SCHANTOX TRIBUNE WKBNES DAY MOANING. MARCH 3, 189C. 12 oAnnnnnni c r UlinUUHUHLL. ' (Iteadeni wilt please note that advertise ments, ordere for Job work, and Items tor Sublleatlon left at the establishment of hannon Co., newsdealer. North Main treet. wttl receive prompt attention; or. ,Uce open from ( a. in. to 18 p. m.J . St.l CT COl'NUL MIX i "II. liy lathera Mel MonJu Night to I'us Appropilatlonis. 1I the select councilman were, lit attendance ul tlie council chamber m Muiclav eveiiinjt. Sir. Soner .In Hi . half. The followH hills rend aiut onl.ioi iMikl: Itnanl of revision ai.i'iil. U A. Dllt. two day. : O. K. Illsiiil. two iltt.vH. $4; 1. O. sn inniich. two lav. S-t: James l'ldueon. two and tiu.-liir fr work done ami inaterlul. as n half days. $". W. 11. K.ttftt. con ii.llnws: n oily bulltlliiK. $4i.:tl: Hy Ki'oitiiils, tM.22; t'olimitiiu house. Si:l; Jill, hell li'insK. 'M.W; tr.tul. $tr...M. 1 II suiutice, per W. it. linker. m: Kve- i r.xr leader, i.rliitlniv. 4:!.:.: UventiiB Leader, printing-. J.nUin & t'ur- l.tiit.r. piliitintr. IX7:.; K. K. I. hvaiiH. miiiII-r. xi; Jl" li '. "l.anltiB streets. L'7; cart :. ttal. Jjii.Wt; I. -.lal. $!1.!.V ' , ... Thi t'luieli liiBurance ng-n-y n ' pri'iiiliini fur iiiHiminct wuh referred to tlie iiuier time. Tin ilmo roll nf the street department tirdered paid. The following resolution was passed: That the city engineer be Instructed to Klvc street lines and Riade- on Wash ington ftreet, between Kighth and Ninth avenues. I'lmn the remllng of the orrilnanre or upiroprlations. Mr. SleNulty offered mi h nilmcrit ti the ordlnanee as re- .piirted l.v the i-nnmiUtcp. lie moved that the follow InK uinoniits he lil ci eased: Mayor, to . $.": ivpnirliiK Ml-eets, I3.IKHI; I'ntitiiiKcut fund. U'.1U; Hie ulnnn. -;tsMi; or it total Increase if $;'.?iki. This was lost Uy four to two Votes. A n 1 deal of talk was made upon the Jiiou appropriation asked for hy the J.i'limi- I.eiiKiie association fur detective service, which now has been placed in a separate ordinance, for some rea son, . The select council met OKnin last nlsht jiml completed their work. The fol lowing report of the city -ontroller, 1'iaiik Smith. wa acted upon: II. mom hi" select nnd common rmmrlls. i ii'iillemcn: Appropriation for con tingent fund nnd repairing Htrcets are exhausted. Am now holding warrants ilrawn on the contlnarnt fund for fi.Y There Is only tiHS.04 left In the ap propriation for nrc and incandescent liKhls. Their bill for March will prob l... .i-.n I'j'.lli.vcltio' li:i In m-es: Some of them could he transferred to clear up above: fuel. ll: pruning, 11 vis; water rent. Mii: special police, JI07 .L'i: sewers and water coursen, $:Mii. :::?; clennlnu- paved Blieetx. $1.".S.7L': llen dri. k park fund. $IOti.7i: t'ity Hull r-aik. tL'S.ol; sidewalk fund. J::i.L'H: lire alarm, it r.uu; total, ;i.U.'..M. Yours truly, Trnnk Smith, controller. 1)11.1) Willi r YOlLXi. Mih Unit PldKCon ( ailed to llvr Kcst After Mncli Snfferinij. At tlie home of her brother, John TMd Reon, of Kallbrook street, there passed away yesterday moriiim; n very estlm ii Id.' young lady. Miss Unse I'lditeon. .She suffered for live months from a complication of diseiiscs. Miss I Jose was 1M years old. She was l.oin In this city and resided here until her pnretits died, when she filtered St. ('ei-llla's iicademy. at Scranton. She was loved by all of her numerous ac quaintance, nnd durliiK her Illness she sutTinil. with patii'inv and without nun nan liv,r. The following are left to mourn her loss: llcr broi hers, John and Ambrose, ami three sisters. .Mrs. T. J. Jlownrd and Miss Alice ridip-on, of this city; nnd Mrs. J. A. Murphy, of Wilkes 1 :.-( rie. The funrenl will occur on Thursday nt :: o'clock. After service in St. Hose's church lntcrim-tit will be made In St. Hose's cemetery. SI' I I I.I'.U AT LAST. I.inpluyc of the Defunct Dally Anthra cite Hut Paid. The employes of the linily Anthracite liuve at last received a small recom pense fur i heir labor, and are Rlud to net something. Several ('iirbonilallans are happy, es pecially Mrs. Calmon, who kept a I.iiiiiiIIiik establishment In the Ledyard Mock on l.lncnln avenue. Several of the printers or the Dally Anthracite lioiirdeil with her. Their unpaid waes prevented them paying Sir. Cahoon, In it she will now receive most of what Was due her. Chrlmlun Goncrositv- The Rreat RencroHlly and Christian Work of the l-'irst rrexbyterlan ehurcli of this city has been amply demoiistrnt nl durliiK tbe last two years, when they have contributed about St.iicMi. They are now preiared to extend operations Nerves Are like Fire. They are Good Servants Uut iuake Poor Masters To keep your Nervea teady, Your Head clear. Build up your Strength, Kliarpeu your Appetite, You uiut have Pure Rich Blood Tlie Best Medicine to Vitalize and Enrich tlie Blow J, la Mood's Sarsaparilla The Oue True Blood Purifier the Public Eye. Hood's pin .uJ:SLr,sl.oM SPRING OPENING! OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT , lias been wonderfully ini - tmivcd by adding I .(MX) square feet to our ulready ttpucious Ktore. And we have jnt re ' ; ccived the tineat assortment of Ourpct" the imirkct can pro - Utice. i lie patterns are oi the very latest. Our Wall Pacer Dtsartnsnf Has been increused to twice its V former sle, no that you can seethe finest and most artistic "styles and color! iirs ever - shown in the market. Prices : , always the lowest . Carpets, .Wall Paper SCOTT IIICLIS 41 Laekawanna Ava. , Does this mean you? How many people there are who seem to. lack- ambition, life and healthful viKor. You can tell It by their looks. Thy Hhiver with the cold when the v.rather I bleak. They liuve a pluche.;, Kullow appearance. They complain of fceliiiK run down. ; Their symptom plul.ily xliow that their blood in thin uml poor, that it (Joe not circulate properly, and that their liver and kid neys are in a very bad state. That Is why they have these miserable symp toms and complain of Stomach troubles, NurvoUKiiess, Ocneral weakness. Headaches and backaches, 'hilly sensation, DizliieKU, Despondency. , Are you one of this vast number who suffer from the miserable, wearing; fe-lliu:s above described'.' If so, why not try to overcome them anil Bet Into u good stale of health? Vou fun easily do so. All you need to do In to take Wurner's Safe ('ure regularly, and it will make you strong; and well. Take it Just for a short time and you will soon notice a chunge for the better. Kvtry bad symptom will disappear. Vour blood will become rich and pure. your elreulntlon Improve, and your liver and kidneys will do their work. This ureat remedy, In short, will put new life and vlRor Into you. It will make yJu feel better ihun you have felt for many a day. Will you not try 11? in a lurjter- scale for the success and ouifurt of the people that worship. .it-ii.,la i.F W Hi II I linu lie..n tlt'nifllHHll (or the remodeling of the church, etc. Iho llridip) contract. It is slated that Hryce It. ' ltlulr. of this ciiy, will be the superintendent of Clark Co., the Melnn Arch llrldge company, who were' given the contract for eonxti uctinB the mree concreie loiilpes to span the Lackawanna ut SuU-iii, Sixth and l-Iltfhth avenues. The sul-contraets have not been let. A last Trottrr. Hovton puiT'liHsod nt t'nadalla, V V i m MiiiiiIuv fur Alderman S. S. .Jones, of the municipal buildhut, a very nailtisnnie cnesilllll pacer I up nullum has a mark of J.L'U a fust record. The alderiuun does not intend to place her on the course. I mitral. Die funeral of the lute J. J. lloy- laiul will take place today from the lute residence of the deceased on Seventh av-nue. The remains will be taken to St. Hose's church at .:, where a equlein mass will be said. PERSONAL AM) OTIIKK l'l'I'MS Mrs. flondrlch. of Lincoln avenue and TVrracK street. Is seriously Indisposed. It. Lyons and Ills family ure visiting relatives In Susquehanna. ttev. V. C Myers preached at the re vival services held In the S md Pres byterian churches Monday evenlnti. l'rolessor A. 1. Thoinus conducted Iht souk service ul the 1'resby teriau church lust niKht. Mrs. Theodore Crane, late of this city. but now of Seranton, Is here on a visit. II. A. Purple and VV. K. Moon were vlsitiiiK In Serantdti yesterday. I'utrick McCabc, of Yutesvllle, Is vis it hit? here. Mayor Hendrlek Is luld aside with a cnl.J. John fiolden. of Pike street, sustained a fall and fractured his 1ck. ("Iiurles Williams, of I'.rooklyn. N. Y., Is vislliiiK in the city. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Moie nnd son. Kendall, who have been spcndiiiK the winter months ul tlie Hotel Anlhrucite, will return to their Lakeside home to day. Mrs. Cleorpe Van Kciuen. who has beon the Riiefct of her father. Air. Ttlltl'-, at the Hotel Anthracite for a week pnst, returned to her home In Passaic, X. J., yesterday. S. It. Pendleton, of StonltiKloti, Conn., has come to visit his son (Scnrgc, on Wayne sired. Miss Jennie Moon, of Jerniyn, who has been the ciiest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Avery, of (iarlleld avenue, re turned home yesterday mornlna. Mrs.-.lohn CourtrlRht Ih com lined to nor home on South Washington street by illness. Mr. and Mrs. Charles and children, of Olyphsnt, spent Sunday with friends in PrU-ebiirs. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sehlelssler and Joseph Sehlelssler, of llonesilale, are Boosts or Mr. and Mrs. William Pell, on Wyoming street. Tlionuts lluurun has purchased the Park hotel ut Sltiipson. neur Anthracite park, and has made application for the t runnier ot the license to his name from .1. Snee. William (Irllliths. Walter Stunrt. Heniy Pierce. Charles Snedecker. (leo. Dawson, Kenjnniin Freeland, Charles Wlitte, William Smith. Charles Alev nn.Jer, (ieorse Oilbert and William Kiohurds, of this city, and (Wirire White, of Purest City, of the Junior timer or American Mechanic, went to MotiehHUHe Saturday eveninir and enn- feired the Initiatory decree on four caiiuuuics iruni White Mills. OLD FORGE, M I S. Illll llillD- In I lie iril.iat 1,.... ..I ter. Alts. K. L. Satire. Alts. .Nettie Laniont Is confined her Inline hy sickness. Allss J. May Hrodlieud returned the Strnudsbura; Normal school to to on Tue-sday after spending; a few da ays Willi lier VUreillS. Mrs. J. W. Thornton and children a visltin? her nu renin In l'e..L-viti.. are HllA Xtldued rCin.nA 1 r.l..A. i illiu v IfUl IVUIIT. in . cruiuon, spent Minduy ut the Meth. oiiisc I'jpiseopui parsonnRe, ! t !ei-l I'IIiIm Ohm i.t . 1. 111 " IF, IMC I.IMIIIII- burfr Normal school, Is spending her lii. niiiui wan ner moinertn Taylor. William Typdull was killed hi .No shaft, l'ennsvlvunia f'nnl vniminn Tuesday by a full of rock. He lea'v on es a wii nnu two small children. flltlArfll Hrtl'L'If.AU t'lll I.A : I...1.I I .. The ........ r, ,,, l1- .,t.l HI l Hrlolt church on Thursday. Interim he cut in .iiarry cenieiery. Thomas Ijiiieo, of Pittston, made business trio' here on Hmuninv Mrs. K. L. Drake and Mrs. Sam nuel i: rod head relehrnted their birthdays tll hnUM llf III I'a Ill-oIrA nn T 1 i at -. . unv .n urrut rl' I, ri.u ni'iMpnl u-npn M. nn.l . unk Sanders, Lmnmore; Afr. and Mrs. Mil ler, neriiiimn. airs, ituerton. I'rov dence; Misses Hut tie Safford, Alargar and J. May ftnodhead. HALLSTEAD. Much Interest Is belna; manifested by all concerning: the race for county su. perlnlendent of schools. There are nt present three candidates In the field. viz: C. P. QellaUof New Mllford: M W. Oare;ill. of Oreat Hend, and Charles K. jvitixiey, or tins place. H. K. Crowell will have charge of the revival meetings in the Maptist church on Wednesday and Thursday evenlnes Miss Daisy Jackson, one of the nuolls of the HlKh school, died at the home of 1. O. W llmnt ou Fourth street on Tuesday .morning after an Illness of about two weeks. The funeral services will be held from the Baptist church Thursday afternoon at two o clock. The Ladies' Aid society of the Pres- byterlnn church was re-organled into a sisterhood of Mary and Martha at a meeting held on Tuesday. , WILKES-BAflflE, VETERAN'S DEATH. ', lie Was Onoo :arrlcd from Field for Itcad. William II. Lloyd, nged 50 years, died at his home on Hartford street. Ashley. Air. Lloyd had been oiling for three months but had nut taken to his bed until about u month uku since which time he suffered greatly with hrlntht's disease, which ended In death as stat ed. .Mr. Lloyd was born on Uolllni? Altll 11 il In this city fifty years oko. At the aRe of fourteen-years he enlisted as a volunteer In the Kleventh Penn sylvania cavalry. Company K. In 1S61. and served his country t'or four years. lie was twice wounded und once cur ried fioni the field for dead by o com rade. He survived, however. aiid"Iater wus honorably dlschnrRed at the close of the war. He located after the war In Seranton. subsequently moving to Ashley, where he has since resided. He Is survived by his wife and two daugh ters. Jh. Morris Zchtiders and Miss Kliunu Lloyd. Deceased wus a mem ber of UKareta Tribe. No. 24S. Im proved Order -of lied Men of Ashley, Wllkes-Harre Council No. Pil, Junior Order I'tiiieil American Alechanlc and the Crnnd Army of the Republic 1 he funeral will take place on Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock froln tlie Centenary Methodist ehurch-ut Ashley. The interment will be In Ashley ceme tery. DEATH OF MRS. S I ADIJ'.R. After Long Years of Suffering She Passes Awa from Life. Airs. Stadler. wife of H. V.'Stadler. professor of music ut the seminary, died at her home on Maple street, Kltmslon, yesterday. Deceased hud been mii invalid for several years, una her death, while deeply reargued, is a relief of long suffering. Her- husband und one daughter, Miss Josle, survive her. She was a dauirbter of Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Kuschke, of Plymouth, sister of .Mrs. C. C. (lensll.- of Plymouth, una John Kuschke. of Wilkes-Kurre, und C. H. Kuschke, u prominent butcher of Plymouth. Arrangements fur the fu neral will be announced later. EMERY DISCHARGED. The Smallpox Patient still in the Pest House. . Yesterday John Emery, the father of the three children confined in the pest house at Alultby with smallpox, was Riven a thorough scrubbing by Dr. Fan li s and W atchman LoverlcK ami Blven a new suit of clothing as well as a working suit and was then allowed to go. Yesterday was the first he has been out since Feb. Ifi. I'he oldest son of Kmery has fully re covered, but the two younger children are still dowii with the disease. They with the mother, will be discharged In two or tnree weeks. Hcv. ti. C. I.vman Resigns. If.v rl (' T.cmnn iinutoi (d Die liio.iil Jlieet Methodist Knisonoal ehiteeh nf IMtttaton tendered' his res ignation Alonday evening because of ill health and will retire from tne min istry, lie hus been a' minister for twenty-five years and the board passed resolutions regretting his Illness and expressing rorrow lor nis resignation. Ilov. Mr. l.yman ltnenas to ne uuseui from the coming confeieme, leaving Pittston next Monday evening for lown, where he will slay ror u year. BKII.F NOTES. Wvomlnc Is to have a local naner. II. P. Woodward will be the editor and publisher. rim ilftepulli finiiiml banoiief of thi Sons of St. Ileorge will he held ut Con cordia hall on the evening or April -'i. riiM Mini' Hiieini n iiih ivriin iteltef Ciiiim will be held In the tlildersleeve building on South ush iniriiui Ktrit 'i'hin-sdfiv eveninir. The Daughters of the 'Revolution will meet next Mouduy evening to near a ttilt.' fivitvi nil iitilulil ctniire Most of the meetings have hud papers from some or me uaiigniers. William Tyndall, a miner, was killed lie n fnll of 1'oek III th Mlifll'r.lWvHli' shaft at Pittston yesterday. He was '3 years oht ami uvea neur M runion. The Wllkes-Hurre water company ui- recliied U'lll lliet 111 li fell dlIVS to I'Utl- le II... r. f lliMli riliilit t,l I h Klielllir brook Water Siifiply company. The amount to be paid to the rormer com pany Is $4K0,auu in cash. - MOSCOW, Airs. L. H. l'.rown, of Brooklyn, Is vis iting friends in town. ' Airs. S. S. Yeager left yesterday for New York for a two weeks' visit with friends. .Mr. and Airs. Kurfone Ualsly, of Ster ling, were visitors In town on Suturday. Mrs. Jennie Nonck. of (liven Kldge, called on friends In town Alonduy. ileorge Ives, of Dtinmnre, passed through town on Sunday. Mrs. Kufiene Nnack is visiting Airs. John Jollier. In (ireen Kldge. this week. The funeral of the little daughter of Mr. and Airs. F. Uundall occurred yes lerday. Services were held at Maple Lake. A surprise party was tendered Mrs. P. S. Post en at her home on Spring Gar den street Alonday evening by u num ber of her friends In honor of her sixty- fourth hlrthdu. Those present were: Air. nnd Airs. W. F. Clements, Dr. and Mrs. L'Amoreaux, Mr. and Airs. J. Al. Nonck, Air. and Airs. F. H. Gardner, the Allsses Sue Pyle, Mollle Nnack, Ruth Gardner, Frank Posten und Frank Nouck. - If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup hai been used for over Fifty tears Dy Hill lirns of Mother.', for tlielr Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists tn every part of H e world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlr.slow'a Boothlng Syrup, and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle, "Theu llaby was pick, we gave her Cltnrla. A lien she was a Child, she cried for t'ssloria. Wliea Blie became Mia, she cituig to Cantoris. Wliea the bad CLHJren, alie garetbeui Castorla. RUPTURE It one of the very common ailmrnt of mo kiud. It is nullr tke result ot hard work or oTir exrtlon. and Is oftautiinet the legacr of fever or severe attack of aickueM which leaves tha abdominal muscles la a weakened rnndltioD, allowing tbe pro:ruiou of bowel. It is NO DISGRACE to be ruptured, but it it. rery annoying and sonietiniei dangemus. Until recently it was thought to be iiicnrslile without aa operation, but thank to scientific rawarcta ITS CURE I now AnaoLUTELT CERTAIN to ninety ont of a hondred easae where the raptu.e can be returned. I give a writteu guarantee to cure. Mo knife, no inoonrealence, no opera tieo; ao detention from beslneaa, aad no true to annoy you atterwaras. -One vialt to bit offlee weekly for from fonr to eight week I nraallr .ratfldent for the worst case. DK. ALEX. P. O'MALLBY, Rupture Sptdalitt, Wahlagtoa street, WUkat-Barre, Pa OLY PHANT. Allss Grace Wenehel, assisted by the pupils of her elocution class, conduct ed a well attended and successful en tertainment tit the Congregational church Monday evening. The most en joyable feature of the exercises was a Delsarte drill, given by the class under the direction of Miss Wenehel. Archdeacon 1). Webster Coxe. of Al- den. Pa., will deliver an address at the Episcopal mission In Edwards' hall to morrow evening at T.t.'i o'cl-k. The club of 'si gave a muslcale In their rooms Sunday evening. The fol lowing programme was well rendered: Pluno selection, Frank Ferguson: rec itation. Aliss Jennie Gillespie; solo. Allss Anna tirnwn; selection. Allss Jen nie O'Hoylc, of -Atvhbald: solo, Jaius O'Alalley; recitation. Allss Agnes Ale Andrew, of Archbuld: piano selection. Allss Knte Rvurdcn. of Seranton. Allsses Knthryn K. llrown und Alar goret Toole, of Wilkes- Barre, sient Sunduy with the Allsses Stone, of Bell street. Allss Katie Kellcv left yesterday for Stroudshurg to resume her studies af ter a short" visit with her parents at this place. .Miss Anna Doiigher. of Wllkes-Barre, who has been the guest of Allss Maine O'Alalley, has n tinned homo. Miss Alary !,. .Martin Is lying danger ously HI ut her home, on ivluwurc Street. P. !'. Cawley, of Arehbnld, circulated among friends In town the fore part of the week. Airs. James J. Cumnilngs Is spending a few days at New York city. Airs. I'. J. Horun. of Seranton, vis ited relatives on Duiunore street yester day. Allsses Tessle AlcIIale nnd Mamie Dempsey, of Dun more street, spent Sunday with friends In town. Allss Nellie Cumnilngs. of Seranton, was the guest of Aliss Alary Carbine over Sunday. TAYLOR, Last Friday evening about 10 o'clock as John D. Jones wus returning from Lackawanna council. No. Il:i:;, Hoy a I Arcanum, of Seranton. fell off a car of the Seranton Tructlon compuny und sustained Injuries. Last evening Lodge No. COS, Tinle dependent Order of Odd Fellows, held n grand supper nt the rink. William Shepard. of vVllkc.o-liarre. spent Sunday with Air. and Alts. 11. II Jones, of Ktorrs street. The Daughters of America desire to thank tlie Junior Order of I'nited American Mechanics for the use of their flag and such a good representation from their council in their simper. The young people from the Plymouth church acquitted themselves to the en tire satisfaction of the public lust even ing in their production of the "Dlstrick Skule" at the Congregational church. Lost, In or neur the Congregutlonul church Alonduy evening, a vulunble mink. Finder will .be rewarded by leaving same ut Reese's Drug store. " Allss Mary Ann Nicholas, of Ktorrs street. Is quite III nt her home. Fred I'rweider, of I'nion street. Is on the sick list. Dr. WenU's carriage was seen on our streets yesterday. ' . Alts. Jones' store on Alain slrtet Is being remodeled. JOSI PIIIM-S LXIH U AU AXCK. Even the Emperor Napoleon Was bother ed by Dressmaker's Bills. From the Century. On his return Napoleon had found Josephine's extravagance to be as un bounded us ever; but he could not well complain, because, although for the most part frugal' himself, ho had this time encouraged lavishness in his fami ly. Still, it was not ugreenble to have dressmakers' bills Hung Into his car riage when driving in state with his consort, and on one occasion he sent an unprincipled but ( lever milliner to the prison of lilcetre for having disobeyed Ills orders in furnishing' her wares to Ihe empress at exorbitant prices. The person was so indispensable to the court ladies, however, that they crowded her cell, and she wus soon released. CATALOGUE OF PIANOS AND ORGANS TO BE SOLD Thursday, March 26th, AT THE SHOW ROOMS OF MEM 224 WYOMING AVE. SALE BEGINS AT 10 A. n. E. II. TERMS OF SALE: Spot cash or twenty five per cent, of purchase price at time of sale, and the balance as per arrangement, with inter est at the rate of six per cent, per annum. NEW CABINET In fashionable, moilern style oa.'. All are of full i-otniuii'f. have thrf-f nnlsorm throuifhoiit, over-HtruiiK baK. full iron frameif, etc., und are nolil uinlfr the ifurne Kiiurantee u If sukl In the orilinary way. 1. rtohmer: atyle, 7: ebony eaco. 2. Hohmfr: style.?; mulioKHiiy case. S. Mehlin; style J; walnut eas 4. Muihiishek a: .Son! etyle, 5; walnut rase. ;,. MuthiiKhek & Son; style, 2; w.iln'it ease. li. Srhubert: style, R; WHlniit ense. 7. Stuyvesant; atyle, K: walnut eae. 8. Hinllh f& liarron; style, 3; wulmit cane. 9. KiirlEiiionn: atyle, 2: ebony rone. 10. KinRHbnry; style. 3: inalioKuny case. 11. liuiiliam ;style, li; eboty case. Second-Hand Upright Pianos, Warranted la Perfect Order. II. rhlekerlng; atyle, K: evony ease, (flood as new). 13. Wheeloek; atyle, 7: ebony case. 14. Wheeloek; style, 7; ebony euae, Ki. Wheeloek; style, 7; ebony euse. i lti. Hiiinard; style, B: eliony case. 17. Harvard; atyle, B: ebony ease. 18. Wooley & Co.. (KnKlish); rosea ood case. 19. Clik'kerln;, srand; ebony case. Square Pianos In Perfect Order. iO. Chlekerlii;, six octaves, fair condi tion. 21. Wine; V flona, aeven octave, over truna; base. Ool. 22. Uarmore, aeven octave, over-strung-bass. Good. U. Marshall V Miller, seven octaves. over-etrun bass. UooiL THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Av& Offer the following Spec ials for the balance of the week : One lot of black an l navy reefer suits In all sixes, remilur value. ''. Leader's iTicc. :1 1)8 One new lot of bluek ligurcd brilllant ine skirts, lined throughout, faced with velveteen, I eaJci 's Prlco. One new lot of bluek ligurcd lrllllanl Ine i-kirl much mier fluidity, live yunl skirt, lined lliroie-cliotn. Leader's IVioe. l.l8 New lot of men's Krister neckwear. Gems of Xli any, all style. Leader's Price. 47c One lot of men's l.l.iel: and tun col ored half hose, warranted fal colors. Leader's 1'iioe. Uc Complete assortment of ladles' Swiss ribbed vests In eern and while. Leader's Trice from 1-c to '24c each One lot of ludies' muslin drawers with cluster of tucks, an I trimmed with embroidery, . Leader's Price. 2Uc Ore lo! of ludies' muslin sklrla, lilinined with lure or embroidery. Leader's Price, 8c 35 dozen ludies' Hue four-button kid gloves in tans, browns and while Willi bluek eniliiolilery. Leader's Price, i!)c 53 iloren of the celebrated J. It. corsets, white only. In all sizes, leal vulne, il.Kl, Leader's Price, 50c 23 pieces of wool mixtures, nil spring effects, real value 2k?., Leader's Price, ISc The balance of our 3.V. nnd (U. ull won) dress goods in one lot, Leader's Price, '2Sc 8.1 pieces of nil-wool funcy suitings. ul.o ull-woul colored serges, these goods would be eheup at .Vie.. Leader's Price, :V2.)c We have ;."i nieces more of those won derful Die. Kill;-". Ho not fuil to see the in If you have not ulreudy done so. All of our tl.2.'i fancy silks In beautiful effects lit one lot ut Hsc. Jill) yards of best rpiullly dress ging hams in short lensths from a to li yards, regular price, rte I .cider's Price, 5c 75 pieces of fine quulily xephyr ging hams, reglilur price, Leader's Price, "it 1'5 pieces nf Crepe I ,Iuiuu, the new- . . call thing in winll fa biles mude to . retail ai UV., - - Leader's Price. 7je 25 pieces of genuine h'rench organdies." guilds thai have relaileit us liliih as Hijc., Leader's Price t ic 4-1 unbleached muslin, good quality. Leader's Price, tc a yard LEBECK & GORIN. Houses for Sals and for Rent If you cunlrmplute purchasing or leas ing houne, r want to Involln a lot. we (he II "t ul deslrabl property on page J of 1 he t ribune. AT AUCTION -OX- STRONG. GRAND PIANOS, ;4. Miller & Co., seven m lnves, ovf HUuri!; bass. New Organs. I',. I'nileU Wtutes OlK.lil, wulmit e.ise, u Oetuves, hiali too. M. Story I'lulk firenn, walnut ease, C ortuves, hitfh tot and mirrors. 27. t'liicaao I'oltuKe firvim, ouk ease, fi Oeiaves, hiuh toi uml mirrors. It. Tarraml Volley H xhii. ouk ens, 5 oetuves. hlKh toi uml mirrors. Second-Hand Organs. 20. I'. It. Hunt it- Co. Oiaun, C octaves, walnut ease, lilch tni. n KiikIiiiiiI firman, i O' taves, wal nut ease, hlsh top. , 31. I lyer & Monties Organ, 5 octave!, wulmit euse, h lull top. :i'.'. Kstey (irxiin. octaves, walnut ens', hlKh tui. 3-1. .New Knulnm Orsan, ." oetuves, wal nut ease, high lop. 31. ChleaKO Coilne flrgiin. j octaves. Walnut case, hlKh loi. . ST. Kehonlaer Organ, S octaves, walnut chupel euse. i. Acme Organ, i octaves, walnut ch.i pel ease. .T7. ttmlth American Ortjun, i octaves, walnut fliapaj ense. iasnn a Mamlin Organ, & octaves, walnut chapel case. Hterlina Oilcan, 7 sets reeds, i octaves, etc., walnut case. Special 40. Wilcox aV White Symphony flelf-play. In Oman, li eels resls, live octaves, can be used In the ordinary way, or with me chanical attachment. Cost t3U. Would make a aplendld Instrument for church or hall - BROTH ERS, AUCTIONEER 1 ESTABLISHED 1873 S; G.KERR.S0N & C0. JOnX CROSSLEY k SOX'S, HALIFAX, EXGLAXDj UNRIVALLED y TAPESTRY CARPETS In all the Latest Designs and Handsome Combina tions and Coloring, which - have . made the goods, so . justly celebrated. We are ; the Sole Agents for Seranton.' Our Complete Line of n CARPETS FOR THE SPRING TRADE Have now been received, and includes everything ap propriate and desirable in all grades of Wiltons, Ax minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor ders to match. An inspection of our stock and ex amination of prices will prove interesting. A O Lackawanna Ave. Opposite THIRD NATIONAL BARK OF SCRANTON. PA. STATEMENT REsorncKs. Loans .J1.4.1C.77J 4t 7H ni , lno.two oil . 30l,a.Vi Si , X.TM Vi D.ikiii OH . 7.7M i' . 1T.7.S0 7.H . Se :,1S1.300 30 Overaraftn V. H. Hon.!" Other Komi Umiklnjf limine I'renilnnii" on I'. 8. Hotnln... lnie from f. 8. Treaaurer. line from Hanks , Cash WM, CONNIXI., PrMlilent: (11:0. H. CATL.IN, Vice PreMilent; VM. H. PECK, Caihlrr. IIIKCCI OHS-Wm. Connell, Henry Bella, Jr., James Archbald, Wm. T. Smith, Ueerge H. Callln. Luthrr Keller, Alfred Hand. Special attention given to Belne and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Interest on Time Deposits. THE TRADERS HATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON. ORGANIZED 1893 CAPITAL SURPLUS $250,000 40,000 JOHN T. PURTIiR, President. V. W. WATSON, Vice President. h'. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier. IUKKCTOR8. Fnniuul Hi in1-, Jaoie II. Ereroart. lrvlnj A Klin h. Pierre B Hnlef. J.'-pli J. Jertnyo. M. ?; Krmrrvr, ffcarlw Matnew. JollrfT. Porter, W. V. Wmjou, Ch.rl., ttchlager, U W. Mors. INTEREST PAID ONTIHE DEPOSITS. This bank invite tlie patronuze of business men and drum Kai'al!y. R90F TMNIHG AND S0LDERSS AS Aon away with by the uae ( HAB1V MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which ooaalaU f loaradlent well-known to all. It oaa be Milli to tin, galvaulaed tin, eheet Iroa reofe, also to brick dweiliige, which will Mweeot absoluteljr any crumblUtg, crack las; or breaking of the brick. It vill out laat tlnnlnj; of any kind by many year, nil It's coat doee not exceed one-fifth that f the east of tinning. la sold by the) Jot) or pound. Contracts taken by ANTONIO HAHTaULKN. IS aUrah BL i EXCURSION RATES TO THE LAND OF MOD. That i where you spend one-third of your life, making the journey 365 times each1 year. If you wish to enjoy first-class accommodations, at at emigrant rates, with the assurance that you will nevor miss your connections, or tire of the scenery, TAKE THIS ROUTE. CURLY BIRCH CHAMBER SUITES AT C05T. ) temptation A FEW REMNANTS OF MATTING 6c TO 12c. PER YARD, Consisting of Fancy Cotton Warp, Japanese, Plain and Fancy Chinas; not any contain lull patterns, but are just the thing for runners, corridors, etc. j.j.A..A. A tk AAAaAAa A A A A V A fk A A A. ta A !. A std A A at I4 A A CLOTHIERS, HOME FURNISHERS. TELEPHONE 8154 Ihe Main Entrance to Wyoming. Housa. FEBRUARY 28, 1898: ' LIABILITIES. tal ...$ 200.000 oa 2S0.HU0 M 8l,fW 41 ,m 04 108 M 516,741 19 M.3S. II Nun None HuniliiH I'niilvldml ProtltM Circulation blviUcnds Unialil.... lH-H)SllH Hue to Hank rte-Dlncounta Bllia fayabla , .... 1 S:M91,Su M DU POINT'S, IKING. ILASTH6 MD SPMTIM Haaofsotared at the Wapwallnpea MUla, Lo) erne county, Fa., and at WU nilsatou, LHilawars, HENRY BELIN, Jr. eonaral Acnt for the Wyueaing Oiatriat. Ill VVYOMINO AV&, BorwiTton, fa Tated MaOeasl Bank Kotldtaj. aoagijiaat Jol'eVMrVi??BoV. PrmnaV Pf B. W. MULLIOAN, WUk tWl7Fa. bstay'a BaihtaiXei' -A deUar eend tae aVAer MalAeUee' Mid ireeach DotssaaKM Jkejat I eel I rem ne eaywae i ta u-.f setarnsof vaaa. wmm rrmmj, or Koetel Hete tm tM. Kqnsi eeafy way tha bee old la U letall ( se tMineiee. therelQi we fmwr ante, the , eM ewtl Mar. and If any ea li ao eaaeoea Oetn or Ceawaon hb sea Tl I aad Eai FUCRAL IT, I POWDER I 4 ' MtHssaaaerBtar The beautiful, natural grain, velvet-like finish and artistic design of these iroods proved too much of a to our buyer, and he uouiii iuu iifiiviiy. i.uw iut ) occupy space belonging to Spring j Coods. The result is obvious. We must sacrifice profit to gaiu I room. CASH OR CREDIT. 218, 225 and 227 WYOMING AYE.