THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. , t -V T V EIGHT TAGES 56 COLUMNS. fciCIlAXTOX, '-1A., THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, lb9. TWO CENTS A COPY, Eids Satnraar Our annual 'Muslin Underwear pale hup been a triumphant success, but nuink of the numbers are netting pret ly well sold out, unit we cannot possi bly continue the present reduced price lint longer than Saturday. Can you get in before then? If not, your bargain opportunity, with our whole line at your disposal, Ih gone for another year, fan you afford to let it pass? If no, we're sutlHUed; for to tell you the truth our resources In thin Kale have been more severely taxed than we hail figured on. Ah usual, however, we're better than our word, and to make the three dos Intc days of additional interest to our patrons, we've thrown In an extra 30 Bozei Ladles' WteM Gowns Of full "m: quality, made from- the best Standard .Muslin, cut extra wide and long. Handsomely trimmed Ore. clan fronts, perfect needle work, etc. Mail r Saturday Night Only 49c, The Following Bargain ' List Will Also Be main tained Till Closing Hour Saturday Night: LADIES' GOWNS OR NIGHT DRESSES. Bo. quality for W.e, quality for Me. quality for SV'tc quality for Mc. quality for tl.Uft quality for II.TJ'4 quality for II. lb quality for II. 25 quality for II T. iimillt V ffif. 44c Mc. "!!"".'i "tie. 8.V. We. Mr. $l.r. H.IK , Il.'-i ii .at n. fd 11.79 ll.STH quality for Il.tlb quality for Il.tlb quality for Il 67'i quality for 2.W quality for LADIES' DRAWERS. Daintily made from choicest mater ials. 2Ko. quality for 17c. Me. quality for 2te. 4U. quality for 3.V. ride, quality for S7e. 66c. quality for 47c. 9e. quality for file. flSc. quality for 53c. ,70c. quality for 55e. He. quality for Hie. 7'4 quality for 73c. CORSET COVERS. V or square cut fronts. Prettiest cf dainty trims. trie, quality for .17c. 20e. quality for 23c. 35c. quality for 2iic. .TT'.jC quality for 28c. 46c. quality for 3t'.e. Dc. quality for 4tic. WHITE SKIRTS. Latest styles In' trim, and cut es , peclally designed to meet the require ments of the extra wide dress skirts now prevailing. He. quality for 37'jc. Wc. quality for (19c. 5c. quality for Me. II quality for !t:ie. fl.JS qunllty for ll.iCi I1.T7H quality for SMS 11.50 quality for 11.26 I1.7R quality for $1 fis !?. quality for 11.79 12.37 quality for fi.M During TMs Sale Bpeclal prices have also been placed , on Misses' and Children's downs and drawers, In which our line is com plete. 'aist '. In conjunction with our annual sale . of Muslin I nderwear we will maks an opening of new Spring and 8um- mer shirt waists. The Koods are all laiindrled with stiff collars and cuffs and the styles are as new as the latest fashion plates. OPENING PRICE CUTS. doi. new waists worth Olc. for 4i., do, new waists worth Kip. for ! do. new waists worth II for 7: dos. new wilisis worth 1.2Ti for Sc' log. new waists worth H.uO for....?l.i dos. new waists worth 11.75 for 11. .19 t at OBE SPANISH TROOPS ROUTED Unable to Drive Insurgents ' from finar' Del Kio. MANY SPANISH OfTICEKS SLAIX Of fialal Report of the l ight Is Somewhat - Conflicting - Hot lighting at Close Quartan Ktbels Hum a Town. Havana, March 18. News has been received here of an Important battle which was fought on Monduy In the vicinity of C'undi'luriu. in the province of Piiiar Del Kin. The government troops were unable to drive the Insur gent back and retired from their posi tion with considerable loss. The Span ish forces were commanded by General J. inures and Colonels lnclan and Her nandez, and the rebels by Maceo and Handera. The tight was begun on a line parallel with the roadway. The Spanish forces deployed the Tarifa bat talion, a Bectlon of the Victoria cavalry, and a detachment of artillery forming: the vanguard, and opening fire upon the enemy. The rebels returned thla lire and at the same time made an at tack upon the rear guard of the Span iards, completely encircling their col umn. Having entirely surrounded the governnirnt troops, the Insurgents' gen erals advanced upon the artillerymen with machetes. The latter made a vig orous resisting, using muskets and grenades with such effect as to check for a time the enemy's advance, but with reinforcements, a second charge was made by the Insurgents and a hand' to hand engagement ensued.' The bat tle terminated with a bayonet charge. After a hot tight lasting two hours the Spaniards were defeated, losing many killed und wounded. It was the Inten tion of the enemy to prevent Colonel In clun from proceeding to Candelarla. The olhVial renort of the tight says the insurgents suffered a tremendous loss. The Spaniards lost two captains and live titivates und one lieutenant, four sergeants and 54 soldiers wounded, (ienei ul Linares' arrived at Candelaiia an hour after the conclusion of the en gagement when he reported his share in the buttle. Hellngraphle communi cation was Interrupted yesterday. The rebels have burned all but fifteen houses In San Antonio l)e I-us Vegan, in the province of lluvuna. C.AItCIA SAILS. Somer's Point, N. J.. March IS. After three failures C.eneial Culixto Garcia Is at last upon his way to Cuba to light against the Spaniards. Together with sixty-two of his countrymen he was put aboard the steamship Herinuda off here this morning by a little passenger steamer from Atlantic City. The entire scheme wus cleverly worked out and the agents of the Spanish government are suit! to have been badly taken In. It Is now known that the members of the expedition left Philadelphia in a rather open manner on Sunday night In a tug. To all Intents and purposes it was proclaimed from the housetop that their destination was the Dela ware Breakwater, and that it was from off there that ,'a steamer would be boarded for Cuba. It Is presumed that the Spanish oltlclals had the tug fol lowed when It left Philadelphia. The Cubans went upon this presumption, at least, und during a fog on Monday af ternoon their tug doubled and returned up the Delaware bay and river to Cam den, arriving there Monday evening. The party at once boarded a speclul train which landed them at Tuckahoe. The Cubans boarded the steamboat At lantic City, which wny lying w'altlng for them. The Atlantic City left Tuckahoe at 6 yesterday morning and steamed to Ocean Pity, where she lay all night. While the Atlantic City was at TucTiahoe and Ocean City none of the Cubans was visible on deck, but this morning when the whistle of the Bermuda attracted people along the coast, the concealed men came on deck and gave cheer after cheer as the At lantic City steamed out to meet the arms-laden steamer. Beyond the three mile limit the transfer of the Cubans to the Bermuda took place, and the steamer then proceeded on her way. The custom house officials were caught napping and could do nothing to hinder the transfer of the men. They at once, however, communicated with the au thorities at Washington. U. H. Inger soll, secretary of the company which owns the Atlanctic City, says that-the steamer was only put In commission for the purpose of giving her a trial trip for the benefit of her intending pur chasers. BUTCHERY AGAIN. Key West. Fla., March 18. Passeng ers by the steamer Olivette tonight re port that Murlos and astra, two Cubans employed by the Spanish government, to betray Maceo, left Havana a few dnys ago. going to the sugar planta tion Santa Amelia, where they caused an .uprising among the Cuban synipu thllers. They were met by General Agulrre, who discovered their mission, and promptly hungedthem. Vlctoriano Relneri, formerly an editor of a Spanish paper in this city, but lately editor of Kl Puebo, one of the most rabid. Span ish papers on the island of Cuba, was recently sent to the Cabanas for criti cising the Spanish government, belns drunk when he entered the Cabanns. Weyler ordered as soon as he was Bober that he be shot. HAVE NO WALK OVER. Candidates on the Robinson Slate Meet . with Opposition. Media, Pa., March 18. The Republi can primary election held In Delaware county today was without excitement, but the vest pocket voter was abroad. The returns show that the candidates on the Robinson slate are not having the walk over that was expected. Wil liam Winterbottom. of Lennl for county treasurer, has carried many districts that were supposed to be sure for Humphrey M. Ash, the choice of the dominant faction, and the nomination of Ash Is by no means certain. The contest for county commissioner be tween William P. Hippie, of the Robin son faction and Charles W. Mathues. of Concord, Is also close, and It will not be known until tomorrow who has been nominated. Congressman Robinson, for a renora Ination; Judge Clayton, for national delegate; W. C. Sproul, for state sena tor: Ward Bliss, for representative; W. I. Schaffcr. for district attorney, and the six candidates for state delegates will be nominated In the convention to morrow without opposition. BURIED IN HIS GRAVE. Ilonrdofa Kansas Septuagenarian Hid den from Ills Relatives. Toneka, Kan.,' March 18. Six men have been digging over a ISO-acre fnrni seven miles east of here for three duys In the vain .endeavor to find I75.M In gold said to be burled there. The farm .was the proierty of Luther Woodford, a hermit, aged 71. who died In a hos pital here ten days ago. People who knew him say he had, when he died, at least $75,000 In money and bonds, und that somewhere on his farm the for tune It burled. 'When pressed, on Ms deathbed, to reveal the hiding place he said: "Oh.Vf 1 only hud It all where 1 could set ne to It und burn lr tin. Do something to relieve me of this terrible pit In. 1 ask nothing more." Kvery cornel' of the old stone house has been searched, every piece of cloth ing has been examined, every sus picious place on the farm itns been In vestigated without avail. In his life time Mr. Woodford suld he did hot want his relatives to get his money,. and the indications are that his hope will be realized. bk; I IRK IN VIRGINIA.. tvciy Store at drake's Urnnch Is. Pe st kmc J - l oss SHO.OOO. Richmond. Va.. March 18. A fire oc curred at Drake's Hranch on the South ern railway, sixty miles south of here last night, destroying every store and warehouse In the village. , The postotllce building was burned, all of the mail, hags, etc. Total loss about iMt.OOo; insurance, $::n,ift0. M'KINI.I'.Y ANI SILVER. Wisconsin Favors Protection nnd Hl mctnllism. Milwaukee, Wis.. March' 18. The Academy of Music was filled to over flowing at noon today when the Repub lican state convention was called to order. After the transaction of the usual preliminary work the convention took a recess to enable the committee on resolutions to prepare the platform. When the convention reconvened the committee reported the following plat form, which was adopted: The Kefiiihlleans of Wisconsin, In con vention assembled, renew their devo tion to the doctrine of protection. We be lieve in an adjustment of tariff duties for the two-fold purpose of providing surll olent revenue to meet the requirements of the government and to furnish reasonable and adequate protection to American In dustries a tariff for revenue and piotee tiuu. We also renew our allegiance to the doe trine of reciprocity. The Itepublicuns of Wisconsin ure un yielding in their ileiiiund - for holiest money. We are unalterably opposed to any scheme Unit will give to this country a depreciated or delwed currency. We favor the usjf of silver as currency, hut to the extent only ud under such restrictions that, lis parity with gold can he iiiitin tuined. The convention wns hot for McKin ley und unanimously aiipoled u eulo gistic resolution directing Wisconsin's delegate to use every reasonable effort to secure the Ohio man's nomination at St. Louis. WAR WITH Pl'LLOM. Chicago, March IS. The Illinois sup porters of Major McKlnlcy have ier fected their plans to secure the endorse ment of their candidate by the Republi can state convention, which meets in Springtleld April I'll, and thereby nullify the election of unlnstructed delegates to the natlotial convention In each con gressional district. Open war Is de clared from now on by the Cullum forces against the McKlnlcy adherents in Illinois. 1 Muskegon. -'Mich.. March 18. The Muskegon Kepnbliean county conven tion today elected delegates to the state convention and Instructed the delegation to vote for McKlnlcy. Joplin, Mo., March 18. In the Repub lican congressional convention for the fifteenth district, which met here; to day the delegates to the national con vention was Instructed to support Mc Klnlcy. FIRST "BLOOMER" TEA. I'nlqnc Reception Attended by Milwaukee Physical Culture Classes. Milwaukee. Wis., March 18. A unique reception wus given this ufternoon by Mrs. William I'lanklnton at her resi dence in Grand avenue. It was styled a "bloomer tea" and there were nearly 100 ladies present, ull in knickerbockers, and bloomers. The tipper Hour of the Planklnton resi dence hus been lifted up as a gymna sium and has been used all winter as a school for physical culture, many of the leading society women of the city hav ing taken u course there during the last few months. The reception today was In the nature of graduating exercises for the classes. There was a cake walk for an enormous cake from the Plunklnton house, which was won by Mrs. L. S. Hodges; a high-kicking con test,' which was won by a minister's daughter, and u general athletic. con test, a boxing bout being the only thing omitted. Kluborale refreshments were served anil the "new women" did everything mannish executing to smoke. There was not n woman In skirts admitted. REGULATORS SHOT, Officers at Opcloiisiis Successfully Resist on Invasion. Lu.. Mart-It 18. The long exnecleil clash luiwccn citizens and regulators occurred Satunlny. when the' regulators returned Ironi Hie Platte, where they had uiinu ivif ully beaten Mark l-nztu'o. a prominent citizen of thnt town. The mayor of this city, lenrning these facts anil having been informed that these people intended to Invade Opelousns and browbeat the cit izens, appointed live special ollliers to preserve the pence. About !t p. m. three of the nflicevs en countered a party of regulators consist ing of the Roy brothers und an un known man. The latter opened fire on the ofllceis nnd u general fusillade fol lowed. When the smoke cleared away It was found that the three- Roys had been wounded, one of them dangerous-; ly. while the unknown regulator and the officers escaped unhurt. SOFT :OAL COMBINE. Prices of llltumlnoiis Coal Are Advanced hv ilio Association. Philadelphia, March 18. The bitu minous coal operators of the Clearfield region met today at the office of the Berwlnd-Whlte company, and effected a district organization. The executive committee of the Bi tuminous Coal association has fixed upon the prices for the coming year anil which will be put in effect April 1. The new prices are $2.3"i per ton for Cumberland. Pocohontas and New River coul. free on board, at Philadel phia. Baltimore, Newport News and Norfolk, with a difference of 1.1 cents a ton In favor of Clearfield and Beech Creek coal. TRAGEDY AT A CROSSING. Saul Hsvis Sella KllloJ and Hli Son I'litullv Injured. Allentown, Pu.. March IS. Saul Davis Selig, a Russian Jew peddler, aged forty years, drove under the lower gates of the Ridge avenue crossing of the Allen town terminal railroad this morning anil was struck by a Jersey Central pussetigcr trnln. He and his horse were killed. His son. Ruben, uged ten years, had his skull crushed nnd will die. An other son. Morris, aged 8 years, was cut ubout the head anil will recover.- Paulson Indorsed. Wllkes-llnne. Pa.. March 18.-The Dem ocrats oflhe Sixth legislative district ll.n nertie countyl huvo elected P. V. Caft'rcy und 8. W. Trimmer delegates to the state convention PuttlsoO was endorsed for SENATOR OUAY WORRIED Kill I'rotmtily Keep the Office of State Chairman. ' THE LEACH-AXDKG1VS FIGHT Serunton's lieutenants Are I'utling I n a Red Hot light That May roster Much llitterncss The (llred Leader Wants Pease. Philadelphia. March 18. The Republi can state chairmanslilo tight took on a new phase today. It is said that Senator Juuy has become worried over the bitterness of the tight that Is de veloping for the orilce between some of his closest nnd ablest lieutenants and, sooner than see such bad feeling en gendered among his followers, he will retain the position himself for the time being. His course In this matter may be largely shaped by events within the next few weeks but if he should de cide that the fight was getting too hot, he will retain the position until the St. Ijoula convention shapes his course. The general opinion among well In formed politicians here today Is favor able to the belief that neither Andrews nor Leach will be favored by Quay for the chairmanship, but that a compro mise will be effected In' the person of Deputy Attorney General John P. Kl kin, of Indiana county. LET yl'AY DKC1DK. Huston. Pa., March 18. H. L. Magee, one of the Reottbllcan candidates for national delegates, today addressed a letter to General Frank Reeder, his chief opponent, offering to go to Wash ington and let Senator Quay decide whom he prefers. Mr. Magee agrees to withdraw from the tight if Senator Quay shall decide against him. provided General Iteeder will do the same if the senator decides against him. FIVK Mi: KILLED. Thirty Thousand Pounds of Powder f.x plodo at l.aflin Works with Terrible I ffect-l Ut of the Head- Kingston, N. Y., March 18. The lln and Rand Powder works, at Rll'ton, exploded shortly after 11 o'clock today. The upper glazer first exploded, setting off the dry house, and wrecking the Corning inlil, engine house and lower fiuzor. Five men were killed and a inau unknown hurt. The cause of the explosion will never he known. The v;orks were destroyed in a similar man ner In January. 18M, and were after ward rebuilt. They extended for half a : ".lie along the Wallklll creek. The loss v.ill exceed $J".00(). The works are sev- ;i miles from Kingston. - The shock rawever, was felt strongly In this city :. Hi caused a small panic in several fau- ries where female help Is employed. The complete list of the dead Is: Kllas VMerson, aged 38, leaves a wife; John ,1 mes, HO years, leaves a wife and two Cilldren; F.mery Dcker.48 years, leaves .ife and live children; Naamun Decker, ?'. unmarried; Solomon Smalley, aged '. leaves wife and two children. Aside from these fatalities there was no one injured. Thirty thousand pounds of powder in all exploded, 15,000 pounds at each explosion. STOLE THE HEARSE. I'nique Sunday Theft Perpetrated by a Hibulous New Yorker. New York. March 18. New York has had of late some daring burglaries. Whole houses, or parts of them, have been carried away, without leaving a clew. It remained, however, for John Meehan, of Stanton street, to cap the climax for originality. He Is alleged to have last night stolen an undertak ing wagon containing an empty casket prepared for burial. Meehan managed yesterday to become somewVJiat Intoxi cated. He walked along Cherry Btreet at 5 o'clock, and In front of No. 1.10 saw the undertaking wagon of C. J. McCormlck. The driver was unntairs waiting for the undertaker to arrive. Just then a friend, who could see Meehun and go him several times better in the way of encouraging Sunday excise viola tions, happened along, and the two men got on the wagon and rode away, Mee han driving. They drove to Water street, where they ran Into the curb and a lamppost and almost upset the wagon, half spilling the casket out. Then they abandoned the rig. Several hours later Meehun was arrested. He declares he wasn't drunk, but took the hearse and coflin, believing he might thus make a world's record. NICE YOUNG MAN. Captured on a Hoof with Ills Coat Turned Inside Out. Washington. March 18. In the crim inal court of the District of Columbia today the trial was commenced of Ben jamin II. MilllUen, a young man who, at the time of his arrest, held the posi tion of private secretary to a promin ent I'nlted States senator, and who is charged with house breaking. On the night of July 4 last he was discovered In the house of Judge Sam uel F. Phllllns. of North Carolina, for merly solicitor general of the I'tilted States, where, according to the charge, he hud gone with unlawful intent to ward Judge Phillips' daughter, to whom he had been at one time engaged, but the engagement had been broken off. He was captured on .the roof with his coat turned inside out and his shoes tied around his neck. Milllken's de fence at the time was that he was under the Influence of liquor, and was not responsible for 'his actions. The case has excited a good deal of inter est, and will probably last several days. THE POLICE GAVE UP. Have Abandoned Hope of rinding Alary Sullivan's .Murderer. Paterson, March 18. The Coroner's Iniiuest on the murder of Miss Mary Sullivan, the Paterson music teacher, will be continued by Coroner Uoodrldgt this evening in Jhe Opera house. Pros ecutor Gouiiey says he has an Import ant witness, who will testify to being close at hand when the murder was committed, but the general impression Is thnt the Jury will find a verdict of death by unknown parties. The police have given up all hope of catching the murderer. From the first they did not have the slightest dew. A number of witnesses have been summoned to testify, but it Is not thought that anything new will he brought out at tlje Inquest. f MURDERERS HANGED. llnck chappcll Declare tils Innocence on the Scaffold. Brenhaui, Tex., March 18. Clem Sttauther who murdered Louis Peters last November, and Buck Campbell, who murdered Mrs. Dora Kmshoff Dec. IN, 1SS5, were both hanged nt Belleville today. Both men died of strangula tion. ' Strauthers confessed his crime, but Clinppell declared his innocence to the :ut. - . , THE NKWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications Today: Rain ; Easterly Winds. 1 Senator Quay Worried. Cubans Rout the Spanish Troops. France Growing Suspicious. Philadelphia .Minister Angry. Five .Men Sleet Death. 2 From the National Capital. General Market ami Stock Reports. 3 New Source of City Revenue. - Second District Democratic Convention, railed States Court. Four Important Decisions. 4 Kditorial Comment. u Mimieivor Suicide, Which? Temperance Hull at Minuuka Burned. Tax Levy Ordinance. 0 A Secret of the Heart (Concluded). News of the Railroads. 7 Happenings in Our Busy Suburbs. 8 News tTp and Down the Valley. REV. DUFFY'S STATEMENT. The Philadelphia Clergyman Scores Ills Tomer Associates in the .Methodist l-piaaopal Conference. Philadelphia. March 18. Rev. J. P. Duffy, who was not allowed to address the Philadelphia Methodist Kpiscopal conference yesterday In relation to his conversion to the llnptist church, has written the following letter for publica tion: March 17. ISSil. I was at the Philadelphia conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal church this morning, and asked to he heard in my own defence. This right wus refused me. I am, therefore, compelled to reach th-j public through the agency of the press. On .Monday morning Itev. William M. Swindells made an unwarranted ami Im pudent attack upon me because I voted for delegates to the general conference on Friday lust, knowing That I was to with draw from 'the ministry and membership or the ..Methodist KiHsenpal church, lie also referred to the Haptist denomination, to which I have been received, as an Adiillain's cave Into which people not en titled to much respect umong Methodists retire. In answer to these statements I would suy I was present on Wednesday: answered to my name at roll call, an l knowing that I would he busy elsewhere, made a statement to that effort, and of fered to leave my vote with the secre. tary of the conference. This was refused me. I made a special exertion to be pres ent Friday und voted. Dr. Swindells was present on Wednesday, heard my state ment, anil It was known generally that I intended t withdraw from the denomi nation. To say that I did not know of this, when it had been a subject of com mon report for nearly a year tniile Bish op Hurst, who had just come among us, stated that he had heard the rumor) shows a degree of ohtuseneiis oil the part of Dr. Swindells that is remiirkahle.nnd demonstrates that as an editor he had II very poor nose for news, 1 voted on Friday because 1 had a right to vote. I 1 1 ' t not vote for Dr. Swindells because I am not In favor of combines, municipal, state or national, and especially ecclesias tical. Tlie result of the balloting showed Tn.v judgment to be correct, and shows a state of affairs concerning political ma nipulation thut better accords with meth ods in pulUical life than among a body of ministers. Th reference to Adullam's cave as a type of the Uaptist denomina tion was rather unfortunate I Samuel, xill, 1, i, tells who came to David. If that is a type of the class that goes out from Methodists, for some of their number to be reduced to such a state, and since sixteen or eighteen huva gone out from Philadelphia .Methodism within a few years, it would Indicate that harsh treat ment was the rule rather than the "X. ceptlon. The reference to Adullam's cave was a gratuitous Insult to a sister de nomination honored and loved for the good It has done and is doing. Methodism Is to he commiserated for having one either as editor, minister or member of such narrow prejudiced views as those en tertained by Dr. Swindells, whose spp'lt of eccellastlcal bossism is such (as has been said of him before) It needs only a red hut to make him a cardinal. 1 am glad of this opportunity to ptihll'dy resent the attack of one whose chief ob ject and Inspiration is place seeking, and self glorillcatlon, and one who is widely known as one who ever alms to strike down those who refuse to train under his banner. Respectfully submitted. (Signed) J. P. Duffy. ARRESTED FOR SMUGGLING. Herman keck, a Diamond .Merchant of Cincinnati, Is in the Toils. Philadelphia, March 18. Herman Keck, a member of the firm of Condor man, Htinrlck, Keck and company, dia mond brokers of Cincinnati, was ar raigned before United States Commis sioner Bell this afternoon on the charge of being Implicated In smuggling dia monds Into this country. Keck was ar rested In New York on Saturday by Special Customs Agent Cutmnlngs. Ills arrest grew out of the arrest of Captain Loeswltz. of the American line steam ship Rhynlund. at this port, some weeks ago. Special Agent Gallen, of this city, found MO small diamonds, valued at about $10,000, in the captain's state room. The Jewels were not on the ships manifest. Captain Loeswltz, who Is held In bail for court on the same charge, wus called as a witness. He said: "I met Keck In Antwerp on January 27. A friend, who is a Jeweler, Intro duced us. Jly friend gave me a package before we parted, saying this belongs to Keck; will you 'take it to America, for him? I looked at the package and saw that it contained no address. Then Keck handed me a piece of paper with Von Relth, Cincinnati, written upon it. My friend and Keck assured me that the. package did not contain any dutiable art Ides." The captain Introduced an affidavit signed by his friend In Antwerp, which substantiated his testimony. After the case had been argued at length Mr. Keck was held in $3,(H)0 bail for court. IN FAVOR OF WOMEN. Philadelphia M. I:. Conference Will Admit Them as Lay Delegates. Philadelphia, March 18. By a vote of 117 to 8 the Philadelphia Methoitist Kpiscopal conference today decldi-tl In favor of the proposed constitutional amendment admitting women uA lay delegates to the general conference An ineffectual attempt was 111 111 1 e in the closing; hours to get a vote o the question of equal representation fif lay and clerical delegates in the gi-neral conference. The conference adjourned sine die after announcement of appoint ments. HOLE IN HIS HEAD. .- Attempted Suicide of William Knowles May Only Make, Hint llllnd. Mitchell. R. D.. March 18. Notwith standing the fact that William Knowles, In attempting stilcKle here Saturday, shot a largo hole entirely through his head, the bull entering the right temple and coming out Just In front of the left ear, he is j-ei overing fast, and the doc tors hnve. every reason to believe that he will live. He was Ventlered blind, however, the optic nerves htivlng been severed. Klltd by tho Cars. Pnttsville. P.X, March 18. H. F. F.isen huth. a well-knfwn citizen of orwlgsbiirg. wus stru -k bv4u train nt Itausche's sta tion this mornliiXon the Little Schuylkill hranch i?f the phludelphln and Regdlni; railroad' and InstiJKIy killed. He was J rears of ace and M ' idower. FRANCE CHOWS SUSPICIOUS England's Expeditions to the Sudan Regarded vith Alarm. MK. BERTH BLOT'S POSITION It Is Approved by French Newspapers Generally 'I he Attitude of Kussia, Austria and Germany on the African Vuestion. Paris, March 18. The government and people of France are beginning to realize that the recent conferences tit liciiin between the Austrian minister for foreign affairs, Count Goluchowski; the Italian nmbnssudor at Berlin, Count Imza til llusca, and the German Imperial chancellor. Prince Hohenlohe, and with Great ISiitaln a party to the conclusions, had considerable signific ance. The re-arrangement of the Drle bund with Greut Britain ns an active partner in the arrangement was. It Is believed, but the first step in an at tempt to make alterations in the map of Africa. The Interview between M. Berthelot. French minister of foreign affairs, nnd the Marquis of D11 fieri 11, the British ambassador here yesterday, when the former asked the latter the reasons for Great Britain's expedition to Dongola and called attention to the gravity of such a step.' was an evi dence of the government's serious view of the case, und the need of explana tions on the part of Great Britain. The Toulon correspondent of the Figaro tills morning Buys that matters have al ready reached such a stage that orders are expected there at any moment for the French Levant squadron to proceed to F.gyptlan waters. There is a marked change todny In the attitude of the French government and the press of France towards Great Brituln's Egyptl.-rh plans. The military operations contemplated are very ob jectionable to France and to Russia also. Great Britain and the powers composing the Drelbund are well aware of the perpetual objection of France to anything which tends to prolong the British occupation of fcgypt, and It Is stated here on high authority that both Fiance anil Russia distinctly refused their assent to the proportion Hint the Egyptian debt commissioners advance a sum of money with which to defray the tost of the cumpnlgn. Therefore, ns France and Russia are among the guaranteeing powers responsible to the Kgyptlan bondholders, It is understood here that the money for the campaign up tho Nile will have to be found else where. ENGLAND'S PCRPOSK. Attention is drawn to the fact that the British government's statements regarding the cost of the campaign be ing borne by the KgypiWtn budget were met by a question as to what the gov ernment would do if the guaranteeing powers refused to agree to this and that no definite reply was forthcoming. This Is thought here to tend to prove that the campaign Is not an Egyptian undertaking In any sense of the word, but a deliberate pushing onward Into Africa of Brltish-Kgyptian forces which, after the first reverse, will be reinforced by a strong force of British troops from India and Great Britain, with the result that the Soudan will be annexed to Egypt and the occupation of the latter country by Great Britain will be continued Indefinitely. The newspapers here, generally speaking, approve of M. Bcrthclot's communicating to the British ambas sador the dangers which might arise from th advance of Riitlsh-Kgyptian troops up the Nile. The ambassador Is rt-ported to have confined himself to re marking that the representations of the French government would be commu nicated to the llritlsh foreign olllce. The newspapers advise M. Berthelot to persist In the energetic stand he has taken, even If he did not follow preced ent In transmitting his objections through the French ambassy In London. Advices received here from Rome to day say that French and Russian agents are actively Intriguing there In efforts to detach Italy from the Drel bund. It is asserted that these agents have spent a great deal of money In or der to assist In bringing about the over throw of Signor Crispl as premier, who was known to be a staunch adherent of the Drelbund. and to help the acces sion to power of the Marquis ill Rudlnl. who -is reported to be lukewram In re gard to the alliance. These agents are now said to be doing everything possi ble to Influence the new Italian cabinet to effect a change In Its foreign policy which would detuch Italy from her al lies. But even the most sanguine polit icians of the French capital doubt thnt nnything will be accomplished In this direction, especially after the honor be stowed upon King Mcnelck by the czar and the clear evidence In the possession of the Italian government thnt French and Russiun agents have for a long time past been actively and continually assisting the Abyssininns., BOND OF POWERS. If ItalV were to determine to detach herself from the Dreibtind she would have to give notice before May 6 the present year; otherwise the "Bond of the Three Powers" continues for nnntber six years. Another despatch from Rome says that It is reported there that Emperor Wlllluin desires a modification of the Dreibtind which would enable Germnny to come to an understanding with Rus sia in regard to the Balkans. But. as the Balkun question wns one of the most Important factors in bringing nbout the formation of the Drelbund. the Rome despatch does not attract much attention here. Germany would most likely l.e supported by Austria nnd Italy, and sympathized with by Great Britain, in any action she might think herself compelled to take In tjie settlement of the Balkan question. BELIEVES WAI.I.ER FREE. His Sister Has n letter from Hirti Dated in Knglnnd. Grand Rapids, la.. March IS. Mrs. iMiira Martin, of this city, sister of John Wuller. when seen In regard to the story from Paris that the former consul at Tanialave has not yet been released from prison, said she had a letter from her brother under date of Feb. dated Limhurst Place, Infield Crawley. Sussex, Knslnnd. In It Waller said he had some busi ness to attend to In Rostand that would take him a mouth, when he would sail for New York. He stated he was re leased from prison on Feb. 2u. Mrs. Martin is certain the letter was genuine. DESPERADO CAUGHT. I'utahit Tibbs. a t illered Outlaw, Shot by a Posse of I niontn officers. Vnlontown. Pa.. March IX. "Fntablt" Tibbs. the colored desiierado and out law, who operated In this vicinity, was shot and fatally. wounded by a posse of officers last night, on one of the prin cipal thoroughfares In town. Twenty two shots were llred. None of the of ficers were injured. There Is a general feeling of relief that Tib!)' career Is near an end. ILEY'S Muslin Underwear Sale, " We have now opened our second spring stock and will only say that the SUCCESS OF TUS. DEPARTMENT- . ." Is sufficient proof of its popularity and a guaran tee of the excellence of the goods in style, quality and finish, as well as s. We solicit your inspect tion. Muslin gowns, trimmed with Insertion I and cambric ruffle, 69 Cent Muslin gowns, tucked and embrald ored collar and cuffs, 75 Cent Muslin gowns, tucked nnd Insertion yoke, embroidered collur, 89 Cents Cambric gown, tucked yoke, ambroid, ered collur and cuffs, $1.00 Sacqtio gowns, embroidered front, col lar and cuffs, $1.10 Cambrlo Sneqne gowns, embroidered und ruffled collar and oufts, $1.50 The Melha gown, square neck and embroidered ruffle, 1 $2.00 Extra super Nainsook gowns, bishop sleeve, milled and enibrufclered col lar, $2.50 Klegant gowns with lnoe nnd embroid ery trimming l. Ki no. $4 and up to V eacn. Also a line of extra hIi gowns, 17 and 18-Inch. Verv superior line of umbrella skirts with English needle work trimming. Drawers from 2ie. to ty per pair. Corset covers, 12c, liie., 25c. and up to 3tc. each. Children's gowns, sizes I up to 9; chil dren's drawers, sixes, 1 up to 9; child's colored dresses and boys' kilt suits in all sixes. Fine Kkler Down sacques at V and 2.2S to close. We call special attention to our Home. Made Gowns made at Rous of Good Shepherd. . THE . . Famiest Shoes, Kroot Sfeaipc Skts Possess aH The Requirements. LEWISEELY&BAYIES 114 AND UD WYOMWO AVE, ALWAYS BUSY. Wholesale and Retail. 1 . i 1 Easter Eggs. Easter Eggs, We have secured one of the prettiest, inexpensive. Easter Gifts ii n Beemld Easter Ef& Something entirely new. Look In our show window as you pass by. W. J. Weichel ' 408 Spruce St. UNABLE TO RESCUE. Indianapolis Mother Sees Her Hoy Burned to Death in a Burn. Indianapolis, March 18. The 4-year-old son of Henry Hliter. of North Capi tol avenue, set fire to the hay whlla playing in his father's barn. Ills moth er ran to the rescue, but the door proved to be locked. The fire department wns summoned, and one company respond ed, but before enough hose had been secured the reel locked and the firemen and neighbors were compelled to stand hopelssly by while the child burned to death. it is believed thnt a stream of water could have saved the lad.