The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 10, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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rReaders will plcai note that nnVertlj.
In.nts, orders for Job work, ami item for
liiiMh-atton left 'at the establishment
Shannon & Co.. newsdealers. North Main
ktreet. will receive prompt' attention; or
Bee open from a. m. to 111 p. m.J
Alias Dorabluar Speaks of the Work of
he W. I. I .
" Miss Queen Dornbluzc-r. of Philadol
Iihla, the state superintendent of the
work amonfr foreigners on behalf of the
Women's Christum TemiH-runoe union,
addressed a lurRe aucllenoe of the youm?
people of the t'hrlstluii Kncleavor so-
rlety. and her address was lisleiieU to
with close attention.
In the evening the auditorium of the
fterean Buptlst tabernacle was HUotl by
an attentive nuilienre. and after the
reading of tile CrusucU' 1'Sulni, the 146th.
by Miss Dornbluster unit a fervent
prayer by -the pastor, the Rev. T. K.
Jepson. the president of the local Wo
men's Christian Temperance corps.
Mrs. Kstuhrooke. In a few well-chosen
remarks, introduced .Miss Dornbhizrr.
In her introdiu tory renmiks she liwi-ll
vi ry forcibly upon the fathcrhii of
tloii and the common lrtherlnl of
man us the principles upon which nil
Christ Inn efforts are built. Sin- riu
phusixeil that she brought no new
creed or dumnu. hut she brniiKht the
old. old Ktiiry in Its fullness as ciuille
to uplift the fallen and the advance
ment of truth unit rlKhtootisness. I'ro
hlbition was her inula theine urul she
lulvtincid inuny aruiiiiu nts in its I'uvpr
ih reciipiiulan-d the work iiccMiiipl inh
ed Ulllnllnsl the fiireitrll element, of
which there are thuiisii nils in rVnnsyl
Viinhi. They supply Hlljli'sulid tracts ami in
culcate in heir in i in Is their ilotii-M us
true citizens.
tier address was listened to with un
divided intention, and the h . T. K.
Jepson and Mis. Kst.ilnooke expi'oHet
Hie Impe that the udiliess wi'mUl stir
up the locul oruanixatiuiis In a sense of
their duties.
l.Ain at ki:st.
Tli I uncial of Mr. II. IV. KounJ
I argclv AttsiiJcJ.
The funeral of Mrs. II. W. It. minis,
who was culled home on Krldu.v las',
look place- Sunday afternoon at her
lute residence on Arclibulil street. The
body was taken from the resldem-i to
the Methodist Kplscopui church, tin
l!ev. I'r. it. A. I'luce com I net i-il the
service. The cortese was a lurtre one.
the deceased was he'd ill hli;h .-1 .-n
by a lurse circle of friends. I r. IMar
paid the deceased nn eulnsiiiiu a
faithful Christian lady.
The remains were conveyed to Maple
Wood cemetery.
The Shield of Honor uttendeil in u
body 'itnd supplied u heatltll'ul Moral
pillow with the Initials or tlu 1ml w
thereon. The pull-hearers were; M sm.
S. I.. Carlton, I,. II. Himliik, ;..nir
Mul Kit II. (ien;'e ICvans, Chillies MciiJii
niln and Charles Sliornover. The t'ol
lowiiig out-of-town friends atteiuled:
Mr. and Airs. M. Walker. Mr. and .Mrs.
Henry Tdivls, of Ararat Summit: Mr.
and Mrs. .1. 1!. TliiKley. of Hfirick
Center; Mr. and Mrs. I. Header. Kranlt
otnids, and Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Wills,
of rniondale: .Mr. and Mrs. Klmer
Itounds, of Forest City: I:. K. Iavis,
Mr. nml Mrs. U. S. Hulls and William
Itolls. of Ci recti KlilKe, anil 11. Kulllicts.
of Waymurt.
st a i k i.u,i ok i.i:a;i;i:.
I'rctiJcitf Patterson Addressed a l.oeal
.Meeting at .McTiglie's Hull.
Jn response to the cull issued to all
tile liiiior dealers of tills city, Koresl
City, ViiniUltiK. Fell township, Mayticld
and Jcimyn, a Riiml muster was pres
ent ut MeTishe's hull on Sunday af
ternoon and wore enrolled as members
of the State I.euHUe l.iiiuor dealers.
The Hon. IMchu'd II. I'atlersoii, of
Philadelphia, president of the new
league, uddressed the meeting.
David Havles, of Hyde Turk, pjient
Sunday with friends In Simpson and left
yesterday tor home.
Thomas Keese, of Hyde Park, after
nilngltntr uinonitst friends Saturday,
left for home Sunday.
, tiphie Morgan, of Terrace street. Is
' quite ill.
Hon. S. 8. Jones whs In Scrunton yes
terday. Miss Mary Morrison, of ltelmjiit
street. Is the Kuest of the Misses leary.
of I'Vu iiklin avenue, Scranloii.
.Ihiih-s lioyle. of I'urboiiilalc, was vis
iting In llonesdale last Friday.
1'rofessor c. lioty, of Willics
llarre, was In the city Sunday.
John Morgan, the Salem uveiiiip mer
chant, was in Susquehanna Sumlny.
Miss Maine ISuild, of Forest City, is
Visiting relatives in town.
Mrs. Dr. !. A. Place Is confined to
her home.
The Northwest colliery is practically
idle today, the breaker has broken
Alderman and Mrs. Hnnnell left 'yes-
Worn Out Women
(Should reid tbi letter. It shows the
wonderful building-up power of Hood'i
Hanapsrilla, tie
great blood purifier.
"I wish I could
stand in tome pub
lic place and cry to
all ailiug humanity,
Hear thii, ye peo
ple, what wonder
ful thing Hood'i
harsaparilla hmt
done for me and my
family.' I cannot
xpress what I auf-
iered. Only one of my sex know what a
woman can sutler in my condition. I was
prostrate with nervousness and weakness.
Tha least noise would drive me frantic.
I decided to take Hood's barsapsrilla. I
aut overjoyed to say that I am now well,
hearty, rosy and plump.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la the best medicine lor those suffering as
I haresuBered." Urns. C. C. Kirkpatrick,
Pine Grove, Penn. ft; six for f5.
Heed's ptus ssa-
Tnit mit ivoi?k itiit- of
i; this (Jrcut SacrlHcc Sale,
I e I to close nil Rcmimiits
- out at much less tliun
! X -1 cost- lnutliH from :
yiii'Us to I S yards in cuch
. J. . j. . piece. BrlnK your mean
- ,.Jf . tire and net one of these
X urcat harguins-as this
'-J hale will positively last
only tt days more.
J. 5cott Inglis
, - Ait Lackawanna Aval
terlay nioriiinpr to attend the silver
weil.linK: of Air. and Mrs. A. S. Waldte,
at ISriMiklyn. Susiiueliaiina.
Miss lUiella Hwitblazer. while In the
city, is the irucst of Mr. ami Mrs.
I'ien-e V. 'Sutler.
Jesse Wninier. of the Vnlverslty of
IVniisylvania, is on -a visit to his par
ents. . . ... . .
Hardly a burulary has ocTtirred In
llonesdale but that IJriiliani Watts, the
bard ware dealer, is a sutTerer. Saturday
night two thieves raided lower Alain
street and with the aid of a chisel uud
aufjer stolen from Sweeney's boat yard,
suc-ceeded in making their way into
two stores but failed In their attempt
on the ihird. The bui'Klurs Hint broke
in the do r of Watt's hardware store.
A heavy brass !ad-lock was wrenched
unu it. and the main lock of the door
was broken open by forclnir a chisel in
the cdse of the door and usinK it as
a lever. Kin-lit revolvers, twenty raz
ors, wniie silver spoons and other stiiull
articles were taken, nmountiiifr in all
to about $"i0. J. Freeman & Son. cloth
iers, a few doors above, were next
tackled In the same wav. but for some
reasuii the doors could not be forced
ami they passed on to' the dothins
store of Air. Fox. where they made a
Fiu-csslul entrance. Two suits of
cloihts. two overcoats, two hats and a
feu- iair of susneuders nmouiitinK. in
all to S.".(J. were taken. No money wa
secured at either store. I he rir.ors
taken from Mr. Watts arc stamped on
the blade, "raliam Watts. Honesdale.
I'a.. and should bo easily ideiilllied
Two policemen, John iMtim ami t'alvln
Itniu n. are on duly all night. The rob
bery occurred in 1'ollccnian IHuin's
beat, but he w:'s not aware that any
thing was wrumr. At l.:; he tiled nil
tin- doors aloni; Main street, and every
thing was safe at that hour. He dis
covered nothinif amiss on his ri-Ktilai
wulks after .hul. and it was not until
NiKlit. Walchnian David Itmlie was tv
luriiiiiK' from his duty at ihc llniiis
dnle Sills mill, that the robbery was
disi'ox ered, and 111." propl letors liotllicd
Mr. Watts leatiutl tha. two suspicious
i hiim tcrs liinl left the t'oyne house
en i ly In tin- into ii i ntA and stalled In
the direction of Ili'Wley. He lei
plioip-il Thomas fill, nt White Mills,
who reported that the two men hud
passed throlif'll there. The llawley
constable was notified and the two men
arrested. Sheriff Murphy and Mr.
Watts drove to llawley and hud Hit
men searched. They cave their nsi-
deiicf as hem i; near Scrunton. lint, us
notbiiiK' suspicious was found about
them, ii tul as they told a straight story.
tlli'.V We'e allowed to no.
The ::-ytar-o!d child of Krimk M
Kills il!id siiiliiiiilv nt hN home on
hart street Saturday nl:;lit. A short
funeral sci vVe was hi Id at the house
Alonclay nn Tiihm by Itcv. William H
Swilt and Air. littis t.iok the body to
1 1 1 u v erneur. St. Lawrence county, Xew
York, for burial.
tl(iiti' .lames, of fnrliondale, and
liussell lltmniick, of Scrunton, passed
Sunday at their bonus here.
.). Kirk (lose and Thomas Fuller have
returned from New York.
William Wallace Hani, has returned
home from a trip to New York.
Miss Klizu Usborne left yesterday to
resume her studies ut Allllcisville Nor
itial school.
The I 'oiiaresation of the Primitive
Alt'thndist church will hold a bazaar
In tiilinore hall this week.
Thomas (. Ilohinson, our genial jus.
tlce of the peace. Is very ill at his home
on Cemetery street.
The election to decide the iptestion of
uiiinicipul ownership of the water
works will -take place March -4. This
election will decide the tiestion of
cheaper water fur this boroiiKh for all
.Miss Clara Dnvles called on Carbon
dale friends yesterday.
Aiming: those attending license court
as witnesses are: Joseph T. Itoberts,
James 1'. Sampson, C. !. Winter. C. I.
Hell. Thomas Al. HrUliths, .Michael
Iti'beits and Thomas Wnlkey.
Aliss Kdith Alaynurd, of South Main
street. Is seriously ill.
Aliss Crace Wise, of l'eckville, Is the
jruest of .Miss Josle Davis, at the powd
er mills.
A few of our business men are a train
tryiiiK to induce a manufacturer to lo
cate tu our midst. If satisfactory terms
can be arrantced they will employ about
fifty men at the start, and expect to
udil a deimitnient for uirls. The ar
ticle to be manufactured Is controlled
by this company and full time will be
Ktiaruntced to the workmen the wlml.
year thioinvh.
About twenty-live of the friends of
Walter l'rior helped to celebrate hi
tbirty-lifih birthday on Saturday eve-
nloB. After reireshmeiils cigars weir
passed and toasts were responded to
by many present.
Airs. w. H. Hudson, who has been
III for a few days Is convalescent.
Jollies tl. Shepherd has sold his Sec
ond Htrcet residence to Frank He-mel-liaht.
The horouiih council met in regular
session last evening. There were pres
ent when the meeting was called to
order. Coiincilmeu Hint, Cllmurtln.
Kelile and Klenlbaiier. and I'resldent
Jones presided. The unlinlshed busi
ness ol" the last meetini? was trans
acteil by the election, without op
position, of Frank Sinners, for boroiiKh
tieasuier: Patrick J. Harrctt. for path
master, anil C. A. Itattetibersr for bor-
ouurh attorney. I!y motion of Air. Hehle
the tax levy was fixed at the snme rale
as lust year, 5 mills for llfiht, ii for
Keiieral. 2 for special and 1 for water,
a total of l:l mills. The following com
mit tees were armolnted : Light. Alc
ijlynn, Hehle and Kleinbauer; water,
Hunt. Wagner mid Munley. road,
Hehle. AVasner, Hunt and l.ane i:":d
(lilinartin. A special committee con
sisting of Hehle, Cilmnrtin and T.e:p.
was appointed to revise the borough or
dinances. The term of otilce of Timothy
linike. of the board of health, bavins
expired, he waste-appointed. The fol
lowing bills were apuroved: Hen Col
nieyer. $": Dr. Van lioren. secretary of
the board of health, and Calscent Kiev
trie -'initiany, Jimi. Air. Kleinbauer
calletl attention to the wretched condi
tion of the culverts ia the Thl'il ward
ami the matter was referred to the road
commit tee.
Mr. and Mis. Thomas Cuates, of
Y'atesvllle. siient Siniilay with their
parents in town.
Aliss Hessle Webster of South Canaan.
Is visiting at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. A. 11. Jenkins, on Walnut street.
The Presbytei Ian Sunday school
elected the following ottleers for the
ensuing: year last Sunday afternoon:
Superintendent. F. C Hunt: assistant
sunci'inteiiileitt, William Allen: secre
tary, John Alitchell; assistant. Aliss
Minnie Alay; treasurer. William Kooke:
librarian, Janus Heese; assistant. Atiss
Kmina Karnes: organist, Aliss Carrie
Hests: assistant. Miss .May Hrundage;
chorister, Mrs. J. K. Doyle.
Miss J. M. Kistellleft .Monday morn
Intr for New York to inspect the styles
In millinery and purchase goods and
notions for the spring: trade.
Mr. nnd Airs. .1. K. Mllroy. of Waverly.
are stunning with Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam K Is tell, while Aliss Julia Is In New
Then Buby was nick, we (rave her Cantoris.
A lien she wo a tlillil, she crbnl for Castoria.
Wheu Klie liet'iunt! Mlxt, she clung to CvUoria.
When she had Children, she save them Castoria.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
U C7 rsOT JXtVvj
William Denn lakes Arsenic to Relieve
I'a iii
William Denn. of Wood street, a well
known painter, died at the home of his
sister-in-law. Airs. Thomas Norton, at
Port Clriltlth yesterday from arsenical
poison, taken to relieve pain. Penn
was injurel several months ago and
had sutiered much pain since. He had
been uttended by Dr. Petty and on Sat
urday went to the home of Mrs. Norton
and complained of the severe vain and
soon became very ill. Toward evening
his condition became so serious that
the family summoned lr. 1'nderwoml.
or Pittston, and the latter called Dr.
Tobin In consultation. Denn then stat
ed that he had taken a considerable
piaiittly of arsenic, which he had pur
chased in Wilkes-liarre.
The sufferer said that a friend had
advised him to take arsenic which he
tiovcrnor Hastings 1-ixes the Hate of His
Warden 1 inland of the county prison
Informed A bra in 1. Hi-kert yesterday
that the governor had llxed Alay H
the dale for Ills execution.
Tin murderer, who has been down
cast for some mouths past, simply re
toiolveil: "I am readv to uo. mv only
lltuipe now Is my Savior." Ills Attor
neys tonight say they will lake the
cuse before the board ol" pardons,
though there are Very little hopes of
suviug him, t
Walter Ha rues' Sudden Heath.
Walter llarnes. single, nged ''" years,
died very suddenly yesterday mornlnjt
at his boarding house, Pittston. Last
year be was injured anil spent some
time in the hospital, on his recovery
he was employed as a machinist in
T.uililll's foundry. His mother und sis
ter reside on Hrewery Hill, this city,
ai d his body wiy removed here today
by l'ndertaker Duron. Heart disease
is sunt .ised to have been the cause of
VacKnieht liaugcd In I fflBV.
O. N. MacKnlght. the missing mer
chant und banker, was hanged in effigy
yesterday morning nt his home in
Plains. The figure was found by a
number of his creditors suspended from
a rope from the Traction company's
wires In front of his late place of busi
ness. Ad oss the breast wus a large
curd on which was printed "In him we
did trust." The figure after hanging
for an hour or so was cut down by
some of his neighbors.
The Dr. Alasun glee club and the
Christine Neilssoii feipale chorus will
soon give a concert III the Uruiid and
will give the proceeds to the hospital.
Hesidents of the lower end are great
ly alarmed over the many robberies
which are now being committed almost
nightly by a band of thugs. Two rob
beries, a store und a dwelling, Is the
record for AlacaUou this week, and on
Wednesday night the olllcer of the pow
der mill in I.ofty wus entered and ran
sacked. Judgment was entered yesterday
against James J. llowley, a merchant
of Plymouth und former tax collector
or Plains township. The note Is dated
March 7, IKhO. In favor of Stephen J.
Whitenian as trustee lor a large num
ber of Air. Ilowley's business creditors
whose names and the amounts payable
to each are specified. The total amount
secured thereby is, no execution
has been Issued upon this note. It Is
claimed that Mr. Ilowley's assets will
fully cover his Indebtedness.
Aliss Mabel Dewllt Is visiting friends
in Port .lervis.
Aliss Let tie Jncoby, of West Nantl
cokc. Is spending a few weeks at the
Aliss Kate Conboy visited friends In
Diiniuore last week.
Thomas Cunningham is working at
Aliss Hessle Olms, of Scrnnton, spent
Wednesday with Aliss F.lla l'elton.
Airs. Kugeiie Nouck, Mrs. Clara No
in k and little son, Alack and Mrs. Jen
nie Alack were entertained by Air. and
Airs. Charles Noack on Friday.
John Keeiuer, of Alaytleld, visited
friends here the past week.
Mrs. Fannie Brown anil son Charles
have'tieen spending a few days with
friemla in Scranton.
Ali a. William Hinds is a guest of Mrs.
A. Hin.1s.
Air. Charlie Adams was a visitor in
Scranton on Friday.
Aliss Alollle Noack spent last week
at KM in In i rst with her sister, Mrs. K. VY.
Mrs. F. II. AIoss visited her daughter
at Scrunton last week.
Mrs. Daniel P.vans and con Charlie
spent Thursduy with her sister, Airs.
J. Al. Khoads, at Kltnhurst.
Tom John, of Hyde Park, was a vis
itor in town on Al inula y.
Air. and Airs. H. W. Davis, of Kim
hurst, spent Saturday evening with
Air. Davis' mother on .Mill street.
Frank Posten spent Friday afternoon
In Scranton.
The Women's Christian Temperance
union held a purlor meeting at the
home of Dr. and Mrs.l.amereaux on
Tuesday afternoon. There was a large
attendance, about fifty being present.
Aliss Ptiella Dornblazer. one of the
state siiieiinteudents of the union,
was present und gave an address on
department work. Short uddresses
were altio made by liev. A. 1). David.
Air. W. I''. Clements and Mr. O. K.
Vaughn, who help by word und deed
forward the work of the organization.
A touching letter containinx a gener
ous offering from Mrs H. J. Cameron
was read. The little daughters of the
hostess assisted in entertaining the
gurstA with itiaiut songs and recita
tions. Airs. Kamoreaiix suns; a beauti
ful r.olo, "Just lor Today," in a pleasing
manner. Hefreshments. consisting of
sandwiches, cuke and coffee, .were
served by Airs. S. S. Yeager. Mrs. J. Al.
Noack and Aliss Ituth Gardner.
1 A regular meeting of the council was
held last evening. The meeting was
called to order ut o'clock. The next
order of business was to elect a presi
dent for the new council. After three
bullots had been taken each resulting
in a tie, on motion by Air. Davis, sec
onded by Air. Denipsey, the council ad
journed to meet at the same time con
tinuously until the organization is per
fected. Airs. P. H. Alurrln. of Carltnndale, Is
visiting Air. and Airs. A. C. Farrell, on
Dunmore ptreet. .
Mrs. W. J. Rrown and daughter, Aliss
Mary, are spending a few days with
relatives nt this plane.
"Shadow Detective" will appear at
the Father Mathcw Opera house Wed
nesday evening instead of last Satur
day evening: at stated in Saturday's
The leap year social held In the Con
gregational church last evening under
the mnaag-ement ot the young- ladles of
the church was a decided success, both
socially and financially. Miss Km ma
Humphrey presided and announced
each number of the programme, which
consisted of vocal and Instrumental so
los, duets and recitations, all of which
were well rendered and loudly applaud
ed. After the programme cuke and
coffee were served by the ladles and a
social time enjoyed by all.
Messrs. T. Lvnady, H.. Shannon and
J. Horn, of Carbondale, were callers In
town Sunday.
Frank Farrell and J. F. Ferguson
were visitors at Dunmore Sunday.
Dr. J. J. Walsh, of Scrunton, was In
town Sunday.
Airs. John Ferguson will leave tomor
row for Hloomlng drove. Pike county,
to visit her daughter. Airs. William
Aliss Cora Yoyle spent Sunday ut
Thomas Kills, sr., of Allnooka avenue.
Is still confined to the house by sick
ness. Airs. I,uey Corby, wife of Sylvester
Corby, who has been routined to the
house by a lingering sickness, was
called to her lust home on .Monday
morning. Airs. Corby was a patient
sufferer and wus formerly u resident
of Allll City, interment will be made
at Mill City.
Mrs. (leorge Tregallas. of Main street,
Is a visitor in Hyde Park.
The Ladles' Home and Foreign Mis
sionary society of the Presbyterian
church will have an apron sale and sup
per on Thursduy evening. March 12.
Price of supper if cents. The commu
nity at large should assist the ladies
by their presence.
.Messrs. David and t'harles Itohertsou
returned to Wyoming Seminary Alon
day after spending Sunday at the hotuu
of their purents on Main street.
Alis. James A. Hand was a caller In
Scrantun yesterday.
Dr. Longstreet, of Scrunton, was a
caller In town Friday last.
Little .Marguerite Thornton, of Scran-
' ton, Is the guest of Aliss Ksther Wll
! cox.
i John Courtright nnd Aliss Huth Perry
I of Waverly, called on friends last Fri
I day.
The dancing school class closes with
a finale dance next Friday evening,
I .March 1.1.
I (ienrge Hummel, of Noxen. visited
j at the home or Air. and Airs. K. 1.. Ba
. con over Sunday.
Aliss Alame AlcConnell. of Wilkes
1 Hurre, was the guest of Aliss .May Wil
! kins last week.
Mr. Wllllard Smith, of Creen liidge.
spent Sunday here visiting relatives
and friends.
Leon Colvln, of Scranton, spent Sun
day with relatives here.
Aliss Laura Woodward, who has been
for the past two weeks in New York,
has returned home.
.Messrs. Edward and Thomas Hale, of
Scranton, visited their parents here
Aliss Alame Yegiurd, of Scranton. Is
being entertained by friends at this
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swuyne's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing;, heals ulceration, and In most cases
removes the tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for GO cents. Dr. Swayne &
Son. Philadelphia.
From the Diocesan Record.
Only one ymr more of Grover.-Scranton
Can It be possible, dear Joseph, that
you have gone back on the Democratic
party ho sooii? You shoud not do It.
You did great work while you Were with
us; now, when yon are ou the wlnnpiM
side, you should be content. You could
huve, if you hud stayed, anything with
reason for the asking. Reconsider your
decision and return to the Democratic1 fold
once more.
Infill h Capital, for American Invest
Important to Americans seeking Eng.
Ilsh capital for new enterprises. A Mat
containing the names anil addressed of S'.U
succeasful promoters who have placed
over llOv.OOO.OUO sterling In foreign Invest
ments within the last six years, and over
18.UUO.IW9 for the seven months of liitj
Price fa or 125, payable by postal order
to the London end Cnlvtosal Bureau of
Investors, 20. Oheapslde, London, E. C
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters or Introduction to any
of these successful promoters.
This list is flntl class In every respect,
and every man or firm whose name up
pears I herein may be depended upon. Fur
placing the following It will be found invaluable-Ronds
or Shares of InUuslriul,
Commercial and Flnunclul Concerns,
Mortgage loans, Sule of Lands. Patents or
A Professional Nurse Afflicted with
Brlght's Disease of the Kiducys
Finds a Cure.
(From the Buffalo News.)
Mrs. A. E. Taylor has resided In Buf
falo for over forty years, her address la
2M Herkimer avenue; as a professional
nurse she has nursed back to health
many a sufferer. Disease in all its
varied forms have become as familiar
to her as to the regular practitioner.
Her occupation la one that taxes the
strongest constitution, but the fatigue
of long watching; and nursltiK at last
brought her to a bed of sickness. Mrs.
Taylor speaks of her compluint and
cure as follows: "After being con
fined to my bed for some time my dis
ease assumed such a serious aspect
that a doctor was called in. lie pro
nounced my ailment Britiht's disease of
the kidneys In the third degree and a
very bad case. My limbs swelled up so
that 1 could nut walk across the floor,
or. Indeed, help myself In any way. Aly
face bloated up and my eyes swelled so
that the sight was badly impaired.
This condition continued for nearly
two months without any marked
Improvement from the doctor's treat
ment. 1 have taken quarts of buchu
and Juniper. I tried battery treatment,
but all without any lasting benefit until
I felt like finally Riving up In despair.
Hearing of Dean's Kidney Pills 1 gave
them a trial,, and after taking three
boxes I was able to get up without aa
ststance and walk, something I had not
done hi mouths. 1 citliuicd to steadi
ly Improve with tier use. The swell
ing in my leg left, the color returned to
my face, changing from a chalky color
to a healthy bloom. I now consider my
self entirely cured and I shall never
rest praising the little pill that saved
'Poan's Kidney Pills are certainly a,
surprising discovery for kidney ali
ments. I shall be gHari to tell anyone of
tha wonderful cure they perfomed for
For sals by all dealers. Price So cents.
Mailed by Foiter-MIIburn Co.. Buffalo,
N. V.. sole agent for tha U. 8.
124-126 Wyoming Ave.
Arc showing the must exquisite
and exclusive line of labt ics that
were ever shown in Scranton. and
we tire oftcring the following
specialties this week :
15 pieces of double-fold wool dress
goods In plaids and mixtures, worth
Leader's Price 14c
20 pieces of all-wool cashmere, all col
ors, north 4."io.,
Leader's Price, 25c
20 pieces of 4t!-lnch black serxe,
worth 4rc,
Leader's Price, 2!)c
! or. i.Ia,...., ,.it...i 1.1....1.- ir,mi!t
In fancy stripes, worth Title,
Leader's Price. :7c
One lot of figured biillliintlne skirts,
lined throughout und hound,
Leader's Price. 1 il!)
One lot ot superb tlgiired brillliintlne
skirts, rive ynrds wide.
' . Leudcr's Price. l.!Sc
A large assortment of percale wrap-
, pers, all colors, sizes :e tu 41.
! Leader's Price. U'Jc
' Ladies' black satin i-kirls, one, two or
i three rulhVs,
Leader's Price, til. M und lic
; Xew lot of ladles' muslin corset cov
ers, ull izes,
One lot of' IuiIIhV tine cambric cor
ei covers, hlttli neck, trimmed with
Leader's Price. I 2c.
tine lot of Indies' liuslin drawers with
cluster iX 111. ks,
Leader's Price. IJc
One lot nP ladles' gow ns. Mot her Hub
bard yoke, triiiiiucil.
Leader's Price. 4ic
One lot or ladles' muslin skirts, cam
bric rutlle, trimmed with lace.
Leader's Price, Wc
fine lot of cliiKlreil'i: muslin drawers,
sizes, V to 14 years, with cluster of
Leader's Price, from 10c
Tor Size 1 and I'pwai'd
One lot of men's unlailiuli led percale
shirts, new gunds nml well made.
Leader's Price, 25c
One lot men's line hair hose, full scum
less, worth Lie.,
Leader's Price. : pairs (or 25c
One new lol of men's choice neckwear,
consisting of tccks and fniir-lii-liaiuU,
regular iprlce, .Vic.,
Leader's Price, 25c
One case ot lino apron gltiu.hams,
worth 7c.,
Leader's Price. Jc
l.fKW yards of dress fcinulniniH In short
lengths raiiKitnc front in to 10 yards
lit each, regular price. Wc,
Leader's Price, 5c
23 pieces of liaht percale, U2 inches
wide, worth lik,
Leader's Price. Uc
One lot of Tine lawns and dimities In all
the latest patterns, regular price. .Sc.,
Leader's Price. 5c
One lot or cream damask (able linen,
worth 4tH, . .
Leader's Price, 25c
All or our blankets and comforts to close
al liulf price.
f be Best
5t -it r u tut. 4;
of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold in
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Sues-25c 50c. and $ ptt bottle
At Druggist.
X and is Chambers Strtat, New Yeraw
If asBsfactwara of to Ostobrats
o,ooo Barrels per Annual
ssMfaetarsd at Ik Wapwalloiwa Mllla, Urn
aarae euuatr, IV, sad t WU
mtnatoo, Delaware.
eaaaral Awt for tks Wjominf Disttlst.
t& WYOMING AVC. Scranton, Pa
BO. rOBrXPtttsasa. Pa.
John . smith son, nmoatk. Pa,
K, W. AN, WOkaa BamTPa.
As ia well kuou u iu the trade, we have beeu selliug Pianos at wholesale
for uaan.v years, and ottrretiral from business lua couple of weeks oiueU the
fquariuic tip of dealers' and agents' accouuts who were wholly or partly sup
plied by us. To accomplish this we have dickers and deals io suit their con
venience, and antou(f other tbiufra have accepted about a doeu new pianos ot
various makes, but all reliable instruments in the latest styles upright casea.of
full compass and with the newest improvements. Kveiy piano u the lot will
stand the most rigid and critical scrutiny, and there is not oue in the lot worth
less than $.'150,110 iu the ordinary way of piano selling.
The Daily Bargain set aside for today eclipses all our previuin efforts.
This piatio is made by the original Matluisliek A .Sou, of New York lily. In
tone, lin Uli and style It is a really grand instrument, uud at the llgure o, tinted
w ill tfo for a fraction over liall its true value iT 1 1 k ." I k A
Today Only Cl .'J.UU.
lor Other I'iunu Bai-gulns visit the store aud look the stock over.
We Have Determined
To Reduce Our Stock
lu order to make room fur improvements aud additions to our store,
which arc necessary to accommodate our increasing business. VI any
very desirable patterns in
Have been mailed down to prices which will insure their speeJy sale.
Of course, they cannot be duplicated at their present prices, but you
may find sitfiicictit for your purpose, and it so, the price will please you.
"Brlng the size of jour room ultli you.
AfQ Lackawanna Ave.
r U O Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming Houss.
.l,l5fi.77.1 48
714 hi
. lIHi.OOU if)
, 3111,555 '.'II
. :ti.7;)4 c.'i
S.iiiiH H'l
7.77'i tm
. ir.7.::o-l 71
. lius sr,
l.X JO
V. 8. Bonds ,
Oilier Hulitls ,
Banking- House ,
Premiums on I'. S. bonds....
Hue from I'. R Treasurer..,
Due from Bunks ,
W M. CONNELI-, President: CiEO. H. CATLIN, Vice President; WM. M. PECK, Cashier.
UIKECTOKS-Wm. Connell. Henry Belin, Jr., James Archbald, Wm. T. Smith, Oeurge H.
Catlin, Luther Keller, Altred Hand. ,
Special attention given to Business and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Intersil
on Time Deposits.
Wh7 Des eack successive season witness
. VV jf such an increase iu the volume of our
business, enabling us to introduce finer goods, buy
iu larger quantities and cater more successfully to
the wants of the public?
Ic It because tlie people are satisfied with our
method of doing business and have learned to
look to its for the best assortment of House Fur
uishings at the 'most reasonable prices?
14. May be so; at all events you will do well to look
the matter up, and a visit to our establish
ment just now will be particularly interesting, as
many new novelties are being shown, including
a mammoth displav of Baby Carriages.
Like accompa
nying cut, oak
frames ; brass
trimmings, art
production ou
PRICE, 29c.
... I
I'tullvliled Profits
Dividends Unpaid
Due to Bunks
Bills Payahle
.( 200.000 W
. M.Ovu 11
il.m 43
it ro
. 1,J1,744 l:l
. 24.39S It!
L',ll.:W W
i .
1 ;'iti"-lfi.