THE fiCILAJTTON '! TRIBUNE THURSDAY ', MORNIKO, MARCH .19, 1890. gi t DAY IN SENATEAND HOUSE Speeches Made on the Resolutions Censuring Da yard. IX THE DIPLOMATIC GALLERY Foreign Representatives and Tbcir Wives Listen to Addresses-Effort of Mr. llltt and Others-The IMipont Case. Washington, March 18. The feature Of today's proceedings in, the senate was a short debate upon a Joint resolu tion directing the secretary of the In terior to execute the law for opening to settlement some two million acres of land In the eustern part of Utah, which hnvo been urt of the rncompahKre Indian reservation. Severe strictures upon the (secretary of the Interior for his uttempt to nullify the act of congress were made bv Senators Cannon (Hep., Ttah), Wolcutt (Kep., Col.) and Vent Iem Mo.) The latter Inveighed with much vehemence againxt the secretary, declaring tliut the time had been when the head of a department would have to answer ut the bar of the senate for such an attem.ot to trnmple upon the legislative branch of the government. Mr. Vest also raiwed much amusement by his witty and caustic criticism of President Cleveland' recent speech be fore the Home Missionary society In New York. The Dunont election case was taken up atter the morning hour and Mr. Thurston Hop., Neb.) made a three hours' :eech in advocacy of Mr. Liu punt's rlgjit to the seat. CKNSU'RINf! BAYARD. The announcement that the resolu tions reported from the committee on foreign affairs censuring; Ambassador Bayard would be the special order for today's session of the house of repre sentatives failed to uttruct to the hull any unusual attendance. And thereby the absentee!! deprived themselves of the pleasure i.r listening to the most notable oratorical effort of the session the speech by Mr. Cousins (Kep., lowal. in support of the resolutions. The hour llxed for the consideration of the resolution was l.'M o'clock and the miscellaneous business of the morning was not sulllclent In volutin' to occupy nil of the time ufter asscinbling until then, so that u. recess of lifteen minutes preceded the beginning of the debate. A number of private bills were passed In the hour, the only one of public Im portance being a senate Joint resolution Instructing the secretary of war to transmit. an estimate of the cost of deepening the channel from Hampton roads to the Norfolk Navy yard. The report of elections committee No. 2, confirming Mr. Husk Uein.) in his seat as representative from the Third Mary land district, was received and adopted. When Mr. llltt called up the Hayard resolutions, about half of the members of the house were In their seats, and the public galleries were only comfortably filled. In the diplomatic gallery were Haron Von Kettler, secretary of the German em bnssy; Senor Domlnguez. charge d'af faires of the Argentine Republic, und Mrs. lJoniinguez; Mine. Romero, wife of the Mexican minister; Mrs. J. W. Knster niul Mrs. Van Henssalaer Cruger (Julieti Cordon). The members' gal lery contained the wives nnd members of the families of the numerous repre sentatives. Air. llltt was not in good condition physlcully, und. ufter a few minutes. his voice gave out und he was com pelled to i lose. In conclusion he ex- pressed the hope that tho resolutions would le udopli-d. stating that such Kpceches as those made by Mr. liuyurd destroyed the respect which an. uiii liitssudor ought to command, dimin ished his usefulness nnd was u wrong to the people he represented. SPEECHES IN DEFENSE. Mr. MeCrenry (Dem., Ky.) nnd Mr. Dlnsmore (Hem., Ark.) in speeches of more than an hour's length each, de fended Mr. Hayard and opposed the passage of the resolutions. Mr. Draper (Hep., Mass.) a member of the committee on foreign affairs, deplored the severity of lunguuge In the resolutions of censure, and In ac cordance with his view of the duty of the house, gave notice that he would ask separate votej on the two resolutions.- Mr. Cousin's sneeeh advocating the ndoptlon of the committee's report was the feature of the occasion. It was by turns sarcastic and eloquent, tilled with criticisms of Mr. Hayard and glowing with pictures of the greatness and glory of the country and of the Indi vidual under the system of protection which the ambassador had denounced. He spoke for nearly an hour, com manding throughout the attention of all hearers to a marked degree, and at the close was given an ovation that lusted several minutes. At the con clusion of Mr. Dlnsmore's address at 5.25 o'clock the house adjourned until tomorrow. The resolutions will be the subject of consideration tomorrow, and n vote upon them will not be reached until the close of the session and very posslblv not until Friday. The speakers' list of applicants for recognition to speak on the subject Includes the names of Taft (Rep., O.), Newlands (Pop., Ncv.), Pearson (Rep.. N. C). McCald and Bar rett (Rep.. Mass.), Wilson (Rep.. O.), Willis (Hep., Pel ), (whose constituent Amhussador Hayard Is) Fairchild (Rep., N. Y. ). Mahan (Rep.. Pa.), Tuck er (Deni.. Va.). Turner (Dem., Oa.) and Valley (Dem.. Tex.) Representative Scranton, (Democrat) of Pennsylvania, Introduced a bill to day establishing a mllltnry poat at or hear Hcrantbn, Pa. NICARAGUA CANAL BILL. Sub-Committee of tho House Comrnereo Committee Will Report Today. Washington, March 18. The sub committee of the house commerce com mittee, which has been engaged for several weeks In the preparation' of a Nicaragua canal bill finished its labors today and will report to the full com mittee on Friday next. The bill agreed upon Is substantially tho Malum bill with certain amendments. It provides for a reorganization of the maritime canal company. It permits the com pany to Issue bonds to the amount of 100,000,000 dollars of which seven mil lions shall be held by tho company to reimburse It for the monies actually ex pended In Nicaragua for their franchise. The United States guarantees the prin cipal and Interest of the bonds which latter shall be sold as needed to com plete the waterway. The United States Is protected in Its liabilities by an Issue of $100,000,000 of stock, which is to be the sole property of the government, and which is to he deposited In the United States treasury at Washington. Ten of the fifteen di rectors shall represent the government, the remaining five representing the company and the republics of Nicara gua and Costa Rica. The bill requires the company to call in and cancel all Its outstanding obli gations, except the bonds Issued to the two republics, which aggregate four Gail Borden Eagle BRAND Cotdeascd Milk HAS HO EQUAL J-asBmw eeV million and two million each, and which under the new bill, they will be per mitted to retain. ; All th bonds will bear Interest at 3 per cent, per annum, the net earnings of the canal to be placed In the sinking fund for their extinguishment from time to time. Additional security is given to the government by a first mortgage on the Canal. The work will be con structed under the supervision of the war department. The bill reserves the right to the government to purchase at its pleasure the seven millions of bonds held by that corporation. SUGAR CRAFT SINKS. The Norwegian Hark Slant Wrecked Off I on wick Island. Lowes, Del., March 18. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon during a dense fog the Norwegian bark Slam, Captuin J. Jacobson, struck a submerged wreck on Fenwlck Island shoal and sunk. At the time the vessel struck but little wind was blowing, nnd the sea was comparatively smooth. The pilot boat W. W. Ker was cruising in the vicinity and speedily responded to tho bark's signals of distress. The pilot boat bore down to the sinking vessel and took off the ,crew of twelve men and Captain Jacobson's daughter. Soon afterwards the Slum settled down, nnd when the Ker sailed away only the tops of the bark's masts showed above the water. The Siam was loaded with sugar and was 121 days out from Java. She was under orders to the Delaware break water, but It Is supposed that the sugar was consigned to one of the refineries In Philadelphia. An approximate estimate of tho value of the cargo places it at $75,000. The amount of the insurance is not known. The Slam was u steel bark of fiftx tons. She was 175 feet long. 82 feet beam and 17 feet draught. She was built at Grangemouth, Eng., In 18S9. MORE BATTLESHIPS. Appropriations Meeommcnded for the llulldlng of War Vessels. Washington, March 18. Tho house committee on naval affairs hns decided to recommend in its appropriation bill an Increase of the navy by four bat tleships und fifteen torpedo boats. The battleships will have a displace ment of about eleven thousand tons and shall copt not to exceed l:t.7.r.0.0i0 each, exclusive of armament. Five of the torpedo boats will be of large size and will cost In the aggregate Jx.'iO.ihm), while the appropriation for the remain ing ten, which will be of smaller dimen sions will be SXIRMMH). In view of the expedition with which boats of this character can be built $l,2&i.20 of the entire amount will be provided for de partment bill, l.uige boats will have a sieed of twenty-six knots as against twenty knots for the smaller vessels. TRAGEDY AT BL'TTE. Murder and Suieldo In tho Tough District of the City . Butte. Mont.. March 18. Police Ofll cer Fred Parlln was shot and almost instantly killed about 1 o'clock this morning while attempting to quell a row lit a cabin in the low district of Hntte, The cabin wns occupied by Hodda Judge and Kdward Kdwards, alias Cunipbell, tough characters. Pur lin was attracted by a row. and shot through the head. Half an hour after wards Judge's body was found under the sidewalk with u bullet through the head. Chmpbell Is missing. The whole affair Is shrouded In mys tery, but It is believed that Judge killed Parlln and then committed suicide. RESTRAINED BY COURTS. Latter Day Saints Defend Polygamy in 'I heir Kunsns Convention. Kansas City, Mo., March IS. The sec ond day of the semi-unnual conference of the Latter Day Saints of Utah, con vened at Independence, yesterday. Rev. Otto Johnson, of Urantsvillc. Utah, and Rev. J. O. Kvnns. of Malao City. Idaho, preached on "The Holy tlhost." lClder Clark, the president of the Iowa mis sion and chairman of the conference, states that Christ will soon visit the earth. He says that polygamy Is taught in the Hibie. but he does not advocute it, owing to the Supreme court of the Unit ed States having ruled against It. THEY AGREED TO DIE. Case of Murder and Suicide in New York. New York. March 18. Robert R. Her niun, a Oerman bartender aged 32, and Lizzie Gratter, 20 years old, were found dead tonight In the Monln hotel, room 101, West Twenty-eighth street. Roth had been shot through the head, and to all appearances the man first shot the woman, who. from letters left by her, had agreed with him that they should die together. In one of the letters the woman stated that she was tired of life, had a nice young man, and they had been un lucky and had concluded to die to gether. TROUBLE OVERA FLAG. An Irish Itanner Torn from a School House at Pleasant Grove. Youngstown. Ohio. March 18. A big excitement was caused at Pleasant Grove school house, three miles from here yesterday, when an Irish flag was seen floating over the school house. It having been substituted for the stars and stripes during the night. A arge crowd gathered and a man climbed to the roof and threw down the green flag. It was at once torn to pieces ffhd trampled. The American flag, which had been removed, wns presented by a Junior Order of United Anierhan .Me chanics council on New Years day. . SJIOT TO SAVE MOTHER. Sons ' of a Michigan Man Inflict Fatal Injuries During a Row. Itay City, Mich.. Murch IS. At Sir. Nineteenth street this morning Richard Monks, aged 60. was shot twice by his sons, (irant and William, who rushed Into the kitchen to take the part of their mother. They clulni the father threatened to kill their mother, and they supposed he was doing it with a large knife. One bullet broke the right arm and the other entered the body near the arm pit. Monks' chances of living are slight. WANTED TO SLAY FAMILY. Ohio Man llecomcs a Having and Dan gerous Manias Over kcllclnn. NafHilean, Ohio, March 18. Karl Ttickard was brought here from tlrelton yesterday a raving maniac. He hud been attending religious meetings for some time, from which he lost his rea son. He believed that the Lord had com manded him to kill his wife and baby. While being prepared for the insane asylum he labored under the delusion that only his spirit was being taken nnd that his body remained here. REMEDY FOR THE WHITE BUG The State Zoologist Recommends Ger man Potash. Harrlsburg. Pa., March 18. Dr. B. H. Wurren, state economic zoologist, has been making some Investigation with regard to the destructive Insects now giving farmers so much unusual an noyance. He finds that the white grub worm, which Is the larva of the June bug, are doing an Immense anlount of harm among potatoes and from one hill a prominent farmer took ' thirty-five grubs. Oerman potash Is recommend ed as a remedy for this trouble. ClUtlVOU'S . REMEDIES D0CT011 Y0UKSELF. A Scpurute Cure fur Euch Disease At All DrtiKRUts, Mostly 25 Cents a Bottle. Munyon's Improved Homoeopathic Remedies act almost instantly, speedily curing the most obstinate cases. Rheu matism cured In from 1 to 3 days. Dys pepsia and all stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh positively cured. Headache cured In S minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured. Kidney troubles. Piles. Neuralgia. Asthma and all Female Coiupluints quickly cured. Munyon's Vltallzer imparts new life ami vigor to weak and debilitated men. Personal letters to Prof. Munyon, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia. Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any disease. THE WORLD OF BIS1XESS. Wall Street Kevlcw. New York. .March IS. The tendency of the stock market lodiiy was downward. The decline was started by sales for for eign account, Private cable advices were to the effect tliut the objections made by France to the proposed British expedition to Dongola had disturbed conlideiu-u to some extent and the early selling of Americans hero and the decline in con sols and Trench rentes was ascribed to this. At home the mi-rcantllc failures an nounced dally uie cxd-tlng all unluvoia ble Influence and ure inducing holders of speculative lives to reduce their risks. Th. sales for London account were estimated at fullv lo.uwi shares principally St. Paul and Louisville and Nashville. The fa vorable ttntt?meni of the St. Paul, the company reported a gain of over 119.'sj fur the second week of Murch, hud no fifed whutever on the market. The In dustrials were uguiii most conspicuous, consolidated llua dropped to 14K on ad verse legislation at Albany, but later hounded up to l.r,2al:'il, when the short sell ers Hltempled to cover. Tobacco dropped to fcu's. then rose to KM und receded to NiuSI'. It wns sulci that the nemitl l tions for a settlement of trade difficulties were still g'ling on, but nothing could be obtained from the oillclulH of the com punv. The directors met here today, but trunsactej only routine business. Suxur whs sold down from 117 to IU, the room traders being prominent in bringing about the decline. In tho closing hour of busi ness the entire market was weak and busi ness was more active. Wheeling and bake Erie Preferred ut this tlnio droppe.l to :a. The Industrials, Louisville and Nashville and ltie Grangers all touched the lowest ligtires In the Dual trunscutions. Speculation closed weak with prices any where from to ll per cent, below yes terday's closing. Total sules were lti7,l0 KhareS. Furnished by Wlt.MAM LINN. ALLEN A CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Cios. tug. est. est. ing. Am. Tobacco Co 82V, K24 M'i Am. Cotton Oil Wj Vi4 Am. Hugur Tte'g CO..I17 1I71 115", IKVSi Atch., To. t H. IV.. 15's 15' hVSi I5r' Halliniore & Ohio... IU 17 IIS, W's Ches. Ohio he 1'ili P hi, fhlcugo ('as Wit l'S lias ''-""a Chic. N. W 1 Hli lo:t UK Chic., H. 0 77 77s!. c. c. c. hi. I sr.' j t, -tf s. Chic., Mil. & St. I.77 773, 7i; 7', Chic H I. & I'ac 71', 7I' ; ', licl. ti Hud 127 1 27 Vil 127 !.. L. & W WO'i Plu'i JiWh K'74 I list. & C. V I4 I1 I'S IT, (len. Klectrlc S7'4 37 Sl!'4 M'i Louis. & Nash W rrjs, M ;d M K. & Texas 5 -'N 27'i Man. Klevated loli IDtv; lo:tr- PkK .Mo. Pac 'J1 2SU L'i 22"; Nut. Cordage 4' 5 44 Pi Nat. Lead 24 24 24 21 N. J. Central Imi'i 1iH" leU", W S. V., L. K. & W... H'-4 I''' H'a ' X. V.. S. & W IT... 2i"4 24 24'a 24'j Nor. Pac 2;, 2:ls 14 I Ontario & West U Wt 14-S, H'4 Omaha 40'3 Ha 4D'i; 4i"2 Pac. Mull 2li'j. 211'a -.e4 2V-, Phil. & Head....;... 1 1 :S ll M1 H'i Southern It. U b 's '" fi4 Southern It. It.. Hr.. .Ws W. 2 2s' Tenn. C. Iron.... ffl'u W 2X'i 2s'i Texas Pacific '4 't 8'4 Pnlon Paclllc 7 V ';-V4 (;-, Wabash ft1 :l4 ' Wabash. Pr 17 17'4 IT'S, M Western I'nlon H.Vi K-V !."'., V. L 10 1" ' PVi I'. 8. Leather H'i 'i ' ' P. fl. Leather, Pr.... fit M m4 ''i C S. I libber 27'i 27'i 2i!a 2il CHICAGO BOAltD OP TRADE PRICES Op'n- High- Low- Clos- U'HEAT. Ing. est. eft. lug. Mav 8 4 U27, i;;p4 Julv as W4 Wi - OATS. Mav 2 2-W. 20-t, July i!" f-,4 2ii 2i! CORN. Mas- 29-. 3U' 2fi4 July LARD. .May July PORK. May July .. fi..i7 r..d . 5.o2 o."2 5.37 5.50 .. 9.110 . . H.SD .2 0.80 9.50 9.52 K.72 9.75 Scranton Board of Trade FxchongcQuo- tntfnns-AII Quotations Based oa i'ur of 100. Name. Bid. Ask J. Dime Dep. St DIs. Bank 133 Scranton Lace Curtain Co 0 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... SO First National Bank 659 Scrantsn Jar & Stopper Co 25 tJprir.g Lrook Water Co 305 Klmhurit Boulevard Co 300 Scranton Axle Works go Scranton Savins Hank 201) Scranton Traction Co 15 Bonta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Replncer Co joo Sc ! anion Parkins Ce sg Weston Mill Co 2.10 Lackawanna Iron & Hieel Co )50 Scranton Bedding: Co loci BONDS. Scranton Glass Co ;oo Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortKage due 1918 no S.-ranton Traction Co.". 05 people's Street Kallway, first mortgage due 1913 119 Scranton Pittston Trae. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgnire due. 1M0 110 pickson Manufacturing Co 100 l.arka. Township School G 102 City of Scranton Street Imp t ... 10.' scranton Axle Works.. Keroufrh of Wlnton S itvsh Brook Coal Co New Vork I'riidnco Market. X.w York. March 18. Flour I'n chiinKcd. steady. quiet. Wheal Spot mullet dull. Ilrix: No. 2 red store and elevator, 7H'jc.: art in 1, We.; f. o. P.. Su'4a sl'ic.i unKradeil red. IKa2c.; No. 1 north ern. 72'V-i options were fairly active and Irregular, closing' firm ut l4u?hc.; udvunce on I'riner cables, belter west und lo-al coveiliiK: May, l'Vti; June and July, t,:iTc.; September. tWUe. Corn Soots Hull, steu'y: No. 2 at aj'y. elevator; Us. afloat; options uiif huiiited to Ue. advance; .March. 37'ac; May. ':; July, 3V. Oats-Spots dull, firmer; options unlet; firmer; .March. 2if. ; May, 25c; spot prices. No. 2 lit 25'4a25i.jc. ; No. 3 white. 27c; No. 2. Chicago. 2ii'4u2t;,3-. : No. 3 at 24'-4c.; No. 3 while, 25i.c: mixed western, 25VBa2iic ; white do., ir7u2!t?.; white state, 27a2!V. lief f Tnill. uncbanKeil. Beef hams Quiet; tll.5oal5. Tlerced lieef Dili; city extra India mess. $lfial.5l. Cut meats Quiet, rttndy. Uiii-hanged. Lard Dull, weak; western ste.-m, $.1.50; city. $5; May. J5.i;5; rctlnetl, quiet, weuk; continent. $o.vl; South America, $'.I6; compound, 4-ial7,-. Pork Quiet, sealy; mess. $10alu.5i). But ter Kulr dematid. steady, unchanged. Cheese Fair jobbing ilemuud. uncliange 1. Lfe'KB Pair demand. 1 uiichanKed. loledn firnin Morkot. Toledo. )., March 18. ('lose Wheat Receipts, 7,1110 hitshcls; shipments, 5,mKI bushels; quid; No. 2 red May, ("He ; July, AUKUSt. 'j5:o. Corn HecMpts, tf.ViS bushels; shipments, H.lou bushels; dull; no tradlntr. (ats Receipts, none; ship ments, none; easy; No. !!, mixed .VTay, 21'iiC. Cloverseed Itecelpts.j 1,027 bani; shipments. 550 bttf;n; firm; I prime' cash. 4.5t: March, $4.47: April, 11.35; October. J4.4ou4.42's; prime alslke, W W. 1 reffnto l.lvo Stock. Tluffalo. N. T., uVIareh 18.-Cattle-low and lower, nothing but butchers' stock - ' here; light steers, t3.25aJ.S5: veala dull, 4.5c.; choice, .V25ai.5o. , Hoirs Steady ; Vorkers, $4.25a4.25; pigs. $4.20a4.25; mlx-d packers and mediums, $l.l5at.20: roughs. 3.25u3.50; Rlaxn. t'.TiaX Sheep and laniba Steadv: mixed sheep, choice to prime, 3.65a4: fair to good, :t.25a3.f.u; prime lambs, H.oa4.84; good to choice, 14.joa4.75; ex port sheep, $3.(5a3.80; export lambs, t4 C5a 4.7 Chicago l ive Stock. I'nlon Stock Yards. March 18. Cattle Receipts. 19.00U head; market easy ami 1a 15c. lower; common to extra steers, $3,301 e.mi; stockers and feeders. $2.ViaS.9; cows and bulls, I.5Uh;1.oO; calves. ;ta3.75; Tex ans. $2.lo.i4. Hoes Reoeipts, 33,000 head; market weak and fk-. lower;' heavy pack ing and shipping lots. t3.85u4.05r'common to choice mixed, JI.90h4.h5; choice assort ed. t4.05a4.121; light. $3. 90a 1. 1 5; pltfs, U.5(.U 4.05. Sheep Receipts, 1K.000 hcaii: mar ket strong: Inferior to choice, J2.75u3.85; lamhs, J3.mia4.70. Oil Market. Oil City Pa.. March 18. Petroleum Credit balances, $1.40; at the exchange, $1.40 was the only quotations for options. Pittsburg. Pa.. March 18. Oil opened,; highest. $1.42; lowest, $1.39; closed, l.4i. Credit balances. $1.40. RAN INTO A SPECIAL CAR. A Itrakcman Killed -Narrow l.scapo of llifih Officials. IJopers. Ark.. Murch IS. A special cur rontuiniuir olticerH of the 'Frisco railway wus run Into while side-tracked nenr here last night by an express train. Among the occupants of the car were President lilpley. Chairman Walker, General Manager Morrill. Hen oral Superintendent Went worth and Mr. Alshry, representing the 'Frisco foreign bondholders and several others. Lrakeman Butts was killed outright and the cook of the prlvute cur was in jured. None of the officials) were Injured, though they were badly shaken up. Several of the train hands received slight Injuries. "How to Cure All Skin Disease." Simply 'apply "Swayne's Ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eraema, Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc.. leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swayne's Ointment. 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RCLR AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH AKB INSERTED FREE. Help Wanted Male. U ANTKD MEN AND WOMEN TO work at home; I pay (3 to 810 per wfiok for making Crayon Portraits; new patented inetli.Mi; anyone who can road and write can do the work at. home, in spare time, day or cvrnlug; send for partictilars end begin work -t on. Address U. A. Oripp, Uerman Artist, Tyrone. Pa. UrANTED AN AOrNT IN EVERY BKC tion tocanvass: $4. 0U to $5 Oil a day mad": sills at sight; alson men to sell Staple Oood to dealers; best h)i1 line $75.00 a month: sal ary or In run cnmmiiHiou msdo; experlonnu unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati. C. VVANTKD-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly ; big money for agents; 110 capital required. KDWARD C. FISH CO., Porileii Block, Cliioaro. HI. Halo Wanted Females. U"AN TBDN ; EA V . H ?lAAULEVR(yf EST : ant young woman as nurso; must b irood seamstress nnd havo reftrjuces. Apply 0211 till son street, Thursday and Friday morn ings or cvniiings. Ur ANTKD - A IIIRL" POU W'AMIINO dishes. Call at Mitchell' Dining Room, 31s Waxhington avenue. Ur ANTEU-GOOD GIKL FOH OENEKAL housowork. Apply 22J North Hyde Park avenuo. UTANTKD-A GOODOOOK AT THE Ho tel Wayne, Houesdule, Pa. Uri N TE D S EV E R A L A PP R ENTICES ' to loam the tiressinaking trade. Apply at 1218 Washburn street. fiOOD, STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN FOR V I general housework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL 132 N. .Main avenue. I ADIES-I MAKE BIO WAGESDOINO 1 pleHsaiit home work, and will gladly send full particulars to nil sending 3 cent stamp. MISS M. A. STEUB1NS. Luwronce, Mich. UrANTED-l.ADY AGENT IN SCRAN ton to sell and introduce Snyder'a cuks Icing; experienced canvsaser preferred; work I'nruianent and Tory profitable. Write for particulars at once mid get benefit of holiday trade. T H. MXYDER ft CO . ('incinnati. O W" ANTED "iMMEDIATELY-TWO ENER getio saleswomeu to represent u (hiaranteed $Ua dsy without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango t hem Iral i.'ompsny. No. 73 John street. New York. Agents Wanted. UrANT ED-SALESMAN: SALARY FROM start; permanent plsca BROWN BHOS. CO., Nurserymen. Rochester, N..Y. G EN TS WAN TED-TOSELLcYci AHii; $75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI GAR CO.. Chicago. AGENT8-TO SELL OCR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from H'l upward: ealary and ex penses paid: outlitfreo. Address, with stamp, VilCHIOAN Mm CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIG A RS TODEALERS; $2.) weeklv and exHnses; experience un necessary. .'OXSC)L;i)ATIiO MFG. CO.. 48 Van Buren St.. Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINeT per jent. commission; sample book mailed free. Address L. N. CO., station L, New York. Vt" on t'E Agents appointed to sell new lightning selling tablu cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at HI cents and 2.1 cents n bo'tle. Samiilo free. BOLQIANO M'F'fl Co., Bsltiinore, Aid. AGENTS-HINDE'S patent cnivek. i V enl Hair Cnrlur and Waveii (us-xl with cut heat), and "Pyr Pointed" 11 ir Pins. Lib eral comin isuions. Freo sample and full par liculars. Ailiiress P. O. Box 450. New York. Auditor's Notice. A CD1TOR S XurilE-IN RE ESTATE OP V J. (4. Fell, deceased. Ill the Orphans' Court of Lackawanna county: The undersigned, un auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Lackawauua county, fr a Iju-itinent ami to pass upon the excep tions tiled to the first partial account ot Ashor M. Fell, one of the executors of said estate, and to restate the acc-onnt, hereby gives no tice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his ottlce, 500 Kprai-n street, Hcrant n. Pa., on Tuesday, March Ulst.le'jtl, at 1) o'clock a. in. H. M. KTREETER, Auditor. application fortCharter. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OlVEN THAT AN application will be uiade to the Oovernnr of Pennsylvania ou the ninth day of April, lMie, by Andrew P. Malnn t, Maurice W, Col lins, William Maloner, William F. MeOee and Kderard J. Maloney. under tho Aot of Assem bly, entitled "n Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corpor uiions." anprored April 2Wth. 1374, and the supplementi thereto, for the charter of all in tended corporation to bJ called "The Grocers' Supply and Produce Company," the character and object ot which is "buying, selling, trad ing or dealing in anv or all kinds of goods, wares and merchandise at wholesalo," and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rishts. benefits and privileges of said Act of Aes.nibly and supplements thereto. CHARLES II. WELLES. Solicitor. Cold Stocks and Properties. CRIPPLE CREEK Sure and Ssfe Investments, for Large and Small Investors. Write us tor full informs 1 hi, Srntistlcs. Main, et-., furnished free. Private Direct Wires to Cripple Creek, Colora do Springs. Denver and New Vork. THB MtTtHEM INVESTMENT CO., Chicago. Ills., L. 0. KNEELAND, Manager. Connolly; IN THE r We are showing the new Spring Capes, Goats, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. The line is by far the Finest and Largest ever shown in Scranton. CONNOLLY & For Sale. A THREE . DWKLLINU TENEMENT bouse, renting for !l per month. Not. l:ill, 131l Klir, Hampton street; also a single dwelling. 1.117 Hampton street, for sale cheap; must be Bold inquire of JOSEi'H OLIVER. H Eynon street. FOR SALE-TWO HORSES, 2 BUTCHER wagons, S boggles, 1 sleigh, harnesses end sll ef butcher's outfit: also mest market for rent; going on t of business; most I sold by April 1st. Inquire of L E, 8CHULLER. Biakoly street, Uunmore, 125.00 PRINTING OUTFIT TOR VOCAShT V, Write for iwrticulars, W. N. MANCHES TER, Factoryvllle, p. LOR SALE-A SltlHTLYLOT OlTEN 1 acres in Scranton, one mile from the rourt house: well adapted for building lots. Must be .old iu order to settle estate. WAL TBR BRIOMS. Commonwealth Building. I.OR SALE-HOITSK AND LOT AT COR V ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod em Improvements on premises. MRS. ANNIE STEWART, Dunmore. Pa. For Rent LCOlTViKNTtOM 1 brick honss; all modern apiilianeea, iXi Mulberry street. Inquire ,143 N. Washington avenue. fXlR RENT-FIVE ROOMS, l.Wa VonStorch I avenue. ' . . , . ,. yOR RKNT TWO PLEASANT KUR- nished rooms. 544 N. Washington ave. F'OR RENT-FOUR HOUSE"sON EIGHTH atreet, Nos. 410, 418, 4! end tH; conveni ent and central. Apply to Jainos H, Watson, t Firsr National lhiuK, or A. O. Dean, N. WashinKton avenue. l.OR RK NT ON EHaLk OK h'isrENKW I douhlo house, 9 rooms, with Improve ments, Apply at lull! Juckson street, i.or rf.nt-wakeIioiise ON d l? r W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS i?OR UF.NT KtMiMS NOW OOCliplED BV V the Traders' National Bunk: possession given about Slay I, by F. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier Traders' National Hank. i;UR HKN T TEN-ROOM HOUSE ; "a I . L 1 moilern conveniences. Inquire at 19 Washhurn st. I.OR RENT-ONE HALF DOUBLE HOUSE. I1 US V'dncy avnnun. Rant reasonable Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. FOR RENT ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court. Inquire fist Adams ave. ."OR RENT NIf'Eut FURNISHED HALL T suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JER MYN, 11V Wyoming uvenuo. FOR RENT. The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Tenn Aves., beinjj; 50 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, office, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Horse at Auction. HORSES AT AUCTION AT CUSICK'B stable, Monday, March 23, at 1 p. m. : sound; young work horses, from l.SXI to 1,400 pounds. W. B. MOORE. Wanted. w ANTED - SHOW CASE AND CASH register. CHASE Ic FARRAR, 6164 Linden street. Stockholders' Meeting, rPHF, ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I stockholders of The Providence Gas and Water Company will be held at their office in the Delaware and Hudson building, Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa.. Monday, Mar 4, llsj, at 10 a. in., to elect officers to serve dnring the ensuing year, to consider anil au thorise an increase or the capital stock of the company, and transact any other business that may be presented. Uy order of the nisnncers. H. F. ATHKR PON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Feb. L'S, lm Situations Wanted. SITUATION- WANTED BY A YOUNG i lsdy as stenographer or typewriter; good references. Address Box 81, Old Forge, Pa. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN. Posi tion as clerk in book and stationery store; expci-lonced. Address M., Tribune office. CITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O man in office or store. 17 years of sge; ex perienced end can give good references. Ad dress RANDOLPH. Hcranton postofflre. CITUATION WANTED TO GO OUT BY O the day washing; wasbinea tsken home, also. Call or address L B., :4 Sumner ave nuo, city. EXPERIENCED COAT MAKER AND general tailor wants position: can go to wura. once. AuuruHH i... ei Auams avenue SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER BY I? one who thoroughly understands the meat business: well i.d to peddle or tend to market; with good habitsand references. Ad dress D., Tribune office. Hcranton, Pa, cituation wanted-asu6ll1:ctok ? by one who is well ussd to the city and out of the city, with business qualifications. Situation wanted-ah butcher; at years' experience: gool cotter and quh-k at seal os. Address HIL fo.V, care Mrs. Har- ipy. nwivr nvenue. froviaente. SITUATION WANTED-BYAN EXPERI. Ll MPI BnA,.H... .1 I I- 1 ii uuur Keeper 10 open and poet up bioks, make balance sheets. . 111.1-uuniis, also Keep traders' books morning or nvenlng. Terms verv moderate. Aifrlpn. KMkb,i Tn - , a 1 mull. office. , "CITUATION'waN TED-BY AN EXPERI-k-J enred accountant and iKmkkeeper: ac- Cfllltlta 11 1 1 i laI nw aw.1.1. 1 1 . , , ...wimu, wm.Hs opvneu, closed, and written up; small sets kept tip ...w....Br. ..u .,,,, ,min reseonaoie. Address J. H. J . cale of Tribune office. iip & WALLACE, mm TRV US. 102404 UCIt AVE, COR. ILURS. Special flection. Mayor's Orru e, I Scranton, Ps.. March . ISM. I NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT IS pursuance of resolution of Common Council, approved March 6, IHUU, a special election will be held at the usual polling place la the Eleventh ward of said city, tiien Tues day, the 24th day of March, 1810, for the pur pose ot electing s member nf Common Coun cil to serv for the unexpired term ending th first Monday of April, 1KW7. tSiguvdj W. L. CON NELL, Mayor. Soeclal Notices. TVHE Ho'lDI ER1 jToURCIVnTwAR 1 You want this relic. Contuins all of Frank Loslie'a famous old War Ptetures,sno w ing the forces In actual battle, aketcbed on tho spot. Two volumes, 'iOlO pictures. Sold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex- fress complete, all charges prepaid. Address) O. MQOUY. fta idams Ave.. Scranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAtA zinra, etc., bound or rebouud at TrIB Tribumb oltlce. Quick work. Reasonable) Clairvoyant. MADA lsK AUBREY. GKEATEST LIVINO clairvoyant in the world; telle past, present and future. !'):! Mulberry street. Medical. ASSURE RHEUMATISM Warranted to euro MO out of every 1.0UI; two doses, will take the worst case of inflam matory nut of bed. -00 per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold by MKS. DR. HAMILTON, s Northampton Street, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. and tor salu at 116 New Vork St., drees Ridge. SCRANTON, PA. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, i8sv Trains Leave Wilket-Barre as Follows 7.25 a. m. , week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, WashinKton, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazlaton. Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m. , week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burs; and the West. 6.00 p. m., week -days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, den'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST, General Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. Tl.MB TABLU IN KFKKOT MOIL 15, 185. Trains Jeave Scranton for Plttsion, Wllkes-Barre, etc at 8.20, .li. ll.;ki a. m.. UM'i, 2.00. 3.0o. S.OO, 7.10 p, m. Sundays, i).ot) a. m 1.00. 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York. Newark and Elizabeth. 8.20 (express) a. m.. 12.4.j (express with Kuf fet parlor car), 8.05 (express) p. m. Bun iluy, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 12.43 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Term inal, 6.22 p. m. and Now York .00 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem, Kaston and Philadelphia, (.20 a. in., 12.4."i, 3.U."i, Si.OO (except Philadelphia) u. m. Sunday. 2.15 P. m. For LonK Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8 20 u. m.. 12.4.i p. m. For Keadlng. Lebanon and Horrlsbure, via Allentown, 8.20 a. ill., 12.45. u.UU p. 111 Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a., 12.45 p. m. Returning, leave New Vork. foot of Lib erty street. North River, at .10 (exprexK) a. m.. 1.10. 1.30. .V (express with HulTet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal. t.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4 30 p. m. Sunduy 6.27 a. m. ThroiiKb tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had rn application In fid vance to the ticket agent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. (Jen. Puss. Agent. J. H. OIHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE! AND ouijSii.N RAIL ROAD. CommencinR Monday. ajTPA-. Jaew July u. an irains win m,m JTWCB arrive at new Lacka mm EJ " wanna avenue station Wiw r a follows: ff'F Trains will lesve Scran ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate points at 120. 6.4 7.00 .2 and 10.10 a. ni., 12.k). 2 20, -.65. 6-1 t lu' "d 11VorPFarvlew. Waymart and Honesdalo at 7 00. S.2& and 10.10 a. m., 12.00. 2.W and CIS ''"For Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack and Montreal at S. a. m. and 2 20 p. m. K0T Wllkes-ilarro and intermediate point" at 7.45. 8.45, 9.13 and 10.45 a. m.. 12 05. 1.20 2 IS, 4.00, 5.10. 6.03, (.15 and 11.38 p. m. 'Trains will arrive at Bcrentou station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40. .34 and 10.40 a. m.. I2.U0. 1.17. 134, 8.40. 4.54. 5.55. 7.45, 9.11 and 11.33 p. m. From lloneadnle, Waymart and Far view at 9.34 a. in.. 12.00. 1.17. 1.40. 6.65 and 7.46 p. ni. From Montreal, Haratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkea-Barre and Intermediate rolnts at 1.15, 8.04. 10.05 and 11.66 a. m., 1.1 14. t.. 6.10. 6.W, 7.20. 1.08 ana ai p. ax. 1 Wallace THE ENTIRE and Capes were from the agents. Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have marked them on the same ba sis. 209 Washington Avenue Opp. Court House. - UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, ' Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hale Oyer Mattresses, Make and Repair Spiinft Sell Iron Beds, -Hake Fine Mattresses. 1 fosmmi Nov. 17, 1884. Train leaves Bcranton tor Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R.-at 7.4 a. in., 12.05. 1.20, 2.88 and 11.38 p. m via D., 1 V W. R. H 0.00, 8.08, 11.20 a, m., Slid 1.3 P. M. Leave Bcranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Barre, via !., K W. R. R., 8.00, 1.08, 11.21 a. m., 3.40, 6.07. 8.52 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. Sleton, PottnvJlle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via B. W. V. R. R 6.89 a. m., via D. A II. R. K. at 7.45 a: m.. 12.05, 1 20. 2 38, 4 .00 p. . m via D L a W. ft a C.0O, Aus. 11.38 a. th., 1.80, 3 40 p. m. ... Leave Hcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Rcadlna:, llarrlxbnrc and all iiiterraedlat points, via I). H. R. H. 7.45 a. ill., U.05, 1.20, 2.3S, 4 (K), 11.38 p. m., via 1 I. a W. It. R., f.00. S.08, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. m Leave Hir.inton fur Tunkhannock, To. tvanda, Klmlru, Ithaca, Ueneva anil all Intermediate points via D &'1I. IL K.. 8. it a. m., 12.05 and 11.85 p. m., via D., L. it W. H. R., 8.0S. 8.55 n m.; 130 p. m. Leave tii-ranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all faints west via 1 & H. R. K.. 8.45 a. 11.., 2.0T., 8.15, ll.ia p. nv. via D.. I.. W. H. K. and Plttston .lunctlon, 8.0S, k f.5 a. m., 1.30, 8.60 p. m., via B. & W. V R. It., 3.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. & II. it. it., 8.45 a. m. 12.06, .o5 p. m.. via D.. I. & W. R. R 8 0S, 9.55 a m., 1.30, and 6.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleep! n or 1 V. chair cars on nil trains between LAB. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New 'York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and . Suspension Bridge. ROT.LTV H. WTLBTTTt. Oen. Supt. CHAS. H. LEE. Oen. Pass, At., Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Geo, Pass; Ast South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 1885. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex. fress for New York and all points East, 40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 8.56 a, m.J 12.56 and 3.34 p. m Express for Easton, Trenton, Phllsdel. phla and the South, 0.15, 8.00 and (.65 a. m., 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Waxhtntiton and way stations, J. 53 p. m. Tobyhanna nccunitnodatlon, 8.10 p, m. Expresa for B'tighamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and BuTalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., maalng close connections st Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 8 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 P. nv Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Bingham. on and Cimira Kxpress, 0.01 p. m. Expresa lor Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego. TJtlca and Richfield Bikings, 2.36 a. m. and . 01 n n Ithaca t.Xi and Bath 9 a. m. and LJ1 p m. For Northumberland, Plttston. Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan vllle, rriBkliiK close connections at N;th. umberlaiid for Wllllnmsport, Harrisburg, BaltlMore, Washington and the Bouth. Norrnumberland and Intermediate sta. tlons. 0.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nuntlcokc and Intermediate stations, . 8 03 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 3.40 and 8.62 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping; coaches oa all express trains. .... For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L.. Smith, city ticket office, 828 Lackawanna avenue, ef depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. EFFECTIVE MARCH 16, 1SW. Trains leave Scranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Erie rail road, ulso for Honesdale, Hawley nnd local points at 8.35 a. m. and S.28 p. in. and arrive Ht Scranton from above points at 8.23 u. m. nnd 3.57 p. m. HCHAISTOX D1VISIO. In Effect September asa, I8H rtfe aWaatl. um leases) eoa toil Stations fl '(Trains Dally, Ka-I 1 cepv iunaay. r a, Arrive Learei I Ml 7HN Y. Franklin 8t.l J ich West nd street 7(M Weehawken ...7 4 ... 75J ...Hi ir mI ir aiArriTe Leavei 1 lltjuaDCoek JuncUoni 10M Hancock S It Starlight Preston Park coino PoynteUe Belmont Plessant Mt Vnlondale Porset City Carbondale White Bridge Mayfleld Jeruiyn -Archibald Wlntou reckvllle Olvphant Dickson Tbroop Provide nee park Piaee IS 4 8 31 8 41 18 401 18 83 18 14 18 (H I11SI( Ir m 1141 La 6iw 6 6H 11 81 7fW f46 tiiaoi TC7,ft38t 8 481 T IS 13 44 714;841 6 41111 8)1 (ISlIll I Tmi s 6 34 flllS 1 8318 641 6 SM 11 11 7 87- 8 Ml T 88. 4 01 (It! 11 (17 8);110ll 7 84' 4071 6 18 II T 84 410 T I4 T 41 fl 17 7 46 4 80 611 ill 0 6 ltfl07 10 10 Ml f-'crantoo m's m Lcare Arrive' A air a All trains run dally except gunday. . t signifies that trains stop 00 atg oal for paj tsngers. t secure rates via1 Ontario a Western befot pirchsHlng tickets and save money. Day aa last fiipreaa to the West. i. C. Anderson, Oen. pass. Agl T. rutcroit, sir. Pass, Aft Beraavoa, ra. 3 SI 5 'go
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers