THE SCBANTON TBIBUNTC SATURDAY 1IOHHTNU. MABCH 7. 1896. MiLEADEWTfoe -Fashion Neu)s of tb? 25-LB. SACKS Hi fll 40c' Guaranteed to Be the Best Mads. AT Luce Bros, . Scranton and Taylor. WEST 51DE EVENT?. Smoker of Silurian Lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ad drese by S. G. Kerr. Silurian lodge, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, eld a smoker last even lug and as u. pr'Mrranune fur mentul diversion S. U. Kerr, Urn Srruntuii business man, liellvercil IiIh lecture on hi trio to Ireland. John II. Kelley, treasurer of the lodge, was i-lialrinau. He introduced Mr. Kerr In a few happy words. The Kpeuker talked In an enter talnlne way for a suitable period. The Bpeeoli was Interlnrdcd with anecdotes which Mr. Kerr's native wit filled In at lroper intervuls. After the speech a vote of thanks was tendered the speaker and as u llniile the Philharmonic Choral society suhk Good Night." Clgarti were afterward passed around and the remainder of the evening was spent in a social way. CONCjEHT TUESDAY EVENING. A sacred concert entitled "HulldlnR of the Temple" will be givpn by the choir of the Simpson Mivthodlst Kpiscopal church on Tuesday eenlnff, assisted by Mrs. Frank BrundaRe, soprano; Miss Margaret Jones, contralto; Edwin How en, tenor; John W. Jones, Basso; Wal ter W. Davis, organist. The members of the choir are: Hopranos, Miss Kiln Oodslmll, Miss Hunna Hnwer, Miss Jones, Miss Kachael Jones. Miss Clara Maunders, Mrs. Frank T. Knauss, Miss Minnie Weber, Mis Stella Yohe. Miss Elvira' Harris, Miss llanna Broadbent, Miss Margaret Pavies, Mrs. Harry Wrlgley, Miss Ellen H. James; altos, Miss Mary Jones, Miss 1,1 via Jones, Miss Jones, Miss Aldie Pavies, Miss Anna Jones, Miss Maud Jeffreys, Miss Edna Saxe. Mrs. Albert Lewis; tenors, James H. Hartman, Addison 13. Iildg way, David J. Davles, Walter Jones, Lou H. Jones, William J. Davles, Thou. Mathlas; bassos. Will Whitman, Harry Acker, Harry Wrlgley. James Davles, Thomas W. Jones; children. Eva Kittle. Rachel Jones. Rachael James, May Morgans, Bertha Fellows, Bertha Car Bon, Belle Snyder, Bessie Dlehl, Orace Cramer, Mary Granacher, Stella Shaw, Polly Thomas, Daisy Clark, Flora Gin ader, Alice Coons, Hattie Saunders, Ol wen Jones, Ethel Doud. Hattie Hum, Emma Barzler, Anna Bortree, Emma Lewis, Laura Hallett. Vina Knapp, El sie Acker. Ruth Acker, Verna Roee, Maude Moser, Flora Lewis, Ruth Thompson, Blanche Thomas. A SUBSTANTIAL FOOTING. In order to guard against possible cave-Ins of the underlying mines the builders of the new No. 13 school on Bellevue heights have expended quite a large sum of money in making the foundation secure. The plan adopted is a new one In this section. Under the foundation walls, which are set deep into the earth a mortar bed was laid and on thin bed small iron pillars were placed. On these the weight of the building is sustained. The plan is so arranged that even if part of the surface does settle the building will be unaffect ed, inasmuch as the mortar bed forms an almost unbreakable safety sheet of hardness and durability. The school will be completed about the Kith of this month, six months ahead of. the con tracted time. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Two fenders, one at each end, have been placed on the Swetland street Your tllloney's Worth ! Your money's worth, that's what we give you In every purchase, no matter how small. There is an invariable rule of profit in this establishment, and by following: it out on all occasions we never do a customer an injustice; you get your proportion of honest merit and reduced value on every article you buy. When ever you doubt this scrutinize your pur chase at its intrinsic worth, consider its quality, its style, its cheapness, as com pared with other lika articles of inferior make and you find that, we give full and complete measure every time. TtS SAMTERS . - i S;:rt D:i Beta, Hatters and Furcisim car. This waa necessary- because of the many times that the fender had to be changed during, the day. One hundred and thirty-eight times is the number. . Company F will be Inspected this eve ning. The Christine Nellsson Ladles choir, of Wilkes-Barre, will compete at the Robert Morris eisteddfod. Rev. F. P. McNaJJy. preached at' St Patrick's church last night. An effort will be made by Hon. John R. Farr to issue the Courier Progress today as usual. Mlsa Cora Roberts, of Wllkea-Barre, is the guest of Miss Edith Williams, of Chestnut street. Last evening S. O. Kerr delivered his successful lecture, on his trip through Ireland, before the members of Llurlan lodge, independent Order of Odd Fellows. A. B. Eynon has so far completed his North Hyde Park avenue residence, which was damaged, by fire, that his family are again, preparing to resume residence there. , . ! ;' ' . The funeral of the late Miss Ida Kee gan will occur tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Dodge and Oxford collieries were paid yesterday. Slocum lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, will meet this evening. Work has been, resumed at the Bel levue colliery after an Idleaess of:sv eral days for necessary Improvements. A literary programme will be rend ered next Thursday- evening at .the Hampton Street Methodist church. The funeral of th late Michael Foley will occur this morning at 9 o'clock from St. Patrick's church. Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. The banquet committee of the Hyde Park Literary and Debating society. met last evening and prepared for the event. Mrs. Aleck Morton and two sons, of Jancsvllle, ure the truest a of Mr. and Mrs. James M. -Harris, of 371 North llvde Park avenue. t. Henry P. Davis will talk on "Pulur Exploration" at thin evening's meeting of the Welsh Philosophical society. The publlo will be well repaid by attending and hearing this timf ly topic discussed. C. Frear, the Lake Winola landlord, wan In town Thursday. Yesterday's pays at the Podge and Oxford mines were very small and con trasted greatly with the prosperity of several months ago. Home of the min ers received only $19 und thereabouts. John Morgan has purchased the mar High Politics; Religion at Work." K. Davis on North Main avenue. Mr. Morgan la a hustling- young man, whose home Is on Hnuth Main avenue. He has a number of friends here, ket stand formerly conducted by Roger will be the subject of the evening ser mon of Rev. John Orimths at the Sum ner Avenue Presbyterian church next Sunday. D. D. Evans, the staunch South Main avenue business man. has purchased n plot of ground between the Mott and Mason residences, and will soon erect a handsome dwelling; house. The new motor In the Bellevue mine Is working admirably. The Bame power tha.t runs the motor also illuminates ev ery department of the breaker and the house of the foreman. Bert Qreen, sr. "Dewl" Williams, formerly of Mar tin & Delnny, has accepted a position as traveling salesman for Martin, the merchant tailor, of Wyoming avenue. West Side nusincss Directory. PLtTMUIxa William D. Griffiths. 113 North Main avenue, does first-clans Plumbing, Steam Heat anil Gas Kitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. BARBER Hair cutting and shaving done in a first-class manner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, at Fairchild's hotel. FLORIST Cut flowers and funeral de signs a specialty. Floral figures, useful as gifts, at 101 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, florist. PHOTOGRAPHER Cabinet Photos, 11.40 per dozen. They are Jimt lovely. Con vince yourself bv calling at Starner's Photo Parlors, lot and 103 South Main avenue. GROCERIES Revere Standard Java Cof fee is unexcelled. The leading coffee of the day. For sale only at F. W. Mason & Co. Fine Groceries, 110 South Main avenue, SECOND HAND FURNITl'RE Cash for Anything you have to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and Nttii Jack son street. GKEEX UIUGI-. The supper given by the ladles of the Green Ridge Women's Christian Tem perance union last nipht was a decided Buccess in every particular. For a ten cent supper It was one of the best ever served In this part or the city. Well, It was the Women's Christian Temper ance union, and they certainly know how to serve supper. John K. Flerdun, of Buffalo, was vis iting in the Ridge Friday. Miss Edith Greeley will return from school to spend her Knster vacation. Mr. Sweeney, of the HoneBdale Glass works, -is calling on friends In the Ridge. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ia. Fowler left for their borne in Mansfield yesterday. The tickets are out for the lecture course at the Presbyterian church. The first lecture of the course will be given by Colonel Sanderson, March 13. Miss Grace Bagley is the guest of Mrs. J. F. Hangl. Miss Mabel Good win,-of Rutherford, N. J., is the guest of Mrs. M. C. Carr, of Dickson avenue. Mrs. A. E. Kiefer Is very aick at her home on Dickson avenue? - Mrs. Rlowers, of Delaware street. Is slowly recovering from her recent ill ness. All Green Ridge Items for The Trib une may .be left at the Ciceronian School' of Elocution and Oratory, on Dickson avenue. . SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Stag Party Given by tha Scraaton AthletU Club at Garnaala Hall In Uonor -of Successful Candidates. At Germanla hall last evening the members of the Scranton Athletic club gave a stag party in Honor of the suc cess, of four of its members fof political preferment at the recent election, name ly. Edmund J. Robinson, Robert Rob inson, Edwin Frable and Henry J. Spruks. There was u moat sociable time" spent and congratulations were sent around the festal board to the fa vored members. Speeches were made by the officials eleet and by others. Refreshments and cigars served to pass away the hours until near midnight, when the celebra tion ended. Vocal- and instrumental miislo was a part of the programme, and tvas rendered informally by the various member of the club. NKPTl'NK COMPANY'S OFFICERS. Neptune Engine company No. 2 has elected the follow lug officers to serve for the ensuing year: President, John ltamuth.: vice-president, Jacob Hart man; treasurer, August Schiinpff, secre tary, Henry Walter; foreman, George Fenner; first assistant, Henry Kiefer! second assistuut, William Fickus; en gineer, Max Itosar; stoker. Peter Rob ling. Jr.: iieruiuuent men, Churles Wirth and John Mack. SHORTER PARAGRAPHS OP NEWS. . The funeral of Edward Phllbin will take place from his late home on Main street, Minonka, nt !l o'clock this morning-. High mass of requiem will be cele brated nt St. Joseph's church, und in terment will be mode In Hyde Park cemetery. Mrs. William Moran, of Fig street. Is seriously ill and her recovery is not ex pected. Miss Janet Adams, physical director of the Young Women's Christian asso ciation, of the central city, lectured nt the South Side rooms on Ci dur avenue last evening on the subject of health. She was listened to with great Interest by a large audience of the members and her ideas were of much value on this most important topic. PROVIDENCE. The funeral of John A. Williams will take place on Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and not on Monday, as stated yesterday. Services will be held in the Purltain Congregational church. . . The game of base ball on roller skates in Company H armory on Monday eve ning between Osterhout's and the Clark Store company's teams promises to be very interesting. A Leap year social will be held in Company M armory In the near future under the direction of the Misses Lloyd, Phillips, Lewis and Lloyd. Louis Rockwell is improving rapidly at his home on North Main avenue from is severe Illness. John Collins, of Carbondale, spent last evening with friends here. The Trilby Dancing class will hold a masquerade on April 10 In Company H armory. Charles Kvans Is seriously 111 at his home, on North Main avenu?. Thomas Davis, of Archbald, who has been visiting friends on West Market street, returned home yesterday. At the 8ervlce9 in the Welsh Baptist church on West Market street tomor row the pastor, Rev. W. F. Davis, will All the pulpit. The services In the eve ning will be conducted in English. James Gollghtly was arraigned be fore Alderman Roberts last evening on a charge of housebreaking and threat ening to kill, preferred by his step son, William Robinson, of Nay Aug ave nue. He was held in S;i00 hall, in de fault of which he was committed to Jail. Coal Operator James Flynn is Im proving from his Injuries which he re ceived a few days axo in n runaway. Rev. W. O. Watklns will preach In the North Muln Avenue liaptlst churchy tomorrow morning und evening. Morn ing subject. "The Bible Cut with a Knife and Consumed in the Fire." Eve ning fubject, '"The Purification of Conscience." A beautiful new Mathusktk plann has been put In the audience room of the North Main Avenue Baptist church, and will be used for the first time to morrow. Hew W. O. Watklns will tiroar h nt Thioop Baptist church tomorrow af ternoon nt 3 o'clock. The Christian church has given their present pastor. Rev. D. M. Kintt-r, a unanimous call to remain with them another yenr. The UHual services In the Providence Christian church on Lord's day. subject for morning, "The Fiery Furnace;" evening, "An address to the order of men and women denom inated the church of Christ." The Rev. M. S. Blair, district evangelist, will preach In the Providence Christian church on Monday evening, and per haps for a few evenings following. Service In the Methodist Episcopal church tomorrow at the' usual hours. At 10.30 a. ni. Rev. K C. Floyd. Ph. D.. will preach. At 7.30 p. in. the pastor will preach the second sermon In series on Scenes in Last Week of Life of Jesus." Hunciay school at 2 p. m., Ep worth leasue 6.43. DL'NMORT. The Dun more Conclave of Hepta eophs, although one of the youngest so cieties in this place. Is one rf the most progressive and Moulshlng. !-ast night officers were Installed by District Dep. uty C. i. Roland, of Scranton. as fol lows: Past aivhon. F. C De Iw, archon, Geodrge J. Glfford: provost. E. K. Crawford; prelate. John Webber; Inspector, W. J.' Hnll; warder, W. D. Wardrll; sentinel, G. W. Jones; trus tees. John Oolden, James Harrington, Mnlon Hturk: treasurer, G. W. A. Allen. After the installation an entertainment was given which was very much en Joyed by those present, which was fol lowed by a banquet. A large number were present from out of town, among whom -were the following representa tives: Green Ridge. W. T. Helsse. W. E. Greeley, M. M. Bennett, If. L. Biir dick; Providence, District Deputy W. V. Hendricks. John Hill. C. E. Potter, W. 11. Burns, Del Rowley, R. C. Dean, Charles Wiggins, Louis Rltch, Joseph Sllkman; West Side, Joseph Ainsley; Electric City conclave. F. H. Weeks, J. Elliott Ross; Roaring Brook, Charles Schuer. Mrs. P. W. Ripley, of Monroe avenue, is visiting - friends and relatives Ir. Klmlra. N. T.. and Vicinity. Mrs. R. T. Rodman, of Hawley. war the guest of friends in this place ys; terday. 124 AND 126 WYOMING AVENUE Just receiving the most exquisite and exclusive. lines of Spring Fab rics that were ever shown in Scranton, consisting of Silks, Dress Goods, Organdies, Dimities, Challics, Swisses, Suits, Capes, Skirts, etc. As we are handicapped on account of our extensive alterations for the want of room, therefore we offer the following Inducements: DRESS GOODS AND SILKS. IS pieces of double-fold wool dress goods in plaids and mixtures, worth Ziv.. Leader's Price 14c 30 pieces of all-wool cashmere, all col ors, woitu 4io., Leader's Price, 25c 20 pieces of t'i-lneh black serge, worth 4uc., Leader's Price, 29c 23 pieces of all-wool fanry dress goods, worth lie.. Leader's Price, 29c 25 pieces of all-wool black dress goods, in fancy atripes, worth 60c., Leader's Price. 37c SO pieces of new spring dress goods In tho new weaves, worth 65c., Leader's Price, 49c Have Just received a choice collection in novelties and fine dress goods and allka, always at, lowest prices. CLOAKS, SUITS AND SKIRTS. One lot of figured brllliantlne skirts, lined throughout and bound, Leader's Price. $1 39 One lot of superb figured brlllinntir.e skirts, live yards wide, 'Leader's Price. $1.9Sc A large assortment of percale wrap pers, all colors, sizes, 32 to 44, - Leader's Price, t9c Newest and liandsortest effects in da dies' shirt waists, all sizes, Leader's Prices from 49c to $2.9S A number of very desirable heavy Jacket for early spring wear ut less than naif price. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'!, MUS IN UNDERWEAR. New lot If ladli s' muslin corset "cov ers, all xizes, ,. Leader's Price, 7c One lot of ladies' tine cambric -coV- ) ei-ri, IiIkIi nick, trimmed with : em- tiiolviery, . ; - Leader's Price,' 12Jc. One new lot of ladies' coryTet covers, square or V neck, trimmed with' em broidery, . - Leader's Price, 2ic One lot of ladies' muslin drawers with cluster of tucks. Leader's Price, 19c One lot of lailiea' fine muslin drawers, trimmed wi;h embroidery. Leader's Price, 29c One lot of lailies' tin muslin drawers with cluster of tucks and trimmed with wiili! embroidery, Leader's Price, 39c One lot of ladles' fine muslin gowns, .Mother Hubbard yoke, trimmed. Leader's Price, 49c One lot of ladles' fine mualln gowns, Mother Hubbard yoke with Insertion of tucks, -trimmed with embroidery, Leader's Price, G9c One lot of ladles' cambric gowns, em pire style, trimmed with embroid ery, . Leader's Price, 89c LEBfECfc E. Maaatactargn of the Celebrated PILSENER LAGER SEER CAPACITY! jtoo,ooo Barrels per Annum 010 DU FONT'S RIRIH6. BUSTMG 1KD SPORTlliG POWDER Haaafaetared at the WapwalloiK MOkt La lerae eonnty. Pa., and at WO miagton. belaxare, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oanarel Agent for the Wyoeming District. M WYOMING AVE Somrton, Pa. ThMVarteaalReak lauonai I OB. roUD, nttatia. Fa, OHM IV SMITH SON, PtVamowaK Fa L W. MULLIGAN. WilieaBarre. Fa. eta far fee kavane Canwlool Oa e Ill's V LAGER BEER REWERY IT Ms llilil 1 rl J One lot of ladles' muslin skirts, cam brio ruffle, trimmed with lace, Leader's Price, 49c One lot of ladies' line cambric sk'rts with wide double r utile, trimmed with line embroidery. Leader's Price, 98c One lot of children's muslin drawers, sizes, 1 to 14 years, with cluster of tucks, Leader's Price, 1 Oc For Size 1 and I'pward One lot of children's muslin draw ers, sizes, 1 to 14 years, with cluster of tucks, trimmed with tine em broidery. Leader's Price, 25c For Size 1 and Upwards MEN'S FURNISHINGS. One lot of men's unlaundrld percale china, new goods and well made. Leader's Price, 25c One lot of men's fine half hose, full seamless, worth 15o.( Leader's Price, 3 pairs for 25c One lot of men's and boys all-wool sweaters in blue, black and garnet, regular price, 1.23, Leader's Price, 98c One lot of men's choice neckwear, consisting of tecks and four-in-hands, regular price, F0c., Lender's Price. 25c One lot of boys' uulnundrled shirt wslsts, all sizes, perfectly made, pleated front and buck, Leader's Price, 25c SPECIALS. One case of flno apron ginghams, worth 7'-.. Leader's Price. 4c 1,000 yards of dress ghiKMnmH In short lengths, Tanning from 10 to I'J yards In each, regular price, UK-., Leader's Price, 5c 23 pieces of light percale, 32 Inches wide, worth inc., Leader's Price, ti'c One lot of fine lawns and dimities In all the latest patterns, regular jiriee 8c, Leader's Price, 5c Otio case of fine dress ginghams worth 10c., Leader's Price, "c 25 pieces of crinoline In black, white and drab, worth sc, ' Leader's Price, 5c One lot of 4."i-lnch bleached pillow case muslin, worth 12c, Leader's Price, 8.1c One lot of 8-4 bleached sheeting, worth 17c, Leader's Price, 13Jc One lot of cream damask table linen, worth 40c, Leader's Price, 25c One lot of large-size white bedspreads, worth Sl.'JO, Leader's Price, 89c All of our blankets and comforts to close at half price. & CORBN. UP TO Established 1368. the Genuine rl ANO sa :a ta At a time when many manu. facturers and dealers are making the most astounding statements regardingthemeritsauddurability of inferior Pianos, intending pur chasers should not fail to make critical examination of the above instruments. ecrIeIr General Dealer in Northeast' ein Pennsylvania. ca New Telephone Exchange Building. 115 Adams Ave.. Scranton, Pa. uuttuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiaiiamiuuuunl YOU WANT WE HAVE LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonweal Mlim THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE. PA,, Manufacturer of Locomotives. Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Oeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 LACE CURTAINS- Being direct importers in Lace Curtains, providing you buy of us, you pay no middle man's proGt, which means a saving at least of 25 to 50 per cent. House cleaning time U near. We have just received an immense line of Curtains; don't wish to store them away, as room is too variable. Just to . sec if customers will appreciate a good thing we have displayed a few samples in the window, and during this WCek we will give a cash discount of 25 per , cent trom import prim. Buy now and save from 50c. to $5 per pair. A FEW OF THE 200 Pairs of Nottingham Curtains, $1.50 Valm, 200 Pairs of Naitingtiam Curtains, 3.00 Valus, 100 Pairs of Brussels Curtains, 4. 50 Value, 100 Pairs of Brussels Curtains, 6.00 Valus, 100 Pairs of Irish Point Curtains, 5.50 Value, 100 Pairs of Rsnaissanca Curtains. 7.50 Value, 100 Pairs of Renaissance Curtains, 10.00 Value, Renaissance Curtains up to $25 per pair. Chenille Draperies Suffer Same Reductions. FUR CAPES AND Moosic Powder Go, Rooms 1 and 2 Comnoie<li BM'l SCRANTON, PA. RUINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOBIC AND RUM DALB WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powdof Blectrlo BattertM, Patau for tnlaA ins blaati, Safety FM ul Cepauno Chemical Co.'s High Exploits ROOF T.IMRG MD S0LOERSS8 AD don away with by the tiaa af H ART MAN 'B PATENT PAINT, which eonaUrtf f Ingredients well-known to all. It eaa be applied to tin, galvanlfed tin. enact Iroa roofs, aleo to brick dwellnge, which will firavent absolutely any o rumbling, crack nc or breaking of the brick. It will ont Uet tinning of any kind by many yeara, and It'e cost does not exceed one-firth that of the ooat of tinning. I sold by the jafe or pound. Comrade taken by ANTONIO HAKTMAKN. SO Birok WU DATE. Over 26,000 in Use. 1 4 a 13 13 PI HZ La TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephana 422 MANY BARGAINS : Only $ .98 Only 2.00 Only Only Only Only 3.00 4.00 3.50 5.00 Only 7.50 per pair, Brussels uptoSSO JACKETS PRICE. AMUSEMENTS. TflE FROTHIHGflflH. Wagner Rels, Leasees and .Manager. Two Solid Weeks, Commencing Annual Appearance Waite's Comedy Company. Premium Band and Concert Orchestra ol 31 Artists. Assltteil by tlie Worlil'. Ureatt.t Cornet Do ettiats and Koloiaia, Mr. A. H. Knoll and Miss Marls AlcNell. Xaw Play Nightly. Mntime Daily at 10 Cents, Except Monday ot First Week. PRICES' 10c, 20c. and 30c Sale opons Friday 0 a. m. DAVIS THEATER .Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday MARCH 0, 10, II, 1898. Return of the Great Artists, . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wayne, la Oliver Byron's Famous Sensational Com. edy-Urama, in 4 Acts, Entitled The Plunger. No better Dramatic Company ever played In this house than Mr and Mrs. Robert Wayne's PRICES 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS SOOH BE HERE And to ba prepared to mxet the warmer wuather yuu want a s.atouable bull er an Overcoat or both. AND THE BEST PLACti TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS II 406 Lackawanna Ave. THERE YOU WILL, FIND The largest slock tn .elect from. Trim mill s Aliruysuf the best, Latest Htvlrs In Cutting, nml innde up ton tlie premls-s by Expt i l Workmen; l?TXi)tlllnff alloweil to b-ave the en tubliHUmutit u 11 If si satlxfai'lory to the customer, and the lowest prii-es consist ent eltli Uoud Merchant Tailoring. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ftOOMS 4 AND S, Oa and Water Co. Building, C0BHEH WYOMiNS AVE. AND C8HIER ST; OFFICE HOURS from T.SO a m. tot p. m. (1 boor interratealoa for dinner aud aupper: ) Particular Atteatios Gives to Colleetieas prompt Scttloment Uuaranteed. V0URBUSIRESS!SRH2?CTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No. 134. CALL UP 3682. lioe Oil II UNDID CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OPnOI AND WAREHOUSE, 141 TO ll MERIDIAN STRCST VI. W. COLUINS, M'(fb SPRING fll I