The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 18, 1896, Image 1
'V:; ' V THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. - i ' . : t .1 l . - . .! TWELVE TAGES 84 COLUMNS. SCRANTON, PA., WEDNESDAY MOHN1NG, MARCH . 18, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY, ... ".,.. Ladies Wait From Year to Year And Save Money At our annual spring Bale of high grade muiilin underwear. The goods offered are no stray or Job lot gath erings, picked up merely because they were low-priced. We will back nny . and every garment among the thou 1 and laid before you to be as per fectly, prettily and conscientiously finished as nny In their line that wre ever laid on a counter or veiling table. The muslins, cambrics and general trimming are Just such as a care ful, well posted woman would select K alio made the round of the various departments, and when we add that we've spared neither time nor effort to make this sule the crowning tri umph amon our many honest bargain :i-ceie. we brli-ve that we've said II that is necessary to convince you that the occasion should command your immeilluie attention. The MUSLIN UNDER WEAR ANNUAL SALE Opens Thursday, Mar. 12th, and continues for 10 days. Guarantees! Bargain Facts LADIES' GOWNS OR NIGHTDRESSES. C"c. quality for .;'k i utility for lie. quality for Hi'io. imliiy for I"c. quality fur 11.09 tjuslitv for'i tiiiailty for II. 1. quulily for ,. II J.'i qimlity for quulily for f 1.27'i quality for ll.tiS quality for tl.KT'ii qnullty for J 00 quulily for .tlo !'.""!!!7ic! 7litr. Vic. 7e. !. Sl.lC, $1.1(1 11.21 fl.KI Il.hl I1.7M LADIES' DRAWERS. Patntlly made from choicest mater ials. 5e. quality for I.e. JSc. quality for k 4v. quality for 33c. tic, quality for :. toe. quality for 47.-. tOTc. quulily for "1(t . quality for SSi ?iK'. quality for iW. ?5c, quulily for Hie. IV jc. quality for 73c. C0R5ET COVERS. V or snimre cut fronts. Prettiest tf dainty trims. lie. quality for '. 17c. SIX', quality for tU: 86.. quality for 'ie. 37V, quality for "so. 4iV. quality for 3tie. ftfe. quality for He. WHITE SKIRTS. I.alt style In trim, and rut es pecially designed to meet the require ments of the extra wide dress sklrta now prevailing. fie. quality for 37' ie. kUv. qunlity for ti9 tie. quullty for S3'-. l.1Ji qimlity for II. U5 11.2". quality for Il.A.", l.a7s qimlity for II. IS 11. no quality for .-. II Id 11.75 quality for I1..-.9 12. W quality for 11.79 li'.n quality for I1.9S Special price have also been placed on Misses' and Children's gowns anil drawers, In which our line is com plete. SMrt Waist Opening Tn conjunction with our annual sale of Muslin Underwear we will make n opening of new Spring and Sum- mer shirt waists. The goods are all laundtied with stiff collars and cuffs . and the styles are as new as the latest : fashion plates. OPENING PRICE CUTS. S dos. new waist worth fiOc. for 4Co. to do, new waists worth Kc. for We. tw dos. new waists worth II for 7.-,c. o dos. new waists worth $1.25 for 8e. 0 dos. new waists worth 11.50 for... .11. 19 U dos. new waists worth 11.75 lor 1.39 GLOBE WAREHOUSE STRENGTfl Of INSURGENTS Aa Estimate of the Number of Men in the Cuban Army. OVCK 43,000 IS THE FIELD How the Troop Are Distributed- Effect ive U'ork Don by Small Band. Lask of aim the Principal Draw back -Other War New. Havana, March 13, via Tampa, Kla.. March 17. The present Btrength of the insurgent army Is close to 43.000 men. Cubans themselves estimate the num ber of men In the Held os high as tW.OOO men, but even if unarmed camp follow ers, men in charge of provision trains, hospitals and camps were counted it la doubtful If that number could be found actually in service. There are thou sands of Cubans who would willingly cast their lot with the patriot army, but hick of arms and ammunition prevents. The insurgent forces operate as a rule in zones or districts, and are organised on military lines. The columns of tk mez, Mac co, I.aoret and Handera are, however, limited to no one province, but pass from one to anuther under direct orders !' Gomez. The commander-in-chief is now in Mutunzas, and the others have re-Invaded Havana prov ince. The following is a statement of the strength and location of the forces of the principal Cuban leaders: Maximo Uomes, in Alutanzas 6,000; Antonio Macto, Mlro Kayus others in Havana Coot): tieratlm Sanchez, in San ta Clara 4.000; Jose Mnceo, Ho jus, ltod rlquez, in Havana 51,000; Masso, at Vur ez, Clstillo, Mestro, Nunez in Havana 3,000; iJelgado, Hermudez, Sanchez, others Plnar Dal Hio 2,r,00; Mayla Ko derlgucx, others. Camoguy 1,500; Keyes, Benitesi, Varla, Wilson, Metidleta, Sun tiugo 1.000; Uafael Cardenas In Matan zos SOU; Verona. Kuporto Sanchez, others Plnar Del Mo BOO; Olivia, others In PI nit r 1V1 Hlo CU0; Clotilde Uarcla, In Mutanuas 600; Carillo, Joaquin Uar ciu, others In Santiago 000; Holoff. Hun- ho Perez. In Santa Clara 500: Mirabel, Ferrer, Velta, lu'Suntu Clura COO; Kego, Slxtou, Koque. Palao Sanchez, in Santa Clara Ouo; Cortuua, Vidal, Juan Bravo. In Santa Clara. 400: Juan Toledo, Kl Ingleslui, in Santa Clura 4004 Matagas, In Mutanzas 400: Kobati, Cebreco. Ruen, 1'lanus. in Santiago 40o; Horroto, ln cho, Sardinas, Kduardo llaiclu, ltl Mut ntiXHS 400; Aulot. Mot jon. I'liims. Mar tinez, Soroloiigo, In Matanzas 4u0; VII lanneiia, AcoMu, Aguilar, others in Hu vuna ::o0: Munos, t'hupotln, Socorro. I.lno l'crez, in Santa Clara 200; total, 42.MIO. THR DISTKIBI'TIOX. The distribution nrcnrdlng to prov inces l: ' llavan.'i, 1G.S00: Matanzus. 8.0A0: San ta Clara, ti.ui'O; Santiax", o.'.il; I'intir Id I Itlo, a.'.iuo; Camaguy, L'.lUO; total. 4J.S0O. In uddltlon to the above there nre In ntinieiablo local bands of from 15 men to r.O or even 100. These do not form part ot the tlKhilng force and should not be counted as part of the army. Their chief functions are to curry out the or der of (Jomez piohlbltlnffHhe grlntilneT of cane, the movement of troops and supplies by rail, the shipment of provi sions to cities, the supprosslon .of plateados" who rob, burn and commit other crimes. These mal! bands serve as recruiting agencies, and when they grow too large for loval operation they are attached to any of the army col umns. Of the army proper fully two thirds are well mounted and ubout half are well armed. The other are armed with shotguns, revolvers or only with the machete. Some of Maceo's men have old Style muzzle loadlim guns and lead is so scarc e that telegraph wire chopped Into short lengths Is used for Hie charge. Spanish surgeons have on several occasions reported soldiers wounded with bits of wire. The In surgents have a few pieces ot mountain cannon, captured from government troop. There are perhans a dozen ot these guns which have been used with disastrous ttfiect against the small wooden fovi which the Spanish troops have erected at various points. The Cuban "army of liberation," as it Is called, has grown to Its present size In the face of utmost Insurmountable dlftl cultles. OUTNI'MBEHRD BV SPAIN'. From the beginning it has been out numbered by the army of Spain In the ratio of never less than 4 to 1. It has escaped annihilation in .many encoun ters when ammunition ran out. It has lived on forage, been almost constantly under tire, and Is Vi day a reckless, dare-devil army with but one Idea In view, and that is to free Cuba. hat comes after is not given a thought. It is reported that Antonio Maceo, the second in command of the rebel forces, I near Candelarin, in the province of 1'inar Pel Rio. At a meeting of the reformist party here it wns decided to take no part in the election of members of the cortes, it being held Impossible for the party to do so because of the disturbance caused by the war. This decision was cabled to Madrid, heplles have been received from the leaders there, com mending the action of the party, de claring that the elections In Cuba will only be simulated and advising that the reformists only take part in elec tions when the provinces are pacified. DAUGHTERS HOLD THE FORT. Sons of the Revolution Retire Ilcfor Their Warlike Slater. Philadelphia, March 17. The frequent quarrels between the Pennsylvania So ciety of the Sons of the Revolution and the Philadelphia chapter of the Daugh ter of the American Revolution have culminated in the withdrawal of the Sons from Independence hall. For nearly a year there have been frequent clashes ; and misunderstandings be tween the two organizations regarding the possession of the old city council chambers in the hall, all growing out of the desire of the Sons to have abso lute control, t'nder an ordinance of council the Daughters had equal right. This was so objectionable to the Sons that. Anally, they decided to have the conditions altered or quit. They did not have them altered to suit them, so they quit, and the keys of their room were returned to the chief of the bureau of city property today. The Daughter now have entire pos session and will endeavor to restore the rooms to their original condition, hav ing $5,000 to spend for the purpose. ENGLAND STICKS TO GOLD. The Nation That Ha a Corner on the Yellow Motal Ua So I'm for Silver. London, March 17. In the house of commons this evening Sir Michael Hicks-Beach, chancellor pf the ex chequer,, reminded the house of the passage of a resolution at the last ses sion urging the government to co-operate with the other power In a con ference aiming to remove the evils aris ing from the fluctuations In gold and sliver. The present government did not wish to recede from that resolution. The government wan willing to enter Into negotiation with the power for a conference, but on the understanding that it was not prepared to abandon the gold standard in the United Kingdom (cries of "hear," "hear"). Some of his colleague, notably the first lord ot the treasury (Mr. Balfour) were pro nounced blmetalllsts, but all agreed in thinking that they would not be Justi fied In departing from a gold standard in the United Kingdom. The prospects of an agreement between the European nations In favor of bimetallism were not great. There wa no doubt. It the powers could agree regarding the use of silver that the Indian goverament would re consider the question of reopening Its mints. All the leading English mone tary experts held that the wealth of the country had been built up on a gold standard and that Its permanence and prosperity were dependent upon the existing system. In view of that opinion that no responsible government would propose to change the present conditions. A long debate followed. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, for merly chancellor of the exchequer, and now opposition leader in the house, said he welcomed the declarations of Sir Michael HIcks-Bcach that the gov ernment did not intend to depart from the established monetary system. It was not creditable to England, he add ed, that until now doubt had existed as to the views of the government on this question. -This ought to be the last ap pearance of the blmetalllsts in parlia ment. The Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, first lord of treasury, followed Sir Wil liam, and a somewhat lengthy defence of his known views ns a bimetallism The resolution was then adopted with out a division being taken. FITZ OX HIS D1GMTY. Will Not I'iaht Corbott Tales ths Latter Has Made a Hoputatlon-Medlcin for the Man Who W hipped John I.. Buffalo, X. V.. March 17. The follow ing letter was received today bv the local pivss, signed by Richard K." Fox, of New York: i have this day forwarded to Buffalo a copy of articles of agreement for a glove contest before the National Sport ing club nt London between James J. Corbett and Kobert Fitzslmmons. The article have been signed by Corbett and Fitzslmmons signature will be re quested." A reporter called on Fitzslmmons at noon. "Will you sltrn the articles when they are brought to you?" was asked. "I certainly will not" he replied. "I have signed many articles to light Cor bett, but he has always made me wait and Mil me off ns much us possible. Now I will give hltn u dose ot his own medicine," "Then I am to understand that you will not sign?" . ' Exactly, that's my position. Let Corbett whip Matter or somebody else and get a reputation." - "lie has whip lied many men and his reputation Is as good as yours, is if not" said the reported. At this FltzslmiDons gut excited and replied: "Who has he ever whipped.' Only two old has-beens." Continuing he suld: "I've got that man Corbett un der my feet and I'll keep him there, lie dictated to nie, I'll dictate to him. He made me fight six men to get me where I am champion. Let him tight and defeat one. Then I'll talk to him." "Will yon light Corbett?" "Certainly, if he will detent an aspir ant to the honor of champion. He handed the btlt to a man whom I had defeated and. then announced his re tirement. Why should he hand the belt to a defeated man'.' Why not to me? lie suld he did not want a for eigner to have it. Well, now, Is not Mnher a foreigner? I'm not. Certain ly, I was born in England, raided in Australia, hut I um a citizen of the t'nlted States. Then let me ask, has he apologized to the National Spurt Ins club for what he has suld against It. I don't know, but If he is a true American he would never do It. If he ever said anything he should mean it and stick to It. M'KINLEVS CAMPAIGN. The- Mandcrson Uirflcnltv llooralct I'Ncwhcrc. Omuha. Neb., March 17. The repre sentatives of tlie Manderson and Mc Klnley forces met this morning and re mained In session for several hours ond got so far along In their deliberations towards an amicable settlement that they prepared plans and telegraphed them to Senator Thurston und General Manderson, both of whom are nniv In Washington, with instructions fur them to consult with word that what they agreed upon would be satisfactory to thiir followers In this city. Mandersun's friends Insist that his name shall go before the convention at St. Louis and that the state delegation vole for him on the Informal ballot. Belolt, Wis.. March 17. The first con gressional district Republican conven tion today elected McKiuley delegates to the St. Louis convention. Bloomington, III., March 17. The Mc Lean county Republican convention was held here today and McKlnley in structions were voted by a large ma jority. UKDl'Cll ON RESTOR E D. Ths l.chlgh Voile KnilrooJ Returns to It Old Sulary Musis. Philadelphia. March 17. It was learned today that the 10 per cent, re duction made by the Lehigh Valley Railroad company In 1893 has been re stored. The change, which was made by he board of directors to take effect March 1, will affect all salaried em ployes from the president down, re ceiving more than $1,000 per year. The original reduction of 10 per cent. In all salaries in excess of that figure was due to the reduction In the earn ings of the company following its dis astrous connection with the Reading, and the return to the old salary rate Is directly due to the present improve ment in the earnings of the road. MR. LEACH IS WILLING. Ua Announced Himself a Candidate for Republican Stat Chairman. Philadelphia. March 17. Frank Wil ling Leach today announced himself as a candidate for the Republican state chairmanship to succeed Senator Quay, who will not be a candidate for re election. Mr. Leach Is one of Senator Quay's most trusted lieutenants and Is at present chairman of the executive committee of the state committee. Mr. Leach intimated that he expected Senator Quay's support in his candi dacy for the state chairmanship. Iirjr Good l lrml nlls. ' Phlladephla, March 17. Oliver X. Long and William H. Long, trading as James 1OiiK, Bro. A Co., manufacturer of dress goods, mode a general assignment today for the benefit of their creditor to David C. Nimlet, who also Is a manufacturer. The assignment. It Is said, wus partly pre clpitatd by judgment on notes entered yesterday srainst th firm, aggregating H.(. THE TRIAL OF DR. JAMESON Two Troopers Testify Concerning tie ' T rani van! Invisioo. v DOCTOR HAD HIS INSTRUCTIONS 'S Speech at the Starting of th Expedition. 1IJ Was Expected from th Natal Ppllc Titled Women Inter ted in th Trial. London. March 17. The trial of Dr. L. S. Jameson, the raider of the Transvaal, and his fourteen companions, was re sumed today at the Bow street police court, before Sir John Bridge, the chief magistrate. The usual Jingo throng was present, and the court was crowd ed. Seated on the bench near the Ma gistrate were the Marchioness of Lon donderry, the Duke of Abercorn, chair man of the British Chartered South Africa company, and Ladles Knutsford, Cuffo, Hartland, Biddulph. Shaw-Le-fevre, Raylelgh, and Cranbourne, the Countess of Coventry, Mrs. Henry As quith, and a number of others. The first witness called today was Sergeant Ruck, of the Matabeleland mounted police. He testified,' in sub stance, thut In leaving Pitsanl the force was bound for Johannesburg. He de scribed in detail the events on the march of December, the arrest of the young Boer leader, F.loff, who came to warn the party to return across the border, and the tiling at midnight of the Boers upon the Jameson party. This, he said, was the first Intimation they had of the presence of the Boers. The fire was returned and the Boers lied. On Jan. 1 the Jameson party encoun tered sixty or seventy Boers. The lat ter opened tire upon the Jameson col umn, the fire was again returned, and the Boers retired in the direction of Krugersdorp, followed by the trooper. HILL'S TEST1MOXT. Trooper Hill, also of the Matabele land Mounted police, testified that he heard Dr. Jameson make a speech at Pitsani to the men who were to com pose the expeditionary column. He told the troopers they were going to Johan nesburg In order to protect the English women and children whose lives were in danger. He said he hoped there would be no fighting, but if there was, "Why, we'll tight," he said. He also said that he hoped the column would reach Johannesburg before the Boers had time to collect. He assured the troopers that "If It comes to a push, the Cape Mounted lilies and the Natal police will asxsM us." Food and re mounts would be collected on the way to Johannesburg and the column might be joined by the Bechuanaiand border police. The witness said that Dr. Jameson, while addressing the troopers, referred frequently to u letter which he held in his hand and which appeared to con tain Instructions as to the conduct of the expedition. The witness said that Sir John Wllloughby, the mUlte.ry coni mander of the expedition, also made a speech on the same lines as the re marks of Dr. Jameson, and expressed the . hope that the troopers would do their best. 1 A letter from Johannesburg, dated Dec. 20, and appealing to Dr. Jameson to assist the l.'itlanders against the op pression of the Boers, was introduced in evidence. A dispatch sent by Ser geant White with order to overtake Dr. Jameson, and recalling the raiders, wa also introduced in evidence, and the hearing was again adjourned for a week. ENGLAND'S PCRPOSR. Joseph 'Chamberlain, secretary of state for the colonies, was questioned today In the house ot commons regard ing the dispatch from Pretoria, dated March 13, which stated that Mr. Cham berlain had suggested to President Kru ger the possibility of nbrogatlng the. convention of London if the Transvaal redresses the crlevance of the t'lt landers, grants the franchise to British subjects In the Transvaal, and suggest ing a treaty of amity by which Ureat Britain would guarantee the independ ence of the Transvaal. Mr. Chamberlain said that President Krutrer had been distinctly told that (Ireat Britain would not entertain a proposal to modify the convention. PHILADELPHIA HIBERNIANS. How the Dot Wus Celebrated In th (.maker city. Philadelphia. March 17. The loyal followers of St. Patrick did due honor to their natron sulnt today. The An cient Order of Hibernians celebrated the day by a street parade and over 4.000 Irishmen showed their devotion by wading through streets ankle-deep In slush and water. Tonight the Hiber nian society held Its annual dinner at the Hotel Walton. Nearly 200 guest were present and the toasts and those who responded to them were as fol lows: ' The United States." Congress man Amos J. Ctimmings. of New York; "Ireland," Senator William Lindsay, of Kentucky; "Pennsylvania," Coventor Hastings; "Philadelphia," Mayor War wick; "The Press." William M. Singer ly, proprietor of the Record; "Our Sister Societies," William H. Lucas, of the Society of St. (leorge. Cieuerul Nelson A, Miles, who wus also one of the guests, was unexpectedly called upon to speak. In opening his siieech tleneral Miles said that he was of the opinion that the army and navy of this country should be increased un til It was commensurate with the mag nitude and greatness of the t'nlted States. The rest of General Miles' speech bore upon the day the society was celebrating. In addition to the dinner of the Hi bernian society numerous other Irish societies held dinner and receptions. ROYALTY SEEKING DIVORCE. Mr. Hnelll, of Italy, Begin Proceeding In Oklahoma. Perry, O. T., March 17. Mrs. iSeharlle Flnelll, said to be a member of the royal family of Italy, has begun proceedings here for a divorce. She was married to Flnelll at Livorno, Italy, in 1890, and has two children. She claim that he has treated her with great cruelty, and on two occasion has attempted to kill her by shooting. One of the allegations In the bill re lates a scene In the Auditorium hotel at Chicago, where, she says, she was forced to grovel on her knees to prevent him killing her. On the trip to this country, she asserts, he amused himself by breaking the cabin dishes over her head, occasionally changing the pro gramme by beating her with his fists and kicking her. She is accompanied here by her children, two brothers, uer mother and a maid, who lives In lux urious style. The husband I In Italy. ! MINOR LEAGUE COMBINE. Base 1111 Association Boond Together for Mntnal Protection. Washington, March 17. The magnets Of the minor leagues concluded their meeting today with the formation of a permanent organisation, B. B. John- THE NEWS THIS MOUSING. Weather Indications Today : Fair; Rising Temperature. 1 Strength of the Cuban Army. Italy Now Desires War. Fltxslinmons On His Dignity. Dr. Jumeson tin Trial. McKlnley still Receive Delegates). Cherokee Bill 1 Hanged. Philadelphia Hibernians Parade. Relief Work in Armenia. 5 Congressional Proceedings. She Found Her Sweetheart. General Market and Stock Quotations. 3 How St. Patrick's Day Wa Cele brated In This Vicinity. Foul Huy is Alleged. . Councllinun Roche's Plan Is Accepta ble. . 4 Editorial Comment. The Hypnotised Reporter. Politleul Chit-Chat. 6 Suicide of John Rentschler. James Reilly's Death Due to Negll " v gence. ''' I 6 Robert Morris Lodge Eisteddfod. . Tribune Prize Short Story. 7 Happenings In Our Busy Suburbs. 5 The World of Sport 9 Some Achievements of Youth. Plsu. Oldest of Italian Cities. Sunday Is Well Observed in London. Senator Quay Unionized. Grant as a Teamster. 19 "A Secret of ho Heart (Continued). Clwh Crochan Ceridwen. v lAncient Cymric, Books. 11 The Renl African Boer. Statistics of the Liquor Trade. Several Good Ghost Stories. ' ' . 12 News Up and Down he Valley. , Timely Railroad and Industrial News. son, of the Western league was made president and Jake Morse, of the New P.nglnnd league, secretary. The organ ization wns formed for the purpose of protecting the Interests of the minor league, and not for any present griev ance. While It connot be officially stated. It Is well understood that the. minor league objects principally to the classi fication system Imposed, and to taxa tion without representation. The major league rules the minor organization Without the latter having; any voice. CHEROKEE BILL HANGED. Th Desperado Goes to the Uallowa with n smile on III I'ae. Fort Smith, Ark., Marc h 17. At 2.13 p. m. today Crawford Uoldsby, alias Cherokee Bill, was hanged. He was declared dead in ten minutes. The des perado showed no fear and went on the trap the coolest man In the party. The execution was set for noon, but was postponed to allow the doomed man's siBter to arrive here from Tallequuli. on the gallows, in reply to the ques tion if he had anything to say, lie an swered: "No, I came here to die, not tjD.taik." - Turning, he kissed his mother good-bKe.--.and with a smile on tils race, walked to his place on the trap. Fa ther Plus said a prayer while the doomed man was being pinioned. Bill recognized friends inside the. In closure, and calling them by name, bade them good-bye. Bill was smiling when the cap was drawn over his head. The noose was adjusted, and at 1M.1 the lever was sprang and the trap thrown. Bill got his wonderful nerve from his mother. She stood by him on the gal lows without flinching or shedding a tear. She took the body to Fort Ulbsou at 3 o'clock. Crawford Ooldsby was the name conferred upon Cherokee Bill when he was born at Fort Gibson. He was one of the few robbers who Infest ed the Indian 'Vrrltory during: the reign of terror of 1894 and belonged to the Cook gang. He became an outlaw at the age of 14. He shot a man with whom he had quarrelled, and from that time until his arrest he was on the scout, suspicious of every one except his mother and sister, and counting; no friend so dear as his trusty Winehenter. BLACKBURN IS BITTER. II Denounce Traitor in Ills Own Party, Governor Bradley and the Pros. Frankfort, Ky.,March 1". The lilnrk burn people held a meeting at the opera house this evening. A feature of the occasion was a speech from "Jack" Chinn, which was loudly applaudod. Senator Blackburn's address had to do with the different phnses of the strange political drama Just closed here. He was rather bitter In his de nunciation of what he termed "The traitors of the party" nnd warmly eu logized the Populists for their support of him. He scored Governor Bradley In A bit ter and impassioned manner for calling, out the milltiu. characterizing hlx ac tion as despotic, cowardly and tyran nical. He also fired some hot shot at the press, saying "there has not been one single line, original, copied, or bor rowed, or stolen. In the Democratic press of Louisville for the past three months which was nof a lie." lie then reviewed and reiterated and defended his views on silver and other national questions. LOAN AGENT'S TROUBLE. Charles Osman Is Rained by Gambling and Past Company. Hnsleton, Pa., March 17. ?hnrles Osman, ot this city, was locked up here tonight charged with embezzlement and larceny. The prosecutor Is T. J. Sifton, representing the Pennsylvania Huild ing and Loan association, of Altoona, for which osman was the agent in this district. Some time, ago the com pany received letters from weveral members of the association who wished to withdraw the amount paid. The books did not show what they claimed and an investigation of Osinan's ac counts was made. This revealed a shortage up to date of $400. The charge of larceny was preferred because, it is alleged, he had taken the office furni ture. Osman came here from Allentow-n last August. In explanation he stated that the discrepancy in his accounts wns due to fast company and gambling-. In default of $800 bail he was committed. BIG COAL POOL. An Increase of SS Per Cent. Will Bo Placed on Output of th Nonhwnat.fJJB Columbus, O., March 17. Representa tives of the great coal trade of the northwest that goes by the lakes, met here tonight and formed a pool. It will control the trade as a single concern, and, of course, regulate the price. From one of the members of the pool it was learned that the effect of the pool on the prices will be to Increase them at once about 25 per cent. The concerns Jnterested In the pool have an annual output of coal to the amount of $10,000,000 tons. Dixon Win Fight. Boston, March 17. The lu-round contest between George Dixon and Jerry .Mar shall took place tonight. Dixon rushed hln man around the ring and Marshall gave up after the seventh round. Ha says his leg are weak. Dixon won. ITALY KQW DESIRES WAR Expects ultfc British Aid to Kipe Out Abyssinia. WAR PARTY IN THE MAJORITY Enthusiastic Greeting of th New Prim Minister's Statement of the Govern' meat' Attitude Toward Abyssinia, Dl Budina Warmly Received. Home, March 17. The entry of the new minister into the chamber of deputies today was greeted with loud applause from their supporters. The premier, Marquis, dt Kudint, at once made a statement in regard to the dis astrous battle at Adowa. He said that after the defeat the cabinet had adopt ed resolutions leaving General Baldls sera free to take proper measures to) meet the situation, Including the aban donment of Adicrrat and Kassala, it the general Judged such measures to be ex pedient. On March 8 General Baldls sera was Instructed to treat for peace on the best terms obtainable, and the pre mier assured the house the present cab inet would continue the peace negotia tions with prudence and dignity. This statement was received with ap plause from thoBe In favor of a peace policy and with cries of disgust and de rision from th deputies favoring a vig orous colonial policy and an elTort to retrieve the disaster at Adowa, The premier waited until the uproar had subsided and then he remarked sig nificantly: "But the government Is now convinced that In lieu of a treaty of peace, hurriedly made. It would be far preferable first to establish a state of things agreeing with Italy's interests, and. In the meanwhile, hostilities must continue." No sooner had the premier made thin announcement than there was loud and continued cheering from the so-called military party and cries of dissent from the peace party. Once more he waited until he wan able to mako himself heard, and then ho said that Italy would never pursue a policy of expan sion. She did nut wish to conquer the Tigre district and did not desire to In clude nn Italian protectorate ot Abys sinia among the conditions of peace. But the dignity and honor ot the coun try must lie upheld. He then asked the chamber for a credit of 140.0u0.000 lire (about $28,000,000) for the expenses of the army In Africa, nnd to send addi tional troops there should such a step be necessary. He made a strong ap peal to the chamber for concord and concluded with the remark: "Iet us follow the same prudent course in our foreign policy aa that which has here tofore secured us friends and alliances." (Cheers and cries of dissent.) DI RITDIXI'S POPULARITY. On the whole, the Marquis dl Rlidlnt was warmly received by the deputies, although there are some who do not favor the policy he has marked out. But even the strongest advocates of .a policy of peace joined In a tremendou.4 burst ot entbusiaHm-.wbja.iliA-.pald a. glowing tribute to the heroism dis played by the Italian army, rte re ceived an ovation from all parts of the house, the deputies rising and cheering wildly for Italy, the Italian army, and the premier. Later, Urn credit asked for was voted unanimously, and this called torth an other prolonged pcene of enthusiasm. The senate today adopted a resolu tion by acclamation thanking the Brit ish Parliament for Its expressions of sympathy with Italy and her soldiers, as expressed In the house of commons yesterday by the tinder-secretary of state for foreign affairs, George N. Cur xon. The people, as a rule, a week ago were bitterly opposed to any further fighting, and many of them would have been willing to see Italy give up her African possessions entirely, but the news that Oreat Britain Is to create a diversion by a movement of Brltish Kgyptlan troops up the Nile Is gradual ly causing public, opinion to undergo a change In regard to the colonial policy of the country. Italy is now again be ginning to feel herself powerful in the support of her allies and capable of prosecuting the war ngalnst Abyssinia. The current reports here that Russian and French aigents have been supply ing the Abyssinia ns with arms and am munition, that a number of Russian and French officer are attached to the Abyssinian armies and took part in the recent battle of Adowa and yes terday's report that the Czar had con ferred upon King Menclek the high Hussion military order of St. (leorge, raiiMe resentment here. Inquiries mude nt the Russian legation have fulled to obtain either a denial or a confirmation of the rejiorted decoration of the Abys sinian monarch, and ciiuul Ignorance was expressed in regard to the rumor that Abyssinia has asked Russia to Intervene to bring about the re-establishment of peace on the basis of the independence of Abyssinia and the res toration of the old frontiers of Ery threa. RELIEF WORK IN ARMENIA. Miss Clara Barton Write of th Plan of Rod Cross Workers. flew York, March 17. The following are extracts from a report by mall from Miss Clara Itinton to the American National Red Cross here. The reimrt is elated Constantinople, Feb. L'5. Miss Barton says, after announcing the signing of the papers by the sultan and the Issuance of the necessary permits and passports to enter Armenia: "We are not losing a momeut's time. Dreadful news comes in from the bat tlefield at Zeitoun. It has not failed to reach you. for it went to the press. Sir Philip Currie has asked that I send relief to Zeitoun. and we are getting our suplies ready for shipment via Alex nndrctta at the? first moment the papers arc issued. We find supplies as cheap here as at home, some even cheaper. It is said that food, such as grain. Hour, etc., can be found all through the inter ior, therefore we shall not have to transKrt that. Dr. Hubbell will seo what need there is for seed and other materials for helping the destitute peo ple to raise something for themselves. We shall employ our customary meth ods In our endeavor to assist the people to provide for themselves as soon aa circumstances will permit." MOTHER'S BAKER DOZEN. Three Set of Twins .Make Thirteen l ittle Vanstrndor. Port Jervls. X. T.. March 17. The wife of James Vanstrauder, of Vernon, N. J., has Juat prr-sented her happy husband with the third set of twins. Seven other children have been born to the couple, who thus have u baker's dozen of cherubs. York Csocs .Mckinley. York. Pa., March 17. In the York coun ty Republican couventloii. held here today, It. H. Shindel WHS elected dcleialn :o the national convention over Klsh Com missioner James A. Dale, by a nmjority of votes Hesoliillolis were adopted endorsing M 1 y for president and in structing tIA . Monal delegate to n!. port him as lona - his nam is before the national convention HNLpY'S Muslin. Underwear Sale. We lave now opened our second spring stock and will only say that the SUCCESS. OF Is sufficient proof of its popularity and a guaran tee of the excellence of the goods in style, quality and finish, as well as THE CORRECT PRICES. We solicit your Inspec tion. Muslin rowns, trlmcaad with lnrtlot and cambrlo ruffle, 69 Cents Muslin gowns, tucked and ombrold red collar and cuffs, 75 Cents Muslin gowns, tucked and Insertion yoke, embroidered collar, 89 Cents Cambria gown, tucked yoke, ambroid i ered collar and cuffs, $1.00 Sacque gowns, mbroldered front, col lar and cuffs, $1.10 Cambrlo Sacquo gowns, embroidered and ruffled collar and uaa, $1.50 The Melba gown, quara tveok and ' moroiaerea rume, $2.00 Extra super Nainsook gowns, bishop ebeevw, ruined and embroidered, col lar, $2.50 Klegant gowns with lace and embroid ery trimming $.1, I3.&0, $4 and up to 7 eacn. Also a line of extra else gowns, U and 18-inch. Very superior line of umbrella skirt with English needle work trimming. Drawers from 20c. to 13 per pair. Corset covers, 12c, inc., 25e. and up to lilta. each. Children's gowns. Rises 1 up to : chil dren's drawers, sizes, 1 up to 9; child's colored dresses and boys' kilt suits In all sizes. Fine Kider bowa sacques at II and $2.25 to close. We call special attention to our Home Made Clowns made at House ot Good Shepherd. . . . THE ... Finest Shoes, Itaect -Shape Shoes Possess All The Requirements. lewis,m1lly&bayies 114 AND 11 WYOMING AVE. ALWAYS BUST. Wholesale and Retail. I Easter Eggs. Easter Eggs. We have secured one oi the prettiest, inexpensive, Easter Gifts ia an Becoraled Easter Egg, Soinethang entirely new. Look in our show window as you pass by. W. J. Weichel 408 Spruce St. SHOSIIONKS EAGER TO FIGHT Will Annihilate th Sioux in the Event of Washakie's Heath. Lander, Wyo., March 17. A dispatch from the Shoshone agency reports that Jim Washakie, who was shot by the half-breed. Will Itmoreaux, is In a dying condition. Should young Wash akie die, the Indians will avenge him by making war on a number of Sioux half-breeds, who nre on the reserva tion. The Sioux and Bhoshones had many battles from 1SU7 to 1S73, and tradition says that the Shoshones consider them selves to have been badly treated by the Sinux warriors nnd they have never had an opportunity sine to set revenge.