The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Dally and Weekly. No Sunday Edition,
Fnblkhtd M Scnntw. P. by The Tribune Pub-
lls-lnx Company.
Mew York Offlct: Tribune Building. Frank a
, Orajr, Manager.
C. M. RIPPLE, Sis' Taaae.
. LIVVS. RICHARD. lerrea.
W. W. 0VI. BueiHaee Mammm.
-PriMen' Ink," the recoroliwl Journal Ibr ad wr
iter, rmtn TnM xcbamtom Tbihuwb u the bent
advertising medium In Noriheutern Penuiylva.
I. "Ifioten' Ink" know.
Tab Wtkki.t Ttm!, Iwmed Ererr rkminlay,
CuutuliM Twelve llanilBonie 1'aaw, with an A oiiti-
dknee of News, h ictiou, ami weu-Mmeii "'
l..u Vnv ThnM U'hn IVnMt Ink. TtIK UAlI.Y
Ibibcnb, the Weekly 1 Recommended as Hie
Meat Bargain uomg. uniy (i a i mr, w ui.
The Tbiboke la fr Hale Dally at the D., L. and W,
Button at Uoboken.
ThA Tribuno la tho only Republican
dally la Lackawanna County.
To the Republican electors ot Pennsylva
nlA. Tho Republicans of Pennsylvania, by
their duly chosen representatives, will
meet In stats convention Thursday, April
23, 1S96, at 10 o'clock a. m., In the opera
house, city of Harrlsuur., for the pur
pose of nominating two candidates for
representatlve-at-large In congress nnd
thirty-two candidates for presidential
electors, tho selection of eight delegates-t-lurge
to tho Republican natloiial con
vention, and tor the transaction of b'icIi
oilier business as may be presented.
By order of the state comn lttce.
M. 8. vjuiir.
Attest:- Cha'rmnn.
Jere B. Ror,
W. R. Andr,v,
Superintendent Howell's list of auc
tions relating to practical, home geog
raphy, to which allusion was recently
made In The Tribune, has been reprint
ed In a number of state exchanges, In
connection with commendatory com
ment. The practlcallzing of school
work Is sure to strike a popular chord.
The Prize Story.
Upon another page of this Issue ap
pears the story which won the prize of
$25 offered by The Tribune through the
Robert Morris lodge's eisteddfod. It is
the best of twenty manuscripts submit
ted In this competition, and in plot and
treatment Is a clever and readable
short piece of Action. The writer of It
Miss Sarah A. Jones, of 1123 Hampton
street, a teacher In our public schools de
serves praise and encouragement. Bet
ter work Is sure to come from the same
The contest disclosed the existence
of much talent among the people of
Northeastern Pennsylvania. Ab some
of the contestants doubtless by this
time realize, to write a satisfactory
short story is one of the most difficult
of literary feats, perhaps the most
difficult one to which a young or inex
perienced writer can apply himself. It
is a task like that of the clergyman
who, when asked how long It took him
to prepare a sermon, replied: "If I
wish to preach for half an hour, It
takes me two days; If for an hour, one
day; but when I preach a sermon two
hours long I can generally prepare It
in thirty minutes."
The short story, to be successful,
should contain a clear and, If possible,
an original Idea, and this ought to be
so worked out as to carry the Interest
of the reader from the beginning to the
end, steadily Increasing It as It goes
along until the climax, at which, or
very near which, the story ought to
stop. In a general way, a short story,
to be acceptable, should be full of crisp
and natural dialogue, and should, In Us
situations, be probable and logical.
The prize-winning story on page 6 does
not fulfil all of these requirements for
If It did, it would be worth many times
J25 but It comes near enough to most
of them to be a welcome evidence of the
existence In these parts of promising
literary possibilities.
The Tribune extends cordial welcome
to Pittsburg's new afternoon newspa
per, the Dally News. The News is
bright, newsy and enterprising from
the start; and under Kdltor Gable's
mangagement, will undoubtedly im
prove every day.
Carlisle as Democracy's Candidate.
The apparently authentic Information
come from Washington that within a
few days President Cleveland will In
form the country that he Is not a candi
date for a third term, but that he would
be pleased to have his party nominate
some man conspicuously Identified with
his administration. The story goes
that this letter will be followed by a
formal announcement of the candidacy
ot Secretary Carlisle, under such cir
cumstances as to make It clear to the
party that he is Mr. Cleveland's choice,
Secretary Olney having declined to en
ter the field.
Yom a Republican standpoint, Mr.
Carlisle's nomination by the Democrat
ic convention would be entirely satis
factory. He is personally a man of
great natural ability and widespread
experience In public affairs. He would
make as good a president, probably, as
any Democrat, save Mr. Whitney. His
record as a bond-seller would be against
mm, yet u is ine record ot his party,
and whateverodtum attaches to it would
tllrtfl fit ontf man nnmlnM.a.l 1. I.
'Democracy, whether In Cleveland's
cabinet or out of it.-Mr. Carlisle, too,
is a plain, outspoken free trader, and In
this respect, also, stands in line with
MS party. He Is a Southerner, with an
inherited prejudice against the indus
trially more prosperous North, and here
again he becomes a fit exponent of the
economic principles of Cleveland, Wil
son and the rest of the modern school
of tariff reformers. '
On the currency. Issue, Carlisle repre
sents in conspicuous degree the merits
and the defects ot the Democratic policy
as shaped by Grover Cleveland.., He is
determined foe' of bimetallism, carry
ing to the cause of gold monometallism
the traditional seal of the new convert.
He is an equally determined friend of
the irresponsible state bank currency,
and the advocate of dubious experi
ments In national banking. His nomi
nation would insure the nomination of a
third, or free sliver ticket, which would
take from him the Democratic states
of the South and Southwest, and make
Republican victory easy. On all these
grounds, therefore, he Is a candidate
whom Republicans can cordially wel
come Into the arena and Just as cordial
ly defeat.
The old cry has again arisen that
fourth-class postmasters undes this ad
ministration are frequently boycotted
by persons who buy stamps at other
offices; and the postofllce department
at Washington wants congress to pass
a prohibitory law on the subject.
Wouldn't it be quite as easy a remedy
to appoint acceptable postmasters?
One Cent Letter Postage.
The committee appointed by the na
tional board of trade at its last meet
ing in Washington to agitate in favor
of one cent letter postage Is active and
alert. It is sending literature every
where in support of its contention that
the public interest demands the reduc
tion of letter postage to the lowest unit
of American coinage.
"If any railroad, express, telegraph or
telephone company or other company
enjoying monopolistic privileges were,"
says one of its documents, "to charge
the public a clear profit of 35 per cent,
for its services, It can readily be im
agined that a howl of indignation
would be heard all over the country at
the extortionate profit charged by 'soul
less' and 'grinding' corporations. And
yet, according to ofliclul figures, every
letter writer of the country is obliged
to pay the ubove extortionate profit ev
ery time he buys a two cent postago
stamp. Uy .referring to the postmaster
general's report for 1890 (the only re
port in which one cent letter postage Is
clearly and .exhaustively treated) It will
be seen that the revenue from letter
postage for that year amounted to $:t8,
000,000, while the actual cost for hand
ling and transportation was but $8,000,
000, leuving u net profit of S;!0.000.000
from letter postage, or a profit of S75
per cent. According to this report, had
letter postage in that year been reduced
to one cent, there would still have been
a net profit of $11,000,000, or a profit of
137 per cent., even though there had
been no Increased business in conse
quence of the reduced rate of postage."
The history of former postal reduc
tions shows very conclusively, how
ever, that cheaper rates mean more cor
respondence. Thus, In 1884, when letter
postage was reduced 33 1-3 per cent.,
the reduction In the revenue for that
year amounted to only 4 per cent., while
six years later the revenue had grown
33 1-3 per cent, larger than during the
last year under the -higher rate. The
cheapening of the present rate to one
cent for each halt ounce would in a
short time nearly double the number of
letters carried without Increasing the
postal department's expenses. The bill
to this effect which Is now before con
gress should pass.
Major McKlnley explains his position
on the currency question to be favor
able to good money and plenty of it.
His idea deserves enthusiastic support.
Strange Advice from Carbondale. '
"It the Republicans of this section,"
says the Carbondale Leader, which one
year ago supported the Quay delegates
In the Fourth district with all its
might, "want to help McKInley's cause
they should make certain that McKln
ley, not Quay delegates,, are sent from
this district."'
Let us consider this advice for a mo
ment. The Fourth district is entitled
to two delegates to the state convention
on April 23. Suppose those two dele
gates were chosen, as the Leader
wants, for McKlnley and not for Quay,
what could they do at Harrisburg to
prevent the election of Quay delegates-at-large
to the St. Louis convention?
If the last state convention was for
Quay notwithstanding the great light
then made against him, the next one
surely will be for him, with almost no
dissent, since Magee is the only man
now fighting Quay. Why, then, should
the Republicans of the Carbondale dis
trict wish to Join with Magee for Mc
Klnley against Pennsylvania's own
candidate with Magee, of all men, for
whom the Leader a year ago couldn't
find contemptuous enough words? Why
should they want to figure as probably
the only kickers in the state, outside
of Allegheny county? Why should the
Quay organ of a year ago be the first
to desert Quay?
We assume, of course, that the Lead
er refers to state delegates, and not to
the local national delegates! who have
already been elected. Otherwise, Its
remark, as quoted above, would possess
no meaning.
The prophets at Washington are pre
dicting that this will yet be a "billion
dollar congress;" but, then, It Is better
understood than formerly that the
United States has grown to be a billion
dollar country. '
A Happy Change of Heart.
The Railroad Review, In the course
of an extended discussion of the Unit
ed States Supreme court's reported
finding in the Brown Interstate com
merce case, makes the gratifying ad
mission that the' sentiment of railroad
men regarding violations of the Inter
state commerce law Is undergoing a
change. "When first enacted," It says,
"the law was by then generally re
garded as a sort of Imposition; to be
complied with, when necessary, but
evaded when possible. Gradually,
howevec, the fact has dawned upon
them that, properly construed and
faithfully observed, the law tends to
conserve railway revenues, anil,' If
maintained, would. In the absence of
other possible remedies, operate to
some extent to minimize freight wars
and thus protect earnings."
In other words, the railway men of
the country are beginning to realize,
after a long period of depression, de
faulted Interest and dividend payments
and expensive receiverships brought on
principally by dishonest administration
of carrier properties, that honesty is
the best policy, and that Justice to
the shipper and fair-dealing generally
are In the end as good for a railroad
as for its patrons. This is a somewhat
unexpected admission for a railway
Journal to make; but we cannot doubt
Its. truth, and can only, hope that the
reported change ot opinion among rail
way men will continue to operate until
a widespread reform in railway
methods shall be the welcome result.
In view of the now established fact
that Senator Flinn and Mr. Magee, In
Allegheny, made a written conditional
offer to Senator Quay of that county's
national delegates, only springing the
McKlnley movement after he had de
clined their terms. It will not be sur
prising if the Ohio candidate's appre
ciation of his Pennsylvania following
should experience a shrinkage.
According; to a report on the organ
ized militia of the Un!td States, which
has Just been prepared by the war de
partment, the United States, in case of
need, can put 9,4C7.C9I men In the field."
This Ui altogether exclusive of the New
Should McKlnley be nominated, Jt Is
hardly likely he would want the antl
bosalsm idea pushed to the point of try
Ins to let his campaign run Itself. There
are times when the Quays of a party
are mighty useful.
The central fact in regard to the re
cent efforts of Magee and Quay to com
promise seems to be that both were op
posed to tho other follow getting the
I have been reading the papers recently
nnd have been deeply Imprensed with tlip
verdict of the coroner's jury In the care
of Mrs, Knehel GiltlUhs. 1 (In. I the fol
lowing: "We llnil that the suid Rachel
Urinitha came to her death from Injuries
received by being knocked down by a
mall wagon driven by James Hamilton.
We believe that the mall wagon was
being driven at a u roles1, and unneces
sary rate of speed and deprecate tho fast
driving prevalent In the city." lielow this
1 discover a statement to the effect that
the "coroner does not believe the verdict
warrants Hamilton's arrest." I am pleased
to know that the rights of the cabman,
grocer boy and reckless Jehu generally
have been denned. There him heretofore
been a doubt as to the legal right of a
driver to run down pedestrians on our
streets, and certain citizens have been
of the opinion that it was the drlvur's
business to exercise care in Scranton as in
other cities. Now that it has been de
termined that drivers can run down people
and kill them without fear of punishment
poor persona who are obliged to walk
may take warning and climb an electric
light pole when the vehicle of one ot
the fast drivers Appears In the distance.
Speaking of streets, "it Is to be hoped
that the approach of another summer will
inaugurate a new order of arrangements
in street cleaning. Perhaps no one will
agree with me, but In the opinion of yours
under hypnotic Influence the flushing pro
cess is the only method yet discovered
whereby asphalt paved streets may ba
cleaned without filling house along the
route wtth obnoxious dust that has been
stirred up by sweepers. If the water sup
ply for the purpose does not hold out,
of course sweepers will be necessary; but
for health, comfort and cleanliness the
washing system Is certainly superior io
the most approved sweeper. Down at
Wllkes-Barre streets are sprinkled ahead
of the sweepers And some of the unpleas
ant eeffcts are avoided. It there is any
thing in the assertion of health officials
regarding the evil effects of germs that
lin k in the tilth along our thoroughfares,
the street sweeper which sends deadly
particles afloat on the air is certainly a
curse to humanity.
My attention has recently been called
to the present system of hothouse in
struction In many of our schools whereby
the intellect of the rising generation is
kept under constant struln to digeat food
for thought that is forced Into the
brain. Parents have stated that in some
instances it is necessary for their children
to spend the greater portion of each ev
ening during school lny in hard stuJy
In order to keep up with their classes or
gain a smattering of he various branches
thut have been forced upon them. Jt is
believed that but few who graduate t a
tender age from our schools are thor
oughly equipped for life's battles in an
educational way. The student who is
rushed through a course of study and
graduutes at an age when he should be
trundling a hoop is usually a physical
wreck from hurd study or an Intellectual
parrot, discoursing Upon that which he
does not understand. Sad as it may neom
while there are exceptions, Hcranton has
furiilPhtvJ some frightful examples of the
school raduate whoso course of study
wus finished before the student had ar
rived at years of understanding. This
state of affairs Is no doubt largely duo to
thoughtlessness on part of iteachers, who.
In their enthusiasm, are so anxious for
progress In various departments that they
force pupils beyond their powers of en
durance and comprehension. Bcrnnton
school teachers, as a rule, are progressive
and are constantly reaching out for new
Ideas end new methods of instruction nnd
It Is believed thait their greatest falling
is the propensity to follow the teachings
of theoretical instructors who sir th;-ir
schemes at institutes and advance Ideas
of high pressure education -that are not
practical. It is to be hoped that the the
orist of the future will counsel modera-
Mr. Dickson's erusad'e against profan
ity is commendable. An enforcement of
laws bearing on this subject cannot fail
to bring good results. I think, however,
that Mr. Dickson ought to make an ex
ception of moving day.
From the Rochester Post-Express.
All sensible men have an aversion for
war. and when they can do so with honor
they try to avoid It. There Is, however,
an exaggeration of this natural antipathy
to war which is pathological In Us nature
and a mark of human degeneration. This
polemophobla. as It may he called. Is un
doubtedly a variety of asthenia, or nerv
oun debility, and is usually manifested in
persons of defective nutrition. The
healthy man may be on tho whole a peace
able creature, but there are In him
polemic instincts that are stirred to ac
tion by oppression and Injustice, whether
visited upon lilmstlf or others. When
polemophobla Is manifested as a national
svmptom it Indicates u decay ot virility
that is fraught with great public danger.
A man or a nation who loves peace so well
as to endanger personal or, national dig
nity Is likelv to become the Jjrcy or Impo
sition nnd abuse. When a point Is reached
where principle is considered less Impor
tant than comfort, whether to the Individ
lilt I or the public, degeneration has 'in
iotilitedly set in. and It Is not difficult to
see that the epliit lias depart el by which
men and nations are made great.
Have the Amerlcuii peoplr reached a
condition in which this symptom of de
cadence Is evident? American nervous
ness lias long been notorious. It is des
tined to astunie this form. the weak
ness that Is so prevalent In the optic or
ganism and has rendered crtlilclal aids
to vision so common among American
children penetrated the cerebrum nl::o
and effected th higher centers of the
brain which mediate the process of Judg
ment and vollliotil. producing n predomi
nance of the emotions over the processes
of intellect ami a deterioration of the
springs whence (low the streams of pur
pose and resolution? Has fear assumed
the lend In the effective life of our peo
ple? These nre duricult and serious ques
tions, and there is much to Indicate that
our peaceful. InditHtrlai existence, in which
agreeable sensation is made the leading
object of Interest, may trnd t-i weaken
the will and augment the emotions, thus
imperceptibly changing the stern char
acter of the hardy pioneer Into the soft
and easy senalbilty of aheltered luxury.
If the tendency is in the direction Indi
cated, the remedy for it muat be sought.
This would not necessarily be found in
war Itself, which would only tend to elim
inate the bravest element In society, but
should be sought in. a universal regime of
voluntary effort In the direction of aac.
riiice and In the firmer grasp of the
great principles that austain the heroic
element in life. Unless we can convince
ourselves and our posterity that there.
Are realities more Important than our
own sensations, and that there is a na
tional destiny which still demands Indi
vidual renunciation, the prospect ot tie
VrldHng heroes is dim. indeed. To couu.
terrmtance the psychological drift toward
putting sensations, we need to have
preached to us a gospel of patriotism that
wMMoeep alive A strong sense of obliga
tion to honor and preserve the great prin
ciples for which our fathers gave what
was dearest to them, and which will
probably not cease to be called in ques
. Bvery member of the present Lacka
delegation at Harrisburg Is a can-
ujuuio ror rc-vlext.un.
In- the mpnntlmA CnmrmcmAn
lioblnson U pursuing the senatorial ttail
jnuy ine seal or a Mcmnhoumi.
.ACtuict boom for Deputy Attorney John
Pi-K!kiri, of Indiana county, for state
htfr:nan has bven incubated in Karris-
-purg. Anything but Andrews!
A close perusal ot th. Quay-Magee cor-
rcspomieace will lie liKoiy to convinco ine
ver aut that politics in Allegheny has
reached a very practical haul.
'TflMiator Flinn's Intimation that tlovor-
nor Hustings made uu with Ouav without
notifying him or Magee gives rise to the
tiuestton whether thiy imagined they ha J
any mortgage on the governor.
While there has been no direct confirma
tion of the reoorted reconciliation of David
Martin and Senator Wuay, til evidence
seems to prove Hint such A reconciliation
has been at least partially effected.
Now that Colonel U'atres has consum
mated the Wllkes-Harre water deal, which
Is said to have added largely to Ills pecuni
urv reser'e fund. It 1m riossiblu that he
may devote some of his s;nre time to the
senatorial ngnt. ine latter nas ior somo
time been outwardly unlet, having been
overshudowed by the presidential strug
gle. Statements urn being made that five of
the six l.uzerne districts have been in
structed for Mr. .Miner for delegute-nt-large.
The newspapers tiles do not sustain
these assertion. They show that only throe
districts ptiHMi'd such instructions. How
ever, If Mr. Miner shall be favored by
Senator Quay, that will not make material
W. E. f'urtls. In Chicago Itecord.
' A recent report of the bureau of sta
tistics Illustrated In a striking manner the
decay of the American merchant marine.
In lata 81.7 ier cent, of our foreign com
merce, including both exports and im
ports, was carried in American vessels;
In 1S.V, the percentage was 7.1.2; In 18i'd, at
the bey.nning of the war, it was (iT.2; in
lSii.1. at the dose of the war, it had fallen
to 27.7; In 1873 it remained about the same,
and was 27.2; in ltsi It had dropped to,
and in lf;i it was only 11.7.
The only portion of our foreign trade
now carried on in American vessels is with
the other countries of North America,
41.(14 per cent.; Mexico, 59.02 per cent.; Cen
tral America, S2.90 per cent.; the West In
dies, 41.83; South America, 21. 84: Asia. 18.14;
Occanica, 18.14; and Africa, 18.63. Only 2.07
per cent, of our commcrco with Europe is
carried in Amerlcan vessels.
Greater Depths.
He "And did he tell you he savefl me
from a watery grave?"
She "He said he saved you from a worse
place than that." Life.
New. . . . .
For Permanent Decoration.
Also a fine line of Jardinieres,
22 UCXAWAflfll AOJi
Large Assortment,
Newest Styles.
in mi
4i7 Sprace St., Opp. "T CemaieawcAltt
Coax 'EmfuC
It strikes us that Winter has stayed around this country about long enough to outwear its welcome.
It was all very well along last November to share the children's enthusiasm over the falling flakes,
but, good gracious! that was (our months ago I Suppose we all do something to coax Spring to
3lve us back trie sunny days, .
The tarmmxm perfumed by flowering apraya,"
And all the other beauties and blessings of the season. As our share to bringing this about we
r&s Nobby, Jaunty
p Lined
tSTOn Monday, March 23d, we start in to make the improvements in our
store room and the store will be closed until Saturday, March 28th.
Promptness on your part means dollars in your pocket. We are going
through the stock and marking prices on goods so low you will wonder at it.
We Intend to Make This the Banner Week of Our Great Salo
Don't wait until the last day, but come early in the week and have the
larger assortment to select from.
That Isn't Stationary.
Nothing stands still at our establish
meiit. It very rarely happens that
we raise prices, but as to lowering
them well, Just call around and see
us, and we think we can interest you.
We are now located in the
Stationers and Engravers.
W, are Headquarteri tor Oyittn and
ar handling to.
Celebrated Duck Rivers,
Lynn Havens, Kcyports,
Mill Ponds; also Shrews,
bury, Kockaways, Mauri.; a
Kivcr Coves, Vestcru
fehorcs and liluo Points.
H' maka a Specialty of itellrarlng
blue Poiuti on holt .liell in carrier
$25,009 WORTH OF
Hust be sold in thirty
days. Call and se
our prices.
throughout and with
1 fij g gQ
That will captivate the most fastidious. Skirts
measuring 6 1-2 yards around, lined throughout
with Rustle Cambric and hang to perfection,
; Prices begin at . ,. .
Lackawanna and
IS IS 1 Of
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Corner Franklin Avenue.
326 Washington Avi;
Spring aud Bummer, from SiOnp. Tronaer.
iiiua and OTrruoata. lurinn and domratic
fabric, made to order to mlt ttae moat fat
tidlotu iu price, (it and w. rkman.Uiy.
OF mn
isms 1
D. BECK, 337 Adams An.
Silk Capes
full sweep,
Wyoming Avenuos.
1 dill FOB SILL
Must Be Sold
Before We Remove
To our new store, No,
130 Wyoming avenue,
Coal Exchange, April
1 st. Price no considera
tion, THE
JOHN T. PORTER, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice Prealdeal.
F. L. PHILLIPS, Caahler.
inmoel tfineft, Jamee M. Everbart. Irvine
A. Finrb, fierce B Kiuley. Joeoph J. Jenuyu,
M. 8. Kemerer. Charles Y. Matthew. John T.
Porter, W. V. WatHou, O'harlea, Ucblager, U
W. Huraa.
Tbia bank tnvitea the patronage of batuttM
men and flrnia generally.
The Finest in the City
The latest lapnr?ed faiisav
lap and appuitw fer kttflac
mmt, batter ud cue.
US WyomlNfl Ave
tYw mm-wh