THE SCRANTON. "TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1896; Pure and Baking Powder Every ingredient used in making Cleveland's bak ing powder is plainly printed on the label, information not given by makers of other powders. . " - Recipe booK free. Send stamp tad addrqu. (foreland Baking Powder Co., N.Y. Norrman & fJooro T IRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST ATTBK COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. NO MORE SAW-EDGED COLLARS ANTI-SWEAR IRONED Old Solid Comfort to havtc ont encircled around your neck. We are living incm 10 our pairons. 1 ackawanna THE Laundry. jo Penn Ave. A. B. WAKMAN. J WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY'S OF The most com plete stock of Special Patterns mads strictly private to us for Scranton. Etc, CITY NOTES. "Join the Blues." Five young foxea captnrei near (louliU boro are on exhibition ut l-'lorey'a toiv. on. WyomiiiK avenue. ' 3. W, MilcliWl has been appointed iioat maMter at Holllsiervlllf, Wavne county, vice Horatio Simons, resinned. The luilles of the Second Pi-eubvteriun church will nerve a supper tonight in the church purlorit commencing at i p. m. .' The court tins grunted u charter to tho Scranton i'rlvutn Hospital and Training school, of which lr. t'liurlcs K. Thonip ann In at Urn head. The tlrst of the Insane patient were conveyed from the l.uzerne countv prison to the HIllHide Home asylum of the Scran ton poor district yexterduy. Notice ban been ported ut tho IVlewore and Hudson collieries at Oarbgndule, to .the effect that the company's mines will work full time further orders. The sale of the personal property, house hold effects, horses und wiinons of Flora C. Itockafeller yestenluy by Deputy Sher iff J. 1). Ferher brouttht $'i:iu ullntfether. Professnr ('. W lhinh.u ui ...11, "Child Nuture" at the I'rlniarv Sunday School Teachers' nniiiii ut the First Pres byterian church rhl.i ul'leinoon ut 4 o clock. ' The Women's Christian Temperance union will remove its heudiiuriers from tlve Jewell uiillilliiK. on Spruce slreet, to the Williams bullilliiK. corner of Wush iiiKton uvenue und J.tinlcn street, next Wednesday. The regular quarterly convention of the Second district, t'ulhollc Totul AlnlliiHii-e union, of the Scranton diocese, will be held In St. Aluiy's hull, . West Market street, Providence, on Sumiuy ufternoon. April 12, ltsm. at l.tti. ' ' Cur 2M2 of the Kynon street line beeanie derailed lust night at o'clock on the Hotilnson uti-eet switch. Just at the point where u cur went over the embankment a year uro. No dumaae resulted furl her than a delay to Irulllc. for tin Jiour or so. TbnmuM (I. Ileuch was arrested and or rnlxned before Alderman .Miliar yestenlnv afternoon chai'Ked with . I'oiiitiiilling as frtUll and battery oil bis wifo und slep tun liter, Martliu Kvuiik. lie Kave Iwll for a further lieutiutt litis morula;,' at II o'clock. The statement In yesterday's Truth that the Women's t'lirlstlun Tcinperum-e union had taken the rooms of lr. II. It. Wu.iv, corner Linden street and Washington ave nue, is incorrect. The Wempn' Chris, tlan Temperance niion wftl occupy the rooms next door to the doctor's oce. An application for a charter for St. Jo. sr-phiT Beneficial aociuy- or St. .Mary's Herman Human Catholic church was yes terday made in court by Attorney M. F. Rando. It Is organized for beiielicial and protective purposes. The trustees for the fire year are Peter Charles draff, (leorttt! lmeldopt und I.orenx Alurkel. The streets and bridges conunlttce met last nlpht to consider the il ill, loon Howie clulni for extra labor on tho bridge abutments, but owing to the nb aence of City Knglneer Phillips, on ac count of Illness, adjournment wus mude until next Tuesday afternoon, when the committee will muke an Inspection of the work on the ground. Chief of Police McAndrew, of Carbon dale, brought to the county Jail last night 8. A. Stanton and Kenu. Cook, tho former a married man .U years of age and she a girl of IS. They hud been living to gether and .the warrant for their arrest was sworn out by .Mrs. Stanton, charg ing him with desertion and the ghi wiih I in moral conduct. They were commit led by Alderman Bunnell In default of bail. Tho regular monthly literary entertain ment of the Kpworth league of Kim Pu-k Methodist Fpiscopul church was held lust evening. . Attorney A. V. Bower presided and read a paper In which ho took tho stund that I-ord Bacon wus the author of Shakespeare'a works. Mr. Curry read a paper on the works of l.ord llacon, und Miss Raub read u paper on Shukespeate. Miss Norton recited parts of "As You Uka lt."v Attorney K. C. Xewcomb yesterday brought v a sheriff's interpleader suit in court, to determine the ownership of the stock and personal property In Koneeny'a hair dressing establishment, on 1-ack i wanna avenue. A week ago an execution wae entered for IG70.44 by KmmaOUttel ataedt against Theodore v. Konecny. The ttherirf went to levy the goods and, found that Mrs. Caroline Konevrty claimed the stock and fixtures as her property. ' Sheriff demons In open court before Judge dimmer yesterday acknowledge.! deeds as follows for properties sold by klm Tn tl-.ilK D EM.. .'lO 0 1 I M..M. 4WWIUIIIII ,J fill, 1UI VOO.OI, flflU M' the property of A. L. Dunleavy; to Sure," 3 Kllas A. Smith, for $46, sold aa the prop erly of David Smith, or Newton: to M. F. Ooyle, for fiHjo, sold as the property of T. M. Burke, of Muytlelcl; to Mlchacd Morun, for f&SS. sold us the property of Bridget Atkinson In Curbondale. and to .Mary L. Hull, for $13.97. sold as the prop erty of S. P. Hull, of Dunmore. CAM. FOK A COMVF.XTIOX. - Scrunlon, March 2.". The Republicans of the First leglslutlve district of Ijifkawanna county will as semble in convention in St. David's hull, ut Scranton, Pa., on Tuesday, April 7, 181, ut 3 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of elect lug rwo delegates to the Itepubllcun stale i onveiitloii, which' will meet ut Harris burg April Si. Is;. election for delegul-.'S to the convention will be held ut the regu lur polling places on Satin day. April 4, ISMj. between the hours of 4 und 7 p. m. Kleellou districts are entitled to repre sentation us follows: First Ward. First district 2 First Ward, Second district 1 First ward. Third district 2 Second ward, First illxtrlrt.-. 1 Second ward. Second district - Second ward, Third district I Second ward. Fourth district . 1 Second ward, Firth district 1 Fourth ward. First district I Fourth ward, S.icond district ! Fourth ward, Third district 2 Fuuith ward. Fourth district 3 Filth ward, First district - Fifth ward. Second district it Fir Hi wurd. Third district '2 'If lb ward, Fourth district Sixth ward, First district Sixth ward, Third district Fourteenth wurd. First district Fourteenth ward. Second district... Flfleeirlh ward, First district Flfleenth wurd, Second district.... Klghteenth ward Twenty-llrst ward. First district... Twenty-lirsl ward, Second district.. Total .' W Vigilance committees will please take notice und govern themselves uccofdingly, W. A. Paine, Chairman; J. H. Reynolds, Secretary, Fourth legislative Plstrlot Convention. Hepr 'Jean of the Fourth legislative dlste -will take notice that a convention wll f belli In l.lndes' hall in the bor on . of Arehbald on Tuesday, the sev ei .h day of April. 1SS6. at 4 o'clock p. m for the purpose of choosing two delegates lo represent suld district in the Republi can stute convention to be held at Harris burg, April SI, . 1MM. Vigilance committees will hold the pri maries In the respective election districts at the regular places on Saturday, April 4. ISM, between the hour of 4 and 7 o'clock p. m. J. A. Jones, Chairman; Gomer 8. Jones, t. Secretary. FIF ELECTRIC PLANT. Will II l sod for Illuminating the New Hotel Jormvn. An electric plant with a capacity of i.4(Mi lights of sixteen candle power has been Installed In the cellar of the Hotel Jermyn. The engines and dynamos were started yesterday afternoon for the first time and worked perfectly. Many of the Incandescent lights on the first und second floors were turned on nnd something of the beauty that the Interior o.f the building will possess v Intn wntpteted was disclosed. The. electric plant In the Jermyn I the finest ever Installed In a building in this vicinity and was put in by the Western F.lectrlc company, of New York, for the contractors, the Scranton Supply nnd Hardware company of this city, who are the representatives of the Western company In this vicinity. The plant entire cost Mr. Jermyn In the neighborhood of $22,000. THERE ARE TWO DYNAMOS. There are two dynamos run by .two 125-horse power engines manufactured by the Weston Engine company of Painted Post, N. Y. The power for these is supplied by steam taken from the regular boilers of the hotel. A shuft from the engine runs the dynamo doing away entirely with belts. There Is no connection whatever between the two dynamos and they can be run to gether or separate as the demand for light muy require. When both are running they furnish enough of light to illuminate every cor ner of the Immense hotel from cellar to roof. The dynamos are the perfec tion of a recent Idea and are spui kless. They accommodate themselves auto matically to the requirements placed tipon.tlicm be it one light or twelve hundred. They have curbon brushes where ordinarily copper is used. Hack of the dynamo Is a huge switch board which enables the engineer to control the current all through the building. Switch bourUs fur the same purpose are located In the olllce und In other places iu the building. T W K. NT r MILES OF WIKE. In tlie hotel there Is over eight miles of copper wire for currying the current for the Incandescent lights. It Is ulll cased in iron tubing absolutely pre venting damage by. lire from u broken wire. Throughout' the building the greatest cure bus been tuken in plucitig und safeguarding the electric wire, lb-sides tlie eight miles of wire used in tin electric light wiring twelve miles were required in placing the annuncia tors in ull the rooms of the hotel. A novel feuture or the unniiliciutor wil ing Is that '. any time u telephone is re quired In any room In the hotel the uniiuuciator button cun be taken off and u telephone attached. This wire Is then mude a part of the Centrul Pennsylvania company's tele phone system und the guest sitting; in bis room cun tulk either over the local or long distance wires. This is u con venience thut is provided for in only a few hotels of, the, country. The urrangenrPnt of the Incandescent light In the lobbey und dining rooms Is unique and pretty. It was suggested by K. S. Keerer und J. II. Mpain, the representatives of the Western Elec tric; company. The lutter has hud en tire charge of putting the plunt In the hotel. F. W. Bleckley and E. H. Simp sou hud direction of the work for the Scranton Supply and Machinery com pany, Important Auction Sale. On Saturday next E. M. Strong- will sell the following pianos and organs at public auction ut 2 p. ni.. sharp: 3 cabinet grund plunos (new). 6 second hand upright plunos. 4 square plunos. 1 new high top organ. 19 second hand organs. Spring Opening. Joseph, Davles V Jenkins' grand spring; opening of millinery will occur Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 26, 27 and 28, at 427 Spruce street. Parties contemplating the purchase of "Mathushek" pianos should see that the name and address are correct on the fall board, viz., Mathushek Piano Manufacturing company. New Haven, Conn. -Pianos by cheap makers are being offered, having similar name ' E. C. Rlcker. . 115 Adams avenue. Telephone 'Exchange building. ' Miss McLane will not have her Mil linery Opening; for a few weeks, but, nevertheless ' la displaying a magnifi cent line of the latest styles In Millin ery. 211 Washington avenue. FpCOttOSlKEDWN I .! ' T r 'i .. ) , i Action Taken by the Select Council Kefiurding It. THE TETITIOX .'RESENTED Contained tho Names of Many Prorol at Citizens, but Was Not Pcwer , ful Enough to Clear tho ' Road for tho Portico. ' The Frothtngham portico was the all Important topic in councils last night. Such lobbying as the friends and ene mies of the project, or rather projection, engaged in before and during the ses sions has not been witnessed since the' days of the Vulley Passenger ordi nance.. While Clerk Ijivelle was read ing; the minutes of select council for the last four meetings tho members gathered In groups und argued the question pro and con or listened to ar guments of those who were favoring or tkrhttng It. In common council it wasTlie same way. All other matters were subordinated to the portico. Even the announce ment that Mr. Hlckey intended to do penance for his speech of the previous meeting, by moving to reconsider the amendment depriving the Albright li brary of a part of its uppropiiutiun to furnish electric lights for tlie Nine teenth ward, did not succeed In dis tracting attention from the portico, for even u little while. The portico wus over und ubove everything In the matter of uttention but It lucked the neVessury eleven 1.11 lur und down It cuene. IU enemies got In their work before the meeting . begun and no amount of preaching could turn the tide. Mr. Duir Intro duced the resolution to grant Mr. Kiothlngham the desired privilege and presented with it the following peti tion; THE PORTICO PETITION. To the Honorable, the Select und Common Council of the City of Scranton: We, Hie undersigned property owners and residents of the city of Scrunton, be lieving that the convenience and protec tion ut the patrons unending suld place or amusement would be greully enhanced by the erection or a covered way, such as was recently partly erected In front of said theater, we do respectfully request your honorable bodies lo permit said extension to be completed: S. A. l-ucky. A. D. Hol land, James Arehbald, A. Cioldsmllh. J. M. Vuiidling. Jean II. Phelps, Benjamin H. Throop, A. I.. Francois, Charles J. Welchel, Patrick Blewlit. Frank P. Chris tian, William McBrtde, K. A. Newlng. M. J. Walsh, W. H. Coyne, F. J. Archer, Charles U Orlfhn, J. J. Curt, C. H. Florey, George L. Weaver, M. K) Stowers, Samuel Kramer, C. P. Judwin. Louis I.ohmann, W, . F. O'Brien, James P. Hosle, John H. Bluckwnod, S. P. Coffee, Hobert J. Williams, W. C Williams, tauls Con rad. A. E. Hitrds. W. H. Robinson. P. H. Coyne, li. B. Swet t, 1). W. Schoonover. W. II. Pierce. L. S. Stone II. W, Bennett, W. J. Ilatttn. C. C. Halt I n. James J. Cum minus. John E. Bradley. Milton W .Low ry. Horace K. Hand, W. H. Jessup, jr., M. C. lluyden, Churies H. Bone, II. It. Xle- gargee, F. O ..Megargce, r. ,. nurreu, Fred W. Fleltz. A. C. Kays, O. B. Wrigiit, Ceorge C. Wilson, F. P. 1'iire, !,. M. Hate, -M. II., Kastjn, Clarence K. Pryor, Charles Heu:er, George K. Back us. H. P. Simpson. Everett Warren, A. J. Conned. A. H. Christy, F. H. Clemons. J. Burnett, Thomas Barrowman, I.. Wehluu, M. P., P. S. Page, Jacob Bryant, Robert Kcevee. W. J. Lewis. Arthur Hitchcock. R. A. Zlmmermun, C. M. Wat son, M. E. McDonald. M. A. McUinley, J. M. Walker, George It. Clark, A. II. Siorrs. . . PRAYBRS AVAILED NOT. But the prayers jf all these good cit izens availed not. Tho resolution had not fuirly reached the chairman's hands after being read by the clerk before Mr. Lansing objected to Its con sideration arguing thut it was nut of order Inasmuch as It conflicted with an ordinance and It Is irregular und Illegal to repeal an ordinance or1 part of an ordinance with a resolution. The or dinance was called for and Mr. Lansing read the following clause: The erection or location of any building or purt of building, or the continuation of any building upon any street, highway or public place, or the erection of any struc ture obscuring the prospect between the Inside or sidewalk line, lawfully eslali lishd, and the public street Is declared to be an act of public nuisance of the lint class. Thereupon Chairman Westpfahl de cided that the point was well taken und declared the resolution out of order. Mr. McCann said he didn't think that the portico would be uny more of n nuis ance than ave telegraph poles, and surely no more of An obstruction. Mr. Coyne moved to grant the privilege of the floor to Milton W. Lowry, attorney for Mr. Frothlngham. Mr. Westpfnjil was about to put the motion when Col onel Sanderson and Mr. Chittenden simultaneously objected on the grounds that there was nothing beiore the house. Chairman Westpfahl, without going deeply into the merits of the case, refused to give the petitioning citizen the privilege of addressing the coun cils. Mr. McCunn took a copy of tho resolution und wus ubotit to have It In troduced In the lower branch, when the commoners, who werein u hurry to get to the caucus, adjourned. A poll of the select council showed that sentiment wus equally divided on tlie Justice of Mr. Frothlngham's plea. Hud It come to a bullot the vote would have stood us follows: For Ko:ts, Finn, Kelly, Thomas, Will lams, .McC,hI!!i, Fellows, Coyne, l.alier- IM. AhuIiisI Buche, Chittenden, Wagner, Schweiik, Munley. Sanderson. tsVliroeder, Lansing. Burns, Westpfahl-10. I'lidei-ldeil Duir. WHAT HE WILL DO. ' To a Tribune repot tor after tlie uctlon of councils Mr. Frothingliaiii sulil: "I will build the arcade out tn the very edge of the building lino. , That will leave u sidewalk of Just olgi.feet six inches. Then I will build the cornice out over the sldewulk. and await de velopments. am not merely suyfug thut I'll do this. It will be done and they have no law to stop me." No steps will bo taken in the mutter for u day or so. Street Commissioner Kins ley will consult with the mayor be foie tearing down th portico. Colonel Sanderson fir the judiciary committee, j-enorted favorable on the award of the viewers appointed lo as sess the damages for the widening of Robinson street, und tho award wus ac cepted by both councils. An ordinance establishing the grade of Kynoii street was favorably reported by. the streets and bridges commit too and passed on two readings. Tho scwern opd drains committee's recomniendution that the contract for constructing the lateral sewer on Colfax nveuue be awarded to Oiler Jennings for $1.ko per lineal foot wus adopted by both branches.' The resolution permitting the Vulley Pussonger company to extend its tracks along Ninth street came over from common council and wus referred to the railway committee with instruc tions to look into tho advisability of recommending, a different route to the one the company proposes to follow. Mr. Lance complained that Swctland street Is too narrow to accommodate ve hicular trartie if tracks are laid there, and also that the space at the Inter section of Ninth and Swetland streets is too confined to permit of a curve being laid there. He suggested that the Traction company should run Its lino down Franklin avenue, across Lin den street bridge and up Swetland street; and that for the privilege of crossing the bridge the-enmpany shall contribute $10.nJ0 for widening Swet land street. The chair advised the com mittee to take cognizance of Mr. La tier's remarks. . Mr. Lauer followed this up with a res olution declaring nun and void the Traction company's franchise on West Lackawanna avenue between Ninth street and Main avenue and directing the company to tear up Its tracks Inas much as It has made no use of them for over a year and shows no Inclina tion to do so. The resolution was re ferred to the railway committee. RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES. A resolution directing, tho city con troller not to draw warrants for Flynn & O'lloro, contractors for grading Lu zerne street until such time as the la bor claim for $1(1.02 of Anthony Mc Hugh be satisfied, was approved. The following ordinances passed first and second readings: Providing for the erection of the new Nay Aug Engine house; levying general ' and special taxes for the year 189$; providing for an electric light on the corner of Four teenth and Academy streets; providing for the construction of a lateral sewer on Webster avenue In the Tenth ward. MR. IIICKEY IS SOKKY. Doesn't Want to Uo on Record as Bolng Against, tho Library. Common council last night went Into a committee of the whole at the request of Mr. Hlckey and killed the amend ment made to the appropriation ordin ance at tho last meeting by the pro visions of which the library appropria tion would have suffeted to the extent of about SUM) to provide electric lights for the Nineteenth wurd and the like. Mr. Hlckey suld that notwithstanding his assertions of lust -Thursday night, he does not really consider the library to be a big white clephunt or tn fact a small ordinary kind of an elephant. He Is In fuvor of education and everything that tends In thut direction, and ul though he did not think to mention it, his constituents und friends both per sonal und political ure also in fuvor of tin library und uguinst hearing it re ferred to in zoologlcul terms. The resolution lo inquire Into the feasibility of insuring the city treasur er's bondsmen ut the city's expense wus put peacefully to sleep by having It re ferred to some old committee or unother when it came over from select coun cil. Tin commoners or a goodly part of till iu didn't understand the meusure and us they feared that it wus loaded they gave it its quietus, u pluce In one of those ready made sarcophagi such as the Judlclury, finance or treasurer's accounts' committees. Another communication from the Scranton Illuminating Heat and Power company culling uttention to means for curtailing tho expense of electric lighting In the city buildings wus rend und referred to committee. While this subject was on a resolution was Intro duced callins on the city solicitor for an opinion as to whether or not the electric light company, which agreed In consideration of its franchise, to light the city buildings free is not still bound by that contract inasmuch as the ordinance containing tlie agree ment was repealed by a resolution which Is clearly against the luw. A resolution directing the city engi neer to glye grades for all streets in the Fifteenth ward was Introduced by Mr. Oliver and agreed to. An ordinance vacating the East mountain road In the Twelfth ward and unother creating the office of second assistant city engineer passed third and final reading. i Philip Wirth. the new member from the Eleventh, .who was elected to fill I tho unexpired term of Robert Robinson, I was sworn In and placed on all the ! committees of which his predecessor was a member. DEMOCRATS OF THE THIRD. Will Send a Pro llarrlty Contesting Delegate to Allcntown. E. II. Flsk, chairman, and E. H. Reed, secretary, of the Democratic commit- to of the Third Legislative district, yesterday Issued a call for a meeting of the committeemen of the district at the St. Charles hotel, In this city on the afternoon of Marc h 111, nt 2 o'clock, for ! the purpose of electing a delegate to the state convention, which meets in Al lentown on April 2!) next. At the recent meeting of the Dem ocratic county committee W. W. Bay lor, attorney at law, of this city, and resident of Benton township, In tho Third Leglslutlve district, was elected to represent the Third district In the convention. This was in accordance with the time-honored Democratic pro gramme In this county, where hereto fore the county committee has always elected the state delegates. The call that was Issued yesterday was made by virtue of a resolution which was adopt ed by the county Democratic conven tion of 1894, which was Introduced by W. J. Burke, nnd which provided thut delegutes to stute conventions should thereafter be elected by legislative con ventions called for that purpose. Tho movement is distinctively a pro Hurrlty one, and the delegate who will be elected on March 31 will go to Al lcntown and contest the right of Sir. Baylor to a seat In the convention. I' OUGHT I.IKE A DEMON. i wo patrolmen iiuuiy iirniscd oy a lirlnk-crazcd Prisoner. Patrolmen Peters nnd Thomas Jones caught a tuiiar about 1 o'clock yes terduy morning In tho person of John R igeiH, who was found at the corner of V ash bun i and Tenth streets raising a disturbance. When the officers luld hold of him ho begun to tight and he never ceased kicking, pinching, clamoring and squirming until lunded behind the burs of tho West Side station house. The nut n was cruzy drunk und seemed lo have the strength of a Sundow. As the officer) refrained from using their clubs or any other hursh treatment they got tierldedly the worst of It. Both re ceived some puiuful bruises from the prisoner s kicks and Putrolmuu Peters hud liis trousers torn Into shreds. In police court yestorduy morning Rogers was lined $11) for his infractions of the law and $ti to reimburse Putnd luan Peters for Ids torn pants. He -.'iill not puy either and was commit tel for thirty days. Ho acted at the heaniis like a niun thut had boon drug ged. :t !elng necessary for DiiKgun to support him while he was bcliif examined. MR. STAIIIS RESIGNATION. Congregation Kcfusod to Accept It but liuvo dim n l eave of Absence. At n meeting of the congregation of tho Green ICIdge Presbyterian church Wednesduy the resiguution of the pas tor. Rev. N. F. Stuhl. who has been In ill health for some time, was presented. The congregation refused to accept It, but gave Mr. Stuhl'a year's leave or ab sence wiih salary. At the expiration of Uiat time It Is the hope of Mr. Sluhrs parishioners und friends that he will be uble to re sumo his faithful work in the ministry. In the meuntime tho session of tho church will secure supplies for the pul pit. For tho next two months it will be occupied by A. V. Bower. I ho Stnto Insurance Company of Phila delphia For Insuring I.Ives nnd Fxs cuting Trusts. Life Insurance Is acknowledged to be a necessity und when coupled with Loans. Trust Certificates, Guaranteed Investment Bonds drawing Interest as issued by this company. It should not be neglected by any one desiring to assure protection Tor future years.. Call and see No. 8. Williams' building, Washington und Linden streets. Samuel Hines. Agent. Miss McLane will not have her Mil linery Opening for a few weeks, but, nevertheless is displaying a magnifi cent line or tho latest styles in Millin ery. 211 AVashington avenue.. BEST SETS OF TEtTB. W.C3 nisi 07 ma enuraj nwm S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., tXirSiitf 3. NEALIS - AND KIAHON WIN , They Are the Choice of the Common Council. GR1ER S NAME NOT MENTIONED Stiff Fight for tho Clerkship Between BesmUh aad Mahoa-A Combine) with the Republleaas Is Hot Altogether Improbable. The Democrats who will sit in the next common- council convened last night at the Globe hotel and selected P. J. Nealls for the presidency and John P. Mahon for the clerkship. The 1 chairmanship contest was virtually a warn-over, dui a sun ngm was wageu for the olflce of clerk. Thirteen vhtes were cast at each bal lot, showing that every Democrat and one Independent was present. The In dependent, John Loft us, of the First ward, was made chatrmun. J. J. Orler, the present chairman, who defeated J. J. Nealls lust year, and who wus also a candidate this year, did not allow his name to ge before tho caucus when he saw that his opponent had a sure thing. Lorenz Zeldler, Just for the sake of a light, had his name put up nnd secured four votes. Three ballots were necessury to settle on a caudldute for the clerkship. The usplrunts were W. F. -McLean, of the Seventh ward; Jumes o'Boyle, of the First ward; John P. Muhon, of the Sixth ward, and Jumes C. Beamish, of the Nineteenth wurd. The first bullot was us follows: Mc Lean, 2; O'Boyle, 4; Beamish, 4; Mu hon, ;i. It having been agreed to drop the lowest caudldute after each bullot, only three were voted for on the next bullot, which resulted thus; O'Boyle, U; Beum ish, 5; Muhon, i. The North End men hud Btuck fulth fully to their niun until he wus dropped, when they threw themselves over to Muhon and mnde him the victor, the vote being: Beamish, B; Muhon. 8. All present ugreed to support the cult cus nominees, but some of them did it rather sullenly. - INSTITUTE PROGRAMME. Superintendent Unwell It at Work Getting It In Shape. Work on the arrangement of the pro gramme for the city teachers' third an nual Institute was yesterday begun by Superintendent George Howell, and will be ready for the printer In a few days. The institute will begin on Mon day, April 6. and will last f. week. The sessions will be held In Young Men's Christian Association hall. There will be but one evening session, and at that Hon. N. C. Schaeffer, state superintend ent of public Instruction, will be the lec turer. His subject will be "The De mands for Higher Education." Our new high school will be treated exten sively In his remarks. Among the prominent educators who will participate are State Superintend ent Schaeffer. Professor Charles De Uarmo, president of Swart hmore col lege: Professor M. O. Brumbaugh, president of Juniata college; Professor George W. Twltmeyer, principal of the Honesdale schools: A. E. Wlnshlp, edi tor of tho Boston Journal of Education; Professor James Coughlin, superin tendent of AVIlkes-Burre schools; Pro fessor J. C. Taylor, school superintend ent of Luckawunna county; Miss A. J. McMollen, of the State Normal school, Bloomsburg: Miss Mury E. Sykes. or the Scranton Training school; Dr. J. T. Rothrnek, state commissioner of for estry; Miss Lucy Booth, teacher of drawing In the Scranton public schools. v F-lks Urcnks tho Record. Jacksonville. F;a, March 2ii. Harry D Elks, under official sanction, todav broke the 2-mlle, standing start, umateur uri paced record, going the distance in 4.39 4-5. Spring Oponlng. Joseph. Davles & Jenkins' grand spring opening of millinery will occur Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 26, 27 and 28, at 427 Spruce street. THE TRIBUNE TOMORROW WILL PRINT ANOTHKR UK'AL SHORT STORY WHICH WILL PLEASE EVERY V E LS H - A M ER IC A N. DON'T MISS IT. Dill OF YESTERDAY AND TODAY. The Exhibition of Spring Milliueiy yesterday attracted throng of the fair sex. It was like a step Iroui Winter into Summer. Anil from comments beard ou every side we arc out of tlie crowd in Stylish Head wear. We have clever Milliners ready to adopt your own ideas and trim a hat In any style you say. Come and see what the new styles look like. Store open this evening. A. R. Sawyer 132 Wyoming Ave. CARPETS, DRAPcRIES, ETC. March 23, isuul CARD. i arc making; extensive addition-, to our show rooms una in one week will tear out front of our bulldinii to re place with modern nhov windowa. The interior will also be slightly disarranged to put in un hlectric Passenger Elevator. To Uo this successfully we must make room for the unity of mechanics employed on same, nnd we have decided to make u SPECIAL SALE for one week at SPECUL PRICE). ' Everything will be offered at reduced price. I conomicul Housekeepers should not full to buy the season's wants during the coming week. Goods stored free for UO days. V. IV. BERRY, 423 Lackawanna Afanus. Spectacles and Eye Glasses to fit everybody. We make a specialty of fitting Glasses. TltY OUK 50c. SPECS. BEGINNING 26 IE BROTHERS UL TO IfiSPtCT THE URGE ASSORTMENT OF Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets, AT RUPPRECHT'S CRYSTAL PALACE 231 Penn Ave. Opm Baptist Church. TRAMP TUNERS BEWARE Of men traveling from huuM to bouse are tending to be Tuners and Repairers of Plane and Orxant. They lumetimrs line our name without authority. The Only Tuners Who do work for us are fleeer. C. F. and U. F. WHITTKMORK. All work done by them, or In our Immense repair department. Is guaranteed by u. You cannot afford to have your Instruments ruined by incompetent workmen. liitimatci given for re.itrlnicinii or varnish ing Pianos, making them almost good aa new. Vour work is solicited. Order left in person or by mail promptly attended to. L. B. & CO.. WVOMINti AVE. GRAND Rliillinery Opening THURSDAY MARCH iE SUfflE n1' WILL PAY WE DESIRE TO. Ill I MANY II and trade for the liberal pat ronage they have accorded us during our opening. Our sales have been much beyond our largest expectations, proving, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the popularity of our goods. Ladies' and Missis' Caps, ' Suits, Silk Waists, Wash Wa!sts, Skirts and Millinery. We make the prices right. That's why they sell so welU If 3'ou are not one of our cus tomers don't you think you would like to deal with a firm that their one aim is to SELL 1 BEST 1! 1 L PRICES. J. B0LZ, 138 Wyoming Avenus. Hisrli Sbaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lots. Cloagti & Warren Carpenter, . Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE. 203 SPRUCE STREET. 4 12 Spruce Street. 205 Lackawanna Ave. ONLY ONE WEEK MORE The stock of the late firm of Olof O. N. Turnquest, jew eler, must be closed out THIS WEEK. Honest goods at your own price, as everything must go at once. Auction every day at io a. m. aud 2 aud 7 p. m. Positively the last week. Nothing reserved, everything must go. W. R. SHURTS, Assignee. A. H HARRIS, Auctioneer. TUB OU.MMATI In al ritsaat the Meat Petals aa I Wsrereomi: Opatlta Oalu mba Keaarnarit, tnnwHln(7ton Av. Snmnton.PaJ Grade il 1 mm hives SUM mam PIAWOD nn Bl HATS AT Dunn's L -1.