The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 17, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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rRartr will pi"" not thai artvrtle
nnt, order for Job work. and Iwma for
tul.llratton lftat the establishment of
liannon Co.. nWndealera, North Main
irn-t. will reeiwjv prompt attention; of
lie open from I a. ni. to 10 p. ni.J
Narrow Kecapo at the Ontario and
Ufnitrn Croaaina;.
The pupilH ot Mis Amelia Penrkert,
nho had left early Hatunlay aftermion
for a RleiKhride aft far as Arrhhultl,
narrowly ewaped a very Herlous disas
ter on their return Journey. The team
v ax in t hante of William Hedilen. The
)arty was wholly composed of children
to the number of about forty, and ratiR
insr In aire from nine to twelve years.
Am the HleiKh reached the Ontario and
Western rrottsina; in the North end of
Jermyn. a locomotive In charge of En
gineer Colllna came aueedtnfr alomr the
curve. The horses were on the track
and the driver saw It was Impossible for
him to (ret across before the train Rot
to the crossing. He feared that the
train could not be stooped. Them e he
endeavored to turn back but unfortu
nately in iloinS" o. the pule of the
sleigh broke. Seeing their danger most
of the children Jumped of Juxt as the
train was speeding past. It was very
fortunate that the" sleigh was a few
feet from the track, and also that the
horses stood the ordeal. .Many of the
children made-for their homes on the
cats, and reuched the city about hulf
pusd eight, while not a few stuck to
the sleigh, which was repaired and they
had the further enjoyment of sleighing
Into the city Bt a little after ten o'clock.
Another Aocldent.
While J. F. Mcponald was driving a
rutter dp Salem avenue on Saturday
evening, upon coming on the street car
truck at the corner of Alain street the
horae bolted anil the cutter wan-overturned.
Mr. McDonald was dragged In
the snow for a considerable distance.
Friends turned the cutter and the horse
was got under control.
A Surprise I'artv.
'Mr. and Mrs. IJnvtd Lewis, of 1'lke
Ktreet and South Vain street, gave a
nuisquerade surprise party to their
. i..nui. la. Vi'ljltii fvenlnir.
Aboiit twenty of her young friends were
invneu. ah iesri n. k'u umr.
A Mlna Accident.
Joseph Oorreru, tin Itnllun. was kick
ed by a mule Saturday while following
his occupation nt the Northwest col
liery and very severely Injured. He
limi his Juw broken anil several of his
teeth knocked out. Dr. Nilea was io
feaslonnlly summoned.
I ell off the rlnalae.
Knglnecr Charles Itouil sllpiwd and
fell on' the Oelawure und Hudson loco
motive, the celebrated "Major Sykes,"
yesterday and Injured his hip.
The Hev. William Lewis, the respect
ed pastor, mid John Kvans, of Belmont
street, represented the Welsh Metho
dist church of Cm lionilule, ut the con
ference of the denomination at Hyde
I'urk Saturduy und Sunday.
I'rofessor llesslef, the accomplished
chorister, of the Keren n baptist church,
pliiyi-il a violin solo with organ accom
paniment, as the offertory music, and
the people enjoyed it. The choir prom
ise speclnl KiiHter music, and the train
ing they received iiiimii'3 well for the
flit lire.
Mrs. C. T. Meiiker entertained the
teachers of the primary department of
the I'lesbyteilan Sunday school, at her
lioiiie on Lincoln avenue on Saturday
Attorney H. C. Butler was In Scran-ton-
yesterday morning.
Maurice Oiwst spent Sunday with
relatives in Iiunvllle.
Krunk Smith left yesterday for Phil
adelphia on business.
Miss Katie I'owderly, of Scranton,
siient Sunday at the home of her uncle,
Joseph J'owderly; of Terrai'e street.
Contractor A. K. Klnstead, of Scran
ton, has secured the contract for the
brick work of Kranlzs new addition
to his brewery.
Ir. T. C. Fitzslmmons seems to be
the choice of the Domix-nits of Carbon
dale to battle against C. '. OWIalley, as
a representative of the Fourth legisla
tive district In the assembly.
Owing to the Indisposition of the pas
tor. Itev. Charles Lee', no service was
held Sunday morning in the church.
liase bailers are proud that the au
thorities have been able to sign the
great pitcher. Jack Luby.
Charles Shotilock and Hull lei Scurry
were In Scranton hearing the celebrat
ed mandolin quartette.
Intelligence reached here yesterdny
afternoon that Ot-orge Krenunn, for
merly of this place, died In the far west
on Sunday. His death was due to
inoiintulu fever. Mr. Hrenmin was
about ,'!0 years old, and was the son
of William Hrennan. of Salem street.
White Swelling
Gmt on my leg- after typhoid fever, and
plecei of the bone came out. Rheumatism
Joined the scrofula to put me Id misery.
Hood's Saru par ilia proved Just the medi
cine; relieved me of pain, gave me a
food appetite and I laid aside my crutch
ad cane. Having taken 10 bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilla
my unto la entli
Perfectly well."
my limb la entirely healed and now I am
ectiywell." Ql
koboc w. Cromwell,
tit. Plea
Pleasant, Maryland
i; six torso.
Hood's Pills MriMiy.My to una,
tUUU S flllS cut In effect, ate.
Just one week mitre of
this lirent SuciittecSulc,
to close all Kciununts
wit at much less than
cost. I.eitRtlia from A
y arils to In yards in each
piece. MrinK your incus
m e and net one of these
great bargains as this
sale will positively lust
only 0 Jays more.
i i
J.Scott Inglis
' " 419 Laekawann'a Ave.
He was a brother of Keran, William
J.. M. F. Hrennan, Mrs. John Lane.
Airs. Timothy lliuke and Miss Krldgct
lirennan. of this place, und .Miss Mag
gie Itrennun. of Scraiitoii. Mr. Hrennan-went
west nlxmt live years ago.
The remains will probably be brought
here for Interment. .
This ' evening the Philharmonic
String quartette will give a grand en
tertainment at Father Mathew Opera
house. The quartette Is composed of
first mamlolih, A. K. Morse; seco J
mandolin,, P. J. Schappert; mand u,
It. W. Xettbauer; guitar, J. A. F ite,
and they will be assisted! by Miss Kate
Mangan. soprano; Peter McLaughlin,
banjo; Edward Vail, guitar: Howell
Davis, tenor; 1). K. Vail. Impersonator;
Mr. Xeubauer, olxip; Walter Kiple,
violin; l A. Doersam, piano; Mr. Schap
pert. cornet. A long and very enter
taining programme has been arranged
and an evening of rare enjoyment waits
those who attend.
The school board met In adjourned
session on Saturday evening und trans
acted considerable business. Several
bills were ordered paid and Miles Cou
ncil, of the North Knd, was chosen
janitor for the new building. Professor
Hoban extended an invitation to the
board to attend the Joint institute on
April II. Professor Stickling, repre
senting the Western Simply company,
was present and addressed the mem
bers. The borough council also met on Sat
urday evening and discussed various
unsettled mutters. The appointment of
borough police was left over until the
next session.
Misses May Fcniier and Nellie Cond,
of Scranton, snent Sunday at the resi
dence of Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Cond, of
the West Side.
John Whelun, of 1'hilndelphln, Is
spending a Tew days at the resilience
of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Whalcn, of Main
The Ladles' Missionary society of the
LnngclitVe church will conduct a social
this evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. (!. T. Chester, o'f the North Knd.
An Interesting programme has been ar
ranged, UefivKlimeiits will be served.
The Avoca Hose Dramatic company
are rehearsing a new comedy drama en
titled, "The Celebrated Case," which
they will present lo the public in a few
weeks. Waller MuMln. of' Jermyn, who has
been employed at the Langcllfl'e store,
has been removed to the l liven wood
store of the same company. Sir. Mul
1 1 ii has ninny friends in this town who
will regret his departure.
The Lehigh Valley company paid Its
employes In this section on Saturday
und the Hillside company paid yester
day. Mr. and Airs. Knvld P.rown, of Peck
vllle, returned home yesterday after
spending a few days with friends in
Services this morning will be at 9
o'clock Ht SI. Mary's church. A num
ber of oi'KUtiixutlons from this town will
participate, in the parade ill Plttslon.
Miss I-: I la o'Mulley spent Sunday with
friends in Scranton.
The new silk mill will begin opera
tions some lime this week. A large
number of girls assembled ut the works
yesterday morning but returned uway
Alexander Craig, who was injured in
the mines about a month ngo. is lying
In n critical condition at his home in
the North Knd.
The remains of John llrown, father of
Thomas Itrown, of this place, were In
terred in St. .Mary's cemetery yesterday.
Deceased Was II resident of Dlllllliol'e.
A church social will be held at the
home ol Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Decide
on Friday. April -''.
The funeral of Kmersnn, the slx-inontlis-olil
son of Mr. und Mrs. D. 1.
Duvis, look place on Saturday after
noon. Interment was made In Wash
burn street cemetery, Hyde Purk.
Mrs. Dawson, Howell and son. ltulph,
are spending a lew days visiting rela
tives nt Wilkes-Harre.
Mrs. York visited friends at Olyphant
over Sunday.
Miss Jessie Kemmer will return Wed
nesday from a two weeks' visit at
Two large slelghloads of young people
went to Mill City Saturday.
Herbert Harris, of l.ewlsburg, spent
Sunday at this place.
The Ladles' circle of Crand Army of
the Republic will hold their entertain
ment in Ira ml Army hall this evening.
Murch 17. Doors open at 7 o'clock, pro
gramme begins at H o'clock. Admission
15 cents.
, Mrs. Kale Bailey, of Wilkes-Bnrre,
spent Sunday with friends here.
A Woman's Christian Temperance
l'nion supper will be served at the resi
dence of Mrs. Kate Ourdner Wednesday
evening. March IS.
Mrs. K. C. Reynolds and Miss Avery
Drowning attended the fuiierul of their
nephew. Herbert A. Mace, at Dunmore
Saturday. Mr. Mace was several years
ago a Fuctoryvllle boy. He was born
and grew almost to manhood in our
Kditor Wntkitis, o the Fuctoryvllle
Tidings. Is moving in to his new home
on Academy street.
Colonel Ripple, of Scranton, will deliv
er an address in the First Baptist
church Monday evening. March 23. sub
ject. "Prison Life." This Is expected to
be one of the most Interesting lectures
ever delivered here. A mule quartette
will sing wur songs. Admission, adults,
2.1 cents; children. ! cents.
Professor Manchester, leader of the
First Kuplist Church choir, Is now
drilling a double choir for Faster ser
vices ut that church.
Miss Howe, of Sterling, Is visiting
Miss Agnes Watts.
Mrs. Phoebe .Molt, of Scranton, was
the guest of Miss Sue Pyle Friday.
Mr. und Mrs. John Scott were in
Scranton Friday.
Dr. Charles Fike, of Madlsonville.
purchased u lino young horse of ChurKi
Noack Inst week.
A. W. P.ardeti, of Alexandria. Vn..
has rented one of J. K. Loveland's
houses on Main street, and will move
here some time in A m il.
Airs. W. Q. Scott, of Turnersville. was
entertained by Airs. John Noack Satur
day. Air. and Mrs. K. W. Davis, AIlss Nel
lie Huber and Dnrrnnce Fuller, of Kliu
hurst. were callers In town on Friday.
Air. and Airs. Hidden Veager and chil
dren, Howard and Mary, spent Satur
day and .-'unduy wtth Dr. and Mrs.
Lamoreattx. , '
Air. and Airs. Walter Clearwater, of
Scranton, vev the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Depew Friday.
Airs. William Hayer. of Freytown, vis
ited her mother, Airs. William Itrown,
last week.
A1r John P.rewer has ii'turned from
a two weeks' visit with friends in Al
lentown and liethlehem.
A slelshing party 4-omposed of the fol
lowing ladles and gentlemen went to
.Madlsonville Friday night: Mr. and
Airs: tl. S. Hrnwn, Alrr and Airs. Will
iam Llmlpy. Air. and Airs. Kschenbough,
Air. and Airs. Samuel Horubecker, Air
and Mrs. Philip 8 warts.
John Hessler. of Wllkcs-linrre, was
a visitor In town yesterday.
t. I1'. Price spent Sunday among his
friends In Fuctoryvllle.
The Hose company meet on Tuesday
evening In Mi -Mi I Inn's hall at 7.:! o'clock
Sharp. Alnmbers me rcqusted to be
present tin there Is business to trans
act - . . , v
Washington caiii'i. No. 4; Patriotic
finler Sons of America, attended de
vine services nt the Hrlck Methodist
Kplscopal church Sunday morning. Rev.
K. J. Hrunges delivered an excellent
sermon on pat riot ism.
Rev. L. A. Lindovmlth and wife were
callers In' Scranton yeKterduy.
The severe snow storms nrea. great
impediment to the street curs. ,
-l . . ...
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
An Inaino Tumbles Over and Cars
Demolished -TraWa lllnckcd.
A wreck which blocked the Lehigh
Valley road between this city nnd De
lano occurred near Lofty shortly after
midnight yesterday morning, says the
Hazleton Sentinel. Knglne 146, In
charge of Knglneer Frank Bowman and
Conductor Michael Reynolds, and draw
ing a mixed train of coal and merchun
dlse to lVlano, was del-ailed by a
clogged frog. The train was then
howling along a, a rapid rate of speed
and the momentum of the cars pushed
the engine over the sills for a consider
able distance, when it tumbled Into a
ditch. The train mem meantime jumped
to save themselves and all escaped in
safety except Hrakenian .Michael
ti'lirien, who sustained slight Injuries.
The trucks were badly torn up and (Ive
cars were smashed. The engine was
badly twisted und connection broken.
Wreck crews from Weatherly und De
lano arrived on the -scene shortly after.
The work was in progress all clay. The
olliclals expect to have the tracks open
for business this evening.
Trains were run over the Ouaknke
branch between Penu Haven, and De
lano nil day.
Tlio l ast Sad Kites Over the Kcinulni of
, Moses Marks.
The lust sad rites over the remains of
Aloses .Marks were held yesterday af
ternoon In his late residence, KM South
River street, and were of an affecting
und impressive character. A large
number of friends from this city and
Scranton and various other places as
sembled to pay the parting tribute,
uniting whom were members of the Ma
sonic lodges 61 und 442 of this city.
After the services the remains were
taken to the Jewish cemetery at Han
over for Interment. The pull-bearers
were Kdwurd P. Phtlllos. It. P. I'ark,
II. II. Swaiiihank, F. j; Allen and Au
gustus Constine. from Masonic Indue
4IL and Al. II. Frnntx of Lodge 61. A
delegation from the Scranton Allisons
was present. Worshipful Muster Kwlng
being among the number.
The Liliterne County Aledlcal society
will hold lis reguhir Ineelhig on Wed
nesday evening. An essay, "lllp Dis
ease in Children." will be discussed.
All Lehigh Valley collieries will bo
Idle on Tuesday, Wednesday and Sat
urday of this week. The changes are
made on a nut ,,f Tuesday being St
Pntritck's duy.
At u public sale of the Hi'suiial prop
erly of jet iiah Campbell, uf Tiink-
hunnock, on 'Saturday, mi upright piano
which was owned by Air. Campbell's
grent-KiiindfallK-r, uml which was
brought to this country from Scotland
lift years ago, was sold to Frank Chaf
fee. .Many other idles and curiosities
were disposed of.
J -
Frank Winter, ,,f Wyoming seminary,
Is home for the spring vacation.
Owing to competition eggs are selling
for 12'. cents per dozen.
Kdwurd Miller, of Scott, has received
from relatives In Switzerland a medal
which was presented to his uncle by the
llrst Napoleon. This medal wus award
ed for bravery in battle ami bears on
one side a medallion of King f Jeorge the
lirst. on the reverse n suitable Inscrip
tion. The uncle to whom it was pre
sented died In a milltury hospital in
Paris and the medal was for a long
time lost. Recently It was discovered
and sent to Air. Miller, he being the
nearest relative.
Division No. 10. Ancient Order of Hi
bernians, will attend mass und receive
holy communion in St. .Mary's church
this morning.
The members of the Hroimon Literary
society will give an entertainment ii
Knterpiise hall this evening. A good
programme has been prepared and It Is
hoped a huge audience will greet them.
Voiir presence will bean encouragement
and the small amount of admission will
be used to pay some debts that have
been contracted In aid of this worthy
society. '
John H. Cilllllhs Is serving on the
grand Jury this week.
The missionary collections In the
Alethodist church Sunday amounted to
ubotit $161).
All voters are Invited to be present at
the meeting Friday evening to discuss
the water question. All inquiries will
be anxwered und the whole system ex
plained. This meeting is uecesKarVon
account of the stories being told by the
friends of the water company tpd which
are culctPuted to deceive the voters.
Tuesday evening. March 24. the ladies
or the First Haul 1st church will give
an entertainment entitled "Poetical Kx
pcrlence." Admission 10 cents. Allure
Aliss Katie Winn, of the Kast side, Is
ill with la grippe.
Rtisbbrook lodge, No. Xr0, Independent '
Order Odd Fellows, contemplate holding j
a social session on April 26 for member.'. ,
and their families only.
The owners of the brick buildings,
known ns the "Collin Fuctory," which ;
have been Idle for a number of years, '
ofi'er to lease them for a term of live
years In consideration of the taxes being j
paid and necessary repairs inade. As
one building is 40x61) and the other :'.ox so
it wonkl seem as though there should
be no trouble to get a tenant.
Frank Depew has issued invitations ,
to a party in Cilmorc hull on Fridav i
evening in honor of his t wenty-lirst
birthday. Frank Intends to vote for
municipal ownership of watrr works
on the '4i Ii. thus casting his first ballot 1
on the right side.
W. Hroughull. of Ce'inetery street, is '
very ill with pleurisy.
The laundry recently opened by
Alessrs. Hndi'.er and Waters Is doing a ;
rushing business und is exceeding the '
fondest expectations of the proprietors.
Nothing but lli'Kt-iiasH work is turned i
Mrs. Sarah Jones died nt her home on
Aiuln street Sunday mornlng.ugert about
X2 yeuis. Slv Is survived by three sons,
Frank, of Valley lills, N. v.: Tkmnus,
of Strcutor. 111., and John, of this place.
The deceased hns always been a hard
working, hornet woman nnd by strict
ccoiioniy hns accumulated considerable
property which by the will Is (ert to her
son. John. The funeral will take' place
ll'iirisr 1,'nrMl.
Four out of Uve who
stiff or DcrvoiuinesH,
I mental worry, attack
I cf"thobliies,"Brubtit
paying tha penalty of
early exectnes. Vic
tims, reclaim yonr
taunhiMtli reuuln vnur
vigor. Don't despair. Mend for v book with'
explanation an:! ;.ruof j. McfieJ Cur-ted) free.
Latest 1J. S. Gov't Report
Wednesday afternoon. Interment In Jer
myn cemetery.
Aurora lodge, 523. Five nnd Accented
Masons, will meet this evening. Work
In the M. M. degree.
'Th mines in this vicinity are work
ing half time. 4
Walter Maker spent Sunday with
friends In Remlham.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Jenkins, of
Flttston, spent Sunday at the home of
their sin. Corey.
William H. Walker left yestreday for
home at Iort Jervls to settle upon the
estate of his deceased father.
Klmer Swingle is nursing Dr. Roberts,
of llox Washington avenue. Scranton.
t'haiies Hoker. whirwas a candidate
for the ofnee or Inspector of the Second
ward of Wlnton borough last spring,
and was defeated by live votes by his
opponent. Air. linker was seen a few
days ngo ami expressed himself as
satisfied that a contest would end In a
Victory for him on the p-rounds of
recognition of the puny. Air. linker
Kill the It.'puldhHJi nominee anil the
two Inspectors that'are declared elected
are both Deinoc ratio candidates. Mr.
Hoker will consnlt his attorney In a
few days. (
Frank Filer, of Dunmore, was a Sun
day visitor in town.
Air. and Mrs. ft. W. Tewksbury, ot
Alain street, entertained a large sleigh
loud of people from Hyde Park last
Saturday evening.
.Miss IM i th Hopper, of Scranton, Is
visiting ut the home or P. i. Hard
ing. .
Hubert Craig, it young mini employed
as a locomotive engineer for the New
York and Susquehanna Coal company
at this place, met with u serious uccl
tlciit while at work, lie had just com
menced work and had gotten out of his
engine to get some coal from a car that
wus a few yards down the track, when
the engine suddenly started ami be
fore he could get out of the wny he was
cnught b tween the bumpers of the en
gine and cars. One of his legs was bad
ly lacerated. He was taken to bis home
In the ambulance and Drs. Sickler nnd
(Irover were culled and dressed his leg.
It was thought ut llrst that they would
huve to umptilnte the member, but the
doctors now think that they can save It.
The funeral of the ;i-year-old child of
Mr. nnd Airs. John Wearn was held at
the home Inst Sunday al'tcrnoon ami
was largely attended. Rev. W. .1. dliest
olliciatiug. Interment was made In
l'nion cemetery.
Miss Nesbltt, of Wllkcs-llarre. Is the
ftuest of Miss Ida Humes, on. Third
Rev. John N. Lewis olllciated at
llamllutoii on Sunday.
K. T. Sexmlth passed Sunday in
The rntir-litch snow rail mentioned in
Saturday's Tribune should huve read
fourteen Inches.
Tho thermometer registered IS de
grees below- zero here on Saturduy
V-. d. Uldgway and John llowman
were In Scranton on Friday.
Mrs. J. Fox Is spending a few days
In Philadelphia.
Frank lletts returned home on Fri
day. Sleighing Is being enjoyed to Its full
est extent by our fortunatu citizens,
who own spirited horses.
The Delaware and Hudson Canal
company are constructing a telephone
line between llonesdule and Carbon
dale. The l'nion Kvungelistlc meetings
held Sunday , under the direction cf
Alajor d ge A. Hilton and Grant C.
Tullar were very successful. In spite
of the extremely bail weather the places
of meeting were crowded to their full
est capacity at all the services. The
men's meeting nt the court house ut
:t p. m. wus hugely attended. Major
Hilton is an curliest and capuble
preacher, nnd held the close attention
of his hearers throughout.
Rev. John R. Atkinson, or Calvary
church, New York. Preached two ub!e
sermons ut draoe church Sunday. Al
though a yi-ing man Air. Atkinson is
rapidly making his mark us an excep
tionally good seaker. His sermons
are above the average In composition.
A Rambler combination tiimtem In on
exhibition at the store of darduer
Hros. This Is the lirst tandem parties
in llonesdule has owned.
Joseph .Matthew, of Cleveland, pussed
Sunday with relatives at Seeleyville,
Then Ilnby was slcV, wo gave her Castorla.
tVlien she was a t.'liild, she cried for Casturia.
When she U-cuine Miss, hua clung to C.iMorla.
Wiieu she had t'liildreu, she gavu theiu Castorlu.
Many people ar no: tlint is b?cains
tliey liuve heard of o nenv failures
where the truwier III. kuiln luive l -en
ivlied Ulnar Science Ii: llevelnped B
iibw uml belter way a sysi-ui of treat
nient that pivititelv i inet mid d
uway uith tint trim entirety utter
whiiIs lr . I'. it'Alulley. Hip.ttirj
SwriaHt. SI South VVasniiiLl in street.
WilkH.-Barre. nilmiui-t th thin new
treatment. Therein no detention from
biininiw inn) peri n fiicn mit cf t wn
imi receive treatment and return
lioui" the name d iy AuuliMiInt' cure
is i uiirmit d. Tle-re Ikiiii charg f ir
nam cat mr. A visit eniv n mvk for
foi.r to evlic n will lemallv Im
blittleivat for the immt tilllbljiK'n caseK
N. P.- Tlcse rot wisiiiiiif treatui -nt
em be lifted Willi tlin ueltdirat d
i'Uhl.KV TKI'ss. KunranteuJ u,
hold nay rupture I hat can Ik. n turned
yivititfe a-j. ml iiuufurt.
Moosic Powder Go,
'Rooms 1 tnl 2 Commovealtli Blti'f,
Laffltn Rand Powder Co.
Orange Gun Powder
Bactrle Batteries. Puses for csplasV
I lie blasts, Safety rM and
tepftnuoCtoslcal Co.'i Hlgk Expltslra
The Leader
124-126 Wyominj Ave.
Cull special attention totlic extra
traordinury inducements ottered
this week, lie sure und investij;ate
our Kc m nnnt Embroidery Sale.
8.0(10 yards of embroideries In Snlss,
nainsook und cambric, in leiiRtha from
l' yunlM to yards. Trices runfte from
Ik', to 17c. This is about one-fourth of
Its real value.
One lot of Swiss embroidered flotinc
Ini;, Zj inches wide, worth '&:,
. Leader's l'riee, 125c.
5 Itul'.ef figured hr'llitinCne fklrtn.
lined throughout and laced with vel
yelveu. Leaders lrice. XI iVi
2" plain brilllnntine Kklrts, lined with
peraillne, faced with velveteen.
Leader's l'riee. 2.7
One lot of Rood iiyulity storm serue in ,
bleelc and navy.
Leader's Price. I.S
l-ollea' black sateen underskirt., one,
two umi three rullleK,
. Leader's Price. !. S! and littc
One special lot of ladles' outing Fiiits,
reefer jackets Willi large miIIoi
collar uml trimmed with fancy or
white braid.
Leader's Price. 7.K!l
One lot of ladies' muslin corsi't lov
ers, plain und IiIkIi lie. k.
Leader's Price, 7c
One lot of ladles' eambrle corset cov
ers, hipfe neck, trimmed with em
broidery. Leuder's Price. I2-Ja
One To! of ladies' muslin drawers, with
cluster of tueks.
Leader's Price. I!c
Ont lot of holies' muslin skirts,
trimmed with laee or em broidery.
Leader's Price, ttlc
Oip lot of men's -l-ply cuffs, perfect
In linisii Slid make,
1 Leader's Price, lie
Men's hcivy reemless col Ion half hose.
Leader's l'riee, :l pairs for 25c
dozen Hue l-lmltcin Kid id.ii'es In
tuns, lirowns, also while with black
Leader's Price, (ii)c
Hevirnl lines nf linlles' new leatber
bells in all widths und eolorn, includ
IiiK wliit- und the new green,
LciiUcrs's Pricj from It) to 1!)c.
2a pleccsi of all-wool 44-Inch serge In
all colors and bltn'k, worth ine..
Leader's Price, :15c
2.1 pieces of all-wool materia cloth in.
all the spring combination colorings,
worth 4m:,
Leader's Price, 27c
The hithince of our all-wool nnd fancy
spring dress goods Hint have been
" V Leader's Price, l .'lc
2.'i pieces of the newest effects In
vheek ilresa guods, real value :ir,e,.
Leader's Price, '2-2 f-c
5 pieces, nil there Is left of our 4m: u 11
wonl black serge.
Leader's Price, 27c
Special n:il of 2,T yards of pure ivwh
silks for waists mid dresses, i i"u
ut ifflo..
Leader's Price, l!c
2a pieces of printed China silks, real
vn 1 no 115c. ,
Leader's Price, 17c
2.1 pieces of striped out Ink flannel
worth 7e
Leader's Price, 4c
25 pieces of pood qurillly dress klntf
liums, Leader's Price, lea yard
10 pieces of bleaehed pillow cusliig,
42 inches wide, never sold for less
than Sc.,
Leader's Price, 5c
M aMfactwart of Um 0albrat4
CAPACITYl Barrels per AnntriD
"sr-jr RE VIVO
Made a
Well Ma.
utiar.rfa i.i of Me.
THI RiAT aoth tay.
pesdeaa tha atioii result. In 30 daya. It a.:ti
VovarfaliT aud aulckly. Luna wlion all otbara (all
oaaDMiU regain tbair lent Di.uiiooU.aod eld
naa vUl ra;ar h -lr joulbful ?ior bj ualoj
HCVI VO. I ciea,; -wid aurelx reatorea Mareoua
aeaa.Laet TltaJltr. tuputea::'. Kliutly Eniualuna,
loat Paar. Fallloi Mi aiurjr. WaaMua Dbwaeea. ud
all aiula ot aslf-abOM or aieeaand tadlaertljn.
hlaaMlltaonforetuU7. ait laraa or inantage. it
. T,ot aaly enna by marl 1 ng at tha erat of diaeaaa. but
Jaaraat nera toole and blood ballder, brlii
lag task tfaa pink (low to liala clierka and ra
Marine tb r)r mt youtla. I wards off liuuuuty
nd OsaaiuDiHltoa. luunt oa ka? iaj BEVITO, no
Mber. It esa bai earrlad la net XK.k.t. 8r snail
i 1 AO par paekaara, or als lor SJCOO, wttk a pool
! wrtttaia oa ra a tao So nnj a aofiuid
-la aioaejr. Ctreolat traa. Idatiai
lust . Ia
nil's v
!.,,',., .
lutely under tlie control of the player
' from tlie boflest ruurinur to the RtreiiL'tb
urn be produced at will. But its action i not merelv mechanical. In addi
tion to thin it is a first class, high grade organ, with "nix nets of reeds and" ait
I ordinary live octave key board. In a word, this orgau is sold at MA AA
t t..uu regularly, and it's well worth it. Sale Price for Cash Toduy ifc JU.UU
And this sale close. ( Jet a line Piano or Organ at a bargain, and make votif
ow ii terms of iu.viucnt. Nothing but sheer necessity would induce us to niakt
hiicIi an oiler, and it is one that you probably never will have put beforeyou
We Have Determined
To Reduce Our Stock
In order to muke room fur improvements and additions to our store,
which arc necessary to accommodate our incrcasiii", business, llaoy
very desirable patter us la
Have been marked down to prices which will insure their speedy sale.
Of course, they cannot be duplicated at their present prices, but you
may find sutheitnt for your purpose, and if so, the price will please you.
Z' Brlng (he size of your room villi you.
A(0 Lackawanna Ave.
r U O Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming Housi
..Jl.i.XTT.I til
714 ul
,. ii;.ii in
,. ;.;:i4 cs
, K.llllll ll
7, 7"ii i
,. .-.7.:im 71
,. 1L'."..7SS STi
:'.i!i.""rt "i
i ivenlrufts
I'. 8. Komi
inlier Hon. I
Ilunk'mr House......
Premium on V. S. lintnls
Hue from 1'. S. Treasurer..,
Hue from Hunks
W M COWKI.I.. President: HI ). H. CATI.IN, Vice Hretldent: WM. H. PECK, Cashier.
DlkliCTUHS- Wm. Cunnell. Henry Belin, Jr., James ArchbalJ, Wn. T. .Smith, ievrg H.
Callin, Luther Keller, Allred Hand.
Special attention given to business and Personal Accounts. Tbrte par cant. Interest,
on Time Deposits.
Eat Drink and Be Merry
One could (if it were necessary) eat and drink
at any old table, seated on a stool or even stand
ing. Hut few could lie merry under such condi
tions. Here is where we obviate that necessity,
and supply the merriment by furnishing a
Complete Dining Room Outfit
Solid Oak Sideboard, worth - $22.00
1 Solid Oak Ex. Table, 6 legs, worth 8.00
6 Solid Oak High Back Cane Seat Chairs worth 9.00
1 Solid Oak Leather Seat Rocker, worth 3. 78
2 Pictures, Fruit or Game Subjects, worth 5.00
ALL FOR $35.90.
X?ir5Tlie above articles are well worth the
itemized price, and we shall be proud to point them
out to you.
The Wilcox White Bymplioola
is the most perfect self-piayiuz iu-
strument ever devised. It is atwo
and every deKree of light aud shade.
of a brass b.nd in ita fort w....u.,.'
28, 1698)
Capital $ 2M.O0O (VI
Siii i.lim WU.IKI0 (HI
I'liilK-kliMl I'rotllH l.49 411
'liTiilatloii S8W0W
DIvlilenUH Unpaid 108 .r4
Heposits 1,510,744 1
InietoUunkH 24,398 IS
Ke-DlscountH Noiicf
1II1U Hayablu Nona
$2, 191,300
218, 225 and 227