THE SCKANTON " TRIBUNEFRIDAY 3rORNINO. MARCH 27. 1S9C 1 '7 t nw 'Hiimiiii'""''"" 3 ffiyii((ht, by Baeueller, SV.VOI'HIS. It Is the tlrst blill liithl of the Rennon at Muilriii. tiuapllo. 'the best eapaita of Spuiti, l ubuut lo pin himself iixulnsi the let Lull of many seasuns. He enisiies in u 'l rial, of skill with the unlmiil. iui'1 per !) ins many brilliant feut. As he l Iw k liite away from the hull, he nips over a broken picador' Iuiiih. slips, ami Is tmlit by the bull who tu-ses him on !ls l.iii ns. (iuapllu js earrieil out ensele-. Meunwlille, .Manuela, nleie of Don I'hrl tubiil Veluw-u, has fainted in her un tie' box.- She him been eduoated in Knu land, and is xiippoed hoi 10 be able to endure the sIkIH. Xhe is enisimed to l!a. li, on San MiKiiel, timl her i-ousin. r'uilsio. hicjn I'lirlHtobal's eon. Is supposed to be In lnvr wlih her. uml furiously Jealu-.i. hen Manuela reiuver. she asks r'uimiu. who Is with the naity. lo no nnd inquire i oin'i'inliiK the Injuries or tin- bull tiiihs -r. His xiMer, Clnrla. also Insists, ami lie torn off sriunhiiiiK ami suspicious. I'AHT II. ' The evenlnir ofn-f the bull flRiit was lioiia ItiaiifH Velasco's teltiilta. or eve ultiK ui home. That luily was rep.iHlntr Iiit ample form alter the I'atinitex or the tluv. In a rOikliiK thalr. uwultlns her guest in h Hint of seinl-Komnol- ni e. iSluriu uml Manuela wore sealed n low HeutH near the window. tulkln. MM Hilda's fui e hole ull expression of Kieat sweetness and at the Maine time a sadness, which mluht ! accounted. l.v the fart thut di-Uth hud deprived her if her nelirext relations, anil she h:nl voine uliixwt a struiiKer to her faiher'M nutlve land. Sh. had been devotedly fond of her only brother. Unfurl, a wild scupcKruce, who. some years previously, utter Bet ting Into a. more than ordinarily seri ous scrape-in London, Joined the Car lislM In the north or Spain, unci had fallen In one of the nameless skirmishes which were features In thut unlucky ,Vi1l. , , The cohversallon i'if the glrlx wax In terrupted by the entrance of Fausto w Ull l'aco Uiiinirey. -W'ha.t newx ' of ilunplto?" asked :iniiu. Jol. He is bruised and shaken ulitt one thltrh lx xomewluit torn, but he will be well before the earnlviil," re plied Fausto. "Thix coine of havliift- bull llulits out or season, ir the tirsl hull Unlit or Hit- season had been on Kaxter day. ax 1 natural and proper, this accident could never have happened," xuld I'iud. It is the rault or that Italian prince: he desired particularly to see one uml could not stay here any louder," suid moria. "Let him be content with novillos." Ktiiinblert l'aco, who, ux on aficionado, rei-enled unythinK not completely "fn feKle" In a bull IlKht. Kainon San .MIkik-I now cunie In. and slllinr down beside Manuela, spoke to fief in u low voice. "They tell me you nearly fainted at tin corrida. Manuelitu; I wish you would refuse to witness that cruel upon." "My aunt and cousin ro. T do ni t like to lie singular." suid-Munuela, with an air of confusion. "Alum miu ! Kver.vmie knows 1 never in them nnd in Soutn a Kill who is Been In public without her novio Is more singular thun one who refuses to r to hull lights." "It Is u terrible fascination yon enn nnt understand you do not know" faltered she. S "No. Indeed. I do not know, I wish I dbl." said Knmnn, gravely. As the Velasco's carriage turned Into the t'rado the lll'M uay ot tne carnival, a bluck velvet mask In u plumed hat sprang lightly on the step. "Senorltas mlas!" crleil he. offering n box of bonbons to the girls. "I had al most given you tin nudgone off with the wife of the Japanese ambassador. AVhat hav you done with I'uco. (Uoria? And la Ingleslla. where Is her novio? Look how sad and silent she sits! Shall 1 fetch Kiliion, Mnrurle ?'' Manuela, "TUTS EVF.XtXO AT KIi'JHT. HE 111X1 ZAK.I KI.K TllKATKK." who was mil used to the boundless license allowed to masks in carnival time In Spain, was rather taken aback: the Htiueaky voice close to her ear, the uncanny .eyes glaring out of the eye boles In. the mask half frightened her. (lolia,' however, was finite In her ele ment, and answered for her: "Yes, yes. go und fetch our novlos, since you are so tingallant as to desire tlnir presence." "Not .1." replied the Mack Mask, whii had now opened the carriage door and seated himself on the edge of the scat beside Manuela. "I am quite content to keep, the two prettiest girls on the 'aseo to myself. .Ah! well aimed!" As (ilorln. taking a handful of bonbons, threw, them at a masked estudlantina tin stood thrumming a guitar on the uge or the root path, lie Immediately lert off thrumming, slung his gultur on Ms back, and ran after them. At the $ame moment a Devil nil In scarlet, with a long tail which he held In his hand and kept waving to ivid fro, climbed up FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by ASrUnED TO BE SEEN loi:fof .li.HK iiriuit fiDial humour 14 the rnailltiou of tbouiavtll who Uva In Ixnoum e or the fuct ..'"f'tltl-i.tei Ur.k m iu r,,...i 11. liurett, twt.f, ami ii.: effect Ive 9Lin purl- lipraiiu Demuiiier in vim vuiiii. on nuiiii't , UacUirailn, ml iml oily sklu, red, mugl! hnilrwllli iliapelM!! null, dry, thlu, nail full- lulilr, It ii wonderful. . . .J4IHrMlli,illlh wr)i. iflll.ll d)Mti t. N'- Cuticura Secret. John n an I BMlin the barouche from the back and spraw led In the hood Just behind Manu elu and lionu lllunca. who occuiled the front seat. They did not percelxe him, but tlloria. sitting with her back to the horses, did. und was about to exclaim, when he made an imperative sign of silence, and she paused, not wishing to spoil snort If some fun were intended. i In the meantime the estudlantina, in whom she had recognized her novio l'aco, overtook them, and chattering with him she forgot to pay any more at tention to the Devil. The black. musk was looking straight in Manuela 's face; she cast her eyes down und played with her tan; he bent nearer and nearer: and as hi- did so the scarlet hood of the Devil crept closer to them over the back of t lie carriage. Suddenly from theflps or the Jilack Mask cume the words, spoken for her alone: "This evening at tight, behind the Zarzuela theater, us usual." Manuela started violently and turned towards the Mack Mask with opening lips, but he sprang to the ground as soon us the words were out or his mouth and was lost in the crowd. At the same moment the scarlet Devil slipped down behind the carriage, und dodging In und out among the horses' heads cross ed to ihe opposite side of the Trado, ami disappeared. That evening Manuelu stood In her room after dinner; over her head she had I brown u luce mantilla, the folds of w hich she held together in rront with one huml: she was listeulng.but ull wuu quiet in the house. The servunts were ut supper. Dona Itiuncu and (ilorla. re clining hull' usleep, In rocking chairs, were resting after Ihe futlgues uf the day. Kausto and her uncle hud gone out to the cafe The coast was clear. she left the room, sped along the cor- : liilor. and found herself at the head of n little sluircase leading to Ihe gulden. , The Viiasco's house wax tin old one and : behind It lay a large neglected garden, in which trees and shrubs growing in tungled profusion had. in some parts, almost blocked up the winding foot paths. ( in three sides It w us surround ed by the walls of houses painted in fresco In the old Supnlsh fashion; on A FKW MO.MF.NTS AND UK WF.NT Til TIIK (iKni.WD TRANSFIX KD. the fourth, a high wall separated It from the back of the arztlelu. or Opera I'omlqiie. from which scraps und strains of music flouted, us the per formance went on. Towards this end of the garden Manuelu hurried, push ing aside the brunches of the shrubs, which ulmost blocked up the approach to un old door In the wall. It was evidently rarely used, for its holts were rusty, and was so completely over grown by greenery as to be quite un uotlceable to anyone who was unaware of Its existence. Manuela drew back the heavv bolts and went out. She found herseir in a little plot or wuste laud, not mote than a dozen yards square. Ivlng between the buck of the theater and the garden wall. It led no where, and no windows looked on It: a more secluded sped for u secret meeting could not he imagined. A man was there already leaning against the wall, masked and wrapped In a cloak. As she uppeured. he turned towards her It was the Hluck Musk or the farnlval. He sprang forward, took both her hands in his. ami drawing her to him, embraced her. What they could have done next can' never be known, for round the angle of the theater appear ed another man. Manuelu started bac k speechless against the wall, as she rec ognlzed Ranion San Miguel. Without casting u glance at her. he advanced straight on the Hluck Musk. "Draw, and defend yourself, if you do not wish to be killed like a dog." he hissed between his teeth, and from be neath the folds of his cloak Hashed the point of a rapier. Ramon, Ramon! Stop, let me speak. Hut she ,was too late. Before the words were out of Manuela's mouth, the Rlack Mask had sprung back, and with marvelous ouickiiess, by one turn of Ills left arm. had wrapped his cloak round It to net as a guard, while with the other he drew his long navaja from his belt. (Hie or two passes were ex changed with the rapidity of lightning, but the Hlack Mask had no chance from the first: he only sought to parry the thrusts or his enemy, whereas Ramon sought his lire blood. A few moments and he sank to the ground transfixed by the rapier of San Miguel, und .Man uela. with a piercing shriek. Hung her self upon the lifeless body. The bluck mask had fallen on. It wus Kspadu, Ouaplto! For un Instant San Miguel stood with horror anil grief painted on his face, looking at the prostrate form at his feet; then he turned and fled from the scene us if pursued by a thousand de tnons. .'"., Manuela sprang toher rect and looked wildly round: a figure glided out from the coiner of the theater, whence he IihiI apparently watched the fight, and stood before her. "Fausto!" ( He wus quivering from head to foot: a llendlsh triumph gleamed in his Hashing eyes. She needed no words to reveal the truth to her. The tiger had sprung, his prey lay before them. "Maldllo! ' It was you in your vile Jealousy who brought Ramon here. Know then that you Ure the murderer or your cousin, or my unhappy brother Rafael." : ' Fausto turned deudjy pule. He saw his diabolical scheme of vengeance re coiling on his own Head; he staggered back against the wall, and for a mo ment all swam before his eyes. Man uela rushed past blm Into the garden, calling for help. For a moment he was alone in the little waste space, with the body of Rufuel lying u few feet (rum him. Close by lay the long navaja which hud fallen from the torero's nerveless hand. He stooped und picked It up; hero was un atcape from the fear ful position to which his curbless Jeal ousy hud r.rought him. He had Just rulsed the weapon to a level with his I heurt when u tail, dark flu ure appeared In the doorway leading to the garden nnd a deep voice cried: "Hold. Impious boy. What Is this? Itlnod! Murder! Is there not enough hurm done already that you must seek to add another victim?" . ' . ' And a man dressed in the long bluck cassock anil shovel hat of a priest ad vanced to Fausto and took the knife from his hund. It was Don tlregorlo, the family chaplain, who. taking his evening walk In the garden, hud been attracted by Manuelu' crle. ' He turned to the body and bent over It. "Me Is not dead. Take his feet while I lift the head." he suid Imperiously. Kuusto obeyed mechanically, and be tween them they bore the body Into the garden. ' "Lay hltn here. I hear voice. Manu ela in bringing help from the house." said the priest. "Now come with me," and laying his hand on the young man'i shoulder with an action which, though gentle, was a tlrm a iron, he led him away. Fausto made no resistance. This unlooked-for ending to the scheme of revenge which his jealous mad ness had given birth to. seemed to have crushed the - life out of him. Three strong passions" rule the Spanish breast love, revenge and religious zul; of these, the two first had turned to venom in his blood, and he felt him self passive in the hundi of the lust. Kafue.1 Velasi'o recovered, but he never again uppeared in the bull ring of Madrid ax iluaplto the Kxpada. The discovery of the kinship1 with Don t'hiistolml ended his career as torero. Thut this would be the case he knew w hen he exacted a vow of secrecy from his sister so solemn that she dared not reveal the truth even to the man she loved. Now, however, that the secret had come out. by means of Kausto's treachery, an explanution took place between the lovers, and whut the Jealous rival hud hoped would forever separate Manuelu and llamon became the means of their union. The morning after the encounter be tween Kufael und 'Ramon. Fausto set out on a journey with Don liregotio. No one knew tor certain what became of him, but in a Trappist monastery high up among the Pyrenees a monk, renowned for his austerities, was found, and the Hashing eyes which gleamed through the covering which hid the face of Brother Antonio from the world forever were strangely like those of the Scarlet Devil of the car nival. (The Knd.l "Roaunne," a story of Irish life. -by June Raiiuw. author of "Irish Idols." "Uoglund Studies," etc., will begin tomorrow. IN Dl S I RIAL. Although the Lehigh Valley has not puld u dividend for some time, the posi tion of the stock has been greatly Im proved during the lust year. The com puny has been so materially strength ened rinamiully thut a resumption of dividends Is now dependent entirely upon continued betterment of Ihe an thracite coal trade. The latter is in a state which may be characterized as satisfactory. The Lehigh Valley is un doubtedly beuellting by the improved slute of the anthracite coal trade, and while no otHclul announcement of earn ings has been made or Is likely to be made ut itlt time, the outlook is en couraging for a resumption of dividends on the stock in the more or less near rut ure; say. the coming fall. A New York dispatch to the Philadel phia l'ress asserts, "on good authority," that the agreement entered Into In the early part of January among the an thracite coal-currylng lines for the regulation of the coul output and t rattle hus been Indefinitely abandoned. The speclul committee Intrusted with the tusk of urrunging the detulls of the or ganization some days ugo decided to miike no report and the general under standing reached by the interested par ties wus that no action should be taken for the present looking to the enforce ment of the measure. The reason as signed for the abandonment of the as sociation was the opposition leveled against the measure. The clahn is that the action of the New York and New Jersey legislatures, in threatening to investigate the organization, coupled with the clamor in certain quarters in duced the Indefinite postponement of the contract, and it Is not likely thut there will be any attempt to enforce It for some time. The promised increase In the price of coal will not be mude, und the vurlous companies will continue, as heretofore, to operate under their Individual methods. In other words, the agreement Is off for the present. .! :i i1 Philadelphia Stockholder: The tide water anthracite coal trade has been stimulated into activity by March winds. Interior points are also profit ing by favorable climatic conditions. As u result consumption for March will be normal, and not far from :i,uou. Oiio tons. This will be an excess over tne monthly estimate of L'.'iO.omi tons. It was understood that the increase was tacitly allowed when the unexpected de mand developed early In the month. Full circular prices are being obtained at all eastern and western points, and general satisfaction Is expressed over net returns. A ruvorable reature of the situation from the producers' stand point is thut the demand Is from hand-to-mouth, indicating thut the trade Is bare of stocks, and that when it starts In to provide fall requirements It will make things lively. There Is consider able talk In trade circles just now as to production for April. We under stand that it will be no greater than 3.ui Mi.ooil tons, and may be a liiHe less. Prices will not be changed April 1, but may be advanced May 1. It Is under stood that the commltte in control of the Industry determines the allotments month by month. The interests can produce their proportion, less or more, as they see lit. with this reservation, that they will be allowed to make up any deficiency, and must make good any excess. Knowledge that they will come out of the year even naturally renders them eager to secure as much for their coal as possible month by mouth. Hence the almost total absence Collar every day in the week, every week in the year, is assured to wearers of the "Celluloid' water proof collars. Neither dirt nor water can hurt theiu. One will outwear six linen collars uud Bave dollars in laundry bills. It costs nothing to keep them clean. A wet cloth or sponge is all you need use. Made in all styles and sizes. The MARK- INTCHLINCD Collars nnd CufTsorc the original.grtia ine iuterlined collars ami cutis with a "celluloid" surface. Get them at your furnisher's, or send direct to us. Collars soc. each. Culls 40c. pair. THE CELU'LOID COMPANY, .. Kr.w YoaK. i SAPOLIClrltSff Just now of anything' that macks'' of underselling. A development of Im mense Importance to the tide-water business is an agreement among coal companies owning barge lines as to rates from tide-water delivery points to New Kngland points. Heretofore this rate has always been from & to 15 cents below the figure at which the charter should be made In the open market. Companies not owning barges were forced to make a price on coal, open at both ends of the line, that much less than the market in order to com pete. The barge owners have agreed (subject to change) to a 60-cent rate. This Is 10 cents less than the open rate. Independent coal men. however, are al lowed to make a delivery price at Bos ton, common points, equivalent to the delivery price of the ba;e owning com panies, thus placing all on equal basis In competitive markets. II l 4i An agricultural department bulletin gives the latest estimate of the wheat crop of the1 world In las.',. The total figures for thut and the previous year were: 1SH Bushels '. i.iaHi.'.W.i"!"! I', Bushels l.Mu.M.if Decrease K'a.S.Si.'i'W These two crops are above the aver age. The largest Increase in yield by any Kuropean country In recent years was by Russia, which Jumped from 2i0.000.000 bushels in ISM to 4UI .000.000 bushels lu 1S4. und last year the pro duction was more than 400.o00.0oo bush els. These figures do not Include the production of wheat in Siberia. For several years Russia has grown more than 500.000.000 bushels of wheat all told, and has been the first country in production since I8:i. Argentine pro duced 60.000.000 bushels or w heat in UK,. The usual estimate of the surplus of wheut of the export countries and the requirements of the Import countries this year Is as follows: IMPORT COrN'THlHS' HKQI'll'K MHXTS. Bushels itm.iAio.'wo l6.uuu.ort :C.uu.iiou 2j.0UU"'lO 15.uuu.iwo so.auo.") HI.UUU.ClUU .MI.lMl.UUU I'nlted Kingdom France Germany Belgium Holland ,, Italy Spain and Portugal... other countries Total KXPORT COL'-VTRIKS1 gritPLri". Bushels. I'nlted States 14U.uuu.uu0 Canada r.'.uuu.ix.o Russia Kmj.uuo.uijU Kuuiimnla and Danube iv.uui.i.vuii India I2.uuu.uuu Argentine X!.0u.UUU I'ruguuy und Chile Australia '..Ouu.uw Africa .wi",'J;io Total 7,0uo,ouu The estimates of the surplus of Aus tralia, Argentine and some other couu- tries are certainly exaggerated. The imports or wheat Into the l ulled King dom for ten years have been as follows: Wheat. Flour as Total us ..liZ.5:l,llii 47,-,:i3,o,H IMH.KlZ.SiU Hush. Wheat, Imi. Wheal. b i. ..i:w,!il7.4i; 4.2u:t.:';o pto,120,7:::i ..)22,ii2,3uei re. 478. no i;4.r,so.4.Vi ..I2U,8U7.9S 177,i:m,:m . .u::.7S4.lwi 4a.ou:'.""ti pM,7.S(i.:'ui .. tlL'.tNk.l:M 4o.0tfii.uii7 l',:i.41-',.ll:l ..Ms.w,! :r7.77,!Mj I47.iv(.8:,i ..KW.81il.ll77 4:i,48,!l 10lU"!t.S';-. ..PH.lal.4U' 4ii.MI.ll6 l.V,ti-'..jrf ISM ... Year. ISH4 ... im ... I8S2 ... 18SI ... isim .... 18!l ... 1888 ... 1887 ... ISSli . . . 8H.4H8.IUS .'lil.lM.o!!? HK.tiil. Annual Av.ii7.lfM.tMs 4l.7:':',il,'i nil,:iii.jv: .. KAILROAD NOTi:.S. The at torney general of Iowa has pre pared a mileage bill compelling all rail roads in that state to sell milleage ut 2 cents ter mile. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, who had been re elected on Tuesday, met Wednesday for organization and re-elected the fol lowing officers: President, (leorge li. Roberts: Hist vice president. Frank Thompson; second vice president. John P. Green; third vice president. Charles K. Pugh; secretary. John C. Sims; treasurer. Robert W. Smith. The three vice presidents were chosen members of the board by reason of their positions und President Roberts appointed the usual ofllctts of the company, who were confirmed by the board. The Baltimore ami Ohio situation Is clearing rapidly and the result of the investigation into its affairs has. on the authority of a leading member of the reorganization committee, disclosed a much more favorable condition than has ut uny previous time been thought possible. The flouting debt hus beer. extended and the management request ed even a shorter renewal than the creditors believe that they can pay a large share of the debt within a few months, and all bond interest will be promptly paid. Able railroad manag ers consulted have declared that $1,000, 000 a year can be saved In operating the road and a heavv Increase in in come Is believed to be assured when winter bn'aks up. DUPONTS MIXING, BLISTMG AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wapwallopen Mills, Luzerne l oiiuty, Pa., und at Wil mington, Delaware. HENRY BELIN, Jr. (Scnerul Agent for the Wyoming Distri1;. US WVOMINO AVEM t, . Scrantun. Pa. Third National Bunk Building. AliKNClKS: TIH6. FORD. Piltstoii. Pa. JOHN B. SMITH SON. Plymou;h. Pa. K. W. Ml l.l.ltlAN. Wllke-Hrre. pa. Agents tor the Repauno Chemical Com pany's Idyll Kxploslves. CALL UP 3682: Hi "CO. III! "Ill 01 FICE AND WAKEHOl Sli, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STKEE f. - M. V. COLLINS, Manager. ROOF TINNIM MO SOLDERING All done away with bv the use of HABT MA.VS PATKNT PAIXT, which consists of Ingredients well-known to all. li can P.i fc.jplied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to Uriel; dwellings, which will prevent absolutely any criiuibliiiK, crack ing or breuklug of the brick, li will ecu lust tinning of any kind by ni.tny yea n, and its cost does nut exceed one-ilf!h that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by the Juli or p nd. t'ontiuci taken l,v A.vj'oNIO HARTMAXX. S Birch SI. OR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To sll suffdrsr f t.NHONS OF OV I H, l ltST VltiOM sd BIShASt.S V Mt.N AMI WO.MkN. 3tt nsgrs: elutti bouse : enisly (Mini tad uisIm iit lrMtmrnt b mn trlt tlv ,io 11 11 d in ti '.. kud 1 MitlVM utilrk , lira t f u astd. No inattrr hew hug ataadlug, I I will .iwltiTlT our TSM. Writs sr eU. ' (ID I ORB 3it ' fa'lada.. Pa. j Un. LUDD ?' tioatiaovu prscucs, A I BATTLE Ml 'K ! 17 0 0 & 0 0 0 a o a o ? 0 n Off for a Six 6 o o pu"3 i i y o m J I b - i J o i n RsiflftilaAru I r fS I II II IVAfi-vlUvi Lto ft w m m wbhw mm k k. immr m m j When you spend a dime for " Battle Ax " Plug, you get 5 ounces. When you spend the same amount for any gther good tobac co, you get 3, ounces, or for 5 cents you get almost as much "Battle Ax" as you do of other high grade brands for 10 cents. . 0 a 0 THE TRADERS NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1893 CAPITAL SURPLUS 40,000 JOHN T. POKTI:K. Pre.ldnt. W. W. WATSON. Vice President. I". L. PHILLIPS, Cashier. D1HECTOKN. Camiiel Hinra, .lames M. Everliurt, Irving A. Kiiicti. Piarc H. Kiiiley. Joaepn .1. .leruiyu. M. S. Kmnerer. I'lmtle I'. Matthew. .Mm T. Porter. W. W. WmIsoh, Charles, ticlilsger, I,. W. llor. INTEREST PAID ONTIHE DEPOSITS. This bank invites the patronage of business men and firms generally. OYSTERS Wa arc Maadquartera (or Oratt and arc haudllug th Celebrated Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Keyports, Mill Ponds; also Shrews bury, Kockaways, Muurice Kiver Cove, "Western Shores and Blue Points. t(T maka Specialty of M1 Taring Blue Pointa on half auoll is carrier. PIERCE'S MARKET. PEN NAVE E. Lager Beer Brewery a Mmiiifiii'tiircrH of the VMiratfd CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum REVIVE KEST0RES VITALIil ,1 ITItlUL' IX ltlay. V . . We!i Man of Me. orotlnera thoalHive results in :Ih.v. It a ti ix,rr!iillraiiuitmi'kl. I'nre iilLpth.-r-, ;au VoiiiijiTueiiMiil reaai'i their niaulieoit. au.t t. la ajeu ill re-over their .i.tbtul viwur b i.iiik ItftVllO. It llllirkiV Bllil hlllely retti.-fli Nrollw u-m. Vitality. liiiiMiieuev. NiKUIiV LiuiHttia, ltut Hoeer. fr'atliu MMieiry. U'atuiK iiihraii. and all eiP-eia of Keit-abuiH' or eainaiid imliiM-rr tion. Miieb nulit one Inr h n!.v. biiiiu'i or njarriaiie. It jot nul cures liy titniK at tlie eat ut d. leae. but l.i an at ner.elonlr ami IiImmI builder, brlup lMit b,- the pink rli to pale ehi-rk a' l re 4torln tbe tire ot totilli. It anl off luaultv . 3.1 ( unvuniptiiin. luait on Iim-i Kl. 1 u. no ilK-r. It ejn lie ra:-rietl In enc to-ket. By iu .il l.iilite'rpai liaxe.iir MS lor its, uu. witlix pol ve written a;urHnlCf to ure or refum. euiiie. Ciri-iilarlree. AuMlea .... CHIWC0 - Fr uk by MATTHF.WS HHflS., UrHfl.t. Scrantun, Ha. la Hi Beer w . nalrltbl T7T A 11 s i 0 'H Months 17 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 JUT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL Coal of the h,-M ipialltv fur ilcinirstio use, ami of ull xlzc. ilcllvcrcj In uny purl of Ihe i lly Hi lowest price. Order left ut my f Jftlce, NO. US WVOMINO AVLNl I!, fieur room, llrxt floor. Third Nutlonul Hank, or sent by mull or telephone to Hit mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be muile for tlix mile uml ilellvery of lliickwheut Coal. VI. T. SMITH. BKITIR SHOE CO., luo'p-, II .000,000. UK8T 1.(10 sHUti IN THE WOKI.U. "A dollar totrJ is a dttllar torntil." , Tbia l.iullea' Sollil Krenvh UougoU KIU Uuf tou Boot delivered fre auywbere id the U.S.. on receipt or tun, noiiry i iruer, 9r Puatal Nute for $1.5U. Kquula every way the boot anlil In all relail aturee for fl.bu. We muko tliie bout oureulvee, therefore we guar and If any ouo W not aalielled we win ruiuuu ine money oraendanolherpalr. Opera Toe or l uiiiuion hC1iae, width. I', RE, Kk, kair.ea I to I aud naif aUai. Stud yonri; ! trill lit UUH, Illustrated l.'atu lotfiie ' FREE Dexter Shoe Co., FEDERAL ST.. HOSTON. ALAMH. Trip, ivM. iBiat.H8ia 143 (Action TO our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pmtt roan thut they will thin year hold to their uHual cuMtoa of milliuK STKICTLY OLD W llKAT until the new crop ia fullv cured. New wheat Is now upon the market, anil owing' to the executively dry weather many millers ara of the opinion that it W already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Wushburii-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to inuttire bufore grinding. This cureful utU-ntton to every detail of milling has S laced Wihbtirn-Criby Cot's flour far abova otbmt rands. I3EGARGEL CONNELL Wholesale Agents. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA,, Manufaeturara if Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Uenerai Office: 5CRANT0N, PA. .1 o " ' Whtfti In doubt what to it i, In.-Hjtsn' v, Aiianihr, Hult iu 4 weeks. For.l by JOHN H. PHELPSn pfuoStrtw Soranton Pa. - I iiriri:TX" 1 mm m Must Be Sold Before We Remove To our new store, No. I3 Wyoming avenue, Coal Exchange, April ist. Price no considera tion. And to be prepared to meet too warm weather y.u want aentoaaU 8ult of au Orenoat or both AND THE BKST PLACK TO VISIT FOR SOMETHINU 0000 IN MERCHANT TAILORINQ IS (J 406 Lackawanna Ays. THERE YOU WILL FIND The larnat utuolt to aeleet from. Trim niiu Alwayant the Beet. Llt Btf ! in Cnttiuf, and made dp oi the premiaat by Expert Workmen, lif-Nethlnf allewed to lean theee tabuabmant unlea eatiatVtury to th cuetomer, and th leweit srloea ooaalat ent lth Good Mere-haul Taitoriug. ROOMS I AND 2, COR'LTH B'L'D'G, SCRANTON, PA. MINING AND BLASTJNG POWDER JIADIC AT .KXJSIC AXU KL'UH JAI.K WUKK8. I. AH. IN & RAND POWDER CO' ORANGE GUN POWDER Klcc'.ilc Hutterie. Kuaeo for explod Ins blasts, Sufety Fuae mid Repauno Chemical Cos 11 . WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scrantoa ROOMS 4 AN 0 5 . OAS AND WATER CO. BUILDINO, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. OK KICK HUl'Kri from 7.3U u. in, to p. m. (I hour liiiermisslon for dinner und nuppur.; Particular Atlrntlon (liven to Collection. Prompt Sclllement Ouaranteed. Your Bual nit i Rcspvctlully Solicited. Telephone IJ. RESTORE LOST YIGOR km fur Kervaui nsbilltv. l.dit of latual om fin fMfhM Viiivxei khJ Mtnrf wr4tiitM. ftvm ftrty t,uiA utm MERCEREAU&CONNELL SOON 8E HERE iOSIC POWDER CO., niin rm. irvn iiiwuia Bia iuii vifor nuUKiy retiorna, 11 ticgiiLtcal'But.n irttuiilet rtiult M:aliy, Mttiletl nvh-f, lcd, lot fi oot 4 bnti fr ) o. Wit ?f j r(lr - A m tgl fiiarnrttet w t,ufi t tc( Jiid lh awucy. AitUda PKAL MEDICIN fc CO., Clt.claoJ, Ohit. PharmaolAt oar. Wyoming Avenue and