TOE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, "MARCH 18,- 189.' "Pure and Baking Pbwdeel Maaebcnved orictsally by CkMhnd Brotfcen, Albany, N, Y . sow by lb Omliad Bakis Fmrdtr Comply, New York. has been used by American housewives Tor twenty-five years, and those who have used it longest praise it most Ibscaipt book free, SndMaapaadaddna. Ckvdud Bating PmduCt New Yoik. M lorrman & Mooro : FIRE INSORflNCE, 120 Wyoming Avo. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES . RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT TBI CCUKONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. EVERY ROAD LEADS Somewhere! ', BUT THE POPULAR ROAD IS THB , ONB THAT LEADS TO nTHE . ackawanna Ikaundry. . jo Pnn Ave. A. B. WARMAN. WILLIAMS & M'ANULTY'S LACE OF The most com plete stock of Special Patterns made strictly private to us for Scranton. Etc. ' CITY NOTES. . "Join, the Blues." Mary Llewellyn, an old offender, wan i rested for drunkennexs yesterday and given thirty days In The county jail. .Mrs. Anna M. N. Dnnnell, mother of Dr. ft. V. Dnnnell. of this city, died at her horn tn New York yesterday morning. The elevator for the Federal building has arrived from Lexington, Ky., and the work of putting It in place began yester day. 8. a. Kerr will deliver his lecture on Ire Btid In the Hunday school room of the 1'rovldenpe Presbyterian church Thurs day evening1. i CVIayor Connell yesterday signed an or. alliance providing for the construction of an electrio light ut the corner of Deacon treut and the boulevard. ' A meeting of the fire department com mittee of select council has been called for tonight to pass on the nomination of Chief Perbor and the district engineers. Attorney J. W. Carpenter, for C. L. Rice, yesterday brought a replevin suit In the office of Prothonotary Pryor against W. Olbxon Jones for one two-seated sleigh valued at $:W. Marring license were yesterday grant, d by Clerk of the Courts John II. Thomas to larmier A. Wilcox, of Klmhurst, and Sadie K. Oeddes, of Hcranton; William "Webb and Margaret Work, of Scranton. The National Base flail club of Pine Brook ha organized for the season of 'Mi with the following players: J. J. Con nors, second catcher; T. J Ryan, catch er; J. Griffon, pitcher; 10. A. Kvans, pitch- Miss Cella Ruddy writes from New York, denying the published statement that appeared In the papers In this city that ah was married to Martin Clark, of the North End, In New York city. r; J. Cummlngs, short stop; A. E. Melmer, llrst base; R. 10. AIoLean, second base; J. K. O'Hara, third base; J, K. O'Donnell, left fielder; H. A. Melnzer, cen ter fielder; W. 1 Blewltt, right fielder; Thomas Kyan, manager. 'The tnembers of the Choral union will meet tonight In Young Men's Christian Association hall, on Wyoming avenue, to have their pictures taken. It was the In tention to huVe the pictures taken a wiek ago, but the storm prevented It. Horse Auntlon flale at Cuslek's stable Thursday. They have till kinds of horses, from a plow horse to a, sulky trotter. This will be a chance to get a good horse cheap. Exchanges will be made before the sale. Three months time will be given on approved notes. Warren at Knapp, representing T. J. Gil Patrick, to the use of Patrick V. McDon nell, of Carbondale, yesterday brought suit In assumpsit against Edward Casey and Mary Ann Casey, his wife. The suit Is founded upon a hook account for goods and merchandise valued at S393.42 with in terest from Jan. 1, 1891. In the estate of Sarah Nlrholls, late of Dunraore, letters of administration were granted to John Nlcholls, husband, yes terday by Register of Wills Hopkins. The will of Henry J. Colvln, late of Dalton, was probated and letters testamentary were granted to Martin A. Colvln, Frank N. Colvln and Henry W. Northup. . KEOG1I IS CONFIDENT. Seraatoa Boy and Champion Clearwater Ar Practising Da II v. ..jrMterday' p"bur; Times gays: "Clearwater and Keogh, who will play for the pool championship, beginning Thursday, are both doing; a great deal of practice work. 'Yesterday Keogh played a gentleman Illi ' is game, is or no count. "They quit even. Clearwater last araajc heatft th Hum., man flwj& - en. Keogh has great confidence In himself and thinks the games will be ".very close. Clearwater, of course, on account or Deing cnampion, is a slight f a varlto Harrv Da via va.tap.1... gan work on the building of seats. He ' will be able to seat 1,000 persons In re- b served chairs and make them comfort able." ...... Organs at half price. Guernsey Bros, KrJteSA ai for Est ft yew i coats ssslats parcasshig at lose. hw bmxmc, er waat te lavas la a let. see tM jmu er aesaraMe are age a ef Tae Trlaaae. Sure." HAJ0E 31ILLAR RETURNS. UelUad a Very Pleasant Tins on Uis Tour of Inspection. TIT O ft1t.. nf ttia Third brigade.-returned home yesterday after an absence of eight days spent In inRnectlna the comuanies of the Fourth regiment. On Monday he inspected company . . at Columbia; Tuesday, Company A, at Reading; Wednesday. Company E, at Harrlsburg; Thursday, Company !, at Plue Grove; Friday, Company F, at Pottsvllle; Saturday afternoon. Com pany H, at Slatlngton; Monday after w..., Uuttanr I nt Phnnl X V illp ! Mon day night. Companies B and 1, at Al- lentown. Major Millar was accompanied throughout his trip by Colonel It. B. 'ni nf the. fcYmrth reirlment and Ser geant W. Smith, of Company B, this city, wno was acting u urumjr the Inspecting officer. He reports that he Is highly gratllled with the showing made by the Fourth regiment. He also reports excellent treatment in the var ious towns visited. At Allentown he was entertained at the LdvingHtone ..i..k i,u i i, nnrham. on Saturday night and by Colonel Harry C. Trexler at the samecltib on aionuuy nigui iai. Yesterday morning's Allentown Call spoke as follows of the latter event: "After the military inspection In Mar ket hall last evening Colonel Harry C. Trexler entertained the Inspecting and local officers at the rooms of the Living stone club. A splendid collation was served and pleasant speeches were made by the various military men pres ent. Among those present were Major Millar, the Third brigade Inspecting officer, who by the way Is a 'fat" alder man from Scranton; Colonel D. B. Case, of Marietta, and Quartermaster Simon B. Cameron, of Marietta, Dr. M. F. Caw ley, assistant surgeon of his staff; Cap tain James A. Medlar, of Company B, and his First Lieutenant C. D. Rhoads, and Second Lieutenant Orlando C, Mil ler; Captain Mlckley, of Company D, and his First Lieutenant Charles Span gler and Second Lieutenant K. J. Wltt meyer; Lew Roney, Captain Schaadt, Colonel C. T. O'Neill, George Jenkins, of Bethlehem; J. J. Snyder and Major J. R. Roney." ...., At Pottsvllle Thursday flight, Major Millar was entertained by the well known and wealthy brewer. William Yuerellng, with a dinner at the Potts vllle club. On the previous evening at Harrisb'irg he was also given a dinner and attended the ball given In honor of the Inspection. For the next two weeks he will be Alderman Millar; then he will again don his regimentals for a tour of the lower part of the state. RE-NUMBERING THE HOUSES. City Engineer Phillips at Work Complying with Mr. Lsner's Resolution. City Engineer Phillips has set his corps at work making out a new plan of house numbering, as required by a resolution lntroduoed by Mr. Lauer. At present many of the houses are not numbered at all and many others are improperly numbered, causing no end of confusion. It is now proposed to re-number the entire city, following the old system as closely as possible. Each lot will be given a number, which will be placed on the assessment maps and the 1897 tax duplicates. It is not thought that there will be any wholesale changes in the present numbering necessary. WILL VISIT SCRANTON. To Investigate the City's Facilities for a Typewriter Factory. Evidence exists pointing favorably toward negotiations for establishing In thla city the manufacturing plant of one of the Standard typewriter con cerns. The president of the company recently addressed a letter to Secretary Atherton; of the board of trade, ask ing for Information concerning the city's industrial advantages. This in formation was duly forwarded. Yesterday a letter was received from the company official who stated he would be in Scranton soon and accom panied by one or more others Identified with the company. He explained that he was about to start on a western trip and so could not come here at once. MEAN CRIMINAL ACT. Vandals Do Damage In the New House of Viator Kneh. A piece of malicious mischief of the most despicable kind was recently per petrated in the new and unoccupied house of Victor. Koch, at the corner of Madison avenue and Mulberry street. Entrance to the house was forced by unknown parties who turned on the steam and water on the upper floors. The expensive oak finlxhings were warped and the water loosened the ceilings, which fell In many of the rooms. The same net was once before perpetrated In the house. The loss falls upon John Benorc, the builder, and not the owner, who has not yet received the property from the builder. ' E. J. EDWARDS DEAD. P. O. S. of A. Members Will Attend the Funeral Tomorrow. Evan J. Edwards died yesterday morning at his residence on Oak street. He was 22 years old and Is survived by a wife. The funeral will be held to morrow at. the house, and interment will be made in Washburn Street ceme tery. The deceased was a member of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, whose members will attend the funeral. MURDER CASES HEARD. First Report of the Grand Jury Will Be ; Mad to Court Tomorrow. Yesterday the grand Jury passed upon the indictments against Sam Tonl, the murderer of John J. Rafter, and cnaries risiier, tne murderer of Michael Ruetuskl. The jury was not in session In the afternoon. The first return of true and ignored bills will be made to court tomorrow morning. Oriental Rags and Carpets. Michaellan Bros. V Co. are here with a very choice and large selection of Persian Rugs to be exhibited and sold next week. . a Santee's opening continued Wednes day, March 18. 638 Spruce street " MORN. PRESS In Scranton, Pa., March 16, 18!, to Mr. and Mrs. William Press, of &56 Capouse avenue, a boy. . DIED. EDWARDS In Scranton, March 17, IBM, Evan J. Edwards, aged 22 years. Fu neral at Washburn Street cemetery. Plymouth and Wllkes-Barrc papers re- ' quested to copy. - HOG AN In Dickson City, March M, 1894, James Hogan, formerly of Plttaton. Fu neral will leave Dickson City on the ; Delaware and Hudson railroad at 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon for Pl'U- OLD MAN HANGED HIMSELF John Kentschlcr Wanted to Ik- rturicd on His Hirthday. WHICH 01LD BE TOttbRROW II Lived with Ilia Son-ln-Law, George Kclb, and Uad No Reason to Complain of Life-Deed Was Done with a Piece of New Clothes Line. John Rentschler. an old and well known German resident of the South Side, who lived with his son-in-law, George Kelb, in the rear of 432 Alder street, committed self destruction some time yesterday morning by hanging himself with a new clothes line In a summer kitchen built about twenty feet from the house. He would be 61 years old tomorrow and wanted to die In or der that the funeral could be held on the anniversary of his birth. For nearly two months the old man had been in sound mental condition, and he frequently within that time threatened to terminate his existence. Ten days ago l.e would have cut his throat with ft razor but for the timely prevention of the desperate intention. Realizing that be should be watched, the family kept close scrutiny on his movements, but he outwitted them aud succeeded In his rash design. When Mr. Kelb arose at the usual hour yesterday morning he noticed that his futher-ln-law was not around, but it wus usual for the latter to go away early and return later In the duy. Mrs. Kelb did not suspect that her father's absence meant anything serious and was not much worried until evening. THR TiODY FGlTND. After Furi'f-r Mr. Kelb wus engaged around the house and he causuuJIy. in passing the summer kitchen, tried the door, seeing thut it was closed, and when It llil not yield to his pressure on the knob, he pushed his strength against it and it opened. Lighting a match he was confronted with the hor rifying sight ct the old man's corpse dangling lrotn a rafter. Placing his hand upon the face of the suspended form, lils touch taught him that death had occurrfd several hours. Mr. Kelb went back and Informed his wife and tnon visited the Alder street police station where he found Lieutenant Peter Zang, who telephoned for Coroner Ingstrect, and then went with Mr. Kelb and cut the body down. It was so rigid that It would have stood erect l y supporting It on notn sides. The features were livid and dis torted and deatu was plainly due to strangulation. Rentschler used a piece of new clothes lino about five feet long. He fastened the rope to the rafter securely by winding It around Beveral times, and after that was done lie stood upon a chair and tied the rope around his head, down back of his ears and under his chin. It was not In the shape of a noose, but fitted around his head like an elastic on a girl's hat. The body was taken into the house and was placed in the front room awaiting the arrival of th'J coroner. VERDICT OF COnONETi'S JURY. Soon after being notified Coroner Longstreet arrived and empanneled the following Jury: P. J. Hlckey, J. W. Schcuer. Joseph Klein, H. K. Klaumln zer, Jacob Demuth and Frank Klein. After hearing testimony of the family the Jury rendered a verdict to the ef fect that death was caused by hang ing: the act being intentional.. - The defeased was well known on the South Side; he was an employe of the Lackawanna, Iron and Steel company for over twenty-five years and worked at the old rolling mill. For the past three or four months he worked very li regularly. There was no cause for his act, other than that his mind was not right lately. He was provided with a good home by his son-in-law, Mr. Kelb, and their locations were of the most Rgreeable nature. Four sons and five (inuishters arc left. They are: John, Michael, Jacob, Fred, Rose, Mrs. George Kelb, Mrs. Barbara Farlshon, all of this city; Mrs. Christina Dohrlng, of San Francisco, Cal.; and Mrs. Her man Hobiing, of Brooklyn, N. Y. A telegram will be sent to the latter this morning. The funeral will very prob ably take place tomorrow afternoon. COMPANY NOT BLAMED. James Reilly's Death Caused by Uis Own - Carelessness. The man who was run over and killed by a Delaware and Hudson passenger train In Carbondale Monday night, was yesterday found to be James Rellly, of Pleasant Valley. An Inquest In the case was conducted by Dr. 14. M. Penny packer, of this city, yesterday for Coro ner Longstreet, and a verdict of occi dental death was returned. The body was Identified In the morgue of Undertaker Morrison. But little Is known of Rellly beyond the fact that he was about 85 years old, a miner and out of work. W lief her or not he hns n family Is not known. The remains will be Interred ut the expense of the city of Carbondale today, unless clulmed by relatives or friends. At the Inquest Engineer Alex. Cope land, or the engine which struck Rellly. testified that Keilly was ullve when struck, as he rolled from between the rails until his legs rested across one of them. He began rolling when the train was less than loo yards distant, following Is the verdict of the Jury; We, the undersigned Jurors,' find that James Rellly came to his death ,y being struck by u Delaware ond Hudson pussenger train about .duo feet south of the I'nlon station. We also find deceased met his death as a. result of his own carelessness while on the com pany's property and we exonerate the Delawure and Hudson company from nil blame: Frank 14. Hurr. A. ft. Jones. John J. Alunnhan. John Kelly, J. 12. Shannon, O. 14. 1 listed. . REV. DR. CLARK COMING. Will Address the Christian F.ndeavor I'nlon About the Convention. The regular monthly meeting of the executive committee of the city Chris tian Endeavor union was held hist night in the Young Men's Christian Association building. Rev. W. H, Stub bleblne. the president, presided. A report of the social committee con tained the Information that Rev. Dr. F. E. Clark, president of the Interna tional Christian EndeaVor society, will deliver an address in this city on the night of April 30 on matters relative to the state convention to be held here. Mrs. J. F. Hangi, on the recommen dation of the committee on junior work, was appointed city superintendent of Junior work. j' D. J. Phillips read a paper entitled "The City Union. What it is and What it Should be." He held that more work should be done; that there should be a better organization; that there were neglected certain lines of work while unnecessary effort was waBted in other directions, and that there should be more social work among the societies, Waldron's Horses Have Arrived. ! About seven o'clock last night Wash ington avenue was black with horses. They were coming from the Erie rail road to Cusick's stables where they are to be sold next Thursday for what they will bring. They have all kinds, light and heavy, and all colors. They can be seen and driven any time by those wish ing to exchange or buy. The sale will open at one o'clock Thursday afternoon, rain or snow, and sold to the highest bidder. -Three months' time will be given on approved notes bearing Inter est from date. -Don't fail to go and see them If you want a horse of any de scription as they must be sold, at Cu sick's stable, on Washington avenue. ANOTHER GRATEFUL FAMILY, Mr. Miller Considers Paine's Celery Compound a National Blessing. There Is no spring remedy equal to Paine's celery compound. Sufferers from debility who flpd their convalescence too slow, are joyously surprised by the brisk lmietus toward recovery that conies from Paine's celery compound. Its healing, nerVe-restor-Ing, blood-making, nourishing' powers go so directly to the root of the!trottble that the progress toward health and strength Is steady and uninterrupted. No relaiises come when Paine's cel ery compound has once fairly begun its healthful action. i With a stronger appetite,1 sounder sleep, and better digestion (results that every one has experienced who has tak en Paine's celery compound), the weak and sore kidneys and the tired stomach cease to trouble, and the nerveB allow one to work unvexed by day and to sleep by night, without disturbance. This Is what physicians mean when they say that Paine's celery compound cures nervous diseases permanently. For disordered liver, and for all blood diseases, physicians use this great for mula of Prof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college Paine's THE MESSIAH PATRONESSES. List Partially Completed for the Big Musis Kvent. . j " ' For "The Messiah," which Is' to be sung by the Choral union under the leadership of Professor Haydn Evans, In the Frothlngham theater Monday night,' April 6, far the benefit of the railroad branch of the Young Men's Christian association, the following is a partial list nf patronesses: Mrs. W. F. Hallstead, Mrs. James Archbald. Mrs. (1. M. Hallstead, Mrs. T. H. Watklns, Mrs. James P. Dickson, Mrs. William Connell, Mrs. G. H. Cat lln, Mrs. E. M. Francis, Mrs. E. B. Jer myn. Mrs. William H. Taylor, Mrs. A. D. Blacklngton, Mrs. E. K. Crothamel, Mrs. H. M. Holes, Mrs. Thomas H. Dale, Mrs. William Fiink, Mrs. J. A. Lansing.. Mrs. George duB. Dimmick, Mrs. K. B.' Sturges, Mrs. Robert McKenna, Mrs. R. W. Archbald, Mrs. John Loomls, Miss Jennie Andrews, Mrs. W. W. Pat terson. Mrs. E. N. Willard, Mrs. Robert Eldred, Mrs. O. L. Dickson, Mrs. C. L. Frey. All the boxes have been sold to the following- E. B. Sturges, W. F. Hall stead, F. E. Piatt. William Connell, Dr. J. N. Rice, E. L. Fuller, John Jermyn, Charles Schlager. Loges have been sold to T. H. Watklns, E. P. Kings bury and F. H. demons. The orchestration will be under the leadership of R. J. Bauer and will be rendered by forty pieces. Lillian Blau velt, soprano; Ruth Thompson, con tralto; J. Henry McKlnley, tenor, and Eric Bushnell, bass, have been engaged for the solo parts. REDS AND THE BLUES. ' Latter Have lloistod Their Flog Above tho Court House. The Blues have begun their fight In the Young Men's Christian association membership contest by flying a (lag from the pole on the court house. The Hag, which Is six feet square, was hoisted nt 4 o'clock yesterday after noon and displays the words "Join the lllues." It Is probable thnt the Blues will My their colors from other sightly spots. A humorous feature of the struggle Is the condition of tifl'airs in offices of the Hillside Coal and Iron company, of which Captain W. A. May Is sup erintendent. Captain May Is one of (,he lieutenants attached to the Reds' cause, but the nine clerks In the Hill side company's office are sympathizers of the Blues, and huve shown their position by wearing blue neckties and lapel buttons and in removing from the office every article of a red color. The typwriler hud remained neutral up to late yesterday afternoon when she, too, espoused the cause of the Blues. This brought upon Captain Muy no Utile amount of dialling by his business friends. n U. OF P. ATHLETES. Their Exhibition Tnl.cs Mace in the Frothlngham Friday Night. Tho sale of scats for the gymnastic exhibition to be given In the Frothlng ham theater Friday night by the Uni versity of Pennsylvania Athletic team will open at 9 o'clock this morning. The exhibition will be fur the benefit of the Scranton Bicycle club, and will be devoted toward the sum of seven or eight thousand dollars necessary to build the proposed addition to the dub house on Washington avenue. Whenever the team has performed In public In Philadelphia the event has been an occasion for attracting the presence of hundreds of the best known social element of that city, and it is probable that the appearance of the team at the Frothlngham will attract a fashionable Scranton audience. The performers are the pick of the univer sity's athletes and their entertainment is always an attraction of importance. Orders for seats have already been received from Wllkes-Barre. Pittston and Carbondale, and yesterday a letter reserving ten seats was received from Philadelphia college men. The indica tions are that today's seat sale will be large. TAX COLLECTORS' BONDS. They Were Fllod with the Court and Entered of Record. The bond of Henry Greenwood, col lector of delinquent city tax of the Fourteenth ward, was yesterday filed In court in the sum of $1,522.98 with Christopher Beavers and T. B. Carey as sureties. The bond of James Phillips, of the Fifth and Twenty-first wards, was filed in the sum of $3,274.06, with John H. Phillips, John Morris and W. R. Lewis as sureties. The bond of Rudolph Buenzll, collec tor of the Tenth ward's delinquent city taxes, was filed in the sum of $665.50 with Henry Bosley and Fred Posbach as sureties. Second-hand grand upright pianos but slightly used. Best makes. Cheap at Guernsey Bfos. . a-. celery compound. Tt has lifted thous ands from beds of sickness. It does what nothing else ever did for the sleep less, the dyspeptic, and the despondent It cures them once and for all. ' Here is a testimonial from Mr. E. A. Miller, of Columbus, O., accompanying the photograph of his family. "For two years past I have been a constant sufferer with severe nervous headaches, oftlmes being compelled to go to bed, when my business necessi tated my personal attention. Last week my physician recommended Paine's cel ery compound. I have taken now four bottles, and have not suffered with headache since. This government, in my mind, should pay the discoverer of Paine's celery compound a sum of money sufficient to keep him and all his relatives in luxury during their natural life." Mr. Miller is the son of Dr. J. D. Mil ler. His wife is the granddaughter of the late Gov. Lucas, of Ohio. Mr. Mil ler's praise of Paine's celery compound is equaled by that of thousands of others who owe their health and strength to this greatest of all reme dies. THE GRAND COMMANDER. Is Soon Expected on Business Connected with the Conclave. Grand Commander Edward B. Spen cer, of Philadelphia, Is expected here soon on business connected with the grand commandery, Knights Templar conclave in this city in May. One of the moBt prominent of the many features connected with the an nual conclaves are the balls, and the one to be given in the Frothlngham theater Tuesday night. May 26, prom ises to at least equal and possibly excel any of these gala affairs which have been . given during the conclaves in other cities. Mayor Connell has been appointed chairman of the ball com mlttee of forty-five members. The committee has held one meeting at which sub-committees were appoint ed with instructions to spare neither effort nor expense In their plans for making the ball a magnificent spectacle and a stupendous success. It is proposed to use electrical effects to further beautify the already hand some theater. The music, refreshment and other Important details will be ar ranged on an elaborate scale. THE NEW DOMINION. Gives Clay Clement an Opportunity of Doing Some Good Character Work, Clay Clement and his company pro duced "The New Dominion" at the Academy of Music last evening. The play is a study of character and the central figure is Baron Hohenstauffen, a German nobleman, who Is traveling In the States in the guise of a botanist Mr. Clement Is the author of the play, which contains much clever dla logue, but is deficient in action. It is a pretty story that the author-actor tells, one that would have an influence in elevating the stage, but it Is doubt ful if it will have a long and success ful career. Mr. Clement did an excellent bit of character acting which stamps him as an artist of a high order of ability. Miss May Buckley Clayton made a pret ty and winsome Flora May Randolph, and shared with Mr. Clement the warm appreciation of the audience. Other members of the company who appeared to good advantngo were: J. D. Wil liams, Joseph Ailehnun, Lee Arthur and Mlnnu liraul Adelman. TO EXAMINE GILBRIDE. Court Has Mads an Order to Have His Fhyslsol Condition Ustermlned. There was a petition filed In court yesterday by Jessups & Hand, attor neys for the Hcrunton Traction com pany, asking that Martin J. (4 II bride, of the West Side, who has brought suit against the company, be directed to submit to a medical examination by physicians to be chosen by the defend ant prior to the trial of the cause. The cuse Is on the list for trlol on Tues day. March 24 next. tlllluide claims that on the of August, lS9:i, he was injured In a Btreot car collision and sustained injuries which affected his back and spine and that he is entitled tt dutnuge In the sum of $10,000. Judge Archbald made un order directing Gilbiide to prepare for-an examination on Friday, March 20, between the liourrt of 1 and 6 p. m twenty-four hours' notice to be given to him or his counsel. The examination shall be by Inspec tion, manipulation or with the use ot electric tests by means of a battery of such moderate power as is approved by medical authorities. Plllsbury's Flour mills have a capac ity of 17.500 barrels a Cay. TRAMP TUNERS BEWARE Of men traveling from house to house pre tending to be Tuners end Repairers of Pianos and Organs. They sometimes use our name without authority. The Only Tuners Who do work for us are flessrs. F. WHITTEMORE. C. P. and 0. All work done by them, or In our intense repair department. U guaranteed by us. You cannot afford to have your Instruments ruined by Incompetent workmen. Estimates given for restrlnglng or varnish ing Pianos; making them almost good a aew. . Your work Is solicited. Orders left In person er by mall s romptly attended to. MS-sje WYOMtNO AV AC 1' I OX IX EQUITY. Erought tn Ksjfnrcs tho Performance of an Atlcccd Agreement. City Solicitor . J. II. Turrey has brcught un action in equity for James H. Fisher against Arthur Frothlng ham. Laura. P. Frothlngham and John T. Porter asking that the defendants be required and ordercil by the court to deliver a deed far lots number 30 and ."l in Mock It on Columbia avenue In this city. On June C. 1893. John T. Porter held the legal title to a certain tract of land partly In the First and Second wards. It was laid out in building lots and a Btreet called Columbia avenue was run through It. The petition in tho suit states that the plaintiff believes the lots in the said tract were offered for sale during 1893, and thereafter by Mr. Frothlngham. who was the fully ac credited agent of Mr. Porter. During the spring of 1893 Mr. Fisher entered Into an agreement for the purchase of five lots fronting on Columbia avenue and the arrangements were made through Mr. Frothlngham. The purchase money agreed to be paid for the lots was $5,000, and Mr. Fisher transferred to Mr. Frothlngham 50 shares of Scranton Axle Works' stock, subject to the payment of 'a loan of $2,500 to the Traders' National bank. It was agreed that the stock was to be taken at par value and credit given upon the purchase money of the lot" for $2,500. Mr. Frothlngham agree ing to pay off the loan. The balance of the money was secured by mort gages. In January, 1S94, a new agreement was entered into between the parties. Mr. Fisher gave hack the deeds of the five los and wai to receive clear title to two lots 30 and 31 in block B. in con sldeiatlou of the net amount of his Axle Works' stock. lie delivered over the rie?ds of the five lots and has not received the deeds of the two lots that they were to give him. The suit is brought to compel them to do so, Buy tho Weber and get the best At Guernsey Brag. If you're responsible and want a piano on credit at your own price and on your own terms call on Guernsey Bros., 224 Wyoming avenue. . W. , II 423 Lackawanna Avenue, Spectacles and Eye Glasses to fit everybody. We make a specialty of fitting Glasses. TRY OUR 50c. SPECS. SPECIAL SALE OF Muslin Underwear, All New Goods. The following are a few of the many bargains: NIGHT GOWNS. Ladles' Night Uowns, of good quality of muaiin, wen maue, wua run sleeves, goou length and trimmed with ruffles and tucks, 75c kind. Our Price. 40c, SKIRTS 10 dozen Ladies' ttkirts. good uuulity of mus lin, well made, regular 60c. kind. Our Price, J3C. Each. CORSET COVERS. S3 dozen t'ofset ('overs, of cainbrio and square shaped yoke of pretty embroidery, to sertioo and beading, extra well made, regular Hue. kind. Our Price, ajc. LADIES' DRAWERS 25 dozen of good quality Muslin Drawers, well made, sola everywhere at 2iia Our Price, 17c. CHEMISE. 10 dozen Tadics Fine Muslin Chemise, nloeljr trimmed with lace and embroidery, rerular 40c, kind. Our Price, tje. Each. CLARKE BROTHERS. IT WILL PAY TO INSPECT THE URGE ASSORTMENT OF Dinner, Tea, Toilet Sets, AT RUPPRECHrS CRYSTAL PALACE 231 Penn Are. Opp. Baptist Church. BEST SETS OF TEETH, laaladlar the aeialeas eztrastasf t teeth by an entirety mew fesnm S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.', C.C22S IMP II 'in gE IKE SOMETHING NEW In Fancy Brillian tine Skirts, yards with stiff inner lin- ft 4 QQ ing.for 03 Fine Blazer Suit, newest styles, mixed flO 7C goods, for (PUilU WE WILL SELL THE BALANCE OF OUR Furs AND CLOTH GARMENTS FOR con i ll In order to make room for oar immense Spring Stock T. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenus. High Grade MM Shaf, Emerson, Malcolm Lova. Clongh & Warns, Carpenter, .. Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. Spring Styles. ON SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29. luifsnTna U1I irau u uns 4 12 Spruce Street. THE GREAT Of the Stock of TURNQUEST, The Jeweler, at 142 PENN AVENUE Old Postoffice Building, Will last only a few days longer. Everything must go at soma price. By order of Assignee. A. R. HARRIS, Auctioneer. TNI MUIMTII NOD VifSMOass Opposite Columbus inumsat, 906 Washington Av. Soranton.PtW Bl HATS HUP ITS DN AT Dunn's