The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1896, Page 2, Image 2
THE FCBANTON " TniBTTNE THURSDAY MORNIN'O. MATtCII 26. 18911. Th PENING THE DISPLAY OF TRIMMED HATS Kxcels anything heretofore shown in Scranton. The stocks of Untrimmed Hats and Bonnets in every shape and Every Straw and Braid. THE RIBBONS, THE FLOWERS, THE FEATHERS, THE LACES, THE MILLINERY TRIMMINGS Are far larger and greater in assortment than any j'ou have ever seen in the city. We'll also give yon practical illus trations of how dimes and dollars can be saved. Everybody invited. Easter Souvenirs to every visitor. The Leading MILLINERY STORE, I Mr. I'latt Offers the First Siiqijes tiun to Close the Talking Bee. THE DATE IS FIXED T0K MAY Mr. Golllnger's lllll Regarding I so of I'nbllc .Moneys Is Laid on the Turtle-Personal Encounters in the House-Other Topics. Washington, March 2."i. A movement In the direction of an enrly adjourn ment of congresH was inude in the (sen ate today by Mr. Piatt (Rep., Conn.), who offered u resolution to lix the time of linul adjournment for the second of Muy next. In offering It Mr. Plutt re marked that It was time to consider the Hiiliject. The resolution tuok the usual course. In reference to the com mittee on appropriations. It will pnl nbly lie not reported hack until all the annual appropriation bills have passed both houses. After the leRislutive ap propriation bill, which has been before the senute for the hist three days, shall have been disimsed of there will be only two others left for action by the senute. These are the Indian and the iiostotllee appropriation bills, another of which Is likely to occupy more than one day. Nearly all the discussion to day was on the subject of chuntrinK the fee system of I'nlted States district attorneys and marshals to a salary sys tem, the amounts proposed in the bill being ussailed as extravagant by Sena tors Allen (Pop., Neb.), and (leorge (I Mil., Miss.) In ull cases, however, the propositions for the higher amounts were agreed to. .A Joint resolution to amend the con stitution by prohibiting congress and state legislatures from using public moneys in uid of any Institution con trolled wholly or In part by any sec tarian of religious association, was In troduced by Air. (lalllnger (Hep., N. II.,) and luid on the table for the pres ent. IIOl'SR PROCEEDINOS. There was a slight reminder of yes terday's proceedings In the house to day when Mr. Houtelle (Hep., Me.) ris ing to personal explanation, stated that the colloquy between himself and Mr. Wheeler (liem., Ala.) regurding the at titude of ex-confederutes toward the bill to retire Cieneral Orant had been changed, lie said it did him an injus tice, for as printed It left Ills statement resting upon nothing, where as, as It actually occurred, li was based on the record of the house. Mr. Wheeler explained tlint he had changed the copy in order to correct a mistake In his statement, having been denied an opportunity to make the cor rection in ojien house In the course of the debate, when he had discovered it yesterday. The record wus ordered corrected so as to accurately report what had occurred. Before this incident Mr. Hartlett (Deni., N. Y.) as a matter of personal privilege, denied, the truthfulness of an Item In yesterday's Washington Post stating that he hud furnished to Mr. SuUer (Lcm., N. Y.) the copy of the circular letter to his constituents writ ten by Mr. Olbson (Rep., Tenn.) which had formed the subject of the rather amusing passage between thosf gentle men In the course or the debute on the liuyard resolutions of censiuv. These jiersonal matters being out of the way. the house addressed Itself, In committee of the whole, to the consid eration of the naval appropriation bill. All of It, save the paragraph providing for new ships, wns disposed of by the committee, with a single amendment, appropriating Jtiii.non for building the quay and wing walls or the Brooklyn dry docks. The only Incident of Inter est In the discussion was tiie renewal of the old fight to transfer the naval ob servatory from the Jurisdiction of the navy department, introduced by Mr. Cnnnon ( Kep., ill.) Tliere wus a rather warm exchange of sarcastic compli ments between Mr. Cannon and Messrs. Houtelle and Robinson (Ken.. t-u.) on the subject, but nothing was done with the matter. CPBAN CONFEREES. After a session of three quarters of nn hour this afternoon the conferees on the Cuban resolutions adjourned until tomorrow without reaching a conclu sion. The drift or the discussion showed, however, that there was a llrm Intention mi the part of the commit tee to reonrt resolutions that would meet the approval of both houses. There upiieared to be u more favorable feel ing toward the senate resolutions this afternoon. It having been made plain to the managers on the part of the house that the house resolutions could not pass the senate. It Is believed that Ultimately the house will accept the senate resolutions. The conferees hope to settle the matter finally tomorrow. VARIOUS NOTES. The president today sent to the senate the nomination of W. H. Kile to be postmaster at Carubrldgeboro, Craw ford county. Pa. The following fourth class postmas ters were appointed In Pennsylvania today: B. K. Dock, Dry Valley Cross ltoads; T. C. Kane, High Lakei O. M. Kills, McLalltm Corners; Mile Kndress, l'nlon Church. - 1 . Mr. Quay (Rep., Pa.) Introduced in the senate today a bill appropriating 375,000 for the purchase of a site and the erection of a public building at Washington, Pa. Oeneral Thomas Lincoln Casey, late chief of engineers, United States Ar my, died at the New Congressional II- f , . I .' . ' " : 0 AYS GERSON'S, 421 Lackawanna Avenue. hrury about 3 o'clock this afternoon, probably of heart disease. He was In his room at the New building and was seized with ,a pain In his heart. He wus laid upon a 1oiwr and died almost instantly. .. , FAT E OF THE' RESOLUTION'S. House Managers 'May Yet Agree to the Senate' Cuban Programme Washington, March 85. When tike matter of accepting the senate resolu tion was being discussed by the confer ence committee today, one member of the committee took the ground .that this government had no right to ask another government to recognize the Independence of one of Its colonies, which was In Insurrection and It was Insisted that this would be a causus belli. In unswer to this It was shown that when the Cubans were in Insur rectllon before, our minister to Spain, General Daniel Sickels, was Instructed to exercise his good oHices to secure such a recognition at the bands of Spain, and that at that time, Spulu took no offense ut the action. All things considered there appeurs to be a desire to accept the senate resolutions, and If this is done there Is no doub; but that tho house would ugree to such a report. The condition of affairs In the senate was discussed tUis afternoon very frankly. It was made plain thut there was a small, but determined minority, headed by Senator Hule -that did not propose to permit the Cuban resolu tions to ever come to a vote If they could prevent It. In fact the commit tee on foreign relations had been warned that a quiet but effective sys tem of lllllnisteiinf; had been Inaugu rated with a view to preventing a vote on the question In the senate. Kor this reason the house conferees were urged to accept the senate resolu tions, which would remove the debate from the senate to the house, where filibustering could not, under the rules, be engaged In. It Is believed to be the most probable outcome of the confer ence, and It would not surprise the members of the house tomorrow If the house managers recede from the house resolutions und accept these originally passed by the senate WAVERLY, Miles W. Itllss is still confined to the house with an attack of rheumatism. Mrs. Grace George, of New York, is the Btiest of her father, A. J. Smith. Tom Smith, who left here lost fall for an extended Southern trip Includ ing Cuba and Mexico, Is now located at Sunta Ann, Southern California. Mrs. Nellie Linderman. who has been visiting her parents here for two months, has returned to her home at Troy, Pa. Get your shaving and hair cutting done at Martin Hold's Burlier shop. Deputy Sheriff J., It. Taylor, of Port age, Livingstone county, York state. Is visiting his mother and brother, Ar thur, who Is ill. James Pass, who has resided here for the last twenty-six years, will move to Scranton next week. Our board of school directors have decided that the old ramshackle of a building on Academy hill, which has done service for school purposes for over fifty years, has got to go, and are how look I nc for a better and more eligible site for n new school build ing. Miss Hattle Coon's Sunday school class, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will give the first Ice cream fes tival of the season .at the band rooms tomorrow night. The proceeds to go to the Epworth league. Everybody is Invited. The wedding of Nathan B. llobinson to Miss Annie C. Greenlease, of Wash ington, D. C took place at the latter's home last night. After the ceremony a large number of friends and relatives partook of a handsome supper at the home of Mrs. Hammond, at No. Ml K street, northwest. The happy couple were the recipients of a Iiukc number of valuable and useful pres ents. After an extended wedding trip through the Southern stutes. they will come here to reside. HALLSTEAD. Attorney C. A. Van Normer, of Mon trose, was in town on Tuesday. Professor C. K. Moxley und Mrs. G. W. Capwell entertained the members of their Sunday school classes at the home of Mrs. Capwcll Tuesday evening. All present enjoyed a good time. The members of the llallstead Cor net band are thinking of giving nn en tertainment In the near future. Miss I, Milan Church contemplates en tering the Kloomshurg State Normal school In a few weeks. The annual election of officers of the Presbyterian Sunday school occurs next Sunday. Mrs. James Slmrell has returned from n pleasant visit with friends in Athens, Pa. Mrs. Charles Cap well and daughter, Maude, visited friends in Conklln on Sunday. Hehiember dat ere Poverty social In the Kallroad Young Men's Christian Association hall this evening. Miss Fannie Slmrell visited in the Electric city on Saturday. NICHOLSON. Leon Boyle, who Is spending a few days with his parents, will return to Bloomshurg State Normal, Monday next.' ' Mrs. Andrew Candee Is seriously1. III. - Miss Anna Wllpox.wlll leave for New York today, to purchase her spring and summer mlllnery goods. Mrs. Mary Werkelser was taken sud denly III while In Scranton Tuesday laat. She was taken to the Moses Tay- lor hospital. ' Her niece, Miss Lotta Dickson, hastened to her assistance. 1 TO TALK TO OTHER WORLDS Scientist Tesla's I'lari municatiun. for Com CONFIDENCE IX THE SCHEME Lloctrlo Waves Aro to Do Propagated Which May Attract tho Atteo- . tiun of Dwellers im Planctaiy space. New York, March 25. Nicola Tesla, the electrician and scientist, has had in course of development for some time a project for Instantaneous communica tion to all narts of the earth and per haps some of the nearer planets. He said today: "I have had this scheme under consideration for five or six years; It is based upon scientific princi ples and thoroughly practicable. "We know that electric disturbances on the sun are productive of similar dis turbance on the earth In the form of thunder showers. Now, why Is It not equally conceivable that u disturbance on the earth's surface. In hope of at tracting the attention of the dwellers on Mars, should produce some tangible effect on other planets. The transmis sion of disturbances on the sun shows beyond doubt that waves of electricity are propagated through all space. HOW IT WILL BE DONE. "The success of the experiment." con tinued Mr. Tesla, "is wholly through the electricity waves, which are propa gated through the atmosphere and the ether, beyond. Hut If there are Intelli gent Inhabitants of Mars or any other planet It seems to me that we can do something to attract their attention. It Is possible to operate a motor or an electric lirlit with a single line of wire leading to the apparatus. It naturally occurred to me, that as the earth Is a conductor, nn electrical disturbance at one point, causing a change in the equi librium of the earth's electricity, should be felt at all points on the earth's sur face and might be recorded by properly constructed instruments. "The possibilities of such a transmis sion of intelligence cannot be exagger ated. Every city on the globe could be on an immense ticker circuit, and a message sent from New York would be in England In an instant." lOET MADE HIS OWN COFFIN. Benjamin Hathaway Prepared for Death In an I'nusual Manner. Marcellus, Mich., March 25. Benja min Hathaway, the former poet of Lit tle Prairie Ilonde. who died last Satur day of a mysterious disease, left In structions that a post mortem be held, ami requested that there be no hearse at his funeral and very little ceremony. Huthaway made his own coffin. Years ago he planted a chestnut tree. Not long ago he felled the tree, sawed It up and made the box Into which, by his own request, he will be placed tomor row. The poet's best known works are "Finished Creation," "Art, Life and Other Poems," and "The League of the Iroquois." There was a touch of na ture about everything he wrote. Ho owned what was called the "prize farm of Cuss county," and had passed there most of the seventy-three years of his life. The farm itself was a poem. Every nook and corner had Its trees and ilowers. MISSSMITH'SSINGULAKCLAm Seeks Pontages Itecniiso a Man Hied lie fore Ho Could Marry Her. St. Paul. Murch 25. Miss Kitty V. Smith bus filed a very unusual kind of claim against the estate of Alfred ,1. Hill, who died last June, and whose estute Is now undergoing probate In the probate court of this county. Miss Smith was the fiancee of Hill, and bases her claims on that fact, de manding $200 for expenses Incurred In preparation for marriage, $100 for re signing her position before marriage, and $2,000 said to have been promised her by Hill in consideration of the marriage. The estate is valued at $05, 000. WEDS HIS SIXTH WIFE. He Is 00, Whllo the llrlde Is but 18. Spcclnl Hates Asked. Greensburg. Ind., March 25. C. J. Wood, aged 90, and Miss Maggie Bar ger, aged IS, were married yesterday. it wus Wood's sixth marriage, and he urged a reduction of the license fee, as he had been such a good customer, and he also said he might tome again. TIIK WORLD OF BUSINESS. Wall Street Review. New York. March 2.". Speculation- at the Slock Exchange today wus of u midsum mer character, the dullness having been extreme, only la'i.Onu shares were trad"! In und in this meagre total Sugur was the mop! active. Notwithstanding the dull ness the tendency of prices wus In tho direction of Improvement. Jxinilon bom; lit moderate amounts of Its favorites and this wtth slightly higher . prices from abroad and the belief that the political sit uation of the I'nlted States as affecting She oiHside world had Improved und as sisted the rise which took pluee in the general list. The greatest gains wre made in the Industrials. Chicago Gis advanced a point to licS. oil the reports that the directors intrude to resume th" payments of dividends. Tobacco, 'after an early decline from M to Si'-j, rose to Kt ami closed ut (U'i. The story In the board was that the directors at their meeting on Wednesday next will declare a divi dend on the common stock. Nothing otil ciul could be obtained. The reports about a consolidation with the outside manu facturers were uxuin revived anil vigor ously denied by the western people who are not in he combination. It has been remarked that the American Tobucco 'lire-tors are singularly quiet about th- matter. Sugar llr.Ht fell to 114 ami rose to U'ullu. General Electric was firmer nr.d ranged between !l" nml 3V. The rail wry list was linn, but the variations were meri-ly fractional. 81. Paul was strength ened by the Increase in Its earnings for the third week of March of nearly $II.VH lAiulsville und Nashville udvanceil wllliln a fraction of "s on purchases by s.orelnn linuses. Speculation closed llrm with prices anywhere from to per cent, higher. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL LEN Co.,. correspondents for A. P. CAMPHELL, stock broker, -112 Hpru-e street. Op'n High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co Kl si ' M'i Am. Cotton Oil I.Vi l.V, I.V-, Am. Sugar lte'g-Cn..lH 1i:.'4 114 IK". Atch.. To. A 8. I'e. U, I5 14 15 I'anailu Southern.... 4!'a V.i'j 4!Ma 4S'i Ches. A Ohio 1.e 1:1" ,1.- V' I'hicugo Gas fti's to W'a liJU Chic. N PCs Ht!' in;.". Chic, H. & Q 74-4 71 -4 74', 7l- Chic, MIL A St. P.. 74- 74-m 71' 74- Chic, It. 1. & 1'ac... (I9'4 tifi, IWT, imi4 r l. & w I'll ii ii hii nist. c. ri',4 n'i ni irif, Gen. Electric Sj'i So I!.', Louis. Nash 4!" 4Si 4!-., .M. K. Texas, Pr.. 25'i 2'! 2V4 2"i Munhattan Ele HM V 101 1(i Mo. 1'ac 23'; 2S'. 22 Zl National Cord 4'1i 4-": 4i, 4N, N. .1. Centrul 15 10.1 10. 105 N. Y. Centrul !, !WH N. Y.. L. K. & W 14'4 1IU 14 14i.4 Nor. Pae IS J1 I'i 1'! Ontario and West... 14" 14'i 14' 14', H. & it 17'i 17, 17 17' Pile. Moil.... 27 27 2ii IN'i Phil. Head Hl'4 lOV -i Southern K. it I7 7s "7 a7 Southern It. H.. Hr.. 2! 2S7 Tenn. C. Iron.... SI 7"m 2il 27 Texas Pacific 74 i 7ri V; Union Pacific "Hi W Wabash ..i.. "s '' Wabash, Pr Hfifc, I7 1;s Western Tnton.. mi t- 83 W. I ' H P. 8. Leather, Pr.... 1'4 fiu-U V. 8. Rubber......... -"ti'd ' 2ti', 2H CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- Cios- WHEAT. " Ing. est. est. Ing. May .7.7........... 24 a'4 ' July ........ , tWs2?s 3'.4 OATS. ,! Muy itt, ih mi' m July 211 - lTs 1 CORN. Muy ., li 29. 29i 4 July .( 3tHi "s LARD. May B.15 5.17 5.t3 6.1T July 6.25 6.32 6.25 6.32 PItK. , Muy 8.70 8.K5 8 70 8.82 July 8.M 02 8.K ..' Scranton Hoard of Trodo ExchanceQno tntinn All Quotations ISaaed on I'ur of IOO. Name. Bid. Askej. Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 13$ P.-ranton Lace Curtain Co...!, ... M National Horing & Drilling Co. ... SO Knot National Hunk 659 Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 5 Spv. lirooH Water Co ' 10i Klmhurrt lioulevar.t Co 100 Scranton Axle Works . N bi-raiuou Savings Hank SAI Scranton Traction Co " U lionta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Cnr Replncer Co jot Scisnton Packing Co si Weston Mill Co CO Iron & 81 eel Co . 100 Scranton Heading Co 103 HON Da Scranton Class Co !0t Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton Traction Co 9 1-eoe-le'a 8lreet Railway, first tnortgaga slue 1918 110 Scranton A liitston Trap. Co.. ... N people's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co lot) Lac-ka. Township School 10! City uf Scranton Street Imp C ... 102 Scranton AxIa Works 100 ttorough of Winton i 100 Cuib Brook Coal Co UN New York Produce Market. New York, March Flour Vat-hanged, dull, easy. Wheat Spot market dull, tinner: No. 2 red and elevator. 71H4C.; afloat, SOVic: f. o. b.. 74aso4c.: ungrad ed red, &!a82c: No. 2 northern, 724c: op tions closed llrm ut V. advance; No. 2 re.l Much. 70'ic.; April, 7oe.; May. W-V.i June, 1BM4C.; July, liluc.; September, 69T(.c. Corn Spots dull, llrm; No. 2. 37c. elevator; Mr.; afloat; options were dull and llrm at Lc. advance, following the west and on local covering; March, 37'ac.; May. 3frHi.; July, 3t2Vr. 0ts Spots dull, firm; op tions dull; nominally unchanged; March and May, 24'4i; spol prices, No. 2 at 240.; No. 2 white. 2S'ic.; No. 2 Chicago, Suc; No. 3 at 23'je.: No. 3 white. 244c; mixed western. 24a2iic. ; white do., 2iia28c. ; while slate, 2t2Sc. Provisions Dull, quiet, un changed. I.ard (Julet, about Meedy; western steam, J. 1.40; city, S4.9U; May, S5.4.; refined, dull; continent, $.1.70; South Amer ica, Vi. 10; compound, 4,1'. Pork Dull, steady: mess, $.50al(i. Hotter Fairly ac tlve, unchanged. 'heese anil Kggs Fair demand, unchanged. Toledo Orain Market. Toledo, ., .Murch 25. Wheat Receipts, 1,2m) bushels; shipments, 6.M bushels, firm: No. 2 red cash, 7Uc.; May, Tutsc: July, WVic; No. 2 white cash, 7o'c. Corn Re ceipts. 17.i:)7 bushels; shipments, 8,300 bush els, S.Sinon bushels; steady; No. 2 mixed May, 3oo.; No. 3 yellow cash, 29!gC.; No. 3 while, 2'ic; No. 3 mixed, 2Si,ac. Oats Dull; No. 2 mlved cash and May, 21o. Rye Dull; No. 2 cash, 38e. Cloverseed Re ceipts, 870 bags; shipments, r03 bags; quiet; prime cash and March, 14.40; April, I4.17U-; October, $4.30; prime ulslke cash, $4.30. buffalo l ive Stock, ltuffulo. N. Y. March IS. Cattle Steady, fair to good bulls. $2.3Tia3.40; fat cows, $2.7Sa3..riO; veals, $4uti; extra, $ti.21. Hogs Lower; Yorkers. $4.40; pigs, $4.20a4.2fi; mixed puckers and mediums, $4.2!a4.&; good heavy, $4.2Ta4.33; roughs, $3.2T3.W; stags, $2.7f.a3. Sheep and lumbs Steady ; prime lambs! $l.'.ma.ri; good to choice, $4.'J0a 4 SO; culls. :i.ri0a4: mixed sheep good to choice, $4a4.2:i; common to fair, $3.(j.ria.1.90; culls, $:i.2ra;i.0o; heavy export lambs, $4.B5a 4.70. Chicago l ive stock. I'nion Stock Yurds, 111.. March 2.". Cattle Itecel.pls, 17.ono ht'; market weak and 10c. lower; common to extra steers, $3.40a4.5O; miockers and feeders, $2.8oa3.!)D; cows and bulls. $l.iaia3.Mi; calves. $:is; Texans, $2.20a4. Hogs Receipts, 33,000 head; market weak and iiuloc. lower; heavy packing ami shipping lots. 3.7ia 3.IS0; common to choice mixed, $X75u3.!fi; choice assorted. $fa4.10; light. tU.8na4.10; pigs. $3a4. Sheep Receipts, 17,000 head: market weak und lUe. lower Inferior to choice, $:ia.'Uio; lumbs, $3.Oa4.75. . Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, -Murch 25. Tallow Is In light request, hut steady. We quote: 4'lty, prime, in hogsheads, 34t-.; country, prime. In barrels!! 8?c: do. dark. In barrels, SUaHVac; cakes, 4c: grease, 31,4c. "How to Cure All Skin Diseases." Simply apply "Swayne'a Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving- the akin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. Situations Wanted. noR RENT 8 KOOM HOUSE AND BRN; -T nice yarj, corner VonHtorch snd Marion. YOUNG MAN OFUOOD HABITS DESIRES aitnation e-achinf, hostler or. teaming preferred, but will take any kind of work. Address 4Si Deacon street, city. CITUAIION WANTED BY YOl'NO MAN O as asilstant paper hanger; lias had one yenr experience. Addrau L. B, CORNELL, ami Edna avenue Scranton, Pa, tGTUATION WANTED A (4ARDENER O wnnts poaitioo for ai-uson or on day work, cutting of grapo vino, roues, other shrubs and fruit ireos a specialty. Address G. F 351 Dunmore, Pa. rOUNf M I AN "m YEAR OLD) WELL El 1 ueated and with good reputation, wants a position in Scranton or Dunmore. Address L. J. R.. Dunmore, Pa. -llTASTED-POSlriON ASHOU8EKEEP VV er by inlddle-aioJ woman; references exchanged. Address A., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY one who thoroughly understands the meat business. AddrcstD. MORGAN, JJOB W. Market street. S ITUATION WANTEO-BY A YOU'McJ lady ss stenographer and typewriter: 3 years' experience; reference. Address L. M 1 309 Summit avenue. TiITUATlO M WANTED - BYA YOUNG O lady as stinoerapher r typewriter; aood refcrene-s. Address Box 81. Old Purge, Pa. Strayed. STRAYED TO CHE PREMISES OK THE undersigned a young heifer about twelve months old Owner en have sains hy paying all costs. JACoB MILLER, Pricebnrg. Dick son Flats, - ' Notice to Rock Contractors. I'TrttSAlXViTdTlH: RECEIVED BY the Lehigh Valley Coal Company, until April Hth. IMia, for ninlciti". n-nr the city of Hazloton. a shall, alxmt li' l" br XV 0" f r. ra thesurtace toadopth of ulsmt 775 feet. Plane, specifications and form of i-untraet may be H -eu at tho company's ofllee at Hnzleton. or at theOenrral Siiiwr.iituuileiit's Wilkns Ban e. The right to aiiv and all bids is reserved. Adorns all ecinmiiiiination to the W. A. LAT11HOP. Oen. Snot.. Wilkos-Ilarre. Pa. Legsl. I N'I HE COURT OK COMMON PLEAS OF 1 Iickawanna county. No. 2.17 Jannarv term. Isl. Mury A.-lotiiw n Richard P. Jones. Notice to Rii lisr.l P .luues. respondent. The alias snbptona iu divorce In hIkivm case baring been returned "nonest Inventup" for the rea son t hat you could no", be found In the aaid countr. you ara hereby not 111 -d to bs and ai peur at tho next term of the Court of Com mon Pleas of fa'd county, to L-e held in the city or s. ranton. in ssid county, on the 2"th tlavof Hay. A. I). IssM. to answer the libel hint 's complaint in the above case. FRAN K U. C'LEIIONS, Sheriff. TAYLOR LK WIS. Attorueys for Ltliellant. Application for Charter. N OTICE 1ft HEREBY (41VEN THAT AN application will Iu made totue Uoveraor of Pennsylvania all the ninth day of April, 1SUO. bv Andrew IT. Mulnn-e. Maurice W. Col line, William Moloney, William F. Mcrtee and Kdirard J. Maloney, under the Aet of Assem bly, entitietl "An Act to provine lor the in corporation and r .volition of certain corpor ations." ai.prured April 2th. 1H74, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended coriioration to b) called "The Orocers' Hiiiiply and ProUui.-etVjmpany,". the character and object of bleb, is -baring, selling, trad ing or dealing In any or all kinds of goods, wares and merchandise at wholeeale," and for these purposes to have, poiseas and enjoy nil the ria-bt. benefits and privileges of eaM Act of Assembly and supplements thereto. CHARLES H. WELLES. Bollcltor. vQn.noiQf In the Dress Goods Department. We Are Showing New Lines Of Sicilian, Mohairs and Brilhan tines, in plain and figured. All Colors. 40-Inch nixed Novelty Suitings Very new and stylish at 50c. a yard. Our ex clusive styles. Checked Suitings In a Variety of Shades and colors; Goods that ordinarily bring $1.35 a yard at 75c; they are very wide. CONNOLLY 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A FOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIB RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADB.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Mala. WANTED-MALEHJIEN TO SELL HTA pie goods at home or travel: liberal salary or pood commission; we send samples nn application; live exclusive territory. Ad dress P. O. Box IIM. New York city. ANTEDAN AOFNT IN EVERY SEO tion tocanvsss; $4.00 to $.5 00 a day made; soils at sight; also men to sell Staple Uoods to dealers; beat akle line 171(0 a month; sal. sry or larire commission made; experience unnecessary. Clifton Hoap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati. O; Wi ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evtrv town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money lor agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., uordn uioca. unioato. iiu Halo Wanted Female. AETlAKWOWAQEirONO J pleasant home work, and will gladly sand full particulars to all sending S cent stamp. MISS M. A. BTEBB1N8. Lawrence, Midi. VTANTED I.ADY AGENT IN BCRAN. Vi ton to sell and introduce Knydnr's cake icing: experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and Tery profitable. Write for funiculars at once and get benefit of holiday rade.T H. BNYDKB CO. Cincinnati, O ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO EN ER petto saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed $H a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation, write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Board Wanted. WANTED-BY NEW ENGLAND GEN. tlr-man and wife, board in private fam ily or furnished apartments for housekeep ing. Call immediately. R. E. VLEMINU, Wyoming House For Sala. SALE Or HOUnKHOliU UWIDH; MUHT be sold Immediately. Apply HOU Qulncy avenue. IOR SALE TWO HORSES, il BUTCHER ' wagons, X boggles, I sleigh, bsrnessesand all of buteher'a outfit; also me it market for rent; eoiugontof business; roust Im sold by April 1st. Inuuire of L E. BCHULLEH, Biakoly street. Dunmore. IOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT COR ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern Improvements on promisee. MRS. A.NIB STEWART. Dunmore, Pa. For Rant. IiOK RENT -A NICELY FURNISHED lodge room with piano and electric lights and all modern conveniences, within ii blocks of Laurel Hill and Petersburg street car line. Fo- particulars call or addross E. A. WEN ZKL, Ot'il Prescott avenue. CITUATION WANTED T HOUHE CLEAN O lnjf. washing, sweeping or dusting by a nilildlc-nifd woman: can give references. Call or address 11MH Thompson street, city. H OUSEFtiR RENT INQUIRE 111 MUL- ticrry street. I OR RENT-HALF OF DOUBLE HOUSE; modern improvements; rent reasonable; corner of Pino and Blakely streets, Dunmore. OR RI'.NT FROM APRIL 1ST. LARUE brick bonse; all modern appliances, t24 Mnlbarry street, avenue. Inquire Mi N. wasningtoa F'Ott REaT-FOUR HOUSES ON EIGHTH afreet, Nos. 410. 418. iS and iU; conveni ent and coatral. Apply to Jame B. Watson, at Flrsr Xailoiml Bans-, or A. ft Dean, StO'i N. Washington avenue. 1WR RENT WAREHOUSE ON D.. L 1 W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS T.MJH 1 RENT-ROi M8 NOW OCCUPIED BY V the Traders' Natloaal Bank: possession given about May I. by F. L PHlLLIPd, Cashier Traders' National Bank. IXR RENT TEN ROOM HOU8E; ALL modern conveniences. Inquire at 1221 Washburn st. VOR RENT-ON E HALF DOUBLE HOUSE V Tin Qulncy avenu-. Rent reasonable Opposite Aloees Taylor Hospital. ?OR RENT-ON E SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court Inquire list Adams ave. FOBRENT-NICEl.1 FURNISHED HALL suitable for ludgo looms. JOHN JEH MYN. I III Wrnml" nvsniir Aecnt Wanted. W'ANTED-SALESMAN: SALARY FR'iM V start; permantnt place. BROWN BROS. CO . Nurserymen. Ro-uester. N. Y. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS: f7i per mouth salary and eM"n- paid. Address, with two-cent stam, F1UAR CI GAH CO- cnicaiu. AUEN'I S-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and rapper electro pl.ters: price from upward; salary and ex tiesses paid: on I lit free. Address, with stamp, jHCHIOAN Ml-UCO.. Chlcagis AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; ii't ecklv and cxpeoses; expsrleuce un necoMHiry. ONSOLIOATEO MFG. CO., i Van Burro St.. Cbieago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE? V per cent, commission; asm pie book mailed free. Address L, N. CO., Ktatioa U New York. AT NCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth.mos qulto and bouse fly liquid st ID cents and 'i5 cents a Lo tie. Ssmple tree. iSoi.OJANO M F'GCa. Baltimore. Md. AGENTS HLSDK'S PATENT UNIVKK sal Hair Curlers snd Wavers (used with out best), and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pins. Lib eral commissions. Free sample and f nil par ticulars. Address P. Box 4U New York. Special Notiees. tDTERINUBmL 1 You want this relic. Contains sll of Frank Leslie's famooaold War Ptctureasbow Ing tbe forces In actual battle, sketched on tbe spot. Two volujaes, 2,0uu pictures. Bold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press comrdnte. sll chanee prenara. Addrese P. O. MtXiDY. ttq Adams Ave.. Seranton. Pa. Inea, etc., bound or rebound at Tab Tribubb ofUca. Wulck Work. Beasonabla pricea. . ' . Turkoman, . . Handkerchief SUks for waists, the latest thing, make very hobby and styl ish waists; reasonable in price. Our Line of Persian and Dresden Silks is the most complete in the city. Special designs for waists, and a large va riety for trimming pur poses. New Art Denims for Drapery and Floor Use 36 inches wide and a very & WALLACE, WW mm TRY US. mm uca ave, con ioiki MONEY! Daniel Drew, who accumulated one of the largest fortunes ever wade in Wall street, said: "When the sap runa up the trees buy stocks," and the records of Wall street tor the past twenty years show be was right. For full particulars as to bow business is done in Wall street, write for our book, "Spec ulation Fully Kxplainsd," also our market let ter. Margin II to 5 per vent. Commission only 1-ltl per cent. I D. THORNBURGH & CO, Bankers 4k Brokers, 41 Brosdway, New York. Stockholdara Matting, TUHS MJNUA1L METTN7i'VOF''THE stockholders of Tbe Providence Gas and Water Company will be held at their olflce in tbe Delaware and Hudson building. Lacka wanna aveuue, Scranton, Pa, Monday, May 4, lMsi, at 10 a. m., to eleet officers to serve during the ensuing year, to consider and au thorise an Increase of tbe capital stock of tbe company, and transact any other business that may be presented. By order of the managers. H. F. ATHERTON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Feb. lis, lwa MadleaL asurbcure RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure (Hit out of every 1.000; two doses will take the worst case of inflam natoryoutof bed.- $tQ0 per plat bottle. Manufactured and sold by MRS. OR. HAMILTON, sag Northampton Street. Wllkes-Barre. Pa. and for isle at 116 New York St., Ursea Ridge. ECRANTON. PA. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In Effect May 19. 1895. Trains taava Wilkes-Barra at Follow 7. 25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrltburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the Weal. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Potttville, Reading, Norrlstown and Philadelphia;, and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, 'Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burs: end the West. 0.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville-. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST. Ueneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLIO IN Er fcJO'l MCH. 15, 18W. Trains leave Scranton for Plttstun, Wllkes-Harre, etc at S.29. 1.15, 11.80 a. m., 12.45. 2.01), 3.I&. &.i. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, U,u0 a. m., 1.00, 2.15. 1.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 1.20 a. tn. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, g.20 (express) a, m., 12.15 (express with Buf fel parlor car), S.OR (express) p. m. Hun day, 2.t.' p. m. Train leaving 12.45 p. m, srrlves at Phlladelplila, Reading Term Inul. 6.22 p. m. and New York 6.MI p. m. For Mnuch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Eauton and Philadelphia, 1.20 a. in., 12.45. .Ua. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday. 2.16 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at u. in., 12.4: p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via AlU rllown, 8.20 a. m., 12.15, 5.00 p, 111 Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a., 12.1.i p. tn. Returning, leave New Tork, foot of Lib erty street. North River, ut 8.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30, 4.15 -(express with HufTct psrior car) p. m. Sunduy. 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, 1.00 a. tn., 2.UV and 4.30 p. in. Sunday fi.27 a. m- Through ticket to all points at lowest rales may be bad en application in id ance to the ticket agent ut the station, II. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Puss. Agent. J. H OLHAITSEX. Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND ....ii.l IN RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. r --t. Bs JUty v. uii irains win mm JTaiO arrive ot new l.acku W'm m wanna avenue station f' Trnlna will leave Scran- a m 2 20. 8.65. 6-1 and "Kor'Varvlew. Waymart and Honeedala at 7 W. 125 and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, 2.20 and 6.15 M'Fcf Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at 5.45 a. m. and 2. 20 p. m. Vor Wllkes-Barre snd Intermediate points at 7.45, S.4. eS and 10.45 a. tn.. 12.0J, 120 8 38. 4.00, 5.10. .0i, 116 and ll.JS p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7 40, 8.40, 134 and 10 40 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17, 184; 140. 4.54. 6.55. 7.45. Ill and 11.83 n. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Par. view at 114 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17. 140. 5.56 and 7.45 p. ni. From Montreal. Saratoga. Albany, etc.. at 4.M ana n. p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rolnta at 116. 3. 04, 10.08 and 11.66 a. ra., 1.11 M, 1. 6.10, 188, 7.20. 108 and all p. m. mm Wallace ..good, quality; desirable .colors, only 19c. a yard. Ginghams 1 GINGHAMS ! Don't fail to get in on our greit offering. . 300 pieces of the best Ginghams America pro. duces, including Bates' Seersuckers, . Johnson's Seersuckers, Toitle Du Nords, etc. Usually sold "at I2j4c Special Price, 5c. I 2oo Washington Avenue,' Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hale Over Mattresses, Hake and Repair Sprinft Sell Iron Beds, Hate Fine Mattresses. . , ,-. Nov. 17. 1836, . . Train leaves Scranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.4l a. m., 12.05, 1.20, l.U and 11.38 p. tn., via D , U at W. R. R., too, 108. 11.20 a. m and l.M P. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Barre, via D., L a W. R. R., 100, 103, 1188 a. m., 140, 6.07. 152 p. m. .Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. aleton. Pottsville and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. W. V. R. R., .3 a. m.t via D. A H. R, Rat 7.45 a. m., 12.06, 1 20. 2.38. 4.00 p. m., via D , L. W. R. R. 100. 108, U-20 a. "; 1-30. 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harriaburg and all intermediate points, vU D. H. R. R. 7.45 a. in., 120J. L20, 138, 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D.. L. 4k W. R. R.. 100, 8.08, 11.20 u. m 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To. wanda, Klmlra, Ithaca. Geneva and all Intermediate points via D H. R. R., Itl a. m 12.05 and 11.35 p. m.. via D., L. W. R. R., 108, 156 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Kalis, Detroit, Chicago and all ft?1."1! .we8t vl D & H. R. It.. 8.45 a. ir... 12-ttf'. 115, 11.38 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 108, 155 a. m., 1.S0, 150 p. m., via R & W. V. It. R 8.41 p. m. For Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. 4t H. R. R., 145 a. m. 12.05, 105 p. m.. v,Pa.U W. R. li,., 108, 156 a m 1.30. and 107 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or 1 V. chair cars on all trains between L. R. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge, AOLUN H. WTLBTTR, Oen. Supt. CHA9. 8. LEE, Oen. Pass, Agt.,Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst, Gen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa ' Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1805. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex. press for New York and all points East, 1.40, 150, 6.15, 100 and 155 a. m.; 12.55 and 1.34 p m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 6.15. 100 and 156 a. in., 12.55 and 134 p. m. Washington and way stations, I.GS p, tn. Tobyhanna accommodation, 110 p. m. Express for Blngnamton, Oswego, El. mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.J5 a. m an.l 1.21 p. m. maKlng close connections at Ruffalo to ail points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, a. m, Btnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamteu and Klmlra Express, l.M ''"E'xpress !ot Cortlsnd, Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and Richfield Swings. 135 a. m. anil 1IthPa'can.8u and Bath a. m. and ni P m. For No-thumberland. Plttston. Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth. Uloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North, umbe'lsnd for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg, Baltluiore, Washington and the South. Nortnumoerland and intermediate sta. tlons. 100. 0.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Nutitlcoke and Intermediate atations. IIS and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 8.40 and 8.o2 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches OS si) express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, cltr ticket office, 318 Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 18, 1898. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Kiie rail road, ulso for Honesdale. Hawley nnd local points at 8.35 n. m. and 3.-'8 p. m. and arrive at Scranton from above points ut 123 a. m. and 3.57 p. m. MHAVrO DBVISIOl. In Effect aepteneker 9a 18B3. awiM Meuee 1803 tOI 1 U B 3 c tit Xrrllfit T Afkvaii 7314 Y. Franklin 7 lOWest 4xnd streetl 7 W v.-etbawken 810 r m Arrive Leavel 1 iMl'aacoek Junodoai JvtoT Hancock Starlight Fretnn Part t'omo Porr.tetls Uelmoat Pleasant Ml Vnlondsle Porset city Carbondale White ltrldge Mayfleld Jcrmyn Arcblbaia Winton PeckvlUa tilvphant Dickson Tbroop r.-ovidenee I'lik Piaae 'lit 83U T Ot SB Ti7f8M T l IS 43 714845 tJ! DM 7x7; W fJ 4 04 7S4 407 Ttl 410 TW .14 7 41 fl 17 7 45' 4 W i sir b Kcraaton Ir m a a Leave Arrival AD trains run dally except euaday. t sbrnlflea tbat tralus stop an signal for 1 secure rates via Ontario a Westers before orcbaslugtli-kcts and save money. Day aas Itaf t Kapress to tbe West.. 1 c. A ndersoa, Oen. Pass. Ag f . nitcrott, pit. rase, Agv, teraatoa, Va, Mwiai fawstaaTg) . -hm. 52? a (TtsIhb Bslly. Ix-5 2-3 & J ik I ceut Sunday.) 13 '0 S1 A