; to ('ustnria.
wiieu slie bad I'hilJreu, she gave tlieui CuMoria,
The followinj; instruments will lie sold at Public Auc
tion on Saturday, flarch 28th. at 2 p. ni., unless pre
yiously disposed of at private b.irgaius:
3 .Neu) Cabinet Grand Pianos,
5 Second-hand Upright Grand Pianos,
4 Sqiiare Pianos,
h 1 New High Top
19 Second-hand
mi 1 1 hi iii n i nn
wa arsswwtl-btfMI II I VIIIHIU III
E. M. STRONG. Auctioneer.
if -a. in rib.
124-126 Wyoming Ave.
Offer the following: Spec
ials for the balance of the j
week : j
One lot of black and navy reefer suits j
in all sizes, i-exuiur value, i
l eader's Price. $: !KS '
One new lot of blin k limned brilliant- j
ine siiirts. lined ini'titighuiil. taeej
Willi Velvetc-ell,
leader's Price. SI.JW
One lieu lot of black lismv.l Unlit inl
ine Ki'lM llllleb liner qllulil.V, live-
yard skirt, lined I hruimlMiu.
Leader's I'riJ.'. I.JS
New lot of men's Kasb r neckwear,
li.-ius of i. a i;y. ull style.
Leader's Price. 17c
I Hie lot of men's black and tan col
ored half huse. wurruuled fust eolurs,
' Leader's Price. PJc.
Comideie nssnrtnieiit of Indies' Swi.'S
ribbed Vests In ecru uml white.
Leader's Price from te tojlc each
One lot of luilles' muslin drawers with
cluster of lin ks. u:i.l trimmed with
l.ettder's Pries. 2!c
One lot of ladies' muslin skirt',
trimmed, with lace or einliroidei y,
Leader's Price. 8!c
.'S dozen ladles' line foiir-bntlnn kid
tjlovrs In tans, browns uml wiiiie
with bluck eniliiolilerv.
Lender's Prioc, ti!)c
1':, doy.i-n of the celebrated .1. II. corsets,
white only, In ull sizes, real value,
SI. I"'.
Leader's Price. 5Mc
2,'i bii-ces of wool mixture.', all siiiii
effects, real value 25r.,
Leader's Price. l5c
The b:ila!ice of our :i'-. nnd (Me. ull
wool dress in one lol. " I
Leader's Price, -Sc
ii.i pieces of ull-wonl fuuey sililiiifis,
also alt-wool colored serj-es, llieae
good woiilil he c)ieai at ,'.n., j
Leader's Pr.'c.'. I
We have l'.i nieces more of those won- ;
ibrl'iil Itlc. sili.i. Iln not fail to see them ,
if you have licit already done so. :
All of our 1 .!'." fancy silks In beuiillful
effeeis In one loly a t We. j
Mm yards, of best ciuullty dress xiin;-
haius In short lengihs f com S tu VI
yurcls, reBulur price, ll)e
Leader's Price, nc i
pieces of line (inulity zephyr Bin's
liains, it-js 1 1 lu l' price, 12'ie.,
Leader's Price. ";c
25 pieces of Crepe lie .lupon, the new
est thing In wash fabrics made to
retail at U'-c..
Leader's Price. 7Jc
25 pieces of genuine Trench nraandies,
guodri thai have retailed as high as
Leader's Price Itc
K- unbleached muslin, good iiiuliiy.
Leader's Price, 1c a yarj
The Finest Id tbe Cltj.
- The latest Inproved fnrnish
ligft and apparatus far keeplaf
cat, batter aad ei&t.
223 Wyoming Ave
me Inealed the llnest tishini.' uml hiinlliu
Kl'OUIlds III the wullil. Ilesel'lplive lifmi(S
mi itpplleatlnn. 'I'iekets to all pulnts in
.Maine. I'anndu mil .Mai-Minn- I'mvinees,
.Minne.ipiilis, St. I'uul. ('uiuullun and
I nlle l Slates Nurtiiw.-st. Vunvniu-i r.
S-allle. Taconi.i. rortland, lire., San
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
I'llaehed lei all thi-uuxhl trains. Tourist
iars fully lilted wiih heiidlim, eurtains
and specially adaiJied to wants of fainlli.-s
may lie had with s-eoiid-elass riekets.
It.iiifs always h-ss ih.iii via other Hie.
I'or fiirlh-i- Info! mat inn. time tallies, e'...
on upplienlion tn ;
E. V.' SKINNER, Q. E. A.,
353 Hroadway, New York.
In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina
tions and Coloring, whicli live made the goods so
justly celebrated. We are the 5o!e Agents for
Stramon. Our Complete Liue of
Have now been receiveJ, and includes everytliing ap
propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax
minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta
pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor
ders to match. An inspection of our stock ancf ex
amination of prices will prove interesting.
Tynans $1.4."G,7e1 4f.
Overilrnfls 714 i
1'. S. Huiicls liHi.ixsl IW
other Huncls , 2iil..'Vi 20
llunkhiK House... 2K.7;U ej
riviiilimis on I'. S. Hiuids s.citjo mi
line Iruni V. S. Treasurer.... 7.77K
One from Hanks .' 7.1
Cush ' :Ti,7S8 85
t2.i!t.:iuo za
?M?:-?N.N,a'!" l'"'Jn: J,;0- H. CATI.IN, Vice Prr.ldenf. WIW. II. PECK. Cahlr.
..V,K! -Wm. tonntll. Menry Hclln, Jr., Jame Archbald, Wm. T. Smith, Uurt H.
Catlln, l.uther keller, Allrtil HaiiJ.
Special attention given tu Huslnesj and Peraonal Accounts Three per cent. Inter!
unilme (Itpulln.
. - . I
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Euds, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
' ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. : Sail Duck for mine use iu stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
502 Commonwealth Buildini
Did You
i Ever Notice
That some men Jiave the knack of keeping up ap
pearances hotter than others ? One will always seem
to get along in the world with more ease and wear
better clothes than the other.
There really isn't any reason for this difference.
Kvery man has the same advantages. One simply
does his buying better than the other. '. '
One of the
Biggest Expenses of Living
Is That of Clothes.
Men aiid boys must have them. But there fs
one store here in Scranton where you cau save con
siderable money on every garment you buy. If you do
all your purchasing at this store, you'll save a good
many dollars every year.
. r.ivi
Cash or Credit
225 AND 227 AND
fjOf Casb or
. .
SON &.C0.
Lackawanna Ave,
Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming Housa.
, PA.
rndlvlded Hrurits
iJlvldends I'npuld
Due to Hunks
He-1 ilwconnts
Bills I'ayuble
.1 200.000 cM
. 2.10.IAH) (let
. l.m 43
. Hi.bW id
10 54
. 1,M6.744
. :4.8S 1
. Nona
. Nonn
"ti.191.S0O it
Telephone 422