The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 09, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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iRdr. will plesss note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and items (or
Subluxation Iff I at -the establishment of
hannon & Cov newsdealers. North Main
street, will recelvs prompt attention; of
fice opto from 8 a. m. to ID p. m.J
Th Cltt Fathers Transaet Important
Buslnass-lnstrnot th Clerk to Ask 1.
II. Company to Bnild a New Bridge.
The select council held an adjourned
meeting .in the council chumher und
passed important rexolutUiim. The fol
lonine; were present: C. K. Spencer.
..i..i.-n,.. t vt n I! Misled
und S. A. Dilts. The following; resolu
tions were adopted. Introduced by J.
H. Gilhool:
Whereas. The city of Carbondale has
by ordinance, provided for thw pave
ment of Belmont and Caiman streets to
connect with pavement on Church
street: and
Whereas. The bridge on Church street,
railed No. 1 bridge.. Is not properly ou
st ructed to c-nrry said puvenient, nor to
uicomtiiodute the public: ami
Whereas. It Is the duty of the Dela
ware and Hudson company to construct
mi maintain u bridge at the place men
tioned capable of carrying said pave
ment and for the convenience und ac
commodation of the public, be it
Kesolved. Hy the select council, the
common council concurring, that the
said company .bo notified that the city
of Cul'boudale 1.4 about to pave on
Church street and over the gravity rull
lou'J and canal of said riiniuuiiy und
that they are reunited to remove the
bridge known us No. 1 bridge and con
struct the same of such permanent ma
terial as will warrant the paying of
pavement on the same and also to widen
satil bridge so us to allow of sidewalks
on each side and n roadway of thirty
twu feet: that Hie city clerk forward
to hu lil company a copy of this resolu
tion, and that he be itiHlructfil to re-iiui-st
said company to take action on
this notice and advise within twenty
days of the company's intention in the
I. 1, w II 1.' TI, ,1 Ml.
chad Moran's claim aguinst the city be
icfi'ired to the commit tees on Judiciary
and legislation of both brunches of
council, suld committees to meet Mr.
Moruii to the end that an equitable ad
justment of the case be made if pos
sible. Hy . 13. lllsted That the committee
tin entlmutes be requested to meet Mon
day evening next ut 7.3U o'clock for the
purpose of making the estimates for the
entiling year.
Hy . K. HUted-That Mayor K. K.
-mli it k and City Solicitor Stuart be a
cijtmiiltlee to represent this city ut the
convention of reuresentatlveu of cities
of the third class, to lie held In Heading
on March II.
By ti. A. Dills That a contract be
executed between this city and the
Crystal l.uke WuLer company on the
terms heretofore aureed upon.
Hy John H. Cilli.iol -Tlmt John Itooth
be permitted to put the stone crusher in
good condition nml tine it to work on
the new bridges, provided that when
through be shall 'ilace it where direct
ed by councils.
si'NDAY onsi:kv.(.i:.
Mayor llendrick Orders That Newsboys
lie kept tuny from the Church Doors.
The mayor has Issued the following
notice to be in harmony with the Sun
dnv observance movement Inaugurated
in the city:
To J. .1. Mi-Andrews" chief of police:
l iear sir.- Complaints have been made
that the newsboys congregate about the
churches in this city, und they cry out
noisily the papers they have for sule.
This is not only annoying to the church
going people, bin it Is clearly a viola
tion of the ordinance of this city and
the Sunday laws of the commonwealth.
You are hereby directed to abate this
form of Sabbath desecration by order
ihg these venders of Sunday news
papers to conduct their trade in nil or
derly way. und at other places than In
the neighborhood of houses of worship.
Officers Selected.
The Ladles' Auxiliary to the Brother
hood of Locomotive Engineers has met
und elected ollicevs as follows: Presi
dent, .Mrs. It. Crnfl: vice-president,
.Mrs. V. Coon; secretary. Airs. (!. IHni
mii'k : treasurer. .Mrs. C. lllsted: chap
lain. Mrs. S. S. Critman: guide, .Mrs.
). Hudson; sentinel. Mrs. Cingham.
They selected Mrs. .1. M. I'eck as their
delegate to the International conven
tion which will be held in May in Otta
wa, Cunada.
Miss Mary V. Cibbs Is ill at her home
on Park street.
Alderman S. S. Jones was in Scrnnton
Misses Sadie and Lena Matthews, of
Siianton, are visiting -Miss Ada L.
Tucker, of Park street.
.Miss Lena ICslahronke, of Susquehan
na. Is visiting friends in town.
Constable Kd. Neary's little son has
I Was an Invalid
Ho long I did not expect evor to be well
ai;ttlu. 1 was coutiutd to the house the
whole winter
with nervous
debility and fe
male weakness,
ha v 1 o g no
strength, appe
tite or energy.
A friend urged
me to take
Hood's Sarsapa
rills which I did
ami I was soon
able to do my
own work and
feel that life is worth living. I cheerfully
recommend Hood's Barsaparllla to all
afflicted In Hie manner." Mild. M. E.
HosKlMS, Manard, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently in tbepubliceye. fl; 6Jor5.
Hinrt'e Dills ,rt hariiimiioiuly with
nOOU S fills HomPaSaisupiiruIla. tfw.
1 1
Just one week more of
this lircut Sacrilice Sale,
to close ull Kcntitunts
out at Hindi less than
cost. Lengths from :t
yards to I ft yards In each
piece. Bring your incus
lire und get one of these
Krcat rmrfcaiitK-us this
sule will positively lust
only U days more.
J. Scott Inglis
419 Laekcwanna Ava.
hud his Up tmdly lacerated by a full
from a t hair.
The public llbaary hus hud to be
clotted oWtUaT to the pressure of work,
to allow the librarian. Mr. Yarrluglon,
to pull up his bank work.
The town i lvx k project seems to hang
tlrv, only twu xubsorlptloUM received us
Miss Stela, Huthuway has returned
to Philadelphia.
Mrs. Morgan Watklns. of South Wy
oming street, has returned from a visit
to friends in Scrajiton and Hyde Park.
K. A. Hell. of the linn of Hell &
Brown, has had plana prepared for a
tine residence un the portion of the
Morse property.
Master Car Kullder J. H. Orchard, of
the Delaware and Hudson, spent Fri
day In Albany. N. Y.
The annual meeting of the life and
active ineinliCTH of the Young lien's
Literary association will be held on
Tuesday evetitiiK. March 10.
The Odd Fellows here have secured
the services of V. A. Colea. the cele
brated humorist, for Monday evening.
March 16.
William I'll reel 1. the unfortunate boy
who swallowed a dime, was di sell urged
from the Kmei Kency hospital Saturday.
The money bun not been located and the
lad is all right.
The Columbia Hose company has been
favored with a t-lieck for Ih recog
nition of the vuluable services they
rendered at the late tire on Main street.
The donor w as H. P. Burke, proprietor
ut Krown'a rextaurant.
John Fari'fll. of Cottuge street, an
engineer In the? service of the Ontario
and Western railroad, who was 011
two weeks' vltflt to his purentul homo
ui Carbondale. has Just returned home.
Miss Kllle A. Clarke left Saturday to
visit her sister. Mrs. W. J. Dunlin, at
Luaerne. Pa.
Sumuel Smale held the lucky number
that captured the Monurch wheel raf
fled by Ed. Moon.
One of the must fashionable gather
ings of the Mt-usoii assembled ut the
home of .Mr. und Mrs. J. L. Snyder on
Fltday eveiiinir. the occasion being the
fourth of a series of "bell" socials for
the benefit of the Methodist Kpiscopal
church. The s!acions parlors of the
double-frame building were thrown
open a"d the viist audience was eiiler
tulned by Misses McCriiiillo. Cranston.
Deehle. Davis and Messrs. Jennings.
Snyder. Lewis. A lexandcr anil the Tou
hlll futnllv. ol" West riltston, who ren
dered some choice Instiiiincntul selec
tions. Hel'renhiiienls were served und
the donation t imil amounted to $.. of
this sum to was contributed by A In am
Nesbltl. of Kingston. Aiming those
from out of town were: Mr. und Mrs.
Johns. Mr mul .Mrs. Ituuil. Mr. and Mrs.
Seward, Mr. jmd .Mrs. Kitchen, of
Wllkes-Hurre: Samuel M. Hay and wife,
of Ashley. Irwin Coolbuugh and wife,
l-'ol ly-fort : Mrs. I!. P. Unbinson,
Wilkes-Harre. lialoh W. Lewis, Kings
ton seminary: .1. H. Snyder ami wife
and Clarence Snyoer. of True ksville:
Charles Xesbitt und wife, I'lvinouth;
Miss K. C. Hay, of Orungt ; .Mr. and
Mrs. O. K. (Jay und family, of Sutton
P. II. Cavanuugh. of this town, will
leave today for New York city, where
he will reside in the future.
Miss Nellie Seaman was a visitor in
Scranton on Saturday.
.1. J. ShatiKlmessy. of Wilkes-Harre,
spent yesterday at the home of his sla
ter. Mrs. J. Met; ceil, of Main street.
The funeral of .Inhn Moiilinskl look
place yesleriliiy afternoon ami was at
tended by the organization of which
the deceased had been n member. In
terment was made In Si. Mary's ceme
tery. Kulph ". Lewis, of Kingston semin
ary, spent Sunday wilh his friend, Clare
llollister. of Main street.
Mrs. Lee. of Siupli Katon. has re
turned to her home nfler spending u few
weeks -with friends In town. She was
accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Pet
rel I. of this place.
it. K. Il.iskins. of Lincoln Hill, will
leave today for Plymouth, where he
will upend a few weeks papering and
frescoing several residences in , that
The St. Aloysius society cundiiited
another interesting entertainment yes
terday afternoon. A number of visitors
were present, and the debates were well
discussed on both sides.
M. W. Cut-gill, principal of the (ireat
Hend public school, was a visitor in
Forest City Saturday. Professor Car
gill Is a candidate for the ollice of su
perintendent of schools In Susquehan
na count!', lie is Well titled for tile
position ar.d staiuls a very good chance
for being elected. .Mr. Cariiill hus
taught school in the county for 111"
past twentv yen i s and Is next in point
of "iilorlty In teaching to Professor C.
T. Thoi:ie. of this nluce. Tin-re are
four candidates for the otllce of super
intendent 1111 to date, namely: Pro
fessors Curglll. of tlreat I tend; Moxlev.
of Hallstead; I'tllett, of .New Milloiil.
und James, of .Montrose.
('.instable It. T. Iteynolds. of Her
rlck. was In town on oKidnl business
Ihiniel Chambets, Jr.. of olyphunt.
visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ian
lel Chambers. Saturday.
Mayor-elect .1. .1. o'.Veill. of Carbon
dale, was 11 visitor in town Sat unlay.
(ieorge S. I num. of Jerinyu, spent Sat
urday in the boron:;)!, visiting relatives
und friends.
The rall held at the Methodist Kpis
cepiil church l-'riday evening, for the
pin pose of ni 'tu nlzing a Men's
Christian asso ia..ion. was well ntteiul
etl, ai d the matter whs lliomnlily ilis
cusseil. A i-oinntit tee comtmsed nf one
member from ach churi-h. was ni
puiiited to Investigate the matter, and
If possible make urniiiKenients toward
perfecting an inmitilzinlon. Another
meeting will be held next Wednesilay
evcnliiK. when the committee will make
its I f 1 11 n t.
Patrick Clenry. a much esteemed res
ident nf Forest flty. will be a can
didate I111V re the I leinoi 1 al ii- county
convention fur the nomination for mm
iiilsslcrcr. Mr. I'loaiy would make a
gi.iid fib-la and I'onst City people.
Irrespective of i:ii ty. would like to see
tii 111 receive Mie nominal ion.
Pi ui ecus t & Keiini dy have sold t lie i 1
soft drink bottling: establishment tu M
Kraut, and .losejih Ackerman. The
plll'cluiseis 11 both eX'ieriellced men
ill be business and will push It for
ull there Is in It during the coming sea
son. John Free, who has been taking a
course In iirmnt m-es winding, nt Schen
ectady. N. Y was the guest of friends
ill town the latter part of last week.
Major F.voritt Wiirini ami Captain
V. A. May. of S i aiitim, were In town
on business Sa'tirday.
The teachers received their monthly
stiiieuil on Friday evening.
Mrs. F.vnn T. Williams and Mrs.
Stephen I in visi spent Friday with
friends at Plymouth.
Henry P. Davis, nf Hyde Park, was
a caller in town Saturday.
Howard K. McCloskey is on the sick
The Delaware. Lnckawunna ond
Western employes1 from here ure still
going down to combat the lire at the
The choir will hold a grand concert
next Ifrlday evening. The best local
talent accompanied by those out of
town will participate.
-.'hen Baby was sick, w gave her Castoria.
.Vhi-ii she won a Child, she cried for Costorla,
iVhen she became Miss, she flung to Castoria.
When ah bad Cuildran, she gsvetucoi Castoria,
Meat Inspector Maurer rcitificatcs tho
i:urcaasCH of halves.
Charles Muurer. meat Inspector, made
an imnortant urrest Monday when
he found the carcasses of thirteen
calves, known as green or "bob" veal,
at the Lehigh Valley railroad freight
depot. The calves were slaughtered
and were to be used an food, being con
signed by Armour & Co.. Chicago, to II.
R. Lacey & Co.. of this city. Mr. Muur
er claims the calves were from two to
seven days old. while the law says they
must not be sold for food under four
weeks old.
Mr. Schupiiert. manager for Lncey &
Co.. wanted to shl: the veal away, but
Maurer would not allow it and con
fiscated -the entire thirteen carcasses.
Warrants were sworn out for the mem
bers of the firm of I.acey & Co. and they
will be given a hearing this evening.
Meat Inspector Maurer says that 11
large iuantlty of green veal is shipped
here every spring and ut this season he
Muds it necessury tu be especially
Miiiiv Keen Shut,
High Constable Charles Uauer and
Health Officer kiluine and Kvaus have
opened a fusllude on all doss In the
neighborhood of Canal and Fell streets
who are suspected of having been bit
ten by the mud dog which bit the little
Italian boy 011 Nelson's alley on Thurs
day. Five dogs were ahol Friday by
the oftli-ers and two inure bit the dust
Satuiiluy. Several persons, however,
whose dogs may have been bitten re
fused to let t heir cunlnes be shot. The
mini dog which caused ull the trouble
was found wounded and bleeding by
Kx pressman Dally in his yard Friday
ul teriiuoii. Mr. Dully ipiiekly dispatched
the rabid animal with a charge from a
shotgun. The victim of the dog's bite
Is ut the Pasteur Institute, New York
'I lie Onuraiitino Kaised.
Thursduy morning at lu o'clock the
four boarders w ho were ipturuntlned in
the smull iox house at Multby since
Sunday, the piili of February, were
given u thoroughly good scrubbing and
washing by Dr. Faulds und presented
with a suit of clothes to wear away
from the house and a working suit.
Alter these were given them they de
parted for the nearest hotel to get what
they have not hud since they were quar
antined, whiskey. Lust evening they
were still enjoying themselves.
They boasted considerably that they
were wearing better clothes now than
they have since coming to this country
tifteeii years ago.
The friends of 1 Ieorge S. Heiineit. of
this city, will present his name to tin
Lay Klectnral conference to be held al
Hlnghamion. N. V.. on Friday. April :;,
us a candiilute lor delegate to the gen
eral conference of the Methodist Kpis
copal (-hurt h.
Dick Kdwards and Peter Lyon, men
of practical experience, recently let a
prisoner get uwuy from them. The fel
low, It Is alleged, passed counterfeit
money and the above named hud war
rants for his arrest. While they were
being entertained by the woman of the
house the mun, who hud Just returned
from the mines ami wus washing, es
caped ut 11 rear ib in r.
Mary Custelia. was committed to jail
for throwing vltrol 011 u oung child
named Annie Jetnitias, uged T years,
daughter of John .lemltins. The child
is burned unite severely about the face.
The woman did the villainous act be
cause of spite.
$ Alcoholism
is a disease hard to cure, us Is
the morphine habit. livery
organ of the body is affected.
A continual demand for a stimu
lant is called for. Food ceases
to gratify, in fact, often cannot
be retained on the stomach, or
when it is the vitiated blood
ceases to absorb nourishment
from it. Give such sufferers that
greatest of food stimulants, blood
enrichers, flesh-creators,
a highly concentrated extract of
the vital principles of lean beef,
it is retained hy the weakest
stomach and nourishes quickly,
so that with renewed tissue and
returned strength morbid crav
ings vanish. Dr. J. H. Mattison
of the Brooklyn "Home for Hab
itues " writes of Bovinine. " It
is the best thing on earth of its
kind. It is sustaining, nourish
ing, helpful in every way to
patients of my special claai."
by some boys, who thought the ror f
wsa on fire, as volumes of dense steam
wus arising from the rear of the build
ing. The steum urose either from the
ruin falling 011 the wurm bricks, or by
hot water which hud been turned In the
sewer and the steam pouring out of the
gus escape pipe,
M. Suuinierlon, who has been ill. is
Mrs. I!. F. llernsiein is 111.
Thomas .liuld. w hile coupling curs in
the Delaware. Lackawanna and West
ern yard here Thursday evening, had
the mis 1 1 11 1 11 nc to have a thumb badly
crushed. It Is thought, however, that
the injured member can be saved.
Imaiiiiel Vlewgner. of New York city,
has moved to this place and has rented
Simon Lee's house on New York ave
nue. Fred Hull, of this place, has received
word that he Is one of twenty-five or
thirty heirs to a large estate. His
greai-great-grandfatlier was a sea cap
tain and a large land holder. 11 ml
owned a lurge portion of land where
llostou now is. In ITT.'i he leased this
land for ninety-niiie years, and as the
lease has now expired, the heirs will try
to gain possession of the property. The
laud comnrlseH the business portion of
Huston and Is valued at $Sii.noil,iiiKJ. Mi-.
Hall and a relative will leuve for that
city In May to investigate the matter.
Several other of nut- citizens are heirs
to large estates, anil If circumstances
permit. The Tribune will In a short time
give lis leaders the full particulars.
It is reported that (ireat Demi is to
have an overall factory.
The newly elected borough council
will organize next Saturday evening.
Wayne Fisher has returned from
Itradlord, I'a.
Miss Klla D11 ISoiS. who has beep
spending the winter at Washington. 1.
('.. will return to this place about
April I.
Miss Alice Atkinson, of 1 law ley. is the
guest of Miss.Mollie Mellller.
liev. Mr. Marhsull. of Foivst City,
ofliciated in ilrai-e church Friday even
ing. The fire alarm was sounded about 10
a. 111. Saturday, and there wus consider
able excitement for suiue time. The fire
was supposed to be in the brick two
story house of Lorenzo Crambs, occu
pied by V. .1. Donovan, but could not
be discovered. The alarm was sent in
No matter how violent or excruelutlnj;
tho pain, the Hlivumatle, HVdrtJiien, In
firm, Crippled, Nervous, Neuralgic, or
prostrated with diseases may suiter.
Will Afford liiHtant Fuss:.
For headache twiiether nick or nervoum,
toothache, neaiulKia. rheuniatlem, lum
bago, pains and weakness in in? back,
spine or kidneya. puina around llie liver,
pleurisy, swelling of the Julius ami palu?
of ull kinds, t!e application of Kadwav's
Iteuiiy Relief will afford immediate esse,
and its continued use fur a few ilayn eff,-t
a permanent cure.
Instantly slop the most exoruolutlng
pains, allays inflammation and cure con
gestions, whether of. The Lunus. Rtumach.
Bowels or other glands or mucous mem
branes. Had way's Ready -Roller
Colds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influen.
za, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu
matism, Nsuralgia, Headache,
Toothache, Asthma, Dif
ficult Breathing.
one to twsnty minute. Not on hour
after reading this advertisement need any
INTERN ALIA A half to a teaspoonful
In half a tumbler of water will in a few
minutes cur Cramps, Dpaatna. Sour
Stomach. Nausea, Vomiting-, Heartburn,
Blck Headache. Diarrhoea. Colic, Flatu
lency and all Internal pains.
Prloe. BOo. Mr Bottle. Sold by all
With reference to his compromise with
the Joint Truttle association, liecelver
Fierce of Clover Leaf says: "Of course
the Clover Leaf lieltiK In receiver's
hands run not be a party to nny aejt-ec-nient
or Join any association. Still we
ure nut cutting rates, and tho presi
dents know It. We do not huve to cut
rates out of St. Louis to net business.
The Clover Leaf Is the only east and
west line out of St. Louis which does
not beliinis to the Joint Traffic associa
tion, St. Louis shippers are niaklnir
1 tight on the ussociation and are uslmr
I the Clovev Leuf for thut purpose, ami
we could not help it if we chose."
The final report of the New York,
Luke Kile und Western railroad, which
hus been tvoi'KuliUed as the Kile rail
road, shows for Its two Dual months of
operation the following: Cross enrn
Iiiks. t.'i.Ulti.orH: operating expenses,
!MM.24; other Income. $ii-l:!7: llxed
chuixes, $l,4liti.TH6; net income. $7,1 '.Mi.
Conferences relative to the reorgunl
xutluu of the Kultimure and Ohio rail
road are heinir held daily, and It Is
probable thut the full reorganization
committee will be annoimied litis week.
Who the foreign members of the com
mittee will be is not cMictly known, but
they ure likely to be representatives of
I muses who flouted the bonds abroad.
The piirchiise by these houses of the
coupons on Haltiniore und Ohio bonds
puts them in a position to dictate terms
in the reorganization scheme If they see
tit to do ho. Tin- understanding of the
New York directors who ure acting as
a reorganization committee Is that the
London houses do not Intend to pri..s
matters, but on the contrary thai they
w ill act in consonance with the New
York committee. No properly has as
yet been prepared, und none w 111 be for
some time. The Baltimore and Ohio
Is a large and complicated system, und
progress In the readjustment of its
finances. It Is stated, must necessarily
be slow.
liussell Sage paid recently: "Should
the measure proposing that the .Man
hattan Kb vated railway change its sys
tem of lighting become n law. we will
faithfully carry out its provisions. We
will not make the change ut once, but
will take tlie time allotted us In the
bill, so that we may procure the best
I available light. We have been experl-
iiicntlug with several devices for light
: ing the cars, but the system now In use
I by the I'enns.vlvaiiia railroad will likely
; be adopted. Ous manufactured by uny
gas company may be used, which will
be u great convenience, as central stor
uge stations will not be necessary."
INkM snmi..
Lyman M. Decker, u coal denier nt
Newark. N. J., has made an assign
ment. The LehiKh and Wilkes-Carre
Coal loiiciany Is the principal creditor.
Kll T. Connor, formerly of Muzleton.
I'll., has been uppointed superintendent
t.f ShamoMu division of Uih Lehigh
Valley Coal company.
Sltpei'llltemlelit Hertiilclte, of the
Iteuding company, says that the Ma
hunoy I'lune, has nut hemi abandoned,
but will be put In ooeratlou us soon us
the mines make better time.
The coal dealers of Pouuhkeepsle. N.
Y hsve formed an K.i hato'e. The
president is Wur-vn S. Foster und the
secretary Cenrge Collingswi. ,,
I'hiludrliihiu Stockholder: Mr. liuley.
who Iihs been statistician for the an
thracite coal Mad . w ith heuibiiartcrs
at I'hlladeliibiu for some years, was
in New- York last week, and while tin iv
wus u,tiutfl as having isaid that un to
date no change hud be; 11 erdere.l In
bis bureau, und that It was doing busi
ness as formerly. Despite this fact an
t brai lle euul IntertrSts have estuhlhdicil
hcudii Illinois in New York, hi the Jer
sey Central building, 14:! Liberty street,
under charge of u new statistician.
This Is about the only move, so fur as
the public knows, that would in ,inV
way indicute that direction r the trad
lias been tinili rtuken by the c unrolling
committee. This bedy. it Is mid. hus
sufficient power to determine the out
put each month, and tlx nrices, thus
doing away with the old system nf
subs agents' meetings, so productive
or hard feelings, and promises more
honored in the breach than in the observance.
124-126 WycRiin Ave.
Are showing the most exquisite
and exclusive line of fabrics that
were ever shown in Scranton. and
we ure ottering the following
specialties this week :
15 pieces of double-folil wool dress
Ko,;iis In philijs und mixtures, worth
Leader's Price lie
:!u pieces of all-wool cashmere, all col
ors, Will-Ill t."iC,
Leader's Price. 2Sc
ill piece of lil-lnch black serge,
worth 4r,e.,
Leader's Pi-Ice. 2 c
LTi piece of all-wool black ilres;: gur.ils
In fancy stripes, woith .Vic..
Leader's I'ricc. H7c
One lot or figured liiilllaatine skirls,
bin I I liroiiKhoiil 1111, 1 bound.
l eader's I'ricc. l :W
One In! of superb lijjnred brilllaiitiiie
skirls, live jin-tls wide.
Leader's IVicc. $l.ilSc
A large assortment of percale wrap
pers, ull culm s, stei s J,l In It.
Leader's Price, i!lc
Ladles' black satin skirls, one, two or
three rallies,
Leader's Price. VI. .VI and title
New lot of ladles' muslin corset cov
ers, all sizes,
1 Hie lot of ladies' line cambric cor
se: covers, high neck, trimmed with
Leader's Price. 121c.
one lul uf ladles' hiislin drawers with
clusier of tticks.
Leader's Price, lilc
One lot of ladles' gowns, .Mother II all
ium I yoke, IriinnuJ.
Leader's Price. lc
One lot of ladles' muslin skirls, cam
bric cuttle, iriinined with luce.
Leader's Price, 4!lc
One lot nf children's muslin drawers,
size. 1 10 H years, Willi cluster of
Leader's Price, from 10c
l or Kie 1 and I'pwurd
One lot of men's iiiilaiimlried percale
shirts, new- goods ami well made,
Leader's Price. '25c
One lot men's line half hose, full seam
less, worth Kic.
Leader's Price, :t pairs for 25c
One new lot of men's choice neckweur,
consisting or leeks and i'iiiir-ln-liainls.
retiiilur juice, Sue.,
Leader's I'ricc. 25c
One case of line apron gliiKliunis,
worlli 7c,
Leader's Price. 4-lc
I. WW surds of dress ginghams In short
It-iiKtlis runglng I'ruiii HI to Hi yards
111 each, regular price, inc..
Leader's Price, 5c
J.', pieces of light percale, ::' Inches
wide, worth Hk-.,
Leader's Price. c
One lot of line lawns an. I dimities hi all
the latest patterns, tegular price. Nc,
Leader's Price. 5c
One lot of ermiii d.-muisk table linen,
worth lite..
Leader's Price, 25c
All of our blankets and coinloi Is to close
ut hair price.
IUi 111
The reputation of tha
Cliickering people as
nimio ImlblikM fa ti.t
well known to need comment aud the instrument we ofl'er is hi as kooiI condi
tion tis it ever was. It is of lull compass, with three striuKa Uiroiinhout. The
rase is handsome iu style ai.d litis the popular Boston fall board. Dealers who
handle Ohickeritig Pianos ask I475.ini cash lor the same grade of piano. We
took this lu exchange for a tine Weber iustniuueut, ClrtAAA fUOLT
aud otter it ut a bargain lor today ouly at JIJUiVU vAoila
Tukeu In from hire, (tuauy or lliein but little used i, ure ottered at tremendous
sacrilice from tegular pi Ices.
The Days tirow Few in vbi li yon can net such barKains. Our retlral
from business this mouth is us certain tu tomorrow's sunset, uotwitustaudlnir
the ill-natured aud ill-timed remarks of one or two piano dealers who are feel
ing severely the etl'ects of our present action iu tfettiug out of busluest.
We Have Determined
To Reduce Our Stock
Iu order to make room fur improvements and additions to our store,
which ure necessary to accommodate our increasing busiuess, Many
very desirable patterns iu
Have been marked down to prices which will iusure their speed; sale.
Of course, they can not be duplicated at their present prices, but you
may unii suiiicieui loryour purpose, ana uso, tue price win pieusejou.
Hrliis the size of your room with you.
AO Lackawanna Ave.
H vl O Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming House.
JOHN I . I'OUTIIK, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President. .
V. I.. PHILLIPS, Cashier.
F iiimn'l Pines, .lames M. Kvcrlinrt. Irving
A. I'im-li. Pieii-. II. Kinlfy. Jutniili .1. .Irriii) n.
M. S. Knit ri-r, Charles I'. Matthews. .Inhn T.
Portr. V.'. W. Walsun, Cli-oles, Schlatter, I,.
W. ttors.
This lRk invites the patri.tiaie of business
men aud tiruis tf-'iuraliy.
tivcnli lifts
I". H. HoiiiIm
other itiinils
Iiunkliuc House
I'lriiiiuins ull 1'. S. Uoii'ls...
lnii from I'. B. Treusurer.
I iic fruiii Hatiks
.j,4.".c.:t tii
7W m
lm,wi mi
. :'it
H.TM '
i.Will i')
7.77H '
. i:.7.3iil 7.1
.,7WI s.i
t.', ml. Sim :io
28, 1896:
i'aii.ilal ..
I'nuivtili-il l-'rottta...
I'ln ulMlion
Dividends l'iiHii!..
inn. lo Hanks
Bills Psyublu
, N.
.1 200.000 0)
. -JM.Uut) ml
, SI, 490 A.I
U.56H UJ
1W 70
. 1,116,744 '.
. ti.XM 18
. None
. Nuns
12,191.300 30
W.M. CONNP.LL, President: 111:0. H. CA I LIN, Vks President; WM, H. PKCK. Cashier.
DlkliCI (IkS S m. C.nn til. Henry Belin, Jr., James Archibald, Wm. T. Smith, Osorgs n.
Callin. Luther Keller, Alfred Hand.
S pet. in I attentiun giten tu and Personal Accounts. Three per cent. Intsrsst
un I ime Ueposits.
. Ill's M
i li
, kf uafactorars of U Oslsbrstssl
I nglish (ipitul fur Americun Invest
Important to Americans set-klnr Un,.. '
lish capital for new enterprises. A list
containing the nuines ami addresses of 3-4
successful promotvrs who hove ulaceil
over 100.000.000 sterling In foreign Invest
ments within the last six years, and over
f18.000.U0J for the seven mouths of lsui
Price (.' or $-3, payable by postal order
to the London and t'nlversal Kureau of
Investors, 20, C'heapslde, London. K. c
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of introduction to alit
or these successful promoters.
This list Is first class In every respect,
and every man or Mini whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. Kur
placing the following It will be found In.
valuable Bonds or Shares of Industrial,
Commercial and Financial Concerns,
Mortgage loans, Sal of Lands, Patents or
ioOsOoo Barrels per Annum
aaafsrtarsd at the Wapwallorea Mills, L
. ssrae oouoty. Pa., aad Wd
mlogtou, Ielaare.
Onsral Agent for tks Wrssaing Diatriat.
M WYOMING AVE, asm nton. rs
. Tkara Vaasaaal Baak
1171--. Does each successive seasou witness
V V I IV such an iucrease in the volume of our
business, enabling us to introduce finer goods, buy
in larger quantities and cater more successfully to
the wants of the public?
G It because the people are satisfied with our
method of doing business and have learned to
look to us for the best assortment of House Fur
nishings at the most reasonable prices?
RMay be so; at all events you will do well to look
the matter up, and a visit to our establish
ment just now will lie particularly interesting, as
many new novelties are being shown, including
a mammoth display of Baby Carriages.
Like accompa
nying cut, oak
frames ; brass
trimmings, art
production on
TBOft. !XmiHtl, Pa.
PRICE, 29c.
t 1
218, 225 and 227