THE FCRAOTON TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNmo, MARCH 9, 1890. CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST Cuban Resolutions Will Be Culled Up In Senute. CHANDLER IS AGGRESSIVE II Holds Tbt This Nation Should IM far tea Independence of Cnba end Notify Spain of ill In tention to Maintain It. Washington. March 8. The confer ence report on the Cuban resolutions will cnllerl tin In the senate tomor row. When the reiort win presented on Thursday last by Mr. Sherman, wherein the senate receded from Its own resolutions and oareed to those passed by the house, objection to pres ent conHlderatlon was made by Mr. Hale, of Maine. Mr. Sherman then guve notice that he would call the re- uort ud immediately after tne morn ins business tomorrow. A conference report being- privlloRed, it has the rlffht of way. Mr. Hale. It is understood, will take th otinortunlty thus offered, to explain why he voted njralnst the reso lutions when they were before the sen ate for consideration. Mr. Chandler, who did not participate In the debate at that time, but who voted for the res olutlons. may ulso make n short speech in which he will slat his views, wmcn are more extreme than those of uny of his colk'UKUes. Mr. Chandler holds that thosu of uny of Ills colleagues. Mr. Chandler holds that this government should not only declare the independ ence of thu Island of Cuba, but that the United States should set up that Independence and notify Spuiu and the whole world that sho was ready und able to maintain it. The Uupont use. Involving- the. legality of the allcKcd election in Dela ware, still holds its place us Hie un nnislied business. Mr. Ttnple, of In.ll uiiu. has the lloor for tomorrow. Ills speech will be replied to by Mr. l'rlti h ui J, of North Carolina, u member of the committee. Mr. Cray, of lelawar und Mr. Hurrows. of Michigan, will ulso speak on this subject dlirinft the week. There Is u aetieral belief that the de bate will end this week, for there Is no disposition on the part of the Democrats to delay the vote. Mr. ;ruy.representinK the Democrats, says there is a plain cuse auuinst the legality of the claim und Mr. liupont And that of the senate votes ueiordliiK to the facts us they are presented, Mr. 1 Hi ixint will not lie seated. Mr. Mitch ell is eiiunlly lirm In his belief thnt there can be but one side lo the case, and that Mr. Hupont will be seated. The Impres sion anions; Republicans is that Mr. 1)11 pont will Ret the solid vote of the Re publicans, together with one, and per haps two, Populist votes. This, of course, would Rive him his seat. The silver men appear to have been care fully sounded on the subject, and those interested in the case suy that silver will not figure in the matter at all, but that the case will be decided on its merits entirely, even though the seat ing of Dupont does mean one more anti silver vote In the senate. The bill to prevent the extermination of the fur seals of Alaska (which seeks to prevent such extermination by exter minating them under authority of the I'nlted States and by preventing the further exercise of cruelty by J'elaglc sealers) has been made the special or der for Thursday. This measure will cause some debate, at least on the part of Senator Morgan, who is bitterly op posed to its provisions and was defeat In in committee by a majority of only one. HOUSE FORECAST. It Is the expectation of the house managers to devote the coming week to the consideration of appropriation bills, and the contested election case of Aldrleh vs. Rabbins, from the Fourth Alabama district. The postolllce appropriation 1)111 Is the pending business, and when it hns been disposed of, the election case will be taken up. Unless the Illness of Mr. Turner (Detn., Vu.) a member of the committee reporting the case should necessitate a postponement. The naval appropriation bill is the next in line for consideration. FASTS SEVENTEEN DAYS. Not a Stimulunt nf Any Kind Has llccn Taken by u Michigan Woman. liattle Creek. Mich., March S.Tt Is how seventeen days since Mrs. Nellie Ingham hns taken a particle of food or drink. She lies on her bed perfectly conscious, but in considerable pain. Six teen years ago she had a similar ill turn und for 'M2 days she did not eat a particle or food. Three months of this time not u morsel of stimulant of uny kind was taken Into her system and the balance of the time only by Injections. Her case then, as now, bullied the skill of the best physicians. She Is f.O years old und since her last attack has been In good heal 111 during ull the six teen years. ROYALTY IN POVERTY. Descendant of a kins of Denmark Houblv, Afflicted in Iowa Cedar Rnplds, la., March 8. The po lice were called to the home of (Jeorge Hurmelster, in the suburbs of this city, this morning, he having become violent ly Insane, lie was found in a wretched little house and occupying a room in which there was no lire und nothing but few leaves upon which to sleep. It Is play havoc with linen collars and cuff. All soils are easily removed from "Cel luloid" Collarsntid Cuffs by simply wip ing them off w ith a dump sponge or cloth. Tncu they look as Rood as new are ns good as new. That's why travelers, railroad nicu, machinists, etc., prefer them luiloio MARK- iHTrBimrll collars and cuff are the only worthy water-proof collars and cutis made. There are imitations. See that yon get the genuine interliued collars and cuffs marked as above and you will never wear linen good again. gold mrywfim. Coll. w. esh. C.J 40J. air, poatut Iih. If t bs dnlw does apt kp tkta ini ioudirrct- Stat else and stl. SUM CBIXVUHD COMPACT, w lfark. ! oapolio "in.'r said that be broke everything placed in the room, and it was necessary to re move all. Burmeister Is SO years old. , His wife Is a descendant of one of the kings of Denmark, and she hus remained an aristocrat even in their squalor and poverty, appearing on the streets in silks, white kid gloves and white veil. BIBLE READING DISASTROUS. Ohio School Teacher Loses Iter Position lleeausa of Disobedience. East Liverpool, O.. March 8. Miss Florence Jessop, a teacher in the cen tral building, who continued to read the Bible to her pupils in disobedience of the school board's orders, has been dis missed. Evangelist Schlverea, who is con ducting union evangelistic meetings, last night read to 3,000 people the corre spondence between the teacher and Su perintendent Sanor and made a sensa tional attack on the board. He said its action only showed the need of the re vival meetings and prophesied that such conduct would not go long unpunished. BAN AGAINST A KMl'K. six White Toughs Attack a Colored Man and Two Aro Stabbed to Death-Two Wounded.' Philadelphia, March 8. During a fight late last night at Twenty-third and I.oinburd streets George Queen, colored, uged 20 years, stubbed and killed John O'Brien; fatally cut Joseph Sweeney and quite seriously wounded Thomas Reaney and Charles Fisher. All Queen's victims were white men. The white men, from) whut can be learned of the circumstances which led up to the light, were ill u, lurge measure tj blunvo for the trouble. Earlier In the evening they had taunt ed Queen as he passed them on the street, und a little later they became liivulveu in a quarrel with another col ored man Hnd chased him for some dlstunce to heat him. Alter his lirst encounter with the whites, Queen re turned home ami urmid himself with a large butcher knife and returned to the street. An eye witness says that the white men assaulted Queen, and that he used the knife ugainst a crowd of six ussiilluntH. Whether Queen was Assaulted or whether he mude the attack with the knife will probably not develop until the coroner's Inquest. The result, how ever, was the almost Instant killing or O'ilrien, the fatal wounding of Sweeney, and the cutting: of the other two men by the negro. Queen made no attempt to escape after the tight. and was arrested and locked up. This morning he wus committed to jail with out ball to await the action of the cor oner. In his ante-mortem statement, taken ut the hospital, Sweeney says he had nothing to do with the light, and was attracted to the scene by the strug gling men in the street, and that the assault upon him wus entirely unpro voked. Fisher made a similar state ment. DETECTIVES CONVICTED. .Murderers Connected with the Berry Agencv Will Be Punished. Chicago. March 8. In the case of the murder of Frank White, in mistake for his criminal brother, Clarence White, by operatives of the Berry Detective agency, who went out after Clarence with revolvers and a warrant, the jury last night returned a verdict of guilty as to all six defendants. William J. Dix, who fired the fatal shots, was convicted of murder, and his punishment fixed at life imprison ment. The other five, Jacob Fischel, Charles A. Thompson, William F. Mayo, John Frew and Charles J. Poole, were convicted of manslaughter, and their punishment left to the judge. PAYING I OR HIS CRIME. Gideon llouscr, a Kobbcr, Totally Blind and a Raving Alanine. Avllla, Ind., March 8. Terrible retri bution has followed the crime of Gideon Houser, who committed a robbery near here and when pursued sent a bullet crashing through his head. i looser hovered between life and death In the Albion jail for a number of days, the pleading of his young wife saving him from the penitentiary. He was taken to Kansas City, Mo., und a telegram from that city says he hus become u raving mnnluc In addition to being stricken totally blind, the lat ter affliction resulting from his wound. Houser is u member of a prominent family. BACK I OR AMERICAN DOLLARS Atony Austro-tlungnrian Miners Ho rn rn to the Coal Piecing. Philadelphia, March 8. A significant living cargo arrived here yesterday from Austro-lluugary. Five hundred miners, who left coal diggings in tic run tun und vicinity during the hard times nearly two yeurs ugo, came buck, with some of their American hoardings still intact, aguin to seek their fortunes in Pennsylvania. Nut one of them had been naturalized, though many hud been in America for years. So they had to puss the Immi grants' muster again, SKIPPED WITH $10,000. A Telegraph Operator Robs a Itookmnklug I Irm and Disappears. Cincinnati, Ohio, March 8. John R. Pierce, telegraph operator for the Hookmaklng lirm of Sol Sharpe & Co.. of Covington, got the combination of the sufe from Cashier Puyne on Tues day evening last iifion u forged order from Shurpe, und took $6,000 from the strong box. Wednesday he drew $1,000 from the bank with which Shurpe did business, upon a forged check, lit" left Wednes day nurnlng. It Is supposed he went to t'unudu; and nulled for Europe. "SAINTS" MAKE MANY CURES, Chronic Cases Cured by Prayer at the Kalamazoo Uevivnls. KuIuinussOo, Mich, March 8. A dis ciple of the lirund Junction "saint!1," named Elder William Drover, ha:i been holding revivul meetings here for two weeks, :nd hus Increased his believers in the fulth from twenty to fifty, lie has ulso accomplished some wonder ful cures. Mrs. Hingii, aged 6.1 years, who has lieen compelled to use crutches forty years, wus completely cured, she claims, by pruyer and hus no use for crutches. Itiiffnln l.lvo Stock. Buffalo. X. Y., March 7. Cattle Slow, but steady; good light steers, J.:.7o; fair to gooil fut cows, $'J.T,u3.25; mixed hutch m-k'. I logs Lower; Yorkers. t. i;i M'i: mixed puckers, $l.25u4.30: mediums, Sl.25a4.afi-, roughs, tl ."ou:i.7r: slugs, $j..viu 3.2.".. Sheep ami lumhs Lower for lamb", f'.eudy for sheep; inline h lambs, JM.7iiat.7'i; light lo fair, S3.Wut.iW; mix-.d pheep, 83.fUu3.7f for good to choice; fair to good, 82.75a3.4o; heavy export lumbs, $ t.Tou 4.75. . . Philadelphia Tallow .Market. Philadelphia. March 7. Tallow Is quiet and unchanged. We quote: City, prime, In hoKsheuds, 3slc. ; country, prime. In barrels, aV; country, ilurk. In barrels, B'lUi'ic; cakes, 4c; grease, 3;c. If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'u Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Tears by Mu llens of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents bottle. Will S. Itlslng and Bertha Rlccl will be eeen In vaudeville houses in a travesty on "Pygmalion and Galatea." SPAIN'S WARLIKE STUDENTS Thcv Set Out tu Attack a Consulate und Land in a Hospital. LIVELY SCENES IX MADRID Students Attack the American Consulate and Are Met by the Gendarmerie. With Drawn Swords Guards Hispcrso tho Mob. Madrid, March 8. A large number of students met in the suburbs of Cadiz last evening with the Intention of or ganizing und going straight to the United States consulate, which It was their purmise to attack. Hy meeting outside the city the Rtudents exectod to ward off suspicion and to take the authorities of the city by surprise. While the students were entering the city, however, the authorities were wurnrd of their coming, and they im mediately sent a large force of gend armes to defend the American consul ate. When the students arrived at the consulate they attempted to break through the rucks of the guards, hut the gendarmes charged upon them with drawn swords and captured their ban ner. Several of the students were In jured by sword cuts. The students, be ing repulsed und prevented from i t lucking the consulate, marched to the park Willi the Intention of biiiningr tin American Hag in that public place, but the police charged upon ihein und forced tlu-m to tuke refuse In a ho.'i pltal. The superintendent of thut. In stitution Is negotiating1 for their peace ful and unmolested exit, the students agreeing, om their part, not to create uny further disorder. There was a great deal of anti -Amer-Icuu agitation In the cafes In Madrid last evening. The government pns fears of a renewal of the hostile dem onstrations, and the uut hoiitles. will not make any complaint ( the burning of mi elllgy of the king' tf Spain und u Spuulsh Hug In the United Stutes, lest such u course should mouse popular resentment. The police dispersed a meeting' of students in Santiago last evenluir. In iutihg several of them severely In the light that occunvd. There Is n greut deal of excitement In the towns. The government has approved u cred it of 6,500,0(111 pesetas for the purpose- of urmlug transatlantic steamers us cruis ers and making other naval prepara tions. The students of the university nt Suragossu. today entered a church which was filled with ladles at their devotions, nnd shouted "Viva Espanin," and "Death to the Yankees." Their actions for a time created a panic, and most of the ladies left the church. There was excitement In the streets throughout the day. The governor of the province, the mayor of the town, and the rector of the university mixed with the groups of excited people and tried their best to calm them. Gend armes are now patrolling the streets, und all the public buildings are strong ly guarded. A strong guard is stu t loned about the American consulate at Cadiz. Today a number of medical students hooted and stoned the gend armes guarding the building. The lat ter charged upon the moo and soon scattered It. The Queen Hegent drove to church this afternoon. Crowds lined the streets through which she passed and loudly cheered her. The greatest enthusiasm was manifested. General Azcarraga, minister of war, has received from an Knglish gentle man an offer to supply 10,000 ex-soldlers for the Spanish service on condition thut he himself have the command of them. THE WORLD oFbISIXESS. Wall Street Review. New York, March 7. The transac- tlons In stocks at the board today were only 121,4114 shares and of this total Tobacco figured for 6:1.100 shares. The stock broke from 73' to 71, and near the close, on efforts to cover short con tracts there was a rally to 7:i-", nt which the final transactions were af fected. The early break wus the result of reports from the west that the com pany's revenues were being material ly reduced through the operations of Us competitors. It was also stateil thut the company had or would Issue $2. OuO.Ooo new preferred stock. Cotton OH preferred broke from UJ to S7, und later recovered to 60. The early lirenk was the result of rumors that the conipuny had not tarried its interest and div idend requirement for the year. This war. seml-otllclallv denied and the se curities of the company closed com paratively steady. General Kloctrio was exceptionally strong uml rose from 32-s t Kta'i, on rumors that Dim company hud made several Im portant contracts. There was very little to the railway list and there Is nut likely to be until the street has u better understanding of the Cuban question. At present the average trad er and operator Is In the dark, ami Is disposed to go slow. Baltimore and Ohio and Denver and Rio Crumb j. re ferred were heavy In the early trading, lialtlmore and Ohio declined to I:'!" and rallied to 147. There- were no developments In regard to the property, although It is generally understood thut the New York bankers will endeavor to bring ubout a rehabilitation of the property without foreclosure. An of ficial statement of the exact condition of the road Is anxiously awaited. Den ver and Rio Grande fell 2 to 47i on light trading. Speculation elosed quiet and linn in tone, net changes show gains of to l' per cent. Sufrnr lost Vi. Delaware und Hudson. Pachic Mall, . Lead. 1; Cotton Oil, and do prefericd 2 percent. Furnished by WILLIAM I.TJJN. ALLEN ft CO., correspondent for A. I' CAMl' HELL, stock broker, 412 Kpnice direct. t'p'n- llltin- Low- (So, lui?. est t In c est. j in. i ooacco c o ,j Am. rm ion en I,; 73-, pi li.j'i 14-i, K lu;:,4 7l'- l-".'4 ll.Vi p; 13 i;3 nv . PC'-ii li:!' Iti'i p;'.. Ii. v.;. m. Silnar Ite g Cu..ll;U Ateh.. To. & K IV... pi & . 1 "i 1'iin. H11111I1., li. Ches. & 'nil uxo las Chic. At N. V.... Chic., !. . i) '. C. C. St. I... Chic, .Mil. St. I rni.-.. It. I. A pa, llel. & Htid IMst. & C. .' tint. i West onialia Pa.-. Mall ... W; ... '.' ...lien Vl-'-j, -127j r,'t . u . 41 . 2.'i , !'- , .I-; 7-4 . iH fi. 71-S 127' . I7:4 1; 41 2.:'i !' l'i 127 I."' 14", 41 17' UT. li 2ii ' , y- ' Kuutherii It. It. Buutliern 11. II.. Tenn. C. tk iron I'lilim I'ucllle.. I'nlun I'ucllle.. Western I'nlun Pr. 7- 4 fn-i, e S'4 RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many people ay no; that Isliocauso they have heard of miuiy failures whore tba truss or tha kuife have been relied npon. Krience has developed a now and better way a avsteiuor treat moot that positively rare and (too away with tbe truio entirely after wards. Or A. P. O'Malley. Bnpturs Siweiallst, SO South WanhinKton street. Wilke-Barro. administers this new treatment. There is 110 detention from business and persons from out of town can receive treatment and return home tbe same dny. An absoluto enre is euaranteed. There is do charge f or examination, A visit onee a week: for four to elirbt weeka will usually lie sufficient for the most stubbo; u cases. N. P. Those not wishing treatment can be fitted with the eelebrmt'd O'MiLLEY TRUSS, guaranteed to bold any rupture that caa be returned giving es and comfort. X. J. Central HV.i 14 1064 HH'4 Nor. l'ue 4 4S Gen. Kh-ctric 34- a'i W4 Mo. l'uc, it ;Pi 21', MS Nut. Cordage B' .V, ."' 5", l.ouW. Nash t, fi'4 M. K. ti Texas, Pr... ' 'J 1 -" ". L. JPt 1P4 lu II 1". 8. 1-eulher '3 0"j S'3 S'i I". it. Leather, r.... l il' V. S. Rubber 2IH 24'a 24 24' CIUCAaO HOARD OF TRADR FKICE3. Op'n- High- Low- Clot. WHEAT. In if. rt. est. Ing. May iu bVj tii fcT.'i July Mi ui tijj OATS May ;i 31 Jti'i II July 2114 21'i 21 21'. CORN. May niii, 3U, SO', Cl", July 3l, "p, a t LARD. May 5.40 5.40 5.S7 3.10 July o.U u.U fi.fiO 6.11 PORK. May 9.75 8.77 9.C7 !.C7 July II. 9J .9J !).& 9.83 Seranton Eoard of Trado FxchangeQuo- tatlnn.t-AII C-uotutioui Iluscd on 1'ur of I no. Kami. Bid. Asked. Dlmo Uep. & Dis. Bank I3i B.-ranton Lnco Curtain Co 69 National Boring & Drilling Co. ... SO First National Hunk 639 Hcranton Jar & Stopper Co 2i tSl,rii. l.roo'K Water Co 103 Khnhul'H HoulfVar.i Co lt Scraiiloo Axle Works to tscrunton Saving!! Uank 100 Seranton Traction Co 1.1 Bouta flute Class Co ig Scran ion 'ar Keplai er Co Joo Sc'unton Packing Co 93 Weston Mill Co o-.O l.uckuwn.Miu Iron & Sieel Co !. Seranton HedJlug Co Joj BONDS. Seranton Class Co :ou Seranton Hallway, llr&t mortgage due 1M8 110 S-Tanton Traction Co 93 t'eople's Stivet Hallway, lirst moiiguge due ISIS 110 Seranton & Plltston True. Co 90 People's Street Hallway, Sec ond mortr.uce duo VJ-0 HI Dick-jon Manufacturing Co liw j Lacktt. Townrlilp School 9, pis City of Seranton Street Imp li' ... UK Sciunloii Axle Works 100 lluroimh of Winton 0 bt liusli llrouk Coal Co uM New York Produce Market. New York, March 7. Flour I mil, easv, lini'liangcd. Wheat-Spot market iliill lower: No. '' red stole and elevulor. So', ulloat. Kl,c.: f. o. b.. S':,c: No. 1 north ern, 7;S!'1a7.'ic. ; options wore moderately active und weak under I roe onerings, bused on the weakness abroad and libera shipments from the Argentine, with lino weather west and absence of clearances, closed weak ut SuV". down; May and July most active: No. L' red March, 7-'ie. ; April, 7ic.; .May, 71V.: June, 71:1,0.; July, ,1-V Corn Pools luuctive. scarce, held firmly No. 2, SS'-jaiOo. elevator: tu'ulle. u flout options were dull. '. lower with wheat .luy, 3t!c.; July, 3irT.c. oats Spots dull steady; options dull, nominally easier March, 2io.; Mil v. aVic.j spot prices. No, 2. 2tio.: No. 2 white, 27'.'.; No. 2 Chicago, 2o; No. 3, 2.10.; No. 3 white, ai'sc.; mix western, 2'lu27e.; white do., 2iln2!1." Lard ytifet, vusy; western steam, 51.30; city, J.i; Muy. Ja.i; refined epitel; con'.l lioiit, $3.90; Houth America, i!.hi; com pound, 4r,iu4"JiO. ButterModerate de mand. unchanged. Cheese Fancy steady unchuged. Kggs Steudy, unchanged. Toledo (irnin Market. Toledo. ()., March 7. Whent Receipts S.II72 hushels; shipments, l.fiUO hushels; easy -o. i red cusn, 7-'c. : .May, 7;ie juiy Uc. ; No. 3 red cash, 70c. Corn Heeelpts, 2:i.4i luishels; shipments, 8.BUU hushels quiet: No. 2 mixed cash, 2S'2c; No. 3 do. 2o.: Muy, IHWfco.; No. 3 yellow cash, 2S'ie Oats Keceipts, none; shipments, none; nun; ,o. wwte catn, jsc, I'loyerseeti Keceluls, ulili halts: shipments. H52 bans quiet; prime cash, $1.47'; Murch, Jl.42'ii; April, J4.iu; iiciouer, ji'a. Chicago Live. Stock ChlcaRO, March 7. Cuttle Keceipts, 700 head; market steady; common to extra steers, $.1.30a4.6a; stockers nnd feeders, J.'. i.inil.T..; cows and bulls, Jl.'i0a3.ri0; calvu.4, t.'.i.ttiii.3; rexans, j.'.& nogs ice- ocipts, i.i.iiwi head: market tlrm and 2'ia.e. hiKher; heavy packing and shipping- lots, common to choice mixed, fl.Mia 4.ii"j; cnoice assorted, J4.iua4.l7 UkM, ;!.0ul.2u; pigs, i::.10ul.l0. fineep Itecelpts, j.tniu head; market steady; Inferior lo choice, $2.Mla3.Ki; lambs, 3.iiOa4.70. AVOID PXECMONIA. diphtheria and typhoid lever, ny Keeuins: the blood Dure, the appetite good and the bodily health vlKorous by the use of Hood's Sursa- puillla. HOOD'S PIM,S have won high pralso ror ineir prompt ami emcieni yet easy ac tion. A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT WITCH. WIIKN PAID FOR IN AD- VAN'CR. WIIKN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADR, NO CIIAHGK W1IX UK LK8S THAN r. CRNTS. THIS ItUI,R F TO SMAT.T. WANT ADS.. EX- CKPT I.OCAI, SITITATIONS, WHICH A Kli INSKRTED FRKK. Wanted. 'AN'I'KU ONEi'OPV OFT1IK TRIBUNE of each nf tho fu bWlne (lutes. ill tmv lu rentM eacn lur same: r riusv. dun. , in Saturday, Fob. V, is; 5; Wudnesdny, Aug. 14. Is" "Si Help Wanted Male. HEN TO LEAKS BAHIiF.R TRADE -It HA weeki reuutreu: nositlnna lecured: eat alocu free. Addre 11 A SCHOOL. Kl 1 enter street. Mew t or It, ur as. t harry Htraut, Philndclpli!ii. VV ANTED-MEN AND WOMEN TO work at heme: I u iv f '.i Ut SPi ner week for makinir ( niyim Porti-nits; now patented inethjd: anvoi.e who .-an rod and write can dn the work at home, in sparo time, day or evening: send for particulars and begin work atones. Address ri. A. Oripp, uoruiuo Artist, Tyroue, Pa. U 'ANTED-N All! NT IN EVERY SE(;" lion tocntivaSD: J4 00 to S-j Oil a day made; tdls at rilclit; alsoa man t- sell Maple II001U to dealers: l!it side line t7.t.t41 a month; Hil ary or lurffA cnmniissien made; experlennrt iinne.-csia' y. Clifton Soap and Mauaractur Ir.R Co., Ciiielnunti, o. WANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN V every town to folicit stock btihscriu- tloii-; a monopoly: bit; money lor ucent 110 re.piire.L EDWARD C. FISH P.irden lil.i -K. Chicago. 111. A CO., Helo Wanted Females. ( IIJOD, STItONti OIRt, "I ueie-rril li'tusewol k OR WOMAN Knit Anidv. villi refer ence, to MRS. NU1.I., 1312 N. j alu avenue. IADIES-I MAKE P.IO WAGES DOlXll J pl.-iii-ntit h. me work, mid will tlndly sond f nil particiilni-M to nil Mending 2 cent htntup. Miss M. A. STI'XIIINS. Lawrence, Mich, Ur ANTED- t.ADY AOENT 1N St'ltAV ton to sell nnd Introduce Kuvder'a -:ke icing: experienced caiivniwr preferred: work pel nuncrif uml very protltitble. Write for pi.rtlt'iilnra at once nnd get benefit of holi.lar trade. T II. SNYDER CO, ( Inelniinti. O UT ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO KNER setic saleswomen to repros-ut ui. (inaraiiteed Sunday without iuterl'eriiiK with iithe duties. oceiipatiou. Write for particulars. Inclosing stamp, .Mango 'hem lea! Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Clairvoyant. MADAME Al'BREY. GREATEST LIVING ehiirvoyaut In the world: tells past, present and future, 212 Mulberry street. Proposals. WEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE KE k ' ceived nt the office of E. G. Worden, 222 Wyoming avenue, Seranton, Pa., until March 13. IMNl. for the removal from premises of everything above ami to six inches lielow the curb grar.e line on a lot 02x107 feet at corner of Linden street and Madison avenue. Hotel Change. MR. F. J. M ANOAN, WHO 61JCCES8FVX ly conducts I a hotel 'on Fifth avenue, this city, has bought tbe lease and fixtures of lallaban a hotel, Lackawanna avenue, and will hereafter conduct business at that well knowe establishment. Mr. Mangan will thor oughly renovate and remodel the plane, and when It is finished it will be one 0 the best equipped boteli In the city. 01 CENT c ommolly IN THE We -are showing tbe new Spring Capes, Coats,, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. Tbe line is by far the Finest and Largest ever shown in Seranton. CONNOLLY For Sale. LMilt SALlToN EASY" TERYIM-'rilPrN'ld? " wood hotel property, situate in the vll Uk of Wavorly. N. Y. The) property is Im proved with a new three story Prick building, provided with ail the inoiloru improvement!). aud rents f.-r Si,uui pr year. For jurtieulars iii.iuireof a W. DAV IS. 14 North 1-ri.likliu e'ruttt. Wilkos-Barrc. Co.: or, FRANK A. PKI.I, Attorney. SpaiildinK Klocli, SVuvetly. N. V. "i.'M ulAil:-A aoVak;""AN 1 i .of :w ill J sell cheap. Ad.lros,s or cull at oKI North tlarflol.l aveuue, city. TOR SALE- HOCSK AND LOT AT COR J ner of Meade aud Bnrkn Rtre.-t. All mod ern improvements on premises. MRS. ANNIE STEWART. Diinmore, Pu. I 'OK 8ALE-I PAIR BAY MARES: 1 I black paror: very fast : prices low. UVEKNSEV BROTHERS. i':i4 Wyominit Ave. F" 'OR T SALE-ONE "uP TnE FINEST country place near Scrunton; larre motlerii house and flue grounds. MRS. MARY A YLE8WOKTH, ('larks tireosi, Pa. For Rent. WOH RENT FHOM AHK1L 1, LARGE all mod- Ir brick house, 424 Mulberry street em appliances. Impure U4U N. V automaton avenue. I.-'OR i RENTNEVvnuR6oMH0USE ON Oak street, near Main n venue: all modern improvements. BEN J. ROBINSO.N. 112 Oak Btreot. IOR RENT-EIGHT KOM HOUSE WITH nil Improvements. Apply 1H73 Capouso avenue. IOR RENT- W. switch. WAREHOUSE ON I).. L SCRAN TON STOVE WORKS 1'OR RENT ROt MH NOW OCCUPIED BY the Traders' National Bank: possession given shout Mny 1. by F. I PHILLIPS, Cashier Traders' National Bank. IOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL 1 modern Washburn St. lOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE. J 715 ynincy aveniin. Rent reasonable Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. I.OR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court Inquire Adams ave. T.-'OR RENT-NICE, X FURNISHED HALL J1 suitable for lodge rooms. JOHN JKK MYN, UU Wyoming ovenuo. FOR RENT. The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Pcnn Aves., being 50 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to lot. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, nnd adapt floors for school, oilicc, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Agents Wanted. AOENT8 WANTED TO SELL CIOARS; 7i per month wilary unit oxnensps paid. Uldr.iw. with two-.-ent atarnp. IIUARO 11- Al'0.;Ciliiaa50. A" OKNTH-TO 8ELL OUB PltACTIOAL gold, silver, nickul and enrver elr.-tro plnters: rrice from frl upward ; asim-v and pennpspiiid; out lit free. Address, with stamp, illt'HIOAN JIFO CO.. Chicago. a I1P.NTB TOKEl.t. rif4AR TO DEALER- J Jit weekly and ex iwiwm; exnnrieuce un necessary. OXSOLUATKU ill'O. 00., 4 Van Biirtm Rt., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CAHBY SIDE LINE: i!) per cent, commission: Huniple book mailed free. Addreaa L, N. CO., ntatlon L, New Y'ork. At" onc3e aoents appointed "to sell new lightning Nellinir table cloth. iron- ifulto and housefly liquid ut lo cuts nnd i6 centM a bo tie. Sanii.lo true. 1101.G1AXO AI'K'OC'o., Baltimore. Mil. AUENTS lllNDE't PATENT UNfVEK sal Ilulr Curlrrs Hnd Wnvera (iiswl with out heat I, und "l'yr Foiuteil' ilair I'int. Lib. i ral .otnlilit.sioni. Free s;iui))lo and full par- ti.nlars. AddreM P. . Iiox -. Now . irk. Stockholders' Meeting, rrilK ANNUAL S1EK1INO OP THE 1 : kliol.l.-rH of Tho In-ksoa Manilla.: turinf 'niupHiiy for tho t-I.-ti.n of ortlct-rs und to vote o Vhe ropwiti.n tu reduce tlio liiiiuljor of directors froMi t-levon to not innru nine nor l" svn. aud t'm ..-nubi.l . ration of other iumo im may in. roimiit lKforu thuni, will I.e. li.-lrl at t-ie ..nice of tho coii.p my in H..:i'utitoii. .01 W.-duevduv, tbe I irti unv nl .Mnr.-n iiv.x-. mt io oci.n-k a.m. Higniit) WILLIAM II. V l-.K KLS, Sec 'y. f-'. r:iiitoii. Pa.. Kelt. -I, If'.HS. Soeelal Notices. ri'HE MANUKAC'I rllKKS OF THE CKLR 1 brutoJ WHITE Hi'ONOK I I.Ol'K have nm.olnted JI.-sul". .M.-uiit L'ol 6c o:ini-ll their sole ag-nts for the sala : tli- name In Scran ton aud vicioilly. Mr. K. K. Teal, who for merly had tho agency of thW flour, will reora- Bent M.-gurenl A 'ontill wit.i their complete hue, tovethcr with all his former specialties, ''I'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." J You want thi relic. 4 'nntalns all of Frank Leslie's fun.ousold War mt' the forces In actiiMl Imttlo. Hkctvlied on tliu spot. Two volumes, 'J,0"0 ,icture, Cold ou easy monthly parment. Ut-livered by ex- resa coninlete. all charaes preiiald. Address P. O. MOODY. Adama Ave., rk-ran'on. Pa. B1 ..ANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA- cities, etc.. bouna or ri-tiound at Tria TniBLNB ottlce. Vuick work, lloasonable prices. Medical. LAniRftf Chichester' English Pennyroyal Puts CJHamoad BtsihIi. nr the) MeiSt. !. HrlUlilh Tki- m Skr. n-l H'-., tBinf, i-.r ,trti4'ulm, "Kfllvf tat tU'.-' n ." w Raturn MajiL, ' lrfii, CUKaesivr cueuiicas sv. u.m A SURE CURE t-OR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure 000 out of ever 1.000! two doses will take tlm worst i-ass of inflam matory ont of bed. f&00 per piut bottle. Manufactured and sold hy MRS. DR. HAMILTON, aas Northampton Street, Wilkaa-Barrc. Pa. and for sale at no New York St., tirsca RMge. Cfffl a au V bl 1 a. a Deili & &WAI 1 A CP YVAL W TRY US. 60204 LACK1 AVE., COR. ADAMS. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY AN KXHKR1 k ' cured accountant und book keeper to open and post nu books, make balance sheets. adjust complicated accounts, also kenp traders' books morning or evening Term vary moderate. Address Bookkeeper, Triliuue uiui-e. SITUATION WANTED BY AN KXPKR1- enceu accountant und cookkcaper; au counts audited or exammsd: bonks opened cloned and wrltteu up; small aete kept up u.uiiiiu9 mm vveuiiiini; lorms reaeouauie. AiiuroBs j. u, j , cm or Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI aiiceri bookkeeper; terms reasonable. Ad uross i rioune omw. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOl7.NO man H yeara old; knows city thoroughly and will work ut anything. Call or address Uii uressier uourc, city. SITUATION WANTED BY AN OLD country groom ana gardener, wltn a pri vate family: wood references. Address Mc- miuur.a,i;micm livery, natulan ton ave. AN ENOL1SH LADY REQUIRES A 8ITU ation as uousekeepar.. Apply 1414 AI- urigut avenue. A OOOD DkEMMMAKEK WOULD Llkfi j.. ,i or 4 engagements to go out. sewing by tbe week; can cut and fit: will work very reasonable If board and Induing is included. Address DKtH8MAKKR,JTribune office. QITUATlON WANTED IN A GENERAL store or market; driver, bartender, nre nian or watchmau; can brlag a good family trade; city and country references. KANE, i renn avenue. SITUATION WANTED A8 BUTCHER OR u any otner Honorable employment; good work and hascood references. Addreu H ivi urica avenue. C1TUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR yj warenmao; tea years' exp.rience and arm ui rnrerences, Auarcsa H., Box Montrose, Pa. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. stncuuie in r.neci may io, 1093. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.25 a. rrt., week days, for Sunbury narrisDurg, rniiaoeipnia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burn; and the West. COO p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsyilla. J. R. WOOD, (len'l Pans. S. M. PHEVOST, General Manager. Agent. Central K nil road of. New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness nnd eonifort. TI.MM TAHLB IN U.l-'FKCT NOV. 17, 1SS3. Traliift leave Scrunton for I'lttston, Wilken-Burre, etc nt H.'M. 9.15. u. m., 1 Ml), :., 3.0'(. 6 00. 7.10 p. tu. Hunduys, D.iM a. m l.WJ, 2.10, 7.10 p. m. l-'or Atlantic City, a. m. Kor Now Ydrk. Newark und Elizabeth, S 2U(fXire.n) 11. 111., l.LM (i-Mircsa with Hul-f-t parlor carl, 3.o5 (expresa) p. m. Hun day. 2.15 P- ni. Train I.-uvIiik l.-U p. 111. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, B.21 p. in. anil Nw York 6.45 p. m. l-'or Maucli Chunk, Allniitowii, I3( thlo hrm, Huston ami Phlladelphlu, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20, 3.0... f.00 (except I'hlludtiphla; p. 111. Biinduy, 2.15 p. ni. Kor Look Hranch, Ocean Orove, etc., at 8.20 11. m.. 1-0 p. ni. t'ur licauliin, Lebanon and If irrlburK, viu Allenlowu, S.-ti u. III., 1.211, J.IH) p. In, Kiindny. i 1 P- m. l-'or IvtiMville, X.20r. m., 1.20 p. m. iU-lutnint,', leave New York, foot of Lib. erly elrvi t, North llher. ut H id ('Mm-) u. ni 1.10. i-'M (express with Huitet parlor cur) i. in. Hiiuduy, 4 :10 u. 111. LeiiVH I'hl l.i ili-'i'h lii. KeiidliiK T. rillln.'il, 9 U0 u. m., 2.00 and 4.20 p. 111. .S 11 inlay u. in. ThroiiRh tliket.i to nil points at lowest rates muy lie hud on application In -iil-vunce to the ticket uent ut the statlou, II. P. BALDWIN, (len. Hasst. Agent. 3. H. OLIIAtSHN. O. n. Supt. CKLAWARB AND L.US'N RAIL ROAD. romnienclnif Monday, July 30, all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenue station ns follows: 7) rruitis win leave Scran- ton itatlon for CrV.?',?l.S, I".;1- ''"f1"' Hate points ut 2.20. M: '-00. 8.2u and 1 a. m., 12.00, 2.20, 3.65, 5.1. 7.2o, 8.10 1 rme- 10.10 and 11 on t, ,1, For Parvlew, VVnymart and Honosdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 5.15 V'For Albany. Baratofra, the Adirondack and Montreal at D.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45, .:3 and 10.45 a. m., 12.05, 1 20, 2.38, 4.00, C.10. 6.05, 8.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Seranton station from Carbondale and intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40, 8.U4 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. 2.84, 8.40, 4.54, 6.55, 7.45, .U and 11.33 p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Far view at D.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 8.40, t.55 and 7.45 p. m. From Slontrcal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4.54 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkea-Barra and Intermediate r tilnta at 1.16, 8.04, 10.06 and 11.66 a. m l.u 14, ID, 1.10, 108. 7.10, 1.08 and U.1I p. m. ia7 VTCOTaV Wallace THE ENTIRE I Of C(ll and Capes were from tbe agents. Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have marked them on tbe same ba sis. 9 Washington Avenue, Odd Court House. w UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Mlljo Nov. 17, 1895. Train leaves Seranton for Philadelphia and Nw York via 1. H. R. R. ut 7.4i a. m 12.05. 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m., via D , L. A W. It. R., 6.00. 8.08. U.20 a, m.. and 1.3e p. m. Leave Seranton for Plttston and Wllkoa. a. m., 8.40, 6.07, 8.52 p. m. Lve Seranton For White Haven, Ha. zieton, Pottnvllle and all points on tha r.eaS?r.M.'auow and Pottsvllle branches, via E. & W V. R. H (.38 a. m.. via D. A H. R R at 7.45 a. m 12.05, 1.20, 8.88, 4.00 p. S" l- W. R. R. fi.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 1.30, 8.40 p. m. Leave Seranton for Bethlehem. Easton. Reading-. Harrisburg and all Intermediate P2int. via D. A H. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12.05. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m 1.30 p. m Leave Seranton for Tunkhannock, To Wanda, Klmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Lntlrm.'diate Points via D & II. R. R 8 45 R. R., 8.08, 8.55 a. m.. 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranlon for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all P'n,2 weft via D & II. R. H., 8.45 a. ni . and Pittaton Junction, 8.08, St.CS a. m 1.30, 'S p' 'n E- w- v- R- R-. 3 P- m ..,1 anu th wei" via Salamanca, via D. & H. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, tJ.05 p. rtv. y'a.DVLU W- R- os- 9 55 m.; 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Puiman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cara on nil trains between L. B. Junction pr Wilkes-Barra and New York. Brio e" Buffalo, aad Suspenslou AliLVTN H- WILBUR, Oen. Supt. 9HAS. 8. LEE. Oen. Pass, Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMAOHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1893. Trains leave Seranton as follows: Ex. press ror New York and all points East. 1.40, 2.50, 0.15, 8.00 and 8.56 a. m.; 12.55 anS 3.34 p. m. Hxoress for Enston. Trentnn. Thllidi. phla and the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 8.55 a. in.. 12 5a and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, S.53 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Rinehaniton. Oswevn. t-'l. mil a. Corning, Bath, Dunsvllle. Mount Morris and Huffnlo. 12.10, 2.35 a. m . and 1.21 p. m.. making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the Weit, North west and Houtliweat. Ruth accommodation, I a. m. Binghumton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p, m. Binghumton and Klmlra Express, (.01 p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse. Oswego, T'tlta and Klchfleld 8t,dngs, 2.25 a. m. and J.2I p. ni. . Ithaca 2.3.. and Katn s a. m. ana l.zi p m. For Northumberland, Plttstun, Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomaburg and Dan ville, mxkfnft close connections at North, umberlaml for Wllllumsport, Hurrlsburg, Baltimore. Washington and the South. Northunioerianu ana imerineuiuie tlons, li W. 9.55 a. m. and l.JO and e.07 p. m. Nantlr-oke and intermediate station, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate matlons, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa all express trains. .... For detailed Information, pocket tlm tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 32H Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie und Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Seranton for New York and Intermediate points on the Krie rail. road at 7.UU a. m. una i a p. ni. aiw wr Hone "dale, liawley and local point ui, y.tu u. m. una i.a p. m. Ml the n Love ura through trains to ana from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barre at s w s. m. und 3.19 p. in. KCHANTO DIVI8I01. la Kffecl September Mnel, ISMS. North Roun). aia 1203. SOI 1 Ls'sJ 8Ut,0M ioa,o4 S 3 (Trims Dally, 1x4 u '7i 1 cpi nunaay. r h Arrive Learsi a u 10 .... 7 m x 1. rranti in 8 7 lO.Wew Uui ttreetl 7 tin weehawkea r M'Arrlte Learej Ml I iSUsucook JuacUoaT jJW, 1 m Haocock Htarllgbt Preatoa Park i'omo Poyotelle Belmont Pleasaut Ml Dulondsle Forset ;lty Carbondale White Bridge) Mavflelo Jermvn , Archibald Wlntoa Peck vi Us Olyphaut Blcksoa Throep Provldenas park Pises s 'I IH 131 41 M tssj 9 CM 09 I1W U6 18 46 13 40 ...d 19 14 19 fnwH ip 1 49 660111 SI 7 04l 88 n 4 fiiaoi TT:f8ft 7 18 18 48 TI4i8 46 TIO)t T M 8 54 787' 8H Tli 4 Oil 7 84! 07 7st?4tq 7 89. 4 141 741 nirj 7 481 4 tW I T Ml 4 ....I 4111 1 881 S-Jll 1M swtiiia! setiii ni 6 win inn snojii 00 let it 04 a is 11 ni :::3 i 3! 1 110671 10 10 sal Httantm it 'a at Uavo Arrlvei AU trains run dally except gaaday. t signifies that trains stop oa slgoal for piga Mifrers. secure rates via Ontario Western before) Circhasing tickets and save aiooey. Day aasl loft Kipraeatothe west, ' t. rUterolR. DIT. PSM, A ISTSsMtta, PaT 1 U V 8C3 3 U 'SO V