7' ' . ' THE 8CBANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MOilOTlTGK MARCH 11, 1896. 2 DAY DEVOTED TO DE LOME His Action In Qualifying Press State meats Criticised. riCRY SPEECHES AKE MADE The Spaalsa Mlelater the Sabjeot of Mack Aerlmoalons Talk-Maeh Con umpt for Spaniards la Espressed. The Delaware Elaetlea Case- Waahlnrton, -March 10. The action of the Spanish minister In correcting; or qualifying through the publlo press, statements made In the senate on the subject of the war In Cuba, and par ticularly on the subject of General Weyler'a purposee and character, wai today made the ground work of a ques tion of personal privilege by 8enator Lodge (Rep., Mass). It was brought tip Immediately after the reading of the Journal, and occupied most of the time usually given to the business of the morning hour. Mr. Lodge protested against any diplomatic representative using the newspapers of the United states to criticise senators for words spoken in debate; and Intimated that In any other country a foreign minister who should be guilty of such a viola tion of propriety would-be sent home. Mr. Ii Lome's action was rather pal liated by Mr. Gray (Dem., Del.) al though he admitted that It was a tech nical violation of diplomatic usage. Mr. Teller (Rep., Colo.) was leas ue lilgnantly Inclined. Under the circum stances he would not. If he were presi dent, send the Spanish minister home, but he would suggest to him that a re petition of the offence would necessi tate his leuvlng the country. He ad ded that Spain would have a right to take offence at the recognition of the United States of Cuban belligerency, but would not have a right to go to war on account of It. He avowed the delight he would feel If he learned to day that Havana was In the hand of the Insurgents and that the Spanish forces had been driven Into the sea. ANOTHER PHASE. The discussion Iwas continued for over an hour and a half. When It ter minated another phuse of the Cuban question presented itself In the shape of a resolution which hnd been offered yesterday by Mr. Hoar (Hep., Mass.) to postpone the further consideration of the conference repxirt till the 6th of April, and to direct the committee on foreign relations to report In the mean time the farts on which the resolutions were Justllled. A rather acrimonious dialogue took place between Mr. Hoar and Mr. Sherman which seemed to amuse senators and audience. Mr. Mor gan (Dem., Ala.) was drawn Into It by an allusion to his remarks some weeks ago about laying the sword on the table and allowing Spain to take It up If she choose. Mr. Hoai'a resolution went over till tomorrow, when he Is to speak upon It at tome length. The rest of the day's session waa given to the Delaware election case Mr. Turple (Dem., Ind. continuing hut not finishing his speech against Mr. Dupont's right to the seat. HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. The annual fight In the house of rep resentatives against the appropriation of 81!'6,000 for "special and necessary facilities over the trunk lines between Boston and New Orleans," carried In the bill for the past seventeen years, engaged the attention of the house to day In the course of the consideration of the post otllce appropriation bill. It was precipitated by Mr. Loud (Hep., Cal.), in charge of the bill, making' a point of order that it waa an appro priation for a purpose not authorized by existing law. After some debate the point of order was overruled by the chair (Mr. Payne, Republican, New Tork), who followed several precedents In rulings to that effect going back as far as the forty-fourth congress. Later Mr. Loud moved to strike out tha Item, but this waa defeated, on a vote by tellers 93 to 114. Previously, on a division, the vote was: aye. 100; hoes, 85. So the item remains in the bill. Paragraphs providing appropriations for special facilities between Kansas City and Newton, Kansas and between Chicago and Omaha were stricken out on points of order. The provisions of the bill setting forth In detail the regulations under which street car mall service should be con ducted, the prices to be pnld, etc., were stricken out on a point of order mode by Mr. flckler (Hep.. 8. D.. This ne cessitated an Increase of $70,000 In the Item of car fare and bicycle allow ance to carriers. Only two or three miscellaneous mat ters were disposed of In the session bills for the relief of individuals. CIGiRETTES QF SASSAFRAS. Kansas Farmers tiave a Novel Schema to to Save tha Nntion's lloya. Topeka, Kan., March 10. A company, nomposed of John Devereaux and Pi other farmers of Dauphin county, will build a factory for the manufacture of cigarettes, which they will make from sassafras leaves. The object Is to save the boys of the nation and furnish a certain cure for the cigarette habit In this new In dustry. Farmers will plant several hundred acres of sassafras. OPIATE INCITES TO SUICIDE. Msastrona Nerve Cur la Taken by a Druggist in Iowa. Ottumwa, Iowa, March 10. Warren Burns, a druggist, took an opiate for his nerves. It produced delirium and he attempted suicide by cutting the ar teries In his arm and neck. Physicians were summoned In time to ave his life. EARNS $2.StM) A MINUTE- The Tremendous Profits of tha Standard oil Complin. Oil City, Pa, March 10. The enor mous profits of the Standard Oil com pany, which the last Republican. legis lature helped to strengthen In It mo nopoly, are causing the Independent oil men In this region to make some cal culations. The capital stock of the TI1P1 22. SLEEPLESS G SALLOW SKOED IrsqtNufly chow ani MMka immcftM fluwdtiei tf tebaoc Mi wondar ill Um) Item 1 than Wtk W Mtf, faai sfamn. Tnr wnoaf an fJrtOlute war- Mtaajslasjaflt gsjd fctsj cars, ee wccey HO-TO-DAC o BBBBSaaaaWmSam VasaknJMLaf aasstsvsS aajfl ej tasjaosjsjitf sM eaYf. flat is authorised to sail Ko-To-BM aa w absolute gearaatee. to cure very form of tobacco natae. Oar written eraer- we, ire lannw sjst mnirDK mm Alel called "lW Ttjbaoco ptr and Standard is '1100.000.000. and there are said to be 972,600 shares of stock out standing. The company began Its dividends at the rate of S per cent per annum. In creased them to t per cent., and later to 10 per rent., and also declared a 25 per cent, scrip dividend. Since then the dividends have been 1! per cent annually until the last quarter of 1895, when 5 per cent, extra was paid, and again last month, when 10 per cent, was declared. In other words, it paid 17 -per cent, last year, and even without additional extras this year Is good for 22 per cent., or 123,000,000 for dividends, which would mean net profits, over and above the enormous expenses and princely salar ies, of over 80.000 a day. Sundays In cluded, or 12.600 an hour for each of the 24 and more than SM a second. SHOOTS TRAIN ROBBERS. Plucky Passenger on Rook Island Pre vents a llold-l"p Near Jollet. Jollet. HI., March 10. The west bound passenger train' on the Rock Island road, which left the depot in this city at 12.60 this morning, was held up at the coal chute two miles west of the depot by three men. The train stopped at the chute to coal and water, and as soon as It stopped the men boarded It, going through the first car. As they started into the second oar with the command to "Hold up your hands" by two of the men, a passenger In the front scat whipped out two revolvers and fired five shots at short range. The men Jumped back and off the train Just as It started up again. It was at the place that Kellogg Nichols, the express messenger, was murdered a few years ago. The place Is Isolated and dark. Tramps and others hide In the coal bins and board trains there without hindrance. GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE. Wife Says Her llasband Deceived liar and Never Combed Ilia Whiskers. Indianapolis, Ind., March 10. One hundred people have been called here as Witnesses In the divorce suit of Aman da va William P. Bin ford, a well-known farmer of an adjoining county. The plaintiff complains that her husband deceived her as to his age. that he will not wear a wig. Is flovenly and never combs his whiskers. She also alleges that she Is compelled to borrow money from him at 8 per cent. Interest to supply absolute needs, and that he killed diseased hogs for family food. . The plaintiff demands 17,000 alimony and custody of the chil dren. The husband sets up a cross complaint, alleging that she whipped him with a club and tore his clothes from his body. BIG FIND OF GOLD. Located in Golden, N. At., and Assays $18,000 to ihsTon. Santa Fe, N. M.. March 10. The New Mexican prints a special from Golden, South Santa Fe county, which states that a gold discovery has been made from which chunks broken on In the cropping run as high as f 15,000 in gold to the ton. The ledge Is fully four feet In width. Steamboat Springs, Colo., March 9 A great strike has just been made at Ha tin's Peak by Balson Smith and Mc intosh. In a tunnel on the south side of the peak a vein has been cut thirty feet In width, twenty-three feet of which runs $700 to the ton. TRAMPS APPLY IRONS. Severely Burn George lllonk to Force Him Into Giving I'p Ilia Money- Wausau.Wis., March 10. Five tramps entered the house of George Blank last night, four miles south of AVausan, and applied red hot Irons to his feet and otherwise tortured him Into telling where his money was kept. Blank was badly burned before giving up any money and all the tramps secured was $3.60. This noon officers located the tramps, but It required a chase of six miles through the woods before they were captured. This afternoon they were lodged in the county Jail. KILLED GIRL AND HIMSELF. Romantic Affair Terminates In a Doable Tragedy. Oakland. Cal., March 10. Edward Hack, a young man of twenty, who had been forbidden by his father from marrying Miss Diana l'acheco, a pretty girl of 18, with whom he was in love, ended his troubles last night by shoot ing her through the heart and firing a bullet Into hlH brain. Their bodies were found side by side In Hack's apartment. Mystery Explained. Chicago, March 10. The bodies of the man and Infant found In an alley last night at Forty-tint and IndlHnu avenue in a horribly mutilated condition, have been Identified. There was no murder, as was supposed, but th bodies were dumped Into the alley by a medical collega to save the expenaa of burial. Reward for a Murderer. oPttersonv N. J., March 10. The board of aldermen tonight decided to offer a re ward of 85,JO for tha arrest and convic tion of the murderer of Mamie B. Sulli van, who was found near a vacant lot with her skull crushed in a few days ago. ' RAILROAD NOTES. The Chronicle computes gross earn ings of eighty roads for the third week of February at $6,01.1,327, an Increase of $331,414, or 6.83 per cent.; of fifty roads for the fourth week of February. $,4r4. 319. an Increase of $1,003,0.18, or 18.40 per cent.; sixty-seven roads for February, $26,422,771, an Increase of $3,327,20, or 14:41 per cent. The sultan or Morocco has had built a miniature electric railway, which passes through the different parts of the palace, ending in his bedroom. The equipment includes a car. In which his highness can sit comfortably and smoke while he Is making his trip through the palace, which he does sev eral times a day. The cost of this lux ury Is said to have amounted to $100,000. The Pennsylvania railroad will erect a large addition to its present cold stor age plant on Delaware avenue, below Spruce street. The new addition will be 127 by 32t4 feet. It will be seven stories high, the first story to be of brick and Iron and the other stories to be of brick and timber. The building will be equipped with the latest Improved re frigerator apparatus and machinery, and will be devoted principally to the storing of eggs. The plans for the building have been completed, and bids for Its construction will be invited In a few days. General Manager R. B. Campbell, of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad com pany, has resigned, and expects to lea.ve the service of the company the latter part of March. His successor as man ager of the Baltimore and Ohio will be W. M. Green, formerly general manager of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad company. The resignation of Mr. Campbell was officially announced at Camden Station, where he has his of fice, at noon Saturday. Mr. Campbell's connection with the Baltimore and Ohio dates back to 1891, when he was appoint ed general superintendent of the lines West of the Ohio river. -. If tha Baby Is Catting Teeth, lira. WlnslowB Soothing Syrup hat been used for over Fifty Tears by Mil tlona of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success, tt Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums. Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and la the best remedy for Diarrhoea, Bold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be aura and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a Booth Inn syrup,- ana una no other lad. Twenty cents a botUa ea IS IT A TRIFLE? THAT COMMON TROUBLE. ACIO DYSPEPSIA OR SOUR STOMACH. New Recognised aa a Cease af Serious Dii Acid dyspepsia, commonly called heartburn or sour stomach, is a form of Indigestion resulting from fermen tation of the food- The stomach being too weak to promptly digest It, the food remains until fermentation begins, fill ing the stomach with gas. and a bitter, sour, burning taste in the mouth la of ten present. This condition soon be comes chronic and being an every day occurrence Is given but little attention. Because dyspepsia Is not Immediately fatal, many people do nothing for the trouble. It is now well known among able physicians that the whole constitution la gradually undermined and weakened, that the nervea and vital organs are seriously affected by any form of dys pepsia. This Is plain, as every organ, every nerve In the body is nourished by the blood and the blood Is replenished from the food digested. If the food la properly digested the blood Is pure, the nerves steady, but If supplied from u sour, fermenting;,, decaying mass, the blood Is vitiated, poisoned and'the re sult is shown in sleeulessness. lack of energy, poor appetite, nervousness. Every trine Is magnified and tho dys peptic sees nothing but the dark Bide of everything. Within a recent period a remedy has been discovered prepared solely to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles. It Is known as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and It Is now becoming rapidly used and prescirbed as a radical cure for every form of dyspepsia. It Is not claimed to cure anything except dyspepsia and stomach weak ness In Its vurlous forms, but for this It has been shown to be uiifHiuiillfU. The eminent specialists, Keed and O'Leary. have recently stated that they eonHiil er Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets an un failing s'lei'lllc for disorders of the di gestive organs, and the remarkable cures made In cases of long standing dyspepsia proves that this remedy has extraordinary merit. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been placed before the public and are sold by druggists everywhere at 60 cents per paekuge. It Is prepared by the Stuart Chemical Co., Marshall, Mich., and while It promptly and effectually restores a vigorous digestion, at the same time Is erfectly harmless and will not injure the most delicate stom al h, but on the contrary by giving perfect digestion strengthens the stom ach, improves the opietlte and makes life worth living. INDUSTRIAL. Huntingdon nnd Broad Top coal ton rage for the week ending March 7, 1MI0, was 46,8.18 tons, against 3!,5::o tons the corresponding week of 1835. an In crease of 1,'MH tons; for year to date, S33.0&3 tons, against M9,f.r.l tons for the corresponding period of 1895, an In crease of 23.532 tons. Tho Pennsylvania railroad reiorts that the quantity of coul and coke originating on and carried over Its lines east of Pittsburg and Krie for the year thus for has been 3.419.505 tons, compared with 3,676,912 tons in the cor l spending period of 1S95, a decrease of 156.407 tons, of which 3.686.831 tons were coal, a decrease of 3.774, and 832, 674 tons coke, a decrease of 152,633 tons. Business In the anthracite coal trade last week was dull, and the companies are In a somewhat despondent frame of mind, though they show no inclina tion to break away from their agree ment to maintain prices and restrict production. The cold weather did not continue long enough to materially Ktimulute the trade, except In the New Knglund and western markets, where orders coming to hand were lurger than at any previous time this winter. Some of the Individual operators outside of the agreement have in the past few days declined tomake sales of the best quality of anthracite at below the com bination price, and If this attitude Is maintained It will materially old tho lurger luncls In holding tho market In full control. Production last week waa kept down well to the basis agreed upon by the presidents. It Is now be lieved that prices will be quoted on the prestnt basis In the formal spring cir culars of the companies In the combi nation, whereas a month ugo nn ad vance of 25 cents per ton was expected on April 1. The current actual nnd cir cular prices compare as follows with the pprln circulars in other yVars: 1894. 189.1 ISM. U9.1. ISP?, Current. Apl.l. Ai'l.l.Mili.h'..Jan.l!i. Broken .. $125 $S.S0 lift $ir Kgg .1.50 S.iK 3.V) S.iM :).U5 Ktove ... 3.75 2 M 3.7.1 4.IA 3.MI Chestnut 8.W 3.S5 3.75 4 15 2.3) From thU It Is claimed that the com panies are In good enough shape to Inaugurate their spring und summer business without making any change. Captain Charles L. Peck, who has been foreman of Jersey No. 8 colliery THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Or NEW YORK RICHARD A. McCURDY President STATEMENT For the year ending Peceniticr 31 1C9S jtauts " ."$3:1,213,721 33 Liabilities . . . 1114,1147,137 f 9 gurlas .... $26,800,668 Ji Total Income . $13,597,430 St Total Paid Follry-lioMrrs la $23,126,725 4$ Iainrtart sail Aaaeltlt la force $M)9,07J,4S3 78 Set fits la 164 $CI.4;,C 0 ?Cct Insurance tnetely mitttn discarded frn.n tlm Statement M wholly mideadinp, aii'l er.lv Inniranie actually Iwutil and faii tut in can uii included. I have earefi.lt examined the forcfolnj f fate meat and find tUc aome to be correct CinKLRi A. PacLu.a Auditor From the Surplua a dividend will be apportioned a "al , Report of the Examining; Committee Office ol Tbc Mutual l ife Irxutance Company e New Voik February tl, t&fi At k mattint, of the Doird of Truneea of thit Company, held oa the ttth day of December latt the undersigned were appointed a Committee to emmine the annual itateaient for the year emdlrg lJtccmbcr 31, 1805, and to verify the earns by companion with the astctf of the Company. The Committee have carefully performed tLe fluty a&iixned to them, and hereby certify that the Katement is in all particular! correct and that the aauta specified therein are in poiscsiloo of the Company. In staking this certificate the Committee bear testimony to the high character of the Investments of the Company and express their approval of the system, order, and accuracy with which the ac counts and vouchers have been kept, and the business ta general transacted. (aaas) H. 0. vo Post Rotfirr OoetuxT Cms. R. HcwteaoN We. p. Duoi Jams 0. HouaM t. ri Ht-rc ROBERT A. QRANNISS Via PMMDTNT Walts H. Giuim lsiuc T. Lloyd Faananic Caosrwsu, Eaomr McCusrocs General Manager ed Vice-President Treasurer Actuary LAMBERT 4k WATERHOUEE, General Afearta for Penaayl vanla. T. J. McOUIRE, District Afeat, ' Scraalea, Pa. or the Lehigh and 'WUkes-Barre Coal company at Ashley for a number of years, ha been transferred to Key nolds No. 16 at Plymouth. William (libson. who had charge of placing the new machinery at the Maxwell at Ash ley, was at So. 18 In Plymouth and was tiansferred to Empire No. 4 at Wilkes Barre, In place of Mr. Williams, re signed. There will be no one placed at Jersey No. 8 at Ashley, as that colliery has been closed down since the opening of the Maxwell No. it). Mr. Peck has been held there doing duty aa a watchman until the Qrst opportunity presented Itself to get him a collleay. The Hamilton Coal company, of Bal timore. Md., has been awarded a con tract to supply several thousand tons of coal to the United States war ships cruising in southern waters. The coal is to be delivered at Key West, Fla. Genuine hard coal has been discov ered by Henry J. Christian on his farm near dreensburg, ind. The coal was struck at a depth of seventy fert and the vein Is twenty feet thick. Exports pronounce It of excellent quality. The Houston Union Coal company has leased between 4.0UO and 6.000 acres of coal land near Garrison, Texas, and will open up mines. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAIW FOR IN AD VAHCK. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL FJK LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS HIT LB AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS., EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INHEHTED FREE. Situation Wanted. Vlilioil.N W AViV.lJ-AS HUTCH KR BY. O oiih who thoroughly understands the meat hnsineu: well n-d to peddle or tend to market: with good habit and references. Ad drew D.. Tribune office. Bcraotoe, la. CM UATfoN WANTED-Al;oLLirCTOR O byouewhoia well us-dto the eity and out of the city, with husiuow qualifications, good habit and qualittcatioue. Address D., Tribune office, Hrrantnu. Pa. WlTl'ATION WANTED AS BUTCH E 3; SO O year4' experience: goal cutter and quick at scale. Addrnu HI I. TON. cars lira. Har vey, Robert avenue, Providence. h IT CATION WANTED BY AN EXPEBU ' ented accountant and book keeper to open and post up l ooks, make btlauce abeata, adjuas com til tested accouata, also keep tinder' hooka morning or evening. Term very moderate. Addreaa Bookkeeper, Tribune oRlee. SITUATION WANTED BY AN KXPERL O enced accountant and bookkeeper; ac counts andlted or examini-d; bonks opened, clojwl and written up; small seta kept up morning and evening: term rssaouabl. ArldrmH J. H. J , rate of Tribune office. Help Wanted-Male. D OYOU WltJH LIGHT. KAnY EMPLOY- meat? If eocall at No. UU Linden street V7 ANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO TV work at home: I piy IS to tit) per week for making I'raron Portraits; new patented motli jd; anyoiio who can rend and write can do the work at home, in spare time, day or evening; aend for particular and begin work at once, addrea H. A. Uripp, tierman Artist, Tyrous, Pa. WANTED tN AGI-NT IN EVERY 8E0 tion tocanvaaa; $4.01) to V 00 a day made; ells at sight; alaon man to sell Staple Ooods to dealer; belt aide line IT.HiO a month : sal ary or In r ere rnmnilmon made; experieno nuneTSw'y. Clifton Hoap and liauufactur lug Co., Cincinnati, O WANTED- every t WELL-KNOWN MAN IN evrrv town to solicit stock snbacrin- tlona; a monopoly: big money for agent; no capital required. EDWARD 0. FISH CO. Rnrtlen Rlock, Chlaaats. 11L Kelo Wanted Femalea. pOOD, 8THONO G1KL OR WOMAN FOR IT general housework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, Wi N. Jiain avenue. I ADIES-I MAKE BIU WAGES DOING 1 J plearnnt home work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to all sending 3 cent stamp. Miss M. A. 8TEUB1NB. Lawrence, Mich. YVANTED I.ADY AGENT IN SCRAN V V ton to sell and introduce Sn jder'e cake icing: experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and vory profitable. Write for iiurticulara at onc an-1 get iieneflt of holiday rale. T . H, . SNYDER & CO M.'lnclnnati. O WANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO ENER setio raleewomen to represent us. (luarautoed U a day without interfering with other dntlos. Healthful occupation, write ,u in, .K'tiuai n. mwmiiie einuii, nauu l-UVIU- Irnl Company. No. 73 John street, New York. For Sal. FOR SALE A SIGHTLY TLOT OF TEN acres in Srranton, one milo from tb conrt lioiKo; well adap ed for building lot. Must 1 foli! in order In settle eatate. WAL TER BKIUGS, Commonwotltb Building. L'OR 8A1.E ON EASY TERMS-THE NOR I wnodhotxl property, aituate in the vil lage of Waverly, N. Y. Tha property is im proved with a new three story brick building, provided with ell the modern improvements, and ronta fur SiKW per year. Kur particulars inquire of B. W. DAVIS. 14 North Franklin a-reet. WilkesBarre. Pa.; or, FRANK A. BEt.iL, Attorney, Spauldlng Block, Wavorly. N. Y. X)R SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR- ner of Mcrtdo and Bnrke atrat-t. All moil. em Iniprnremen snn promises. MRS. A.tNIE b i i.wam i , iwmnore, ea. riOR BALK I PAIR BAY MARES: 1 V Mark pacer : very fuat : price low. GUERNSEY BUOTHEKS, 124 Wyomlnr Ave. ifbH " SALE-ONE "Tip THE FINEST J country places near Scran ton; lar-e modern hi-une and fine ground. MRS. MARY AYLESWOR TH. ClarkH Green, Pa. For Rent. 1,-t'H, RENT FROM APRIL 1, LARGE 1 brick lioure. 424 Mulbrrv utroi.t- sit m.wl- eru appliauces. Inquire 'dt-i N. Washington ay. lino. ?OH KEjrf NEW MVROUM IllcTuVBlMf I Oak atie.t,nenr Miiin nveiine: all mrdurn improvements, fcENJ. HoElXSO.s, 112 Oak atrcet, 16iVB rNT-WAHFHOUSE ON D.. L r W. wit!t. SCRAN TON STOVE WORKS I LOH IIENT-IMJ- MS N'W OCCUPIED BY c tho Trad"t" Nall.inil Bunk: posHWi'm Iron about Jlnv I. bv F. 1. PIULLIPJ. aslil r Truclorx' National Bank. F?oH kEAT-TEN ROOM "lloUSE; ALL inm'ern louveulcnce. Inquire ut l.M Washburn t. FOR RENT ONE HALF DOUBLE HOUSE Till Qiimy aveiiu. He.it reaaonukle. Opposite atoKiM Taylor Hospital. ."OR RENT- ONEelX ROOMHOUSE, LEE court Ir.iiiiro tiSl Ai!nmi ave. 170R RENT NICKsj 1 FURNISHED HALL r anl'iib: for ludgo looms. JOHN JEi MYN, 111) Wyutniog uvenu... FORRENT. Tlio upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Pen 11 Aves., beinjr f0 feet front anil nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt Hoors for school, office, gallery or light business purposes. THESAMTERS. 01 CENT c onnoliV IN THE We are showing tbe new Spring Gapes, Goats, Ready-Hade Suits and Separate Skirts. Tbe line is by far tbe Finest and Largest ever sbown in Scranton CONNOLLY & Paglstar'a Notice. REOIBTER'S NOTIOB-TO ALL LEO A tecs, creditor and other pemons Inter tkted, notice ia hereby giren thtt the follow ing namril nentoii have filed their arcount la the office of tbe Register for tha probata of wills and granting letter of administration in and for the county of Lackawauua, that Maid administrators, eznentor aud riiardiana Have settled tnelr account In we omceor tne said Register, nnd tbattbs aamo will be pre sented to the Orphans' Conrt of aaid oountr on Holiday, March !J8i, 1BIK1, at 1(1 o'clock a. m., at the l ourt Huuaw for oonflrniatioa. I. Margaret McDonald, ndinluiatrairln of William McDonald, deceased. S. Martin Neary, adiniuiatrator of Thomaa y. Nttarv, deceased. 3. Kred Poter. administrator of John F. Poter. decease:!. 4. Joseph B. Cngan, administrator of Charlea T. Coiran, deceased. A. Williatn Oamnaa. administrator of Cath arine Bauman, deceased. L Major U. WardelL executor of Edward Wardell, deceased. 7. Ueoric Hliermsn. execntor of Bauaah Rinfwlorf, deceaaed. a Florinda Mengle, administratrix of Jacob Menale, deceased. a f inal account of W. 8. Vail, euardlan of Edith J. HofTer. Adie M. Hoffer and Harry E. Hoffer, minor children of Joaiah Holier, de ll). Fannie It. Carpenter, administratrix of Hanarn Carpenter, deceased. II. Second partial account of Mar' B. Jones, Thomas B. Jonea and Edward tt. Jonee,execu tor and trustee of Edward Jonea. deoeaaed. la Third partial account of Mary E. Jones, Thame K Jonea and Edward 8. Jones, execu tor and trustees of Edward Jones, deceased. U, W. O.Jenktna, exeoutur of Jabes Jenk ins, deceased. 14. Peninnah Murphy, administratrix of W. W. Murphy, deceased. 15. Paul ft. Weitael and Josiab Paff, sxecu tors of C A. Smith, deceased. IB. (rank R. Ryan, administrator of Kitty 17. Reuben 8. Oilllnaliaro administrator of rranklin J. Powell, deceased, lit. Cbarlea Gardner, exaontor of Sarah J. Hopkins, deceased, 111. Aniline 8. SwinRle, admlalatratrlx of Erastns C. Swingle, deceased. M). Emily 8. (tmittt, snryiTlng executrix of John H. Smith, deoeased. '21. George H. Rmith and W. P. Erhnrdt, ex ecutors of Joel O. Smith, deceased. 1 Georife M. Shelly, executor of William Shelly, deceased. 'a. John J. Fahev, ttirTiyins; executor and trustee of P. C. Oallahan, deceased. -M. Caroline Brooks, administratrix of Da Tid P. Brooks, deceased. John J. Mulrooney, admlalstrator ol Thomas Riley, docenaed. Stl v illinm E. Lloyd, M. D., axecotor of Rachel Nicholas deceased. 27. Ijickawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co., guardian of Nellie Mailer. 2H Konrfli and partial account of Roaanna Q. Tripp, E?ra H. Ripple and Ererett Warren, trustees of the estate of Ira Tripp, deceased, V. W. a Bwick, administrator of Alanaoa Viink, deceased. 'JO. Final account of Lewis C. Hcssler, anar dian of Guy E. Stevens, minor child of Sarah It. Ktevans, deceased. 31. John W. Busob, execntor of Jacob Buacb, dsceased. W. B HOPKINS, Rerrlster. Charter Application. TOTlCE-IH HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN 11 application will tie made to tne Govern or of Pennsylvania, on the ititli day of March lttK), by Casper Stnhle, John a Welrel, Henry V. Welsenflnh, John Schild and Casper Ott, under the act of Assombly, entitled, "An act lo provide for tha incorporation and regula tion of Certain corporations" approved April, Jl'th, 1X74, and tho supplements thereto, for the Charter of an intended oooporation to be caliod "Columbia Building und Loan Associa tion of Taylor Pennsylvania," tha character and object of which ia tbe aconmmnlation of a fund by tb periodical contributions of the members thereof and of safely investing the same and for these purposes to hava, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi leges of said act of Asseml ly and the supple ments thereto. JOHN M. HARRIS Solicitor. Aganta Wanted. WHE HOLM ES-P1TEZEL CAME A HIS. J. tory of the Greatest Crime of the Cen tury, by the world-famed detective, Frank P. Geyer A trne detective story in which the arob criminal planned seven mnrders and ex. ecuted four. Published by authority of the district attorney and mayor of Philadelphia. Agenta make 8ii a week. Outfit free to agonts for 10 cents to pay coat of mailing. P. W. ZIEULERJt CO.. ,1(14 Levant 8i..PhiUdelphla. AGENTS WAN TED TO SELL CIGARS; 174 per month salary and expenses paid. Addres. with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO., Culoaaa AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from npward; salary and nx- Senses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, IICIUGAN MFG CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TOSEl.L CIGARS TO DEALER; S'Jj weekly nnd expenses; experience un necessary. I UN SOLI DATED hlYO. CO.. Van Burcn St.. Clrcago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; Si per cant, commission; sample book mailed free. Addrcsi L, K. CO., Matloa L, New York. AT ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lixhtnlng selling table cloth, mos quito and house fly liquid at ill cents nnd -f rents a ho tie. Sample tree. BOLGIANO M'F'G Cft. Baltimore. Mil. AGENTS HINDE'r PATENT CNfVKH sul llulr Cnrlers and Wavers (USfd with out heat), nnd "l'yr Pointed" Hair Pins. Lib eral conimiKsioD. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. . Box 4fcl New Yoru. Wanted -To Hire. WANTKD TO HIRE A WAGON FOR peddling parpos-s fo.' two weeks or a month, with s dun price npon It. Address PKDULKR. tribune office. Clairvoyant. MADAME ACBKLY. GREATEST LIVING clairvoynnt ill tlio wnrld: teils pa-t, j resent and future, gla Mulberry street. Hotel Changs. MR. F. .1. HANG AN. WHO SCCCESSFI'L. ly conduct 1 a hotel on Fifth uvciuie. this city, has bought tbe lea-e and fixtures of Callntinu's botel, Lacsawanim avenue, und will hereafter conduct business at tbat well kiione eatatjIlKhment. Mr. Mangan will thor oughly renovate and reniodul the place, and when It is finished it will bi one of the best equipped hotel in tbe city. Medical. LADIRat OWierttr'i tnrllth Pennyroyal Piiii tpianonS Braadl, an the Beat. ,tl., H.H.H.. T'k no aihir. miid 4T-., Mmf, li paraiilwt, " stlf rifeii Ml Mhir. Mlifl '., maiii, iw parHiuiws, " ntwi m," ii tmia m Return Mail.,, i Urunia, Cnlchsxer I'aoaikcaTCo., ThluuU., I'm. Br Mm. A SURR CtftB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure Ott out of every LOUD; two doses will take the worst rasa of Inflam matory oot of bed. fiW par pint bottle. Manufactured and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, US Northamptaa Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and for sal at ho New York St., Ursea Ridge. SCRANTON, PA. lie & WALLACE, Ml mm TRY US. Vil!H UCM. IV, COR. aOlXi Stockholders' Meeting, THE ANNUAL MEETING OP THE atockholders of The Dickson Manufac turing Company for the election ofofflcera and to rota on the proposition to raduoe tbe number of directors from eleven to not more than nine nor leas tin n eivan, and the courid ration of snob other Business aa saay be brought before them, will beheld at tho aflce ef theoompiny in Scranton, on Wednesday, tbe 11th dsv of March next, at 10 o'cloek a.m. rSigaed) WILLIAM H. PERK1NM, Isao'y. Berauton. Pa.. Feb. H, 1U elal Netleee. npHE MANlTKiiCTRRoiTlCLS 1 breted WHITE SPONGE FLOUR bavo appointed Mesara. Megargal Conaell thalr sol agenta for tba sal o; the same in Seran ton and vlelnity. Mr. K. B. Teal who for merly had the agency of this floor, will repre sent Megargal Connall with their complete line, together with alhia former specialties, TiVfiHE SOLDIER IN "oUB CIVIl7"wiR," X You want this relic. Contains all of Prank Leslie's famous old War Pictures, show Ing the foroea la actual battle, sketched on tha pot. Two volumes, 2,0UO pictures. Hold oa eaay monthly payments. Delivered by ox press complsio, all charge prepaid. Add rasa P. a MOODY. Z1 Adams Ave.. Seranton. Pa. BLANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. XAOA sines, etc. bound or rebound at Tne TRiauna toe wuicK worz. prlcea, Special Election. Mayor Orvicc, Scranton, Pa.. March . 1M. f NOTICE IB HEREBY GIVEN THAT Iff pursuance of resolution of Common Council, approved March &, ltaltt, a special election will b held at tb Usual Dollinst Dlaeaa in the Eleventh ward of aaid city, upon day, the 24th day of March, lSHtt, for the pur pose of electing a member of Common Coun cil to serve for the unexpired term ending the Crst Monday of April, lav. iSigued; W. L. CONNELL, Mayor. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, lVg. Train Leave Wllket-Barrea Follows 7.25 a. m., week day, for Sunbury Harrltburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, WathlriRion, and for Pitta burg and the Wait. 10.15 a. m., week daye, for Hazleton. Pottsville, Reading;, Norrietown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitta burg and the Weet. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harriiburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sunday only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg; and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. B. WOOD. Qea'l Pass. As-ent. S. M. PREVOST. Oeneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. T1MK TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17, M3. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, WilkPH-Barre, etc at .2i), B.15, 11. w a. m., 1.20, 2.00, 8.05, 0.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, s.iw a. m., 1.00, 2.1S, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic CUy, l. a. m. For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, t.30 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun v 9 is n m. Train Icavinr 1 20 n. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, .2I p. m. ana -ew mr e.w p. ni. Fur Maiich Chunk, Allentown. Bethlo hem, Kaston and Philadelphia, 1.20 a. m., 1.20, 3.05, I'OO (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, M5P- m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8 20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. For Keadinit. Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.2V a. m 1.20, (.00 p. nt. Sunday. 2.1a p. m. For Pottsville, 8.21) a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at .M (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30. i.t (express with MuKet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4. JO a. m. i.avn I'hlladelnhla. iteadine Terminal. v.OO a. m 2.00 and 4 30 p. tn. Sunday e.27 a. m. Through ticket to all points at lowest rates rruiy he had cn application in ad vance to the ticket aKdit at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. On. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLIIATTSEN. On. Siipt. DELAWARB AND ncldi.N RAIL ROAD. remmencing Monday. i..iw so all rralne will 0 arrive at new Lacka- m V . u h a ttl. as follows: TiHiiis will leave Reran- ton elation for Carbomlale and Interme diate points at 6.4 'i: - end 10 M a. m.. l!.oo, z.-v, 5- '" " "" ForKlrvlew. Way mart and Hone.daU at 7 00. 83 and 1010 a. nr.. 12.00. 2.20 and &.li pVr Albany. Baratoga, thf Adirondack and Montreal at a. m. and 1 20 p. m PAf yy U Ks? ! I I WJ eeiiu MisTUItllV oolnts at 7.5, . .: and 10 a. m.. U.OS. I 20 I 3A 00510. .0i, .15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Bcranton station from Carbondale and intermediate points I.Tki liii 0 34 and 10.40 a. m.. ltOOVl M. 14. sTio, 4.54. &.U. 7.4J, t.ll and 11.83 p. m. From Honesdale, Wsymart and Far view at 8.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 140. 5.55 and 7.45 p. m. . From Montreal, isaraiega, aissay, ate., at 4.54 and 11.83 p. m. FVom Wllkes-Barre ana IntcrmeAjeta tolnta at lis, 8.04, lo ot and 11.55 e. as.. I.U M, 188, lie, i.08, 7.20. 8.08 and U.U p. ta. jv. m Wallace THE ENTIRE and Capes were bought from tbe agents. Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have marked them on the same ba sis. 2oo Washington Avenuo,' Opp. Court House. UPHOLSTER FDRN1TDRE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Ilale Over Mattresses, Me and Repair Sprisft Sell Iron Beds, Hake Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17. 18K. Train leaves Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.4l a. m.. U.03, 1.20, 2 38 and 11.38 p. rn.. via D., 1 W. R. K.. 100, 108. 11.80 a, nt.. and I t P-.rn. -Leare Bcranton for Plttston and WUkes Barre, via D L. W. R. R loo. lot, U.U a, in., 140, 107. 158 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Havaa. Ha. fleton, Pottpvlll and all polate on the B.aX?r-Meado' and Pottsville branches, via K. W. V. R. 180 a. m., via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20. 2. St, 4.00 p. S- -i-1 W. B, R. 180. e.ue. U.W a. ta., 1.80, 140 p. m. -.Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem. Beaton, Heading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate f8int.'-,v,Jt- H. R. R. 7.45 a. rn., 12.05, yo. 181 ,4.00. 11.38 p. m via D.. L. W. R. R.. 100, lot, 11.20 a. m.. 1.30 p. nt Lave Scranton for Tankhannock, To wanda, Klnilra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate polnte vlaD II. R. R.. 8 m., 1105 and 11.86 p. m., via )., L at W. R. R 108. 155 a. in.ri.30 P. la. ..Leave Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chlcaajo and all FPifitai west via D A H. K. H., (.45 a. m , 12.05. 116, 11.S8 p. m via L. 4s W. R R. and Plttston Junction, 108, 166 a. m.. L30, 150 p. m., via E. r W. V. R. R., 141 p. m. i or Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, Via D. II. R. R., (.45 a. m. 12.0G. 6.06 p. m.. im D.,1. W. R. R lot, 166 a m., 1.30. and 1 07 p. ni. Pulman parlor end aleeplng or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. B. Junction or Wllkea-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suepeaslea Bridge. RpLLTN H. WILBUR. Oen. Supt CHA9. 8. LKE. Oen. Pass, Agt.. Phlla., Pe. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oea. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 14. 1805. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Et fress for New York and all polnta East. 40. 150, 6.16, 8.00 and 166 a, in.; U.U ani 134 p. m. Express for Knston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 6.16, 8.00 and m.56 a. 12.65 anil 134 p. m. Washington and way stations), 155 p. m, Tobyhanna accommodation, .10 p. m. Kxpress for Binghamton, Oswego, El mlra. Corning, Bath. Dansvlllo, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.36 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close conneetlon el Buffalo to all points la the Weet. North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, f a. tn. Binghamton and way etatiene, 11.17 p. as. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. blnghantton and Klmlra Express, 101 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego, ITtica and Richfield Brings, 2.S6 a. nt. and 1.24 p. m. . Ithaca 2.35 and Bath a. m. and 1JJ p m. For Northumberland, Plttston. Wilkes Berre, Plymouth, BloomsbursT and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberlHiid for Wllllamsport, 1 iw. rrlsburg. Baltimore, Vashlngton and th South. Northumolrland and InUrmeUlate eta tlons, 8.00, 0.55 a. m. and 1.30 ana 107 p. m. Nanticoke nnd Intermediate) etaflona, 108 and 1120 a. m. Plymoiith and later mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coehs ea lFoJPaVtalYedni'nforinatlo"., pocket time tabfee. apply to M. L Umith. elty ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Tom and Intermediate polnta on thai Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. m. and 1S P. m. Also foj Honesdale, Hawlejr i and local points at 7.00, 0.40 a. m. and t.tt p. m. All the above are through trains te ana from Honeedale. . . . Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 13 a, m. end 2.1 P- m. acHAlV! DITttrtOl la K fieri aesrtesasxr sTtia, Mel erta stoasra. IS03COI uiO,e4 sutloae U 2 (Trains . Dally, U I csptaundaj r vArrite Iavai ii Ii i M 1 (sin T a-rankisa ml floiWest od reetl 7 on weeaewiae ir s AmTc i iUaaeook Jicsetseai I M Raacocr .. i fltArllfcf. Preston part oowo Potnteile Belmont Pleasant Ml Ualondale Forset City Carboadaie White Bridge Mayfieid Jeruiye Archibald Wlnton PeckviUe Vlyphan Dloksoa Throop PrOTldeno Park Place Ilt40l h 18 UJ lira ssviii ai ft 4;niol S4 ....I 041111 S3, 8 8VH te sen ml lll II sej.ii 7 8mi m 18 II Oil S 11,11 it f iet; e iaas.- Koran ton m a hive AO trains rss aally eioept Saarley. I SiKnlBeallitt iralasstoeoaaisTaal for secure ratre via Ontario a Weet em be tare urchaslocih'ketsand save way aaai siagt K press to tee wset 1. c. Aseraen, ea. PaeaAgt. T. rascrett. Dir. f ass, Agt. ewraatea, fa. IA Ml I .... 811 ..3 I .... til ..J I .... M .MB) I .... 894 .3 visa 3 r ss at ,13 I ltrl8 .. Tafada T 88 4 0tj.J t 41.3 reiftm.M, r4'4 80..M a ar ml