THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE SATURDAY MORNING, MATtCII 7, J 890. NORTON'S XUW WALL DECORATIONS, " This year's styles now la. .: Very choke and exclusive designs, large variety and exquisite colorings, in all the grades, suitable for the palace or the cabin churches, public halls, offices, etc Real Silk and Satin Hangings, Ivor? finished, Pressed Hangings Llncrusta, solid relief; imitates carved wood, Imitation leather, gold and silver papers. Boston plain tints and cartridge '. papers with elegant friezes and ceilings and future moulding to match. We invite inspection. Now is a good time for interior decorating, Don't wait for pleasaut weather rush. We supply decorators on ulvnt uotice. M. XOKTOX, 322 Lackawanna Ave. BUT THE BEST. SnoShite Mrs, Rprer Uses "Snow White" in ' her Scranton Cobking Lectures. FINE FARCK COiMEUY. Trip- to Chinatown at tha Academy of Mnalo Tonight. This evening; one or lloyt's mont hu mciruUB farces ' "A Trip to C'hlnatov, n" will be seen at th Academy of Music. It In not only conceded to be the bent of fare comedies, but liua to Iw credit the record of having distanced all coin petltum, no matter whether In the realms of comedy, operu. farce or trntr ity. It wan Riven at llnyt'H theater n the city of New York fur Nix hundred an.1 fifty-six consecutive uerforniunceH. no ulay having had a run before of longer thun BO performances. It will be. if jiosnlble, even its liiHt appearance here, from the fact that this city will see the pluy with the original New York cant including Harry 'n rioras "Welland Strong." tleorge Rich ards, Geruldine .Met 'ami, Myru .Vlm-eHu. Fannie Miuco. Sadie Klrby. Julius V. Wltmurk, J lurry tSflfoil, Madge Dean and liichnrd Karl. . THE SILVER QUESTION. To Ha Itiacuaned from a Non-Partisan Non-Political stnndpnint. The silver quest ion from a non-par-tlsun and non-political standpoint will be presented In the shape of a beauti fully Illustrated stereopticon lecture n Tuesday evening-. March 10, by Mr. Theo. C. KnaufT. of Philadelphia. Tick ets for this lecture may be had free at the Young Men's Christian association office. Seats can be reserved at the nominal fee of 25 cents for two seats. As the question Is. bound to become to some extent u prominent one In the coming political campaign, this oppor tunity to hear the views of so prominent lecturer as Mr. KnaufT conies us a timely one. GERTKi nr. IS SORKY. Flit Is Disappointed Itccoiite tha Poison Hill Not Kill Her. (lertrude Kuker, whose husband, John Piucou, deserted her, which caused her to make an uttempt upon her life by kwallowlng two ounces of luudunum In the toilet room of the Delaware, Luckn wanna and Western station Thursday night. Is completely out of dunger ut the hospltul, but she-Is extremely sorry that the drug did not carry her over the great divide. Her relatives live in Plttston. Dr. Rlanchard says she will he able to leave the hospital in a few duys. : THE PLUNGER AT DAVIS'. - Will Uc Produced by Mr. and Mrs. Kohert ' Wnvno and "o,mpan. ' For the first half of next week Man ager Davis will present ut Duvls' thea ter Mr. and Mrs. Kobert Wayne In Oli ver Byron's continent-popular comedy drama entitled "The Plunger." r. The players ore aiming the very best that ever-came to this house, and the play Is one of the strongest. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne should be greeted by tre mendous house Piano sale, lilg bargains. Guernsey Jtros. , OUR Continued for Another Week. '.i.v "'We must tret rid of the ex- tra stock, because our Spring Goods will be iu very soon. ' Just a few good things which you should consider .Wore buying: ' A flaudy Men's Fine Calf Shoe, lace or tfjO (fj of shape tPAiUU An "up-to-date Fine ir jf cl an A A . 1 Il I illl 11. 1 if. X.I f I 1 ( IC-- . u - extended sole, - tPJaUU , A tew inter Kits sets; double soles, ex- flQ OC tended, all sizes, vuiUU at at a GLEABINbSALE SCIIAIIK KOEIILER. 410 Spp-'M Stmt FOR THE CBIBCB WMS , Novel Campaiya That Has Been In autjaratcd by the Y. M. C. A. CONSISTS OP PERSONAL WORK Religious of tha Weak Told In Short Paragraphs SerWcea That Will Da Uald la tha Charchaa of tb City Tomorrow. A very practical and up-to-date kind of religious work is being planned among a number of Young Men's Christian as sociation members peculiarly titled for the work in question. The Idea Is a novel one, ami will be put forward by the workers' training class under the direction of tleneral Secretury Many. It is not simply the addition of another Hlble class course' to the work already laid out, but is u sort of a lay theologi cal seminary, where in simple element ary form 'the evidences or Christianity ure put before young workers and they are taught how to handle the word of God In personal work. The primary Idea of the workers Is not so much the preparation for public effort ns It is lor skillful personal train ing. The training class which recently finished a preparatory course will to morrow be given a written examination and those whose work comes up to 75 tier cent, will be eligible to membership hi the workers' league, which will be or ganized (luring: the coming week. This league will hold weekly meetings, when the members will make written reports according to the following form: u rertjonai v orser m repuri i nau u jc Buna iviltriMluwi null ....... ; on the subject of hl personal rela. tionsliip to Christ. Ills difficulty w:is Kesult of conversation tie uttemls church; his fctfe Is To Illustrate tbe purpose of The re port it may be supposed that "his dis belief of the divinity of ClMjst'' is given In the case of u certain young' man. Th meeting would then proceed, to get from the Bible and from other sources the best possllile.proof and authority of Christ's divinity. The mutter would then be discussed and the worker who made the report would be given certain urguments and authorities with which to win over the party in question. Kach member of the league will be required to sign the following pledge: I promise to attend every session of the Personal Workers' league, unless detainer! liv some reason which I can honestly give inv Lord. 1 will spend euch day in such sillily as will better lit me to he come "u workimiii that ncedcth not to lie ashamed" til Tim., II. I.'.l. 1 will seek to improve every opportunity for doing per sonal work which -may come to ine. Date Signed Witness MEKTIXO AT ALI.KNTOWN. At Tuesday afternoon's session of the standing committee of the Central Dio cese of the Kplscopal church at Allen town routine business was transacted. Consent was given to the consecration of the bishops of Washington. L. C. Iais Angeles. Cal Lexington, Ky., and Marquette, Mich. The cases of Kev. J. B. May. of Potts vllle; Uev. S. I'. Mltmun. of Allentown, and Professor William K. Hutts. of Kloumsburg. who recently left the He formed church und Joined the Kplscopal church were considered. Consent wus given to the ordination of llev. Mr. May, but the cases or llev. Mr. Mitman und Professor Hutts were postponed tor further action until the next meet ing. I'ntil then the two applicants will take the prescribed course of study. Professor Mutts, who was connected with the liloonisburg Statu Normal school, has entered the Kplscopal The ological seminary In New York city. KELUJIOLS NEWS NOTES. Tlr'lorem-e mission innnugers met on TiK'Siliiy. The itoviil brlgU'le of the I'enn Avenue Papilst church will reorganize ut 4 o'clock tomurrow ufternoon. The Women's I Inlld of St. Lnki' church met VVeilnesduy afternoon at tha resi dence of Mrs. H. H. Throop. The rexiihir monthly meeting of the muiiugeis of the Home for the Friendless took uhu-e vesteriluv mornlnu. The Imard of managers of the Young Women Christian assoeluliun met at t lie rooms on Wednesday morniiit!. Iti-v. John P. .Moffat li-il the half-hour fiospe' service at the Young Women' (. n 1 1? r in n associuiion i nursuuy. The Oreen Itldse Women's Christian Tempera ise iinliin held Its monthly IiiimI- lies meeting at 1'iiu utcKSon avenue i lies tluv. A Sunduy school convention of the Wy oming district win be helii in tne niai'.eiy Pilmllive Mftliodist chiUTh on Tuesday, Slareh HI. Tlieilirls' Friendly soolely of St. Luke's cliiurli met TJimxluy evenniK ul tne home of Mr. and .Mrs. It. ,1. Foster, i'.W .Maillsou uvenue. The inembeishlp committee of Die Young Women's Christian ussoi'lutlou gave a letc-a-tete social at the rooms Tuesday evening ut i.;!H. An Initial tea. Iiy the ladles whose names begin with T, V, V, W, X, Y and .. was given on Thursday evening ut the Simpson Methodist church. Kev. A. II. Chatlln, edllor of the Con- ererutional Messenger, issued Alle gheny CHy, visited Kev. D. P. Jone of HvdH Puik avenue, this week. The Ladies' Foreign -.Mission society of the Lui kawanna presbytery will convene for Its Mirlntr district meeting In the Prov idence Presbyterian church oil April II and l.'i. The ladles of the Mlsnlon society of the Peiui Avenue Kanth't chuivli served uu oyster supper Thuriday evnlng from (i to 8 oi'lock. A musical programme was given. Kev. Foster V. Gift preaches u special sermon on Sunday evening in the Young Men's Christian Christian Association au ditorium 'to tne Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Prother Francis, of the Kplsropal order or l loo.l Hnepnen, lias opened a priory on North Hvde Park uvenue. The mission of the organization will lie to administer to the poor. The King's DatiKhters of Grace lie fotmed F.nisconul chinch and the honor ury members of the organization met Tuesiiuy nigm ui me home ot .miss .Mayer, ii Monroe avc-nu,. The oyster supper given Thursday night by the Women's Home und Forcixii Mis sionary society of the I'enn Avenue J.tap- tlst church wus well patronized. The pro ceeds will he devoted to mission work. .Miss F.sther Itowlunds will lead the tos pel meeting ut the Young Women's (.'hris tian association tomorrow uiternoon at : 4.V iisIiik- as her snblect. "All-Sided liildances." All young women ure cor dially invited. It is thought that Cardinal Satolll will be present to formally consecrate llishop Hoban in this city on March S2. The car dinal has been Invited to perform the cere mony and his answer is declaieif to have oeen ravorante. At a meeting of the Scranton Pastors' union early this week. Rev. Dr. LeKov Stephens, of Lewlsburg, made a brief ad dress on "Adequate .Ministerial ftnppiy. mid Kev. U. J. Williams read a paper on "cnurcn t'oin-y. Secretary Sunderlln, of the lfobok?n Itallrou'i Younx Men's Christian associa tion, and P.ejamln locke, an engineer on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western railroad, will conduct the Sunday night meeting at the Kescue mission. The choir of St. Peter's cathedral has begun to rehearse Hie music for the coir vecration of Hlshoo Hoban. Uauer's or chestra of twelve pieces, augmented by six pieces from New York, will assist in giving the instrumental music iRt. Kev. llishop O'Hara. Kev. M. J. 1 1 oban and Kev. J. J. II. Feeiey lert Tnurs day morning for Philadelphia, where ar ransement will be made with Arch bl-hoo Kvan for the insecratloni of Father lioban as the coadjutor of Bishop O'Hara. The quarterly union meeting of the Wo men's Foreign Missionary societies was held Monday afternoon in Kim Park church. Miss Blocuin. of the West Sid' presided. Papers were read by ladles from each section of the city on different parts or tne woik. . The Scranton Women's Christian Tern teranre union has adopted resolutions protesting aguinst the bill now pending providing tor military instruction in the schools. bill has had two readings in congress ai.-i is now berore ine com mlttee on milltarr affairs. The congregation of it he Dunmore Pre byteriun church met Monday evening und tendered a call to Kev. W. F. Gibbons, of Forty Fort, who preachiHl for them last Sunday. It was decided to offer Mr. Gib bons a salary of $1,400 and the use at Oi manse free. This salary t2n more than previously paid. ltev. Dr. 8. C. Jog;in acted as moderator at the meeting of the longregatlon. . . In 4he Itaptlst church (Peckvllle Dr. LeKoy Stephens, of Lewlsbnrg. preached a sermon Wednesday evening. Dr. Steph ens Is one of the ablest men In the iiap- tlst denomination In Pennsylvania, tie preached Tuesday night In the Dudley Street church In Dunmore. Kev. Khys R. Lloyd, an extended sketch of w hose success was printed In Wednes day's Tribune, has just published a boos on Baptiem. the first copies of which were recently received by West 8lde friends. Rev. D. P. Jones haa a lengthy criticism of the volume iu this month's American Messenger. The only celebration this year by the Welsh people to mark the anniversary of David, patron saint of Wales, took place -Man-lay evening in the Tabernacle Con gregational church. South Hyde Park avenue. Supper was served from t to 8 o'clock, then came the entertainment, und following again wus the serving of sup per. The Methodist Ministers' association of Scrsilton und vicinity will meet at the usual place of meeting next Mondi.y morning at 1 o'clock. At this uieetin: the Kev. Francis A. King will read a paper having for its theme. "Fasting." A cordial Invitation to all the local and traveling .Methodist ministers to be pirs vnt ut this session. lectures will be delivered on three Sun days of this month ut Young Men's Chris tian Association hall us follows: Tomor row, by Professor A. K. Willis, of New York, on "Sin and the Human Face;" March IS, hv Professor W..H. Detwellei-. of lllooinslt'urg Stale Normal School; March !, by Professor F. H. GreOn, of West Chester State Normal school. At a meeting of the Rescue mission ex ecutive committee etyly in the week the report of W. J. Hand, treasurer, showed that all current expenses hud been paid; that the prospect was bright for reducing the ll.WO deficiency of IKSii. ami that the 18!i current exieuses would continue to be promptly paid. Letters commending the mission and its work were read from many city pastors. Madame I.ysah Rarakat, an eloquent Syrian lady and well known throng-bout the Presbyterian denomination, will give two addresses tomorrow in the Providence Presbyterian church upon the Invitation of the Missionary society of that congre gation. .Mrs. Rurakat's morning theme. "Syria and Its Needs," will have added interest in View of the recent troubles in that part of the Holy Lund. She was educated bv a mission band in the Wul nut Street church, Philadelphia, and dur ing the troubles In Kgypt about thirteen years ago, came to America. She visited the Holy Land only last summer. There lire many people In Scranton who have ex pressed a desire to hear this eloquent champion of missions and no doubt her addresses tomorrow will be listened to by Very lurge congregations. TOMORROWS SF.RVICR'S. First Ituptlst church, Scranton street Kev. S. F. Matthews, pustor. Subject Sabbath morning, "The Memorial;" subject Sabbath evening, "What Jesus Is Able to Do." Sabbath school 2 p. m.. Dr. Heddoe, superintendent. Young People's prayer meeting, 6 p. m B. 01. Morgan, leader. All are cordiully in vited to these services. Providence Methodist Kplscopal church Rev. William Kdgur, pastor. Services as iisunl tomorrow. At lrt.H0 a. m. Rev. L. C. Floyd, D. D. will preach; at 7.H0 p. in. the pastor will preach sec ond senium in series on "Scenes In the Last Week of Life of Jesus." Sunday school at 'I p. in. Kpworth league, 6.d. Grace Lutheran church ltev. Foster 1 Gift, pustor. Services at the Young Men's Christian association at 1D.S0 u. m. and at 7.:u p. ni. Sunday school at 9.'M u. m. Young People's Society of Christian P.ndeavor ui 8.30 p. in. Spe cial sermon In the evening in the Young Men's Christian association auditori um to the independent Order of Odd Fellows, who will uttend in u body. Holy Trinity church (Evangelical Lutheran), Adams avenue, corner Mul beny street Third Sunduy in Lent. Morning service, 10.3(1; vVspVrs, 7.H0. Preaching by the pustor, l;ev. Kdwln l.unn Miller. No pews ure rented, und all worshippers will he cordially wel comed. Green Ridge Baptist church Rev. W. J. Ford, pastor. Services nt 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Subject In the morning. "Forgotten of God;" in the evening, "Ability to I'liderstauil Spiritual Growth." Howard Place African Methodist Kplscopal church llev. C. A. McGee, pustor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Evening subject, "American In justice to the Negro." Sabbath school at 2.MH p. m. All ure invited to uttend these services. Green Ridge I'nlted Kvangellcal church Sunduy school at B.30 a. m. Preaching by Kev. John Davy ut 10.30. K. L. C. hi. service at ti.30 p. m. Stran gers always welcome. St. Mark's Lutheran church, Four teenth und Washburn streets Rev. A. L. Itamer, Hi. !., pustor. Hervk-eB 10.30 a. in. and 7 p. in. Morning subject, "He That Is Not with Me, Is Against Me;" evening. "The Christian's Trust and Dellverunce." Dudley Street Buptlst church A. U. O'Neal, pastor. Services 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. in. Theme iu the morning. "The Divine Clairvoyance;" evening, "I.uck Is a Fool, Pluck Is a Hero." I'nlversullst church, I'lne street, near Adams avenue Preaching at 11.30 a. m. und 7.30 p. in. by the pastor. Rev. F. W. Whippen. Morning subject, "The Christian a Charioteer; evening. "Kverlustlng Punishment and Kternul Life." Sunday school 11.30 a. in. Young People's Christian union C.30 p. in.; subject, "pure Religion." Saint Luke's church ltev. Rogers Israel, rector. Third Sunday in Lent. Holy communion, 7.30 a. in.: Sunduy school, 11 30 u. m.; morning prayer ami sermon, 10.30 a. m.; evening- prayer, 4.30 p. m.; mission service, 7.30 p. m. Saint Mark's. Dunmore Kev. A. I.. I'rban in charge. Morning prayer mul sermon. 10.30 u. in.; Sunday school. 3 i. in.; evening prayer unit sermon, 7.30 p. in. St. David's Kplscopal church, (Lenten programme) Kev. -M. 11. Mill will of ficiate at meetings on Sunday at 10.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Services during the week: .Monday. Tuesday.- Wednesday. Thursday, at 4 p. m.j Friday evening; at 7.30. Tabernacle Congregation church Kev. D. P. Jones, pastor. Services at 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. Morning topic, Timothy. 1. 7: "Kxerclse thyself unto Godliness," "The Need of Good Human ity." Kvening tonic, John Hi, 7: "Let no man deceive you," "Kvery Man Should Be the Author oi His Own Character." The Second Presbyterian church Rev. Charles K. Robinson, U. I)., pastor. Services 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.- The pastor will preach in the evening on "Temple Cleansing." All seats free at night. All welcome at all services. Green Ridge Presbyterian church Morning service .at 10.30; evening service at 7.30. Sermons by A. V. Bower. Bible school at 12 o'clock. Kndenvor service at 8.30 p. m. All are welcome. Salvation Army, Price street Knee drill Sunday, 7 a. m.: holiness meeting:, 11 a. m. Christians' praise service, 3 p. m., to which Christians of all denomina tions are especially Invited. Salvation rally 8 p. m. Young folks' meeting-. Sunday, H.4."i a. in. Young- folks com pany meeting, Sunflay, 1.45 p. m. First rPesbyterian church Services' 10.30 a. m..and 7.30 p. m. Dr. McLeod will preach morning and evening. Kvening subject, "Christian Prudence and Religious Dishonesty." Court Street Methodist Kpiscopal church George T. Price, pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Morning subject, "Spiritual Declension, or the Loss of True Piety;" evening sub ject. "Two Questions Answered." Washburn Street Presbyterian church Rev. John P. Moffatt, pastor. Ser vices at 10.30 a. ni. and 7.30 p. m. Bible school at 12 in. Christian Kndeavnr at 6.20 p. m. The pastor will preach In the morning on "The Journey of Life an Irretraceable One." and in the even ing on "Thou Wilt Show Me the Path of Life." All welcome at all the ser vices. Penn Avenue Baptist church Rev. Milton F. Negus, of Owego, N. Y will preach at 10.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Bible school at 2 p. m. Young People's meet ing at (.30. All cordially welcome. Calvary Reformed cliimji. corner of Monroe avenue and Gibson street ltev. W- H.- Stubbleblne, pastor. Preaching; at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. in. Muuiing subject, "Retribution; even ing subject. "The Hill DltHinlty." be ing the third Illustrated sermon on Bun- yan s "Pllarnm a Progress, seats tree and strangers always welcome. Simpson Methodist Kplscopal church Preaching: in the morning by the Rev. William Kdgar, pastor of the Provi dence Methodist Kplscopal church. In the evening: preaching by the pastor, Dr. L. C. Floyd. Seats free. Strangers welcome. TOOK DESPERATE III A MLS. Foolhardy Aot of a Friend of the Pric- bnrg Small Pox Patient. The difficulty of watehlnff Joseph Fllarski. the Prlieburg smallpox pa tient. wa demonstrated yesterday. Owing to the Ignorance of the people who surround him they hnve to be watched very closely for as soon as vigilance id relaxed they are sure to do something that has a tendency to kpread the terrible disease broadcast. It Is not probable that they do this w ilfully, but because of their Ignorance of the dun g;er they subject themselves und others to. Yesterday morning while the man who was) on guard at the house occu pied by FHarski, relaxed his vlgixlance for a moment a man approached the house. Another instantly emerged from the bulkiliifr and the two held a con versation for a few minutes. Then some people who were watching the men closely saw the man who come out of the house pass something to the other, who Immediately started away. He was stopped soon after by the olllcer but denied that he had received anything;. He was taken before Jus tice of the Peace' Logan, who admon ished him to tell the truth. Awed by the majesty of the law he admitted that while standing in front of the house in which the smallpox patient is quar antined he received a book. He pro duced it und It proved to be a pass book Issued to the smallpox patient by a building- and loan association. In the book was a five-dollar bill, placed there by Fllarski with which the man before the justice was to pay the premium on the stock held by Fllarski. The book and money were constlcated for the present, and the foolhardy friend warned not to again loiter around the Infected house or he would be severely punished. SIN ON Till: HUMAN FACE. Topie Professor A. F.. Willis Will Talk on at V. M. C. A. Professor A. K. Willis, of New York, a specialist In physiognomy, will deliv er a scientific lecture on the effects of "Sin on the Human Face" on Sunday afternoon at the Young Men's Christian Association. While presenting his sub ject from a scientific standpoint. Pro fessor Willis is nevertheless aide to draw such, lessons from his theme that he has been a welcome speaker In many prominent pulpits. This address will be in the nature of a wholesome, confidential talk to young men. The preliminary songk service in chorge of Musical Director J. M. Chance will begin promptly at 3.43 p. ni. AT THE FRONIINulIAM. Waits Company rnturtained Two liooJ Sized Audieuccs Yesterday. Two pood wilted audiences were en tertained at the Frolhinghum yester day by the Wuite Comedy company. In the ufternoon the luughuble comedy "The Prince of Llurs," wus given und lust night "The Buckeye" greatly pleased t lie audience. A feature of the evening' entertainment wus the ren dition of "Hearts" as a cornet duet by Mr. Knoll und Miss McNeil. It culled forth enthusiastic applause. Mr. Knoll also played on the monster Kgyptiun post horn. This ufternoon the bill will be "A Noble Outcast" und tonight "Sentenced to Death" will be seen. YOUNG BR IDF. DLSF.RTF.D. After Threo bays' of AlarrleJ I.I fat lltr Husband Leaves Her. Mrs. John Mackreth yesterday swore out a warrant for the arrest of her hus band, cuhrging him before Alderman Wright with having deserted and left her without any means of supoprt. She says they Irtive been married only about a imnitli and that they were liv ing together only a few days -when he left her. ariei- treating her harshly. Muckreth lives on the West Side and a constable was sent to look for him. He will probably be arrested and given a hearing today. 1 1'RNACi: BLOWN OUT. Force of l.mployesof I.. US. Company ut Lebanon Is Cut Down. Manager P. L. Grammar, of the Cole brook furnace, at Lebanon, received no tice yenterduy from the Lackawanna Iron und Steel company, of tills city, to discontinue operutiiuis of one of the stacks ut once, und No. 1 was blown out. About Boventy-flve men are thrown out of work. No reason Is assigned. I A I F. K E WSK l'S DAILY LIFE. How tha Ureal Pianist keeps in Perfect Condition for His Viork. Paderewskl rises, as a rule, about 10 o'clock on days when he does not give a concert or Is traveling, writes John ,1. a'Hecket in uu article upon the great pianist's daily life in March Ladies' Home Journal. On days when he is to play In the evening he rises at one. liv wuy of morning meal he Ukes a cup of coffee or tea-nothing else, not even a roll or morsel iif bread. He prac tices usually for five or six hours each day on a piano which he has sent to his room In the hotel as soon as he arrives in a city. When he has an afternoon concert lie does not practice at all, however, nnd If the concei t is an evening one he de votes only two to three hours to exer cising on the keyboard. In order to strengthen his lingers he plays only llve-llng-er exercises. Like a prize fighter who is in training this musical athlete devotes himself to a systematic course of gymnastics for strengthening all of the physical powers which are culled Into play by his performances at the piano. Those long, slender, "piano" fingers are put tin ouch their paces un til they acquire strength, flexibility, sglllty and staying power. His mug niticent technique Is not maintained without this constant fostering and lubricating; of its springs. This little band of five faithful servants which each hand commands Is in tenure to a wrist like steel. But his arms also have to be strengthened. For this purpose he employs an apparatus which ho de signed and had made himself. What this Is he knows, and nobody else. -. PRCEBURG, The case of small pox reported to be In a Polunder house on Carmalt street near Polish Catholic church, upon In vestigation proved to bet a case of chicken pox. Bessie Craig, of Peckville. Is the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Samp son of Ktorr avenue. Mrs. William Hawkins, of the boule vard, is ill. S. J. 1 1 arret t was a Visitor In Peck ville last evening. A larsre delegation of the friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Sampson tendered them a surprise party last evening. Mr. Sampson is depot agent at Priceburg and Is one of the popular citizens of town. "How to Care All Skin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swayne's ointment." No Internal medicine required. Cures tetter, eczema. Itch, all eruptions on the face, hands, nose, etc., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are pos sessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggist for Swaynt'a Ointment ARCHBISHOP RYAN COMING Consecration of Kev. M. J. Holian Will Be on Sunday, March 22. RETIRX PROM 1'HILADELrHIA Rt. Kev. llishop O'Uara, Rot. Father lioban and Kev. Father Fealcy Cam lloma Mat Night After Arranging tha Data. Two weeks from tomorrow, on Sun duy, March 22, Kev. M. J. Hoban, the recently uppotnted assistant bishop of Scranton diocese, will be consecruted nt St. Peter's cuthedrul In this city, and the great ceremony will be solemnised by Archbishop P. J. Ityan. of Philadel phia, assisted by IU. ltev. J. F. llnrstman, of Cleveland, Ohio. lit. Kev. Bishop o'llarn. Kev. Father Hoban and Kev. .1. J. B. Feeley urrlved In Scranton at 8..10 on the Delaware, Lackawanna and 'Western lust even ing from Philadelphia. They went there Wednesday to confer with Arch bishop Kyan with reference to the con secration, and the date above given waa selected on which It would occur. The bishop and Kev. Father Feeley were driven to the episcopal residence on Wyoming avenue. Kev. Father Ho ban did not stay In the city, but went to Ashley on the 9.15 Delaware and Hudson train. Theru are many details in connection with the ceremony which will not be decided upon for a few days. The elaborateness of the consecration will surpass anything that has taken place in church annals in this city. Never before has there been an event of so real Importance In the Catholic church of this diocese. It was the wish of Kev. Father Hoban to have lit. Kev. Bishop O' Httra officiate as the conse crator, but the bishop would rather let the honor fall to Cardinal Satolll, be cause his eminence was Kev. Father Hoban's preceptor In the Propaganda college at Rome. It appears that Cardinal Ratolll could not come; neither could Cardinal Gib bons, and It wus their wish, it la under stood, that Archbishop Kyan Fhould of ficiate. Kt. Kev. Bishop Horstinun. who will assist, is a close personal friend of Rt. Kev. Bishop O'Hara. ' The ceremony will occur with a pon tifical mass at 10.30 in the morning. MINER INSTANTLY KILLED. John Mullen Crushed beneath a lull of Moor in a Hiinraore Colliery. John Mullen was Instantly killed by a fall of roof In No. 1 colliery of the Pennsylvania Coal company at Dun more yesterday afternoon. Mr. Mullen was at work In his cham ber when apparently without un In stant's warning the treacherous roof came down with a crash, burying tlio unfortunate man beneath it. When his fellow workmen succeeded In getting the masses of rock off his body It was found thut he wasj dead. He resided ut Sport Hill and Is sur vived by a wife. In the coming relay races of the I'nl yeisity of Pennsylvania the following col leges will probably be represented: Cor nell, Lafayette, Lehigh, Yale, Uiown. I'lllieetou, dcoi-getnwn. 1'niverslly of Pennsylvania und Harvard. mi.ii. ORRICNR In H.-rntiton. T'j March .", 1SHH, Mary Jane, daughter of the lute Itiifus ind .Mary Ann (Jreene. Funeral services will take place from 101m Park cnurcn, .Monday ut II u. in. MITCIIHLL In Hnllisterville. Pa.. March u. IS!H, John f. .Milch,. 11. aae.l 8ii years Funeral Sunday ut In u. in. In the llap 11ft church. Interment in llolllsiei villa cemetery. 22 DAYS Before we move to 303 Lackawanna ave. . Now the goods have got to get out. Today we start in for 22 big days. Cost or even Jess. 1 lungs must move. The few items mentioned only show a .. little, a visit proves more China Department Things that break shall suffer the most. Decorated Plates Imported to sell for 50c., now 15c; six or seven dozen French Plates, with heads of prominent peo people burnt iu,were 29c, now 10c. Pansy Pin Trays, about a hundred left, goiug lor 5c. Silverware Twenty-five or thirty Butter Dishes, Dinner Castors and odd pieces, worth from $2 to $3; to close them 98c. Tea Spoons, Rogers' triple plate, two new patterns, 75c. for 6; about half value. Solid Silver Sugar Spoons, gold lined bowl, were $1.50 to $2, now 98c. Pictures Best time of the 3-ear to get Pictures. Many a a dull space and among the hundreds that we sell are some to suit you. French fac similes, in narrow gold frames, size 12x20, new subjects, worth 75c.j take them for 35c. Pastels 16x20, framed in narrow gilt and gold mats, worth 2, 75c. today. Etchings Not quite two dozen, handsome oak frames, 14x28, worth 2. COME TO THE STORE TODAY. REXFORD'S 213 Lack CHAFING DISHES. Aluminum, it la tuaa of Dur metal, con taining absolutely no poisonois ingreahmis; It will yield notninj bat bwtthful rall; wut cook unuormiy, aroiauig scorcoiaf. WEICHEL & MILLAR) 134 WYOMIMG AVEMUE. Walk in and look around. THIS CUT REPRESENTS THE ISIIIIil for spring, in mm. 205 Wyoming Aveniu OOR SECOND ANNIUERSIRY IN BUSINESS. Thanks to a generous and appreciative public we are vigorous two-year-olds. Come and Sec Us All Week. P. i'CREA a 00, Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Av9, China Hall ifM 1 1 RICH j IMfilfllllEIlS) RICH And Portiere Fabrics. Buy T 1 r amine onr EASELS AND SCREENS ;: 5 In order to clean out all Winter Suits, alio Spring Overcoats and Spring Suits from last stasop. we make the remarkably low price of $10 J 00 On $20, $18 and $15 Lines. ErSee our spting styles Derby and soft Felt Hats. Onr Fnrnishiug Goods for men we sell at our book cost. The lowest prices of any house in Scranton. Clothiers. tbttemfurnishBra STKINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS 01 the Werll DECKER BROS.. KHANICIIE BACI1E and atheri. ORGANS Musical Instruments, flusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchased will alway tind a complete Mock and at prices a low . the qual ity of the instrument will permit at I A. HULBERT'S nussc STORE, 117 WyominE Ave. - Scranton We Have THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Alto the LurgeJt. Ill Porcelain, Onyx, EU Silver Novelties In Infinite Varlity. l atest Importation. Jewelry, Watcfe Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS; itwtlerand WUchmukcr, 215 LackiwiDSi An BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at skit sutke, at The Tribune Office. TAKE CARE mul your ey wOl to oar. ff ''!. 11 rinvfnin cvpq Cd' ou are troubled with :uche or nerenuai UI IUU1I blkU M.,..olll.SHi.U. BL'Hti'S ami liavu yiiur examined freo. We liaTii reduced prices huJ are the Inwei. la tbe Iff. 2- lcKel spec-laden ttom SI to !; f-Jl from ti to M. 80S Spruce Straet Scranton, P HI t- t- r a 11 .L.ooKnig ior .fine rurniinre coverings ana iprn lolrir(2 ciir.ii 1,1 stock. u White and Cold, Oak uil MalioKuny, three utnl lour panel Folding Screens, tilled wtili Denim .Silk, Painted Burlap and Kilkolltie 1- I