The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 21, 1896, Image 1

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If Ends
r. . .
v Our annual Muslin Underwear sale
. has been a triumphant success, but
mnnk of tho numbers are gelling pret
ty well Hold out, ami we cannot possi
bly continue the present reduced .price
' list longer than Suturtluy. Can you it
In before then? If not, your bargain
opportunity, with our whole line at
. your disposal, is Kone for another
rear. Can you afford to let It pass!
r no, we're satisfied: for to tell you
the truth our resources In this sola
tiave hern more severely taxed than we
' toud figured on.
An usual, however, we're better than
our word, and to make the three clos
ing claya of additional Interest to our
patrons, we've thrown In an extra
3D Bczei "
Mies9 Night Gowns
itf full V quality, made from the
best Standard Jllinlln. cut extra H
nn.t long. Handsomely trimmed Oro.
cian fronts, perfect needle work, elo.
Satmrflay Kight
The Following Bargain
List Will Also Be Main
tained Till Closing Hour
Saturday Night:
ATM no
n mi rivr el "fc'Pl
O. quality for
tlx', qunlily for
tic. quality for
FT'iC quality for..,-
!'..-. quality for-
SI .' quullty for.
ll.l'J'i iiuulity for
tl.15 quullty for
Il.2f quality for
ll.Sj quality for
$l.37'i quullty for
tl.U'i quality for
ll.VT'.i quality for
IJ.IM quality for
.... .."lie.
Daintily made from choicest mater
lulu. Bi, quullty for 17c.
quality for -I1'.
40c. quality fur Tic.
Mc. quality for 27e.
tic. quullty for 4e.
tv. quality for file.
CSe. quality for Wo.
TOc. quality lor HSo.
quality for tile.
&c. quality for 73c.
V or square cut front. Frettlest cf
dainty trims.
i'o. quality for 1Te.
.Inc. quality for 2
r:"c. quality for 2lo.
ST'ic quality for 28c.
43c. quality for 3i.
COv. quality for 4Se.
latest styles In trim, and cut es
pecially designed to meet the require
ment of the extra wide dress skirts
now prevailing.
, KAc. quality for ,...37fe.
Roc. quality for fiSe.
STie. quality for fclc.
n.12',4 quality for 3c.
$1.25 quality for II. (pI
tl.37', quality for 11.11
l.fi0 quality for 1,1. M
I1.7S quality for ll.r.S
W.OO quality or $1.79
12.37 qualltySbr $1.93
Boring TMs Sale
Special prices have also been placed
, on Misses' and Children's gowns and
drawers, to whioh our line is com
plete, ' '
;Sbirt Waist
In conjunction with our annual sale
of Musnn Underwear we will make
an opening 0f naw8prlng and Sum
mer shirt waists. The goods are all
laundrlod with stiff collars and cufTs,
and tho styles aro as now as tho latest
fashion plata.
. 25 dot. new waists worth 60c. for 46c.
to dox. new waists worth (Sc. for 06c.
W 60s. new waists worth $1 for 7io.
' E dos. new waists worth $1.25 for Mc.
" W dox. new waists worth $ for....$l.U
3 cos. mow waists weria 11. ier ilw
" y warehouse
Programme of Advocates , of Bi
metallism aod Protection.
If Conventions Turn a Deaf Ear I poo
Ihclr Demands-An Independent
Ticket with Cameron at tho
Head Will Be Named.
WashliiRton. March 50. The confer
ence between the Pennsylvania manu
facturers anil the silver senators nt
Washington lout night la significant In
several respects. It means that the
sliver nti'D will force the fight all along
the line from now till the June and July
conventions, and that they will strive
to commit both parties to silver mono
metallism, and also endeavor to Becure
the nomination of a candidate friendly
to the white metal.
If unsuccessful In the second propo
sition Just outlined, they will run an
independent ticket headed by Cameron
and Teller. This Is no hearsay, but
hard fact. A correspondent talked
with nearly all laot night silver con
ferees, with the result above named.
Senator Teller nseurws him that Don
Cameron will be the silver presiden
tial candidate, and Senator I'll Bois In
sists 1 hut .Mr. Teller' mime must also
appear on the ticket.
Senutor John 1'. Jones, of Nevada, is
authority fur the statement thtvt there
will be a split. So that If the schemes
of the silver men fail nt the Republi
can national convention. It will be a
case of "utter St. Louis, the deluge."
Missouri Neptiblicun State Committee
Memhjrs Show Their Colors.
St. Louis. Mn., March 20. The P.o
pulillcuii state centrul committee met
here today to determine whether one
or two conventions should lie held in
Mivsoiirl this year. A canvass showed
that out of thirty-seven members pres
ent, thlrtv-tive were In Tavor of Mc
Klnlev for Hi Mt choice ns presidential
nominee. The first ballot resulted in
favor of holding two conventions.
The llrsl convention will be held on
May 27 und will elect deputes to the
national Republican convention and re
elect a new state committee. The sec
ond convention will be held on July 1'2
mid the eatiipalgn will be made on the
linant l;l plank adopted by the national
convent Ion.
South .McAllister. I. T.. March 20.
The K. i.til'liians of the Choctaw na
tion toihiv at Muskogee elected u dele
gate it nd liiHtrucleil him for McKitiley.
St. l-o ill. Allnn.. Mutch 20. County
coiiveiitlon.'l were held throughout
MilineMota today In select deleKates for
the state and coiiRi esslonul ilistrlct con
ventions to nuioe deleitntes to the St.
linis -.mcntloti. The retuniH so far
indicate that McKlnley has made con
hiilernlile Inroads upon the preserves of
Senator Ouvls. '-..
O!. NW.. MAiVll 20. -The lllxt
sembly rtlsliict Ue?nibllcan eun futlon
was held at IiYnnkllnvHle. this: after
noon. An Iron-clad resolution was
unanimously udopted Instruct ing the
delegates to vole for iiatloiinl .delegates
only who favor McKlnley.
M'v vomk :onvi:ntioxs.
The Antll'latt People Claim large
tin ins.
Xew York, March 20. Conventions
were held tonight In all the thirty-live
assembly districts In the city to choose
delegates to the Kepubllcan state con
vention to meet here next Tuesduy.
The latter body will select four dele
Rates from the slate nt large and four
alternates to the national convention
at St. Louis. It is claimed by the unti
Platt people that they pieced their
delegates in the First. Second. Third,
eighteenth and Twenty-seventh dis
tricts. In several of the conventions reso
lutions endorsing the candidacy of Gov
ernor .Morton were adopted. In other
districts there were no resolutions and
In no case was any other candidate than
Mr. Morton mentioned.
i:nglUhmen Prefer That Ho Should
Mcpresent the I'nllcd States.
London. March 20. The .Standard
commenting on the action of the house
of representatives In adopting the res
olutions censuring Ambassador Unyard,
will tomorrow sny thnt, while there Is
some reason for the complulnt against
Mr. 1 la yard, It thinks his opponents
ridiculous to exaggerate the grievance.
They have taken an ungenerous ad
vantage. The Standard will say it Is of the
opinion that s strong motive to Induce
Mr. Hayard to Ignore tho vote of cen
sure and to remain at his post Is found
to fact that the friendly tone which
succeeded the Initial business of the
Venezuelan question was largely due to
his personal exertions. Knglishmen.
the paper says would genuinely regret
his departure.
The Dally News will tomorrow pub
lish a despatch from Monte Carlo say
ing that prince of Monaco has granted
the Casino a further concession for fifty
years on condition that bis annuity be
increased from U0.000 pounds to 80.000
pounds. The presen'. concession does
not expire until 1D13.
Oeorgo W, Diss on Trial in Atlanta At
temps to Brain a Witness'
Atlanta, Ga., March 20. fleorge W.
Dice, who Is called by the government
secret service men the Old Man Brock
way of the West, made a desperate
effort to brain Inspector John Murphy,
of St. Louis, who is one of the prose
cuting witnesses in the ease, against
him. This occurred in the United States
court room during a recess this after
noon. Dice was talking; with some of the
other STOvernment officials, when .Mur
phy drew near. Dice sprang at his
throat, then being hurled aside, grab
bed a chair and tried to brain the de
tective. In the melee which followed
several people were knocked down, but
no harm was done. The case against
Dice looks black. Inspector Burns tes
tified; today that the counterfeiter had
Convention of Members from the
Anthracite Region.
Pottsvllle, Pa., March 20. A conven
tion of members of the United Mine
Workers of America, from the anthra
cite region, was held here today. Over
ninety branches of the organisation
were represented. The main topic of
discussion wan the formation of groups
of locals Into sub-districts. The an
thraolte locals will be divided Into eight
tub-divisions as follows:
The Bhamokin district will extend
from that place to ML Carmel, taking
In Locust dap and all other nearby
places. Another district will be formed
of territory from Centralis, takina- m
Locustdale and up through the Shen
andoah valley as far as Jacksons. An
other will run from Olrardvllle. taking
in Frackvllle. Morea. New Boston and
as far as Huck mountain, Tainaqua,
Coaldale and up through that valley
will form another sub-dlstrlct. The
Schuylkill valley, 8t. Clair and all
towns to Pottsvllle will also form one.
Another will be made up of Mlnersvllle,
Forestville. .Mt. Laffec, Brunehdale,
Swatara and Primrose and places up
the Heekscherville valley as far as Mt.
Pleasant. Tremont. Tower City. Wig
mans. Kausch Creek, Jollet. Hiackwood
and the whole west end will form a
sub-district. The eighth district will
be made up of the locals at present or
ganised In the Haxleton region and
hereafter sub-districts will be formed
whenever there are enough new locals
organized. j
lis Defeats CUarwstsr by a Score of
199 to 194.
PJttsburg. March 20. Keogh won the
second game in the pool match for the
world's championship and $1,000, scor
ing 199 to Clearwater's 1H4.
The score now stands: Clearwater,
404; QeoKK 327. The match Is for 600
points, 200 to lie played each night. As
Clearwater scored 210 last nisht It was
not necessary for him to score more
thun l'JO tonight. N
The New Kicgcl Knffian Submits Quietly
to Arrest -His Victims Still Alive but in
Ciiticul Condition.
Tltlln. Ohio, March 20. The New
Itlegcl tragedy created much excite
ment here today and this was lntensl
lled this afternoon when Marshal Iase
and the jiollce arrived with John Moes,
w ho lust evening shot his divorced wife
and her sister. Miss Katie Smith. Moes
spent the night In the home of his
mother with the doors and windows
barricaded and heavily armed. While
the citizens would not attempt to cap
ture him, the house was closely guard
ed all night and until the ollicers ar
rived about noon.
This morning John It. Smith, brother
of the two women, ennio to Tlliln and
tiled an ultliluvit with Mayor Hex,
rhurglng Mots wllh shunting With In
tent to kill and the warrant was at
once Issued and placed In the hands
of Marshal Lease. When Moes saw
the ofllcers his braggadocio disappear
ed and coming from the hocse, he
threw down his gun und revolvers, and
announced his willingness to uubmit
peacefully to arrest.
lie was brought here, arraigned be
fore the muyor und entered a pleit of
not guilty, lie was remanded to Jail
In ib-l'uiiH of $10.0011 bond. Aloes had
been a bud man for years and it Is said
lias xhumcl'tilly abused his wife und
children. Lust evening, after he had
enteied the house where his divorced
wile was living, lie appeured to be
cheerful, but commenced shooting us
kooii us .Mrs. .Mimh refused to return
to his home. The two women, after
being shot, run out into a blinding snow
storm, but he pursued them, firing an
other shot Into the prostrate body of
each us they lay In the snow. Then he
citlnily weMted to .a snlocn. '-bought a
drlnli oi' vhiskej. and took refuge Hi
the home of bis mother before the vll
lugers knew what hud happened.
At 8 o'clock tonight Airs. Moes wns
sinking taiUlly and the Indications
were that she would live but a few
hours. Her condition Is rendered more
critical by the fuct that she would
soon have become a mother. Miss
Sinith Is resting well and hopes for her
tilllimite recovery are entertained.
Opinions of Krert I pou I be Stat of
Now York, March 20.-IJ. . Dun &
Co. will say tomorrow in the Weekly
Kevlew of Trade:
PailurcH for the week were 201 ill the
t'nited States against 278 last year, and
V.i In Canada against lust year.
Movement toward better things Is
still the exception. There Is better
business in shoes and small Industries
und there has been a squeezing, of short
sellers in cotton. Hut the general ten
dency of industries and prices Is not en
couraging und those who were most
hopeful a month ngo are still waiting,
not so hopefully, for the expected re
covery. Obstructions to recovery are
not to be sought primarily In the Invest
ment or the money market, but In the
industrial reaction after the unnatural
expansion of demand and prices last
It Is a striking fact that the only
great Industry which Is now rapidly
gaining in business is the one in which
prices have been generally cut down to
last years lowest ligures. and the boot
and shoe makers had a reason for hesi
tation in the price of leather, which
still averages it per cent, higher than
a year ago. though hides aro 13 per
cent, lower, having again declined the
past week about II per cent.
It the manufacturers get narrow
profits, or none, they ure at least doing
a business which will keep most of the
works in operation. The woolen mills
have different conditions and with
prices already reduced below lust year's
lowest average and wool ft. 3 per cent,
higher than it was then, theyure not
getting business enough to keep works
In operation. Sales of wool were the
smallest in any week for years.
The market In wheat has been weak
though rather stagnant but the weight
of facts as western receipts for three
weeks of March have been 8,882.4Sl
bushels ngainst r.624,29 last year. At
lantic exports. Hour Included also show
a decrease amounting to 4,048,is4 bush
els for three woeks against 6.097.018 last
year. The movement of corn continues
very large and prices have declined 1
cent for cash.
A troublesome feature of the situation
is the stringency In commercial loans,
not because of scarcity of money, but
because banks are disturbed by failures
of some Importance.
, ..
Ilooth's Female Warriors Adopt Cadet
nine as Their Color.
New York, March 20. A revolt has
occurred among Cod's American Volun
teers. It didn't last long, but there was
a lively time at Commander Booth's
headquarters. The trouble was over
the color of the uniform of the lassies.
A large number of the new volunteers
are young women, many of them are
good looking. When they read the other
day that it had been decided that
brown should be the color of the
women's uniform they concluded that
they didn't like that color. "They got
together informally, talked the matter
over and went in a body to see Com
mander Booth. He referred them to
Mrs. Booth, and the delegation had a
long talk with her.
The upshot of the matter was that it
was decided to change the color of the
women's uniform from brown to cadet
blue. The color and trimmings of the
bonnets will be changed to conform to
this shade.
Another change In the new organiza
tion will affect Its name. 'It will be
known as "The American Volunteers."
There are objections. Commander
Booth said, to bringing the name of the
Deity In the name of the organiza-
Ion. ' . , .
A filibustering Expedition Landed at
alleged American citizen Piovea to Be, a
Stpanlsh Subject-Ssliurs of Arms,
tieacral Weyler Mill
Not Resign-
Havana, March 20. A government
launch has arrived at Cardenas hav
ing In tow three row boats that had
been used in landing a filibustering ex
pedition on Yavadero beach- A light
between troops and Insurgents follow
ed the landing of the expedition. No
accurate account of the result of the
fight Is obtainable. Additional troops
have been sent In pursuit of the rebels.
There is no news of Maceo's opera
tions in the Province of Pinar del Klo.
Eight train loads of tronus and one
ambulance train have been sent to re
inforce the columns operating against
Washington, March 20. A dlsputch
to the state department today from
Consul ilenerul Williams at Havana
reported that he had Investigated the
arrest and Imprisonment .of Ollverto
Agr.imoiite, an alleged American cltl
xen. charged with complicity In tire
Cuban Insurrection and bad ascertain
ed that Agramonte was a Spanish sub
ject. This disposes of the rase so far
as the Intererence of this government
Is concerned. Agramonte has fiaends
In New York city who reported Ills ar
rest to the department. He Is the
manager of a plantation In Cuba.
A report received through the mall
at the department today from John 1.
Hall, of Connecticut, United States con
sul at San Juan, Puerto Hlco, shows
that the story told in New York yes
terday by a passenger of the steamer
South Cambria about an alleged at
tempt on Mr. Hall's life by a Spanish
soldier on March 3 Is erroneous. Air.
Hull says he has no reason to believe
that the bullet tired was Intended for
him. On the contrary he believes- the
shooting was accidental. The consul's
notice Is opposite the Spanish prison at
San Juun. .
riilladelphlu, March 20. From Infor
mation received here today the seizure
of arms and umiiiunltiun made yester
day by the Spanish Jn Cuhu is not so
Important us the olllclal despatches
from Havana would indicate. The mu
nitions peizued were not those taken
out on the Mallory. but were from the
schooner Arkeil. The Arli'll was ut
anchor at a place called lf Varadero.
All the urins aboard hud been landed
l-uve 14,1 cases of ammunition when the
gun bout Caradud hove in sight. The
men on the Arkeil 'abandoned the
whnoiicr and hastily escaped tb the
shore. . The Caradud seized the Arkeil
and 14'i cases of ammunition.
Madrid, March ' 20. "Pilule "-Minister
Cunovus Del Castillo has received a
telegram from Captain General Wey
ler declaring that he Is satisfied with
the course of the military operations in
Cuba and that nothing has hitherto oc
curred to Induce him to resign.
Jim l oulk, a Burglar, Mokes a Daring
Break for Liberty.
Hurrlsburg, Pa., March 20. Jim
Poulk, a house-breaker, and who is
also known as a puglist, escaped from
Constnble Redmond, of this city on a
train lust night, forty miles oust of
Foulk broke Into a house in Hurrls
burg two years ago and was captured
soon afterward. lie escaped while be
ing taken to jail and has since been a
fugitive. Chief of Police Anderson
traced him from place to place and on
Tuesday lie was located at Pittsburg
and arrested. Constable Redmond left
Pittsburg with his prisoner lust night
on a Pennsylvania railroad train and
on the way Foulk complained thut the
"nippers" gave him pain und usked
that they be loosened. While the of
llcer was complying with the request
the man made a sudden plunge for the
front door of the car. The train was
running at the rate of forty miles an
hour, but this did not alarm the house
breaker and he Jumped off into a pile
of snow rtnd Is believed to have escaped
Injury. The train was stopped and run
buck to the place where Foulk made
his escape, but no trace of him could
be found.
lata I Kesultof a lloxing .Mutch Between
Hcgulur Army Privates.
Chicago, March 20. Private Allen, of
Company A, Fifteenth Infantry, shot
and fatally wounded Private Call, of
the same company. In the post quarters
at Fort Sherldun, shortly after 9
o'clock this morning. While being dis
armed Allen was accidentally shot
with his own revolver, and he also will
probably die. The two men, it Is said,
had been engaged In a boxing match,
In which Allen was worsted. At the
end of the bout Allen left the quarters.
It was thought to obtain a drink of
water. A few minutes later he re
turned, carrying a revolver, and be
fore he could be stopped tired at his
adversary, indicting what Is supposed
to be a mortal wound.
A rush was made for Allen, and In
the confusion the revolver was dis
charged, the bullet probubly fatally
wounding the struggling man. It Is
said that the boxing mutch wns a vi
cious light.
Serious Accident at a Chicago Iron
Chicago, March 20. Five men -were
burned, two of them futally,- this af
ternoon, in a foundry at Ashland and
Archer avenues. They were: Michael
Donivich and Peter Rovltch, fatally
burned; Edward Davis, Miles Conway
and Alex Cameron, seriously burned.
The cupola in the converting shed
fell from Its support hurling the mol
ten metal on every side. The men who
were injured were working near by and
could not escape.
Trial of the Massachusetts.
Lewes. Del., March 20. The battleship
Massachusetts parsed out to sex this
morning on her builder's trial trip, re
turning to the breakwater at 2.30 p. m.
She then made several rapid runs between
the "Brown" and the Capes, evidently for
th purpose of testing her steering appar
atus, and at 6.45 p. in. nnchored at the
"Brown," where she will probably lay un
til high tide, when she will continue up
tiie bay to Cramps yards.
British Bluff Kffectlve.
Berlin, March 20. In consequence of tho
action of the British house of commons
last Tuesday In adopting a resolution
committing Great Britain to a-gold stand
ard of money the motion in favor of silver,
which It was Intended to Introduce In the
Prussian landtave. had been withdrawn-
Weather Indications Today t
Fair; Northwesterly Wind.
1 Murder and Suicide at Forest City.
News of the War in Cuba,
Political News from Everywhere.
Iun' Weekly Trade Review.
Silver Agituiors ut Work.
Real Jekyll and Hyde.
2 In the National Congress.
General Market and Stock Reports.
3 Religious Resume of tho Week.
Proposed R. R. Y. M. C. A. Structure.
4 Editorial Comment.
5 Imposing Ceremonies at the Cathedral.
Princeton's Alumni l'lne.
Permanent Choral Union.
S Social Hide of Scranton.
For Those Musically Inclined,
Gossip of the Player-Folk.
Luzerne County's Insane.
She Wants '.'."..ooO.
7 Happenings In Our Busy Suburbs.
Final Arrangements for Tonight's
Ovation to Cardinal Satolli.
Cases to be Tried in United States
Court. - v -
$ (Sporting) Base Rail as a School.
1 General Sporting Gossip.
The Bicycle In Europe.
Base Bull, Cycling, General Sporting
9 For and About the Gentler Sex,
"The New Woman."
Abe Lincoln Humor.
10 "Our Learned Fellow-Townsman"
Of Interest to Our Welsh Readers.
U Wonderland of North America.
Good Short Stories.
12 News Up and Down the Valley.
Stzeleckl Was a Literary Alan by Dav and
a Burglar by Night Boston'sducatcd
Crook Nobs Fifty Plats.
Boston, March 20. A Dr. Jekyll and
Mr. Hyde episode In real life has come
to light through the capture of Charles
. Stzeleckl. a protege of Edward Ever
ett Hale, D. I.. who has wealthy rela
tives in New York. The prisoner Is a
reflned and Intelligent young man. and
for a year has been lending a dual life
here to the complete mystlllcation of
the police. While writing book reviews
and editorials for the Commonwealth.
Dr. Hale's paper, he hits committed
burglaries in about in'ty flats und resi
dences In the fashionable Buck Hay.
He was caught last night just as he was
leuving the pawnshop of Louis Ein
stein. 21 Pleasant street, where he went
to dispose of stolen silverware. Later
at the station house he confessed all.
The amount of plunder reaches well
into the thousands. He lias clone It all
In two months. He came from abroad
when a mere boy, was educated In New
York, where he attended college, und
came from there to this city a year ago.
It was not long before he wandered Into
the office of Dr. Hale, at 3 Hamilton
Place, in search of work. Or. Hale took
u fancy to him at once, and et him to
work In the office. He graduull.
worked along Into higher positions, and
was soon given some books to review.
He did the work well, and several of
his reviews have appeared In the Com
monwealth's columns with his signa
ture attached. v
He remained (here until about three
months ago, when Dr. Hale secured
htm another position, because he could
not increase his snlary, as requested.
He remained there about six weeks, and
has had no regular work since, although
ho continued to write for the Common
wealth. For the last two months the
Hack Bay lias been systematically
worked by an unknown burglar, and
the police could not dLscover the slight
est clue until ten days ago, when they
found some of the plunder in a pawn
shop. They camped there for ton days,
and last night Stzeleckl came in with a
package and wus arrested. He coolly
suggested that the ofllcers must have
made a mlstuke, but at the station
house confessed the whole business.
They found a chisel In his trousers leg
and some skeleton keys in his pocket.
"What are these for?" they asked.
"Well, I suppose I may as well tell the
whole truth I am a burglar. You have
caught me at last. I used the chisel to
get Into the houses. I started to steal
because I was out of work, 1 could not
do anything else. I do not know what
caused me to do It. but I thought of
robbing houses, and I got this chisel
and set to work.
"How many houses have I robbed?
Oh,' I guess about twenty-five or so. I
cannot remember the exact number. I
pawned a. good deal of the stuff. The
rest of it Is at my house. .The first
house I broke Into was on.ltatavla
street. That was two months ago. I
forced the door open with the chisel,
for I was satisfied that no one was
Inside. I took a lot of silverware and a
few other things and got out without
being cuught. I saw It was eusy work,
so I kept It up."
He had two rooms which he kept
locked, and when the officers went there
they discovered .several thousand dol
lars worth of jewelry and sllverwure.
They also secured considerable more on
pawn tickets found on his person.
Heavy Snow Storms in Canada and North
ern New York,
Montreal, March 20. A heavy snow
storm has prevailed all over this sec
tion for the last twenty-four hours.
Already tho fall measures a foot and
three quarters on the level, the largest
in many years. Railway traffic, is
much interrupted.
Toronto, Out., March 20. One of the
worst snow storms In many years so
far as its effects on railway traffic is
concerned, has been raging all over
Ontario for the past twenty-four hours,
and as a result train service every
where Is almost paralyzed.
Watertown, N. Y., March 20. A bliz
zard has prevailed throughout North
ern New York today, blocking the high
ways with drifts of new snow and de
laying trains on all parts of the Rome,
Watertown and Ogdensburg line. The
road is kept open except the Cape Vin
cent branch, which has been closed
twenty-four hours.
Narrow Escape- of Kallroadcrs on tho
WIlllamRport, Pa., March 20. At 2
o'clock this morning a Pennsylvania
east hound freight train wns derailed
In South Williamsport and the locomo
tive and nine cars were wrecked. The
switch lock hod been broken open and
the track set to throw the truln on a
short siding, i
The engineer and fireman saved
themselves by Jbmping. J. A. Howard,
a tramp, Is 4indtV arrest on suspicion.
: Hanged fly White Caps.
St. Louis. MnrAJt 20. A special from
uopK'iisvMie, 1'-nys: .ion-' jriu'iats.
farmer, was feioid r- low;
to a'li-ee ami dead.
him for mlJUi-e-.iitiiir I. u
r v
Prank Kregr, an Austrian, Shoots His
Wife and Then Commits Suicide.
Mrs. Krcgr and Atotbcr BattU to Keep
the Blood-Thirsty liusband from
Accomplishing Ills Purpose.
- Hit by Third Bullet.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Forest City, March 20. A terrible
tragedy took place In this borough
shortly after 13 o'clock this morning,
when Frank Kregr, an Austrian, shot
his wife and then killed himself by
perforating his chest with bullet holes.
Mrs. Kregr will live, but Kregr died
almost instantly.
Sometime In April last the suicide and
would-be murderer quarrelled, with his
wife and left her, going to Kansas.
The couple had two children, girls, aged
4 and 2 years. Mrs. Kregr never heard
from her liusband but worked and sup
ported her small family. With her, at
her small home on l'pier Main street,
lived her mother, whose name la Alug
daleno Payzll. In the house next to
them lived Joseph Payzll, a brother of
.Mrs. Kregr.
Last Sutiday Joseph Payxll was sur
prised to see Frank Kregr walk up to
the house and salute him In as friend
ly a manner as If he had never desert
ed his family. Payzll took his prof
fered hand and Kregr walked into the
house with him and stayed there until
Tuesday morning Kregr came down
town anil hired a livery horse from C.
M. Leonard. He also proceeded to get
very drunk. He drove up and down the
streets furiously and in the afternoon
was arrested for drunkenness. He
stayed In the borough lock-up nil night
and in the morning wns fined $5. Later
AVednesday he was re-arrested for
cruelty to anlmuht mid fined $10 and
costs. Ho then went buck to the house
of his brother-in-law and slept there
Wednesday night. .
Thursday morning about 8 o'clock he
went to the house of his wife and was
there until 11 o'clock. He conversed
with his mother-in-law, but his wife
would have nothing to, say to him.
Just before noon he left and came back
again ut 4 p. m. From then he stayed
there until ho committed the double
crime thut yesterday morning threw
the community into a state of excite
About midnight he wus sitting talk
ing to Mrs. Payzll, when he usked her
where his shirts were that he had left
there. She told liiui.she would get them
for him and called to Mrs. Krcgr to
hold a light for her. They started Into
a small bed room off the kitchen, when
Kregr. who was In the sitting room,
drew a thirty-eight calibre revolver and
shot ut his wife. His air was wild, for
he sent tho bullet through the top of
the door between the sitting room and
kitchen. Mrs,- Kregr and he mother
ran Into the smull bed room and closed
the floor. Kregr followed and kicked
tho lower panel In. Then he succeed
ed In partly-opening it and fired at his
wife again. Once more his aim was
poor and the leaden nilsstltrilew through
a pane of glass In a window behind the
women. Again the man discharged his
weapon and the wife threw up her
hands and cried: "Jesus, Joseph and
Mary! 1 am shot." Her mother suc
ceeded In again shutting, the door and
tho daughter, who had risen Jumped
out of a window and escaped to the
house of her brother. Kregr went -out
to search for her, but came back, locked
the front door sat down by a tnble, side
way and laid the revolver with which
he hud tried to kill his wife on tho
table, took out nnother one of thirty
two calibre and sent three bullets Into
his throat and one Into his chest, over
the region of his heart.
His mother-in-law then heard some
thing fall and rushed oit of the house.
Crying to her. son, Joseph Payzll,
"Frank has shot himself." Dr. Blake
slee was sent for and he and Payzll
started to Investigate. They found the
38-eallbre revolver on the table, with
three chambers empty and the 32-call-bre
one lying by tho chair on 'which
Kregr hail set. He had evidently tried
to get up and had pitched forward on
hl face. He wus lying In a pool of
blood. Justice D. R. Braman. was
culled tip and he hastily empanelled a
Jury. They viewed tho remains, tool;
evidence, examined the surroundings
and yesterday nt noon brought In a
death by reason of bullet wounds In
verdlct that the deceased came to his
death by reason of bullet wounds in
flicted by himself.
The bullet that strnck Mrs. Kregr.
entered the right side about two in
ches below the breust, but fortunately
struck a rib. which t followed mound.
The bullet is still In her body, but she
Is not considered dungerously wounded.
Kregr presented a 'ghastly sight. His
neck was singed he had hold the re
volver so close and he lny in a pool
of blood.
The Kreger family came from Lie
bach, Austria, in 18U1.
Thirteen Fretght Cars Hash Down a
rtaltlmore, March 20. Thirteen
freight cars broke loose from a Western
Maryland railroad train In Union Tun
nel, near Fulton station, tonight. The
cars ran backward 200 yards dMvh a
steep grade, but were finally brought to
a standstill. Immediately after the
break another section of ten cars be
came detached from the train, and
dashed backward.
Brtikenmn Kilos wns caught In the
crash that followed and instantly
killed. Five cars were thrown from the
track by the collision' and both tracks
were blocked for several hours. Ellns
was 27 years old. His parents live at
New Freedom, Pa.
Twelve Men Selected to Decide This Pccn
, liar Csso Still Deliberate.
Washington, March 20. The jury In
the case of H. H. Jtlllllken, ex-secretary
of Senator Harris, of Tennesse. ac
cused of feloniously entering the house
of ex-Sollcltor General PhllllpH with
wrongful intent as regards one of tho
daughters of Judge Phillips, retired at
11.4"i a. m. to consider their verdict.
At K o'clock this evening, not having
agreed upon a verdict, they were
locked up for the night.
Marten Delegate.
flchnectudy, N. Y.. March 20. Tins
Twenty-first congressional district con
vention In session here this ul'ternoon
nominated delegates to -St. Louis. Reso
lutions recommending Mortqu fur presi
dent were adopted.
Killed by Bnrrdnrs.
West Chester, Pu March 20. This after
noon Panic) Queen illeu In the hospital
here from the eeffcts of a pistol shot
wound received at the. hands of one of a
.ang of burglars at Lincoln a few days
-. whom be was assisting to arrest.
We have now opened .
our second spring stock
and will only say that the
Is sufficient proof of ltd
popularity and a guaran
tee of the excellence of the
goods in style, quality and
finish, as well as
We solicit your inspec
Muslin gowns, trimmed with Insertion ,
and cambrto ruffle,
69 Cent
Muslin gawni, tucked ana embroid
ered collar and cuffs,
75 Cents
Muslin gowns, tucked and InssrUoa
yoke, embroidered collar,
89 Cents
Cambria town, tucked yoke, mbroU
ered collar and cuffs,
Bacque gowns, mbroldsred front, col
lar and ouffa,
Cambria Sacqne gowns, embroidered
and ruffled collar and cuffs,
The Melba gown, square neclc and
embroidered ruffle,
Extra super Nainsook gowns, bishop
sleeve, ruffled and uibrcldsrod col
lar, $2.50
' Elegant gowns with laoe and mbrold.
ery trimming 3, I3.G0, 4 and up to 17 ecn.
Also a Una of extra size gowns, 17 and
Very superior line of umbrella skirts
with English needle work trimming.
Drawers from 20c. to K per pair. Corset
covers. 12c, lac, 2tc. and up fa 2o. enoh.
Children's kwb. Iim 1 up lo ; chil
dren's drawers, sizes, 1 up to 9; child's
colored dresses and boys' kilt suits in all
sizes. Flno Elder Down saoques at J
and $2.25 to close.
Wo call special attention to our Home
Made Gowns made at House of Oood
. . . THE ...
F5miest Shoes,
Possess All
The Requirements.
Wholeul sod Retail.
Easter Egg's.
Easter Eggs.
We have secured one of
the prettiest, inexpensive,
Easter Gifts in an
Bscorated Easter Egg,
Something entirely
new. Look in our
show window as you
pass by.
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St.
Contractors Compelled to Grant sit In
crease In Wsecs.
Chicago, March 20. Six hundred gar
ment workers who went on strike, re
turned to their mnchines today working
for nn advance of 25 per cent, in wages,
a weekly pay day, recognition of the
union and a bond of 1200 to bind the
bosses to live up to their asrreemotit.
The contractors were compelled to yield
to the garment workers' terms, because
the owners of the custom tailor estab
lishments demanded that orders be
The practical surrender of the con
tractors bus not changed the coudltlott
of the cutters' strike.
KoiTCCt Staipc Sloes