THE SCTtANTOX TRIBtrXE---TITCrRSDAT-lOIJNTXO, "WAKCH -11), -189C. V CAItBOIJDALE. I'rWliJpr. trill pla tlot that adverma. mental, orders for Job work. and Items for rtihltrst'on left.-at tlie rahHctiiniit of Shannon t Co.. newWalers'. Xorlh Main street." will rooeHva. irm.l attaiuto:i: of ficer open from at a. n:. to 10 p. ni. I LAID AT Mil. .Mrs.'lerrsl Bur lad Tacsday Afternoon. Kav. ti. A. Place Officiate at Services. The funeral, of the. late Mr. John Ferrel took place Tuesday afternoon fmm the clorrafetl s late resiclenre on 'lrrnoi street. The ltev. Ir. (J. A. l'laic. qf tho Methoiltst Kpiseopal church, officiate.! at th house, and Vfeached from the word "She Hath Hon AVhat Sho Could.". The words were full of c-omfort to the sorrowltiR family, ami he spoke" very highly of the Christian virtue of the Ueceaseil Judy. The singing at the service was fwp JilieU liy the Misses Grace Hathaway, l.ou Williams. Jenny Itutlir. Messrs. .Williuin Ople and W. J. Stephens. They fcanr "Jenus Lover of My Son and "I would Not Live Always.". The Moral tributes were beautiful, and contributed liy friends' of the deceased. . The follnwiiiic were pall-bearers: W. 'j..liusiiu. H. J. JloMienberry. K. t'. Por ter, l. v. Ilmiiplircy. Pierce iiutler and I. 1 m vis. The tlower-bearers were: J. V. and William Shannon. The fol InwtiiK were present from out of town: X. II. J. AIIwimhI. -Xoit Jervis; 'Mrs. Janies West fa II. her sun, Kdward, and d:uiahter. Slyrli. of tilen Kyre; Mrs. .!) it James ami .Miss Alary Menner. of lioni s-dale1. Air. ami Mrs. J. I". Thomas, of I'nlondnlo; Conine Ferrel ami fam ily, of Wilkes-Kane: I,. I'radHy. ot i 'liioudale; Airs. J." Snyder, of Hyde I'Hik. ai.d Airs. I. II. Hull, or Hones dale. COMMON COLNUI.. bill Read and ordered pa Id -1 he Re port on the i:tltnate. ' The common council met Tuesday night and helj a vertf brief session. Thus present were Messrs. (Ilennon (In 'l lw - chair), liuker. Lofttis, Case, Alc linnotigh. Smith and Pender. Ureat surprise was expressed at no treporf of the estimates committee be ing prevented, a the term of the conn--ll will soon expire. The bill of II. H. t'oston for $-H for stenographic work done in connection w ft II the case of Mrs. (Million. The fol lowing bills were ordered paid: O. K. J'ryor, costs. I ".0.1.1; Kvenlng Leader, jiujjer book, $1S; Kvening Leader, ad vertisbig, M.20; . W. Humphrey, sun dries, IT.ti",; W. 1). Frank, printing, $.1: Kveniug Leader, printing, $l.6i: Kven lng Leader, advertising, $."; t'orlles, Alucy & Co., bonds. $C: . w. Johns & Co.. usbestos. 2i W, I). Friek, surveyor. Ii'ii: It. l. Stnurt. solicitor, iw. J. J. n'Nelll. mayur-flect. $2ft; slreel pav roll, iii'.titi. There appears to be in the town great diatsatisl'uclion at the appropriation ,, $(W fur (Jet.M tl service to lie used by the lielail Litior leugue, . MASK HAI.I. NO'I i'S. SheJule of the 'I'tiur lliroiifli the Towns of tlia Atlantle leaguu. Manager Swift Is buck In the city ami Inlorms ns that he has signed I'atclien to catch for Carhondale this year. They have signed five players. These are: Sales, Slal. Cargo. Luby mill Patchen. which augurs well for the success of the 'eiiiii for the seusun of CUM'. The dlrt-'tirs have decideil tluit Stulat will cu:ialn the team. The ur ruiifcetuent and the dates fixed for the Kuriteru trip are as follows: Hartford, Conti., April H-IH: l'aterson. X. .1., April li-lt: Newark. N. .1., April 14-1.'.: Cuban (Mulits. In this city. April 1-I7; Syracuse, in this city, April 2-2l. '. - A Slvlliride. The following; members of the Car lioiiduto Male N oleeOlee party enjoyed II Mlelghride to I'ecUvllle on .Monday night: Alorgan Thomas. Daniel Al. Da vis. W. P. Lewis. David Lewis, John Lewis. Willie Thomas, John L. Hone, Wllllum l. Jones, Joseph Johns and John Chilton. They hud refreshments ut the Harrison house, Peckvllle. David Williams, of farhondaje, proprietor. l'KKSOXAK AND Olll I.K ITKMS lr. Fletcher has just recovered from Ills recent Ulnea. A ituptier und ice erenm festival was held ht the WcImIi Presbyterian church In their spacioi)s vestry on St. Patrick's night and continued Inst night. This annual affair wns n complete success. Mr-silunies .1. W. Fulton and J. F. Ltnch and .Misses I.lzzle Powderly, I tiki get Neweimb. ICIla Mttrphv an Mary Murnhy enjoyed a sleigluide to Archbald .Monday bight and were enter tained at the home of Miss Lizzie Si-lchard. Mrs. C. W. Anderson of Susquehanna, Is paying a visit to Airs. Fletcher, of vWushlngttln street. . IteV. Father (liiltln. of St. rinse's church, officiated yesterday In a high olemn inasa at the funeral of Alrg. II. Indigestion :YU1U readily to llood'i SamperllU UutN it tones sad ttreogtheat the atouieb and aide ' diKMtioa by iup flying pure blood. T I hid indlge. tion to badly that 1 alt ruu down and ronld hardly walk. Had tie appetite and could not aleep. I befin taking Hood's Sariapa rilla. and bofora I bad take fourth of a bottle I was very wuca better. 1 also uted Hood'a Pilli and found them splwndld, very mild, yet effec tive. I cannot aay enough in praise tot what they hive done for me. Hincenilnf two bottles of Hood's baruparMla aud Hood's Pills occasionally 1 feel almost like wpsrsen. I have a splendid appetite, sleep well and work with ease." Anriic C. Lantt!, Belleville, Psansylvtnia. Hood's Caroaparilla la tha only Trua Blood Purifier proml neatJy In the pu bile eye. f 1 ; els for 6. HOttd's PUIS rob"iTeMytotaki " ,vm i-sais eaay la eSei't. -Jae. CARPET T .ItiKt one Week more of thiat (ireat Sacrifice Sale, to close all RcmnuntH tint ' at much less than cOHt. Ixnuths front H yards to In yards in euch piece. Bring your meas ure -und net one of these great bargains as this sul -Mill positively lust only 6 (lays more. X RE . All SALE J; Scott Inglis ' CARPETS AND WALL PAPER, : , 41t Laekawaana Ava, A. Kelley, one of his former parish Ion ers at Honesdale. ' John Willis. f Orchard street, fell last .Monday and fractured his left ankle. 1 ' , All-Maud Taylor left for PhUadel phiu yesterday to attend the funeral ohsequtes or her K'unumotlier, Mrs. Vt I'.mton ' Kev. W. F. Havls, of Providence, preached an excellent discourse last , even ins In the Welsh Baptist church noil! 11 i nurcn sireei. The 'members of the Knights of Father Mathew, aeeordlng to their an nual custrmi, attended divine service at Su .Hose church Tuesday morning. Father t'offey celebrated a solemn high mass. Father iseaion was deacon anu FHther f Irimien. sub-deacon. Kev. F. S. Ballentlne preached an elo quent sermon at Holy Trinity church Wednesday nisrht. The select council were to have held a meetlnar Alondav night, but there De Ing no (itiorum they will meet again on Friday night to consider the appropria lions. Miss Lottie Camribell. of Olyphant has Just returned home from a visit to her friend. Ansa .N. fampnen, 01 i-nurvu street. Snmuel Henrv and family, of Chlca go. who have been visiting Airs. Kvan Williams, of Terrace street, for several tve,.LM. mm ted for home Monday. t'ouncllman T. J. Pender and V. W Wat kins were in Honesdale .Monday on linslness. The fninloves of the Helldrlck AlatlU facturing company have been placed on lliree-onai ter time. J. 11. otcluird was in Wllkes-Harre Tiir-wihl V. Allss Tousle I'.utle. of Honesdale. Is the uuest of Mr. and Airs. 1;. r. m t ... 1 un nvld riillioii. of Kighth avenue, who has been alllns with diphtheria, is Improving. PECKVILLE, The l:n nt I st Conaresation extended enll 10 the Kev. Mr. Allen, of Potter miuv at their business meeting last Monday evening to tuke the charge ot their church. W. L. Uetts. of Scrunton, visited his mirents here last Sunday. Ktnory lirnng Is very sick at the home of his iinreiits on Hickory street. A nroirressive euchre party from Seranton put up ut the Hotel Wilson last .Monday evening and partook of some of the dainties ol the table, which the proprietor Is noted for serving Among the many that were present were: J. W. Hayes. K. O. Warden Hnrrv 811 viler and J. P. Harton. It. J. Taylor, our progressive harness denier, was a caller In Seranton yes to I'll 11 V. Air. and Mrs. Wllllum Ooyne. Mr. and Mrs. Knima Kendall enjoyed a pleasant sleiKh ride to Carhondale Tuesday eve nine. Mrs. 1'ietve Connors, or Walnut street, was visiting relatives III Wliilon yesterday. Airs. J. It. Slckler Is visiting friend nt ThomiPklnsville. 1 A Jolly parly of young people enjoyed u sleigh ride to Dalton last Tuesday evening and were entertained by Air. and Mrs. C. S. Doitil, formerly of this place, (lames aud other amusements of various kinds were indulged in until the wee small hours, when a suitable renast was served, after which the party Jotirned homeward via Provi dence. All pronounced It a Very ideas untlv spent evening, and great credit is due to our host and hostess for the manner in which we were entertained The putty was chaperoned by Air. and Mrs. C. 11. Ileattys. Those present were: Air. and Alls. C. H. Heattys, Mr und Alts. Alaple Hell, Air. and Airs, tieoruc Iteed. .Misses Maud lioud, of Dalton: Ktilah Tiffany, Nettle Cunnon Anna Sando, of Peckvllle; .Misses F.tta and I.lzzle Aloyle, of Seranton, aud Allss Hill, of Jermyn; Alessrs. Fred Iterry. Fred and Frank Benjamin, John lluard, Klnier Swingle. Thomas u lover, Hurry Peck and Arthur Thompson The party arrived home at " p. 111. and experienced-nothing more thrilling on the trip than one tip-over. AVOCA. Tuesday evening at 7 o'cloi k occurred the death ot Air. Bridget Dougherty, one of the most respected ludles of the town. She has been a constant sufferer for the past year, but bore her miffer- ings patiently until called to receive her reward. Deceased was a loving mother und a de.voted Christian. Her husband was killed In the mines sev era! years ago. since which time she has struggled with the difficulties of life to raise a tender family. One year ago her youngest son. Frank,- died, and this great shock completely unnerved her and she has been gradually fulling since. She Is survived by the follow, ing children: Alary. Airs. J. Oarvey, William. Ilellcda. .Michael aud Nellie The ftiMeral will tuke place oh Tues day uftcrnoun. Interment will be made in St. .Mary's cemetery. The death of James O'.Mnlley occurred on Tuesday afternoon at :l. 45 o'clock at the resilience of his brother, Michael, of the West Side. Deceased was 4! years of age, and while at work about a week ago became suddenly ill. Pneumonia set In, which terminated with fatal re still", lie Is survived by two brothers .Michael, of this place, and Patrick, of Scotland, and one sister, Mrs. .Martin Medlynn. of this place. Funeral will take place this afternoon. Interment will be made In St. Alary's cemetery. Clinton, the 5-yeur-olil son of Air. and Airs. Frank Davis, of Lincoln Hill. died yesterday moiiiing nfter a brief Illness.. Deceased was a bright little boy. and the parents have the sympa thy 'of the community In this recent af- II let ion. This Is the third child that hus been called away during the past few yeurs. Funeral will take place this af ternoon, interment will tie made in Lungcliffe cemetery. The many friends of Herbert. Ilonse tendered hi in a surprise parly ut Ills home on South Alain street in honor of his twenty-first birthday. The mem bers of his family generously presented him with a valuable library. Mr. I tonne greatly appreciated the gift since he bus been a careful student during his lifetime. Refreshments were served and the evening was pleasantly spent. The members of St. Mury's choir en joyed a Blelghrlde to W likes-Ba tie on Tuesday evening. The silk mill began operations on Tuesday with a- light force. More ap prentices will lie employed gradually. and many anxious ones are seeking the positions. A "bell" social will be held at the Atefhndlst Episcopal parsonage on to morrow evening. Everybody Is Invit ed. Thomas O'Brien and family, of Jer myn. an; spending a few days with friends in-town, HONESDALE. Peter (lumaer, of Hotel Anthracite. Carhondule, was a caller in town on Wednesday. . , .. William Penwarden was operated on for appendicitis at his home In Tracey vllle on Wednesday. Bishop Talbot, of Wyoming, preached in Grace church last evening. C. F. Ale-Henry, of Biughamton, called on his patrons here yesterday. The Lledcrkranz will give an enter tainment In their hall this evening. The title of the farce to be rendered Is "The Traveling Student.." Price of ad mission, Zo cents. A dance will follow the entertainment. Music by MeU gar's orchestra. A traveling bnnd of six pieces has beeii(regallng our citizens with o,ualtTt melodies for several days past. The advent of "Dot leetle derma u band" is a sure sign that spring Is at hand. Kev. J. J. Griffin, of Carhondule. was In town Tuesday night. He was on his woy to Port Jervls to celebrate high mass at the funeral of Airs. Hubert Kelley, who was formejrly a resident of this place. Urn. Kelley, who died on Sunday, is remembered here tut a so prano singer of great ability, 1 -v Highest of all m Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ACOOUUTEVX PURE WILKES-DARKE, TWO ORPHANS CAST. l adle and ticntloincn Who Will Take Part in the doming project. on Following Is the cast of the "Two Orphans" which Is to he 'produced by the Jefferson Dramatic club of this city for the benellt of the St. Vincent de Paul society at the Grand Opera house on the evening of April "4: Chevalier De Vaiuirey A. J. llrennan Alaripiis De Prestes, Count IV LImhts. M. Snee Ploard James Slice .Inclines Kroehurd P. J. liullagl'M- Doctor Lutluer Mr. Davis Mantlo Anloiiie Mr. Callahan Pierre l-'rochaid Hugh Tolaa i Louise Miss Klttlf AleCabe HearieUe Miss Maine Walsh iThe Two orphans.! La Kroehurd Alis Annie Kgan Countess De l.l.iieres, . Miss .Margaret Gull.igh"r Sister Genevieve Miss Hum-It Murluine Mies Anna Gallagher The company has been thoroughly drilled by. Walter Bean, who will also select elaborate costumes. ATTEMPT AT POISONING. Narrow Iicaps of the Family or llcnr Miller. It has just been made known that an attempt had been made to poison the family of Henry Miller, yesterday, of whom there are six in all. Arsenic was placed by some unknown person Into a coffee pot. enough to kill fifty persons. The entire family were taken ill after eating their supper lusi night and were selaed with violent vomiting. The case Is u most mvsterlous one, ; and Is now In the hands of the olioe and detectives. The overdose that they nau nil taaen 1 saved their lives, though they ure not yet out of danger. Resisted the ConMahlc. Liveryman J ml Brunning wus before 'Squire Donahue yesterday, charged with Interfering with officers while per forming their diltles. The officer's ul-li-ge assault while they were making tin attachment at the property of the defendant's rather at the stable last week. Itrunning was compelled to fur nish ball In the sum of $WK for his ap pearance at court. A llnal hearing will be held today at 7 o'clock. Second Attack of Insanity. James Qiilnn. of Scolt afreet, recently released from u Philadelphia insane usvltim. wus nicked 1111 bv the uollce lust i-eght for drunkenness and placed; In the lockup. At the heurlng this i iiioriiliiir it develoned that he is uaain I insane and the mayor sent him to the county luison until the necessary pa llets are made out for his udmission to Danville. Hog ( hoi era. More than a dozen hogs owned by Paul (it liver, of Kingston, have died of cholera within a week. The disease first broke out umong his drove on lust Thursday, when one hog was taken sick and the next day It died. Yesterday three more took the disease and they were immediately shot after the first evidences or the cholera were noticed, Webber Held for Court. Henry Webber, who was arrestr.l Tuesday charged with cruelly heating his son. was lined f A) and costs by Mayor Nichols last evening and held in J.'tK) bail for court. ' The boy was given in charge or the Humane society, but wus teinporartly allowed to go home with his father lending a further in vestigation or his case. Heath of .Morgan Houts. Morgan Hoats died at the home of his son. George, 41 AU-Carragher street. at ti.lfi Tuesday morning. He is sur vived by four sons and three daugh ters, Irvln. of Philadelphia: Samuel, John and George, of this city; Airs. Eliza Bulllnger, Jersey City: Airs. Eva and Airs. Emily Yohe, of Packerton. Mine to kcsiime. Thn V,i ' .,i1llei- niiAi-nlAil l.v tlw Delaware and Hudson Coal company, j that hus been Idle for some time mist I owing to the recent settling of the -mine, will resume work today and give ' employment to :tOO men and boys. The ! mules were let Into the underground i stables. i V. . Iloboil fists $1,0110. E. A. Iloban, of Nantlcoke. who was Injured In the street car collision on Ian. .'(!. !;. and whose case for liTi.iMtO damages was to have been culled yes terday, has been settled, the company paying l.liuii 10 me plaltlllff. John M. Garman was the nttorney for Hohon. I plosion of fins. An txplosluii of gas occurred In the Glen Lyon mine yesterday. Wudislaw Kadaerwiz. a miner, wus burned about the face aud hands und was sent -to the hospital. His condition is eonsld- red fatal. Miners' Kxainfning ItoarJ. The miners' examlnlmr board of the Third district will meet at Clemtnons hotel, i.uzenie. Snturduy. .March" "1. 1 from 1 to rt n. ni. Injurien I ntnl. .lumes Quitiii died at the hospital from njttries received In a saw mill at Klck- etts. lie lived ut Dushore. .Mrs I racry Head. Airs. Clarence Emery, aired 7.1 vcurs died Tuodiiy ut 122 Davis place from general nemnty. BR I El-' NOTES. A number of the lnu- um. I...... .. .,.1 attorney graihtutes of Attorney ' John Garmun's otfice presented him with a fine portrait of himself nt his home at Nam icoke on Atonday evening. A Wilkes-IJarre gentleman wilt of fei a prize for the composition or a patriotic POIIK to tie Stlllir Hv llie arhl children of the valley mi- tlie Wyoming monument exercises. t Ensian Brooks takes chni-s-o if n, Salvation urmv cnriia nt iht .it..- day. He came from Philadelphia Third corps. The Turner quartette will be In WEAK Eli CURED AS IF BY MAGIC. I Vict ue at Lest Man head should send at 1 oorw ior a book tbatexplaios Ihim , full Diauly viaor Is easily, qolekly ad permausutlf restored. No man sufferlaa; from weeaswse caa af ford to ta-nore Ikln tlaael liitlio. tsftllfS kuwwV aVIlf BlfUl tiMlaTa ata lewarW.. aA vatAtmn BRIE RncDiCML C3 BUFFALO.N.Y. the army hall on : Wednesday and Thursday evenings at 8 p. rh. Silver collection at the door.. Miss Mary Thomas, H. A. . Al..-the gifted London contralto, and her father will appear in this city and Plymouth in April. They are recognized by the press In London and throughout Great Britain as high class concert vocalists, Miss Thomas Is an American, born at Carhondale, Kansas. If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mll I'cna of Mother, for t'leir Children while Teething, witli Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums. Allays all Puin; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be aure and ask fur "Alia. Winslow'a Soothing Syrup," and take 110 other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. , - - ... . . . . HALLBTEAD. The new Methodist Kpiscopul i-hurch of this place was dedicated on Tties- day with very Impressive and Interest injr ceremonies. The morning session began at o'clock, and was opened I by a beautiful anthem by the .choir. I followed by a prayer offered by Kev, I J. L. Thomas, of Sanitaria Springs, af- 1 ter which occurred the schlplure lesson I which as rend by Kev; Air. Hayes, of j lilnghamton. who acted in place of Pre siding Elder Woodruff, who Is 111. The 1 ctngregution next listened to fraternal remarks oy the local hrelhern and Kev ! T. H. Race, of Ktnghatnton. After an other song and short remarks by Itev : J. L. Thomas, of Sanitaria Springs, and Kev. W. L. l.liialierry. of New Alllford : the morning exercises closed. 1 ne auernoon meeting began with a selection by the choir, followed hv u prayer offered by Rev. C. B. Arnold, of lilnghamton. after which the choir again rendered an anthem. Itev. Dr. ivaive, of the Elm Park, church, of ( Seranton, -then, preached an eloquent I sermon. He chose for his text Luke 1 XI, hi. The Curmell trio next sang a i beautiful selection, after which thu tinuuelal HHit of the programme was reached. Kev. Kace.' or Binghiimton. was chosen to conduct this portion of the Bcrvlec. He suld total coHt or building und furnishing the new-church i wus J4.i::,..t.j. The amount subscribed j previous to the day of dedication was 1 Sl.xsMtl. leaving the indebtedness ut I $2.2!.ri5. At this service $l,:!:i7.!.r. was I raised and an addition or about t-iisi : wus subscribed in the evening niuklni; i the indebtedness now at about $."i0(. I The evening service begun with a ! short song service followed by prayer ! offered by Kev. W. L Llnuberry. ufter I which the trio pleased the audience with a line selection After a sung by the choir. Kev. J. It. Sweet, of Ashley delivered un excellent sermon. After thin Kev. Kace asked those who wished ur ueiiii uu' inemseives to me Lord In come forward, und a large number did so. The dedication service proper was then conducted by Key. Stephen Jay, or Susquehanna, after which the choir favored the congregation with another anthem. The next was the repenting of the Lord s prayer und pronouncing of the benedict Ion, which closed the services. The visitors were well provided for as a large collection of eulables could be found by any at tho Rullroud Young Alen's Christian association hall. The society starts out with a membership of about forty, and bright prospects. The first regular service will be con ducted next Sunday afternoon nt o'clock, and all ate Invited to be pres ent. Pllc: Piles! tuning Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching iiu minting; uiosi at nignt; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors rorm. Which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the Itel ne and Meet ing, heals ulceration, anil In most cases removes tne tumors. At druggists, or uy man. lor mi cents. Dr. Swayne ft nun, 1 uiiaueipnia. Vhen Bshy was sick, we gave her Castor's. 'Alien she was a Child, she cried, for t'astorio, iVheu hIis became .Miss ahe cliiug to 'iisturlii, Wneo she had Children, she gave tlieui Cantoris. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many people suv 1111: tlitt is berun tliey have heard of niiiiy failures where tha Irtlgn nr til. knife bate b -en relied upon. Setvuee bus develeied a new aud batter way -a system of treat ment that iitivelv cuiea and dee4 awsy with thn' tin., entirely after wards lir . P. O'Mslley. RUptur StM-iahst. Sll South WaatiiiiKtan ntrest. Wil-Hs! re. ailmiuiMei-N this new treatment. Time in no detention from buaineiw and peraaue from out of t wu can receive treatment and return home the nsnie day. An abaolute cure is kuaraiit.-vd. There it tut charge for examination. A viiit mice a wek Pir tour to e-ulit weeKS will usually lie auttif ient for the uioul stiibljo.11 i-iitr N. H.- Tlirnei ot wMjitiz treatm nt Crtii be fitted with the eeuLratt-d (iM4l.f,l:Y TUl'hH. Kiiuruute.d to hold any rupture that eau be returned living e sj and (inufurt. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located tke Bnest flabiug sad knatlaf I erocBda ur tha world. Deseripties books ob i application. Tickets to all peiats la Mslae, t t'atiada ana Maritime ProrlSoes, Klaueapulis. kt Paal. Canadlaa and I nited States .Norie 1 wests, TsacoBver. Heattla, Tseoass. Portlaod, ! Ore., Kan Franriaeo. i First-Ctsss Steeping and Dining Cart : attaetaed to ail through traiss. Teuriet ears folly attd with Uddiug, certain, sad se ; lalls adapted te wsauof families rasv be fead with asceod-claas tickati Kates always less ttaa via other llaes, For fad ' 'Tr nntfsa. ttsse tables, a is., sa appllcatlea te B. V. 8KI1MNER, o. m. A. K KROIDWIT. NEW TOM. . CALL UP MX CO. OILS. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OfTIOt AND WAMEH0U8S, Ml TO 111 MERIDIAN STRSSV Me W. COLLINS, M'tfr. i Leader 124-126 Wrcaing Aa, .- tall special attention to tit c extra traordinary iiidticcnicntti ttffcred this week. Be xurc and investigutc tir kcrunant lanbroidery Sule. ".00O yards of embroideries In Swiss, nainsook and cambric, in lengths from 1"- yards to yards. Prices range fron So. to 17c. This Is about one-fourth of its real value. One lot "of Swiss embroidered flounc ing, 2j inches wide, worth 3o.. " U-udcr'M lrlcc. 12Jc. CO ladlivs figured brllliantlne skirtn, lined throughout and faced with vel veteen, Umler's Price. l :) 2f plr.ln hrilliantlne skirts, lined with ( pereallne, faced with velveteen, "- l eader Trice, $2.7R One lot of gool quality storm serge In bluek and navy. Leader's lricc. $1.HS Ladles' black sateen underskirts, one, ' two and three mlMc, l eader's 1'ricc. Ill, Ml und IWc One lot of ladles' 'outing sulu, , reefer Jai-Ut-ts with lurge sailor collar a iil t; iiuiiii'd with funey or white liriiid. ' Leader's Price. $7.8!) One lot of ladies' muslin corset cover.-, plain a 11.1 i Hfck. Leader's Price. 7c One lot of ladles' camlirio eorsi t cov- crs, lilKh nevk. trimmed with em broidery. Leader's Price. 12-c One loi or idles' nmsllri drawers, with cluster or tucks, Lcudcr's Price. 19c One lot of ladies' muslin skirts, trimmed w ith lace or embroidery. Leader's Price. 9c One lot of men's 4-ply cuffs, perfect in finish und uiuki-. Leader's Price, 11c Alen's heavy seamless cotton half hose. Leader's Price. :t pairs for '25c .V. dozen tine t-liinton kid glnt-e In - tans, browns, ulsii w liitc with iilm-k einbroide.-.v, . , Leader's Price. (i!lc Several linos of Indies' new leather belts in all widths und colors, ineliei iiiK while und the new grufii, Lcaders's Price from l!to VJc. 25 pieces of ull-wnnl 44-lneh serge In ail colors unci bluek, worth .ioc., Leader's Price. itSc 2." pieces of all-wool mnterla eloth In all the spring coniMnntlon colorings, worth -liie.. Leader's Price. '27c The balance of our ull-wool 1111. 1 funey sprlne; ir-ss kooiIs that have Uvu 2lc, Leader's Price. 12c 2.1 pieces of the newest IfleelH in cliei k dross goods, reul value XV., , Leader's Price. 22Ac 5 pieces, all there is left of our f.'ie. ull wool black Kerne, Leader's Price. 27c Special sale of 2..MKI yards of pure wash silks for w-aKts und dresses, cheap Ut lit'., I. I Leader's Price. 19c 2.". pieces of print eil t'hina silks, real value li."c.. Leader's Price. 47c 25 ideocs of striped outing tluunel worth 7c, Leader's Price. -1c 2.1 pie-es of good ipiullty dress glug . hams, ( Leader's Price. 4c a yard 10 pieees of bleached pillow casing, 12 Inches wide, never sold for less l hun Leader's Price, 5c LEBECKCORIN i HsMfaetarars of Um Oaisbrata PILSENER LAGER SEER ACITYl OOsOOo Barrels per Annum SOLD !"Hthi awiati ,,- SD ajiuo" . CREVIVO RESTORES VJUUTT. Made a Well Ma Utll Iar. of Me. TMI ttCAT loth Da?. LZSXsXXlXd'V toss thai skbitra milti In 30) dura, it . laifallr aud qulcklf. Cures ban all oihsrs tall sssa nu rtgmlu tkair kist auaboud, sad old will namr thir voutiiliil vianr aw iuin. HKTlTOb ti atasir surely raatsn-a Merrous aaaa, Mst Vltslltv. latsuieacy. Klshtlr bniasioaa IOS rosea, JaSltaa Moawnt. Wm'Iu Dtaaaaea. ad ail aVasSs ot If asjiaw or llcm aad iBdlacratljii bfaai ssiMa oa Cor ataat. aslaasa or siarrtaso. It aoaaalr sarao av asarrlsc a tha ana si dlasase. but Inasa mmm fmlm and blood baUder. brtaa ' hasfe tbs admit (low to pad ebsebs and ro rla ako dro of you to. f ard of fnaaalts and Osaaassyuoa. lnaiat aa tesrtDx BRTIVO, ao Mbor. It oan bo asrried aa ooot aukat. is atul 1 jO aae aaohaao, a sis 1st MJi sHtk oosl uo willisa araaesatoo bo owa os voud BoaHoaoy. OKnaiat braa. Aodaaas 0Tt HEOICINK CO.. 13 Rl.or M.. MMM. ILL MsamaVosW vtMalat ins REWERY. A NO, ID -ONLY T170 MORE. SATURDAY ENDS IT ALL TODAY'S IE Ti.ft Ctts? f th,s 'nalfument was blistered by beat and we bad it refinlsbed. TtoMtluiililuiierbx.-t condition. It bas lull iron frame, three uuC ' "1 t'etaves, and lis tone is excellent. If we were remaiuintr iu busiuesa we eould easily get M for it. As matters wand, it wmea at the TftAft eleveuth hour, ami we'll let it go Today for Spot Cash Only o'JU.UU IMAGINE OUU ANXIETY. We've still a larjre iiiitulier of really flue Fianosaud Organs to sell, and our ftrniUKeuients are such that we cannot, under any couilttion, t-ou inue this H&U one hour after Saturday ninUt. lu our place, what would you do" iSebilf he mlanoeol the stock to a storage warehouse? Not much. Such a I'luce isn't healthy for Hue pianos or organs. What then? You'd do just as weretloliiKit lf you weren't tightly pressed for cash, ami we're nut. You d ne tterrectly willing to take cost price for new instruments on notes or onlluarv credit for us lou as the buyer pleased, if you only knew It was sale. Thai's our cass exactly, fash or credit makes no difference to us now, selling out la our only object. Second- hund Pianos und Organs at practically what you ONLY TWO MORE 224 WYOMING AVE. ESTABLISHED 1873 KERR'S ' Ve Have Determined To Reduce Our Stock In order to make room for improvements and aildiiious to our store, which are necessary to accoinmodute our iucrcasint; business. Many very desirable patterns in . Ax Minsters, moquettes, TAPESTRIES AND BRUSSELS Have been marked down to prices which wilt insure their speedy sale. Of course, ihcy cannot be duplicated at their present prices, but you may find suflicleut lor your purpose, and if so, the price will please jou. Zrilriiis Hie size of your room with you. S, G. KERR, SON & CO. Af0 Lackawanna Ave. r w -w Opposite Ihe Main Entrance to Wyoming Houss. I L STATEMENT FEBRUARY 28, 1896: Rnani'nei.'s I Loans i IVfl-ilriifltt .l,f.1C.77.1 4ii 714 (i , lUti.lKUl "it ;ii.7:i4 !'.", s llt.O -n 7.77H ii . T.".7.::oi 71 . S.7 $iM9i,:i(N::!i I'. S. Homls tltlier Homls '. .' BunkliiK llsuse I'reniliims on I, p. Holiil-i... Due from l". S. Treasurer. Ihih from Hunks I'ash WM. CONNRU., PrraiUvnt: UEO. H. CATI.IN, Vl President: WM. H. PRCK, Csthlrr. HtVtCI OKS-Wm. Connell, Henry Belin, Jr., Jsmcs Archbald, Wm. T. Smith, Utorge H. Cstlin, Luther Killer, Alfred Hand. Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts, Three per cent. Intercit on Time Deposits. . EatDrink and Be Merry One could (if it were necessary) cat and drink at any old table, seated on a stool or even stand ing;. Hut few could be merry under such condi tions. Mere is where we obviate that necessity, and supply the merriment by furnishing a Complete Dining Room Outfit IINJCL.UDING 1 Solid Oak Sideboard, worth $22.00 1 Solid Oak Ex. Table, 6 legs, worth 8.00 6 Solid Oak High Back Cane Seat Chairs worth 9.00 1 Solid Oak Leather Seat' Rocker, worth 3.75 2 Pictures, Fruit or Game Subjects, worth 5.C0 ALL FOR $35.90. - ' HCS'riie above articles are well worth the itemized price, aud we shall be proud to poiut them out to you. S a.diAddidf.ffA.Ai . OUR TERMS ARE LIBERAL. CASH DISCOUNTS GIVEN. W.: v m a jmm sdfcajbdj BARGAIN, DAYS OF SELLING AT TELEPHONE 515 OF , It LIABILITIES. fniiltal Hlll'lilllH I'lKllvliled rrotits '. I'lreiiluliiui lMvlilenils t'npulil lieii)slln Hue to Hunks lle-DlMoiiunts Hills I'ayabln SltO.IMO (W L'MJ.KK) ml HI, 111!) 43 SS.TkVI Ii HW .VI r.ic.7ii !K Nana Nona t!,191,auu J 1 218, 225 and 227 WYtlMlMl AVK. CLOTHIERS, HOUSE FURNISHERS. LU I I IE SGRANTON . ' I Ai.-t,. KLiHl- aW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers