THE 6CBAOTON TRIBUNE 8ATTJBDAT MOIUHITO, MARC1T 7, 1890. BILLS PASSED BY HOUSE - ! i 1 Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriations. REGARDING I'EKSIOX CASES AmendSseat Maklag Sevea Years Vmb plataed Atoeaoe Suffleleat Proof of Soldlefe Death la Agreed To-Cbeck Payments Required. Washington. March 8. After aeven days' consideration, four of which were devoted to the fee and salary amend ment, the house today panged the leg islative, executive and judicial appro priation bill. Iiefore disposing of the fee and salary amendment. It was changed so an to forbid the beginning of a prosecution under the Internal rev enue law upon the complaint of a pri vate citizen, except by the written ap proval of the district attorney and fur ther to forbid the appointment of any federal court olflcer, Including United States commissioner, aa receiver In any case beforw a federal court. Alegars. Bart let t and gulgg made an unsuccesful effort to secure the exemp tion of the southern district of New York from the operation of that section of the law which vests In the judges of the district courts the appointment of United States commissioners, all the present commissioners being legislated out of office on the SUtb of June next. Mr. Bartlett said that the bill was ser iously defective In that It failed to make provision for validating or con tinuing the proceedings which will be pending before the hundreds of com mlsioners when they go out of otflce. The postofllce appropriation bill wan next taken up und discussed until the hour of recess. Before discussing these two bills, the house passed house bill requiring pen sion agents to make all payments by check; and agreed to senate amend ment to the house bill making seven years continued and unexplained ab sence sufficient proof of a soldler'a death, in casea of applications for pen sions. HILLSDALE INA WILD RUSH. Oae Dainty Sophomore Is lilt on the Nose by a "Kroshy." Hillside, Mich.. March C The fresh men of HlllMdali college lined out to chapel exercises this morning with new class caps and were attacked by sopho mores. A tierce rush and scramble took place the instant the chapel wan over and blood flowed from masculine nones In quarts. The sophomore co-eds, enthused by the sight, went at It In dead earnest, and made one mad rush after another. At Inst one sophomore, co-ed fairly ran a "fresh" girl to earth. The fugitive grasped her cap 111 one hand, swung around and faced her pur suer, fairly and squarely. Biff, biff, went her little fist, landing twice on the "soph's" nose. This Is the first time Hillsdale class rows have tapped claret in just that way, and Hillsdale Is shocked at the escapade. MISS MULHERN SUES PASTOR Outgrowth of Charges Sho Preferred , Which Proved I'nfounded. (I rand Kaptds, Mich., March 6. Miss Mary Mulhern, for several years assist ant pastor of the Fountain Street Bap tist church, the largest and one of the wealthiest churches in the city, has be gun suit for 1:10,000 damages against Itev. Dr. J. L. Jackson, who for three years has been the pastor. A year ago fine was frozen out, and another lady assistant was put in by Dr. Jack son. Miss Mulhern made charges against her character and relations with the new pastor. A committee was appointed to Inves tigate and reported the charges un founded and upon its recommendation MIbs Mulhern was expelled from the church. She has now begun suit for 120,000 damages agalnat the pastor. RAINSTORMS TO ORDER. Ksasaa Alan Invests a Maebtna to Moisten the Arid Lands. Topeka, Kas., March 6. William Hazenflug, of Yates Chester, Kas., has patented a ralnmaklng device which he will test at Great Bend, In the arid region, whenever the needs of the fields this spring require moisture. His In vention, If tt Is all that he claims for It, makes the farmers Independent of Providence, and a single shower of three to Ave inches of rain can be pro duced within twenty-four hours at the Insignificant cost of $6. His apparatus Is a specially con structed gun fourteen feet lung, weigh- CONVINCING STATEMENTS IN FAVOR OF HIS IMPROVED HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. Druggists Say: "We Hear Noth ing but Good Reports ot Munyon's Cures." Mr. X Cahlll, Norrlstown, Pa., says: 'I have been greatly afflicted by ca tarrh for years past, and during last winter the disease extended to ray throat and caused very distressing symptoms. The catarrhal trouble in the head produoed stoppage and pres sure in the nose, with profuse dis charges of mucus, and when my throat became affected I was subject to con tinual ulcerations, with such great sore ness that I was In constant misery. Af ter trying numerous treatments. I con sulted Munyon's Catarrhal Specialist, and under his direction took a course of Munyon's Catarrh Itemed lea and lo cal applications. In a short time I was entirely cured of all my catarrhal trouble.' My nose is free from stop page, the discharge of mucus has ceased and my throat has healed com pletely and never gives me the slightest trouble. Munyon's Rheumatism cure never fails to relieve In 1 to hours, and cures in a few days. Price, 25o. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively cures all forms of Indigestion and stomach trouble. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia and breaks up a cold in a few hours. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Kidney Cure spe' illy cures pains in the back. loins and groins, and all forms of kidney disease. Price, 25c. Munyon's Headache cure stops head ache in three minutes. Price, 26c. Munyon's Pile Ointment cures all forms of plies. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all impurities of the blood. Price, 26c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Price. 26c. $1 00 CU,e' W,tta A,tnm Herbs, Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never ' , The Catarrh Cure price 26c. eradicates the disease from the sys tem, and tho Catarrh Tablets price 25c. cleanse and heal the parts. Munyon's Vltallser restores lost pow ers to weak men. Price, 11.00. r - Munyon's Remedies at all druggists, mostly 25 cents a vial. Personal letters to Professor Munyon, 1506 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa., an swered with free medical advice for any. disease. ing 400 pounds." which, when loaded with the requisite material, discharges a moisture-producing substance to a height of eighteen miles. THE PARSON DANCED. By Way of Making Ilia Attack oa Sack Pleasures More Forcible. - Ludlngton. Mich.. March 6. Rev. W. I. Laufman In his last sermon renewed his attack on dancing. To make It still more forcible, he stepped out on the Slatform and gave specimens of what e called dancing, much to the merri ment of the congregation. But It Is asserted the good pastor soon quieted the laughter by threaten ing to give away certain society men who kept late hours and visited ques tionable places. THE MARKETS STRONG. Railway Earnings Are Satisfactory and Business Appears to Be on a Sub stantial Fonodatlon-Dua'a Beview. New York, March 6. R. G. Dun & Co., In their weekly Review of Trade, will say tomorrow:' Failures for the week have been 25 in the United States, against 2U4 last year, and 68 in Canada, against 58 last year. The Cuban resolutions and th. ap pointment of receivers for the liultl more and Ohio were events of sufllclent Importance to affect almost any genu ine market, especially for securities. It therefore argues elthpr remarkable strength of conditions or an entire want of life and genuineness in the market that the prices of the sixty most active railroad stocks, which averaged 849.7 per share since February 1. have never fallen since that date lower than 40.30 nor risen above 850.85 per share. The market Is largely under the control of operators who cannot afford to see It decline much, but it is also true that the vote on Cuba and the receivership had both been discounted. The strength of the market Is largely due to more satisfactory reports of rail way earnings. The volume of business reflected by clearing hotise exchanges Is not materially improving, the week's returns showing a gain of only 6.5 per cent, over last year and a decrease of 17.8 per cent. In comparison with the same week of 1843. It must yet be broadly slated that business appears to Improve only In prospect, and In the confidence on which future transac tions may be baaed, but not as yet In actual sales accomplished. Prices of wool have declined on aver age of 2.4 per rent, within tho month of February,' presumably because of the failure of the proposed tariff Mil, which Included duties on wool. At present the sales are the smallest recorded for years. There Is no Improvement what ever In the demand for woolen goods, and a number of establishments have closed or reduced working force. Some further reductions have beeen made In prices of cotton goods, although It does not appear that the concessions have thus far been unsuccessful In calling out new business. Reports are fre quent that many of the largest mills are about to stop production for a time in order to give the market opportunity to clear Itself. Speculation In breadstuff's has not been particularly active, nor has the change In prices been important. West ern receipts of wheat were 2,301,0(10 bushels, against l.fUt.OQO for the same week last year. Atlantlo exports again fall behind those of last year, amount ing for the week to 1,541.000 bushels. Hour Included, against 1.880,000 last year. With continuing large receipts, corn remains substantially unchanged In price. The cotton market has con tinued Its downward movement, spots having fallen 3-16 again and the May option 2 points. Receipts continue as before largo as to render quite admis sible tho low estimates' of the crop of 1890, and at the same time the prepara tions for planting this year go on nt such a scale that It Is believed by many conservative observers that tho crop, with favorable weather, may prove one of the largest on record. FINED FOR A KISS. Milwaukee Pnbllo Official Assessed $25 for Being Too 1'rce with a Woman. Milwaukee, Wis., March 6. Supervis or Charles Weldner. of the Kighth ward, was today fined 125 and costs in the po lice court for having kissed Mrs. Holu bow against her will. The woman Is a Jewess of handsome appearance, and the assault took place In her own house, whither the super visor had gone to make an Investigation as to whether or not she was entitled to receive aid from the county. Weld ner will take an apepal. GIRL BEATS HER ASSAILANT. Stabs a Negro In the Eye with a Dogger Hairpin. Slloom Springs, Ark. March 6. Ada Rogers, a white girl, H years old, re Hiding near Prairie Grove, Ark., was Bent to town yesterday on an errand, and while she was returning Charles jDodson, colored, assaulted her. In the atruggle the girl seized a dag ger hairpin and stabbed her assailant in the eye. The negro fled to the woods. Buffslo l.lve stook. Buffalo. N. Y., March 6 Cattle Only steady; fair mixed butchers', $3a3.0; com mon to good fat cows. 82a.l; Mockers, S2.60a 8. Hogs Lower for heavy grades, steady for Yorkers and mixed lots, and stronger for pigs; Yorkers, good weights, 84.45a4.50; light and mixed pigs, l4.4ua4.GO; mixed packers, t4.25a4.40; mediums, UX,aA(; heavy grades, $4.20; roughs, M.Msm.W); stags, 82.60 13. Sheep and lambs Steady: few fancy lambs, I4.80a4.85; good to choice. J4. 4iii-l.70; light to fair, 83.9oa4.36; mixed sheep good, 13.50a3.80; common to fair. $2.85a3.40. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa., March . Petroleum Credit bolnnces. $1,28. At the Exchange, $1,2 4was the only quotation for the op tion. Pittsburg March 6. Oil $1.25 was the only quotation on -the Exchange for the option. Credit balances, $1,28. Philadelphia Tallow Market. i Philadelphia. March (.Tallow is quiet nnd unchanged. We quote: 4'ity, prime, In hoarheads, 3,r.; country prime, in bar rels, SF'kc; country dark In barrels, 3'.a aVsc.; cakes, 4c; grease, 3'tc. Catarrh Relieved In 10 Minutea, and Cured Abeolutely In Three Weeks. Total Cost of Cure $1.50. Mr. U. I.. Kgan, Attorney. Eastern, Vn writes: "When I read that tr. Agnew'a Catarrhal Powder would relieve catarrh in 10 minute. I must say I was far from being convinced of the fact, but I decided to try It, and purchased a bottlo from my druggist. A single puff of the pow der through the blower afforded Install taneous relief, stopped the pain over my eyes, and cleansed the nasal passages. 1 have during tho last three weeks used throe bottles of the remedy, and am to dav free from both catarrh and cold. Friends of mine have used It for severe colds, and It has never .failed to cur.; them, and oftentimes In a few hours. 50 cents. Bold -by Mathews Broa. Alas. Too Trne! From the Topeka Capitol. "Mamma, do you like stories? "I like true ones, my child." "Hholl I tell you a true one?" Yes." 'Hut you misfit not like It." Ob, yes, I should if you told It." "Hut It Is quite short. Well, once upon a time there was a water bottle " "Yes; go on." "And yesterday I broke It; but I'll never, oohl oohl do it again." Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases removes the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne pen. rnuaaeipnia. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street Beview. New York. March . (stocks were dull during the greater part of the day, the total salea were only 191,275 shares. Apathy characterised the dealings un til the last hour of business, when fairly large amounts ot Tobacco came upon the market. The late decline in the general list was due to an unfounded report of the serious illness of J. P. Mor gan and to vague rumors from Wash ington that the president would en dorse the action of congress In tne Cuban matter. Tobacco and Chicago Gas were the particularly weak spots. Tobacco fell from 16 to 73. aad closed at the lowest point of the day. Profes sional operators were the heaviest sel lers of the stork on western reports that the opposition concerns were cut ting into the revenues of the company. Chicago Gas fell to 65 from 66-, on the announcement that there would be no decision in the re-organisation case until October. Rubber common dropped from 25 to 22t, and later re turned to 24. The dissensions In the directory caused the break. Sugar and General Electric were comparatively firm throughout. London bought a lit tle 8t. Paul and sold some Louisville and Nashville, but the foreign opera tion had no special Influence. Balti more and Ohio fell to 13 on fears of a big assessment and then returned to 14, on covering of short contracts. The decline In the other railway Issues ranged from to Hi per cent. The closing was weak. Net changes show losses of Va2si per cent., Tobacco lead ing. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN A CO.. correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stock broker. 411 Spruce street. Op'n- Hlgli- Low- Clos. ing. est. eat. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co 75 764 73 7:i Am. Sugar Ke'g Co.. 110 117' 115 iW. Atch.. To. 8. Fe... lti 1HH 1 1,!l Ohesa. & Ohio Hi's is is 1 K Chicago Uas Cti'li WTs 5 ' Chic. & N. W 104 104 lot lt'1 Chic, 11. A Q 7il 77 7'i 7 ('. C. C. 4 St. L 3!'s X ' Chic.; Mil. ts St. P.. 77 77 7(1 77 Chic, K. I. & Pac... 72 72 71 71 Hist. & F 17 17 17 17 Gen. Klectrlc 33 :i Lake Shore 14 14S 14 14S Louis. & Nash 6:1 53 B2'i fc! M. K. & Texas, Pr... Ltt i 28 29 Manhattan Kle 103 )" Iti5 lnr. Mo. I'hc 24 24 24 24 Nut. Cordage 5 f 5 5 Nat. lad 23 23 23 23 N. J. Central Iti 1ii'4 10.' J3 N. Y. o N. K 47 47 47 47 N. Y 8. W !T N. Y . & W IT... 27 27 27 27 Nor. l'ac 4 4' 4 4 Ontario & West 14 14 14 14 Omiihu. 41 41 II 41 Pac. Mall 27 27 2 :.") Pae. Mail 12 1L' 11 13 Southern It. It., Pr.. 31 81 :'' ) Tenn. '. Iron 30 3m llu, Texas Pacific 8 8 ' K s Villon I'ucllie 8 8 7 7 WabllHll U (1 ti U Wubash. Pr 17 17 17 77 Western I nloli 81 84 84 K4 W. I, 11 11 II 11 I'. S. Leather, J'r... iw W ti I'. B. Rubber 25 2") 22 24 CHICAGO UOAKD OP TRADT? PIUCKl Op'n- High- Low- Clot- WHEAT. Ing. et. est. Inc. Msy Cii tW ." July 07 07 tlti Ui OATS. May 21 21 20 20 July 21 21 21 21 CORN. May 30 2" 3 July 31 31 31 81 LAKIJ. May 5.42 5.12 f..40 5.42 July PORK. May July 5.55 0.52 fl.8o S.S7 9.S0 9.72 J.7r, D.S7 .!'2 Scrnnton Board of Trade KxchnngcQuo- tations-All Quotation Based on Pur of I OO. Name. Bid. Ankfil Dime Dep. tt DIs. Bank.. 135 Scrnnton Lace Curtain (o CO National Horlng & Drilling Co. ... 80 Kim National fiank C5I flcrunton Jar & Stopper Co 2,1 tsprlr.g Krook Water Co 105 K.lmhurft Houlovnrd Co loo Benin ton Axle Works go Scranton Savings Bank 204 Scranton Traction Co 13 Honta Plate Glass Co 10 Scranton Car Keplacer Co J00 Scan ton Packing Co W5 Weston Mill Co r,o Lackawanna Iron A Steel Co 150 Scranton Uedding Co 103 BONDS. Scranton disss Co :oo Scranton Pas. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton Traction Co 9; People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1818 IIS Scranton & Plttston Trao. Co 90 People's Street Hallway, Sec ond mortgage due 19'J0 119 ... Dickson Manufacturing Co 1W LsckB. Township School R 102 City of Scranton Street Imp 6 ... 10 Scranton Axle Works 100 Korough of Winton 1 loo Rush lirook Coal Co 100 New York Produce Market. New York, March 8. Flour Dull, easy, unchunged. Wheul Inactive, lower; No. 2 red store and elevator. Sic; afloat, 82c; f. o. b., 83'.c.; of it Ions were dull and wenk as Influenced by lower ca tiles, warmer weather west, foreign selling anil free local offAilngs, closing at a1c. decline; M11V and July most active; No. 2 red March and April, 74c; May, 72c May, 7'2c. ; June and July. 72e. Corn Scarce, firm; quiet; No. 2, 28a38'io. elwva-tor; :a $c. afloat; options declined with wheat nnd on expected heavy receipts with close weak at c. loss, and a light trade; .May most active; March. 37c; April, ! ; May, 36'tc; July, 36c. Oats Dull, pteady; options dull, weak; March, 2i"c; Mav,'25; epot prices. No. 2, 2ic.; No. 2 white, 27c; No. 2 Chicago, 27c; No. 3, 3'tc: No. 3 white, 2S.; mixed western, 2"a27c; white rtate and western, 2ta2c. Beef Quiet, steady, unchanged. Reef hams Dull; Il4.5ital5. Tierced beef Quiet; city extra India mess, 15al.M. Cut meats Quiet, easy; pickled bellies, 12 pounds. 4c; do. shoulders, 4c; do. hnms, 8n8c. Lard (Juiet, weaker; west ern steam. $.5M; city, $.1; May, 13.72; rp finert, quiet; continent. ."..n0; South Amer ica, J0.I5; compound, 4a4e. Pork Firm; stale dairy. 10a2oc; Jo. creamery held. 1:;alSc; western creamery, 14u21'.c; do. held, 12a1Kc; do. factory. nl3c; Elgin. 21 c; Imitation creamery. lIljuliV.; rolls, 8a12e. 'heose Choice, steady, unchnnged. F.RBS Steady; stole and Pennsylvania, IJc. ; southern, Itwille. ; ice houne, caie, IJU2.70; -western fresh, HallH-c.; duck, 23a 28e. . Toledo Grain Market. Toledo March fl. Wheat Receipts, 4,000 liunhels: shipments. 3,00 bushels; easier; No. S red cash, 72c; M;iy. 73c; July. 8c; AugUHl, liSV- Corn Receipts, 14. bushels; shipments 4,0 bushels; dull; No. 2 mixed. May, 204 c. Outs Nominal. Cloversewl Iteeeipts t,Zi bags; shipments, 1.7W bags; steady; prime cash and .March and October, $1.42. WONPRRFUL are the cures neoom pllshed by Hood's Sarsaparllla and yet It Is only because Hood's Barsaparilla, the one true blood purltier, makes pure, rich, healthy blood. HOOD'S PILLS for the liver and bow els act easily, yet promptly and effl. clently. RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Jinny people say no; tint is because tbeyhsve beard of so ninny failures where the trass or tb: knife bare been relied upon. Science bus developed a new and better way a system of treat ment tbnt positively cares and dam away with the truss entirely after wards. Dr P. O'Malley, Rupture Specialist, 80 Sooth Washington street, Wilket-Barra, administers this new treatment. There is no detention from business and persons from oat of tiwn csa receive treatment and retnrn home the same day. An abaolnta cure Is guaranteed. There Is no charge for examination, A visit once a weuk for fonr to eight weeks will usually be sufficient for the aiost stubborn case It. B. Those not wishing treatment ran be fitted with the celebrated O'MILLEY TRUSS, guaranteed to hold any rapture that can be returned giving ease and comfort. 01 GEN? A WORD. WANTS OF1 ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOIINT IS MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN IS CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE Wanted. WANTED ONE COPY OFTHK TRIBUNE of each of the following dates. Will par 10 cent each for same: Friday, Jau. 4, 1K"; Saturday. Feb. g. ltw: Ratnrday. Feb. . ItOtt; Monday, June 10, 1SJ-'i: Weduesda. Ang. 1. WX: Wednesday, Ang. 14. IMVi; Tuesday, Oct. 2u IMVi; Saturday, Nov. , 18H5; Tuesday. Hot. IS, 18& Helo Wanted Male. RALKSM AN TRADE BOOK AND De partment stores, also for mercantile pre in lu in trades; big Inducements aud liberal treatment 8. B. CO., 7 E. loth at. New York. DEAR KEADF.RS-I HAVE ALL THE knives, folks, spoons and jewelry 1 caa plato; made S47 last week: plate gold, silver, nickel and white motal; bouvht beet outfit madecfuray X tu. Dept. 7. Celumbns, O. Are resaontible, send all material trade ee ereta, teach of snts. Write them ana aake money easy. W'M. DEAN. MEN TO LEARN BARUEK TKADE-8 weeks required; noeiti.-ine aecur-d: cat alogne free. Address BAUBEK SCHOOL, 63 Center street. New York, or biU Cherry street, Philadelphia. 7ASTFU-MEN AND WOMEN TO V V work at home: I ps v t-1 to Sit per week for making ravon Portraits; new pateuted motujd; anyone w ho can resd and write can do tbe work ut home, in (pare time, day or evening; send for particulars and begin work nt onco. Address II. A. Orlpp, Ueruian Artist, Tyrone, Pa, SALESMrN-S A DAY; NO CANVASS ing: no deliv rlea: uo collections; sample free: side line or exemstve. Mr'HS., 8M1 Market at., I Siladelphla. f A NTED N AG TNT IN EVERY SEC t ion to canvass: 14.00 to 15 On a day made: sells at tight; also n man to sell Maple Ooods to dealers; best side line (75.00 a month: sal ary or large commission made; experience unne.-esta y. Clifton Soup and Manufactur ing Co.. Cincinnati. O. w ANTED-WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to folicit stock suliscrlp- tlons; a monopoly; big money for agents; uo capital required. EDWARD U. FiBtt CO Hurden Dlork. Chicago, ill. Helo Wanted Females, 1 0OD, STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN F'R T general homework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1312 N. j aiu avenue. I A DIES 1 MAKR BIO WAGES DOING J pleasant hf me work, and will gladly send full particulars to sll sending 2 cent stamp. MIS M. A. STEltBlNS, Lawrence, Mich. U'ANTFD-I.ADY AGENT Tn KfRAN ton to sell nnd Introduce Knyder' e:ik Icing: fzperieuced csnriis-ter preforred: word peruiaret.t and very profitable. Write for particulars at once an'l get lienidt of holiday trail.-. T H. KNYDKK ic (!0 , Cincinnati, o W ANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO F.NF.R gutio saleswomen to reprcent us. Guaranteed (8 s day without Int rfrl:ig with other duties. Healtlifrl occupation. Writ for particulars, inclming stump, Mnngo Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street, New YorV. Agents Wanted. AUK NTS VANTi3D-TO SELL CIGARS; ST.i per month salary and expense paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, HOARD CI (4 AH CO., Chicago. AUESTH TO SELL WR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel end copper electro plsters: price from S3 upward; salary and ex penses paid: outat frrn. ddress, with stamp. MICH 111 AN MFMCa.'Cbloagn, , GENTS TOSEI.LC1UARS TO DEALERS; VV f-i weekly and cipemea; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED Ml'U. CO., 4S Van Ituren St.. Chicago. CALE8MAN TO CAIiRY SiDE "lIUCeTV. O per cent, commission; satnpln book moiKrl fiea. Address I N. CO., btatlou L, New York. A T" OX CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO soli new Ikthtninc selling table cloth, mos qultoauil house fly liquid st lu cents nnd'-'.'i rents n bo tie. Ssmulo tree. KOLGIAXO M'F'U Co., Baltimore. Md. ToENTs'-lUXDE'tf PATENT UNIVEH V sal Hair Curlers and Wavers fnsod with out heat), nnd "Pyrroiuted"Hair Pin Lib eral eomui lesions. Free snmp'.e and fnll pur tii ulars. Address P. Box 45. New York. Saleamsn Wanted. C ALESMF.N TO SELL CIGARS TO HEAT . ers: f KKi monthly and expensei; exnerl-enc- unnecessary; reply with stamp. SUPE RIOR 'IOA H CO.. Chicaw. Wanted To Buy. U WANTED TO BUY - GOOD WORK horse. l0u ponnds: will beat Pralls'e Livery Saturday after Id a. in. S Wanted To Rent. I, ARM THAT WILL CARRY 1ft OK 2n I cows, with the privilegn of buying: will iisy cash rent: would like some stock on farm. Address S.. Tribune nfllce. Clairvoyant. MADAJIaE Al'BKEY. GREAT EST LIVING clairvoyant in the world; tells pait, f resent and future. 12 Mulberry street. Stockholders' Meeting, rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE I. stockholders or The Providence Gas and Water Company will bo held at their office in tho Delawsro and Hudaon buililiug. Lacka wanna s venue, Scranton, Pa.. Monday, May 4, I .", at 10 n. in., to elect officers to serve during the ensning year, to consider and au thorise au increase of the capital stock of thJ company, and transact any other business that may be presented. By order ot the innnaeers. H. K. ATHKR t'ON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. as, lWil rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE 1 stockholders of The Dickson Mannfoo luring Company for the election of officers and to vote 01 the proposition to reduce the number of directors from eleven to not more than nine nor less thin ssven. and tbo consid eration of such other business as may be brought before tliem. will lie held at tho office of the romp nv in Scranton, on Wrdnnsrinv, the 11th dav of March next, at III o'clock a.m. iShjneUi WILLIAM H. PERKINS, Boc y. Scrnnton. Pa., Fell. 'Jt, Ifjo. Cceclal Notices. riETMANCFACl URKNS OHECELF." 1 brated WHITE SPONGE FLoUR have appointed Mossra. .Megargel it Connell th-ir sole agents for the sale o the same in Hrrao ton and vicinity. Mr. E. E. Teal, who for merly had the agency of this flour, will repre sent Megargol & Connell with their complete line, together with all his former apeclaltiee, V.rpHETtOLDTCRlN'oTO A Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank I.eslie'8 famous old War Plctures-show ing the forces in actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2.0UD pictures, Hold on easy monthly payments. Delivered by ex press complete, all el arses prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, 8! Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. HAGA cines, eto bound' or rebound at Tan Tiiibuns office, stuick work. Keaaonable prices. Financial. CRIPPLE CREEK LIf,ks Bonght and sold strictly on eoramuwioa. Maps, market letters and fnll Information on appli cation, calvin bui Lock. Denrer, Colorado, Cold Stocks and Properties, CRIPPLE CREEK "p". , Sure sod Safe Investments, for Large end Small Investors. Write us tor tall informa tion, statistic. Mans, etc., furnished free. Private Direct Wires te Cripple Creek, Colora do Springs, Denver and New York. THE MLCHLM INVESTMENT CO.. Chicago, Ills., L. I), KNEELAND, Maaager, , c molly tn THE We are showing tbe new Spring Gapes, Coats, Ready-Made Suits and Separate Skirts. The line is by far the Finest and Largest ever shown in Scranton iiilii CONNOLLY & WALLACE, For Sale. P)R SALE ON EASY TERM 8-THE NOR wood hotel property, situate in tho vil lage of averly, N. Y. The property to Im proved with a new three atory brink building, provided with all the modern Improvements, and rents for litlUO per year. For particulars Inquire of a W. DAVIS. 14 North Franklin sreet. Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: or. FRANK A. BELL, Attorney, Bpauldlng Iilook, W averly. F'OR SALE-FARMS LARGE AND SMALL, rich land, low prices: easy terms: good markets, convenient: write for list of bar. gains. 1. U PAULEY, iteal Estate Agent, Detioto, Uo. F'OR HALE A HOIT8R-AND" LOT: WILL sell cheap. Address or call at 613 North Garfield avonue, city. 1OR SALE HOUHF. AND LOT AT COR I ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern Improvements on preinisoa. MRS. A.nNIE STEWART, Dumnoro, Pa. i;oR SALE-I PAIR BAY MARES: I I' black parer: very fast: prices low. lil'F.KNKEY UltOTHEKS, i'4 Wyomiug Ave. 1,X)R SALE ON E OF THK FINEST I country places near Scranton; larre modern house and tine grounds, MKS, MARY AYLK8WORTH, Clarke tlreon. Pa. For Rent. X)R Uli.NT-KlUHTMOoM HOCbE WITH I all imnrovemeuts. Apply 1373 espouse a venue. 'PO R KN T FOUR FLOO RSVE It M Y 1 store, arranged for lioarding and lodgiug house; also house 607 Washington nventio. 3. L. H AUD ING. lTH) R H E NTW A Tk Ht)l J 8 B OVD . . L V W. switch. SCRANTON STOVE WORKS l.X)R RENT-ROOMS NOW OCCUPIED BY I the Traders' National iinnk: poasession given about May 1. by F. 1. PHILLIPS, C'islilr Traders' National Rank. LOh RENT - FROM APRIL 1, LARGE I brick bouse, iH Mnlborry street: all mod rn appliance. Inquire Utll N, Washington bv nue. .""OR RENT TEN-ROOM HOCSE; ALL moooru conveniences. Iuquiru at l-.J V.'ashlmrn st nOR RENT-ONE HALF DOUBLE HOUSE I 715 yiilucy avenue. Kent reasonable Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. IOK RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE I court. Inquire ttii Adams avo. PGR RENT NICEu' FURNISHED HALL I1 auitnblo for lodge rooms, JOHN JEK MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. FORJENT. The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern build in g, corner Lacka wanna and Penn AVes., being 50 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance ' to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, oilice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Real r state. ff5,as1-FINE BRICK RESIDENCE CEN '? traltv located on corner. HACKE I T, Client, Commonwealth. 8 i.,50!)-BEAtITlKULLY CENTRALLY BIT- uatcd uome on tne tint. HACKETT, Agont. C.2,m WILL BUY FULL SIZE AND Sl.Olfl V a abort lo'. Bith desirable and central. HACKETT, Commonwealth. tjiVlO VlLL" BUY SINGLE A N D StToW-A O donblo house noar Present t. HACKETT, Agent. i(I.O0O WILL BUY A LARGE W-ROOM single bouse, Adams avenuo, corner lot: property in flue condition: oun make terms to suit purchaser: cull at ofbVn. M. II. HOLGATE. -l S1I.O0J WILL BUY MODERN HOME. .Sis ,,vr- 'flt M lock.tjulncy avenue; m ti.tkO casli, balance long time. M. H. HOLGATE. laiUM WILL BUY 8 STORY BRICK store, upruee sweet, near renn ave. M. H HOLGATE. J8..VXI WILL BUY NEW DOUBLE uonse, corner property, tnmcy ave. M. U. HOLGATK. J3.W1 WILL BUY TWO LOTS. WASH- C; Ingtou avenue. M. H. HOLGATE. IS.,100 WILL BUY 9 ROOM SINGLE House, sm Diouk, w coster avenne. M. H. HOLGAlE. g:V00.l WILL BUY DOUBLE HOUSE, luu ioi.ouu own, ir-ing avenue: never without tenant; terms easy: must be old. M. H. HuLGATE. $IS.n00 WILL BUY MODERN HOME, its uiock, .lenerson ave; very com Diets, hard wo d finish throughout: terms easy; coll quick. M. H. HOI.OA R. Commonwealth Building. Bualness Opportunity. PERSONS DESlKOUS OF TAKING A dyer in solid advancing go'd mine stocks address Denver Gold Mine Investment Co., S and 3 Bank Blocks. Denver. Colorado. C1 RIPPLE CREEK INVESTMENTS RK- liable information, with Cripn e Creek map free; 8 years oa ground: Vi,000 capital, Tbe Woods Investment Co. , Colorado Springs, Colo. ' Medical. LA DIRS I Chichester's English Pennyroyal piu ipinsrae Snsdi, are the Beat. . aaubu. Tik. a eum. Said iiiii. ' tiarlkiUis, ' talut A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure MM) out of every I.OOt); two doses will tike tbe worst esse of inflam matory out of bed. fiOO per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold hy MRS. DR. HAMILTON. 149 Northaaaptoa (street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. and for sale at nRN.w Y.rkS,.. Ureea RM,e. .O'l raT X- MM a TRY US. 602-904 UCKL IVL, COH 0li Situation Wanted. h' ITU AT ION WANTED BY AN EXFER1 ' eucud accountant and book keeper to open aad pott np looks, make balance sheets, adjust complkati-d accounts, also keep traders' books morning or evening. Terms very moderate. Address Bookkeeper, Tribune office. S- ITUATION WAN TEDBYn'eXPERL enced accountant and bookkeeper; ac counts audited or examined; books opened, closed sad written up; small sets kept up mornings and evenings: terms reeouable. Address J. II. i , caie ot Tribune office. SITUATION WANT. l BY AN KXPERI enced bookkeeper; term reasonable. Ad dress Tribune oltloe, Cl'rt'ATION- WANTED BY A YOU - G O man ill years old; knows city thoroughly and will worn at soy thing. Call or address iiUS Kressler Ceurt, city. SITUATION WANTED BY AN OLD country groom and gardener, with a pri vate family; good references. Addre Mc MULLbiN, Cnsick's livery, Washington are. AN ENGLISH LADY REQUIRES A SITU ation as bontekeepir. Apply Hit Al bright avenue. A GOOD DHKSKMAKKtt WOULD LIKE II or 1 pngagenionts to go outsewing by the week; can cut and nt; will work very reasonable if Isiaid and lodi ing is Included. Address DRESSMAKER, Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED IN A OKNERAI. (j stole or market: driver., bartender, flre nian or wntchmsn; can brlrnt a good family tratlo; city and country references. KANE, i!2 Penn avenuo. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER OB any other honorable employment; good work and has emd references. Address '1, B. JENKINS, lull) Brick avenue. CITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR O watchman; ten years' experience and Iwst of references, Address H., Box SIB, Montrose. Ps. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Schedule In Effect May 19, 1803. Trains Leave Wilkcs-Barrea Follow 7.2S a.m., week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.16 a. m., week days, for Hazleton. Pottiville, Reading, Norrlstown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p.m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitta burn and ths West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Potlsvi'le. J. R. WOOD, Gen'l Pass. Agtnt. S. M. PRtVOST, General Manager. Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TAHLK IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1893. Trains leave Scrunton for Plttston, Wilkes-Harre, etc at 8.20, 8.1i, 11.30 a. in., 1.20, 2.00. 8.05. 0.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, .0 a. m., 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New Kotk, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.:0 (express) a. m 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 8.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. ni. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, 8.21 p. m. nnd New York 8.4S p. m. Fur Mnuch Chunk, Allentown. Bethlc bem, Easton and i'lilladelphia, 8.20 a. m 1.20, 3.0."i. 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Lous; Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., 1-20 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg. via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For I'ottsvllle, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m 1.10, 1.20, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Heading Terminal, 9.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4.80 p. m. Sunday 8.27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had cn application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Qen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSRN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND jiGOSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, mx elTi-rssT Juiy w, en ireuis win MM In arrive at new Lacka m m D wanna avenue station WW r as follows: f Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondale and Interme diate points at 2.20, 6.46, 7.00, 8.2a and 10.10 a! m., 12.0 2 20. 8.65. 6.15. .li, J.25, 9.10 and 11.80 p. m. . .... For Farview, Waymart and Honesdale at 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 aud 6.15 PFof Albany, Saratoga, the Adirondack! and Montreal at 5.45 a. m, and 2.20 p. m. For WUkea-Barre and intermediate points at 7.45. 8.46, 9.38 and 10.46 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38, 4.00, 5.10, 6.05, 9.15 and 11.38 p. m, Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40. 9.84 and 10.40 a. m 12.00, 1.17. 134, 8.40, 4.64, 6.5S, 7.45. 9.11 and U.S3 p. m. From Honesdale, Waymart and Par view at 9.84 a. m.. 1100, 1.17, 140. 6.55 and 7.45 p. m. , . From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4.64 and 11.81 p. in. From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate tolnte at t.15, 8.04, 10.05 and 11.55 a. m LU 14, 8.39, 5.10, 1.08, 7 20, 9.03 and lb II p. n. WW m rv oi eai rsv mm PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Wallace THE ENTIRE and Gapes were bonght from the agents. Trunks at One-Third Less than regular prices. We have marked them on the same ba sis. 2flo UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, I , Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17. 1893. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A II. R. .R. at 7 4$ a. m 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. ni., via D., L 4 W. H. K 6.00. 8.08. 11.20 a. m and l.U p. m. Leave Scranton for Plttston and Wllkes Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 6.00. 1.08. U.2 a. m.. 8.40, 6.07. 8.62 p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. xleton. Pottnvllle and all points on the , ayer Meadow and Pottsvllle branches, via BJ. A W. V. R. R 8.39 a. m., via D. A H. R. R at 7.46 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.88, 4.00 p. m- y'A - W- - m.. 1.80, 8.40 p. m, . Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Raslon, Reading. Harrisburg and all intermediate Pnfo-vl? D- H- R- a. m.. U0S, lin'-y-J M- P- via D.. U W. R. R-. t.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda. Elmlra, Ithnca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D & H. R. H 1.45 B H- so? inJ 111,3 v,a D- U W R. R., 1.08, 9.65 a. m., 1.80 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all P '-"J Xnt vl 1 H. R. R 8.46 a. 01.. 12 -. 11.38 p. m.. via D.. L. A W'. R. It. and Plttston Junction. 8.08, 9.65 a. ni.. Ut), 50 P. m , via E. & W. V. It. R., 3.41 p. m. tor Klmlra and the west via Salamanca, v a D. & if. r. R-i g 45 a m 12M 6 t)6 m v,ft.Pi!,,', & w- M. -5 m.;i.30. and 6.07 p. m. , , Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between LIB, Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and , Suspensiaa Bridge. RpLLIN H. WILBtTR, Oen. Bupt. CHAS. tt. LEE. Oen. Pass. Agt., Phlla., Pa, A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oen, Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del.. Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex- frees for New York and all points East. 40, 2.60. 5.15, 8.00 and 9.56 a. m.; 12.65 ami 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 6.1S, 8.00 and 8.5a a. ia.. 12.55 and 3.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Daniville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.36 a. m.. and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points la the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. nv. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghuralon and liimlra Express, 6.01 p. ni. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. I'tlca and Richfield Springs, 2.35 a. m. and 1.24 p. m. Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland. Plttston, Wllkes Barre, Plymouth. Mloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta. tlons, 0.00. 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor aud sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket -office, 32 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York; and intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. tn. and 8.29 p. m. Also for Honesdale, Hawley and local points al 7.00, 9.40 a. m. and J.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to nC from Honesdale. . Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at lit m. and 3.19 p. m. SCRANTON DIVISION. Ill Effect September 9)and, 1805. KftH Beimel. swath ovwisejl 203 tOl Stations mains Dally, Xx cep Kunuay.; p aiAmve Learei 7 96 if. Y. mrutlln 1 iwWest 48nd streeu T out Weenawken r MiAmve Leavti 1 ltaocoek JunoUoai Baocock !li It 16 1946 18 40 18 88 II 14 1918 Starlight Preston Park Coino poyateUe Belmont Plessant Nt, Unlondale Forset city Carbondale Wbite Bridge Mayneld Jermyn Archibald Wtutiiu Peckniie Olvplisnt Ulcksoa Tbroop Providence park Place sorantoa 181 tei tsel jlllf p a 11 4R r SBUllll T041 16 4 (1180 t47f8 98t I ll8 4S) 1Si IM I4 .... 1411119 6 8111 181 r tM a at tta!te-il 6 8911116 69 I! II 6 M il 07 6 lil1 05 11811 08 61611 OH I l9leT 7r7iw 781 404 T SA 4 On 786 ld TS I4J 7 41 f 4 1TJ 7 46 4 Sn aioiosM atu BLfSTO Arnrei a Mr ri vsine run wtuj rwp signifies that tralua stop oa slgaal tor urn ajagers - secure rates via Ontario a Western before Bp-chasing tickets aad save saoaey. Day aat UujtlSi press to the West. J. C. Anderson, Oen. Pass Aft, T. TOtcroft, Dir. Foam Agt. seraatoaVt'a. ' n0,t04 V A : i