THE PCHANTON TBIBUNE-TIIT711SDAT MOBNTfTG, MATICH -19.-1890; (t Mecra OF YttE HEART By HOWARD FIELDING. (Copyright, ISM, by Baeheller, Johnson ana Hacheller.J sYxorsis. Mr. WlllarJ Davis Is the head or ill surface lines of New Vork. ami ! otibe Is in the roar of the company loom on the third floor of the Ann Street hank building. Assovluted with him In vuriotis schemes for the absorption or mull slreet car lines Is George Stalhi; 'lite. HtnlUrldxe 1m much disliked by Wllliird l...l' .i.r.l. . vnmiir lluvi. Who be lieve thut 8talbrulge Ib leading his un-'le InU dangerous and corrupt schemes wlin Hie. oliiei't of finally securing control or tin;; meat property hlmseli. anil of ituln IniV the hand of Wlllnrd Davis" daughter i..iv ..mdiiii tn Walter Norman. Ill' hi.nlnu nl'iuf u Irunsucltnll. bv Which U Mmill line in which Xormun t liileresie. I- iiIIaI mi liv the lurise roniKtll voiniir .Imvls noes 'down to remonstrate iviik him lie meets Slalbrldee In front nf ihe hank building, anil relink hltn. As. he mentions Norman s name young Davis notes that StalbiidKe glances ill. ward in a startled way toward the cP valeU railroad. Young Davis goes to his mu le's office, followed by Stalbrldge 1 he door Is looked. There Is a key inside the link. A moan Is heard and tnen a r. Vnnnir llnl-i HIIHhes the key out gialbrldge's key, and unlocks the door 11 sees his uncle on his knees, the lat. ter tries to speak and falls to the floor dead. As youiiR- Davis entered the room u iIam ai,umIim ..IuhmI with a snail. H ihursls il in, bill Minis Ihe room beyond va. ant. with an open window looking on the atone court. It Is found that W II Itttd liavls' boily has two wounds, one on ti... i....i n,...i I., i hiuw Instrument anil ohe a slab III the breast with a a until i...ii.t...l ..-i.,.ii A detect ve IS sum moiled, who finds Willard Imvls keys on il... H..- Ihn ahtruiiPli dOOl'. A tOW'I is huitif on a looking-glass high uhove the washstand. Jllood Mains arc loumi un h,. 1 1- mii, 1. on the edaes of the wash basin. Stulbrldge suggests tliat Norman is a v.ry tail man. Mennwhilu nniong the i i hm uathered at the scene, yotniK tllll 1 1 1I Mull. WllO i'V ..i,,iiw .A..iiitiid the iniirder a .lust dec"l. ......r..i..,.iii .vlilKiire is discovered, nnd uhlle the detective does not accuse him, 4i... .,, tt. .i4iitm it ueriiius aspect, es- ......I..II.. .... tl, .I..A.1 nt trniisfer of Noi' nun's street car line has disappeared from Willard Duvlx-' papers. Nitnium is unaccoiinlablv absent, but returns u lime to detiv Stiilbilitge's Insinuations to young Davis and the detective. oiinK Imvls declares to fttalhrllge that the lat ter saw Norman on a passing street car while HlHlbrldae and he were talkiiiK out side the hank building. Hlalbridae reliises to exonerate Nornian by admitting H"n whereiiiion yoimg Davis threatens to con ceal his own knowledge of Slalbrldtfc s whereabouts at the time of the murder. Stulbrldge is frightened, and he estab lishes an alibi for Normnii. Suspicion then rests on the tall Italian, who proves to be a stockholder in Norman's line. I no detective .lohnson.-v.ho has completed his investigations, privately tells young Da vis that torn pieces. or the deed ol .trans fer, whliti he bus mentioned to Htitl bridge, are a "fake" for the puriiose of misleading the latter. He shows yoing liavls a small scrap of the deed, charred and bloodv, which he has found In the Waste pine of Ihe bowl in wuinni imv pipe or me oowi in mui(' ..... Tiieue Is a small round hole in It nible suspicion suggest Hsell lo A horrible suspl young Davis, TAUT V. A Ql'ESTION.OP TIMR. "This hit of paper .wn caught upon the weapon thut pierced your uncle's heart." he said. "1 have the weupon hero.v . . "Not Norman' stiletto!" I filed, re membering; that he hail taken It. "There was no Htlletta In the cane,' tie nalil. "The weapon was a peaceful implement suddenly' perverted to a tli aillv use. There it stands." ' lie Indicated an ordinary spindle on which .documents are spiked, it was sliniilv n bit of steel wire about five indies lone, mounted upon a metal standard,- and sharply pointed at the end. "1: was all done In a moment of pas slnii., said the detective. "Your uncle held that fatal contract In his hands. It was .liurninfr- The spectacle and your uncle's words at the moment must have maddened the murderer. He struck suddenly and surely with the first thlnB that came to his hand. Wll lnrd' rnvls fell mortally hurt. As he fell, liis head struck the corner of his desk a violent blow. Thus, doubly wounded.' he lay tiKin the lloor. The null det er' bent over him and slowly, fearfully, withdrew the weapon. Why, did he do that'.'" "!ecnuse that bit of paper was pinned down upon the victim's heart. The murderer dared not leave It there. He secured It at the cost of wetting his hands, with blood. The paper was staked. It would not burn. Distract ed with fear, the murderer rolled the paper In his hands and thrust it down the escape pipe,' where, fortunately for me, it lodRed. Then the criminal washed- his hands, dried them on that towel. nnd walked out of that door." "What are you telling me-."' I ex rlulmed. "This is all new. What has become of the theeiry which you ex plained to me with such care my un cle struck down, the door locked with his keys, the pnper taken, the fatal (thrust given at last because the victim revived while Stalbridee and I were at the dour." . "1'n to the time when I wns ten years replied Johnson, "I was a very truthful boy. Then I happened to no vtlee that lyinjr was not directly prohib ited tn the commandments. Since then J have mnde it a point never to tell the truth unless there Is a very pressinc need "of it. Thus I have risen In my profession" . fttit why was It necessnry to lie to me?" I demanded.' "Let me show you why," he said earnestly "and now you're koIhc to Bet the exact facts. The great point of this case Is that Mr. liavls lived neat ly half an hour with a hole in his heart. There was where you went as-tray.--You took my bogus medical re port on top of the natural error of the ambulunce surgeon, and believed that your uncle had been instantly killed. WinuhdR In the heart are popularly sup posed, to be immediately fatal, but that Is not true. There are many cases "I know all about them." I broke In, Impatiently. "Hut you forget that when I entered the place I saw the door, leading to the . rear. room,, dose; and that It was locked when 1 reached it DISFIGURING HUMOURS CVTICUR SOa Diirilits and beautifies tile skirt, scalp, and hair by restoring to healthy activity tlx ClOOued, lmMit lKiTAnt, sluggish, or Ovtuwomu t 'om. Km tliiotfitkMt flit ..tlJ rhlih iftrti r Ntir- tt a ,,, 1. any .Ifcfl5efaSl Fails I LilVK" J.o4ii. rnul '., IMt tiV; SMI, L. 8. A. The murderer wan Just escaping; nt uncle was breathing his last. men. your measure of time, the assassin had remained with his victim nearly half an hour. Is that credible : "It Is not." replied tne ueiecinr. 'But 1 .can solve your difficulty. In the tlrst place let me snow you nu I measured the time. It is rather pret- lile led me to the bowl beneath the glass, and called my attention to the fact that there was a amau lean the faucet. He asked me to observe the steadiness of it. and then attempt to place the faucet in such a position that there would be a different rate of leakage. I found that the thing could not be done. The faucet worked by a law of its own. and wherever placed. It would spring at once to the position it seemed to prefer. "Just after the crime," said Johnson, "when you and I bend over this bowl looking for bloodstains. I noticed that leak. Instantly I marked 'the level of the water In the bowl. Afterwards I experimented and found that the ttmt required for the bowl to be tilled to that point was fifty-two minutes. Take twenty-live minutes oft for the time i.Mtueen the discovery of the crime coincident with your uncle's death mi, i mv mnrk liar of the bowl. Thut I..QV..M tuentv-six minutes. Now add four minutes for the time taken by the mni'ilei-er in wusliliiir his hands. That makes Jusi half an hour that your uncle lved." "This Is guess work." said I. "How do you know that the murderer left no water in the bowel?'.' "Because, my dear sir. the last thing he did wus to push down this lilt of paper, and he wouldn't have done that w hile there was water in the bowl. He didn't let any run afterwards, other wise the paper would have been soaked, lie pushed It In. supposing that it would fall down the pipe. Then he re placed the stopper or It fell into place and my timepiece was In operation. "Now as to the closing of that door. Watch this little experiment. I open the door thus. Now will you oblige me by opening the main door suddenly. Thanks. You perceive the draught of air shuts this one. It fastens Itself. I've replaced the lock you broke, and everything is us It was. Ho we've dis posed or your delusion that you were right on the heels of the murderer." I was considerably perplexed by tills sudden change of theory. It wns hard to esmape the detective's reasoning In regard to the time of the commission of the clime, yet there were several points thut needed explanation. For instance, how could the door have been locked on the inside with my uncle's kevs' I heard them drot) out of the lock. Who hud put them Into it? It was Air. Davis himself." said Johnson, when 1 put the iiuestlon to him; "he was tiylng to get out. Doubt less he was feebly crying for help, but no one heurtl. Those murks of hands upon the door were Ills. The position shows thut they were mude by some one who wus supporting himself with dlliiculty." "He ciitild not open the door and for a very good reason. Dazed and dying, he hud selected the wrong bunch of keys. I got the right one out of his pocket and the key of thut door wns on it. "And that's the great point of this case. The door wus locked not with Mr. Davis' key, lor otherwise it would not have been in his pocket. There Is but one other, und that be longs to " "rftiilliriilge!" I exclaimed. Correct, and beyond a doubt Stul bridge is the murderer." "My instinct told me so, even when I believed absolutely that I knew hltn to be Innocent." "And now for the reason why I de ceived you." continued the detective. "At llrst 1 acted on general principles. My theory propounded in this room was intended to deceive everybody. Afterwards I acted for the sake of the effect upon Stalhiidge. I did not know him to be guilty, but 1 strongly sus pected him. I had heard 'of his stop ping you and taking you for a walk. "BY HEAVKXS. MACK, YOf'VK LOST HIM. if he had anything to say, why didn't he bring you up here? Or take you into one of the rooms of the I'lilnn Lliiex'.' it was fair to guesa thut he wanted to keep you out of the way. "At luat you forced him buck to the Beene of the erlme. . What tnuHt have been hi surprise and horror at find ing thut bin victim still lived! Hut Hoon he saw that it wus to be his own salvntinn The closing door, the wound in the heart everything seemed to indicate that the crime wns but Just done. Then he could prove an nllhl through vmi ! "instantly the desire to convict Nor man seized upon him. He was Nor man's rival for .Miss liavls' hand, and had worked 1 that cause as well as for money in getting your uncle Into nin power. It wup 111 111.1 imui mm he should plot to convict Norma n, for 1 he was more likely to be led Into nil j indiscretion. And the surest way to keep him at it was to satisfy himself of liis own safety to make him over-confident. For that reason I worked upon you. He would not have believed me, but he put faith in what came to him through you. He knew you to be his bitter enemy, and nothing could sustain hltn so much as your confidence in his Innocence. "Meanwhile I had Norman more or less under suspicion. I knew that he had been here, though I was not aware that Htalbrldge was present at the same time. Xou forced that out of Stal brldge and also the very valuable and singular alibi for Norman." "How about the Italiun?" "He was saved by my water clock. He could account for himself up to the time when he entered this building and that time was absolutely known. It was three minutes before eleven. The crime was committed five minutes earlier. Judge, then, of my satisfac tion when you remembered seeing An tnnelll. Htalbrldge was with you at that time. He had just appeared. He had time to leave the scene of the crime, to leave the building by the side door, to see you approaching, and to stop you in order that ynu might not find the body. "To Stalbridge, then, nil clews lead. He will be here presently anH you shall see how he faces the accusation." "Is he under arrest?" "No; but ho Is shudowed. He will be arrested If he does not keep the ap pointment which he has with me here, lfevis overdue." ' JohtiNon glunced at his 'watch and then stepped to the door: I saw him start. His face ruddenly Hushed. , "Come here." he cried. A slender young man in rather shab by dress stepped quickly to the door. "Where's Htalbrldge?" he gusped, ah he glunced Into the room. "11 haunt been here," returned Johnson. "My heavens. Mack, you've lost him." "Not on your life. I shadowed htm to this room." i" "He did nut come tn. The man has escaped. He got onto you and took the j alarm. Mack, the shadow, struck his fore head with his right hand. "Is it possible that he got in there?" he said, and then he pointed to the door of the vacant suite. "If he did, he hasn't had any chance to get out." Johnson and I rushed Into, the rooms. They were empty. The window open ing Into the shaft was open. "By all the saints!" exclaimed the detective. "The fellow has climbed into the back room and has heard all I have said." r We ran back and passed into the rear room, leaving the shadow on guard In the hall. Stalbrldge wan not there, but OX THK WALL HK8IDK THE DM1R SO.MK WOltllS WKKK SCUAWLHU. ! ' we were not long In finding evidence of j his presence. (In the wull beatde t lie S door some worils were scrawled In ien- j fll. They hud evidently been written ' while the murderer stood there listen- j Ing. 'Thank you for these disclosures. Mr. Johnson. Your views ure surprisingly I accurate. I would like to reniuln uml ! IHiint out some of your errors, but time ! presses, ami certain considerations urge mv Imniediute departure. I feur we shull nut meet ugain, as It Is improb able that I shull ever return to New j Yiirli. !f It were not for the dis I tressing noise of firearms, I would open 1 this door and shoot you both where yon 1 i ' I I These words had caught Johnson s j eye on his llrst glance around the little room. He reud them aloud. 1 mean- j while hud hustened to the window. . "The Infernul rascal bus got away." ' suld the detective, "but he will be caught. It may lie a long chase. though, for lie will take a barrel of I money with him." I As he spoke I measured with my eye 1 the distance between the two windows, j It was a hust.-W.ous feat to pass from one to the other. I glunced Into the sliuft to measure the distance one j would lull. i I looked straight down into Cieorge : Stulbriilge's luce. He hud fulien in : passing from one window lo the other. 1 and lie luv in the bottom or the tdiuft. ' mortally hurt. ' Ills full had been heard, though not ; by us. Hel'ore we could get down the j stalls lie hud been taken out of the shaft. He lived about half an hour, and ' was conscious most of the time. Knowing thut he was fatally Injured. he had no hesitation In speaking of the crime. His story coincided perfectly 1 with Johnson's theory. Y lllard wuvis had yielded to Norman's plea lor fairer treutmetit In the railway transaction. Stulbrldge. in the back room, had heurd all- ., , , When Xormun had gone Stalbtidge entered, and there was a brief and angry discussion, which ended in my uncle's touching a inntch to the railway contract. As it blazed up. so Stal brlilge's anger blazed. The fatul blow came speedily. All else the reader knows. The end. "tinr Learned Fellow-Townsman." fi ehuracter sketch by d.'orge (llssina. will heglii tomorrow. - kailkoad noti:s. The statement Is mude that a synd'- 1 rate composed of New York and Cleve land capitalists are behind a project I to build a system of suburban electric car lines in northern Indiana connect- 1 ing various cities and towns. The de sign, it Is said, is to start from Lake county, where the syndicate already j owns property, and establish net-woik extending around to touch South Bend. Valparaiso. Mlchigun City. Laporte. j Klkhnrt nnd half a dozen or more other places. The syndicate is supposed to be bended by Daniel 8. I -union! and ex - j Secretary Whitney. Its active agents , nre ex-Congressman Johnson und Mark I W. Huniia. J The consolidation of the Xypano com- pany of Ohio into the Xypano Railroad i company. In conformity with the reor- I ganlzation scheme of the Erie com- j nanv. was consummated Monday. The 1 consolidated company has $'JIKMHiO,0(MI of stock und will have $20.!Oi.UOu of bonds, the mortgage to he Hied within u day or two. Following are the directors: C. E. Whitehead, of New York, presi dent; John Toil, vice president: H. 11. I'erkins. treusurer: John 11. P.vnes. A. M. Tucker. Samuel Muther. Fayette Itrown, Frank l May and Melville E. lngalls. Jr., C. C. Mason Is secretary. ASSIST NATURE a little now and then in removing offend ing matter from the stomach and bowels mid yon thereby avoid a multitude of distressing de rangements and dis eases, aud will have less frequent need of your doctor's service. Of nil known agents for this pur pose, Ir. I'icrce'a Pleasant Pellets are. the best. Once uvd, they are al" way In favor Their secondary ef fect is to keep the bowels open and regular, i.nt to fur ther constipate, as is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity with stifterets from habitual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold derangements. The ' Pellets " are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. No rare is required while using them: they do not interfere with the diet, habits or occupa tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock to the svstetn. They act in u mild, easy and natural way and there is no reaction after ward. Their help lasls. The Pellets core biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness. or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belching. " hrattbtirn." pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truthfully said, that they are always adopted a a household remedy after the first trial. Put up in sealed, glass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One liltl- " Pellet " is a laxative, two are niildr cathartic. As a "dinner pill.'' to promote digestion, or to relieve distress from over eating, take one after dinner. They are tiny, sugar-coated grannies; any child will readily take them. , ' Accept no substitute that mav be recom. mrniied to be "just a good.'.'.- It may be belief for the lieaier. becaui: of vayiuir'him a better .prns. but ht i not the one who utea r . WIICH FOR THE wm mm. Is the name familiar? 'Tis to thousands and thou sands of people in Philadel phia, and it won't be long be fore it's a household word here. We deal in millinery. We've handled it for years, , , r r , and nave a way 01 our own ot ... J f i ! 011100111!! Competition. We Ve : , r i conic here to snow you tor how little money we good goods. We'll more anon. can sell tell you 421 Lackawanna Avenue. DOCTOR. ENGLISH will itop a cough lo a nlif lit, eliei-k a cold in a day, aud uuroconnumplioii it' taken id time. It the little one have Croup nr waoopin coufo, Mir II p ifrtifny. Crouu 1 a vtrv LTOJi fatal diee. r uuv vne hait' vf IhuM at tacked die. Th great Tlie diseate progress no rapidly tlmt tlicluuut' aiewhuum in treatment in ut'ten fatal. Ai'Kta's Emu isii K:tr iv will cure Croup, rnirf It nbnuld l wmy ht kept la tbe boue for emergeai'lea. A ai vent bwtile may uvi your child' lite. Thraa ilien 9Se, 50, II. All Druigi.l ACKER MEDICINE CO. ) At IV f, x S 16 Jt 1$ Cb Chamber St., New York. Seek the Best Have Nothing Else. It Pays. .... Write the Principal of the State Normal School at Blooinsbiir.l'u., for information about that excel lent and popular school. $500 la Scholars!) p P,iz!s Just Oliid riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL OMl f th but quality for doniHi a, and of all sit, deliver! ia aaa rt f th qlty at lowest prlca. Orders laft at my Offlua NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE, Roar Nta, ttrat floor. Third National Baak, r nt by mail or toJephone to la Btaa, will raoslv DromnC attentloa. aoeuU ooDtraeU will be mad far tfet ik) aa4 4ollvry of Buckwhsat Coax WM. T. SMITH. Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 CoBDivealth BM'f, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADS AT MOOftlC AND RUSH OALB WORKS. Laffl In Raad Powdsr c Orange Gun Powdot Wsctiio BatUrte. Fans fr nplaaV lat: blasts. Basty Vsw and tepuBoC-emical Co.'s HUhExploslii WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND S. Oaa and Watar Co. Building, C01HEI WYOMING AYE. AUD CENIES ST. OVTIOK HO0RB from 7M a m. o t p. m.; (1 hoar lateralssioo for 45iaur sod supptr. ) Pirtlcilar Attention Given to Collections Prompt ttlnint ttuarantcsd. IfOURBUSINESS IS RESf ZCTFULLY SOLICITED Tlphon No. 134. COF THMIIG IH0 SOLOERSE Al m awajr with by tb dm f HASTi UKI TKNT fAINT. WBlea 4 lacradtoau wall-known to ail. It oaa b amtt4 to tin, gaivanisod tla, ht iraa nu, asso to orioa awaiuiaa, wsuco will rrroni aaaoiuiaijr aajr orumoiias, eraos uk to orwa. win oai alu of anv kind by maav vssuw. It's oosi doaa not mxrd DM-tttk thai mt th oMt of tlnnlnf. la sold by ta jaft or pouad. Contract takaa by ANTONIO ttAMTMA:N. IB Blrak It PnMHWi Exll.k Dlw4 Brasi. ENNYROYAL PILLS UtWNl M UMljr UwmmlM. Art, ft)Afit tfllrtl. LAD It Ak ruflit rf Chi'kt'Ur ilMtfisA ij . iim Mrmntt im Hl kud b'uU uieiall' Kimsm. wiM ik blui liiilHti. Tatkti fiwNttiU imitttiu: ai Ururfflaia. nrteM4r I'l ttaaWfc IOC IMUlldlttMrd, mt.MOalkl KL f aail 'wwv i"iutwmiH .iHf rwyvi Clil.-byttrCfalUull'sMlif)lM "iU. SU4.I ai EVA M. HETZEL'S ' ? . . Superior Fac?' Bleach PvsltiKlj tenures ill Facial Blemishes. A in powiler HVtr iiianult;turif. I'seit ami cmiu intuited by leading societ y aud profawioiiftl ixuutiea, iweaiwe it mvea the Lett pwailib effect anil uever leavca the illiu roauu el aralv. rirti uJ cwiiIm. inrixoitcne. .auiro imir u greatHtuii invia.irtir t tii greiMve infe. I.eiiiK purely a vi pound, entirely banal . xiid I " beiienmut lTect. Alldit-a Ihrlxoitme. Nature Hnlr Urnwvr, is th: iia present pin egtflaii e ro:ti mat l"iu i 'an if the luti an I M l ara tei.oilv enreil Pv the m ' 'i hrixogene. I'lio .Ml rents Kill $1 Fori tie at r . M. Hrtzsl'N ilalr ilrets iiic an I Mauli'iirj lftiior. ft'ill Lftrknwanbti ava. and X'1. i nin- Builil.llir. Wilkes Harm. Mail or.lnl . 4IIWU promptly. SPRING WILL SOON BE HERE Aud to tie prepared to uieut til ttsrmei weutUt-r y. u want a .-aoaauie Suit ur an Oiwiunt -ur Uoth AND THK BKST PLACE 10 VISIT KOR SOMETHINU QOOO IN MERCHANT TAILORING 1 IS . 1 ' (J 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE YOU W ILL FIND .. , , " , Tbe larttes: Ntook to rvlei t from. Trim tain sAiwuytor ths Bt. Lut t8tvl in t'nttinc ami made up ua tb (iriu:aj Ly Exp.rt Work uiu. (WNotbiOK allowed to tear tko Ublishment uuis satisfactory to lb ciiKtiimcr. anil tb. lowest urivr si with Uootl Morubsal Tai oring. DUPONT'S MING, BLASTK6 ARD SrtRTI6 POWDER Maaafactarad at th Wapwallorva MUla, La asraa ouuaty. Pa., aud t Wil miugtou, Ueianar, HENRY BELIIM, Jr. enral Afent (or th Wyoaiiug Distriat. tW WYOMINO AVE Scranton, Pa Third NatfaaslBaok BaUdla Aaaaoua : HOB. TOBXS Htsston, Pa. JOHN B. SMITH BON, Plnaoatk. Pa K. W. MVliUOAN, WusaBarnTPa. A f sols tor tao tuipoauo chssalnsl H tut MPiooiysa. nrm noi co., ior, cayttai, BSR SIM aHOK IN TUB WORM -J UUme witt it m doOr sorasd." i TsasLsMlt ' till nwach nnsf Kid , I MUisns t soywsim la ta u.a..a MPmwuHiBSBnunHi, or I'uaul Mat tar aiA. Equal orsry wf la sot old ta sU rswal tiM. Vim ana w a nd If sur om I ws win rsrassi vm mammy snasiBHiMrtasr. ufM wtdtas V, P. K, k StndmmTmimt mm m rem. lanMrsss rues? DxioShoeGo, FEDERAL IT- BOaTOH, 4srs( KM Is Mm rr THi HitHitv Mtsiwt Inmnma EnTnOLlnHALK TWVKYOU ATADDll imstm mm vn inn nre HttDACHEKSS iNSULsn will mr m. a woodortut boon to sufnirsrt from C'Ms, a.nTkr.u, orUATFETXK. AfnrZ immtdiatmluf. AofMclent rem. rt v rnr.nlan t ti. na rrt hf fjMMt.fMdy to on Drit Indication ot volA CsoMa4 Vmm KBkcts Parsinaant Car, gstlsfslls Irtwl or monef rsf undsd. lrle. . MsTfrrs at pruains. tUdMsrsd mall, mil, ki.CO!IUil,ai..I.wiwaic.,B.,A ovsmcAirra VtJTIini Th "rmt and stmt nncdy far MswsLnid Boras, Rurus. I'uii Vaaderfal rsnr 4l for FILE. Prle. as aU. st llrnc D a hf aistsorby wall prcpsiit. AildreMambo?. OAblH ..For aala by Matthawa Bros, and Jobs t aala I heloa. n. ri GOuipIexibn Prsseusa DR. HCBRA'S VIOLA CREA'.I tasbar ana T, and rs tores th akin to it origi nal tnstinssa, produdug a jtr and Bealtbf cont-i -U.Im, nArln. tn all led ttou Tend Afrlectij htrmlasa. At all ffciijjWa, or mi led lorSOcu. Baud tor Circular, O. C. ITTNCR a CO.,Tolkoo. Ob tfVhSlll? Matthaw nd Joh 4M! t'nrf fwe LOST MANHOOD auu all att juulug alluivut botaf yvuax and iaiu1l ajtJ iiwu Aua wuiu.1.. 7lis axfuli ItrtUof THKII, l.ltitol.s. Lrudurlli IMk. Kv.lt8uf tluutuicat. , btly tuiUflolJi.l'uuiniuiiiti'ia. lliMiuty, fclAliaiut.iit; drains aud louuf liuwer ot tbe U4a jratlt llryu:iuufittitii( un. fur ftutljr, biielMM akd luai .1irvl.iUk tiycurcd i,y nr. i.wir'.MK.ii.i,a .eita brain. Tiwy but only cure by tai 1!ik alliit mni of lit . but al. a Kml M ill !: '1'ONIV .4 ULUIlB , butai.aicmii .M.uu: ion it; . lit I l.lthJK, brlufliitf bavk tbd stab liirl.. and rtuitiik lb FlltK Of Vol ...TitHi nice ur iol i ii to tb alleut. iiy utail. l.'u iierbox or for & itb wrlu 't HuaraHl.o lo cur ur rorwoa i m.a.. nooa alh'r-',- '-. 't.CUttb. Mow Fur mile by John II. rhclp.?, Orugglnt, AVyonilns avenue unJ Spruce atretL . tal bso w sr M SBCMAai aT ' 14J anosr-s dafT" X ; .... .. - '. . .. - m i (AUTION TO our patrons: W8hburn-Croaby Co. wUli to assure their many pafa rons thut they will this year bold to their usual cutftoaa of milliox STRICTLY OLD W11KAT until thencw crop U fully cured. New wheat ta now upon the market, id owing to the excessively dry weather many miller ara of the opinion that tt ( already cured, and lo proper condition for milling. Wunhburn.Crouby Co. will taka no riska, und will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before srindlnu. Tltia careful attention to every detail ot milling nluL'.ii WtttfhlMiraU'raaKv i'. u H....M fUM -W A brands. KIEL Wholesale Agents. :Xm AMD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEIBEIDEIS SCRANTON. PA. EVERY WOMAN BomaMaw aud rsllsbl. tasparssl drugs Dr. Poalvo Pennyroyal Plllo Tby an noBpt, sat s4 cartala la malt Th. inslns (Br. Poll's) aorwdlsaa mint. Ssatsaywbsr. ll.W. AdftTM tAL Msniois C Usrslaaa, 0. For aala by JOHN H. PHELPS. 6pruce Street. Scranton Pa PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. OHtv. "i Wahlngton avenu. C. C. LAUBACII. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 WyominR aveiiun. II. M. BTHATTON. OFFICE COAL EX- change. I'lijsiciiins and StirKCoitH. DR. A. Tit A POL D', SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming venue and Spru.-e atreet, Scranton. Of nc hour.". Thursciay and Saturdays, a. m. to d. m. DR. 0. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 614 Kpruce si reel, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 209 PENN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. M. : call 2CC2. Dls. of women, obatretrlcs and and all dls. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN. 512 North Waahlneton avenue. DK.'C. L. FREV, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence. 629 Vine street. DR. I M. GATES, 135 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours. S to 9 a. m.. 1.30 to 3 and 7 to s p. m. Residence 309 MadU son avenue. DR. J. C. BATF.SON. TI'KSDAYS AND Krliiiiyn. at 505 Linden street. Office hour 1 to 4 p. m. PU.fl.W.L A MERE AI'X, A RPErtAL- Ist on chronic rtiyaseK of the heart, tunes, liver, klilnwy ami Rcnlio url rnrv illneases. will occupy the office of Pr. Roos. 232 Adnms avenue. Offlca hours 1 to 5 p. m. Lawyer. WARREN KNAPP. ATTORNEYS nd Counsellors at' Ijiw. Repviblican bulldlnir, Washington avenue. Scran ton. Pa. V JESSI'PS HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law. Commonwealth buildinc, Washington venne. W. H. JEPSUP, HORACE E. HAND. W. H. JESSHP. ,1R. PATTERSON " WILCOX. ATTOR neys and Counsellors at Law; offices I nd Library hullrtlns. Scranton. Pa. ROSKWr'LL U. PATTflRSON. WILLTAM A. YtnT'OX. XllPRKD "HAND." WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth bulldlnK. Rooms 19. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELI,, ATTORNKY-AT-Law. Room 5, Cal Exubanee, Sirran Wn, Pa. i JAMES W. OAKFORD,, rooms S3, 04 and 65. Common, wealth bnlldlnit. SAMI'EI. W. F.DC.AR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. 317 Sprinif St.. Si riinton. Pa. L. A. WATERS. ATTORN KY-AT-LAW. 42T, Larfcowantvi av.. Scranton. Pa. tIRIB TOWN3END. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Dime 4'.unk niiililiug. Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. ( R PITCHER. ATT'iRNKY-AT-iaw. Commonwealth building. Scranton, Pa. Tt. C. SMYTH E, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 40A Lackawanna avenue- Ci COM EG Y 3. 321 g'PRUCB STREET. dTbTh K! ' I .OO I.E. ATTORX E Y-Ll j A N S negotlateil on real estate security. 4V3 . Spruce street. B F. KILLAM. ATTOlRNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyomlna ave.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTO RNEY-AT-law. 45 Comiiionweujth blit'K. Scranlun. T. MrcTRANCK. 1:i WYOMINO AVE. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. "ARCHITECT. Houinu 24. -H5 and '2i.f Cunimouwealth I'UllilliiK. S' ronton. . K. L. WAL'l'KRi AltfHTECT. OFFICE rear of fraj V. sJl.lny :on avenue. LEWIS HANcicF. J It., ARCHITECT. 435 Spruce st vv osn. ave., aentiiiou. BROWN & MORRIS ABf'lIITEPTS Price building aorantoo. Washlnglou aveuue, HELL il wontbly, rualauaf msdiHns. Only btralaa I skcaUl uM. 11 yoa wsat ta bsst, pi Pharmaelatt cor. Wyoming Avenu an School. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girl for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September t. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN nd School, 412 Adams avenue, open Sept. Klndeaarten $10 per term. Louns. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better oa Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender, Dim Batik building. Hotels and Restaurants. rHKTELKCAFaCIaiaT2J FRANK- Un avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZE1GLER. Proprietor SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D., L W. passenger depot. Conducted on th European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth Su and Irving Plae. New York. Rates, $3.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). B. N. ANABLB. Proprietor. Wire Srcciw. ... . 1 JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 611 LACKA wanna avenue. Scranton, Pa., maaufao. turerof Wire Screen. Seeds. G. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 14S Washington ave nue; grren house. 1350 North Mala ave nue; store telephone 782. . Miscellaneous. BAl'ER'O ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOH balls, picnics, purtles, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. Fir terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberta music store. ... ! KUA RGEE BROTH ERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave., Svrau ton. Pa. , FRANK P. BROWN CO., WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 1X0 West Lacknwanna av. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20. Williams Rullcling. opposite postofflc. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. VELSBAGII LIGHT ffesWl! Adafte4 for Betiiil ud SeilD. CoaniBiN tbrae (8) float of fa per hoar aud Kivea an -ffluleuey of alzty (00) caudle. rJarlug at leant 93 per awt Tat ta ordluary Tip Burnera. CjM and Sea It. im con co 434 UCMWH" IVEHUL naatifacturar' Agaata. Jl I Pure wtue y-J dial
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