ft THE SCRAXTON TRIBUNE- FRIDAY MORNTNG, HATCCII .13, 1S!G. The Sickle If Fire. Hy CHAKLES KRI.SEY UAINES. ICopyriisht IS!!. Iiv Unelieller, Johnson uml liaeliellir SYNOPSIS. Professor MrKiixy. ;i ilistlnituislied mtlst. lias dii-iiuered ti new eheinle.il Nnen, livdropvio;en. which has exiraur cllmirv and tt-i'i'lbli-'i-Hlcacy In d"iompis in .;nil liillaiiiliiK water, lis in lion Is like that of a destructive ferment, ami lh" lire Is iititii-in'h:i)il- until the last drop id liiiuid is consumed. The professor, with a friend, the iiiirnilnr. has experimented upon u mountain hike, supposed to have 110 outlet. In a desolate rev Inn ne.iv tile I'a cillc coast. The waters of the lake Wle consumed wi'h u heat so terrible that tin' experimenters were driven to take refuse 111 a cavern externum; under the cliTs sunn- distance below. From this n lor lent Issued: it was. n tact, the outlet of the lake, 'die IH ty ferment has at lust worked tliioimli. and Is upeeiliiiu ilinui with theswlf; current toward the sea. Tlv professor, who has been horribly buttled in the cavern, now calls upon his friend to tilt off the stream "or the world Is lost." PART II. Tlie sl'tualicm wits so tremendous thai tor mi Instant I cintlcl tint Ki-usp It. I stood motionless as if I hail not In anl. lie tanning no anil pushed me. In the tin.miisli of his soul the liirimiit of Ills body was I'.iruoltcii. 'The sea!" lie wailoil. " find! (.1 Cuil! Cut it oil' from the sen!" He was ah atheist, bill lie ealloil upon (Soil, Mrttty times In that awful hour lie called upon (bid. H was not pro fanity; it was the elemental cry of the human soul in its despair. It Is the cry that will be heard on the Hay of Judgment! It is the cry of the tlx tuned-. ' The Hay of.liKlKinciii ! It wits upon us. The last trump Iuul sounded: the earth was to be consumed, and Its oceans would be as oil in that mighty coiillanratlon. I leaped down the ravine. Already the upper waters of the stream weir burned uwny. and Its bed was dry ami hot. Yet such sliced did I make in that mini, desperate race, that I almost overtook the lleelim torrent which Unwed and llnnc-d before me Then suddenly my strength Rave way. my Hums sank under me. and I fell like a Ftrhkcii animal: Tor mime moments I lay shrouded in deadly faint ness. in oa hi I le of thiitlKhr Then, with a wr.lnch or effort . I sat up. Middy mid weak. 1 found myself on the brink of a viisl precipice t lnee steps more would Jiave ended nil -where the torrent had dropped its fiiainliiK waters thrnuj.vh a sheer descent of more than a hundred feet. Hut the tnrernt was none, only a little lire still dripped froin the verne. and Hplaidie : In liquid (lashes upon ti e rm ks In low. And the pale linlit ami scariiiK Ileal no longer streamed down' from tlie mountain through the red crater that an lit tin before' had held the ulimmcrinn lake east no a lurid, vol canic ulnw nonius! the sky. I'.i fore tne lav ti broad, dusky land scape, slopinn toward the sea, Imrivd ill mist and shallow. Hut through it ran a llicker of light, as the envenomed ste.'ini sued on Its deadly mission toward the deep, breaking at Intervals into cascades of Incundescent bright ness, nun scnillt'i: far down Its current the ruddy, spark ling spume that marked the first ilccomtiosil io. of tlie waters. Neil ivr aim nearer to the sea the fiery line will ereeoinn st rctiliinp. Itself along like n glow lug earthworm. And I, too. cried noon !od In my extremity, for man was impotent and science vain. Science! Was It not the very life-blood of Unit red devil yonder, craw Mug on with uiuiuem liable torch to make a molten ruin of the world'.' And 1. Hint believed not in liiid. I also prayed to Cod, and wept and prayed again. In l lie midst of my crying I felt a fundi, and clasped in my arms tin limp body of my almost dying friend, living he surely (was; yet, even then his Iron will-linrdcin d by sclentllic training; and ordeals such us ordinary Emm ii a -. Hf! TUI'.Ml'KTKn A CRY: "THE t' SALT." men never dream of so triumphed thut. despite the intolerable suffering that iluzed and blinded him. he had dragged himself down the rough gorge to see the end. And the end was near. Alrpndy that distant tongue of vibrant llaino was Hicking nt the margin of the sea. It was more than human nerves- could bear. We shrieked out like men in nightmare tftvnr. We shrieked, and Hhrleked iigain. and could not cease, for the end of the wnrld was NOW. The envenomed spume darted nut ngainst the surf. Then a long white crested Wiivp tolled In. and buried It from view. A tall column of steam shot up, so ruddy thut at first it seemed SLEEP & REST For Skin Tortured BABIES And Tired MOTHERS. In On ; Application of uticiira .Bpmdy Com Theatmeht. Wurm hatha with. Citkura Soap, gentle einillratknw of Curiam (ointment), cm mild oiim of Cuti. cum Riiulvht (tlie new bkMsl puriiier). nti ttmnhiMt llw ri. Brirtik poll P. Star a loss. I, Kin aeit. lond i. Porria u liaait, CorM Pm Ikntoa, V.A.A. l jet of fire, u when w hite-hot stel Is 1 1 I.. V, .. I....l.l, Ijlieiicneii in i ii n T-naiit. , The professor suan-to his feet. Ile ut,wl lifreil noun his toes, t-verv muscle ' tense; his luea'-h cami.- nnd went In shrill sighs. Ilsli.gured. naked. In that; weird light, he was like a devil-hunted soul tlceing from Its place or torment: on his face a wild agony nf hone, as If one might indeed escape from hell. He strove to s:eak. hut the words gurgled like an obstructed brook. Then with supremo endeavor he trumpeted a cry: "The salt!" if I heard aright, for In deed It was hardly articulate, and he fell like a llsuiv of stone. Meanwhile, as the wave receded on the beach a change was visible. The red had vanished: a wash of luminous green flowed down the sand: the surf was shot with sparkles and flashes of still more vivid hue. Then the red waters 'of the stream again prevailed, and pressed far out Iirthe Inline. ( lushes of colored light bubbled un from the depths, "and all over the tossing sur face Muttered flames of blue ami green. It seemed us if the briny waters ami the fresh were s' niggling for the mas tery. Whs it tiosslble that the salt of the sea had nowci I dared not think it. The waters were onw boiling with , volcanic violence; the air above was thick with rolling clouds of rainbow tinted vapor: the fnany-hueil gleams und Hashes playing under the waves lit up the to it l mi of the ocean far and near. So Intense was the Illumination that 1 could see the scaly glitter of the frightened fishes as they sped away on every side, and the black slimy shapes of nameless monsters truggllng in the scalding' liUid. 0 Hod of mercy! what would he the end? The strain was madness; tip' suspense was more than death. Was there indeed a t!od of power to save or only this hideous demon of science, which mail had evoked but might not iucll? 1 lifted my eyes to the black, uniin swering heavens, and cried to the void above. ' . . ; ' "() Cod if Thou ait lod-oh! cast inc down for my sin. with this raging lire. Into the abyss of hell; but save the fair world created by Thy hand Its teeming cities and millions that are sleeping Thy children." 1 I'KAYKD T(l flfin AND WKPT ANI J'ltA Yi:i AHAIN. And 1 saw. as in vision, a coiiilngration mounting above the clouds, streaming fa.' into the airless space, sweeping on tc tlie destruction of mankind. The channel of the stream was now empty: the last crimson drops of fer ment were drained into the deep. For an instant the surface darkened, and the ebullition almost ceased. Then with an earthiiiake shudder, a blind ing avalanche of liipiid Incandescence, the waters were lifted in a thousand fountains. I lay staring at the sky; raindrops were falling on my lace; it was ver dark. Whether a shock of the I had been stunned by explosion, or whether human consciousness could no longei endure the strain. 1 do not know Kvi dently some time had elapsed. .My head was resting upon something cold and dead. I knew too well what it was; but at Hist I could not rise: my will was helpless, my body corpse-like. I tried to think, but sensation lapsed again. At last I roused and was able to turn a little. Slowly Hie power of sight came back to my glazed eyeballs. All the land was in shadow; the sea was dark and smooth. The virus of lire was iiuite burned out. the last spark extinguished in Hie quenching brine. The world was saved. (The Knd.) "A Secret of the Heart," a detective story by Howard Fielding, will begin tomorrow. KAII.KO.AI NOUS, Senator !!roe and his firm of brok ers, Moore r Schley of New York, are large holders of a ilass of country rail road aid bonds which hnv been de clared fraudulent by the I'nlted States Supreme court. When the citizens here learned that the senate had passed nn amendment offered by Price and sanc tioned by Kelegate Cation to Invali date this debt, amounting to over $iimi. ihh. In Smite Fe and lireat Counties, there was utent excitement. An indig nation meeting of taxpayers was held at the court house, at which it was charged Unit liricc had seemed the passage of the am itdinenf by a gross misrepresentation of the facts. C.ovev nor Thornton publicly declared that lh legate Catron Is the attorney for file bondholders and Is in collusion with lirlce to have congress overturn a Su preme court decision which had award ed justice to territorial residents. Strong resolutions were adopted, which the board of trade will forward to Wash ington. It is learned that the anthracite coul roads will not take any further action on prices n production until the legis latures of New York ami Pennsylvania haie finished with their investigation. The eom'innies are a' present mining Just enough to meet the demand. There Is still, however, a large surplus stock of old coal nt: tide water points. In regard to the dropping of the Mil ford and Woonsneket and Milford. Franklin muiI I'io,, lines in Ithode Island by the New Kngland com pany it Is stated that the Milford au thorities have recently taken steps to compel the obliteration of grade cross ings which Would be so costly that the two roads would be unprintable, especially as electric competition has set in. The' two roads are together about twenty miles lonR and operuted under contingent leases. - - IMH'STKIAI.. Anthracite eoal Interests look iinon the soft coal pool as a factor that is destined to very materially strengthen their fMisition In all markets. They say that M cents miwe per ton for bitum inous would render the small sizes of anthracite more attractive for steam making nut-noses, nnd would certainly check any disposition of steam genera tors to switch over to soft e-oal. The Si ranlon Traction rompnny re ports ns follows for month of February: fiross ..; Inc. rr.'W Operating expenses..,. i:t,il Inc. 5.HI Net 11,347 Ine. 7. 1.17 For eight months ended Feb. 2: flross rMM44 Inc. m.5K1 OlieratlliK expenses.... Iu7,7.i7 Ine. 4H Net . Il,iW7 Inc. 44,'kM BBS o $p C 1IKR1KF S SAKE, I ; K Valuable Real Estate ox- SATl'RDAV. MAKCH 28. 1KM. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cuts, Levari Facias and Venditioni V-x-ponas, Issued out of the court of com mon pleas of Lckuwaiina county, to me directed, I will expose to public sale by vendue or outcry, to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the court house, in the city of Serniiton, Ijackawanna coun ty, on SATURDAY, the TWKNTY K1GHT1I DAY OF WATIOH. A. 1. ISfJ. at 11) o'clock in the forenoon of said day, all the right, title und interest of the de fendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: No.1. All therighl.title and interest of the defendants, Anna Masler and Stif Jlasler, In and to ail the surface or right of soil of all that certain lot .of land situate In VV'la toa borotiifli. in the countv of Lacka wanna nnil State of Pennsylvania, on what Is known as the "David lirown's Tract," described as follows: .Being lot niiiiibsr twenty (SI) in stfuaroor block number two (!'). situate upon street culled and named Hand street, as shown on map recorded in the recorder's office of Lackawanna coun ty, iu Deed Book No. 69, page 5i(i. Said lot Is on the corner of Second avenue, be ing lit ty (50) feet in front and rear and one hundred and fifty (150) feet In depth, rec tangular, with a public alley In the rear fifteen feet wide. All coal and minerals reserved. All Improved with a two-story frame house used as a saloon and dwel ling, and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken la execution at the suit of (Jet-man Building Association of Scran ton, Pa., vs. Annie Jlasler and Stlf Mas ler. Debt, $1,200.00. Judgment No. 400, March T.. 1S0O Fl. Fa. to March T., 1SIW. GOODMAN, Atty. ALSO. No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Anthony Kuunion, In and to all that certain lot of laud with the im provements thereon situate at Duiuilngs In the township of Hoai ltuf Brook, county of Iiaekiiwuiinii and State of Pennsylvania, bounded anil described as follows. Be ginning nt u point in the public road lead, inc; 1 1 inn thinnings to .Moscow, being also u corner of lot (now or formerly of A. M. Maywooil, thence south 4'i degrees west along snld road 20 rods to lino to right of wuy of Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern ltallrouil, on the northeast side of same, thence north 4.1 degrees west ulons said right of way M roils to corner of land now or furnicrly of K. Snyder, theme south si degrees cast along said Snyder's land 30 rods to corner of said .Maywooil Int. thence south 4'-j degrees west uliing said .Maywooil to S rods to a Post, t.hcace south bS degrees east iilniiM .Mayweed lot 7' rods to the place of beginning, contain ing three acres and l.'iO perches of land, he the same Inure or less. All improved withn two-story frame hotel building with nilililions, one frame iee house, one stone nnd I'm tne servants' dw elling house, one frame chicken house, one frame ciirrlagu house, one two-story frame barn and stable, with additions; one two-story frame store building with a two-story frame building attached, wagon house and outbidding, fruit and shade three there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 1'. (i. Sehiioiiniaker, assigned to ('. S. Weston vs. Anthony Hatinnin. Debt, J7 .MW.OO. Judgment No. ti'l. Nov. Term, Pifi, Lev. Fa. to March T 1NW. .IAS. II. T IB It 10 Y, Atty. ALSO, No. :J. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, .Margaret Daniels, admin istratrix of the estate of Samuel Daniels, deceased, in and to all thut certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the First wuid of the City of tVrnntnn, County of Lackawanna and Stale of Pennsylvania, known as lot number seven (7) In sipiare or block number live (5) and fronting on Main avenue, being fifty l.'iOl feet In front by one hundred and llfty (li) feet In depth, according to n plan or map entitled ".Map of lands of Augusta (i. Oenet in I'irst and Third wards. Seranton, Pa.," It being the same lot of land conveyed to the said Sam uel Daniels by Augusta O. and George C. Genet by deed dated the sixth day of Oc tober, IS!!.'!, and recorded in the Ilccorder's otllee In Lackawanna County, Pa., In lVsed Bonk No. 101. page iY!4. Coal Hiid minerals reserved. Improved with n two-story single dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution at the stilt of Carson & Davis vs. .Margaret Daniels, administratrix of Samuel Daniels, de ceased. Debt, il.10.00. Judgment No. 340, March T., 1WC, Fi. Fa. to March Term, ISM. THOMAS, Atty. ALSO, No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant. Winifred Gallagher, ad ministratrix of the estate of Hugh K. Gal lagher, deceased. In and to all thut certain lot, piece or parcel of laud sltunte in the city of Seranton. county of Lackawanna and Stale of Pennsylvania, known as lot 1 1 1 1 n i to-1- thlily-nliie (::: In square or block number twenty-live (i;o nnd fronting on Van Buren avenue, beln?- twenty-five 025) feet In front by two linnili.'. and fifty (JjO) feet In depth, according to a plan or mai entitled Price and Panconst's addi tion to the City of Seranton, Pennsylva nia. Coal nnd minerals reserved. Im proved with a two-story single frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken III execution at the suit of West Side Bank vs. Winifred G illughe-, administratrix of the estate of Hugh K. Gallugher, deceased. Debt, W'iO.imi. Judg ment No. ,l."i, March Term, IMitl, I-'l. Fa. to March Term, ISM. THOMAS Altv. ALSO. No. 5. All the right, title nnd Interest of the defendant. Frank Williams, to all that certain messuage or lot of land situate in the Borough of Duiuiiore. County of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot number fourteen 4 1 -4 1 on plot of vil lage lots laid out by Andrew I). Spencer 111 said Diinmore. commencing at a corner of lot owned by James Dead, on Main street, running along said lot one hundred and forty-nine lllti) feet south .".!) degrees 2"i minutes east to a corner, thence along nil alley fifty Ci") feet west Jipj degrees north to a corner, thence east r,D degrees 23 minutes south one hundred and forty-nine (li:il feet to a corner on said Main street, touth t'li'i; west fifty CO) feet to the place of beginning, containing seven thousand; l'.c r hundred and llfty 7.4.'iO) square feet of land, be the same more or less, the same lot of land conveyed by Andrew D. Spencer and wife to said Frank Williams by deed dated the IfUh October, an 1 recorded in Lackawanna County in De-d Book No. HI, page 840, etc. Said lot being Improved with a two-story frame dwel ling house iuul out buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Suburban Building and Loan Associa tion vs. Frank Williams. Debt, $!., 41S.4. Judgment No. 012. .March T., ISitl, Fl. Fa. to March Term, 18!i. COMKC.YS and P.KYNoLDS, At'.ys. AL30 No. 6. All the right, title and Interest of the defendants, L'Hen Barrett and An thony Barrett, in and to all the following described lot or parcel of laud situate. In the city of Seranton. in the county of Lackawanna, and slate of Pennsylvania, described ns follows, viz; !ot number sev enteen (17) In square or block number ninety ('.)) tifioit street culled or known ns Hickory street, upon the town plot of Seranton: intended to bo duly registered and recorded, said lot being forty (4n feet in front and one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet In depth, liectangular with an alley III the rear sixteen (Hi) feet wide for public use with the privilege of using ten (in) feet in front of front line on Hick ory tree tfor yard, vault, porch and so forth, lleing the lot conveyed by the Larkflwannu Iron nnd Coal Company to Kllen Barrett, first party hereto, by deed dated 28th day of October, A. D. ls!U, recorded In deed book 84, page 23T, etc. All Improved with atwro-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Spruks Brothers vs. Kllen Barrett and Anthony Barrett. Debt. 11.100. Judgment No. 7:ui. -March Term, IsM. Fl. Fa. to March T., is!. Also at Ihe suit of German i Building Association No. II. vs. Kllen I tar- ret t und Anthony Barrett. Debt, fci.iMI. Judgment No. Ltd. March T.. lv.d. AlUs Fl. Fa. to .March T., BAF.M AN, Atty. . ' ALSO No. 7. Al the right title and Interest of the defendants. Victoria Mntyjcwlcs and Michael Matyjewicr, in and to all the fol lowing lot of land situate in I'riceburg, County of Lackawanna, ai l State of Pennsylvania, being lot No. (, In block Vi, on a street railed and named Carmult street, according to Moore's map of l'rlce- burg. Being 50 feet In front and Hi5 feet in depth, the measurement of the depth to commence 15 feet Inside of the street with the right to enclose, occupy and use 10 feet In front of snld lot for cellarwuy, purch, porticos, bay-window, shnde trees and shrubberv, but not the right to erect any building thereon. Being Ihe same lot of land conveyed by Joseph B. Townsend, et al, by deed dated the lf.tb day of July, 1S92. to Victoria Matyjewicz. said deed recorded In deed book 1)1, pago 474, etc., in l.ackawann.1 county. Above premises Improved with a two story frame house with basement, used as store and dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of German Building Association No. B vs. Victoria Matyjewicz. Debt. $l,C0. Judg ment No. 224. May Term, 1694. Alias Fi. Fa. to March Term, 1806. BAFMAX. Atty. ALSO No. 8. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Mark Price, In and to all that certain lot of land situate in the Vil lage of Archbuld. Countv of Lackawanna, and Stae of Peiinsylvantla, and described as follows, to wit: Being In front sixty feet, in rear sixty feet, and ninety feet deep; bounded In front on the west by the main road leading from Curbondale to Seranton, on the south bv lands late of John P. Farnham, as marked out by lot number sixty-three, (isti. oil the east by lands of said John V. Farnham. and on the north by lot number sixty-one (ill) ns laid out in map of lots of said John P. Karnhuni: coal mid minerals reserved. Said lot being number sixty-two 02) on the plot of village lots laid out by snld John P. Farnhiini and so designated upon a map of the tame. Improved with a double two-story frame building und other outbuildings. , Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James II, Timlin vs. Murk Price. Debt, t!17. .Judgment No. lf.0 January T., ISKi. Alias Fl. Fa. to March T.. 1S!. 1 NKWCOMB. Atty. ALSO No. 9. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Henry Hoar, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Township of Boaring Brook. Coun ty of Lackawanna, and Stuts of Pennsyl vania, bounded und described as follows, to wit: Beginning at n point In the center of the public road leading from Dunmoie to Wlnmier's Summit, at a corner of land late of James Sample, deceased; thence north one hundred und twenty-nine (129) rods to a stake and stones corner In the warrantee line of John Campbell tract; thence east llfty-one (51) rods to a stake and stones coiner; thence along lands of James llnxton, south one hun dred and one (101) rods to Ihe center of said road; thence south flfly-llve (.15 degrees) degrees west along said road ten und three-tenths (10 3-10) rods; thence along Bald road south sixty and one-half de grees west ten rods; thence along said road south sixty-four and three-fourths (fd;i4 degrees) degrees, west thirty and nine tenths CW 910) rods; thence along said road south sixty-two (02 degrees) de grees, west six and foiir-tentha (9 4-10) rods to the place of beginning, containing thirty-six (Jtl) acres and one h unified and five (lull perches, be the same more or less. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, frame bam and outbuild ings, fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of J. S. Miller vs. lleiu v Hoar. Debt. $100. Judgment No. 7KI Muy T., 1S!ir. Fl. Fa. to March T 1MH. NKWCOMB, Atty. A I.SO r No. 10. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, John p. Slattery, ill and 1o all tho surface of the folluwlng lot, piece or parcel of land tu wit: Being located on a plot of lots situated partly In the city of Seranton and partly iu the borough of Dunmore, Lackawanna county, Pennsyl vania, designated as North Park, whl'h said plot is intended to be recorded. The lot is in the borough of Dunmore and is marked on said plot as lot number five (') in block 2 upon street marked on snld plot ns .Monroe avenue, said piece of land is forty (10) feet in front on said Monroe avenue nnd one hundred and sixty (I HO) feet In depth to nn ullley 111 the rear six teen (1C) feet ill w idth for public use. This judgment Is for purchase money on contract for sale of said lot. Seized and taken In execution nt Ihe suit of assigned to Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company vs. John P. Slat tery. Debt, 117.59. Judgment No. i.V, March Term, 1MHI. Fl. Fa. lo March T ., 1SW. CHAS II. WKLLF.S, Ally. ALSO No. 11. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Lewis P. Williams, in and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the city of Seranton, county of ltckawamin, and state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described us fol lows: Commencing nt the northeast cor ner of Sumner avenue and Price street; thenco in a southeasterly direction along Price street one hundred (10ui feet to lands of Maria A. Hussy; thence In a northeast erly direction fifty (50) feet to lands of Grant Corbin; thence in a northwesterly direction nlbng lands of said Grunt Cor bin one hundred (loo) feet to Sumner ti ve nue; thence In a southwesterly direction along Sumner nvenue llfty (50) feet to place of beginning. Containing five thou sand square feet of land, being part of lots one, two, three, four, live and six, In square or block number 4 of Price nnd j Puneoast's addition to the city of Scran- I ton, Ph., and being the land conveyed by j David W. Powell and wife to Lewis 1. , Williams hy deed dated 27lh March, ISK1, recorded In Laekawa:uia county, deed book 106, puge lilll, etc. All Improved with n large flu rue building used for cliurcu purposes. Seized und taken In execution at the suit of Lackawanna Building and Loan Asso ciation of ScrantoiiL I'a., vs. Lewis P. Williams. Debt, $3,iiik Judgment No. 858, March Term. lMi. Fi. Fa. to March T ., I IS!.. STOIC KS, Atty. I ALSO No. 12. All Hip risht. title an Interest of tlie liefemluiits, Ouviii W. Tiiritiipsou ami I totter t J. Tlioiiipxnn, inliiiinlstratiiiH of the etme of KliZiibi'lll A. Thompsmi, ili eease.i in ami to nil th:it rertuin p:itvel of land with the luipioreiiit'iitH thereon. .i'.n ate in Itellevne, III the i lly of Hi nititon, eoiinlyof l.ui-kiiwanna, ami Mule of i'onu svlvanlu. tmiifiileiliinil ilewribeil us follows. to wit: Commeneing at n point on Sixth avenue or Hampton Klreet on line of lot number two (:') of miiil estate mill run- nlng north westerly uloiif; sulil street elKhty-one anil one-half feet to a line of i laml of Lackawanna nnd Blooinsbiirs I Hailrnad ronipany; thence northerly nlon;; ! SHifl line It) feet to line of lot Xo. 1 of sai'l i estate; theme alow salil line Ml feel to line of lot number i of snirl estate; thence southwesterly alous salil line seventy-two feet to the place of beKinuliiK. Reserving and to be reserved in and from said lot the eoal und minerals beneutii the surface of said premise, together with the right to mine and remove the same without enter ing upon tho surface of same. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized ami taken In execution at the suit of Harry (i. Murrey, administrator d. b. 11. of the estate of Sarah J. lmvls, de ceased vs. David W. Thopmson and liob ert J. Thompson, administrators of the estate of Kilzabeth A. Thompson, de ceased. Debt, fl.crni. Judgment So. MO .March Term. IN:. Lev. Ka. to March T.. WW. RIIONK ft CRKVELIXO, Attys. ALSO No. 13. All the defendant's riKlit, title and Interest In and to the following de- YOU WANT WE HAVE - LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonwealth Buildini THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PUMPING MACHINERY. , i Ocaerai Office: SCRANTON, PA scribed lot, piece or purcel of land, situate ifi the Tenth ward of the city of Seranton, comity of Lackawanna, and state of IVruib.vlvanlu. bounded und described us follows: Begiuing at a point on the east erly side of Cross street. 110 feet distant from the southeast corner formed by the. Intersection of Cross and Ash streetB In i line of land of Mrs. Charles F. Wagner; thence along suld Wagner's land in a southeasterly direction 170 feet to a cor ner; then at right angles in a, southwest erly direction about 30 feet to a corner; thenco nl right angles about 78 feet to a corner In line of lands formerly of Kd ward Stelndnle; thence right angles In a southwesterly direction plong said Stein dale lands 100 feet to a corner in line of Catherine Baumun's land; thence at right angles in a northwesterly direction alone; suld Baumun's land a distance of about 78 feet to a corner In lino of lands formerly of Louis Qoerlitz; then at right angles In a northeasterly direction about 00 feet ulo.'ig said Goerlltz's laud to a corner in the line dividing the lunds formerly of Louis Goe:- lltz and Jacob Goerlltz; then at right angles- In a northwesterly direction nloni; said division line 170 feet to the easterly line of Ash street; theii. e Iu a northeast erly direction along Ash street 90 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about SI.10O square feet or laud morn or less. Coal nnd minerals reserved. All Improved with a two-story frame store and dwell ing nouse uiiiiiinig and a large name barn. ' Seized and taken in execution at tho : suit of Georgo Klnbaek vs. Kleunor Goer- ! lit;'., administratrix: of the estate of Jacob ' Goerlltz. deceased. Debt, Judgment ' No. 201 April T., 1893. Fl. Fa. to March T., i 1W. NHWOO.Mil. Ally. ALSO . I No. 11. All the right, title and Interest of ; the defendants, Ann Mullen, widow, Pat-! rick Mullen, John .Mullen, Catherine Mar tin, Mary Mullen, Alice Lynch, heirs cf Thomas Mullen, deceased, iu and to all thot-e certain lots of land. Nos. 4 and 5, In i block B of David CouKhlln's survey, and situate upon street culled ami named !, Stanton street, iu the Third ward of tho j city of Seranton, countv of Lackuwanua, and state of Pennsylvania. Said lots be. ing euch 50 feet in front and liO feet in depth. All coal and minerals reserved i with the right to mlnn and remove the ' same without Increusing any liability fur injury caused or damages done to the sur face of said lots, or to the buildings or improvements which now or hereafter may be put thereon. No mine or air shaft fixtures, to be erected thereon. Tho same being the property convoyed to the said party of the first part by Samuel C. Gil bert and wife and John 11. Gilbert und wife by deed bearing even dute. All Im proved with a two-story frume dwelling house nnd outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of II. H. ltockwell, Designed lo the First National H.mk of Seranton, Pu., vs. Ann .Mullen, widow. Patrick Mullen. John Mullen, Catherine Martin, -Mary Mullen, Alice Lynch, heirs of Thomas Mullen, de ceased. Debt. J1I17.72. Judgment No. 554, January T., 1890. Lev. Fa. to March Term, MO. CHAS. ,11. WKLLKS, Atty. ALSO No. 1.1. All tho rlahl. title and Interest of the defendant, Mailaniia Dollman, ad ministratrix of the tstutn of Moritx Doll mun, deceased, la and to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, ly Iiik und beliiK in the iuBhteenlh ward of the city of Seranton, county of Lacka wanna and Male of .Pennsylvania, known and distliiunislied on J. Heennan's map of South Ilydn l'urk as the southeasterly one-half ' part of lot number twenty-nine C'li) In block number thirty-two Co"), belnif Iwenty-tlve (Si) feet in front on Kmrn-tt street (formerly known us Fourth nvenua), the same width in rear and one hundred and fifty (laOi feet In depth; it belli a part of Hie same lot of land conveyed by John HlaCkledae to Morllz Dullniun by deed mail the 23rd duy of March, 18s9. Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house nnd Hummer kitchen attached, Sel.ed and taken In execution at. tho suit of Charls Fischer vs. Martniuia Doll man administratrix of the estate of Morltz Dollman, deceased. Debt, $773.01. Jildff- I ment No. 79. March T.,.1894. Fl. Fu. to March T 1SD6. ! GKO. D. TAYLOR, Atty. 1 AH of which will be sold for cash only, j FRANK II. CLEMON3, Sheriff, j Sheriff's ofllcc, Seranton, Pa., March 6, i ISHi. ! WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Seranton. ROOMS 4 AND 5, Gaa and Water Co. Bulidino, CORNER WYOMING AVE. AND CENTER ST. , OFFICE HOURS from T.XO a m. to p. m.( (1 boor Intermleslou for finuer and supper.; Particular Attention Gi ven to Collections Prompt Settlement Guaranteed. yQURBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No, 134. DUPONT'S MINING, BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufaetnrexi at the Wspwallop?a Milk, La merne county. Pa., and xt Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for the Wyoming District. tW WYOMING AVE Seranton, P Third Natlentl Bank Building. Aomacims : H08. FOEI, Uttuton, pa. JuHiX B. HMITH SON, PhrmoBth, P K.W. MULLIGAN. Wilkm BarnTPa. ipou tor ine iieuatuie unemlcai ttttya Bigh EculeeiToe. BUTED RHOB CO.. Iik'd. CmpV.el. f t,00,etO mUDmT l.OO tttlOK IN THE WORJUl. "A teUr ;td it a diUlnfomd." , TlBiLadlea'Ballil French UoaaotoKiilltat. a Boot delivered fne anywhere la the U.S..oa roeei ;n 01 men, uoney uim, or l'oetal Neie rer tlJO. Kqtisle ever way the bootm old la all retail atone for J.50. Ve nuke thlm boot ouriehroe. therefore we fear antet thtjk, $tyU aad w. and if enj do b not auUnee) win raiiM ine noaar rarad another valr. Opavm Toe or Commea 8anee, widths O, p E, a KB, isizeo 1 to a ana nasi iliea. HmdyovrJm; 11 i pea. Illuatraled lores to Shoe CivESS5ffi& TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Tefaphona 422 v .j. iinKar ci v . 1 (AUTION TO our patrons:' Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many nafr rona thut they will this year hold to their usual cuetola of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the, new crop In fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many miller arc of the opinion thut It is already cured, and in proper condition for niiilinaj. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. miu si rciui anennon to every detail of miHlng placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far abova ot uiauuN E6AB0EL I Wholesale Agents. USD Bolt Ends, Bolts, Nuts ets, Horse Nails, Files, plies. Sail Duck for SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. Ill SCRAN TE1BEIB EVERY WOMAN SomatiBM netli ralisble, atonthly, ntolittng mcdlelm. Only htratlaa ft4 Una purettdrugm ihtald be atcd. U 70a wut lh bail, t Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills Ther an prompt, nmfe and certain In remit. The meanlne (Dr. Pal'i) never diaape 'twint. Sent uy where, 81.00. Addreu J? Zii. mtsoioiaa C., UoTeltud, O. For pale by JOHN H. PHELPS. Pharmaoiat, cor. Wyoming Avanu and Sprue Streat, Seranton Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS'. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAKT, POKKLAIN, Bridge, und Crown work. Ultlce, Washington avenue. C. C. LAITBACH. SURGEON DliNTIST. No. lift Wyoming avenue. hTm. STKATTON. office coal, ex- change. Physicians und Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, coiner Wyoming avenue and Spru.;e street, Seranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. 111. to 6 p. m. ' DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED i to CIO Spruce street, Seranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 2m PEN'N AVE ; I to 8P. M. : I call 2052. Dls. of women, obstretrics and and all dla. of chll. i DR. W. E. ALLEN, 512 North Washington avenue. I DR. C. L. FP.EY, PRACTICE LIMITED. diseases of the Eye. Ear, Nose and ' Throat; olllce, 122 WyomliiS ave. Resl- j dence. 529 Vine street. DR. L. M. GATES, 12Ti WASHINGTON ' avenue. OHico hours. 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 ! to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence 3U9 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATKSON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at 5ifi Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 n. m. drsw7lamereaux. a spf.cia"l- IjI on chronic disease of the heart, l'unKs, liver, kidney and Benito uri nary diseases, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos. ;:l.' Adams avenue, hours 1 to 5 p- ni. Offict l.awvcr.-. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and counsellors at Law. Rep-ioli -an bnlldlmt, Waslilnston avenue, Seran ton, Pa. . - - JF.SSUPS HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building. Washington "3,. HORACE E. IIAS'D. W. IT. .TESSI'P. .IR PATTERSON "ft WIT-COX. ATTOP.. neys and Counsellors at Law: offices WTT.I.TAM A. WTLCOX. TlFP.ED HAND. WIT.T.TAM 3. HAND, Attorn-ys and r""'-" nrnToTn' wealth bulldlna:. Rooms 1!. 20 nnd 21. FR WK T OKELL. ATTORNEY -AT-LiVw. Room S. Coal Exchange, Scran ton, Pn. .. . TVMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORN KV-at-T,aw. rooms 63, 4 and 65. Common wealth milldlntr. "SXMI'ET, W. EDGAR. ATTORN EY-.Vf-Law. Office. 317 Sprucp St.. Seranton. Pa. t. A. WATERS. ATTORNF.Y-AT-I.AM . 42'! Ttcknwnnna ave.. seranton, t-a. ATTORNEY-AT- t!RIE TOWN i3 E.N U. l.iiw Dime rtillli; i;hiiiiiiik. rii-r.iiitun. Money to loan in larg'i sums at o per f r pi t7" rT a 'Surre y at" law, Commonwealth building, Seranton, Pa. ' - II C. SMYT1IE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 40n i.acka wanna avenue. "C CO-MEGYS. , 321 SPRrCE STREET. D. R. HKPIKil.E. ATTUl.MiY-IJM.NS negotiated on real estate security. 40s Siiruce street. B F KII.LAM. ATTliRXEY-AT-LA VV. 120 Wyoming ave.. Seranton. Pa. i JAS. J. II. HAMILTON. AiTOKXEl-AT-law, to Conimonivealtb bl.l'K. bcraniun: T. Airi-'itANCK. l;tii WYOMING AVE. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ltoo-ns 24. 25 and 2l. building. Seranton. ARCHITECT. Commonwealth E. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFiCE rear of 606 WasIiIiib'oii avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 436 Spruce at., cor. Wash, ave., Seranton. BROWN & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price biiildlUK, Uli Washington avenue Seranton. n, & (MILL STEEL Turnbuckles, Washers. Riv Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup mine use iu stock. TON. PA. Schools. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Seranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, WALTER H. It I' ELI.. SUSS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN ond School, 41- Adams avenue, open 8ent. 9. Klndeirnrten Jlfl per term. Loans. THE REPI.'BLIC FUVING3 AND Loan Assuciution will loan yon money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. X. Cullender, Dime Bank building. Hotels und Kcstuiirunt. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FKA.NK- lin avenue. Rates reasonable. N P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor, 8CRANTOX HOI SE. NEAR D.. L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCII. Prou. W ESTM 1 XSTER II OT E L. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvlnjr Place. New York. Rates. $3.50 per day and upwards. ( Ameri. can plan). E. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. AVIrc Srccns. JOS. KLETTEL. REAR 511 wanna avenue, Seranton. Pa., turer of Wire Screens. LACKA. manufao Seeds. G. R. CLARK 44 CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 135U North Main ave mto; store telephone 782. Miscellaneous. BAl'ER'S ORCHESTRA MCS1C FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed. dlPKS and concert work furnlsherl. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor. 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert' in'isie store. J1KUAROKK HHOTI1ERS. PKIXTHItM' supidies. envelopes, paper baKS, twine. Warehouse, 130 Wa .diinuton ave., Scrau- ton. Pa. FRANK P. RROWN CO.. W'H OLE sale deale-s in Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth, 120 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. K.M'KKT AC- countant nnu aiiouor. nooms w ann -w, Williams Building, opposite postoffice. Apent for tho Rex Fire Extinguisher. WELSBACH LIGHT 8peciillj idap'ed for Reading and Sew! eg. CoBtumea t'uree (S) fet of g pef hour and xivea aa efficieuoy of sixty (60) candles. HhtIiik at least ni pot Mat, owmr th ordinary Tip Bnt nera. lU and See It. INT j CONNELL CO., 434 UCKIWMM IVEIUL nuufacturcra' A(entt 01 M Pare While ro ond Ven ECODOtniCQL - f - 1 . . 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers