THE FOR AN TON"'. TRTBU35E TIITJKSDAY MOKNINU, aiAHCH 20. 1S9C. TfeBuU:Fig1)fcrs r mite Ccr.yrl.lit, Mm, by Hat-heller, . PAtiT I. ."T'H'ii! Turn!". Fliuuti'd tho .crowd, "iiiavii'. Torn!" Ami u ilimiili'r of aiilaiisf i. nt the ir. J I wax tln first tmll tlirlit or tin- m-it-Kun. All Muilritl wus thi'tv. Tin' sit-ni' vuh dMZxIiiiK in Its wealth of light uml rl"r. Cuniilii I y tin ilwji lliif sky. ,llii-. Ji-jvels thu RJlltltl iUllil'H. till' -tn-ittht kwlili'fs nf tlie imioivi- wnmt'ii iind the tnuf iinlun of flowi-is worn by' hixh uml Inw ullkf.Kllttfrt'il iiwl nlmvi'il III thi'brllliunt Hiiiishlnr. Th" timiult nf .Vnici'X, tho rutrllnn nf Inns. tln (-on-Mum univalent. n with i rli-s unil ki-h-tiirvn the Kpfi'tatury tiixiil mi tin l'r f'H iiHTS ill .their during fi-uts. niiiilt' a lu'Wllili'i-Inu iiiirnar which bullies ile (rlitloii. f'ntiulnr ct' lti'iiii'iit grow aa tin' Ciirridu lum-eerteil. Tlie llrst three-hull yeve disputrlii'il without any unusual Incident.- ami a foil! Ill w.'ix aliout in lie l"cl into the 'arena. Tile roar nf vtiiri-s .sulmiileil into ,n mii vini; murmur, iihov" wliich tlie rrenkiiiK. and Kiuanlni; of the Kieat ilniir lit' Hie Ktiiiitdn us it pushed mien fur the hull 1. 1 enter was distinctly ' Then H Ijreuthless silence fell on the vast multitude, anil a scnmiiiK nnd .tramidiiK was heard, which drew- .iii-'uri-r a"il nearer.; till It became a steady thud of hunts, and a huge lilack hull Kallnrn-d into the arena. The siii;itatiiis erected him with a ("nil. .inhuman -e: h? inssed his head iiiuiiiliy ami imwi-d iip the kthiiihI as he locked deliantly Hrniind. lashiliK Ills Klnssy sides with Ills tall. A splendid creature. ' staiidlnft there nlnne. sur rounded by his enemies. Then with a tin utility helliiw he Inwered his head and charaeil the nearest picadnr. In a lew miliums It hecumo apparent that this Mil! was what Is called In Tom Han- reVRhldn- I. o., a hull whirl; ( hurjres with his eyes npeii. Such hulls jiiuki';thf hull tlsht a cuntest nf life and death fur the tuiei-ns. Axulit uml iikhIii hei leared the arena, the tiiierus savinS themselves hy es caping In-hind ,the elBht-l'iiot barrier which siiiriiunds the bull rimr. the wreti hed hnrses lyiiin dead or dyiiiR on the nioiiii-stal'ieil sand within The plebeian portion of the audience were wmiiKht to a stale of frenzy: even the line ladles and gentlemen ' in the boxes threw aside their iinVi-tiitlnn of well-bred indirterence. ami. rlslni;. lecimd forward, wavltur their luindker clilefs uml tans. It was felt that sntne ratal incident must occur unless the y ) FU'NV. A SUA l'KI.KSS TIKAI I ' . . i i n .iur..ji. Hull were sum n killed. A foreign' prince niltliit; beside the klna rev nervous .and in a whlsi'i-r bcuced him to Klve th" sIkiiuI fur the animal In receive its l-iillp-ile-KTllee. Hut Kllltf Alfnliso llesi-laf-il. His indecision was ended by the appearance a lorern who had not yet shown himself, and who now strolled forwnvd from one m' the side entrances and walked across the uren.i. A thrill went tliroiiuh the whole assembly uml .eyi ry eye was llxed on Mini. The cli max of Die bull liis'lil had arrived. IS r :1 A Citnplto. the llrst, Ksoad.i of Spain, w us uliout to Mt hiuiself acaliist the bent hull of this, or many previous, seasons. The bull was 'In possession of the lirenii, and was-lllnirlnn his luie bulk nuaiosl the barrier over which a llylni; Itaiiderillero had just escaped. The M-ooileii palisade cracked ami nu ked as lie renewed the altm-k afjam and amiin. If not diverted the animal mluht over throw It and uet amoiiKst the specla lors, an accident which has occasional ly happened with exceptionally fero llollHibulls. Krinlit as a butteflly. his rlose-dttinc f-ostiiine of trlinson satin laoed with e,olil. settiiiK off his well-knit lisure. :miilti) went iUletly behind the bull niiil seized him by the tall. The in furiated beast turned briskly round 4) i it I stood fr u minute eying his puny niiSM.Iunt ' In surm ise. The espada placed his hand on his hip and waited. Then a tumult arose to which all the irievloiis hubbub had been as nothiuu; the excitement which hud been urow ln and spreudina; from person to per son in that vast, assembly since the lie'ilnnlns: of 'lie eorrida. now burst ; furl h ami madness possessed them: H lll" oiu iii-ii. i mill bent themselves dnul tlfV lists tnvaiil tl font! n-lirses: little ell fvehl" old men. cauitht In tne vortex. double and stretchlni; the hull shrieked children flung their arms In the air ami screameil; lailies sent thelffans and hoiuiiiets. men their liats. siniinimr into (he arena, moved . by an inwiin' imiiiilse enmpc Mini; them ti'iVnine act ion. however absurd III tlie ' jiienntlmp, peifectly unnioved by the liprour. tluupito was waichini; 1ln-vb'ill. and Kiiidually tlie noise died uwu.V .and every eye was strained and vei-v muscle stiffened, as the audience watched the trial of skill between man :ii.nd Itefisl. which Is the acme of bull liullllnp science. Ak the bull udvmtce (luapito vi'trent- e.l. now leapinn llphtly to this side. tiow boundiim to that, sometimes Mull liiK till the animal's horns were within a few Inches of his side, when with a 'twist on his heel h would avoid them bv ft hair's breadth, and plRciii his :;liaiid 'on the creature's hack, as it thiili MVlttly on and place himself afraln In Its path. Tliesp and many other feats he displayed, the Qiidienee showing .their atmrpriatlnn of the dangerous In Curing Torturing Disfiguring Skin Diseases Works Wonders tnti thrmvhart tlx I mil. BriUili itvit T. NlW f.ljird t. Lunii"H. fvrfM 'V'' o Aaihm-'j 'Jl tl tixn.k jYljAiw ... Jolina in aud rU.-liellm Kanie'by alternate shouts of: "Itruvo! liuuiilto:" -liravo! Toro:" which rant; out as one or other Kaiiieit a niotneiitary udvuntnite. Suddenly a man who was lea n in it over the barriers, followlnit the coiilesi with ooncentrnted attention, was observed to cry out and wave his ill-ins la excited trestlculntion. ijuapit-i I had his back to lilin, and was wiilkinK 1 slowly back win ds wailing for the bull to cliaiiKe. he wus. llierel'oie, unaware of the iluimer URiiinst which the inav tried In warn him. Hy some unpre cedented l-urclessiii'ss the broken end of a picudnr's lam e had been left lying turn uiKHt the carefully taki'd sand ol the arena. "fuidado:" shouted the man. Itut as he called tho bull charged, (iuupito st epi led backwards, put his foot on the obstacle, slipped, made a frantic endeavor to recover his balance, and the next instnnt was raised aloft on the. horns of the brute and Hung, a shapeless heap,' half across the arena. At that moment every soul in tlie plaza was on foot, the bull rushed on to re new the attack. Itul even us liunpito tripned, two toreres had run out from behind -the barrier, and now, acting together, the first flung his cloak over liuapllc's prostrate form, while the other, swooning forward like some bright -plumaged bird passed uml re passed swiftly between the bull uml his helpless victim. The animal became cnni'iisi'd, and letting his alien! Ion be diverted from Ills llrst object, he pur sued tlie Hying meteor across the arena; while he did so, two chains rushed out and catching up the senseless body of tlie espada, bore li 1 111 swiftly Into a place of safety. 4 A grelit gasp of relief went found the plaza and then a hum of many voices arose, discussing, iiuestioniiiK. exclaim ing. The alicionailos lose in a body and went behind the scenes to imiulre for the torero: an accident w hich would be a set ions blow to these young gen tlemen, Just mi the beginning of th-.' season. An alicionailos. I may explain is the Spanish eiiulvaletit for a turf or lining man in Kimland. only with the difference that the bull, not the home, is the animal which nfi'nrds him sport. "A girl has fainted in the Velasco's palco," said one of these young men to another. "Who is she? It Is not good form to show feeling of that suit about a torero." "It Is .Maniielu Velasco. lion t'luisto bal's niece. She knows nothing of our usages, having been educated in Kng lund. where her father was secretary to our embassy. They have no bull tights there, you know." "1'or lilns: What a country! 1 always thought those Kngllsh were ly ing, when they boa.sted of their civil ization. Hut tell me more of this niece of .Don l luislobal s, I'nco. She Is lovely. What a skin: What eyes! What -" "Slop, my good-fellow; don't fall head over ears in love with her; she has a liovio already. They say she is en gaged to Itauion San Miguel. It is not yet pul'll'iy announced, as there Is u hitch somewhere, though whut It Is no one can make out, for Kaniou is desperately In love with her." "Kustidiosa! That Is always the way with me. I am never soon enough In ihe Held. Is that San Miguel in the back of the palco'.'" "Xo. that is Fatisto. Hon I'luislo bal's son; he is also In love with his cousin ami furiously Jealous of Kamou. You see, I Know all the family news, as !liiia Velasco Is my novla." "Yes, yes, thut Is an old story.' l!ut Iioua Maniielu. had better take care; It will not do to try any Kngllsh llirt ing ways on our men here. They will not stand it. and we shall have some blood-letting If she plays fast ami loose with Spaniards. When docs she re turn to London'.'" "Never. Iler parents are dead, and she has come to live witll her uncle. She has no other near relatives. I be lieve there was u brother, hut he Is dead." While this coin ersal ion was going on. the girl in. the Velasco's palco, or box. had recovered herself, and. turn ing from her aunt, who was offering salts and call de Cologne, she said to l-'austo Velasco: "lio. I entreut. Ask how he Is. lie may be dead. Ah! how fearful!" And she hid her face In her hands. Kaustu was watching her intently, lie was a slight young man. rather below the middle height, mid dark even for a Spaniard; there was a stealthy, cat-like grace In his movements uml u curious veiled glance in his black eyes, unpleasantly suggestive of n tiger waling a convenient moment to make his spring, lie laughed scornfully us Alahuela spoke. "Head! Not he! These fellows are mailt: of gutta percha. liesides, it' he were, what is It to .voir.'" .Maniielu turned from deadly pale to crimson. "You forget, I am not used to your cruel snorts." she gasped. ('loiia, who had been half-listening, now turned. "Don't tease, Fausto. (in uml ask. I want it) know laud so do you I whether any of Muapito's bones are broken, lie Is not killed, be sure, but he may be laid up for some time, ami that would be a pity." "Why is not Sail .Mlgll"l here to run "CO. T KNTRRAT. ASK HOW HE I." errands for his novla?" grumbled Fausto. moving off. however. 'Ramon hates bull lights." murmured Manutin. "and so do I." "Yet you go to all. primita mla. Why Is that'.'" asked Fausto. tnoi-Kingly. "If you don't like them, why not stay away ns Ramon does'.'" Again Manuela colored, hut she made no reply. (To He Concluded.) ol 1 1 it i rn i.i: m pi hi i s. Son Marino and Andorra and Their Odd I orins of tiovemmeflt. From the Hartford Ttnunil Tabl. The queer little Italian republic of Han Marino, w ith Its thirty-three square miles of territory and Its population of tl.OOCi. Ilea up In tho eastern spurs of the Apcnnlne mountains. It is Koverned by a grand council of sixty, who are elected for life, and two presidents, one of whom Is appointed by the council, ' ) the other elevted by the people. The little republic has an army of men, t who are employed only as policemen. San Marino is the only country in the world that prohibits the Introduction of the printing presa. The city of San Marino, with a population of 1,700, t one of the ;ueerest old towns in the world. It has undergone no change In SUO years. This republic began in 16.11. A lltle bit larger than San Marino In population, but Fix times as large In area, is the republic of Andorra. It lies In a valley of the eastern. ryrenees, be tween France and Spain. It became a free state In 81!. It Is jtoverened by a sovereign council of twenty-four mem bers, elected by the people, and a syn dic, or president, chosen for life by the council. It has an army of 1.100 men. uml one big gun planted in the center of the republic. This gun carries a ball twenty miles, and Kurope trembles at the thought of Its helng tired, lit An dorra, the capital. Is the palace a stone building several hundred years old. i Here the couiicllinen meet. The ground ! Iloor Is the stable where their horses ure kept and fed by the masters themselves. INDUSTRIAL. The Iowa senate has passed the bill taxing express companies one per cent, on gross receipts from all business done In the state. The house passed a bill placing express enmonntes under con trol of the stati) railway commissioners. A bill placing street railways under the same control Is also expected to pass. Oniir more a quiet market for anthra cite coal has to be reported, but the condition Is in every way as favorable as a week ago. I'rlces are unchanged at the full otliclal circular. The trade Is buying coal In a very small way, uml only to supply Immediate necessities. For some reason- the middlemen seem to distrust the combination, though there Is no reason to believe that the agreement will not be carried out for n long time to come to the very letter. Such distributors of coal say that the final consumer are buying little coal, and that until they do there Is no rea son why they (the middlemen) should Increase their stocks. As long us the combination lusts they can be assured that all interests will get coal at the same price, and the inducement to lay j in large stocks Is therefore reduced to a tiitnl ilium. Philadelphia Times: No figures of production of anthracite are yet on hand, but it Is reliably stated that the output is being kept within the agreed limit. This Is fully supplying the tnur ket's small requirements. Iteports have been circulated the past week to the effect that certain of the smaller com panies' finalities have been brought into a somewhat stringent position by the restriction of their output of coal, but no serious trouble Is apprehended. It Is a fact, however, that under the re strictive policy it is not all smooth suiling for conmnnies that have been accustomed in times oast to meet ex tra requirements for Interest, etc.. by rushing an unusually large tonnage of coal to market, regardless of the price realized for It. One of the best features of the situation was the greater de mand for the small steam sizes of coal, which have of late been something of a drug upon the market. Not only was the demand for' such coal larger, but the companies were able to realize for It from to .".0 cents per ton above the prices recently ruling. This was the result of the fixing of a higher price for bituminous coal by the new com bination of producers of that commod ity. The combination price for bitum inous Is .'(.". cents higher thun that which was current a year ago. Quite natur ally, in view of such an advance, man ufacturers became larger buyers of the small sizes of anthracite, which for many iiurtHises are almost as good a fuel as the bituminous product. The announcement that a leading iron firm In Knglaml had ordered a lurge quantity of pig iron from sources in the rnited States and was urrang Ing for further purchusep was received with much Interest in local circles, says the Philadelphia. Press. James M. Swank, general manager nf the Amer ican Iron and Steel association, when questioned about the iqatter, said: "In all probability the order has been placed with a southern compuny, as this is the only compuny In the I'niieil States, as far as I know, which has ever exported pig Iron to Kliglutiil. lie sides, if uny American pig iron is now being exported It Is southern pig Iron, which Is the cheapest that Is innde 111 this country. I account for the export by Die fact that American pig Iron is almost as low today as It, was a year ago, before the boom began Southern pig Iron Is of n different grade from the northern kind. It Is foundry and forge make, while northern pig Iron Is lles seiner make. This fact, together witll cheap fuel In the south, cheaper labor and lower freight rates, makes south ern pig iron cheaper thun the north ern. In MM Alabama and Tennessee together sn toil It'll ;i7.S per cent, of the entire consumption of tlie 1'nited Slates of pig Iron, apart from tftut lisetl In the mauufaclure of steel, and Alabama moved up from seventh to second in progressive Importance In the Industry. In ISHi the company 1 spoke of exoorted 2.i tons to Knglnmr and supplied Pennsylvania with 2T. 1 tons, as against ti.777 In ISSH; Ohio i::ii.47 tons, as against fifi..V)l In 1SSS, and New Jersey ;!l.!lti.'i tons, as against XM. The same proportionate Increase is shown with the other states, which shows that southern pig Iron Is assuming a domin ating importance in certain lines. As to the effects which large exports of pig Iron will have on our home mar kets, I am not now prepared to say." Nearly all the cut builders of the country are having all they can do ul present to meet the increasing demand for railroad equipment. I'.elow are giv en some of the most impurtant nrtlers: The Harney & Smith Car coinoany. of Hayton. .. has recently received or ders for l.tKKi freight cars from the Wheeling- and Lake Krle Hailioaii com paml, and another order for 4in cars from the New York Central Railroad company. The Jackson ami Woiidiu Manufacturing company, of Herwb-k. Pa., lias received the order for building the entire I.inKi coal cars for the Hcla wure. Lackawanna and Western Rail road company. The Knsign Munufae-1 luring company, of Huntingdon. W. Va.. has just shipped twenty double hopper bottom coal cars to the Alameda and San Joaquin Railroad company, of California. The Heading Railroad com pany's order for I.imiii freight cars was divided equally between the fnion Car company, of Hcim-w. N. Y.. and the! Lebanon Manufacturing company, of Lebanon. Pa. The company also con templates ordering t.'iiNl additional cars. The Calumet ami Mine Island Railway company has placed an order for ."ino ears with the Haskell ami Barker Car company, of Michigan City. Ind. The Chicago Oreat Western Railway com pany has placed an order with the Pull man Palace Car company for six coaches and two combination passetig- I er and baggage cms. The Madison Curi talrkly.Thratlr, fr'arerar Cared. i l our out of live who euffor ncrronsnrs, I I tncntalirorrjrtattacka 1 of "tliebioWartbut ; paring ttia penalty of i I fci?afViTlJTJlr early excesse. Vic I S thna. reclaim vonr ii111 manhood, regain jonr TlrofC Don't despair, head for book with I explanation and proof a. Mailed (sealed) free. ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y. company, of Mad Won, 111., has received an order for una 'box curs from the Wabash Hail road company. The Penn sylvania. Itailroad company has placed an order for 3UU coal curs with the Ohio Falls Oar Manufacturing com pany, of Jcffersonville, Ind., and an order for 100 with th Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing company, of Mt. Vera, on, I1L The Wheeling and Luke Erie Itailroad company has placed an order for 600 coal cars with the United States Car company, of Annlston, Ala., and an order for 300 with the Madison Car company, of Madison, III. The Knsign Manufacturing company, of Hunting ton, V. Va., is building 300 box cars for the Ohio Hiver Railway company. The Chicago, Hurlington and Quincy Ituilroail comoanv is In the market for several thousand freight cars. The Toledo and Ohio Central Itullroud com pany is in the market for a number of freight cars. The lMiluth and Mack inaw Kuilrmnl company will soon place an order for several freight cars. The 1-ehlgh, Valley Hullrnud company has Issued secitleatloiis for 2.000 coal curs. The Schenectady Locomotive works, of Schenectady. N. Y., has reveieed an order for twelve engines from the Ver mont Central Ituilroail company. - The Alexicnn Central Railroad company has placed an order for ten locomotives Willi the- Rhode Island Locomotive works, of Providence. IJ. I. The Lake Shore Hallway company will soon give out a contract for the building or si or 30 engines. The Norfolk and West ern Railroad company has leased and put In operation eight consolidated en Bines. RAILROAD NOUS. The Lehigh Valley Is understood to be preparing to put in truck water tanks to facilitate the rapid movement of the new fast pussenger trains that are to be :iut on in May. I'nder tlie latest instructions the conductors on the Pennsylvania lines west of Pittsburg are to collect fures from persons who are not bona tide piirchusers of mileage books presented. They will take up the books, but will report the numbers utid the names on the covers. The recent reports alleging that the Western Freight association and the Joint Trnllle association are at logger heads are groundless. ('huh man Midgely. of the Western Freight asso ciation, says the most cordial relutions exist between the Kastern and Western roads, and all are Intent on getting good rates. Answers similar to that filed on Sat urday by the Lake Shore and Michi gan Southern Railway company In the suit of the 1'nited States against the corporations composing the Joint Traf fic association huve been filed today by the Pittsburg and Lake Krle Railroad company, the Pennsylvania Kailrond company, the Allegheny Valley Rull way company, the Philadelphia. Wil mington and Baltimore Rallroud com pany, the Terre Haute and Indianapo lis Itailroad company, the Northern Central Hallway company, the (irund Rapids and Indiana Railroad company, the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago and St Louis Hallway company, the Toledo. Peoria and Western Railway company. The object of the Joint Tralllc associa tion, anions other things, the answers assert, was to bring about a co-operation which would lead to the mainten ance of reasonable and Just fures, rutes, rules and regulations of Interstate traf fic, prevent unjust discrimination, se cure Hie reduction uml concentration nf agencies and tlie introduction of economics! in the conduct of interstate commerce. At the time of the closing of the clerk's office of the I'tllteil Slutes circuit court tonight additional an swers, the sume in substance, and near ly so ill text, had been tiled by the lielawure, Lackawunna and Western Railroad company, the New York. Chi cago and St. Louis Rallroud coiiioany. the Michigan Central Railroad com pany, the Wubash Railroad compuny. the New York. Ontario and Western Railroad company und the West Short Railroad company. MYOiTS REMEDIES DOCTOR YOURSELF. A Scpai utt Curs for Kuch Disease At All Druggists, .Mostly 25 Cents a liottlv. Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies act almost instantly, speedily curing the most obstinate eases. Rheu matism cured In from 1 to :i duys. Dys pepsia and ull stomach troubles qulckly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured In 3 minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles. Piles. Neuralgia. Asthma and all Female Complainls quickly cured. Munyon's Vitalize!- Imparts new life and vigor to weak and debilitated men. Personal letters to Prof. Munyoti, l.)' Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any disease. Seek the Best Have Nothing Else. It Pays Write the Principal of the Stat Normal School at Klooiiishtirtt.l'a. fur information uhont thut excel lent und popular school. $500 in Scholarship P.iz.'S Just CTr OYSTERS W arc HMdipiarten for 0)tri iu r handling th Celebrated Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Kcyports, Mill Ponds; also Shrews bury. Kockaways, Maurice Kiver Covc.. Western Shores and Blue Points. a Specialty of dullrerin: I Blu Point on bait ball lu carriers. PIERCE'S MARKET. PENN AVI '---"-------------- AYLES WORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In tne City. The latest improved furnish' lif sod apparatus for keeplag Mat, butter asd egga. 223 Wyoming Ave, m Best of afl Cough Medicines is Dr. Acker's English Rem edy. It will stop a cough in one night, check a cold in one day, prevent .croup, re lieve asthma, and cure con sumption, if taken in time. It is made on honor, from the purest ingredients and con tains neither opium nor mor phine. If the little ones have croup or whooping cough, use it promptly. Tokc Sua 25c, 5Cc. and $J per bottk. At Druggists. . ACKER MEDICINE CO., 10 an IS Chambers Street, NiW Yetk. Manufacturer of the Celebrate PILSENER L 111 IS LAGER BEER BREWERY, LAGER BEERlPOWDER CArAcrrvi 30,ooo Barrels per Annum DUPONT'S MING, BUSTM6 MD SP0OT1M POWDER Maaafaetared at the Wapwaitor Milk L aerae cnatj, Fa., and at Wil mington, Dels are, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Qewal Agent (or th. Wyoming Dletriet. 118 WYOMING AVE 8c4fMten,Pa ThM Maaeaal Bank Mldtag. Aoaawiaat B08. roBAHttataa. Pa. John b. hmrh aboN, nrauasiFs B. W. MTJLI.KiAN. Wllke BsrreTPa. Ageaa nr u mpaaa) I logo Hwam ON THE LINE OF THE are located the flnoat Habiug aad hasting grouad IB tb world. Desoriptire book on application. Ticket to all point la Maine, Canada end Maritime Province, Mtnu.apolia, bl Paol. Canadian and L'uitod StaWa North wcata, Tancoarsr, beattle, Taooma, Portland, Or., Sau FranuiMo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars attached to all through train. Teurist ear fully Btted with luddina-, curtains aad p e lidljr adapUd to want of Camilla may b hud with aacond-claaa tickets. Kate al waya laa than via oth.r liu.a, For fall informatics time tablee, etc, en spplluatioa to K. V. SKI NCR, O. K. A. S53 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton, ROOMS 4 AND S, Qas and Water Co. Budding, .ORNER WYOMING AYE. AND CEN1EK ST OFFICE HOORH from T.M a in. tu p. m. (1 hour lutarmlailon for 4inur and .upper I Partlcolar Attention Givento Collection: Prompt Settlement Uuarantecd. "1URBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITE. Telephone No. 134. CALL UP 3f 82. co. OILS, VINEGAR AND CIDER. OfTtOe AND WAREHOUSE, Mi TO ill MERIDIAN STREET M. W. COLLINS, M'S'P. ilT. PLEASANT COAU ! AT RETAIL, Coal of th btrit quullty for dOBMStlt ! se, and of all Kizea. delivered la any ; ;an or in city at lowest price. CirAmr Itsft nf rttv irfHtfai NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Hear room, fut iloor, Third National i Bank, or by mail or telephone to Uw ! nine, will receive prornpr. attention. Special contractu will be made far tb ! iah aad delivery of Buckwheat Coal. WM. T. SMITH. aser t th tl,Hr Mimeat Aaniearrm a&x-i "rrftnniJ X' - lavaTIHIMrfHn wsrriM un irvn nn -Ar aynauirir' ww wmm vm, HEADACHES ISBAi.rn will care y.m. A wonderful boon to .ufforerl f rum Cold., narel'hrniat. laflaenra, llroucbui., imnutiiatertluf. AnenTtilent -v rcuerlv.corivenlenttooirry la BOfl-t,rdT to 5e on nrnt IndlcaUon of '.niil. CeatlaeeS v. Kaela rertaaaeat Care. rau.ruoanaranicou or morpy leiunaeo. rrlea. w eta, nut rree at unnginn. Hnrtiter..! uall, sTJ. CCiHMiS, lir., ltrw Hinra kit.. 0. i. L aisMt. 1 he .nmt and aifeit remedy tot .11 .hit, fltM.BM. RMM.. Iti.h Wail Maeaueld Sor, Hum, t'nta. VfeaSerrul rem ear forPILKS. Irtee, kft mm. at Iirua- oil M tltm or or mall prepaid. AddreMai.bor. aalabv Matthawa Bros, and John haloa. EVA M. HEJZEL'S Superior: Face Bleach rcsitl?elj Renmes All Facial Blemishes. mm Aialca Face Powder is auperior to any fac. powder uvr iiiatiiiiu-tm-e4i. I'aad ami coui mmiipd by leading wM-ti.-t y and ii'ofaiiml bitution, liiaiiHt ft itivoH the bent possible cffMct and hvtr leuvra tlio bktu rouii r aralv. frii-e lcnt. Thrlnogene, Nature' Hull- Hrnwer, la tlio i;reatiat nail iiirignratur of the present pro KrvHsivo aire, being puridy a vegetable com pound, entirely Inn nib an. mil I innrveluii in i. a beiietlitnut eft'ecU. All dUeaNeH'of the Uair in I aralp are teatlilv cured bv the uie uf tbrixogeiie. Price .'ill centH and $1. For ale at fr'. U. Hutzel m Hair-drewini; ami Maiiicnia 1'arlura. &u Lackxwannu ave. and No, I I .mi niuir Building. Wilkei Barre. Mall order, tilled promptly. Moosic Powder Go, Rooms 1 anil 2 CoBunoit&lU Mi, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING MAOB AT MOOBIC AND RUHB DAIJB WORKS. Lafflln Raad Powder Caw , Orange Gun Powdor Electric Batteries, roses for expisoV lag blasts. Safety Vnae and RepunoCnemical Co.'s High Explosive R80F TIMING A HO S0LDER5G AO dene away with by the o t HAJtlt MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which ooosiatg f Ingredient well-known to ail. It eaa bo applied to tin, galvanised tin, aheet Iroa roofs, also to brick dwellugs. which will event absolutely any crumblbag, crack or breaking of the brick. It will oat last tinning of any kind by many years, and It's osst doe not exceed one-Ann tnai of the cost of tinning. Is sold by las Jew or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO UAKTMANN, 18 Birch IL "Era- RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a ubD.y.aW ole, THI MAT botLfay. PRiixoa nan Er in 13 "sr oradaees the above r.nult. In'30 day. It U ?oMfully end euickly. Cure, wb.u ail oCb.r. tall aosg maa wlil ral their lost maubuod.asd ole naa will reew their youthful vuior by uIdji HKTiTO. It cufciir v& .urely re.torca N.nout , Leat Tltalltr, topo:ac. Kigutly KroiMlons Loet Power, Valllni Mruiury, Vaa'.lua OIbisu.. uid til aH of aaU-abiu. or ueeand indlacretlon which ealt on. for .tudy. buidnea. or marrlif e. It not oaly cure by atartlc at tb. Mat of dlaeau., but laasraat nerve tonie and blood builder, krtLg mg boak tb pink glow to pale cheek and r. itoring tb. Are of youth. I warda off InxtnUi ind Cenaumption. lualst os biTluj ItKVIVO, n tb.r. It can be carried in oi;kst. By nieif 1 .00 far package, or all for SS.OO, with a poal l. written gnarantee to earo ear reliuii tie money. Circular fr. Addms 0YAL MEDICINE GO.. 63 River St., CHI0J60. ILL jf aattfaews Breo BftJagU' TO our Washhurn-Croshv ronn that thev will (AUTI0N of milliuu SI KIC'J'LY OLD WHEAT until the new crop in fully cured. New wheut in now upon the market, and owiii to the excessively dry weather many miller arw of the opinion that It is ulready cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will tali no risks, and will allow the new wheut fully threa months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of niillinK tiatt placed VVHslibtiru-Ciosby Co.'a flour far above otbeaT brands. MEGARGEL ii CONNELL Wholesale Agents. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, 1 111:111 iiiiiyHK..iti fiiiiiv r iui K.N.nii n a wsiwSSB1S1VJ waeea.wa.ea . at..- a a w w w . - w - - , HGISTi,t3 AND PUMPING MACHINERY. KfirflMmn"! ictnb ipiieon, tlie uro.t tliLj. Op- FsaS's Tber are prompt, aafo ard certain in remit. The einulaa (Dr. Foal') oi For aala by JOHN H. PHELPS, bprueo Straot, Soranton rv Must Be Sold Before We Remove To our new store, No, 130 Wyoming avenue, Coal Exchauge, April 1st. Price no consideration, biERCERERU & CQNNELL And to be prepared to th warmep neatlirr yv.u want a aonaU Suit eg an Overcoat or both AND THU BEST PLACE TO VISIT fOft SUMETHIiNU 000D IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS li 406 Lackawanna in THERE YOU WILL FIND Tb larpost stock toe.lect from. Trlov mm.. Always or th Beit, L.toit Ktyli-s in Cutting, and made up on th prtmiaes by Expert Workiueu. HYT'Nothinc allowed to leav tb. tabllibmeut unlen atiafaoterjr to th customer, and tb lowest price cossisf eat with Oood Hercbant Tailoring. ConplBxiiin Presiusfl DR. HCBRA'S 1 VIOLA 1 CREAU lemores Frklr, hnple. CmT. Moln. Ciah.d! teebera aadrTan, and to stores th skin to its orlgl sal facsbaaav producing s elar and healthy com- lalAn SMtk.HfietAaHfHM preparation snd .perfectly harmlenv .At tal iknigalatj, or nuaiuu for souu, bend tor Ctoolat. VIOLA KIM SOAP aepiy imaimm ana uUrH Smb, mimM j u. mm. aW rnl at Mwr. aiwiiub; mm & aataaiay aM eaak aaanntfuw Prlee2SCrma, Q. C. BITTNSR & C0..TOLBBO, 0' or by Matthowo Bras, and Joh R. Fheloa. PUT KB MOB CO., lxfp. Csjtmi.BMllMe . BatfsT HUSO VHOM Uf Til at WOatUfeJ - I ifilhM am id I. a rfirflw terarf " Thkilata.' aeald t-nweh Pyia KMJm tan alool eltii id tm ..j eke is the TJ A- m raeerjitoiuaB, unary vnear, or roauu aea er M.M. Kenala everr wev (he heats old ta all nwal wa (or tlM. W aaak tale beet eura.1, Ikenfor w fmme anUt lh Jk, itfU aad .Mar. sod if any ene U) sot e)aa4 wa will refaad Ike r aeud asocher pair. Opm TO or va Comaaoa Bmat, C, r.B.lliZ 1 10 i aad kali wMtht U, u. Jeedynw if mill JU yew. luuMraud Oeuv ktres rdsx Shoe Go FEDERAL tT- patrons: Co. wish to assure tlielr rnarrr i thin year hold to their usual cuntoi PA., Manufacturer o Dfillrtrn ...T - . . a r -irt a, tvi'r,arhV D amumij, mtuiaimi; uiiuiuub, vm'j ilwuld b nted. if yoa nvat tut Urti, get Puzmwmvsil Pi Pharmaoiab cor. Wyoming Av fI3:Uaft. s(lllBrieiwm. TO i i