The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 20, 1896, Image 1
THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. SCB ANTON, PAM FRIDAY MOItXlXG,' MARCH 20, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY, bias atmday r Our nnniiul Muslin I'ndcrwenr sale huB been a triumphant success, hut ' nmnk of the tiiiniliHrH ure getting pret ly well sold uul, unci we cunnol possi blv continue the iirnwnt reduced price list lunger I him Saturday. Cmiyoiiicl in before I lien'.' If not, your Lull K iln opportunity, with our whole line at your disposal, is none for another year. 'an you afford in let It puss? If so. we're sutisllcil: for to tell you Die truth our resources in this sul huve been more severely taxed thun w hiul llgured on. As usual, however, we're better than . our word, und to make the three elns. Inif days of udilltlonul Interest ts our patrons, we've thrown in an extra 30 teat Of full T. iiuulliy, made from the best Standard .Muslin, nil extra wide and long. Handsomely trimmed tlr.' ciun fronts, perfect needle work, etc. TO Saturday IgM QMy The Following' Bargain List Will Also Be Main tained Till Closing Hour Saturday Night: LADIES' GOWNS OR NIGHT DRESSES. 6Sc. quality for (Tic uuiillty for S;"n ipi.illty for fcT'io. iiuullty for iputlilv for $1,110 quality for 11.12'i uuwlity for Jl.l.'i quality fur 11.25 quuhty for 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 v for'ji iiiality for 11 u.i quality for 11.87'i iiuullty for 2uu quulity for ....11.5 ....IS.'.'. ...71c. ...Tiie. ...Mr. ...7c. ...IMe. ...lUrt .41. Pi ..$1.21 ,..!.: . .11.1.1 . $1.79 LADIES' DRAWERS. Daintily made from rhnlcept mater ials. 5"r quulity for ITc. 28c. quality for Si". 41k-. quulily for TV. Bill', quality for i c. 8.rt quulity for 47.', &10. quality for file. 6.V. quality for ' 'kV. 7oe. quality for ." Vn: quality for . I'Vjc. quality for CORSET COVERS. V or square rut fronts. Prettiest cf dainty trims. 2"e. quulity for 17c. JMi quality for.. Stc. S.' q null t v for 2'le. ST'ic quulity for '.'He. 4.1c. quulity for We. Cue. quulity for 4'.'. WHITE SKIRTS. Latest at. vie In trim, nnd cut es pei.'ially designed to meet the require ments of the extru wide dress skirts now prevailing. Bno. quality for .Tf'ie. 8(K-. quality for lie. 5e. qtiulltv for W. $l.12' iiuullty for :rie. $1.2'. quality for $l.ii.-, 11.37'i quality for $1.18 $I.C0 quulity for $l.;ti $1.75 quality for $1 :,t KM qunllty for .JI.7S $2.:t7 quulity for $.!IS Buring Ms Sale Special price have nlso been pin -ed on Misses' und Children's gowns and drawers. In which our line Is rum plete. Oil In conjunction with our annual sale of Muslin I'nderwear we will make an openliiK of new Hprlng and Hum mer shirt wclst. The goods are all lilitndrieil with stiff eullars and cuffs und the style are as new us the latest fashion plates. OPENING PRICE CUTS. 55 dox. new waists worth We. for 4.;0. SO dot. new waist worth V for laic. CO doz. new waists worth $1 for 7,v. M doz. new waist worth $1.25 for an,-. 6ii dux. new waists worth ll.fio M dos. new wulsti worth $1.75 for $1.39 49c. G&OB-E v- ' WAREHOUSE- SILVER 111 DELIBERATE Conference of Senators and Eastern Manufacturers. PROTECTION AND BIMETALLISM 1b Combination Neeearjr to Rescue the Country from financial !! imtr-i Warning to Single Standard Polit Ulans. Washington. March 19. At Hotel rose- an Itupnrtant conference wax held tonight between the silver !ttiulillcnn senators who voted against the con sideration id the tariff bill In the Fen ate, ami a large- number of representa tive manufactures of f'hiludelphiu. who favor tin- Puking together of piotcc tlon and I linetulllsin. The authorita tive ttiat-'mtnt Issued liy the coiifer encc after lis secret session is looked upon hy politicians as the Hist note of warning on the part of the Republican senators ftoni Western atates. aguinst tip uilopthm of a single uold ftanilard plaiiK in the St. Louis fqatfnrm. The conlVictice was the result of the follow In coirespoiiduuie between William Wilhclin. a piotnlnent attorney of I'ottMviliv. I'a.. and the Sextette of sil ver senators mimed in the letter: I'uttsvllle. Pa.. Mareh 0. IS!W. Senators Juries, Teller. Imliois. "arter, .Man lie and I'unnol'. ielit lellieu: It has beei: my aoud for tune to meet .Messrs. .lame-' JhiIisuii. t'luirles Hehe" t'lurk und II. K. Uefen- li rfer, of the city fi( Philadelphia. They and their Inditstiiui friends are unxlous to confer with you relative to the present depression and the remedy for existing nnil industrial troubles. If yo.i are willing to meet the eastern men of enterprise, then pleuse, advise the afore mentioned gentlemen so thut u confer ence inn be arranged between you und them und their friends. Kinloseil llnd a list of Philadelphia manufacturers! wh.i. I am sure, will lake pleasure in meeting vuii. tours Sincerely, William Wllhelm. I'lilted States Senate, Washington, l. '.. March ii. 1!iij. j James I tobsoii, esq.. Phlladclphlu. Pa. Hear Sir: Accepting the suggestion I niiide lii us by letter from William Wll- I helm, of Pennsylvania, that It would be I well to have u conference between repre seiitatives of Industrial Interests of the count rv und ourselves, w e shall be pleased to confer with yourself and such men of enterprise us you muy choose to Invite to meet with us at an curly date ut Wash- I Ingtoii. Vours very truly. 1 II. M. Teller. Kied T. Mnbols, l.ce Mantle. T. H. 'arter. i l''ruiik .1. I'ntinon. .loll II P. Jones. THKroXPKUKXCK. All of the ubove nunied genatorn were present, at the conference held tonight. :is were also Congressman Uurttnan, of .Montana: Allen, of I'tah. and Wilson, of Idaho, and also lite following named representatives of manufacturing; in terests: James Dobson. manufacturer of carpets: ileorge Campbell, woolens: James Polloc k, curpits: S. It. Vnioniun, lumber: Frank Caveii. silk; C. U. Jlur ilv. vnrns: (Icorge W. Flkins. street railways;. Alex. Crow, carpets; Henry A. Ftye, groi'erl?s: Henry Hnlnies. cut pets: I!. V. Scott, knit 'K'totls; James Ill-own. woolens; Howlund Croft, worst eds: Charles M. Mcheod, yiirim: .lames Dlefenderfer, yarns: Johns J''isler. wire; Hubert Oawtnan. carpets: ttohert W. Scott, knit goods; Charles lleber Clark, surgical appllitnces: Theodore H Miller, upholstery; Itlchurd Caiirnion. yarns: Joseph Hrotnley. rugs; Joseph It. James, woolens: Joseph Foster, dyes; James Phillips, worsteds: C. I). Firestone, buggies, and H. K. llefendei fer, electric a'li'liances. The conference was organized by choosing Senutor Imbois as chairmun, and Mr. Wllhelm. of Pennsylvania, sec retary. For three hours anil a half be hind closed doors the conference pro ceeded. Involving the uniting of bi metallism and protei'tlon as a national Keinurks were made by Scliu JVIler. Jones, of Nevada: Carter, lantle und Cannon. President I Ioni an, of the Manufacturers' club, of Phila delphia, expressed the opinion that tar iff duties could not be made high enough to protect our manufacturers if our country remained on a gold basis. James liobson. the great rarpet manu facturer, came out unqualifiedly for free coinage by International agreement If possible, otherwise by Independent action. He believed that Independent action would Induce international ac tion. Free coinage might create tem porary disturbances, but It, was the iliiickest way to permanent relief from the ills from which the country is now suffering VOll IxnKPKXDKXT ACTH.X. Henry A. Fiye. of Philndelpliiu. said the sootier that we took Independent uc tion for bimetallism the better it would be. He ibclnred for tirotectlon and In nietalll . Chnrlcs lleber Clark, editor o' the Manufacturer, of Philadelphia, spid he bud labored in season atd out of season to convince the manufactur ers that protection would only prove etlb'iK Ions in conjunction with the res toration of silver. That he was now happy to have so many representatives of the ii.dnsti'lal interests of the coun try prt-Mit to meet the senators who had vr.ted against the Dingley bill, and to personally verify his declaration. Itlchaid Cnmnion declared himself In favor of the rest oration of silver but thoti.qlit thut the cause of bimetallism was not advanced by the defeat of the revenue measure. . Several opinions were expressed of regret at the loss of the Uingley meustirc. but no opinion antagonistic to the restoration of sil ver was uttered. The senators present defined their position in such manner us to make it plain to the manufactur ers that there could be no protective tariff legislation either at this session of congress or the next, without the rehabilitation of silver and that bime tallism mill tirotectlon constituted an Indivisible Issue before the country. Some of the manufacturers themselves endorsed this position as being the logic of the country's necessities and political conditions. The issue was clearly denned, but no attempt at or-" ganizatlon was mude. The intensity of the interest shown demonstrated a de termination to rescue the country If IKissilde from Its impending Industrial and tlnanciul Ills. Charles lleber Clark Invited the senators to a meeting to be held at the Manufacturers' club, Phil adelphia, at an early date. Many strong; letters In hairmony with the purposes of the meeting were received from manufacturers throughout the country who were unable to be pre sent at this particular meeting. The Incidental mention of the name of J. Donald Cameron for the nomination of the presidency met with cordial ap proval. SHOT ATACONSUI- An Attempt Is Mads to Mards-r l olled States Official. New York,. March 14. Felix Taussig, who represents a New York importing house, arrived today on a steamer from 8t. John, Porto Rico. He asserts that an attempt was made on the life of United States Consul Mall by a soldier on March 4. It seems that the consul's residence adjoins the county prison. The consul was tired upon by a soldier from the prison wall. The bullet whizxed close to his head. The shoot ing created excitement. Hall has writ ten the facts to Secretary Olney. It was reported that the shooting; was accidental and the soldier was firing on an escaping woman prisoner, but Taussig asserts that It was a deliberate attempt on the life of Hall. The news that congress is about to recognise the Cubans reached St. John on March S and caused considerable comment. "When Consul Hall asked t.overnor General Murin for an explanation of the occurrence," said Mr. Taussig, "'the governor told him with a smile upon his fact that the shot was tired ut a woman who wus looking over the wall at the side of the public highway Into the prison." Marltv asserted that It was the rule of the prison for the guards to lire upon any person looking over thp wall. The wull is but four feet high, and n person passing along the street could not well help seeing the prison yard, so the explanation vouchsafed by Oeneral Ma rin did not sutisfy Consul Hull, who thinks thut the shot was fired at him intentionally. WAT( FOR UABHA. Custom Collectors Are Instructed to Hold ihs Insurgent lienors I I'pon Sufficient Evidence of I llibnaterism. Washington, March 19. Secretary Carlisle had a long conference with the president this morning on the sub ject of enforcing the neutrality laws us against filibustering expeditions, leav ing tin- 1'nited States to aid the Cuban Insurgents. On his return to the treas ury the following telegram was dic tated and sent broadcast : Collector Customs, Homer's Point, X. J., reports tlllbusterlnu expedition tor Culm was transferred from steamer Atluntlo I'lty to unother steamer, probably the Hermudu, off ibvat Harbor Inlet yester duy morning at X o'clock, said to be com posed of lieuerul tiureiu und several fol lowers. If vessel Is currying an expedi tion consisting of urms und men. In vio lation of title 7. revised statutes of the Tubed Stales, setxe her. if she urrlvs within your Jurisdiction. The fact that u. vessel curries a curgn of arms is not suffi cient of Itself to HtithoriKe seizure. If no -essury, communicate with any revenue cutter and with the I'nited States at torney. Seott Wlke, Acting Secretary, Copies of this telegram were sent to the navy department to Cuptuin Shoe maker, chief of the revenue cutter ser vice, treusury department, to the Span ish minister here, to the uttorney gen eral, to ihe secretary of state, and to all collecto' s of customs along the Atlantic coast from New York to Xew Orleans. " SKNATOK gUAY l'.NDOKSr.l). Congressman Robinson Mentioned a a i nmcron's Successor. Media. Pa.. March 1!.-The Republi cans of Delaware county met in conven tion here today. Thomus J. Clayton was chosen as delegate to the natiimul convention and the following nomina tions were made by acclamation : John R liobinson. for congress. W. C. Sproul, for state senutor; Ward R. HIIns. Thus. H. Harvin and Klchard Hu 111 win. for assemblymen: W. I. Schaffer, for dis trict attorney: Kdward Hlalne. for count. commissioner; ,. Humphreys Marshall, for sheriff ; Humphrey M. Ash for county treasurer; William P. Hippie, for county treasurer; J. Herbert Xeul, for director of the poor. Resolutions were adopted endorsing Senator Quay for the presidency and Congressman Robinson for the I'nited States senate to succeed Senator Cam eron. . i.ovr no ki:sim::ti:k. Nebraska .Man Aeed' (in I lopes vtlth ii liirl of IM Chudron. Xeb.. .March 1!. Arthur Martlet!, aged tin. futher of Sheriff Hut llett. of this coiinly. eloped with nml mat l ied ut Heiiilngford. In Hoxbutte county, .Miss Amelia Roberts, u girl of IS. Hnttlett secured a divorce from his former wife a short time ago. and has since been boarding ut the Roberts house. He was nuint wealthy utnl lives nt Kxira. Iowa, where lie has gone with his bride. NOIT.S 1'KOM Till: BUZZARD. Heavy Snow Storms in Central New York. Rochester, X. Y.. March 19. Early this morning a heavy snow storm set in and up to noon ubout eight inches had fallen. Trees, telegraph poles and wires are covered with a heavy coat of Ice. Lyons. X. Y.. March IK. A bliz.urd Is raving all over Wayne county. At 9oilick this morning fourteen inches of snow hud fallen. Traffic is impeded on Ihe several railroads centering here. WIIISKI'KS" V.LVtt Hi DIM!. Ann Arbor Students Muv Resort to Huor After Saturday I vcninc. Ann Arbor. Mich.. March 1!. The "Whiskers Club." of the law depart ment, will hold Its final banquet of the season ut Hungsterrer's hull Saturday evening. At the sunie time ihe obligations to l-f ii In ...Ill h.jiii nuutlllK villi lie I'emoVCII ' Ten former members of the club were I expeueu tor craveniy violating their oath. . -The Priii.ioton I on in. Princeton, X. .1.. March 1H.-.I. II. Colfelt. 'W. who was tu have been one of Ihe team to represent Prliieelou in the Olym pic sanies ut Athens, (ireeoe, will be'ini uble to go owing to the objections of his parents. In his place will be sent H. II. Jamison. "ST. of I'eorlu. III., to compete in the 4i-meler race. Th - kilter's time for the 44o-yurd dash Is fifty-three seconds. . - - - Voting (iirl tssaultld. Lebanon, Pu., Muroh IK. Lizzie Kry mnyer, aged HI years, was criminally as saulted at a lonely spot while, on her way home on Sunday night. The girl Is In a serious condition. Harry Kasuui lit Is churged by the girl with being hr us sallunt und a warrant Is out for his ur rest, but the man has disappeared. Soft Coal Conference. Xew York, March 19. The presidents of the soft coal carrying ruilrouds met to day In the Central building urn! discussed informally various questions relating to the Interests of ihe trade. At the con clusion of the conference, which was brief, It was denied that action looking to any change in rates was taken. Shells Accepted. Washington. March 19. A IS-lnch shell representing a lot of similar projectiles made by the .Mldvule Steel company for the navy wus tired ut a 7-4aeh plate at the Indian Head proving grottnds today. It answered all requirements and the lot will be accepted. Senator and Mrs. Ouoy's (ilft. Pittsburg, Pa., March 19. It was learned today that Senator and Mrs. M. S. Qnay have given IIO.ihiu to the Masonic universi ty fund, and In addition thereto n plot of sixteen acres of ground as a site for the proposed Institution of learning in Reaver county. Harlow Ksespe. . Reading, Pa., March 19. David W. Ttar low, charged with securing a criminal operation resulting in the death of Miss Cora Rapp, sged 19. - was acquitted here today. Tha trial lasted two days. CHASED BSPAKISH SHIP Experience F a Fruit Vessel on the High Seas. A BATTLE AT CAYAJABOS GoTcrnmeat Troops .Meet the Insurgents in Province of i'lnur Pel Rio. Movement of Rebel Commas. J ' era-other News of tho War. Huston. March IS. Art officer of the British steamer Kthelred, Captain Hop kins, which arrived this morning from Jamaican ports, reports that on March II, on the outward passage from this port to Jamaica, the steamer was chased for an hour and a half by a Spanish cruiser. The Kthelred was steaming about eight Iniles off Cupe Muysl, the eastern end of the Island of Cuba, on her destination. She was go ing ubout twelve knots an hour, when a Spanish cruiser was sighted, evident ly on the lookout for a supposed filibus tering steamer. The cruiser hoisted a Hag and the fruiter did likewise. The latter continued on her way, but the warship started in pursuit and kept It up for a considerable time. The Spaniard could not make over nine knots an hour and was no mutch for the fruit vessel. When first seen by the Kthelred an other cruiser was In company with the aggressive one, but apparently took no Interest In the proceedings. Xo shon wrs fired from the warship, as the distance was too great for any display of gun pt act Ice. It Is claimed that us the bUhelred was outside the three mile limit the cruiser hud no right to at tempt to stop her. The Kthelred ob tained considerable notoriety lust sum mer by being fired upon off the Cuban coast by the; Spanish gunboat. KXCOr.NTER AT CAYAJAKOS. . Havanu. March !. News, bus been received here of an encounter yester day amid the ruins of Cayajabos. prov ince of Plnar Uel I tlo. between the I forces of Macro and a column of troops under Colonel Frances. The enemy were entrenched behind walls. The troops foug-ht valiantly. The otllclul re port of the fight says that the troops tails have pot been mud public. Colonel Hernandez also had an en gagement on the Medcedes estate. The columns of I. inures, Kchevurrlti and Inclun are In pursuit of Mncoe's foives. Come, who was in the province of Matauzas during the past two Weeks, is now suld to have moved west and en tered the province of Havanu, DISEASED JERSEYS. Dissection Reveals tho Terrible Condition of tha Cattle on the stock form of II. W. I dwards. Wilkes-Bane, Pa.. .March 19-Flfty-elght head of valuuble Jersey cows and one bull, the property of H. W. Kd wurds,' a dairyman of l.acey vllle. Wy oming; county, that hud, been condemned by the state board of agriculture ns being afi'eeted with tuberculosis, were shot on Tuesday morning on Air. Kd wurd's farm. They were brought to Slckler Urns.' desslcatlng establishment In curs, a few miles from this city, at .' o'clock this morning. They were ut ence removed from the cars Into the rs'abli'hm-iit and arranged in three loitfc rows, und after the description of the animal and the registry number was recorded. Fourteen men were In structed to remove the hides, which re quired the greater Portion of the day. Professor Leonard l'ierson, of Philadel phia, state veterinarian, and Dr. Harry Waller, l.uzetne county inspector, at once proceeded to hold 'their post-mortem for the stute. The llrst cow that was opened re vealed a truss of tuberculosis und ab scesses that contained from a teu cup to a quai t of the most malignant broken down tissue Imaginable. All the other animals revealed similar conditions, and some of the sights discovered by the doctors were horrible In the ex treme. They were a splendid herd, and their destruction to the owner will entail a net loss of -nearly $7.(WU. His. Leonard and Walter will make a detailed report to the state sometime this week. A SPOOK LUNCH. ((lastly Manner of Celebrating a Wei ding Annivcrsnrt. Akron. ., March 19. A few nights ago a couple celebrated the anniversary of t'lelr wedding by giving a "spook lunch." Knch guest was handed a di vided skeleton with the request to lituke a complete one. and repair to the dining room. Tills room wus very ap propriately arranged for such an occa siot,. Numerous skulls and cross bones decorated the walls, ceiling and chandeliers and several rare etchings' of oilier regions with messages to prom inent physicians nmong the guests, were Placed It frames of black and white. Seated on a raised dais a ghastly com pany cf nipuiclans discoursed music suitable to the occasion. A fenpt. unique In character, was served by goblins in Weird fantastic dress. The entire scene wus Illuminat ed by tiilbi.v dips. As the feust proceed ed the li;-:hts were extinguished one. by one by a nust of the wind from "spook -duiii," until the guests were left in total da' kness. Kuch change was si range ami bore its impression of ghostllness. AIMKO AT TRTSlk A New Anti-Combine Hill Is Introduced in Xew Jersey Legislature. Trenton. N. J.. March 19. Assembly man Skinner introduced a most import ant bill this afternoon which was passed to a second reading without reference. It Is aimed at all "combines" in coal and other necessaries of life, by pro hibiting any combination, contract or agreement, whereby honest competition may be stilted. It clothes the attorney general of the state with greater pow er than he now possesses In proceeding against any person who appempts to create such uuluwful combinations. It was accompanied by a lengthy re port from the judiciary committee em bodying an opinion from attorney gen eral Stockton, unon whose suggestion the measure was based. .. Shipping News. New York, March 19. Arrived: Steam ers ilalia from Mi Ulterraneuii ports: a anilum from Rotterdam. Arrive out: Lticanlu at yueeui-lown: Spree at Itremer huven; Persia at Hamburg; llulle nt Hte merhaven; Thingvulla at ' Copenhagen: Sanrnduni at Rotterdam. March IS. HullM for Xew York: Kdam from HouioKiej, .Manitoba from London. Shot His Mother. Indianapolis. Ind., March 19. About 1 o'clock this afternoon Albert Klrchlow shot and fatally wounded his mother and then killed himself. He was recently In jured by an accident and his mother' was caring for him. Superior Court Adjourns. Harrisburg. Pa., Murch 19. The Bitpo rlor court adjourned this morolug to meat at Pittsburg Muy 1 THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today: Fair ; Decidedly Cooler. 1 Silver Mn Deliberate. The La rest Cuban War Xews. SI. Uethelot Kxpbiins. On the Lookout for tieneral Garcia. Diseased Jerseys Dissected. Latest .Moves of the Politicians. 2 Cuban tvbate in Congress. Oenernl .Market and Stock Reports. S Cardinal Sutolll to Receive a Ceuerous Welcome. Lively Time In Councils. (Iruiui Jury Returns. 4 IMItorlal Comment. The Raines Hill. What out' Contemporaries Say. u Local liemoerucy Still Striving for liar, inony. Crlshku Makes ti flenerul Ietilal. Contest In the Twentieth Wurd. League of Republican Clues' Meeting. 0 "(nr learned Fellow-Townsman." Railroad und Industrial Xews. 7 Happenings In our Husy Suburbs. Report of City Knglneer. 8 Xews I'p and Pown the Valley. KE06H DEFEATED. The Scranton Boy Loses the I'irst Game in the Series for the championship of the World. Pittsburg, Pa., March 19. The first game of the pool match for the cham pionship of the world and ll.mio (f:M a side and a purse of $ri(H) between World's Champion William 11. Clear water, of this city, and Pennsylvania State Champion Jerotce H. Keogh, of Scranton, was played here in the great Northern llllllard hall tonight and re sulted in a score of 210 for Clearwater and UK for Keogh. Three games of '200 points each are to be played, the contest closing next Sat iit day night. It being necessury to clear the table is the reason Clearwater scored the extra ten tonight. Alfred Ue oro, the Cuban, has chal lenged the winner of the Cleurwater Keogh match. He has put up a forfeit of 1100 and according to the terms of the championship, the match will hove to be brought off some time next month. (Slant Kby, of Springfield, Ohio, has challenged the winner of Ihe match to be played between De Oro and the wln- v:ruH Ui'f Clearwater- Keogh mutch and has deposited, a 75 forfeit. -. YORK FOR M'KINI.MY. lie leads All Other Candidates at the Primaries. ' York, Pa., March 19. In cnmpllunce with the county rules of the party, the Republicans of York couuiy at the pri maries on Suturday cast their voles for the presidential candidate. Returns from the tifteen districts In this city and forty districts covet ing the leading towns and townships show bow the voters balloted. There are still thirty-five districts to henV from, but these will not change the ratio. The figures for the thirty-five districts re ceived ure us follows: McKinley. 4,217: Quuy, fillS; Reed. l:H; Allison. 40: Morton, :io. The overwhelm ing McKinley sentiment was reflected In the county convention which In structed the natiotiul delegute for him. Omaha. Neb.. March 19. The tight between the McKinley and Munderson Republicans is ut an end, terms of a compromise having bean agreed upon this evening at u conference of the leaders. The provisions nf the compro mise Ic.iclly stated ure these: The stute delegation wilk be for McKinley, but M.indcison's name will he formally pre sented to the convention unless it Is apparent that the Ohio man's nomina tion Is assured. Indianapolis. Ind., Murch 19. The Republicans of liiiliuna today ll 'Id their congressionul district conventions fur the election of delegates and alternates to the national convention and for the nomination of candidates for congress. McKlnley's name was well received at all the conventions in the thirteen dls trlsls and most of them either endorsed the Ohio limn for nrcsident or iiibmteil the striincer course of instriietliifr tlieli i delegate? to vote for him until his name wus withdrawn or his nomina tion had been accomplished. THE FAlROTlioiSE THIEF. .Marshall Goodman Arrested in Towanda After Evading Justice for KiRht .Months. Word was yesterday received from Towunda. liradford county, of the ar rest there, of Marshall (loodniun the colored porter who rnnsucked the Fuu rot house, on August IU last, and got uway with about t-W worth of valu ables. At the time of the robbery Chief Simpson sent out descriptions of the thief and it was through one of these descriptions thut (landman was arrest ed. Among the articles Hint were stol en were a diamond pin and a pearl pin. These were recov ered by Chief Simpson in a local paw n shop. Among the other valuables taken, which have never been recovered are a box containing valuuble papers and Jewelry worth S'JJ; another article of Jewelry worth Jltl and a trunk full of gentlemen s clothing valued at JIOU. An officer will he sent after Goodman to day. y MAYOR'S FIRST MARRIAUF.. Ha (into the Itride u I nlquc Sort of Wedding .Present. Mayor Council performed his first marriage ceremony yesterday, when he mude Mary Hellnmii and Kugene Pas senger mini und wife. The affair took pluce in his private office and was wit nessed only by Private Secretary M. K. Kdgnr and the bride's attorney, John T. Martin. His Honor took no fee and he says he did not kiss the bride. He. however, gave her lis a wedding present a "nol pros" In the case In which she Is de fendant and the mayor prosecutor. The groom Is employed us a blacksmith ut Cuslck's stable. Judgment Against tho City. C. I.. Teeter, contractor for the lay ing of sidewalks on certuin streets In the Thirteenth ward, yesterday obtain ed judgment ugalnst the city before Al derman Wright for $174, which Is being held back by the city to satisfy claims against the contractor for labor and material tiled with the city controller. Assistant City Solicitor U. J. Davis, who appeared for the city, will appeal the case. Booth-Tucker Will Sail. London. March 19. Commissioner Month Tucker, who hast been appointed to the command of the Salvation Army in the I nlted States, and his wife, will sail front Southampton for New York, on board tha American line steamer St. Louis, on Sat urday, In the Interest nf Harmony. Harrisburg, Pa., March 19. There t-111 be no tight for delegute to the Republican national convention from this county. DIs. Irlct Attorney Uetwller this evening wlih drew in favor of Senator McCurrell P" the interest of harmony. BERTHELOTS EXPLANATION His Statements Have Uccu Cxurjiicr atctl by the Festive Reporter. FRANCE HAS X0T YET SPOKEN Russia la Also silent, but Germany, Italy and Austria Assent to Lnglleh Advance I'p the Valley of the Nile. London, March 19. In the house of commons today Mr. Curzon. under for eign secretary, announced thut M. Her thelot, French minister of foreign af fairs, had Informed Lord Dufferiti, the Hritlsh ambassador to France, that he lepudlated all responsibility for the statements made In reporting the pur port of the interview between the min ister und the ambassador on Tuesday. In which the former is represented as having demanded tu know the reasons .for the lirltish expedition up the Nile and as having pointed out the gravity of the consequences of the movement. Such statements. M. Rerthelot had said, must have been published hy misin formed persons. France, Mr. Citraon said, had been informed of the intend ed pluns of Cireat Hrltain in the Nile valley, but the French government hthl not as yet made any reply. The Italian government. Mr. Curfm continued, had informed Knglund thut Italy would not evacuate Kussulu un less the military authorities there should find it impossible to hold the place. KXm.ISH ADVANCE. Mr. lfulfour, first lord of the treas ury, and the government leader In the house, suld that the Hritlsh ambassa dors to Paris, Heilln. Vienna, Rome and St. Petersburg, had been Instructed to communicate to the respective gov ernments to which they were accredit ed the grounds upon which the Kngllsh advance up the Xlle valley hud been made and also to point out the fact that in order to meet the expenditures re. quired it mlfrht be necessary to use a larger sum than was at the disposal of the Kgyptlan treasury, und thut the government hoped thut the commission of the Kgyptlun public debt would us sent to the expenditure of f.VKl.OOft from the reserve fund which was now 2,500, Unn. The governments of Germany, Italy and Austria had given replies assent ing to this, but Russia and France had not answered. As the operations were in the Interest of Kgypt. Mr. Ralfour said, the costs should naturally be de frayed from the reserve fund. It was not possible, he said, to form nn exact estimate of the expense at present. Purls, March 19. In the chamber o' deputies today M. Rerthelot, minister of foreign affairs, said that there were serious objections, both financial and political, to the British expedition against Dongola, and that representa tions had been made by France to the government of Knglund and to thut at Cairo negotiations resulting from which were now proceeding. M. Rerthelot added that Frnnee had declined to accede to Great Itrltaln's request to take lioo.Olkl pounds from the l-.gyptlau reserve to meet the expenses or the expedition. Tfie expedition was not a defensive hut an offensive act. ROBMXdi FOR CHIEF. Mayor-l.lect lluiley Said to Have Decided on the Appointment. . It was reported on good authority last n I, tf lit thut Mayor-elect Ruiley has decided on the following appointments: Chief of police. Captain Frank Itubllng. Captain of p , .mini FlUslmmon. Street commissioner, James fuller. Mr. lluiley refuses to make known his pluns but there Is nevertheless every reason to believe that the above have been decided upon. The name of A. P. lied ford lias been mentioned frequently of lute as u chief -of -police possibility but nmong the lieinocratle leaders the general impres sion Is that the berth will be tendered to Air. Uobling. WIUTIIF.CK IS RIXEASFD. It Appears That Nobody Is Anxious for Ills Arrest. After waiting until noon yesterday for the Plttston authorities to signify their desire to possess Z. V. Whltbeck, who gave himself up on the duy pre vious. Chief Simpson turned him loose and told him to go his way. Whitbeck heard thut his wife in Pltts ton had preferred charges of inliiiclity or something' of that nature against him and that a warrant was out lor his arrest. To show his readiness to an swer her accusations nnd to relieve him self of the worrimcnt. occasioned by the constant expectation of u visit from the police, he gave himself up. . When Chief Simpson wired the Pitts ton utithorlilfs of Whitbeck's uction they answered that they would send after him. They fulled to do so up to noon and as he wus tin expense to the city the chief concluded to turn him out. tiiosi: in: aiin; HI us. llullding Committee Considers tho pro posals Last Nicht. The building committee of the board of contiol met lust night to consider the bids for hen ting nml venl Hating new Xo. in school building. Their is u npiiiteii rivalry for the souring of the contract and us a coiisciiiciicc the rep resciitailves of the various firms which have sent in bids were present to urge their claims. The coinm'ttee gave them nil a hear ing ami then went Into executive ses sion. They refused to divulge the re nult.of their deliberations. - TIIKSAMTAUY COD!-:. Special Commission I hot Is framing It Meets Again Last Night, Health Offlcer W. K. Allen, ltullillnr Inspector John Nelson, M. T. llowley, muster plumber, und Architect F. L. lironn, the commission engaged in forming the new sanitary code, held their second session last evening In the building inspector's office, In the city hull. Much was accomplished towards the completion of their task but they report that the work is only well begun. It will require many more meetings to get their report in shaue for presentation to the board of health. A SLIMM.I'MICXTAI. I'KTITION. Piled in .Siipcrvisorship Contest in l.aeka -nunnn lounshlp. Attorneys Donahue nnd Donovan filed a supplementary petition yesterday In the contest against the election of Wil liam H. Fern over Patrick Coyne by six votes for supervisor of Lackawanna township. It specifies that there were Kill Illegal votes cast at the recent election and they were d.vided among the districts as follows: Northeast district. 40 votes; Kust district. 3 votes; South district. 10 votes: Southwest district. 10 votes: ft West district, 40 votes, i I FILEY'S Muslin Underwear 'VVe have now opened our second spring stock and will only say that the SUCCESS OF THIS DEPARTMENT- Js sufficient proof of IU popularity and a guaran tee of the excellence of tha goods In s tyle, quality and finish, -as well as We solicit your inspec tion. Muslin gowns, trimmed with Insertion I ami cambric rutlle, 1 69 CentJ Muslin gowns, tucked and Embroid ered eollur and cuffs, 75 Cents Muslin gowns, tucked and Insertion yoke, embroidered collar, , 89 Cents Cambric gown, tucked yoke, embrold- ereu couur ana cutis, $1.09 Sacque gowns, embroidered front, col lar and cutis. $1.10 Cambric Sacque gowns, embroidered una ruined eollur and cutis, $1.50 The Mclba gown, square reck and emuromereu rume, $2.00 Extra super Nainsook gowns, bishop siieeve, rujlled und embroidered col" lur, $2.50 Elegant gowns with lace and embroid ery trimming . ii.M, 1 and up to 17 acn. Also a line of extra size guu, 17 und Very superior line of umbrella iklrt with Kngllsh needle work Irimiiilng. Drawers from 2Kc. to $3 per pair. Corset covers, Uc, lm-. is", and up to iSi". each. Children's gowns, sizes I up to 9; chil dren's drawers, slsses, 1 up to ! child's colored dresses und boys' kilt suits ill all s:ze. Fine Klder Down sacquea ut JJ und J-'. 2,". to tdose. We eall special attention to our Home. Made Gowns mailt) at iloiite of Good Shepherd. THE finest Shoes, Possess All The Requirements. LEWISsMJIlYiBAVIE5 114 Afl) 110 WYOMING AVE. ALWAYS BC8Y. Wholesale and Retail. Easter Eggs Easter Eggs. We have secured one of the prettiest, inexpensive, Easter Gifts in u BeeflnM Easier Egg. Something entirely new. Look in our show window as you pass by. W. J. Weichel' 408 Spruce St. . : : I WIKE TAIM'I-R ARRESTED. Thought to Have llcon Identified with Knnkmakcr Swindle. Chicago. March 19. William H. Mc Nutt. the most notorious wire taps?r in the I'nited States, was arrested at noon today In the Brevoort house on suspicion of being implicated In tha sensational wire tupping case at New Orleans last Hnnday. This was the case In which bookmakrrs all oyer tha country"-were hit for $irrfi.00t on tha substitution of ltoyal Nettle for Plug-, as winner. McNutt was lin ked up In the central station but was not booked. He claims he hud nothing to do with the wlra tapping, but he knew all about It. Kwnrect Stai