THE RCKANTOH TRIBUNE FRIDAY MOROTtW MARCH 27. 1896. 0 PENING THE DISPLAY OF TRIMMED HATS Excels anything heretofore shown in Scranton. The stocks of Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets in every shape and Every Straw and Braid. THE RIBBONS, THE FLOWERS, THE FEATHERS, THE LACES, THE MILLINERY TRIMMINGS Are far larger and greater in assortment than any you have ever seen in the city. We'll also give you practical illus trations of how dimes and dollars can be saved. Everybody invited. Easter Souvenirs to every visitor. The Leading MILLINERY STORE, CUBAN CONFEREES AGREE It Is believed That a Vote Will He Taken on Kesolutions. DEBATE SHIT OPP IN SEX ATE Hou Rejects Proposition to Provide . Sis Battleship, Instead of l our-.MIs-cellaneous Business Tranaoctcd. Varlona Topics of Interest, Washlngton.Mnrch 26. The conferees On Cuban renolutlonn, after a short Hes elon this afternoon u Breed to the reso tlons as they originally passed the sen ate. This result was practically reached yesterday. It shuts off all fur ther debate in the senate, where there was evidences of a spirit of untngonlsm that the committee believed would be exercised to the ultimate defeat of any and all resolutions. The house, it is believed, will agree to the report with out delay. In the form as thus agreed to, the resolutions are as follows: Resolved, By 'the senate (the house of representatives concurring t herein I that, In the opinion of congress, a condition of public wur exists between the ifoverninent of Hpaln uml the government proclaimed, and for some time maintained by force of nuns by the people of Culm: and that the l'nltecl Stales of America should muitituln a strict neutrality between the t'onteniliiig powers, according to each all the rltthw nf belligerents in the ports and territory of the i'lilted Suites. Resolved, Further, that the friendly of fices of the l'nlted States should be of fered by the president to the Spunlsli gov ernment for the recognition of tjie Inde pendence of Cuba. HOt'SK PROTKKDINOS. The house spent most of today's ses sion in discussing In committee of the whole the motion offered by Mr. Hanley (Hep., Ind.) member of the committee on naval affairs, to amend the naval appropriation bill for the yeur ending June HO. 1897, by providing for the con struction of six buttleships instead of four as recommended by the commit tee. The motion wus supported by Messrs. Hanley, Johnson (Keps., t.'ula.) and Cummings, (Dem., N. Y.), anil op posed by Messrs. Ilullck (Kep., Ohio), Koblnson (Kep., Pennu.) and lioutelle (Kep., Maine). The motion was lost 33 to 134. Without further amendment the bill was reported to the house and passed, exactly as recommended by the committee; the first appropriation bill of the session to pass unscathlngly through the house. Among the morning miscellaneous business transacted was the passage of two or three private bills; the presenta tion of a concurrent resolution by Mr. Heatwole (Rep., Minn.) authorizing the appointment by the president of a banking and currency commission to consist of nine citizens to act with the comptroller of the -currency, and the report of their recommendations and conclusions to congress, which was referred to the committee nn banking and currency; and the presentation of the report of the congressional com mission on the opening of the Chleku magua National park by Mr. Urosvenor (Rep., Ohio). . Mr. Cannon (Rep., 111.) reported the sundry civil appropriation bill for the year ending June 30, lst7, and . gave notice he would ask the house to con sider It tomorrow. SENATE SESSION. ' None of the matters that came up be fore the senate today was of much pub lic interest and Importance. One-third of the time was consumed over a Joint resolution appointing a successor to General Casey in the matter of the con struction of the new library building in .Washington; nearly as much time on an 'amendment to the legislative appro priation bill allowing u third clerk to the senate committee on pensions, and all the rest of the time on a motion made by Mr. Sherman (Kep., o.) to strike out of the legislative bill all the sections in relation to the compensa tion of l'nlted States district attor- neya, clerks and marshals. This datter subject was not disposed of when the senate, at 5.20, adjourned till tomorrow. FISHERMEN AFLOAT. Flo Parte from the Shore in Saginaw llav Many I.Ives Imperiled. Bay City, Mich., March 26. A heavy Wind from the south today started the Ice out of Saginaw bay from what is called the Big Crack and with it went fully ISO fishermen who occupy shanties on the Ice. I'nless they cun make shore on either side of the buy they will be obliged to remain until the wind gets back to the north and blows the ice back Into place. As high winds prevail tonight, however. It Is believed that ull the fishermen will be nn shore by tomorrow with their shanties, each of which Is on runners. Some of the fishermen are supplied with boats for use In cases of emergency such as this. Pequamlng, Mich., March 26. A strong southwest wind parted the Ice in Kewaunee buy, setting five fisher men adrift. Parties in small boats are trying to rescue them. QUEER ACTS IN HIS SLEEP. Butts Starts a l ire on the Moor and - ' Than Shoot Himself. -' Detroit, Mich., ' March 26. Stephen Bute, a young married man who lives In Windsor, Ont., leads a very hum drum existence during his waking hours, but when he Is asleep he engages In the most exciting adventures. Yes terday morning he arose early and be gan building a fire on his bedroom floor. D AYS GERSON'S, 421 Lackawanna Avenue. Mrs. Butts detected him in time to save the family from being roasted. This morning at 4 o'clock Mr. Butts arose, took a revolver from his trunk uml then went back to bed. Shortly arturward the revolver went off, u bul let entered his tight shoulder and went ns far us his Collar-bone and then In awoke. A surgeon extruded the bul let and said no serious hurm would re HUlt from the accident. CHICAGO HUNTER DROWNED. John M. Doty, a Stenographer. Loses Ills Life In tho Mississippi. Savanuu, III., March 26. John M. Doty, aged 84, a stenographer who lived at 22!) South Morgan street, Chlcugo, was drowned In the Mississippi here today, while hunting In a smull row boat. His two companions clung to the bout for half an hour, and were iinally rescued In an exhausted condition. Mr. Duty's body has not been found. MOUND BUILDER'S BONES. Inearthed from o lied of Mussel Shells Near Carlyle, III. Carlyle, III., March 26. While inves tigating the Interior of an Indlun mound a mile ast of Carlyle yesterday. Thomas Mcl.uren and Benjamin Haley unearthed a human skeleton. It wus found burled three feet deep under a bed of mussel shells. It Is supposed to be the skeleton of a mound builder. CERTAIN HE HAS HAD ENOUGH Jaeob Iloxle Wants a Second Divorce from Ills Wife. Sioux City, la., March 26. After twenty years of wedded lift, a divorce, a remarriage, and eight years more of connubial bliss, Jacob Hoxle, of this place, has uguiu sued for a separation from his wife. He charges desertion, and says If the court will grant his prayer there will be no Occasion forlts interference again. THIEVES GET $S0,O0O. A Miser Overpowered and Kobbed of Ills Kntlre Fortune. Chicago, 111., 'Maich 26. Christopher Schrage, a wealthy miser, was robbed last night at his home on the South Side of bonds and negotiable paper worth $r,0.(XM) and $660 in gold and bills. He was gagged and bound by two masked men, who then leisurely opened the safe and removed the valuables. STOPS SALE OF CIGARETTES' Mexleo, Mo., Passes an Ordinance Against the Poisonous Things. Mexico, Mo., March 26. The city council here has passed an ordinance preventing the sule of cigarettes or cigarette wrappers to minors. The law will not become effective until the dealers dispose of their stocks on hand. DECEMBER WEDS MAY. Groosj a Wealthy Parmer Aged 85. Hrlde Only 18 Years Old. Knoxvllle. Tenn., March 26. A mar riage, occurred in Knoxvllle tonight In which the groom, Joseph Kyle, is 85 years old, and the bride, Miss Lena Kyle Cornett, is 18. The groom is a wealthy farmer of Virginia and a friend of the fumlly, the bride being named for the groom. USE OLIVE OIL. It Ie an Excellent Producer of Tat for Thin People. A great factor in hardening and whit ening the riesh of neck and urms which the high slock collars and heavy sleeves have a tendency to yellow and shrivel, suys the Philadelphia Press, is cool water generously upplied every morning. If you take a cold morning douche It should be preceded at night by a thor ough wash with good soup and warm water. In the moriilng use the sponge and water moderately cold, rubbing the neck and arms vigorously with u rough towel. HOW TO Rl'B IT IN. I This simple remedy assists grealy In developing the bust, and to the woman afflicted with a flat, "slatty" llgure will be found highly benellclul. Treat the llesh overnight to a half hour's mussage, using a teaspoonful of sweet olive oil. Warm the hands before the tire, or, better still, warm the oil and rub Into the skin to be developed or "fed" thoroughly. In the morning use the cold bath. This treatment persisted In will soon reward the putlent by a surprising rill ing out that gratify uud improve. For sallow and dead-looking com plexions the sweet olive oil will be found benellclul, and for eradicating the disfiguring and uggravating little blackhead. ' Cleanse the face thoroughly with warm water, and while the skin Is still fresh apply the warm olive oil with the tips of the fingers, massaging the face thoroughly, but gently. Kub for ten or fifteen minutes, or until the oil has been absorbed. nOOD FOR DANDRITFF. For persistent dandruff the olive oil Will be found excellent. Kub the scalp well with nil, letting It remain on several hours. Then with very hot-water and a good, mild soap shampoo the hair and rinse It. Knough oll will remain to leave the hair moist and glossy. ' . Olive oil being a vegetable Is most wholesome and grateful to the human cuticle, which absorbs it readily and in surprising quantities. BLINDED BY ELECTRICITY Peculiar Accident to Philadelphia Tract ioa Employes. MADE SIGHTLESS BY SPARKS While Replacing a Derailed Snow Plow on tho Tracks, They Make a Circuit with a Switch Bar N and Are Injured. Philadelphia. March 26. During the snowstorm of Monday two employes of the Holmesburg. Tacony and Frank ford trolley railway were blinded by flashes of electricity, and until yes terday, when there were signs of re turning sight, it was feared that they had forever lost the use of their eyes. The men are William G. Hoteler and David McBeth. both of whom make their homes at the boarding house of Mrs. Deaklng. No. 3718 Longshore street, Tacony, where, in a darkened room, they are now receiving medical treatment. The uccldent was unique In many re spects und Is the tlrst of its kind thut bus been known to happen since the introduction of the trolley system. The two men were working on the electric snow plow, which had Jumped the track end were helping to get It back on the rtills. To do this they used the iron switch bar to make a ground connec tion between the rails and the wheel of tlit derailed plow. The method em ployed was to hook one end of the bar to the rear 'truck or the plow and place the other end on the nearest rull. then forming a circuit with a suffi ciently strong current to move the Mil car backwutd, when the motor was lurntii on. By repeated adjustments of the switch Iron in this mmincr the big cur was truriuully mcved back to the rails, but each effort produced a shower of bril liant electric spurks. On their hands (lie men wore heavily padded gloves. but did not semi to realize the dar.gtr to ilu-lr eyes us with each movement of theb ur they stooped over und their fito-s wore always dangerously close to the electric hparks, which were brilliant enot'gh to duzzle (hem. As It was dark, however, relther of them suffered from thiir experience until they had turned In the plow at the burns on Stater cad, In the receiver's otllce, which was bril linntly light, both complained of in tense puln 'n their eyes. MADE SIGHTLESS. A few minutes after entering the of fice McBeth was sightless and suffered excruciating agony. Those in the room crowded around the suffering mun with cuYr.4 of assistance, but had scarcely reached him when Bottler shrieked: ".My Cod! I am blind, too." Neither of the men could even distinguish the bright Incandescent lights around them. A cur wus quickly run out und In it the two sufferers were taken to their boarding house. Dr. David Buinstead was culled in and applied soothlnir lo tions und blindfolded the suffering men. All day Tuesday they were totally blind, but yesterday the Intense puln subsided and last evening a faint glim mer of sight returned to both. I With the uld of smoked glasses they were able to grope their way around the darkened rooms, but were unable to see even In a dim light. Dr. I'msteud declared that he never before heard of such cases, but he thinks that with careful treatment the men will In time recover the use of their eyes. Superintendent Holcomb, of the trolley company, who Is an experienced electrician, could not recall any similar cases, and said last evening that he intended to make a report to some of the electrical mugasdnes In order that scientists may Investigate this curious freak of electricity. STRIKE DANGER PASSED. Miners Dcclds to Accept an Advance of l ive Cents a Ton. I'lilllpsbuig, Pa., March 26. About 6, 000 millers were represented in the con vention held here today. Delegates were present from several localities In central and northern Pennsylvania. A resolution was adopted declaring In favor of accepting the advance of five cents a ton, although a committee of live was appointed to bring about a Joint conference of operators and min ers, with a view of obtaining a further advance. All danger of a strike has passed. . THE TRinUNE TOMORROW WILL PRINT ANOTHKK LOCAL SHORT STORY WHICH WILL PLRASE KVKRY WELSH-AMERICAN. DON'T MISS IT. THE WORLD OF BIS1XESS. Wall Street Itovlew. New York. March 26. Speculation at the Stock Kxchunge, while extremely dull, wus characterised by a firmer tone tliun on any previous day of the week. Tho dealings, as usual of late, were almost en tirely professional, but among speculut ors the feeling win rather more bullish owing to the improving railway truffl.' returns of western roads. The advance In the posted rates of sterling exchange to 4Wj and 489'., had very little Influence on the markets for securities, partly to the reason that the price of gold bars was ad vanced by the assay ortice from 1-lti to 3-ltS per cent. This is calculated to prevent gold shipment at least until the rules cf exchange advance '.5uV above the figure now ruling. The stock market advance.) to at the start, the purchase of sev eral thotisuinl shares for London account having had a good effect. The Improve ment was afterward partially lost, hut Jill lug the ufternootl there was u genernl lully. ('oii.ollduted Oas an. I I'hicago I'm each moved up t'-j per oent. There was good buying of the latter on apparently reliable reports that the directors will de clare u dividend In the near future. The advance in the geiirul list wus equal to .a4 per cent, on very light trailing. Shortly before the close another reaction Oi' Ulo'i ensued, and the market left Xiff about xtindy In lone. Among the special ties riusquehannu und Western fell 1 I a 1, uml the preferred in on re ports, subsequently drilled by oftlciuls of the company Unit default would be made on the interest due April 1. The preferred aftrwui'd rallied to 23. The total sales were 1138."7 shares. The following are the highest and lowest prices of the more uclive stocks on the New York Kxchange: Hid. Asked. Am. Cotton OH oC i:,i, l Am. Cotton oil Co., Pr p3 ui Am. Sugar Ref. Co., Pr Put J0I Am. Tobacco Co tut; 83' Am. Tobacco Co.. Pr 1i 102'i At., T. A S. Re u 14", At. T. & 8. K. Pr 2:1 21 Hultlinore A Ohio 17 17'j I'.rooklvn Rapid I ran ailj 21 llurlington t Oulncy 7!'( 7;, Canada Southern 4! 4!i Chesapeake ft Ohio 154 lie, Chicago Oas 07", (M Cleveland, Lor. ft West U77 Ui C. C. ft St. L X, 3.1 C, C. . ft St. Lr. Pr 87 89 ot'l. J'uel ft Iron Co 27 Co. Fuel ft Iron Co., Pr luo Cel., H. V. ft Toledo Ut Ifi'i Col., H. V ft Toledo. Pr 5U W Consolidated lias liu'j J ;,i Dtluware A lludron li". I;M Deiuwure. Luck, ft West IiHi'J 111.' Denver ft l.'i, i: Denver ft itlo Orande, Pr... 4i 40', liist. ft Cat. F. Co..... 17"., 17'ii Kile I4't 14, Krle, Int Pr .W, :rl Kile, 2d Pr 22', 21 ' Krle Telegraph ft T. oC W tit Uen. Kleclrlc Co t 354 Illinois Central 61 Ki Illinois Bleel , oK 11314 Kan ft Tex lo'i lilj, ;n. ft Tex., Pr 2.V 2:,4 Laclede Oas y27 27' Laclede (jus, l't... t. K bj Luke Krie ft Western 17'i IKifc Luke Krle ft Western, Pr ', 70V ljike Shore -.- 1411 1Wi Louisville ft Nashville.... 4!4 4'it, Louis.. N. A. ft Chic I' ft Louis. N. A. ft Chic., Pr 2H 21', Manhattan Con 10414 10C Met., Traction Co Itf.'" Michigan Central W W Minn, ft St. Louis. 2d Pr CO il Minn. Iron t4 ! T Missouri Pacific 2S National Lead Co l1 Xls Nat. Isad Co -.Pr ' , M National Linseed Oil !' 17 New Jersey Central UM ' 1- New York Central W 7 N. y., Chi. ft St. L 134 H4 N. Y., C. ft 8t. L.. 1st Pr 75 7 N. Y., C. ft 8t. L.. 2d Pr ,. 4 31 H N. Y., 8us. ft West 4 N. Y.. Bus. ft Weat., Pr 23 -2I4 Norfolk ft West 14 . l Norfolk ft Western, Pr North American Co S M Northern Pacific P '4 Northern Pacillc, Pr Il'e Northwest Mi's Northwest. Pr ....14SHi 147 Omaha .TP Omaha, Pr.. 123' llto Ontario ft West It's 14H I'acllLc Mall U XT Pullman Pul. Cur Co 155 li Reading '4 1W4 Rcik lslund Wi ( St. Louis Southwest 44 S St. Louis Southwest, Pr 11H St. Paul 74'4 74S St. Paul. Pr 12r4 ItS'i Southern Pacini- 1SH 19's Southern Railroad t K Southern Railroad. Pr Sffi 2 Tent. Coal ft Iron 27' 27V Texas ft Pa-itlc 71 Wfc t'nlon Pacific ' Vnlon Pucltle, D. ft C. 5 fiH C 8. Cordage. Pr 9 10 C .S. Cordage l'i 20 l'nlted Btate leather.. a ' V. 9. Leather, Pr.. (0i Wi V. S. Rubber 'o 26 " 27 V. S. Rubber Co., Pr S5 7 Wabash 4 ' Wabath. Pr 16 W'k Western fnlon Tel 83 3i Wheel. & lJke Krie i 10 Wheel, ft Lake Krie. Pr 32 31', Scranton Board of Trndo F.xchnngeQuo-totloni-AII Ouotatlons UaicJ on Par of 100. , Name. Bid. Aiftel Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 13i Sorantoft Lace Curtain Co M National Rorlng ft Drilling Co. ... M Firat National Bank (50 Scrantan Jar ft Stopper Co 21 hpfl.i I. rook Water Co JOJ Elmhurft Boulevard Co too Scranton Axle Works ( Scranton Savings Hank 100 Scranton Traction Co ... is llonta Plate Glass Co ie Scranton Car Replacer Co ... 100 Sc-anion Packing Co aj Weston Mill Co so Iron ft Sieel Co lit Scranton Ueddlng Co 103 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co id Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1(11 110 S.-ranton Traction Co fjj people's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton ft Plttston Trac, Co H people's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 120 Ill Dicknon Manufacturing Co ISO Lacka. Township School 5 13 City of Scranton Street Imp t ... 103 Scranton Axle Works lot Borough of Wlnton 6 100 Rush Brook Coal Co Ut New York Produce Market. New Yoik, March 26. Flour Kasy, Ouiet, nuchunge-l. Wheul Spot market II liner, moderately active; No. 2 red store m il elevator. 7a;'c.-, nllout, SiiieV,c.: f. o. b SvuSl'tc; ungraded red, 'J4aS2c No. 1 northern, 73a73'c. ; options closed steady at UaV. udvunce on better west, firmer cables and local covering; No. 2 red March. Wac.: April, 7IWo.; May. 70'c; June, 70c. ; July and August, Mc. ; Sep tember, (W'fcv. Corn Spots scarce. Arm, dull; No. 2 at 37c. elevator; 3Nc. soflat; op tions firm, M-V. advance; March, 37Vic; May, 30V-: July, 36u. Oats Bts quiet, f trong; options dull, firmer; March and May, 24V'.: f ot prices No. 2 at 2ia2fe. ; No. 2 while, 20c; No.. 2 Chlcugo, ioaiSo. ; No. 3 at 23i,a34c; white, 26a28'e. Provi sions yulct, steady, unchanged. Lard Dull, easy; western steam, f5.37'a6.40; city, 11. Ho; May, 15.45; refined, quiet; con tinent, 15.70; South America. W.IO; com pound, ll'v Pork Slow; mess, S9.55a.10. Rutter Steady; light receipts; state dairy, 9u2uc: do. creamery held, 13al8c.; west ern dairy, 10a14c; do. creamery, 13a22".; oil. held, 12alsc.; do. factory, 8al3c.;.KI gins, 22c; imitation freamery, 12al7c.; rolls, Ual4c. Cheene Fair demand, un changed. Kggs Liberal supply, easy; state and Pennsylvania, ll'c. ; southern, lieVialOe.; western fresh, lie; duck, 25a 2ttc. ; goose, O5o70c. Toledo Grain Market. Toledo, O., March 26. Close Wheat Receipts, 600 bushels; shipments, 8.000 bushels; firm; No. 2 red cash, 70c; May, 71'c; July, 67c.; August, 6c. Corn Receipts. 3,81)2 bushels; shipments, 6,600 bushels: dull; No. 3 yellow cash, 29Hc. Oats Receipts and shipments, none; nominal. Cloverseed Receipts 522 bags; shipments, 2KH bags; easy; prime cosh and March, Jl.37',; April. 04.15; October, $34.27',; prime timothy, 01.70. . Chicago Live St 00k. t'nlon Stock Yards, 111., March 26. Cat tle Kecelpts, 12,000 head; market weak and loc. lower; common to extra steers, )ii.40a4.40; stockers nd feeders, 2.85a3.0; cows und hulls, 01.BOaS.25; calves, 03a5.6O; Texans, 02.23a3.9O. Hogs Receipts, 27,000 head; market strong and Be. higher; heavy lacking and shipping lots, 3.70a3.86; com mon to choice mixed, SS.75aS.95; choice as sorted, 04u4.Hi; light, 0:J.S5a4.12"i: pigs, 03a 4c. Sheep Receipts, ,0001 head; market active and steady; inferior to choice, $2.75a4; lambs, 83,75a4,80. Ruffnlo l.lvo Stock. Buffalo, N. Y., March 26.-Cattle-Dull and lower; common to fair cows, O2.50a3; fair to extra veals, 04a6; heavy fed cows, 02.25a3. Hogs Slow nd lower; good to choice Yorkers, 04.15a4.2O; mediums end packers, Ol.10a4.15; roughs, 03.3O.i3.5O; stags, O2.50a3. Sheep and lambs Slow and low er; prime lambs, Ji.70a4.75; good to choice, S4.50a4.ti5; culls, O3.50a4; mixed sheep good to chulce, $3.l)Ca4.15; common to fulr, S3.50a 3.80: culls, 02.85a3.25; heavy export sheep, S3.80a4; export lambs, SI.75a4.SO. Philadelphia Tal'ow Market. Philadelphia, March 26. Tallow is dull and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, In hogsheads. 34e. : country, prime, in barrels, ':; do. dark. In barrels, 3'4a 3tV.; cakes, 4e.;grease, 34C II the IUiby Is Cutting Tcetb. Mrs. Wlnslow'i: Boothlng Syrup hat been used for over Fifty Tears by Mil liens of Mother! for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success, It Soothes the Child, Softens the Quma. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Coilo and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WAN TKD AS BtJTCHBtfW one who thoroughly understands the busin-ss: good references. Address W. M. Jl., 1714 Waynesvnnue. C ITC ATION WA NTED T HOUK ('LEAlT lug, washing, sweeping or duxting by a micHie-ae-d womsn: ecu give references. Call nr address 1 1 Thompson street, city. 'OUNO MN OFUUOD HABITS DESIRES situation c ncliliu, hostler or teaming prefrrreii, I lit ill take any kind of work. Addfers 425 Deacon street, cliy. , WITCA.IOX WANTED BY YOUNO MAN O as asdsiatit pap-r hanger: has had oue year exiern nee. Arldreis L B, CORNELL, 311" Edna svenii". Scranton, Pa. SITl'ATION WANTED-A UAKDBNBR wants position for evasou or (ill day work, cattltf of grspe vine, rcses. othr shrutsi and fruit trees a specialty. Addreai (1. t ;'."l Dnnmore, Pa. roi'N( MAX f-JYRAR'":OLbi WELL Eli I U'Ste'l slid with goo 1 lemtation. wants a (Kwi-lon In Scrjntou or Dunmor. Address L. J. It. Dnnraure, Pa. WA:,TED-pos,noN HOUSEKREP- er by middle ared woftwn: reference exchanged. Addiess A., Trihnne ufSee. SITCATIOX WASTED-AS BUTHRsJ BY one who thorough :r under sta-idi the meat business. Addreat D. UOKdA.V, W. Market street. CITC ATION WASTE.)-BY'lt ' Yl'I'Nd O ludy im Menogrnpher sad trpewriivr: 3 yearn' xp rlenev; rtlerence. Address L M I.VM Stiuiiiiit avenue. IclTCATIO WAXTEl) - BY A YOUKfi i isdr assti ootrspher or typewriter; good referoni! s. Audreu Box Ml. Old Forge, Pa. fxieutjra' Notice. IT I'ATE OFl llABLES AMENDT. LATK ll of ' city of Scrant o rounty of Lacsa ... na ulid sttite nf I eiinavtvati'a. doreniws. ! LHtirs of sdmlnlntrjtiua uikhI the nbore nainoa estate navinMiirr.itMa to tne an ilersignt'd. nil pertuas having claims or rie ni:.a Is sga!nt the raid estntu will n es-nt them for pyiun.t,ud those indrbwd tbeietj will please niake immediate parmont to WILLIAM AMKNDT. Exeentor. Okohoi W. Bcm.k, Att'y for Eatate. Oooimolls In the Dress Gbods Department. We Are Showing New Lines- Of Sicilian, Mohairs and w Brillian tines, in plain and figured. All Colors. 40-Inch fllxed Novelty Suitings Very new and 50c. a yard, elusive styles. stylish at Our ex- Checked Suitings In a Variety of Shades and colors; Goods that ordinarily bring 1.353 yard at 75c; they are very wide. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 01 GENT A WORD. WANTS VF ALL. til IN US JJ9L IMAI MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RULE AK PLIKS TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARB INSERTED FREES. Help WanUsJ-Mala. AN EXPERT CANVASSER, WHO CAN approach heals of firms, esn get aa in terest in an established and eery profitable business la Pennsylvania: state aire; (ire ei peiienre. For office interview address U. L CO., Tribune. WANTED SALESMEN TO BELL 8TA ple goods at home or travel: liberal salary or good commission: we send samples on application: give exclusive territory. Ad dress P. a Hps 1IUL New York eity. WANTED- N AO F NT IN EVERY 8BO tion tocanvnas: It.Ottefii Wadsy made: ells at sia-ht: slsns mail to.srll Staple Goods to dealers; best side line J 74(0 a month; sal ary or large i-ommisaion made; unnecessary. Clifton Soap aud Mannfactnr Ing Co., Cincinnati O. w ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN everv town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD CFI8H CO, Borden Block. L'hieago. 11L Halo WanUd Femalea. AIESatAKWOW pleasant home work, and will gladly und fnll particulars to all sending cent stamp. MISH M. A. STEBBIN8. Lawrence, Mian. WANTED LADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Suyd.r's cake Icing: experienced cnvesr preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write for fiarticnlars at once and get lieneflt of holiday rsdis T. H. HNYDKR CO . Cincinnati, O WANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO ENER getio saleewomen to repreennt us. Gnaranteed t a day without interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company, No. 71 John street. New York. For Sale. TX)R SALK-TWO LOTS ON OARFIELD J. avenue, Hyde Park. No. C and 7, For in formation inquire of JOHN U. CORDY. 22! North Blakely street Dunmore, Pa. FOR SALE-TWO HORSES, i BUTCHER wagons. 1 buggies, 1 sleigh, harnesses aud all of butcher's outfit; also mo it msrkt for rent; going ont of business; must be sold by April 1st. Inquire of L E. 8CHULLER, Blakely street, Dnnmore. i'OR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR 1 nor of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern Improvements on premises. MRS. ANNIE STEWART, Dunmore, Pa. For Rent. KAAArVWVXAAAAAAAyVNArsfWXAAAAAAAArV FOR RENT ROOM HOUSE; ALSO e roora houe, 1541 Penn avenne. Oreen Ridge; large lot, barn, fruit, modern im provements. Apply to M. T. KkLLKR, S16 Adams avenue. POR RENT-8 ROOM HOUSE AND BiRN; nice yard, corner VooStorcb and Marion. ;OR RENT-FOUR Church avenue. ROOMS AT 168S H OUHE FOR KENT INQUIRE 111 MUL- nerry street. F" OR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE: modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of Pine and Blakely atreets, Dunmore. F6r re. t-four houses on eighth street. No. 4111. 41B, 422 and 424; conveni ent and central. Apply to Jamet B. Wateon, t Firs; National Bane, or A. D. Dean, !USi N. Washington avenue. 1?OR RENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. L 1 W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS .'OR RENT HOI IMS NOW OCCUPIED BY 1' the Traders' National Bank: poxsefsston given about May I. by F. L. PHILLlPd, L'sabier Traders' National Bank. I" 'OR BEN T TEN-ROOM HOUSKTAt X 1 modern conveniences. Inquire at IttSI Waslilmm t. I?OR RENT NE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE. 7I' Quinry avenu. Kent reasonable Opposite atoses Taylor Hospital. OR RENT-ON E SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court. Inquire 621 Adams ave. FOB RENT NICEu I FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JEU WYN. 119 Wromni nrenn. Agents Wanted. WANTED-SALESMAN: SALARY FKM vv start; permanent .lnce BROWN BSO. t o . Nurserymen. Ru-nestor. N. V. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARsl t'ii per month sslary and etnensm paid. AddreM. with two-rout stamp, FIGARO CI GAit CO.. (. nicaeo. AOENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silvsr, nickel and ropnrr elrctro platers: price from (!) npwanl: salary and ex- Senws paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, IICHIGAN MFG CO.. Chlraeo. AGENTS TOSELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; ISi it eekly and expunses; exrmrleni. un necewary t ONSOLIOATKO ilKU. CJ.. 44 Van Buren st,. ClKcago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; i pr rear, coinmisiion; sample book mailed free. Address L. N. CO.. Wtatloa L, New Yo'k. AT AC'E AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling t;'-'. clotb.mos quito and honxe fir liquid at Hi onta and .'5 rente a bo tie. Sample Ire. B'lLGlANO M'F'GCo.. Bsltixanre. Md. AGE."4 i-HlNDE'S PATENT " UNIVEK sal Hair Carters snd Wevers (us.hI with out heat), and "Pyr Points" Hair Pins, Lib "rol cum minion. Free sample and full par ttciiliirn. AtlrtroM P. O. Box 4M New York. teeclal Notice. HKSo1fERURavTL I You want this relic. Contains all nf Frank Islie's famous old War ing tbe fiiremi m actual battle, akatoiied on the spot. Two volumes, 2,010 plrtiirea. Hold on easy montlily payment'. Dclivcrod by ex t ress complete, sll crarws prejisid. Address P. O. MOODY. (122 Ai'nms Ave, Hrran'on. Pq. BLANK rOOKH, PAMPHLKTX. MAOa" sines, etc., beund or r bound at Till Tribuki olBee. Wuick work. Keaaoaable prices, Turkoman, Handkerchief Silks for waists, the latest thing, make very nobby and styl ish waists; reasonable in price. Our Line of Persian and Dresden Silks is the most complete in the city, Special designs for waists, and a large va riety for trimming pur poses. New Art Denims for Drapery and Floor Use 36 inches wide and a very mmm TRYUS. KHU LiOUL IVL, COX. ISiZi Administratrix's Notice. INSTATE OF JOHN WOODRUFF. DE t osased, lata of tbe Borough of Blakely, county of Lackawanna and state of Pennsyl vania. Letters of administration upon the above named eatate baring been granted to the under signed, ail persons having claims or demands against the said estate will preoent them for payment, and those Indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to i MARTHA WOODRUFF, t Administratrix, Priceburg, Pa. HOUSC MtTLHOLLaRD. Attorneys for Estate, Strayed. STRAYED TO THE PREMISES OF THE undersigned a young heifer about twelve months old. Owner can nave eamo by paying all coste., JACOB MILLER, Prloeburg, Dick sen Fists. Medical. I A DIES! CMchertsr'l Inrliw Fsnnyroysl Pit iri4 fnrni), are the Rest. r'"!!i Kk M Matt. H..1 I., un Tor (frttoiltrV "RM ROEBLING'S CELEBRATED TANSY AND Pennyroyal rills; imported: absolutely aafe; harmless; snperlor to all others: never tails, any stage: tuonsands of happy ladles: $3 by mail. Sold only by BOTANICAL SPECI FIC CO., 114 Fifth Avenue, New York. A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure M ont of every 1.000; two doses will tske the worst caes of inflam matory out of bed. 12.00 per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 343 Northampton Street, Wllkes.Barre, Pa. and for sale at 116 New York St.. Oreen Ridge. SCRANTON. PA. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, iSog. ' Trains Leave Wilkea-Barre as Fotibws 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury HarrltburK, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Haileton. Pottivllle, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. , 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg, and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, Qeneral Msnager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh Snd Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort, TIME TABLK IN Ev'KECT MCH. 15, 1894. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston. Wllkes-Barre, etc at S.29, 11.30 a. m.. 12.46, 'i.W, 3.05, t.uo, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, S.uO a. m., I ll), 2.1S. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8 2U (express) a. m., 12.45 (express with Buf fet parlor car), S.0B (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m. urilves at Philadelphia, Reading Term inul. 6.22 p. tn. and New York 6.00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Eueton and Philadelphia, 1.20 a. m.. 12.45, 3.05. ti.00 (except Philadelphia) p. 111. Sunday, 2.15 P. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grave, etc., at 8.20 11. m., 12.45 p. ni. For Heading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, vlu Allentown, 8.20 a. ni 12.45. S.uo p. m Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For I'ollsville. 8.20 a 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New York, fool of Lib erty street, North River, at S.10 (express) a. 111., 1.10. 130, 4.15 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heudlng Termlnnl, t.W a. in., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday (.27 a. ni. Through tickets to all points at lowest rales may be hod en application in ad vance :u the ticket agent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Paso. Agent J. H OLHAtTSBJC. Cen. Supt. DELAWARE AND nuiiliN RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. frifa. eT July 90, an trains win m m M mmf arrive at new Laraa mm MJ wanna avenue 'statioa ImW r . follows: rwr Train will leave Scran ton station for Carbonilals and Interme diate points al ..20. 1.4 J.W. 8.2 and 10.1S a. m.., 5 20. 3.65, 6.1 0.14. 1;U. .H and 11ForPFarvlew. Waymart and Honesdrile at 7 M, 8A and taiR a. m.. 12.00. 2.20 and 6.1 P Fcr Albany, Saratoga, the Aitlrendaeka and Montreal at -' a. m. and 2.W p. m. For Wllkes-Barri! and Intermedlata points Rt 7.45, 8.45. and 10.45 a. m.. 12 03, F20" 1 1.8S. 4 00, 5.10. 8.05. I.M i and 11.88 p. m. 'Trains will arrive at Scranton station, from Cnrbondalo and Intermediate point at 7.40, 8.40, 8.34 and 1040 o m 12.00, 1.17. 2.34, 3.40. 4.64. 6.55, 7.45, 8.11 and 11.33 p. tn, Prom Ilonesdale, Waymart and Far. view at 8.34 a- m.. 12.00. 1.17. 3.40, 5.55 and 7.46 p. m. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.64 and 11,38 p. in. From Wilkea-Barre and Intermedia; rolbts at 8.16, lot. 10.05 and 11. a. m 1.18 14. 138, 5.10. CO. 7.80. 8.08 and 11.18 p. m. m t"t aw Wallace good quality; . desirable colors, only J.9c. a yard. Ginghams 1 GINGHAMS ! Don't fail to get in on our great offering. 300 pieces of the best Ginghams America pro - duces, including Bates' Seersuckers, Johnson's Seersuckers, Toille Du Nords, etc. ' Usually sold at 1 2 c. Special Price, 5c. UPHOLSTER FORN1T0RH Clean Carpets, Reooiate Feathers, Male Oier Mattressei, . Make ind Repair Sprinft Sell Iron Beds, Mate Fine Mattressei Nov. 17. 1886. , Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. m H. R. R. at l4l a. m., 18.06. 1.20, 2.88 and 11.88 p. m., via P.. I W. R, IL, 100, 108, 11.20 a. m., and tti p. m. Leave Bcranton for Plttston ana Wilkes. ?'r.r,,.v,la fit w- a' ' a. m., 3.40, 6.07, 8.68 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. Melon, Pottnvllle and all polnta on the B,yer Medow nd Pottsville branches, via B. W. V. R. R., 8.38 a. m..'vh P. H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m., 12.08, 1.20, 138, 4.00 p. .. yla D.. U W. R. R, 108, 6,88, 1138 a. m.. l.sq, 8.40 p. m. , . . . -.Leava Scranton for Bethlehem, Gaston, Reading, Harrisburg and all intermediate PJinl. via D. A H. R. R. 7.46 a. m., 13.06, R. R., 8.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p. tn Leave Bcranton for Tunkhannock, To Jnda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Oeneva and all Intermediate polnta via D A H. H. R.. 8.4f a. m., 12.06 and 11.86 p. m., via O., L. A W. R. R.. 8.08, .C6 a. m.,1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all EPiP'i we v, 1 A H. R. R.. 8.45 a. n... 11.88 p. m.. via D.. L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 108, 8.55 a. m.. 1.30, 160 p. m via B. A W. V. R. R S.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. A H. R. R., 8.46 a. ra. 12.06. 106 p. m.. and 107 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping er L, V. chair cars on all trains between L. A B. Junction or Wilkes-Uarra and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspenslea Bridge, . AOLLIN H- WILBUR, Qen. Supt. CHAS. 0. LEB. Gen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oen. - Pass. Agt., 8outh Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex rress for New York and all points East, 40, 150, 6,15, 8,00 and 8.55 tt. m.; 12.56 anj 3.34 p m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 100 and 8.63 a. m.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and war stations, 8.6S p, m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., maKlng close connections at Buffalo to all polnta in the West, North west and Southwest Bath accommodation, 8 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.17 p. ra. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Klmlra Express, 6.01 p. tn. Express for Cortlsnd, Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a. m. and 1.24 p. rn. Ithaca 2.85 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 P tn. For Northumberland, Plttston, Wilkes Barre. Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan vllle, raklng close connections at North umberiand for Wllllamsport, Hnrrlsburg, Baltlriore, Washington and the South. No.-:num'oerlund and Intermediate sta tlons. 6.00, 8.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 1 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter, mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.62 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, oltr ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, Qt depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFKKCTIVH MARCH 10, 18W. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road, also for Honesdule. Hawley and lui-al point al 8.X. a. tn. and 3.28 p. in. and arrive at Scranton from above points ut 8.23 a. m. and 3.57 p. tn. SCRANTON DIVISION, In Effect September 93ae IMS. Mertk Beund. walk) I0M4 Stations (Tralos Dally, . j 1 ip AiTlve Leavm 7! n. 1. Franicun Si. it ..J . ...a 788 lie fool Weehawken r n'ArrlTe Leave! lr Ml lsTOanoook Junctloai ...1C06 . . I 1 no Hancock S'I ....1868 .... 1846 .... 18 40 .... 18 35 .... 1814 .... 101 .... 11168 p all 48 son ti si Starlight Preston Park couio PqynUUe Belmont Pleasant Mt. Unlondale Forset City Carbondaie White Bridge Mayfield Jnrniyn Archibald Wlnton Pecknlle tily pliant Dickson Tbroop Provtdenee park Piaee IB 8 31 8 J 8 6 ICS sen (N 4fll9W T liT'IS II 7 13 IS 48 ? 14: a 45) 4S ....I 641111 88 6 8'HH IN K 11115 68M1II It 6 l!ll Iff 61:1101 1 18.11 oa 7N Sll e aft fi 111 797 8IW t M 4 Oil 7 84' 4 r, 7 66 4 10 7 8 4 14 11 ti 17 116 8 II! In n 1(10(17 610 inu 7tt' 41 'a a Leave Hcranton Arrive is ar All trams run daily except winday. 1 t slgmnes that trains stop on slgaal tor page Swrera. 1 1 rTcure rate via Ontario a Western tefera rn-oliaslag tlekets and save money. Day aaf lUft Etpresstothe West,. 1 ( Asderson, Oea. PstJ Aft. T, rUtcr,oh, Dir. taaa, Agv, aeraatua, Pa. ; L 803 801 u las
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers