The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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The Magistrate's
BrlichlbV l'unloiiS IHset
17011 TO
2 vols. Royal 8 vo. Prl.-o, $13.00.
Continued by a supplemental volume for
1MB. I'rire. $1..
Blnn's Juslhe, 10(h Edition
(iKsuod in May, isss.)
Jlclnif thoroUKhlv revise.!, with refereni-es
to the 12th eilltlon of I'unlon's Digest.
1 vol. 8 vo.
l!y V. F. nRIOHTl.Y. Ksi. I'llie. t.
Uiiiilap's Forms. lh Kdltlon
(Issued in January. lS!Hi.l
Hevlcrtl to lut-. references to the
JL'ih edition of I'lir.lmi's I'isjesl. 1 vol. vo
Uy KIWl. I'. I't'OII. I'rlee. li.'ju.
Marsh's unstable'- Uiildc.
f'ulitulniiiK forms, and Full illi eel Ions ns
to their .lutir. u-iili Hie IVe Hill, under
the Ai t of IMC. 1 vol. H.v II. K. MAKStl.
' I'rh e. tl..".n.
Smldsre on tin' l.nn or Boroughs
.Showing I heir inunner nf, tu.-orpoiiillim.
regulation. iikJiIw und liiitiliities. and tlu
powers atel liiile-i of their ortli-ers. I ol.
Hy F. It. SA VIIXJH. lO-if. I'tiie. $:'."u.
Best Quality.
Scranton, Olyphant and Caibondale.
Have the ntitinl O., H. A CO. imprint
til in ex)) cigur.
'' M'Imk Mumie Pull, of .".t7 .North Nlnlli
oireet. is visiting her sister. I.ulu, at
.New York.
Mlc- Minnie CoiumHy. of Miniesdnle.
Is the KiifHt of Miss l.iiiy t'lirt-iill. nf
Sluilisoil iivenue.
Miss Mury llpniilgnn. nf 11'inesdnle.
Ih tile Kllest (if the Misses llnlmil, nf
WnsliiiiKlon uvenue.
Maym hihI Men. Thuiiiiis Malopey
nml ilnimhtei. .Miss Aliee. Miss Mnr
pnlet Miiiikiiii nml .Miss Dnnnelly, nf
Pittstnn, were iimnnif tlmse who wit
M'ssed the eonseerutlim.
T. P. Ityder. nf the Wllkes-lliine
, Iteenrd; .1. .1. MtiUKnn. nf the Wlllies
r.arre .News-1 ealer: I'. S. Kunisey. nf
the Wilkes. Unrre Times, rind J. Morris,
nf the l'itlslnn Item were in the eity
yeslerday. re..n iiiiir ihe innseernlinn
for tlieir lesiei'tive papers.
Ouay l ends Mckinley bv :HI Vtites in
I a ii taster
, l.aneasler. I'll , Mar. h 22.-At Ihe lie
I'lililleim iirliniiries in Ihis eoimly ys
terday, CniiKiessimin Marriott Itroslus
was feiicmilnateil without opiiositinn.
The entire tjuuy emnliiiiiitiiin was fleet
ed with the prnlialile exi ontion nf one
huislative eandidate in the .Northern
district. J. Souk and II. IS. K issel, the
tjiiny delegates ti Ihe nittlnmil eonven
tinn. wriv also eleeled hy n laiw ma
jorlty. 'Pile Vote for liresliletltlul plefereliee
Is ver. elose lii'tween Quay ami MeKln-
ley. Willi Iwenly-thi districts t
nit. Quay leads hy :!67. and it is proh
filde Quay will win hy a small majority.
KliciinintKin nrcd in 1 Honrs,
. T. .1. IMaekmnre. of Ilaller & Win k
. .... i.t,.. .... I, ... ...
iiinie, n i.uni i a.,; .a snori
time slnee I procured it linttle nf "Mys
tic rure.' It K"t me i.ut of Ihe house
III twenty-four hours. 1 took to my lied
with rheumutlMii nine uinnlhs ir,ro nml
the 'Mystic Cure' Is the only niei'lclne
that did me any kihhI. 1 hnd five of the
liest j.liyslclans In the city, bill I re
ceived very Utile relief n i them. I
know the "Mystic Cure' to be what it
Is represented and take pleasure In ivc
oiiiini iulliin It to other poor sufferers."
Hold hy t'url l.orenz. druKslst. 41s l.:u k
HWiiiina avenue. Scrantnii.
li IE
Just a Few Good Things for This
' Kind of Weather. If You Want
to Save Money Come at Once.
. Ladies' Storni Kublivrs. fresh gtioils,
to dose out 37c. Pair
Men's Storm Rubbers, fresh goods,
to close out ,").")('. Pair
' Men's Heavy Sole Rubbers, regular
goods, to. close out 3IK'. I'alr
LadieV Storm Ataskas, wool lined,
two styles, to close out . 75c. Pall'
: Men's Moral Alaskus, wool lined,
two styles' to close out ' $1.00
i.Men's 2-Buckle Arctics, finest qual
Hy,: black lined, to close out. . gl.SO
. , . . 410 Spmce Sireet
' mis o! fb? Sdbdrbs.
I Jltor I'arr Uas Sooiothlm to Say About
tho Hospital Site Plymouth
tlhurch Anniversary. '
Not a little Ul-feelliiK iius been
stirred up among; West Si.U rs w ho are
Interested In Chu hospital situation im
broglio. The news or the opposition, us
published' in Suturduy's Trilnnie. was
Hie tlrst that many f the members nf
the hospital itssnelatlon had of the ti
nosiiloii. IC.litor Fair, or the t'ourler
r' who Is temporary president of
Ihe association, has Mils to say of the
"It Is greatly to be r. Rietleil and very
surprising that there should be any np.
position to the location of the hospital
In the Freeman resilience on South
Main avenue. There is no xihhI reason
for ll. Hospitals today are so carefully
conducted that mi sel l. uis objection can
be made to then) or else so many in the
slate ami country would hoi be located
In the populous portions of cities Hos
pitals are doing a Ki'uml service for
litimanlly. In no place Is one more
needed than in Hyde I'ark, the home of
so ninny eiiuitRed In daimeroiis occupa
tions, ami no man or woman, without
the most positive reasons, should put a
hand in the way nf fcottlntf what the
slate, after much persuasion and hard
work, has been imilice.l In Kive us.
"It looks as if some of those opposed
to,the Intended location have I n de
ceived by false views roncernins the
hospital by the statements made about
(lie htiildiiiK of a morgue in I lie rear of
the hospital, near Ihe I'resbytei ian pur
soniiBe: There Is no truth In the state
ment and it was started by some one in
u spirit of fun to add to'the worrinient
of those who were ulrendy. unnecessari
ly disturbed. It Is cnnsoliim In know
and cridltnble lo the people al lal'Ke on
Oils side that only a very few are will
ing lo do anything lo Injure tin- project
ed hospital. Those who tire now in
aims a-jalnsl it will In due lime reirrei
their actions, because they will see,
when the hospital Is In workiiiK order,
how weak were tlu-lr reasons for preju
dice against It.
"We should be stliVlllK to help a
movement of this kind, not to do any
thing l hat mhtlu lie a serious injury
lo II. '
Foul' lectures on Applied I'hristinn
lly 'AccnrdiUK to Chi isf w ill be deliv
ered by llev. John ( irillil lis. of Ihe Sum
ner Avenue I'resbylerlan church. Tile
Hist of Hie series was piven yesterday
afternoon at St. David's hall before a
fair sized audience. The topic was
"The Welsh I'IIki'Iiii Fathers of HiS2."
The lecture dealt up.ui William I'eiin's
Welsh allies in the "Holy Kxperimeiit."
The lest of the series will be as fol
lows: March 2M. "The Welsh liarony
nf I'eiinsylvanla. an American t'ivlc
Church of Two Hundred Years Ako;"
April 5. "The Civic Church -A .New
Fannied Notion, or a l.osl Ideal:" April
12. "Christian I'nlon mi Civic Lines Ihe
Most I'rai 'ical and the Musi Needed."
The lectures are free from charge.
The members of Ihe I ' I V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 Coll
i:H'Hlloiml church will celebrate their
fourteenth nnnlv.ers.iry of the church
next Sunday. I in Hie follow lilt; Mon
day a meeliiitf will be held, al which
sneei h'-s will lie made by I lie deiicons
and the pastor. Itev. T. Hell. A thank
olTeriiiK' will be made on Sunday even
Iuk, ami l'aHt,or K.dl will nreach an ap
propriate sermon. A social and roll
call will also siKnullsSH the anniversary.
Joseph, Havles .Si Jenkins' Kiand
spring u'.ieiilnn of millinery will occur
Tliiirsday. Friilay and Saturday. March
20. 27 und 2S. at 427 Siruce street.
Miss Frances Jnrilon, of Twelfth
street, is entei iaininif the .Misses Kate
ami Mary Quinn. of Carhondale.
The llde I'ark IJterAry and Debut
IllK society w ill baniUel on the fVelilllK
of .March, "o at the St. (harles hotel.
Invltatlonii for the analr were sent out
Saturday. The society will meet to
tiU'ht to complete oruanix.ation.
Miss i.ertrude Freeman Is siemlliiK u
.vacation from studies at liloomsburt;
State .Normal School.
Kdward lliidhes, nf 1 :In imslmi
State Normal school. Is isltinn; his
parents on Division sireet.
Tlie fune'al of Mrs. CntlierimUiiUBj
ll.s. wife of Itichuril I'hillios. of "111
tcenth street, will occur this afternoon.
Interment will be inmle in Washburn
Street cemetery.
T. .1., of IInniitoli street,
has returned from a trip to Vermont
and .New York.
Hairy W. Uelnh.u t. of North I'.romley
avenue. who has been secretary and
treasurer of the MariUettes since Its
oiKaiilzutiou In Isii:;. has tendered hh.
resignation of the office, ami has re
iiuesied thai he l. perniltled to wilh
di.iw from mcmliership.
Henry l. Davles will lecture this
cvmiIiik; before Dewl Sunt lodue of
Ivorites on tin subject. "The .North
I'.ile." The liobert .Morris lodui' has
accepted an invitation to attend.
The victorious I'iillliunnonic Choral
society will meet lonixht for the pur
pose of dhidinii tlie spoils of conquest
al the liobert Morris elsteddrod. The
inectlnr. will be hoM In the Siranlon
Street r.aidist church.
"est mJi; llllsillCNS llilcclolv.
Fl.i (KlS'l'-Cui llowers und funeral de
sIkhs 11 spei niliy Florul limires. useful
as Klfts. at till Smith Aliiiu avenue. Har
riet J. Davis. Ilurisi.
IMIOTIMIKM'HKI! hl:i-t 1'hotos. $1.40
per iloZell. They Hie lust hiV' lv. Cun-
vime your.-. If by ealliiiK a! Siarner's
J'iioto Parlors, ml and III.; South Main
'SKCiiND HAND I' I TIN 1TI '!!!:- fash for
' .inyllilii;: vuii have 10 yell. Furniture,
Stows, Tools, etc. ."all and see llv't
nloek or J. '. Kini,', to:'l and ltrjii J;n k
uon street.
Miss .1. Marlon Heiiedlct. of West
I'ittstuii, wm the xuest of AHss Helen
Sunders, of Cherry street, yeslerday.
An unoccupied duelling house "i
Lover's Lane owned by liurke ii I'.llli
M.'iu. caiiKht lire about I o'clock Sat
urday 11 iot 11 1 11 1: in some unaecouiilable
way. The alarm sounded from box 2:!
was ipilckly responded to. and the
Haines were subdued before much ilam
n(?e was done.-.
At the si ssinn of the Sunday school
In Ihe Presbyterian chinch yesterday
M. L. Spe' k was elected superintend
ent In place of If. A. Mace, deceased,
und Arthur Close, assistant, in place
f Speck, who formerly held that po
sition. A number of the friends and neigh
bors of Mm. Frank Van Horn (gathered
at her home on Tripp avenue and had 11
luiltlni; bee. lifter which u fl o'clock tea
vvus Riven by All's. Van Horn.
The Chrisliun .Klideavor society of
the Dudley Street Kuptlst church will
Kive an entertainment in their church
on Wednesday evening.
Rev. I, if. llrcuks. of Wllkes-llnrre
occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian
church yesterday. He waa accompanied
by his wife anil they were entertained
by Mr. ami Mrs. A. I). I'.lackinton. of
Klin street.-
: About 1 1 : :;0 Saturday nlht an nlurin
of tire wus Hounded from box 111. the
bluze being in a barn occupied by Ptuh
ler. who conducts a bottling: establish-,
ment in Farber'a court. An alarm was
also aent In from Scranton: which was
responded !,(; by the Reliefs. - The barn
was quickly destroyed, without much
daniake to the sourroundliiK proierty.
In i-esiondlnK to the alarm the tfOrses
of the Independent Hoee i-ompany pot
uneasy and In swinging around the
IK.Ie caught and snapiiecl It In two, and
in consequence they were unable to get
ICuthven, who has been sneaking in
this vicinity for some time, lectured in
th Christian church yesterday after
noon. After the meetliiK wus over he
wus; escorted us far us Washington uve
nue by a number of special otlicers.
Aside Hem a few small boys .throw ing
snow balls and making luunttuff re
murks. 110 deinonstration was made.
The liome of Policeman Michael liulir
er cume very near belnsr destroyed by
Hie yestenluy ufternoon. Chlblren play
Inx with matches In the purlor was
siipiHised to have been the origin of
tb.' blaze. The lace curtains couiiht.
an. I in a moment were a muss of Humes.
The window casings, and woodwork
eli' bll.llx scorched, ami but for the
prompt and energetic work of the
ii.-litlihors much more serious damuKe
initiht ! ave resulted.
An Italian laborer emnloyed by the
IVniisylvaiilu Coal company, around
tlu-lr breaker ut Clinker Hill, was quite
bu.lly siiueexed while at his work Sat
urday. He was bailing wa'er and in
smiir manner got caught between the
. a r hihI the props.
t.KI I.N KllMii:.
All's. Ueorge Peflgo. nf IV-laware
Htrect. who has been III for some time
with the grippe, has recovered Willi -rlently
to be about the house.
M. C. Culklns, of Penn avenue, will
move Into his new house ut Woodlawn
I'ark. April 1.
About twenty members of the tlreen
Ui.lg". Loyal Temperance legion visit
ed the Ininmore legion in a body Sal
A. T. Winters, of South Dakota, vls
liue. spent Sunday 111 Carhondale.
A. T. Winters, of South Dekota. vls
itfil relatives In the tildge Saturday.
H. S. und W. S. Cobb, of Capnuso
uvenue, spent the last part nf lust
Week 111 Dalton.
.lames Dougherty, of Wyoming ave
nue. Is visiting In Delaware county, N.
Dr. I!ei lliighotT. of Cnpnuse uvenue.
will move into the house now occu
pied by Attorney Kdgar. and the lat
ter will move lo the central city.
"I let ween the Acts," which will be le
pra ted tonight In the Ciceronian hull.
181 Dickson avenue. Is a comedy full
1 r interest, energy and w It, und those
win. heard It last Monday night have
pi iiiiouiieed II an excellcrt play in every
purliculur. Ilesldes the play tun iu lit
nevernl solos will be introduced. The
price of admission has been reduced to
la anil 1.1 cents, which Includes reserved
scats. Doors open ut 7. oil. curtain rises
at N.
. .
soi 111 sun: xkws.
Tomorrow Is dec. Ion day in Ihe
Kleventh ward for 'he one-yenr term
of liobert Itoblnson in common coun
cil. Fred 'I'hillios is the Democratic
i-aii.lidate ami Philip Wiiih the lie-pulilii-an
f-'utuiduy was pay day at the Meadow
Iti'iiok and National mines of William
C'ollliell & .Co.. a' tin- mines of the
iri'i'iittin-il Coal company, ami at the
South Steel winks.
The trustees of St. Joseph's Total Ab-Hlim-ncf
and Hcnevolent society of Mi
iionkii are making arrangements for
rebuilding their hall.
1 i.o.vh.iTon K i:.
Narrow ! sun poof lo II 11 11 J red lislicr
nun on I nkc I rlc.
liinUlrk, N. Y., Marc'u 22. Yesterday
ufternoon about. 4 o'clock the Ice on
l.a!;e Krie 'iiiiied near the shore and
stal led t iwurds Canada with about 2uu
lishernieii. A still wind was blowing
a u.l before the men became aw are of
tlu-lr perilous position a .iiaiter of a
mile of water wus between them mid
land. Itcseulng parties were quickly
mcaulsteil and boats launch, d.
The boats overtook the limiting lee
und by 1 o'clock at ulglii all Ihe lisher
me;i adrift had been rescued, so far us
kiimvn. In ihe meantime another
piece of lee near llattery point broke
loose and started olT with a number
of men on it. They Here rescue dwitll
out dltllciiliy. The Ice is breaking up
rapidly in the vicinity.
'I he ' Ohio McJual Collcgn llicoly Is
I VplodcJ.
Columbus. Ohio, March 22. -The dis
ci verylif the woman's head here, sus
pected lo be that of Pearl Kryan.
1. used ;i great sensation. A student
named Walter M. M neon bee, ,,f n,,,
llilo Medical college, says he cut oft'
the head nf u female cadaver not long
HH'o and gave It to a student named
Cole In that college, at his request. He
did not km w what Cole did wit'.i it.
but he has no doubt that Mils Is the
Cole says Ihe head v.ns that of a sub
ject at Ihe Ohio Abdical college. He
received Ihe head before Ihe 'liiislmas
holidays, nt least two weeks before
l'earl Iti van was killed.
If you're responsible and waul a piun.t
on credit at your own price und 011 yo.:r
nwn terms cull on Cuernrey Bros., 2'J4
Wyoming avenue.
- . - .
sivty Pianos 1111 J means
Must be sold before the twentieth nf
March. We retire from business then
a lot will positively refuse no reasotiabl i
offer. Credit terms to suit the buyer's
pleasure or extraordinary Inducements
for spot cash. iliiernsey Uros.. 224
Wyoming avenue.
are located the flnoet Ashing aad banting
grooBdi 10 the world, ItoeuriptiT Isjok. on
upplication. Tickets to all points la llslne,
Canada and Maritime Proymose, lllnnMpubs,
be. Pnul. Canadian a:id L'uitod Statue Norttt
weats, V.ucoorer, Heattla, Taoooia. Portlaad,
Ore.. San rrautriaeo.
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to sll through trains. Tourist ors
fully Ottcd with bvddiug, curtain ni sp
tally adapted to wants of families may be b id
with aeeond-clarf tickot.. Itaus always ldu
tbao via other lines. For tall luformatlea,
time tables, eta, on eppllc-atloa to
, mtmt ran co.. i'itk'jJ2S
w eiM anvEi .
"A Umt eif td it a oetter tmnun.- .
TaaeLaattoe' Sell d Pleach Deawjete, KM SB.
dsMiini fieesaywaaee taiae uea
- " -i
or Fuetal Mete tm tlAC.
anale eeary e tJaa aeeai
old ht all nad ctefa rat
fi.W. Wa auks Un keel
eufietfea. taenaira we far
( tbtU, HfU aad vnr.
aud It any one is ast auiatei
aratDaauHOOTpasr. epn
w Toe or Coaiaoa Beaaa,
1 1 to I aad kal
IbV Mt4 JfMnt AMI'
f at
r-VCi-e Pr. 13 FEDEMl ST,
laV "ilaV
I J2
Sirs. Henry Vllllams, of 'Wllkes
Barre. who has been s-nendlnfr a few
days with friends in the North Knd, re
turned home.
Henry Hitchins Is slightly indisposed
at his home, on West Market street.
Tlie Kev. W. F. Davis, pastor of the
Welsh Baptist church, preached an
eloquent senium on the missionaries of
Asia last evening.
William bores, a I'olander. of Spring
alley, was arrested on Saturdav eve
ning by Patrolman Perry for being
drunk and disorderly, he wus locked
up and given a hearing yesterdu' morn
ing before Alderman L. N. Huberts, who
rtiied him $7. which was paid by friends.
Michael Size has accepted a position
as clerk in the cash store of ernnie
Urltton in the Walsh building.
The members of the North Knd C.lee
club are requested to meet in the rooms
this evening for practice.
Tile members of the Keystone Liter
ary and Dramatic club will present 11
drama. "Forced to the Ward." In Com
pany II urmory mi Faster Monday
Mrs. Parry, mother of Alfred Parry,
of Summit avenue, surprised her
friends on Saturday evening by return
ing from Wales unexpected, where she
has been sojourning for several
mouths. The old lady was passed her
seventieth year and returned without
u companion.
It Is a foregone conclusion that the
engagement of the Wright Huntington
stock company ut the Academy of
Music w hich begins tonight will form a
delightful feast nf dramatic successes.
The opening play, "Moths," Is ulrendy
well known to readers of llctloii who
have perused the well written and In
tensely interesting story of Ittissluu In
trigue Intelligently woven hy that past
mistress of the art. Ouida.
The company has been highly com
plimented by critics. Their character
delineations are ut once powerful uml
distinct. F.very one of the creations
is developed by artistic methods and
legitimate treatment rarely seen now
adays. Following "Moths" there will
be different play presented each night
of the engagement and of such a di
versified nature us to cull nut large
audiences nightly.
Chief umoug .Mr. Huntington's cupu
ble company of accomplished actor.i
may be mentioned Messrs. William K.
Wikion. Hudson Linton, Alf Hamilton,
J. B. Kverhan. I.eiphton iluker. Misses
(leorgle Dickson. Kva Taylor, Nettie
P.ourne. Florida Klngrfli-y, Kstellu
Wllley and Carrie Fredericks.
!' 'I !
The Atkinson Comedy company will
present the only authorized version of
"Peck's Had Hoy" ut the Frothliigham
Tuesday and Wednesday, this week.
This up-to-date version Is one of the
funniest ever written, and as tlie com
pany Is one of the best ever seen In
that play a week a week of pleasure
may be looked for. New snugs and
specialties will be Introduced and such
favorites as Hurry Welch, Fred Weii
Zel. (.forge Tliniiions ami twelve other
celebrities will be In Ihe cust. A mat
inee will be given Wednesday at ten
and twenty cents. Populur prices pre
vail for Ihe evenings.
I , !'
Few plays of recent date have been
more highly commended than "In old
Kentucky." which upi"is ut the
Fruthinghum Thursday evening. March
2H. It was beyond question the most
successful pluy on tlie road lust season.
The heroine is a sweet Kentucky girl.
:r girl of Mesh and blu il, u product of
nature untrumiueled. u blushing bud
oil a wild rose bush. In whose love af
fairs one takes a lively Interest. The
prniliiciion is an elaborate and expen
sive one, and the scenes represented
are remarkable for 1 hell' lldellty to na
ture. "The Ideals" are the attraction the
first half of the week, ciiiiunenchig this
nfii-rnoon at Davis' theater presenting
"The I '.lack Flag." An exchange in
speukillg of the com pun. v. says: "The
t.rund opera house was packed yester
day at lioth performances, as it de
served to be. The attraction was the
nielo-draina. "Tie? Hlack Flag." orig
inally presented in this country by Nat
lloodwin and Kduin Thorne. The
piece met with great success. .11 Is
at an of seta red at the Wupwnllor -a Mills, L
seraa county. Pa., and t Wil
mington, Lviaare,
General Agent for the WyuBing District.
M WYOMING AVE, Semnton, Pm
Third Nataoaml Bank Building.
TOOfl. roBO. I Ittuteo. Pa,
y)BS B. HAUTH A HON, Prnnoatk, Pa.
B. W. MULLIGAN. Wtlkw BarreTp.
ageata ror toe uepaaao I'usaucai
oy Big 0 Sxkivea,
Made a'
Well Ma'
iMtar-WTy of Me.
TNI GillAT 80th liar.
TEm3Nrcii riEMisiJ-sr
prodocee the alxiTo reanlta In 30 days. It
povarfullr and oi kij. I'urti wb.n all ouitni tall
Veaat man will Ngain taair tout manltood. aad old
aiaa tU rcvr their routblul vuor br aln
KET1TO. H ouir vat aunlr reatoi ea H.noua
aass, Leas Tltalitr, Impotent?. Klsbtlr tnmatooi,
Loet rawer, ITallln M.morr, Waa'.ina Diimawa. and
til aeTaoaa ot aelf-atmaa or eieasa and
arhtak nadta oaa for a'urlf . bnlc(va or aoarrtage. It
aot galr cum fcr etartinc at th Mai ef dtaetM. tnil
tsasraa ame tnole and blood bulldrhbrl
Irg bank tlie pink glow to rale cbeekaBndr
.norlng tba fire ef youth. It warda oil Inunit;
tad Ceaaunption. lnuat ea henat REVIVO. no
Mbtr. It can ba carrltd la at vkct. Br aitil
3-1 .00 ear packam. er all lor CCOO, with a poal
'! wrtttea gnarentee Pe ewe a refund
neaioney. OUcolat tree. Idnraat .
0VU MEDICINE CO.. 63 Rixr 81.. CHfCACO. Ill
fee geAa hji BlaHlieefa Bee. BPwMia1
Wrmuloa . Pa
To a,l snllrara ef I KKOKSUF 01 III,
l.'.WT t JUOK and PISK ASt.s op Ml. AND
Wo.MI.N. SJS rages: cloth hound:- erenraly
eaKil and ma lad free. Treatment br mail
Ktri tly confldcutial. and a i n.itiTauni.-k rare
u antee.1. ho matter bow long Blinding. 1
win iiueicireiy cura you. i rua or call.
DR. L8B3
15th St.. Philada., Pa.
years' contiuutUa (iraetiee.
I kk-kMrr. rnall.!, Blaaiaad llraai.
OrlfjlBiftl Mel Only Hemmlm.
C. aUre rrttatt. UKBtca ak
brult tar iukfter Knvifk Ot A
.WAal armni 111 mm (faM MofaT BaffallteN
eraM Itli blue ilLlaan.
laMallirrv Rtfmte efueivwt4 t&.mti
ttttu umi imiitiH. t UtUf 1MB. an- aVOd 4a.
la tamp far partMrtiUfa. utf fawaiaU na1
Hcllf tor iM-tlr,' in inter. W rrlura
ier(pwire ir-iimiajnif, im 'etpeV
ftwU faff ail Lava. Wuwialt. k'mih,4m.lW
Inn itito.
presented this season by the Ideals anil
they Rive an excellent performance,
every character being In competent
hands. The music rendered by the
company band and orchestra,' under
the direction of Professor Ned J. Han
son, proves a great drawing card and
the speciulties introduced were all new
and were well received."
.Miners lo the Clcarfiold Regions Receive
a Largo Increase.
I'hlllpsburg, Pa., March 22. On Mon
day morning the following notice will
be posted on the mine tipples of all the
mines In the Clenrlield, Iteech Creek,
Cambria and Gallltzln coal regions:
On und ufter April 1 the employes of
this company will be paid 4.. cents per
2,240 pounds for milling. Day labor
will be nuld the same rates us when
this price for minim; formerly pre
vailed." The above notice menus un udvunce
to the miners of live cents a ton. or 12'i.
per cent, over the wages that huve
prevailed in the above, named regions
for the past two years.
- - - -
From the Philadelphia llull.-tln.
laical political circles are eagerly dis
cussing the ol'tc ii-riimored Inn never vcr
Itied supposition that deep down In their
bouts there Is an uiidersiainlliig betwe-n
Senator Quay uml David Martin, uml t h it
when the proper lime arrives the two will
be found to be together. To Senator
V nay's most anient uml xeiilnus lieuten
ants In Philadelphia this Is u ilisluste.
fill Ideu, and It has. by them, been most
lgorously denied. Hut, notwithstanding
all these denials, there Is the best author
ity lor believing that the two understand
each other thoroughly; hut that for rea
sons best known to themselves they do
not deem It proper at this time to public
ly admit their recoiii-lllation.
Iluy the Wccr
and get the best. At Guernsey Bros.
BLOOD AND NKRVKS ar very closely
related. Keep the blood rlfth, pure and
healthy with Hood's Sursap.irllla and you
will huve no trouble from nervousness.
HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-dinner
pills, assist digestion, prevent consti
pation. 20c.
i Getting Ready
to move to our new
store, 303 Lack. ave.
Today aud next
week j-our chance to
buy. Too busy to
quote figures, but
goods shall go ut
your own price, if
in reason. Come
and see.
213 Lacka. Ave.
Anil to be prepared to meet tlia warmer
iTcatli!' yi.u want a arutunubla Suit or
un ovri.oat or both.
AND THfi BbST PI. Act:
4E6 Lackawanaa Ave.
The Ur;Mt atork 1 1 elet from. Trim
mill a Always of tbn Best. Iatt-st Btrla
in Cutting, nnd up ou Ilia rtmijj
by tjp.l t Woikuieii,
t-othln allowed to have thees
t.liliaum'int unica4 sutisfaetwry to tha
.:;atrm-r. and tba loweat prices couaiat
oit sitli CodiI j;on;l:ant Tailoring.
Seek the Best
Have Nothing Else.
It Pays
Write tlitf Principal of the State
Normal School ut lllooinsbni'.l'a.,
for iiiformation about that txccl
lent unU popular school.
$500 in Scholarship Piizas Just Offered
AS dene tear enth br the use of HAJTIV
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which exudate
of lacrwdlenta well-known to ail. It caa bo
aopued to tin, galvanised tin, sheet iroa
is. ajso to brick dwelUige. which will
rweent akbaolutal an rrumMlM .n.
lag er branklng of the brick. It will oat
lost tiaalng of snp kind by many jroaxa,
end It's coat does not exceed one-Qfth that
ef the oast of tinning. Ia aold by tba Juii
w vyoir. oaaen of
1 II
Finest imitatiwu ot Cut Glass
ever made.
Flower Vasea, 8 1 K
Inches high IJC
and other hIzcs as
high an 1 inches.
Fancy Handled I r.
Jelly Dishes . IJc
Fancy llundled 1 "
Spoon Trays 1'C
Silver-PIated Tops,
U Small Dishes, i'
1 Lurge Dish D.)c
Wuter Pitchers. i',"
Gallon iankurd', U.C
124 ttiioaias muul
Walk in and look around.
205 Wyoming Avsnus.
Any Color or
Quantity You Need,
128 Wyoming Ave.
Will Move April ut toJ3 Spruce Street.
Cbioa Hall
March 23, 1S96. k
1 CARD. . i
ye are making extensive additions to our show rooms
and in one week will tear out front of our htiilding to re
place with modern show windows. f
The interior w ill also he sightly disarranned to put in
nn l.lcctric Passenger Klevator. 'lo do this successfully
w e must make room for the army of mechanics emnloyed
on same, and we have decided to make it .
Everything Will Be Offered a! a Reduced Price.
I coiiomical Housekeepers should not fail to
huy the season's wants during the coining week,
doods stored r'ree for (it) days.
a In order to clean out all
Winter Suits, also Spring
' .Overcoats and Spring
Suits from ' last season
we make the remarkably
low price of
On $20, $18 and $15 Lines.
IfCSee our spring style
Derby a,nd soft Felt Hats.
Our Furnishing Goods for
men we sell at our book cost.
The lowest prices of any
house in Scranton.
Clothiers. Hattera& Furnishera
Acknowledged the Leading
Of the WarlX
KKANICHE A BACHB and others.
Musical Instruments,
riusical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasers will always Und a complett
stock and at prices aa low as the qual.
Ity of the Instrument will permit at
N. n. un
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - - Scranton
..-. f
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, VA:
Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety,
I eU H importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler and , , ,
watchmaker. 215 Lackiwaiiiia A3.
Of all kinds, manufactured at shor
notice, at The Tribune Ollke.
TIUF fllllP
ami your oyej win
I MM. UHnt take cara of yon.
iko caro of yon. it
on arii tronhled witb
II.IHS L'l l I1H. SHI l.
BL'HU'S and havo your i-yi exaininel frra,
Wa bavu reduced pricaft ami are tha l-iwoi: in
the eitr. NlcUel spoi-taels from f I to S-. ifJld
from $4 to W.
303 Spruca Street Scranton, P