The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 27, 1896, Image 1
,4V Vj : 1 (THE- ONLY REPUBLICAN DAlY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY- r EIGHT PAGES 30 COLT1" SCBANTON, PA., FRIDAY JIOKN1NG, MARCH 27, 18915. TWO CENTS A COPY, i!ew: Spring Silt cTl IN Wash Silks, .MriillilS? y Kvery yard of these Silks Is new mid n -presents the very cream of present sca wiii'.i styles The mukes are the best that we know of. and In point of value w? have never seen their equal. I o not ' ronnil this SIWIAI. OI-'h'KltlXU Willi one of our periodic clearing soles, whl''h hiive Income so popular, for It In no way Iiailakes of niiture. As Is w.'-ll mown, we have a III in Klip on the silk iiiurket ut oil seasons, an. I if there's a l.iii'Kuiu looking for a buyer we'll net our share of it. That's how we came by llics. remarkable values now. as 11 Ui Jl 85 PIECES Hal.utai hiiineuse lions. r am y variety Wash Silks In an of i-itlor com biiia- Special Price, JPc! 30 PIECE'S Hnruh Silks. In Tan. three llrowm. Myrllc. (Ilive, Iti-eda, .Vice, linl liet, i'ni.llii;.l. Sapphire, old liose, tranae, Mais. Itose. I.aveioler, t'ream, White ninl Itlaek. 5pfccJal PrTce, 25c 20 PIECES 27-Inch l.n Valliere rhe.ks in haste, bl'lKllt spi'llIK cololiOKS, suitable for walsis, etc A ijiiality fully worth ."iiie. Special Price, 23c 15 PIECES S' llU'll I'otlKce Silks 111 the follow - Ins attractive coIoiIiiks: Mais, i 1 . 1 liose. Car.lliial. Cose. I.iulu I'.lne, Nile, Marine, .Navy, ('ream. While, etc Kull vulnt for Tie. Special Price, 49c lb PIECES 'i: iiikI 4-lih-h Kiinry ShI.h TuITi n, in s.mif iT Die litvcltcs: It.vlir un1 mei.llnin ruior cuiiibinul ions nil run poss'.nly itnilKlllH. Nil lift ut was i-vr HtJl I'm $1. Special Price, 7Pc 18 PIECES li'.'-in. h I'aiii'y Taffeta Silks, ijl lust as many new and striking color 'omlilnaiioiis. This is a spleiulid I.. I ul M .silks. Special Price, 85c V 12 PIECES All Silk Chirk Punt; seir no Inches wiiih, .tta si rod if an i.M'. welghj v for 1001I ali-at Special Price, 49c 10 PIECES Ail Silk Satin finish -a. !.. In pieity. neal styles, and a iiialilv Worth :. Special Price, 55c 20 PIECES i-'-lnch Illa. k Oro-ftraln Silks, with leity l:rniade patterns. In tow ili-sigiis. W cull them good value for $1. Special Price, 75c . IPficss -Tuesday, ui S.L0BE ' : WAREHOUSE. '.; jpii May, C&ntta CONVENTION IN AN UPROAR i .MtKinltites Buttle fur Supremacy at Austin Texas. MK. HAKKISOX DKOI'S A HINT Would Nut Volunteer us a Candidal, but Mittlit a Nomination if Drafted -Oilier Newt Concern 1 I hk Political leu Jim. Austin. Texas. March M. The Ite- ltll)lll'MII 1-IIIIVelltloll VNelllbled at IV n'clock tills mm nine; l'UI tlie credentials committee not being ready to report, tin- convention adjourned until 1 O'clock. When ihe convention reassembled at Mill . to. the committee on credentials remilteil lliffiu-lnv mil- McKlnlev OroX- len from forty or fifty counties. A minority reoort by the McKiuley fac tion whs ruled out of order by Cuiiey because It was not prepared In the committee room. Webb KluhniKau, amid a terrible uproai offered u sub stitute for the majority report, but lie. loo, was ruled out of order. The con vention at 2 o'clock wus in great con fusion, but the majority report was ayivcd to and the elect Inn of delegates to the St. I.ouls convention was pro ceed, el wiih. Chairman Cuney nn noimced that himself ami HYikusoii, colored. Allison and Makemlcsnli ami Terrell, while triced meiil hud been elected. The announcement caused the wildest excitement and the McKiuley men attempted to capture the platform. A row followed in which Webb riun miKiiu 'was struck on the head nnd knocked down but the-row was finally illelled without serious results. The ivmilur convention, nmid Ki-eiit opronr. declared adjourned sine die and the McKlnlcyitcs took possession of the hall. They organized with U-l dele 1 nates, of whom over one-third were ! colored. A nem o was elected chairman unit I lie meet ins w us harmonious. A ! sound money ami protection platform i was adopted. The follow intf McKiuley ! ilclcKaies to the national convention ! were elected' l-'rank Hamlin, of Ans- i tin; It. F. Smith (col I), of Colorado ' c uy; lir. W. Davis. Fort Worth and ' I'liulriiiiin John i Irani, of the stale ex I ecutiv committee The convention then adji timed sin die. Hoth conven j tion.'. selected two electors each from the state at lai'Kc. IIAIMIISoX SPF.AKS. India impolls, lud.. March I'll. -One of ileiieral Harrison's most influential 1 worshipers annum iiie imiiana politi cians was authority today for the state ment of much significance just now In the political world. Aueiil Harrison's IicIiik a receolive i iuullilate. he said, u letter had been written to the Reiteial recently by leading Itepiibllcnns of In diana, usklnu him if he would accept In i iisc the Si. I.ouls convention notnl ualeil him. In reply to this letter, tietiernl llarri I son is said to have remarked: "I'.elnp ill a ft I'd and vnliintccrlnir are two dif ferent matters." The inference Is that he would acce.f the Humiliation. ('Inn lesion, w, Va.i March 2tl.-The ..I.. i,. ,. ,,; ii...... i,.,ii..u l session, elected two dclcK'iltcs to til iinliotiul lli'inildlian convention. The iMeirnies nre uriiiistriicieil. but are for McKiuley. ciiii i Mi Ki'iiv di:au. I lie W ill known I ontiicsslonal Kc porter fusses A way. WashliiKton. March . 1 1. F. Mur phy, chief otticial it porter of the 1'nited Stales senate, died In this city tonight, anvil III' years. He '.tail la-en in bad health for several yeu-s sufferlna from nervous disorders. I.ust niwlil he hud an Mjopl' ctlcslrokefrom which he lem pmWily rallieil, only to succumb at V.4U o'clock tolllKht. Mr. Miiruhy becunii connected with the seiiati in X4s ami hus reinitlued there conllniionslv since, in 1ST:! IicIiik appointed chief otlii ial leoorter. Mr. Murphy reported the proceedings ; of the famous electoral commission In ', lsTii. and the absolute accuracy of his ! report in that case us In the numerous i exciting: debute following the recon- striicttoii period ninl since, were never ipiesitoncil. He leaves n family consisting; of a wife and several children and two i brothers. 1 1. I. .Murphy, deputy comniis- j sinner of pensions, and K. V. Murphy. I his chief a.'slstant in the senate. The i interment will take place In I'hiladel- ! phla. I.I AIM K Kll.l.l l. llnJ v of I convio Yidiil t xposeJ to View ill the Streets. !!'.. 11...1. March '.'-It Is oniciallv n pill..' that a comliinatlou "f r.lnl b irc.s taking' advi ilage of th" f.n t that illy a small lone of S;:iniii li.ops was s'ntloned in til" cliv of 4".s,ii!i:i i "aru, marched upon th ir pi n otl iiie night of Mcich 1'J mvl let. irai i: I i the center of the town, w 1 ci th-y niaile nn utteni.l fo .ar-r.iv il.e r-ii.:, t. liinernl Hazau. in comoiaml if t .- t oops III the city, lucoii". ine-1 m ly l his staff, personally Insptcti d i ti." oiidi' of dang- r ami so I of t'.i- unison as to save the city Tli- i M leader Leonclo Vldal n-; killo! in front of the arsenal, thi' :.'a: u. and his body rennfc . ( i: i lh.- n fnl exposed to public U the i:i .fiitiiB for several hourr. t i!nl l as the result of the are n I known. Til K EE AIEX KM'I.I I). w in I Tl c tlt-'.t lUey At Knn iHtwn In the Jersey t'entral I reieht arjs Klizuhcth. N. J.. March L'fi. Four men were run down by a train In the Central railroad freight yards this morning. Two were killed instantly and one Is fatally Injured. They were stealing a ride, and in alighting from one train ran in front of another. Deoige M. Lane, of Providence, It. L. died on the way to the hospital: John K. Allen, of Ilolyoke. Mass., Is fatuity hurt. The other dead man' name l un known, linger laine. a brother of (leorge, wus only slightly hurt. em u;kaxts :om im;. Prospect of a Banner Year as to Nnio hers Are Ahead. Washington, March 26. Colonel Stump, of the treasury emigration bu reau, rays the tide of Immigration has again Is-gnn to flow from F.urope to this country In considerable volume. Immigration slacked up during the winter months, hut the prospects now are that the number of immigrants' that will come this spring will eciiial. it not exceed, the statistics -of previous years. WIU. INSPECT AK.MOI K. Scaators Tillman. Chandler. Bacon and Ktle to Visit Bethlehem. l'hllad-lphla. March 26. Senators Chandler. Tillman. Baron and Kyle, represnetlng the "onimltlee on naval affairs, leachid Philadelphia toniclit nnd will go to Bethlehem tomorrow to Inspect the armor plate factory at that point. Tin Ir inspection Brows nut of the investlsatlon now being condtioted by the ccnute committee Into the whole subject of armor plute, its cost, the patent under which It Is made. a.d tic- uilvlsiibilil.v of the establishment In Washington of u plant for the man ufacture of the plates by the Bovetn n: lit. Tlt committee will ri'tnrn tomorrov.' cvenitiK. and together with the house uaviil committee will witness the luillichliij; of the new bultleshlp luwj. I OK SOl'M) .mom:y. Massachusetts Will follow tha Lead of New York. Huston. March -U. Sound money will be the slogan of the Massachusetts Ko publlcan conventinn. The old Hay state Is the first of the New Kngland states to hold her con vention, and she will follow the ex ample of the Kmulre state and put a clear and clean-cut nlank In her plat- 1 fnrm tomorrow against cheap money. 0WK.VS WAS SHAWHA1KI). I.ato I Irorunn on the oinmoJoru Telia What lla knows About I ilibunlcrtng in Cuban Boundaries. Charleston. S. t. March L'C lMwanl Owens, late tin-mini on the alleged tlll busteriiiK' steamer, t'ommodore, went before the Spanish consul here today and made a slntement resardliiK the much talked of trip of the Commodore, lie was Indliiliant because the otllcers of Hie boat would not nay him more money, and II seems had also been drlnklmr. He admitted that he always knew where the boat really wus koIiik. but claimed to have been "shang haied." that Is, shipped to ko to one port tul then made to ko to another, ami uvers thut he will prosecute the orllcers of the Commodore, lie told the consul today that the Commodore went straight to Cuba when she left here on tile lilth. She tried to land at nlfht, and put her men and arms ashore. There were thirty-two men. he said, anion w in. in were General DeSoto I and six boat oads of titles, machetes ' and ummilliitioii. lie said the luudlliK ! was made lust around a caoe which I was he thought ill the province of ! Santa Ana. The men on board were I mostly Americans of Cuban extraction, Hern ial Desoto being the only man of I note amontr them. They did not drill I while on board the Commodore, but ! when they landed they all put on caps : with Cuban llaxs on them. The Span- j I Ish consul said that he could take no , part in the mutter until official recog nition of Owens' statement had been tuken If Owens wished to prosecute i the utile els or libel the boat, the Span Ish ".overnmeiit would helo all it could j utter the case had I een made, ami If the I'lilt'-u States district attorney would I start proceedings, Spain would help to push them. I Owens consulted a lawyer this after- j noon ami a libel suit uttalnst the vessel j will be broiitiht tomorrow. ; A UK I.ST OF A MOUKI-. A Pretty lilrl Locked I p Without t'suss . hv a MnplJ Polleeinnn. New1 York. March :'.- This Is the story of no artist's handsome model. who, not knowim; the customs and i manners of New Yorkers, spent a night I in n station house cell, but w hen at'-1 rulKiied in Jefferson Market police court' today was discharged by .Magistrate: t rune. A month aix Julia lliirnard. nil years i old. came to this city from London, i llcr symetrii'iil form and the attractive face won for her a place In the studio i of Henry Mosler. the well-known hi j list. As she told the story today, she ! posed all day yesterday for Artist MIs ! jer in his studio In the Carnegie hulld j I iik. Soon after .". o'clock, ulmosl ex liausUd from tile long posing, she started for her home, ut No. 1117 Klghth ' UVCIIUe. ine corner 01 .Mueiocmn sireei ami Kindt!) avenue. percelvliiK that the1 j sidewalks were thronged with people, ! and being- tired ami hungry and uurc j Ions to reach her home, she stepped into the street and hastened uloiiK, ; oblivious of the (fiances directed ut her ' by I he crowds on the wclk. I 'reset! i ly boys began to follow her, laud then men, no doubt, lit trailed by. ; lu r pretty face and the odd spectucle ot a woman walking In the middle of the street. Joined in the procession, When she became aware of the crowd n her train she stopped and. with some dismay, looked for n means of escupe. At that moment I'oliceman Churchill, r .i,H ,.. 'rwenileth street doIIcc sta- ' Hon. stepped nil and. taking her arm. I lold her she was under arrest for ills-1 orderly conduct. She w renched herself I I free and prottsted against the Indiff-1 nil v. but the policeman was nbdurale, 1 mid look her to the station house, I lie I I crowd following. , j When arraigned in court today she' j Insisted that her nrrest was an out-1 rage. Mr. Mosler was present, and lie I I explained to Magistrate Crnne that Miss! Itiirmird was Ignorant of the ways of j i New Yorkers. She was then ' dls-' charged, but she could not forgive the! j policeman, w hom she characterized as i , "a beastly creature." i RAILROAD MENMEET. ne lliousand Persons Attend Mil tiathering at t rie. Krie. 'a., March 28. over I.OuO peo- pie alt' -tided the union meeting of rall- road men held in this city this even- lug. Speeches were made by V. I'. Sar- gent, grand master of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen; P. Hs Mori I -sey, ijranil master of the rlrotherhood of Pullwuy Trainmen: K. K. Clark, j grand master of the Order of llailwuy i Conductors: Uelos Kverett, of Cleve- I land, third grand, engineer of the j Brotherhood of Locomotive Knglueers: I Mayor Scott. Mayor-elect Saltsman. Professor J. It. Burns and other prom inent citizens of Krie. This afternoon n secret session was held at which there was u large at tendance of delegates and It Is given out tonight that the sentiment ex pressed was unanimously in favor of federation of all the railroad mens' or ganizations although no action was taken. A banquet was served by the wives of the ru 1 1 road men to which upwards of MM leegate and Invited guests were seated. M'C.ONN EEL-THOMPSON CASE. Parties Concerned In the Shooting Affair W III l ive. I.ancaster. Pa.. March 2G.i-lt was learned today that the hale of Miss Bertha McConncll, of Coatesville. who shot Henry Thompson nnd herself. Is not denil. as was supposed. It Is still living and is supposed to be at a Phila delphia baby farm. Tliooipson had a comfortuble night and loda he Is fully as strong as yes terday, with the chances of recovery Increasing. ' Miss Mi-Council Is Imfirovlnjr. and her chances for recovery nre now good. tirtater New Y ork mil Passed. Albany. N. Y., March 2il. Senntor lexow's greater New York bill passed the assembly this afternoon by a vote of yeas. 91; noes, M. The measure now goes '-i ffnvernar Morton for his approval. ANOTHER MAN IN THE CASE One ritzsimnions Alsu Loved Annie McCrath. STKAXCE TALE OP DITLICITY I he MurJered tilrl Said to Have Had Two Men at Her Kent-A Jeweler from West Chester fur nished Idamonda. Philadelphia. March 2G. Another fea ture in the case of Annie MeC.rutli cropped out today. It appears that, while practically living upon the boun ty of one man, she was playing fast unit loose with another. She passed as the1 niece of one and the promised wife of the other. She was not averse to titrtu lion, and It was through her propensity for his that she met the man to wlioti she was engaged to be married. This man was not Lungdou. Ilia name Is r'itzslminons. and he Is a Jew eler In YVest Chester, pa. How the two met is best told by Coroner Ashbridni?. The latter was seen today by a report-!-, and-this is what he said: "The girl had known Langdon for some time, an J lust summer she made some sort of ail excuse to her parents and went to Atlantic City. There li pier l.aiiKdon. and they went to a cot tage in one of the fusliionuhle und ex clusive portions of thu Island. Then they apparently occupied separate looms, and weru known as uncle uml niece. ' "They were quiet, modest In th-lr manner, und made some few friends lit the select circle In which they moved; but after awhile the gentlemen uln.ut the pluve beg a,n to hint that the coiile Were not what -they represented them selves to be. There was a certain sort of coldness evinced toward them, ami tlli'illy they left the house, ostensibly on their way to Philadelphia. "The two enjoyed themselves III tlie usual fashion In vogue at the seaside; they went out sailing, took ocean trip and were seen together often. It wax wlille the girl was on the board walk at Atlantic City that her propensity for llti ting resulted In her capture of Fltse sliiimous. the West Chester Jeweler. FIT8IM M ONS PKOPOS Kl . AVithin a week after she met him Kltz simmons had proposed marriage to h-r. was accepted, gave her a diamond rinjr. as evidence of the betrothal, and vIimi she left the city with Jier 'uncle' bude her ail affectionate farewell, but not in tlie presence or the aforesaid uncle-.' For some reason there was an estrange ment between tlie two nnd the engage ment was broken off. Shortly after wards, however, a reconciliation n--curred, und at the girl's suggestion FitzslmmotiM took the engagement rinar and had the diamond placed In another setting. At that time the dute for their marriage was fixed for June 23 next." Coroner Ashbrldge did not know what-had caused the trouble between the (,'lrl and Fitstsimmoiis. but from other sources It is said that tlie latter became jif betv true relations with Langdon. He unbruided her for her duplicity and left her In anger. . -Afterwards the girl wrote to liim ami effected the reconciliation. The ring was changed to suit her taste, and nil the time Fltzsiniiiions und I. unction were both being fooled. l.aii(tdon thought the girl was true to him mid so did FiUsimiuoiis. Lungibiii evi dently learned how the girl was acting; ami to this knowledge Is ascribed the cause of the quarrels in the corridor of tin- Drcxel building. Tlie ring which Pitzslmmr.ns krvo the gill wus round in Langdon's porket when he was urrested. Whether he took It from the dead body of the Kirl or she gave It to him before shedft-d. has not yet been determined-at lesu t neither the police nor tin- coroner will talk on the subject. Fitzsimmons is said to be a Jeweler in West Chester In very well-to-do -ir- cuuistances. lie had been married twice-before he met Annie MiCratli. It hus been ascertained that when the physicians made the autopsy on the body they found two blood clots near the heurt. When Coroner AshbridKe was usked about this he laughed heart ily. "There is nothing whatever to In dicate that the girl died from heart disease. That organ was perfectly normal. I can say this because I kuow what I am talking about. Y'ott report ers and others have your suppositions. So have I, but I cannot say anything as to the cause of deuth, simply Id ealise I know nothing nbout it. Wo will not know until Dr. I.elYmun makes known all that he has learned by his chemical unulysis of the different por tions of the body which have been sub mitted to him for examination." Ij A NO DON CONSILTS I.AWYKlt.S. I.angdon was taken from fiis r-t-H ngnin this afternoon and escorted down stairs to Captain Miller's room. There he was closeted with Lnwyer Barlow and Captain Miller. , The cunfereneo lasted nearly two hours, and at Its conclusion l.angdou was sent back to his ctll. Dr. S. D. McDowell, bang don's family physician, visited the i Ih oner and found him suffering with a severe cold, which was contracted since his arrest. Otherwise Langdon was In excellent health and hus not apparently worried over the grave charge that has heen made against him. Dr. McDowell, pre scribed for the prisoner nnd then re quested that Langdon be placed In nu mber cell and provided with certain comforts thut are not usually Riven to prisoners. Dr. Andrews will have n cell fitted tip with a bed nnd other furniture this evening and tonight Langdon will rest as comfortably as he could at the hotel. Attorney Arthur Moore, who repre sents Langdon, nnd Coroner Ashbrldge had a long conference this afternoon nbout the case. No steps were taken by Lnngdon's counsel towards seem ln the releuse of their client on ball. At present Langdon Is held merely upon suspicion, lint should the mi-oner delay the inquest an unreasonable length of time a writ of habeas corpus will be apnlled for to have Lang-don released, or a ease made out -against him. Mrs. Langdon arrived here today from Pittsburg and was In private con versation this afternoon with Assistant District Attorney Barlow. The reuHon for Mrs. Lnngdon's coming or the sub ject of her conversation with Mr. M:ir low could not be learned, nor Is It known where she Is stopping. INSANE BOY WITH A (JLX. I.eon Kosentiaura Attempts to kill I.ouls Black. ' Rochester. N. Y.. March 2fi. Ixiuls Black, of the clothing manufacturing firm of Black & Meyer, on North St. Paul street, was the victim of an at tempted nssasslmitlon this noon as lie wus on his way to lunch. The would be assassin is leon Itosenboum. 21 years of age, n son tif Mr. Hosembnutii. of the firm of Seel. - Itosenbauin Ac Steefel, clothing manufacturers, whose factory Is near that of Black tt Meyers. YVhen Mr. Black passed Andrews street he passed Mr. Itose.nbaum auiU THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Twday : Fair ; Colder ; Northwesterly YYindi. 1 Another Man lu the Luugtloii-McOrath Case. m Typical Texas Convention. Kaypt to Pay the BUI. Poisoned with Arsenic. 2 Congressional Doings. Stricken Hlln. I by Ulectrlelty. (ienerul Market and Stock Keport. 3 ( I .call Cuss Before the United States Court. Diimnore Itioters Are Arrested. Common fleas Courts. I Kdltorial. lieneral Political Information. W hat Homo of our Kxchunge's Say. 5 (I.ocnD Councils Hold a Lively Ses sion. Neslls Und Million the Caucus Nomi nees. . Domoerats of the Third. Fought Like Demons. "The Ittill-FlKhter's Secret." Industrial and Itullroad News. 7 I Lot-all Suburban News. Mammoth Water Company Organized. t Up and Down the Valley. greeted tle hoy "flood niornltiB." He had tuken but a few steps past the yotinit man. however, when u. pistol shot rang out and lie fell something strike him In the buck. Turning he ex cluluied "My Hod, what are ou shoot ing me for!" ltoseiibiiiiiu continued to lire and Mr. Black held bis umbrella In trout of him In an effort to protect himself from the Hying bullets. Three shots weiv fired, the young mint .being; within ten feet of his victim. A large number of people gathered nnd Koseiiliuuni es caped up nn alleway. Mr. llluck walked to his house, nearby and an examination of his hat k showed a bul let hole through the rout ami vest and I where the vest buckle hud been shat tered., tins evidently suvea his lire. The boy is thought to be Insane as the families of Black and Koseiibuum are on liitlmuta terms. POISONED wTtH ARSENIC. .Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Snyder, of Port Jcrvis, the Victims of I'oknown Murderer A laughter Suspected. Port Jet vls. X. Y March 2. On Sun day evening Jacob Snyder and his wife, who live on Kast Main street, this city, were tuken suddenly III with ar senical poisoning. Jacob died lust Tues day, but Mrs. Snyder lingered along until early this morning, when she died. The Snyders' only daughter. Mrs. Martha Whittnker. who Is suspected of having administered the poison, has been under the surveillance of the po-' lice since yesterday morning. She was debarred from the presence of her par ents by order of the physician, Dr. Swartout, on last Sunday, at which time it was first ascertained that they had been poisoned. Mrs. YYhittuker was practicully a prisoner in the sitting room below the room whenvlierjuother lay suffering; all day yesterday, u po liceman standing guard on the outside of the building by order of Coroner 1 larding, who hus the matter In charge. When Mrs. Snyder was found to lie In a dying condition at C o'clock lust even lug the daughter was admitted to her presence. As soon as she entered the room the mother called out: "tb-t her mil of my sight." The daughter did not leave the room, but remained where her mother could not see her. W'licn tlie mother died Mrs. W'hlttaker stvooned ami fell to the floor. Shortly after Mrs. Snyder was seized with nausea and Dr. Swurtotit was hastily summoned. He found her suf fering evidently from the efTerts of poison and udminlstered antidotes. The physician was auain culled tit 7 o'clock and later ut 11 o'clock. At Ulmjii it wus said the woman was dying. Corouor Harding took an ante mortem state ment from Mrs. Snyder on Titesduy, the substance of which he will not make known until the Inquest, u Jury for which was empanelled this morning. Autopsies have been performed on the bodies ot ltotli the victims und the. stomach, intestines nnd other organs showed violent irritant poisoning by arsenic. These will be sent to a New York chemist to be analyzed. A box of rnt poison In the house from which about two spoonfuls hud been taken. Is In the possession of Coroner Harding. Airs. Whittnker, by the death of her parents, would have come Into posses sion of $::.0ou insurance, Ii'.Ihmi of which was on the life of the father, payable to the wife, and tl.iHMI on the life of Mrs. Snyder, payable to her husband. Mrs. Snyder inaile a will on Tuesday, in which she devised her property so us to deprive Martha of Hie $.'.0U0. but the J'.DoO Insurance on her own life she could not change. Mrs. Whit taker asserts her innocence of the crime. .MAVKOYENI BEY'S CASK. Stories of the Uecall of tha Turkish Minister to the I nilcd States. Constantinople, March 26. The re port that Mavroyenl Bey. Turkish min ister to. the I 'tilled States hus been re called. Is confirmed by Information ob tained nt the foreign ofliee here. London. March 26. The Constantino ple correspondent of the London Times telegraphs that the recall of Turkish minister at Washington is In conse quence of the sympathy for the Armen ians manifested In the I'lilteil States. Washington, March 21!. At the state department the usual n licence is ob served and Secretary Olney declines to give any information either iilllrming or denying the reported recall of the Tit', k Ish minister. Mavroyenl Bey him self stales that he Is entirely Ignorant of any Intention on the part of bis government to recn'l him. as he he-its or It. except through the newspapers. SIXTY MEN I.MO.YIUI I). Horrible Mine I plosion In New Zealand, l ive Miners killed. AWlllnpton. New aland, March 26. An explosion occurred ill the JSrunner mine this iiioiniiig. Five miners are known to have been killed and sixty are ciitomls il with no hope of their being- rescued. - - -Hay nf Accidents. Shenandoah. Pa., March 26. There were six mine accidents here todav. At Kllati gowan colliery, Michael Muldoon and Adam Lltman were thought to be fatally Injured by a fall of coal, and Amhoiiy Ifarnlsry was seriously buriied by a ga:i explosion. At Knickerbocker eulllerv An drew ilufsky ami James Pagrauls' were badly brtrneil by u gas explosion, mid ut Maple Hill John Konopluy was Injured. .- . Whipped "ScoIJt Bill." New York. March 26. At the new Man hattan Athletic club tonight I'aildv Pur sell, nf Kansas, fought ten hot rounds with William Qnlnu. better known us "Hcaldv Itlll," fram Pottsdale, Pa. There was hard hitting throughout the bout uml Isiih were fighting hard as the bell rung for the nd of the lust round. The spectators Were In favor of a draw, but the fudges decided In fkivorof Pursell. EGYPT TO JFOOT THE BILL Will Advance Money fur the Dunyolu U ipcdit iun. FRAXCB AND KtSSIA OBJECT Tint Sultan Inters No Protest Serious Condition of the Ituliun Army la Abylnia-A Continuation of War Will 11 Hisaatrous. Cairo. March 2C The commission of the. Fgyptlan debt met here today and decided to advance JL.MHi.oou lS2.riU0.iH.Hl) necessary to meet the expenses of the Ptritlsh-Kgyptlun expedition which Is to advance upon Ixmgola. Of the sum needed, 420U.00O ( $1,(HM,MHJ) Is avallublc Immediately. The Kngllsh, Herman. Italian nnd Austrian members of the Kgyptlan debt commission voted to advance the money required. The Ktisslun and French members voted uKulnst the proposition. TJirectly the action of the majority of the Kgyptlan debt commissioners be came known, the representatives of the 1'urls syndicate of Kgyptlan bondhold ers took steps to Institute proceedings before the Kgyptlan mixed tribunal ng;ulnst the debt commissioners und the ministers responsible for the reserve fund. London, March 26. A special de. spnti h from tlalro says that the French und Iliisslau members of the Kgyptlan debt commission left the meeting today after protesting; against the use of Hie reserve fund for the purpose of the Urttlsh-Kgyptluu expedition. The iiuestiou of the Teported protest of the Turkish government against tha Drtttsh-Rgyptlaii expedition was taken up In thu house of commons today. The Under-Secretary of stute for for eign affairs, (ieotge N. Curzou, said that It was true that the sultan hud made Inguirles us to the nature of the expedition to Dongola, hut no protest against it had been made on behalf of thevTurklsh government. The neces sai y i xolanatloiis, Mr. C'tirzon added, were given to the Turkish ambassador. It was true that Turkey had not been consulted previous to steps being taken to organize the Nile expedition, but that wus because nothing was contemplated which was beyond the power of the khedlve In the advance of the troops. Iteferrlng to the conflict of opinion which has arisen regarding the use of the Kgyptlan reserve fund, Mr. Ciir.on Said that there were various precedents for asserting thut a majority vote of the commission was all that wi s neces sary to aulliorige the expenditure. The Marquis of Salisbury hus gone to Ueuulleu, In the north of France, ITALIAN AltMY. Rome. March 26. General F.llona. who was wounded at the battle of Ad owit, In an Interview Is quoted as saying that the Italian army wus never so hudly organized, fed, and disciplined. The three columns operating against the Aliyssiitlans were so separated that contact was impossible. The officers were without mups,' th ntintry was quite unknown, and no provisions were Mnde to meet emergencies. He declared that If the war Is con tinued Italy will be exposed to great disillusions. A 1'EfTLIAR FIRE. F.tectrlc Light W Ires Coming in Contact with a Metallic Ceiling Causes Blae. The alarm at 2.20 o'clock this morning from box 24, was occasioned by a slight tire in Fo Hike's drug store In the Carney A Iti own building, at the corner of Adams avenue and Linden street. The electric light wires leading to tne nrst chandelier came lu contact with the metallic celling and causing It to glow w ith a white heat, set tire to the ru Iters and flooring above. One-of Mr. Koulk's clerks, who wus on his way home, pussed by the store, and, notic ing; that tin? light which Is usuully left burning all night, wus out, he Klaneed In and discovered the cause. lie sent In the alarm nnd brought the central city companies, which sub dued the lire with chemical extinguish ers, before much damage resulted, ATE WILD PARSNIPS. Nw Jcrse School Children Are Poisoned by Mesterlous Hoots. Tlnunrl P.rook. N. .f., March 26. Four school children were poisoned in South rlnund I it unit today and one of them Is lead and mint her Is not expected to live. in company with other children Hes sie nnd Willie Matthews and Leon and Anna Van Nest left school at noon to go home to dinner. On their way they found some roots which they mistook for horseradish nnd ute of the plants. .After dinner, liessle, who wus 6 years old. wus taken with convulsions and died before medical attendance could be jirociired. The doctors .sey that the roots eaten were either wild i-ursnlps or wild artichokes. Anna Y'an Nest, 4 yenrs old, is so III that she Is not ex locted to live. The others will prob ubly recover. FAI.SK IMI'KISONMKNT. Martha Burke ticts a Hlg Verdict in Her Caso at Pittsburg. Pittsburg. Pa.. March 2C. Martha litirke, a colored servant who recently sued her employer.' W. K. Hawiey, the well-known Democratic politician and contractor; Police Inspector Henry YY'hitehotise uml Police Superintendent tl'llara for SPUhmi damages for false arrest and Imprisonment, today re ceived a verdict of js,2i against Iluw ley und White house, but not against i I'Mura. The plaintiff was suspected of the larceny of valuuble wedding presents from Mr. Hawiey in Di!i4. She was ar rested and locked tin for eight days. No Informal ion was made against her. und no warrant was issued. She was released without tlie hearing. The de fendants will usk for a new trial. tkle;kafhi: ticks. The famous violinist, Kemenyl, is so. liously III In Daveiipnrt, la. Six women compose the Jury In a divorce case on trial at l: rookie us. s. j. The Ohio senate has passed a bill to sub stitute electrocution for hanging in capi tal cases. My the collapse of a brick hotel building lit llccutUI'. III.. seVt-ll pcrsntlS Were sc. veiely Injured ami a child killed. Hiram II. .Morrison, of lln.-ton. Mass.. under arrest tor wile muViler, confesses that he choked his victim to death. A syndicate has been formed, wiih hea.l luarters lu Koslou, .Mass.. which will ab sorb all the iiiitiorlani electric healing companies of the country. William M. Khlpii and Itookkeper C. W. Finnc, of the Deposit bank, of Midway, Ky who were recently dismissed, ur short 111 their uccouals $4li.Mi. Albeit M. Hull, alias K. J. West, a New Y'ork reporter, ended his .life wiih morphine In a Clinlmiuli (O.I hotel. A Sio.uuu life Insurance policy was lound among his elTovts. FIHLEY'S ST 0 a Tl Tl Tl i " . wlJwL U Waist Sale We are now showing a magnificent line ot Shirt Waists. THE DERBY WAIST n Linen Batiste, In dlan Dimities, Gala teas, Percales, Etc. THE CEEltATEB Also the KING and MOTHER'S FRIEND, for Boys. The most satisfactory Waist in the market) GINGHAM BRESSES Boys' Kilt Suits and Infants' Long and Short Dresses. ' 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Spring Tread easy in a pair of our EASTER SHOES. Ev ery department is com plete; every Shoe is se lected with care. lEWI5yMIXY k MWl U4 AND lltt WYOMINU AVE. Wbol.ul.au4 K.taU. Easter Eggs. Easter Eggs. We have secured one ot the prettiest, inexpensive,' Easter Gifts to o BeesOTted East:r la, Something entirely new. Look in ouf show window as you pass by. W. J. Weichel 408 Spruce St. ( barters tiranted. Harris-burs. I'a.. Jlarcb Uii These char, teis were granted today: The Culumbift K11IUII11K ami loau association, ut Taylor, Lai. kn wanna county, capital Xjv.VUO: Bcott dslo Hnll'liMK and l.aaii association, ut S -ott.itili-. capital Jiw.iu"; ba-011 Urniu tuctiirmK company, itf Krte. capital im. ami the Mercer Telephone and- leie Krapli .-oinpaiiy, of Mercer, capital 2u.tHW. Hampering Itelief Work.' T.onitoll. March W. The Morning I'ost will tomorrow- publish a divpateh from Const-i ntluiiple savins that the officials ut Hm lis are preveutnu; tin- American mis siouaiics from rellevlnir tlie needy. Thu 1! -patch adds that Sir I'hillp Carrie. tb Ittiilsh anibassstfiinr, mis visiten lewnK Fashu. mlnlsti-r of forsisu aflalrs, lu r of '96. Card to this matt.r.