The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 23, 1896, Image 1

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It Ems
Our annual Muslin Vri'lerweur sale
ha be n a trliimphunt tumna. hir.
ma lik -f tin- numbers ure gelling prei
ty well Mold oul. and we cannot possl
bl continue the present reduced I'll ee
list longer than Saturday. Can you get
in before then'.' If not, your Immalu
opportunity, with our whole line at
yiuir dlsposul. li gone for another
car. fun yon alTor.l lo Irt It puss?
If an. we're sutisllod: fur In tell you
tin" truth our ihwhii-i'm In this sale
h:iv" bceu more severely tuxed than we
had tlgureil on.
As usual, however, we're better than
our word, ami to make the three clu.
)n day or additional Interest lo our
patrons, we've thrown in an extra
Lutes' NigM Qmi
'if full 'T.V quality, made from the
best Standard Muslin, rut extra wi le
uiul lung. Handsomely trimmed t.iiv.
elan fronts, perfect neeiHe work, etc.
Price Till
X5irgflin j
The Following
List Will Also Be Main-
r - , , .
UliiieCl fill lw lOSing jJOlir ;
Saturday Night:
Jl I
r,:,. quality for.
r..V quality fur
K"u . ipiallty for
.'.. : -i aii:y for
!Th'. quality for
JUm iiuulliy for
qualiiy for quality fur
Jl.'.'i ipiHllty for
l.:iu qimllty fur
tl.Ji'i quiillty fur
Il.ti'i ipiullty for
Il.aT'j quality for
t2.UU quullty for
... 7le.
, ...Tile.
...SI. HI
.. 41.21
.. .Il.'.l
.. l.7
Pnlntily made from
ipiullty for
2Ke, cilia II t for
oholcest muter-
quullty for
quality for
ipiullty for
quality for
quality for
puility for
quality for
. quality for
V or square cut fronts. Prettiest r f
dnlnty trims.
lr.p. quullty for 17e.
i'K-. quality for .2.1.-.
SV. quulltv for .' 2iic.
.17'ae. quality for 2e.
quality for Hie.
me. quality for We.
Latest styles In rlm. nnd cut es
1'eclally designed to meet-the require
ment of the extra wide dress skirts
now previiiKng.
tfcV. quality for .17i.:.e.
We. quality for illie.
!". qnalitv for V!e.
11.12'i quality for Me.
I! .25 qualltv for Jl.u'i
Il.aT'i quality for Sl.l.
tl .'iU quullty fur JI M
SI. 75 quality for Jl.r,!l
2.i quality for ! 7:1
$2.37 quality for
This Stit
Special prices have also been plu-wl
on Misses' and Children's gowns and
drawer, in which oiir line is com
plete. A
Sfelri Wais! Gp
11 nt
In eonjunetlon with our n 11 11 1 1.1 1 sale
of Muslin 'nilerwt'nr ' we will make
an openlnir of new Spring and Sum
mer ehtrt waists. The goods are all
l.-iundrled with stiff collars nnd' eulTs.
nnd the xtyles are as tie us the luteit
fashion plates.
JS not new waist" jvorth V. for lOo.
Ut don. new waists worth V. for 1..
Hi do, new waists worth 1 I for . '.,.ie.
rdo. new walstM-orth 11.1. for.....
do. new nisti4worth for..;..J .19
M dox. new wals'wort-h II. if. for.... .$!..
Thty Arc Kcpulsetl b Rebels at Curt
dtluiiii unil Cuyojabos.
(ieneral. Weyler InJi-avors In Vain to
prevent tlio Outraccs That Aro Mein
CnrauiltteJ h Ilia Troop- Insure
. mi i.ain Rcernits Hully.
Havana. March SI, via Key West.
March 22. The government haw suf
feied severe reverses ut I'andelniia, ami
Cayajabus. In Plimr Del Hin. uml Us at
tempts to check the westward, march of
Mueeo completely failed Colonel Her
nandez's culiiiiin was ambushed by .Mac-en
iiu the I lalope estate, i ear t'lmdc
larlu. Cuhinel Inclun went to his as
sistance, ami both columns were badly
j rut iii. n the following day ieiieral
I. i inin's ami t'olonel Inelmi met the ene
my un the I .a Alei-i-edcd estate. After
mi encounter the Insurgent columns
i continued their march Inward the north
j t oast.
Wednesday Colonel Francis, wiilt n
I'oluiiiii uf 1.200 troops, fought M;u en
I amid l!ie lulus of Cnyujalms. .Maeeo
I used cannon. The details of the en
i oiiuuter ui'e iliflhiill to ulitain. The
government sent mtt a special ambu
lance train anil eight train loads of sul
tilers fur Hie relief nl 'he columns.
! r'raniis. 'ini.-in uml Llmire were had
! ly muled. I'liluiiel Kinm-ls w is brought
' here severely wuiinded. Information
: tiiim a relialile source 'says four cup-
tains uml seven lieutenants lire dead
ami the t'ltal losses nf the Spaniards
in killed, wounded and missing Hie over
L'iiO. The rebels are said to have rap
tured ov l.nno rllles.
lleneial Weyler is nearly distracted
between the l'ullure of military opera
tions on -lie one baud and the
, beinu; committed on the other.
The re-
i'linrt is Insisted on thul he will soon re
! sinn or bo leculled. The pressure of
political parties is KivitiK him much an
noyance. It is uiliniUcil on all sides
; that Weyler Iiuh lu-oved n failure. The
attitude of the I 'tilled States Is he-lii-ved
to be largely due to his reputa-
linn and the excesses committed since
Ills appointment, lii-all.nur the effect
of the latter. Weyler has endeavored to
prevent outrages. His success has not
iii-rn K'cnier loan in me piiiiinu ii'iwn
if the rebellion. The way lhat mutters
lire kiiIiik; recently has produced a great
in e K'iiiik I ei-emi.v lias pi oil llcen u ;rcui
itureuse In the Inxm-Kent ranks, and
ine v iinaus ure miii-u I'ucouiUMeii. ,via
i i-eo's victory resulted in the capture of
It -iin.nii-i nine a oiiooiiii mo. which wus
immeiliutel V followed t" hni-d tiibliioF.
1 ,1P .-"iiaiiiarns uumii inut it will ne un-,u.i.. .. .i .i 1...1
,. r..-"l . i- llf llll III! T- 111 l II III ll
a buiK lime, even If all thluits git Well.
A Woman und Inn Men Arretted fur on
I ttrouioiis Crime in knnn.
f Hutchinson. Kan.. March '22. Harper
j county, on the soutliern border of Kan- i
1 sus, was greatly wrought up over the I
I murder of Charles Kodmun, and the
! arrest of u iit'ouitnent business mun us 1
an accessory and Kudman's wife as '
j lulnclpal has inleusilled the Interest In j
- the case. Uodmuil wus killed on l-'eb. '
2M. The mnriler look place near his .
I barn, iiovernor Morrill offered u iv
ward of Mnu. und the Harper county
commlssioiiei'S added ll.tiuo'tci It.
n Monday moiiiing Sheriff Miller,
! I'nder Sheriff Hodley und Consluble
j ICaymoiiii cirresteil Vi ullam Matlox and
; Charles Clark, charging them with kill-
1 11 it Uoilman. When Mrs. Kodninn was
I told of the arrest of the two men she
broke down and confessed that she had
employed them to kill her husband:
won ,.,a. i.x 111111 a.' tne arrangements
i"i un- 1 1 nor-, it 11 1 1 innt sne oaiii f aiK
' niter Ihe deed was done. Muitox Is
a rurmer living near where the murder
was committed, ami he has always been
co tldcred a good citizen. Clnik. the
other man under arrest, has lived with 1
JMattox since last September, having
come from Texas.
Mrs. I:. i.lman suys Mattox Induced '
her to have Kodmun killed. Cnon his i
arrest Clark had the exact amount of '
money on his person Unit Mrs. Hodman
said she paid him. The preliminary ejt-.!
uminatloti Is set for tn-xf Monday, ' The '
nine coiiiiiy is ai'oiisi ii atuj vengeance
is threatened upon Rodman's slayers.
Ilemitiful Sioiy of the I IJi-lily of a black
nnd lan Pin.
I 'aniden. N. J.. .March 22. A little
j black and tan dog saved the family of
I Yiiic-iit .Michalk I'roni cremation In
i their home. 11H4 Sycamore street this
j morning. .Michalk and his wile were
j awakened about iS.:;n o'clock by the
! furious barking the dog at their bed-
slile. .Mii'lialk, half asleep, tried to
iulet the pi t. but It kept up its Larking
uml pulled on the bed clothing. At last,
fully urouseil. Michalk realized that
sometlilni; was umiss. Smoke tilled the
room and half stilled hlni.
He leaiied out of bed und discovered
that the house was on fire. Michalk
I run Into an adjoining room, where his
four children were asleep. They were
, aroused with great dlllictilty. the' smoke
j having partially overcome them. Then
j the family iiuiiiukciI to cM-ape from the
1 dwelling and gave an alarm. The lirc-
men gut alu-ad of (he blaze after it had
t eulen out the entire renter of the house,
j leaving the front and back walls
: standing, a mere shell. The loss was
( about xpiu. The fire started from a
lump on the second Hour, and w its di-s-covered
by lh fi-Lilly's doj; in lime to
:;ave their Uvea.
iJl'lvl. AT KOMI'. . j
ieneral Moccnni and M it nor Iturilals
Crosw Swurds.
Hume. March 22. The duel between!
Conei'id MiH-eniii. . ex-minister of war;
und Slgnor Itainllalas. a rudi.-al mem- :
ber of . the chnmher of ib fiuties flowing 1
Hitti'l'n wiangle In ihe chamber yesler- '
lay iliainif the discussion of ihe en-din j
asked for by the g-ovetiunellt. took place i
this tllurnlllK. The weaisips used were)
lenerul Mocennl proved himself the
better sword s-i 111 n and wounded his op
ponent In the face. Honor being thus
sustained nnd satisfied the duellists be
en me reconciled.
Preparation of Ihe Near Issna
Completed bv the .Mint.
Washington. March 22 All the old
ami worn subsidiary silver coins of the
I'nited States will soon lie replaced by
the new design adopted in 1SU2. The
progress being made by the I'nited
States mints Is most encouraging to
treasury officials. For some years past
efforts have been made by the treasury
department to keep the subsidiary sil
ver coin In good condition. Appropria
tions have been obtained from time to
time to reimburse the treasurer of the
I'nited States fur the difference 1m.
tween the face value of worn sub
sidiary silver coins and what they
would produce when transferred to the
mints fur recolnaite.
Since 1H0 the amount of worn uml
uncurrent aubKldiaiy tmln transferred
by the treasury to the mints for re
eolnutre has amounted to J.'.6-.UM.
The value of the same tn new subsid
iary Oliver coin Is l'S.G;i."..Tri. slunvinx
a loss by wear of tl.ltM!.li, which was
reimbursed by the. treasurer of the
I'nited States from upiroiiiatlou
inude by conKiess for thut purpose. The
amount transferred from the treasury
to the mints from July 1, l:i:i. to De
cember ul. 1 ..".. was lai'Ker than for any
other period. umountiiiK in the agnre
Kutc to $-U.!MU,ittil' face value, and pro
diH'Inti In new iMln tJH.liri.M20. shoivlnic
a lus on recuiuuKe of JSIi'.HS.
Mrs. .Matilda Hirst "ommit Snield
M'hila Mcntullv I nhulnnccj.
Trenton, X. J.. March 22. Mrs. Ma
tilda Hirst. UK'd :I2. wife of William
ll!..u, n HI..I.I.. .. I I.. .....k.
liiini, U luijiii.i iiiiii ni'im. j
talked latlonnllv In bed this m unliur ,
ut ' o'l'lm k to her hiisbund about their I
two children. At X o'clock the husband !
rose and found that she hud liuiiKed ,
herself In the cellar. i
She hud been ill a long time and In th
past had temporary insane momenta.
. sKKim s imi riut.
, one Mun l atullv liijinaj and Several
Hurt In a I lit lit at liijlanupolln Police
I IMiner-e tlio Mob.
I Indlunapolis. hid.. March 22. A serl
I oils labor riot which renufted fatally
! to one man and the Injury of several
Ihers. occurred here between 5 and l!
o'clock lust eVeiiinK on West Washing
ton street, the rioters keentim up a
running- tight for inure than a Mil a re
uml created intense excitement on the
crowded thoroiiRhfuiv.
Nearly a year nit the employes of
the Taylor t'haundler
a roundly went
on strike on account .of a difference re
KarilltiK wanes, und since that
there has been iierliulical trouble, the
strikers beinir determined that non-
j union me" should not work, nnd the
j mumiKenicnt belnt; eillallv determined
in eiopi'i.v rio oiuer wiirNiiirn. i,u?i
eveniiiK- w hen the men left the shop for ,
day e crowd of union men udvunceil I
upon I hem from the west, and at the
same moment another crowd uppeared
on the east, thus havliiK them between
two sections of their enemies, A Rcn
eral tight ensued While llie men were I
HtriiKBllmr several jdstol shots were
llered and William Watson, Wulker
Davis, imn-union men, and Hooker Lee.
a bystander, were shot. Lee received
two builds In the neck, but .neither of !
the wounds Is considered fatal. Wat- ,
sou was shot In the thlKh, the bone be- l
ilia; shattered and the wound may prove
fatul. Davis was shol through the and wus tuken
! .1..1... ...itti....
to his home in a
A number of the strikers were beaten
j with stones uml clubs, und some were
1 badly haltered by the tin dinner bilck
I ets in the hands of the employes. Sev
j eral of the employes were also beaten
with stones und clubs, but they scat
tered and ran when the pistol shots
j were -lirt-il and the full list of the In
, Jllleil lllllhl not be secured. The police
; finally quelled the riot.
Censure tiv the House Will Probably Ho
j Ignored.
Washington. March 22. Secretary
' dlney and state department officials de-
cllne to talk of the probable outcome
ut the iiussHge of the resolutions cen-
mi ring Ambassador Hayard by the
I house yesterday, except to say that Mr.
I Hayaul will not be officially Informed
I by the department thut the resolutions
I were ndput -I. in regard to Mr. Hiiy
arit's report jd fender of his resignation,
I conditioned on the adoption of the res
j olution of censure. It is said thut Mr.
1 Hayard Intended to take such action.
, ,,, tmil ,. I1(.V1.,. rily ,.ull.le, ut
11, 1.1. ... .
placing his resignation In
the hands of the president. The high
respect and great personal friendship
which Mr. Cleveland entertains for his
ambassador to Kuglanil will stand us
a bar. it is said, to allowing Mr. Hit yard '
to be placed In the embarrassing sit- I
nation of being practically forced out
of ofllce. ,
London. March 22. It Is undersfo.ul I
1 that Mr. Kuyurd. the I'nited States am- '
liassadur. will take no notice of the
; vote of censure passed upon him by the
; I'niteil States house of reiiresenta lives.
! but will wait and see what action. It' I
; any. the president fakes on It. !
"The Clobe." admits that Mr. Hayard
: did not keep a degree of restraint upon
Ills tongue beliltiug an ambassador.
I but. its ays. the sharp and sweeping-
; ciisure ul the
house of representatives
was clearly the ouicome of parlv spit
and need not disturb Mr. Cava id's
mental coniposure.
.M -KIM. I- Y I NST R K .11 ON S.
Huntingdon Kcpnhbeiins I urn Mr. i,'ua'
Portrait to tlio Wall.
Huntingdon. Pa.. March 22. The ll
publican primaries were held in Hunt
Ingdoii county yesterday. The vote of
only about one-third of the district In
tile county is us yel obtainable, show- j
ing McKiuley to be fur in the lead for'
president over ijuuy. Jere It. Hex, Is
elected national delegate. ,
C. II. Helton and John M. Phillips will '
be delegates lo the slate convention. '
Wlnle Hex is Indorsed for national del- I
cgate. It Is only subject to tin- decision i
of the disliit-t conference. Although I
In is u sin iMirter of Senator yuay. ie
must. If chosen deli tjute. vote for Me- j
ncll ri: 1 or ttii: r.Rioi:.
rtiit John Collins I ortc in Painting
Mr. Harrison's Portrait.
Chicago. March 22. An Indianapolis
special says: Artist John Collins For
bes. K. '. A., bus been a guest of ex
Preslileiit Harrison all Ihe week, and
he has daily sittings from Mr. Harri
son. Mr. F01 lies will return to New
York Ttn-silay w ith Ills palming all but
Mulshed, and has ieneral
is nnlsrl' 111 to display the
1 inn ison'i
Scrums' Art callerv. New Voik.
It is 11 three-fourthsi view and is In- j
tended as a present for the coming bride I
of (Ieneral Harrison.
Hanker Mill Alive.
Pittsburg, Pa.. March 22. A cablegram
dated Paris was received In this city today
from Mr. Ciiarron. the uiiinaser of (feorge
A. Hanker, ihe Ameriean cyclist, in
which he denies the reisnt sent out last
nlKhl from Nice to the effect that Hanker
hud died in :hat cliy of typhoid fever. Mr.
iiarron's ciiblegrum also stated that
while the cyclist had been very ill wi:h
the fever, he was now slightly lietter.
vienclik strike for Ire.
Home. March 22. The Italia say thr.t
General ltaldisser.1. the commander In
chief of Ihe Italian forces in Africa has
broken off the peace negotiuiluiis wiih
King Minelik. the hitter's demands being
txi-essivf. They Include the payment by
llaly of 25.inm.wli lire In gold.
Hon Factory llnrncJ.
Newark, X. J., March 22. The two
storv frame paper box niutrifaetory of
Jaiiib Zlppel. 2:ii to 2t F.lgbth street, was
burned eurlv this morning. I aims on stock,
building and machinery. 112. WJ; insurance,
Terrible Revenge of un I nfuriuuate
family U'oundcJ by .Mi'ltert!c M:on
ncll Vino Abu Attempt. sulci J.
iheir l lvo in th llulanco.
I rugody at l.ancatcr.
Lancaster. Pa.. March 22 Henry
Thompson, who wo bhot early yester
day inorniUK ut ' the Keystone house
here by Miss Bertie Maclmnell, with
whom he was living as husband und
wife under the name of J. '. MaeCoti
nell and wife, la still alive, though
there are no hopes of his recovery. Tile
physicians have located the ball sent
Ittt.i low fm-lit.uil ni'nr the left eve. Ill
the brain. iart of which las exuded
from the wound. His right eve Is
terribly swollen, but It Is believed the
second shot the woman says she lired,
passed into the brain throtivh the eye,
I'p to noon Thompson displayed re
markuble vitality, but he then began
sinking rapidly. He declared this
mol'hluK thut he did not know who shot
hfni nor when he wus shul, und suys
he wished he did. for he would then
tell. When told that he could not re
cover, he said he knew It and only tisked
to be allowed lo die In peace. He now
lies at the house of his brother. Ceoige
Thompson, In this ci-y.
Thomnsou was an ugent and collec
tor of the SlntU'l' Sewing; Machine com
pany for several years, and since last
summer has been connected with the
office here. Miss MncC'onnell came to
the Keystone house on Jan. It!, und two
.1 ilum tnlui' u'iiu l.ilnu.l lil" liui u uiuuil
' J ' " " " ' "
ouionoo. run' e inrii ine, uue iii-io
' boaiillng oT and on at the hotel ami
were an apparently nappy couple.
They were seen together in their room
by the clerk on Friday night and ap
peared to be on friendly terms.
Thompson himself declares they hud no
itlll II el.
After the shooting Allss .MacCunnell
calmly walked out of the room and took
a train for Coutesvllle, the home of her
parents. Arriving there she quietly
entered the house, and, going upstairs,
placed the revolver to her breast und
tired, the bull passing through her lungs
and lodging In her back. She then In
formed her parents, who Immediately
called In a physician. He located the
bull, but. expressed the opinion that
the fuse wus hopeless. Miss MacCun
nell passed a restless night, her mind
apparently wandering ut times. At
one time she expressed the hope thut
Thompson was dead. She fired two
shots, she said, fur fear one might
not kill him. She declared Thompson
hud deceived her and blighted her life,
and. having nothing to live for, she
luiule up her mind to kill herself. She
wanted Thompson to die so he could lint
blight the lives of utheJ'f.
Today Chief of Polil e lurtlcy brought
suit before Alderman Cummiiigs
ugulnst Miss Mai Council, charging her
with felonious ussault uml battery with
intent to kill, and an olllcer was sent
lo Coutesvllle und served a warrant
on the woman at Iter father's house.
This afternoon she was still alive, but
beyond hopes of recovery. ,
The feeling In Coutesvllle against
Thompson is Intense, w hile much sym
pathy Is expressed for Miss MaeCon
nell und her family.
llarrisburg. Pa.. March 22. Mrs. 1
Henry Thompson, wife of the man who
wus shot by Bertie MacCotiuell, of
Coutesvllle, at Lancaster, lives with
their two children on Kuee street, this
city. She says the girl hounded her
husband, who tried repeatedly to get
rid of her. She called at their house
here mid also tit their home when they
lived in Luiicnsler. and wrote several
letters to Mrs. Thomiison, stuting in
one of them fhat she had offered
Thompson JUKI to get a divorce from
his wife so lhat In might marry her.
It Is said Thompson lived happily with
his family. -
Stat !
Ibrarian Joseph l. Smith Is Over-
j thrown.
Chicago, March 22. A special from
Columbus. ., suys: Setiutor Koruker,
'through Cmvernor Hiislinell. has over
I thrown State Librarian Joseph P.
i Smith. The hitler's enforced resignu-
tion is announced. The stab was no
; less ut McKiuley. who. in Ihe last days
I ,,f til.. u.ltiiililuf 1...1 lnjlul.ul 1, ......
1 I.,i,i,.M ..,,hi.i..,.ii.,.i '
.Mr. Smith lias been one of the most
faithful and astute of the ex-governor's
friends and managers. There wus
never a Mi Klnley movement that was
not first decided upon by Mr. Smith, or
upon the advisability of which his opin
ion was not consiilieil.
The bitter opposition of Smith to the
Fer.'iker-ltuslinell interests could not be
overlooked. Moreover, it had been
claimed lhat Smith had been largelv
I Instrumental in the giaml jury invest!-
gallon Instituted for the purpose of
bringing an indictment against Cieorge
H. Cox. file ellli lent th st lieutenant of
Foraker. ami thut the state librarian
had said that Foraker would be in the
penitentiary before he became a mem
ber of the I'nited Slates senate.
It was-therefore arranged that Smith
should be permitted to resign. After
presenting his resignation. Mr. Smith
prompt ly withdrew uml took the train
for Cleveland, where he had an en
gagement with Mark llaima.
.Miss i:n(;m;i i.
I Daughter of the lee President to He
! .MnrricJ.
Chicago. Mulch 22. A special ile
. spatch from Oxford. Ohio, says It Is
' reported that Miss Klith Stevenson,
i daughter of the vice president, of the
I I nit oil Stales and Martin Hardin, sun
c.f ex-!overiior Hardin, of Kentucky.
I are to be married early llils summer.
in! Mr. Hardin and Miss Stevenson visited
the MISMt'it llni-iliti un, I Ovfiu-,1 ,.kll..,p,
here lust Saturday.
Mr. Hardin is a theological stud, lit
at Centor college. Danville. He will be
graduated then and ordained us a min
ister this year.
I nvor Arbitration.
lAimlon, March 22. lird Salisbury ha
wriiteti a li tter to Sir James Siuiisfel.l,
who was I'haliman of the recent demon
strution ill Queen's hull In favor of the
principle cf arbitration In all disputes
between flreat Hiltain and Ihe I'nited
State, acknowledging th receipt of the
i memorial adopted at tht meeting. In ids
letter I.01.I Salisbury says: "I am glad
to be able 10 Inform yon thai this que..
tion Is receiving the consideration of iler
Majesty's government and thut proposals
in Hie direction Indicated by the memu1i.1l
ate now before the goverurient of the
I'nlled Slates.
I en Case liivcn I'p
Alton, lib. March 22. A loiter from W.
L. Sach lichen 10 his father. In this elly.
dated at Krieroum on Feb. 52. suys that
he Intended then to leave Armenia Imme
diately and come home by way of the
lilack Sea and Constantinople. The lett-.r
implies thut the Lens matter has been
Weather Indication Today :
Fair i pecldedly Cooler.
Spaniards Meet wllh Mure Reverses.
Shooting Affray ut Lancaster.
iinnuny Symput hizes wJth dtuly.
tic volutlole in NlearuKUa.
Serious Labor lllot.
t'ongresslonal I'orecimt fur the Week
ieneral Market and Stock Heports.
Tlmi'lv lnduttiul information.
Happenings In Our ISusy Suburbs.
Kdltorial Comment.
A I'arulli'l.
(Localt-r. S. foutt Meets Today.
Preparations fur t he t'unclave.
tirlshka Must Answer.
Illsley Iteplles to Hoard of Trade.
I'li ked i'p lni Dying I'omllllon.
(Locoll Cerenionles Incident
Consecration of III. Hev. .M
lo the
J. Ho-
(Locul)-The ovation to Cnrdliiul Satolll.
News I'p und Iiown the Valley.
I u
According to Private Intelligence Affairs
Are In a Moro Sertoli Condition Thun
Dispatches W011IJ Indicate.
New York. March 22. The revolution
111 Nlcuragua. according to Intelligence
received through private channels to
ituy. Is n oiv serious than tl'." despnteh
iB from that ivinitiv wuull mditaic
The strict prom censorship established
by President Zel'iy.l rcli'leiM it impos
sible for news of atw character xcept
what Is fuvorable to I In; governmei.t.
from being made public. Two of the
facts, however, In the opinion of those
thoroughly familiar with existing con
ditions, seem to be well established.
First, that Xelaya Is not suppressing
the rebellion, and secondly, that the
Hondurlan troops which arrived in
Nicaragua on Friday last, as the sup
posed allies of Zelaya nre quite us like
ly to aid the rebels as to act In concert
with the government troops. .
If Honduras espouses Hacas' cause,
the lutter will. It Is believed, become
victorious, since his troops ure armed
with modern guns, .unlimited by senti
ments of the loftiest patriotism, inas
much, as they ure lighting for consti
tutional liberty, and to prevent Ihe al
leged dictatorship of Zelaya. Without
Honduras' uid the result Is likely to be
lit doubt for several months ut least.
The Fighting Congressman is I n Horsed
by John Wumiinnker.
niilllduysbttrg, Pa., March 22. Wllh
eleven districts yel lo hear from in the
county, ex-l'osf muster iSenerul Wuna
muker has defeated Coiigii'ssinaii
"Jack" llublnsun for endorsement for
I'tilted Stales senator by an over-,
whelming majority at the iiluir county
primaries held yesterday. Mr. Wuuu
luuker led the ticket with one of the
largest votes' ever cast ut a prlmury.
J. D. Hicks was endorsed for congress I
and Dr. D. J. Apleby. of Tyrone, for
the slate senate. It will require the
otllclal count to determine whether
John F. Patterson, of Attoona. or tleo.
M. Patterson, of Williamsburg, has
been Humiliated for assembly. it is
probuble, however, that the Williams
burg man hits won by a Very small
Matthew- Morrow was nominated for
J the assembly. Sheriff i. W. Hell, a
1 yuuy mull, was nominated for delegate
to the national convention.
Methodist Clergymen l-'ill the Pulpits uc
WMIinmspm t.
Willlanisport. Pa., March 22. This
was a day of religious fervor in this
city, nearly nil Ihe pulpits being sup
plied by the visiting .Methodist di
vines. As u consequence the attend
ance at the various services was prob
ably larger Hum ever hYfore in the
history of the elf v. Bishop Vincent
preached at Mulberry street church,
and ulso ordained the elders and dea
cons. In the afternoon he addressed a
inen'a meeting at the Young- Men's
Christian association.
There were utinlversurles this after
noon of the Fieedmeirs Aid, Church
Kxtenslun and Missionary societies, nil
of which Were hugely attended. r,.v.
A. W. Iloutz ilellveied a sermon before
a. congregation of deaf mutes. The
work of the conference will draw to a
close tomorrow.
. .
WAI.M-R Ul l i: ASI I).
Secretary nine? r linnet I'nderstand the
Paris dispatch Published Yesterday.
Washington. March 22. Secretary Ol
ney said today that he could not under
stand the basis for tne story from Paris
published todav thut John L. Waller
hud been released from prison yester
day, as Waller was released last month.
Waller's relatives here say thut he Is
in Knelatul.
A dispatch stating lhat Waller was
still in prison wus published In Ameri
can panel's about a week aeu. The
statement that Waller was released
yesterday probably urose from the for.
. mill exchange of notes between Ainbas
I sudor Fusils und the French minister
I for foreign affairs, closing the Incident.
! Waller was released just one nth ago
oniilj. aim I lie Slate llepal tmellt was
promptly Informed of the fact bv Mr
Fust is.
It Is prohuMe Hint He Will Have a Clear
I bid in 'Hint State.
St. Paul. Minn.. March 22.--Complete
returns from the counties of Minneso
ta are in tonight ami fur the lirst time
there Is an opportunity to figure up Ihe
relative strength of Davis and McKiu
ley. The counties have gone heavily
against Minnesota's senator and of the
thousand deleeiiles lo the state con
vention on Tiiesday.McKinley has over
seven hundred.
Mr. Davis seems out of the luce, and
it is believed he will gracefully with
draw. It Is reported tonight lhat he
may do so before Tuesday and give
McKiuley u clear field.
iian;i:i 15V A .MOK.
William Murphy Taken from a
Jail and l.vnchcd.
Chattanooga. Tctin., March 22. A
mob of thirty men obtained William
Murphy from the Scott county jail at
Huntsville. Tenn., nt midnight last
night by strategy nnd hung him. plead
ing and praying, to a tree in the public
square, tint 1H) feet from the Jail. The
victim was in prison awaiting trial for
shooting Hill Howiln. u miner at Pio
neer, three weeks ago.
The lynchers, who nre unknown, dis
appeared like shadows after the lynch
ing. Purse for Corhett and Mitchell.
London, March 22. C.eorge Stevens, nf
the llollnghrulte club, offers a purse of $12,-
for a light between Corbel t anil Mit
chell 111 Lnmten. He also often $jou to
each man for training expenses.
Geriiiuoy's Present Attitude un the
Kyyntiun IJuestion Explained.
(icrmuny'a Convent to I nullah Occupa
tion of the Nile Valley is tilven
for the Sake uf I pholdlng In
terests of tier man Allies,
Herlln. March 22. The special an
nouncement thut C.ermnny had given
her assent to P.ugland's drawing on the
Kgyptlau reserve fund to defray the
cost of the Itiitlsh expedition up the
Nile valley, which was published In the
North Oruiuu (lazette, was worded In
such a niun-ier as to convey the Im
pression thai Cicriiiuny'H assent was
not given to conserve Kugllsh Interests,
but rather fur the sake of upholding the
interests uf the allies of liermany In
cluded In the Dreibund, especially
those of Italy. ' Two articles on the
subject which were subsequently pub
lished In the (lazette were a great deal
more cordial toward KngianU, and the'
Intention seems to have been to dispel
all traces of the recent Herman Irrita
tion toward F.nglund, to defend the
Dongola expedition as an Inevitable
und itiillspenslble movement and to pre
dict thill ultimate recognition by Ku
rupe of the value of the operations of
the expedition In controlling the de
structive power of the Dervishes, eth
er Inspired journals are now taking the
same view.
The key to ull this sudden display of
good will toward England Is unques
tionably (leriuun sympathy with Duly.
If the battle of Adowa. fought on March
1, ill which the Italians were disastrous
ly defeated, had not occurred, Oerniauy
would not have countenanced the ex
pedition up the valley of the Nile, and
probably would have sided with France
and Russia to prevent It.
Paris, .March 22. The newspapers
last evening contained a semi-official
note atllrmlng thut unanimity on the
part of the powers Is necessary to en
able the expenditure of any part of the
Fgyptiau reserve fund for the defray
ing of the expenses of on expedition to
Dongola, such us proposed bv Knglund.
Cicriuany's adhesion to Knghinu s pro
posal, the nole contends, does nut Imply
thut Hermany regards unanimity need
Hcfests Jeraiue kengli In the $1000 Pool
Pittsburg, Pu., March 22. Clearwat
er retains the world's championship,
und won the xl.uui) In the six hundred
point pool match with Keogh. Clear
water scored lirti) uiul Keogh Ma.
The score lust night wus Cleurwater
1!M: Keogh 2ns
Keogh seemed to be a bundle of noth
ing nut nerve. 111s uphill work wus
wonderful and at one stage he looked
Very much like a winner, being thirty-
two bulls In the lead In the night's
play. There were nol more than alio
people In, their seats when Clearwater
made his customary break, leaving the
cue ball frozen to the lower rail, but
by a timgtilllcent shot Keogh pocketed
one ball und split the bunch to 11
nicety. On the nex't shot quite all easy
cut for the corner, Clearwater ran two,
missed, und profiting by Keogh's miss
got live more, Hulh men missed sev
eral easy ones before the frame closed.
Keogh making the lust bull. In the
ninth the Scran ton hid kept forging
ahead by beautiful work. His work til
the tenth was marvelous. Leaving
Clearwater safe on his break he cleared
Ihe table on his lirst shot and the crowd
broke loose Into a turmoil. In this
fiame he executed no less thuu three
dltllculf cut-shots In rapid succession.
The next frame prudu I considerable
excitement. On the break Keogh left
Clearwater but one shot, u fairly easy
one for the lower corner. The cham
pion seemed nervous when he placed
Ills cue In position, and. after a second
or two of delibi i-.itlun. let go. The ball
went wide of the pocket, and several
cries of "He is in the air." were heard.
Keogh made one and In a rather over
anxious manner missed nn easv one.
Clearwater took his turn and made one,
then missed on a very simple shut. At
j this the greater part of the audience
began lo hoot and yell, whereupon
I Clearwater cried "I will not stand that,
! gentlemen." He seemed flustered and
angry, keogh pocketed six more and
then quit. After several misses the
frame closed with a nice long shot on
the part of Keogh.
At the close of the match Oeorgo
Meyer challenged Clearwater on behalf
of Alfred De urn. the Cuban champion.
Clearwater's victory was by no means
a popular one. the crowd responding
with a hearty will to a call for the three
cheers for Keogh.
Wutchimin at tlio Head Ins Yard with a
Pullet in Ills Head,
llarrisburg. Pa.. March 22 A. T.
Simmers, a watchman in the Heading
railroad yards. Is at the city diosiiital
with a bullet in his head and proably
fatally. Injured. Two Italians. Antonio
Derosa and Mike Magm i'a. Were In the
yards shooting revolvers and conduct,
ing themselves In tt disorderly manner,
when the wutchmun ordered llieni off
the premises.
Derosa fired at him. tin- bullet strik
ing Simmers In tile left eye. but the
watchman closed with his assailants,
and other men coming to his assistance
I hey were lodged in Jail.
- - - -
oopci's Knsh Act.
; Kiltanuing. I'a.. .March 22. Andrew
I Cooper, aged 711, who shot his wife at
j North Hiuialu Saturday evening, was
j placed In Jail today. She will likely re.
' cover. After shouting her. Cooper shut
; himself ill the tui-eliead mi l also slash id
. liL throat twice with u knife, yet he is
1 not seriously injured. Cuuper had been
i drinking mi l gut angry I ause his wile
i usktd him lu ciiior the house by a rear
' door so he would nut track Ihe tloor shu
! was then scrubbing.
1 .
1 tiuod Winter for l umbermen.
! Albany. .March 22. Chief Came Prote.--
i tor Pond says the present winter lias
been favorable fur the purpuses of the
lumbermen In Ihe Adlroudacks. It was
ilisiMiuaKlug at the start, but the mil l
period was Just right for the culling -of
lugs, und luter there has been an alum,
dance nf snow. This w III provide an easy
method of Die ti II 11 k the logs to the st reams,
and ulso furnish all 1 lie water neeessiire
when spring sets In to llual the timber to
the mills.
New Hampshire liirl in n irnnee.
Porlsmmilh. N. II.. March 22. .Miss
Alice Sullivan. 2') years old. living ill
fates sireel. lias lain as In a iranc .siiiet
Wednesday morning. Nut 11 suund has es
caped lie:- In.r has she made any motion
to Indicate her knowledge of anything
huipeiiir.g around her. Shu Is heedless of
Ihe pricking her body with pins, her eyes
lire shul. her lips are apart, bill her teeth
ure tightly closed, .
Spanish Cruiser sunk a steamer.
Key West, Flu., Murch 22. The steamer
Whitney arrived yesterday and reported
that it Is rumored In Havai a that a
Spanish cruiser sunk u steamer between
Curdenus uml Miittinzas Frtdey. It is
thought to be Uolluquui s party
We are now showing a
magnificent line of Shirt
In Linen Batiste, In
dian Dimities, Oala
teas. Percales, Etc.
Also the KINO and
for Boys. The most
satisfactory Waist In
the market,
Boys' Kilt Suits and
Infants' Long and
Short Dt&ssqs,
510 AND 512
J li E
FSeest Shoes,
:',.9- Al I! iTJJfllE.
-' tl
Possess All
The Requirements.
Wholesale and
Easter Eggs.
Easter Eggs.
We have secured one of
the prettiest, inexpensive,
Easter Giffo 5a an
Becsnitd Easter
Something entirely
new. Look in our
show window as you
pass by.
W.J. Welchel
408 Spruce St.
Valuable Papers Destroyed in th Census
Washington. March 22. At 2 o'clock
this afternoon lire wus discovered burn
Ing furiously In a building on 1-2 street,
near N'intll. occupied by the census of
fice. The inside of ''he building was
badly damaged. Involving; a loss of
uboitt $2ii.mmi. fully Insured.
Probably the most serious loss will
be to the records of Ihe census office
contained in the building, some of
which were destroyed, and all more ot
less Injured by smoke and water. The
building was known us Marlnl hall,
and wus the place where the Knl&bta
uf Pythias organisation wu boMa.
I 1
If -finM
JftVUl i