The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Pleaders -tll please note that advertise,
ments, order for Job work, and items for
liibitratlon left lit the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
ca open from t a. in. to 10 p. m.J
I't AIJerman J. tl. Thompion laid at
Heat-Buried in Maplewood Cemetery.
The funerl of tUf late Jesse G.
Tliiinisnn took plue Sunday afternoon
it V o'clock front hi late resiileiu-e on avenue. The twirtnl remains were
In ken to the .Methodist I'hurrli, where
the Hev. Dr. O. A. Plaie, i.uxtor the
Chimh. dellveved an Impressive euli'K.v
from tri- winds ef St. I'aul: "lu whom
we have redemption through hif lilood.
the forjflveiieya of sins ui'i.'uiillnK t
the rirhe of His stare."
The lull i-him-li i-hnir sang several "
I'Tiivhx. The tliiral pleees were, vry
pietty and elaliurute.: The funeral pro
fession, whli'll was one of tlie luiaeMt
sen ill the elty. wax an evidem-e of tho
jijptilaritv of one of the pioneers of our
oily. He was purled at .Mnplewood
1-ellietelV. Tile pall-hea l ei s Were I 'lias.
I'.lulr. liolx'-l t liinir. 41. K li.iKi'ts. ! red.
Uiller, J. V. Reynolds and It. 11. Itey
nolds. Tint followlrnr out-of-town per
lions were in atleiidatic e: Sir-and .Mis.
K. Y. I.mvies, , .Mamie. Kdwanl ami
Tlmnias liavies. of liayoniie. .V. J.;
William II. Muvles. or Westlield. X. J.:
lrs. Willliitit Jones and Uiumtiter;
JOdith, of Jersey rity; SJrs. l.iz'ie an.
orlreen Kid'ie; .ludu- All'reil Marte, of
Wilkea-Harre: .Mr. and 'Mrs. II. 1".
Johns, of lnrest City.
T K. kilpntruik lieU-gate to the Confer
cue at llincliaiuion.
The Methodist Kpisemml quarterly
cotiference was held on Saturday niRlit.
when K. K. Kllontrlek was eleeted (lie
lay deleRiite to the eonfereiiee at IMiir
liatnton, his alternate Peins I'ietve liut-
J. M. Alexander, superintendent of
the Sunday sehool. made a very eoin
plete report. The foilowinn are Items
of Interest: 1'upils enrolled, tit,:'; in
erease for year. Il:i; largest attemlam-e.
MS: average attetidanee. eonver
isluns, 7:1; Joined ehureh. 4": volumes Jn
lltirarv, 4'ii: total enlleetions. $."i0ti.TJ:
rut-rent expenses. .t:ll.::.i: missionary
eolleetlon. fMX Tin'' deelded that the
free pew system should euiitinue.
Jainea J. Iloland, a Voantf Man, Hied
Sunday Night.
vJanies J. Ilidatid, son of 1'"
lalid. died at his home on Seventh ave
nue, where he had been eonllned with u
lung illness. His deuth Is a slioek to his
iliaiiy friends in and around the city.
.Mr. I tola nd was twenty-eiaht years
of ass and was horn and lirouht up
In the elty. He onee eomlueted a jrt'li
mil store on Teriaeo street. Ills fath
er, llimh, and one brother. Hush, sur
vive him.
Lvimgeltstie Service.
The evanirelislle services hehl at the
Second I'lesl.yterian chiirch, Simpson,
were largely attended Sunday niornliiu
and evelilnir. They will be eontinui-d
each evening ilurlni; this week at 7. nil.
All are cordially Invited.
' .Mrs. Jones and daughter, Adeline, of
ilyphuiil, are visliltiR friends in this
: .Mrs. Moruan Momans. of South Wy
titnliiK street, is seriously III.
Hauiel M. Davis, of South Terrace
street. Is eonllned to his home with u
painful ubeess on his face.
.Miss .Manale IJeese, nf Torest City. Is
visiting relatives.
.Miss MasKle it'CouiK II, of South
Church ft reel. Is visions friends at
ToniK'u lluiwy Sin i t li and William
l'.iltlon. of this city, will Join u party
In .a trip to Alaska. They will be ab
sent four months.
.Miss .Mary A. liurke. of lit klyti
btreet. returned home from. a visit to
friends In lloncxdule.
.Miss Sallie Spellman. of the Maple
city. Is a Kiiest of .Miss Mary A. liurke.
fit Krookl.vti street.
. ISev. KKle-et Kllpntrlck. of Sherwoiid.
piiiil his brother. T. I:. Kilpatriek, a
visit last Thursday and Friday.
...Miss Kll.alieth Mart will leave this
Week to enter the Milicrsvllle Slate
Xormal schonl.
Miss Anna Call, of Archliald. is the
r.ucst of'the Misses Xiiol ut thi lr home
South Shureh street.
Allss A(jnes licilly. of llonesdule. Is
VlsltliiK her sister. Mrs. I'. A. Carroll,
or South .Main street.
.Miss Mamie 1 Inniitun. of Seranlon,
Is isililia hcl collsin, Miss Mamie Mc
Neill, of l'ike street.
Kivd Heifjerder visited irietnls In
Arehbalfl Sunda.
Miss .Mary .Mnlone. nf Klgluii avenue.
Is vlslilim in .New Vork city.
Miss Taylor, of Wayne
street, who has been vIsitliiR friends in
Don't Get Excited
Vr'aa what taa doclura told tue, and they
aid laaualuot ruu,ou aecouut l ilul
tarluf of my heart.- I wan tick over a
year wilb dyspeptia, could not sleep or
rat la comfort, rt generally uiixerable.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Kava ma rufreitbliitr aleep, aieady nervea
aud better health tiiaa ever. 1 have great
faitUinHood a.H. H. Fkii k. Kedioj.Pa.
Hood's piiis":; gtek,
lias been wonderfully int.
' proved hy udJin I, (Hill square
feet to our ul ready spaeidiin
store. And we have just re
' ceived the finest assortment of
Carpet the market can pro.
duce. The patterns arc of the
very latest. '
Our Wall Paper Department
'Has been increased to twice Its
former size, ko that you can
. ' seethe Uncut and most artistic
styles and colorings ever
sIiom ii ill the market. Prices
always the lowest.
Carpets. -
I , Wall Paper
41 Laakawanna Av
Scranton f-r some lime, returned home
F. V. Walker left for IUs home In
BrlditeiK)rt, I'min., Monday morning.
11. A. Kelly left yesterday inornlns
for FitfsburK.
Superintendont Newell, of the Trac
tion eoinitany. lias placed a new eight
een minute schedule, thereby making
connections more regular.
The following Carbondallans were
favored w ith tickets admitting them to
St. Peter' cathedral at Scranton Sun
day to view the magnificent rerehon
ials attendant iipcui the consecration as
bishop of Jit. Kv. M. I. Hobun. P. D.:
Misses Mary Murrln, IteKlna Motabe,
Allda Xealon. Annie Uarrett. Mary A.
Kellv, Marv Itietinun and Klla Malone;
Messrs. J. J. O'Neill. P. J. Collins.
James A. Jhtrke. Joseph O'ltourke,
John Moran. K. F. I'orlx-s. K. P.
Hiown. W. K. Norton. Mrs. Martin
Kreiinan, Mr and Mrs. J. J. Colli. Mr.
und -Mrs. P. J. Carroll and Miss liellly,
a suest of the latter from llonesdale.
All communication from suburban
loealities and suiroundiriK towns must,
io Insure insertion in the eolumns of
The Tribune, contain the name uf the
writer, not for publication, but us u
Kiiaiuntee of good lullh. This rule ap
plies to regular eorresiMindeiits a well
as occasional contributor.
V:titerirlse hail was well filled on Sat
urday eveiiiim. the taxpayers of Jer-
tnyn having,' turned out in large num
bers to the water mass meeting. Con
trary to the prediction made by a
prominent stockholder, ihe agitation
did not lizzie out. but at the meeting
, more enthusiasm and Interest was dis
played than at any previous meetiny.
The people are very determined and tue
results of tlie election today ran be
clearly foreseen. ('hull loan Wlllniuu
called tlie meeting to older ami ad
dresses were then made by A. J. Col
born, of Scranton: lr. S. I. Davis. V.
I!. Swick anil J. W. (Irani. The various
aspects of the o.ueslion were discussed
by these gentlemen. Tlie meeting then
adjourned to ui to the polls on elee
I Ion day.
liilmore hall as the scene of a very
pleasant gathering of young people Fri
day evening, who responded to uu In
vitation extended bj Flunk Depew ill
honor or ids twenty-liirt birthday. A
pleasant time was spent in various
amusements, after which refreshments
were served. Those present were the
.Misses May Hennett. Itessie Friend. Cora
Fowler, lielle linker, Clara Itoe. .Mag
gie l iritliths. I.iSiKle I liles. Maggie Itoe,
Jennie Wheeler. Stella and Mahalla l!a
ki r. Maiy Mann, Stella I'eudred. Hat
tie Champion. Mary Shields, llattie
Oakley. Lizzie Jones, Sarah Jenkins,
Kva Whitheck, Kiiima lloberis, i;va
Jon l ey. Flora lepev. Kinina Whitbei k.
Mr. and Mrs. I lepeiv, .Mrs. Shields and
C,euli4e and Susie Ijce. of Scott: Kittle
Carpenter. Olyphant: Sadie Spencer, of
Carbondule; Annie Kvans and Kaehel
James, of Seruutou: William Wlntets.
I'M lie and Charh-s Maynard. Thomas
Champion. Fred Stephens. C.eorge I'eti
ilred. Itlehard Friend. John Whitbeek,
William and Harry Ciulllp. Fred War
ing. Kiehard Jones, tleorge Merritt,
John und Ciomer Lewis, tleorge Oakley,
Henry Hemmelriglit. William Miller.
Waller iJeoew, William ltoiindy. John
Osborne, Frank ami Ceorge Jeffrey,
William De;iew and Frank Cendall.
The Krowiison Literary institute will
render the following programme at
their next meeting: Piano duett. Misses
Lizzie MeCloskey and Sadie Timlin; va
sal solo. J. W. Oram: recitation. John
H. Kelly; seleet reading, J. J. Walsh;
violin solo. T. A. tlciidrlck: recitation.
.Miss M. McAndii w: remarks. M. F. Mc;
Deiniott; debate. 'Itesohed. That the
I'liiteil States should recognize Cuba us
belligerents," attirmative. J. K. Sulli
van. J. W. lira nt and John Cahaney;
negative. T. A. Hendrlck. John .Mer
rick and Frank MeCutTerty. The fol
lowing olliei;s will be installed also:
President. T. A. Hendrlck; vice-president.
Sally Thomas; secretary. Annie
MeClirone; tieasuier, Mary Mcdovern.
The Junior league of the Methodist
F.plscopal church will give an enter
tainment on Thursday evening in the
Sunday school room of the church. The
entertainment w ill heS . n entirely by
the members of the league. This is
their first effort In this direction, und
they should receive the support of all.
An udmlssiou of i and lit cents will be
Thomas Ayres, of lieiulhum. Is visit
ing aeiiuaiiitaiices In Ihl place.
William C. Nicholson, of lirooklyu. X.
Y.. is among his many frli nil nt Ihl
place again.
Mlssticrtie Imvis returned home from
Avoea yesterday, where she has been
visiting for the past week.
The literary department of the Kp
worth league will wive an entertain
ment Friday evening. Papers will be
read on the various asiiicts of temper
anee. John It. ieinl;hs has accepted a posi
tion as agent for Kesler I'.ios., of Siko,
Wayne county, and Is prepared to give
low llgures on flagstone lor walks, etc.
The itiiestion to be discussed at the
next meeting of the Hrnwnsor, Literary
Society is. "Should the I'niteil State's
Keeognlze Cuba as a I telligerent -"
Invitations have been received to tlie
wedding of Miss Uraee Dyer to Thomas
Smith Abernetliy. which will take place
in the Slmp.M' Methodist Kplscopnl
church. Hiraiinuhani, Ala., on Wednes
day evening. .March I'.V Miss c.raee
was a resilient here for some time, and
since moving to tli niiiigiiain I'tvineiii
ly visiti-d the family of lier uncle. c,,.o.
Walters. e... nf Miiln street. She aws
a favorite with the young people here,
and will hnv the best wishes of a Itosl
of friends for her future happiness.
After voiiiu, fur the borough water
loan ffivo ".lie hiili -s or the Fh-t li.ip.
tist church a cull. The entertainment,
"Poet leal," Wjj ). .J,
I'riuik Winter. Ha 1 nit Uyr.-er aid
llli hard r.iendull returned to W
(seminary yesterduy.
Tile culm was'-e" nf C. L. '.eil
siiiod o:eiatiftns yeslerda., after
ing idle nearly tnree tiioiiths.
.Mary Shields is bome . from Kast
Stioiids'ourg Normal school for the
Faster vacation.
Mrs. William C. Nieliol-on i- ill :lt
tip' horn- of hr.j- sister, -Mr. John J.ut
sey, on Sei.-ond street.
Ve.-terday .Mr mid Mr. FrauR ,lon
reiinned to their home In Valley Falls.
N. V.
Among the .lerinyii visitors yester
day were Stuart Snyder, of Scott": Post
master Love, of Tomokinsvlllo. and
Flunk Wettllng. of Scranton.
Jesse Avery is doing jury dittv this
we( k.
Joseph Netheeion will open n randy
and b e cream saloon In the S. 1). Davis
building April 1.
Miss Maggie Hwitxvr spent Sunduy
with her cousins. Misses (iruce and lies
slo Hoover, at Wilkes-llarre.
F.dward . Lord, of Scranton. spent
Sunday with his brother, M. Lord.
Mr. and Mrs. jl 'ha lies Spencer were
calling on Mr. and .Mrs. Kdward Mnston
at Carvei ton.'Sunday.
Harry Casterllne; of Dorraiu eton. and
Frank Casterllne, of Nanticoke, were
calling on their cousin. Mrs. Joseph
.Merii!l on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Slusse and family
left Saturday for Hazleton to attend
the golden anniversary of the la Iter's
Miss Lizzie Casterllne. of Dorrance
ton. spent Saturday with her cousin.
Miss Lidu MeRill.
Charles Wilson was a caller at
Wllkes-Barre Saturday evening.
Mr. (Jeorge ttalnbridge and her
daughter. Mr. Thoma Hawk, were
visiting friend at Plttston Saturday.
Mr. and Mra. J. P. Smith wer call
ing on friends at Wllkea-Barre Satur
day . v I ,
, Highest of all in Leavening Power.- Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Ihe Prisoner Hhibii Most bjiit taar
at the llioaebt of lcath.
C.'Olge Windieb. who was convi-ted
or the murder of ids wife, at Piuaton.
was vsterday ii'fused a n-w trial by
Jmlge Woodwurd. Wlndisch was llu-u
called for sentence, and his general d
meauor was pitiful. When aked by
tlie Judge If he had unytbliiK to say. he
replied iii broken Lnsjlisli that he did
not kill ids wife until tdio had llrsl at
tacked bill) with a poker. While the
sentence was being pronounced Hie
liisoner showed Mie most abjii-t fear
ami trembled violently. After the fatul
words had been pronounced, the mur
derer exclaimed passionately:
"I won't let them take It to the Su
preme court. Let them hang me if they
want to. Thee will be another mur
der committed in Luzorne county."
The Scene was distressing, and the
lawyers were glad when It was over.
Appears in I'lyiuoutli -i:iiij.-si His I'lir
sii.'i and Is still ut In .
Another uutd dog mnilc liis appear
nnce on tin- streets of Plymouth yester
day ufterilooll just us the children Were
returning from Sunday school, and Mr
u time he made tilings lively. Men
with shotguns, revolvers, etc.. chased
him up and down streets. Hlleys, etc.,
(ut wi re unable to get a shot at him.
and he llmilly eluded them. takli)g to
tlie woods back of the town.
This Is ihe second mail dog In tne
same town wi'bln two weeks, the last
having been killed. It Is known that
the first dog bit a number of others,
some of which were not killed, aud It i
possible lids may be one'nf them.
Mnidcr lilul ComincnceJ
The work of selecting a jury for the
trial of John iiodnok for Hie murder of
John llolodnok in Mllnesvllle last Sep
tember was commenced before Judge
Woodward in court room No. I yester
day afternoon. The murder was com
mitted in front uf the .M lines vlllo church
during a drunken carousal. District
Attorney Fell ami his assistant. )!. 11.
Jones, u'oicar for tlie prosecution, and
T. P. .Mctiiiigan and F. P. Slattery for
tlie del'evso.
Snv She Saw Maukniglit.
A daughter of Martin Mreunati, of
Plains, who has been living at Philadel
phia, returned on Friday to attend her
mother, who Is ill. She was surprised
after returning to learn thut Mr. Mac
Knight. wlh whom she formerly lived
as a domestic, was gone and could not
be found. Miss lireniinn says she saw
Mr. MacKnight In Philadelphia at the
depot as she was about to lake the
t rain coming here.
PrliKlitful Piano Kccitnl.
A delightful piano recital was given
on Saturday afternoon at the residence
of W. P. Kymuu by the pupils of Miss
llattie Xewhouse. The programme was
exceptionally uood. the first part being
devoted tii the younger implls, who
displayed ability, showing tin- most
careful training. In this connection
special mention should be inude of Jes
sie Thomas. Corinne Itosenblntli anil
.Minnie Coons for the good work done.
He Hunts M s Kent.
The Plymouth Tribune will be sold
on Saturday next at constable's sale.
Joseph Campbell, the owner 'of the
building, is tryfng to collect his rent.
The Tribune's plant consiHts of a press
am) a lot of priming material.
Hilly Dlggins. Wilkes-Harre's back
stop of lust year, has Just returned his
contract signed for the coming season.
The police committee, has interfered
with the indiscriminate shooting nf
dogs In the street. The latest mandate
Is that dogs shall first be captured and
then shut. There win be no more dis
gusting soeetai l' s of clog murder.
TliK litfrtT li.M.I, A.Vr Hl
t'Yi I.I-; XKWS. AS WF.I.L
as tiii; i;i:st cik.vp.ual
xkws. it a 1. w a v s
l'XK. I il X"T FAIL To lil'V
.llli- KKK XI'Mlti;i:. IT
II. lirtlee K ynolds returned home
from college Saturday. He will spend
the summer months at this place.
.Mrs. Under Xewfiti. .if .Montrose,
visited th" family of K. C. Keynolils
und also her son. Stanley, who Is at
tending school at this place, over Sun
day. .Miss Iraetla Monell litis returned
home after u three weeks' visit wit li
Seranlon friends.
Aliss ilerti inle X"rtliup. who has been
spending the past month with I'litstoii
I'rti mis. 'i iinii'd home Friday.
The Ladies' Aid soeiely t.f the First
pi 1st church will give an Faster sup
per and social Wednesday evening.
April I. Iv.V's will be served in all
Professor Harmon, of Hamilton
Theological semintiry, visited friend
in town nvev Sunday.
Cyrus Cnriluer will build a house in
tlu near fiunr- on the lot between the
residence of Mrs. f:. V. Clark and ,
Oscar llallsteud on Acudeniy street. !
our town people weii. very much
lWappoinie.l in not !eur!nn Colonel Hippie Monday evening Pi his lec
ture 'Florence prison Life." Colonel j
I tipple hits however agreed to deliver j
Ills lectin.' a few weeks luter. us he wa ;
unavoidably detained this time. ;
.Mrs. Fdwnrd Hinds ritnl 'laughter, :
Mrs. Kmma Small, have returned from
I'ottsvllle where they have been nui!- i
ing Mis. Hinds' mother. Me. Hinds
will return to P'.ttsvillc soon and re
iiinln until her mother Is better.
The ladies of the Methodist Fplscnpul
fhtiri-h will give a inn pie sugar festival
In the lecture room this evening.
There will be soeciul services nt the
First ISuPttst church Thursday even
ing. March 2tl, "Missions" being the
subject. Seveial nationalities will be
represented by young ladle In costume.
The young ladles will give brief 'sketch
es of the people whom they represent.
A very Instructive meeting is antici
pated. Mrs. Abby C.ardner is unite seriously
ill. threatened with pneumonia.
Mrs. Ceorge Siirague I confined to
her home by illness.
The members of the Kawter choir are
retiuested to meet at ".:!! Wednesday
evening for rehearsal.
J. Travlss I!ud. of Ciirhondale, was a
visitor hore lat Saturday.
John Williams, of Mannfleld Normal
school. Is home on a visit with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Subboth Williams.
John Knfrlish was In Jermyn on busi
nens Monday.
Dan Kearney, of Archbald. came to
town last Friday evenlna; with a "Jag;"
on and after wunderlni; up and down
the midway taking In the sljhts, he
broke one of the larte windows in th
Sterrlck Creek store and crawling In
side, laid down behind tne counter and
went to sleep. He had not been Inside
long, however, when lie was taken In
low by Otllcer Spuiu-sbutg and lodged
In the lockup. He a.i given a hearing
before 'Siuire Arnold Saturday after-. '
noon und after paying the line and cost
which amounted to ST. went on his
way rejuieiug. '
-Mr. and Mrs. Kugcne Fern, of Scran-
ton. visited .Mr. ami Mrs. Tl las Pyle
on Sunday. ;
C.reut preparations are being made
for the birthday parly by iln- Ladies'
Aid of the Methodist church next'
Wednesday evening. ,
J. I). Peck was called m itiifi'ulo on
account of tin- serious illness of hi son,
Sandy, last Thursday.
j The death of Martin MclMrtnott. of
; Main street, occurred on Sunday even
ing after a few weeks' illness. De
ceased was about .'," years of age and n
i resident of this town for a number of
1 yturs. lie Is survived by a wife and
: grown up family. The funeral will
I take place this afternoon. Interment
I will be made In St. Mary's cemetery,
i Miss Jennie Young, who has been ut
! tending the norinul school, is spending
a few dav at the home of her mother
! In the North Und.
A church social
; residence of Mr.
Heebie on Friday
und not on A '.i ll
wM! be held at tlie
and Vis. Solomon
evening. March T.
:!. as previously un-
Mrs. M. 11. I e'ldeii. Mi. J. Curiini and
Misses Klla McCiowan. Nellie Callahan
and Mary Hieliony attended the conse
cration services on Sunday ut the cath
edral. A Juvenile put ty was held In the Odd
Fellows' hall last evening. Fiich lady
, provided a box which was auctioned off
. ami the gentleman purchasing the
' same was obliged to wait on the lady
' for the evening. The party was thor
j oughly enjoyed by all present.
John Moore, nf Crove sit I. left on
. Friday for Itoston. having been called
' away by the serious illness of his
Uevs. O. J. (lolden. of Willlumsport.
James lirehony, of Fckley and Thomas
i lirehony, id' Munuyiiuk. were visitors
, In town during the past few days.
I Thumas McAndrey of Main street. Is
i seriously ill of pneumonia.
! John Campbell, of the West Side.
spent Sunduy at the residence of her
i son, John, of Scranton.
I Mrs. Murtin Heap, of the West Side.
' is suffering from rheumatism.
Tlie Ladies' Catholic Iteiievolent as
i social ion will meet in St. Mary's hull
j this evening.
! The many friends of Charles I trad
i berry tendered him a surprise purty on
! Friday evening lu honor of his iweuty
. first annlversurv. A large number of
; guests were present aud u bountiful
. repust was served.
Mrs. A. I. Smith and daughter. Lena, i
of Ashley, Luzerne county, visited Mrs. I
1. Smith on Sunday lust.
We wish to say to our Clark's Ureeti 1
correspondent that we think he Is mis
taken in his remarks on S. C. Koons. It I
was stated in the paper that S. C. Koons I
ami W. I. Smith were putting hot '
water in the creamery at Chinchilla,
and they did so. Nothing was. said
about steam heat.
Murvln. sou of Mr. and Mr. Uctihen
Kimble, died ut his home Friday after
noon at : o'cluck. He had been sick for 1
a number of month wirh soinal trim- i
Ide und suffered greatly, but he, was 1
patient and gentle till the last. Par
ents 'and friends did all they could to
save the darling's life, but lu vain. It !
was shown by the many beautiful How- .
ers that the friends, gave that he was
loved by all: Healltllill pillow from ;
father and mother, basket of eaina-
tions and roses from Cousin Minnie and '
Aunt Klla, boutfiiet of piukk carnations ;
from Aunt Alert le and Aunt Mary, bolt- :
Mild of white cu mat ions from Aunt I
llattie and Aunt A Ille. broken circle, j
Sunday school teacher and class; culla
lilies from Mrs. Coon, .Mrs. Voshurg
and Airs. Louhsher; bouquet from Airs.
F. Walker, houiiliet from .Mrs. Slearn.
and lloiver from others. The (lower
bearers wee his Sunday school class; !
pull-hearer. IJalnh Keith, Kddio tirif- ;
tin. Willie Williams. F.ldie Young. .Mr.
and Mrs. Kimble wish to thank the
friend for their kindness during their :
time of ullllction and sorrow.
j TIip fiitn'rul of Mr. iiml Mi. JunifK
; lloi;un took iiluci' from thHr hit.
; lit-ni'f 011 Ihillst'-uil 11 veiiilf 011 S.l 1 11 1 l;i y
j lit Iw.Wt i. 111. Il tvs one of the smf-
lt-t w-fiii-H vor witnsMi'd In tills roni-
iiiiinlty. Pf-rvii es wn-o ln'1.1 In St.
'I'lioinas' rlitiivli. Ititcrriirnt wan inmlir
in I'litstoii Cutlioli,' iiiinM r.v.
Tlii t'liti'iiaiiiim nt to Iji- In-M imnor.
row fVi'iiltiK timli'i' tlii.' itnspl. f! nf td,.
; Kill M"ti nrninlMfs to liolil rank wit li
tin1 lii'Ft fif tlie Sfuson.
'I'lii- irutti'r unilfi' tin- sltliwiill; in
front of Johnson I olliery hn.-i ln
I rotni' I ! ( l.i l iihil Uu- roi f-nt liravy
'. rainstoiiiiK liavv i diiiiili'l. ly tlooili-il
till' (ll'I'Ct III I III iioitit.
Tlmman Mi'fhaii v.iisu vinllor In ily
I'lmnt last ext-nitm.
; John .IhiiUIii.x, of Sturm uvt tui". In on
the sii l; Ilct.
If th.' tlahy I- ruttlnie Icctli.
Mr. Winslow'i Soothing Fyrup ha
brrii utfil for uver Fifty Vi urs uy Mll
' i.'rns of Mother- for tlieir I'lilld.-fn
' while Teething, with Perfect Suooeas.
It Soothes the Child. Softens th O111115,
i Allays all Pain, furts Wlml Oollc und
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea: Sold
. by Liiusitlstii In every pail of ti e world.
He sure and auk for "Mrs. Wltislow's
Soothing Syiup." arid take no other
kind. Twenty-five rents m buttle.
Vheii Buhy was nick, we j;ave lior ('a.-itoi lu.
j rt'lu'ii she wasulliild, shi'l edfurl ui;nria. !
j '!i"n ulie beesme Mis, she elm'. to t'atnriu.
When she hud I'lilldreu, she guve them Cifitui'ia.
Is one of the ver common ailni'tiN of inan
kilnl. It is usuallr the result of li ml work or
over exertion, and is oftentltnes the lessev of
fevers or severe attacks of sickness which
leaves ths sli'lomiuul mnseles iu n weaken -il
rnndition, ailoaiu tue proirusion of bowel.
It is
to be ruptured, but It is very annovine and
sonietluies dauKerotis. Until rei-enlly it wss
tlioiiKht to be ini'iiral'le without au operation,
but thanks to scientific research
out of a hundred cases where the raptuie can
be returned. 1 five a written auaraatee to
care. Ha knife. Bo inconvenience, no opera
tion; no detention from business, and no truss
to sunoy you afterwards. One visit to mv
omea weekly for from four to eight weeks is
osnslly sufficient for the worst cases. DR.
ALE.v P. O'MALT.KY. liuptura Specialist,
WashlBftB street, Wilkes Berre, Pa.
124-126 Wyoming Ave.
Offer the following Spec
ial for the balance or the
week :
one lot of black and navy ret f . r sails
in nil sls-s, re'-suUtr value. ;.im.
I tuJci 's Price. :' lis
lle new I il
ille skiri,
W It'll Velvi
f l.:o U tiuui . .1 l.nllU'.Ml
lillC'l t hro!l;;llnm, lie-ed
n V-i Price. !.:
Uli' IK W I'll
f bl::
lli-e.l l.i'!i:ial:l-
me skim
van! f l:rt.
liaeil MUali:.,', live-
1 1' I Jllllolll,
Price. I.!IS
New bit
!el;;s of
i' iii'ii'M Kastr leekwear,
It.a liy. all style.
l.c:u:er's 2'i'icc, "
ne lot of men's black and tan col
ored half Iumc, wariaiio.l fas: .'obo's.
l.caJct's Price, I:
'Complete assortment of lad!.s' Swiss
ribbed vests iii ecru and walte.
l eader's Price fntiu -!c t'2i each
line lot of l.nlles' muslin drawer :t!i of ticks, and triimued wltii
x Leader
line b, of l.i.Iiei' tin
s Price. '-Vic
im skirt
r older '
trimmed wlta lace or eriiliroi.ler
LcaJer's Price. Stic
i". .I.illfli lai f.iie r.jlll'-liiillnli l;!d
ulove in tunr. brown. t a:al whKe
with blio I: I'lubiiii.iery,;Jer'
21 dozen of Ihe ivlebtureil .1. 11
vviiite only, in all slsses, n-
, corset:',
il value.
I.euUer's Price, Site
2.1 piece of wool mixture., all spring
effects, real value 2"ie.. .
Leader's Price. I.'c
The balance of our ;;.". and He. all
wool dress sooils in one lot.
Leader's Price. 'JSc
".I piece of all-wool fancy siiitlni;.
also nll-wooj colored serges, tliese
gooil would I heap at .Hie..
Leader's I'r.ce. ;VJo
We have 2.1 oli-ces more of those won
derful lile. silks. I .l lie! rail to see Ihem
II you have not already done so.
All or our 51. 2.". fancy silks hi hcuiilll'id
eftctst in one lot ut fee.
U yards of best ipiality dress stlng-
hani in short lengths from !t to 12
yards, regular piice, 111.'.,
Leader's Price. Sc
7."i pieces or line tpialiiy zephyr nln
hams, reKUlar l.rlee, I2tse.,
Leader's Price. 7c
2."i pieces of Crepe le Japnii, the new
est f Iii UK In wash falries made to
retail at 12'j.e.,
Leader's Price, 7,c
2.1 piece of genuine French organdie,
goods that have retailed as Inch as
Leader's Price I Ic
l-t unbleached muslin, good ipi.diiy,
l eader's Price, 1c u yard
JOHN T. OITI:U. I'ri.sidiMl.
W. W. WATSON, Vui I'rwV'iJtnt.
H. I.. I'MII.I.IP.S, Casliiir.
Fnimiel Mini's. ,laiii- M. Kverliart, Irvln 1
. I'ilo li. IH.IM tl Kl.,1, " J I '
i .M
s. Kemerer, I'hurleH i: Matthewit. .lolni t! I
i'orter. V. W. WhIboii. I'ln.ile, .Si'lilai!3r. I,. :
This link inviti's tlif )utr.m.' of hiisiness
limn ami tli Dis t'ii-'inlly.
Haanfartared at the Wapttsilura Mills, U
avrae county. Pa., sad at Wd
uiiihtuii. i'eia''. ar,
Uanao-aJ A-ut for the Wroamg Uistriat.
M WYOMING AVE Scranton, Pa,
Third Matfassl Bank Balidlatf.
AQRJiciaa :
THOS. FOBIVJlttaton. Pa.
John b smith son, mstbosOl p
K. W. MDI.LIOAN. Wilkm BarnTp..
a (saws tor ta uenaauut Ubaaslcai
v rati HiitLiTi
Um HOI CO- Iocp. CaLI.MtVMh
nar ti.M tuoic in uk worlb,
"A dUmr M.ri is a Mlmr earaea.
Taait asllis Balld Paasick Haela KM
I aasmsaa ma aayvarrs la us ui.,ea
l,orUssk, Keasf Oraer,
I'uetal Mete far UM.
Uqiials every wa aha fceues
sold la all retail star as fee
'.Ml. We anas this ess
ourseheaa, therefore we faw
ante e tne as, seem mmm
and if any eaa Is sot
will I SI HISS w
T aend another aatr.
im or t;oausoa
wMths C P. a m B
sties 1 Is S eaa Ban
as. Aradyvaralssf
aw mum aeaw
Eira Sre Go
erase le UmUr.
cor tmriiig a pro soloerss
IV srllh hv thm uaa mt SSASMs.
mMTt-m rsrKNT r-AiNT. which
f tsUjTwsttaiBta well-known ta all. It
Msaej ta ua, a-aivanlaad tin, sheet Ire
Mm mmmm Kl..k .!. kl i ta
laveeit aewluUi auiy crumbHjsaT. cracav
1mm ear bresthlna of th brick. It still oat
saasi ttaasaa; of any kind by maav jrwara,
afd Ifa aatat dowa net ucead eaa-fili Ual
mt tit asset of tinninc. Is aaid bf tmrnfrnm
w p vwauwii aaiaesi ww
l.e A. A
1 1 rffit 4V
e ss I I ' W III -V
1 lllefltllf
al ta
224 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, Pa.,
m iiiii i
i..-,. ulTn. V!'K",1;i1,':V HKOTHKHS lwviiiK itlired from buslnes, I l.uva
i, - !!M,k?.i i'vVl U "'" V""' rve.the balau.-eol' tlieir hiKU
-' sain, .uaiuiisiieK, .New
Howard Piauo Cotiipativ, Mc.
0IiG4S ,, lal"y. Furraud A Vntey, Hum, WilcoS
vnti.i .t.i A y, hue, lvioub,-!, I'hu-aKu CoUhk-, BtaiuUtd Orguiw, etc.
...e ?.Sia pio, oriu.n 01 tue.- inslr:iuieiila are new, but there are also
soujg very lH.e cc..iKl liau.l Pianos and Organs, xviicli lmv couie in from biw
or beeti lakcti by I iiierusey Krotbers in Tor other iuhlruuieiil. New
or sec,.... h.,.1 all aiv KMuraute.-d t be iu perfect order, and a theutiw
i n,U!bie.,,,K y n',"!UMlvot Auierli-'. best mura, Uisuriutmeut
TK MIS OF SAI V n ,.il,I,0!S ft: "r ,'t'"tl w,u l iulwl at time of
, , ' ' ' W , i1 ' I'urelmie, and t he balance may Ik; allowed to re
man for payment by instalments, to suit tliecnnveuienee of the buyer lu
M'lfll case li l ereelil. per aim will l.u ...l.t.i mi !....: ; ,
t It, t.o.j . . i . uu uK-cuiucaiuiiuiii is pa u.
2c Mii.vei inyiiigaMit cash save the interest cliarKM. Organs will only be aold
' .!"V" 1,MSl',il'.S.,"'',t ,wJ,ere tlu, l-' exeee.1 tlO.lllJ. Piauoaand Or.
m ifiiiIIM,e.le!ivere.l tree to any address in Scranton or li.i,,..,r . . i ,,w rale witlin. twenty mile of Si-ratdon. On Monday, Tue.
day. H-Ub i. and Wedneailav, yr.ili, between the bour of 8 a. ,11. and 8 p. m.
every instrument t be Hold will lie on view t the b,.u,
vLi I' ? . . '""f ,1 '" ',re?e,,t to l4fl ui1 "u '" liiHtrumeut to all
r . M v ' ' ",u,le l,v rlvate bargaiu. Catalogue, may be bad
r""" "r lV "I'l'lh'utlou at M NVyouiluR avemie. B f
In all the latest Designs and Uaudsonie Combina
tions aiul Coloring, which have made the goods so
justlj; celebrated. We are the Sole Agents for
Scranton. Our Complete Liue of
Have now been received, and includes everything ap
propriate aud desirable in all grades of Wiltons,' Ax
minsters, Savonneries, Velvets, Brussels, Ta
pestries and Extra Quality ingrains, with Bor
ders to match. Au inspection of our stock and ex
amination of prices will prove interesting.
....l,4.'rt;.77Tl 46
714 HI
.... HW.utm ihi
.... 3ul,5.Vi '.'il
.... I'li.'.H i',-
IT. S. KoiiJk
t'remiuniM on I . H. Iloinls...
K.liijll Ml
7.77'i mi
ir.7.:tiM 7:1
1 7xx ,v,
I . S. Trrii.-iirer.
-MUU'Nl "tl
WM, CONNI:!.!., President: il O. H. CATI.IN. Vice Mrenidrnt:
Dlkl CIOkS Win. Conncll, Henry Helm,
vaiiin, uuiner Kener, Aiireu nantl.
Special sltentiun jtiven to Business and
on Time Deposits.
,VafsSa.tSsyss ' t
That iv where 3-011 spend one-third of your
life, liKikino- the journey 365 tunes each 'ear. If
you wish to enjoy first-class accommodations, at
at emigrant rates, with the assurance .that )'ou
will never miss your connections, or tire of the
6c. TO 12c. PER YARD,
Consisting of Fancy Cotton Warp, Japanese, Plain
and Fancy Chinas; not any contain full patterns,
but are just the thing for runners, corridors, etc.
-mm m mm- -- - -ima,md, 4
n n t
leelock, Liiideiumi, ('bickering. Hluyve
Kngland Couipauy, Millar, llardiuatt,
Auctioneer, Scranton.
Lsckdwsnns Avs
Opposite Ihl Main Entrant) t Wyoming Hoass.
28, 1896:
I.1ABIMTIR3. tal
:no.ow iw
flO.UW 1
I ii.ll vl.loil prolllH..
tTiri iilutioii
iJlvhlenilt l.'mmlil.
I ue to Hanks
Hills I'ayablo
, h 1 . 4i!t 41
u.roi oj
loa r-d
, 1,5K..7'I4 is
, None
, Nuue
WM. H.
PIXK, Cathlrr.
Smith! ticortte H,
Jr., James Archbslil,
, Win. I ,
Personal Accounts. Three per cent, interest
The beautiful, natural grain, velvet-like
finish and artistic design of
these goods proved too much of a
temptation to our buyer; aud he
bought too heavily. Now they
occupy space belonging to Spring
(ioods. The result is obvious.
We must sacrifice profit to gain
218, 225 and 227