The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 25, 1896, Image 1
v THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA' COUNTY n TWELVE TAfiES-84 COLUMNS. SCltAXTOX, PA., WEDNESDAY MOKNING, MAKlI 25, Ih9l5. TWO CENTS A COPY. i New Spring Sill IN , Silks, fmgtt, Taffetas, IHjIi 1 'It: t toliU-Mil. JU Every yard uf these Silks Is new und represents t he very ileum uf present wu-i-on's styles. The makes ure the best that we Know of. ami In imliit of value wo liave never wen their eipial. Do nut con found l his SI'KCIAL iil-'l-'KKINli Willi ulle of our periodic chilling Sllh-S, Whl-il luive I.e. nine so popular, for H in no way partakes of that nature. As Is well known, we have a II nil grip on 1 he silk rnuikei ut all seasons, an. I If there's .1 bargain looking for u luiyer we'll get our share of It. Thai's how we came liy these remarkable values now. 85 PIECES llaliiitul I'aiiey Wash Silks In an Immense vurlely of eulur cuiiibiuu- ItllllS. Special Price, JPc 30 PIECES .Small Silks, In Tan, three lirowns, Mrile, ullve, Iteseda, Nice, Car nel. I'at'ilinal, Sapphire, lll Uiise, i irange. Jlais, Ibise, l.uveluJUi.. i ".T rrr, Tiii mill .Ttlli'h," ' Special Price, 25c 20 PIECES LT-lnch I.a Yulllore Cheeks 111 chaste, blight spring colorings, suitable for waists, ele. A quality fully worth Jtie, Special Price, 28c 15 PIECES :w-hteh Voiigce Silks 111 the fullow Iiik attractive fnliirings: Mais. Hid Itnie, Curdihal, Ituse, Light llllle, Nile, Marine, Navy, I'rcutn, White, etc. J-'ull value for 7 V. Special Price, 4Pc 15 PIECES 22 nnd IM-inrh l-'am-y Stripe Tuffe tas. In some of the loveliest Unlit an. I medium color cuitihinutlons yon ran iniMsihly Imagine. No Letter wus ever sold lor 1. Special Price, 79c 18 PIECES H-lnch Kaney Tuffeta Silks. In Just us muiiy new an. I striking color coml. illations. This is a splendid lot uf $1 Silks. Special Price, 85c 12 PIECES All Silk lilaek Pongee. Si) Inches utile, extra strong anil weighty for it i esses, waists, ele. CooU value ut Special Price, 4Pc 10 PIECES All Silk Satin finish r.rocndc., ) pretty, neal styles, mid a quality worth CHe. Special Price, 55c 20 PIECES 22-ineh Waek (Jro-Ornln Silks, with jii'flty Uroeuilo patterns. In new deslKiis. We cull tliem kooU value fur tl. Special Price, 75c Jkse S Prices. Bscgin Toiay, L OB E WARBBOUSE . MURDER AT PHILADELPHIA Samuel Lanydun Held to Answer fur Annie McGrnth's Death. MYSTE RIOTS LOVB. AITAIK Young filrl Thunfiht to Uov Been .Murdered by a Man with Whom She lluU Ksldcd rhila.lclphiu. Xlun li 24.-The llmling fr the luiily ut it yoiiiis Rh'l yrsli-rduy -vcnltiK ii'veulcd the old (lmy of tlu 1 1 1 it-it love between a man and a wo man, mid has hrotiKht a man within the .-hailow of the aeciiHutioti of the terrilile c-rinip of murder. The body was that if a yountr Rirl named Annie AlcfJrath, ami the man with whom she lived as a wife? Is Samuel P. hangdon. Laiiilciii Is a mail of ulinut CO years of utse, and M'itiiled a iinnltlon of consldeiahle in omlii.-iii e In financial mid business ircles In rhlladelidiiu and the state. le Is president of the I'nited I 'ollleries ('innpaiiy. a bit iiinltions mining com luiny: president uf the Allooini and I'liilllpsbiitK ciiiinectlnK railroad, and was formerly presbleiil of I he Alloonu, b-arlleld and Northern railroad. Uc ;bles these coiiimuiiIi'S he has other va 1 interests In the bltiuriinoiis coal rt-plons of reiiiisylvanlit. Although he lived with Miss .Mo (rath us her husband, l.tumilon bus a wife und a Kmwn mm and duiiKhier, l.ut he has not lived with his b-sal wife for some time. Tonight l.anson occupies a cell In the ' police slut Win, and the police iire workiiiK on the tnysleriuiis ninnner of the Kill's death. About six weeks iiko LunRiloii renleil a i nniforlable little house at '2K (iirard it venue. The hmiwe wus furnished in an expensive manner and then l.aiiRdnn took u;i his resilience In it with mi cx ecdiiiKl.v pretty ulrl of about IS years of aire, whom he staled wus his wife. I.unh'Ioii looks fully his years and the youth ami beauty of Die yumm wn tii.'in caused llie i iiuple to be eonslder iihly talked about In the nelnlilini lioo.l. They neither sotiKhl nor seemed to Wish lo make imv aeitiainttiiices, and tliey were variously known by their in Uhliots under th names of Mcfirath, Mrlioiialil and l.aliKdon. The couple were l'rciic nlly ubsent from the house I liree uiiil four days out of the week and it was iinderstiMiil thai the man hud tiiislness Interests that took him away i from the city freiiuently und that his wife went witli It ill, SYMPTOMS OF TIMM'P.I.K. A colored Kill named llertlia Stewart was employed as a servant. '.Mrs. 1 .amnion" came down to bieiikfast on Sunday 111011111117 in her usual uood i lieallh. Al dinner she complained of fi-elintr unwell ami later In the uf lor- i mini the servant girl heard her moan- j ine, in her room on the second floor. 1 l.andoii told tin- Kill that there was I 110 occasion to disturb his wife as she was sun. I'lni; only 1 1 1 nn a bilious at tack. Hie servant did not h.i near her niisttess' iiiont iiwlii lliat day. About Ti ojeloi k yesli' riiay iil'lirniioii '.ujiuiluui. :ioie iii 11 mails wiin a valise 111 nis tiiind. And lolil licrtha Hint lie wus point' to New Vork mid that she need not worry about his wife, who still was unwell from biliousness. I.umtiloii linn left the house. Uinnl S o'clock lost lilubt lierlha bec'ume iilurmed at .Mrs. J.uiicdon's iulet. tiolni; to Hie loom on lb" Heiond ll 11 ir. she looked In mid saw Mrs. lampion lyiutf on Hie floor, fully dressed. Her feet were crossed, there was 11 lowel over her face and her attitude was so quiet Hint licrtha was frlKtilened. She sniilched the lowel from thiirlrl's face ami even to the colored u moan's untrained eye one fclnnce was Slllliclellt to show her that she looked upon death. Thoroughly seared Mertha lied from the house and went to (he homo of her I'l'olher. with whom she returned to tin- tiirard avenue residence. A phy sician wus then summoned and he, af ter mi ('Natulan t Inn of the body. Kve it us Ids oolnlon that Hie woman had been dead fully twenty-four hours be fore he was called In. The Police were untitled und from some letters and other things found in the house they easily learned tile Identity of the couple, A noi'lil.K I.IFK, The Kill was the datiKhtcr of a press man on one of the dally papers here. Jt seems thut when she was supHiseil to have been traveling with l.annilmi she was reully nt her father's house. To her parents she had some plausible tale of a situation that required her absence from home, ami thus she was euubled to be with Ijllltfiloll. She was Hlso en refill to never appear at her father's house urrayed in the hundsoine rtresses ami Jewelry Willi which I.uiir loit supplied her. Just when mid where fin- Kirl met I.aiiKdon and how Iouk her cnnnectlon with hltn has existed is known only to the mnn nt present. The revelation of his daughter's de ceit and downfall i inne With n peculiar ly terrible shock to her father, for a year or so hko. his son shot mill killed his X-year-old duiiKhter, mid then com mitted suicide. The police easily learned that laitiRdon had an office In ! the lrexe buibiiiiK. A detective went there tills morning and put l.utiKdori under arrest ami took him lo the Cen tral jiolice station, where he now Is. Willi their usual pulley the pilice it re mukitiK us much of a mystery of the affair as they run. and are kIMiik nut very little Information. They refuse to Kive the eli(irK upon which ! -a nation is urrested und simply say thai, us he was the lust person sen with the girl when she was alive, he Is being held to await the coroner's action. The detee tlve who arrested l,uiiKdnu stated that the latter told him Hint he went to the house on Sunday niorniiiK and re mained all day. He said Hint the plrl was taken sick hi the afternoon, but thut he hud fallen nsli-ep mid did not nwake until 11 o'clock Monday morn ing. He thought the girl wus sleeping and dirt not disturb her when he left the house. Last night he stopped nt a hotel, nnd said he was astonished to read In today's papers an account of the Kill's death, lleyond this practical ly, hut little has been told by the police. They admit that there Is no external evidence of violence upon the rIiTh liody, and that the autopsy alone will reveal the cause of her death. An analysis has been made of the Kill's stomach by an expert chemist, but the result Is known only to the police. In addition to i.niiKdon, Itertha Stewart, the servant clrl, is locked tip a a witness. LANGDON'S HISTORY. -Samuel P. Ijihgdon is the son of lib hard Iangdnn, who, in his lifetime, was the wealthiest bituminous coal operator In central Pennsylvania. Samuel Langrion was born In Hunting don, Pa., and wan at first. In business in this city with his father, but he early in life branched out In the coal business Tor himself. When his father died he received a considerable fortune and controlled Inrge coal Interests. In 1890 lie organized and Incorporated under the laws of New Jersey the linllsrt f'nl. lleries company. The company had an authorized capital or JiTji.imm, and $m. UOu wus paid In. The plants of the com pany nre located in t'leartleld und Hert ford counties, this state, l.angdoii wus opposed to the Pennsylvania, Kuilroad company, und some time ugo organ ized und built the Alumna ami Phillips burg connecting railorud. This road connects with his mines and the iteeili Creek ruilroad. and t'ave the product of Ills collieries uu outlet to tidewater over the KeadliiK railroad. I.angdon was thought to have Inst considerable money in recent years and his liiiunciul stand ing Is said to have been not jooil re cently. He wus brought Into unpleas ant promnience a yeuror so ugo through the wild escapades of his son. The young man was very extravagant, and his careless use of other peoples' money lauded hint into a reformatory. Since his separation from his legal wife i.angdon has had no fixed residence in Philadelphia. HKATII FHO.M POISON. Despite the efforts of the police nt concealment, enough leaked out tonight to show pretty conclusively that Miss Mcdratli wus killed by poison. Whether this poison was self-iulministcred or not. l.miKdoii probably only knows, un less he has told the police the full story. Thut he watched by the girl during her death aftonies Is brought to light in rather u peculiar wuy. l.ungdon had ulwuys been a precise und methodical man. und this I rait of his life cropped out even In the face of dcHth, for he made a memorandum of the exuet hour of the Kill's deuih. This memorandum was found upon him. Now that the exposure has come. It is hinted that behind the honorable front liUimdon presented to the world, he was a man of dissolute habits, and thut he wus intimate with other women besides the MHlrath girl. Lust August Laiigdon went to Indian Territory to procure a divorce from his wife on the ground of Ini'i.nioatllilllty of temper. Mrs. Langdoti und her daughter are now living with her parents near Pitts burg. MEKTIXti OFHK A. V. A. The Advisory Hoard Mups nut 11 Politicul lanipulfiii -An Article for the ( onstita tion. Washington. March 24.-The advisory liourd of the American Protective asso ciation began its session lure today. The meetings to follow will be devoted to promulgating u political campaign lor the coming elections. All the mem bers of the board have not yet arrived ami no definite action on uny matter bus yet been taken. The sessions of the hourd are secret und no authorita tive .statement of the subjects lo be considered can be definitely given. It Is said tonight however, that one Im portant subject which will come up is the resolution of Kepresenlative Lin ton, regarding iion-secturlan appropri ations by emigres. The proposition of Mr. Linton Is to add the Mlowlng new articles to the cniisittulinu: Article XVI.--Neither eongreis nor any slute shall pass uny law respecting an establishment of religion, or iruhllllliiu the live exercise thereof, or use the prop erly or credit of the t iilled Stats or of any stale, or uny money raised by taxa I ion or authorizing them to be used, lor the purpose uf foiiiiiliiiu. maintaining, or niiling. by appropriation payment 'or f-et vli i .S. l ielles or otherwise, any rflUTrtf. TPHiftmiw rtmompmtton or relig ions society, or any insliliilioii, society or iinilertakiiig, which is wholly or in pan miller sectarian or eeeleslasl leal control. This resolution, It is stated, will be en dorsed ami congress will he requested to pass it. Outside of this Hie board Is expected to deal with political subjects wholly. - - .WITHSTOOD Till: TF.ST. farnesle Armor for Russian Vessels Proves Satisfactory. Washington. March 24. A nickel steel HaVeyl.ed sample plan-, repre senting Hie ii-iuch armor inn till fact u red by the Carnegie company for the Itus sian government was tested ut the naval pioving ground, Indian Head, .Md.. today by Captain Sampson, chief of the bureau of ordnance anil his as sistants ut the request of the Itussliin government. Six shots were llred nt the plate nt a velocity of 1.7ml feet per second. Five id' the shots were from a four-Inch gun and one from a live-Inch gun. The plate withstood the shot und passed tile test successfully. A test was also tniule for the navy department of the liashiell recoil car riage lor the live-inch rapid lire gun. Four shots were fired, the cat t inge act ing well ut each discharge. last hodyIrkcovkkkd. Thirteenth Victim uf the Illinois Mine Hisiistcr Drought to the Surface. Dubois, Pa.. .March 24. The last body of the thirteen victims of yesterday's mine disaster was recovered this morn ing. The explosion, it is IcUI'lleil, wus cuused by mine dust. The company of liclals are all here, and ale making preparations at the company's expense for Hie funeral of the victims. The condition of the remains show the explosion to have been of unusual force, many of the bodies being horribly mangled ami torn. Twelve families of the deceased are without support und nil are In poor circumstances. Pennsylvania Hircctors. Philadelphia, March 21. At the annual election for directors of the Pennsyl vania Kallroinl company today the result was the re-election of the present board, vist.: (lenrge It. Itoberts, A. ,1. Cussatt, Alexander M. Pox. Clement A, (Irlseoni, Alexuniler lllilille, lieiijumin H. Comefvs, N. Parker Shoruidge, Amos l. Lilt!.-, Henry II. Welsh, William II. liarnea, William I,. Klklns, Ceoie Wood and '. Stuart Patterson. aihollo Church Darned. Krle, Ph.. .March 24. St. Andrews' Cath elle church was destroyed by lire today. The lire occurred during the devotions uti.l spread so rapidly that only the ultur llx tures and vestments could be suved. Sev eral young women risked their lives by rushing through the smoke und tire to save the statuary and ultur furniture. Tin; church wus valued ut $IO,iin0 und wus par tially Insured. Oystormnn's Crime. Alexandria, Va., March 24. Walter Pern, gory, u young oystermun, futully shot his sweetheurt, Annie Hooney, through the ear and then shot himself through the head on the streets tonight. Peregory died almost instantly. Hoth were young. Jealousy Is the supposed cause of the tragedy, llnhv .Murdered. Harrlsbiirg, Pu March 24. An Infant was dropped upon the Northern Central railroad truck, neur New Cumberland, tio duy, A womun hound for llultltnnre, who wus a passenger on an express train which had passed a short time before. Is suspected of the crime. The babe's head wus crushed by the fall. Storage House lliirncd. Chester, Pn., Murch 24. The large rot ton storage house of I'lhenejicr llirtwell was destroyed by lire tonight, involving a loss of about $",il"rt. I'lfieen himdrcl bales of cotton, owned by Woodward und Stillmun, of New Vork, were consumed. The loss is partly covered by insurance. thane for Thompson. Lancaster, Pn., March 24. H. I). Thomp son, who was shot by Miss Hertlo McCon nell, showed some improvement In his con dition tonight and now stands some chance for rapnverv - STRENGTH DF CANDIDATES The (iuvcrnur of .Maine Receives Crumbs uf Comfort. MK. KERD IS (.AINIXG GKOIND I ho Delegates in Hand I p to Date-Mr. Manlcy's letter of Kiplu-uution-Mckinto Con trols 154 Votes. Washington. March 24 Hon. J. II. Mauley, secretary of the national Ite piiblii'iiu committee has addressed the following letter to the governor of Maine in connection with the claims thut Hovernor McKlnley. of Ohio, has already secured a majority of the dele gates to the St. Louis convention: The Arlington, Washington. 1. C. March "4. lxMi. To Hon. Henry it. Cleaves, tlovernor of I Maine. .My Hear llovernor: Including elections lieiii luimy mere nuve oeeu oeief$aieS elede.l 10 the national Hepublleuti con vent ion. There lire 3ti coiilesled cases I.1..1, rnu it,kl ttt--tt In mil. i-u n.llil:, I li.- causn It Is unfair to assume how these euaes will be ilei lded, mther by the na tional committee or the convention, nt' the ;i7i delegates fleeted, I:"i4 me-for M '-l Kiiiley, provided you couerile to I1I111 tb '1; from Indiana and the Is from Mtmiesot ta. Slxlv-four delegates have been elect for (lovernor .Morton; 1!) for Senator Wiiuy; III lor Senator Culloiu; 44 for Sen4 ulor Allison, mid 4S for Mr. Keed. .Mr Heed's strength from now until the con eiitlun will steadily Increase. I 11111, Sincerely yours, J. II. Manley NRW VOTIK'S SON. New York, Murch 24. The KcpuhlJ cans of the Kmplte state today pr tiutinced emphiiHcally in favor of tin ernor Levi P. Morton us their (list uiid only choice for president of the t'nlled Slates. Hy a vole in Hie ratio of U o I they voted down an attempt to sedure u declaration in favor of McK inleyl for second elioice, uml if the friends of jin.v other cflnrtiiltite should have iittemi'ited to secure recognition for him. it Isl'er laln that they would have I'areil no better. I The state convention held In this '.city today was from beginning to emj an enthusiastic demonstration In fnviiu of New York's favorite son, and the e'fl'ort made In behalf of the Ohio stutesiiau only served to emphasize the unanliifjty of the party ill favor of Morton. N The iiitrodiiction of a resolution (lo stibstititte il.'miral .Sum Thomas, t this city, and Mayor Kdgar 1 1. Jewetjt, of liulTalo, for ex-Senator Thnmus '. iJlall und Kdward Laulerbach as rtehv- gate-ut-lurgi to St. Louis und to inv inv. Me) 1 Ul.i Millet the delegation in favor of Kinley us a secuul chhlce, leil to only exciting imident of the conven- Hon. The res.Kution ivus offered by Thomas ITtchle, of Krooklyn. formerly supervisor at large of Kings county. and Us introduction was followed by an attempt on the part of the McKlu ey men to create 11 demonstration In behalf of their favorite. The tippluuse of L'ou or :iuu delegates und spectators wus speedily squeli lied by the cheers of s-veral thoioaml 'Morton men. Aside from this Incident the proceed ings of the convention were largely of 11 routine character. The linuuclul plank of the platform was us follows: The ligllat Ion for the five rnhiuue of sil ver ut the ratio of Hi lo I seriously dis turbs ull Industrial interests, und culls for u clear statement of the Itepiiblleaii par ty's ullllnde upon this question. To the 1 nd lhal t he t rinlu of this country ut home and abroad may again be placed upon a sound and stable foundation. We recog nize in the movement for the free minus- of silver an attempt lo ilcKiuile the loim eslahlished Muiulurd of our uionelaiy syslem, .u.ud hence a blow 10 public titel prlvnle credit,' ut' once costly to the lair liiinul government and harmful tu our doniestle mid foreign commerce. I'mll there is a prospect of international nvrer-iueiii us to stiver coinage, and w hile gold remains the siaudar.l of Hie l ulled Stales and or the civilized world, the Ite pulilliaii party of New York declares it self In lavor of tin- lii'in and honorable, maintenance of that standard. M KINLIOV I. FADS QCAY. niiiiliiigihui. Pa., March 24. The Huntingdon county Republican con vention held here today was largely attended. The vote on presidential preference resulted as follows: Mc Klnley, M; Quay, U.I. Secretary .1. I. Rex. of Hie stale com mittee was elected a national delegate, with lower to choose hi own district conferees. The delegates to the dis trict convention were Instructed to vote for .McKlnley u long us his name re mains before the conference. Dr. Ru dolph .Myers ami C. K. Hortoit were elected delegates to the state conven tion. The convention adopted a resolution declaring it the tight of every Re publican In the county to express hi preference for any candidate; and I hat the names of all caiididates for I'nited Slates senator shall be placed on the ticket. TUX A3 FOR ALLISON. Austin, Tex.. March M. The Republi can state convention which was to have met here ut noon today did not assem ble until S o'clock tonight, owing to de lay in the credentials committee In passing on contested delegations to do teitnlne which should participate in Hie temporary organization. The commit tee gave the .McKllileyltes a black eye by seating Allison's delegation from Sun Antonio and Austin mid Hie Alli son men tonight claim they have a chance of tunning ull the delegates to the national convention tomorrow. The convention at !.") tonight I a perfect bedlam, trying to elect u tem porary chairman, with McKlnley ami Allison men in nominal Inn. The Mc Klnley faction lost prestige today for want of leaders, but they still claim they will elect three of the four deb gates. Prominent Allison men are will ing to concede them two with no in struction. M KINLKY KNDOIISKP. Minneapolis, Minn.. March 24. In the convention hall wherein ltenjamln Har rison was nominated for the presidency of the United Stutes, the Republicans of Minnesota today declared unani mously for William McKlnley, ns the next president of the United Stales, re newert their fidelity to the principles of the Republican party, declared their belief In the policy of the i'nited Stutes as declared hy James Monroe, demand ed the restoration of the principles of reciprocity as a national policy, nnd passed a resolution favoring the use of both gold uml silver to the extent of which they can be maintained nt a parity on the purchasing und debt pay ing power nnd opposing the free and unlimited coinage of silver. At the opening of the convention tills morning a telegram was read by con gressman Tawuey from Senator Oush tnun K. Davis, announcing his retire ment as a candidate for the president-!, of the I'nited States. This step 011 the pnrt of Mr. Diivih was not unexpected and left everything open for the Me Kinley men, who immediately took ad vantage of the gap and carried every thing before them, which, in Any event, would probably have been the result. THE NKWS THIS MORNING. I WeatheA Indicetlons Today ! Fair; Decidedly Warmer. 1 Suposc4j M ur.lcr ut Philadelphia. Jto-.t's f hamvs Are brightening. Spuiiiuvds Shoot Knell other In Cub.t. Men ling of the A. P. A. ut Washing ton. tr 'otigresslonul Proceedings. I Ruoth Cannot He Uecoucilfil. Iiieiieral .Market and Sunk Reporls, I News of llio liuilruads. J (iKicnll Common Pleas Court In Ses 1 siou. Hood Shows at Present in Rerun ton's Playhouses. I Editorial. Itellel'Hl Political Oosslp. The Hypnotized Reporter. (lxjcnlt Matters llefortv the United States Court. All Is yulet ut Dunmore. Republican CouintiliiMti Klectud on South Side. Death in the Mines. I Congressman Cousin's trllllant Ora tory In Kxeorlation of Ambassador Hayatd. Farmers Ixwe liver a Million ft Year. Duo to Hie 1 lemoctullc Tariff. ' Happenings In Our P.usy Suburbs. Seclal Meeting of the Poor Hoard. I (Sports) American Amateur Athletes 111' for I ireece. Some Fiulsi in bicycles. Vale's Ci'ey ut llaiiley. Ruse Hall, bicycle, und General Sport ing .Miscellany. I The Decadence of Spain, The lutest War I 'Intnl. Female bull l-'bthtcrs. Noicji on Science and Industry. 10 fStoryl "With Weird Weapons."' Smooth .Marcus A: lliuinu. Americans 111 at Fuse. When it-nl ns Oulcrop. Wealth of Presidential Candidates. 12 News Up and Down the Valley. HAK I KANI T STATCi:. The Was Model Is Now Heady for In spection hy the tnnilly. llarrisburg. Pa., March 24. The Hurtranft memorial commission met In the executive chamber today, owing to Illness In the family, the llartranl'l's themselves were not present ami was expected. Mr. Kuckstuhl, the sculp tor, will stop uml see them on his re turn from llarrisburg und the question of likeness will lie left solely to them. Mr. Kuckstuhl now has u model In wax. The I'lgoro will represent Henerul Hart l'uiift as he appeared at the close nf the war. It was decided to have the pedcslal twelve feet high und of red granite, this color assimilating best with the !!lul!,11,'u11'11",1 'H ' f 'Y'V ",""",' "" ","."""!7 . ' 'l"''1. p", '' " ' "i! ' , "J tal will beur the full mime ami rank of Ueueral 1 htrtrauft. On one of the kldes will be the inscription "The Hero of Port Stedinun." It will lie neces sary to rearrange Hie capital walks and grounds for the monument. This afternoon tin- contract for the llarl ranrt equestrian inoiiiiiiieni in Capitol park wus mvarded to W. F. Kuckstuhl. of New York. It will cost XIX.MIU and -lie twenty-six feet in height from the ground uml will require uboiit one year ami a Iftilf to build. It w ill be of standurd bronze. DEBS I.N Nile ITLIMT. Torre Haute chiiieluncn ( hided for Their Attitude Toward luhor. Terre Hiiute, hid., March 24. After the First linplist church auditorium becunie crowded tonight, as never he fore, the ushers stepped outside the doors uml tjiilrt tin hutnlreds who same that they would not lie aide to Ileal' Ku gene Debs fell what the church ought 10 do for labor. Debs I not a believer in t'hiisllauily, but Rev. .Mr. Holme, in hi invocation, asked divine inspira tion for what Mr. Delis should say. Debs snld the church could discuss Un social mid ecoiiomi uidltlons, if it were not ufrald. and in thai way assist tile cause of labor. lb- said that the church, n an Insti tution. Is not In sympathy with labor, und there s a lack of the spirit of the brol lierhooil of man In the church. When ministers do talk ubotit labor it is to inlvise 1 he wage earner not lo break the law. but the same advice Is not f.;iveii to the employer who Is n luw breaker. :ash for cum i-ssion. Publishers Did Against I ach Other for the Truth from Holmes. Philadelphia, Pa.. .March 24. Faults nre being tniiile by several Philadelphia ami New Vork publishers to induce Murderer H. II. Holmes lo make a full confession and to tell the story of his life, fine New York publisher began with an offer of $I.ikhi for a truthful and tletalleil story of his criminal career ami gradually Increased It to $."1,111111 be cause of Hie Indifference of Hie con demned matt. Willie Holmes was considering tills last proposition a rival New Vork news paper offered him $7.ini Hut for t Insulin- thing. It I not known whether lie bus accepted the offer, but he has been doing a good ileal of willing late-, ly, the character of which he ha con cealed. 1HXF.V WANTS DAMAGES. Hot Cross-Suit Against Aliens tin Holy fiver "A l ottery of love." New Orleans. La., March 24. Attgus tin Ilaly was awakened tit 2 o'clock tills morning nnd served with a summons in u. suit for 2.'i.imh) damages, brought by Henry F. Dlxey. Duly hud on Satur day brought suit against Dixey, charg ing him with piracy in playing "The Lottery of Love," and Dixey now charges that the accusation is malic ious und Hlumlf-rou. He claims to have receipts showing that be paid $xno to a Sun Francisco lawyer ns royally to Daly. Daly was to leave this morning for Mobile ami the papers hud to be served early to cutcb him. - NANCY IS SARCASTIC. Indiana Womnn' Tort I'ublio keply to a Husband's Discarding "Ad." Knglish. Ind., March 24. Samuel W. C.arvey not I lies his fellow citizens through the local press that his wife, Nancy L. Harvey, has. without reason able provocation, abandoned him, nnd that he will puy no debts incurred by her. Mrs. Harvey writes to Ihe editor to say: "He need not remind people that he will not pay," and then Ingeniously nsks: "Did Sumuel pay for the 'ad.".' H ho did. Mr. Filitor, give him n re ceipt uml 1 will labor to frame It for him as I labored three yeurs lo feed ami clothe him." Ilertie Mcf nnncll Will l ive. Conlesvllle. Pn., March 24. -Miss Her tin AlcConnell, who shot II. ll. Thomp son, at lancusler, and then came here nnd shut herself at her parents' residence, showed com limed Improvement today and In all likelihood she will recover SPANISH SHOOT FRIENDS Troops Tour u Deadly Tire L'ptHt Their Conn tides. SC0KES T:KE SI.AK.HTEKP.D live Officers Were Wounded -Tho Ex planation of the I'omiuundors Is t nsntlafuctory and a Court Martial Will He Held. Havana, March 24. Another terrible mistake, uttended with loss of life nnd resulting In many soldiers being wounded, has taken place. In some manner unexpluined, two column of Spanish troops opening lire, upon each other at midday. According to the few details received here the columns of troops commanded by General (lodoy und Colonel llolgtiin, at the Santa Ro sa plautallun, neur Ksperunzu, prov ince ot Santa Clara, mutually mistook each other for insurgent forces, owing, It Is said, tti the thickness of the sugar cane. Koch detachment opened lire upon, t lie other, uml for ten minutes shots were exchanged, resulting In the killing of seventeen soldiers, among them being Lieutenant Colonel Ftten mayor of the Nuvns battalion. In ad dition, live otllcers and eighty-four sol diers were wounded. Two of the latter have since died, six others are mortally wounded and thirty-two Hte seriously injured. Lieutenant Colonel Fuenmayor died while leading his troop oil und shout ing "Lung live Spain." Owing to the fact that the meeting between the two columns took place ut tnbl-day, the explanation furnished by the Spanish commanders Is considered unsatisfactory und court-martial will follow. .Maximo C.omez has returned west ward from the province of Santa Clura, und was encamped yesterday at the plantation of Moralito, near Union do Reyes, province of Matunzas. Antonio Maeeo Is supposed to be tit San Diego de los 1 la Jos. province of Pltiur del Rio. Kniique Porto Mutu, an insurgent lead er, bus surrendered to the police of Cardenas, province of Mutuuzus. The authorities of Cardenas have captured Rufuel Toruyo uml Custmlru Ponce, who have been uccused of conspiring against the government. The explanation given for the rapture of the three bout, with arms und am munition ut Varadero, near Ctirdenus, is thai Collazo. who is understood to have cominiindeil the expedition, mis took the landing place uml went ashore ut Vitruitero Instead of ut the San Anton canal. ACTION AT MADRID. Madrid. March 24. The government paper, Li National, disavows the un friendly urtlcle to the I'.ullcd State which uppeared In tile Kpocu yesterday und which Were supposed to reflect the views of Hie Spanish cabinet. Due of these articles challenges the United Stales to show Us colors ami deflates I hut Spuln Is ready to fact- America with dignity If Ihe latter country de sire wur. The other reviews possible Fiiropcun alliances, timling fault with all of them, but Inclines, to those coiiu Iries whose interests ute equally op posed to the Ameridii-JapuileM' claim. Havana. March II is reported here Hint the rebel leuder, AlK'-eo, Is In Ihe province of liuur Del Rio, near Hie north coast, (jomex Is said to be moving to Hie eastward. Two political prisoners who are bow cuiillned In the Cnbunii fort res will be shot this week. Washington. March 24. A govern ment dispatch from Mudibl to the Spanish minister announces that Col onel Martin has captured nil Ihe ar chives ami ilix nnieiits of the Cuban re public near Sam tl Spititu. JOKED AUDI T (iAS. Snppored Clilcuconn 'I hen Pound Asphyxiated ill St. Joseph, Mo. St. Joseph, Mo., March 24. An un known man, who registered ns F. W. H. Ilulibs, was found deud from as phyxiation In a lorn at the Hesse house this morning. He I about 26 years old. Letters In hi pocket show thut lie lately came from Chit ugo und is uu odd fellow. He entered Ihe hotel lale last night and when he retired jolted with the clerk about blowing oin the gas. STATE NEWS NOTES. .Indue Craig granted liquor licenses to all the .Monroe county saloons except one. The I,eliigh llranlle cumpany of Luzerne county, capital JlltHi.miil, was chartered yes terday. Viewers repoiieil In favor of 11 new SU11. wm bridge over Cluster creek ul Nhiih street, Chcs:er. Pulling coal fatally Injured William l!cr ryiuaii and his son, .lames, In the Kieh urds mine, at Shnmnkin. Little John McNollis, at Mlnorsvlllo. a,-. clileiilally shot his mother, Mrs. John .Me.N'ollls, in the leg with a pistol. When a jury ut .Media rendered a verdict contrary lo Ids Inst ructions yeterday, Judge Clayton at once set it uside. Dr. D. S. .Marshall, of Ashland, who was dangerously poisoned In performing a pnsl-inorteii examination, in recover ing. A farmer, near All-mown, John llol lenstelu, yesterday secured licenses for the marriage of his -two daughters, uuvd is uml l.'i years, respectively, TI.I.I.CRAI'IHC TICKS. A severe shock of earthquake wa.t felt at Calais, Me. on Sunday evening. About ?!.um union glassworkers nllenil'd a monster ineeilng at Red Key, 1 ml., on Sunday, but nothing di-llnilc was accom plished. An explosion at Corey's lorpcdo works lit Jetrolos, 1 ml., is lielleved to have kill--1 John Owens and William Jluugard, who are missing. fettle Wolfe, when nrrcsleil In New York, was found to have a large lot of line laep uml ribbon bunging on little hook on her garters. The 7MU estate of Chillies W. Henry, Ihe murdered llrooklyn miser, was yes terday divided muting ilm heirs, the bad son getting his share. The general assignment of F. M. I i 11 V Son, one of t lie oldest dotl lng houses in the city of lioehester, bus lii-en tiled. The nubilities will reach about (2,UUU. WASHINGTON CHAT. All appropriations for dry docks have been stricken from the naval bill. A pi.nOti monument lo James Monroe, ul Fredericksburg. VI. , is projected. niaekburn's sllveiite friends banked his desk Willi (lowers yesterday ill the senate. The bill to elect senators by 11 dlr-ct vote ha been favorably repotied to the house. T. W. Roberts, of Maine, hu been np polnleil consul at Cupe Tow n, Cape Colony, uml It. II. l.ouy, of Alabama, al Nugales, .Mexico. Tlu house naval commit lee has de cided that it cannot visit the Kcthlclt.-tn (I'u.) Steel work until after the naval bill htis been disposed of. The United Stutes will be represented nt the coronation of Fmperor Nicholas of Russia by Major fleneral A. .Mel). Mo Cook, retired, und Major (leiieral P. Sciiv en, signal corps, the present military attache of the legation at Rom NLEYS lit We are now showing a magnificent line of Shirt Waists. TIE 'BEEBY WAIST In Linen Batiste, In dian Dimities, Galai teas, Percales, Etc. THE CELEBRATED S Also the KING and MOTHER'S FRIEND, for Boys. The most satisfactory Waist hi the market, GINGHAM MESSES Boys' Kiit Suits and Infants' Long and Short Dresses. 510 AND 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE r jEv Finest Shoes, mi Erect Slaike Slues Possess' All The Requirements. LEWI5EHLLY ii DAV1ES lit ANI 110 WVOMIN'U AVK. ALWAYS HI'SV. W liolesulo und Kuluil. Easter Eggs, Easter Eggs. We have secured one ot the prettiest, Inexpensive, Easter Gifte m u Bcconted Easter Egg, Something entirely new. Look In our show window as you pass by. W. J. .WeSchel 408 Spruce St. BUTLER'S COINSIT.. The Populist Chairman I rjcs Silveritei Not to I use. Italelgh, N. ('-, March 24.-Ma.lon Itutler, chairman of the ropullst party in North Carolina, has issued a circu lar letter to county chulrmen of the purty ami to inlliienlial members. In which he advises Populists not to fuse or eo-oierate with either Kepiibilcans or Democrats, hut lo hold llrmly to the free silver coinage plan. It Is alleged thut the masses of the Populists in the stnte stnnU with Chair man itutler. though it Is alleged by Republicans uf prominence tht ha hat lost Influence with the in. Wis Sale