The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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The Magistrate's
v ..'V": Library. , rJ .
BrkhiljS PnrdonN iMjrest
1700 TO I8ll.
t vols. Royal 8 vo. Price. $13.00. i
Continued by a utilf mental volume for
tusKi. Irlf. l..
.',' By FUAXK V. IJK1GHTI.Y. Kq.
BI tin's . Jullcf, loth Edition
(InHUetl In .May. lsf-V.
JBelnn: thorouiihly rrvli'il, with rrtVrenrTii
.to. the l.'lh edition of I'imloli'H lls-st.
I vol. 8 vo.
By F. K. BRiniITL.V. K. 'rlee. Ji.
Dunlan's Forms Mh Edition
(iHtfumi In Janiiury. 1S!M.)
RviKeil to ilute, with referenrf to th
J2th edition of Punlon' Digest. 1 vol. 8 vo.
By KDWU. F. I'l.Oll. Kq; Price. S-MW.
1 Marsh's oii.ables' Guide.
Containing forms, aii'l full dirwtton.i as
. to their duties, Willi the l-Ve hill., tin ier
. the Aet of lieu. 1 vol. Ity II. K. .M Alirill.
l'i'li-e. Jl.iU.
Saildgf on the Law or Borough
Showing their manner of lni'ororitln,
iVKiiltttloii, rlKlils uikI liubllitii-x, ami the
powers intil duties of their ofticvi'H. I vol.
. Ky If. SAVIImIK, Ksq. I'rli'e, 2.utl.
of. Tin:
Best Quality,
Scranton, Olyphant and Carfaondale.
Have tlie initial U., H. A CO. imprint-
" "1 1" efli cigar.
T'ny your sn hill today and save the
C II. KeynoldH. of KliiKston; wan hero
.Mrs. I,. A., Washburn, of Washington
H veil ue, Isr In New Yofk city.
' Mr. and Mrs. I. Jones have returned
from a two weeks' southern trip.
Robert White, of the bicycle department
of Knot & Shear ,Ih in New York city.
J. I.. Ilaslucher, of Rochester. I visit
ItiK Sul goldsmith, of Washington ave.
Miss Sarah Mel.ane. of Washington nv..
title, has returned from a business trip to
New York city.
Miss Pauline Rons, of Franklin ave
nue, has returned from New York city,
Where she has been vislthiK frlenilx.
UeV. A. 1.. i'rban. of St. Mark's Kpls -n.
pal church, I nitiniiire, has received a call
from t'hrlst IOplscoiul chttri'h, of Won I
tiiuy, N, J.
Miss Jessie Kellow, of Ht I'Ollilsbur
Normal school. Is home on a vlst with her
parents. Air. and Mrs. Oeorsje Kcllnw,
of the West Side.
Henry 1... ,MontKomery late of the M;i-
tual llenelit of N'ewwurk. X. .1., Iium been
made manager of the Scranton ilepart
Iiient of the New r.ltV Insurance iomiuny.
Kev. 11. 1... Malce, of the (ireeii Rldije
' T'nited KvHtiirclical church, waft culled
home to the b liside of his lather, who Is
lyliiK at the point or death at Hcrrysburn:,
1'uiiphln county, on Thursday. Itev. 11.
C lllnniun will occupy Sir. .Maice's niilnit
on Suililay.
y . I p ar.AiMii .11.11 1 r.a, ., r.ui
, . ... .
Siity Pianos und ornnns.
.Must be sold hrfoi-e the twentieth of
"March. We retire from businens then
utnl will positively refuse no reasonable
otter. Credit terms to suit the buyer's
pleasure or extraordinary Inducements
for spot c-nsh. Guernsey Jlros., 2i
"VVyoinl'iB uvenue.
HK'KRIt-nHCKKIt-ln Seranto'n. l'.i ,
.March IX, lSi, by Rev. Kdwln l.unn .lil
. ler, Miss .Martha S. Iiecker to Mr.
" Ueoi'Ke Hecker. buth of Scranton.
M'AXCr.TY Thtirsday mnrnini; at n
o'clock, Rev. O. H. -McAnulty. Notice of
funeral Inter.
Mi Few Good Things for This
Kind of Weather. If You Want
. - to Save Money Come at Once.
ito close out 3,1c. 1'alr
' IH'U KlArnl U..t.l.n t. I. .
i4 . -. ..f tanu uuu,
' Men's Heavy Sole Rubbers, regular
....A. l Alnua .... ' Itla Ik.. I
tiiwuai IV w w .. . p . V nil-
Laaiesiorui rtiasnus, wool lined,
two style, to close out 7.1c. Pair
Men' Storm, 'Alaska, wool lined,
.. r . .a t . . .
two slyles' to close out
, MenVi-Buckle Arctics,' Iciest qual
: Ity, black UneU; to, close out IM
430 Spr.13 Stre:t
. "
All the Fire Department Appointees
Turned Down.
' r
Kos, linn and Westpfahl (io Over
to the Ieta.ocTt-:oitimoit Council
Amend tha Appropriation Of
dlnance-Two l.tvel Meetings.
Chief Ferhef and all the other fire de
partment appointee of Mayor Connell
were turned (town by seleot council last
night, the motion, to cotltirm being lost
In every ease on a tie Vote, ten to ten.
Mr. ileOann was the absent member.
The tare department committee or
rather four of the members. Messrs.
lnirr, Thomas. Hums and Sanderson,
brought in a favorable report on each
nomination. Mr. rVhwenk, the other
member uf the 'committee, refused to
attach his name to the report.
Tlu' tirst ni'iiilnutloii read rttts that
of Adam Steinhouser as pertnnnent
uiiiii: fiir the, Hmik 'and ladder com
pany. vice Robert Armstrong, removed.
The vote on confirmation was:
Aves-Tlinmas. Williams, Diirr, Chlt
teiiibn. Waner. Sanderson. Fellows.
Schroeder, l-aiislna:. Hurns. la.
Navs Ross. Finn. Kell. t'lalk. Roche,
Schwenk. Manley. Coyne. Lauer. Wis:
plahl. 1.
The next vote w as tin the appointment
of Lincoln S. Tillman as additional
permanent man for the I'hdenlx Chemi
cal KhKlne company:
Ayes Thomas. Williams. Dnrr. Chit
tenden, Wanner, Sanderson, Schroeder,
Lansing, Hurns, Westpfahl. Hi.
Nays Ross, Finn, Kelly, Clark. Roche,
Schwenk, Mauley, Fellows, Coyne, l.uuei'.
Hi. ; p
.Messrs. Fellow. nnd .Westpfahl each
chaiigeil sides on this vote. .Then came
theiyote -on 'thlef Kerber und the dis
lilcf vimlivecis; Joseph' K. HI rt ley.' J. W.
Hull, Cieorge It., Suydam. l.onis
Schvrass, J. C. . Yntighu and. Lewis
My.-i-a, ., :
Aves Thomas. Williams. IHirr. Chit
tenden, Wagner, Sanderson. Fellows,
Schroeder. Lansing. Hurns. W.
Navs Ross, Finn, Kelly, Chirk, Roche,
S.hwetik, .Manley, Coyne, l.auer, Wesi
Idahl. in.
Chairman Westpfahl Without any de
lay pi'iinoiinceii the motion to contirm
Inst, ami the crowd which thronged the
rear of the chamber ami gallery begun
to llle nut. The dismissal of Patrol
man Thomas Mills, In which the mayor
was upheld by the police committee,
was submitted to council and approved
or without a dissenting voice being
heard. The committee made no repoi t
on the appointment of Harry l.utz,
Jr.', to succeed him.
.Mr. Chittenden's resolution regarding;
the insuring of the city funds, mention
of which has been made previously In
The Tribune, was) Introduced last night
and after some discussion agreed to.
The resolution reuds:
Whereas.The city treasurer Is depositing
(lie city funds in depositories not desig
nated by the city council, and
vyiureas. There appears to lie an uncer
tainty regarding the liability of the said
treasurer ami his securities 111 the case
of failure of any of Baid depositories;
therefore, be it
liesolved, Ity the select council of the
city of Scranton, the common council con
curring, that the idly clerk be directed
to ascertain rates for which monthly bal
ances of the city funds could he insured
In the several depositories of the city.
Mr. Chittenden explained fop the
benefit of Mr. Manley and severul others
who elpressed ignorance of the full im
port of the measure, that the city solic
itor hesitated In giving assurance that
the city's funds ur.e uniiuestlonnbly se
cured, now that the ordinance designat
ing the depositories has been killed.
,XlV. JUW- reiiglres that the city shall
designate the depositories and If this
law is not complied with there is a
doubt existing as to whether the treas
urer's bondsmen could be held In case
of the loss of money through the fullure
of any of the banks.
Mr. Manley thought It was a curious
move to make Just at a change of ad
ministration, but Mr. Chittenden as
sured him that Uie point In question
hud never been unearthed until now
and further that the resolution had no
political significance'. Mr. Latter spoke
In favor of. the measure saying: that it
was a help rather than a hindrance to
the treasurer inasmuch as It obviated
the possible necessity of exacting u
larger bond from the treasurer. It being
a move to provide nothing more or less
than additional bonds for which the city
would have to pay. Mr. Manley could
not be wholly placated but censed his
opposition when Mr. Lansing called at
tention to the fact that the resolution
merely called for data regarding the
matter. The resolution then passed
A resolution dispensing with the use
of Incandescent lights In the city hall,
except In the vaults and directing heads
of departments to use gns instead was
unanimously passed and concurred in
bv the lower branch.
Illds for the construction of the Colfax
avenue lateral sewer were received as
follows: It. !. Coon. $!. per lineal
fiint; J. J. Jennings. fl.Ml; John T. Kitst
pattick. $J; P. K. Mulligan, I.1M). For
the construction of the Cupottse avenue
lateral sewer the following proposals
were received: Hart & Cilbbons, $2.4.1
per lineal roof. Rollon (1. Koon. 1.70 per
lineal root, exclusive of basins anil
manholes; P. F. Mulligan. $l,H0 for the
work complete.
City Solicitor Tmrey communicated
the action of the viewers in the Rob
inson street damage cases, und asked
for instructions; as to whether or not
he would take an appeal within the
piescribld twenty days. Council re
ferred the matter to the streets and
bridges committee.
The appropriation ordinance was
read at length, passed on third reading
Without discussion or amendment, and
sent over to the common council. The
contract for constructing the lateral
sewer on .Mousey avenue, between Ma
rlon and !recn Ridge streets, wus
awarded I" Bolton- !Cniin' on the
recommendation of ihe sewers and
drains committee. A resolution was
passed directing the city engineer to
prepare plans for a lateral sewer on
Schultz court, between olive and Pine
The following ordinances passed third
reading: Fixing the grade of North
Main avenue between Jones and Put
nam streets: providing for four electric
lights in the Fifteenth ward: providing
lor four electric lights in the Thirteenth
ward. .
attack.:!) Tin: i:stimai i;s.
.Mr. Illckev Sats Something Which Ills
trlends Are Sorry l or. '
Common council, as it has promised
ull along, made an onslaught on the
appropriation ordinance last night,
when it en me over from select council,
where it passed three readings In the
sume shune as it came from the hands
of the committee.
Mr. lllckey, of the Nineteenth, one of
the foremost of the reformers, and one
who is talked nf for a prominent place
at the head of one of the departments,
gave a sample of hl Idea of reform by
having money tramferred from the
stinted funds of the Scranton Public
library to erect electric lights in his
own ward. In doing this he took oc
casion to characterise the library as, a
"white elephant." and stated that the
main pursue It served was to provide
"fat Jobs" for lay people, and that it
fclso ''robbed the city of electric lights."
As was expected the clause directing
that ward appropriations should be ex
pended under the supervision nf the
street comtnisslotier Instead of the re
spective councilinen was killed, Mr.
Sweeney offerlng-the amendment. Mr.-
Orler had the J which was appropri
ated for general repairs on West Mar
ket street, transferred to a fund for the
erection of a culvert on Kloom avenue.
Mr. Oliver suifeeded i:i getting fcl.VJ for
the grading of Luzerne street, which,
however, can only be appropriated If
there Is an excess in the aopiopiiatlon
for new electric lights.
The ordinance as amended pussed
first and second readings. After It Is
passed on third reading it will be sent
back to select council lor concurrence.
If select council refuses to concur In the
amendments a conference committee
will have to be appointed to adjust! their
The resolution directing the city con
troller to draw a warrant for Jl'Si) In
favor of ex-Policeman Thomas Mills,
who claims that amount of salary due
him for the time he was under sus
pension, passed both branches of coun
cils. City Solicitor Torrey gave the fol
lowing opinion relative to the matter:
In response to your favor of March lit ,'e
iptesting opinion with reference to the
claim of oillcer .Mills for sulnry woul I
say: la addition to the facts stated In
your communication. 1 understand that
there Is no dispute that Officer .Mills was
reKiiularly tippoiuled a policeman mid
illnneil by thi' select 'council and acted
as such until the time of his suspension
111 November, und from that time till til"
present has always been ready anil uax
ioas to perforin the duties of his oltlee.
und that neither his suspension In Novem
ber nor his dischurge upon March u we.'e
repotleed to or approved by the selc't
I council, i pun tins statement or tacts 1
will answer vour uiiestlons as follows:
First I am or opinion thai ortlcer .Mills
Is leKally entitled to his compensation tor
the time during which lie whs under sus
pension for J he reason khat that suspen
sion was not'uimplete without Ihe advi.'e
and consent of select council under the
provision of Ihe act or lv7. Article 7. Sec.
4, and therefore the mere order of sus
pension on the part of the mayor did not
deprive the otlicer of his legal status us an
otllcer nor or his right to compensation
so long us he was reudy and willing to
perforin the services.
Second 1 urn of opinion that nftieer
Mills' title to his olllre and his consentient
right to the salary will terminate when
ever he has been legally suspended or re
moved by the mayor with the advice and
consent of the select council, und not
beforu. James II. Torrey,
Cliy Solicitor.
The tax levy ordinance printed In
lull in yesterday's Tribune wus sent
In bv City Controller Idmuyor and
passed on first and second readings.
An ordinance creating the otllce of sec
ond assistant city engineer and flxlxng
his compensation at $'. iter month,
passed two readings. An ordinance for
paving Monroe avenue, between Vine
und Myrtle streets, with sheet usphult
parsed thlrj lending.
A resolution authorizing the board
of revision and appeals to use the re
ception room in the city hull for Its
otllce, was introduced In the lower
branch and passed both bodies. The
ordinance awarding to F. S. Williams
the contract for the erection of Nay
Aug engine house for $ii.l'in passed two
readings. '
Sam Toni and ( buries Usher Are Indicted
for Murder.
The grand jury made Its first report to
court yesterduy morning. Among the
true bills returned were those against
Sam Toni. who shot and futility wound
ed John F. Rafter, at Old Forge, eurly
in February, und Charles Fisher, who
killed one fif bis countrymen at the
Ridge, near Peckvllle.
Two true bills were also returned
against O. W. Porter. In a number of
the bills Ignored the costs were placed
on the prosecutor. The list of the true
and Ignored bills Is as follows:
Samuel Toni, murder: Thomas Levshoa.
Charles Kosolaskle, alias Charles Fish
er., murder; Thomas Leyshon, pros.
linmltiick McAndrew, fornication and
bastardy; Mary Morun, prox.
. Herman .Miller, .Monroe Cullender, lar
ceny; William Purely, pros.
I'eter Parry, fornication und bastardy;
Hannah Indian, prox.
John fireen, larceny; Owen Smith, urns,
Kdwurd .Morris, larceny; U. W. Hurr,
Lef W. Nichols, assault und buttery;
J. F. Sultry, pros.
Michael Kuther, attempt at rape; Lttv
Sniiih, pros.
Frank dill, Alton I lath way, larceny;
Henry A. Oepuy, pros.
(!. W. Porter, false pretenses; Freder
ick Von Storch, pros.
C.corge Josle, assault and buttery; M. It.
Hanks, pros.
Margaret Mal.ine, malicious mischief;
John .Malone, pros.
Samuel Mahedy. carrying concealed
weapons: Joseph F. Woelkers, pros.
II. W. I'orter, false pretenses; A. Ros
Ceorge Kallotii. selling on Sunday;
Michael Wilikowsky, fros,
.Michael Knee, assault and battery;
.Mary Knee, prox.
John (ilbhons. assault and battery; Will
iam Thornton, pros.
nimoii i usianocuvage, assault and uut-
ier ; i iiurif i teurse, pros.
.Michael Malia, selling without a license;
John Klli'oyne, pros.
Frank Mut nouns, Anthony dcdruylng,
kwpliig gaining house; Andrew Kronen!
nous, pros.
Charles Sailer, assault and battery;
Stephen Kalner, pros. ,
Michael Nelson, assuult and battery; Ju
lius Muses, tiros.
Heruurd .Mcl'lghe. assuult and buttery;
Patrick llatiniek, pros.
Havld lloivells, selling without license;
.Mary Kavls. prox.
William Oevers, trapping Antwerp pig.
cons; William Smith, pros,
tieorge Davis, assault and battery;
Mary Ann Davis, prox.
John Hliidolnlck, arson; Victoria Paris,
James Wallace, et al., assault and bat
tery; Joseph Rlnkam, pros.
I'll 1 1 irk Doiidlcan, seduction: Sartli
Morgan, prox.
Victoria I'hilllps. as.attlt und battery;
Agnes Sliuta. prox.
IjiiiIs Kressler. larceny; Frank Hecker.
Martin I'rlee, assault und battery; Pat
rick Hiiekley, pros.
William Clancy, assault and battery;
Michael flamy, pro".
James Heunlgaii, larceny; deorge .Muhy,
Daniel Davis. Timothy Honey, Alton F.
Klzer. pros.
Malachl Manlon, assault and battery;
John Kllcoyne, pros.
Annie Morua, larceny; Mary Tracy,
John llafTticy, fnriiieutlon and bastardy:
Annie K. Stevenson, nrox.
John Moicross. larceny; Frank Kylezus,
James Dougherty, assuult and battery;
Thomas dodwln. pros.
I 'nolo Tnrehlu. selling without license;
Antonio Krilch, pros.
deorge W. I'orter, embezzlement: II. P.
llHVden. pros.
1-atrlck I loin n. Ami Dolan, John Kola a,
und Maggie Dolan, malicious mischief;
James McDcrmolt. pros., Io pay costs.
Samuel Toni, assault und battery with
intent to kill: Ross Kcogh. pros.
Flunk Class, assuult and battery; Frank
1). Lewis, pros., to pay costs.
Cal'iurlne Chaderirk. perjury; John A.
James, pros., to pay costs.
.Michael Wytlikahlgc. assault and bat
tery; .Mary Finger, prox.
John Uiwler. obstructing loll gate: How
land Carpenter, pros., to pay cosls.
James Flylin. defrauding boarding
house; coitutv to pay costs.
tiiiido I'etro and Paul Dell, larceny:
deorge dovnndo. pros.
dustav Hoeseh, assault und battery;
August Diesing. pros., to pay costs.
Huttle Carey, defrauding boarding
house; county to pay costs.
Frunk Stifchock, assault and battery;
Jacob Krlchock, pros.
Mike Robinson, wantonly pointing a pis
tol; Jacob Meiulul, pros., to pay costs.
Thomas Sweeney and II. Harris, bur
glary; D. P. Roche, pros.
Thomas .Murphy.' assault and battery;
county to pay cosls.
John (ilbhons. aggravated assault and
battery; William. Thornton, pros., to pay
Thomas Cliff, defrauding boarding
house; county to ptiy costs.
S. H. Cohen, larceny: H. Levi, pros.
Cella .Mellerniotl. Kate O'Hrldi, Jani
McDermott. assault and buttery; Ann Do
lali, prox.. to pay costs.
Patrick Dolan. Ann Dnhin. John Dolan,
assuult and buttery; Ccliu McDermott,
prox., to pay cots.
Michael F. Doyle, forgery; T. M. Hurke,
pros., to pay costs.
James Ferguson, forgery; T. M. Burke,
pros.) to pay cost
Mectlnt of Catholic Laymen to Mukc
the Arrangements.
Ills t'.iuinrncc, lr. Hooker. His Secretary,
and Archbishop Kvnn Will Arrive
In Hie Oil Tomorrow Kvcuinc
at 7.20 -Details of Reception.
His Kminejiee Cardinal Francis Sa
tolli will be the recipient of a most
magnificent ovation upon his arrival
in this city tomorrow evening. Catho
lie laymen of Scranton und adjoining
parishes will turn out en masse to re
ceive him at the railway station and
escort him to the episcopal resilience
of Right Reverend lllshop O'liura. on
Wyoming avenue.
His eminence and Dr. Hooker, his
secretary, and Archbishop Ryan will
leave Philadelphia tomorrow afternoon
at I o'clock In a special car over the
Lehigh Valley rallroud. They will reai h
Wilkes-Itarre at tt.l.'i In the evening and
will leave there at ti."U for here over
the Iielawnre mid Hudson railroad, ar
riving In this city ut the Lackawanna
avenue station at 7.-0.
There will be a large commit tee of
priests und prominent laymen of the
diocese ready to meet the cardinal and
his retinue at Wilkes-liai re. and will
accompany them on the train to Scran
ton. All the divisions of Scranton and
vicinity of the Ancient Order of 111
bi id la ns of America and of the Hoard
of Kiln, and all Temperunce societies,
as well ns other Irish societies, and
those of dermnn, Italian, llungui lun,
Polish and Lithuanian Catholic mem
bership, besides numerous persons not
attillntcd with nny society will assemble
nt some convenient point ready to full
In line and march when the proper
time comes.
Responsive to notices sent out hur
riedly through the press of the city,
there wus a meeting in the chapel of
St. Thomas' college at & o'clock lust
evening. There was a. large number
present. Some came In answer to colls
Issued to them as members of certain
societies and others came to take part
as Individuals In making the necessary
arrangements for a fitting reception to
such a distinguished personage.
C. tl. Boland culled the meeting to
order and it Immediately resolved
Itself into a genernl body without re
gard to any society or organization. Mr.
Roland stated that Rev. N. J. Mc
Mantts. of Providence, wus the one who
tirst thought of the Idea to render to
Cardinal Satolli a rereptlon worthy of
him, and a meeting of a few of the cit
izens of the city and vicinity was held
at the episcopal residence, where Rev.
Father O'Reilly and Rev. Father Mc
M a nus met them, und upon discussing
the mutter over it was decided to call
n general meeting to prepare to do hon
or to his eminence.
Mr. liiiland nominated Pr. John Bur
nett for chairman, and J. C. McAndrews
was chosen secretary, and the former,
upon taking the chair and giving ex
pression to his thanks, stated that Kev.
Father McMiiiius, of Providence, was
present and would convey the Informa
tion to them relative to the arrival of
the cardinal. Rev. Father Mc.Maiius
said that it wus only a few duys ago
that it was definitely known that the
curilitiul could come and hence things
must be quickly dune ns the time Is
The speaker said that the great Rood
done him by the distinguished clergy
man for the church in the 1'nited
Stutes, and his learning and piety as
well us the graceful methods of his
business associations have entitled him
to the most deserving honors by the
children of the church. The speaker
gave the information concerning- the
time when the Journey from Philadel
phia will begin and when the train will
urrivc In the city.
Hlshop-elect Hobnn will arrlye In
Scranton tomorrow afternoon nt 1
o'clock from New York, from St. Frnn
cls Xa'Wer's college, where he has been
on retreat for the past week.
The business of making arrange
ments for the cardinal's reception was
begun with a motion by C, !. Roland
that representatives present of socie
ties be requested to Issue a call to their
members to turn out without further
notice at 6.1a tomorrow evening, the
societies to form In line and take their
places according to their arrival, each
society to appoint marshals and have
nny other arrangements ull ready. In
addition to the societies, ull men who
have a desire to Join In the parade will
do so by assembling at College hall and
proceed in n body to the station.
The ('iiestion as to hiiw the nature
of the iirrungeihents would be made
known' to the Polish. Italian ajul other
societies whose members do not under
stand Fnglish, was settled by Frank
Honlm. of F.ltn street, a prominent Pol
ish resident. He said that nil of his
nationality are in shap- to be properly
Informed. The discussion ns to whether
out-of-town societies are expected to
be present was left to the societies
The following general committee of
twenty-five was appointed to make nil
the arrangements: Dr. John Hiirnett.
chairman, Judges I". P. Smith and Fred
W. C.unster hoiioruty members, C. !.
I Sola ml. D. J. Cumpbell, J. J. Drown, J.
J. O'Boyle. J. F,. Roche, Dr. J. J.
Walsh, P. W. Oullugher. C. T. Roland.
John i ilbhons. Frunk J. Dicker!, Oeorge
Keller, Peter ltosur. P. J. Ruane. deorge
McDonald. T. F. Leonard. II. U. Leon
ant. J. C. McAndrew. P. .1. Hunan, P.
W. Stokes. Robert C. Wills. M. F.
Wymbs, William Wnlker. of Mnytield:
Hon. John P. Kelley, John H. Devlne
ninl A. J. Casey;
As there will be so many w ho will he
anxious to meet Cardinal . Satolli und
lilsliop lloban after the consecration,
among the number, being many non
Cut holies nf Scrunton. und In view of
the fact that there will be only a limit
ed number of admissions to the cere
mony, the following committee of
tw cnty-live'was ao'iointed to arrange
for n public reception Sunday evening:
F. J. FitBslniiiioiis. J. J. Mnghran. K.
F. TSIewitt. II. .1. Neville, Juhn P. Quln
nan. M. P. Flynn. R. J. Heamlsh. K. J.
Lynett. James O'Connor, James F.
Mitchell, John T. Rrown. peter Knli
liitg. Jr. Anthony Fish. F. J. McAn
drew. F. J. Johnson. M. .1. O'Mnlley. M.
J. Kelley. W. J. Hitrke, T. C. Melvin. J.
C. Vaughn. M. J. .McAndrew. .1. H.
Corcoran. John J. dormnn and John R.
This committee met after the gr-nerul
meeting adjourned and appointed J. J.
Maghrnn president and R. J. Rcnmlsh
secretary. Slessrs. Maghrau. P.eamish,
Hlewitt. Htnke and Neville were ap
pointed a subcommittee fo wait upon
Right Reverend Hlshop O'lluru mid
learn whether the pflblic reception can
be so arranged. This committee will
meet tonight In college hull ut 7.:io
and re)il to the reception committee.
The general committee met also nnd
appointed I. J. Campbell grand mar
shal of the parade. John K. Roche. J.
J. Brown and Robert C. Wills were ap
pointed to secure music; C. . Roland.
John dlhhons. D. J. Campbell and Rob
ert C. Wills were npisilnted on finances:
J. J. fV Doyle. P. J. Honan. A. F. OutTy
and C. T. Roland ' were appointed to
purchase lire works. The general com
mittee will meet this evening at the
college at 7.r.0.
Crand Marshal Campbell will have
the line of march prepared to sub
mit to the committee this evening.
Street Commissioner Kinsley has sent
wold that he will have the streets
Something About the New Itlscovery for
Curing l)pcpsiu.
(From Mich. Christian Advocate.)
The Rev. F. I. Bell, a highly
minister residing in Weedsport. Cayuga
Co., N. .Y. In a recent letter writes us
follows: "There has never been any
thing that 1 have taken that has re
lieved the Dyspesia from which 1 have
suffered for ten years except the new
remedy called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. Since taking them 1 have had no
distress at all after eating; and again
niter long years can sleep well. Ifev.
F. I. Bell. Weedsport. N. Y., formerly
Idalla, Colo."
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a re
markable remedy, not only because It is
a certain cure for all forms of indiges
tion, but because It seems to act as thor
oughly in old chronic cases of Dyspep
sia as well as in mild attacks of indi
gestion or biliousness. A person has
dyspepsia simply because the stomach
Is overworked, ull it wants Is a harm
less vegetable remedy to digest the food
und thus give it the much needed rest.
This Is tlie secret of the success of tins
peculiar remedy. No mutter how weak
or how much disordered the digestion
may be. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will
digest the food whether the stomach
works or not. New life" and energy is
given not only to the stomach but to
every organ and nerve in the Ixidy. A
trial of this splendid medicine will con
vince the most skepticul that Dyspepsia
nnd all stomach troubles can be cured.
The tablets ure prepared by the Stuart
Chemical Co., of Marshall. Mich., but so
popular has the remedy become that
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets run now lie
obtained at any drug store at 00 cents
per package.
alone; the line of march cleaned of the
slush nnd r.wept.
A mcetin.? of the division, presidents
of the -indent Order of Hibernians of
America was held, too, and It was de
cided thnt the divisions of the city and
adjoining shall assemble in uniform on
Wyoming avenue right resting: on Lack
awanna uvenue, at li.M sharp. William
Dawson, county president, will murshal
Ihe divisions und will be mounted.
Hatter's land will lend the divisions of
this l.r.mch.
Coui.ty Delegate M. J. McAndrew, of
the Board of Klin of the Ancient Order
has issued a cull to all the dlvisons
adjacent to the city to meet in their
respective halls nt o'clock nturduy
evening In full uniform and prepare to
participate in the demonstration. The
societies of the second district of the
Scranton Diocesan Temperance union
will . govern themselves in u similar
Rev. Father O'Reilly desires to an
nounce that nil the tickets for admis
sion to the cathedral on the day of the
consecration are given out.
Durgoss Sheridan Declare One of the
Conncllmen Is Not a Citien.
Warren & Knupp. representing Chas.
Sheridan, burgess of Winton, filed a
petition In court yesterday for a writ of
quo warranto to Issue to be answered by
Bernard dlles and have him show cause
why his seat in the borough council
should not be taken away from hint on
the ground that he has not paid any
borough tux within a year, n require
ment the law imposes on an ollice
holder. Giles was elected over James Strong
by five votes, and the latter got out u
wilt of quo warranto, but (liles could
not be found, so that the papers could
be served on him. The writ prayed for
yesterday was issued and wus made re
turnable Murch UT, at 9 a. m.
Company of Well-known Men fnlcr
tnincd ajlnncr.
Attorney Horace K. Hand lost night
entertained at dinner ut his home on
C'luy avenue u small company of well
known men.
There were present Mayor W. L.
Connell, City Solicitor James H. Tor
ley, Frunk SUllmiin, jr., general mun
ager of the Scranton Traction company;
P. S. Page. J. Alton Davis. V. H. Kings
bury, Major J. W. Onkford. W. H. Jos
sup. Jr., W. S. Miilford, of Montrose;
nnd J. P. Illsley nnd C. Ford Stevens,
of Philadelphia, respectively president
and secretary and treasurer of the
Scranton Traction compuny.
AVOID PXKFMOXIA. diphtheria ana
typhoid fever, by keeping the blood pure,
the appetite good und the bodily health
vigorous by the use of Hood's darsa
parilla. HOOP'S PILLS have won high pralso
for their prompt and efficient yet easy ac
tion. Selling
We move in two
weeks; rather move
the goods how than
tumble them around
moving day, cost not
to be considered.
The pictures suffer
a lot; nicel3 framed
Kngraving.s, Pastels,
Etchings and Photo
graghs, no two alike,
were 52.50, S3, $1
and Ji;; each. We l
t place them together,
handy for you to see,
and take your choice
1 Lacka, Ave.
Finest imitation of Cut Glass
ever made. 1
Flower Vaseti, 8 1'
inches high I Jc
und other sizes us
high as 4 inches.
Fancy llandictt 1 r
Jelly Dishes l.)t
Fancy Handled 1
Spoon Tray. 1C
SilYer-Plated Tops,
, 15c
VSS&Zf Gallon Tankard. OJf
China Hall
04 unaBUG iiwie.
Walk in and look around.
205 Wyoming Avenu).
Any Color or
Quantity You Need.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Will Alove April ist to 433 Spruce Street.
Do You Know
That You Can
Dresden Stripes
Taffetas Silks
Actual value from 75c. to $1.00. See ouf
window. We are showing a large assort
ment of Dresden Ribbon.
415 Lackawanna Avenue.
In order to clean out all
Winter Suits, also Spring
Overcoats and Spring
Suits from last season
we make the remarkably
low price of
On $20, $18 and $15 Lines.
t5r-See our spring styles
Derby and soft Felt Hats.
Our Furnishing Goods for
men we sell at our book cost
The lowest prices of any
house in Scranton.
Acknowledged Hit Lcaillnf
Of thi WarIA
kkAMCHIi A BACHR and gthcrs.
Musical Instruments,
riusical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchaten will always find a complete
tuck and at prices a luw aj the dual
ity uf the Instrument will permit at
nusic st6re,
117 Wyoming Ave. - Scrantoti
We Have
On Hand
Atso the
Also Ihe Cheapest.
Also the
I (111
Purcelaln, Onyx, lite
Silver Novelties in Infinite Varlstr.
Latest Importatlens.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler and , . . ,
Watchmaker. 215 LaCKaWaDDl Af3.
Of all tioils, manufactured at fcoif
aotice, at The Tribune Ofllce.
lAKt LAKE t.kor...f you.
...,, am vnu iir troaliled wttk
Ur lUUn klbU new.BoloUH. su in
Bl'HU'S ami tinvi- y.iur yn. rzaiuinnl (nM,
W Lava rxduced price nail tiro th lowest la
tlie city. Nickel spectacles from 1 to fi; golf
from S to Id.
309 Spruea Street Scranton, Pa-
Clothiers. Holtera. FumiafSera