mm V I 1 a A3itA.iix;. J.'AinrjiN E 'i'HX3TtSDATT MOHXTXd, VIATIC II "C, 18IVif. CARBONDALE. fRffidern will please not that dTertle snentK. orders for job work, and Items for Sublimation left at the. establishment of htnnon Co., newsdealers. North Main iret.vltl receive prdmpt attention; of Be open from S a. m. to 10 p. ni.J , KEL1GIOUS MAM AC. William llicka' Mind I nbingad . and rreatci a tiood Dsal of rixcitcmcnt. William Hicks, a rcsiw tabid young? ronrrl-U mnn ens-lsed In the buti-lierinir l.usin.'ss. was taken in harse yesler lav moinlnir l.y the authorities; ami vu. 'Xiiiiiiifil us Ik his sanity by phys-l.-luii bv onlcr of tin- poor deimitiiient. lie- with hlK wife ami four 'luMr'U I'll Arehliul.l street, wax in -mnf rtalilf ilrciimstaiices ami liveit liaiilv. Sometime uso lie mot with an a i.l-iit while ili'ivliiK a van (n ForeM Oty. iiml. ax it Ix xuld, hal an injury t,i Iiis licaii. 'Tlrcrc. has appcare.l symp tom tt eccentricity in his action ami for wfckM ! had .l.-velopcil a r.liul"iis iiuiiitt. It was not. however, until Inst 'ek at the ciinvetilion of the t'hrlslinn i;'H-tr' mission lieUI hi tin- Welsh eUi.-Mllst church, that In- u.uihII.x broke forth. i. ntlenilcil the llrst meeting: "J Tliins.luv inorninu: f last week, ami PI si i-mI to ! rational while th meet In pi u -reded, until Ha expi-Heme Ittln anie. 'riven -lie Kit up uiul In term- full nf fervor. In- how he liu.l t-en converted by reading u letter lrom his dear mother, wlm reside hhi tht'iu-a In KnKlaml. uml lie vlv- I. llv lesrihe.l tin- effect the loiter had iiimiii liim. that he fell on his knees ami ...nn.H-1-atecl himself body ami until In srrv the l.ord. puir-luK sa.rihee till lit possessed In the world, his busl i. .ss. Iii property, wife ami lunuly. iiml to devote his whole time to Kpreail tin- work of the unspel of Jesus t Hrist. Th- p-opl. of the Kexeue mission shout-.! for Joy nnd nwiiiK to this Mr. It !! urew very cntliusiastli-. He ,K.k.. nil th- time. At the urt.-rn.HUi niei'tiiiK. he talked nualn Incessant I.n Hti.l tli mission workers kept slmtitini, at liis remarks. It, t ween the meelinKX lie called upon his ftistomers. pmyini; and talking about his mission to ..reach the Kospel a ml how he had been .onverte.l Me .aril lis lillde In his hand and said that was all he had in the world, a I .Is.- h.- had plated at the altar ..r .l. llnuvver. at the iiisht s m-etliiK. he r-iieh-l the w-nttli of excitement, jump iiiK. i-i'Vltt nml witlklna iirouinl. the i-.-si-u.-is wlllltiK to Klve him .roinl- ii. -iic.--. The following; niornitiu; r ri lay. Uf was In the ini-etinu an. I i-on-tliiue.t in u reunions heat all the day. lie rail sell exi-itemclii lit I lie several meeting by his shoutin(i and wild talk. II. - hasi foiitltitioii from Ihen until now. SuiiiiHV he alti-nile.l service at the lrex,rl,4ii i-linivh. ami he uot UP I" the t.iistoi'. ascendhiK the stalivaxe if the pulpit. lie persuaded him to witn .lraiv and sll amoiiK the audience. ThtMl he atteiideil the men's nief-tins at th .Methoiliht l'lnlseopal ihitrch In the aflernoou and creuted a .listurb a m-. rrh- wliole ir this week he has Bone about the streets. ealllliK upon the ui.Tchiitits In their stores ami hotels: then, i mi horseback, made himself very prominent. Tuesdo evenini; Ills little nirl i-'silleil the neighbors, ami fearlntt h.' would do bodll harm to his dear ones, they decided to stay with him dur ing tin- iiiKhl. Wfilti.-silay inorniiu?. upon authority from the board ol poor directors. illicer Xenry, with the assistance of John .'it. Is. who only had influence upon liim. persuaded him to conn- down to lln- 'it.v Imlldinu. It niiuireil four men to net liim Into the building. m e pla. ei In the cell he seiimed to net . worse, his liiniiUiiise chaiu;e.l to blas phemy and scripture. The poor board took -riari- of the demented man and summoned doctors, who decided that he shoiil.l he sen', to the Danville asylum, lie. whs to he taken to Danville ly the 'nVlock train, but they failed to S't lil it nut of the cell. left Tuesday .to visit , Wr .sitter Scran ton. . ' "The I'hitnes of Normandy" rompany will meet tonight at the Ixtus club and will make; further arrarnre-ments. Miss AIUe Lintr. of fand street, will leave shortly V nter the novitiate of the sisters of charily at Kmmettsburg, Muiyiand. , - .Miss latle Dcver. of Sctantmi, la the guest of MIsb Maggie l'owUerly, of South Terrace street. Mrs. W. V t'opelaml and daughter, tlrace, has returned from a. visit at Nineveh, X. Y. Dr. li. C. Wheeler, who has been In Syracuse. X. V., returned home Tues day niicht. U J. Ayers will leave thin week for his former lunne in ttomerville. X. Y. .Miss Tessle Hlnxlnx is usralu in New York, for the purpose of havinft miother operation on heriund. Mrs. K. Dickinson, of WyoinhiR street, has returned from I-taltliimre, where she attended the funelul nbse . lilies of Iter ninth'T. Thoimis Walsh and Duvbl l.ewls are busy littlnif IP. their new l.otlliiiK es tabiishm.nt mi lJlke street in the I. nil. Hi. K that Mr. I., wis usea lor u meat market. Miss I iert ill. I-. Movies, of South -iiiiut; street, is conliiied t- ln-r room. Miss Kva ISell Vuil. of Koresit t'ity. Is visitiim her cousin. Miss Uuttie A ol cutt, on Dickson hill. T. K. Walkr-r. of Hildei.n t. onn., ami II. II. Walker, of r.rooUlyu. X. .. returned to their homes Tuesday. Miss May Murray .-nleretl St. Hoses convent as n novltia'.e yesl-ily. Miss Nellie tlerrhy, of St-mtiton, Is visitinn her parents on Tike strevt. . Austin Mid well, the noted forget, who sold the ftold brick to the itunk or Kngland. !uid a visit to thi ity yes terday. Me Is connected with a com pany at Hartford, t'unn. PECKVILLE. ..I A MI'S HOI.AMI III l 1 1 : 1 . I aid lit Kent in St. Kotc'i Ccmctcrv Yes l . rrdn Morninc- Tin funeral of the popular mid es teemed youiiK mnn. .lames .). Il.dan.l. took ilac yeslerduy uiornini; at S. from- hi home on Seventh avenue. The hoily wus taken from the home to St. Itose'x, church, where a reipilem high mas was celebrated by the Key. Kath- Vr X'itloti. who diivered n vr-rv elo-iin-iir sermon.' The remains were ion- ,Vi-yel to St. Hose's cemetery for lit - tTiu.-nt.- The pall-bearers were tin.1 followliiK itentlemeii: 'hauncey Smith. Kibi urd Morgan, I'atrlck I'owderly, Jo- Vepli ' 'onnoi-, James 1!. McTiphe. John i ilium.'. James Hatrett ami l'l a nk llohnti. The I riemls out of town were: Miss Kirllo t'llnion and Mrs. t'linton. of KoKlhitm. N. Y.: 1'. J. White, of Arch ibald, .und, Dnmlnti'k llolaml, if Scran-toll. IvwuiaiBaaaBnmk I'I KSON.U, AMIO I III K I I I . MS The IJelattaro and Hudson minis were running lull lime yesterday. Mesi. I J. W. ICvans. of Wayne street, I Was an Invalid Bo loa(f-I did not aipect ever to b tell gain. I- wai coutland to the houaa the whole winter with nervous debility and fe male weakntai, b a v i n it no ireugth, appe tite or euerify. A friend urged tu to take Huod'i Harsapa rilla which Idid aud I i aoon able to do my own work and feci that life wort a living. I cheerfully recointnend Huod'i Sarsapurilla to all afflicted iu like maimer." Was. M. K. MoiKIN, Muuard, Virgiuia. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye, fl; 0 forfd. a-l ,a Dillc ait Uariimiilouljr with nOOCl S fills Unod'aSaraapariUU. kic. SPRING OPENING! OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT . Jluft been wonderfully Jut prtivcJ hy uUdliiK l.MM (tqiiurc : feet to our ulrcudy spacious store. And ivc have just rc ceivcJ the finest uortmciit ol Curpct the market cun pro Jucw. 1 lie patterns ure of the very latest. Our Wall Paper Department ',- Hum been Increased to twice its t former nle, so that you can see the fiiiusfcaiul most artistic stvle.4 unJ coloring!! ever sliown in the market. Prices ; - ul way the lowest. . Carpets, Wall Paper J.SCOTT IIIGLIS, 41t LaekaWahna Ava. niirlud n lilrtliday patty siveii hy tin ladles ..f the Methodist Kpl hur. h. I'harles llaidlnK ami lllie Austin unlned entiiinee to the hase nietit of the eliiiri li. ill whli h the en tertalnnienl was heiiiK held, uu.l threw ti lot of red pepper In Ihe fui naee. I he fumes nf the l.urnlnK pepl.ei- drove th'? people fiom the l.uililln uml they were unal.le to unain enter it t attt-nd tli" entertallimeiit. hieh was to liave fol lowed later In th- eVeliiiiK. Warrants were l'l"' '"''' the arrest or Hie l.oys hy Trustees i. II and I'eck. iul tlii'V were pieked up soon after hy 'oiistnble .MiLiiuithllii, ol olyphant. who hap pened to be In town. At u heal inB he fore 'Squire Arnold II was shown that the pitpper had hei n pun haseil ut Itloeser's drupr store in the afternoon. llaidlnK hoiiKlit the pepper and en deavored In net some companion to throw it in the Turtiiiie. After several hoys hail refused younn Austin was tl Hit II V nei'Siiadeil to handle the pepper. The lio'vs were held to hull in sum of Ii'iiii each, iii a charge 'f malicious mischief. llurdlius's father. I'. ! 1 1 ii ril in K became liondsnmii for 'ii son. and Austin, who had no frlemls. comniitted to Jail In default of ball. Kor some time past the church people have been annoyed by malii'louu boys nn. I on .Sunday last Uev. S. Simp kins, the pastor, announced from the pulpit lliat prosecutions wouhl tHke place unless the business ccaH'l. It Is thouKhl that the pepper vu thrown in a spirit of revenue. ileorse Doyle Is lyliiK da nueiously ill with tvphoi.l pneiunonia. Mrs. Thonias Henibo. of Soranton. spent a lew days this week with her son. John Membo. Mrs. William .lames has lieeii quite ill Ihe past week. Miss Mimule Twist, of I.nllln. Is th" miest of Mr. and Mrs. Aneuriaii Wil liams, of llell I'liu-e. .Mr. and Mis. Ueorife Smith, of the Iti.lse road, have a child ill with pneu monia. Timothy Allen, of Plains, has been visitiiiK a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mornans. rioy.l Keller has returned to the SI roiidsburir State Normal m hool. af ter spending the past week with his pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. t I). Keller. Thomas A. Hell, or Olyphant. and Jennie Wilson, of lllakely, were mar ried at the Methodist Kpisoopal par sonage lust Monday evening ly the Itev. S. r. Slmpklns. The Ladies' Aid society, the Kpworth league and Ihe Voitng I'ef.ple'si S.K-iety of the Methodist Kpiseopal churcli pur chased last Tuesday a set ol" tllshes. Imported china, containing ".10 pieces. Warn p 'it Tribe. Improved Onler of lied Men. anil their ladies will lu mulct on Saturdny evenhm. April II. Mrs. Kdward iliilllths. of the West Knd, Is quite sick. X'ergle. the daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. AV. IS. Stevens. Is quite sick. - - JERMYN. Charles Smi'.h nml William Men it! left last night for Alaska. They m via Ta. .una and Juneau. Krom Jiuiean they go ,'iiiu miles overland on foot. They wili be employed this season hy FYnnk Holoher. formerly of this place, who is now u wealthy gold miner, employing a large number of tnen. Wages are $10 per day there and Hour Sinn per barrel. The vole cast at t lie elect ion held to ilccid'' Ihe question of bomliiif; I lit- tow n for water would seem to indicate nearly h unanimous opinion. Marnabas t'ui t.-i . sr.. died a t his home on South Main strict at U'.4u p. m. yes terday, aged "i years. The deceased, who was well-known throughout the valley, was born in fount. v I mi lium. Kiiglaml. coming to this country when quite young, swtllng llrst in Luzerne county, and for many years was em ployed in the fontu-ll mines at Minooka. Afterwards he accented a position as foreman for John Jertnyn In this place, which he held' until :tge nml infirmities compelled him to. relinquish the cares (in. I worries of : active life. II is wife .lied about four years ago. lie leaven three sons and two daughters, one brolhiT. Andrew farter, who resides In Mis souri, lie was a vestryman in Si. James' lOpiscopal cluiivh. a nn'inlicr of Annua lodge. No. Free ami A. ('pl ed Masons, "f I'alesiine .unmantieyy of farboudale. and the V-to;t::'s league of Si ran'oii. He was a man of strong convictions of right ami wrong, tin. I in the public offices which he- held in this borough no one. iikuv zealously glliil'iled the interests of the taxpayer and oppos-cd all legi.-iati.yi which was not for the best interest of the people. The funeral will ink- place Saturday from St. James' church.. . Aurora lodge, No. u-.t. will have charge of the ser vices In the Jermyn eenietci y. Alcm hcrs of sister lodges are invite. to hp present. : Miss llattle Spettlgue. of 'arl...iilae. is very '.11 at the residence .r Theodore Spettigue, of Cemetery street. A child, of Heibcrt Smith, of Seeond stieet. is ill with diphtheria. Members of llushbronk loilpe. ;.-. s:,0. Independent order of (Kid KVllown. nrc requested to be present this evening. ... . - - NEW IV)llFOF CD. Captain (leorge I.. Stone is vory ill. Miss Kannie Sparks, an ex-misslou-nry. gave n vrry inti'restina leetuif with illustrations nt the Methodist Kpiseopal church Tuesday evenlnjr. The new, Patriotic order Sons of America rooms will be ready for oc cupancy early In April. Dr. Ueon and company will holl the hoards at the'tlrand opera Iioum- the coming: .week. . This -has been a tough month for our maple sugar farmers. The tlrand Army of the Kepublio dec orate the town March si, at their an nual reunion, which Is to bo celebrated at the Opera house with n. camp tire and a military supper. Colonel Kzra A. Ripple, of Soranton. and t'a-ptaln 1 1. K. Heardsley, of Mont tone, are among the prominent speakers. Miss Kdlth Hrnqkn Is In town. We learn that lr. Hakes Is noon to locate nt Rnrlevllle. N. V. - M MM hest of all ia Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report VILKES-BARRE. SUIIIKI WITH .MOXKY. Hr. lortkr Tukca h lricd of the 1 Itndg Sal. 3 f . Koley went before Squire f.or inger. or the First ward, yesterday, and swore out Information against Mr. tar tier, a fake doctor, so If Is claimed. At Ihe hearing it Was developed that Foley and Kortler went into partnership and printed and sold the badges for the nishop lloban consecration. The pro ceeds were to be divided share and share alike. After the sale had been completed the partners went into III Scranton house to divide the profits. Pr. Kortler told Foley to go dow n stairs and get the drinks. Foley did so and when he returned to the room In which he left the doctor the latter was gone ami had taken the receipts $112 with liim. i.-.,i..' ti ri1ke.P.ii!'re and swore out the warrant for Fortier's ar- ! rest and It was served as ne was oouiu ing a train to leave the city. Kortler was put under $Jtm bail. Squire Perkins becoming his bondsman. KosHcr's Hum Hiirncd. The large barn owned by llichard llosser at Lurksvllle was totally de stroyed by lire yesterday. Including the contents, which comprised two horses, a barouche, surry, carriage and a large quantity of feed. The lire was discov ered by some miners who were return ing from work. They notified Mr. ltos ser. but the llames had ton great a headway and nothing could he (lone to save anything. The loss will amount to J.'.i"i. Mr. liosser Is of the opinion that the lire was of incendiary origin', as he can In no other way account for it. Pied at a Kipe Arc. On Tuesday afternoon at .1 o'clock, James Sunderland, an old resident of Shickshinny, uged fcs years, died after an illness lasting live yenrs. lie was the first Sunday school superintendent In Shickshinny and ha.l been a mem- her of the Methodist Kpiseopal church for llfty yenrs. A widow nnd one daughter, Mrs. Charlotte, wife of edi tor Deemer Meldeluuin, survive. Fun eral in the Methodist Kpiseopal church on Thursday at 1.80 p. in. Interment in Pine lllll cemetery. To kevise the Cost List, f Inn les Wheelock and H. C. Hunnell, couniy commissioners of Wyoming county, accnmpunled by their counsel K. J. Jordan, are In l.eporte. Sullivan county, attending the llnul meeting: of tlie judicial contest churl. They will make an effort to have the cost list revised und It Is hoped they will succeed. Ilarn licstroved by lire Tuesday night a large barn owned by William f. lioty. a farmer, living at Kenton, Columbia county, wns burned to the ground, together with a lot of hay, grain, vehicles and machinery. The loss is alxmt $1.:'00. covered by in surance, origin of fire unknown. Ilishop llobnn's Plans. In an Interview yesterday lllshop Mo ban said that he will nor remove to Scranton until Mlshop O'llarn desires It. Ilishop lloban has already said that he prefers to remain In Ashley, w here he has lived many years. Suit Against traction Company. A summons In trespass has been Is sued in the case of Albert Mensinger vs. the Wilkes-Karre and Wyoming Valley Traction company. The dam ages are not to exceed f.l.ono. succeeded hi business In the Kishop building by Christopher l.lnde. jr. M. K. CalTrey will leave the Mansion house and occujiy the IV K. Kearney building on the square. lie will be sm-ceeded bv T. F. Wells. T. F. Me lJeriiiutt will move to Jessup on the 1. A party of young people from Scran ton. enjoyed u "straw ride" to this borj ouifh and were royally entertained at Movies." A number of young ladles a,rul gentlemen of this place were also present. TAYLO W. Miss tlertru.le Iteese Is home nnd In tends speu. IIiik Kaster with her mother on Urove street. Mis ISeese attends the Itluomsbut'K Cormal school. Miss Lizzie iteiiihardt. of Stroiulsburg Normal school, .who was visiting her parents, bus returned to resume her MtlldifF. Tuesday evening a most enjoyable time was spent nt the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Vales, of South Taylor. The oc casion was a suriirise party given iu commemoration of the former's sixty ninth birthday. The following persons were present: Mr. und Mrs. Ilyerly. .Mr. and Mrs. Hariiiiiimi. Mr. and Mrs. W'tsby, Mrs. llowells. .Miss Wilson. Mrs. Craham. Misses Stella Ow.ins. Huchel Kvans. Kate Allison. Flora Wilson. Sa rah J. Williams. Mary J. Williams. Nel lie Morton. Lottie Crocker, liiusllla llowells. Uertle I ecker, Itichaid Kvnns, Harry Morton. William ilruver, Will lam Tompkins, Andrew Allison, Itenja nilll McCombe. 10. II. Decker, Misses Kdlth Jlowells nnd Nettle Vlckers. Miss Mingle Kvans, of F.ynon street, called on friends here yesterday. HONESDALE, Mrs. Henry I Co 1 1 is visiting her daugh ter. Mrs. Iiinsnioro, at Wellsboro. Miss Anna Tracey Is visiilng friends In New York. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge S. Purdy and (t. Y. I-jine are in New York this Week. The applicants f.,: the llones.lale postotlice are on the anxious seat. The appointment should have been made March 211, but no communication jins been received from the postmaster gen eral as yet. Farmers out In AVayne county llnd It extremely ilillli ult traveling, and many are unable to open the roads on account of the deep drifts. Joseph Cram I n 11 Is home from Phila delphia College of tientlstrv, and Will iam Swift from Harry Hillman acad emy, -AVIIkes-Harre. ; ir the llabjr la Cutting lectli. Mrs. Wlnslow'i: Foot hi n g Svrnp has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for tlielr Children while Teething, with Pertent Success. It Soothes the Child, Sortens the Quins, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind folic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. He sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Vhen Itiiliy was sick, we gave her Cnitorla. Alien she was a Child, she cried for Cast uria. Wbeu site lieeame 51 iss, xhe clung to Hist oris. Wliou she had Children, she cavetlieui Custorio. TO 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Offer the following Spec ials for the balance of the week : One lot of bla. k and navy reefer suits in all sizs, rexulur value, pi.W, 1 cadet s Price. !S due new lot of Mack figure. In iillaiit I lie skirts, lined t hiuUiilioiil, faced With velveteen, leader's IVIcc. Hue new lot of Mack llgiui'd brllliant ine skirls iinnh iloei quality, live yard skirt, lined t IiioiikIioiU, l eader's Price. I.?S New lot of men's Kusler neckwear. Hems of lieu ily. all slyle. Leader's Price. 7c Cine lot nf men's Vlack and tan col ored half liuse, warranti'd fust colors. Leader's Price. I'2-U r.imi.lete assortment of ladles' Swiss ribbed vests in ecru and while, Leader's Price from 1c to '21c cacli One lot of ladies' muslin drawer with cluster of I ticks, unit trimmed with embroidery, Leader's Price. 2Uc tine lot of linlles' muslin skirts, trimmed with lace ur embroidery. Leader's Price. SHc Si doxen ladies' line foiii-lnil Ion kid gloves iu tuns, browns and while Willi black embroidery, Leader's Price, tillc 23 dozen of the celebrated J. It. corsets, while only, In nil slues, real value, l.'fi. Loader's Price. 5!c t'.l pieces of wool mixtures, all sprints effects, real vuliie J.'m, Leader's Price, 15c The balance of our and Mv. all wool dress goods in one lot. Leader's Price. '25c So pieces of all-wool fumy suitings, also u 11-wool colored serges, these goods would be cheap ut .'lUc, Leader's Price. :VJc We. have pieces more of those won derful ISc. silks. Io not full to see them If you huvo uot .lone so. All of our SI i' fancy silks iu beautiful effects 111 one lot at !S'. jiHi yards of best .piality dress ging hams In short lengths from S to li yards, regular price, 10c, Leader's Price. 5c 7." pieces of line iiualily sephyr ging hums, regular price, l'i-e,,. Leader's Price, 7c 25 pieces of Crepe lie .lanin, the new est thing In wash fabrics made to retail at 12'ai'., Leader's Price. 7!c 2". pieces of genuine French organdies, goods that have retailed us high as :ine.. Leader's Price 11c 4-1 unbleached muslin, good quality, Leader's Price, 1c a yard LEBECK & CORIN. Houses for Sale and for Rent. II ymi contemplate purctuwinir or leas ing a hiiuse, or want to Invest In a lot, see the lists of desirable property on page j of The tribune. llohntick Kscnpcs. - i The Jury In the llohntick minder trial ' nt I o'clock returned a Verdict of not guilty. CATALOGUE OF HKILT NOI LS. A Wyoming school principal Is teach ing his pupils to discard the hyphen ' and big H in spelling Wllkes-narre. The Korer cooking lecture realized I $2.'il, which will be used for the es- I tabllshment of a free kitchen garden In connection with the free kln.lergur- ten. j The lust lectures of the Vniverslt v ! Kxtetision course will be hoard at the: high school assembly room on the eve-I nings of April S and April 22 respec- iiM-iy. 'I lie subjects will be John iirowii and Abraham Lincoln. . -ARCHBALD, Uypsy Queen." was presented In Father Ulpsy .lueen." was presented iir Kather Muthew Opera house on Saturday and Monday ev. tilnus by a company' com posed of capable young ladles and gen tlemen of this borough. The perform ances were well attended. The cast WHS Well selected nnd each member portrayed his or her part with skill und lidelhy. The music of the operetta was graceful and catchy and the cho ruses particularly very well rendered. The performance was highly creditable and lunch praise Is due for Its Inter pretation to those who composed the cast mid to th'-lr Instructor. Professor Johns. The remains of the late tjeorge Mren nnii reached here Saturday evening ami on Sunday afteriior.n the funerul "was held. The remains were taken to St. Thomas' church where services were held after which thy Were Interred in the Protestant cemetery. The pall bearers were: Kdmund l.ane. Thomas Paddeii, .Martin llurUo, T. I". O'llorn, Thomas P.reiinaii nnd Patrick t'u m inings. Many aoiualntaiices of the de ceased sent Horn I tributes which were curried bv John Karrell, .Martin -Murphy and i'atrlck McDermott. The members of the family or the deceased are grateful to those who extended sympathy ami kindness to them during their time nf sorrow. Andrew McOermott. who accompan ied Mr. lsrennun's remains from Crip ple Creek Is still here and will remain u month. Mr. .MclVrtnott Is an Arch' bnld boy w ho went . West and pros pered. On April 1st James 11. Keeley will he MBBv H M M n Bk Bk mm n asav mm mm m m. iniuvvniviv viivmiw TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION -ox- Thursday, March 26th, AT THE SHOW ROOMS OF UERI8EY BROTH 224 WYOMING AVE. ESTABLISHED. 1873 TELEPHONE 5154 S. G. KERR SON & CO. JOHN CKOSSLKY A SON'S, HALIFAX, EXCLAND; UNRIVALLED y AND TAPESTRY CARPETS In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina tions and Coloring,, which have made the goods so justly celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for Scranton. Our Complete Line of . . FOR THE SPRING TRADE Have now been received, aud includes everything ap propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax minsters, Savon neries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor ders to match. An inspection of our stock and ex amination of prices will pri e interesting. 408 L3Ck3W3nn3 AV8 Opposite ihe Main Entrance to Wyoming Kom THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. PA. STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896: nF.sorisi'KS. lyonns , Ovord rafts ; , I'. S. lloinls M her' Hands HaiiklliK House...-. , 1'remiunis on 1'. H. liotulH.., lui.' from I'. H. Treasurer, lii from Hunks I'ush ; , ...M."iB.77.1 4.1 711 "I ... ino.iHM, id ... 3H1..W. 20 iti.7:tt 03 H.liiln M 7.770 mi ... 1.-,7,:iih 73 ... 1J0.7KH sr. $l'.i:m.:ioii ;w UAHIMTTES. Capital K i r 1 1 1 m l.' vl.lo.l PrniliH Clreiilullon rXvideii.lH I'lipuld ItenusilK Due to Hanks Ke-lliseoiiiilH Kills 1'uyablH I 200.000 (VI 2iii.Uih) 0.1 MM!I 4.1 HIS M 1.S10.T-I4 1 H.:m li Nona Nona j2,iiii.:tiH) :) W M. CONISIil.l., Presldfnt: ii:o. H. C ATI. IN, Vice Presiik-nt: WM. H. PMCK. Caihler. IIKI:CI'0US -Wm. C.nncll. Henry Beiin, Jr., James Archbuld, Mm. T. Smith, Ueurge H. Catlln. I.uther Keller, Alfred Hand. Special attention given to bu.ilne.ts and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest on 'I ime Deposits. mQW kHD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup. nlies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. B8TTEIBE1IB SCRANTON. PA. 00 YOU WANT WE HAVE - LfIE ft LET'S GET TOGETHER. RICHARDS LUMBER CO 502 Commonwealth Building Telephone 422 i ER8, SALE BRGINS AT 10 A. n. I II. STRONG. AUCTIONEER TERMS OF SALE: Spot cash or twenty five per cent, of purchase price at time of sale, and the balance as per arrangement, with inter est at the rate of six per cent, per annum. NEW CABINET GRAND PIANOS, RUPTURE Is ono of the vmy common uiltti uti of man kind. It is usuallr tUo rex nil r hard work or nv. r eiei tion. mid is oftentimes the leaner of fevers or severe attacks of sieknesii which leave tbJ ah louiiiml iiiUM-lr In h weHkenrd rendition, allowing th pro i tuiou nf bowel. It is NO DISGRACE to lie ruptured, but it is viirjr aiinovintr and Knniatim s danveriiiH. t'nlil recently it was thoncht to In iuearai'ls without sn utioration, but thanks to scientific rjsurcli ITS CURE Is now AnsolXTF.I.r CBBTAIX iu ninet out of a hundred cases win too ruptu. e can be returned. I (five a written guarantee to cure. No knife, soinronvenlence. n.i i,ier tion; oo detention from bosiueea, and no truss to annoy you afterwards. One viit to nir oflica weekly for from four to eight weeks la nsnally sufficient for the worst cans. DK. A I. EX. V. O'M AL1.KY. Iluptnre Bpfflaliat, Wa.bington street, Wilkss Barre. Ha. . .. . hi faihionulile, mo.lern style All lire? uf full huve three iiuLtoim throuKliout, over-triini; ImsK. full Iron frame, etc., uml are moM un.ler the iiiine Ktiuruiuee us if sol. I in Hie nrilinnry wuy. 1. Kohiner: style, 7: etiony eaye. 2. Hohmer: Hiyle.7; niuhoKimy -u."e. 3. Mehlin: style .,; niilmit eiise. 4. .Mnthtichek Son! style, 5; walnut rune. it. MathtiKhek tk Hon; slyle, 1, wuln'it case. 6. Sehllhert: style. Wiilnnl case. 7. St iiyvesutu: wtyle. It; wnlniit ease. 8. Hnillh linrron: slyle. :!; wulnut ens.?. V. K iirtxmnnn: Htyle. 2: ebony cuse. in. KliiKHl.nry ; siyli. II; inuhomtny case. 11. I.iinhiitn ;siyle. i; ehory case. . Second-Hand Upright Pianos, Warranted in Perfect Order. lm. Miller r Htluni; bass. seven net a yen, over- New Organs. II. t'hiekerinK: BtJ e, (i.iiQl nt next' I. :. Wheelock; ntyl. ' 14. Wheelock: style. 15. Wheelock; style, I.!. Hunar.l; style. 17. Harvanl; style. II 1H. Wooley.A case, lit. Clilekerlns K; evonj- case. f; ebony ease;. 7; ebony cuse. 7; ebony case. It; ebony case. : ehnny ease. t'o.. ( lOimllshi; rosen-ooil eraml; ebony case. Square Pianos In Perfect Order. six octaves, fair condi seven octaves, over- 2. Chlekerlnir, thin. 21.-Winn ft Sons, siriina; tonss. Oooil 22. Harmnre, seven octaves, over-strung bass. !on4. I St. -Marshall & Miller, seven octaves, over-strung bass. UauJ w 25. 1'iilte.l 8t;i:.s iM'min, wulnut case. S ociav.'s. hi;h iv. 2ii. Htory r I'lmk liiuan, nulniil cuse, 6 Octaves, hiKh top uml iiiiriors. 27. Chicago t'otlutfe tirsiiii. oak case, Octaves. hli;fi top ami mirrors. 2H. Tarran.l A: Voltey iiikiui, oak cas, u octaves, hltth top ami inirrors. Second-Hand Organs. 2. i". I!. Hunt t'o. Oi'kuii, ! octaves, walnni case. hiL-h top. :tn. New Knulaml (Hkiiii. . octaves, wal nut case, hluh ion. ...I'Kiin, u octaves. I. Kyer llmihcs walnut cuse. hitili loi. I M-. octaves, walnut ease. :B. Kstev hinh trill. New Knitliiml uruan. 3 oclnves, wal- i nui ease, niun iop. Ml. I'hii'iiKo ColtiiKe iil'Kan. . oi'taves. walnut case, hluh top. :i'. Hiiioniuer iiinan, 5 octaves, walnut chaiiel i-Hi'e. :;. Acme iirgaii. 5 octaves, wulnut cha pel case. :I7. Smith American CM nan, u octavo, walnut chapel ease. :ts. Mason Mnnilin OrRiiu, .' octaves, wnlniit chapel cuse. ;. HterliiiK OiKan, 7 sets reeds, S octaves, etc., walnut ease. Special. 4. Wlleox te White Symphony ftelf-f.lay. (nic oran, H sets reeils. live m-liives. can he useil in the onllnary way, or with me chanical attachment. 'it $.Km. Woul.l make a, suleiidid instrument fur church (w hal. EXCURSION RATES TO THE LAND OF NOD. That i. where you spend onc-thirct of your life, making the journey 365 times each year. If you wish to enjoy first-class accommodations, at at emigrant rates, with the assurance that you will never miss your1 connections, or tire of the .scenery, TAKE THIS ROUTE. CURLY I The beautiful, natural grain, vel- V -rtJi'L-r. fniilt 11'inl firtiittif deskm of I these oods proved tot) much of a j temptation to our huyer; and he bought too heavily. Now they occupj' space belonging: to Spring j Goods. The result is obvious. AT COST. J room. BIRCH CHAHBHR SUITES A FEW REMNANTS OF MATTING 6c. TO 12c. PER YARD, Consisting of Fancy Cotton Warp, Japanese, Plain and Fancy Chinas; not any contain full patterns, but are just the thing for runners, corridors, etc. CASH OR CREDIT. 218, m and 227 WYOMIKM AYE. CLOTHIERS, HOME FURNISHERS. 1 )))) 4 ,