.1 4" V TIIE FCItANTON TRIBUNIJ-FillDAY MORNTNG. " MARCH 13, 189C. 0 So Best Quality! Largest Size! Lowest Price! I VEX. BOOTH'S MANIFESTO. It K Kcud to Officer of tlio Solvation Army .Mistake Somewhere F.ldcr lluoth Claims That No Attention Was I'll Id to His .Messages. New York. March 12. The manifesto rablril by ticivcrul William Hooth from l.Olldoll lo till' ollict'lS Ulld KollllelS or tin Salvation army In America Is bclnu; widely discussed today by the friends of llulliiiKton llontli. um well as those favorablo to tin- Salvation army. The luunifeMo was read to the olllocrs nt u meetiiiK last nin'hl by Commission er Kva Monti'., until che broke down at n reference to her father's; love for hist Hon, nnd Commissioner Cutloton con eliided tlio reudln;.;. Tlie manifesto In full la us follows: Comrades: I lin I It impossible- to de Kcrihe tlie sense of sorrow wit li wlileli 1 li m overwhelmed lodtij. ( in n Ivin.i: de lulls of Hie ureal less which lias fallen HI '(ill iis III llii' uelliiii of my son, your la'e commander, every hiiih iitillclpiitlon of, my heart for him for nearly forty years perms to li.iv hern swept away, und every tendec association of his life with my own and with his beloved mothers stems likely to be trampled under foot In this hour of his sore temptation. The melam-holy course of aetlon upon which he has embarked has been taken In the face of the expostulations of the chief of staff. In spite or the alTectiona.e entreaties of ills brother und one slsl"!', u lid one or my most trusted ofilcers, sent expressly to New York to reuson wl'.u til in. without any commiinlcutlon with me of any kind, and In utter disregard of three telegraphic messages from myself u IK lliif htm to meet me la London on my return from India, to which cables 1 have tiot even received a reply. Hut, though sorely wounded by this calamity. I am more than ever resolved, In the strength of Coil, to dli I the gov- eriliiicnl of tills army upon the principles' of equal Justice between man and man. I have never permitted the close rela tionships of family love which have sub sisted between me and my children to se cure for them any preference In the af fairs in tlie Kingdom of (!od over their comrades who, thoimh not blood relations, have ever been dear to me for their work's sake. 1 will not do so! Your welcome to my daughter. Commis sioner Kva. In her tcmpoiar commuu I, hits much gratiliod me. How every sensible man must recognize that if I had been willing to retain the loyalty of my son by sacrilicinK the prin ciples of the iirmy, I should at the same moment have lost, and deservedly so, the conlidence and esteem of all honesl-hear'-ed men, as well as the upprovul of my own conscience. The suggestion that I hail sought to Anglicize the army In the l'lilted Stalls Is ut once u falsehood and n calumny. You, who huve heurd me plead the claims of the lost world, know it Is. You have stood with me near Die cross, and you know tiiat under the shadow of that tree 1 have pledged you to devote your lives to no less a purpose Ihnil that Tor which your bleeding Victim died the salvatlj'i or every nation. The Salvation Army is as much Ameri can as it Is English. It Is of the kindred of the poor, ami belong to every land. Comrades. 1 rely upon you I have done so since the llrst miitterings of this storm reached me in India. You have acted Just as I should have expected you to u.-'.. lty your toil and Holf-sucrlllco and devo tion you made the army what it is In America, und you have not been willing to stand by nnd see It destroyed. You will show no want of patience with those who have fallen beneath an almost unparalleled weight of temptation and flattery. Yon will pray for them without censlnif. You will by dally faithfulness compel even your most bitter critics to see that we are seeking only the good of all men. You will allow no dllliciiltv to check your advance. You will not rail vour eGneral. You will not rail your Lord.' Let us remember the millions without tlod and devote ourselves anew to their salv i tion, and He will grant us our hearts' desire and fulllll all our counsel. Your General, full of love for all. William Hooth. DISCOURTESY DENIED. The protestations of General Hooth that he had made no effort to Anglicize the army In this country and that his sole renson for removing Hnlllngtmi Booth from the oommund was because uch removals were a part of the dis cipline of the army, and he would not favor a member of hl family, were not the features that were most discussed. It wan hit statement that his son. llallingtnn, had not even answered three cablegrams sent to him from India urging that he meet him (General Booth) In London for a discussion of the questions at Issue. This statement. Italllngton Booth's friends say. is false, and some of them say that General Booth knew It to be so. Home of those discussing the matter Were disposed to excuse the statement on the ground that perhaps Kn 111 nit ton Booth's replies had missed his father and that he did not know they had been pent. Others, who should be In a position to know, contend that could not be the case, as they claim his third cablegram was so worded as to make It evident that he had received replies to his two preceding messages. WILL NOT DISCUSS IT. Major Glen, who was just leaving headquarters to Join his chief and aid In the work of selecting the halls, said he felt sure that Balllngton Booth would not discuss his father's mani festo for publication. Mrs. Jluud i.ooth, who was In charge of the new headquarters, declined to be seen. In reply to a note from the reported, asking lor an expression of opinion on Oenenil Booth's manifesto, und particularly lis to the alleged false statement, she sent the following note: "Coninuindor Is out this moinins on business, and we have not yet decided to niuke any statemer t. We shall must likely remain silent." It was said by Hnlllngtoii Booth's supporters tlint he has received pITers from residents of various nearby cities nnd towns to furnish rent free halls for his forces when active work begins. At the henditltnrters of tlie Salvation tinny Miss Eve Booth declined to dis cuss tile-alleged false statements of her father. Staff Captain Allisons said he felt sure that If Halllngtun Booth had replied to his father ills replies had failed to reach him, as he wus sure the general would not be guilty of a false hood. Miss Moot It has arranged for three meetings Sunday In Memorial hall at the army headquarters. They will be nt II. :l and 8 o'clock. Miss Booth. Col onel Nlcol, Commissioner Carleton und Colonel Eiulie will sneak. The head quarters brass band will furnish the music. . (illOST 1'LT IN JAIL. I ce .Murphy Kcspnnslhlo for ( ncunny Doings at Ills I note's House. GalcHbnrg, Ind., March 12. Lee Mur phy, living neat' Summit, was lodged In Jail here today for Impersonating a ghost, and for three nights throwing missiles and shooting into his uncle's house. The fact that the perpetrator could not be discovered, created the impression that the house wits haunt ed. Armed men were called in to guard the premises, but could not locate the source of the shooting. . -Monday night an officer front here caught Lee In the act. and forced a con fession from him. Not a whole window is left in the house, and the woodwork Is budly damaged. Lee ndmltted his object was to force his uncle to leave the house under the impression that It was haunted. divorce: and remarriage. kokonio Woman Twice Changes Her Name In Three .Minutes. Kokonio. Ind., March 12. A swift feat In matrimony was performed here to day, Miss Olive Smith, that wns. chan Inii her name twice In three minutes. A short time ago she bet a me the wife of Francis M. Trader. This afternoon she went into court and sot a di vorce, having her maiden name re- stored. , This name she kept only durlnir tlie I time required for her to uo downstairs to the clerk's oflice and obtain a li cense to wed another, licfnrn tlio Ink became dry on either the license or di vorce 'Souire Henry hoop was pro nouncing the words making her the wife of Joseph N. Tyler. BLOW AT DIVORCES. Hill to Mako One Year's Kcsidcnco Pre requisite to Obtain One. WashinKton. March 12. On motion of Mr. Cillett I Hep., Mass.) a bill was passed making one year's "continuous residence" in a territory- a prerequisite to obtaining a divorce In such territory. The bill is ajmed at Oklahoma territory, where but ninety days' residence Is re quired. "As a result." said the report on the bill. " cases are not Investigated as their importance demands. Scandal und immorality result. The bill will abolish these temporary divorce colon ies nnd establish In the territories a safeguard found necessary in nearly all the states." ' TRIES TO KILL HER HUSBAND Michigan Woman Cuts His Throat VVhilo He Is Sleeping. Decatur, Mich., March 12. Some time ago the wife of John Kierer. living a tew miles south of here, left her homo for eome unexplained cause. Iust nlfht she returned. During the night Mrs. Kelfer procured a large butcher knife, and, suddenly seizing her spouse by the whiskers, drew the knife across his throat. Inlllctlnpr In juries which are expected to prove fatal. Cleveland Indorsed. Washington. March 12. The District of Columbia Democratic convention met hen? today. They endorser! thiCidmlnlstratlon of I'resltlent Cleveland, but look no aetlon on financial matters. Delegates to the Chicago convention were elected. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, March 12. Tallow Is dull, but steady. We quote: City, prime. In hogsheads, XltL; country, prime, in bar rels, 3-'v.; do. dark, in barrels, 34u3jc; cakes, 4c; crease, 3c. ON CUBAN Two More Speeches Arc Mude in the Senate Chamber. MR. HILL AGAIXST THE KEPOKT Iho KcportToo Much l ike a Threat and Putting Intervention on Low Ground-Contested licet ion Cases in tlio House. Washington. March 12. The confer ence report on tiro Cuban belligerency resolution wus again un In the senate today, and two speeches were made upon it. The first was by Mr. Hill diem., N. Y.) announcing his purpose of voting against the conference report, nnd stating the reason which induced him to take that position, after having voted for the resolution that passed the senate. His opposition was to the third clause of the conference report whieh proclaims the purpose of the United States to be prepared to inter vene In order to protect the legitimate Interests of the United States, lie op posed the resolution as being liable to misinterpretation und as being unnec essary and therefore unwise. He though it was too much like n threut. too much like a buncombe und that it was mating intervention on ton low a ground. He could not vote for It, and us a conference report is not amendable, he would have' to vote against the re port. Thoactlon of the committee on foreign relations and of the senate conferees was defended by Mr. Sherman; und then tNe matter went over till tomor rowMr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) having the oor. It was subsequently stilted thut Mr. Sherman would ask unani mous consent tomorrow to tuke up tlie conference report displacing temporar ily the Delaware election ense; and that if objection were made he would move to tuke it up. so thut the matter would be tli elded by u majority vote. Alter a speech by Mr. I'rllchard (Rep., N. C.) In support of Mr. Diipont's claim to n seat in the senate, from the state of Delaware, a number of bills were taken from the calendar and passed. HOUSE PROP EE DINGS. The house spent all nt today In con sidering contested election cases. One of them, that of II. Dudley Coleman vs. Charles R lluck. from tlie Second Lou isiana district, wus disposed of without debate by the adoption of the resolu tions unanimously reported by election committee No. 2 that Coleman tlte pnlilli nn) Was not elected und that Buck ( Democrat) had been and wus entitled to bis seat. Debate upon the other, William P. Aldt ich vs. Gaston A. Hob bins, from the Fourth Alabama dis trict, was begun and continued for sev eral hours, under an agreement that seveif hours should be allowed for de bate. In this case there were three re ports, two by the Republican mnjorlty, agreeing that Aldrlch was elected and should be seated, but differing as to the size of his majority. The minority admt that the majorty of 11.730 returned for Bobbins should be reduced to .','!) still amply sutilelent to warrant their lvcomniendatiotulint he retain Ills seat. The majority recommendation wns sup ported by Messrs. Moody (Massachus etts), Llnney (North Carolina) anil Ki.yse (Indiana I. and tlie minority by Mr. Bart let t (Georgia.) At .Via the house adjourned until tomorrow. THE WOULD OF BTS1XEKS. Wall street Review Xew York, March 12. The excitement in Tobacco subsided today and the transac tions in the stock were only :i,sno shares against 2.'ia,0(i shares yesterday. The price ranged between 7t!i and SU'j, while on y esterday's sales were recorded all the way from 7'i'4 up to M2a.. The falling off in business was ascribed to the fact that the short interest in the stock had been covered. Oenerul Klectrle wus second 111 point of activity and 37.000 shares were Haded In. The stock llrst advanced I to and then broke to .Wi with a subse quent recovery to 37V Tlie early advance was hroiiffht about by reports that the company and Its chief competitor, the Westinghoiise hud tinally reached an agreement as to territory, patents, etc. The directors were in sesidon all day, hut up to the close of the Stock Kxehangu nothing of un official nature was given out. In the Inst hour, on rumors of it serious hitch, the stock dropped to 3'i'i, but near the close a rally to Si-'h ensued. There wus little or nothing to the general market, although the undertone was strong thromtlioiil. The declaration of a seml-unnunl dividend of 2 per cent, on St. I'aul common stock and the reduc tion in the posted rates of sterling ex change having exerted a favorable in liueiice. The new l-'.rle stocks, which were llstcl by the governors of the exchango yesterday, were quoted al ll:l(Ul," for the common, SialO'j for the llrst preferred and 21 for the second preferred. Spcculn lion cki'cd quiet and llrm. Net c)iuntos showed gains of 'iiil' per cent. Iowa I'etitrul l'referred jumped 2't3 per cent, to Furnished by WH.T.IAM LINN. ALI.KN it- CO., correspondents for A. I". CAU' U1CLL, stuck broker. 12 Spruce street. Op'11- lli;;ii- t.ow- f'ios. Insr. tst est. Inn. Am. Tobacco Co 7!) mHj Ts'i 7H", Am. Cotton oil 1Li 1 W-i Am. Sugar Ite'g (i..ir" 117 11.7V, ll(e Ateh., To. & 3. 1-V... hi W'l Hi Hi's Canada Southern.... .7) ."iu'4 .71 7) Chicago das i'.7 I17 lii's, 117 Chicago & X. W li (Pi Hd !'i:!:1i I'd Chic.. H. & Q 77 ix'i 77 7S C. C. C. Ii. St. I. X'X "' Chic. Mil. St. I'... 72 71", 72 72' l.. I,. & W H!1k Ull7 KP l'il7H Hist. & ('. V 17 1S'4 17 17-s (i-n. Klectrle :!7:1t ;", :rr 1.011K & Xush :s'b r",4 "'i :".i M. K. & Texas. I'r... 2S- 2!i'H 2s-M l'!H, Manhattan Kle IW, lni, I".".' lev-, .Mo. l'ue 2:! 2O4 "XU 2:i-;, Nat. Cordage .".' , .V , "1', Xat. Lend 21", 2I-H 24 24 X. V. Central '.'i'U l':'i !'Trli x. v.. 1,. k. w I'V'i ir.'4 u", i; X. Y., S. i V i'r... 2l'j 2ii'-2 2'i'4 2ii Xor. l'ue. I'r I'I'h lii's l '.', 1 Ontario & West H:,i II-1.. H:;4 I-V, I'i'e. Mull 2.V 2'i' - 2r' 2'i' i'hil. ti Head ll'i 12'a 11 I2'g Southern U. C. I'r. :i"!4 31 A Tenn. C. & Iron :', )', Wl-i t'nion i'aeilic XU 77 Wabash 'IT UT "i 7i Wibasli. I'r 1H".i 1S4 1S' W Western I'nlon !." K, " 87V, W. I. 1IU H'l l'V I'-'m 1". S. Leather it. 9 !.(4 1'. S. Leather, I'r... (il fii W, lit -i, 1. S. Kubber 27 27 27 27 CHICAGO UOAKD OF TRADfl IMHCK3. Op'n- High- T.ow- Clo. WHEAT. log. eit. est. Ing. May i;i7 li'.', !' i;ns Jtilv (il'a 'i'i (i4:,4 lil'i OATS. iJliiv 2"7, 2')78 20-14 2(1', July 21'n 21!s 2ie, 2iis COIIX. Mav son .ni'i ;:n'j nm. July 31', 31' :il'H 31';, TjAKD. May S.-I3 f.4 .712 5.12 July r.i7 ri..i7 .r..7r ,".."17 POKK. Aluy 9.S2 9.S2 !).72 H.72 July IO.ihJ Hmw ft.lm ji.jhj Scranton Hoard of Trade l:xcliunRc()iio- tatlons-All Ouotutions Based on Pur of l no. n, Niame' , r, . Blr1- A3k0l Dime Dep. & Dis. Bank 133 Bi-ranton Lace Curtain Co w National Boring & Drilling Co. ... so First National Bank eij Scranton Jar & Stopper Co 'jr, Sprir.g F.iook Water Co no Klmhiir.t Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Axle Works ... jo Scranton Savings Bank 2U Scranton Traction Co jj Bonta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Keplae.er Co Ja9 Seiautou Packing Co j Weston Mill Co 2:,o Lackawanna Iron & flleel Co 1..0 Bcranlon Bedding Co 103 BONDS. Scranton (Haas Co Jft) Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 lit Scranton Traction Co M People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1918 lit Scranton Plttston Trac. Co People's Street Railway, Bet- ond mortgage due 1920 110 - ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 6 102 City or Scranton Street Imp t ... 103 Scranton Axle Works , a) ttorough of Wlnton 6 loo hush Brook Coal Co . . New York Produce Market. New Yotk, March 12. Flour Dull. nn erully eusy. Wheat Spot murket fulrly active .easier; No. 2 red store and eleva tor. 79u7'J4e.; iitloiu. 8tiaxu4'. ; f. o. b., KuuHI'ic.; ungraded red, (isuiclc. ; No. 1 northern, 7te. ; options closed weak nt VC-i". decline; No. 2 red .March. 73c. ; April. 7:SV; May, 71!c; June and July, iihn'. Corn Spots dull, tlrm: No. 2 t &k elevator; 4mo. afloat: options easier, ilu.l: March. SSc; May, yr,'c.: June, SB'ac; July,. .c. Oats Spots dull, steady: op tions easier, dull; March nnd May. 2.'.1'o. ; upol prices. No. 2 at 2",.JH2."i:,e.; No. 2 white. 2-;"ln2Te .: Xo. a l"hli no. -'IP,!-.: Xo. :t ar 2-Pjj".: No. :t white. 2iie.: mixed ne.ti I rn. StisMLjC.; white do.. 27u29c. ; white state. 27a2!V. 1'rovlslons Dull, steady, unchanged. I.ard Julrt, easier; western steam, $."...".".: city. S.ia5.a; May. $.k7i); ro ll ned. quiet: comlitent. $5.0: Booth Ameri ca, ;.ti.l;"; compound, 4a4"e. Pork Dull, active; mess, flaulO.aD. Butter Fairly ac tive, steady, unchanged. Cheese Fair de mand, unchanged. Eggs Weak, liberal supply; state and Pennsylvania, lHa 11-tc.; southern, loaftvtic. ; ice house, case, X-'..".iii2.7u; western fresh, linlle.; duck, 2Ja2de. ' Toledo (iiain .Market. Toledo, O.. March 12. Cloae. Wheat Receipts, 4,7m) bushels; shiimen!s, H'M j bushels; easy: o. 2 red cash. 71!4e.; May. i 72" o.; July. (;Se.; August. i7c.; No. 3 red cash, lV. Corn Receipts, !U!0 bushels; shipment. Xmt buhels; dull: no trading, i (nits Shipments, l.nnrt bushels: dull; No. i 2 mixed .May, 22'ie. CloverBced Receipts, 1 i:7u hairs: iliipments. l.Xi) hags; active; I prime cash, $1.37'..; .March. SI.S24; April, j ;d.22'2; October. SI 3; alslke cash, $t.37!a; I prime timothy, tl.Tu. Chicago Live Stock, j Union Stock Yards. Ills., March 12. Cat I tie tteeeipts. S.wio head; murket llrm nnd 5e. higher: common to extra steers, :l..'iOa ! 4.7.1: stuckcr sand feeders, f2.SUa3.ii: cows and bulls. JLiiOalLBi": culves, $2.7"u.lO; Texans. J2.1lia4.1ii. I Iocs Receipts, ai.wni ! hfad; market weak und 5c. lower; heavy packtiiK und shipping lots. S:l.9."a4.(; com ! moo to choice mixed, $:t.!i.i4.ii7V. choice I ttssortvl. ?4.in.i4.1"; light. J'J.sr.al.lSip tgs. . t:ii4.e. Sheep Receipts. 12,mi0 head; niar- ke: strong and Ho. higher: Inferior lo choice, ?L'.tiila3.l''; lambs, 3.CI'a4.i;.'i. ' Ituffalo J-lvo Stock. Buffalo, N. Y.. March 12. Cnttle j Steady; good ty medium steers, $:i.8-:il; iui cows, j.i.iaj.;.i; veals, naii.au. nogs j Steady; Yorkers, $4.4."ia4.."pil; mixed and ine , diuius, $l.3.u4.l'i; pigs, f I.40a4..'iil; roughs. I $:i.."na3.7r: sUiks, $2.7.'a:!.2.'. Sheep and I lumbs Slow for lambs, llrm for sheep; I prime lambs. l.7."al.Si! lair to good. $4. '"a I 4X1; mixed sheep, choice, S;l.8."a4; fair to hood, 2.":i 1. 75 ; culls and common, $2.C0a:l. I -- If the llnby Is Cutting Teeth. I Mrs. Wlnslow':; Soothing Syrup has ! been used for over Fifty Years by Mll- Kens of Mothers for tlicir Children while Teething, witli Perfect Success. ! It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, , Allays ull Pain; Cures Wind Colic and , Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold I by Druggists In every part of the worrd. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. A WORD. WANTS OF LL KINDS COST THAT MITCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A ROOK ACCOUNT 13 MADR. NO rHAKGK WII.T. RR LES3 THAN 2T. CKNTS. THIS RUT.R P PI.TK3 TO SMAI.T. WANT ADS., KX CEPT LOCAL SIT1TATIONS. WHICH AU13 IXSKP.TKD FRKH. Wanted. VAXTKD - PERSON'S TO ACCEPT V crntis. in view of future orders, rubber stamim of their own tutmo for marking cloth ing, bo 'l, etc. Writo j'luiiily nnd oncloso four postBiro stinnw to defray mniling. pack ing, etc. II. P. MAYNARD, 1(1 Areado. Cin cinnati, Ohio. Agent wanted for rubber stamps, rubber type, pnds, (lutes white letter sivns, "Bottled Kleetrl dty." for cutnll'h and pain, eluetriu belts, etc. Writo for ngents)' term". Situation Wanted. CITt'ATION WAXTKD TO OO OUT BY O tho d:iv wnsliitig; washings takon home, also. C11II or addro s L. K., .'t'H Suinuer ave nue, city. I" XPEKIKNCKU COAT MAKKU AND J generul taihr wnnts pnsiti'in; can go to work ut once. Addross L., alt) Adam avenue (JITL'ATION V.ANTI'D-AS BUTCHER BY 1) 0110 who (lioroughly understands the moiit business: well s-d to ptddle or tend to inariiet: Willi goou iiauitsanil rerorunces. Au di ess D Tribune oflieo, Sc run toe, Pa. I SITUATION WANTED AS-C()LLEOTOK : i bv one who is well ns-d to tlio city and I out of tlio city, with buslines qualifications, ! good habits mid qiiiilitlciitioiia. Address D., : 1 rilmiie ollice, Scranton. Pa. S1 IT rAnN"Al'TED-As" liLTCHER; 3) year:' oxtterienite: goo.l cutter nnd quick I at .scales. AdJr 1IIL I'oX, cure Mrs. liar I vey. Rnlmrt avenue. Providence. ! IilTlTT'rilWvXN'FKn-TtY AV KYPKBVr O eaced accountant and book keeper to oieTi ami post up hook), make h. lance sheets, t ; ttd.iust complicated accounts, also keep 1 ' trnili.iw' IkiiiIcu liiornlnir op 11'i'lilTiir. Tonna ! verv lnouuratc. Address Bookkeeper, Tribune otliee. "crruATiox W A X T F. I ) B Y X X KX 1 ' E li i -t O cnofd aceonntnnt and bookkeeper: nc i counts audited or examined: books opened, ! closed nnd written tip; small sets kept up j mornings and evenings: terms reneonable. Addres .1. H. J . cine of Tribune oftice. Held Wanted Male. U'ANTEH-TU.1 MEN TO SELL TaA und eoftVe in nnd around Sernnton; will - furuiah horse and Wiiuou and pay 20 per cent. I commlxi-liin; a ainall bond required. Addross j B. B.. Tribune. 1AXTED-MEX To WORK ON SCKAN- toil City Directory, Apply iu own liantlwritiiig, P. O. Rnx PI. U'AN"ri'.D-MEX AXD WOMEN TO work nt homo: I p ly S-'l to $bi per week , for making t ravon Porti aits; now patented lneth.xl: anyone who can rend mid writo can I (l i the work at home, in span time, day or 1 evening; send for partiealara and liegin work nt one?. Address II. A. Oripp, Uitrmun Artist, ; Tyrone, Pa. "yV'ANTED ' X A(4rNT IN EVERY SEC- tion toeanviiss: ?4.0D to $70 ) a day made; 1 sells nt oi.'ilt; also a man to II ht.iple or.ds to dealers; best stile line $7.7u a month: saL I nry or Lirge commission made; experience ; unneeessii'y. Clifton Soap and Manufactnr ; ing Co.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; n uionopdly; big money for agents; no capital required. EDWARD C. F1811 CO., Borden Block, Chioairo. III. i I'cto Wanted Females. f ANTF.D-A MIDDLE-AOKD LADY TO I ' go to a country village aa housekeeper: j more for company than work. Cull nt i:JU S Wyoming avenue, room II. TV" ANTED SEVERAL APPRENTICES TO i learn the dreKsninkiiig trade. Apply at ; 1218 Wnshhurn street. f 1 OOD, STROXO GIRL Oil WOMAN KnR T genernl hoiifework Applr. with refer ence, to MRS. Ni)I,l .I2 X. -vain avenue. I ADIES-I MAKE BIO WAGES DOING 1 J ph Msitut heme work, and will Kindly send lull particulars to nil sending 2 cent stamp. MiS II. A. BTKBBINS. ijiwrenee, Mich. rA'iTEU-rAI,v AGENT IN SCRAnT ton to sell nnd introduce Snyder's cuke icing: experienced canvnaser preferred: work permanent mid very profitable. Write for particulars at once and get benefit of I10lld.1v trade. T H. SNYDER CO . Cincinnati. 0 WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO F.N K fl eet ic saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed JU a day without Interfering with othe' duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp, Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Wanted Money. t,00l ON FIRST MORTGAGB FOR THREE O venraon $0,000 uronorty: about tl.oooto Is n-ted to put on new 'buildings; balnnco to be used toclenr all dobts: Bive interest want. cd. Adilreia . St C, Tribune onleo. Wanted to Rent HOUSE IN GREEN RIDGE; RENT MoT to exceed 118; good yard; man and wife. IMM.iaIATiY. ewe Tribune, v mi CENT Connolly IN THE ft u We are showing the new Spring Capes, Coats, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. , The line is by far the Finest and Largest era shown in Scranton. : I I E III! Iff li CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Agents Wanted. t AGENTS WANTED TO SELL IUUAKH; $TJ per mouth salary and exixnmn paid. Aiidren, with twoiunt stamp. F1UAUO CI OAK CO., Chicago. . A tlENTS- TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL iroliL ailvar. nickel ami eoruor electro platers: priiw from &l upward: aalary.Hinl ex penses paid: outrtt free. . Address, with stuinpt SI ICHIOAN MFU CO.. f hlcagik AO E NTS TOSEIXcifJARS TO DEALERS; tit weekly ami exiieuses; xperienea an neeansary. CONHOLiOATKD JIFU. CO., Van Buren at.. Cliteago, . SALEBMAN TO CARRY 8IPE LINE; 27 per cant, commission; . sample book nailed flea. Addrctta U N. CO., Matloa L, Xew York. ' ' A T ONCE-AOEXTS APPOINTED 'TO u tell new liglitninc selling table cloth. mod qilito and llouso 11 v liquid at 10 cents and 2 cants a Vctle. Sample free. HOI.UIAXO M2"G Co., Baltimore, Md. - AG ENT8 H TX DE'8 ' PATENT UNIVEf aal Hair Cnrlora and W a vera fused with out heati, nnd "I'yr Pointed"Hair Pin Lib eral cotninieaiona, . Pree sample and full par ticiilaraAUbjesaOotil For Sale. 7E OFFER THE ENTIRE STOCK OK groceries at and Iwlowr cost to the trade; must vacate by April 1st. L'HAS HCHLAOER & CO., successors to E. 0. Teal, 24 Lacka. a've. 1. OR SALE WE HAVE FOR SALE THREE 1 ' doable bou.ei that will pay iuterest by renting one aide, thus giving you a cheap rent and good aafe investment; terms easy. CHARLKH St'HLAGER 1X)R SALE A SIGHTLY rLOT"blrTB I acres ill Scrautou, 0110 Hide from the court house; well adnp ed for liiiildlng lots. Must be nld in order to settle estate. WAI.I TKK BK1GUS, t'omtnonwealth Building. 1, OR SALE-HOl'SE AND LOT AT COR ner of Jleudo and Burke street. All mod ern improveuienia on premises. MRS. A.nXIE STEWART, Dumoore, Pa, 1'OR SALK-I PAIR BAY " MARES: 1 black iacr : verv fust : pricea low. GCERXSEY HUOTHEliS. iCM Wyoming Ave. "lOR SALE-ONE F THE FINEST X1 country places near Hcranton; laree inoilcrn house and Hne grounds. MUs. MAKV AYLE8WOKTH. ( larks Oreen, Pa. For Rent. iau ii.'v:.n w L' OL'Venvc Side of double houses at $11, 022, $25 and tl per tnniitli; all new houses. CHARLES SCIll.AUER, Wine Bunk Rniidinir. l'OU RENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE. NO. CI) J Forest street, between Wyoming avenue anil Erie depot. Rent, 13. lOH RENT FOUR HOUSES ON EKillTH P street. Noa. 4IH, 4ix, 4-i and 424: vonvpiii ent and central. Apply to .lames B. V atsnn. at First National Huuk, or A. I). Dean, 32lij N. Washington avenue. T"AROB. DKY, AIRY BASKMENT TO LET' J sitltiiblo for atoragn purposes. BLACK & KINO, Hill Pen n avenue. F'OR RENT -FROM APRIL 1, LARGE brick house, 421 Mulberry street: all mod ern npplinuces. Inquiro ;!4d N. Wasliiugion uv. niic. 1" .''OR RENT-W A HF.il OUSE (IX 1) T L 1 W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS 1" XH RENT HO' 'MS NOW OCCUPIED BY tlio Traders' National Hank: possession given about May 1. by F. L PHILLIPS, Cashier Trndors' National Bank. IOR KEN T -TEN-ROOM HOUSE; Al.L 1 modern coavcuiunces. Inquire at 122:1 Waahburn st. I. OR RENT ONE HALF DOUBLE HOUSE 1 il" (Juiney avonu'. Heat reasonable Opposite jloaes Tuylor Hospital. VOR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE V court. Inipiire (i2: Adams avo. 1'OH RENT NICKtiX FUKNIHHKD HALL i1 suitable for lodgo room JOHN JElt MYN, 111) Wyoming ovoiiua. FOR RENT. Tlie upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka Wiimia and l'enn Aves., beinti; T() feet front and nearly KM) feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, nnd adapt floors for school, oflice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Hotel Change. MR. F. .1. MAKAN. WHO SUCCESSFUL ly conducted a hotel 011 Fifth avenue, this city, has bought the leawe and fixtures of Callahan's hotel, Lackawanna avenue, and will hereafter conduct business at that woll knowe establishment. Mr. Mangan will thor oughly reiiovato and remodel the place, and when it is finished it will lie one of the best enulppod hotel- in the city. Lost. 1 J OC K ET BOOK Fl X D E H WILL PLEASE 1 leave at Dr. Lanbneh's ottlce, old Repub lican building. Wyoming avenuo. Proposals. ct'llUl PUnPllMA I.H WILT. HF. KIT O coived nt the ottieo of E G. Worden, 222 Wyoming avenue, Bernntou. l'a until March Hi, Isl'li. for the removal from premises of everything above and to six Inches below the curb grade line on 11 lot (i-'x 10U feet at corner of Linden street and Madison avenue. Medical. LA III KK I Chicherter't English Pennyroyal PMIi iiiiioimd liniiuii. are the """"'I'; Tikr no tOr. stnVl 4c, t.!.iiirs, f t'raI,,'al, lulkt Chlcheaier CheailcurCo.. TUIbul., Pa. A SURE CURE l-OR RHEUMATISM Warranted to care WH) ant of every I.UM; two doses will take the worst rose of inflam matory out of bed. iUO per pint bottle. Manulactnred and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 14s Northampton . Street, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. and for sale at 11A New York St., (ireen Ridge. SCRANTON. PA. & ill TRY US. 102404 UCKL IVL, COR. I0II& Executors' Notice. 1jTATE OF CHARLES AMENDT. LATE J of the oity of Serunton, conuty of Lacka wanna and state of 1'ennaylvania, deceased. Letters of admtnistratiun upon the above named estate liavlnn been itruulod to the un ilemiKiiod. ull persous having claims or de munda SKUtnat the nald estate will preaent them for payment, and tliose indebted thereto will please make immediate payment to WILLIAM AM KNOT. Executor. Gr.ouiiB W. IlKAl.K, Att'y for Estate. Soeclal Notices. XiTr THE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." 1 ' Vuu want tliis relic. Contain all of Frank Lealie'a f unions old War Pictures. allow int.' the forces In actual battle, akatched on the spot. Two volumes, VMM) picture. Bold on eaay monthly payment". Delivered by ex press iiimpleto, nil charges prepaid. Address P. O. JIllODY. ftU Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAOA -zines, etc., bound or n-bound at Tub Thibuns othee. Wuiek Work. Keanonable priies. Special Election. MAYOtt'S OKril'K, ( Scranton, Pa.. March tt. 1S!8. t" XJOTICS IS HEREBY G1VE.N THAT H il piirsuauce of resolution of Common Council, approved March 6. HUM, a special election will be held at the Usual polllnif places in the Eleventh ward of aaid eity, Uon Tues day, the :.'lth day of March, W6, for the pur. pose of electing a mniulnr ef Common Coun cil to serve for the unexpired term ending the first Monday of April. 1WT. 1 Signed) W. I.. CON X ELL, Mayor. Real Estate. AVE HAVE FOR SALE TWO MINGLE: bounce. (1 rooms each, with botbf urnace nnd other linproveiuunts, at the low price of SI.5U0; asv t rms. CI1A8. SCHLAGF.K. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule in Effect lay iv, 1803. Trams Leave Wilkes-Barre a Follows 7.25 a.m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week clays, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti - more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts bure and the-West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, (len'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST. Ueneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleunllnepa and eomrort. TIME TAP. 1,13 IX EFFECT NOV. 17. 1893. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wtlkcx-liarre, etc at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m., 1 "0, i.OO. ii.Oj, 5.IK), 7.10 p. m. Sunday), V.uo a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. ni. For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New York? Newark and Elizabeth. 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Huf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.b" P- rn. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terniln-.. 6.21 p. m. and New York 8.45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown. Bethle hem, F.aston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. in., t 20. 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunduy, 2.15 P. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 120 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. nr., 1.20, u.00 p. ill. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For PottesTlle, 8.20 &. m.. 1.20 p. m. Hemming, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North Hiver, at 9.10 (express) a. m 1.10, 1.30, 4.20 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal. 9.00 a. m 2.00 and 4.30 p. 111. Sunday U.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had en application In nd vance to tho ticket age.it at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. TT. OT.ITArSEN. den. Stipt. DELAWARE AND lit lidi M RAIL ROAD. "ommenclng Monday, July 30. all trains will arrive at new Lacku wanna avenue stullon as follows: Trains will leave scran- ton station for Curbondi.le and bjterme dlate points at 2.20, u.U 7.00 ' 1n' a. m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.65. !" '- '. '0 and ForPFarvlew. Way mart and Honesdale at 7 W. 8.25 and 10.10 L m.. 12 00. 2.20 and CIS PFor Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at S. a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Harre and Intermediate points at 7.45. 8.45. .:i8 ami 10. a. m.. 12.05. f 20 2 4.0O. 5.10, 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondnle and Intermediate points it 40, 8.40. 9.34 and. 10.40 a. m . 12.00, I. IT. 2 34. J.40, 4.54. 0.55, 7.45. 9.11 and 11.33 p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far view at 9.34 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17. a. 40, 6.55 and ''Krom'ilotSrenl, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkos-Barrc and Intermediate rolnts at 115, 8.S4, 10.06 and 11.55 a. m 1.16 14, .39, 6.10, 8.08, 7.20. and U.1S p. tn. Wallace THE ENTIRE and Capes were bought from the agents. Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have marked them on the same ba sis. 2og Washington Avenue, Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, -Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17, 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & H. It. it. at 7.41 a. m.. 1Z.05, 1.20. 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D., L. A W. It. It., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., and p. m. . Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wilkes. Barre. via D.. L. & W. R. R 6.00. 8.08. 11. tt a. m.. 3.40, 6.07, 8.53 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, tia. Jleton. I'ottnvlile and all polnta on the Heaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W. V. R. It., 6.39 a. m., via D. A H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05. 1.20. 2.3S, 4.00 p. m via D., L. & W. K. K. (.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. in., 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Hcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. & H. R. R. 7.45 a, 111., Uf Oi, I. 20. 2.38. 4.00, 1) 38 p. m.. via D.. L. aV W. R. R., t.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. in., 1.30 p. m ' Leave Serunton for Tutikhannuck. To. wanda. Klmlra. Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D II. H. R.. 8.4j a. m.. 12 (if. and 11.35 p. m.. via D L. W. a R., 8.08. 9.55 a. m., 1.30 p. ni. Leave Hcranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D & II. It. H., 8.46 a. ni , 12.05. 9.15, 11..I8 p. m., via D.. I.. & W. 11 II. and Ptttaton Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m., 1.30, .00 p. m via E. A W. V. R. H., 3 41 p. m. J-or Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, via I). & 11. H. ., 8.45 a. m. 12.06. 6.05 p. m., via D.. L. ft W. R. R., 8.08. 9.65 a ill., 1.30, and 6.07 p. m. Pultnnn parlor and sleeping or I,. V. chair ears on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspenslua Bridge. ROT.UN IT. WTT.BTTR. Oen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Oen. Pass, Agt.. Phlhv.P-, A. W. NO.VNEMACHER, Aast. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del.. Luck, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 1893. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: Kg press for New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.50, C.15, 8.00 and 9.65 a. In.; 12.56 and 3.34 p. m. Expresa for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. in., 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 9.53 p. m. Tobyhuuua accommodation, 6.10 p. m Express for Blnghamton, Oswego. El. mlra. Coming, Bath, Dannvllle, Mount Morris and Huffalo, 12.10, 2.:i5 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Huffalo to all points In the Went, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, la. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. ra. Nicholson accommodation, 5 p. m. Blnghamton and Klmlra Express, f.M p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, 1'tlca ond ltichlleld Springs, 2.35 u. in. and 1.24 p. ni. Ithaca 2.3T. and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, PHtston, Wllkea. Barre. Plymouth. Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland ror Wllllamsporf, Harrisburg . Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland und Intermediate ta. tlons. 6.00. 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate station. 8 08 and 1120 a. m. Plymouth and Inter, medlnte stations. 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches OS ,'ForPdTtnlVedni!nrormatlon, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket office. Eric und Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New YorK and Intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. m. and 3.29 p. in. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points at 7.U), 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at .3 a. m. and 3.19 p. m. HCKAVrOK DIVISlO-4. In Effect September OTad. 185 Harm Round. Hi raae) soaeoii isoa i I Stations I 'P M tS s a ka 8i w P h '(Trains Dally, KxJ , & 5 I cept Sunday.) 13 !g a p m Arrive iavei IA III 7 a.N. Y. Franwin St. 7 lO.West 4'nd street) 7 oot Weehawken I a'ArrlTe lave) .. 7401 . 7 .1 10 ir m! 1 l.VUancocii Juiiciloui 1091 Hancock Starlight Preston Park cotno PoTBteils Belmont Pleasant Mt ITnloudale Forset City Car bonds le White Bridge Maytlrld Jenny n Archibald Wlnton Peckulle Olrphant lilcxson Throop Provldenoe Fark Place IS 46 it to! Utile 19 111 IS 08 931 4I IH (M I no ou ::3 ...e :::: "j 1 ::3 fl 15 tl 4tt asoiii si 7 01' Ml r ? m m 71213 49 T 14 - 3 40 THMtl 7 93 li TA JK BH 788 404 7 84 4 01 7 SI 4 10 7 39 4 14 T 41 fl 17 T4S 480 f 4R tllHOl His .... 1 841111 S3;, saMt IhIi SS'.'flllS W'11 111 St II 07, 11 n:Jf t lH'll 03 IK 11 1 O'l ISHICK IOIOiU! Scranton M U u Uare Armei a air m AD trains run dally except eunday. t. trig-miles that trains stop aa algae (r Ps rngera. (ecure rates via Ontario a Western before firchastng tickets and give money. Day atal lagt Kipreas to the West. J.C.Anderson, Oea. pass Agt. T, niteroTt, Dir. Paia, AaltMraatoo, Pa. J L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers