The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 24, 1896, Page 7, Image 7
THE SCB ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MOBNINCf, MAHCH 24, . 1890. NeuJs WEST SIDE EVENTS. Hospital Association Considers tho Com plaints Against I'rposcd Location of Institution in I'rccman Bulldlne- The trouble over the hospital situa tion was treated upon at last night's meeting of the Hospital association in the directors" room of the West Side bank. A committee representing the Washburn Street Presbyterian church was present at the meeting. The church Is one of the prominent factors in the opposition to the estaPlisnmeiu of the hospital in the Freeman hoine-nl-aU on Washburn street, which Is adjacent to the church parsonage. The committee consists of the board of trus tees and Is as follows: I'. It. l'ltcher. AVI I Ham Krink, John IX Williams ami Thomas Klchurds. Attorney E. H. Shurtlfff rvpresenteil the complainants. John It- Karr iresldcd over the meet ing. Two petitions were reud. They are Identical ami are as follows: To lion. John. U. Karr, Hon. 1. SI. Jone. Allied Twining. V. II. l-Yi-i-maii. Will iam I-anvil. 1. I'. Mannlx. l. U. Kvuns, V. iuvloii Thomas. John van IViicii, Llewelyn Kolierts. Ur. W. A. I'alne.- Dr. M. J. Williams, dlrei-tors of Ihe West tilde Hospital Asportation: We, whos nunies are heinln subjoined, lining citizens, tax payers and long resi ilenls of Hyde Turk, in Siianton, have learned thai by your anion the property on the southwest comer of .Main ave nue and Washburn street Is to lie used In the establishment of a hospital for the care of the sick, Injured, etc. These premises being situated In a densely pop ulated portion of the city, among of our homes and long established residences, but In like proximity to several churches und one or more parsonages, business places, etc., would. If used lor the above named purpose, be to ns a constant dis comfort; and also ouuse a very material itejiresslou 111 value of the propertl.M owned, used and held by us for the above mimed purposes. . We, therefore, while heartily endorsing the object for which your association was created, and being at all times will ing to give it our reasonable support, en couragement und assistance, do for the reasons above set forth most strongly pro test against the establishment of a hos pital at Ihe place aforesaid, ami earnestly request your reconsideration of the na tion alreadv taken by you. and that you will place the said Institution in a local ity (whicli muv readily lie found) ns will render it flee from our herein slated ob jections, but equally desirable for and adapted to Its purpose. Ninety-two names In the total ore signed to the petitions. The case was presented by speeches from the sever al present. The hospital board contend that the Freeman home Is a model situation for a luwtiltul. The building Is. commodious und it was pointed out last night that when the state author ities .visit the hospital the commanding appearance of the building would net greatly . toward munificent support. The members of the association ure n verse to surrendering their plan to open the hospltul In the Freeman home. They believe that the majority of West Siders are In favor of the location. It was said last night that if the wishes of the complainants be considered it will place other locations nt the mercy of future remonstrants. The site com mittee, consisting of 1. 1. Kvans, W, II Freeman and lr. Paine, wns ap pointed to consider the ndvisahility of tenting tne parsonage una iiiun rramit the chief objection to the hospital. TENTH STRKET Sl'RPISK PARTY. a u,,,.,.,.iuu nin-iv u-ns recently ten- tiered Sliss nolle Snyder at her home on Tenth street. Among tnose present were Misses Kulh t 'arson. Hertha Oar son, l.ydu Kellows. Ultima FelUws, Lulu Fellows, Jennie l-'.yimn, May Acker, Cora Ih't'ker, Ruth Acker, . ,.iu vinvri. Carrie Flovd. Mattle lliii'lw.a. (Iladvs Prlchurd. Hessle I'rltchnril, Pearl Thomas, l.ucy Fel lows. Nellie l.ance, Kdith Keeker and i ..... .-.j (Mmi-ifM Acker. Archie Saxo; llnille .Intel. Lewis Snyder. Hert Sny der, William J'rltcrmiil, Alien miyuer und Clarence Cramer. Airs. riiun was nsslsted by Sirs. Frank Metz. Mrs. Itisdon Acker, Mrs. John Decker and Jtlrs. William Cramer. rilVIDINO THR SPOILS. The Philharmonic Choral society, which won the $:KX prize at the recent Robert Morris' eisteddfod, met last evening in. the. Seranton street Baptist church and proceeded to divide -the spoils of buttle. 1-euder Thonius I!. Kvans was ulloted )l! In money and a J10 prize. The Scranton Street Huptist und the First Welsh Baptist churches, wherein rehearsals were held, were given each. The plunlst, church, .janitors and the choir members und of licers will come in for an equal share of the rest of the money. Division will be made next Thursday night. About 2 each Is the allotment. KXCl'RSION TO PF.NVKR. The monster eisteddfod to lie held In Denver for three days in the coming September 1 atrluetilig uttention till nver the country, on the West Side BE SWELL FOR Our leader for the spring is a light weight, light colored Covert . Cloth Spring Overcoat, ' made with all the style and all the fit of a cus- 1 torn made $30 garment, and the price is $10.00. It is the coat for dressy young men, it fits well when it is buttoned, and opens with a little kink in the collar, that usually marks only the ! custom niadei , ... -wI- , r;'Z ' HE Square Dealing Clothiors, of- th? the interest Is noticable. There Is talk of an excursion train o be run from this city direct ..t'. .the:. Western city. A choir may also be- organized- to com pete on the larger choral competitions. Professor Daniel Protheroe. formerly of this city, and now of Milwaukee. Wis., will be one of the adjudicators of the occasion. The prizes offered are enormous. DR. PAINE'S APPOINTMENT. The appointment of Dr. W. A. Paine as successor to Daniel Williams, of the Hyde Park section of the Scranton imur district, irives general satisfac tion on this side. Dr. Paine Is a de voted worker In anything he under takes and the general feeling Is con fidence In his ability to look after the neonle's Interest. There were several other applicants from this side. MEF.TINO OF CNION OFFICERS. VM.Iuv uvunlnir the TireSldcntS of the Young People's societies of the West Side will meet at the home of the president. James H. Hughes, of Hit South Rebecca uvenue. The purpose of the meeting Is to perfect arrange ment for the sunrise meetings on Kuster morning. I he place wneic m ,uuiii,,r mi l,e helit will be considered and a programme urranged. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Henry P. Davis lectured lust even ing on "The North Pole" before the lvorltes. The tulk was deeply Inter esting und much appreciated. Duvid Pritchard. or souin iiioson hus returned home after a visit to Wat kins Jones, of Washburn street. Miss Jennie Williams, of North Sum ner avenue, has returned from a visit to friends in Clark's Summit. Company F will meet tomorrow evening. The Misses (lertrude Lewis, of Ash ley, nml Sophia (I race Kvans, of Wilkes-Burre. were the guests yester day of the Misses Jessie Owen anil Winnie Stevens, of this side. Miss Murgaret Reynolds Is recover ing from un illness. The Hyde Park Literary and De bating society met last evening. A literary programme was rendered and arrangements were completed for the banquet next Monday evening. William H. Foulkenburs, who ex perienced an exciting ride In a box cur from Mexico to St. Louis, a few weeks ago, has returned to his home on Chestnut street. Samuel Davis has opened a pool par lor tin Main avenue above Jackson street. Two tables have been placed. A literary drama will be given this evening in the Welsh Congregational church. The participants will be the young people of the church. Mrs. George Howell is Instructress. The funeral of the late Mrs. Cather ine Phiillps occurred yesterday after noon from the family home on Thir teenth street. The pall bearers were W. K. Lewis. John Hopkins, Daniel Redmun, Urlfliths Williams, David Jones und II. P. Davles. Interment was made In Washburn street ceme tery. The funeral of the late Mrs, E. Slary Thompson, occurred yesterday after noon from her late home on Meridian street. West Side Business Directory. FLOTtlBT Cut flowers "and funeral de signs a speclaltv. Floral figures, useful us Kills, lit lot South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. Plli )TOO HA Pit MR Cabinet Photos, $1.40 . per dozen. They ure Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Stumer's Photo Parlors, lul and 1U3 South Main avenue. SEC OND HAND FCRNITI'P.E-Cash for anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of .1. C. King, liri and llt'ii Jack sou street. DUNMORi:. William llachman. of Dudley street, was the guest of friends In Plttston on Sunday. C. I.. Rice, of Oreen Ridge street, is in Hurrisbtirg on a business trip. Jonuh Houghton, agent and lecturer of the (Irand Division, Sons of Temper ance, of Pennsylvania, will deliver a free lecture upon the curse of drink In Washington hull tonight, to which all are Invited. A collection will be taken up for the benert of the, cause. Mr. und Mrs. (1. W. Frost, of Drinker street, ure spending' a few days mining friends in Wayne county. The regular weekly meeting of the Epworth leuglte will be held In the Methodist Episcopal church tonight und will be led by Samuel Swartz. Thomas Ctuiuloii spent Sunday umong relatives at Minookn. A social will be given by the Ladles' Aid society of the Methodist church at the home of Mrs. Jacob Easterllne. on ilrcen Ridge street. Wednesday even ing. As this Is the last social event be fore the departure of Rev. and Mrs. Lencock, a lurge attendance Is desired. Harry Nye is home from Lafayette college siiending his vacation, Hatters and Furnishers. SAMTERS Sdbdpbs SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Councilman Will Us I lectcd la Eleventh Ward Today-Letter Which Candidal Wirtb lias Addressed-to Voter. Between the hours of 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. today a special election will be held in the Eleventh ward to till the vacancy caused by the election of Robert Rob inson to the select branch of councils. His term in common would not expire lor u Mother year. Philip Wirth. the rju,.nK the latter nart of the morning Republican candidate, haB addressed ne turned to Ashley, where he will the following manly letter to the voters con,inm. t0 reside for the present. No of the ward: j particular episcopal duty hus us yet You are probably aware of the fact that I been Imposed on him. a special election for the office of common : ieusant event which esraped gen councllman will be held at the regular era, attentloI1 on account of the numer polllng places In our ward this coming ,,.hr Imnm-tant event wns a re- Tuesduv. .March 21, 1SW, between the hours ou" ,mne' !.po',a.n. " .'li!. ? .,? of 7 u. m. and 7 p. m. This is caused by the restKtiution of Common Councilman Robinson, who has been eiccten a memocr of the select branch. As the Republican nominee to 1111 the va cancy thus created; I desire to call yocr attention to my candidacy. It was my intention to call on you personally and so licit your vote, but the time Is too short to g.-t uroiind und see yon. Horn and reared on the South Side, 1 have been for many years a resident of the ward and am thoroughly acquainted with the needs of the property holders, ami the people in general. 1 fully realise the Importance f-f this office and that Its duties are exact ing but it shall be my aim. If elected, to carefully and honestly guard and look alter your Interests. Should yon cast your bullot for me 1 assure you that It wiil always be heartily appreciated. WORK GF.TT1NO SLACK. Superintendent Davis, of the Sauuuoit silk mill, fears that through dullness In trade at present he may be forced to reduce the working hours per day or else close down one day each week. Twelve hundred operatives are em ployed in the various departments of the mill and It Is worth while rejoicing that the depression does not necessitate greater curtailment of labor. Superin tendent Davis has Hopes mat tne siik trade will soon be restored to Its notnal state. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OF NEWS. The funeral of Michael Forrester, of Minooka, was held yesterduy afternoon. Interment was made in St. Joseph's Catholic cemetery. Miss Margaret Kearney, of Pittston, returned home yesterday after a brief visit with Misses Kllu and Katie Dona hoe, of Stone avenue. Tomorrow evening the concert of the Old Homestead quartette will be held at Phillips' hall, Fig street. The pro gramme, which is an excellent one, was published in this column a week ago. Joseph Dolan, son of Cornelius Dolan, of Minooka, died last week in Denver, Col. The remains will arrive here on Thursday for Interment in St. Joseph's cemetery, Minooku. PROVIUENCK. A grand recital will be given In the North Main Avenue Ruptlst church this evening In which the best local talent will take part. Anthony Shnvlin was before Alder man Fidler last evening on a charge of assault and battery committed on Sun day evening upon Street Car Conductor Hrokenshlre, whose cur was running to Providence. The conductor, it seems, did not start at the front end of the car to collect the fures and to this Mr. HhovUn objected, and he hit the street car man, who, in turn, had him ar raigned ns above stated. His aged mother pleaded for her son, and he was discharged by paying the costs of prosecution. Salasta and William Maskus were airalgned before Alderman Roberts yesterday morning on u charge of mak ing threats on the lire of William Wo lotz, of Charles street. The case was settled and the defendants paid the costs. Miss Davltt was' tendered a surprise party last evening at her home on West Market street. Dancing, singing and instrumental music was Indulged In until u lute hour, when a delightful re past wus served and the young people departed. .MINOOKA. Patrick Fullon, of Muyneld. spent Sunday with (Ireenwood friends. I. L. Coyne, of Kingston, was a caller in town Sntiii-iliiv- A telegram was received by Cornelius liolun. of Miners Hill, Frliluy an nouncing the death of his son, Joseph, at Unite City, Montana. The deceased was a former resident of this place but some years ugo left home to seek, a fortune In a distant land. The remains which will be brought here for Inter ment are expected to arrive Wednes day. The sporting fraternity of this place will be well represented at the Old Forge tournament tonight. A number of our llstlc debaters have entered. Howard W. Luckey, of Avoca, was a visitor In town yesterday. Michael Fortister, tin aged and much respected citizens of Stafford street, died Satutduy iifternoon after a pro longed illness. The deceased llrst seen the light nf day In County Mayo, Ire land, lifty-flve years ago. He has been a resident ' of Minooka for the past fourteen years und wus held in high esteem by his fellow town?;nen. He is survived by his wife, two sons and one daughter. The funeral will take place this afternoon. Interment In Minooka Catholic cemetery. Miss Katie McDonald, of Main street, who has been visiting In Wnvetiy, Minn., the past t-ix months, hus re turned home. , SALE WILL NOT OCCUR. Irjperty of the Istato of Mary I'. M illiard Deceased Will Remain Intact. An order -was mude yesterday by Judge Kd wards revoking the order of sule heretofore made by the court In the estate of Mary F. Williams, late of the West Side. Sirs. Williams died last year and appointed as her executors her son-in-law. Reese D. Morgan, and Reese C. Powell. She owned some property but there was certain Incum brances against It. On Oct. 26, 1895, the court made an order directing thut the property ie sold to pay off the debt. The order yesterday recite that the court be lieves the income from rents is suffic ient to pay off the debts and that the sule is not necessary. This last pro ceeding wa done at the instance of John F. Williams, bookkeeper at the Hillside home, who is a son of the de ceased. The other heirs are Mrs. Reese D. Morgan. David Williams and the children of the deceased daughter, Margaret Jenkins. lilt with nn Ax. John Havary, of Peckvllle, was re ceived at the Lackawanna hospital yesterday afternoon suffering from a large scalp wound received from a boarder In the same house who was swinging an ax and accidentally hit Havary. The Injured man is a Rus Blun. and works In the mines. It re quired several stitches to sew up the wound. . . Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neuralgia radically cures In. one to three days. ' .Its action upon the system I remarkable and mysterlou. It re move at once the cause and the dis ease Immediately dlpnppear. The first doe greatly benefits. 7u cents. Sold by Carl Lorem. druggist, 418 Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton THE CARDINAL DEPARTS. l eft lh City at an Larl Hour Vcstarday Morning. Cardinal Satolll and the other pre lates and priests vho attended the con secration left at various hours yester day for their homes, taking with them pleasant recollections of their visit and the impressive ceremony in which they participated. Cardinal Satolll celebrated mass at the chapel In St. Cecilia' academy at 5 o'clock, and after breakfast left In a special car with Archbishop Ryan and' Dr. Hooker, secretary of the legation for Philadelphia, whence the cardinal and his secretary will leave for Wash ington to rest after their tour of the United States, which has lasted over a month. Bishop Hoban did not celebrate mass yesterday owing to excessive tatigue. -'"" ... i iu.-ii.un Voting .Men's institute, by Rt. Rev. Iiishop Chutard, of Vincennes. lnd who Is the grand chjplain of that or ganization. It took rMat-e ufter the Su- I tolll reception in College hall. IT IS A UK 11 AT COMPANY. W right Huntington and Ills Fallow Play ers Are Received with Great I'avor at the Academy of Mimic. The Wright Huntington stock com puny played its opening engagement for the week nt the Academy of Music last night. They chose (Hilda's crea tion entitled "Moths" for their Intro ductory performance and the manage ment must feel highly gratified nt Its choice for the audience was large and to use a. trite expression very appre ciative. It was more than that, It was delighted. In the first net we see Ve'rc Herbert, a young Kngllsh girl, In love with na ture, fond of childish sports and every thing thut pertains to Innocence. She Is also of a studious nature, spending much time with her books of science. muthemutlcs and the poets. In fact she seemii to be the personification of every thing that Is true, noble and pure In woman. Strange to say she has a mother of a. conniving disposition, a woman of the world, in whose heart love for rank, title and gold predom inates. The mother succeeds In marry ing her daughter to Prince Zonrolt not withstanding tile earnest protestations of Vere, who frankly declares her hatred for the prince. Her consent Is secured under the pretence thut it will save the honor of the mother, who In forms her daughter that Is in the power of Prince SConroff. Vere Is loved by Conies, a profession slonnK singer of national reputation In the court of Kurope; and Bhe recipro cates his love. ' There Is one. more prominent character in the realization of this drama, and she is the Duchess De Sotinaz, old, cunning und desperate. She seeks Ihe hand of Prince Zonroff. ! not as a matter of love, but adventure. After many vicissitudes of life In which Vere is the chief sufferer, the lust scene Is enacted by the death of Prince Zon roff In a duel with Lor Jura, a friend and lover of Vere's, but one who has never been accepted as a lover. There is an abundance of epigram matic sayings In the dialogue wftrked up into strong climaxes. No stronger company could be expected to delineate the respective characters named, and the remaining parts are equally ns well Interpreted. The company Is composed of nrtlsts of established -reputations, away and beyond the merits of the usuul reper toire companies, It Is the finest aggre gation of players ever seen in tills city at popular prices, and It can be well said or it that there is nothing cheup about It but the prices.. In the cast last night were such actors as Wright Hunt ington, Hudson Llston, Leighton llaker. Wlllkim 10. Wilson. J. K. Kverham and Kva Taylor, Nellie Bourne and Mrs.' fleorgle Dickson. Tonight the company will bo seen In Gillette's laughing comedy, "All the Comforts of Home." ROHI2ERY AT MOOSIC. Herbert Smith I Attacked by IHsliwaT racn mid Kclievcd of .150. Herbert Smith, n young man who has lately engaged In the cush meat busi ness, at Moos if, uttended fhurch on Sunday evening, us wus his usuul cus tom, and escorted a lady friend to her home in the lower end of the town. After spending the evening he depart- '" ",r "ome uiioui i- o chick, as ne upproucneu tne runroau iiriiige below the depot two men Jumped up and commanded him to throw up his hands. Mr. Smilli promptly knocked the fel low's hands up, thereby saving his life. The pistol exploded discharging the bul let in the fleshy purt of the arm near the shoulder. During the melee the sec ond man crept around and 'grasped Mr. Smith around the arms holding him so thut he could not move. While In that . iositlon , the limn with the re volver went through his pockets reliev ing him of $:i,".0, with w hich he Intended to purchase' a' horse and wagon on Monduy morning.. The peculiar part of the affair Is that they did not disturb his watch or small change, which he hud in his pockets at the time. Mr. Smith Is resting well though ,the wound Is very painful. He disctibes his as sailants as a tall man with ,n durk moustache and' a short manof slim appearance. Both persons were! clothed very shabbily. Dr. S. S. Watson, the attending phy sician, says Air. Smith will be all right in a few days. . SOME ONE IS CLEVER. Peculiar Method Adopted by Soma Person to Oct an Organ. Mrs. F.llzabeth Cramer was held In .'00 ball by Alderman Millar yesterday on a charge of larceny by bailee, pre ferred by Ouernsey Bros. Last Monday Mrs. Cramer received a letter from the tlrm telling her that If she did not pay the installment due on the organ she was buying, they would have to take it back. On Wed nesday the linn received a sarcastic note thanking '-hem for taking the or gan away during her nbsence. They hud not taken the organ away, and in great surprise began nn. Investigation. Mrs. Cramer said that four men with a dray wagon came to her house Tuesdny while she was out. and telling her girl that they, were from Guernsey's, re moved the'organ. This story Is not believed by the firm, and surmising that it was a trick ot Mrs. Cramer's, hud her arrested. They are also looking for the five men with the dray wagon. WHOLE CREW ARRESTED. Three I). I.. W. Employes Taken in Tow by Barring & McSuccncy. Passenger Conductor Byron Sloppy and his two brnkemen, John Leighow and Frank Beck, all of Northumber land, were arrested upon the arrival of their train nt the Delaware. Lackawan na and Western station In this city yes terday morning at 9.45 o'clock by the Barring & McSweeney agency on the charge ot embezzlement. The accusation is that some one of the crew has been "lifting" tickets and disposing of them to scalpers. By lift ing in meant to collect ticket and not punch them.' On this train it. Is neces sary for the brakemen to assist the? con ductor In collecting tickets, ewpeclany between.- station that are close to- T - gether. In this way the brakemen came Into possession of ticket which are not punched, and If they .B ant to be dishonest, can dispose of. them to icalp- ers. This explains why the brakemen were ulso Implicated In the charge. Leighnw was sent to the station house and the others were allowed to go. To a Tribune reporter he said that Bur ring & McSweeney had locked him up because he refused to admit that he had sold tickets. He deniea his guilt and says they can keep him there till he rots, but they can't make him ad mit what isn't true. NO CASES WERE HEARD. Outsldo of th Smith Hearing There Wo Not Much bono in Civil Court. Common pleas court was in session but a short time yesterday. Nothing was done In the way of putting cases on trial as those on the list for the day were disposed of by being continued, discontinued or" settled. A number of opinions were handed down. In the suit of VV. A. Mulaney against John Jermyn the rule to discharge the lien was held in abeyance; In the suit of the same plaintiff against John A. Mears the rule to strike off the Hen was made absolute. Judge Arehbuld handed down opin ions in the cases wherein Lehman & company are defendants and Dunziger Bros., Solomon & Son. Ruymond. Hov er & company, and Lewis & Bennett plaintiffs, and in each cuse the rule to strike off tho attachments were' dis charged. There ore cases on the list for today and they will be taken up In the regular order. Hereufter no court will be held In the arbitration room for the reason that it Is not conducive to health to hold court there. BRADLEY PROPERTY SOLD. William Hess Purchased It for $3,900 Yesterday. The property at the corner of Adams avenue and Gibson street, which con sists of a residence and lot, owned by the estate of the lute Humphrey Brad ley, wus yesterday sold at private sale for $".,900 to William Hess by Frances and John K. Bradley, executors of the estate. This was done pursuant to an order of sale handed down In the orphan's court. The transfer was approved by the court. GRIS11KA SENT TO JAIL. Time of Hi Formal Hearing Has Not a Yet Been Set. Ciishka, the accused murderer of John Slickus, wns yesterday com mitted to the county Jail on an order from Coroner Longstreet pending a hearing. No arrangements have as yet been mnde for the hearing, but ns It will be brief and a mere mutter of form it is liable to come olTat anytime. LOCAL BASE BALL NOTES. Nay Aug Base Hull club has been or ganized for the season. The members are John James, pitcher; 1-M. Ilallard. short stop; Sheppen .Nolan, first base: Hugh Hat ley, second bnse; Charles .Murphy, third nase; Areme nltsill, lett Held; IS. Blurt vant, center Held; James Flynn, right Held; Janus Krydeii, catcher. Any club unuer it. years ot age are chullengeil. Chllds. the last man slimed for the Scranton Base Ball team, arrived In this city yesterday morning from his bom at Wheeling, W. Va. He Is an active looking young man and In appearance looks like a ball player of the hustling kiiki. rus weignt is udolu I so pounds. Chllds 'began professional ball In 'ui with the 'Nebraska Slate leugue. The sumo year he was sold to St. Joseph, of the .Missour: league, in SM ne wus lit topckj Kan.; in '!i4 he started out with Little Hoik. Ark., hut was sold later in th" season to St. Joseph, where he finished the year. At (iiilveslon, Tex., was his nit est station. He Is an Intlelder and out fielder und call be used behind the bat if the occasion should demand it. THR T'ROPI.K BELIEVE what they read about Hootl's Sarsaparllla, They know thut it is un honest medicine, and that it curse disease. That la why you bnouiu only get iioou s. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re lieve constipation and usslst digestion, THE TRIBUNE TOMOR HOW WILL Ci INSIST OF TWELVE PAOi'.S. HRIM Kl'I.L OF LIVE NEWS. THE HKST FICTION, I.ET TEHS OF TRAVEL AND A l V E N T f It E. A I. L WRITTEN El ill THE Till HI' N E. DON'T FAIL Tn HEY A COI'Y DE THIS CHEAT MID-WEEK NL'.M HEH. j "How to Cure All Skin Diseases." Plmplv apply "Swayne's Ointment No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, ull eruptions on til face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white und healthy. Its great healing and ruratlve powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne s Ointment. Ml YES, ALUMINUM BICYCLES, Frame, Fork, Handle Bar, Seat Post, Each of Aluminum, In one piece, without joint ol any kind. We Alto Have the Famous UNION CRACK A JACK, II CALL IN A!tD LET US TALK TO YOU. & Fl Linden St., Court House ILL REPAIP.ISG Cl'lKlXTEED. 434 Lackawanna Avenue, Wiutoii Bicycle are guaranteed- "The Winton is a Winner. The Hunt ft Connnell Co FOR A NEW BICYCLE or the repair ot Wheel, see - - . - E. R. PARKER, Who ha th longest xptrlcnc In this lint ol any man in tne c Ity. Vu will save money folWlaf this adTlc. 31 SPRUCE T. Yeu will save money by lit Ml The Fashioo 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 NEW - SPRING - GOODS, WE HAVE JUST OPENED AN INVOICE OF SILKS AND DRESS GOODS They represent the nobbiest, choicest, best efforts of the season, and our prices are so low that they cannot help traveling rapidly. Persian and Print Warp Silks, 27 inches wide, in a beautiful line of colorings, special value at $1.00 per yard, the like never Persian Suits, 27 inches ings, retailed tlie city over yard. Our price We have just received the Warp and Persian Silks, in all and designs ever displayed in pi.50 per yard. Our price Special one lot of Dress new, handsome effects, strictly tail at' 75 ctnts per yard. Our Silk Mixtures, the latest ully $i!ooper j-ard; also cloth Our line of Trimmings the latest novelties and prices IT'S A FLYER n .1 41,. .AlAAltw nf wln.1 wins; are migKested by hi program. The blryrlo Is tho most Important Inno vation in moans of travel since thu Intro duction of tho locomotive, and we are in the Infancy of It use, construction and means of propulsion. Hesltliy-mlndpd people are those whi commend and practice Its use. ro sucn we neea nanny say, tour Bicy cle should bo the latest anil best. VIII 0"U VAMII1IIIV UIIIB UtlUI UUJ 1 1 1 H , V J. D. WILLIAMS & BRO. 312 AND 3'4 LACKAWANNA AVI Beautiful as Diamonds Staple as Gold Popular as Government Bonds Foremost in New Ideas A Recognized Leader Is the 1 AND IT SELLS FOR $100. We will Have a Complete Repair Shop. FOOTE & SHEAR CO., AGENTS, 119 WASHINGTON AVE. STERLING, FOWLER, WORLD, YOU WILL FIND ME In my new store, 324 Spruce Street, in Ho tel Jermyn. Fishing Tackle and Sportsmen's Supplies. Good eoods and fair treatment guaranteed. OPENING JRCH 21ST A. W. JURISCH. I CYCLE UILT. Its Name Its Guarantee. Price, $100.00 us 8 69C. equaled. Your choice wide, requisite color lor fi.oo to $1.25 per 750, - - - choicest line of Print the newest coloriugs the city at $1.25 to 98c. Goods, 4 ? inches wide, all wool, made to re 50c. price importation, wortlx 7Cft effects. Our price, (Qui and Buttons comprises all as usual, the very lowest. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGflAM. Wagner Rel. Lessees and .Maaagere. Tuesday and Wednesday, larch 24 and 25, Matinee Wednesday. Everybody's Favorite Funny Show, Peck's Bad Boy nth ANNUAL TOUR. Tliis year better than ever. New Specialties, Funny Comedians, Graceful Dancers, Pretty Girl, AN EXTRAORDINARY SINGING COMPANY. Prices-10c. Sic. and Our. Matinee, 10. and 2l)r. Boxes ! Logo. 60c. cle of (eat opens Moodily, 0 s. ni. Thursday, March 26, IN OLD KENTUCKY Friday, March 27, Sousa's Band ACADEMY OF MUSIC, z .; WEEK. Commencing Monday. March aj. IMHIMiGIOniKCO OUR nOTTO-Oood Plays by (lood Player. Only the Most Popular Modern Pleyf. Oaly Actor of KecognUed Ability. THK IM.AV. MOTHS. ALL THE COMFORTS OH HOME. WOMAN - AGAINST WOMAN. OUR REGIMENT. PINK UOA1INOS. TUB PLAYIKS. Wright Huntington Wm. B. Wilson Hudson Llston All Hampton J. B. Kverhsm Leighton Hsker Henry Mltchd Lva Taylor Nettle Bourn Mrs. Ueorglc Dickie Horlda Klngslcy Carrie Frederick WAOES OF SIN. Price. Id. 'JO. is) and Wc. Matinee Ssturdar. DAVIS' THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MARCH 23, 24, 25, I89S. THE IDEALS JNO. A. HIMMELEIN, SOLE MANAGER, Headed by the Wlnaome Comedienne, , .BEATRICE EARLE, Augmented by Prof. Ned J. Howson's loth Century Concert Band and Orchestra, Pre scnting the (Jrcat English Melodrama, THE BLACK FLAG PRICES 10, 20 AND 30 CENTS PRINCESS ROSEBUD 80 IN CAST. Dramatization of Tha-fcoray "Rose and Kin." 'Hie Children' Military, Fairy anil MuhIcsI F.xtravairaiia; 52 Muelcat humbora; at Costumes from New lork City. Y. M. C. A. HALL Thursday and Friday Evening, March 6 and T. n. i . V, . la.nnM V ixuioTI of thi Cift7 ,:i.i..n .-. Aittilt. 6jc Tickets BOW on sale at x. m. v. a. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, 222 WYOMING AYE. C. tl FLOREY, 71