The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 26, 1896, Image 1

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' ' Wash Silks,
totalis, Etc
' Uvery yjnl uf these Silks Is new ami
represents tin- very cream of present sea
sou's styles. Tin' makes are the. best that
c lu.ow of. aal 111 point of value we
have never seen I heir .coital. I o not con
luuiid tins SPWIAL i".i:i: I N 1 Willi
on.' of our periodic rlraring sal.-.i, wliiH
have heroine so popular. Tor It In no way
iiarlakc of that iiatmv. Ah Is well
known, we have a Hi nt Ki ll' on I he silk
market at all seasons, ami If tln-iv's a.
bargain looking for a liiiycr we'll get our
share of It. That's how we came hy tiles,'
remarkable valui's now.
. I
llii)iiit;ii l-'am-y Wiish Silkn in an
imnifiist: viirh-ty uf cnlur roinhhm-
Special Price, J 9c
Smalt Silks, In Tan, three lirowns.
Myrtle, nllve, ttcsiila, Nice, Mar
tlet, Cardinal. Sapphire, il.l Rose,
n-iinge, Mais, lUise. I.U vender,
1'ivaiii, White ami
Special Price, 25c
"Milch Vulllrre Clicks 111
chaste, brlsiil spring colorings,
Mailable for walsls, fir. A iiiality
folly worth i'iOc.
Special Price, 28c
ftl-lnch Pongee Silks in the follow
lug attractive col.irini;.: .Mais, I M
llnse. Cardinal, Kose. Light Mine,
Nile, Marine. Navy, Cream, White,
etc. Full value for 7..r.
Special Price, 4Pc
x t! und IM-lnrh Vaivy Htripe TaflV
tas. In some of the lovi li-'st light
ami nieilliiin color cumliliialinus yon
can possibly ImaKh.e. No lietter
was ever solil lor $1.
Special Price, 79c
12-ineh rainy TafTeia Silks. In just
as many new ami striking color
mliinallons. This Is u spleiullj
lot of l Silks.
Special Price, 85c
All Silk lllaek Pongee, So Inches
wlili', extra strong and weighty for
Iresses, waists, etc. (Joo.l value at
pecial Price, 49c
A 51 Silk Safin finish I'.roca.los, In
pretty, neat styles, ami a iimlity
Worth title.
Special Price, 55c
K-lnch llliick Oro-Crnln Silks, with
pretty Kriicn.le pal terns. In new
designs. We call them good -alue
fur Jl.
Special Price, 75c
Special Bargain
Prices . Bepti May,
Tuesday, ami fMhu
Tea Bays. .
No New Developments in the Lunytluu
.Mctiruth 1'usc.
llicv Are of the opinion I hut I unc.Joii
.MnrJcitJ the t.lil unj I he ii, At
tempted SuiciJe-koult of Post
.Mortem Is Awaited
Philadelphia. March 2.V--levelc.i-incuts
toilay were nicugro in the sensn
tionnl Langdoll-McCrutll case. Suinu
el I'. I.ungdnn, the rather aged hilt very
I hi iu I lien t business limn who hail II veil
with young Annie J. Mcdiatli lor over
a ninntli In liixtirluUH style ut :'!i-'ii il
iuil nveiiiie anil who was nrr steil ye
t"nlay in eiiiiiiectiiiti with lu-r ileath.
the laxly li.ivllli; lieeli I'iiIiikI III the
rehhlc ncc on S! iii. lay nlirht is mill In
clist.iil.v ul the ci'.y hull. The iillthiiri
llis c.r.tliuit to ma in t ii ill an air of
reticence ivunt'.llnic the iifl'alr. It In
iniilcirtiiiiil, however, tliut l.:insil"n
will not t I'.n :nally airalcic.l until Mattern uml I.elViimn. the re
spective cm unci 's physicians Mini expert, shall have mailt'
known the result uf their postmortem
eaniinaiii.n of the yiumt; nl'l's laxly.
Ii is i-.iiil I hat I .a nr.. I"ii Is now merely
In hi on the cliai'":e of suspicion ami
that further developments will ileter
iii in.' what the spccllic cIiiiikc intalnst
) i ID will lie. l.allKiloll lias lieell ill con
Hiiltutin with iilKiineys sincf his in
can."iatii'ii uml lie Is liecoiniiK testive.
Inn it will pr.ilialily he several ilay.i ln
I'ore the result of the autopsy will he
aniiiiiiiiccil. Henry Mcdrath. th"fiiller
of the victim, vislte.l the coroner's of
fice toilay uml hail n ImiR Interview
with Coroner AshhrlilMe uml Deputy
i.'oniiier Imitati. but ut its I'oticluslon,
he l el tlS' il to tall;. When I input. V
("oiuiier liiiKitn whs askeil nboiit the
case, he lm 'Ifcllncil to say u wonl.
Cormier Asliht ldi?e went so fur its t'
uv 'hat there were doubts us to the
ciiiim' of the yoiniK woinun's death ami
that nothing deilnlte in this respect
would be known tin 111 the physicians
who liuuli' their !ost mortem shall re
port. It has been learned that the young
Bit! was never In I.kiikiIou's employ
as n Heiiofiiniilior uh tins been stated.
How the couple became uc(iiainled Is
not known.
TiitfoiiY iF si'irnn:.
The theorv Is now slioiiftly enter
laiiieil by the police that l.uPKdon tnur
i!ilcd the Kill, and they also believe
dial I -ii iicrlon ul'terwal il eudeavoreil to
ml Ills own llf".
The suotiosltion In that I.atiKilon sat
urated the towel now In the possession
o!' Iietectlve tiller with ether or chloro
form, uml niter fludim the towel over
Hie ylrl's luce, he drURCseil himself.
Police Surgeon Andrews' eyainlim
t inn of l.amtd.m idiows that he had In
haled the fumes of some soporli'crous
dniK. probably ether. The prisoner's
toiiKiie and li!s are covered with ulcers
similar to those found on the Hps of the
di ad Kill, .lust what ill'UK caused these
el options hhH not yet .been derided.
To a reporter today Or. Andrews said:
"I found that the whole of l-nmidon's
tongue was a series of mucus ualchos.
I.'roin the tip of the tongue to the root
there is considerable Irritation, with
small red indentures, surrounded by
w Idle circles. I'lceratlons of this char
acter tiihtlit be cuused by mineral acids,
but In this rase mineral nclils were
scarcely used, as the liillamiuatlon and
ulcerations would be greater. On Ijing
don's tongue they Ule not severe, but
merely silperllcial uml Uite recent. Tile
lips are also irritated.
The colored servant, l'.i rtha Stewart,
says she heard her mistress scream nut
on Sunday afternoon ut about 4.:i0. She
went utistalrs and knocked at the bet!
loom door, which was opened by hang
don. She saw Annie Mcliratli lying on
the bed with the towel over lier' face.
Laugdon explained that she hud one uf
her bilious titlarks. Or. Andrews was
asked if a person under ether would
be likely to cry out or screum.
"till, yes," ho replied, "that Is a com
mon effect of the drug. Kther und
chloroform act different. Kther Is a
stimulant, and a person suffering from
Its effects might screuin. That is the
primary slate."
The doctor also said that persons un
der ether were subject to hallucinations.
and there was no accounting, for their
I'rofessor r,ef'miin Is still at work
aiialyl'lng the contents nf the stomach
of the il. ad girl.
In answer to the oiiestinns of a re
porter, he said: "Thus far I ,iave
found that the stomach shows no signs
of bilious troubles. The girl's death
might have been caused by morphine or
ether. There are no indications that
she swallowed laudanum. In the region
of the heart there were several blood
clots, but I cannot say ut present
whether these could cause death."
Deputy Coroner Dttgan scouted the
Idea of suicide on the girl's part.
"She hud $l'Hi In her pocket when
the body was found," be said. "She
wore good clothes ami hud diamonds.
In addition to this she was tun young
to want to end her life."
Shortly after noon I.angd.m sent for
his counsel. When the lawyer arrived
tin- lulsoner reiiuesti'd him to send for
a physician. I.angdon Is said to be
Uiille ill, but the nature of his illness Is
not known.
Coroner Ashbridge visited Langdnn in
his cell at the central slut ion this af
ternoon and held a long Interview with
A header representative called today
upon Mrs. Samuel I, hunednii. wife of
the coal operator, nVw tinder urrest In
Philadelphia charged' with the murder
of Miss Annie Slitirath.
Mrs. Ijingdon was located nt the cot
tage home of her father. James Hart
rey. und her brother-in-law. .Mr. Fink.
! at Springdale, sixteen tulles from the
city. Mrs. Langdon positively refused
to make her appearance or to furnish
any statement whatever concerning
her husband's escapade In Philadelphia.
Mr. Fink stated that nu action would
be taken or statement mode until they
hncl rerelved letters front certain
friends nf the family now in Philadel
phia. Mr. Fink, suld his sister was al
most prostrated. Mr: Fink declined to
locate either son or daughter of Mrs.
I.Rng.lon. further than saying that the
son was In the oust and the daughter
was In Allegheny county.
What heretofore has been lacking has
seemingly developed, and that Is the
motive for a ul'eat crime. If l.angdon
killed the woman his motive was one
of the strongest passions in the world
jealousy, A re'sirt that the girl was
about to be married to a young man
deemed to be well founded.
It Is suit) that on the Sunday after
noon she was Inst seen alive she told
l.nugdon that she Intended to leave
him. as she was about to be married.
If Iingdon loved the girl then a mo
tive for murder Is at once supplied by
this fait.
The police hnve a bundle of letters
of the Klrl's that they necured at the
house, but w hat their contents ur they
ure keeping to themselves.
hi: is Xy I AVOKI IK SON.
t.i-tiovernor Campbell, of Ohio. 1U Nu
leiie lo ite president.
New York. March 2.".. The Mail and
Kx press I oi lay puljVhs the following
i special U'Spiitrfll I'l'OI SpriiiKliel.l. Ohio:
I'.x-l lovernnr .lanies K. Campbell
sent the following self-explanatory let
ter to the Daily DciiiiM-iat this city
.My Dear Sir: Some lim ami I received
a letter from you in relation to un in
terview upon the presidential nomination
und also asking If I were a cumlldutc. In
reply, I hen to -ay 1 am not u can
didate, do nut desitv the nomination and
have no special view upon the subject,
except such as have been published time
ami again, in fa. t. you will tlml an in
terview In last Wellies. luy 's Clnclnnaii
Kiiiliilrer limited from the Washington
I'ost which covers my views upon the sub
ject exacily. Sincerely yours
I , James K. Campbell.
1500 K
Hcpuhlicuns About the stutes
for Their ( nuJIJatcs
.Mckinley in the
I end.
Austin. Tew. March 2"i. Owing to the
delay of Chairman Cuney In selecting
comiiiittees. the lt"publiciiu convention
did tint meet today until 1 o'clock, at
which time the committees were an
nounced ami adjournment was had ufl
tll 7 o'clock. At that hour tin- con
vent inn was culled to order and the
committer on credent hi Is not being
ready to rennet, the convention ad
join ncd until tomorrow ut In o'clock.
Knowing ones here tonight place the
tidily delegates Texas will send to the
! national convention as follows:
Hi; .McKlnley. S; Allison. .
The credential committee tomorrow
will iccoiiimeiid the settling of no Me-I
Kiide.v di legation and whatever they
report will be mloptctl.
Huron, S. I).. March 2.",. McKlnley
swept the K. 'publican state convention
today amid great enthusiasm. There
was not a dissenting vnto. South Da
kota's eight delegates are instructed
for the Ohio iiian, and fur sound money.
Tile big light of the Vnnvelitloil was
between the silver and the sound money
Salt hake. I'tnh, March 2.I. Senator
W. H. Andrews, of I'ciiusylviinia,
(icueral .1. S. Cliirkson, of Iowa und
Colonel Isaac Trtnnbo, arrived In Salt
hake this Heroine In tlo-ir special car
"Davy Crockett" from California. The
party is on a general tour of the west
in the Int. rests of Kenntor Allison's
candi.bicy for Hie presidential Iccnina- i
II. in. They hud I'onfercni es with tl
I!. leaders hcii' u.ol leave lo
nionow for Denver.
Kxcclsior Springs, Mo.. March .'"i.--P.cpul.
Means of Hie Third district in
convention here today selected two
delegates to the St. Louis convention,
liotii are for McKlnley.
St. Paul, Minn.. March 1'.".. The Min
n.f.ila league of He publican clubs met
here today witli un attendance of over
Sun representatives. The body adopted
resolutions pbilrlng its foully and loy
al siiiuiort of the principles of the Ite
publican party und pledged its united j
elTorts to secure the election of the run-
illdales nominated by the ltepiibllcuu
national cuuventlon.
An evening meeting Was held, which
was address.1!! bv Frank F. Davis, of
Minneapolis and the president of the
National league. Crucial Kdwin A. Mc
Aloin. of New York.
In an Interview Ceneral McAlpin
spoke in favor of Levi I". Morton for
president and lie saw nothing in the re
turns so far to indicate that McKinley
would certainly be nominated at Si.
. ..
Number of Convicted Miirdcrcrn and
1 helves Turned I nnw.
Uniilsbiirii. Pa.. March Tht
lio.'ird of lardons has recomuietuled
pardons In the following cases: S. M.
Hrown. Huntingdon, attempt to pro
cure an abortion; Charles X. Sprague,
Klk. assault with intent to kill: Samuel
Vandyke, Lycoming, forgery; Hose
(icarhart. Philadelphia, second degree
murder; Kdwurd I nnril, Washing
ton, burglary and felonious entry of a
station house; James Wilson. Hucks,
forgery; James Castanzo, Allegheny,
felonious rape; Thomas ISIake, Alle
gheny, felonious assault and battery;
William K. Lee, Allegheny, second de
gree murder. .
Pardons were refused- Frank Morion
Thompson, Philadelphia, robbery and
larceny, und tleorge U.ieiman. Alle-
i gheny. entering, breaking and larceny.
These cases were hold under advise
ment: Daniel Lahy. Allegheny, second
degree murder: (lettiuro Falcotia,
Northampton, assault with Intent to
kill; Charles (lunst. Philadelphia, man
slaughter: Hugh Itoyle. Philadelphia.
j making false returns us an election of
llcer; David Patterson. Washington,
burglary and felonious entry of a stn-
i Hon house; Joseph S. liiwsoii, Alle-
' frhciiy. felonious rape. The cases of
Frank Morris, murdt r. Faxette, and
! Joseph Welsh. Allegheny, robbery, w ie
Kil l 11) OX Till. K.UI.
I w t
Persons killed on the Truck hy
Locomotive. '
llolllilaysburg. Pa.. March 2.1. Mrs.
Christopher McXally ami John King,
two aged persons, whose hearing is
defective, w hile working on the rail- ;
road ttuck near Homing Springs, this
enmity, today, were struck by a pass-
Inp tifin. Mrs. McNally died from tin
effects of her Injuries tins afternoon.
King lost an arm and sustained sev
eral scaln wounds but may recover.
Luncasler. Pa., March 2.1. William J.
Martin, a voiitig man nf this city, wns
Ktrtiek b.v the Seashore express lit the
Lemon street crossing, while going to
work this afternoon, un.l instantly
killed. He wus LM years of age and un
married. ACCOI'NTS SHOUT $K.M(.
This Slight hiscrepancv l uiisc lionblo
at Shnron.
Philadelphia. Mart h 2.1. A special to
the Ue.-ord from Sharon.. I'a.. snys: A
sensation was caused In Mercer county
today when the rounty auditors made
the statement that the accounts of
Treasurer W. J. liraham are short $8..
mill. The court has appointed J. N.
Sherwood to take charge of the ofllce
until another audit can lie made, which
will require a month.
Treusurcr tlraliam denies that he Is
a defaulter, nnd says Hint a correct
audit of the hooks will disclose the fart
that Hie auditors have erred. (J ru ham's
term In otlice will . expire next .lun
uury. ...
Ill Case in Court N killed by Injudicious
San Francisco, Cul March 25. Pas
tor Hrown. of the First Congregational
church, was railed as a witness this
morning In the rase of Mrs. Mary A.
Davidson, whom lie uccifted of extort
ing $.100 from him. He testllied that it
was not fear of her that caused him to
pay the money.
The Judge thereupon said there hud
been no extortion and ordered the Jury
to acquit hef, which they did at one. -
... ' .
Kiy CiN, uf thicugu. Kills beeper
('rank Scott.
Mr. Ilarrls with a I'itehfork IMew the
Infuriated Animal Ao from tho
Iteud Utidy of Her keeper A
. Iluildinf Demulliihed.
Chicago, March 2V W. II. Harris'
big elephant, tiypsy. becume unman
ageable at its winter quarters on the
west side tills afternoon and before
she could lie got under control killed
her keeper, tore down a frame build
ing and created great excitement which
drew thousands of people to the scene,
Harris' circus Is quartered at the cor
ner of Itoby und Jackson streets and In
u six-story brick building, and liypsy
occupies the greater part of the first
Hour, iter regular keeper is Hernard
Shea, but he is at present in Oniuha
and the animal was temporarily in
charge of Frank Scott, a linn tamer.
Karly this uf In noon Scott, by orders,
took liypsy out for u ride in the alley,
li.vpsy did not uecin inclined to stop at
the boundary nf the alley and Scott
gave her a Jab with an iron hook. The
beast became enraged uml throwing
' him from her head, where he hail been
I riding, proceeded to pound him with
i her trunk and succeeded In killing and
I knocking him through u board fence.
Mrs. Harris runic to tin- rescue with a
pitchfork. She was knocked down, but
i plui kily Jumped up and commeticcil
! battle. She soon had blond streamlnir
from wounds in the elephant's side und
I the beast run awuy towards the end of
j the alley. Here was standing a large
crowd, and many were the bruises re-
reived in the
place when the
the alley.
scatteritis which took
elephant Started out of
1 1 1 ' 1 hi I Xf 1 DKMOI.IS M EI .
liypsy diil not go fur but went back
for Scott, who. In the nicun time had
been moved Into a wooden building just
opposite the elephant's quarters. The
animal knocked in the whole side of
the building in her efforts to get ut the
man uguin. Muring this time Mr. Har
ris had sent for till the bread nnrl rake
that could be bought In the neighbor
hood and also telephoned for Claude
Orion, his liorse trainer, who soon ar-
,.v,.(1 Tm. elephant illeted down
somewhat while she was eating llf t v
loaves of lirend, a large number of
cakes and other delicacies, which were
placed licfore her. After she had Mu
lshed eiilli:-' she walked Into her barn
ami the heavy doors were shut after
Iter. The door had no sooner been shut
and the elephant, with one blow, shat
tered it und ran out again.
Hy this lime every street In the vicin
ity was crowded With excited people.
Three wagon loads of police came to
the rescue, but could do nothing fur-
titer than keen back the crowds. None
or them wanted to undertake the job or
rhalnlng the enraged b.-psl mid ll was
Impossible to kill ken uh llu lr k'imiII
cnlilire, weapons. The elephant hud her
own way for nboiit four hours, when
she went buck into her stall and al
lowed orton to chain Iter. Harris lias
owned the it ii 1 ii ut I for five years and
has had no trouble wllh her before.
Frnnk Scott's right name Is unknown,
lie would never tell who he was ami al
though he has lieea with Harris' c ircus
for six years no one knows anything
of hltn, except that he went under an
assumed name. His body is now in th"
hands of an undertaker and he will
be burled from the home of Mr. Harris.
Tha Society Now lias Councils In Every
Suite and Territory of the I'nlon Pro
posed Action In the Coming Campaign.
' 'Washitigton, March '27,. The execu
tive committee of the advisory hoard of
the American Protective association,
who have been In session nt the Na-
tlonul hotel here adjourned tonight to
meet in Now York next week. The
meetings were secret, but under author
ity from the committee the secretary,
J)i'. Dunn, of New York, said uJ'tcr
the adjournment that the reports re
ceived and considered showed a great
Increase In inc niliership and that coun
cils of Hie order existed ill every stute
I mul territory of the I'nlon, including
I Alaska. Plans were made today for
I sending to these councils, the secret
net Ion taken by the. executive commit
tee. This secret nrtlon embodies In-slrui-Hotis
as lo the part the councils
und members shall take and the work
tiny shall perform in the coming na
I tlounl campaign.
; At the sessions of the order the iner
: Its mid ilemeiils of every probable anil
i possible candidate for nomination be
! fore the lieinoi'iatic ami Republican
i lialiolilil roll ventlons were discussed,
i Dr. Dunn sdid that nothing derogatory
to these candidates was mentioned,
and that no action was taken with
reference to any of them. He also said
that renorts showing Hie status of the
representation of Hie order politically
proved that there will be American
Protective association Yeproscntu lives
in both the I leinocratic 'and liepublicnn
national conventions. Conies of the
pl-oci eillnifs of the meeting Will be sent
to the American Protective association
counsels secretly. They will not even
be entrusted to the malls; but will be
transmitted through neeret channels of
the order.
State Hoard Will I tcnd rachitics to
l ocal Orranlations.
Philadelphia. March 2.1. The state
board of health proposes to extend to
physicians throughout the state the
same facilities that are furnished by
the local boards of health in larpp cit
ies in the mntter of diagnosis by bac
teriological examination of cases sus
pprted of being diphtheria. To do tills
the board has arranged to have the
tests made by Its bacteriologists,
charging the local authorities of towns
rates proportionate to their popula
tion. The sterile swab In tubes will be
placed with the local boards (dJPhcalth,
and 'these, having been charged with
the supposed Infectious material by
the attending physician. will be
shipped by mail (by permission of the
postmaster peneral. who hns Issued on
order to that effect) to the bacteriolo
gist and a report will bp returned
within twenty-four hours whether the
cuse Is diphtheritic. v
JOIN'S 111 SHAM) IN 1)1-A I II.
Widow Make a Prophecy That Is I'lil
fillcd In a Startling via v.
Wlxoni. Mich., ' Murch - 21. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Alonno Sibley were taken ill a few
days ttgo. They believed they would
die nbout the same time and be burled
In the same grave.
Shortly after the husband's demise
the widow ald 'she would Join him
soon. She died while the funeral aer
vlops were' going on.
Weather Indication Today :
Warmer; Shower.
1 lu velopnieiits In the Luiigdon-Mcdruth
lieiin's Posse After 1 iiinniore Filoters.
Turkey Appeal-, to KiiKland.
Prominent Cuban la.l. r Killed.
Kb pliant Kills His Keeper,
tirtiwlli of Hie A'. P. A.
Sensational Charges Attainst C. h. Ma
gee. !iui( of Pardons Is Again henleiU.
2 Congressional Proceedings.
Tesla to Talk to other Worlds,
lienerul Market and Slock IteportS,
3 (I-ornll-A. K. Williams Indicted In
I'nited Stales Court.
Non-Suit In Jennings vs. Lehigh Valley
It. It. Must Stand.
Common Picas Court.
4 Kdltorlal.
Soino lileus of Our Kxehange.'
5 Ihoctil) Trouble Over a Pan. I Stand.
Salvl Has Mysteriously Disappeared.
Coiiuciliiiaiiic otlicers.
Another Silk Factory for Seranton.
0 tStory) "The Hull-Fighter's Secret."
Pertinent Industrial and Kullroud Mut
ters. 7 Suburban Xews.
Moosle's Deep Mystery.
Sporting .Miscellany.
8 News 1'p und lKiwn the Voll. y.
Porte Heeoines Mouihpleu for I rsnce and
Kukia Tho Powers Tear ICnglunJ.
IJreat llritaln'a Advance l p tho Nile
Kogarded with Alarm,
Constantinople, March 2.1. As a re
sult of the extraordinary cabinet coun
cil, which lasted throughout 'Saturday,
the Turkish government bus Issued un
appeal, addressed to France und Iius
sia, asking them to Intervene with the
object of regulating the affairs In
l'-gypt. Cierniany has also been re
quested by the Porte to exercise her
good otllces in this matter. Instruc
tions were sent to the Turkish ambas
sador at Loudon to make representa
tions to the Marquis Of Sullsbury, but
their tenor Is not known.
In well-Informed circles It Is said that
this ut'tlon of the Porte Is due to the
counsels of France and Itussia. the
Koverttmetils of which countries are as
serted to have submitted that the pres
ent is an opportune moment for Turkey
to rulse the (iiiestion of Iter suzerainty
over Kgypt being practically usurped
liy I .real llrltuin. ami at the same time
promising Turkey their support in the
in a it er.
The Porte was much annoyed ut the
fact that Turkey was not consulted in
regard to the advisability of sending a
P.t itish-Kgyptinn expedition up Hie
Nile, und the feeling of Irritation was
Increased by the khedlve, who also ig
nored the Porto entirely. Kepi-ouches
liitve been addressed to the Ottoman
commissioners in Kgypt for not taking
steps to prevent the organization of the
expedition. It Is feared that the effects
of the advance up the Nile will lie felt
i lse, hcie than on the frontlets of
l-.g.vpt. and that the Arabs of Yemen.
principal division of Arabia, ad-
jacent to the strait of llah-el-.Man.b-b,
may In- encouraged to fresh hostility to
tho Turkish authorities.
Tn diplomatic circles here It is not be
lieved that Hie steps taken by the porte
to protest against the expedition to
Dongola will have unvlhing more than
a moral effect, und. lITongh it Is admit
ted that France and Uussla will refuse
their consent to the use of the Kgyptlaa
Keserve fund. It Is generally under
stood that nothing short of the armed
Interference of France, nnd Itussia will
prevent C.reat liiitain from pushing
the Soudan campaign.
Purls, March 2.1. A scml-oflli-iul note
wtut Issued this morning stating tliut
France will refuse to sanction the use
of the Kgyptian Iteserve fund for the
purpose of the Hritlsh-Kgyptiun ex
pedition up the Nile to Dougolu. unless
she receives precise Pledges concern
ing the lirltlsli evacuation of Kgypt.
London. March 2.1. The Vienna cor
respondent of the Chronicle says that
Itussia refuses to assent to the Kgyp
tian debt commission paying the ex
penses of the Dongolu expedition.
A cabinet council was held this
morning, the exchange of vie'ws being
devoted to the discussion of the Krjtish
Kgyptian expedition up the Nile. The
Coiiiniunilei-in-Chlef Lord Wolseley,
was present.
County Controller .lumen A. liricr Makes
Sensational Charges Against C. I..
Mngce, Senator I linn and Others,
Pittsburg, Pn March 2.1. County
Controller James A. drier today tiled
in common pleas court Xo. " a sworn
statement In which lie makes sensation
al charges against C. L. Magee, Sena
tor William Flinii. Director of Public
Safety .1. O. Hrown and County Treas
urer W. S. Hrown. All of the stnte
ments bear upon the fraudulent Issu
ance of tax receipts. Mr. Magee is
charged with having used a dummy
to get the printing contracts and that
the receipts furnished were far below
the sample submitted to the county
The controller charges Senator Flinn
nnd Hi rector Ttrown with attempting
to obtain exonerations from taxes
where the taxes had been paid by the
Kepiiblican conmllttee, und charges
County Treasurer Drown with intend
ing to give credit to the Kcnnblir.-i'i
committee, but wns warned not to do
so. These are among the Important
statements In the paper.
Tournament nt l-:ikood Park a Success,
liood Attendance,
T.ons Hranch, X. J., March 21. The
second day of the live bird shooting
tournament In the Interstate associa
tion nt Klk wood Park, cqiened this
niornliifT with a good attendance mid a
clear sky. The Klkwood introductory,
which wns commenced yesterday was
finished this morning between the lead
ers. Thirteen of the sixty-seven con
testants in this event grassed every
bird (ten each) and the money was
divided among them. The gentlemen
who tiled are: J. A. H. Klllott. Cap
tain A. W. Money. H. W. Clarldge, H
A. I la it let t, T. W. Morfey. Fred dil-bi-rt.
J. 15. Messner, A. it. Pope, S.
Cunningham, J. Timmons Jones, F.
Welley and Wellington.
The- Nltro- Powder handicap shoot
wus nlso finished today and as each
six contestants in this match, II. T.
Tlrown. F. W. Latham, J. A. H. Klllott.
D. A. I'pson. P.. F. Smith and A. Wll
ley. killed every bird (fifteen each), the
money was nlso divided.
Turkish .Minister Recalled.
London, March 21. The Times tomorrow
will publlfh a dispatch from Hlmnboiil
naylng thait the Turkish minister i P'Wush
liigton and the first secretary t,f loca
tion will be recalled owing to '.he vm
pathy of the Aiuerlvana with the Armenian.
Early Murnlnq Attempt to Arrest
the Suspected Shooters.
So Serloun Late l.aat Night That It Was
Itoeided to Attempt tho lia
nediate Capture of the
Suspected Men.
At 2 o'clock this morning County De
tective Leysliou and a sheriff's posse
went to Dunmore with warrants for
the nien suspected of ha lug shot
Frederick Mink la Monday afternoon's
Late last night, when It became ap
parent tliut Mink had not long to live,
D. C. Kirnm-ds, of Mulberry street, a
young man who wns one of the Kuili
ven party, and who witnessed the tir
ing, decided to have the suspects ar
rested and brought into Mink's pres
ence before he died to see If he could
recognize the men who shot him. In
company with W. M. Withers, who Is a
friend of the wounded man. he started
out to procure the warrants ami otlicers
to serve them.
Sheriff Clemens Was notified, and he
In turn called upon County Detective
Leyshon and Coroner Longstreet.
The coroner had made uSi examina
tion of Mink at ! o'clock, nnd when told
of the purpose of the immediate arrests,
gave It as his opinion that the wound
ed man was in no coiulltlou to recognise
It was derided, however, to proceed
with the arrests, and ut 1 o'clock this
morning the warrant was sworn nut by
Hichards heinre Alderman Millar, who
was found preparing to retire after
coming up on tho lute train from Puls
ion, w here he had been conducting an
Who the accused parties are Mr. Ley
shon would not divulge. Only one nume
wus mentioned in the warrant, hut us
it wus Intended to make a number of
arrests, an "et. ul." was inserted. The
county detective left the ofllce with
Withers and and commenced
gathering Ids posse. Shortly before 2
o'clock they left in cubs for Punmore.
Coroner Longstreet does not think
the wounded man can live more than
two or three days. He has a powerful
physique, but after he wus brought to
the hospital his system weakened con
siderably. The bullet penetrated the
Duck below- the left shoulder blade und
ploughed Its way diagonally toward the
left side. It unpen red to be a "8-callber
missile, and It made an ugly wound.
He is :! years of age mid tills fact
weighs against him: a younger person
with strong vitality might weather
through. At a late hour last night
Mink was resting comfortably, but he
was very weak and wus growing weuk
er all the time.
I.cnnuio Vidul killed at Santa Clura-Tho.
Mall and t xprena Reporter Is Danivlictl
from Cuba.
Jacksonville, Flo., March 21. The
steumer Three Friends this morning
discharged In this city her cargo of
anus, suuposed to be the remaining
amount of the supplies she was unable
to land on the Cuban shore. The dis
charge was superintended by prominent
Cubans' of the city and the supplies
were stored In a convenient warehouse.
Prominent Cubans nlso assert that no
more expeditions will leave Florida un
til congress passes the belligerency
Havana, March 2.1. During nn attack
by insurgents upon the city of Santa
Clura, the rebel leader, Leonclo. Yldiil,
was .killed.
A detachment of government troops
composed of the San Quint iii battalion
was marked by the party of rebels un
der Fonsera near San Juan De Los
Yeras. In the Santa Clara province, nnd
n bard light ensued. The buttle result
ed in the defeat of the Spanish force,
which lost litany killed and wounded.
It is admitted by Hie Spaniards that
In this engagement they lost one lieu
tenant and fifteen privates killed.
The Insurgents have burned Hie prin
cipal houses in Santa Ami. In the prov
ince of Matanzas: bl.1 houses In Itod
riga, and a number of Iiouscs In Palma
Sola and Yabiuitn, all In tho province
of Santa Clara.
Klbert ltappleyp, the i'orresMindent
in Cuba, of tin? Xew York Mail and Kx
press, will embark for the I'nited States
tomorrow In accordance with un order
issued by the governor Reticrul decree
ing his expulsion from the country. .
lint Thompson Seems on the Hoad to
Coatesvllle. Pa., March 2.1. Miss
lieiile McCnnucll. who shot 11. D.
Thompson, at Lancaster and then shot
herself, was not so well today, and It
is feared blood poisoning will set lit.
Her father went to West Chester today
ami secured counsel to defend her.
Lancaster, Pa., March 2.1. Harry T).
Thompson, who wus shot by Hertie Mc
Conuell, continues to Improve, und al
though not out of danger, has a goud
chance of recovery.
Widow of a Confederate Desires to lie!
. 8,0(10 Hint lie Hurled.
Fort Worth, Tex.. March 2.1. Mrs. H.
Adieock Is here consulting; with law
yers about proceeding to n ver $lN.linn
found in a well in Houston county, near
Fort Valley. Miss., a few days ago by
a well-digger.
She claims her husband, a confederate
soldier, buried tile money during the
war, und, ufterward being killed, did
not reveal the hiding pluco to the
.moonsiiini: whisky si:izi.i.
Part of the Spoil Helmuts to 'a Virginia
Richmond, Vn March 2.1. Internal
revenue otlicers returned tn Danville to
day from a raid in Patrick county,
where they seized 1.1(1(1 gallons of spirits
on which no tax had been puld. Four
barrels of the whisky captured was the
property of Isaac Adams, Patrick enmi
ty's representative in the lower house
of the Virginia legislature.
This unexpected seizure created
something of a sensation.
' Ked Cross Member Hicx.
Constantinople. March 21. Mrs. Maon,
wife of Krnest Mason, of Hie American
Red Cross society, who clime here wllh
Miss Clara Hnrlmi, president of that .)
elely for the" .ptu-pi.-se of distributing re
lief to the suffering Armenians In Ana
toli, illeil here yesterday as the result of
a sui-gicul operation.
IHvorco Suit nnd I oath.
Louisville, Ky., March 21. At IVndle
ton this ninrniiif Sydney Enilth nlmt end
killed Koliert W. Vance and then shot
himself, bin not fatally. Smith mar
ried Vunce't ulster und a divorce ault
caused the (luounter
Waist Sale
We are now showing a
magnificent line of Shirt
In Linen Batiste, In
dian Dimities, Gala
teas, Percales, Etc.
Also the KING and
for Boys. The most
satisfactory Waist in
the market,
Boys' Kilt Suits and
Infants Long and
5hort Dresses.
510 AND 512
Tread easy In a pair of
ery department is com
plete; every Shoe 33 se
lected with care.
Wholesale and Retail.
I . . . - J
Easter Eggs,
Easter Eggs
We have secured one of
the prettiest, inexpensive,
Easter Gifts fii u
BeouniM Easter Egg,
Something entirely
new. Look in our
show window as you
pass by.
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St.
ricbt Hour Day System Afiltatcd by
American f ederation of l.ahur.
Indianapolis, 1ml.. March 25. At to
day's session of the executive council
of "the American Federation of Labor,
the eight-hour day wus again taken
up, the sub-comniittee reronunrndlng
that the Carpenters' National union be
selected to make the first move towurd
the establishment of the eight-hum'
If the employers do not come to terms
Willi the members of all unions who
work overtime, a strike will be ovdered.
The strike, If It occurs, will be general,
as the federation has determined to
push the eight-hour movement uuiil It
becomes a permanent fixture.