T1TE SCBANTON " TBIBUNK-TnUTtSDAY MORNING. MAHCn 2C, 1890. 3 t ( ' . .. ,vr. ; ORTOXV HtLLETlX. Easter Novelties. Easter Booklets. Easter Cards. ' Easter Honks in Fine Leather. Suitable for Wedding; and Other (lifts, Easter Stationery, Society Stationery. . American and English Makes. Very Lame Variety, IV pillar Prices. Entraviii'4 and I'linting Callim; Cuiils. Invitations, c, ' .To Order on Short Notice. Xew Huoks. All the Desirable Ones; Periodicals, Eervlh in Worthy Of Attention Keaived When Issued . X O If f O X , in LkL.iw anna Avenue. ENTIRE pot n i n OF tin: Best Quality, WE WHOLESALE IT. THE WESTON ILL CO, . S ci anion, Olyphant and Catbondale. THE genuine: 'lluvo tU inltiiils i., II. & CO. imiiiiiit til in Much rigar. (1ARNRY, BROWN & CO., MANUFACTURERS, COURT HGUS! SQ. i'i:i.s,lal. " 1. M I'mirtriulit. Hip i lly sin iluy. nf Alonlrti.Ve. v:i In Ailnriu'.v I'. A. li.itlrnlitux yvn In Wilki-x-lt.i'Ti' yi-.sliT..:y. City Tiviis.nn- I!. !. Ilroiiks I III al 111 Imtiii', mi gulnry iivi-inn-. Alls.- Aluy ii'lioyl', of 'nv, k 11 Vf :i Is ylxliiiin rrlcinlx In l'iiiini,k. Ax.-ii.liuu iiirlct Atijriii'v .l.iti ri Al. IIiiitIh Wil.i In Willo s-lt:irrr y.si.',-,l:iy on li-lill liilsiiii-.s. 'ai l Hi hiiii 'li r. who h;i:- In rn all 1- i its? wl I in Itlnnii. X. V.. I." in his limn,'. Ill lili-i-ll liiilfci-, Ill .H'llil till- Knsli-I' VII, 'II I'.ill. U i. Wilislrr n-'itlsti-rctl III thi ullii-p of 1 'i i'iI linnniii rv I'rynr yt'Hl t-r.lay :is a hI'i-'il-'irt-iU-hitt In the olll of Wiinvn A: Ki.api.. All. ami Mis-. .1. S. Kfik, nl' Kliniril. X. V.. uii- VIsilitiK Air. Kei-k'x brother. i'uI-om-l Al. .1. K,.,k. ami r.'iinlly. Him Tine ! Irn l. this rily. .' Ml II. '. (Ir i-ne -ii I -1 1 ;i 1 1 - I a numb-i-1. 1 lit-r H I' li'ls al Ik r home, nil Hi ll, vn.' .,1 ii'i-i I. V i-'li i-silay urtcrtiuttn ami evi'ii lim. Sin- w.i aKlKtf,l in ii-ii-lvlnn her i!:i-ts ly h r ilaujilit.-r. Alls-si Siellu. Mis Xi-lllc Hrwmil, of 1:1. Im- Itnw, b;iic (i i iic liiv ,iiriy Tncxiliiy iiIkIh i.i ii niiinln'i of ln-r frii-inls al Inr limn, . Annum IIh' Hint's wi n- (inn-.. Slual. I-'Imi-ciii.,. W, mi tt. ml. I'l.ufii.-f S ttai-'l. Harry ICIiM-liarl, l.i-yliin Slunk. I.i'i- Sw.iyiir.- an, I Air. S, w ur.l. I'KINCI.SS KOSCItt'l). Will lie I'rmliiciJ in X. t.. . Mall fnitiitlit iiiiJ loinormiv Nilit. . Tin- fairy -: I l a vn Kanza "" ('iit'ii li'isi'lniil." will In' ifivi-ii nl Vwnii;: .Mi'ii's I'lirislian Assorlal inn hall n nl:;lil ami tomorrow nl;;hl n n ! i he l(liSi,IS nf till- .I'll i III AliKsi'ltlMIV wn- !-! y ax a liini'lil fur tin lli-si'iii' mls .siiin. llV' iy i liilii in Hit- I'tfy- sli.inl.l .liavi' an .imc - i n tt.v In .' Iliix pn lly ill l ! ;i i 1 1 1 ii- 1 1 1 u liii h is fnliniliMl ilium 'I'liiirki-ray'x I time uml llinvr. ;i t'liilst ,n:.'i! paiiiniiiiiii'. Tim kaiii'iiinn ilmii'i) with ili- Tinr wi'V si'i iii' ami the iinitaiiiins x a K' at fialni'H nf ill.- fxliavimanza ami thru thi'ii' is tin- fairy ilrill. llm lilliiiliun tirniy io ilx inari li wltli I h- farii-s. Tin' I'llti'liy llilislr Ix i'.xpi.( aly pleasIlIK tn tin- i-hlMi'i-li. iOai'li nf tin- iliri'f lift has :i illxtliict ffatnif. 4'liililivn fun Kft lickflx fur ."i ci-nix uml ailiilts for .Mi f.-iitx.. Thfi'f Mill In- tun I'lillilri'ii In tlif i-iiMt uml n . mi-ihIiIm nf tlif i'Xlni iiKunz.-i. WE ARE SHOWING liew Spring Goods I hc Hcst Styles (tlvcr offered in l.ace mid lititton und all the hest colors for Ladies, .Missei - . and Children. - EASTER SHOES . Are the . new things. Voti 'should see them before pur- oliasitiK clsdwhere. k ' LOOK II OUR SHOW WINDOWS. SCHANK U IIUUIIUUIII 410 Spiuce Street A. B. WILLIAMS INDICTED -hr, . His Trial iWjiofled lotil the .May Term at Pittsburg. ALTEK riEKCB IS OX'TRIAL ChorsfJ with I'osslng Counterfeit Money in This rity on n Number of ler nulls -Other Cases Heard in I it it e d Stutcs CiMirt. In Ihf t'lilti-il Stult-x ilintiii-t I'uiii't vi-sli i.lay inni iiliit; tin Riuml Jury fniinil u inn- I'lll UKatnst A. It. Wlllluins. lati caslili r i I Hip Truilfis' Naiiniuil hunk nf this i lly. .The iiiiHi t un lit ilrawii up hy tin- ilistiiit allnin.y rliuritfX Unit .Mr. IliiaiiiM r tnliH.'.lf il fillul.x nf tin Mi 1,1; li Uii- anmiint nf :::;.ium. In tin al li'iiiniiii Attiirni-yx lieniKt S. Hum ami (. i '.itiii-Kys. ivpi'fHfnlhiK Mr. Wll ll.iniH. aski-il that 111'' tWal of tlif rase In- I'niil iitin il until Ihf May tfi'in of tutu t. which nifi'l.x in I'lttxliiun on May next. .Mr. Wllllainx rftllf"! ftnui hix pnsi tinu in the luink nn .Ian. ;il last, but it was nut until I'Vh. l!l tliat inrnrina tinil nf thf c inliiz.li' lucnt was Imlm-il liifnif tin-' t'tiitfil States mithiirltlcH. In vlfw of tin- short prrlml of time which lias i'la;isfi bftwccn thou anil now. whii ii ciiunsi'l for the ilrfi'iiilant tlnaiKht wax liisiilUi'lcnt to allow tln'in to propi'fly pii'piire their rum'. .Iiiilni' liutliiirlon Kianti'il tlif , mtliiiiuiKc prayitl lor. I'nitml States lilstrift At-tiuiH-y Hall niailf no ohjfrtion to tin.' mm Inn. JiiiIki I mill nprron niitlini izi'il Clerk l.lnilsay to l-fiirw the hail out of court w liiili was lone In si nluln. Hail was leneweii ill the mini of JI.i.inhI. the saine auiiyiut Uxe'l by ; I 'nitcil Slates Coin lui.xsioiicv t'nllinrn. ,1. W. 5uernsey.; II. I. liiifrnsey ami t". H. Welles In, ani" riionlneti. H. I.. fiuei nsey -t.iklim tlie pla'co "iif J." H. Toiiey. Vlm wa.- on til' lirst till II liuiJ. v . !- Asi: .AixsT Axiii:i;st.. ' Thv: flt'Kt -c-nxe tried' In tin- ilislrlct court yesteiilay wus that against A. I'. Aiiili tsiiii. w ho wax i liarseil w ith tak ing Liters friiin the pnxtntlice at lu liois, ('leatliflil county, coiilalnlntf clucks ami drafts lo I lie amount ol $JHii. The letters were uihlrcxscil In iiii otliir. man of tiie same name ami tin cheeks and iltalix wei ina'le payable to Hie line to wllnlll the letters weft- aililifsseil. There were four counts in the imlictnif lit. three of which rliuwil Hie ili'I'eiiilaill w ith e,inber.zlltiK the con li nts of I lie letli'i-s ami Hie other wilh I'raildilleiitly securliiK letters mlilresseil to aunthel'. The iHistollice clerk lit Hllliois testl iii'il that Allilersnn culleil fnr letters ail ilresseil Andrew I ). Aniiersnti or A. I Auileison. anil was tfivfii tin letters ciuitalnlns the checks and drafts. All ilersnn wim defeialed by Attorneys .Inlni T. Mai I iii. of this city, ami .lohn I.. Jeiiks, of runxsula wney. Mr. Jelikx asked that the case lie taken from the Jury I'm- the reason that it wus not shown that fraud wax used in obtain ing; tlif letters, and Hint in respect to the citiliczxlcmctit of Hie money Hie iliiarter sessions court of the county In which, the offense was committed was the pmurr place to try that. .liidKe Itiillinitlnii refused the moll, in; and Hie case went to the jury, which returned a verdict of Rullly as tn Hie three founts, chaiKlrijt tho ilefeiulaiit with I'llllirzzlelllell t I'ASSKH (' "U'XTKItKKIT MON'KV. S. M. Welsh and William f. I'iko Were convicted of passing cnutltel fell money in Wampum, a small town In the western part of the stale. It wax proved by Hie Koverninelit that each of I he defi'iiila tits passed or attempted to pass niif or more counterfeli iiuarters in tlie town in which they were ar nvled. Afier they were arrest id they Were Sftll riled and on I lit person ol Welsh was Iniiiid a base contaiuiiiK forty roiinlerl't It iiuarters. tin I 'Ike's-person was found a similar Iiiik ciintalnlm,' sevetily siniiious coins of Hie same dc liiiiiiiiiaiinii. Xo defense was attempt ed and a verdict of guilty was direct ed by the court in both Instances. Attorney Ii. A. Wlnternalz. rrpre- si nlitig Welsh, asked lca f Hiecoiirl Instate soiiie mltlmilitu; circumstances hi regard to his client. I'ike was placed on the stand, lie admitted his own I'.llllt and said thai he had riven Welsh .Hie counterfeit coin in order to Impli rale him also should lie, I'ike. lie ar rested. Il was then hmuglit out thai I'ike lived w ilh Welsh and Hint in their -itllllix.il holiif oilier rolliiti'ifeit coins hud liccii found us well as luetal. cruci bles, molds. Hies and oilier materials sueli as w ould be used in Hie inuiiufar lure of ,'iiunteifeit coins. Welsh's w ife, who wax called to the stand as "In-." Welsh, tcstltlcl thai these implements were used by her In the iiiannfacture of a patrni metallic uleetroile which she hoped sonn In place on the market mid w hich she ciiiilih nt . ly expecleil would tu-ovf a boon to ail ing women. Welsh also presented tes timonials of good character front prnmlllellt IcxideMIS of Hie t.nvn in whlcll he lived. .Illilge I llltliugtliu held the matli-r under advisement. i'iKi:ci: I'i,aci:i nx tuiai.. Waller I'iiTcr. who formerly coudiii'l eil a meat market on Wynining avenue, this city,, w as tiled for pax.-.ing counter feit money hi til, place kfpt by .Mix. Kimiiu Jimex, at :!." I.arkawanna ve lllte. tills rity. He V as del'i'liiled by Al Inliieys tlcdii!,' S.. Ilnlli auH C. i'oni egys. As.-.istanl liistrin Altornev C.iitlith .ippeared rnt- the govermneiii. 'I'llf illflacllotl of the I'liited Stales sliilnti'S. for wlilcli rieree was tried, was - in till l li d on tlie nlitlu nf .linn- last,. m that occasion, according to tile .. toMlllioliy of .Mi x. .limes, I'ielee came lo lier place with a companion. He was veiy much Intexii-ated and displiiyril ii large Toll of hills. In pay. ini'tit for soi Iri"l:s which he or dered hf proiified n SMi bill. si,,. ,.,,1,1,1 lint i liiiiige Hint and he I hen gave her What uppeurc.i lo be a , p,,. two and then pasted logi-thcr. The bill wits ,i-, diic",l in court and was pm iiriiiu id by Sericf Service n!irer C.rlf. lin lo be made up nf pa flu of two dis tinct bills. The circulation of such money Is contrary to Hie I niicd Slates statutes. .Attorney Horn objected to this testi mony, as It was not this offense for which I'leice was indicted. Judge liuf lii gl.oii allowed it. however, as it went tn show a criminal Intent In t, other Itiins.icliou on which tlie indictment was based. That was the passing or four counterfeit r.a-cent pieces later In the eveninir, which money it w's nl- legeii mat, rieree gaf In Jennie Flvnn. alius denote Ci.nrad. one of the Inmates nf Mrs. .limes' place. Mrs. Jones testi fied that she found in the monev draw er four coiimerfeit hnlf dollars and Hint Jennie Klynn .told her that 1'ierce had given thetu to her In payment (, more drinks. , . ; AN ATTACIIMKN'P F(H JKXXIK. Jennie Flynn was absent ' but wan Ui'iight In later pit nn uttncliment. Slie testiHed, that file thought the coun terfeit half dollars were given to her by Pierce hut that she did not know they were counterfeits when she tool; them. She placed them lit the money ilrnwcr in which were also other half dollars. When Mrs-. Jones discovered, that the money wa: counterfeit she nc eused Pierce of clrrlllatlnif.it und sent tov the rxdicie. Patrolman Cest-heidle came and arrested Pierce. Merce vus very drank und: denied ull knowledge of hnvlntr had any counterfeit money. 11111I Bald that- if he did have any he must have obtained, It while .playing cards In the. afternoon. W'heii taken to the" police station Pierce had over li'iOn if good money In his possession. Frank Sehauer, n butcher of Cedar avenue. Instilled thnt nbout a month previous he received two counterfeit silver Uollam from f'leroe.. These he placed in his safe ami said nuthlng uluiiit them until after Pierce' 'arrest when .. he Kave them to Patrnlniun GeiiehelUlo. .'' i,' V Charles i. Sllverbufg. who livi-s a few doom from wln-re Pierfe emulucted his business, testified that on June 26 he took what he thought was a counter feit Bllver dollar back to Pierce. In forming him that It hud been given to Mrs. SilverbtifK. hla wife, by Pierce, in change. Pierce took the niney and gave him other for it but ut the same time said that he thought it was good. Nathan Keisman. a butcher, also tin titled, thut he srot a bad silver' dollar from Pierce which he returned and which Pierre admitted wus bud and said lie would throw away. HKKKXSK OF I'lKUCK. Ill Ills own defense Pierce testified that as In the occurrence ut Mrs. Junes' house he had no very distinct ivrollif Hoit 11s he was very much intoxicated. He was positive that lie laid 110 cola of any deiminiuatinil, good or bad. w hen j he slatted out that ufte rnoon. He had. liiiwevcr. J.,.'.' in oius including me nu n uml patched mite, which lie consid ered was c.ood and which lie placed Ill side of hix bank bonk to deposit, lie only gave It Mrs. Jones, he said, after she had told him she could not change the $-'ii bill whlcll he lirst offered her. He had been in a number of saloons dining tlie iifternoiiii and evening drinking and could not suy what change he had received in tlieu. The companion who was witlr Pierce tiiat night and who was perfectly sober and who. lurording to his own story, only went along to protect Pierce, knowing tlia'. he hud a large sum f money with lilin. corroborated tlie story of Hie defendant. A number of reputable citizens of Patterson. X. J., where Pierce formerly lived, testllled to his previously good reputation for honesty. Tlie cuse w ill be given to the Jury this morning. TIM'K HILLS RK'rrrtXElV 1 Tlie grand Jury yesterday- returned the follow lug true hills: William Ash ton, celling oleiiniarguriuf without a special lux:- .Melvin Einpct, breaking Into pustollire: Andrew Pohlod. si lling Itiltior without having speila! tax stninp: Daniel Kline, selling oleomar garine without special tax: Klias Wil liams, selling oleomargarine without special tax slump. Kussell X. I'M. selling oleomargarine ut wholesale without stamp. , This linlslieil 'lie work of the grand liny and Judge ISulllngtoli discharged its ' members. Several petit Jurors were also discharged. COMINti ATTRACTION. Tills evening ut the Frotliiiighmn a great production of "In old Kentucky" will be Kiven. No American piny pro duced in this country hi iiiany years has been so enthusiastically received. In the course of a long urtlcle review ing Its merits, the Huston (Jlolif wild: "'In tld Kentucky' brings one nearer to tlie man uml woninii Heaven creat ed. The platform scene in which thirty or forty pickaninnies take part Is thor oughly original and uway ahead of anything or the kind ever seen here. Then tin-re Is the most realistic run scene ever seen on any stage witli a troupe of blooded horses and Jockeys that do not simply walk on. in the cnu veutionnl way, but dash across wilh a real apneariince of genuineness. Tin stage settings all deserve the highest praise." Tomorrow night Sousa's great band will give one ol Its fatuous couretis at Hie Frothitigham. Of the delightful manner in which Snlisti leads Ills audi ence as well as the bund, nothing need be said, lie has u happy, nonchalant iviiv of Hinging the music light inlo the mouths of the Instruments; a way of calling for what he wants that makes the people laugh; not because he Is grolesipie or awkward: unite the reverse; but because It Is uuiiile. In dividual, wonderfully effective, and like nothing and no one else but Snusu. "The Ideals" remain the lust half of the week at Davis' theater by arrange ment Willi Malinger I ia vis. It Is a iii vi r organisation ami deserves Hie popularity It has attained. "Ifrass hand shows" have come to be a ipies Unliable class ill Hie minds of average Iheutei'-goeis, ami not without cuuse. but the title should not be upplied t i this attraction. The band and orches tra illowson'sl is a very excellent or ganl'.iition. which enlivens and adds to a show w liieh would la nsldered very liirl llotioiis without it, "The thililel, illaut Mine" will be Hie ut tract Ion fin the extended 1 llgugelnellt. I hi he John Soil will iiili'oililre new speriullles. 1 !l : Cainille D'Arvillf ami her company of seventy peoiile. will be seen iii this city at the Frothlnghiun next Saturday in Slanisluus Slange and Jullen Ed wards' ".Madeleine, or the Magic Kiss" which has priivnl to I m of Hie greatest successes on Hie American stage, and enjoyed prnsperotts engage ments for tweniv weeks tn New York city, Kvciily-twr weeks In Huston, eight weeks in Philadelphia and eight weeks in Chicago. It will lie presented heii In an eiil Ire ly new dress, which will enhance Hie prnihicHnn, ami It will be iimtintt d In Hie same elaborate man lier that chat iiiieri'.ed its long engage ment in the east. Miss D'Arvillf is surroiindi'd wilh an excellent conipaiiy, including mu ll liilenti-d nlayers as Unl ace W. Uiivetiscl-nft. W. t!. Stewart. Prank Turner. Hetirv Stanley. .Maud linPins. Hilda llnlllns. Cute McDonald and a limriis of sixty trained voices. 1.1 rn.Ks i n o.m nn: pi.oim.u. H'mler this henitlng short letters nf In terest uill Im publish,-,! when iK'eniiip.i iileil, lor luibbeiiilim, l,y the writer's iiaiue. The Titiniiie will nut lie held re fcputidibie fiii' opilllulis belli expressed. nn 1 nt 01 i-.s'i ins. Editor of The Tiilinae. Sir: -II seems to ine m very strange pul ley on the part of the I'liited Suites sen ate.. -X, , tin have he,. a elected by us Pi I'mik after the hill-rests of our eoiiutry thai I hey should ,1,-ein It li; in w,i-;e tlii lr lime unit Ii I. Illueiice in heggjrly In tel fi-rt nee with the ruling of Spain in Cuba. W here have they been hiding their pulii oilsm and eulliiisiasiii over Aineiiciin sub Jei :s when ihe Inner were being slaught ered by Ihe hundreds la Ariiieiiju '.' I pre sume they thought Asia Miner a hit :i far for the Alntir.ie ilnfirii, lo apply, and that it would be patriotism on liielr pMrl lo idlow American "iihjeets to lie slmiiilil ered in 11 distant land by nn uncivil. i: ., nation, or even to hatnl thetu over to ihe tender care of the Kiisi:nis, whn are eipuidy noted for their cruelly ami h.ir li.irily la order that they may eoaei'iilru:e their -strengtli to try and dishonestly Kruh the Ishtn.l i.f Cuba from Spain. It is irue that Spain has shewn a certain ami, mil of cruelty in Its rfform to repress reU-llloii, bill has there licen any war yet nn rec ord In which cruelty cannot be 1 raced to tx. 1)1 sides? When Ant lira fought for in, I, pen. 1, 'tic lid she mil complain of the tueiles cf Mnglaml in desiroylug und burning up proiM'i lies us being eriiel, 1111, 1 yet here they ure simply tickled ut the ilestrin-llnn of properly cause, I by Cuban reb"!s; hence the policy Is that what Is good f.,r 1 he "goose" Is poison for Hie gander." I have lately heard ministers from their pulpits ilc untuning the Hemoeruts for the lark of management of the ex.-hrouer, I and wfshirg them to lie expelled from ', Washington, I'. C. I consider myself in I siatnd a lltviubllciin us any of thee min isters, uml I should like lo point out to them thai according to the present poli.'y of our senators. Itepiililli-iiiis chlplly. Ihe liniinces cf. our country ure u Heefiinliiry mutter. It makes no difference If tlie na tion goes to Ihe bankruptcy courts to morrow If they ran grub Cuba from Spain. This is Ihe burning desire of the landurHliliefx. I should advise ministers to devote their energy In teaching the commandment which says: "Thou Shalt not covet thy iielghlsir'H property," Instead of ileliuuii" Ing Democracy. I sl "i,l te -.i times prefer to be guilty of President Cleveland's ito-eiille,1 iui-k 01 feyiuAi',,, wlih the Cuban rrbeht than to be gull.y of asso, iattnn mynelf with landgrabbers. ' ' J. Henry June. Bellevue, March i! NON-SUIT NOT DISTURBED lutltjc Edwards Sees No Reason for Striking It Off. OTIMON HANDED D0' BY HIM Give Keason Whjr Ho kofuies to Acnlo I'nt on the Trial Mat the Cava of Jennings Against the Lehigh Val ley Cora puny and Others. ""- T : " On Aug. L'O. isa Attorney Cornelius Smith instituted an ml Ion of Ires puss for Jnhii II. Jennings with dam ages alleged in the sum of JIihi.iiuii ayalnst the l.ehlgh Valley Kallmad r uniiaiiy. lion. K. X. Wlllard. Hon. IS. W. Arihbnlil. Major Kvrn tt Wur t'eii. 1. II. Hums. rsi., I Dm. Lemuel Atneininn. proihoiioiary C. !!. I'ryor, Deputy Prothonotary .Myron Kassoii and Detective Thomux K. ISeynolds. The basis of the suit wus that the defendants had confederaled ami con spired to hinder, delay and defeat the action brought by John ti.. Jennings uguinst the railroad company to re cover duiuugi s In tlie sum of $.",0,tinO for injuries Mr. Jennings' son, James, sustained In the Mud isiin wreck on Oct. lo. Ixxx. The court made an order on Sept. 2:. IWi. directing that the suit be placed lirst on the trial list for the Xovetn her term of common pleas court. The term opened on .Monday. Xov. 11. Judge Kdwurds on the bench. Mr. Smith rep resented the plaliililT and the defend ants were represented by Attorneys Jo seph O'Hiien. J. Alton Davis and C. Cotnegys. Mr. Coniegys announced that their side xvas ready for trial. Judge Ed wards said the plu I nt llT's attorney de clined to try the case and was not ready for trial. Mr. Coniegys then moved for a lion-suit. Judge Kdwurds granted It. When everything was ready to go on Mr. Smith came for ward with a long petition containing the oft reiM'iiled ehargos he lias made about not being able to get 11 fair and impartial trial in Lackawanna county, und usking for a change of venue to some other court. SMITH LEFT THE COI'IST ISOO.M. Judge Mcl'hers of llurrlsbtirg, was nssistlng the Incut Judges thut week uml Judge Edwards ordered the ruse lo go 011 before, HI in. This did not sat isfy Mr. Smith. He wanted to get out of the county altogether, alleging thut tlie conspiracy wns so great agulnst him and his client, Mr. Jennings, Hint the Juries would be packed. I'pon Mr. Smith's departure from the court room, for he took up hix hat ami xvent out, then it was that Mr. Coniegys made application for tlie non-suit and It xvas granted. A short xvhlle afterward Air. Smith raine before the court xvith a list of reason why the nun-suit , should lie stricken off and tlie case put limit on Hie trial list, lie olitullieil a rule to urgue the mailer before the court nnd did urgue it. Tlie depositions he tiled with the court and all the other papers were submitted to Judge Edwards, und yesterday he handed down an opinion refusing to strike off the niui-sull. The opinion given by Judge Kd wards dis charging the riih' Is us follow: Jt'Lu'K KDWAISDS' OPIXIOX. "Wo see no reason to disturb tills noti-silil. The rase xvus regularly on Ihe trial list, ami 110 legal grounds for a coiilinuunce were disclosed. We re fused u (iuilige of venue, not only he rn use the evidence taken at the hear ing of the rule whs entirely insulihielit but for the further reuson that It ap peared lo us the innt inn was made lo avoid the trial of the cuuse. The trial list xvas culled .Nov. II. ISMa. The pe tition for a rbunge of venue yvus sworn lo Sept. 27. and the uttoruey for the plainlin did not present this petition to the court until the ninth, n for a coit Hptiaitce had been dented and the cuse called for trial. It is unnecessary to discuss this matter any further. The rule to show cuuse why Hie non-suit entered in this case should not be taken off Is discharged. Exception for the pliilliliff is noted uml a hill sealed." - . - SUMMON I'l.KAS COL IM . Actions Hint l uino I p for llcurin I hi re. There was but one emit In seslo yesterday and Judge tiuuster ptesldei: one case xvas tried and another wic begun. The (list case, was thut Ii which William Motley was plaiutlt and In-. F. S. Iiougluss. defendant. The former xvus represented by Attor ney W. ( iny lord Thomas und the lattd by Attorney J. Elliot I toss. It was ut; itiiiou In replevin. In ixxil the doctor yvus In urreurs foi rent. A landlord's wurruut xvas ob tained mid Hie doctor's furniture xvus sold by then Constable Morgan Lake, of the Fifth ward. Mr. Morley. ihe plaintiff, bought in '.he goods, hut did not take Ihem uway. an urraiigeinetit being made that tlie doiior would set tle the debt in a short time. 1 1 E DID XoT SKTTLE. Hut tlie doctor did not settle und .Mr. Moiiey inaile his uopeariiiice with a xvagon to rait the liiruilure away ami he found his way him kid. The iluclur yvus nut tn be trilled witli and Air. Aim lev did lint take ihe furniture away. The defense was that Hie doctor had a hill for medical sery let s ngaiiisl the ow tirf' of the building. S. (.. XXilllams. nt whose death the property yen in hix daughter. .Mrs. Motley, mid Hint the hill was j-renter than Ihe rent arrear Mil iPEUE IF Saturday, ilonday and Til Dress Goods The largest display of Medium and . High Class Goods ever made in the city; also a great variety of Silks In the latest styles and, colorings Particular attention is invi ted to our stock of Dress Trim mings and Linings, age. The Jury went out at 3 o'clock and will return Its verdict when court meets this morning. . The ease of Ellas Plekerlne, of Dun more, against the Scrajiton Traction company for $10,000 was put on trial. Attorney George SI. Watson repreaents the plaintiff and ex-Judge Jessup and Attorney Horace K. Hand the defen dant. On the evening of Feb, 2!. ISM. Mr. Pickering and his wife got 'On a Luurel Hill car on Lackawanna avenue. At some point betxveeti tho central city nnd Dunmore the car jumped the track and Pickering claims thut the sudden stopping of the car caused him to be thrown against the casing around the stove, his buck striking on the corner of the casing and sustaining such In juries that he has since suffered great pain und been Incapacitated from work. He is li:: years of age ami w as u subtler in Ihe late war. EFFECT OF TIIE ACCIDENT. He testllled to the debilitating effect Hint the accident hud on hint and gave all the-particulars concerning ,tl. lie claims Hint the cur wus going ut a Very high rate of speed ami that is why it Jiimpil Ihe truck. Mr. I hind asked him on croxs-exumiiuiHoi! if lie wus not atllirteil with the uilmeiits he complains iioxv of before he xOs hurt in Hie street car. mid II xvas tried to contrudlct Mr. Pickering's statement by showing thut he Iiml sworn to. ailments that hud been bothering I1I111 when lie made ap plication for a pension severtil years ago. The cuse will be resumed this morning. All the Jurors except those hi Hie Pickering case were discharged for the term. In the case of D. .L. Potter against D. C. Kenvon the Jury returned a verdict of $l&l.li.', which is the claim in full with Interest. - ANOTH1.K WF.AItY WIFK. Totiple Seeking Legal Separation After icnt-Scvcn Years. , Divorce proceedings were, begun yes terday by Mrs. Elizabeth Cobley against her husband, William Henry Cobley. Patterson .t Wilcox ore her attorneys. Tho inisinated couple are now in Hie evening of life. They were married on July 4. ISlid, at Somerset, llrighton. England, nnd came to this country several years ngo. They lived together until March, 1SBL when the yxifif alleges she discovered that her husband xvas unfaithful, ami since Hint they ure separated. She lives in Dulexillf, und he Is a resident of Dumnorc. Uond nf troop Treasurer. The bond of Peter tlaffney. treasurer of Throop borough, was yesterday tiled in the olllee of Prothonotary I'ryor. Tlie amount Is '.'.iki( and the sureties are Michael Uugley and M F. Fudden. Always in the Lead. Pictures This Week 628 We have in stock 62S framed y;ict tires, suitable for Parlor, Dining-room or any part of your house. Some are a little shop worn, but most are per fect. We move to our new store, 30;, Lack. ave. April 1. Do you want sonic pictures at any price? To save breakage the)- are to go. This is the way: :)-. lines, Today loc. $1.5(1 I'm Hi i cs, Todaj "i0c. f.M I'it Uins, Tuilay N(. REXFORD Lacka. Av. Cloak Department We liave a fine assortment of Ladies' Coats and Capes, Children's Coafs, Ladies' Shirt Waists And Separate Skirts AT, REMARKABLE LOW PRICES. THE em 11 m mm DECORATED. Tbe Burglars' Dread, For the Nursery, Sick Room or Chamber. NO SMOKE. NO SMELL M ick will need no trimming for one year, Produces its own gas, Hives a perfect liulit in the sim plest, cheapest and cleanest meth od known to science. One cent's worth of oil will produce nas enough for 200 hours. Assorted decorations. PRICE, 35c. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYQIIIG 1VEBUL Walk in and Nee them burning. THIS CUT REPRESENTS THE lit Al McCAN 205 Wyoming Avenuj. E WITH SPRING ROLLERS 18 CENT! Any Color or Quantity You Need, P. M'CREA & GO, 128 Wyoming Ave. W ill Move April ist to 4 jj Spruce Street. HA wm muni 5 ). 11 In order to clean out all .Winter Suits, also Spring Overcoats and Spring Suits from last season we make the remarkably low price of On $20, $18 and $15 Unas. 8SSee our spring styles Derby and soft Felt Hats. Our Furnishing Goods for men we sell at our book cost, The lowest prices of any house in Scrauton. , Clothiers, iMers.2 Furnishers. STEINWAV SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS 01 tut Wrld DECKER BKOS., kRANICHE BACHE and ether. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will alway find a complete (lock end at prices a low w the quel Ity of tbe Instrument will permit at N. fi. HULBERT'S music STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scrantni We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyi. Ktc Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety -Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. t ROGERS, eyy eler and Watchmaker. 215 Lackawanna Ave. THE KEELEY CURE Why lot your home and uitsiueitf bo dostroy eil throui,-li Htrong drink or uioi ilnue. when vou run bo cured in four weuks at the Keeley liiHtltiitu, 7' .XI uliBon uvenuu Sorantou, Pa. The Cure Will Bear Investigation. take care as, rerr,u.w,a nc vnnn cveq UZZ' ou are troubled wltk or urvuu VI I WW"I hibVI ..0,0nH. SUM. BLKli'S and tiavo vnur eyes examined f raa. We have reduced prices and are the lowest ia tlie city. Nickel suectucloa from f 1 to li, golM from t to H. 305 Sprue Street. Scranton, Pa. r. 28, 30. 31 ill 1 STORE BARGAINS FOR ALL IN Ladies' and Children's Hosiery and Underwear KID GLOVES in all the new shades. An immense stock of Notions, Linens, Wash Goods, Domestics and Gents' Furnish ing Goods. TjCSWe make a Specialty of Laces and Embroideries. GEN 415 and 417 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton. - , . - . .Jl '.. I v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers